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LTC 310 Entire Course

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Course Description

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This course provides an overview of programs and policies related to our rapidly expanding aging population. Services designed to enable the older adult to support their health and economic well being as well as support for their families will be examined. Issues and trends related to areas such as social and community services, economic issues, and attention to the growing needs of the aging population with special needs will be included.


Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents:

University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document.

Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum.

University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality.

Course Materials

Evashwick, C., & Riedel, J. (2004). Managing long-term care. Washington, DC: Association of University Programs in Health Administration.

Pratt, J. R. (2010). Long-term care: Managing across the continuum (3rd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

All electronic materials are available on the student website.

Week One: Introduction to Programs and Services

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Details Due Points

Objectives 1.1 Describe the evolution of programs and services for aging populations.

1.2 Identify types of programs and services for long-term care populations.

1.3 Identify information sources for programs and services.

Readings Read this week’s Read Me First.

Read Ch. 1, Ch. 3 (Learning Objectives through Consumers Served), & Ch. 4 (Learning Objectives through Subacute Care) ofLong-Term Care.

Read Ch. 2 of Managing Long-Term Care.

Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings.

Participation Participate in class discussion. Each week you will need to make 8 substantive posts on 3/7 days for full participation points. Your participation posts do not have a minimum word requirement, but must be substantive and say more than “I agree” type message.


Discussion Questions

Respond to weekly discussion questions. Each week there will be 2 discussion questions due. The first dq is due on Thursday Day 3 and the second is due on Saturday Day 5. Each dq response needs to contain 200-300 words with an APA formatted reference and posted on time for dq credit. Failure to meet all of the minimum requirements will lead to participation credit fore your efforts.


Nongraded Activities and Preparation

Evolution of Programs and Services Paper

Begin working on the Evolution of Programs and Services Paper due in Week Two.

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Learning Team Instructions

Begin working on the Community Newsletter Outline due in Week Three.

Review the Week One objectives and discuss additional insights and questions that may have arisen.


Programs and Services Matrix

Resource: Programs and Services Matrix Grading Criteria

Complete University of Phoenix Material: Programs and Services Matrix, located on your student website.

Use the matrix to identify five different types of programs or services available for long-term care populations.

Include a brief description of the program or service and identify what populations may be in need of each.

Indicate whether this type of service or program is available in your own community and provide examples, if possible, of each.


Week Two: Community Programs and Services

Details Due Points

Objectives 2.1 Describe community programs and services for long-term care populations.

2.2 Identify qualification requirements for community programs and services.

Readings Read this week’s Read Me First.

Read Ch. 5 (Learning Objectives through Consumers Served) & Ch. 6 (Learning Objectives through

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Services Provided) of Long-Term Care.

Read Ch. 3 of Managing Long-Term Care.

Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings.

Participation Participate in class discussion. 1

Discussion Questions

Respond to weekly discussion questions. 2

Nongraded Activities and Preparation

Begin working on the New Service Brochure due in Week Four.

Complete your Evolution of Programs and Services Paper.

Learning Team Instructions & Assignment

Identify long-term care programs or services in your community.

Discuss, as a team, which programs or services should be observed by each team member.

Create a list of at least two possible programs or services—per person—to observe. Each individual is only required to observe one, but your list must include at least two possibilities for each person.

Submit your list of programs or services to your instructor for approval prior to Week Three.

Continue working on the Community Newsletter Outline due in Week Three.

Review the Week Two objectives and discuss additional insights and questions that may have arisen.

Please post your Learning Team Charter by Monday Day 7

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Evolution of Programs and Services Paper

Resource: Evolution of Programs and Services Paper Grading Criteria

Write a 700- to 1,050- word paper about the evolution of programs and services for aging populations over the last 50 years. Include the following:

An overview of how programs and services have evolved

Two examples of programs and services that have evolved and an explanation of the changes that have taken place

At least two references

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.


Week Three: Social and Educational Programs and Services

Details Due Points

Objectives 3.1 Describe social programs and services for long-term care populations.

3.2 Describe educational programs and services for long-term care populations.

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3.3 Explain the benefits of social and educational programs and services.

Readings Read this week’s Read Me First.

Read Ch. 7 of Long-Term Care.

Review Ch. 3 of Managing Long-Term Care.

Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings

Participation Participate in class discussion. 2

Discussion Questions

Respond to weekly discussion questions. 2

Nongraded Activities and Preparation

New Service Brochure

Continue working on the New Service Brochure due in Week Four.

Learning Team Instructions

Begin working on the Community Newsletter due in Week Five.

Complete your Community Newsletter Outline.

Review the Week Three objectives and discuss additional insights and questions that may have arisen.

Learning Team

Community Newsletter Outline

Resource: University of Phoenix Material: Program or Service Observation Form, located on your student website; Community Newsletter Outline Grading Criteria

Create a list of long-term care programs or services you would like to observe, such as home-delivered meals, fitness classes, or transportation assistance.

Submit the list to your instructor for approval before making arrangements to conduct the observation. After receiving approval, contact the program or


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service provider to schedule the observation as soon as possible.

You will use the Observation Form for this task. The form is divided into four categories that will guide you in obtaining the information you need for your project. In the form, you will be asked to record information about the requirements that the program or service must adhere to, the public’s perception of the program or service, and the overall effectiveness of it. After conducting the observations, the Learning Teams will create a Community Newsletter in which they will provide their local community with information regarding the long-term care programs and services available to them. Team members will use the information from their observations to create the newsletter.

Complete the Program or Service Observation Form to record your observations of the program or service. Each team member must submit this form with the final assignment.

Note. Because these programs and services are designed for the public, you may visit as an interested observer and community resident or as a health care professional. If staff members do not welcome this type of visit, note this on the Observation Form, because relationships with the public are important aspects of quality programs.

Write an outline for your 1,400- to 1,750-word Community Newsletter detailing the programs and services available in your communities, due in Week Five. Answer the following in your outline:

What programs or services did your team members visit? Provide a brief description of the programs or services.

Why did you choose these programs or services?

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How will you obtain the following information for your Community Newsletter?

Note. You are not required to answer the questions at this time. Instead, focus on your plan for obtaining the appropriate information that will be included in your newsletter.

o What specific long-term care programs and services are offered to the community?

o What are the differences between social and educational programs and services? How do the services you observed fit into these categories?

o How do the programs or services provide information to potential clients? What are their main methods of providing important information to the community?

o How are these programs and services funded?

o What effect do funding and reimbursement have on these services?

o What licenses do these services have? What are some of the requirements for obtaining this licensure?

o What are some current trends and issues in long-term care? How do these programs or services fit in with these trends and issues?

Submit the outline to your instructor.

Week Four: Financial and Licensure Requirements

Details Due Points

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Objectives 4.1 Identify sources of funding for community, social, and educational programs and services.

4.2 Describe the impact of reimbursement on long-term care.

4.3 Identify licensure requirements for programs and services.

Readings Read this week’s Read Me First.

Read Ch. 10 & 11 of Long-Term Care.

Read Ch. 9 of Managing Long-Term Care.

Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings.

Participation Participate in class discussion. 1

Discussion Questions

Respond to weekly discussion questions. 1

Learning Team Instructions & Assignment

Continue working on the Community Newsletter due in Week Five.

Review the Week Four objectives and discuss additional insights and questions that may have arisen.

Please post your learning team annotated bibliography for your references in week 5



New Service Brochure

Resource: New Service Brochure Grading Criteria

Develop an idea for a new long-term care service or program that is not offered in your community.

Create a tri-fold brochure to market your idea. Answer the following in your brochure:

Why is the program or service beneficial?


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What are the qualification requirements to be a recipient of this program or service?

What will the program or service offer?

Note. Brochures should be creative, informative, and interesting. You may include graphics or pictures in your brochure.

Week Five: Issues and Trends in Long-Term Care

Details Due Points

Objectives 5.1 Explain current trends and issues in long-term care.

Readings Read this week’s Read Me First.

Read Ch. 8, 12, & 17 of Long-Term Care.

Read Ch. 10 of Managing Long-Term Care.

Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings.

Participation Participate in class discussion. 2

Discussion Questions

Respond to weekly discussion questions. 2

Learning Team Instructions

Complete your Community Newsletter.

Review the Week Five objectives and discuss additional insights and questions that may have arisen.

Learning Team


Imagine that you and your teammates live in the same community and all of the programs and services you observed are located in this community. However,


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Newsletter most people in your community are not aware of these programs or services. You have decided to create an informational newsletter that will be sent to every household in the community. This newsletter must provide an overview of each program or service your team observed.

Resource: Community Newsletter Grading Criteria

Write a 1,400- to 1,750- word newsletter to your community. Using your observations, provide details of the programs and services available in your community. Answer the following in your newsletter:

What specific long-term care programs and services are offered to the community?

What are the differences between social and educational programs and services? How do the services you observed fit into these categories?

How do the programs or services provide information to potential clients? What are their main methods of providing important information to the community?

How are these programs and services funded?

What effect do funding and reimbursement have on these services?

What licenses do these services have? What are some of the requirements for obtaining this licensure?

What are some current trends and issues in long-term care?

How do these programs or services fit in with these trends and issues?

Note. Newsletters should be creative, informative, and interesting. You may include graphics or pictures in your newsletter.

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Submit the Community Newsletter and Observation Forms to your instructor.

Optional Discussion Questions

Week One Discussion Questions

What community services are available in your community? What services do you think should be available that currently are not?

Where should an individual seek assistance when he or she wants to maintain independence but is physically unable? Who can provide this information?

Week Two Discussion Questions

What is the difference in services provided for an assisted-living recipient and a skilled-care recipient?

Choose one community program and research the qualifications for clients to receive services. Do you think these requirements are too strict or too lenient, or neither? Why? How might the community be affected if these requirements were changed?

Week Three Discussion Questions

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What are some benefits of social programs? How do these benefits change with different populations?

What are some benefits of educational programs? How do these benefits change with different populations?

Week Four Discussion Questions

What are some sources of funding for community programs and services?

Is it easy to find the licensure requirements for administrators in your state? Is it easy to determine the qualifications programs or services must meet to serve the community? Why is it important for clients to be able to find this information easily?

Week Five Discussion Questions

How do you think community programs and services will change over the next 10 years?

What is the effect of technology on the delivery of health care and services?