II Jl t. J LTF flight test report Manufacturer ADVANCE Thun AG Address S ees trn sse 14 Oate oIll1l/ht lest: 08/0212008 3602 Thun Place of lest : Villeneuve Switzerland Representive Eisenhut Kari LTF 1-2 Type of gl ider Beta 442 Trimmer Closed trimmer Tesl Pilol Claude Thumheer Alain Zoller Harness Ad\l8o ce Bi-pro 50 an Advance - 8 i Pro 2 Total welllnt in fljl/ht 135 kg 225 kg MinweighC Max weight 1. Tak...of1 lnftation Beha viour even ly, immediately 1-2 evenly. immedia tely 1-2 Rising be havtour immediately comes over pilot 1 ImlMdl ately comes eve pilot 1 Take offsp@<ld stallspeed < 30 kmiIl pos stalispeed < 30 km/h PO' Take off handling aV8fage 1·2 average 1·2 2. $Iralghl Flight Trim speed at minimlNtl take off weight > 30 kmtn pos > 30 "'mill pes Speeld range > 10 kmlh POs > 10 km,h pos Roll Damping average 1-2 high 1 Pitch ing not available 0 not ayailable o Yaw siaoility not a vail a ble 0 not available o 3. Tum handling Control navel avetage pos 8vetag:e PO' Agilil}' not available 0 not available o Control pres$Ul' E! increase hlgh incre ase 1·2 Ngh increa se 1 Spin lendency . Iighl (low) 1·2 no! aveilable 1 Con tro l 1Mthout bra kl!l S ye. pos ye. pas 4. Symmetrical Stall using Brakes Deep Mall limit 60 om 1075 an 1· 2 :> 75 em Exil 01d*p Sialr spcotenecus. qUIckly 1 spon laneo U' s. quickly Standard exrt yes PO' ye, pos Full staltlirmt 65 em 1080cm 1·2 > 80 an 1 Full slall wun full steermq way soft slall pos . oft sla'l pes Increaee in stol!:8f ing power average 1·2 high 1 5. Front c ol l apse A-Riser Trll'lel UIlliI coIIap... high 10 an pos high 10 an pes Pre-Acceteratlon not 0 not aVilI Mbfe o Operl ing bohll'li ou, SpontaMOUS. delayed = 1.5 a- 1·2 . pontan&0iJ5. quickly = <1.5 s 1 Asymmelrlca( Tum lendency- Cnange 01cours ... Rate 01rum- Pltoh and Roll ang /&- Loss 01alb/ud&- SlaM'sal/otl- Op,,"'ng lienavruor W/lh 8000>t-." A·Riser Trs'Jel until coUapse nee availablf3 0 I no« avalJable o Pre-ACGeleration nOlavailable 0 not available o Open ing beha viour not 0 not avaitebte o A.ymmertrcat Tum tendency- Ctrange ofcoufS9- Rare 01tum- Prlch and RoUangle- Loss of 81'.u O<>- St.bilis.tlOfl- Opening liehavruor 6. Asymmetric CoU.1pse I With SO% c ollapse MaxJmum recovery behaVK>Ur <90"· <360· · average . <45·.. average · <90"· <360"· average· <45"· average· spontaneous - spontaneous spontaneou s - socnteneous Tum tendency· Change of cc oa e- Rflte of tum- Pitch and Roll angle-- Loss 0' Stabdisa tion - Op8 ntng b&havruo r With 75% Max- imLJm '@(;Q'Iery b@havtout <360°· average wrth deer slOWing down 1 .21 not availabl@ o 00_ OO·arld 180'- <" 5·- high - oPOn\al1e""s - Tum tendency- Change of COUTS&- Rate 01 tum- Pitch and RoJlangl". Loss Of altitude- Stabtl i$.tton- OPf'ning t;,8ha v'-uor With 50% co l/aps-flll nd lIf:Cfl/fK8wr I Maximum recovery behavtour no t aVailable 0 not aV311abll!l Tum tenden cy· Change of co urse. Rare of tum- Pitch and Rotl angle- LO$$ or a/r;tuds- STsbi/lsarto n- Op6nrng behaVfuor With 75% collapse and acc,,/<>rato, I Max imum recovery behaviour not available 0 not swailable Tum rencJ@ncy-Change of course- Rate of tum- Plrch and Roll ang le. Loss or atritucJe. Stat>fllSat io"" Opening t.tehavruor 7. Co u nters teenng an .asymmetric collapse Stabilisation SpontaMOUO, eoun1e<s teeting .... y 1 Tum in OIl poslle easy, no tendoncy to .. all 1 pressure increase hign merease 1·2 Control travel aYE-rage pes a .Full Stall Symmet rica l Exit Behaviour after en'lry stable pos Reaction sllghl 0""01 forward <30· pos Reaction if asvrnmemc collapse n ot evenabre 0 SpontallEtOU5. coume-rsreefing eas)' 1 easy, no Iende11ey to stall 1 high lrerease 1 high pas s(able pos olight ShOolforward <la. PO' not available o rum Change of coarse- Rate of tum - Pitch and Roll angle-- LO& S" or aWtUd&-Stabills8t]on· Opemrngoohaviuor 9, Big ears Re actrcn If sym me mc collapse not available 0 I not a'J2I ila ble As ym me tnca l. Tum tend ency- Cha nge of cou rse - Rara of tum- Prtr:h and Roll angle- Loss of altiludt>- Op<>nJng beha vluor EnlJ)' ...sy pes !e 8SY &It delayed ace&1&ranOIl < 4 $ 1·2 r,pontafll3QUS qUlckty It not spontaneously exu : asymm collap se not l!Ivailabi e 0 not available t vm lend<>ncy- /,;h.ng. 01<XMS.. Ratti of tv m- PItch and e- Los. olall,rude- 1> 1aO,t.. al,on· Open,ng OMaVI/JO' pas 1 o

LTF flight test report - Para2000flight.manual.free.fr/tests/advance-beta4-42_ltf.pdf · LTF flight test report . Manufacturer ADVANCE Thun AG Address Seestrnsse 14 Oate oIll1l/ht

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II Jl t. J

LTF flight test report

Manufacturer ADVANCE Thun AG Address Seestrn sse 14 Oate oIll1l/ht lest: 08/0212008

3602 Thun Place of lest: Villeneuve

Switzerland Representive Eisenhut Kari LTF 1-2 Type of gl ider Beta 442 Trimmer Closed trimmer

Tesl Pilol Claude Thumheer Alain Zoller Harness Ad\l8oce Bi-pro 50 an Advance - 8 i Pro 2

Total welllnt in fljl/ht 135 kg 225 kg

MinweighC Max weight

1. Tak...of1 lnftation Beha viour even ly, immediate ly 1-2 evenly. immedia tely 1-2 Rising be havtour immediately comes over pilot 1 ImlMdlately comes eve pilot 1

Take offsp@<ld stallspeed < 30 kmiIl pos stalispeed < 30 km/h PO' Take off handling aV8fage 1·2 average 1·2

2. $Iralghl Flight Trim speed at minimlNtl take off weight > 30 kmtn pos > 30 "'mill pes

Speeld range > 10 kmlh POs > 10 km,h pos Roll Damping average 1-2 high 1

Pitch ing not available 0 not ayailable o Yaw siaoility not avail able 0 not available o

3. Tum handling Control navel avetage pos 8vetag:e PO' Agilil}' not avai lable 0 not available o Control pres$Ul'E! increase hlgh incre ase 1·2 Ngh increa se 1

Spin lendency . Iighl (low) 1·2 no! aveilable 1

Con tro l 1Mthout bra kl!lS ye. pos ye. pas

4. Symmetrical Stall using Brakes Deep Mall limit 60 om 1075 an 1· 2 :> 75 em Exil 01d*p Sialr spcotenecus. qUIckly 1 spon laneo U's. quickly

Standard exrt yes PO' ye, pos

Full staltlirmt 65 em 1080cm 1·2 > 80 an 1

Full slall wun full steermq way soft slall pos . oft sla'l pes

Increaee in stol!:8fing power average 1·2 high 1

5. Front c ol lapse A-Riser Trll'lel UIlliI coIIap... high ~ 10 an pos high ~ 10 an pes Pre-Acceteratlon not avai 'a~e 0 not aVilIMbfe o Operling bohll'li ou, SpontaMOUS. delayed =1.5 a­ ~ . 1·2 . pontan&0iJ5.quickly =<1.5 s 1

Asymmelrlca( Tum lendency- Cnange 01cours ... Rate 01rum- Pltoh and Roll ang /&- Loss 01alb/ud&- SlaM'sal/otl- Op,,"'ng lienavruor

W/lh 8000>t-." A·Riser Trs'Jel until coUapse nee availablf3 0

I no« avalJable o Pre-ACGeleration nOlavailable 0 not available o Open ing beha viour not ayai l a~ & 0 not avaitebte o A.ymmertrcat Tum tendency- Ctrange ofcoufS9- Rare 01tum- Prlch and RoUangle- Loss of 81'.u O<>- St.bilis.tlOfl- Opening liehavruor

6. Asymmetric CoU.1pse I With SO% collapse MaxJmum recovery behaVK>Ur <90"· <360· · average . <45·..average · <90"· <360"· average· <45"· average·

spontaneous - spontaneous spontaneous - socnteneous Tum tendency· Change ofcc oa e- Rflte of tum- Pitch and Roll angle-- Loss 0' a lr;rUf)~ Stabdisa tion - Op8 ntng b&havruo r

With 75% colJlIps~

Max-imLJm '@(;Q'Iery b@havtout <180 ·~ <360°· average wrth deer slOWing down 1.21 not availabl@ o 00_ OO·arld 180'- <" 5·- high - oPOn\al1e""s -

Tum tendency- Change of COUTS&- Rate 01 tum- Pitch and RoJlangl". Loss Of altitude- Stabtl i$.tton- OPf'ning t;,8ha v'-uor

With 50% co l/aps-fl ll nd lIf:Cfl/fK8wr I Maximum recovery behavtour no t aVailable 0 not aV311abll!l

Tum tenden cy· Change of co urse. Ra re of tum- Pitch and Rotl angle- LO$$ or a/r;tuds- STsbi/lsarto n- Op6nrng behaVfuor

With 75% collapse and acc,,/<>rato, I Max imum recovery behaviour not available 0 not swailable

Tum rencJ@ncy- Change of course- Rate of tum- Plrch and Roll ang le. Loss or atritucJe. Stat>fllSatio"" Opening t.tehavruor 7. Co u nters teenng an .asymmetric collapse

Stabilisation SpontaMOUO, eoun1e<steeting .... y 1 Tum in OIlposlle cr~eaion easy, no tendoncy to .. all 1 C on ~ pressure increase hign merease 1·2 Control travel aYE-rage pes

a .Full Stall Symmetrica l Exit Behaviour after en'lry stable pos Reaction sllghl 0""01 forward <30· pos Reaction if asvrnmemc collapse not evenabre 0

SpontallEtOU5. coume-rsreefing eas)' 1 easy, no Iende11ey to stall 1 high lrerease 1 high pas

s(able pos olight ShOolforward <la. PO' not available o

rum ten~f'lCy· Change of coarse- Rate of tum - Pitch and Roll angle-- LO&S" or aWtUd&- Stabills8t]on· Opemrngoohaviuor

9, Big ears

Re actrcn If sym memc collapse not available 0 Inot a'J2Iilable

Asym metnca l. Tum tend ency- Cha nge of cou rse - Rara of tum- Prtr:h and Roll angle- Loss of a ltiludt>- St.btlrs a ~ o r>- Op<>nJng beha vluor

EnlJ)' ...sy pes !e8SY &It delayed ace&1&ranOIl < 4 $ 1·2 r,pontafll3QUS qUlckty

It not spontaneously exu : asymm collap se not l!Ivailabi e 0 not available tvm lend<>ncy- /,;h.ng. 01<XMS.. Ratti of tv m- PItch and ~oIl angle- Los. olall,rude- 1>1aO,t..al,on· Open,ng OMaVI/JO'

pas 1 o



If not sPOntaneously exit ; symm. eoIlapse not available 0 InOlsvadablo o Asymmetrical. Tum lor>d&ncr- Changff ofcouroe- Raro oflum- Pitchand Roll angl~ /.Q» of aniWdf>-Stal>ll/satk"'.. Opening MhaVluor

W'rth Bccel.rBtor I entry not available 0 not available o Exit notavailabte 0 not 8VaHab{e o If not sPon!aneoosly exit asymm. eoIlapse nol avoilable 0 nOl available o Tum tMd<mcy- Cha~ or ~ur>e- Rare oltum- Pitch and RoII.ngl(>- Loss of 0101008- StabilISation· Openrng bohav"uo,

If nol sPOnteneously exit symrn, collapse not available 0 I not ava~abI. Asymm<ltrical, Tum le ndenq- Change 01oou"....ROle or rum- Pitch and Roll eng/&- Loss of al!Jtude- Slabillselion· Opening boha'liuor

10, Spin from stra ight flight I Exit un C04'ltJ~$ < 90 deg'",s 1 spcn taneous Reaction notavailable 0 not available o Reaction. it asymmetric collapse no1available 0 not ayailable o rum tendency. Crtal1ge of cours&-- Rate of tum~ Pitchana Rollangl&-L¢.5:s of affi:l,Jae- Stabilisation- Opening behaVluo r

Reaction. ir symmetric collapse not a...ailable 0 Inot a",allable

Asymmeotncal, Tum lenc:1ency. Change of COUf5&o Rate of turn - Pitchand RaJ! engle-- Loss of aJtlrude- SUJbilisa!Jon- Opoerling t>ehaviuor

11. Spin trom Tum I Roa:tlon 0" " "9 0 .hool forward 30' • 50' pes . lig~t . hoo l fO/Ward <30' pos Reaction ~ asymmetric collapse not aVOilabie 0 not available o Tum t9fPdency- Change 01course- R8!&of tum· Pitch andRoilarJgJe. Lossof eltitlJdec StabJ!lsaliof}o Opening behaVluor

Reaction if symmetrIC tonapse rtQtavailable 0 Inot ava~able o A sym""'tn'~el, Tum lend<>ncy. Change of """"e- Rate of tum· Pitch and Roll e ngl(>- Lo» of al!Jtude- Stabilisation· Opening baha'liu",

12. Splrel dive Spin tendency slight \ ·2 slight Entry average 1·2 .esy e.it spontaneous. tum con ~nues < 1eO" 1 spontaneous. tum continues < 180"' EXItif stable steep splrat > 14 mls. not a'Vailaol e o no acceleration. easy con ~l a bJ e s l n~ rate and Sink rate after 720' (mls) 21 mi. 25m l s

13. B Line .toll entry not a.aHable 0 not available o EXit not available 0 not available o It not spontaneously With asym. eoIlapse not available 0 not available o Tum lendency- Change of COu13e- R.~ of tum- Pitch and RoII.ng/e- Loss of ai!Jtude- Stabillsallo r>- Openi"'} baha'liuo ,

If notspontaneouslywith symm. collapse not available 0 Inot 8vaj(able o Asymmetncsl, Tum tendency-ChaTJQe of course- Ra!&01rum- PJrch and Roll8ng/&-Lossof altitude-stabllisB!iOn- OpenmgoehaVll,KlI

14, Landing entry Landing speed Landing behaviour

Comments of tes t pil ot Comments

ISO 900 1:2000

~ ,1l~c.u- .. t.... \ ~ l. (\1. 0% date/place t

avec-age 1 aver... not ,available a not a...,adable average 1·2 easy


Air Turquoise SA Rve de .. ~otel1Bl 6

Cose postete 10 CH· 1844 Villeneuv. SwOlzenand mobile: +41 79 202 52 30 Tel no : +41 21 985 tIStIS tae : . 41 219 65 65 e1lS email infO@para-lest com nomepl3ge: www .pam-teslcom

Lt(d,r7-cvve g 6. 01 cd

~~ pilot maximumweiQht


L TF flight test report

Manufacturer ADVANCE Thun AG Addres.s Seestrasse 14 Dale 01night leSt: 0810212008

3602 Thun ptaoe 01test : Villeneuve SWitze~and

Representl ve Eisenhut Kan LTF 1-2 Type Ofgli_ Beta 442 Tri mmer Open trimmer

Tes\Pilot Claude Thumheer Alain Zoller Hamen Advance Bi-pro 50 em Advance - BI Pro 2

Total weight In n",ht 135 kg 225 kg

"'In .....Ight Max weight 1. Toke-off

Inll'atiOn Beha~ ur

Rismg behaviour eventy , imme diately immediat~y comes oyer pllol

1-2 1

e"'en!J'.Immediately Immedllltely com•• overpilot

1·2, Toke oIIsp*<! .tallsp*<! < 30 kmII1 po$ otallspeed < 30 ~mIh PO' Take 011 handling average 1-2 a... &rage 1·2

2. Straight Flight Tum speed GU minimumtake orr weight > 30 kmlh pes > 30 kmlh pos

Speed range > 10 kmlh PO' ~ 10 kmih PO' Roll Damp ing averaqe 1·2 averag e 1-2 Pitching not ava ilable 0 not a,allable o Yaw "abili1y not available 0 not avaIlable o

3. Tum handling Control "a.el a_age po$ aVefagQ pos

Agility not avallallie 0 not avallall1e o Con trol pressure Incre ase high incre ase 1-2 high wease 1

Spln t.ndency .liQht (10....) 1-2 not a, allalli e 1 Control without brakes ye. pos yes pos

4. Symmetrlca' Stan USing Brakes Deep slalilimit soomto 75 om 1-2 > 75 em 1 Exit of deep Stall spontan@ous. qUlckJy 1 spontaneous, Qwckly 1 Slandard exit ye. po. y. , po s Full stall limit 65cm to 80 em 1-2 65 em to 80 em 1·2 Full stall with ru'l steenne wa y son. stall pas sort.stall pas Incre as e in st&8nng power average 1-2 h.gh t

S. Front col lapse A-Riser Travel unCiI coRapse htgh > 10 an pos high> 10 an pes Pre-Aculeration not available 0 not avmlable o Ope ning behaviour spontaneous. de layed . 1.5 s · 4 s 1·2 spontaneous. Qu;tJdy :=<:1 .5 $ 1 Asymmetncal. Tum tendency- Chang~ Ofcoo,...,. Rate 01tum- Pitch and Roll ang'''' LOS$01a_ SabillsatlOl1' Opening b<>haVluor

With acceJHator I A~R'ser Trave~ until collapse not available 0 not avada~e o Pre-Acceleration not a¥'ailable 0 not 8vailabfe o Opening behaviour nOla.ailable 0 nOl aVOIlable o Asymmetrical. Tum tende ncy, Change of COOrs&- Rate of tum- Pitch end Roll ang le. Loss of a/tttude- Stabilisation- Ope nrng behaviuor

6. Asvm metric Colla PS& I With SO% collBps. Ma:.::imum recc voery beha viour <90·· <360 · ~ average - <45' · average · 1 <90-· <360 0 ayeraoe· <45-· averag e·•

spontaneous • scootaneous spontaneous a spontaneous Tum tendBncy- Cha/7ge 01course- Rate 01 tum- pirch and Rollangil>- Los s ol a Wlud l>- Srabili,atlon- Opening behavi uor

WIlh 75% collapse MaxImum reco ...ery behaviour <300'- <300· - sligl1l· <45'· average· 1.21 not available o

spontane-ous - spontaneous Tum tendet'lcy ~ Change of co urse. Rate of tum- PItt:h and Rolf angle-- Loss of Bltirude--Stabilisa OOf?+ Ope ning behavruor

With - " collap•• and .CCelerato r I MaXimum recov ery behaVioUf not availabl~ 0 not avaIlable o

Tum tendency. Change of cou rse. Rare of tum- Arch end Roll angle- Loss of atrt!udft.. Stabrf,setfon- Open jng b&havJUor

With 75% cOflBpse and ~cc:eklrllror I MaXimum recovEtr)' beha viour not a...allable 0 not ,available o

Tum tend 8nCY· Changtt at cou r,se--Rate of tum - Pr:Ch and ROIl angle-- Lon of attitl.Jde- S abil,sa:,on· Openmg tAhawUQ r 7. Count erst eeri ng an asymmetri c collapse

StBb~i..tion sponla<leOus. countersteeringeasy 1 Tum In opposrte direction ea.sy. no tendency 10 sta ll 1 Control presslftl maease high lnaea. e 1-2 Control "avel average PO'

8.Full Stolt Symmetric.1 Exit BehaVIOur after entry staOle pos Reaenon average shoot forwarcJ3Qa - 60 " pos ReadIon If asymmetric coilapse not avai labte 0

sponta neous . counterst eenng easy ea.sy. no tt ndency to staM high Increase high pes

stable . "et8S8 5000t forward 30· - 60-not aVBilable

pos pos o

Tum tendency· Change of COurSe- Rate of tum - Pitch and Roll angle-- Loss ofaltitude-- Stabi lisatIon· Ooemng beha lliuor

Reaction If symmetric collapse- not aV8I'lable 0 Inot available o A. ymmetrical. Tum tendency- Change 01cou rse- Ra re of tum- PItch and RoIl.ngle- Loss 01aMud&- Sa bil'sation- Ope ning behaVlUOf

9. Big ea f'S

Enlry easy pas Ieasy pas Exit delayed acceleration < 4s 1~2 de'ayed acceleration 0( 4~ 1·2 If not spontAneously 6<11;asymrn . collapse not available 0 not aVailabl. o Tum tende ncy· Change of course- Rate of tum- Pitch and Rollarn;JtjJo. Loss of altitud&- Stabilisa tion- Opening behaviu or


If not spontaneouSly exit symm . eoIlap$e 1\01 available 0 Inot ava;lable o AsymmelticaJ. Tum toncJ8ncyoo Change of"""",," Rat<> of tum- Pitch and RoII.nple- Lr>ssof altitude- S!atKksatlOt>- Openi ng bBhal'fuor

wnh,ccel~r I Entry noravailable 0 notavailable o Exit not available 0 not available o If not spontaneous ly exit BSymm. coll apse not a.ailable 0 not ....Iabi<l o Tum I.nde ncy· Change 01 courw- Rat. of rum· Prtch and Roll angle- Loss of altr/OO&- Stabill.atlon- Openong beha"; uor

IInot spontaneou sly exll: symm. collapse not available 0 Inot avaRabie o Asy mmetrical. Tum >encIency- Chang.. of cou,.... RaM of rum- Prtchand Roll anple- Lo..of._ StabiIi..txx» Op<MJngo. tIB ..._

10. Spin from straight flight I Exit tum continues < 90 degrees 1 hOIavailable o React10n noravailabl@ 0 not available o Reaction. if asymmetrlccollapse not avallatMe 0 not ava.llable o Tu m tendency- C hang~ 01cours&- Rareor rum- Pitch and Rol f 8~/'9- Loss ot a ftitud&- Sts b#lsaflO".. Open ing behavluor

Reaction,If symmetnc cottaps.e not aYailabie 0 Inotavailable o A$ymmetrical, Tum :er'J~y· Change 01CO(J(se-- Ra~ of tum- Pircl1 and Rollangle- Los.sof a/mude- StatJllIsa!!on- Op6nmgb8haY1uO(

11. Spin lrom Turn I Reaction average shool forward 30' - 60 ' pos slight Shoo l forward <30' PO' Reaction if a symmetric collapse not available 0 not avadable o Tum tendency- Chanoe of course-Rate 01rum- p,~ rt and Roll a ngl~ Loss of aJMude- Stabillsatj'on-- Op&ning b8nallluor

Reaction If symmetne coI\aps~ not available 0 Inot available o Asym met rica l . Tum tendency- Change of CO<Jrse- Rats of tum- PItch and RaJlangle- Lr>ss ofa_ S!abi.s.~on- Opening bBh."'UOl

12. Splral dive S pin tend ency slight 1·2 Enlry aver398 1·2 B ut spontaneous . tum conMues < 180' 1 Exit If fitabfe steep spiral > 14 ml s not ava.lab'e o Sink rale aller 72f)° (mI' l 23 mJ,

13. B Line slall Emry not availallfe 0 Ex1t not available 0 If not spontaneously with a.ym. collap se not ev..lablo 0

s~gh t 1-2 easy 1 spontaneous, lum c:onnnues < 180-no acceleration. e asy contr ollable sink rate and

1 , 26 mi.

not aV8l1Btlle o not available o not . vailable o

Tum tendency- Cha nge of cou,.. Rate 01tum· P1Ich and Roll angle- Lr>ss 01a/ti!ud<>- Stabdisa!lOn- Openi ng bel>a...uor

It not spontaneously with symm . collapse not available 0 Inot available o Asymmeltical. Tum r..ndMcy- Change of course-Ralto of tum- Prtchand R~ angle- Lr>ss of altr/ud&- S!a_ .",. Ope rong bBha viucx

14. Landing En lry average 1 Landing speed not available o Landing beha viout averaqe 1-2

Comments of test pilot Comments no

Air Turquoise SA Rua oe 4a porert az 6

case poslele 10 CH· 1844 vm enecve Swltzenand motxe: +41 79 2025230 Tel. no : +41 21 965 65 65 lax : '412'96565 66 ema il: Inro@ para- te st.com homepage: mNI para-~l com

Vdfcyu{W? {t 60~Rf dale/place

~~ pOOlminlmumweogIlt

average 1 not aVailable o easy 1


ISO 9001:2000

v.tf Pt,..(W.V <Z.- k. 4 · ·t Qf( dBt8/lllace