ْ مِ هِ سُ ف ن ْ نِ م ن يِ نِ مْ ُ مْ ل اِ بٰ ى لْ و ُ ّ يِ ب ّ ن ل The Prophet is closer to the believers than their selves, [al Ahzab 33:6] ن ي% ہ ے* ت ھ ک ر* ق ح ادہ ب ي ر ھ ب ے س وں ن ا ى ج ک ںُ رA پں ن م و م ر مب غ یK پ م سل ھ و ي ل ع ھل ل ي صل ھل ل ول س ال ر* ق: مْ و نْ مُ ک لٌ رْ وُ ن ّ ي ل عْ مُ ک \ ب لا ص ّ ںِ ا ق ّ ي ل عِ * لاہ ّ ص ل اِ بْ مُ ک سِ ل ا ج م ْ ُ نِ ّ پ ر* ۃ ام نِ * فْ ل “Ornament your gatherings with prayers upon me. For prayers upon me are a light for you on the Day of Judgement.” - The month of Rabbiul Awwal arrives and everyone is "expressing" how much they love the Prophet SalAllahu Alaihi wa Salam. What happened to the rest of the 11 months?! The month of Muharram arrives and we're all talking about Karbala. What happened to the rest of the eleven months?! We only fast and read Quran in Ramadan.

Loving the Prophet

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A khutbah on analyzing our love with the Prophet Muhammad.

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Page 1: Loving the Prophet

ه�م� نف�س� �ين م�ن� أ �م�ؤ�م�ن �ال ى� ب و�ل �ي� أ �ب الن

The Prophet is closer to the believers than their selves, [al Ahzab 33:6]

ہیں رکھتے حق زیادہ بھی سے جانوں کی ا�ن پر مومنوں پیغمبر

:قال رسول اللھ صلی اللھ عليھ وسلم

ممۃ م#ا ق$ ل& � م) لو م( ل* ا+ م& رر لو ان م-ی م/ل ل* ا+ م0 م3لا م-ن قا م4 م-5 م/ل ق6 م-7لا قبا�& ل* ا+ م8 ق& م9ا مم لو� ان ي( مز“Ornament your gatherings with prayers upon me. For prayers upon me are a light for you on the Day of Judgement.”

- The month of Rabbiul Awwal arrives and everyone is "expressing" how much they love the Prophet SalAllahu Alaihi wa Salam. What happened to the rest of the 11 months?! The month of Muharram arrives and we're all talking about Karbala. What happened to the rest of the eleven months?! We only fast and read Quran in Ramadan. What happened to the rest of the eleven months?! We've become "seasonal" Muslims.

- does this not remind you of how when you go to the store in december, it’s Christmas sales, Christmas music, Christmas candy, Christmas decorations…go in January, it’s New Year’s…go in February and it’s Valentine’s Day….

ع�مه�ون �ه�م� ي ت �ر ك ف�ي س �ه�م� ل �ن ك إ عم�ر� ل

By your life, [O Muhammad], indeed they were, in their intoxication, wandering blindly.[al Hijr 15:72]

( محمد ) (�ے 0ھے ( رہے ہو مدہوش میں م8تی �پنی وہ ق8* کی جان 0مہاری-LOOK at the status of the Messenger of Allah…Allah the Creator of the Heavens and the Universe is taking an oath on the life of our Prophet!!!

Page 2: Loving the Prophet

�م� واج�ك ز� �م� وأ �ك �خ�وان �م� وإ اؤ�ك �ن ب �م� وأ اؤ�ك ان آب �ن ك ق�ل� إو�ن خ�ش ة8 ت �جار �م�وها وت ف�ت ر م�وال8 اق�ت

�م� وأ �ك ت ير وعش�ه� ـ� �م م@ن الل �ك ي �ل حب� إ ها أ ضو�ن ر� اك�ن� ت ادها ومس س كه� ـ� �ي الل �ت أ �ى� ي �ص�وا حت ب ر �ه� فت �يل ب �ه� وج�هادG ف�ي س ول س� ور

م�ر�ه� �أ ق�ينب �فاس� �قو�م ال ه�د�ي ال ه� ال ي ـ� والل

Say, [O Muhammad], "If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your relatives, wealth which you have obtained, commerce wherein you fear decline, and dwellings with which you are pleased are more beloved to you than Allah and His Messenger and jihad in His cause, then wait until Allah executes His command. And Allah does not guide the defiantly disobedient people." [Tawbah 9:24]

- We’ve all heard stories of how much the Sahaba loved the Prophet *سل و /ل#ھ �&لھ 3لیbut this following incident may be something we’re hearing for the first time:

- Thauban RadiAllah Anhu was the freed slave of the Messenger of Allah. He would try and see the Prophet several times in one day. Just by looking at him, he would forget all his troubles, difficulties, renew his imaan…

Upon occasion, Thauban RadiAllahu hadn’t seen the Prophet for the entire day. When he met the Prophet later that day, the Prophet noticed his face was red and he looked sad. The Prophet asked him, “Ya Thauban, what is wrong? Why are you looking so sad today?”

Thauban RadiAllahu Anhu replied, “Ya RasulAllah do you know that I love you so much that I need to look at you on a daily basis. When I look at you I get so much joy and happiness…When I didn’t see you today, I thought of death, and I thought of the aakhirah and I thought to myself:

When you go into the Akhirah, you will be taken by Allah SWT, not only into Jannah, but into the highest ranks of Jannah, you are going to join all the Ambiya, the pious, the martyrs and with me, I will never see you again. I’ll

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never see you again because if I enter Jannah, I’m going to be in a different rank, or a different stage altogether and what will happen to me? And most probably I won’t even enter Jannah, so I’ll never see you again..”


-Wallah, no sooner had Thauban RadiAllah Anhu had said this that Jibraeel descened and Allah revealed the verse:

ه� ـ� �عم الل ن �ذ�ين أ �ك مع ال �ئ ـ �ول ول فأ س� ه والر� ـ� �ط�ع� الل ومن ي�ح�ين هداء� والص�ال @ين والص@د@يق�ين والش� �ي �ب �ه�م م@ن الن ي عل

ف�يقUا �ك ر �ئ ـ �ول وحس�ن أ

And whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger - those will be with the ones upon whom Allah has bestowed favor of the prophets, the steadfast affirmers of truth, the martyrs and the righteous. And excellent are those as companions. [an Nisaa 4:69]

( ہوں ( سا0ھ کے &وگوں �ن روز کے قیامت وہ ہیں کر0ے �طا/ت کی رسول کے �س �ور خد� &وگ جو �ورر4اقت کی &وگوں �ن �ور &وگ نیک �ور شہید �ور 3دیق �ور �نبیاء یعنی کیا 4ضل بڑ� نے خد� پر جن گے

ہے خوب ہی بہت

- Thauban RadiAllahu Anhu used to go around and tell the people that did you know this verse was revealed because of me…that my love for the Rasul of Allah was so much that Jibraeel came down with these verses.

- The Entire Universe was created for the Sake of Sidna Nabi [sallahu alayhi wa sallam] and he was created for Allah. Out of Allah's love for His Beloved, He created us him, us, you and me. Don't we want to be the beautiful present that we

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were created for? Send Salat 'ala al-Nabi and make yourself sweet for hm, the lover doesn't count but if you are looking for reward than know that one Salat 'ala al-Nabi is enough but if you are looking to be loved by Sidna Rasul then send abundant Salat 'ala al-Nabi. – Amir Sulaiman

- Imam al Ghazali makes mention of this in his kitaab Mukashafatul Quloob:

Abdullah ibn Masud narrates: “We went to see the Messenger of Allah in the house of our mother, Aisha when the time of departure drew near. The Messenger of Allah *سل و /ل#ھ �&لھ :looked at us and his eyes began tearing. He then said 3لی“Welcome to you. May Allah give you long life. May Allah give you refuge. May Allah help you. I advise you to constantly fear Allah. I advise you to constantly remember Allah. I am certainly a clear warner to you from Him. Do not transgress the commands of Allah in His land and over His servants. The time has drawn near. The time to return to Allah is close. The time to go to Sidratul Muntaha, to Paradise, and to al Ka’s al Awfa has drawn near. Convey my greeting and the mercy of Allah among yourselves and to those who enter the religion after me.”

- My brothers and sisters, I, the disobedient and ungrateful servant of Allah, convey to you the salaam of Rahmatul ‘Alameen: Asalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu