ASCENDED MASTER KUTHUMI CHANNELLED THROUGH MICHELLE ELOFF © THE 7 SEALS WORKSHOP 19 / 20 FEBRUARY 2005 I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom to greet thee at this time and to bring unto thee all the blessings of light that each one of you require at this time in order to serve you on the new path of light that you have chosen to integrate as a result of the seals that all of you shall come to break through and step into a new world of experience over the next two days. Greetings beloved ones. And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each one of you as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God. Brothers and Sisters as we hold each one of you within the light of the Christed consciousness and we gather with you in this presence, it is truly with great excitement that we gather here. This is a time of immense change for humanity, each one of you are experiencing this change rapidly, intensely. The intensity of the changes are in fact what propels you into the new light of the new day of the new age of light, the Aquarian Age. The Piscean Age was the age of control, ignorance, darkness, that was when the four matrixes of poverty consciousness, victim consciousness, lust consciousness and conditional love consciousness found their root within the consciousness of humanity. They were literally dark ages on many levels; humanity was deprived of so much life. The deprivation was to the extent that now as the life is returned to man, man fears it, rejects it, seeing it as something evil rather than their power returning to take them home. However, many have accepted the challenge of reclaiming their power, of embracing the light, of acknowledging their authentic identity and have

Lord Kuthumi 7 Seals Channeling Part 1, 2 and 3 Feb 2005

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 I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom to greet thee at this time and to bring unto thee all the blessings of light that each one of you require at this time in order to serve you on the new path of light that you have chosen to integrate as a result of the seals that all of you shall come to break through and step into a new world of experience over the next two days.  Greetings beloved ones. And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each one of you as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God. Brothers and Sisters as we hold each one of you within the light of the Christed consciousness and we gather with you in this presence, it is truly with great excitement that we gather here.  This is a time of immense change for humanity, each one of you are experiencing this change rapidly, intensely.  The intensity of the changes are in fact what propels you into the new light of the new day of the new age of light, the Aquarian Age. The Piscean Age was the age of control, ignorance, darkness, that was when the four matrixes of poverty consciousness, victim consciousness, lust consciousness and conditional love consciousness found their root within the consciousness of humanity.  They were literally dark ages on many levels; humanity was deprived of so much life.  The deprivation was to the extent that now as the life is returned to man, man fears it, rejects it, seeing it as something evil rather than their power returning to take them home. However, many have accepted the challenge of reclaiming their power, of embracing the light, of acknowledging their authentic identity and have stepped into the world to lead by example and to pave the way into the new day and age. Beloved ones so much has changed in life in general and it is vital that through this process of change that you remind yourself to be flexible and to grow with the flow.  I have said before that much of what was taught to humanity in the ancient times bears an essence of truth, however, the way it has been presented and the way it has been applied in the past is no longer applicable because your world has changed physiologically and genetically.  Humanity has changed, your modernised lifestyles have contributed to many of the changes therefore be discerning regarding what you expose yourself to especially that which comes from the old world.  The

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reason why we say this is because one can easily fall into the trap of the old paradigm by becoming caught up in the circles of the past which have perpetuated a circular flow of old paradigm belief systems and levels of consciousness.  It is vital that you hear these words with your heart and your mind, beloved ones.  A circle is a closed circuit of energy; it works its way through itself all the time.  A spiral is a different flow, the energy can either spiral upward or downward.  In the year 1998 all of the circular vortexes of energy on the planet that were trapped within a circular motion were released to their original spiral form, this meant that consciousness could rise at a more accelerated rate.  This also resulted in many of the old paradigm teachings changing dramatically.  This meant that what was brought from the East to the West needed to be adapted in ways that could support the Western consciousness, the Western life-style, yet still bring the ancient truths, the essence of the East.   The East being the direction of illumination.  The Son of Illumination came from the East to rest in the West in order to awaken both polarities to the truth of reunion. You have heard for most of your life how as within, so without, you have heard that as above, so below but there is also a time where the man becomes the woman and the woman becomes the man.  Masculine and feminine united to form one impulse of light however the man must surrender to the woman and the woman must surrender to the man in order for heaven to manifest on earth and for the inner light of the inner world to be a part of the outer light of the outer world.  We do not now speak of wives having to become subdued to their husbands or vice versa, we speak of the feminine and masculine principles of your inner self surrendering to one another.  This manifests in an outer expression of men and women surrendering to one another and accepting each other in their truth, without judgement, without challenge and without expectation or conditional love.  This is a mighty task as so many of you have realised already especially through the process of doing this for yourself but there has to be a time where humanity will grasp the concept and the process will move into another level of accelerated revolution within and without. The revolution is in fact the next step of man and woman evolving, a revolution is a process of re-evolution, re-evolving.  So the fall of man’s consciousness is re-evolving, climbing the stairway to heaven, the spiral of ascension which takes one through the different dimensions back up to where the presence of light and sound originally was held before the consciousness fell through to the dense vibration of third dimension.  The journey through the upward spiral of the chakras is one of the most powerful journeys any human being can take within their personal development and

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program of personal ascension.  You have to understand your nature in order to recognise what you no longer need and what you need to bring into your space in order to continue evolving.  This is another reason why we tell you what was in the past is old hat, it is a new energy, a new frequency.  Material written five years ago may not be applicable at this time in its full presentation, within the material many truths still exist.  Now beloved ones, you need to read material with a new mind, read it but be sure to be clear about when it was presented and through your own process of gaining wisdom adapt the information according to your understanding of how your life has changed.  This helps one to deal with what one perceives as conflicting information.  I have discussed this before, it is however vital that I explain this to all of you again, many of you were not present at my first explanation. There are many levels of consciousness, as you all know.  Within each level of consciousness or school of thought are levels of intellect.  Imagine every level of consciousness as a world of its own and that world is made up of different structures, specialists within different areas that resonate only with that world.  As with your world there are many other worlds that you do not even know about that you would not even be able to understand let alone acknowledge its presence, the same happens within the earth world. Sometimes one gains access to the information of the other world or the other school of thought, their truth being different to your truth, even the complete opposite to what you believe.  For some or other reason your soul has guided you to read the information and it gives rise to deep inner turmoil and conflict because suddenly the lower ego is reeling because what it thought was truth has now been challenged and automatically the lower ego wants to throw everything away or hold on with all its might to what it believes as being a truth.  One of the reasons why one’s soul does that is to in fact open ones awareness to the presence of other worlds, to also challenge your ability to discern for yourself and to challenge your faith, your belief systems.  How much do you truly believe what you profess to believe and how easily will you be swayed by your truth being challenged?  It is important to realise that you will be challenged in all these areas for that is part of the ascension programme.  It always has been and always will be.  How many times have you heard of stories where a knight or an initiate will be challenged by it’s master or different demons to see if in fact the knight or the initiate had learnt what was required.  It is exactly the same for you and your personal master will challenge and test you.  Earth is a school of thought, a school of learning, a school of expression, of integration and incredible prospects of evolution. Another reason why you so willingly returned, you forgot when you arrived why you came but believe me you were very eager to come. 

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So in the space of experiencing another world’s truth fear arises or a sense of rejection arises or for some people they will immediately feel that their truth was a lie all along, they have been tricked.  Each person will react differently depending on the life experiences you have had.  Every school of thought has to have it’s own truth, it’s truth facilitates the upward spiral of evolution. Some schools of thought maintain the downward spiral of devolution.  This degenerative process is also one experienced by choice because you have the choice to discern or not to discern, you have to choice to buy into other people’s fears or to stand in your own truth, so again you are being challenged to use your ability to make choices and use free will.  People who have chosen to experience a world of ignorance will be immensely challenged by a school of thought who focuses on metaphysics or the occult or philosophy and will reject the other school of thought however, the information for the ignorant world and the information for the metaphysical world is perfectly applicable for both worlds and not necessarily is the information blatantly a lie, it is the truth for that particular world.  As members of that school of thought experience change they will be drawn into other worlds like you have been, like you are being drawn into other dimensions, you are naturally inspired to move in new directions because your inherent qualities draw you to that place.  You have a mechanism inside of you that will always draw you toward something higher than yourself even in the depths of darkness. So if you find yourself in a position of being faced with conflicting information ask yourself what resonates with your heart and feel it rather than think it.  People are so busy thinking that they forget to feel because humanity has forgotten to feel their feelings, anger has wreaked havoc with your planet because the rejection of feelings have the left the space wide open for the lower ego to utilise it’s power in all areas of life.  When you feel what resonates with you, you can confidently take the information and work with it.  If you still feel that there is something in the conflicting material that you need to get to the bottom of, then ask your guides to assist you in gaining clarity regarding what the conflicting information is trying to tell you, what direction is it pointing you in.  Are you being forced to expand your awareness?  Are you being inspired to look at another aspect of your world and to acknowledge that that world has it’s truth and for you to accept it without judgement or have you been criticising certain aspects of yourself that you perceive as lagging behind other people’s truths and perhaps it is time then for you to acknowledge that your truth is in the process of changing and that it is safe to make the transition.  Nothing beloved ones is ever rarely black and white as you know it, there are dimensions to everything. As your world changes, concepts, ideas, truths change and this is why I said a little while ago your truth today may not necessarily be

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your truth in a year’s time.  What was your truth five years ago is certainly not your truth right now.  You change, you grow.  As you change and grow your truth evolves with you.  The truth you had at the age of ten years old is certainly not the truth you know today, so honour the fact and accept the fact that your truth will always change, if it doesn’t then you are not growing.  The core essence of your truth will remain the same but you will expand upon that truth, you will adapt as you learn more about life.  The more you learn about yourself, the more your truth will change.  Beloved ones the breaking of your seven seals is precisely around all of this, you are breaking away from the old truths, from the old concepts, breaking away from the old attitudes and belief systems.  You are severing the umbilical cord to the old mother consciousness.  You are breaking away from holding the hand of the old father consciousness. Your rebel will rise to reject the old consciousness authority so that you may step into the true power of the true authority of Mother/Father God, not an authority who is of a matriarchal or patriarchal militant system of discipline or governing.  This is the authority of Mother/Father God that rises from the very core of your being, the one that is in alignment with the universal principles of authority. Each and every seal you break transports you into the universal wisdom, it transports your consciousness to merge with the universal mind, to reconnect you with the authenticity of your god/goddess self.  Each and every single one of you will find that through everything that you experience over the next two days you will have individual truths manifest, you will find truths that you have held dear up until this very minute may even change because a new concept is presented.  You will understand God’s language in a broader nature because your nature is expanding into higher worlds, you are evolving into higher aspects of your mind and your higher self.  You are drawing upon the cosmic consciousness of who you are.   Each and every single one of you having some form or another set the intention that you rise above the limitation of the 3rd dimensional world.  On some or other level you have reached the point of being full of the old way, ready to purge yourself of the old stagnant stifling energy and you have chosen a breath of fresh air.  You have chosen a new influx of energy and this you shall receive. It is important to hold in your consciousness and in your heart especially over the next two days that you are an individual impulse of life, you are a cell of Mother/ Father God’s body.  The impulses that move through you hold worlds of consciousness, you are a manifestation of the greater body of light and sound, the greater body of wisdom and knowledge, the greater body of love and power for without each of those six energies nothing else can exist.  Those

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six energies are feminine and masculine making up the twelve strands of light within the consciousness of your DNA.  Light manifests love, love will manifest light.  Light manifests sound, sound manifests light, the higher it vibrates the more light it emanates.  Light and sound give rise to the feelings of love.  Love, light and sound give birth to knowledge.  Knowledge supports the process of manifesting wisdom.  Love and knowledge manifest wisdom.  Wisdom and love manifests light, manifests sound.  Power drives all of it.  Knowledge is within each and every single one of you.  You have the responsibility to get to know yourself.  Knowing yourself is tapping into the know-ledge within you, you have the power to do it, that power will motivate you to gain the knowledge. Why do you think people say, “knowledge is power”?  Power will inspire you to find more light, to open to the vibrations of sound of the greater universe which will bring more love, more light and in the centre of it all truth resides.  By holding those six pillars: love and light, wisdom and knowledge, sound and power, you have the points for the feminine triangle and the masculine triangle which make up the Star of David.  When the Star of David manifests itself into a three dimensional form it manifests the star tetrahedron, this is your Merkabah vehicle.  In the centre of the six points is truth being the seventh point, also the crown chakra. We would like you to choose which of those seven qualities you would like to integrate into each of your chakras.  The seventh one is the point of truth, the other six chakras you will choose how to use the energies of light and love, of knowledge and wisdom, of power and sound.  The choices you make will indicate to you through which chakra you will integrate that kind of information and through which chakra you will express that information.  Those are the chakras you will work through to build your new life, your new chakric system and lead by example.  As the seven seals are broken you reintegrate the original authentic truths within each chakra centred around light and love, knowledge and wisdom, sound and power.  Throughout the next two days you will gain a deeper understanding regarding this.  It is however important to know how much a part of you those six pillars are.  For each of you to know that the Star of David is the central geometric shape of life giving vitality within the core of your being and as it spins it manifests the star tetrahedron which is why the star tetrahedron is the shape of the Merkabah vehicle of the first level of light within the structure of all that you are. It is important at this point to also understand that much has changed around the original concept of meditation and prayer. Originally it was taught that one should spend hours in

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silence, in a state of meditation, to find the stillness within, to hear the voice of God within, many people have had immense difficulty doing this.  Because of their difficulty in doing it they have rejected it, rejected a spiritual journey or “going there” so to speak because they experience such discomfort trying to go into that state of meditation. Beloved ones those of you particularly who have had difficulty in that area, it is time to accept and to recognise that your life is in fact your meditation as much as it is your purpose.  Every day is a purpose of life and everything that you do should in fact be a meditation.  If what you are doing becomes a meditation, you are then centred and focused, you are in the now because your focus is holding you in what you are doing therefore you are fully present in your activity.  Different strands of consciousness have difficulty holding them self for a long period of time within the sense of stimulus and this brings us to another message for each and every person to acknowledge the different tribes so to speak that humanity is made up of, some of you may know them as the thirteen root races.  Each and every single one of you are linked through the thirteen root races therefore certain aspects of a person depending on their root race can hold meditation for hours on end whereas another root race can absolutely not and the enforcement of such a discipline does more damage than good.  The root race that holds the strand of creativity can much better meditate in the style of their day being their meditation as apposed to the root race that holds that inner quality of being the disciplinarian or the teacher who can hold that meditative state for hours.  Beloved ones when you begin to see each individual as different, as having a resonance that will draw them to a different quality, one releases judgement, one releases expectation, one releases criticism because one can acknowledge that one is different (unique) from another. Prayer has also evolved; prayer has now become the process of intention.  Prayer was considered an act of being on your knees with your hands clasped together at the edge of your bed before you go to sleep or the edge of your bed upon rising or to be done once a week in church.  Prayer in fact is a conversation with God and every single person has the right to converse with God at any time. The original depiction of prayer was distorted and individuals who had an inherent repulsion to any kind of conformist religion would have rejected that.  Many people do not know how to pray because of the original way that Christianity presented prayer.  The power of intention is a form of prayer beloved ones.  This is why we have been working intensely with humanity for years now, more so the last two to three years to communicate with Spirit, to converse with your guides, to present to Spirit what your problems are, what you need, what you don’t need, to ask Spirit for intervention.  This has been the process of grooming you for this time where intention is one of the most powerful tools of prayer you can use.  By setting

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your intentions clearly you take the time to meditate so to speak, to understand what your true needs are.  By simply sitting and saying “please God protect me” or “dear God please take my problems away” you are not getting to the point or to the core of what the problem is.  When you sit in the stillness and you ask yourself what is my fear?, what is my problem?, where is the core of my anger?, where is the imbalance? - you communicate with yourself.  That communication with self reveals to you what the problem is, then you can say to God or to Spirit, “dear God I realise I have a problem and I currently understand that my problems stem from this particular experience, I need greater clarity on this in order for me to be able to manifest (and you list it), I believe that this problem is blocking my ability to manifest this, if this is the case please facilitate the process of helping me recognise what I need to do in order to change it”.  This is very different to asking God to take your problems away. You need to be an active participant in the game of your life, it is not up to God to take your problems away, it is up to you to know yourself, to know your heart, to know your mind, to know your being, so you can understand where the problem is, what caused it and why so it doesn’t come back again.  The repetition of destructive patterns is there because you do not know what the core of the problem is and by going within, finding the stillness within or getting the mind still enough for you to be able to communicate clearly with yourself, will provide the means to know yourself.  To commune with God, not to lay on God’s lap the responsibility of fixing your life, it is asking for the support to change your world.  By asking Spirit to intervene or asking Spirit to facilitate the process of discovery, you take your power back, you empower yourself with the tools to resolve problems.  You manifest the ability to find solutions in your life.  You gain wisdom as much as you gain knowledge, that wisdom and knowledge gives you power and that power becomes the answer to someone else’s prayer for you may very well be a teacher placed within a person’s path to help them find the answer they seek just like someone will be placed in your path or a book or a message of some sort will come to you to manifest the answer to your prayers.  The original concept of prayer held one in victim consciousness, it was a dis-empowering process and distorted the concept of a relationship with God.  Not even God wants you to give your power over to him or her, you are meant to hold that power.  Mother/Father God will work through you but does not want to own you.  Understanding how to use those tools beloved ones, will help you understand how to work with the new energies that will flow through your new chakric system.   Those tools will help you understand everything that will spill forth as a result of the old seals being broken.  Your purging process will bring an immense amount of self-knowledge.  This will build your confidence in your ability to accept

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challenges as the opportunity to learn more about yourself, to understand more about life and not as something there to destroy you.  A person trapped in victim consciousness is terrified of the challenges of life and will see the challenges as God punishing them, they will see the challenges as fate destroying their lives.  A person in victory consciousness sees it as an opportunity to grow, this is what you are working toward.  All challenges affect every aspect of the four original matrixes of debilitation that we have spoken about earlier on.  As those four matrixes are shattered through the process of breaking the seven seals of the old chakric system, the four templates of victory consciousness, prosperity consciousness, trust and unconditional consciousness become a part of the ethers and that energy then filters into every fibre and cell of humanities consciousness, their body and their chakric system. Each one of you are supporting the process of the collective consciousness breaking through the old barriers, to expand their awareness.  I have said before that people in fact spend very little time in their body and in the present moment, the majority of people’s energy is in the past, another bit of it is in the future, with the least amount of energy being in the present moment.  In order to write a new story instead of repeating history you have to be fully present, a minimum of 85% of your consciousness to be in your physical body, that is a lot of presence.  However that presence grounds you, it brings you back into your body so that you can do what you need to do. The Tree of Life has been given to you for a purpose.  Imagine a tree now in your mind, a tree has roots in the earth and it’s body stretches out to the heavens.  It draws energy from the earth and it draws energy from the heavens.  Do you think an un-rooted tree will live very long?  So how long do you expect to live if you are not rooted to the earth?  There are many people who think they are alive but are dead, this is why so many people are dying to live.  Root yourself like tree, learn about the tree of life beloved ones, that teaching has been given for a very specific purpose. The Tree of Knowledge is called so not just for fun but because it holds keys to life.   The ten initiations of life are given within the Tree of Knowledge, study it, apply it in the ways that you feel is truth for you and you will see your awareness expands, the way you experience life expands.  If you will not be daring enough to look beyond the constraints of the paradigm you have created you will not go beyond what you have become accustomed to.  This is why humanity needs to move beyond the boundaries of limited knowledge and existence.  That is why the ages bring with it new opportunities, the Piscean age has now broken through into the Aquarian age.  As the Aquarian age comes into power it shatters all

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those old boundaries because it brings in additional energy, it brings in light and any place where light is brought into must change, it is inevitable.  The more light there is, the more you can see, very practical don’t you think? Beloved ones, we shall hold each one of you through the process for the next 72 hours.  This process is one that will take you into very deep parts of your inner self, it will also take you into the very depths of the worlds of higher light within the inner planes as well as the dimensions of higher consciousness.  Try your best not to limit your experience based on you conditioning, based on belief systems that have been projected by the outer world.  For the next two days we ask you to try and maintain as open a mind as possible and if you find your mind clamping down on something, just reassure your ego that you are experimenting, that you are re-searching for the truth.  Research is about finding what has been lost, the original truth, so all of you are researching for what was lost and what was forgotten.  At this point might we also add to bear in mind that as a group you will be releasing many of the conditionings and blockages that were imposed upon you that are still stored within you on a cellular level to a degree, that comes from those early dark ages where powers took away people’s power especially small groups of people who abused their ability to read and write by omitting information, by changing scriptures, by preaching to people and distorting the information to suit themselves.  Remember it was only really in the early 1700’s when more and more people gained access to the ability to read and write, prior to that they were vulnerable to certain echelons of power and you are breaking all of that.  You are shattering the lineage of limitation through that particular line of abuse.  Those of you who stood firmly in your truth at different times through the dark ages you will also be supported today to shatter the old fear and defence mechanisms related to being either killed or incarcerated for your belief systems, for your truth.  All of that abuse beloved ones, is what created the seals and now that they are being shattered, you are going back in time so that you can move into the future.  The place that you journey to back in time, is back to when the original truths were there and you bring them to a future within a new body to present in a new way the original essence completely intact. Are there any questions at this point that we can assist you with? Q: Yes Lord Kuthumi.  To stay in the moment, I do try very hard but I find that if I use my mind to stay in the moment, then surely that is defeating the object?K:  It is important to remember that the process of change takes time.  It was repetitive behaviour and constant affirmation that manifested what you come to know as your reality today.  It was

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constantly drummed into you that you do not have the power to see God. You will have heard over and over again that certain behaviour labelled you as bad.  Because you heard it enough times you accepted it as a truth.  It is the same with changing the old into the new, you have to give it a new point of focus.  In the beginning you will need to be conscious of what is going through your mind but also to be conscious of what you are feeling regarding what you are thinking so if you find yourself doing something and you are worrying about tomorrow or the next day stop yourself and ask yourself what feelings are arising in your body as a result of your worry because the feelings or emotions inside are feeding the mind to worry about it.  So when you understand the emotion, perhaps a fear that is giving rise to the worry, you can determine what the fear is, put it into context, work with it and let it go.  If as a child you always got into trouble for your room not being in order, if you are aware certain aspects of your room need to be placed in order and you have said to yourself “I need to tidy my room”, and while you are making dinner you are worrying about the untidy room you can understand because it was drummed into you as a child it is that programming that is in fact motivating your worry.  The fact that the room is untidy for a little while longer is not the end of the world, when you know that it is no longer a major issue you can project love and light into the food you are making, you can enjoy what you are doing in that moment and know that when you have finished your meal and enjoyed the sustenance it has given you and you have had some fun with your family, you can go and tidy your room later.  Allocate time for when you know you will not be challenged, or you know that you are not giving yourself too little time or set a programme for yourself where you will address one aspect of it at a time.  Empty the top drawer of all junk on Monday, Wednesday, do the second drawer or half of it.  Do you understand? Q:  I do.  Lord Kuthumi is there a being or guide I can work with to help me to stay in the moment?K:  Yes.  Call upon the Lords of Time to assist you to hold your consciousness within the present moment.  You can also call upon your personal guides to alert you to when you are moving out of that space or when you are losing yourself in the past or in the future.  You see there is nothing wrong with thinking about the past and there is absolutely nothing wrong with planning for the future but when 60% of your energy is in the future and 30% of your energy is in the past or vice versa, you only have 10% in the present moment, so you will not be grounded, therefore you will not be able to create what you need in the present moment to fulfill those needs.  If you have 60% of your energy in the past you will continuously manifest in the present moment what you experienced in the past, hence repetitive patterns of self-sabotage, of abuse, of destruction and whatever else.  If 60% of your energy is in the future, you will find yourself continually chasing dreams but never

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ever bringing anything into realisation or into a physical manifestation, everything will always be in the future, or always be tomorrow or “when I am rich”, “when I am happy”, “when I am thin”.  You understand? This is why one needs to be in the present and if you ask your guides to alert you to that you will see it becomes quite amusing when you realise how much energy you invest in the past or in the future.  Use your past as a means to keep yourself in check regarding what you perceive as being mistakes or painful experiences.  Plan your goals if this is what you would like to do.  You have dreams, you have visions for the future hold them there yet do what you have to in the present moment to bring your future dreams into physical manifestation.  This means have your dream come back to the present.  Think about the past, gain the lesson, come back to the present.  Don’t remain in the past or in the future, it is when one gets stuck in those paradigms that one manifests problems in the present. Q:  Lord Kuthumi I just wanted to ask with a healing session will it be more powerful for a client to set an intention with me or with themselves at the beginning of a session?K:  Do you feel this would add benefit?Q:  Yes I do.K: Then by all means go with it. Beloved ones we will end this transmission at this point.  It is time now to proceed with the activation of your new body as you go through the journey of breaking the seals know that with each seal that is shattered you automatically activate new aspects of yourself.  You re-activate dormant aspects of yourself and you bring yourself further into the light.  It is truly a de-light-ful experience. Beloved ones, with each sense of clarity you manifest make note of your realisations, make note of your insights as you work through the material for the next two days, your insights will help you to remain focused on what you are leaving behind.  When you recognise the patterns of behaviour that have caused problems in any area of your life related to a chakra make note of it, you will be able to refer back to it through this initial phase of changing the affirmation of your life to a different one.  You can use it as a reminder to keep yourself in the present, to remind yourself not to do something or to do something differently so that you change the plan completely.  Remember it was affirmation and repetition that got you to where you are with regards to your belief systems, your attitudes, the vices that display themselves, everything that debilitates you, it is the same repetition and affirmation process that you will use to change it into something different.  You will be using your power to choose what you want to bring into your new life, you

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will direct it completely under the auspices of your higher self, Mother/Father God and the higher worlds of Light.  It is vital that you communicate internally or verbally, if you like, with those beings of Light who work with you.  It does not matter whether you know their names or not or what they look like or not, simply align yourself with the presence of those beings, ask for the intervention, ask for the support to recognise the clarity.  Set the intention that your energy be open to receive the insights.  Take action, ask and you will receive.  Seek and you will find.  Knock and the door will be opened unto you.  Take the action to seek, so you will find.  Take the action to ask, so that you will receive. Take the action to knock, so that the door will be opened.  It is up to you to make it happen beloved ones.  You are being given your power back, it is being handed back to you on a golden platter or silver or platinum depending what your preference is.  It is yours, it always has been, take it and use it wisely. I am Kuthumi and I greet and bless you in love. Adonai. CHANNELLING NUMBER TWO I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom to greet thee at this time. Beloved ones, as we have gathered with you today in the presence of the light grids of all the new energetic templates of energy, of light, of sound, of wisdom and of knowledge that filter into your earth plane at this current time.  We further assist you and facilitate the process of you integrating the same systems of energy into your body.  Greetings beloved ones. The process that has been unfolding for the last two days is one that has placed an immense amount of pressure on the chakras of all of you as well as others connected to you.  This pressure has been a build up of un-vented energy which has manifested in different areas of your life as limitation, lack, self-sabotage, destructive patterns and much of what we discussed with you yesterday. The sacral chakra seal has been broken, as the seal has been broken so the water is able to flow and Mother Earth weeps with Father Sky as the emotion can now freely flow for humanity to move into a deeper level of feeling.  The inability to feel one’s emotions often manifests blockages within the subtle bodies.  Those blockages begin to build up with the unexpressed energy until eventually something must give or break so that the energy can find it’s way to flow.  If something is frozen for long periods of time, eventually nothing can grow in it either and when water is frozen it cannot feed the earth therefore the earth becomes barren and infertile.  If your sacral chakra is frozen, your base chakra cannot

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nurture what you have planted within it.  Without the moisture and the nourishment of your sacral chakra your base chakra dries up. The emotions flowing is what will carry you into the next level of understanding how the world has changed and will continue to change.  You will begin to see how the dysfunctions of society have come about as a result of the lower chakras being in a state of great trauma and stress.  The old seals which have prevented humanity from feeling, seeing and knowing will come alive in a way that will allow the new seals to bring about a new order of action, application, integration and expression.  When we speak of the old seals bringing this we refer to the gift that comes out of every challenge.  Any situation perceived as a bad situation is only bad because of one’s perception of it but out of everything, something good will rise.  By searching for the light within the dark we find the gem.  If one chooses to focus on the darkness one will never find the light therefore the gem remains a hidden treasure never to be found.  The treasures within the darkness become tools of wisdom, wisdom that becomes applied, which allows one to integrate and express in a whole new way.  The new seals offer one the opportunity to explore oneself and the world even further.   Each seal is symbolic of a new world of discovery lying behind the seal.  The breaking of the seven unnatural Jehovic seals is probably one of the most intense processes that your planet will undergo.   These unnatural seals have bound you all to the lower levels of circular motion as opposed to spiral ascension.  For today beloved ones, you will rapidly ascend the spiral of light through your chakras moving from the solar plexus up, out and through your crown chakra.  The way it will be processed for you as group specifically today is through the purpose of supporting Mother Earth in it, therefore the information that will come through for the remainder of today will be applicable to you all as well as Mother Earth herself, therefore you need to work with the chakras in this manner.  Working with the maps, Sister Salome, and each one of you opening your vessels as a conduit of sensation in order to feel where you fit in.  Some of you have already been informed by Lady Guinevierre which chakra you are currently working with for the planet, however all of you as a group here today are also holding specific forces of energy linked to different places around the globe. The recognition of where you fit in will process the energy and break those remaining seals very rapidly, which is why you need to work with the seals on a planetary scale as well.  By working with Mother Earth you remain grounded through the process of activation.  This is the first time in two thousand eight hundred years that such a process has been allowed to happen with groups such as this to work with breaking seals of old matrixes and consciousness.  The

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last time this was allowed there were certain energies out of balance that seeped through, this has been in preparation for the past two thousand five hundred years.  All of you have had an interaction with such a process of consciousness shifting before, so you will be drawing upon cellular memory.  The reason why transcending ego visualisation was initiated before we spoke to you is because in order to work with the earth in this manner, in order to tap into the new levels of consciousness coming through the new frequencies of light that break the old seals requires that you be beyond your ego, that you see yourself as part of the higher world yet detached from the lower aspects that keep one trapped in emotion.  Emotions of destruction, emotions that manifest and perpetuate lust consciousness, victim consciousness, poverty and conditional love consciousness.  When one is trapped in the old fields of emotion, one remains attached, one sees every reaction as part of them self and buy into the reaction by reacting to the reaction and as the reactions continue to react against one another wars break out.  Destruction becomes the process as a result of clashing personalities, of clashing egos, of the egos trying to hold on dearly to everything that it is and to everything it is terrified it is not.  Attachment is one of the most destructive forces of energy that one can ever be exposed to.  Attachment prevents one from moving forward, attachment keeps one trapped.  This is why many masters have taught to let go of all material attachments, not to measure your worth based on what you have achieved materially even academically, this means nothing when it comes to the worthiness or value of a soul.  The core of a person’s spirit and being is what is most important and how that energy is utilised within a world is what is important.  A person can have nations of wealth within their bank account and have degrees as long as the Nile river behind their name but if they do not apply the Laws of Light to their life they have gained very little in the arena of soul investment for the purpose of raising consciousness. They have certainly manifested a powerful opportunity to learn about the sacred laws of the universe and what not to do with power. But now, beloved ones, the time has come for humanity to take full responsibility for all actions, all thoughts and all words. The past two thousand five hundred years have been a very comfortable space in fact because it has been a place where people did not have to own anything.  If one has had a challenging upbringing it was very easy to blame one’s parents, to blame abusers and to sit comfortably within the victim role.  The poverty within the heart and mind will always justify the very terrible life they have had to live but the perpetuation of focusing on the very terrible life they have had to live has not allowed them to move on, it has become a part of their identity to justify to themselves that the ego is still safe in it’s position of holding on to the past.  Let us tell you now the choice, because it is, to hold onto the past will keep

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one in the four matrixes of the Piscean consciousness.  The choice to take responsibility for your life in other words using your ability to respond to your life in a way that supports you in moving forward, taking your power back is what you are all being offered.  Choosing to wallow in self-pity keeps you in the old paradigm, choosing to wallow in blame will keep you in the old paradigm.  These are ego attachments, beloved ones, therefore when we speak of attachment it is not limited to the material world, it is most certainly the emotional and mental world.  The emotional world is certainly the most volatile at this current time, humanity has not been educated in the arena of proper emotional management.  It is often referred to in your world as emotional intelligence but how does one manage that intelligence?  One can have many levels of intelligence walking around but if the intelligence is not managed in a proper fashion it can still get out of hand and simply create another scenario that perpetuates another phase of destructive or limiting behaviour.  This is quite easily recognised within the arenas of power plays within the worlds and their governments, where there are powerful people of high intellect, people of great wealth but how they manage the power and intelligence is highly questionable.  Therefore you need to learn how to manage your emotions.  Humanity needs to be taught how to understand what motivates each emotion, humanity needs to be taught how to embrace their wound, how to embrace their levels of anger, pain, grief, shame and guilt.  Put it into context, explore it and express it in a healthy fashion.  All of you will be supported in doing precisely the same and we are not limiting it to what one is having to go through today, this is for the rest of your life.  The intensity of this particular journey this weekend has been the preparation and to show you where your life is going.  The future of energy, the future of how the world will unfold, having relinquished control to the higher self as opposed to remaining within the grips of the ego.  By claiming responsibility for your thoughts, for your words and your actions, you in fact empower yourself because when you sit in blame there is no reason for you to move forward.  When you sit in judgement of another there is no reason to move forward but when you own the judgement and recognise the judgement as a mirror image of your inner self you have reason to move forward, you have reason to move out of the comfort zone of the lower ego and to find the voice of your higher self calling you from the top of the spiral to make your way home, to journey upward, to journey into the sound of your light.  You will become aware of how easy it is to pass the buck, you will become even more conscious of how easily people do this on a regular basis.  This is played out more publicly within the governmental systems, within corporations and organisations of a wide variety, this is also seen quite clearly within the religious and

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spiritual sectors of your world.  Many of you will find some of the greatest challenges of overcoming ego being in the religious and so called spiritual sectors of your world.  There are many people who label themselves as spiritualists, new agers, alternative living systems, yet they judge, reject and withhold light.  When you become enmeshed in competition, in fear of losing your place in the world, you are acting from ego.  When people clamber to get first place or clamber to be seen or to be heard, ego is speaking far louder than the internal spirit.  The greatest fall of the ego will come within the spiritual and religious sectors of your world.  Governments have been playing it out for eons of time, it is quite common knowledge of this fact and in fact many people humourise this aspect of the world’s systems but religion and spirituality is a far more serious factor in most people’s minds.  I have said before, however I will reiterate, that any person or organisation that has rooted their intention in ego will not stand for long for the spiritual practices of the universal laws do not permit it to stand for long and those people, individuals and groups, who live by the principles of higher integrity will not stand for the ego’s influence upon the higher levels of energy working it’s way through the various systems of life.  You yourself will see yourself reacting to that kind of behaviour, the reaction offers you an opportunity to move out of the ego’s reaction and to move into the higher self’s response to what is happening.  When you respond to a negative situation, you find a solution, when you react, you play the ego game.  So think before you speak, before you act, consider whatever is occurring in your space and what it is showing you.  These shifts and changes are bubbling forth within the flesh of Mother Earth.  The new energy will come forth very rapidly over the next five years and each one of you will find yourself actively working with these energies in different areas of life for the next five years be it through the environment, be it with the economy, within religion or spirituality, within business or the law, you will leave your mark of light in one form or another because you have all volunteered to be a part of this process, to act as facilitators, channels and conduits of energy to make this a manifested reality within earthly living.  Your chakras are either an expression of the ego or an expression of your higher self.  It is important to bear in mind that when we say there is no excuse for blame, we do not say that in anyway are we not empathetic to the struggles and challenges that people have faced, we refer to the process where the victim has become the identity of the individual and prevents them from moving forward.  How the poverty consciousness manifests stagnation and limitation and the abuse of energy becomes conditional love and lust consciousness.  When you detach from the lower ego, you move into a state of empathy, that empathy allows you to see whatever is occurring from a point of objectivity rather than an emotional reaction to what has

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occurred.  When one reacts emotionally, one reacts from the ego, one reacts based on one’s personal pain – especially if it is an issue that reflects and echo’s similar pain in one’s life.  Detachment and empathy allows one to tap into the energy of solution, rather than the ego’s reaction which may very well worsen the situation or perpetuate the issue in another direction still carrying the same essence of destruction. Your chakras are bubbling with life at the moment, it looks like acid bubbling through your charkas.  The acid dissolves the old seal and bursting forth is light.  As you work with the earth today, the same seal will be broken in the etheric matrix of your planet.  The etheric matrix is what has held the old Jehovahian unnatural seals in place.  The matrix is often referred to as the synthetic merkabah; this is being dismantled at this time, therefore as each of you choose the authentic journey of self discovery you automatically set in motion the natural process of re-manifesting the natural merkabah of your planet and of your lighter bodies.  The merkabah vehicle is a light body however there are many layers of this vehicle.  This system can be used for constructive purposes and destructive purposes, therefore it is vital that you as an individual take full responsibility for your life.  When you behave irresponsibly by not taking responsibility you give your power away to unseen forces that can manipulate you in many different ways, that manipulation manifests through people in your life whom you attract, who energetically sense your vulnerability, which is how people get locked in lower ego drama’s.  Because you are working your way out of this you will find yourself moving away from situations and from people that have perpetuated these patterns in their life before.  Because it will change rapidly within your own life you will also find systems of rectification manifesting in your life, either through your own thought forms and imagination or through inspiration and these mechanisms of rectification are programmes of light (if we can call it this) that will bring to humanity the required awareness to rise out of the trappings of the lower ego.  Many people are not even aware of the fact that the lower ego governs their life, so there are many levels of ignorance that need to be dealt with and each of you will deal with it in different ways. There are other groups around the world who have tapped into the same levels of energy that we are working with you at this time, there are other Masters of the Light namely Lord Melchizedek, Lord Maitreya, Lady Kwan Yin, Lord Soltec and Lord Sananda working with other groups around the globe to activate the same seals of light in order for the new consciousness to become the order of the new day. The Piscean Seal, beloved ones, has been completely broken and all of you as a collective consciousness through many levels of energy

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have facilitated that process.  Your reward comes in the conscious recognition of what you need to do, the conscious realisation of how you need to do it and in what areas of your life it must be applied.  You will then clearly see how the application of that energy and information will gracefully manifest change within all the outer sectors of life and the inner worlds of humanity, especially those who are in a state of deep search, however their fear of being exposed as different keeps them trapped in the closet so to speak.  We have already spoken about the phantom earth – the one created for the purpose of holding those who choose not to make their transition through the gateways of ascension with Gaia, those who choose to remain within the trappings of the lower ego so that Gaia does not have to carry the burden of that weight any longer.  You are ridding yourself of the weight of responsibility that is no longer yours, the weight of responsibility that in fact has never been yours but at some stage you took it on for the purpose of trying to find your identity, your place in the world, who loves you and who you need to protect yourself from.  It is still important and always will be important to hold your energy in it’s centre, to be discerning about the places you place your energy in.  Protecting yourself is as important as brushing your teeth.  When you understand the more technical aspects of energy and how intricate the system of life truly is, you will realise why supporting Mother Earth in this manner is so important because what affects her affects you and what affects you affects her, what humanity remains ignorant to continues to pain her.  Ignorance is not necessarily bliss, beloved ones, the pain of waking up can sometimes be overbearing but with a little perseverance you find knowledge is power and that power brings bliss. Are there any questions at this point? Q:  Yes, I just have a question about the activation of the merkabah, is that a natural thing, does it happen on it’s own?K:  Which merkabah do you refer to sister?Q:  My own?K:  Your merkabah as a human being will ignite itself naturally at precisely the right time it needs to be.  Just like the Kundalini, the merkabah cannot be forced to become active, this is another reason why we tell people to take responsibility and to feel, however every journey is for a purpose.  If a merkabah is activated prematurely, the Lords of Light usually intervene to bring it into balance in order to bring the person’s bodily system into balance.  Sometimes when a merkabah is prematurely activated, it can manifest in severe psychosis because it opens many levels of consciousness to the person, this also manifests in delusions of grandeur and seeing too much of the outer worlds yet still embraced in the ignorance of the lower ego causes the mental body to snap away from the emotional

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and physical bodies and this is usually when people end up in asylums. This is why, beloved ones, we have taught so often to take responsibility to discern, to use the power of choice, not to run into anything blindly.  You would not use a very dangerous piece of machinery or equipment if you did not know how it operated, you use your sense and you study the manual before you utilise the equipment.  It is the same with the other worlds, yet the other worlds are far more complicated than a piece of heavy duty machinery, see it in the same light.  Many people have seen the occult world or the physic world as extremely glamorous, many people imagine being a physic or a mystic as extremely mystical and glamorous, beloved ones there is no glamour in that world, the glamour is very much of the world of ego.  You are all raising your consciousness beyond the physic realms and into the realms of Spirit therefore if you are wanting to enter the world of university make sure you have completed your lower grades first. Q:  Lord Kuthumi may I ask a question about the Sumatran earthquake, I did speak to you two days ago during the Lady Guinevierre channelling.  I wasn’t certain, we spoke of it being a sacral chakric point, because of what you said, but when you look at the map it doesn’t sit on a sacral chakra.  Are you referring to its original source being outside of New Zealand or are you talking about the actual point in Sumatra?K:  It would be the old point, remember it is the breaking of old seals as the energy shifts into it’s new position as a result of the new seals it will have changed.Q:  So the map I am working on is a new map?K:  Yes.Q: How then do I correlate these chakras?K:  Open your eyes and look through the etheric.  As we work with all of you today with the maps, you will see that each body has itself within a body.  Imagine the physical body, the emotional body, the mental body, the etheric bodies and so it goes on, so when you look at a place you are looking at many levels of it’s structure but as the body is structured, it layers itself in the form of a spiral so it will turn in a 360 degree rotation through the vein of energy that it was originally conceived in and birthed through.  Imagine a child being born, a child is born in a hospital or in a home.  From the point of birth the child is taken to a different place perhaps it spends a few years of it’s early childhood life in one place and then it moves on.  Throughout one’s life one moves and with each move one makes the chakras move and change because every area of Mother Earth’s body holds a different frequency and vibration of energy.  Now you also have the consciousness of each place, be it a suburb or a province or a country because the

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collective consciousness within those areas reflect the predominant chakric personality or character within that area.  If for instance you find yourself in an area where the greater community is focused on old paradigm religion, very conservative religion, you are then dealing with certain base chakra issues regarding the religion, you are also dealing with the sixth ray of devotion which is responsible for taking one out of that old limited religious belief system.  Now someone, like one of you, within such an area would have great difficulty feeling comfortable within that area.  You may be bringing the third eye charka energy into the limited base or you may be bringing crown chakra energy into that lower base or fearful base chakra where the people have not empowered themselves to the degree to be able to express their power in a safe and healthy manner.  The chakric force being brought into that area is what usually acts as the catalyst to shatter the old way.  When the old chakra or the old chakric energy is shattered a new level of that chakra emerges so for instance if the empowered aspect of the base chakra is now evident in many areas of the community the crown chakra and third eye chakra will automatically become a part of it.  So the body of that community begins to wake up and then you can see the base chakra, the crown chakra and the third eye chakra becoming alive but perhaps the throat, the heart, the solar plexus and the sacral has not been activated yet so it will not be seen clearly until something else occurs, perhaps a heart chakra person comes in and acts as a catalyst to bring about many levels of forgiveness into the community.  The forgiveness energy breaks the heart chakra open and also opens the solar plexus and the throat chakra. Do you understand Sister? Q:  I think so.  So what you are saying then is that Pandache, which is where the earthquake was, it now sits on a throat chakric point within a larger heart chakra. K: YesQ:  So this is the new energy, it now has voice.K:  Yes it is, precisely.  That is precisely what we refer to when the chakras need to emerge together in that sense.  Bearing in mind, the heart charka is the air element and the throat chakra is the etheric element, the element of ether and sound.  When one gives oneself the space (which is the air element) to express what is on one’s heart, one creates a shift within the ethers to bring into being that which is being expressed.  When the shifts take place etherically there are many levels of energy that are broken down or reconstructed. Q:  Las Palmas, the solar plexus point within the heart chakra is an old seal.K:  Yes it is.

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Q:  Reflecting it on this map doesn’t make any sense. K:  It will make sense because the solar plexus is the fire element, the heart chakra is the air element.  When the air is not moving and becomes stagnant, the flame expires, there is no oxygen to feed it.  So that flame needs to be re-ignited and sometimes the air needs to come, wind will bring the re-ignition of the flame.  This is what happens in life, beloved ones, which is why it is so important to observe nature.  When winds spread fires it is the heart chakra igniting the solar plexus chakra, the solar plexus chakra is burning through the veils of illusion that have blocked the heart chakra from being able to be expressed.  You will find if you have to take the time to interview every resident in the area they will be going through or will have gone through similar issues related to the heart chakra and to the solar plexus chakra.  You will also find many of them having to deal with the throat chakra.  Nature speaks a language, the heavens have opened up with rain today, why? What has been going on? What did we say earlier on? Did any of you get it?  Do you see that is the nature of nature’s language, it speaks, the elements speak all the time.  If you are travelling around the world and everywhere you go it just happens to be raining even if you end up in the middle of the Sahara Desert, “oh this hasn’t happened in two hundred years, there is a rainstorm in the Sahara Desert!”, why?  What is happening?  This supports all of you in getting in touch with your body.  When you are in touch with your body, you are in touch with Mother Earth’s body, she is a part of you, you are a part of her.  You eat organic matter nurtured by her body therefore you cannot be separate from her even if you try.  You drink the water which is the life giving force of her body, you are made up of that force.  You are one with her, therefore you need to work with her not against her.  You have all clearly seen what happens when you work against Mother Nature, believe me her forces are far greater than yours, as you have all already noticed.  She is a grand body, she is the macrocosm you are the microcosm, you too are the macrocosm of microcosms within you.  The cells of your body are a microcosm of the macrocosm and what you feed the cells with feeds the cellular structure of the macrocosm.  That is why you are all one, you are created from the same forces, the elements, the same substances.  The blood that flows through your veins is the lava that flows through the veins of Mother Earth.  The water that flows through her body is the cerebral spinal fluid that flows up and down your spine, you are all connected.  The crystals of her body is like the skeletal structure of your body.  You need minerals to keep your body in balance, don’t you?  When there are minerals lacking in the earth - her body - it cannot nurture food or organic matter grown within her body and those minerals and nutrients are therefore lacking to a degree within the food and you are therefore not getting sufficient this is

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why you will see many nutrients, vitamins and minerals are being created because it is lacking within your body, because it is lacking within Mother Earth’s body because she has not been treated with care.  The average human being does not pay much attention to their body, there are very very few human beings who know exactly when a mineral or nutrient is missing from their body.  Very few people can even tell the difference between hunger and thirst, many people will be thirsty but will eat and have not recognised that what they have interpreted as hunger pangs is in fact thirst.  That is how out of touch many have become with their body therefore disconnected from Mother Earth and if humanity wants to manifest the healing for Mother Earth required to keep her in balance, you need to get in touch with your own body, that is where it begins and when you see how you are of water she is of water, you have minerals and nutrients within you as does she and your blood is the same colour. Anything else? Q:  Yes of course. The seal you asked me to plot out in the Dullstroom area, I see it as a throat seal for the feminine counterpart of the golden foetus.  That is a new seal, is that correct?K:  Yes it is. Q: and has that now also broken?K:  It is 85% of the process broken, it will be completed by the middle of March.Q:  When I first plotted it, it looked, well I had the impression that it looked like the Pleiades.  When you actually look at it it doesn’t. Is there a reason for it?K:  The Pleiades have had a great influence on the evolution of the planet especially humanities relationship to the animal kingdom. The Pleiadians, many of them come to show humanity the importance of honouring the animal kingdom.  In a past time the Pleiadians were responsible for many many grotesque experiments involving animals some of them went severely wrong and caused great destruction.  They have come now having learnt from that to ensure that it is not repeated.  It is simply another level of abuse that humanity is being supported in changing and that is what you saw in the sense of the Pleiades, you are very conscious of the abuse lines within earth’s body, not so?Q:  I think so, that falls right in the Timbavati which will be white lions and the abuse of the white lions.K:  There you go.Q:  Then there must be many seals, there are not seven seals, that is a small seal.  Seals within seals.

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K:  There always is. However, if we start working with the seals within the seals within the seals we will have to seal you all away for a few hours to be able to gather yourself back together to make sense of it in your mind.  So we will deal with it a layer at a time. Are there any further questions? Q:  Yes, Lord Kuthumi I am finding it difficult sitting still!K:  Part of the process of shifting the seals in this manner is going to invoke the need or the want to move forward.  When one feels the energy becoming part of one’s cellular system one will feel such as you are sister, restless and wanting to move.  So acknowledge it as the integration of that new energy and also an effect of the transcending ego visualisation you were all started with. Q:  I just want to ask about the overall view from Spirit on vegetarianism, not eating meat.K:  Beloved sister I have spoken on this subject at length on a number of occasions so let us say to you at this point every single person has personal needs not every single person is comfortable with eating animal flesh, not everybody can go without eating animal flesh.  Each person needs to honour their bodies needs, again about getting in touch with the bodies needs.  If anything that is being ingested is destructive to the physical body then one needs to release it from one’s diet, however, each person must feed their body with what it requires and bear in mind that one man’s medicine can be another man’s poison. You are all different. Let me also add at this point that everything that one eats be it vegetable, fruit or of animal protein is a living consciousness, there is as much living consciousness in an apple and a lettuce as there is within a cow.  When one blesses one’s food one is giving thanks to the consciousness for surrendering it’s energy to be ingested to feed one’s consciousness.  So when one plucks an apple from the tree it is the same as taking the life of a cow.  One has to do it bearing in mind that all life has a consciousness.  We have observed many times where meat eaters will reject vegetarians and vice versa, it is not generally that the rejection comes from any higher aspect.  The meat eater will reject the vegetarian because the meat eater feels guilty about the fact that he/she is eating meat and would rather have the vegetarian look silly in the face of others as opposed to feeling or showing how bad he/she feels about eating the meat.  Vegetarians will look down on meat eaters and judge them for having slaughtered an animal and unconsciously eating the animals flesh.  We do not see it in that way, we simply see it as whatever the body requires to get it to a point that it needs to be at is supportive.  Listen to your body that is the bottom line. 

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Q:  Lord Kuthumi, how would you bless food?  Would it be verbally or symbolically?K:  Whichever way you feel represents a blessing of thanks.Q:  So if you had to put the sign of the cross over your food, would that be appropriate?K:  Does that signify a blessing for you?Q:  Yes.K:  Then so be it. Q:  I have one question please.  This change around the attitudes of humanity is it going to be brought about by a multitude of individual changes rather than any organised effort?K:  It will be both brother because it will be a sense of organised effort by like minded people gathering together, offering programs, presenting techniques to move one out of density and negativity.  However these ones who present this will have to be very careful and ensure that they lead by example in all ways.  One will always have to practice what they preach. Q:  Lord Kuthumi may I ask about the Essenes and the Essenic way of life and the Great White Brotherhood.K:  What precisely would you like to know brother?Q: I understand that their way of living leads one to one’s higher self.K:  Yes.Q:  So what is the Great White Brotherhood?K:  The Great White Brotherhood are a group of highly evolved souls who were the original core structure of the Essenes.  These beings of the light hold in place all of the mechanisms required to maintain spirituality within the essence of all that is expressed as well as experienced.  The Great White Brotherhood is also responsible for bringing the ancient universal truths into the modern world through a number of systems including the human system.  The Great White Brotherhood is currently manifesting various systems of energy in the form of reading material as well as inspirational energies channelled to and through individuals who are able to adapt the original Essenic way of life into the modern system of living so that it does not appear as such a daunting task or an archaic way of living in a new world.  You are one of these, are you aware of that?Q:  Thank you. Q:  Master Kuthumi, the phantom earth that has been created is it the people who choose to stay stuck in the Piscean Age that are going there or is it the people who have chosen to move on that are going there?K:  The people who choose to remain stuck will accompany the phantom earth.  Those who choose to awaken from the slumber, from what is often referred to as “Kali Yuga”, will journey with Mother Earth into the higher dimensions.  The Kali Yuga is simply

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the deep sleep state.  Now as the seals are being broken the state of Kali Yuga is falling away this is why you are finding many people in actual fact are buying into the new system of living.  This is evident through tools being used within media and advertising, people are coining phrases from the sacred texts and utilising it in everyday life.  This is another confirmation of how people are stirring on the inside and waking. Let us tell you that in fact there is very good news because a vast amount of people are stirring from the deep sleep of Kali Yuga. Many people have awoken, it will not be that a massive amount of people are going to remain asleep because in some way or another the stirring has occurred.  Not everybody will make their sense of awakening such as many are now but the awakening process is certainly of a rapid nature at this current time.  People are also finding that their inner faith is what is important therefore it matters not if one chooses a Catholic system or a Buddhist system or a Muslim system of faith, it is the faith that is important. It is actions within that faith that is important.  One can be on a spiritualist path but still deliberately manipulate people and energies.  One can be of a Catholic faith or a Muslim or Buddhist faith but the essence of their being is in alignment with the highest order of the light, there is a big difference.  So the label of one’s belief system is in fact of little importance to Spirit, it is the quality of the essence of the self that matters and that is what Spirit observes.Q:  So the people who chose to take the road of Ascension will go to the higher worlds?K:  Yes.Q:  The ones that choose to wake up will stay on the current earth until they are ready to ascend?K:  Yes.Q:  The ones that choose to sleep will go to the phantom earth?K:  Yes. Q:  Which is a mirror image of the current earth?K:  Yes it is.  Let us also point out that those who are currently awakening and who have the potential to achieve higher levels of awakening at an accelerated rate will transcend many levels of those lower vibrations and move into the higher levels with earth as well. Systems are being adjusted all the time based on the choices that humanity is making.  Nothing is actually set in stone so to speak because this is a zone of free will and as choices are made it changes the vibrations all the time.  The main focus at this time of the Lords and the Masters of different federations of light from different galaxies and solar systems who have come together is focusing on dismantling the mechanisms that were originally set in place to keep man in the state of Kali Yuga.  There are many levels

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of it that one would not quite understand but it is taking place and those dismantling programmes will continue and are based on a set programme regardless of what humanity is doing in any one given time.  So there are different focuses, do you understand?Q:  Thank you. Q:  There is so much available, will one be guided to what one needs at any particular time where time constraints or financial constraints don’t allow one to attend every single initiation or attunement or whatever it is.K:  One will always be guided but one needs to look at the financial constraints or the time constraints and how it has manifested. Sometimes it is the opportunity to recognise the limitation that one has placed on one’s self and to acknowledge one’s opportunity to move beyond that.  However, always know that whatever you need you will be given, the means will always be provided to manifest what you require.  Trust that. Q:  Lord Kuthumi, how will the process to the phantom world take place?K:  Beloved sister that has not been finalised at this current stage because there are still many who are awakening at a rapid rate. More information will be given on that probably in your earth time in the year of 2007.  Is this clear?Q:  Thank you. Now, beloved ones, let us look at your energy bodies to determine what part of the world you are supporting at this time.  We will give you the name of a place that will align with your physical body. You however need to determine for yourself what your emotional body is linked to and what your mental body is linked to.  You will also begin to see in working with the map work where your chakras are linked and how the chakric energy works through you.  You will also then begin to integrate the new archetypes of the new energy systems that you are bringing in respectively for yourself and Mother Earth. Sister A you are holding the energy for Cypress.Sister B you are holding the energy physically through Spain.Sister C your physical energy is linked directly through Colorado.Brother D your energy physically is linked directly through Tibet.Sister E your energy is linked directly through Namibia.Brother F your energy is linked directly through Sweden.Sister G your physical energy is linked directly through London.Sister H your energy is linked directly through Pakistan.Sister I your energy physically is linked directly through Hawaii.Sister J your energy on a physical level is linked directly through Johannesburg, South Africa.

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Sister K you are in Toronto, Canada. Q: and sister L?K:  One moment let us ask Lady Guinevierre if we can reveal that – Egypt. Beloved ones we would like you now to work with the physical process of working with Sister Salome as well in understanding how the chakras are plotted out on the earth.  This is the linking process of merging you with the new seals of light with Mother Earth. This is where your bodies become woven as one expression.  Each one of you need to listen very clearly to your body for all the other chakras leading from your solar plexus to your crown will undergo the same breaking process as you plot all the different chakras on the earth map.  It is a physical process as much as it is an emotional process.  Tomorrow you will integrate it through your mental body, Tuesday you will integrate it through your spiritual body.  Each integration requires approximately twenty-four hours to bring it through all the levels of the higher energy vibrations because it is such a new sensation to all the energy bodies it requires a certain length of time to be done but you have all successfully shattered those seals of the base chakra and the sacral chakra.  Mother Earth and Father Sky weep with you today, the emotional day.  Father Sky, the water element of the sacral chakra feeds the earth (the earth element of the base chakra) it gives the earth the sustenance it needs for new life to take root and to spurt forth.  May this process of seeding, of taking root and of spurting forth the new life of the new seeds planted manifest for each one of you under grace, in perfect and miraculous ways.  The blessings of what has occurred over the past two days will come through to each one of you through the course of today, again listen to your body and recognise how Spirit and Earth will communicate with you. I am Kuthumi, Lord of Love and Wisdom and I greet and bless you in love.   Adonai.

CHANNELLING NUMBER THREE I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom to greet each one of you at this time and to brace each one of you within the new energy templates of the new structures of life that have come into manifestation.  Greetings beloved ones. Brothers and sisters as you have worked with the earth’s body and come to the deeper understanding of how your body is linked to each part of the world so you come to integrate the templates held within the cellular structure of her body that have held the ancient truths and universal truths (often seen as universal mysteries).  This information becomes a part of your blueprint for the purpose of

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assisting you in unravelling the truths of your past in order to manifest the truths for your future in a harmonious and in a responsible manner.  The work you have been doing has been of a very intense nature as many of you have experienced.  The intensity of the nature of the information has been such because you are transcending many levels of dense energy.  The density of the old paradigm was very very intense beloved ones and what you have been working through gives you an idea of how stuck the old world truly was. Pulling yourself out of such density is very similar to the process an unborn child goes through as it makes it’s way down the birth canal, forcing it’s way out of the mother’s womb.  Some do it with ease others need assistance in other words a caesarean section. Many people will be birthed energetically through caesarean section but there are ones such as yourselves who are having a natural birth so to speak and finding yourself re-aligning your chakric system along your spine, rearranging the cranial plates of your skull in order to allow the light in so that whatever densities have been a past part of your reality can release them self once and for all. Holding the image of natural birth in your mind will help you to understand how at times you may feel that you are having to push your way through certain areas of your life in order to experience the breakthrough you as a soul are working toward.  Many breakthroughs will manifest them self within your life and this particular work we have been conducting with you over the past two days will continue to expand itself over the next five years.  This is the tip of the iceberg, beloved ones, it is very new energy to many because of the higher vibrations it can at times be difficult to intellectually integrate bearing in mind you are working from a fifth dimensional level and upward.  No longer is it a case of drawing energy in through the third dimensional aspect of consciousness.  You have actively worked to raise your consciousness to higher levels now it is time to integrate information and energy from the higher levels, graduation has taken place and now it is time to “play with bigger fish”. You have completed many of the lower grades so to speak and your graduation takes you into a very new world.  Some of you at times may have experiences of déjà vu because your body will respond to the memories held within your cellular print.  That print will release information from the unconscious, drawn in from the super-conscious to filer into your conscious consciousness bypassing the subconscious.  The reason why the subconscious will be bypassed in this particular case is because it is not necessary to integrate it through the subconscious, integrating it through the conscious allows you to re-programme the subconscious and so you bring it in, in a spiral effect. 

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Imagine the digit six drawing the energy in from the higher worlds is the starting point of the digit six, as you draw it in from the super conscious through the unconscious and into the conscious mind it ends up in the subconscious at the end point of the digit six. Six is a very important number at this current time because it symbolises the reunion of all that has been separate, it is marriage where divorced has been experienced, it is the manifestation of joy where sorrow has had it’s root and you are the catalysts in creating the bridges across the chasms of the old world and into the new world.  It is vital that you do not become too intellectually concerned about the information you currently do not understand because you have to pull it beyond the intellect and into your heart. When it moves into your heart it filters into all the other systems and you come to have a feeling understanding of the information rather than a headspace understanding of the information, it is never meant to be held solely within the head. One of the problems has been that information is given and held too much in the head and does not ground itself within the physical life of the initiate.  When such information is not grounded it is not applied and when it is not applied it is simply dormant information not doing much of anything in your space, therefore taking what you understand thus far and applying it to the best of your conscious knowledge is what is important.  The rest will follow you will come to the point of understanding the other levels of information, remember you have not worked from this level of consciousness before in this current lifetime, it is a new way of working with information and a new way of working with energy and this is something that we will bring forward for many people now.  Those who have chosen Ascension need to upgrade their energy, for ages the teachings have descended to the level of the student, now the student (the initiate) raises it’s energy to the higher dimensions for no longer is it a student, the student evolves into the initiate.  The teaching becomes an application which the initiate is able to do.  An initiation is about moving into higher levels of understanding.  Having completed lessons you move into a new world to learn the higher world teachings and that is where you are working toward.  You have asked for this beloved ones, and here Spirit gives it to you, it is important that you allow it the time to be integrated. All of your chakras have gone through the initial phases of being broken, your heart chakra is the one that will break at the end because you have had to merge the three lower chakras with the three upper chakras, the heart chakra being the centre of the lotus flower so to speak.  The end is within the next fourteen days according to your personal divine timing, so over the next fourteen

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days you will experience various levels of your heart chakra undergoing the breaking of the seals of the old times. Yesterday we asked you to put the words that we have given you next to each of the chakras, love and light, wisdom and power. Now each word that you have put alongside each chakra adds another dimension of expression which means whatever you have chosen to symbolise your chakra adds to the archetypal consciousness through which you will express, therefore if you have placed love alongside your first chakra you will express the higher qualities of love in the higher levels of your base chakra and that is how you will maintain balance in that chakra.  If wisdom is your second chakra through the application of wisdom your creativity expands, your receptivity becomes sharper and the wisdom of your sacral chakra supports you in leading by example, applying what you have learnt and maintaining balance within that chakra.  All of this offers you the opportunity to better understand what is required of you to keep yourself centred, being centred means being aligned with the centre of each chakra.  Your pranic tube runs down the centre of your body, imaging all of the chakras in perfect alignment with your pranic tube and you centred around this will bring your focus into a balanced state.  Using mantras that you resonate with centres your body, using breathing techniques centres your body, anything that you enjoy doing (for example singing, dancing, yoga, riding a bicycle, walking in nature) centres you if it makes you feel good, if you enjoy doing it, it centres all the systems of your subtle bodies and that is vital.  It is vital to keep your system open, balanced and clear in order to be able to integrate all the higher level teachings.  The majority of you here have experienced the fifth dimensional chakra activations and you have asked to be received into the ashrams of higher light.  All of you in your personal capacity have set intentions with your personal guides to climb the stairway to heaven, in other words to ascend the spiral of ascension so that you may reach your fullest potential. This is part of your process.  Understanding the language of your chakras helps you to better understand your own systems of communication.  The reason why we asked this channel to include the astrological houses as given through the original author or creator of that system was so that you can understand the language of your chakric system.  As we explained to you this morning archetypes have been alias in your game of life now you take this game to a new level, you have completed stage one now it is the next stage.  The challenges may be a little different but they certainly offer you great opportunity to manifest immense wisdom within your life and offer you wonderful opportunities to truly see this inner core of your being. 

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Not many have seen this part of themselves because they are either to busy with their head in the clouds or their head in the sand, now it is time to pull the head out of either or both and have one’s head centred looking ahead, trusting the direction one is choosing to move into is the direction of your personal and true choice motivated by your authentic inner desire to explore what lies in that direction rather than making a choice based on other people’s opinions or what the outer world has professed is the best thing for you to do. Many will also see youngsters of your world, adolescents in their later teens from around sixteen and upwards rebelling against the systems of control and authority that try and push them in directions that do not serve the highest will of their divine plan.  This rebellion is not of a destructive nature from the perspective of the adolescent, it is the inner core stirring, propelling the soul in the direction of their truth.  These indigos bring the greatest waves of change within humanities intellectual consciousness within their belief systems, shattering the seals that originally manifested the belief systems that children have to do as they are told regarding their career choices, regarding the choices they are making pertaining to education, career, choice of partner and the choice of activity regarding spiritual belief systems as well.  For ages the authority of the past has influenced many a soul, the directions many have been forced in have manifested destructively on certain souls lives.  There are billions of people currently trapped within the darkness of resentment and anger as a result of being pushed in a direction that did not feel right for them.  The anger within is relating to them self as well as to the outer world.  A soul feeling frustrated at their inability to have stood up for their rights and also feeling frustrated that an outer force pushes them as it does.  Many of you will be in a position to help others understand why these forces need to be honoured in the sense of the internal force of motivation.  This is where parents, teachers, guardians or whomever it is that interacts with the young adolescents need to give them the freedom to express their highest will.  This is part of the sacral and throat chakra seals having to break on a planetary scale.  The control of the young mind has kept many of the seals of the unnatural source in place.  Freeing the mind is one of the many important tasks currently being played out in the worldwide game of life.  You will also have the opportunity to communicate with your adolescent self and deal with the aspects your adolescent experienced in it’s earlier years from the age of fifteen, sixteen and upward where you felt forced into situations that you believe did not resonate with you and you will go back in time to repair the crack in your authentic energy duplicate field so that the authentic field can merge with your current self and draw your plan back into it’s original alignment.

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 It is important that this template be held in this manner through ones such as yourself and this will manifest globally so that the new children that have been coming into your planet since 1994 can continue to hold the golden plan for your planet.  This serves the purpose of facilitating the integration of the golden plan by the world as a collective being.  The consciousness, more specifically of those who are on an open path of exploration, which will facilitate the interaction with the various worlds of light through the chakric system and it’s language.  This means the better you understand the language of your body the better you will understand the language transmitted through the sources of communication in your world, in other words messages being relayed to you through perhaps the animal kingdom, the nature kingdom and such of this sort. Again we reiterate the intensity and importance of this most wondrous time not only on your planet but universally.  You are all the centre of attraction at the moment and the work that we are drawing you through now is giving birth to many new levels for such energy to be integrated.  Surrender, trust and believe.  Ask yourself if you truly believe what you profess to believe, some people say they believe however where their beliefs lie is not in the light but in dark and by this we mean if a person truly believes that God provides, that to surrender means to trust that Mother/Father God will provide then it will manifest in such a manner but if one says they believe but will not surrender then they believe not in the light of Mother/Father God they believe in the darkness of fear, of doubt because the power is been given to the fear rather than the faith.  Trusting that doubt will win over faith then you know where your belief systems lie.  If you say you trust your guides to guide you in the right direction then surrender and let them guide you, do not say you trust them and then fight the process by questioning absolutely every move and doubting what is being presented to you, vacillating on what must or must not be done. Are there any questions at this current point? Q:  InaudibleK:  Sister by understanding the language of the chakric system and how the archetypes play through it, it will be easier to understand how they play out.  Perhaps you can also look at it in the manner of the base chakra being the physical, the sacral chakra representing the emotional body, the solar plexus representing the mental body and the heart chakra representing the spirit body. The crown chakra would represent an aspect of the physical self, the third eye would represent an aspect of the emotional body and the throat chakra would represent an aspect of the mental body.  Bearing in mind that we have said that this is a new level of experiencing the teachings,

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it is a first for the majority of you to experience the lessons of Spirit in such a manner and this is why you find it a little confusing, rather take it out of the headspace, breathe it into your heart space and surrender to it and allow it to reveal its magnificent pattern of sound as it must.  Is this clear? Q:  Inaudible (something about the animal kingdom)K:  How is the animal kingdom treated in general?Q:  Badly.K:  Very well and how do people in general feel about the support systems within their lives and in the world?  Muscles support the skeletal system, if you just stood on your skeleton you would fall in a heap, the muscles help to keep your skeleton in place when you move it is the muscles that bring the support.  So as humanities attitude to the animal kingdom changes and actually sees the animal kingdom also as a reflection of their animal nature in it’s different aspects they will come to see that the language of Spirit is right in front of their eyes. Now brothers and sisters it is important for the next seven days ahead of you to work closely with the material you have been given this weekend.  Work with the information on the archetypes you are integrating.  Study the chakras and how the chakric language manifests in the twelve areas of your life.  Those twelve areas are linked to the twelve strands of your DNA, each strand representing an aspect of your divine nature in its awakening process.  Divine Nature Awakening – D N A.  As your divine nature continues to awaken, you fill those parts of your being with additional energy which manifests the so called junk DNA as active DNA.  When your DNA is fully active, no longer is it divine nature awakening, it is divine nature awoken.  You are a fully active, fully conscious being of the light expressing that light within a new world with regards to your perception and you bring those new perceptions for those who still stir from their long sleep. The archetypes will play with you, sometimes they will tease you, sometimes challenge you.  How will you use your choice to respond or to react?  Will you become involved in a power play or will you stand back and observe the process unfolding and see what you can take out of it?  Will you find the light in the dark or will you wallow in the dark? This comes to a point of choice by breaking the seals of your chakras you have embraced the magnificent blessing of taking back your full power and ability to choose, to truly use the power of freewill.  So, you have freed your will and now you observe life through a different view point and the different places on the planet reflect those view points and how you change, how you integrate and transcend observe how Mother Nature, how Lady Gaia responds to your healing process which facilitates her healing

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process.  Observe how the facilitation on her  (Lady Gaia) part supports your healing process, never again will you be separate from her body, you have remerged, reunited with her.  The frequency of the digit six has brought you back together like a child being removed from it’s mother’s womb and laid upon her chest, another level of bonding takes place.  A bonding took place within the womb and now one bonds from the outside in as opposed to from the inside out.  You will also come to notice from this new perspective and from the higher dimensions that at times one needs to pull energy from the outside to the inside and that is where one learns the balance of the masculine in the outer and the feminine in the inner.  Not always will it be drawn from the inside out, it is vital that you remember this and come to understand what it means.  It is not about giving your power to an outer source in order to know what to do and it is not about isolating yourself to the degree of introspection that you lose touch with the outer world.  Grounding and interaction is all part of the process.  So, beloved ones, we trust you have enjoyed your graduation day and that you will commit to the study of the new work that you as an initiate have attracted into your life for a purpose even if you did not know why you were coming to experience this work.  Open your heart and your mind to see how the awareness of what you are integrating can expand beyond the current limitation.  The current limitation is the mind trying to grasp and understand everything, sometimes it is necessary not to understand it simply so you can feel it. Beloved ones, you are certainly blessed at this time.  Your blessing is your expanded awareness.  The blessing is embracing your power to be free and use your will to choose at will what your experience will be.  You determine the drama or the play. I am Kuthumi, Lord of Love and Wisdom and I greet and bless each one of you in love.  Adonai.  Michelle EloffFOUNDER/DIRECTOR - THE LIGHTWEAVER &THE LIGHTWEAVER CHILDREN'S FUNDwww.thelightweaver.co.za