Lte Transport Swp

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  • 8/4/2019 Lte Transport Swp


    S T R A T E G I C W H I T E P A P E R

    As 4G cell sites are rolled out in support o Long Term Evolution (LTE) services, and the

    increase in mobile data services continues unabated, it is expected that average bandwidth

    requirements will increase to tens o Mb/s per site. To keep pace with this growth, service

    providers need an end-to-end architecture rom cell site to core that supports a

    variety o network evolution alternatives and service provider deployments. This paper

    discusses the changes that LTE will bring and examines their impact on mobile transportnetworks. It also introduces the Alcatel-Lucent Mobile Evolution Transport Architecture

    (META). META is an end-to-end LTE-ready network architecture oering the service

    intelligence, fexibility, simplicity and cost-eectiveness necessary to serve the massive

    growth in demand or mobile broadband services while continuing to optimize 2G and

    3G service delivery.

    LTE Mobile Transport Evolution

  • 8/4/2019 Lte Transport Swp


    Table o contents

    1 1. LTE and service innovation

    2 1.1 Evolution to all-IP

    2 2. Implications o LTE on mobile transport

    2 2.1 Higher capacity at lower cost3 2.2 Multiservice transport

    3 2.3 Low latency and quality o service

    4 2.4 Convergence o backhaul/backbone

    5 2.5 Increased connectivity and load sharing

    6 2.6 Reconfgurability and network agility

    7 2.7 Accurate clock synchronization

    7 2.8 Security

    8 3. Alcatel-Lucent Mobile Evolution Transport Architecture

    8 3.1 Cost-eective backhaul through converged transport

    10 3.2 Cell site aggregation

    11 3.3 OAM tools

    11 3.4 Consultative services

    12 3.5 IP Transormation and wireless migration expertise

    12 4. Conclusion

    13 5. Abbreviations

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    LTE Mobile Transport Evolution | Strategic White Paper 1

    1. LTE and service innovation

    In an eort to dierentiate their oerings and increase protability, mobile service providers (MSPs)have begun to augment traditional low-bandwidth services like e-mail and short message service(SMS) with new mobile broadband services, such as real-time video, gaming, music and other richmultimedia applications. Alcatel-Lucent primary research on 4G service demand suggests thereis strong interest in entertainment-related services among consumers and interest in productivity-

    enhancement services among business customers. With these new services comes an increase inthe capacity required o the mobile transport network and the need or a cost-eective deliveryinrastructure. The move to high-speed Long Term Evolution (LTE) networks will oster urtherinnovation and the development o services and applications. Service providers will be able toprovide much higher capacity on an all-IP network which developers can exploit to create newmobile services. According to Analysis Research, as a result o the availability o aster downlinkand uplink speeds, in combination with lower per-megabit distribution costs, it is anticipated thatnon-voice services such as mobile TV, games, browsing and data networking will become the maincontributors to service providers data revenues in the coming years (see Figure 1).

    Figure 1. LTE non-voice revenue forecast

    The increased speeds that LTE will bring hold the promise o changing the manner in whichmobile services are consumed. Indeed, the new LTE ecosystem will drive the development o richnew broadband services. The availability o mobile devices with enhanced eatures such as largerscreens, higher resolution, aster speeds, and longer lasting batteries will help to drive servicedemand by creating a more enjoyable end-user experience. LTE will transorm existing services by

    delivering a aster, richer user experience. This type o change is already happening, or example,with point-to-point messaging such as SMS, multimedia messaging service (MMS) and low prioritye-mails, which are evolving towards photo messages, instant messaging (IM), mobile e-mail andvideo messaging. LTE will also change the mobile browsing experience with usage likely to be closerto the PC experience and the availability o super-ast browsing speeds and greater interaction withsocial networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook. LTE is also expected to oster greaterpersonalization o mobile sites, with users able to upload pictures and other content to their ownmobile portal. This shit reinorces the need or the transport network to be optimized or data.

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    LTE Mobile Transport Evolution | Strategic White Paper2

    1.1 Evolution to all-IP

    The transition to Ethernet transport rom the mobile core to cell site is already occurring. Whilethe shit to pure Ethernet-based transport rom cell sites may take some time, Ethernet is currentlybeing deployed in hybrid or alternate transport congurations to support high-speed data. With theannounced plans or LTE deployments by major service providers in the 2010 timerame, the evolutiontowards mobile broadband networks via Ethernet will accelerate.

    The new LTE mobile network paradigm will unleash next-generation broadband wireless capabilitiesand require an order o magnitude jump in bandwidth to the cell sites. LTE will rely on Ethernet orinterconnection between the various unctional elements, driving an evolution rom legacy-basedtransport to cost-eective, Carrier Ethernet transport. At the same time, the shit to IP creates aneed to support the large base o existing 2G/3G services that will continue or years to come usingnew packet-based inrastructures.

    Among the benets that service providers hope to gain rom LTE networks are aster data rates, reducedlatency, improved spectral eciency, fexible channel bandwidths, lower transport/distribution costs,and a simpler/fatter IP network. LTE invokes changes in the network architecture resulting in lessprotocol hierarchy between disparate network elements and more network fattening built aroundone key networking protocol IP.

    2. Implications o LTE on mobile transport

    LTE networks oer the promise o supporting the explosion in trac arising rom a new generation omobile devices and applications. The introduction o LTE has several implications on the transportnetwork as described below.

    2.1 Higher capacity at lower cost

    Traditionally, bandwidth demand in mobile networks was driven primarily by voice services andexhibited a steady growth rate. Now, demand or mobile data services is growing, and these servicesrepresent an increasingly larger portion o network trac overall.

    Traditional voice applications relied on and were tied to subscribers and their growth. Theseapplications did not change much over time and the slow but steady growth in bandwidth couldbe accommodated. The arrival o data services that were bursty in nature increased bandwidthdemand but these too could be accommodated using traditional backhaul approaches. Now, however,service providers need to be able to support new packet-based applications like Internet video downloads,peer-to-peer networking, streaming video, web surng, and machine-to-machine communications,which can consume vastly higher amounts o bandwidth and or longer durations. To meet theserequirements, service providers need to evolve their inrastructures to more cost ecient, highercapacity Ethernet backhaul alternatives.

    The trend toward Ethernet backhaul is no surprise since the selected transport technology generally

    perorms most eciently when it is transporting inormation already packaged in the same transportormat. Thereore, packet-based data trac is naturally more eciently transported in Ethernet orm.

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    LTE Mobile Transport Evolution | Strategic White Paper 3

    Just as important is Ethernets ability to scale in support o the much higher bandwidth requirementso an LTE inrastructure. While there has been much hype in the industry with regards to LTEstheoretical limits, the average load required will be determined by several actors, including:




    Speedofmobiledevices Numberofsubscribersandspeedatwhichtheyaretraveling(higherspeedslendingthemselves

    to increased transmission errors)

    As LTE cell sites are rolled out, it is expected that bandwidth requirements will range on averagerom 50 to 100 Mb/s. This is a signicant increase over 2G/3G systems and urther reinorces theneed to be able to scale transport capacity at lower cost and increase transport eciency by migratingto packet backhaul.

    2.2 Multiservice transport

    Service providers have traditionally used either TDM (T1/E1) interaces or microwave to backhaul

    2G/3G cell site trac to the mobile telephone switching oce (MTSO) and more recently havebegun to adopt Ethernet backhaul as well. Given the ubiquity o these technologies, it makes senseto rely on them or transport and service providers have invested in inrastructure supporting thismodel. This large, installed base o 2G/3G wireless systems drives the need or continued support oTDM backhaul in the coming years.

    As service providers begin to gradually introduce LTE, they will leverage existing 2G/3G sites wherepossible. This site reuse means that the backhaul network must be scalable enough to support thecoexistence and cumulative capacity o LTE with either CDMA or W-CDMA networks. It alsomeans that the backhaul network will need to support a combination o TDM, ATM, and Ethernet/IPtrac while enorcing the control o quality o service (QoS)-related parameters (such as jitter anddelay) to meet the deterministic behavior o TDM circuits when transported over ully-loaded

    packet links. In some cases, service providers will leverage existing TDM inrastructure in support otraditional voice services. The mobile backhaul solution should incorporate native TDM interaces orthe use o circuit emulated services (CES) / pseudowire technology or legacy transport and enhancedclock recovery mechanisms that support the accurate timing required or base station handos.

    2.3 Low latency and quality o service

    The delivery o real-time, perormance-sensitive services, such as video or VoIP, introduces stringentrequirements or the transport layer in terms o QoS management and end-to-end delay managementrom the eNodeB to the Evolved Packet Core and between eNodeBs. To meet the stringent QoSrequirements o real-time trac, the IP backhaul network must integrate many o the qualities andattributes o switched networks: predictability, reliability and manageability. A mobile backhaulsolution utilizing MPLS/MPLS-TP and Carrier Ethernet can provide the QoS, trac engineering

    and management capabilities necessary to support all mobile services as well as business applicationsand consumer Internet services over an IP/Ethernet transport network. The provision o deterministicQoS provides equitable treatment to individual trac streams (and appropriate priority, or example,or highly delay-sensitive applications) and allows synchronization mechanisms to converge rapidlyacross the packet radio access network (RAN).

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    LTE Mobile Transport Evolution | Strategic White Paper 5

    Figure 3. Backhaul/backbone convergence

    With LTE, the mobility management unctions are perormed by the mobility management entity(MME). The MMEs, serving gateways (SGWs) and PDN gateways (PGWs) can be distributed acrosseither local, regional, or national (data center) sites with each eNodeB connecting to MMEs at anyo these levels. The mobile transport network must enable connectivity between the eNodeBs andthe MMEs and S/PGWs at the lowest cost per bit. For service providers who own the transportnetwork, it is advantageous to utilize the same transport technology end-to-end to gain synergy andcost reductions rom common operations, administration and maintenance.

    2.5 Increased connectivity and load sharing

    While existing 2G/3G transport networks are typically hub-and-spoke in nature with trac fowingprimarily between the base station and the local MTSO, LTE introduces new transport networkingoptions with direct inter-base-station connectivity, via the X2 interace, between adjacent eNodeBsor handover. As a result, the deployment o a partial mesh network is benecial, as trac does nothave to fow through a hub site.

    The ideal transport solution will support either Layer 2 or Layer 3 virtual private networks (VPNs)with simple, ast orwarding schemes (such as bridging) providing any-to-any connectivity in supporto varying service provider strategies. The any-to-any model can be implemented using various tech-nologies like native Ethernet (PBB), MPLS-TP, and IP/MPLS, as either Layer 2 or Layer 3. In a Layer 2approach, a VPN is established to provide either point-to-point (E-line) or multipoint Ethernet-basedconnectivity (E-LAN) to cell sites. Layer 2 VPNs provide transparent connectivity between theeNobeB and S/PGW endpoints with IP processing being done at the edge nodes connected to theeNodeB and Access Gateways (aGW) ater a hand-o o trac at the Ethernet level.





    Core site, data centerCell site


    Backhaul network Backbone network



    Core site



    Core site, data centerCell site


    Converged backhauland backbone for LTE




    Core site


    PDN GW


    PDN GW


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    LTE Mobile Transport Evolution | Strategic White Paper6

    This approach could be supported via packet-optical systems that employ MPLS-TP trac engineeringor service routers that employ IP/MPLS. In a Layer 3 VPN approach, MPLS is used or IP service-awaretransport. The IP/MPLS service routers provide a mesh architecture that enables cell sites tocommunicate directly with one another, which improves perormance and provides signicantoperational savings. Both Layer 2 and Layer 3 VPN options meet LTE requirements or QoS, latency,synchronization, security and load balancing. Operating at a lower layer, the Layer 2 VPNs tend to becost eective and simple to manage, while Layer 3 VPNs can support an IPSec distributed architecture,

    providing service scalability and broadcast domain reduction. These aspects can also be addressedby Layer 2 VPNs by using a service router or reducing the broadcast domain and Ethernet bridgingor service scalability.

    Many service providers will avor using an E-Line-to-hub model where cell sites are connectedusing point-to-point links passing through a hub (so called hair pinning). This method has meritgiven the operational simplicity and support or simple SLAs. However, there could be cases wherethe use o E-Line with short-cut path congurations prove more advantageous. This architectureis useul in rural areas where the cell sites are located relatively ar away rom the hub. Another casewould be in high trac areas where sucient inter-base-station trac warrants the use o a directpoint-to-point link. In these cases, hair pinning through the MTSO may not be cost eective.

    Another capability that LTE brings is the incorporation o a fexible architecture. The S1-fex interaceenables load sharing o trac across the aGWs and MMEs serving a local EUTRAN as well asincreased resiliency through geographic diversity. Eectively, a pool o aGWs and MMEs is createdwith eNodeBs having connectivity to multiple aGWs and MMEs. Here, the use o either VPLS orIP VPNs can provide operational simplication and cost savings, especially as the EUTRAN grows.The mobile backhaul network should take advantage o load balancing in order to eciently optimizetransport resources when possible.

    2.6 Reconfgurability and network agility

    In 2G/3G networks, the low-bandwidth, legacy data services (such as SMS) could be accommodatedusing the over-provisioned available capacity. With the higher aggregate capacity and bursty natureo the broadband data services enabled by LTE and high speed 3G technologies, service providerswill need to ensure that adequate capacity in the mobile transport network can be provisionedquickly where and when needed.

    The use o WDM within the metro ber transport networks can help service providers to acceleratethe time-to-service, simpliy operations, and improve overall perormance, providing a better totalcost o ownership. In particular, the use o WDM systems with zero touch photonics capabilitieswill eliminate the need or requent on-site interventions and provide a WDM network that is easilyrecongured according to changing trac demands. With these systems, in-service capacity upgradesare possible. Furthermore, using WDM, these systems can transparently transport any protocol(SDH/SONET/Ethernet/ATM) and support multi-generational mobile trac.

    Optical layer management in support o photonic operations, administration, and maintenance(OAM) will also need to be considered. For this, a wavelength tracker mechanism can deliverwavelength-path tracing and monitoring capabilities, enabling delivery o true optical SLAs whilereducing network operational costs. A wavelength tracker enables next-generation optical networkunctionality through protected wavelengths and extension to higher degree nodes.

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    LTE Mobile Transport Evolution | Strategic White Paper 7

    2.7 Accurate clock synchronization

    Typically, 2G/3G base stations are synchronized using one o two methods. The clock reerenceprovided by the BSC/RNC over the T1/E1 connections linking the two network elements may beused or synchronization may be acquired rom an external source such as GPS. The clock reerenceis maintained as the trac is transported over the TDM network. The migration towards IP/Ethernetnetworks that do not transport the clock reerence transparently requires strict QoS implementationrules to keep delay and jitter within ITU-T recommendations, and to ensure recovery o the clock

    reerence. With physical layer approaches (such as Network Timing Recovery (NTR), GPON PHY,Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE) and microwave radio carrier), the clock is extracted rom thesynchronous data stream. This has proven to be an eective means o maintaining requencysynchronization and can also support LTE base stations. With SyncE, or example, the Ethernetphysical layer is used to distribute clocking analogous to the SONET/SDH architecture. All dataand VoIP applications work well on a ree-running eNobeB using these approaches. An eectiveend-to-end approach to clock synchronization can be implemented using the various physical layertechniques that are specic to the dierent backhaul technologies.

    Physical layer approaches can also be complemented with timing over packet approaches, such asIEEE 1588v2, when physical layer techniques cannot be applied and when phase/time synchronizationdistribution is required (as is the case with TDD, MBMS, network MIMO and synchronized networks).

    Approaches like 1588v2 will be particularly useul or backhaul transport providers selling wholesalecell site backhaul since it requires implementation only at the end nodes and not in intermediatemetro nodes which might be part o third-party leased services.

    2.8 Security

    Mobile service providers need to protect mobile data integrity and subscriber data condentialityrom interception by unauthorized entities and several options or encoding and authenticatingcell site trac exist. In both GSM and UMTS systems, all user data is ciphered between the userequipment and the RNC, providing a reasonable level o protection against eavesdropping. SomeIP-capable transport interaces on NodeBs support the IPSec suite o standards. Otherwise, externaldevices can provide IPSec transport/tunneling to a security gateway collocated with the RNC.

    With LTE, encryption is perormed at the eNodeB. However, in some cases LTE base station cabinetsmay not be deployed in secured locations. Femto cells will also become part o the LTE networkinrastructure. As a result, some MSPs are looking to support encryption within the transportnetwork, especially i using third-party backhaul transport providers or public Internet transport. It mayalso be considered or cases where IP transport acilities do not meet minimum security requirements.

    For LTE, IPSec tunneling between the eNodeB and the security gateway can be used to secure dataand provide QoS or service providers choosing to administer security centrally. Additionally, theuse o 802.1X, which acts as a gatekeeper or basic network access by denying access to the networkbeore authentication is successul, can complement IPSec. A distributed security gateway at the hubcan be benecial as this scales IPSec, provides optimized routing in the RAN (via the X2 interace),

    provides fexible load-sharing connectivity, and runs IPSec rom the eNodeB to a trusted site in theaggregation network, providing the required security.

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    LTE Mobile Transport Evolution | Strategic White Paper8

    3. Alcatel-Lucent Mobile Evolution Transport Architecture

    Alcatel-Lucent META provides an end-to-end network architecture that enables service providersto migrate and scale their networks protably. This architecture is LTE-ready today, oering theservice intelligence, fexibility, simplicity and cost-eectiveness necessary to serve the massive growthin demand or mobile broadband services while continuing to optimize 2G and 3G service delivery.

    Figure 4. Alcatel-Lucent Mobile Evolution Transport Architecture

    Using the optimal cost points o Ethernet, coupled with the proven scalability, availability and service-aware capabilities o MPLS, META enables MSPs to leverage existing inrastructure investments andevolve to all-IP networking with the quality o experience that customers have come to expect romtraditional wireline services.

    3.1 Cost-eective backhaul through converged transport

    Alcatel-Lucent META gives service providers complete control over the network transormationprocess. It can be tailored to meet diverse backhaul network evolution requirements, including hybriddata ofoad approaches. META leverages the optimal cost points o newer transport technologiessuch as Carrier Ethernet and MPLS/MPLS-TP, which helps service providers prepare or the prooundchanges that LTE will bring. A key component o the architecture is an IP-optimized, data-awaretransport inrastructure suitable or the ull range o legacy and new mobile broadband services.This inrastructure supports advanced QoS capabilities to manage and prioritize LTE applicationsalong with 2G/3G applications. The provisioning o deterministic QoS is important as it providesequitable treatment to individual trac streams (and appropriate priority to, or example, highlydelay-sensitive applications). It also allows synchronization mechanisms to converge rapidly acrossthe packet RAN.

    Networkand service


    End-to-endservices and




    IP/MPLS andoptical core

    Optical, microwave orIP/MPLS backhaul

    9500 MPR

    9500 MPR7705 SAR/7710 SR/7750 SR

    7450 ESS/7210 SAS/7750 SR

    7750 SR/1850 TSS/1678 MCC

    7750 SR/1850 TSS/

    1678 MCC

    1850 TSS/1830 PSS


    7302 ISAM/7330 ISAM/7342 ISAM

    7705 SAR

    1850 TSSBase





    Core Aggregation Access









    PSTN IMS Internet


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    LTE Mobile Transport Evolution | Strategic White Paper 9

    As shown in Figure 5, MSPs can use META to support multi-generational access across a range obackhaul technologies including IP/MPLS, packet-optical, microwave, DSL, and GPON. This allowsMSPs to leverage their investments in existing inrastructure and evolve the network to supportlower-cost IP/Ethernet backhaul.

    Figure 5. Alcatel-Lucent Mobile Backhaul Solution for MSPs

    Additional fexibility is provided by allowing service providers to take the IP/MPLS and MPLS-TPedge, and the capabilities o service routing and Carrier Ethernet transport, to intermediate hublocations in the RAN. This allows a common, shared inrastructure to be used or all aggregatedtrac between the hub and the mobile core. It also delivers signicant leased line savings becauseCarrier Ethernet or packet-optical connections can be used or backhaul. Furthermore, it provides a cellsite aggregation solution in which small clusters o base stations can be linked and the CDMA/EVDO

    or GSM/UMTS/HSPA and LTE trac groomed to reduce backhaul costs. Through the implementationo Carrier Ethernet between the cell site and the mobile core, trac can be aggregated ecientlyand end-to-end service delivery upheld.

    As shown in Figure 6, Alcatel-Lucent META can similarly enable BTPs to lower costs by convergingthe trac o multiple MSPs while keeping each stream virtually separate. META provides accessor 2G/3G and LTE base stations via simultaneous support or TDM/PDH, SONET/SDH/WDM,MLPPP, ATM with IMA, and Ethernet/IP as the access network evolves.

    5620 SAM/1350 OMS



    Base station

    Base station

    Base station

    Base station

    Base station

    Base station

    7705 SAR/

    7210 SAS





    9500 MPR 9500 MPR

    1850 TSS

    7705 SAR/

    1850 TSS

    DSL Gateway

    7302 ISAM/7330 ISAM

    7342 ISAMB-ONT

    7750 SR/

    1850 TSS

    7750 SR/

    1850 TSS

    7x50 ESS/SR/

    7705 SAR/

    1850 TSS





    7x50 ESS/SR/

    7705 SAR/

    7210 SAS/

    1850 TSS




    Ethernet metro

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    LTE Mobile Transport Evolution | Strategic White Paper10

    Figure 6. Alcatel-Lucent Mobile Backhaul Solution for BTPs

    BTPs can use a service router or transport service switch to interconnect mobile elements, therebyallowing service providers to optimize resources and the networking fexibility o inter-elementconnections to drive costs out o the RAN. Provisioning and monitoring o all services (2G/3G/LTE)

    would be provided through either the Alcatel-Lucent 5620 Service Aware Manager (SAM) systemor Alcatel-Lucent 1350 Optical Management Suite (OMS). Both systems support end-to-end QoSacross the Ethernet backhaul network and mobile core.

    3.2 Cell site aggregation

    Alcatel-Lucent META provides additional benets by extending IP/MPLS, MPLS-TP and Ethernetaggregation towards the cell site. In the cell site, there are opportunities or aggregation solutionsthat converge multi-generational trac streams and/or adapt legacy base station interaces ontopacket transport inrastructures. This is accomplished through the deployment o cell site aggregatorseither collocated with a mobile base station or at intermediate aggregation (hub) sites. The Alcatel-Lucent 7705 Service Aggregation Router (SAR), Alcatel-Lucent 7210 Service Access Switch (SAS),Alcatel-Lucent 1850 Transport Service Switch (TSS), or Alcatel-Lucent 9500 Microwave PacketRadio (MPR) can all perorm the aggregator unction and enable a dedicated, ully-managed,end-to-end backhaul solution capable o supporting any combination o wireless access technologiesand vendors.

    These cell site aggregation solutions can also help service providers by linking small clusters o basestations and grooming the trac to reduce backhaul costs. Through the implementation o CarrierEthernet between the eNodeB and the mobile core, trac can be aggregated eciently and end-to-endservice delivery upheld.

    MSP B

    Base station

    MSP A

    Base station

    5620 SAM/1350 OMS



    MSP C

    Base station


    9500 MPR 9500 MPR 9500 MPR

    7705 SAR/

    7210 SAS/

    1850 TSS


    7302 ISAM/7330 ISAM/7342 ISAM

    7750 SR/

    1850 TSS

    7750 SR/

    1850 TSS

    7x50 ESS/SR/

    7705 SAR/

    7210 SAS/

    1850 TSS

    7x50 ESS/SR/

    7705 SAR/

    7210 SAS/

    1850 TSS


    Backhaul transportprovider network

    7x50 ESS/SR/

    7705 SAR/

    7210 SAS/

    1850 TSS


    SGW, MME

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    LTE Mobile Transport Evolution | Strategic White Paper 11

    3.3 OAM tools

    To support Ethernet-based services eectively and proactively, service providers need eectiveOAM tools that help reduce network complexities and enable them to roll out new services quickly.Alcatel-Lucent provides comprehensive unied OAM management support at both the NMS/OSSand node levels that has been specically designed to automate the management o large networks.This enables the collection o real-time inormation on all critical devices, network tunnels,connectivity services and control plane health, and the correlation o dierent events into a

    meaningul report.

    The comprehensive Alcatel-Lucent OAM toolkit includes:

    StandardimplementationsofEthernet-focusedOAMtoolsforconnectivitychecksandault detections that can span across all network layers, including access, metro aggregationand backbone.

    ComprehensiveOAMtoolsforphysicalinterfaceandservicelayers,fromnetworktunneltests to in-band service tests or customer service verications.

    Industry-leadingserviceandperformanceanalysiswithintegratedservicemirroringandservice assurance.


    fexible enough to continually evolve to support the complex service provider environment.

    Serviceassurancethatcandetectanyimpendingissuesandproactivelymonitorthehealthofdierent services in the networks by analyzing the packet delay, jitter and loss.

    Integrationwithcentralizeduniedmanagementtools,suchastheAlcatel-Lucent5620SAMand Alcatel-Lucent 5650 Control Plane Assurance Manager (CPAM) or Alcatel-Lucent 1350OMS, to simpliy network operation and enable a service provider to conduct real-time detailedorensic audits and quick correlations o network events.

    In general, Ethernet OAM is separated into Link OAM, which monitors a single link, and ServiceOAM, which spans one or more links. Ethernet OAM is desirable or ault management, connectivitymanagement, and perormance monitoring o the Ethernet service. For example, Ethernet OAM or

    each subscriber Ethernet virtual circuit (EVC) at the user-network interace (UNI) could be implementedin the RAN network controller and RAN base station to convey Ethernet connectivity state andperormance. The MEF Mobile Backhaul Implementation Agreement (MEF22) reers to standardsthat include Link OAM (IEEE 802.3ah), and Service OAM (both IEEE 802.1ag and ITU-T Y.1731).

    3.4 Consultative services

    Alcatel-Lucent Proessional Services delivers comprehensive end-to-end consulting services, withactivities ranging rom business analysis and modeling to design. Using proven business and economicmodeling tools jointly developed with Bell Labs, and leveraging its expertise in managing over50 major transormations, Alcatel-Lucent develops strategies to optimize the total cost o ownership othe backhaul network and helps determine the best solution to evolve graceully to all-packet networks.

    Alcatel-Lucent consultative services ensure key business requirements are met through ecientmanagement o all aspects o the providers business including networks, services, and operations.This includes lowering the cost structure, expanding network capacity, and generating new businessmodels or more revenue. Alcatel-Lucent develops a model o the present mode o operation andproposes a strategy based on the model. Next, consultants design a blueprint or the uture modeo operation, taking into consideration the importance o a fat-IP architecture in support o LTE.Then, they validate that the design meets the service providers business requirements. Finally, theconsultants provide a nancial comparison o the present and uture modes o operation, includingcash fow and sensitivity analyses. Working closely with the service provider, consultants dene theproject scope and applicable solution/solution components or the network transormation, includingthe precise number, size, and location o nodes to be deployed, and they provide consistent managementcontrol throughout the network transormation.

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    3.5 IP Transormation and wireless migration expertise

    Proper planning or backhaul network transormation is a comprehensive, complex undertakingspanning numerous technical, operational and business unctions. Alcatel-Lucent has signicantexperience in these areas and in working with multi-technology, multi-vendor transport networksaround the world. Alcatel-Lucents transormation approach helps service providers to take advantageo the cost savings available through dierent technology options.

    The transormation process includes analysis o the current inrastructure, and evaluation o thenetwork database inormation in its current orm, ollowed by the development and mappingtechniques or provisioning and migrating to the new IP network. Alcatel-Lucents transormationcapabilities include migration planning and design, process denition and rollback strategy, migrationexecution and stability monitoring, all supported by migration control management.

    To urther support service providers, Alcatel-Lucent has invested in a network o integration acilitiesacross the world known as IP Transormation Centers (IPTC). In the IPTCs Hosted IntegrationLab, service providers have one-stop access to a live test environment where their own multi-vendornetwork can be replicated, congured, and pre-integrated and tested on an end-to-end solution basisencompassing terminals, network inrastructure, service application platorms and OSS/BSS. Theseacilities help services providers ensure that the inrastructure they implement is the best solution

    or their specic needs. The pre-integrated backhaul and Evolved Packet Core ensures a smoothtransition with minimal risk.

    4. Conclusion

    With mobile trac evolving to become ully IP-based, the mobile transport network needs to address keynew requirements or guaranteed, enhanced QoS and low latency. At the same time, the mobile transportnetwork needs to provide the required scalability while ensuring service reliability and fexibility.

    Service providers who are employing mobile packet transport based on Alcatel-Lucent META canleverage the same packet transport network architecture or LTE. This gives MSPs and BTPs a clearevolution path to LTE, and allows the coexistence o LTE with previous generations o mobiletechnologies through cost-eective, converged transport. META provides a comprehensive solutionaddressing the introduction o LTE by supporting:





    AbilitytoconvergebackhaulandbackbonetransportformaximumexibilityinLTEroll-out and growth



    By delivering a multi-technology solution, Alcatel-Lucent META enables the reliable transport oall-IP trac over packet-optical, microwave, IP/MPLS, or DSL/GPON transport networks. To ensurethe continuity o services based on existing mobile technologies while introducing LTE, META allowsadvanced trac management and processing, and ull separation and prioritization o dierent servicetrac, in order to deliver guaranteed end-to-end, managed QoS. Through the implementation othe Alcatel-Lucent Mobile Evolution Transport Architecture, service providers can consolidatecapital expenditures and rationalize operating expenditures while beneting rom a more scalable,fexible, resilient and secure transport network.

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    LTE Mobile Transport Evolution | Strategic White Paper 13

    5. Abbreviations1350 OMS Alcatel-Lucent 1350 Optical Management Suite

    1678 MCC Alcatel-Lucent 1678 Metro Core Connect

    1830 PSS Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch

    1850 TSS Alcatel-Lucent 1850 Transport Service Switch

    5620 SAM Alcatel-Lucent 5620 Service Access Manager

    7210 SAS Alcatel-Lucent 7210 Service Access Switch7302 ISAM Alcatel-Lucent 7302 Intelligent Services Access Manager

    7330 ISAM Alcatel-Lucent 7330 Intelligent Services Access Manager

    7342 ISAM Alcatel-Lucent 7342 Intelligent Services Access Manager

    7450 ESS Alcatel-Lucent 7450 Ethernet Service Switch

    7705 SAR Alcatel-Lucent 7705 Service Aggregation Router

    7710 SR Alcatel-Lucent 7710 Service Router

    7750 SR Alcatel-Lucent 7750 Service Router

    9500 MPR Alcatel-Lucent 9500 Microwave Packet Radio

    aGW access gateway

    ATM Asynchronous Transer Mode

    B-ONT business optical network terminal

    BSC base station controller

    BTP backhaul transport provider

    BTS base transceiver station

    CDMA Code Division Multiple Access

    CES Circuit Emulated Services

    DSL Digital Subscriber Line

    E-Line Ethernet line service

    EPC Evolved Packet Core

    EUTRAN Evolved UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network

    EVC Ethernet virtual circuit

    EVDO Evolution Data Optimized

    GGSN Gateway GPRS Support NodeGPON Gigabit Passive Optical Network

    GPRS General Packet Radio Service

    GSM Global System or Mobile communications

    GW gateway

    HSPA high speed packet access

    IMA Inverse Multiplexing over ATM

    IMS IP Multimedia Subsystem

    IP Internet Protocol

    LAN local area network

    LTE Long Term Evolution

    MBMS Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service

    MEF Metro Ethernet Forum

    META Mobile Evolution Transport Architecture

    MGW media gateway

    MIMO multiple input and multiple output

    MLPPP Multilink Point-to-Point Protocol

    MLS multilayer switchMME mobility management entity

    MMS multimedia messaging service

    MPLS Multiprotocol Label Switching

    MPLS-TP Multiprotocol Label Switching-Transport Profle

    MSC mobile switching center

    MSP mobile service provider

    MTSO mobile telephone switching ofce

    OAM operations, administration and maintenance

    P2P point-to-point

    PBB Provider Backbone Bridge

    PCRF policy and charging rules unction

    PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy

    PDN Public Data Network

    PDSN Packet Data Serving Node

    PGW PDN gateway

    QoS quality o service

    RAN radio access network

    RNC radio network controller

    SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy

    SGSN Service GPRS Support Node

    SGW serving gateway

    SLA service level agreement

    SMS short message serviceSONET Synchronous Optical Network

    SyncE Synchronous Ethernet

    TDD Time-Division Duplex

    TDM Time Division Multiplexing

    UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System

    UNI user-network interace

    VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol

    VPLS Virtual Private LAN Service

    VPN Virtual Private Network

    W-CDMA Wideband Code Division Multiple Access

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