The first scene of the bedroom. This first scene where the character was in this bedroom it had to convey the feeling of a young girls bedroom. One of the features of the room we had at the start were these cardboard daisies which I had made to reinforce the lyrics and song title throughout the video, they also make a re appearance later on within the fantasy room. The reason behind these were that as well as reinforcing the title they also worked as a symbolism of purity which is the impression that you get of a young child who is untainted and not yet familiar with the harshness of reality. This bedding played a vital part in the image that we wanted to convey within the first scenes of a child's bedroom as it made up most of the scene in the first shot and so took up most of the attention of the audience. The rest of the scene within this shot were made up of various scattered children's toys from soft toys like hello kitty to small plastic shoes and a jewellery. Every object played an important part in conveying a message.


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Page 1: Location

The first scene of the bedroom.This first scene where the character was in this bedroom it had to convey the feeling of a young girls bedroom.

One of the features of the room we had at the start were these cardboard daisies which I had made to reinforce the lyrics and song title throughout the video, they also make a re appearance later on within the fantasy room. The reason behind these were that as well as reinforcing the title they also worked as a symbolism of purity which is the impression that you get of a young child who is untainted and not yet familiar with the harshness of reality.

This bedding played a vital part in the image that we wanted to convey within the first scenes of a child's bedroom as it made up most of the scene in the first shot and so took up most of the attention of the audience.

The rest of the scene within this shot were made up of various scattered children's toys from soft toys like hello kitty to small plastic shoes and a jewellery. Every object played an important part in conveying a message.

Page 2: Location

Tea party in the fantasy/dream room.Reappearance of the daisies reinforcing the title and purity behind the lyrics of the song. The placing of the daisies to symbolise as if they would be growing out of the skirting board

The appearance of the teddies not only symbolises childhood but also adds to the mystery of the fantasy and dream like room as they are placed as if having been attending a tea party .

The reason behind the dolls being present was for the stop motion part of our filming as we would later have them interact with and chase away the main character who stumbles upon their party and interrupts.

The tea cups and biscuits were also part of the mis en scene as we felt that the tea party would look strange had there not been anything else such as biscuits present, another reason was that due to the bears not having joints and separate limbs it made it difficult to make it seem as if they were smoothly moving and decided on making the biscuits come to them. Later on we also changed the dolls attending the party.

We left the black sheet ,that was originally meant to create the illusion of a black floor, ruffled at the edges as we felt that it added a superficial edge to the setting as if this entire room could be peeled away and that this dream like vision that our character was seeing was slowly coming apart.

This was the second location in which the character would discover and wander around before trying to escape from the confusion. Therefore we chose to keep an element of mystery.

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Other features;Puzzle pieces and

candy canes were also part of the mis en scene within the dream room as it matched the lyrics and went well with the image we were trying to create.

The high window allowed us to have sufficient lighting which we learned previously is very important when filming as it determines the quality of the video. There were a variety of different puzzle pieces as to keep it interesting and on an abnormally large scale as we didn't want any of the rooms features to necessarily ‘make sense’.

The yellow brick road was also made out of cardboard and was present for the same reasons as the puzzle pieces and candy canes, this also worked in our advantage as the yellow brick road is very famous for being in a fantasy based film and therefore helped us convey this message.

Sticking with mysterious features these photos are also taken from the same mystery room that our character discovers.

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Last bedroom scene.

The messy bedding worked towards what we assumed was typical of a teenager that took little care in their appearance.

We removed all traces of what had once been the young girls room this included the toys and made a more plain and dull room.

We stuck posters up onto the wall and slightly scrunched and tore them in places so we could add to the unkempt look of the bedroom, we also felt this was a good way to link in other media and stereotypes of a teenager to be represented in our mis en scene.

As well as the messed up posters and disarray of bedding we also felt that adding clothes would strengthen the teenage representation and portrayal of the shot.

This scene is crucial as it is the sole shot the explains why everything in the video has happened. The reason as to why she woke up in what was once her room as a kid and went through one door to a strange themed room then through another door that took her back to where she just came from, then trying to return to what was familiar only to find that she’s back in her real bedroom again. This was a lot to convey in one scene and including so many different emotions made it reasonably difficult.