Latchford St James CE Primary School Recovery Curriculum 2020-21 Version 1: Autumn 1 (For full school reopening linked to COVID-19) Date Written: 22.07.2020 To be reviewed: Week beginning 05.10.2020 1

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Latchford St James CE Primary School

Recovery Curriculum 2020-21 Version 1: Autumn 1

(For full school reopening linked to COVID-19)

Date Written: 22.07.2020

To be reviewed: Week beginning 05.10.2020


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Latchford St James CE Primary School

Recovery Curriculum 2020-21 (Full school reopening linked to COVID-19)

Version 1: Autumn 1

Background & Rationale


From March 2020, due to COVID-19 and following Government instruction, Latchford St James CE Primary School was closed for the majority of its pupils to ensure the safety of the school community. From the 15 th June 2020 until the end of the summer term, school conducted a phased reopening to allow for pupils in Nursery, Reception, Year 1, Year 6 to return.

For the duration of school closure/phased reopening, school provided all pupils with a home learning offer with weekly updated activities that provided a broad and balanced curriculum offer, this included providing individual pupil access to a range of online learning tools; Purple Mash, My Maths, TTRockstars, Reading Plus, Spelling Shed, Reading Eggs, SPAG.com. Individual class teachers planned for learning activities linked to Reading, Writing, Spelling/Phonics, Grammar and Mathematics, as well as providing activities linked to different areas of the wider curriculum. Pupils were provided with learning packs prior to school closure to support their learning at home. For those families with limited internet access, school provided additional work packs.

Although a wide home learning offer was provided, school acknowledges that this was an extremely challenging time for our children and their families and, throughout lockdown, consistently promoted the need to ensure the safety and mental health and wellbeing of our children and their families as a key priority. Some children were able to come into school for a short period of time prior to finishing for the summer which enabled some taught learning to take place, but schools closures meant that some pupils have missed up to 14 weeks of learning. While the majority of our children engaged with home learning, due to a range of reasons, there is a wide variance of what children have been able to do during this lockdown period and so it is important that school take this into consideration by ensuring an appropriate Recovery Curriculum is put in place for the next academic year to provide the right support and learning opportunities to enable children to recover lost learning but also to enable them to recover from a mental health and wellbeing point of view.


Latchford St James CE Primary School have put together a Recovery Curriculum which clearly sets out how we will support our children to recover lost learning with a key focus on their mental health and wellbeing and has taken a research based, evidence led approach to doing so, which takes into account the latest Government guidance linked to school reopening. This Recovery Curriculum is a working document that will be regularly reviewed in light of any Government guidance, in addition to being reviewed, as a minimum, prior to each half term ready for the half term that will follow.

It is important to acknowledge the importance of supporting our children with their mental health and wellbeing and to understand that, for a lot of our children, there will be elements of trauma and loss/grief that need to be understood and supported before they are in a place where they are able to learn again. This does not necessarily mean they have faced wide trauma or even loss/grief that links to bereavement (although for some of our children this may be the case), but for each of our children, they will have faced trauma and/or loss/grief on some level. For example, during


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lockdown, they will have faced losses linked to routine and structure, friendships, freedom, precious time they would normally spend with wider members of their families, losses and difficulties that link to family members; for example a parent/carer losing their job, amongst others. For some children, these losses may have been a trigger for emotional anxiety in themselves and/or also family members which they have been witness to, which again feeds into elements of trauma in their lives. In addition to this, there may be children who have been directly impacted by COVID-19, either by illness or bereavement; this too may have caused trauma for all involved. The overall impact of these things cannot be underestimated and so it is important that any Recovery Curriculum takes these into consideration when planning for a whole school return in September. All of our children will need a more holistic approach, with some children requiring a more focused recovery intervention programme that can be personalised to their needs, which for some may even need a deeper, more longer-lasting recovery period to enable a wider exploration of the trauma, loss and potential attachment issues.

Teaching is a relationship-based profession and all who work in school understand the importance of building caring, purposeful relationships with children, to ensure a feeling of safety and security for all enabling them to be in the best possible place engaging with their learning to the best of their ability. In order to ensure that this continues, as a school community, we must acknowledge that more time will be needed this academic year to rebuild and strengthen these relationships. To support this, our Recovery Curriculum will be underpinned by our Christian Values, our curriculum drivers and will use the research evidence into what people need in the immediate to mid-term aftermath of mass trauma, which the global pandemic of Coronavirus COVID-19 could be construed as. (Appendix A)

The Latchford St James CE Primary School Recovery Curriculum will be based on ‘The Five Pillars of Recovery From Trauma’, Hobfoll, et al (2007).

The Five Pillars of Trauma1. Relationships To ensure our children feel a sense of safety when they return, it is important that we

initially focus on ‘Relationships’. We cannot just expect all children to return happily to school; many of the relationships that had previously been built, including children’s friendships, will need time to be invested in again and restored through love, support and kindness. It is important as a school we plan time for this to happen and that staff rebuild/use positive relationships to cushion the difficulties associated with returning to school that some children may have. This includes clear communication of the rules, expectations and consequences to re-establish routines and enable school to more closely resemble what it was before the pandemic to help to children to feel reassured that not everything has changed and that some things continue to remain consistent.

2. Community To enable a sense of calm for our children, as well as supporting self and the community, it is important that we recognise that our learning has been taking place outside of school for a long period of time. As part of the Recovery Curriculum, school will listen to what has happened during this time to help gain a wider understand of the needs of our school community which will then support the transition of learning back into school. In addition to this, the Recovery Curriculum will provide regular opportunities for children to talk about, share and process their thoughts, feelings and experiences in a safe and supportive environment with familiar, caring adults. Regular Worship time, along with weekly PSHE lessons will be used to support all children with their spirituality, mental health and wellbeing. School acknowledge that some children may require more specialist support linked to this so we have established a Pastoral Team for this purpose.

3. Transparent Curriculum

In seeking information and asking for feedback about experiences during lockdown, including learning, school will ensure parents and children have a sense of participation and input to enable school to build a Recovery Curriculum. As children may feel like they have lost learning time, it is also important that school show children how these gaps are being addressed. Resilience and perseverance will be a


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key message. 4. Metacognition To enable children to feel connected to and have a sense of control over their

learning, school aim to quickly identify what support children will need and set realistic, achievable goals. This will be accomplished by using a range of assessment techniques to establish a baseline. Children will be encouraged to show curiosity in their learning and will be supported in their understanding of how they can engage effectively in the classroom whilst developing greater independence. This will be communicated with parents so they can support learning at home.

5. Hope and the Space to ‘be’

While school must ensure that we work at a pace to rebuild and recover lost learning, it is also important to provide opportunities for exploration and to help pupils to reflect on any positive changes that have come about as a result of this global situation. For example, for them as an individual, or for their families, communities, country and the wider world. This can also lead into wider work based around our Christian Values to reflect on the positives in our everyday lives and experiences, no matter how small, and how this bring Hope for the future with a focus on positivity, resilience and ambition.

Latchford St James CE Primary School’s Recovery Curriculum has been formulated based on the above information. In addition to this, the school will also use Government guidance and curriculum resources to support its delivery with the aim of gaining the best possible outcomes for our pupils to support their return to school and education.

Supporting Transitions

Under normal circumstances, children would have the opportunity to spend a number of days in their new class prior to the end of the summer term. This year, due to lockdown, the usual transition was not possible. However, staff have ensured that a detailed transition has taken place between previous class teacher and new class teacher and teaching assistants. The first two days of term will be dedicated to establishing relationships, rules and routines and settling the children into their new class.

For those children moving between settings/Key Stages, additional focus will be given to transitions to allow for specialised ‘catch-up’ to be put in place, where required:

Additional support for those children joining EYFS in Reception, to ensure children are ready to learn in a school environment.

Where needed, targeted provision, support and intervention for those children moving from Reception to Year 1 will be in place. For the first half term, there will be a need to mirror the EYFS setting and provide Continuous Provision to secure their ELG’s so that children are ready to access the Year 1 curriculum.

Children moving from Key Stage 1 (Y2) into Key Stage 2 (Y3); targeted support linked to securing end of Key Stage 1 objectives, as well as continuing provision for Phonics during the first half of the Autumn term to support all children to be secure with their Phonic knowledge.

Mental Health & Wellbeing (including Physical Education)

Mental Health and Wellbeing will form a central part of our Recovery Curriculum. On returning to school, the first week will primarily focus on this; a range of different activities will be arranged to enable children to have the opportunity to learn more about the new routines and systems that are in place, giving them the chances to ask questions to secure their understanding, as well as having time to start to form and build relationships with the adults that are working in their new classroom.

Moving forward, there will be a greater emphasis on PSHE. During these sessions, children will be given opportunity to share thoughts and feelings, as well as learning relaxation techniques to support their mental health and wellbeing.


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Where teachers identify a need, additional time can be spent on mindfulness and mental health/wellbeing activities with their class as a whole.

Mental Health and Bereavement training has been carried out by the pastoral team to support pupils and staff as required.

In addition to regular PSHE and Mindfulness sessions, the children will also complete the weekly PE entitlement. Due to COVID-19, this will take a different format than last academic year. Class teachers will usually lead PE sessions, with children coming into school in their PE Kit on PE days instead of changing into it in school. In-line with current Government guidance, there will be NO contact sports and PE sessions will focus on health and fitness activities that can be done independently, including activities linked to dance.

In addition to focus on mental health and wellbeing in class, there will also continue to be resources and links to useful websites for children and their families on the school website that can be accessed at any time.

RE & Worship

As a Church of England School, it is important that our Christian Values are central to our Recovery Curriculum. Each month we will have a focus on one Christian Value which will be central to our daily worships.

The teaching of Religious Education will be a key part of weekly teaching and learning in addition to opportunities for daily worship. As a school, we follow the Understanding Christianity Scheme (http://www.understandingchristianity.org.uk/). Reflection Areas will continue to be available in classrooms, so that children and staff have a place to go for quiet reflection.

Due to whole school worship in the hall not being possible, class teachers will ensure that a 10 minute worship takes places each day. These will usually follow the sequence of worships from the Whole School Worship ‘Values for Life’ folder. Worships will also be supplemented with different content linked to key events/celebrations as is usual practice. In addition to this, Oak National Academy have also produced some excellent worships/assemblies which may sometimes be used to supplement worships where appropriate.


Reading is fundamental to all areas of learning and, as such, will play a key role in our Recovery Curriculum. As a school we use the Pathways to Read scheme which is built around high quality texts to support children’s progress in all aspects of reading.

Reading will be taught in the following ways:

Pathways to Read Scheme of Work will be followed daily in Years 2-6. EYFS and Year 1 will use the guided reading carousel system. Online tools Reading Plus (Years 2 to 6) and Reading Eggs (EYFS to Y2) will be used to support children’s progress

in Reading. Time will be allocated weekly for children to access these online tools. They will also be used to set homework for children.

Literacy Shed Plus will provide supplementary activities.


At LSJ we follow the Letters and Sounds programme for Phonics and LCP Phonics to support planning. School have a subscription to Phonics Play and staff are able to access resources linked to this.

At the beginning of the Autumn term, baseline assessments will be completed linked to Phonics; previous class teachers will also be providing detailed handover information linked to Phonics to support the next year group teacher to identify provisional starting points for their class. For the first half term, children in EYFS up to Year 2 will have daily Phonics


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sessions. By utilising both the class teacher and teaching assistant, there will still be an opportunity to split the children into different phonics groups if further differentiation is needed, along with providing additional support to those children who may require additional Phonics intervention.

Key Spelling Lists/Rules

A key focus for all year groups will be to ensure that the Common Exception Word Lists (CEW) for their year group are covered, along with ensuring the previous set have also been achieved. This may mean that some year groups spend time in the first half of the Autumn term consolidating the CEW List from the previous year; for example, children in Year 3 may need to focus on the Year 2 list so that they are secure with these spellings. This will also include key tricky words/high frequency words that children need to learn linked to their Phonics phases. (NB. Children should also be able to read these words too).

Again, baseline assessments will be completed for these word lists to enable teachers to plan accordingly. These will also be used to inform class teachers so that they can plan spelling homework lists for parents/carers to work on at home so they are regularly reinforced and overlearning can take place.


Grammar skills sit within the Pathways to Write units and link to year group age-related expectations and identify different activities that can be completed to support the teaching of these objectives. There are also additional year group resources linked to Grammar that can be found on Purple Mash and SPAG.com. There will be allocated time each week to focus specifically on Grammar skills.

Writing (including Vocabulary and Handwriting)

As a school, Latchford St James CE Primary School follow the ‘Pathways to Write’ scheme which has 6 units to cover for each class across the academic year. The units cover of a wide range of writing genres across all year groups.

All Pathways to Write units are built around a high quality text which has been carefully selected by the Literacy Company consultants providing challenge and extension to children’s learning. Each unit also has a focus on high quality vocabulary.

Latchford St James CE Primary uses the Oxford Writing Criterion Scale to assess writing half termly.

In order to prepare for the new academic year, children will complete a writing assessment during the first full week back. This will inform future planning and interventions and ensure that staff have a secure understanding of children’s strengths and next steps. These will be shared with the children so they know what they need to focus on as their personal targets.

All classes should have an English Working Wall which can be used to support children’s learning in English and track the learning journey through a unit, being purposeful to support children’s progress.

Latchford St James CE Primary School use a bespoke Cursive Handwriting Scheme for the teaching of Handwriting. This is detailed in our handwriting policy and can be found on the school website. Handwriting will continue to be taught in short, discrete sessions with follow-up activities to give children the opportunity to practise their handwriting through daily Phonics/spelling lessons.



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Latchford St James CE Primary School follows Power Maths for the teaching of Mathematics and use the White Rose Maths Scheme of Work. Initial assessments will be completed in September to support class teachers to plan for whole class Mathematics learning to target any gaps in the previous year groups expectations which will inform teaching to support children to ‘catch-up’ with previous learning to enable them to access new year group expectations, as well as to plan any additional Mathematics interventions that will be needed.

When children return in September, they will complete the previous year’s ‘end of unit check’ before starting the Power Maths unit for their current year group. This will happen one/two weeks before they begin the new unit to allow for pre teaching to take place.

Year 1 – Year 6 classes should have a Maths Working Wall which can be used to support children’s learning in Mathematics.

Times Tables

In-line with the Mathematics National Curriculum, classes will focus on set times tables that link to their own year group expectation. They will also ensure previous years’ tables are secure, with the aim that by the end of Year 4 all children will be secure with all of their times tables.

As the children moving up from Year 4 to Year 5 did not take the Times Tables Check last year, additional focus will be in place to ensure that children in Year 5 (and also Year 6) are secure with all of their times tables. There will be a weekly times tables focus from children in Years 2 to 6, which will be reinforced with homework via TTRockstars that also links to the weekly focus. Once Year 1 children are ready, they will also focus on activities that link to times tables within their own curriculum. However, due to the focus on consolidating EYFS knowledge, this may begin later in the year than normal.


The EYFS Recovery Curriculum will take into the account the fact that many children may not have been in a nursery setting for several months and will primarily focus on the transition into school. Starting a new school can be unsettling for some children and this year has been made even more challenging due to COVID-19. At the start of the year, children will have settling in visits for two days followed by three half day sessions to support a smooth transition. This will allow the child to come into school and get to know their new friends, teachers, school and surroundings in a smaller group, with a focus on building positive relationships. Children have also been sent videos of the indoor and outdoor learning environment to familiarise them with their new surroundings.

Following this transition period, once children have settled in, we will primarily be focusing on a curriculum that focuses on the well-being of the children and our learning experiences will be based on the following 5 areas.

1. Relationships: Sense of Safety: consistent, predictable routines, supporting children with transitions through the day; making transitions calm and unhurried; providing children with a calm space that they can go into if they want and taking into account that some children may have been in education during lock down working in smaller groups and helping them adjust to the challenges of a new larger group; supporting children through games and play who may feel separation anxiety.

2. Community: Sense of Calm: ensuring children are learning in a calm environment; have access to an adult that they can talk to and begin to develop strong relationships.

3. Transparent Curriculum: Sense of self and collective efficacy: Ensuring children feel in control and a self of purpose whilst in school through focusing on communications with lots of positive praise to celebrate the children’s successes and things they are doing well.

4. Metacognition: Sense of connectedness: Establishing a sense of reconnection to the environment by spending time outdoors learning; supporting children to rebuild and forge new relationships; planning and offering activities that bring children together and promote feelings or belonging to our school community.


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5. Hope and the Space ‘to be’: Promoting Hope: finding ways for the children to talk about how they are feeling, things they have learned from their experiences, the things they have been happy about and the things that they are looking forward to.

In addition to a primary focus on mental health and wellbeing and ensuring the children feel safe and settled in school, a key area of learning will be working with the children to help develop their use and understanding of vocabulary and language. We will do this by focusing on modelling and engaging the children in high quality dialogue as well as using high quality texts to teach English and Understanding the World.

There will a high focus on children’s listening and attention, understanding and speaking skills to support good development in their communication and language. Interventions will be planned for those children needing additional support.

Daily Phonics sessions will take place and we will also ensure that children have time to practise and consolidate their Phase 1 phonic knowledge whilst beginning Phase 2. Children who need it will also be given daily Early Mathematics and Early English interventions if needed.

Children will have access to a quality learning environment that will allow children to effectively develop the Characteristics of Effective Learning – Playing and Exploring, Active Learning, Creating and Thinking Critically. Through the use of continuous provision children will have these opportunities to learn through play with their peers and school staff.

Through the use of Continuous Provision and daily group sessions children will also be developing their fine motor skills as part of the Recovery Curriculum. This will include: Dough Disco and Finger gym with the aim of children beginning to master the tri-pod grip.

Other Curriculum Areas

During the first half of the Autumn term, to enable a focused catch-up programme of learning to take place, there will be a slimmed down version of our wider curriculum being covered. This will be reviewed at the end of the Autumn term with a view to expand the curriculum offer to encompass all curriculum areas moving forward. For the interim, coverage for the first Autumn half term will include: English, Mathematics, Phonics/Spelling and Grammar, PE, RE and Worship, PSHE and Spanish (KS2). EYFS will continue to provide Continuous Provision along elements of the aforementioned subjects. This will be reviewed at the end of the first half term and then again at the end of each half term moving forwards.


Due to the uncertainties that still surround COVID-19, the majority of homework will be linked with online learning tools to limit the movement of resources between home and school. All long-ins have previously been shared.

Homework will consist of the following:

Reading Plus or Reading Eggs will cover the reading elements of homework (NB. For the first half of the Autumn term, we will be limiting the resources that move between home and school, as a result of this, your child may not bring a ‘hard copy’ of a reading book home).

Spellings will continue to be set on Spelling Shed. Children should focus on their list of words each week and learn these at home; lists will be tested in school on a set day each week.

MyMaths – Weekly Mathematics focus activity will be set via MyMaths to be completed online. TTRockstars (Y2 to Y6) – Weekly times tables focus will be set each week to be completed online. Purple Mash – English based activity to be set via Purple Mash each week, to be completed and submitted



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Baseline assessments will be completed linked to core curriculum areas to enable teachers to clearly identify targets for children as well as to support them to plan for appropriate interventions.

In the EYFS baseline assessments will be carried out using the EYFS Development Matters and baseline observations across all areas of learning.

For all other classes, there will be a range of different assessments that will be completed within the first few weeks on returning to school to enable teachers to get a clear baseline on which to plan intervention support as well as target areas for whole class focus. Assessments will link to the following areas: Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Spelling, Grammar and Phonics.


Following assessments, targeted intervention groups will be identified and interventions will be planned and delivered by teachers/TAs. Where required, PIVOTS will be used to support the planning for smaller steps linked to interventions, particularly for those children with SEND. In addition to these, Government guidance linked to planning for smaller steps and the sequencing of learning within and across year groups will also be used to plan for interventions.

All interventions will be recorded and tracked over a half term period, with additional tracking and assessment taking place to identify the impact of such assessments and support with planning for moving forward for the next half term.

Due to missed learning linked to COVID-19, class timetables have been streamlined in the first half of the Autumn term to allow for wider whole class support across areas of English and Mathematics to enable children to catch up with lost learning.


Latchford St James CE Primary School will continue to follow all Government guidance linked to SEND provision in school, including for those children in receipt of an EHCP.

Wherever possible, referrals to external services will take place and, depending on need and the ability to maintain the safety of all concerned, visits to site may take place if there is a need to do so for external agencies to observe and assess children linked to SEND.

Our SEND schedule will continue to run, with IEPs being implemented and reviewed at regular points, with new IEP recommendations written and shared with parents/carers. Interventions linked to external reports/EHCPs will also be put in place.

Pupil Premium

School will continue to ensure that children in receipt of Pupil Premium are supported and provision is made for them in-line with Government guidance.

Due to the challenges of COVID-19, school understand that family circumstances may change and will provide regular reminders to families for how to apply to see if they are eligible for Pupil Premium, putting support in place where it is required.

Class & TA Timetables


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So that Latchford St James CE Primary School’s Recovery Curriculum can be implemented effectively, for the first half of the Autumn term, class timetables will be compiled to ensure that: all classes have access to facilities around school with limited cross over between groups including the hall and ICT Suite; PE sessions are in place; Staff PPA and Management Time are allocated and covered; staff are able to take a lunch break and cover is available to do so with minimal impact on crossover of staff in pods.

TAs have been allocated to a class and there will be limited cross over between pods. During the majority of lessons, TAs will be used for in-class support in addition to delivering interventions for any children who require them. Again this will be noted on individual class timetables.

Social Distancing Measures

To ensure the safety of our children, staff and wider school community, Latchford St James CE Primary School will continue, to have social distancing measures in place for the new academic year. This includes staggered drop off and pick up times as well as having class pods of up to 30 children, with adults allocated to each bubble. These will stay as consistent as possible. Additional time will also be needed within the school day to allow for handwashing and cleaning. Detailed risk assessments have been completed and should be viewed alongside this Recovery Curriculum.

Contingency Planning for Potential Further Lockdowns (e.g. Local Lockdown)

Due to the uncertainties surrounding COVID-19, it is important for Latchford St James CE Primary School to plan for further potential lockdown situations be that Local Lockdown, a Wider Lockdown or, for example, a class pod needing to self-isolate.

In the event that another lockdown is needed on a whole school level, learning will move online for the duration of this time. The majority of our home learning offer will link to online learning and will utilise the following online tools:

Purple Mash MyMaths TTRockstars Reading Plus (Y2 to Y6) Reading Eggs Reading (EYFS to Y2) Spelling Shed SPAG.com

In addition to these online tools, school will also be using the Government’s online school, Oak National Academy as a key source of online learning, particularly if the lockdown will be for a short, set period of time.


Latchford St James CE Primary School’s Recovery Curriculum will be reviewed, as a minimum, once every half term in preparation for half term that will follow. At present, there is a key focus on closing the gap to recover lost learning linked to lockdown, with a focus on supporting our children’s mental health and wellbeing as they return to school and education. As a result of this, not all curriculum areas will be covered in the first half of the Autumn term; a review of this will take place prior to the second half of the Autumn Term, with a view to opening up a wider curriculum offer as soon as we are able to do so.

Appendix A

Curriculum Drivers


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The curriculum drivers are used to underpin the learning and experiences we undertake in all areas of school life and to ensure our curriculum offer is enriched. These key drivers are personal to our school and reflect the social and educational needs of our local area.








Christian Values

Our Christian Values permeate all that we do: our teaching and learning and our relationships with colleagues and the community we serve.

September HopeOctober GenerosityNovember Friendship (Acceptance)December PeaceJanuary Respect (Empathy)February LoveMarch Faith (Courage)April Forgiveness (Patience)May CompassionJune Honesty July/August Service and Thankfulness


Research Evidence:Recovery Curriculum


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https://www.evidenceforlearning.net/recoverycurriculum/Based on the research of:Barry Carpenter, CBE, Professor of Mental Health in Education, Oxford Brookes University, UKMatthew Carpenter, Principal, Baxter College, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, UK

Research Evidence: Evidence for the Recovery Curriculum – The Five Pillars of Trauma is based on the evidence from the following references: Hobfoll, et al (2007) Five Essential Elements of Immediate and Mid-Term Mass Trauma Intervention: Empirical Evidence

Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) Guidance Documentshttps://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/tools/guidance-reports/

Learning:National Curriculumhttps://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-curriculum-in-england-primary-curriculum

Teaching Mathematics in Primary School:https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/teaching-mathematics-in-primary-schools

Literacy Companywww.theliteracycompany.co.uk

White Rose Mathshttps://whiterosemaths.com

Oak National Academyhttps://classroom.thenational.academy

Purple Mashhttps://www.purplemash.com

Reading Eggswww.readingeggs.co.uk


Reading Plushttps://student.readingplus.co.uk

Spelling Shedhttps://www.spellingshed.com

Other Websites:https://www.coventry.gov.uk/info/62/coventry_send_support_service/3632/primary_recovery_curriculum