Logs From the Amendment Meeting

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  • 8/7/2019 Logs From the Amendment Meeting


    01[12:05] Allright so, welcome to the meeting for the review and amendment of the

    UDKC COC. The purpose of this meeting is to provide a fourm for feedback and improvements to the

    COC governing UDKC.info and #UDKC

    01[12:06] jpvg is taking the floor tabling some concerns about the COC.

    [12:07] Well then could you define an exotic emote?

    [12:07] would =) be an exotic emote?

    [12:07] how about =-)

    01[12:07] I would say so, and even more so :D

    01[12:08] Standard fair is your : + ),D,P,F ect.

    [12:08] i've used that smilie for ~12-15 years

    03[12:08] * frozenfire ([email protected]) has left #UDKC


    01[12:08] jpvg is [email protected] * purple

    01[12:08] jpvg on #UDKC

    01[12:08] jpvg using *.GameSurge.net The GameSurge IRC Network

    01[12:08] jpvg End of /WHOIS list.


    [12:08] i am sorry that it wasnt integrated in the standard web vocabulary along the way

    01[12:08] I don't care for your passive aggressiveness. Make a point not a statement :D

    [12:08] but do i really have to change my smiley-behavior?

    01[12:09] Other then the standard fair, it is wanted that you reduce (if you where

    excessive) the exotic emotes.

    [12:10] could we perhaps change that sentence to something more "don't use exotic smileybehaviors that exceeds standard smileys"

    [12:10] i mean my phone do recognize it as a smiley after all

    01[12:11] Rephrase your sentence I cannot understand what youre asking.

    [12:11] Not using exotic emotes (those other then the standard fair: :D, :P, :), >:), :F, ect.)

  • 8/7/2019 Logs From the Amendment Meeting


  • 8/7/2019 Logs From the Amendment Meeting


    [12:18] drop all the rules, insert that sentence and you got my vote

    01[12:19] But you see, it's all persception and emotion guides you to the wrong


    01[12:19] These rules arn't here to be opressive, it's to ensure in some parts my sanitiy,

    and the rest the well being and useablity of this channle.

    01[12:20] A spammy, childish looking and fighting IRC chan is useless to all parties

    exspect trolls :D

    [12:20] i am just reading what you wrote, i am not drawing my own conclusions

    01[12:20] Your first line was "if they are accepted to their fullest extent. I do simply not

    support such a drastic limitation of human nature, it reminds me of the US alcohol policy in the 1920's."

    [12:21] a rule like this one

    01[12:21] I think that was quite dramatic :D

    [12:21] Announcing when one is away from keyboard (AFK)

    [12:21] this is required in some channels

    01[12:21] Read the paragraph above it.

    01[12:21] With that in mind the we should avoid poor communication by:

    01[12:22] not a must, not a instant ban - Just please aim for this as this helps us all get

    along better.

    [12:22] ah yes of course, i missed "should"

    [12:22] alright then, most looks good

    01[12:22] This place is not draconian and warns are given far longer than they should


    01[12:23] It just not helpful when people leave mid sentence - thats all :D

    06[12:23] * @Sir_Polaris walks out of the room

    01[12:23] Agent - If you have anything to table, I would like to hear it now - I am going

    to quickly depart to grab a drink :D

    [12:24] haha i think its all good

    [12:24] :D

  • 8/7/2019 Logs From the Amendment Meeting


    [12:25] So emotes are dead?

    [12:26] Mass murdered

    [12:26] well tbh

  • 8/7/2019 Logs From the Amendment Meeting


    01[12:32] Generally there is no reason for posting porn here, if it was part of a

    converstation - perhaps, thats what judgment is for. However if it childish and immature - then avoid it,

    it's not the point of UDK Central.

    [12:32] of course but couldnt you say that about alot of things ie random daily talk?

    06[12:32] * dead3yez2 puts on dunce hat.

    01[12:33] Much like I wont ding anyone for rasism if they post somthing from /b/ with

    slightly racial overtones - as long as it's not " is the skum of the earth" we should be ok.

    01[12:33] That would be targeted hate.

    01[12:34] But the pool being closed due to aids and the black army, is rasism

    depending on how you look at it - as long as it's in moderation, and you don't overtly say "lolol

    blackpeople are funny and have aids"

    01[12:34] then we will be ok.

    [12:34] I've seen that it's quite popular to call people jews nowadays

    [12:34] So no more woman jokes?

    01[12:34] It's all about context.

    01[12:34] Is how I draw the line, and how I'll instruct any premoted operators to draw

    the line.

    01[12:35] If the intent is harm, or to put down a group - then no.

    01[12:35] Trolls, Tards, Nubbies, and the like are excluded from this :D

    [12:35] Elle we cant make fun of bad female drivers

    [12:35] Niggots.

    01[12:35] Easy dead3yez2...

    01[12:36] That would be a example of what not to do, even if dead3yez2 is showing off

    for the attention :)

    [12:36] couldn't you just replace the rules wit that simple line, I would go for common sense as a

    guideline but jesus, someone could write a book about those rules and their limitations

    01[12:36] If I write too generally - look what happens.

    01[12:36] " Elle we cant make fun of bad female drivers" even though a few

    lines above - I clearly state otherwise.

  • 8/7/2019 Logs From the Amendment Meeting


    [12:37] SATIRE

    01[12:37] I would like to have no rules and hope that (as it did for over a year) that

    common sence and basic give and take, would do well :D

    01[12:37] Racist slur for gay African Americans isn't satire.

    [12:38] I'll miss those jokes Agent

    [12:38] But it was about ethiopians

    [12:38] ye lets go for no rules!

    [12:38] lol funnt though

    01[12:38] Then jpvg - how shall this channle operate when people spam and bother


    [12:39] they won't cause then they are breaking the almighty "Common Sense"-rule, the one and


    [12:39] and you are there with your fast trigger-finger!

    01[12:39] Then the first responce will be "I didn't know posting =) 5 times in a row was


    01[12:39] "You should have written this down somewhere"

    01[12:42] So with that being said, thats why they where written.

    01[12:43] This IRC did well for over a year, mostly due to the focused and tight nit

    nature of the people invited in - however as we opened to the larger public, people without UDK skills or

    no intrest in UDK Central or UDK entered and OT socializing became prevelant.

    [12:43] i see your point if it was a 300 person operation

    [12:44] even 100 and it starts to become a bit much

    01[12:44] Then in the last few months, there was some issues immatuirty with

    spamming and overuse of emotes and that brings us to here.

    [12:44] but tbh there is 0 problems here

    01[12:45] It might seem that way, but it's not the case. And when all said and done - it's

    my job to clean up/fix every problem.

    01[12:45] unlike guests and regulars like yourself, I do not have the luxury of leaving or

    avoiding problems.

  • 8/7/2019 Logs From the Amendment Meeting


    [12:45] I read this channel app. 12-18 hours aday

    [12:45] and i spend some time on quakenet as well

    [12:46] and there is no problems here

    [12:46] none whatsoever

    [12:46] putting rules up

    [12:46] are most likely great for your further expansion

    01[12:46] I think thats a overly rosy look on this place.

    [12:46] but the further expansion is not here and most likely won't come to that point

    [12:47] where it's going to be a problem

    01[12:48] I dont follow.

    [12:48] well these rules are going to be a great addon if you had lets say 50 people here all time

    [12:48] people might read em if they were linked in the topic

    [12:49] and some might say alright lets follow em

    01[12:49] What difference is 10 people or 150?

    [12:49] the amount of trouble that its going to cause having 150 people

    01[12:49] if spamming is spamming, it doesn't change via the size of people.

    [12:49] its about 15 times more

    01[12:51] As well if the rules are not in place before the resistance to enforce

    "Common logic" will be quite large.

    [12:51] anyways this is your channel, it might grow or it might not grow, I sincerely don't see the

    need for these rules, it won't change if someone new comes along and starts spamming, he will do it

    whether there is rules or there isnt any rules

    [12:51] it makes no difference

    01[12:51] Indeed, but at least there wont be no "Zomg why was I kicked"

    01[12:52] Other then the rules being a statement from a body - I don't see why there is

    so much resistance to it.

    [12:52] and you can refer to the "common sense"-rule which will handle all problems

  • 8/7/2019 Logs From the Amendment Meeting


    01[12:52] Other then perhaps the feeling of "being opressed on what I can and cannot


    01[12:52] but if the rules where not listed, you would just find out with warnings - the

    same content :D

    [12:53] well thats how 95% of the people here are going to find out anyways

    01[12:53] Indeed.

    01[12:53] But at least the operators and members of this IRC will not need to waste

    time repeating themselfs.

    [12:53] you will get people complaining about lame rules ie the exotic smiley instead

    01[12:54] Indeed but that I cannot change that "lameness" just because it would make

    IRC un-useable for me

    01[12:55] Now aside from that and a rewording with softer words - is there any

    improvements that anyone can suggest?

    [12:57] o _ o ;'.;; Exotic.

    01[12:57] dead3yez2 - please don't troll.

    [12:57] I'm just giving an example of an exotic smiley face.

    01[12:58] You'll trolling and you know it - I've known you long enough,

    [12:58] ye they are mean to my viewing pleasure, please GTFO! kickban ;)

    01[12:58] and thats satire :D

    01[12:58] take note dead3yez2 the difference

    [12:59] illegal?

    [12:59] shit

    01[12:59] no, it's not.

    01[12:59] This isn't a police state :D

    [12:59] really? according to that IRC conduct, there is laws n all

    01[12:59] Yea, according to the CND government I can't kill people either :D

    01[13:00] The man just keep on keeping me down!

  • 8/7/2019 Logs From the Amendment Meeting


    [13:00] So no death penalty to spammers?

    01[13:00] Warns, then kick jpvg - read the basic law below on how operators are to act.

    06[13:01] * dead3yez2 googles /basic law below on how operators are to act/.

    01[13:01] I think at the very least what I need to take away from this is more clairty in

    my writing.

    [13:02] nah seriously, without sounding like an ass, your rules are probably great if there was 300

    people visiting on a daily basis

    01[13:02] I can't find myself in agreement that amount of people make a difference to

    the rules.

    03[13:03] * Alexandra ([email protected]) has joined #UDKC

    01[13:03] amount* - All they do is make the issue from the lack of them, moreprevalent*

    [13:03] uh oh CLodel is typi

    [13:03] but in my experience with IRC and with the accumulated age that I have obtained during

    my life then it won't matter so why spend time on it

    Conversation continues but is derailed on the subject of forming a secondary IRC channel