Emergency Medical Field Evacuation Plan Lolo National Forest January 2012 Prepared by: Michael Gue – Missoula Ranger District Engine Foreman Reviewed By: ______/s/ ___________________________________ _________________________ Ralph Ravello Date Forest Safety Officer

Lolo Night EmerMedEvacPlan

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An Emergency Evacuation Plan highlighting night time extraction capability from Life Flight Platforms for the Lolo National Forest.

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Emergency Medical FieldEvacuation PlanLolo National ForestJanuary 2012Prepared by: Michael Gue Missoula Ranger District Engine ForemanReviewed By:______/s/ ___________________________________ _________________________ Ralph Ravello Date Forest Safety OfficerApproved By:_____/s/____________________________________________________________Debbie AustinDate Forest Supervisor!R"N#$ !%AL F&L% 'A#(A)&*N PLAN !F EMERGE!"# MED$"A E%A"&A'$O! (A!OO !A'$O!A FORES'INTRODUCTION'he purpose of the olo !ational Forest Emergency Me)ical Fiel) Evacuation (lan is to establish proce)uresan)informative)ocumentationforuse)uringa)ayornight fiel)me)ical emergencyevacuation* 'heEmergency Fiel) Evacuation (lan is to be use) for Forest Service personnel an) Forest Service %olunteersun)er a signe) agreement +hile +or,ing on the olo !ational Forest*'his plan is not inten)e) to be use) forprivate citi-ens in.ure) on olo !ationalForest an)s* Search an) Rescue of private citi-ens in.ure) on!ational Forest an)s is the responsibility of the local "ounty Sheriff Department* 'his plan is inten)e) to+or, han) in han) +ith your pro.ect/s current 0ob 1a-ar) Analysis 201A3* )+is plan will ,onsist o- t+e -ollowin. -ive se,tions:/e,tion 10 Section one +ill inclu)e proce)ures an) responsibilities of olo Forest personnel +hen )ealing +ithan Emergency Me)ical Fiel) Evacuation*/e,tion 20 Section t+o +ill inclu)e night specific me)ical evacuation gui)elines*/e,tion 10Section three +ill consist of recommen)e) me)ical supplies an) personnel for each fiel) goingunit*/e,tion 20 Section four +ill consist of a listing of Me)ical Facilities an) Emergency Me)ical Services 2EMS3organi-ations4 +hichmaybeuse))uringame)evacsituation* 'hislisting+ill inclu)ephonenumbers4a))resses4 ra)io fre5uencies an) other pertinent information* 'his section shoul) be use) as a stan)6alone)ocument an)4 at a minimum be poste) in the follo+ing locations: Supervisors Office4 Dispatch4 an) theRanger District Offices*/e,tion 30 Section five +ill consist of other (lans4 (olicies4 (roce)ures4 Gui)elines4 "hec,list an) (rotocolsrelate) to me)ical emergencies alrea)y establishe) on the olo !ational Forest*SECTION 1 PROCEDURESMissoulaor (lainsDispatchOffice+ill coor)inateeffortsbet+eenagenciesonall me)evacoperationsassociate) +ith Forest Service personnel on the olo !ational Forest*Fiel) going personnel must be ma)ea+are that the initial re5uest for me)ical assistance shoul) be ma)e through Missoula or (lains Dispatch viathe Forest ra)io net* $f for any reason the re5uesting party )oes not get a response from )ispatch4 thein)ivi)ual shoul)imme)iatelycall theDistrict officeassociate)+iththeir current location* Fiel)goingpersonnel +ill establish three primary organi-ational positions in the fiel) to con)uct the operation +hich +illinclu)e: (oint of "ontact 2(O"34 ea) Emergency Me)ical 'echnician 2EM'34 an) a 'ransport Specialist 2'S3* *n t+e initial broad,ast t+e re4uestin. unit s+ould73Declare an Emergency Me)ical $nci)ent an) re5uest that non6emergency ra)io traffic be suspen)e)*83 (rovi)e the name of the Me)ical $nci)ent "omman)er 2$"3*'he re5uesting unit shoul) be prepare) to provi)e patient information such as age4 gen)er4 nature of in.ury orillness4 level of consciousness4 vitals4 an) resources nee)e)*'he patient/s name shall not be transmitte) overthe ra)io*Once the initial re5uest for assistance has been ma)e all attempts shoul) be ma)e to maintain consistencythroughout the process*Ra)io contacts on both en)s shoul) also remain the same* 'he office that initiatesthe Me)evac process +ith EMS shoul) continue until the operation is complete)*2!F EMERGE!"# MED$"A E%A"&A'$O! (A!Point o- #onta,t Responsibility:'he (oint of "ontact 2(O"3 is generally the $nci)ent "omman)er 2$"34 (ro.ect ea)er4 or "hief of party in chargeon the groun)*'he (oint of "ontact is the in)ivi)ual lea)ing personnel on the groun) +hile implementing agencyob.ectives such as fuels mitigation4 trails +or,4 fire suppression4 etc*'he responsibilities of the (oint of "ontact are liste) in or)er of priority:73 (rior to any me)ical emergency the (O" shall establish a me)evac helispot location at least 799/ : 799/2refer to $RG( for specific si-e classification for aircraft3 in si-e an) pass the follo+ing information on toMissoulaDispatch"enter 2MD"3 or (lainsDispatch"enter 2(D"3* egal ocation4 at;ongan)Geographical location* 83 (rior to any me)ical emergency i)entify the highest 5ualifie) me)ical personnel on site*3 Or)er either groun) or air ambulance 2OR DO'13 upon the (O" re5uest all ,no+n patient information*?3 Maintain communications log*@3 (rompt the (O" for perio)ic patient up)ates an) any change in status at the scene*A3 (rovi)e overall coor)ination of the me)ical inci)ent*B3 "oor)inate +ith respon)ing EMS personnel*793 Ma,e other notifications appropriate to the inci)entE District Ranger4 Duty Officer4 Forest Supervisor4 etc*773 Dispatch shoul) be )iligent in passing pertinent information onto EMS personnel about the patient such as:a* Age4 gen)er an) any ,no+n pertinent health history of patient 2!ote: !ame is helpful for thepurposes of the respon)ing EMS but should not be broadcast via radio3*b* Assessment of (atientc* Acci)ent 1istory*For air transport t+e -ollowin. in-or5ation is re4uired16 Designate the format of your position location using latitu)e an) longitu)e 2h)))Fmm/ss*sG orh)))Fmm*mmm/ or h)))*)))))F3 $t is important to recogni-e the )ifference bet+een lat* long* formats an)convey the proper terminology* a* #our G(S +ill come formatte) to h)))*)))))Fb* Aviation resources such as agency aircraft an) most ife Flight programs utili-e h)))Fmm*mmm/+hich is the recommen)e) format for air evacuations*c* (aper maps use h)))Fmm/ss*sG26 &se ra)io fre5uency )an 713381206 16 an)ing Hone $nformation4 especially aerial ha-ar)s such as po+er lines4 trees4 etc* 26 Cin) Direction36 !umber of (atients an) their +eightsFor "round )ransport t+e -ollowin. is re4uired73 ocation an) best route of 'ravel83 Safety concerns pertinent to groun) transport4 i*e* logging traffic4 public traffic4 roa) con)itions4 specific vehicle nee)s 2chains or =I=4 high clearance3 an) turn6a6roun)s*Re4uestin. support -ro5 !al5stro5 Air For,e Base "!F EMERGE!"# MED$"A E%A"&A'$O! (A!Malmstrom Air Force Dasecan be a viableevacuation tool)ay or night* 'hey can best be utili-e) foroperations occurring at night4 operations in remote areas +ith no helispots4 or circumstances +hen the patientis unable to be transporte) to a helispot*Malmstrom 1elicopters come +ith hoist capabilities an) if re5ueste)can bring a number of evacuation tools an) me)ical personnel*Groun) personnel shoul) re5uest Malmstromhoist helicopter through the local )ispatch center*'he Re5uesting process can ta,e up to 86< hours so or)er early if nee)e) an) follo+ the )ispatching processliste) belo+ to e:pe)ite the process*73Dispatch +ill call Air Force Rescue "ontrol "enter 2AFR""3 at 76A996A>767 for all re5uests* 83 Once the re5uest is place) through AFR""4 )ispatch +ill call Malmstrom Air Force Dase Duty Officer an)inform them of the re5uest*Dy informing the Duty Officer of the re5uest it allo+s them to use the 8 hourapproval time to prepare for the operation*"ommunicate to the Duty Officer nee)s of the mission*1oistcapabilities nee)e)4 me)ical supplies nee)e)4 EM'4 (arame)ics4 MD nee)e)4 or any a))itional nee)s*BA=92=9?3