Title: Osaka University International Certificate Program (OUICP) December 2020 intake Greeting from Osaka University. We are pleased to announce you that we have started nominating students for the exchange program called Osaka University International Certificate Program 2020”. This program is mainly intended for graduate students of joint campus counterpart universities with Osaka University in ASEAN countries and will start in December 2020. Please refer to the attached application guide and distribute the application form to your students. After receiving all the required information and documents from students, please submit them to Osaka University by the deadline. The deadline for nomination to Osaka University is September 11. Application guide and form are also available from the link below. Osaka University International Certificate Program (OUICP) Application Form 2020 Osaka University International Certificate Program 2020 Application Guide URL: https://www.osaka-u.ac.jp/ja/international/action/asean/asean_icp/osaka-university- international-certificate-program Nomination deadline: 11 September 2020 Method of nomination and application submission: Please submit the required documents for all applicants to the following address. Email attachment will be accepted. contactkokusai-renkei-renkei (at) office.osaka-u.ac.jp Please be informed that we will be totally closed from 12th to 16th of August due to summer holidays. We are looking forward to your nomination! Sincerely,

LQWHQGHG IRU JUDGXDWHVWXGHQWVRI MRLQW...Dear Students, Greeting from Osaka University. We are pleased to announce you that we have started nominating students for the exchange program

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Page 1: LQWHQGHG IRU JUDGXDWHVWXGHQWVRI MRLQW...Dear Students, Greeting from Osaka University. We are pleased to announce you that we have started nominating students for the exchange program

Title: Osaka University International Certificate Program (OUICP) December 2020 intake

Greeting from Osaka University.

We are pleased to announce you that we have started nominating students for the exchange

program called “Osaka University International Certificate Program 2020”.

This program is mainly intended for graduate students of joint campus counterpart universities

with Osaka University in ASEAN countries and will start in December 2020.

Please refer to the attached application guide and distribute the application form to your students.

After receiving all the required information and documents from students, please submit them to

Osaka University by the deadline. The deadline for nomination to Osaka University is September


Application guide and form are also available from the link below.

■ Osaka University International Certificate Program (OUICP) Application Form 2020

■ Osaka University International Certificate Program 2020 Application Guide

URL: https://www.osaka-u.ac.jp/ja/international/action/asean/asean_icp/osaka-university-


Nomination deadline: 11 September 2020

Method of nomination and application submission:

Please submit the required documents for all applicants to the following address.

Email attachment will be accepted.

【contact】kokusai-renkei-renkei (at) office.osaka-u.ac.jp

Please be informed that we will be totally closed from 12th to 16th of August due to summer


We are looking forward to your nomination!


10 ส.ค.2563
10.15 น.
Page 2: LQWHQGHG IRU JUDGXDWHVWXGHQWVRI MRLQW...Dear Students, Greeting from Osaka University. We are pleased to announce you that we have started nominating students for the exchange program

Dear Students,

Greeting from Osaka University.

We are pleased to announce you that we have started nominating students for the exchange

program called “Osaka University International Certificate Program 2020”.

This program is mainly intended for graduate students of joint campus counterpart universities

with Osaka University in ASEAN countries and will start in December 2020.

Application form and guide are available from the link below and will also be given by the local

program coordinator (Associate Professor Dr. Choowong Auesukaree).

■Osaka University International Certificate Program (OUICP) Application Form 2020

URL: https://www.osaka-u.ac.jp/en/international/action/asean (tentative)

The deadline for nomination to OU is September 11.

※Application deadline in your home institution will be set separately by the coordinator.

Participants should submit all the following documents in PDF to the coordinator by the deadline.

1) A completed OUICP Application Form 2020

2) The latest transcript of the applicant’s academic record

3) Copy of passport

Please be informed that we will be totally closed from 12th to 16th of August due to summer


We are looking forward to your nomination!


Director of International Center for Biotechnology, Osaka University

Prof. FUJIYAMA Kazuhito,


International Affairs Division, Osaka University

Email: kokusai-renkei-renkei <at> office.osaka-u.ac.jp

Office hours: Mon-Fri, 08:30-17:15

Page 3: LQWHQGHG IRU JUDGXDWHVWXGHQWVRI MRLQW...Dear Students, Greeting from Osaka University. We are pleased to announce you that we have started nominating students for the exchange program


Name of Applicant:

Home Institution:

Date (Day/Month/Year):

All the following documents should be submitted to the local program coordinator at your home institution by the deadline. The documents have to be submitted in PDF.

Check List (Check in the boxes provided.)

1) □ A completed OUICP Application Form 2020

2) □ The latest transcript of the applicant’s academic record

3) □ Copy of passport

Deadline: September 11, 2020

Center for Global Initiatives and Department of International Affairs

Osaka University

Osaka University

International Certificate Program (OUICP) Application Form 2020

(This page is the cover of the application form in total 6 pages.)

Page 4: LQWHQGHG IRU JUDGXDWHVWXGHQWVRI MRLQW...Dear Students, Greeting from Osaka University. We are pleased to announce you that we have started nominating students for the exchange program


OUICP Application

Note: Please type or print.

Please fill out in English with all non-English scripts (names, etc.) Romanized. Numbers should be Arabic numerals. Years should be written according to the Western calendar. Proper nouns should be written in full, no abbreviations.

Section 1: Personal Details

1. Name exactly as shown in your passport. *Names which cannot be divided into first and family names should be written on the Family Name line.

Family Name First Name Middle Name

2. Nationality 3. Gender 4. Date of Birth

☐ Male ☐ Female

Day Month Year

5. Present mailing address in home country

Address: E-mail:

Tel: 6. Person to be notified in case of emergency in home country

Name: Tel:


Address: E-mail:

7. Home Institution

University / Institution:

Faculty / School:


Major Field of your study:

☐ 1st

☐ Master

☐ Doctor

☐ 2nd

☐ 3rd

Course: ☐ Other Grade: ☐ Other

8. Expected graduation / completion date at home institution / / Day Month Year

Paste your face photo data here, taken within the last 6 months

Page 5: LQWHQGHG IRU JUDGXDWHVWXGHQWVRI MRLQW...Dear Students, Greeting from Osaka University. We are pleased to announce you that we have started nominating students for the exchange program


9. Educational Background

Institution Name and location of institution Degrees earned

Entrance Completion

Month Year Month Year

University/ College


University/ College


10. Job history (if applicable)

Section 2: Language

1. Language Self Evaluation (Check the appropriate box.)

Native Language Excellent Good Fair Poor

English ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

2. Language Qualification

If you have a certificate of language, such as TOEFL, IELTS, specify the details below.

(1) Name of the test:

(2) Date of the test:

(3) Score / Classification:

Section 3: Study at Osaka University

1. School/Graduate School

Please mark the School/Graduate School of the professor/associate professor you have a permission if applicable.

Refer to the URL below, if you require further information on Osaka University faculties or schools. https://www.osaka-u.ac.jp/en/academics

School/Graduate School Mark

Science ☐

Pharmaceutical Sciences ☐

Engineering ☐

Engineering Science ☐

Other school/institute( ) ☐

Page 6: LQWHQGHG IRU JUDGXDWHVWXGHQWVRI MRLQW...Dear Students, Greeting from Osaka University. We are pleased to announce you that we have started nominating students for the exchange program


2. Program

Please mark one of the program you would like to get enrolled in.

Program Mark

Advanced Industrial Biotechnology ☐

Halal Science, Technology and Innovation ☐

Nanoscience and Nanotechnology as Manufacturing Core ☐

Introduction to Computational Materials Design ☐

Frontier Engineering Science: An Introduction through STEM-Centered Learning

3. Laboratory, Field work or Internship (if applicable) If you have already got a permission to be accepted by one of Osaka University’s

professor/associate professors, please indicate his/her name. You cannot choose an assistant


Professor’s Name:

4. Planned Study Period in Japan (Check the appropriate box and/or fill in the blanks.)

Mark Study Period in Japan Stay Period in Japan (at least 60days)

☐ Winter Term (December 2 – February 5) From: dd/mm/yyyy To: dd/mm/yyyy

Spring Term (April 9 – June 10) From: dd/mm/yyyy To: dd/mm/yyyy

Summer Term (June 11 – August 7) From: dd/mm/yyyy To: dd/mm/yyyy

Section 4: Declaration

Page 7: LQWHQGHG IRU JUDGXDWHVWXGHQWVRI MRLQW...Dear Students, Greeting from Osaka University. We are pleased to announce you that we have started nominating students for the exchange program



I hereby certify that my statements on this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge, and I understand that any willfully false statement is sufficient for rejection of admission, or for dismissal from the Osaka University International Certificate Program. I also declare that I will respect the regulations of Osaka University if I am successfully admitted to the program. I have contacted the supervisor of my home institution and he/she agreed my participation to the Osaka University International Certificate Program.

Print Name of applicant:

Date: Signature of applicant:

I hereby certify that I recommend the applicant to study at Osaka University on the Osaka

University International Certificate Program.


Date: Signature of Supervisor:

OUICP STUDY PLAN (Please type or print.)

Name in full:

Major/ Minor field of study at your university/ Institution:

(1) State major reasons for applying for OUICP and/ or describe your interest in the research area.

(2) For the research area you have selected, make a list of up to 5 courses that you have completed so far at your home

institution(s) that are relevant to the research area and demonstrate a familiarity with the field and/or topic.

(3) Describe your laboratory experience (e.g., student labs, individual research, etc.) at your home institution(s) if any.

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(4) Describe your research/ study plan in Japan as detailed as possible.

Financial Resources Confirmation Form

Name of Applicant:

Home Institution:

1. Information on Financial Resources: Your main source of income to be used to support studies in the Osaka University

International Certificate Program at Osaka University

☐ Yourself (own savings): yen / month

☐ From financial supporter: yen / month

☐ Scholarship: yen / month

☐ Others: yen / month

2. Financial Supporter Information (If you checked “From financial supporter” in 1)

a) Name:

b) Address:

c) Telephone No.:

d) Relationship with you

3. Source of scholarship funding (If you checked “Scholarship” in 1)


Page 9: LQWHQGHG IRU JUDGXDWHVWXGHQWVRI MRLQW...Dear Students, Greeting from Osaka University. We are pleased to announce you that we have started nominating students for the exchange program




Page 10: LQWHQGHG IRU JUDGXDWHVWXGHQWVRI MRLQW...Dear Students, Greeting from Osaka University. We are pleased to announce you that we have started nominating students for the exchange program

Osaka University International Certificate Program 2020

Application Guide

1.Program ........................................................................1

Program Details ..................................................1

Language Skill ....................................................1

2.Timetable for entry in December 2020 .......................2

3.Application ....................................................................2

Participant’s Application materials ..................2

Notification of Admission ..................................3

4.Nomination ...................................................................3

Official Nomination ............................................3

Citizenship ..........................................................3

Health ...................................................................3

5.General Information .....................................................3

6.Course Information ......................................................4

7.Accommodation ...........................................................7

8.Travel and Living Cost ................................................7

9.Scholarships ................................................................7

10.Handling of student’s personal information ...........7

11.Contact ........................................................................7

Page 11: LQWHQGHG IRU JUDGXDWHVWXGHQWVRI MRLQW...Dear Students, Greeting from Osaka University. We are pleased to announce you that we have started nominating students for the exchange program


1. Program Osaka University International Certificate Program (OUICP) is a new educational program commenced in 2020 in

collaboration with Osaka University Joint Campus counterparts in ASEAN Countries.

Osaka University issues a certificate upon successful completion of the program on a specific field with 6 to 8 credits.

OUICP is for Graduate students of Joint Campus counterpart universities and working people (non-students) who have received at least a bachelor’s degree.

The program starts in December 2020 and ends in September 2021 for this time only (normally starts in October and the total period of completion is one year).

Participants in the program have to practice Practical Study Abroad (PSA) course and study at Osaka university for at least 60 days in one or more of preferable term(s)*. (For 2020-2021) *Winter Term (December 2 – February 5) / Spring Term (April 9 – June 10) / Summer Term (June 11 – August 7)

Program Details Applicable exchange agreements Active university-wide agreement (or active and relevant school level, discipline

specific student exchange agreement if the conditions are met).

Campuses Toyonaka, Suita or Minoh

Study type Participants can take lectures and earn credits at Osaka University Joint Campus throughout the year. When studying abroad at Osaka University, participants will practice one or more of the PSA courses composed of laboratory work, field study and internship.

Medium of language English

Total credits 6-8 credits


From December 2020 to the end of September 2021 for this time only. (Participants will stay in Japan for at least 60 days and will complete the PSA course at Osaka University). *Program may be offered online depending on the situation of covid-19.

Eligibility Graduate students of Joint Campus counterpart universities, and working people who have received at least a bachelor’s degree are eligible.

Requirements for "Program Completion Certificate" Successful completion of 6-8 credits during the program

Accommodation In the event that university accommodation is not available, OU will assist in finding a private accommodation.

Airport pick-up Not available - directions and transportation information to the residence hall or university will be distributed.

Language Skill Participants are recommended to have a high proficiency in spoken and written English as shown below. TOEFL iBT 80 / IELTS 6.0 or higher Cambridge English with CEFR B2 level or higher

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2. Timetable for entry in December 2020 Event Date Process

Home university’s nomination deadline 11 September 2020 STEP 1

Notification of admission 9 October 2020 STEP 2

Student’s CESR* registration deadline

Non-Japanese participants must obtain a student visa at a Japan embassy/consulate on their own responsibility. Osaka University Support Office makes a proxy application for a CESR for participants. Participants should apply for their CESR about two months before arrival in Japan. Participant’s CESR document will be mailed only to their current or permanent address.

*Support Office website

Accommodation allocation notification About one month before arrival in Japan STEP 3

Participant’s VISA application and Flight booking Immediately after receiving CESR (About one month before arrival in Japan) STEP 4

*CESR (Certificate of Eligibility for Status of Residence) registration can be completed on an independent web page administrated by Osaka University Support Office. (https://iss-intl.osaka-u.ac.jp/supportoffice/eng/visa/)

Please note the deadlines below for visiting Japan.

*PSA course may be offered online depending on the situation of covid-19.

3. Application Participant’s Application materials Participants should make sure to submit all the required information and documents to Osaka University through the local program coordinator at their home institution by the nomination deadline. Inaccurate or incomplete application and lack of correspondence may result in rejection. The local program coordinator should submit the following application form and documents to Osaka University by email after receiving them from participants.

【International Affairs Division, Osaka University】 kokusai-renkei-renkei<at>office.osaka-u.ac.jp

Application Form and Guide are available from the link below and will also be given by the local program coordinator.

■Osaka University International Certificate Program (OUICP) Application Form 2020

■Osaka University International Certificate Program 2020 Application Guide

URL: https://www.osaka-u.ac.jp/ja/international/action/asean/asean_icp/osaka-university-international-certificate-program

Participants should submit all the following documents to the coordinator by the deadline. The documents have to be submitted in PDF. 1) A completed OUICP Application Form 2020 2) The latest transcript of the applicant’s academic record 3) Copy of passport

CESR registration Student’s arriving itinerarysubmission Arrival (Dorm check-in)

16 Oct 2020 13 Nov 2020 1 Dec 2020

16 Jan 2021 5 Mar 2021 8 Apr 2021

16 Mar 2021 7 May 2021 10 Jun 2021

Study Period in Japan (PSA* terms)

Winter (2 Dec 2020 - 5 Feb 2021)

Spring (9 Apr 2021 - 10 Jun 2021)

Summer (11 Jun 2021 - 7 Aug 2021)

Page 13: LQWHQGHG IRU JUDGXDWHVWXGHQWVRI MRLQW...Dear Students, Greeting from Osaka University. We are pleased to announce you that we have started nominating students for the exchange program


Notification of Admission Notification of admission will be given by email to participants and the local program coordinator after the decision has been made. Participants should proceed to apply for CESR after they receive the admission notification. Application for CESR must be made from the web page of Osaka University Support Office. Upon receiving the CESR, the participants have to apply for the “Student visa” to the local Japanese embassy or consulate.

4. Nomination Official Nomination Prospective incoming participants to Osaka University must go through a selection process by the local program coordinator and receive nomination from home institution. OU does not accept direct application of participants.

Citizenship Participant must be a citizen, legal resident or visa holder in the country/region of home university. Participant with Japanese citizenship can be considered if they are mainly educated outside of Japan.

Health Suitable conditions of physical, mental and social health to study abroad.

5. General Information UNIVERSITY AND CONTACT INFORMATION Name of University Osaka University 大阪大学 University website http://www.osaka-u.ac.jp/en/ Campus location Suita, Toyonaka & Minoh, Osaka, Japan Campus map http://www.osaka-u.ac.jp/en/access/for_print


Study Period in Japan □Winter Term (December 2 – February 5) □Spring Term (April 9 – June 10) □Summer Term (June 11 – August 7)

ACADEMIC INFORMATION Student Status Special Auditor (Non-regular student)

Course Evaluation S(100-90) /A(89-80) /B(79-70) /C(69-60) /F(59-) FAIL



OU tuition fee is waived (by a relevant student exchange agreement). Participants in the program exceeding the maximum number of incoming student exchange agreement and working people (non-students) will pay the following fees to each graduate school. Enrollment Fee: 28,200 yen

Examination Fee: 9,800 yen Tuition Fee: 14,400 yen per credit


Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research (PAS) (1,000 yen/ 1 year). It is highly recommended to purchase valid overseas travel insurance before coming to Japan.

Page 14: LQWHQGHG IRU JUDGXDWHVWXGHQWVRI MRLQW...Dear Students, Greeting from Osaka University. We are pleased to announce you that we have started nominating students for the exchange program


6. Course Information OUICP consists of the following programs.

Advanced Industrial Biotechnology

Nanoscience and Nanotechnology as Manufacturing Core

Course Name Course Affiliation Credits Course Term Required Optional

OUICP-Fundamentals of Industrial Biotechnology Center for Global Initiatives 1 Winter

SDGs and Asia-Pacific Region Ⅱ Center for Global Initiatives 1 Summer

Laboratory study Ⅰ (PSA) Center for Global Initiatives *1 Winter, Spring, Summer

Laboratory study Ⅱ (PSA) Center for Global Initiatives *1 Winter, Spring, Summer

Laboratory study Ⅲ (PSA) Center for Global Initiatives *1 Winter, Spring, Summer

OUICP-Advanced Biotechnology Center for Global Initiatives 1 Winter, Spring, Summer

ESP Frontier Chemistry A Graduate School of Engineering 1 Winter

ESP Frontier Chemistry B Graduate School of Engineering 1 Spring, Summer

Bio-Inspired Chemical Engineering Graduate School of Engineering Science 1 Winter, Spring,


Current Topics Graduate School of Science 2 Winter, Spring, Summer

Natural Product Chemistry Graduate School of Science 1 Spring, Summer Organic Biochemistry Graduate School of Science 1 Spring, Summer

Biomolecular Chemistry Graduate School of Science 1 Winter

Course Name Course Affiliation Credits Course Term Required Optional

OUICP-Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Center for Global Initiatives 1 Winter

SDGs and Asia-Pacific Region Ⅱ Center for Global Initiatives 1 Summer Laboratory study Ⅰ (PSA) Center for Global Initiatives *1 Summer Laboratory study Ⅱ (PSA) Center for Global Initiatives *1 Summer

Internship Ⅰ(PSA) Center for Global Initiatives *1 Summer International Exchange Lectures on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology


Graduate School of Engineering Science

1 Summer

International Exchange Lectures on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology


Graduate School of Engineering Science

1 Summer

Topics in Quantum Simulations Graduate School of Engineering 1 Spring

Tutorials on Computational Nano-Materials DesignⅠ

Graduate School of Engineering 1 Winter

Page 15: LQWHQGHG IRU JUDGXDWHVWXGHQWVRI MRLQW...Dear Students, Greeting from Osaka University. We are pleased to announce you that we have started nominating students for the exchange program


Frontier Engineering Science:

An Introduction through STEM-Centered Learning

Halal Science, Technology and Innovation

Course Name Course Affiliation Credits

Course Term Required Optional Engineering Science: A First Step Graduate School of

Engineering Science 1 Spring, Summer

SDGs and Asia-Pacific Region Ⅱ Center for Global Initiatives 1 Winter Laboratory study Ⅰ (PSA) Center for Global Initiatives *1 Spring, Summer Laboratory study Ⅱ (PSA) Center for Global Initiatives *1 Spring, Summer

Internship in Graduate School of Engineering Science Ⅰ

Graduate School of Engineering Science *1 Spring, Summer

Internship in Graduate School of Engineering Science Ⅱ

Graduate School of Engineering Science *1 Spring, Summer

Topics in Engineering Science 1 (Materials Engineering Science)

Graduate School of Engineering Science

1 Spring, Summer

Topics in Engineering Science 2 (Mechanical Science and


Graduate School of Engineering Science 1 Spring, Summer

Topics in Engineering Science 3 (Mechanical Science and


Graduate School of Engineering Science 1 Spring, Summer

Course Name Course Affiliation Credits Course Term Required Optional Halal Science Center for Global Initiatives 1 Winter

SDGs and Asia-Pacific Region Ⅱ Center for Global Initiatives 1 Summer

Laboratory study Ⅰ (PSA) Center for Global Initiatives *1 Winter, Spring, Summer

Laboratory study Ⅱ (PSA) Center for Global Initiatives *1 Winter, Spring, Summer

Laboratory study Ⅲ (PSA) Center for Global Initiatives *1 Winter, Spring, Summer

Field study Ⅰ (PSA) Center for Global Initiatives *1 Winter, Spring, Summer

Field study Ⅱ (PSA) Center for Global Initiatives *1 Winter, Spring, Summer

Field study Ⅲ (PSA) Center for Global Initiatives *1 Winter, Spring, Summer

Internship Ⅰ (PSA) Center for Global Initiatives *1 Winter, Spring, Summer

Internship Ⅱ (PSA) Center for Global Initiatives *1 Winter, Spring, Summer

Internship Ⅲ (PSA) Center for Global Initiatives *1 Winter, Spring, Summer

Advanced Technology for Halalan –Toyyiban Center for Global Initiatives 1 Winter

Product and Service Innovation for Halalan – Toyyiban Center for Global Initiatives 1 Summer

Halal in Southeast Asia Ⅰ Center for Global Initiatives 1 Spring, Summer Halal in Southeast Asia Ⅱ Center for Global Initiatives 1 Spring, Summer Halal in Southeast Asia Ⅲ Center for Global Initiatives 1 Spring, Summer

Page 16: LQWHQGHG IRU JUDGXDWHVWXGHQWVRI MRLQW...Dear Students, Greeting from Osaka University. We are pleased to announce you that we have started nominating students for the exchange program


Introduction to Computational Materials Design

*Participants will practice at least two PSA courses.

Course Name Course Affiliation Credits Course Term Required Optional OUICP-Introduction to

computational materials design Center for Global Initiatives 1 Winter

SDGs and Asia-Pacific Region Ⅱ Center for Global Initiatives 1 Summer

Laboratory study Ⅰ(PSA) Center for Global Initiatives *1 Winter, Spring, Summer

Laboratory study Ⅱ(PSA) Center for Global Initiatives *1 Winter, Spring, Summer

Tutorials on Computational Nano-Materials Design I

Graduate School of Engineering

1 Winter

Topics in Quantum Simulations Ⅰ Graduate School of Engineering 1 Spring

Topics in Quantum Simulations Ⅱ Graduate School of Engineering 1 Summer

Solid State Physics Graduate School of Engineering 2 Spring, Summer

Selected Topics in Quantum Physics of Solids

Graduate School of Engineering 2 Spring, Summer

Theoretical Materials Science Graduate School of Engineering Science 2 Spring, Summer

Solid State Theory Ⅰ Graduate School of Science 2 Spring, Summer

Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep.


2020 2021

Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep.

Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep.

Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep.

Osaka University International Certificate Program (OUICP) 2020Academic Calendar of OUICP

3 options of Practical Study Abroad (PSA) at Osaka University

PSA at OsakaUniversity

PSA at OsakaUniversity

(2 Dec. - 5 Feb.) (9 Apr.- 10 Jun.) (11 Jun. - 7 Aug.)Winter term Spring term Summer term

1st option

↓Start of the program

Winter term forJoint campus

Summer term forJoint campus

Students learn at Joint Campus

Students learn at Joint Campus

PSA at OsakaUniversity

Students learn atJoint Campus

6-8 credits intotal for

certificatePractical Study Abroad (PSA) course (2-3 credits)subject: Laboratory study, Field study or Internship


Students learn at Joint Campus

2nd optionStudents learn at Joint Campus

Optional Course Optional course (1-3 credits)

Common course (1 credit) : SDGs

Basic course (1 credit)

3rd option

To upper graduate programs

(e.g., Double Degree Program)

Page 17: LQWHQGHG IRU JUDGXDWHVWXGHQWVRI MRLQW...Dear Students, Greeting from Osaka University. We are pleased to announce you that we have started nominating students for the exchange program


7. Accommodation Participants can request university accommodation after they receive notification of acceptance. There are both on-campus and off-campus accommodations as dormitory and flat type. However, due to the limited capacity for exchange students, participants may not be assigned to one of university accommodations. In the event that university accommodation is not available, OU will assist in finding a private and affordable accommodation. 8. Travel and Living Cost Participants are responsible to bear the international travel and all costs of living in Osaka. The costs include accommodation, utilities, commuting expenses, food, insurances and medical fees, books, stationaries and all other personal expenses. To cover daily living expenses and be prepared for unforeseen costs, participants should secure at least 80,000 yen for a month stay.

9. Scholarships Osaka University offers a certain number of scholarships to the incoming exchange students. The scholarship will be provided to the limited number of participants of OUICP during their stay in Japan. As the number of scholarship award is limited, students should make an appropriate financial plan without scholarship.


10. Handling of student’s personal information The applicant’s personal data such as name and address will be used only for the purpose of admission. The submitted personal information and documents will be kept strictly confidential. 11. Contact International Affairs Division, Osaka University Email: kokusai-renkei-renkei<at>office.osaka-u.ac.jp Office hours: Mon-Fri, 08:30-17:15

AMOUNT OF AWARD 50,000 JPY per month

AWARD PERIOD Three months at maximum


Non-Japanese citizenship with a student (‘Ryugaku’) visa



Candidate must have received at least a bachelor’s degree and equivalent to the JASSO standard GPA 2.30 or higher for past one year and be expected to maintain the same standards during exchange period. In cases where the evaluation is not available in the form of GPA, the candidate’s evaluation result must be equivalent or higher at each of the mentioned levels.

SELECTION The decision will be made based on the submitted application documents for the program.


Notification will be sent by email as soon as the decision is made.

HOW TO RECEIVE Handing over by a supervisor while at OU

FIRST DEPOSIT Approx. one month after arriving in OU