Localized Vibrational Modes in Metallic Solids

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  • 7/23/2019 Localized Vibrational Modes in Metallic Solids

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    876 NATURE | VOL 395 | 29 OCTOBER 1998 | www.nature.com

    applied microwave frequency is decreased from 17 to 7.5 GHz in0.5 GHz steps. The distance between the pumping peaks, which isproportional to 2DE, decreases as the frequency is lowered. How-ever, the peak distance decreases faster than linearly with frequency;the peaks follow the hyperbola rather than the straight lines. Thedistance goes to zero when the frequency approaches the minimumenergy gap between bonding and antibonding states,hf 2T. Forfrequencies smaller than the coupling,hf 2T, the photon energyis too small to induce a transition from the bonding to the

    antibonding state.The coupling between the dots can be decreased by changing the

    gate voltage on the centre gate to more negative values, or byapplying a magnetic field perpendicular to the sample. In Fig. 4 wehave plotted the frequency dependence of the energy spacingDEatwhich the pumping current is at a maximum. Different plottingsymbols correspond to different centre gate voltage settings andmagnetic fields. The solid lines are fits of equation (2) to themeasured data. It follows that the coupling 2T has been tunedfrom 11 to 60eV. The good agreement with equation (2) and theclear nonlinear frequency dependence demonstrates the controlover the formation of covalent bonding between the two dots.

    Quantum dots have been suggested as possible candidates forbuilding a quantum computer1416. We have shown that it is indeed

    possible to coherently couple dots, and that one can induce transi-tions between the extended states. The next crucial step towardsquantum logic gates is to show that the coherence of the super-position is preserved on timescales much longer than the timeneeded for manipulating the electron wavefunctions. A lowerbound for the dephasing time is 1 ns, which we deduce from ournarrowest peaks and from the smallest energy gaps between thebonding and antibonding states that we have resolved. We intend toperform measurements of the decoherence time in which the statesare manipulated by applying the microwaves in short pulses.

    Received 15 April; accepted 15 July 1998.

    1. Ashoori, R. Electrons in artificial atoms.Nature379,413419 (1996).

    2. van der Vaart, N. C.et al. Resonant tunneling through two discrete energy states. Phys. Rev. Lett.74,

    47024705 (1995).

    3. Livermore,C. et al. TheCoulombblockade in coupled quantumdots.Science 274, 13321335(1996).4. Blick, R.et al. Single electron tunneling through a double quantum dot: The artificial molecule.Phys.

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    5. Fujisawa, T. & Tarucha, S. Photon assisted tunneling in single and coupled quantum dot systems.

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    Acknowledgements.We thankR. Aguado,S. M. Cronenwett,S. F. Godijn,P. Hadley,C. J.P. M. Harmans,K. K. Likharev, J. E. Mooij, Yu. V. Nazarov, R. M. Schouten, T. H. Stoof and N. C. van der Vaart forexperimental help and discussions. This work was supported by the Dutch Organization for Research onMatter (FOM) andby theEU via theTMR network.L.P.K. wassupportedby theDutch Royal AcademyofArts and Sciences (KNAW).

    Correspondenceand requestsfor materialsshouldbe addressedto T.H.O. (e-mail:[email protected]).

    Localized vibrational modes

    in metallic solids

    V. Keppens*, D. Mandrus*, B. C. Sales*,B. C. Chakoumakos*, P. Dai*, R. Coldea*, M. B. Maple,D. A. Gajewski, E. J. Freeman& S. Bennington

    * Solid State Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge,Tennessee 37831, USA Department of Physics and Institute for Pure and Applied Physical Sciences,

    University of California San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093, USA ISIS Facility, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot,

    Oxfordshire, OX11 0QX, UK. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .

    Filled skutterudite antimonides1,2 are cubic compounds with theformula RM4Sb12, where R is a rare-earth element (such as La orCe), and M is a transition metal (for example, Fe or Co). The rare-earth ion is weakly bound in an oversized atomic cage formed bythe other atoms. Its presence has been shown to cause a dramaticreduction in the lattice component of the thermal conductivity,while having little effect on the electronic properties35 of the

    compound. This combination of properties makes filled skutteru-dites of interest as thermoelectric materials. It hasbeen suggested4

    that localized, incoherent vibrations of the rare-earth ion areresponsible for the reduction in thermal conductivity, but nodirect evidence for these local vibrational modes exists. Here wereport the observation of local modes in La-filled skutterudites,using heat capacity, elastic constant and inelastic neutron scatter-ing measurements. The La atoms show unusual thermodynamicbehaviour, characterized by the presence of two low-energylocalized modes. Our results suggest that consideration of localmodes will play an important role in the design of the nextgeneration of thermoelectric materials.

    Localized vibrational modes are uncommon in solids becauseof the strong interactions that exist between the constituent

    atoms. When present, local modes are usually associated withweakly bound guest atoms that reside in the voids of an open-structured non-metallic host. In metallic solids, which tend tocrystallize in close-packed structures, local modes are exceedinglyrare. These low-energy vibrational modes, which are not present inthe unfilled parent compound CoSb3, give unambiguous evidencefor the rattling behaviour of the rare-earth atom in the










    CoSb3 C(E1=70K)

    La0.9Fe3CoSb12 C(E2=200K)

    CoSb3+T+A C(E1)+B C(E2)

    Figure 1 Specific heat divided by temperature versus temperature squared for

    La0.9Fe3CoSb12and CoSb3. The dashed line through the La0.9Fe3CoSb12data is

    based on a calculation in whichthe contribution fromtwo Einsteinoscillators with

    level spacings of 70 and 200 K are added to the CoSb3data (see text for details).

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    NATURE | VOL 395 | 29 OCTOBER 1998 | www.nature.com 877

    structure. Because filled skutterudites display a wide variety ofground states, including metallic3, semimetallic6, semiconducting4,superconducting7, Kondo insulating8 and ferromagnetic (bothmetallic9 and insulating8), filled skutterudites offer a means tostudy the effects of localized atomic vibrations on a wide varietyof physical phenomena.

    Polycrystalline specimens were prepared by melting stoichio-metric quantities of high-purity elements in carbon-coated, sealedand evacuated silica tubes. The details of the synthesis are described

    in ref. 4. Specific heat measurements were performed from 2 to 45Kfor CoSb3 and La0.9Fe3CoSb12. The results are plotted in Fig. 1,which illustrates the significant difference in the low-temperaturebehaviour of the filled and unfilled materials. Although the specificheat of CoSb3 deviates somewhat from simple Debye behaviourowing to the presence of some low-energy optical phonons invol-ving collective motions of 4-membered Sb rings, a model proposedby Feldman and Singh10 is able to quantitatively account for the data(J. Feldman, personal communication). Using the CoSb3data as abackground, we find that the addition of two quantized harmonicoscillators (Einstein oscillators) is required in order to model thespecific heat of La0.9Fe3CoSb3. As illustrated in Fig. 1, a modelcalculation including the contribution of two Einstein oscillatorsleads to an adequate description of the experimental results. The

    dashed line through the La0.9Fe3CoSb12data in Fig. 1 represents a fitto the equation:

    Cp CpCoSb3 gT ACE1 BCE2

    with Cp(CoSb3) the molar specific heat for CoSb3, g0:0037 mol 1 K 2, A 1:2mol 1 K 1, B 35:0mol 1 K 1 andT is temperature. Here CE1and CE2represent contributions fromEinstein oscillators, CE v=T

    2ev=T=ev=T 12, with EinsteintemperaturesvE1 70Kand vE2 200K. Thefact that twoEinsteinoscillators are required to model the data indicates that two distinctlocal modes may exist in the La-filled skutterudite. It is tempting toascribe the lower-energy oscillator to the rattling of the La ions

    because themagnitude of the70 K oscillator is about what we expectfor a single ion oscillating in a harmonic potential. At hightemperatures, we expect each mole of oscillators to contribute3R 24:9 5 J K 1 to the heat capacity. As only 5.3% of theatoms rattle, we anticipate a contribution of 1.33 mol1 K1.This is very close to the fitted value of 1.21 mol1 K1. We notethat the results of the analysis are quite similar if one models thespecific heat of La0.9Fe3CoSb12using aT

    3 Debye term instead of themeasured specific heat of CoSb3. In that case twoEinsteinoscillators

    are again required, this time withvE1 70 K andvE2 157K.To investigate further the unusual thermodynamics of the La-

    filled skutterudite, we measured the elastic moduli of the filled andunfilled materials as a function of temperature. High-qualitysamples of La0.75Fe3CoSb12, with a density that is 98% of thetheoretical value, and CoSb3 (95% dense) were cut into2 2:5 3 mm rectangular parallelepipeds and used for the reso-nant ultrasound spectroscopy (RUS) measurements. RUS is anunusual ultrasonic technique, developed by Migliori et al.11 fordetermining the complete set of elastic moduli of a solid bymeasuring the free-body resonances of the sample. This method isunique in that all moduli can be determined simultaneously,avoiding remounts of transducers and multiple temperaturesweeps. An isotropic polycrystalline solid has two elastic moduli,

    a shear modulus c44 governing transverse waves, and a compres-sional modulus c11 governing longitudinal waves. Measurementshave been performed as a function of temperature (5 300 K) forboth filled and unfilled skutterudite specimens. The upper panel ofFig. 2 shows the shear modulus c44for La0.75Fe3CoSb12, and in theinset the modulus for the unfilled skutterudite CoSb3. The solid linethrough the CoSb3data is a model calculation, using the so-calledVarshni function12:

    cijT c0ij s=e

    t=T 1

    withTthe temperature, c0ijthe elastic constant at 0 K, ands and tfitting parameters. This function was shown by Varshni to describethe temperature dependence of the elastic constants of many simplesubstances, and characterizes to some extent normal elastic beha-

    viour. The elastic response of CoSb3(Fig. 2) can be well-describedby the Varshni model. However, the shear modulus of the filledskutterudite La0.75Fe3CoSb12behaves anomalouslyat low temperatures,








    Temperature (K)



















    Figure 2 Elastic moduli c11 and c44 for La0.75Fe3CoSb12 as a function of

    temperature. The solid lines through the data represent model calculations

    using two two-level systems; one with a level spacing of 50 K and the other with

    spacing of 200K. The dashed linesare estimatedbackgroundelastic moduli. The

    normal elastic behaviourof CoSb3is shown in the insets; the quantities plotted

    on the axes are the same as those in the main figures.











    LaFe4Sb12 - CeFe4Sb12

    Gaussian Fits

    Figure 3Difference in the inelastic neutron scattering data between LaFe4Sb12

    and CeFe4Sb12versus energyloss. The incidentneutron energy was 30meV and

    the energy resolution was 2 meV. CeFe4Sb12was used as a reference because

    the neutron scattering cross-section of Ce is much smaller than that of La. The

    difference spectra therefore reflect the vibrational density of states (DOS)

    associated with the La atoms. The peaks at 7 and 15meV correspond to

    temperatures of 80 and 175 K.

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    878 NATURE | VOL 395 | 29 OCTOBER 1998 | www.nature.com

    displaying a much stronger temperature dependence, which issuggestive of unusual low-energy vibrational modes in addition tothe normal acoustic phonons.

    A first attempt to model this unusual behaviour, taking intoaccount the presence of harmonic Einstein-oscillators, failed todescribe the dip in the data at low temperatures. The elastic datacan, however, be described by considering the elastic response of atwo-level system (TLS) with level-spacing . We can calculate theTLS-contribution to the elastic response, c 2F=e2, with

    F NAkBTln1e=

    T the Helmholtz free energy of a TLS,and assuming that the vibrational level spacing, , dependslinearly on the strain, e, that is, 0 Ae, with A a couplingconstant. As illustrated in Fig. 2, both thec11 and c44 modulus can bemodelled reasonably well by adding two TLSs, with level spacings of50 and 200 K. The dashed line in Fig. 2 represents the backgroundcontribution, which is estimated from the Varshni-fit for theunfilled skutterudite CoSb3.

    As the TLS approach quite effectively models the RUS data,whereas theEinsteinmodes fail, we investigated whether thespecificheat, modelled above with two Einstein oscillators, could bedescribed using two-level systems. We found that the data canindeed by modelled using two TLSs, with level spacing of 70 and200 K. Both approaches seem to be indistinguishable in the experi-

    mental temperature range (245 K).Inelasticneutron scattering can provide a quantitative measure of

    the vibrational density of states of a solid as a function of energy.Although quantitative interpretation of the data from a multi-element solid is only possible with a detailed model of the latticedynamics, qualitative information can be extracted by comparingthe measured vibrational spectrum to that of a suitable referencecompound. Figure 3 shows the difference in the vibrational spec-trum between LaFe4Sb12 and CeFe4Sb12 obtained from neutron-scattering measurements made at the ISIS facility of the RutherfordAppleton Laboratory, UK. The scattering cross-section for Ce ismuch less than for La, and hence this difference spectrum tends toemphasize the features of the vibrational spectrum associated withLa. The neutron data showa welldefined peak at 7 meV (80 K) and a

    somewhat broader feature at 15 meV (175 K). These energies are ingood agreementwith thevalues obtained from theheat capacity andRUS measurements. Truly localized modes should appear as deltafunctions in the vibrational density of states, but hybridization withacoustic phonons will tend to broaden the peaks.

    The neutron data provide strong evidence that both local modeshave to be associated with the presenceof the La ion, suggesting thatthere are two distinct eigenmodes associated with the rattling of theion. The structure of the material makes two different La motionslikely. The rattling La ion can move towards one of its nearestneighbour Sb atoms, or it can move towards a void. One wouldexpect that if the La ion moves toward a void, its vibrations wouldhave a lower frequency and be more localized than if it movedtowards a nearest-neighbour Sb. The neutron results are consistentwith this picture. The peak at 15 meV is considerably broader thanthe 7-meV peak, indicating that hybridization with other modes isstronger. This implies that the 15-meV mode is less localized thanthe 7-meV mode. Hybridization might also be the reason whyEinstein oscillators cannot perfectly describe the local modes.Higherlevels of theharmonicwell that are hybridized with extendedphonons will lose their local character, effectively reducing theharmonic oscillator to a simple TLS.

    To the best of our knowledge, the only metallic compound with awell-defined local phonon mode is Al10V, which has

    13 an Einsteintemperature of 22 K. Compared to Al10V, however, filled skutter-udites have a number of advantages. Whereas Al10V poses formid-able materials difficulties, filled skutterudites can be made single-phase and single crystals can be grown. Moreover, by controlling thefilling of the rare-earth site, the carrier concentration and thus the

    transport properties of the material could be modified. Further-

    more, various magnetic ions could be placed on the rare-earth site,and the effects of local phonon modes on a wide variety of groundstates could be studied.

    Received 2 June; accepted 6 August 1998.

    1. Jeitschko, W. & Braun, D. J. LaFe4P12 with filled CoAs3-type structure and isotypic lanthanoid-

    transition metal polyphosphides.Acta Crystallogr. B33,34013405 (1977).

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    3. Morelli, D. M. & Meisner, G. P. Low temperature properties of the filled skutterudite CeFe4Sb12. J.

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    4. Sales, B.C. et al. Filled skutterudite antimonides: electroncrystalsand phonon glasses. Phys. Rev. B 56,1508115089 (1997).

    5. Sales, B. C., Mandrus, D. & Williams, R. K. Filled skutterudite antimonides: a new class of

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    6. Grandjean, F.et al. Some physical properties of LaFe4P12type compounds.J. Phys. Chem. Solids 45,

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    7. Meisner, G. P. Superconductivity in LaFe4P12.Physica B108,763764 (1981).

    8. Meisner, G. P.et al. UFe4P12and CeFe4P12: nonmetallic isotypes of superconducting LaFe4P12.J. Appl.

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    12. Varshni, P. Temperature dependence of the elastic constants.Phys. Rev. B 2, 39523958 (1970).

    13. Caplin, D., Gruner, G. & Dunlop, J. B. Al10V: An Einstein solid.Phys. Rev. Lett.30,11381140 (1973).

    Acknowledgements. We thank J. Feldman and R. Leisure for discussions, and A. Migliori and T. Darlingfor assistance with the RUS measurements. This work was supported by the Division of Materials

    Sciences, US Department of Energy, a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement with MarlowIndustries, and the NSF.

    Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to B.C.S. (e-mail: [email protected]).

    Synthesis of individual single-

    walled carbon nanotubes

    on patterned silicon wafers

    Jing Kong*, Hyongsok T. Soh, Alan M. Cassell*,Calvin F. Quate& Hongjie Dai*

    * Department of Chemistry, Department of Electrical Engineering,

    Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305, USA These authors contributed equally to this work. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .

    Recent progress13 in the synthesis of high-quality single-walledcarbon nanotubes4 (SWNTs) has enabled the measurement oftheir physical and materials properties58. The idea that nano-tubes might be integrated with conventional microstructures toobtain new types of nanoscale devices, however, requires anability to synthesize, isolate, manipulate and connect individualnanotubes. Here we describe a strategy for making high-qualityindividual SWNTs on silicon wafers patterned with micrometre-scale islands of catalytic material. We synthesize SWNTs bychemical vapour deposition of methane on the patterned sub-strates. Many of the synthesized nanotubes are perfect, individualSWNTs with diameters of 1 3 nm and lengths of up to tens ofmicrometres. The nanotubes are rooted in the islands, and areeasily located, characterized and manipulated with the scanningelectron microscope and atomic force microscope. Some of theSWNTs bridge two metallic islands, offering the prospect of usingthis approach to develop ultrafine electrical interconnects andother devices.

    Our synthesis begins with the patterning of catalytic islands onsilicon substrates. A schematic of the process flow is shown in Fig. 1.For regularly spaced catalytic islands on the silicon surface, theessential fabrication steps are: electron-beam lithography, deposi-tion of Fe(NO3)39H2O, MoO2(acac)2and alumina nanoparticles intheliquid phase and lift-off (Fig. 1). Thesquareislands arespaced at

    a 10-m pitch, and the size of islands is 3m o r 5m. For