LSS CAMP 2015, Science Exhibit 2015

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  • 7/26/2019 LSS CAMP 2015, Science Exhibit 2015


    LSS CAMP 2015

    The word 'sustainable' means maintainable or bearable. Hence sustainable

    development refers to that development which may be prolonged for a considerable

    period of time or which may be bearable by the system and the society. It refers to a

    type of development that meets the needs of the present generation, maintains same

    level of development for a longer period of time, conserves the existing resources for

    the future generation so that same level of development could continue and causes very

    little or no damage to the environment.

    The L.S.S. amp was conceptuali!ed by the Science "lliance lub in order to

    foster the importance of sustainability and the application of Science concepts and

    processes for the attainment of a sustainable future.

    The main reason of choosing the amp title roots from the personality of the youth

    today. LSS is an abbreviation for Last Song Syndrome. In contemporary pop culture, the

    youth are easily attached to new songs which they play many times. #ven when they

    are already listening to a new one, they can$t help but to still sing the song they had

    played many times. The Science "lliance aims to ensure hat the experiences,

    %nowledge, s%ills, and attitude that the participants of the LSS amp will always be

    played and practiced by them so that Science for Sustainability will wor% its way on

    everyone$s habit. &y then, we can truly achieve a brighter and sustainable future for all

    of od$s creation.

    The (orld ommission on #nvironment and )evelopment established by the

    *nited +ations has defined sustainable development as development that meets the

    needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet

    their own needs. The essential needs of the world's poor has been emphasised as the

    priority. Therefore, the two crucial ob-ectives of sustainable development are /i0

    satisfaction of basic human needs, and /ii0 ensure survival of human beings and all

    living creatures.

    The concept of sustainable development has emerged as a prescription for

    human survival and maintenance of ecosystem health. 1ne of the priority re2uirements

    for achieving such development is to create sustainable human societies.

  • 7/26/2019 LSS CAMP 2015, Science Exhibit 2015


    Membership Participation

    The LSS amp was participated by all Science 3a-ors. The three4day activity

    allows them to see various things in a different way. It enables them to put their learningin the activities provided. +ot only that it offered fun activities, but also it introduced

    them to reality. The involvement of today's youth in environment and development

    decision4ma%ing and in the implementation of programs is critical to the long4term

    success of every country.

    "lthough the proportion of young people in cities is growing rapidly, few studies

    ta%e into account the diversity of and views on their urban experiences. This is an

    examination of the lives, capacities, and agencies of urban youth in the developingworld and an identification of significant gaps for research. In particular, this boo%

    provides a highlight of the political economy of youth4focused development in an

    increasingly urbani!ing world. 5olitical4economic processes that shape and are shaped

    by young people$s urban lives get particular attention.

    This camp also offered avenues in sociali!ation among Science ma-ors which

    made it more meaningful.

    Benefit to the Organization

    Time spent outdoors is the perfect way to re-uvenate the body, mind, and soul.

    etting away from the hustle4bustle of the city life and unwinding in nature's cradle can

    prove to be really beneficial. &ut this camp was not -ust an ordinary camp that ma%es

    you relax and catch up or meet friends, or get away from the same old routine and head

    for the outdoors. It was conceptuali!ed in order for the members of the Science "lliance

    lub to be participative in terms of the achievement of sustainable development goals

    which the club adheres

    The LSS amp held on +ovember 67466, 6789 at &icol *niversity ollege of

    #ducation was considered to be one of the best recreational activities that are a favorite

    among students especially by Science ma-ors. The benefits of this camp are

    multifarious, with each person gaining something different from the experience.

    Sustainable development means different things to different people and so to the

    members of this organi!ation. It engaged them to different activities that allow them to

  • 7/26/2019 LSS CAMP 2015, Science Exhibit 2015


    gain %nowledge and inspire them to ta%e actions towards sustainable development.

    Sustainable development focuses on improving the 2uality of life for all of the #arth's

    citi!ens without increasing the use of natural resources beyond the capacity of the

    environment to supply them indefinitely. It re2uires an understanding that in every

    action, there will always have conse2uences. The members of the lub certainly made

    their reali!ations during, and after the said activity. (e must find innovative ways to

    change institutional structures and influence individual behavior. It is about ta%ing

    action, changing policy and practice at all levels, from the individual to the international.

    Sustainable development is not a new idea. 3any cultures over the course of human

    history have recogni!ed the need for harmony between the environment, society and

    economy. (hat is new is an articulation of these ideas in the context of a global

    industrial and information society and involving the Science 3a-ors of &icol *niversity

    ollege of #ducation which represents the Science "lliance lub.

    Vale to Organization

    The LSS amp helped the members of the organi!ation to gain a 2uic% overview

    of what sustainable development is and why it is important. They learned about thegrowing concern for the future of our interloc%ed ecological and economic systems in a

    highly populated world that is characteri!ed by ma-or social disparities. It reflects the

    diversity of our experiences and what sustainable development means in practical terms

    to people here in the 5hilippines.

    The camp was a life changing experience for its participants because it too%

    them out of the modern world we live in today, and put things in perspective. The

    camping taught those many things other than camping s%ills. It taught them not to be somaterialistic. It taught them that getting away from it all can be a relaxing, rewarding

    experience, even if they had to wor% half the time to survive or accomplish the activities

    given by the organi!ers. It taught them to appreciate some technology on a whole new

    level. It brought them closer to their friends as well as the Science 3a-ors themselves.

    It opened up new doors not -ust to the members of the organi!ation who participated the

    said activity but especially to the organi!ation itself, the Science "lliance.

    !eneral Planning" #$ection" an% &inance

  • 7/26/2019 LSS CAMP 2015, Science Exhibit 2015


    #stablishing tas% forces that include youth to develop educational and awareness

    programs specifically targeted problems of the world regarding sustainable development

    is one the steps towards achieving its goals.

    In the activity :LSS amp;, 3r. %ic% 1ff 5arty,

    the 5resident in the LSS amp ?ui! and Lecture>(or%shops, the 5ublic Information

    1fficer in the :"+oteboo%5ro-ect;, and the 3use and #scort for the ampfire>Solidarity

    andle lighting. The @ &loc% Aepresentatives were given the -ob to disseminate

    information or changes regarding the activities.

    The budgetary re2uirements included /80 BoodC snac%s>dinner for Aesource

    spea%er>=I5s>5rograms>Invitations>IssuancesC guidelines, handouts, tally sheets, score

    sheetsC /D0 amp 3aterials>5araphernaliaC /E0 TransportationC /90 To%en>5ri!es>SashC

    and /F0 Sounds and Lights System. The budgetary re2uirements amounted up to 5hp

    8@, @97, minus 5hp F777 from the Science "lliance 1rgani!ational Bund. "ll in all, the

    money needed was 5hp 8D, @97. In the activity, the Science "lliance members were

    re2uired to pay the registration fee which is 5hp 877, and the non Science "lliance

    member who participated in the camp paid 5hp 8D7 for the registration.

    The Science "lliance certainly achieved its goals in putting up the LSS amp.

    Science 3a-ors actively participated in every event. The creativity and s%ill of the

    &*eGos was once again showcased. "nd we are all anticipating for more activities of

    the Science "lliance lub.

  • 7/26/2019 LSS CAMP 2015, Science Exhibit 2015


    Science #$hibit 2015

    The Science #xhibit is an annual display of the most exciting cutting4edge

    science and technology instructional materials and science tric%s in the &icol *niversity

    ollege of #ducation. This is being organi!ed by the Science "lliance lub in order for

    the Science ma-ors to have a chance to present various wonders in their field of

    speciali!ation through the displays to the students of the &icol *niversity, as well as to

    the students outside the campus.

    Science is a great blessing to man%ind. The world into which science came was

    a world of ignorance, suffering and hardship. Science has come to relieve us of

    suffering, to remove our ignorance and to lighten our toil. Science is a faithful servant of

    man. It has transformed our daily life, providing us with necessaries and luxuries.

    Science has spanned the s%y, measured the ocean and revealed many secrets of

    nature. So we cannot ignore the importance of science in the modern world.

    " school is the place where students are molded for future life. Students are the

    promises of tomorrow. So they should be made aware of the importance of science.

    Science exhibitions in schools play a pivotal role in this regard. Science exhibitions

    create a scientific spirit among the students, increasing their thin%ing and reasoning

    power. These can ma%e the students creative and in2uisitive. " student gets an

    opportunity to ma%e a pro-ect or wor%ing model with his own hands. He comes to %now

    of the basic principles of the functioning of an instrument. He gets the opportunity to

    devise pro-ects for saving fuel, to solve the energy crisis and a lot of other things related

    to daily life. He also gets into ac2uaintance with many new scientific devices and

    principles. "ll these will increase his interest in science. This will help him in hispersonal life and such a person will be an asset to the nation.

    The education department of the government should ta%e the initiative for

    conducting science exhibits in schools. The school authorities should ta%e up this

    mission. These exhibits can encourage a healthy competition in the student community.

    The purpose of Science exhibit is to develop scientific attitude in the young minds

    of our country to ma%e them reali!e the interdependence of science, technology and

    socio economic development.

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    Membership Participation

    There were nine bloc%s which represent each booth. #ach booth has three wor%s

    of display. So, the there were twenty seven wor%s on display, including photos,installations and interactive wor%s of different bloc%s that explore the relation between

    3an and nature and technology. The perspectives of this relationship are diverse,

    romantic and utopian at times. The ob-ective of the said event was for the Science

    students to present %nowledge and information on science and technology to the

    students in the campus. This is also to provide a common platform to school teachers

    and students for illustrating their ideas. This exhibit has given shape to the creative and

    innovative ideas of the members of the organi!ation and provided scope for the

    development of students in the field of science.

    The Science #xhibit 6789 was actively participated by all Science ma-ors in the


    Benefit to the organization

    The ob-ectives of the lub to this activity were achieved by presenting the

    exhibits through improvisations of science %its and various devices. It is an exciting

    experience of creativity and innovations for students as well as teachers. The models

    created and presented provided solutions>ideas>information to many present and future

    socio4economic problems particularly those confronted in the rural areas, using

    available materials and local resources. The exhibit helped the students to learn from

    each others$ experiences and motivate them to design and develop something new and


    The Science #xhibit 6789 also provided a medium for populari!ing science and

    increasing awareness among the public towards it. #xpected outcome of the science

    exhibition was to stimulate interest in science and technology among students and

    inculcate scientific spirit in younger generations. It also helped to explore and

    encourage scientific and technological talent among students.

    The event provided a sense of pride in the students$ scientific4mindedness.

    Such event encouraged a problem solving approach by developing the appropriate

    technologies. It also helped in integrating scientific ideas with daily life situations.

  • 7/26/2019 LSS CAMP 2015, Science Exhibit 2015


    This Science #xhibit provided exploratory experiences and promote creative

    thin%ing and manipulative s%ills among students through self devised exhibits or models

    or simple apparatus.

    The organi!ation benefited in such a way that it had developed a more Science

    inclined members that inspires other non4Science ma-or students. "lso, it embodies the

    lub itself in terms of populari!ing science among other students and create an

    awareness regarding the role of science and technology in socio4economic and

    sustainable growth of the country.

    Vale to Organization

    The Science tric%s and instructional materials presented in the exhibit met a

    stringent test for usefulness. Surprising to some, participating in a science exhibit is one

    of the best learning experiences a student can underta%e. (hat ma%es a science exhibit

    such a great learning experience is that it involves so much more than science.

    1f course, learning about science is at the heart of a science exhibit. 1ur society

    relies more on science every day, and science fairs are a great way for students tobecome more %nowledgeable about how the world around them wor%s. #very citi!en

    needs sufficient science literacy to ma%e educated decisions about what he or she

    reads in the media, about health care, and about other every4day problems.

    It is important for the Science "lliance lub to establish this %ind of activity. There

    are certain values of organi!ing such exhibits in school. Students get a platform to show

    what they have learned and what they are good at, as well.

    The members of the organi!ation get a chance to apply or do the practical aspect

    of the things that they have learned from the classroom. These are real opportunities for

    the students to easily implement the things that they have learned from the four corners

    of a classroom.

    There are many students who always try to implement the things that they learn

    and they find these platforms of exhibits a great way to showcase what and all that they

    have tried. It is always good to give the students a chance for implementing the things

    that they have learned and also to apply their ideas and present things differently in

    their own uni2ue way.

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    "lso, when an exhibit li%e this is held in a school,the students need to explain

    about what they are presenting. It is really a great chance for the students to spea% well.

    In most cases, the students need to explain to the faculties, their fellow students, -udges

    and may also need to explain to people who come from outside to see the exhibit. This

    helped in boosting in their s%ills in spea%ing and thus their confidence. There are

    chances for them to get that well. The Science "lliance lub certainly has the

    competitive, smart, and confident members that will follow the lub$s principles and will

    continue in the next years to come.

    !eneral Planning" #$ection an% &inance

    The materiali!ation of this activity included the following things /80 "wards and

    pri!es given to the deserving participants and teams for providing necessary incentives

    and encouragementsC /60 The proper arrangements of safety and securityC /D0 The

    program of tal%s, lectures and other items such as discussion were chal%ed out properly

    well in time and due publicity be given to itC /E0 "rrangement was made in such a way as

    not to allow the visitors to ma%e a crowd at one place. There should be proper flow of

    visitors in a 2ueue, one behind the other as far as possibleC /90 )ifferent separate

    section should be made for the display of gadgets and exhibits concerning different

    branches of science &iological Science, 5hysics, and 5hysical ScienceC /F0 The

    exhibits in each booth were easily visible and their wor%ing and principle was

    demonstrated and explained by competent guidesC /0 #ach team>booth representatives

    arranged for their one guide to explain the functioning of their gadgets and exhibits to

    the visitors of the exhibitC /J0 Aules and regulations regarding participation, display and

    security of their own goods and e2uipments were made clear to every bloc%C /@0 In thematter of the selection of site, proper spacious site is to be selected as to provide

    maximum facility for the successful organi!ation of the fairC /870 The visitors that will visit

    the booths in the exhibit teams paid in the form of entrance fees that was added to the

    fund of the Science "lliance lub.

    The Science "lliance lub sought for the cooperation of the head of the &icol

    *niversity ollege of #ducation and also for the approval of its member before

    conducting the event. 3oreover, what the lub adheres in every activities it leads is the

    active cooperation and participation of its members.