LOWNDESVILLE. What the People or the Keren Hilled City »re l>oiii|f. Lowndesville.Sep. 1903. Miss Helen Barber, who has spent some weeks In this place with ber parents, leit lor Manterey Alonday morning, where she went to take charge of a fine school near Mr. G. W. Speer's. Our High School opened Monday morning with quite a flattering attendance. Mr. Charles Basfcln started week before laBt for Cedarvllle, Ohio, to begin a collegiate course. Mrs. J. B. Franks and her bright litne noy started Monday evening for their Pbllldelphla home. Dr. J. D. Wilson and family returned Monday from a several days trip among klnslolk near Watts. Dr. H. F. Hoyt of Commerce, Ga., came in Monday and stayed till Thursday with his son-in-law, Dr. A. J. Speer. Miss Leila Moseley of Greenwood, came up Monday and began her duties as pupil in the in this place. Messrs. W. T. Cunningham and J. T. Baskln of Monterey, were up in this place on business Monday. Miss Aille May Fennel came back from a several weeks stay with friends In Waterloo and other places. Miss Annie Bell and Miss Leila Feunel started for Ashevlllo, to enter the Female College at that place lor another year. We are passing through tbe period In which our young men and maidens are taking tbeir departure for tbeir respective places of study for another year. The writer Is told by one who knows, that on the Charles Allen place, about lour miles from here, there are lands In cultivation upon which floe crops are growing, which were in cultivation in 1S3S, and have been worked ever since, and at that time the lands looked as if they had been worked lor years and years, as there was not a tree or even a 6tump U JJUL1 bUOUi, auu uucdc lauuo atvokiii^uibv p»v dnctlve without ferlllizer. Mr. Will Swift and bib mother, Mrs. J. \V. Swift, of Elberton, were over for a day or so last week with their klnspeople In and around here. Dr. A. J.Speer went to Elberton Thursday on business. Mr. "Boss" Nance and family of Monterey came up Tuesday and spent the day with the family of the father of Mr. Nance. Mr. J. A. Ktrkpatrlck, who has been here for several weeks under treatment of hlf brother. Dr. T. O. KlrRpatrlck, Improved In health and returned to his home In Greensboro, N. C. Mr. Johnson Cleckley of Latimer, came here Friday on business. Our Township was hard bit an to Jurors foi the coming Court at Abbeville, there being but eight to have the honor of serving theli County and State. Mr. Herbert Brooks, assistant in our school last year, now of Warrenton, came up Friday and Is still here among friends. Mr. Roscoe Hortan went to Greenville Friday, and entered Furman University foi another scholastic year. Miss Ada Fennel, after spending sometime with friends at Pendleton, came back to her home here last. week. Miss Jennie May Dunn returned to the Dae West Female College a few days ago for another year. After the troploal storm had spent the greater part of Its fdry, some of the remalndt i came to as last week In the form of a brisk East wind, and the wind from the same quarter has continued to date. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday it was accompanied by a succession of showers of rain, neither of which was heavy enough to do damage. Rev. I. K. Wallace of the Presbyterlar Church, and Rev. R. W. Barber of the Methodist Cburcb, sometime ago decided that h union of the two churches would make the congregations at the Sunday night service* much larger, aud have since carried out the following grogram. The first preaches here on the 1st and 2rd Sundays at il a. m., and now heoocuples the pulpit In the Methodist Churoh on the first Sunday at 8:15 p. m. and the second preaches in the Presbyterlar I Church on the 3rd Sunday at 8:15 p. m. Thlt arrangement works very smoothly and nicely. Troupe. t i dul ww. I IntereNtinic ParaxrapnN oy » Wide Awake Correspondent. Dae West, Sept. 21,1»U8. Eraklne College, Due West Female sad th< Public School opened on last Wednesday morning with a good attendance and we beai of quite a number of new pupils yet to be enrolled. Miss Jennie Wldeman of Long Cane ii visiting relatives In town. Her sister Mist Clara entered the Female College. The Y. M. C.A. of Ersklue College, enter taloed tbe young ladles of tbe Female College on last Friday evening. Delightful refresh meats were served by the young ladles of tbe Wylle Home, who made very charming waitresses. Mrs. Talltha Cowan Is visiting her daugbtei Mrs. C. E. Todd. Miss Lizzie Nlckles left Friday for Darling ton where she will be engaged In teaching. Mrs. Etta Cochran and little son Robbie, ar< visiting Mrs. R. C. firownlee. Mre. Maglll, wife of the American Consul pi Tamploo, Mex., reached Due West Saturday She enters her daughter Miss Adelaide It the Female College. Mrs. Maglll was former ly from Chicago, which oily 6he will vlsli before returning to Mexloo. Mr. W. W. Edwards has laid In a beautiful line of fall and winter goods. He Is busj making preparations for the Opening, tue date of whloh has not been announced. Mr. J. E. Pressley, a former student of Era kine College, was In town last week. Ht leaves the first of October lor Baltimore to at tend medical leotures. Mr. E. C. Stuart of Bartow, Fla., was In Due West several days recently. His daughtei Mlhft Mattle is a pupil of the Female College. Her mother was Miss Maggie Hood of thle place, who succeeded Mrs. Kale P. Kennedy as teacher of Mathematics In the FemaU College. K«v.D. G. Caldwell will occupy the residence of Miss Ola Devlin. We are glad tc note that Mrs. Caldwell who Is lo the hospital In Charlotte Is very much Improved. Mlsa Statla and Mr. Luther Bradley of Long Caue are visiting the family of Dr. J. W. Wldeman. TBOT. The Trojans are Very Happy and L Prosperous Troy, Sept. 14. These cool mornings are a reminder of an early fall. a Miss Minnie Taggart is In Abbeville with many relatives. Mr. O. G. Prentiss and family left Friday for Laorena, their future home. air. louogoiooa uu muiuy, ui Augumn, will occupy the honse recently vacated by Mr. Prentiss. Mr. Jim Watklns and family, of the Hopewell section, will move here soon to send his children to sohool. We welcome them. Miss Statla Wideman, after an extended visit here, has returned to her home in Due West. It Is Just three weeks until the meeting ol the Presbytery, which will meet with this A. R. P. church, Mrs. G. W. Pressly and little ones from Charlotte, were at Cedar Springs last week with her mother-in-law, Mrs. Tuluia Pressly, Mr. J. W. Crawford Is building a pretty cottage near Mr. J. Tillman White's. Miss Annie Bradley will again teach the Bellvue school. The Men's Christian Union will meet every Friday evening at S o'clock In the A. R. P. Church. All denominations are cordially invited. Miss Martha Reagan is at Woodruff, with relatives. There will not be any services in the A. R. P. church next Sabbath. The pastor will be at Mt. Carmel Mrs. Sadie Mazyck and I'-tle son from Abbeville are here with Mrs. J annle Thomson. IVirB. VY XX. AUOLU9UU iruuj OUUl lWfBl Georgia, was here reoently with herslster-ln law, Mrs. Bam Walker. Mr. J. E. Taggart of Hopewell, had a Bplendld young horse to drop dead in tbe harness. It Is supposed ll burst a blood vessel. Mr. J. S. Burnett 1b now olerkmg for Davis <1 Cuddy. His qualifications are widespred, and he will also bring them many customers. Today Miss Nora Davis leaves for Ersklne College, also her consln, Miss Maude Robinson of McCormlck. Somebody will have to study day and night to excel these girls, and we know they will return adorned with medals In June. They are representatives we are proud of. Troy has never bad such a supply of goods as now and the best trade she has ever had. Nine stores and the best cotton market on tbe road. Seed 21c. and cotton 10 3 4- Three cotton buyers, Messrs. J. N. Dnndy, J. W. Mulllnax and A. J. Dendy, make the market very busy. Mrs. J. 8. Harris and little ones, and sister, MyrtlceSmart, enjoyed a pleasant visit to relatives in Abbeville recently. Misses Alice and Lou Tolbert, two of Buffalo's pretty glrlB, accompanied by Miss Leslie Britt, a handsome escort, were amoDg tbe pleasant gueBts at the social at Mrs. A. J. Davis Tuesdav evenine. Hon. W. P. Wldeman of .Long Cane, 1b making a thorough canvass through the country. ArS him about it. He is interceding. We who are still in single blessedness can appreciate it. Our school opens tomorrow with public exercises. Our teachers are here and everything points to the best year Troy has bad in school work. Mrs. J. L. Kennedy and pretty daughter, of Beiivue, were down last week with relatives. Rev. H. B. Blakeley and A. D. Woodle preached a night each for the colored Presbyterians last week.3 Miss Jennie Wldeman leaves todaj to resume her studies lu the Due West Female College. Mt. J. W. McCaslan of Greenwood, was down for a lew days last week. Nick. t v, 'f Married. A happy company entered the Baptist pur-1 sonage early .Sunday morning. Ttie center 2 of attraction was a couple of young people,!1 ttie happiest of them all, who came to the pastor. Rev. H. 0. Buchholz, to be united In ^ the bonds of matrimony. The contracting H parties were Mr. F. S. Prince and Miss Komi r Hill, .both of Antrevllle. The bride was handsomely dressed in while, while the groom's face was wreathed In smiles, the * token of bis perfect happiness. Exactly at v nine fifteen o'clock the newly made husband and wife received the congratulations of the d dozen witnesses to the ceremony, and soon v afier the entire company went on Its way rejoicing. d MethodlHt Church. On Sunday morning at the Methodist Church the pastor will preach a special sermon to the young men and young ladles of the community. The public Is cordially Invited to be present. The young especially are urged to attend, as the pastor bus a special r me- lags for them. s M I Stomact Trouble Causes Heart Trouble. t Heart trouble is almost always caused by t stomach trouble. The stomach f-iils to digest c all the lood. aud the residue torments, form- t lng excess of gas which distends the walls ol f the stomach, causing a pressure on the nerves 1 and arteries that lead to the heart.. This t causes the heart to palpitate or skip a beat ( occasionally, or both, which is usually very c alarming, causing grave apprehensions. Ry- I dales Stomach Tablets will prevent this trouble. They digest the food and prevent gas from Jorming in the stomach. If there Is no gas in your stomach your heart will not trou- bleyou. C. A. Milford, the Druggist. Southern Hallway Schedule. r Trains for Hodges leave Abbeville, 8. C., No 1 114(daliy)8.40a. m.; No. 112(daily) 10.50 a.m. No. 110 (daily) l.i» p.m.; No. 116(dailj). I Trains from Hodges ari l ve Abbeville, No. 115 (dally) 10.20 a. ni.; No. 113 (dally) 12.05 p. m.; No. Ill (daily) 3.10 p. m. Nos. 116 and 117 (night trains) discontinued, f Close connection at Hodges with through £ trains for Greenville, Columbia, Charleston, s etc., connecting at Greenville for A. & C. Di- j LVet oIqa Atl.uvlllfl At- . VtBlUU pi/iuio auu bUO moi| aiau xi.nuv 4iiV| 4»v I lanttt, etc. t c j m 9 ^ j, SUSPENDERS. t Now is the time to buy Sus- < ; penders, and we are the peo- i pie to buy them from. We sell the 50c kind at 34 to 38c, 1 the 25c kind at 17 to 19c and the cheaper kinds at the same ! reduction. They are Drum- < mers' Samples and first class ! goods. A. M. Smith & Co. ) I A COUGH IS OXLY A SYMPTOM. J A coueh la not a disease but a symptom of disease. A coueh always indicates that either the throat or lungs are affected. When the mucus lining of the throat or lungs becomes inflamed the Irritation causescougning. uon i neglect a cough. It may be the symptom of Horlous throat or lung disease. Rvdalee Elixir kills theeerinn that causes the trouble,soothes the Irritated mucus membrane, gently ellon:' lates the nerves that control the respiratory organs and thus helps nature to speedily re store normal conditions and healthy action. C. A. Mllford, the Druggist < , Jl Many a girl has lived to regfret the day she married a man Just to keep some other girl from getting him. READ ' THROUGH THIS LIST OF ; REAL ESTATE: P . And See Where to Invest ! Your Money ! i r . : 328 Acres 1 Of land, well improved, good pasture and bottom lands. Good c dwelling house, 8 large rooms. ] House newly painted. Good . barn and tenant houses, gin \ ) house, crib and all necessary ] houses. This place is 21-2 mile$ , from Due West, 3-4 mile from c ^good school, and remember Due 5 West with her two colleges, is only two and one-half miles. Will sell tbis place at $8 per acre. One-third cash, balance on pftsv navmpnts. This is a bar- %/ £ gain. 150 ACRES Two miles from Abbeville. Two n tenant houses, good pasture and * timbered lands. Will offer this ef place at $12.50 per acre. i 31 ACRES With three rooms house in City of Abbeville. Will make a low price on this place. $2,000.00 i Two story house ou Upper Main 1 Street, fine location, large roomy ( lot. Terms easy. ( $200.00 Each. Three buildiuc lots ou street leadiug to Tan Yard. ; 4* U AUXINS Of land, western part Abbeville County. $10 per acre. 1 BUILDING LOT \ On Harrisburg Street. Will Bell f this lot cheap. $350.00 ; 73 acres of land, 7 raile9 Southwest of Abbeville on easy terms. ^ 180 ACRES 1 Of land one mile from city limits of Abbeville. This laud is in . u:.i. .i...c C'Oi u ui£ii »iai« ui uujiivuuwu. s?~i per acre. §>500.00 Building lot on Church Street. *} 2 Houses and Lots On Magazine Street. Can give good terms. If you want lo sell your Real Estate ] list it with me. If you want to b buy Ileal Estate, come to see me c before making your purchase. e ROBT. S. LINK: FOR SALE. TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING 150 Acres, G ' h known as the S. W. Cochran place, situated p three mlleB north of Abbeville Court llonae adjoining the Gordon and Noble lands. fi For terms apply to J. H. COCHRAN, Greenville, 8. C. or C. M. Cochran on place. -wu.. L U. Willie's Locals. White Is certainly the plnco to buy cotton oods. His stork of thern is immense, and hey have all been brought at low prices. You ought to buy your bleached and unileaehed cotton goodH now. Go to White's iiiil you will And wljat you want and at irlce* that will be sure to please you. L. W. White has the very article you need or cotton saokp. It. Is an onnaburgs a yard ride and can be bought at 5 cents a yard. I, W.White in receiving new goods every my. Call on him and you will find exactly mat you waut, and at very low prices. Tobacco users should call on W. D. Barkslaleaml get his price by the box. Overalls and jackets, all prices. Southern he best Union made. W. L). Barksdale. Emergency Medicines. It Is a great convenience to have at hand eiiabie remedies for use in eases of accident md lor slight injuries and ailments. A t;ood luiment and one that is fast becoming a avorite 1( not a household necessity is Chamlerlain's 1'aln Balm. By applying itpromply o a cut, bruise or burn it allays the paiu and lausesthe injury to heal tu about one-third he time usually required, and as it is an intlseptlc II prevents auy danger of blood mlsoning. VVheu Pain Balm Is kept at land a sprain may be treated before I nflamnatiou sets In, which insures a quick re;ovpry. For sale by C. A. Miilord, Abbeville i. M. Young, Due West. Already Astonished..Mr. Cltlraan: "Nev ir been 10 New York, eh? Well, It would urprlse you to bee the business that's dime h»-re." Farmer Elderberry: "Yes; and it surprises ne to see some of the folks that helps 10 do t.".Puck. 9a<* Mold a Pile of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Remedy or more than twenty years and It has given mtlre satisfaction. 1 have sold a pile ol It ind can recommend It highly..Joseph UcElhjnkv, Linton, Iowa. You will find his remedy a good Iriend when troubled vlth a cough or cold. It always attonlx lulck relief and Is pleasant to lake. For ale by C. A. Mllford, Abbeville, H. M. Young, Due West. "What we require," said the managing edior, "Is the services of a man capable of takug full charge of our'Query Box.' Are you :apable of answering all kinds ot questions?" "Well. I rather guess yes," replied the apJllcant, "I'm the lather of eleven children.". Chicago News. !u Praise of Chamberlain's Colic Cliolern and Diarrhoea Remedy. "Allow rno to give yon a few words In jralse of CbamtieriRin'N Colic, Choleia and Diarrhoea Remedy," says Mr. Jouu Hamlett, >[ Kagle 1'aBs, Texas. "I Muttered one week vlUi bowel troub.e and took ail kinds oi uedlclne without getting auy relief, when ny friend, Mr. C. Johr:ho.i,a merchant tn-re, .dvlsed me to taKe this remedy. After takng one dose 1 felt greatly relieved aud when L had taken the third dose was entirely cur;d. 1 thank you from the bottom of my jeart for putting thin great remedy In the lands of mankind." For sale by C. A. Miltord, Abbeville, H. M." Young, Due West. Uncle Josh.It seems ter me thore's JppI wo things you kin do If you've got rbeuinaLlKlU. Uucle alias.What's tbem? Uncle Josh.You kin gnu and bear It, or pou dou'l need to grin. AbNcem. W. H. Harrison. Clevelaud, Miss., writes, Aug. 15,11102: *'I want tosHy a word oi praise [or Dallurd's Snow Liniment. I stepped on a aail, which caus»d the cords in my leg loconiract and au abscess to rise in my knee, and the doctor told me that I would have a stitf eg, so one day 1 went to J. F. Lord's drug tore(who is now in L)< liver, Co o) He re:ouimeuded a bottle of Snow Liniment; I jot a 50.: size, and it cured my leg, It Is the jest liniment in tbe world Abscesses, with few f-xcepilonp, are Indicative of constipation or debllliy. They may, lowever, result from blows or from foreign jodl<s, Introduced into the skin or flesh, such is splinters, thorns, etc. Sold by C. A. M l.'« tord. . . X'fKlniHl Cold*. Every pirt of the mucons membrane, the lose, throat, ears, head and luugh, etc., are iubjdcted to disease and blight iroui neglected :o1uh. Hallard's Horehound Syrup Is a pleaa»nt and eflective remedy. 25c, 50c, SI 00. W. Vkeudrlek, Valley Mills, Texas. writes: "I iav« used Hallard's Horehound Syrup for roughs Rud throHt trouDies ; it 1h k pieasant ind most efleciive remedy." Sold by C. A. MllforU. Minister.You say you are going to marry a nan to reform blm? That Is noble. May I isk who he In? Ml88 Beauti.It's young Mr. Bondcllpper. Mlnlnter.Indeed! I did not know he had my bad habits. Miss Beauti.Yes, his friend says he Is besoming quite miserly..New York Weekly. BpantiTul Women. Plump cheeks, flushed withe the soft glow >1 health and a pure complexion, make all voiuen beautiful. Take a small dose of ierbine alter each meal; It will prevent conization and help dlgi-st what you have aten. 50o. Mrs. Wm. M. Stroud, Midlothian, ['exa8, writes, May HI, 11WI: "We have used lerbiue lu our family for eight jears, and ouiid It the best medicine we ever used for loustlpatlon, bilious lever and malaria.'' Sold by C. A. Milford. Tommy.Ma, can I play makln' believe I'm tuiertalnln' another little boy? Mamma-Yob, dear, of course. Tommy.All right.. Gimme Bome cake for ilm..Philadelphia Press. Sprain*. S. A. Read, Cisco,Texas, writes, March 11th, 901: "My wrist waN sprained so badly by a all that It was useless; and after using 6ever il remedies that failed to give relief, used Jallard's Suow Liniment, and was cured. I larnestiy recommend It to any one suffering rom sprains." 25c, 50c, 81.00. So.d by C. A. Milord. THE INNER SEAL CRACKERS. At Miller's Store you will always ind a large assortment. We also liave juite a variety of cakes and crackers >ut of the package. We never send >ut anything but fresh goods. OUR O & O TEA The greatest seller in the city, price be per pouud. Our Perri Walla ileuded Tea, price 50 ceuts. COFFKS, COFFES. We are the sole agents for the White Star Coffee. Our No. 3, White Star loc and Mocha and Java 3oc or three >ouuds for $1.00, our leaders. Call and see our stock of Pickles and )lives. We carry the largest assortnent in the city. Just received a fresh lot of Roe Salad )ils in half pints, pints and Quarts >9ttles. We also carry it in quart cans. Yours to please, L. T. & T. M. MILLER, Dealers in Faucy Groceries. Master's Sale. Che State of South Carolina, COUNTY OK ABBEVILLE. COURT OK COMMON I'LKAS. llijah VVideman against John Tolbert.Foreclosure. 1 AUTHORITY OK A DECREE OK SALE , y the Court of Common Picas for Abbeville j onuty, In said State, made tn tbe above Htnttl cane, I will offer for sale, at Public Outcry, t Abbeville C. H., S. C., on Nalesday in CTOBKR (5th,) A. D. 1003. within the legal ours of sale the following described land, to " 'it: All that tract or parcel of laud situate, ,-lng and being in Abbeville County, in the* '.ate aforesaid, containing Five Acres, lore or Iokh, and bounded by landR of Henry o >de and Young Kennedy, lying on the left and side of the G., V. <fc N. Hallway Coinany, near Cnna. TKKMS OK SALE.CaHb. Purchaser to pay >r papers. L. W. I'KRHIN, Master A. ('. K. C. September 15, HHiu. *' / r' Bfflf m i? or oaitj. # 2 5-Rooin Cottages On Wardlaw Street. 1 5-Hoom Cottage On Cabell Avenue. G 1 Nice Dwelling On Pinckney Street. 2 2-Story Dwellings On Main Street, . 1 1 Tract Land _ Containing 96 Acres. j| 1 Tract Land 2 Containing 215 Acres. 1 Tract Land Containing 165 Acres. 1 Tract Land T1 Containing 300 Acres. T] 1 Tract Land * tbi Containing 213 Acres, 11-2 JJ! miles from Abbeville. pa i pa J If you wish to invest in City or g Country property, it will pay you to see me before making any purchases. J. C. ELLIS. ' Master's Sale. The State of South Carolina, i COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. e' COURT OK COMMON PLEAS. Samuel Shaw against L. M. Shaw and an- be other.Foreclosure. *rc "E> i>Y AUTHORITY OF A DECREE OF SALE {& by the Court of Common Fleas for Abbeville wl County, In said State, made In theabove stat- ^ ed case, I will offer for sale, at Public Outcry, at Abbeville C. H., S. C., on Salesday In OC- oo TOBER (f.ih.) A. D. 1903, within "the legal ' hours of sale the following described land, to |,e wit: All that tract or parcel of land situate, ap lying and being In Abbeville County, Jn the taj State aforesaid, containing ga Dt One Hundred and Fifty-Two & Acres. more or less, and bounded by lands of J. I. Orowthers, Henry P. McGee, Samuel Sbaw, J. D. Alewlne, Mrs. Crawford, J. L. Black and * others, being made up of two tracts, one contalnlng one hundred and twenty-two and four-tentbs acres and the other of twenty acres. To be «*old In two tracts unless otherwise announced on day of sale. TERMS OF SALE.One-hall cash, and the balance on a credit of one year, with Interest from day of sale, the credit portion to be secured by a bond of the purchaser and mort- V gage of the premises, with privilege to pay de all cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. ab( L. W. PERRIN, ca Master A. C., S. C. bu sepiemoer r<i, isi». J Master's Sale. The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF ABBEVILLE. COtTKT OF COMMON PLEAS. Willie B. Moore, Plaintiff, ngalnst Eilwnjd M. Moore and others..For Relief. By AUTHORITY OF A DECREE OF SALE by the Court of Common Pleas lor Ahbevllle County, ij said State, made In the above stated cane, I will offor for sale, at Public Outcry, at Abbeville C. H., S. C.. on Salesday In OCTOBER (5th.) A. D.. 19(«. within the legal hours nf sale the following described land, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being In Abbeville County, In the Q State aforesaid, containing Two Hundred and Eighty Acres, V more or !es«, and bounded by lands of George 141' P. Graves, landn formerly belonging to Dr. ^,H W. M. Taggurt, T. 15aker and Mrs. W. W. lbe JamoH McKluney, Giles Creek and a tract of n land belonging to Mary Power Huehanan, ' svhtch was conveyed to her by \V. It. Buch- 35 »nan. Deed recorded in Hook 14, page 1. TKKMS OF SALK.Cash, provided a bid of _ lot less than seven dollars per acre Is made. « Purchaser to pay for papers. 10 L. W. PERKIN, Muster A. C. S. C. September 12, 190.J. ant T Land for Sale! % Cllll 150 ACRES, Hold Kituated one (1) mile from city limits, l>aj nice dwelling house unci place well im- ^ proved. Apply to (>f ( Mrs, C. R. Ricey, ABBEVILLE, S. C. cret or S. B, Marshall, Se a KEEN WOOD, S. C. August 26, 1903. tf r ;. > "> ' cyj, "i?; J. W. Mc Buy your Groceries, Dry Gc Kee. We carry a full line, of Crockery, Glassware and have a full line of Canne Spices, Hams, Shoulders an Candies and Crackers. ^ Fruits, Vegetables and Pn anything in our line be suri Yours to pleas J. W. > W. D. BAE is better prepared thai wants of the Farmer ceiviDg our Fall stock o roceries, Farm Suppl Farm Machinery, Rakes, Grain ] Call and get our pr Best goods*, lowest pri> ered, is our motto. V. D. BAh iiiirariiti r! IS OFFICE WILL BE OPEN FROM TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15th UNTIL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31st, 1903. he Rate of State, County, School and Special Tax, Including One Dollar Poll Tax, One Dollar Commutation Tax, * ACCORDANCE WITH AN ACT TO raise supplies for the fiscal year comroencg January 1, 1903, notice is hereby given at the office of C'oanty Treasurer for Abbelle County will be open for tb« collection of xps for said lineal year from Tuesday, Octor 15tb, until Thursday, December 31st, witbt penalty. Tbere V7ill be added. penalty of oue per cent, on all taxes not Id on January 1st, 1904. penalty of two per cent, on all taxes not ,ld on February 1st , 1904. \ penalty of seven per cent, on all taxes not id on March 1st. 1904. ites Per Cent, of Taxation are as Follows: state Tax 5 mills. County Tax .'.... 1V> " Special County (Road) " Sinking Fund 1 " School 3 " Total 12 :n addition to tbe ab'>ve a special lax will collected for school purposes as follows: Abbeville Special School S^mlllB. Abbeville Special R.R. bonds l>£ " Bethel J 3 " Sharon 4 " Lowndesvlile 4 " Ml. Carmel 3 " WIlllDKton 3 " McCormlck 2 " poll tax of One Dollar per capita on all »le citizens between the atre of 21 and 60 srs, except Buch as are exempt by law, will collectfd. \ commutation road tax of One Dollar will collected the Fame time as other taxes >m all male citizens between the age of IN d SO years, except such as are exempted by w. Unlews said tax Is paid by first of March, 14, fourdays work upon the publlchlgbways II be required under a contractor. raxes are payable only In poid and silver In. United States currency. National Hank ilea and Coupons of State Bonds which be me payable durlnc the year, 1903. \s ho few avail themselves of the opportunr of paying taxrs at the times and places retofore designated, I will discontinue the poimments over the County, and collect all xes at the Treasurer's office. Parties desiring information by mall in rerd to their taxes will please write before scember 15tb, statlDg the location of their operty, and Include postage for reply, and ose paying taxes by check must Include the arge for collection. W. T. BRADLEY, Treasurer, September 10,1903. tf eal Estate, Stocks and Bonds. ' VHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER AND what are your wants? I have several sirable houses and lots for sale at reason le prices and on easy terms. Also have ireral plantations listed with me which I d offer at low prices, wnen you warn iu y or sell Real Estate, come to me. Kobt. S. Link. rulys, 191W. tf For Sale. 00 Acres of Land a t ii a t> t !, rvn uiolbpb nf ItorkV 'er. one-and-a-half milps west of Latimer tlon, on the C. & \V. C. Railroad, known as J. E. G. Bell place, consistlug of 5 Acres Original Forest, , 0 Acres second growth Pine Land, ^ 5 Acres Pasture Land, , 0 Acres in cultivation, } n the plantation is a 7 room fairly good J, slliUK houso; 1 well of pure water; -i ten- j houses, stabjes, cotton house, cribs, etc. lirougli this plantation runs a road to v <eley's Ferry. The place Is watered by t iio small streams and a good mineral " v In*. n t-rsons desiring to buy or see the place, on It. O. Bell, at Latimer. this place In uot sold privately It will be 1 at Abbeville at public outcry ou Sale ^ ' in October. KKMS-One half cash; balance on a cred ' st welve niontiiH, with Inierest at eight per |f t. from day of Hale. Purchaser to kIvp oi d and mortgage of ttie premises for the lit portion. Purchaser Ut pay lor papers. JOHN (>. HOWARDS, pt.U. tf Abbeville, S. C. msr* '' *' ' i"v -)* r.i :/ »,- .' vx. r.\ KEE, Jr. | »ods and Shoes from McWe also have a nice line Lamps. In Groceries we 1 id Goods, Teas, Coffees, d Breakfast Bacon, Fine Te handle at all times \ 1 TTT1 3 V oauce. w nen in neeu 01 e to call and see us. i '! -KEE, JR. | ^KSDALE ! i i ever to supply the s. We are now ref goods, consisting of ies, Mowers. Drills, Dry Goods, etc. ices before buying. ces, quality cousid* 'KSDALE.' We mnke prescription work a specially. We bave two of the finest Prescription Men to be round In South Carolina. One on duty all the il me. NIrIU call No. 42. Mil ford's Drug . Store. Phone 107. 1 DENTAL NOTICE. Dr. S. G. Thomson, OFFICE UP-3TAIRS ON MOILWAI* Corner, Abbeville. 8. C. A. B. WARDLAW, I Dentist. Offlrp ovpr Randall's SLorr. April 15,1903. tf DR. J. A. DICKSON, SURGEON DENTIST. GOLD FILLINGS; CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY. A GOOD PLATE $8.00 AMALGAM FILLINGS 75c and. 1.00 OFFICE OVER BAttKSDALE'8 STORE. Abbeville Lodge No. 45, L 0. 0. F. IVrEF/rs EVERY THURSDAY EVENING at S:30 o'clock Id Odd Fellows Hall. All brethren, and visitors specially, are most cor dlully Invited to attend. J. 8. Cochran, S.G.Thomson, Secretary. Noble Grand. WM. H. PARKER. WM. P. GREENB PARKER & GREENE, Attorneys &sd Counsellors at Law. Office on LAW RANGE. ABBEVILLE . SOUTHJCAROLINA. May 4. 1898. tJ ABBEVILLE CITY SCHOOL Abbeville, S. C.,.Aog. 24, 1903. The Abbeville Graded and High School will begin Its exercises on MONDAY, September 14th, 1903, at 9 O'clock. All teachers are expected to be present by half-past eight o'clock. The first Teachers' Meeting of the year will be held In the office of the Superintendent at five o'clock, Saturday, September 12th, 1903. Very respeotfully, R. F. GILLIAM, Superintendent. Aur. 26, 1903. tf COAL! COAL! COAL! A J conditions are very unvU/VL settled, with the certainty that it will advance from tbis time on. I am now prepared to take orders and make sales of both SOFT and HARD COAL. If you want the best of either kind, I will be glad to make you prices. I do not handle cheap grades, only the VERY BEST. Orders must be given at once to secure lowest prices. There is an advance each and every month. Amos B. 31(>rse. June :24, 1903. Summons for Debt. State of South Carolina. ABBEVILLE COUNTY. $y M. E. HolilngKworth, Esquire, Magistrate, Abnevilie County. ?o WAKKKN lUCilAKDSOX : PIOMPLAINV having been made unto me by I.. T. & T. M. Miller, partners, doing lusinefs in the City of Abbeville, S. C, under he tiiin name of L. T. A T. M. Miller, that oil are indebted to litem in t tie sum ol Seveneen and !M-l00 (§17.90) Dollars, tor goods and nerchandise lurti'Mhcd you during the first art of the year l'Htt. This is, therefore, to require you to appear lelore nn?. In tny otliee In tile City of Abbe 'III**, State of South Carolina, at jo o'clock, on ti> fiili day alter tile service of tins Siimtnons pon you, exclusive of the day of such seric>, to answer to said complaint, or Judg-1 ^ v nt will lie given against you by default. ' Dated Abbeville, S. ('.. August 17. A D. 190-J. I M. K. Hollingswortb, (L.8.) I Magistrate A. u. TATE OF KOl'TH CAROLINA. Counly oi Abbeville. To Warren Klchardson, absent defendant, ike »«.tire that the complaint in the above t Uted eu*e wan tiled In olUce of M K. Hoil- { igNwnrth, M«g!sirate ol Abbeville County, a Hie 171 it day of August, 1903. , Given under rny hand aud heal this the 17th *y of August, I1XB. M K. HolllDgsworlh, la Magistrate A. (J., S. C. w # I A ' HYDALE'S TONIC f A REAL CURE FOR ZMLA-L-AJRIA.. It has recently been discovered that ; he germs that produce Malaria, brted * md multiply in the intestines and from $ here spread throughout the system ^ ;| >y meaas of the blood. This fact ex>lains why Malana is hard to cure by * he old method of treatment. Quinine, Ton, etc.. stimulate the *"Qrves and ' jT, } mild up the blood, but do not destroy / he germs that cause the difeease. ; lydale's Tonic has a specific 'effect ipon the intestines and bowels, freeing hem from all disease breeding mi:robes. It also kills the germs that "v ' nfest the veins and arteries. It drives * rom the blood all poisonous matter '. md makes it rich and healthy. y* RYD ALE'S TONIC is a blood m MH'MAI* O tiorifo r\r#*r QT>H a \falflT1A '.r.Utm lestroyer. Try it, it will not disapjoint you. C. A. MILFORD. Ready for Business 1 ' WITH A COMPLETE LINE OP CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAG0H8, HARNESS, Etc. Onalltv cuRmnteed. Aarenta for thfl aele> « >rated "White Star" Summer's and Rook Hill >uggie8, Give ub a call. * Yoara for business, CiLTEBT A SICKLES. PAGE WIRE FENCE | B. K. BEACHAM, Agt., ;M ABBEVILLE, S. C. March 11,1903. tf NOTICE OF REGISTRATION 4 T*je books for the registration vof : all legally qualified voters, and for the issuing of transfers, ect., wiil be open < ..$§ at the office of Supervisors of Regjptra^ r*aS tion in the Court House, between th% ; a hour 9 o'clock a. m., and 8 o'cloek p.' ..-jM lU. a.t aaalv LLi. | UU LUC iliot luuuuaj VI wyw. /. jg month, and kept open for three soo» cesaive days in each month uptil thirty days before the next general i J election.. i Any person whose qaafificadoos m v an elector will be completed after the closing of the Registration Booka bat % before the next election shall have the. right to apply for and secure a regis- 1 "3s tration certificate at any time within Bixty days immediately preceding the closing of the Registration Books, upon an application under oath to the W facts entitling him to such registrar -' The registration of voters njusf l#. by polling precincts. There muBt be * : Book of Registration for each polling^ precinct, that is for eacn township, or i parish, or city, or <own of leas thwi -*jb flvA thnnsand inhabitants, or ward of A cities of more than five thousand ^ inhabitants. Each elector mast vote in the polling precinct in which he resides. If there is more than' one voting place in the polling preoftnct, the elector may vote at any voting place designated on the registration certificate. The Boards mast designate in the registration certificate 'the voting place in the polling precinct at which the elector is to vote. If thdto is more than one voting place in fhe polh'ag precincts, the Boards shjjil designate on the certificate the vot&Uf < oiace selected by the elector. ~G. H. MOORE, | R. O. MoADAMS, 7 "7 WM. C. SHAW, ?::? >% Board of Supervisors of Reglstretton Abbeville-Greenwood % I MUTUAL USllUCE ASSOCIATION. . Property Insured, $800,000. Mi WRITE TO OR CALL on tte'nndenilgmed or to the Dlreotor of your Township for any Information yon may deal«> adooi our plan of Insurance. '* - 'Jt We Insure your property against destrno Hon by r:«, wiSDSumi a tiesmn, and do so cheaper than any Insnranoe Com ' A puny In existence. J.v iwH Remember we are prepared to prove to yon that ours Is the safest and cheapest plan of Insurance known. J. B. BLAKE, Jr., Gen. Agent, Abbeville, S. C. J. FRASEH LYON, Pres. "Abbeville, S. C. i BOAED~DIEJECTORS. | J. Add. Calhoun -Ninety-Six Township , S. G. Major Greenwood " J.T. Mabry ~ Cokeeoury " W. B. Acker Donalds " . M. B. Cllnkscales Due West " T. L. Haddon Long Cane " **$! u f fpnmAp Smllhvllle " J. W. Lyon Troy " A. K. WHtHon Cedar Spring " W. E. Leslie Abbeville Dr. J. A. Anderson Antrevllle " H. A. Teunent. Lowndesville " A.O.Gran t Magnolia " J. R. Tarrant Calhoun MIIIh " H. L. Edmonds Bordeaux " . W. C. Martin -Hodges M H.O.Harvey Walnut Grove " P. B. Calllson Calllson " W. M. Outz.....' Klrksevs " Joseph Lake Phoenix " J. C Rush Brooks " B. B. Kinard Klnards J. I>. Coleman C'oronaca M J. II. Chiles. Jr Bradley ; A Rev. J. B. Muse Verdery u .*J®| Abbeville. S C.. Jan. 14, 1908. £ E. F. GIILIARD, ] m a t r rv -D . . _L -O. 1 -U V7 XV , . . Has moved, and occupies the rooms up ^ stairs In Knox's Hall, and 1r now pr« >ared to do all fcludsol repairing and olean of gentlemen's olothes on short notloe. Haiuples ol ruIUj a) way* on band. Charge I We have a new and very desirable lino of dies' and Misses' and Children's shoes, bich we are selling dally. Any medicine you want lrom P. B. Speed. .A-,..

LOWNDESVILLE. Bfflf McKEE, Jr. HYDALE'S TONIC Lamps. Goods ...€¦ · LOWNDESVILLE. Whatthe Peopleor the Keren Hilled City »re l>oiii|f. Lowndesville.Sep.1903. Miss Helen Barber,

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Page 1: LOWNDESVILLE. Bfflf McKEE, Jr. HYDALE'S TONIC Lamps. Goods ...€¦ · LOWNDESVILLE. Whatthe Peopleor the Keren Hilled City »re l>oiii|f. Lowndesville.Sep.1903. Miss Helen Barber,

LOWNDESVILLE.What the People or the Keren Hilled

City »re l>oiii|f.Lowndesville.Sep. 1903.

Miss Helen Barber, who has spent someweeks In this place with ber parents, leit lorManterey Alonday morning, where she wentto take charge of a fine school near Mr. G. W.Speer's.Our High School opened Monday morning

with quite a flattering attendance.Mr. Charles Basfcln started week before laBt

for Cedarvllle, Ohio, to begin a collegiatecourse.Mrs. J. B. Franks and her bright litne noy

started Monday evening for their Pbllldelphlahome.Dr. J. D. Wilson and family returned Mondayfrom a several days trip among klnslolk

near Watts.Dr. H. F. Hoyt of Commerce, Ga., came in

Monday and stayed till Thursday with hisson-in-law, Dr. A. J. Speer.Miss Leila Moseley of Greenwood, came up

Monday and began her duties as pupil in thein this place.Messrs. W. T. Cunningham and J. T. Basklnof Monterey, were up in this place on

business Monday.Miss Aille May Fennel came back from a

several weeks stay with friends In Waterlooand other places.Miss Annie Bell and Miss Leila Feunel

started for Ashevlllo, to enter the FemaleCollege at that place lor another year. Weare passing through tbe period In which ouryoung men and maidens are taking tbeir departurefor tbeir respective places of study foranother year.The writer Is told by one who knows, that

on the Charles Allen place, about lour milesfrom here, there are lands In cultivation uponwhich floe crops are growing, which were incultivation in 1S3S, and have been workedever since, and at that time the lands lookedas if they had been worked lor years andyears, as there was not a tree or even a 6tumpU JJUL1 bUOUi, auu uucdc lauuo atvokiii^uibv p»vdnctlve without ferlllizer.Mr. Will Swift and bib mother, Mrs. J. \V.

Swift, of Elberton, were over for a day or solast week with their klnspeople In and aroundhere.Dr. A. J.Speer went to Elberton Thursday

on business.Mr. "Boss" Nance and family of Monterey

came up Tuesday and spent the day with thefamily of the father of Mr. Nance.Mr. J. A. Ktrkpatrlck, who has been here

for several weeks under treatment of hlfbrother. Dr. T. O. KlrRpatrlck, Improved Inhealth and returned to his home In Greensboro,N. C.Mr. Johnson Cleckley of Latimer, came here

Friday on business.Our Township was hard bit an to Jurors foi

the coming Court at Abbeville, there beingbut eight to have the honor of serving theliCounty and State.Mr. Herbert Brooks, assistant in our school

last year, now of Warrenton, came up Fridayand Is still here among friends.Mr. Roscoe Hortan went to Greenville Friday,and entered Furman University foi

another scholastic year.Miss Ada Fennel, after spending sometime

with friends at Pendleton, came back to herhome here last. week.Miss Jennie May Dunn returned to the

Dae West Female College a few days ago foranother year.After the troploal storm had spent the

greater part of Its fdry, some of the remalndt icame to as last week In the form of a briskEast wind, and the wind from the same quarterhas continued to date. Monday, Tuesdayand Wednesday it was accompanied by a

succession of showers of rain, neither ofwhich was heavy enough to do damage.Rev. I. K. Wallace of the Presbyterlar

Church, and Rev. R. W. Barber of the MethodistCburcb, sometime ago decided that h

union of the two churches would make thecongregations at the Sunday night service*much larger, aud have since carried out thefollowing grogram. The first preaches hereon the 1st and 2rd Sundays at il a. m., andnow heoocuples the pulpit In the MethodistChuroh on the first Sunday at 8:15 p. m. andthe second preaches in the Presbyterlar

I Church on the 3rd Sunday at 8:15 p. m. Thltarrangement works very smoothly andnicely. Troupe.

t i

dul ww.IIntereNtinic ParaxrapnN oy » Wide

Awake Correspondent.Dae West, Sept. 21,1»U8.

Eraklne College, Due West Female sad th<Public School opened on last Wednesdaymorning with a good attendance and we beaiof quite a number of new pupils yet to beenrolled.Miss Jennie Wldeman of Long Cane ii

visiting relatives In town. Her sister MistClara entered the Female College.The Y. M. C.A. of Ersklue College, enter

taloed tbe young ladles of tbe Female Collegeon last Friday evening. Delightful refreshmeats were served by the young ladles of tbeWylle Home, who made very charmingwaitresses.Mrs. Talltha Cowan Is visiting her daugbtei

Mrs. C. E. Todd.Miss Lizzie Nlckles left Friday for Darling

ton where she will be engaged In teaching.Mrs. Etta Cochran and little son Robbie, ar<

visiting Mrs. R. C. firownlee.Mre. Maglll, wife of the American Consul pi

Tamploo, Mex., reached Due West SaturdayShe enters her daughter Miss Adelaide Itthe Female College. Mrs. Maglll was formerly from Chicago, which oily 6he will vlslibefore returning to Mexloo.Mr. W. W. Edwards has laid In a beautiful

line of fall and winter goods. He Is busjmaking preparations for the Opening, tuedate of whloh has not been announced.Mr. J. E. Pressley, a former student of Era

kine College, was In town last week. Htleaves the first of October lor Baltimore to attend medical leotures.Mr. E. C. Stuart of Bartow, Fla., was In Due

West several days recently. His daughteiMlhft Mattle is a pupil of the Female College.Her mother was Miss Maggie Hood of thleplace, who succeeded Mrs. Kale P. Kennedyas teacher of Mathematics In the FemaUCollege.

i« K«v.D. G. Caldwell will occupy the residenceof Miss Ola Devlin. We are glad tcnote that Mrs. Caldwell who Is lo the hospitalIn Charlotte Is very much Improved.Mlsa Statla and Mr. Luther Bradley of Long

Caue are visiting the family of Dr. J. W.Wldeman.

TBOT.The Trojans are Very Happy and

LProsperousTroy, Sept. 14.

These cool mornings are a reminder of an

early fall. aMiss Minnie Taggart is In Abbeville with

many relatives.Mr. O. G. Prentiss and family left Friday

for Laorena, their future home.air. louogoiooa uu muiuy, ui Augumn,

will occupy the honse recently vacated byMr. Prentiss.Mr. Jim Watklns and family, of the Hopewellsection, will move here soon to send his

children to sohool. We welcome them.Miss Statla Wideman, after an extended

visit here, has returned to her home inDue West.It Is Just three weeks until the meeting ol

the Presbytery, which will meet with this A.R. P. church,Mrs. G. W. Pressly and little ones from

Charlotte, were at Cedar Springs last weekwith her mother-in-law, Mrs. Tuluia Pressly,Mr. J. W. Crawford Is building a pretty cottagenear Mr. J. Tillman White's.Miss Annie Bradley will again teach the

Bellvue school.The Men's Christian Union will meet every

Friday evening at S o'clock In the A. R. P.Church. All denominations are cordially invited.Miss Martha Reagan is at Woodruff, with relatives.There will not be any services in the A. R.

P. church next Sabbath. The pastor will beat Mt. CarmelMrs. Sadie Mazyck and I'-tle son from Abbevilleare here with Mrs. J annle Thomson.IVirB. VY XX. AUOLU9UU iruuj OUUl lWfBl

Georgia, was here reoently with herslster-lnlaw, Mrs. Bam Walker.Mr. J. E. Taggart of Hopewell, had a Bplendldyoung horse to drop dead in tbe harness.

It Is supposed ll burst a blood vessel.Mr. J. S. Burnett 1b now olerkmg for Davis

<1 Cuddy. His qualifications are widespred,and he will also bring them many customers.Today Miss Nora Davis leaves for Ersklne

College, also her consln, Miss Maude Robinsonof McCormlck. Somebody will have tostudy day and night to excel these girls, andwe know they will return adorned with medalsIn June. They are representatives we are

proud of.Troy has never bad such a supply of goods

as now and the best trade she has ever had.Nine stores and the best cotton market on tberoad. Seed 21c. and cotton 10 3 4- Three cottonbuyers, Messrs. J. N. Dnndy, J. W. Mulllnaxand A. J. Dendy, make the market verybusy.Mrs. J. 8. Harris and little ones, and sister,

MyrtlceSmart, enjoyed a pleasant visit torelatives in Abbeville recently.Misses Alice and Lou Tolbert, two of Buffalo'spretty glrlB, accompanied by Miss Leslie

Britt, a handsome escort, were amoDg tbepleasant gueBts at the social at Mrs. A. J.Davis Tuesdav evenine.Hon. W. P. Wldeman of .Long Cane, 1b

making a thorough canvass through thecountry. ArS him about it. He is interceding.We who are still in single blessednesscan appreciate it.Our school opens tomorrow with public exercises.Our teachers are here and everything

points to the best year Troy has bad in schoolwork.Mrs. J. L. Kennedy and pretty daughter, of

Beiivue, were down last week with relatives.Rev. H. B. Blakeley and A. D. Woodle

preached a night each for the colored Presbyterianslast week.3Miss Jennie Wldeman leaves todaj to resumeher studies lu the Due West Female

College.Mt. J. W. McCaslan of Greenwood, was

down for a lew days last week. Nick.



Married.A happy company entered the Baptist pur-1

sonage early .Sunday morning. Ttie center 2of attraction was a couple of young people,!1ttie happiest of them all, who came to thepastor. Rev. H. 0. Buchholz, to be united In ^the bonds of matrimony. The contracting H

parties were Mr. F. S. Prince and Miss Komi rHill, .both of Antrevllle. The bride was

handsomely dressed in while, while thegroom's face was wreathed In smiles, the *token of bis perfect happiness. Exactly at v

nine fifteen o'clock the newly made husbandand wife received the congratulations of the ddozen witnesses to the ceremony, and soon v

afier the entire company went on Its wayrejoicing.

dMethodlHt Church.

On Sunday morning at the MethodistChurch the pastor will preach a special sermonto the young men and young ladles ofthe community. The public Is cordially Invitedto be present. The young especially are

urged to attend, as the pastor bus a special rme- lags for them. s


Stomact Trouble Causes Heart Trouble. tHeart trouble is almost always caused by t

stomach trouble. The stomach f-iils to digest c

all the lood. aud the residue torments, form- tlng excess of gas which distends the walls ol f

the stomach, causing a pressure on the nerves 1and arteries that lead to the heart.. This tcauses the heart to palpitate or skip a beat (

occasionally, or both, which is usually very c

alarming, causing grave apprehensions. Ry- Idales Stomach Tablets will prevent this trouble.They digest the food and prevent gasfrom Jorming in the stomach. If there Is nogas in your stomach your heart will not trou-bleyou. C. A. Milford, the Druggist.

Southern Hallway Schedule. r

Trains for Hodges leave Abbeville, 8. C., No 1114(daliy)8.40a. m.; No. 112(daily) 10.50 a.m.No. 110 (daily) l.i» p.m.; No. 116(dailj). ITrains from Hodges ari l ve Abbeville, No. 115

(dally) 10.20 a. ni.; No. 113 (dally) 12.05 p. m.;No. Ill (daily) 3.10 p. m.Nos. 116 and 117 (night trains) discontinued, fClose connection at Hodges with through £

trains for Greenville, Columbia, Charleston, s

etc., connecting at Greenville for A. & C. Di- jLVet oIqa Atl.uvlllfl At- .

VtBlUU pi/iuio auu bUO moi| aiau xi.nuv 4iiV| 4»v I

lanttt, etc. tc

j m 9 ^j,


Now is the time to buy Sus- <

; penders, and we are the peo- i

pie to buy them from. Wesell the 50c kind at 34 to 38c, 1

the 25c kind at 17 to 19c andthe cheaper kinds at the same !reduction. They are Drum- <

mers' Samples and first class !goods. A. M. Smith & Co. )

IA COUGH IS OXLY A SYMPTOM. JA coueh la not a disease but a symptom of

disease. A coueh always indicates that eitherthe throat or lungs are affected. When themucus lining of the throat or lungs becomesinflamed the Irritation causescougning. uon i

neglect a cough. It may be the symptom ofHorlous throat or lung disease. Rvdalee Elixirkills theeerinn that causes the trouble,soothesthe Irritated mucus membrane, gently ellon:'lates the nerves that control the respiratoryorgans and thus helps nature to speedily restore normal conditions and healthy action.C. A. Mllford, the Druggist <



Many a girl has lived to regfret the day shemarried a man Just to keep some other girlfrom getting him.




. And See Where to Invest !Your Money !


r .

: 328 Acres1 Of land, well improved, good

pasture and bottom lands. Good c

dwelling house, 8 large rooms. ]House newly painted. Good .barn and tenant houses, gin \

) house, crib and all necessary ]houses. This place is 21-2 mile$ ,from Due West, 3-4 mile from c

^good school, and remember Due 5

West with her two colleges, is

only two and one-half miles.Will sell tbis place at $8 peracre. One-third cash, balance onpftsv navmpnts. This is a bar-

%/ £

gain.150 ACRES

Two miles from Abbeville. Two n

tenant houses, good pasture and *timbered lands. Will offer this efplace at $12.50 per acre. i

31 ACRESWith three rooms house in Cityof Abbeville. Will make a lowprice on this place.

$2,000.00 iTwo story house ou Upper Main 1

Street, fine location, large roomy (

lot. Terms easy. (

$200.00Each. Three buildiuc lots oustreet leadiug to Tan Yard. ;

4* U AUXINSOf land, western part AbbevilleCounty. $10 per acre.

1 BUILDING LOT \On Harrisburg Street. Will Bell fthis lot cheap.

$350.00 ;73 acres of land, 7 raile9 Southwestof Abbeville on easy terms. ^

180 ACRES 1

Of land one mile from city limitsof Abbeville. This laud is in. u:.i. .i...c C'Oiu ui£ii »iai« ui uujiivuuwu. s?~i

per acre.

§>500.00Building lot on Church Street. *}

2 Houses and LotsOn Magazine Street. Can givegood terms.

If you want lo sell your Real Estate ]list it with me. If you want to bbuy Ileal Estate, come to see me cbefore making your purchase. e



150 Acres, G' h

known as the S. W. Cochran place, situated p

three mlleB north of Abbeville Court llonaeadjoining the Gordon and Noble lands. fiFor terms apply to

J. H. COCHRAN,Greenville, 8. C.

or C. M. Cochran on place.


L U. Willie's Locals.

White Is certainly the plnco to buy cottonoods. His stork of thern is immense, andhey have all been brought at low prices.You ought to buy your bleached and unileaehedcotton goodH now. Go to White's

iiiil you will And wljat you want and atirlce* that will be sure to please you.L. W. White has the very article you need

or cotton saokp. It. Is an onnaburgs a yardride and can be bought at 5 cents a yard.I, W.White in receiving new goods everymy. Call on him and you will find exactlymat you waut, and at very low prices.

Tobacco users should call on W. D. Barkslaleamlget his price by the box.Overalls and jackets, all prices. Southernhe best Union made. W. L). Barksdale.

Emergency Medicines.It Is a great convenience to have at handeiiabie remedies for use in eases of accidentmd lor slight injuries and ailments. A t;oodluiment and one that is fast becoming aavorite 1( not a household necessity is Chamlerlain's1'aln Balm. By applying itpromplyo a cut, bruise or burn it allays the paiu andlausesthe injury to heal tu about one-thirdhe time usually required, and as it is an

intlseptlc II prevents auy danger of bloodmlsoning. VVheu Pain Balm Is kept atland a sprain may be treated before I nflamnatiousets In, which insures a quick re;ovpry.For sale by C. A. Miilord, Abbevillei. M. Young, Due West.

Already Astonished..Mr. Cltlraan: "Nevir been 10 New York, eh? Well, It wouldurprlse you to bee the business that's dimeh»-re."Farmer Elderberry: "Yes; and it surprisesne to see some of the folks that helps 10 dot.".Puck.

9a<* Mold a Pile of Chamberlain'sCough Remedy.

I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Remedyor more than twenty years and It has givenmtlre satisfaction. 1 have sold a pile ol Itind can recommend It highly..JosephUcElhjnkv, Linton, Iowa. You will findhis remedy a good Iriend when troubledvlth a cough or cold. It always attonlxlulck relief and Is pleasant to lake. Forale by C. A. Mllford, Abbeville, H. M. Young,Due West.

"What we require," said the managing edior,"Is the services of a man capable of takugfull charge of our'Query Box.' Are you:apable of answering all kinds ot questions?""Well. I rather guess yes," replied the apJllcant,"I'm the lather of eleven children.".

Chicago News.

!u Praise of Chamberlain's ColicCliolern and Diarrhoea Remedy.

"Allow rno to give yon a few words Injralse of CbamtieriRin'N Colic, Choleia andDiarrhoea Remedy," says Mr. Jouu Hamlett,>[ Kagle 1'aBs, Texas. "I Muttered one weekvlUi bowel troub.e and took ail kinds oiuedlclne without getting auy relief, whenny friend, Mr. C. Johr:ho.i,a merchant tn-re,.dvlsed me to taKe this remedy. After takngone dose 1 felt greatly relieved aud whenL had taken the third dose was entirely cur;d.1 thank you from the bottom of myjeart for putting thin great remedy In thelands of mankind." For sale by C. A. Miltord,Abbeville, H. M." Young, Due West.

Uncle Josh.It seems ter me thore's JppIwo things you kin do If you've got rbeuinaLlKlU.Uucle alias.What's tbem?Uncle Josh.You kin gnu and bear It, or

pou dou'l need to grin.

AbNcem.W. H. Harrison. Clevelaud, Miss., writes,

Aug. 15,11102: *'I want tosHy a word oi praise[or Dallurd's Snow Liniment. I stepped on a

aail, which caus»d the cords in my leg loconiractand au abscess to rise in my knee, andthe doctor told me that I would have a stitfeg, so one day 1 went to J. F. Lord's drugtore(who is now in L)< liver, Co o) He re:ouimeudeda bottle of Snow Liniment; Ijot a 50.: size, and it cured my leg, It Is thejest liniment in tbe worldAbscesses, with few f-xcepilonp, are Indicativeof constipation or debllliy. They may,

lowever, result from blows or from foreignjodl<s, Introduced into the skin or flesh, suchis splinters, thorns, etc. Sold by C. A. M l.'«tord.

. .

X'fKlniHl Cold*.Every pirt of the mucons membrane, the

lose, throat, ears, head and luugh, etc., areiubjdcted to disease and blight iroui neglected:o1uh. Hallard's Horehound Syrup Is a pleaa»ntand eflective remedy. 25c, 50c, SI 00. W.Vkeudrlek, Valley Mills, Texas. writes: "Iiav« used Hallard's Horehound Syrup forroughs Rud throHt trouDies ; it 1h k pieasantind most efleciive remedy." Sold by C. A.MllforU.

Minister.You say you are going to marry anan to reform blm? That Is noble. May Iisk who he In?Ml88 Beauti.It's young Mr. Bondcllpper.Mlnlnter.Indeed! I did not know he hadmy bad habits.Miss Beauti.Yes, his friend says he Is besomingquite miserly..New York Weekly.

BpantiTul Women.Plump cheeks, flushed withe the soft glow

>1 health and a pure complexion, make allvoiuen beautiful. Take a small dose ofierbine alter each meal; It will prevent conizationand help dlgi-st what you haveaten. 50o. Mrs. Wm. M. Stroud, Midlothian,['exa8, writes, May HI, 11WI: "We have usedlerbiue lu our family for eight jears, andouiid It the best medicine we ever used forloustlpatlon, bilious lever and malaria.''Sold by C. A. Milford.

Tommy.Ma, can I play makln' believe I'mtuiertalnln' another little boy?Mamma-Yob, dear, of course.Tommy.All right.. Gimme Bome cake for

ilm..Philadelphia Press.

Sprain*.S. A. Read, Cisco,Texas, writes, March 11th,901: "My wrist waN sprained so badly by aall that It was useless; and after using 6everil remedies that failed to give relief, usedJallard's Suow Liniment, and was cured. Ilarnestiy recommend It to any one sufferingrom sprains." 25c, 50c, 81.00. So.d by C. A.Milord.


At Miller's Store you will alwaysind a large assortment. We also liavejuite a variety of cakes and crackers>ut of the package. We never send>ut anything but fresh goods.


The greatest seller in the city, pricebe per pouud. Our Perri Wallaileuded Tea, price 50 ceuts.


We are the sole agents for the WhiteStar Coffee. Our No. 3, White Starloc and Mocha and Java 3oc or three>ouuds for $1.00, our leaders.Call and see our stock of Pickles and

)lives. We carry the largest assortnentin the city.Just received a fresh lot of Roe Salad

)ils in half pints, pints and Quarts>9ttles. We also carry it in quart cans.

Yours to please,L. T. & T. M. MILLER,

Dealers in Faucy Groceries.

Master's Sale.Che State of South Carolina,


llijah VVideman against John Tolbert.Foreclosure.1


y the Court of Common Picas for Abbeville jonuty, In said State, made tn tbe above Htnttlcane, I will offer for sale, at Public Outcry,t Abbeville C. H., S. C., on Nalesday in

CTOBKR (5th,) A. D. 1003. within the legalours of sale the following described land, to "

'it: All that tract or parcel of laud situate,,-lng and being in Abbeville County, in the*'.ate aforesaid, containing

Five Acres,lore or Iokh, and bounded by landR of Henryo >de and Young Kennedy, lying on the leftand side of the G., V. <fc N. Hallway Coinany,near Cnna.TKKMS OK SALE.CaHb. Purchaser to pay>r papers.

L. W. I'KRHIN,Master A. ('. K. C.

September 15, HHiu.

*' / r'

Bfflfmi? or oaitj.


2 5-Rooin CottagesOn Wardlaw Street.

1 5-Hoom CottageOn Cabell Avenue.

G1 Nice Dwelling

On Pinckney Street.

2 2-Story DwellingsOn Main Street,. 1

1 Tract Land _

Containing 96 Acres. j|

1 Tract Land2

Containing 215 Acres.

1 Tract LandContaining 165 Acres.

1 Tract LandT1

Containing 300 Acres.

T]1 Tract Land *


Containing 213 Acres, 11-2 JJ!miles from Abbeville. o®



If you wish to invest in City or gCountry property, it will payyou to see me before makingany purchases.

J. C. ELLIS. '

Master's Sale.The State of South Carolina, i


Samuel Shaw against L. M. Shaw and an- beother.Foreclosure. *rc

"E>i>Y AUTHORITY OF A DECREE OF SALE {&by the Court of Common Fleas for Abbeville wl

County, In said State, made In theabove stat- ^ed case, I will offer for sale, at Public Outcry,at Abbeville C. H., S. C., on Salesday In OC- oo

TOBER (f.ih.) A. D. 1903, within "the legal '

hours of sale the following described land, to |,ewit: All that tract or parcel of land situate, ap

lying and being In Abbeville County, Jn the tajState aforesaid, containing ga


One Hundred and Fifty-Two &Acres.

more or less, and bounded by lands of J. I.Orowthers, Henry P. McGee, Samuel Sbaw, J.D. Alewlne, Mrs. Crawford, J. L. Black and *

others, being made up of two tracts, one contalnlngone hundred and twenty-two andfour-tentbs acres and the other of twentyacres.To be «*old In two tracts unless otherwise announcedon day of sale. j»TERMS OF SALE.One-hall cash, and the

balance on a credit of one year, with Interestfrom day of sale, the credit portion to be securedby a bond of the purchaser and mort- Vgage of the premises, with privilege to pay deall cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. ab(

L. W. PERRIN, ca

Master A. C., S. C. bu

sepiemoer r<i, isi».


Master's Sale.The State of South Carolina,


Willie B. Moore, Plaintiff, ngalnst Eilwnjd M.Moore and others..For Relief.

By AUTHORITY OF A DECREE OF SALEby the Court of Common Pleas lor AhbevllleCounty, ij said State, made In the above statedcane, I will offor for sale, at Public Outcry,at Abbeville C. H., S. C.. on Salesday In OCTOBER(5th.) A. D.. 19(«. within the legalhours nf sale the following described land, towit: All that tract or parcel of land situate,lying and being In Abbeville County, In the QState aforesaid, containing

Two Hundred and Eighty Acres, Vmore or !es«, and bounded by lands of George 141'

P. Graves, landn formerly belonging to Dr. ^,H

W. M. Taggurt, T. 15aker and Mrs. W. W. lbe

JamoH McKluney, Giles Creek and a tract of n

land belonging to Mary Power Huehanan,'

svhtch was conveyed to her by \V. It. Buch- 35»nan. Deed recorded in Hook 14, page 1.TKKMS OF SALK.Cash, provided a bid of _

lot less than seven dollars per acre Is made. «

Purchaser to pay for papers. 10L. W. PERKIN,Muster A. C. S. C.

September 12, 190.J. antT

Land for Sale! %Cllll

150 ACRES, HoldKituated one (1) mile from city limits, l>ajnice dwelling house unci place well im- ^proved. Apply to (>f (

Mrs, C. R. Ricey,ABBEVILLE, S. C. cret

or S. B, Marshall, SeaKEEN WOOD, S. C.

August 26, 1903. tf

r ;. > "> ' cyj, "i?;

J. W. McBuy your Groceries, Dry GcKee. We carry a full line,of Crockery, Glassware andhave a full line of CanneSpices, Hams, Shoulders an

Candies and Crackers. ^Fruits, Vegetables and Pnanything in our line be suri

Yours to pleasJ. W. >

W. D. BAEis better prepared thaiwants of the FarmerceiviDg our Fall stock o

roceries, Farm SupplFarm Machinery,

Rakes, Grain ]

Call and get our prBest goods*, lowest pri>ered, is our motto.

V. D. BAh



he Rate of State, County, Schooland Special Tax, Including OneDollar Poll Tax, One DollarCommutation Tax,* ACCORDANCE WITH AN ACT TOraise supplies for the fiscal year comroencgJanuary 1, 1903, notice is hereby given

at the office of C'oanty Treasurer for AbbelleCounty will be open for tb« collection ofxps for said lineal year from Tuesday, Octor15tb, until Thursday, December 31st, witbtpenalty. Tbere V7ill be added.penalty of oue per cent, on all taxes not

Id on January 1st, 1904.penalty of two per cent, on all taxes not

,ld on February 1st , 1904.\ penalty of seven per cent, on all taxes notid on March 1st. 1904.ites Per Cent, of Taxation are as

Follows:state Tax 5 mills.County Tax .'.... 1V> "

Special County (Road) "

Sinking Fund 1 "

School 3 "

Total 12:n addition to tbe ab'>ve a special lax willcollected for school purposes as follows:Abbeville Special School S^mlllB.Abbeville Special R.R. bonds l>£ "

Bethel J3 "

Sharon 4 "

Lowndesvlile 4 "

Ml. Carmel 3 "

WIlllDKton 3 "

McCormlck 2 "

poll tax of One Dollar per capita on all»le citizens between the atre of 21 and 60srs, except Buch as are exempt by law, willcollectfd.\ commutation road tax of One Dollar willcollected the Fame time as other taxes

>m all male citizens between the age of INd SO years, except such as are exempted byw. Unlews said tax Is paid by first of March,14, fourdays work upon the publlchlgbwaysII be required under a contractor.raxes are payable only In poid and silverIn. United States currency. National Hankilea and Coupons of State Bonds which beme payable durlnc the year, 1903.\s ho few avail themselves of the opportunrof paying taxrs at the times and placesretofore designated, I will discontinue thepoimments over the County, and collect allxes at the Treasurer's office.Parties desiring information by mall in rerdto their taxes will please write beforescember 15tb, statlDg the location of theiroperty, and Include postage for reply, andose paying taxes by check must Include thearge for collection.

W. T. BRADLEY,Treasurer,

September 10,1903. tf

eal Estate, Stocks and Bonds. '

VHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER ANDwhat are your wants? I have several

sirable houses and lots for sale at reasonleprices and on easy terms. Also have

ireral plantations listed with me which Id offer at low prices, wnen you warn iu

y or sell Real Estate, come to me.

Kobt. S. Link.rulys, 191W. tf

For Sale.00 Acres of Landa t ii a t> t!, rvn uiolbpb nf ItorkV

'er. one-and-a-half milps west of Latimertlon, on the C. & \V. C. Railroad, known as

J. E. G. Bell place, consistlug of

5 Acres Original Forest, ,

0 Acres second growth PineLand, ^

5 Acres Pasture Land, ,

0 Acres in cultivation, }n the plantation is a 7 room fairly good J,slliUK houso; 1 well of pure water; -i ten- jhouses, stabjes, cotton house, cribs, etc.

lirougli this plantation runs a road to v

<eley's Ferry. The place Is watered by t

iio small streams and a good mineral "v

In*. n

t-rsons desiring to buy or see the place,on It. O. Bell, at Latimer.this place In uot sold privately It will be

1 at Abbeville at public outcry ou Sale ^' in October.

KKMS-One half cash; balance on a cred 'st

welve niontiiH, with Inierest at eight per |ft. from day of Hale. Purchaser to kIvp oi

d and mortgage of ttie premises for thelit portion. Purchaser Ut pay lor papers.

JOHN (>. HOWARDS,pt.U. tf Abbeville, S. C.

msr*'' *' ' i"v

-)* r.i :/ »,- .' vx. r.\

KEE, Jr. |»ods and Shoes from McWealso have a nice lineLamps. In Groceries we 1

id Goods, Teas, Coffees,d Breakfast Bacon, FineTe handle at all times \

1 TTT1 3 Voauce. w nen in neeu 01

e to call and see us. i

'!-KEE, JR. |^KSDALE !

ii ever to supply thes. We are now refgoods, consisting of

ies,Mowers.Drills, Dry Goods, etc.

ices before buying.ces, quality cousid*

'KSDALE.'We mnke prescription work a specially. Webave two of the finest Prescription Men to beround In South Carolina. One on duty all theil me. NIrIU call No. 42. Mil ford's Drug .

Store. Phone 107. 1

DENTAL NOTICE.Dr. S. G. Thomson,

OFFICE UP-3TAIRS ON MOILWAI*Corner, Abbeville. 8. C.

A. B. WARDLAW, IDentist.

Offlrp ovpr Randall's SLorr.April 15,1903. tf





Abbeville Lodge No. 45, L 0. 0. F.IVrEF/rs EVERY THURSDAY EVENING

at S:30 o'clock Id Odd Fellows Hall. Allbrethren, and visitors specially, are most cordlully Invited to attend.J. 8. Cochran, S.G.Thomson,

Secretary. Noble Grand.


PARKER & GREENE,Attorneys &sd Counsellors at Law.


May 4. 1898. tJ


CITY SCHOOLAbbeville, S. C.,.Aog. 24, 1903.

The Abbeville Graded and High School willbegin Its exercises on

MONDAY, September 14th,1903, at 9 O'clock.

All teachers are expected to be present byhalf-past eight o'clock.

The first Teachers' Meeting of the year willbe held In the office of the Superintendent at

five o'clock, Saturday, September 12th, 1903.Very respeotfully,

R. F. GILLIAM,Superintendent.

Aur. 26, 1903. tf

COAL! COAL! COAL!A J conditions are very unvU/VLsettled, with the certainty

that it will advance from tbis timeon. I am now prepared to take ordersand make sales of both SOFT and

HARD COAL. If you want the bestof either kind, I will be glad to makeyou prices. I do not handle cheapgrades, only the VERY BEST.Orders must be given at once to

secure lowest prices. There is an advanceeach and every month.

Amos B. 31(>rse.June :24, 1903.

Summons for Debt.State of South Carolina.


$y M. E. HolilngKworth, Esquire, Magistrate,Abnevilie County.


PIOMPLAINV having been made unto me

by I.. T. & T. M. Miller, partners, doinglusinefs in the City of Abbeville, S. C, underhe tiiin name of L. T. A T. M. Miller, thatoil are indebted to litem in t tiesum ol Seveneenand !M-l00 (§17.90) Dollars, tor goods andnerchandise lurti'Mhcd you during the firstart of the year l'Htt.This is, therefore, to require you to appear

lelore nn?. In tny otliee In tile City of Abbe'III**,State of South Carolina, at jo o'clock, onti> fiili day alter tile service of tins Siimtnonspon you, exclusive of the day of such seric>,to answer to said complaint, or Judg-1 ^

v nt will lie given against you by default. '

Dated Abbeville, S. ('.. August 17. A D. 190-J. IM. K. Hollingswortb, (L.8.) I

Magistrate A. u.

TATE OF KOl'TH CAROLINA.Counly oi Abbeville.

To Warren Klchardson, absent defendant,ike »«.tire that the complaint in the above tUted eu*e wan tiled In olUce of M K. Hoil- {igNwnrth, M«g!sirate ol Abbeville County,a Hie 171 it day of August, 1903. ,

Given under rny hand aud heal this the 17th*yof August, I1XB.

M K. HolllDgsworlh, laMagistrate A. (J., S. C. w

# I




ZMLA-L-AJRIA..It has recently been discovered that ;

he germs that produce Malaria, brted *

md multiply in the intestines and from $here spread throughout the system ^ ;|>y meaas of the blood. This fact ex>lainswhy Malana is hard to cure by *

he old method of treatment. Quinine,Ton, etc.. stimulate the *"Qrves and ' jT, }mild up the blood, but do not destroy /he germs that cause the difeease. ;

lydale's Tonic has a specific 'effectipon the intestines and bowels, freeinghem from all disease breeding mi:robes.It also kills the germs that "v


nfest the veins and arteries. It drives *

rom the blood all poisonous matter '.md makes it rich and healthy. y*RYDALE'S TONIC is a blood m

MH'MAI* O tiorifo r\r#*r QT>H a \falflT1A '.r.Utm

lestroyer. Try it, it will not disapjointyou.


Ready for Business 1'



Onalltv cuRmnteed. Aarenta for thfl aele> «

>rated "White Star" Summer's and Rook Hill>uggie8, Give ub a call. *

Yoara for business,




ABBEVILLE, S. C.March 11,1903. tf

NOTICE OF REGISTRATION 4T*je books for the registration vof :

all legally qualified voters, and for theissuing of transfers, ect., wiil be open < ..$§at the office of Supervisors of Regjptra^ r*aStion in the Court House, between th% ;ahour 9 o'clock a. m., and 8 o'cloek p.' ..-jM

lU. a.t aaalvLLi. | UU LUC iliot luuuuaj VI wyw. /. jgmonth, and kept open for three soo»cesaive days in each month uptilthirty days before the next general i Jelection.. iAny person whose qaafificadoos m v

an elector will be completed after theclosing of the Registration Booka bat %before the next election shall have the.right to apply for and secure a regis- 1 "3stration certificate at any time withinBixty days immediately precedingthe closing of the Registration Books,upon an application under oath to the Wfacts entitling him to such registrar -'

The registration of voters njusf l#.by polling precincts. There muBt be * :

Book of Registration for each polling^precinct, that is for eacn township, or iparish, or city, or <own of leas thwi -*jbflvA thnnsand inhabitants, or ward of Acities of more than five thousand ^inhabitants. Each elector mast votein the polling precinct in which heresides. If there is more than' onevoting place in the polling preoftnct,the elector may vote at any votingplace designated on the registrationcertificate. The Boards mast designatein the registration certificate 'the votingplace in the polling precinct atwhich the elector is to vote. If thdtois more than one voting place in fhepolh'ag precincts, the Boards shjjildesignate on the certificate the vot&Uf <oiace selected by the elector.

~G. H. MOORE, |R. O. MoADAMS, 7 "7WM. C. SHAW, ?::? >%

Board of Supervisors of Reglstretton

Abbeville-Greenwood % IMUTUAL



Property Insured, $800,000. Mi

WRITE TO OR CALL on tte'nndenilgmedor to the Dlreotor of your Township

for any Information yon may deal«> adooiour plan of Insurance. '* - 'JtWe Insure your property against destrno

Hon by

r:«, wiSDSumi a tiesmn,and do so cheaper than any Insnranoe Com ' Apuny In existence. J.v iwHRemember we are prepared to prove to yon

that ours Is the safest and cheapest plan ofInsurance known.

J. B. BLAKE, Jr., Gen. Agent,Abbeville, S. C.

J. FRASEH LYON, Pres."Abbeville, S. C. i

BOAED~DIEJECTORS. |J. Add. Calhoun -Ninety-Six Township ,

S. G. Major Greenwood "

J.T. Mabry ~ Cokeeoury "

W. B. Acker Donalds ".

M. B. Cllnkscales Due West "

T. L. Haddon Long Cane " **$!u f fpnmAp Smllhvllle "

J. W. Lyon Troy "

A. K. WHtHon Cedar Spring "

W. E. Leslie AbbevilleDr. J. A. Anderson Antrevllle "

H. A. Teunent. Lowndesville "

A.O.Gran t Magnolia "

J. R. Tarrant Calhoun MIIIh "

H. L. Edmonds Bordeaux ".

W. C. Martin -Hodges M

H.O.Harvey Walnut Grove "

P. B. Calllson Calllson "

W. M. Outz.....' Klrksevs "

Joseph Lake Phoenix "

J. C Rush Brooks "

B. B. Kinard KlnardsJ. I>. Coleman C'oronaca M

J. II. Chiles. Jr Bradley; ARev. J. B. Muse Verdery u .*J®|Abbeville. S C.. Jan. 14, 1908. £

E. F. GIILIARD, ]m a t r rv -D

. . _L -O. 1 -U V7 XV , . .

Has moved, and occupies the rooms up ^stairs In Knox's Hall, and 1r now pr«

>ared to do all fcludsol repairing and oleann« of gentlemen's olothes on short notloe.Haiuples ol ruIUj a) way* on band. Charge I

We have a new and very desirable lino ofdies' and Misses' and Children's shoes,bich we are selling dally.Any medicine you want lrom P. B. Speed.
