Look into Olympics in London: Uncovering News on Female Athletes Course Designer: Ms. Chen

Look into Olympics in London: Uncovering News on Female Athletes

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Look into Olympics in London: Uncovering News on Female Athletes. Course Designer: Ms. Chen. The Symbol of Olympics Logo. A. The logo of 2012 London Olympics was designed by Wolff Olins on 4th June, 2007. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Look into Olympics in London: Uncovering News on Female Athletes

Look into Olympics in London: Uncovering News on Female Athletes

Course Designer: Ms. Chen

Page 2: Look into Olympics in London: Uncovering News on Female Athletes

The Symbol of Olympics Logo

A. The logo of 2012 London Olympics was designed by Wolff Olins on 4th June, 2007.

B. London Olympics 2012 logo meaning has the word “London” on it and the shape of “2012” with Olympics rings.

C. In the history of Olympics, this Logo is the first time being used for both Paralympic Games as well as Olympic Games.

Olympics Rings

London2 01 2

Page 3: Look into Olympics in London: Uncovering News on Female Athletes

Olympics in London, 2012 How did Olympics candidate cities get elected or


=> check out from London Olympics Official Sitehttp://www.london2012.com/

London’s Promotion Film Promotion Film

London Olympics Theme Songs:

=> check YouTube as a reference

Page 4: Look into Olympics in London: Uncovering News on Female Athletes

Entering the Athletic World How can athletes be qualified in competing in Olympics? What is athletes’ life in Olympic Village? What is the ratio of female athletes to male athletes in

Olympics? Can you name any of female athletes competing in

Olympics? Where are the Olympic sports venues located in London?

(check Appendix 2) Which event is most broadcast in Taiwan? And which event

has garnered the most international media attention? What are the sports and disciplines competed in Olympics?

(Check the attached file)

Page 5: Look into Olympics in London: Uncovering News on Female Athletes

News on Olympics in London

BBC CNN Taipei Times

Page 6: Look into Olympics in London: Uncovering News on Female Athletes

Study “recorded” history from “Berlin 36” (2009) (柏林地下情 )

SynopsisAdolf Hitler instilled great

money to support Germany holding Olympics in order to cover the fact that they intentionally wiped out the Jews. American government requested Germany to let Jewish athletes join the competition, otherwise they would boycott the Olympics in Berlin.

Gretel Bergmann, a high jumper, was called upon to be trained in the Games but later was replaced by Dora Ratjen ,later changed his name into Heinrich Ratjen, who was actually a male athlete.

Page 7: Look into Olympics in London: Uncovering News on Female Athletes

The Discriminations Cast upon Gretel BergmannA. Story of Gretel Bergmann:• Background

She was Born in Jewish family but lived like a German. She was interested in sports and was later expelled to the UK because of her Jewish origin.

• The allegedly FactGretel’s participation in Germany team was made to counter the international criticism on Germany’s racism. However, she was barred from competing in 1936 Olympic games. (See reference as http://jwa.org/encyclopedia/article/bergmann-gretel )

B. Discriminations on Gretel Bergmann:• Racial Discrimination? Gender Discrimination?

Page 8: Look into Olympics in London: Uncovering News on Female Athletes

An Amazing Fact about Dora Ratjen

A. story of Dora Ratjen• Background:

He was born as a boy but announced as a girl and thereafter was brought up so. Until his true identity was questioned and revealed by a police, his father registered him a new male name.

• The alleged fact:His gender was aware by the authorities but he was forced to replace Gretel Bergmann in Olympics.

B. The Truth about her:Documents suggest Nazis didn't know Dora was male,

Page 9: Look into Olympics in London: Uncovering News on Female Athletes

A Real Athletic World---Olympic Biases:

A. Media Coverage Time and its language use:

1. The researchers discovered that women athletes "garnered more media coverage in socially acceptable sports

e.g. figure skating, rather than less-acceptable team sports

e.g. bobsledding and hockey (Billings)." Ironically, for at least the U.S.,

women were responsible for 56% of all medals won that year, yet

received less than half of the coverage time.

(a study done by the National Broadcasting Company Inc. (NBC) of the 2006 Torino Winter Olympics)

2. In media coverage prior to the Olympics, female athletes received 5% of the coverage, however, male athletes received 87.6%. During the Games, the women once again had considerably less coverage -

25.2%- and the men had 40.2% (Korn).


Page 10: Look into Olympics in London: Uncovering News on Female Athletes

A Real Athletic World--- Olympic Biases:

B. Value Judgments: Assumptions of female physically rather inferior and the

organizations reinforce the stereotypes. C. Gender-exclusive language used by International Olympic Committee

e.g.: He/ mankind referring to all the people instead of using He or She

=>Solution: Use “They” e.g.: Women’s Hockey instead of Hockey (use markers)=>Results: Trivializing women’s performance or their capability in

taking the position of authoritative jobs=> Suggestions: Eliminate outdated and unjust rules and remove

sexist language that unnecessarily differentiating women’s athletic experiences from men’s.


Page 11: Look into Olympics in London: Uncovering News on Female Athletes

Key words on Discriminations

Gender Bias (姓別歧視 )

Gender Differences (姓別差異 )

the Hierarchy of Naming (階級命名 )

Athleticism (運動熱 ,崇尚運動 )

Male Superiority (男性優越感 )

Female Inequality (女性不平等 )

Page 12: Look into Olympics in London: Uncovering News on Female Athletes

IOC’s (International Olympic Committee) Assertions on Gender Equality

IOC’s assertions: Any form of discrimination with regard to a country or a person on grounds

of race, religion, politics, gender or otherwise is incompatible with belonging to the Olympic Movement http://umanitoba.academia.edu/SarahTeetzel/Papers/596841/Rules_and_reform_eligibility_gender_differences_and_the_Olympic_Games

To act against any form of discrimination affecting the Olympic Movement.http://www.olympic.org/about-ioc-institution

To encourage and support the promotion of women in sport at all levels and in all structures with a view to implementing the principle of equality of men and women. http://www.olympic.org/about-ioc-institution

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Olympism: The Spirit of Olympic Games

Three Olympic Values:

1. Respect 2. Excellence 3.Friendship

Six Fields of Activities:

1. Women and sport

2. Education through sport

3. Environment

4. Development through sport

5. At grassroot level and peace through sport

6. To build a better world through sport

Page 14: Look into Olympics in London: Uncovering News on Female Athletes

Appendix 1:Information on Ticketing


Page 15: Look into Olympics in London: Uncovering News on Female Athletes

Appendix 2:Venues in London and Its Routes
