Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective Prepared by the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance September 15, 2010

Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

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Page 1: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

Local Government Finance:

A Historical Perspective

Prepared by the Indiana Department of Local

Government Finance

September 15, 2010

Page 2: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective



Both state law and local officials influence local government spending in

Indiana. State law provides parameters on the types of levies that can be raised

and the amount of property taxes that can be raised each year from those levies.

Local officials make decisions about local spending and determine how much and

what levies and taxes will be used. Additionally, state lawmakers have often

intervened to provide property tax relief to taxpayers by subsidizing property tax

bills and more recently by placing upper limits on the maximum amount of taxes

raised by local officials.

The State has historically imposed limits on the levy growth and tax rates,

while also requiring that local government construction projects be approved by the

State. Beginning in 2009, property tax caps were phased in that limit the taxes

charged to a property to 1% of its value for owner-occupied homes; 2% for other

residential properties, agricultural land, and long-term care facilities; and 3% for all

other properties. A separate cap was in place for 2008, but that cap had higher

thresholds and was limited to owner-occupied homes. The caps are administered as

a credit on the property tax bill and reduce revenues available to local units of

government. These caps were passed as part of a series of changes that included an

additional tax deduction for homeowners, a change in the way $3 billion of state

subsidy to local government is administered, voter approval of large local

government construction projects, and expanded use of local option income taxes.

The purpose of this report is to examine the recent state policy changes in a

long-term context. Specifically, the Department compiled data from the Budget

Form 2 (Estimated Revenue), the County Budget Order, and the County Property

Tax Abstract. Using this data, the Department analyzed revenues and budgets

from 1995 to 2010 and compared them with population growth, personal income

growth, and inflation. The report also shows the historical growth in budgets and

revenues by subcategories to explain the differences among unit types, revenue

sources, dedicated uses, and counties. The Department further examined the three

years in which the recent policy changes (e.g., additional deduction for owner

occupied homes, restructuring of state subsidies, and property tax caps) were

implemented to provide more detail about the effect of the changes on revenue. All

figures are unaltered unless specifically noted.

The report shows that despite property tax constraints, local government

revenues and budgets had outpaced inflation, personal income growth, and

population growth until 2009. The property tax reforms that were phased in during

Page 3: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective


2009 and 2010 brought revenues and budgets back to the 2006 level. However, over

half of the decrease resulted from a reduction in local spending obligations due to

the State assumption of county welfare obligations.

Page 4: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective


Historical Budgets

State and local governments are legally prohibited from issuing general

obligation debt to pay for spending. Therefore, budgets tie closely to available

revenues. Since 1995, total local government budgets have increased at an

annualized rate of 3.6% per year, compared to an inflation rate of 2.4% and a

population growth rate of 0.7%. The growth in personal income from 1995 to 2008

was 4.4%, though this figure does not include the interval from 2009 to 2010. The

most local government budget growth occurred in 2007, at 10.7%, and the lowest

was 2009 at -5.5%. In 2009 and 2010, revenues were reduced overall. This is the

result of factors including the assumption of welfare responsibility by the State, the

granting of a supplemental deduction for homeowners, the new LOIT for public

safety, and the property tax caps. These factors will be discussed in greater detail

later in the report. Figure 1 provides a graphical representation of the growth in

local government budgets, along with the related rate of inflation, personal income

growth, and population growth factors.

FIGURE 1: Local Government Budgets and Related Growth Indexes












Total Local Government Budgets 1995-2010




Personal Income


Population Growth

Page 5: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective


In terms of annualized growth in budgets, libraries grew the fastest at 5.1%

per year, followed by townships at 5.0%, cities and towns at 4.2%, and schools at

3.7%. County government budgets grew at an annualized rate of 2.6%, though that

percentage rises to 4.5% per year when controlling for the state assumption of

welfare funding. Figure 2 presents this information graphically.

FIGURE 2: Local Government Budgets by Unit Type

*The category Special Districts includes Marion County Uni-Gov districts.








Local Government Budgets 1995-2010

By Unit Type

School Corporations

Cities & Towns


(excluding welfare)

Special Districts

Library Districts


Conservancy Districtsexcluding welfare revenues

Page 6: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective


Historical Revenue

Property taxation has been constrained in many ways during the entire scope

of the study: 1995 to 2010. Operating funds are under a “maximum levy” growth

constraint, which means that the total dollar amount that may be raised is limited.

Before 2004, the result was that each unit’s levy could not grow at a rate above the

three-year average assessed value growth. Starting in 2004 and forward, the

operating levy was limited to a growth equal to or below the six-year average of

Indiana nonfarm personal income growth. For 2010, this growth is 2.9%, though the

average maximum growth since 2004 equals 3.9%. Property tax levies for some

funds are constrained by rate limitations (commonly referred to as “rate capped”

funds). For a levy that is at its maximum rate, this means that the revenue growth

is constrained by growth in taxable assessed value. These are primarily “cumulative

funds” that raise annual revenue for placement in a fund that works similar to a

“savings account” for the purchase of large capital goods, such as fire engines. Other

funds, such as debt funds, are in most cases limited through the underlying bond

issue approval process. Debt service funds are not subject to the maximum levy

rules. Finally, some funds have other conditions that must be met, such as the

school bus replacement fund which requires only a transportation plan to be

published in support of the levy.

Local governments receive revenue from sources other than property tax.

Schools, for example, have received a substantial portion of their operating budgets

from state appropriations over the period studied, including 100% starting in 2009.

County collections of excise tax on personal and commercial vehicles supplement

local funding streams. Financial institutions pay a separate tax that is also

distributed to local governments. Counties can elect to impose a variety of local

option income taxes (LOITs) to supplement budgets or to reduce reliance on

property taxes. Finally, local governments can receive revenue from grants, user

fees, and a number of other sources. Over the course of the study, new revenue

options have been introduced to local governments. Riverboat gaming generates

certain revenue streams for local governments, and a number of such riverboats

opened near the beginning of the study period. In 1995, the General Assembly

authorized an Innkeeper’s Tax, and passed legislation allowing some counties to

impose new taxes, including a Food & Beverage Tax and LOITs to build or improve

correctional facilities. Finally, in 2004 and 2007, the General Assembly authorized

new types of LOITs to replace property taxes and increase revenue for public safety.

Since 1995, total local government revenues have increased at an annualized

rate of 3.4% per year, compared to an inflation rate of 2.4% and a population growth

Page 7: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective


rate of 0.7%. The growth in personal income from 1995 to 2008 was 4.4%, though

this figure does not include the interval from 2009 to 2010. The highest percentage

of growth in local government revenue occurred in 2007, at 7.2%, and the lowest

was 2009 at -5.4%. In 2009 and 2010, revenue growth was negative overall. This is

the result of a number of factors, which will be discussed in more detail in the

following section. Figure 3 lists the total local government revenue for each year in

the study period and the related annual percentage change. Figure 4 presents this

information graphically along with the related rate of inflation, personal income

growth, and population growth factors.

FIGURE 3: Local Government Revenue, 1995–2010

One main difference between local and state revenues is the use of variable

rates at the local level. For many types of property taxes, tax rates fluctuate in the

opposite direction of the tax base such that revenue remains stable. State revenue,

on the other hand, is mainly generated by rates that are fixed. This means that tax

base changes result in a drop in revenue for the State and are not automatically

neutralized by rate increases. Beginning in 2009, property tax caps placed upper

limits on the local rate variation, making local property tax rates partially fixed and

allowing the tax base changes to impact local revenue streams more than in the

past. Figure 5 shows the local revenue growth and compares that to the growth rate

Year Number

Total Local



Percentage Change

from Prior Year

Percentage Change

from 1995

1995 $ 10,300,611,130

1996 10,941,147,487$ 6.2% 6.2%

1997 11,516,635,163$ 5.3% 11.8%

1998 12,153,469,824$ 5.5% 18.0%

1999 12,808,979,535$ 5.4% 24.4%

2000 13,441,670,816$ 4.9% 30.5%

2001 14,093,971,239$ 4.9% 36.8%

2002 14,570,260,901$ 3.4% 41.5%

2003 14,946,979,530$ 2.6% 45.1%

2004 15,373,233,704$ 2.9% 49.2%

2005 15,941,246,725$ 3.7% 54.8%

2006 16,823,351,143$ 5.5% 63.3%

2007 18,035,948,439$ 7.2% 75.1%

2008 18,348,035,989$ 1.7% 78.1%

2009 17,358,696,205$ -5.4% 68.5%

2010 16,973,654,378$ -2.2% 64.8%

Page 8: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective


seen in state revenues. The figure normalizes for certain revenue swaps between

local revenue and state subsidies. Specifically, it excludes county welfare levies

from the local revenue stream and excludes sales tax increases (which went entirely

to replace local property taxes) and the 2004 tax amnesty revenues from the state

revenue stream.

FIGURE 4: Total Local Government Revenue and Related Growth Indexes

Many different types of units make up local government. Counties,

townships, cities, towns, school corporations, library districts, and a number of

special districts all impose local taxes. Total revenue for schools is the highest,

followed by county, cities, towns, and then townships. However, libraries are the

highest in terms of annualized growth, at 4.8% per year followed by townships at

4.4% per year. Schools, cities, and towns each grew by 3.8% per year. County

governments grew at an annualized rate of 1.7%, though that percentage rises to

3.2% per year when controlling for the state assumption of welfare funding. Figure

6 lists the total local government revenue by unit type. Figure 7 presents this

information graphically.








Total Local Government Revenue 1995-2010

Total Revenue

Before Caps

Total Revenue

After Caps

Personal Income Growth


Population Growth

Page 9: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective


FIGURE 5: Comparison of Local and State Revenue Growth

FIGURE 6: Total Local Government Revenue by Unit Type in Dollars, 1995–2010












Local and State Government Revenue Growth

Local Government

Revenue Growth*

Local Government

Revenue at State Revenue Growth Rate**

*Local Government Revenue excludes county welfare levies for 1995-2010.

**State Revenue Growth Rate excludes the impact of sales tax rate increases and tax amnesty.

Counties Townships Cities & Towns Schools Libraries Other

1995 2,032,201,011 165,589,185 1,428,633,959 5,345,126,355 186,838,441 1,142,222,179

1996 2,153,674,903 180,378,718 1,527,766,900 5,696,423,444 204,338,402 1,178,565,120

1997 2,224,126,278 189,367,971 1,663,731,188 6,012,667,912 217,436,086 1,209,305,728

1998 2,306,281,575 193,428,419 1,721,799,724 6,339,199,887 231,425,050 1,361,335,169

1999 2,444,851,147 207,556,382 1,788,900,613 6,719,834,329 254,012,680 1,393,824,384

2000 2,584,753,475 217,696,913 1,920,837,053 7,064,227,288 265,321,287 1,388,834,800

2001 2,644,532,432 234,302,411 1,950,285,668 7,434,922,225 284,770,615 1,545,157,888

2002 2,756,642,494 263,872,239 2,067,131,608 7,724,994,412 317,089,709 1,440,530,439

2003 2,808,513,778 271,948,609 2,096,981,336 8,044,009,433 323,064,555 1,385,832,127

2004 2,861,996,112 270,070,133 2,120,223,742 8,316,732,965 329,633,116 1,456,677,550

2005 2,952,274,845 297,850,901 2,211,327,844 8,607,177,588 341,404,158 1,516,825,472

2006 3,182,992,574 304,730,832 2,343,971,173 8,890,966,911 366,977,428 1,718,524,208

2007 3,432,912,321 321,787,389 2,496,051,775 9,198,651,409 382,231,655 2,188,600,502

2008 3,409,203,198 325,182,781 2,562,538,562 9,559,505,226 386,423,322 2,086,963,046

2009 2,687,945,367 338,788,587 2,555,392,208 9,563,627,866 385,405,865 1,816,300,663

2010 2,635,889,289 316,238,164 2,498,007,635 9,358,801,954 379,479,243 1,785,025,102

Percent Change

1995 - 200930% 91% 75% 75% 103% 56%

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FIGURE 7: Local Government Revenue by Unit Type

*The category Special Districts includes Marion County Uni-Gov districts.

Local governments draw revenue from nearly 400 different sources. The most

significant are property taxes, local option income taxes, vehicle and aircraft excise

taxes, financial institutions taxes, motor vehicle highway funds, and state tuition

support grants to school corporations. Property taxes and state tuition support

make up about 2/3 of local government funding.1 The largest change in the period

covered by this study is that reliance on property tax has been replaced by reliance

on state tuition support. This is the result of the 2009 change in the way the State

financed the school operating fund. Before 2009, the State paid approximately half

of the cost directly (the “State Share”) and subsidized roughly 2/3 of the other half

(the “Local Share”) through property tax replacement credits. Beginning in 2009,

the State paid the entire cost directly. The State financed this by eliminating

property tax replacement credits and increasing the sales tax rate by one percent.

Figure 8 shows the composition of revenue in 1995 while Figure 9 shows the

composition in 2010. Figure 10 shows the composition for all years.

1 (Note that “property tax” in this study refers to the gross property tax charged and includes

replacement credits from the State and local option income taxes.)








Local Government Revenue 1995-2010

By Unit Type, After Imposition of Caps



( excluding weflare)





Conservancyexcluding welfare revenues

Page 11: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective


FIGURE 8: Composition of Revenue, 1995

FIGURE 9: Composition of Revenue, 2010

Property Tax


Basic Grant (School

State Tuition Support)


Local Option Income Tax


Excise & Financial

Institutions Tax


Motor Vehicle Highway





1995 Local Government Funding by Source

(Total = $10,300,611,130)

Property Tax


Basic Grant (School

State Tuition Support)


Local Option Income Tax


Excise & Financial

Institutions Tax


Motor Vehicle Highway





2010 Local Government Funding by Source

(Total = $16,973,654,378)

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FIGURE 10: Composition of Revenue, 1995–2010

For a full list of the revenue by source for all 15 years, see Appendix A. For a list of

revenue by county from 1995 to 2010, see Appendix B. For a list of revenue by local

fund, see Appendix C.












Local Government Funding by Source, 1995-2010

in millions of dollars


Motor Vehicle Highway Funds

Excise & Financial Institutions Tax

Local Option Income Tax

Basic Grant (School State Tuition Support)

Property Tax

Page 13: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective


Changes in Local Revenue Streams, 2007–2010

In recent years, major policy changes affecting local revenue streams have

been made at the state level. In 2007, the State granted local governments the

option of replacing some property tax revenue with LOIT revenue. Use of this option

also opened up a stream of new revenue, namely LOIT for public safety

expenditures. In 2008, the State passed a series of policy changes to provide

property tax relief to local taxpayers.

The total change from 2007 to 2010 was a decrease of $1.06 billion in

revenue, though not all of that decrease impacted the bottom line of the local units.

The factors of that decrease are detailed below.

In 2007, state lawmakers authorized a new set of LOIT options to help local

governments diversify their revenue stream and reduce reliance on property taxes.

Since then, 26 counties have taken advantage of the new options, collectively

raising $161 million to replace property taxes (no net change to overall revenue)

and $90 million in new revenue for public safety funding.

In 2008, state lawmakers passed a comprehensive property tax reform

package. The State eliminated a property tax replacement program, which sent

subsidies to local governments in proportion to each unit’s overall taxation, and

established a program that directly pays certain costs of local government, most

notably school operating and child welfare expenses. For most units, the

responsibility for administering these programs remained at the local level, with

more funding coming from the State (via an increase in the sales tax) and less from

property taxes. This means that units experienced no net change in total revenue.

However, in the case of county welfare programs, the State administered the

programs, so both county budgets and revenues decreased as a result. The drop in

revenue as a result of the county welfare change was $604 million. This decrease in

revenue matches the counties’ reduced fiscal obligation. Counties, in other words,

experienced a net reduction in revenue of $604 million, but that change was

balanced by the equal reduction in budget liabilities.

The State also implemented a supplemental homestead deduction as part of

the comprehensive tax reform. This deduction is equal to 35% of a home’s taxable

value up to $600,000, and 25% of the value above this threshold. For property tax

levies that are based on fixed rates, this additional deduction caused a reduction in

revenue from prior years. Figure 11 provides a detailed example of how the

supplemental deduction results in reduced revenues.

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FIGURE 11: Example of the Effect of the Supplemental Deduction on Fixed-Levy and

Fixed-Rate Funds on Local Government Revenues

The 2008 reform also strengthened the power of voters to control local

decision-making by taking the approval of large local government building projects

from state administrators and giving it to voters via a referendum process. This did

not result in a decrease in revenue compared to prior years, though each project

that was not approved prohibited an increase in revenues that might have

otherwise occurred.

As a final measure to provide a layer of protection for taxpayers, the State

implemented property tax caps, which cap net property taxes at a percentage of a

property’s gross assessed value. This property tax relief is administered as a credit

to taxpayers. For 2010, the first year of the full phase-in, taxpayers received credits

totaling $452 million. The State refunded school corporations for $60 million of its

reduction in revenue due to the credits in 2010.

Another $33 million was added in local government funding, mostly

accounted for by normal growth in levies and other revenues.

Figure 12 provides a summary of the impact to local revenue of new policy

measures from 2007 to 2010.

FIGURE 12: Impact of Policy Changes to Local Government Revenue

2008 2009 2008 2009

Initial Taxable Value

Located Within a Unit of Government* $10,000,000 $10,000,000

Initial Taxable Value

Located Within a Unit of Government* $10,000,000 $10,000,000

Supplemental Deduction $0 $2,500,000 Supplemental Deduction $0 $2,500,000

Revised Taxable Assessed Value $10,000,000 $7,500,000 Revised Taxable Assessed Value $10,000,000 $7,500,000

Cumulative Fire Rate 0.50% 0.67% Cumulative Fire Rate 0.50% 0.50%

Property Tax Due $50,000 $50,000 Property Tax Due $50,000 $37,500

Supplemental deduction has no impact on revenue Supplemental deduction reduces revenue

Fixed-Levy Fund: the tax rate fluctuates to generate the same amount of

levy for a unit

Fixed-Rate Fund: the tax rate is constant and the revenue generated

depends upon the taxable value

*Units of local government include counties, townships, cities, towns, school corporations, library districts, and other special districts.

Policy Change Impact to 2007-2010 Revenue

New LOIT for Public Safety $90 million

Supplemental Deduction Impact on Fixed Rate Funds ($173 million)

County Welfare Responsibility Transferred to State ($604 million)

Reduction in Revenue due to Tax Caps ($452 million)

Other Changes in Local Revenue $33 million

Total Change in Local Revenue ($1,106 million)

Total Change in Local Revenue, Excluding Welfare Transfer ($556 million)

Page 15: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective



Local government revenues and budgets have decreased in the past two

years, with 2010 revenues and budgets returning to the 2006 level. These decreases

result mainly from State policy changes. Most notably, the State assumed the

responsibility for county welfare expenses, relieving counties of the need to tax

locally for these services. The State also implemented caps, which result in reduced

revenue to local units in order to keep taxpayers at or below the caps. The

supplemental deduction given to homeowners also resulted in a decrease in

revenues for some fixed-rate funds, which function as cumulative “savings accounts”

to purchase new equipment. These decreases were partially counteracted by

increases in local option income taxes for public safety funding and other growth in


In a historical context, local government budget and revenue growth over the

past 15 years has outpaced inflation by about 1% per year, even considering the

changes in the past few years. Before the 2008 reforms, local government revenue

growth outpaced personal income growth by 0.2% per year, inflation growth by 1.8%

per year, and population growth by 3.7% per year. From 2008 to 2010, local

government revenue decreased at an annualized rate of 3.8% per year, while

inflation growth was nearly flat at 0.5%. Personal income figures for Indiana are

not yet available for 2009 and 2010.

Page 16: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

Revenue Type 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Property Tax 4,412.33$ 4,689.32$ 4,924.91$ 5,190.03$ 5,537.49$ 5,769.27$ 6,004.09$ 6,342.99$ 6,846.99$ 7,230.04$ 7,543.01$ 7,981.11$ 8,546.78$ 8,837.67$ 6,189.35$ 6,323.57$

Basic Grant (School

State Tuition Support)2,333.57$ 2,473.19$ 2,626.90$ 2,728.12$ 2,865.55$ 3,178.94$ 3,362.86$ 3,492.97$ 3,565.30$ 3,633.54$ 3,747.21$ 3,766.20$ 3,762.84$ 3,831.17$ 6,253.82$ 6,226.33$

County Option Income

Tax (Coit)235.74$ 261.31$ 276.40$ 303.27$ 320.46$ 342.93$ 381.64$ 484.41$ 399.29$ 365.70$ 344.37$ 421.94$ 448.07$ 468.78$ 537.94$ 526.24$

CAGIT Certified

Shares170.49$ 174.69$ 182.77$ 188.19$ 198.60$ 213.94$ 231.89$ 297.81$ 235.78$ 245.34$ 239.26$ 273.90$ 279.64$ 289.89$ 309.60$ 306.29$

Motor Veh.


Highway Dist.

261.43$ 270.38$ 268.61$ 280.69$ 276.99$ 301.54$ 307.87$ 291.13$ 314.60$ 295.23$ 297.75$ 282.95$ 275.05$ 275.18$ 245.59$ 253.24$

Motor Veh.


Highway Spec. #1

261.43$ 270.38$ 268.61$ 280.69$ 276.99$ 301.54$ 307.87$ 291.13$ 314.60$ 295.23$ 297.75$ 282.95$ 275.05$ 275.18$ 245.59$ 253.24$

Motor Veh.


Highway Spec. #2

261.43$ 270.38$ 268.61$ 280.69$ 276.99$ 301.54$ 307.87$ 291.13$ 314.60$ 295.23$ 297.75$ 282.95$ 275.05$ 275.18$ 245.59$ 253.24$


Revenue (1126-1139)18.80$ 1.19$ 1.38$ 10.37$ 1.51$ 3.03$ 1.69$ 3.62$ 2.65$ 87.26$ 96.39$ 107.05$ 107.74$ 127.01$ 147.55$ 234.45$

Auto and Aircraft

Excise Tax223.91$ 236.44$ 238.96$ 241.35$ 267.40$ 242.56$ 247.88$ 256.13$ 267.36$ 275.29$ 266.08$ 267.82$ 271.51$ 276.58$ 230.76$ 223.29$

License Excise Taxes 284.50$ 301.63$ 301.02$ 318.16$ 354.68$ 326.84$ 330.39$ 341.37$ 357.10$ 380.49$ 378.44$ 368.78$ 366.02$ 373.00$ 204.39$ 192.71$

Airport Revenues 75.04$ 75.88$ 93.98$ 112.65$ 121.95$ 126.69$ 158.73$ 141.16$ 165.55$ 292.31$ 323.24$ 502.04$ 193.84$ 198.05$ 213.93$ 189.25$

Charges for Services 11.66$ 11.12$ 14.68$ 18.73$ 18.99$ 21.65$ 20.59$ 117.63$ 82.10$ 83.18$ 93.93$ 94.93$ 111.51$ 155.83$ 137.68$ 176.03$

Cigarette Tax Dist.-

Fire Pension Fund36.64$ 35.18$ 38.20$ 39.99$ 35.88$ 36.19$ 36.21$ 50.39$ 46.95$ 45.80$ 52.58$ 53.68$ 62.96$ 57.05$ 83.60$ 100.53$

Interest on

Investments86.05$ 116.89$ 135.98$ 156.75$ 163.38$ 171.10$ 196.92$ 190.23$ 109.10$ 82.37$ 78.62$ 124.28$ 207.95$ 246.33$ 191.84$ 92.23$

Cigarette Tax Dist.-

Police Pension Fund31.07$ 31.58$ 34.64$ 35.24$ 32.24$ 30.48$ 30.56$ 45.79$ 43.29$ 45.98$ 52.62$ 53.22$ 56.21$ 53.63$ 77.06$ 91.19$

Transfer of Funds 42.89$ 68.14$ 65.60$ 73.27$ 90.04$ 82.72$ 131.38$ 181.58$ 49.50$ 56.60$ 57.86$ 44.27$ 125.11$ 104.08$ 69.10$ 90.01$

Local Road and Street

Dist.40.09$ 68.48$ 74.34$ 103.41$ 86.66$ 137.11$ 107.75$ 70.55$ 72.55$ 74.84$ 77.05$ 82.09$ 85.65$ 75.17$ 79.46$ 79.95$

Grant Anticipation

Notes15.90$ 13.65$ 15.45$ 21.07$ 22.55$ 29.67$ 23.52$ 81.10$ 33.12$ 25.36$ 28.84$ 33.32$ 49.59$ 53.42$ 66.65$ 64.55$


Revenue15.90$ 13.65$ 15.45$ 21.07$ 22.55$ 29.67$ 23.52$ 81.10$ 33.12$ 25.36$ 28.84$ 33.32$ 49.59$ 53.42$ 66.65$ 64.55$

Temporary 53.70$ 77.82$ 88.20$ 105.92$ 110.52$ 114.91$ 133.00$ 129.13$ 71.66$ 53.19$ 51.63$ 82.73$ 133.84$ 160.67$ 131.17$ 58.35$

Other Indiana School

Corp.25.09$ 30.80$ 33.43$ 30.79$ 26.28$ 24.16$ 22.41$ 21.01$ 18.11$ 18.88$ 37.08$ 25.42$ 20.59$ 20.79$ 65.02$ 58.24$

State Grant 19.74$ 24.97$ 27.61$ 24.50$ 20.40$ 15.84$ 11.99$ 11.63$ 8.82$ 7.89$ 26.50$ 11.98$ 10.13$ 9.16$ 58.07$ 55.26$

MVH-Cities-due to

Aud calc Ests


-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 6.57$ 21.33$ 36.12$ 40.78$ 44.77$ 45.77$ 46.85$ 48.06$

Appendix A: Local Government Revenue 1995 - 2010, by Revenue Type(in millions of dollars)

Note: Amounts less than $5,000 are displayed as $0.00 due to rounding. Revenues that are equal to zero are displayed as $ -.

Page 17: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

Revenue Type 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Appendix A: Local Government Revenue 1995 - 2010, by Revenue Type(in millions of dollars)

Full Day Kindergarten -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 3.05$ 5.64$ 6.43$ 7.82$ 8.06$ 7.48$ 25.74$ 37.72$ 44.36$

Fines and Fees 22.67$ 79.98$ 91.03$ 92.78$ 96.01$ 97.62$ 91.77$ 27.47$ 131.74$ 60.91$ 27.59$ 31.72$ 353.22$ 216.97$ 94.64$ 41.09$




22.67$ 79.98$ 91.03$ 92.78$ 96.01$ 97.62$ 91.77$ 27.47$ 131.74$ 60.91$ 27.59$ 31.72$ 353.22$ 216.97$ 94.64$ 41.09$

Federal Grants 10.05$ 13.20$ 7.52$ 9.88$ 11.11$ 17.67$ 16.07$ 16.67$ 29.06$ 26.03$ 30.41$ 31.66$ 30.02$ 31.07$ 33.61$ 39.49$

Reimbursements 14.10$ 21.67$ 19.64$ 19.76$ 17.92$ 21.01$ 34.81$ 21.05$ 17.00$ 28.97$ 35.38$ 49.93$ 56.38$ 78.20$ 33.87$ 36.11$

Casino Revenu -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 4.00$ 14.17$ 11.09$ 25.63$ 21.98$ 16.24$ 16.48$ 12.61$ 39.11$ 35.66$

Riverboat (Non-

Riverboat Cnty)-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 5.91$ 24.48$ 32.10$ 24.53$ 26.71$ 39.67$ 37.70$ 34.32$

Inheritance Tax 32.35$ 39.08$ 47.77$ 50.83$ 52.86$ 56.19$ 63.92$ 61.10$ 37.44$ 29.19$ 26.99$ 41.54$ 74.10$ 85.66$ 60.67$ 33.88$

County Wheel Tax 11.66$ 11.49$ 11.73$ 12.42$ 12.36$ 13.20$ 14.56$ 16.32$ 15.83$ 21.77$ 23.91$ 25.82$ 27.02$ 26.82$ 31.69$ 33.70$

Emergency Medical

Services17.05$ 16.39$ 15.14$ 17.05$ 17.34$ 19.05$ 21.43$ 22.83$ 24.07$ 26.52$ 26.94$ 30.94$ 34.09$ 32.95$ 36.07$ 33.63$

In Lieu of Taxes-

Municipal Utilities5.79$ 6.36$ 9.38$ 11.26$ 11.81$ 13.82$ 23.13$ 11.40$ 18.04$ 16.58$ 21.60$ 22.47$ 26.50$ 26.73$ 28.92$ 29.51$

Other Taxes 11.97$ 4.66$ 7.76$ 5.25$ 1.53$ 2.13$ 1.72$ 0.03$ 0.04$ 0.45$ 2.10$ 14.04$ 3.78$ 82.26$ 5.21$ 27.77$

CVET -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 25.56$ 22.62$ 23.77$ 24.72$ 25.87$ 27.42$ 30.23$ 29.69$ 28.98$ 25.04$

Fire Protection

Contracts13.80$ 12.87$ 13.28$ 14.60$ 16.38$ 17.63$ 17.04$ 18.65$ 19.80$ 21.61$ 18.79$ 20.19$ 16.91$ 20.83$ 23.38$ 24.57$

Court Ordered

Desegregation41.19$ 41.45$ 43.31$ 44.84$ 45.38$ 46.77$ 48.05$ 48.57$ 46.01$ 44.56$ 45.10$ 40.33$ 38.93$ 36.57$ 29.06$ 24.47$

User Fees 61.93$ 19.72$ 20.36$ 17.62$ 23.09$ 35.69$ 29.67$ 20.49$ 21.95$ 19.67$ 19.02$ 25.94$ 16.74$ 18.46$ 20.48$ 24.18$

Emergency 13.94$ 12.38$ 14.37$ 13.92$ 14.07$ 15.54$ 15.09$ 15.01$ 17.11$ 17.79$ 17.93$ 18.97$ 20.26$ 19.41$ 24.94$ 24.03$

Rental of Property 13.94$ 12.38$ 14.37$ 13.92$ 14.07$ 15.54$ 15.09$ 15.01$ 17.11$ 17.79$ 17.93$ 18.97$ 20.26$ 19.41$ 24.94$ 24.03$

Financial Institutions

Tax26.22$ 26.00$ 25.94$ 25.66$ 23.45$ 24.35$ 23.83$ 23.11$ 23.25$ 24.51$ 24.99$ 24.85$ 24.71$ 23.74$ 22.14$ 22.70$

Clerk of Circuit Court 17.01$ 14.75$ 15.04$ 14.53$ 15.19$ 16.56$ 17.02$ 16.64$ 17.98$ 18.48$ 18.32$ 19.47$ 20.49$ 22.86$ 24.28$ 21.81$

Rentals 0.44$ 0.38$ 0.81$ 0.72$ 0.53$ 0.39$ 0.50$ 0.34$ 0.25$ 0.09$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.04$ 1.74$ 19.95$ 21.18$

Garbage and Trash

Collection Fees7.88$ 8.15$ 8.49$ 9.00$ 10.43$ 9.06$ 9.90$ 10.36$ 9.99$ 10.63$ 11.55$ 15.86$ 15.67$ 17.03$ 20.09$ 20.74$

Park Receipts 8.58$ 8.24$ 9.01$ 10.18$ 11.07$ 11.02$ 10.26$ 10.57$ 10.66$ 11.53$ 12.50$ 15.41$ 16.01$ 19.92$ 18.33$ 19.86$

Note: Amounts less than $5,000 are displayed as $0.00 due to rounding. Revenues that are equal to zero are displayed as $ -.

Page 18: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

Revenue Type 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Appendix A: Local Government Revenue 1995 - 2010, by Revenue Type(in millions of dollars)

CVET - School -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 26.47$ 27.74$ 28.90$ 30.52$ 31.69$ 33.45$ 35.13$ 36.19$ 22.30$ 19.79$

Cable Tv Licenses 10.89$ 9.08$ 9.15$ 10.29$ 11.23$ 11.93$ 12.89$ 14.26$ 14.29$ 14.79$ 14.87$ 16.78$ 17.21$ 17.21$ 17.96$ 19.35$

County Econ. Devel.

Income Tax (Cedit)17.55$ 23.16$ 26.34$ 26.99$ 42.29$ 76.11$ 4.07$ 2.80$ 2.90$ 12.18$ 21.07$ 30.98$ 33.23$ 27.00$ 20.62$ 19.26$

State Grant-EPA-

Health0.58$ 0.87$ 0.78$ 0.58$ 0.86$ 0.69$ 7.32$ 0.15$ 0.05$ 13.14$ 0.05$ 13.11$ 16.24$ 17.90$ 16.70$ 17.70$

County Health

Department4.77$ 3.98$ 4.31$ 5.09$ 5.22$ 5.54$ 11.06$ 7.33$ 5.31$ 12.81$ 12.78$ 14.90$ 15.95$ 16.34$ 17.81$ 17.20$

Federal Operating

Grants60.37$ 56.68$ 26.89$ 21.79$ 34.15$ 41.07$ 49.60$ 57.53$ 62.41$ 67.31$ 63.60$ 49.28$ 53.56$ 45.39$ 17.34$ 16.98$

Civil Defense-Federal

Matching Funds10.15$ 8.25$ 4.87$ 7.74$ 6.85$ 7.99$ 10.45$ 13.66$ 5.61$ 5.21$ 3.31$ 10.57$ 7.17$ 15.75$ 15.67$ 16.73$


(Restricted)4.93$ 6.08$ 2.66$ 2.45$ 2.55$ 3.68$ 3.04$ 11.30$ 5.94$ 5.11$ 11.85$ 11.54$ 14.27$ 13.97$ 13.54$ 16.22$

Permits 4.93$ 6.08$ 2.66$ 2.45$ 2.55$ 3.68$ 3.04$ 11.30$ 5.94$ 5.11$ 11.85$ 11.54$ 14.27$ 13.97$ 13.54$ 16.22$

Federal Aid-Jobs-

Dept. of Labor0.89$ -$ 0.07$ 0.45$ 0.48$ 0.46$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.22$ 18.65$ 0.01$ -$ 13.63$ 16.19$

Local Property Taxes 0.89$ -$ 0.07$ 0.45$ 0.48$ 0.46$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.22$ 18.65$ 0.01$ -$ 13.63$ 16.19$


__4.96$ 5.08$ 4.55$ 10.24$ 11.72$ 13.56$ 11.83$ 13.86$ 17.71$ 13.70$ 17.40$ 18.76$ 19.75$ 22.37$ 17.89$ 15.96$


Receipts25.64$ 8.43$ 10.96$ 12.14$ 11.13$ 13.51$ 12.96$ 13.82$ 10.78$ 11.55$ 11.68$ 12.19$ 13.97$ 15.17$ 16.79$ 15.42$

Building Permits 9.90$ 7.64$ 7.77$ 8.71$ 7.85$ 9.45$ 10.52$ 12.08$ 11.68$ 12.59$ 14.52$ 18.28$ 19.75$ 18.88$ 17.06$ 13.78$


ive Remediation Pgm10.33$ 22.40$ 19.53$ 24.58$ 23.58$ 22.58$ 23.13$ 21.30$ 19.38$ 19.82$ 20.62$ 13.92$ 11.88$ 12.92$ 13.81$ 13.31$

Auto Excise Surtax 7.06$ 7.89$ 5.94$ 5.90$ 7.74$ 8.56$ 7.24$ 5.69$ 7.47$ 11.01$ 11.32$ 13.99$ 12.75$ 14.95$ 13.17$ 13.14$

Contributions and

Donations4.17$ 3.16$ 30.29$ 5.95$ 6.11$ 5.03$ 4.06$ 4.36$ 3.52$ 3.95$ 5.66$ 2.19$ 1.95$ 7.01$ 9.80$ 13.13$

School Bus 4.17$ 3.16$ 30.29$ 5.95$ 6.11$ 5.03$ 4.06$ 4.36$ 3.52$ 3.95$ 5.66$ 2.19$ 1.95$ 7.01$ 9.80$ 13.13$

County Recorder 12.06$ 10.92$ 12.05$ 11.01$ 14.78$ 16.41$ 16.16$ 16.45$ 20.55$ 25.64$ 23.82$ 20.65$ 16.46$ 16.00$ 13.83$ 13.05$

Summer School 13.97$ 14.37$ 12.85$ 13.72$ 14.47$ 16.14$ 17.16$ 17.91$ 15.62$ 14.03$ 14.80$ 14.15$ 14.57$ 14.43$ 15.06$ 12.84$

Care of Federal

Prisoners6.41$ 6.73$ 7.24$ 7.01$ 9.99$ 12.18$ 12.75$ 9.29$ 9.31$ 10.52$ 10.73$ 12.66$ 10.28$ 9.95$ 11.90$ 11.90$

Transfer Utility 8.83$ 8.73$ 9.98$ 11.26$ 12.86$ 12.13$ 13.49$ 14.30$ 13.19$ 12.13$ 12.04$ 13.27$ 12.98$ 11.98$ 10.57$ 11.85$

Financial Institutions

Tax/PCA21.29$ 20.34$ 20.98$ 20.94$ 19.91$ 19.62$ 19.32$ 18.75$ 18.67$ 19.74$ 20.58$ 20.55$ 20.57$ 19.25$ 11.34$ 11.73$

Note: Amounts less than $5,000 are displayed as $0.00 due to rounding. Revenues that are equal to zero are displayed as $ -.

Page 19: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

Revenue Type 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Appendix A: Local Government Revenue 1995 - 2010, by Revenue Type(in millions of dollars)

Public Works

Employment Act21.29$ 20.34$ 20.98$ 20.94$ 19.91$ 19.62$ 19.32$ 18.75$ 18.67$ 19.74$ 20.58$ 20.55$ 20.57$ 19.25$ 11.34$ 11.73$

Interfund Operating

Transfers18.78$ 0.66$ 0.80$ 0.54$ 1.84$ 1.09$ 3.34$ 1.33$ 4.52$ 3.37$ 2.77$ 2.74$ 4.51$ 6.27$ 9.58$ 11.38$

Veterans' Memorial

Fund Advance18.78$ 0.66$ 0.80$ 0.54$ 1.84$ 1.09$ 3.34$ 1.33$ 4.52$ 3.37$ 2.77$ 2.74$ 4.51$ 6.27$ 9.58$ 11.38$

County Sheriff 5.18$ 5.03$ 5.36$ 5.79$ 6.10$ 6.95$ 8.01$ 9.12$ 9.64$ 11.02$ 9.98$ 9.68$ 9.84$ 9.90$ 14.39$ 11.22$

Sanitary Landfill 11.50$ 12.84$ 12.16$ 14.73$ 13.89$ 14.68$ 12.04$ 13.22$ 12.26$ 12.81$ 11.96$ 12.08$ 14.07$ 9.92$ 12.64$ 10.38$

Evening and Part-

Time School7.78$ 7.51$ 7.08$ 7.22$ 8.89$ 9.77$ 9.65$ 9.67$ 9.32$ 9.63$ 9.88$ 10.36$ 10.37$ 9.65$ 10.32$ 9.48$

Sanitation 12.74$ 6.52$ 2.85$ 2.85$ 3.13$ 3.71$ 4.15$ 4.74$ 3.74$ 4.55$ 5.17$ 5.01$ 4.16$ 4.07$ 6.76$ 8.93$

Court Docket Fees 5.95$ 5.77$ 6.17$ 6.73$ 8.79$ 9.21$ 8.45$ 7.94$ 8.11$ 10.25$ 10.62$ 11.57$ 8.70$ 9.47$ 10.05$ 8.91$

Food Services 10.38$ 7.58$ 6.71$ 5.07$ 4.46$ 5.77$ 6.07$ 6.30$ 7.76$ 7.49$ 3.87$ 3.95$ 3.48$ 4.45$ 8.32$ 8.83$

State Payments in Lieu

of Taxes10.38$ 7.58$ 6.71$ 5.07$ 4.46$ 5.77$ 6.07$ 6.30$ 7.76$ 7.49$ 3.87$ 3.95$ 3.48$ 4.45$ 8.32$ 8.83$

4-D Program 3.88$ 4.35$ 5.77$ 4.58$ 4.70$ 5.34$ 7.96$ 8.95$ 10.42$ 10.28$ 11.15$ 10.90$ 6.94$ 7.10$ 12.75$ 8.78$

Bank and Building and

Loan Tax3.88$ 4.35$ 5.77$ 4.58$ 4.70$ 5.34$ 7.96$ 8.95$ 10.42$ 10.28$ 11.15$ 10.90$ 6.94$ 7.10$ 12.75$ 8.78$

Cigarette Tax Dist.-

C.C.I. Fund11.97$ 11.07$ 10.10$ 10.32$ 10.71$ 10.71$ 10.05$ 10.48$ 9.95$ 9.52$ 9.37$ 9.10$ 9.30$ 9.39$ 8.60$ 8.44$

Pupils or Parents 0.57$ 0.69$ 0.08$ 0.13$ 0.22$ 0.13$ 0.13$ 0.16$ 0.15$ 0.33$ 0.24$ 0.29$ 0.40$ 0.29$ 4.11$ 8.06$

Liquor Gallonage Tax

Dist.6.06$ 8.22$ 8.09$ 8.46$ 8.62$ 6.42$ 6.19$ 6.57$ 5.75$ 6.05$ 7.09$ 7.02$ 6.90$ 7.69$ 7.91$ 7.90$


DISTRIBUTION-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 3.88$ 0.75$ 0.05$ -$ -$ -$ 3.21$ 5.87$ 7.22$

Refunds from Local

Sources0.08$ 0.02$ 0.17$ 0.92$ 0.81$ 0.81$ 0.82$ 0.97$ 1.08$ 1.07$ 1.05$ 1.03$ 1.00$ 0.24$ 5.77$ 7.21$

Wagering Tax -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1.60$ 2.08$ 0.89$ 2.60$ 0.73$ 2.59$ 4.74$ 7.15$


Reimbursement for


2.15$ 2.36$ 2.55$ 2.68$ 4.31$ 4.12$ 5.23$ 5.36$ 6.52$ 6.89$ 6.06$ 8.14$ 15.88$ 8.32$ 7.62$ 7.02$

Rent of Property 0.74$ 1.47$ 0.77$ 1.27$ 1.36$ 1.25$ 1.26$ 1.09$ 0.99$ 1.68$ 1.27$ 1.55$ 1.37$ 5.25$ 7.08$ 6.86$

County Home-Care of

Residents4.47$ 5.07$ 5.73$ 5.80$ 5.56$ 5.98$ 5.94$ 5.57$ 5.11$ 5.00$ 5.74$ 5.46$ 5.33$ 5.40$ 6.72$ 6.56$

Contractual Services 4.05$ 2.92$ 9.99$ 10.72$ 13.51$ 12.69$ 14.17$ 15.39$ 13.10$ 13.92$ 5.56$ 6.65$ 5.01$ 6.79$ 6.38$ 6.32$

State Operating Grants 3.99$ 9.77$ 11.11$ 6.13$ 12.52$ 13.51$ 13.12$ 11.56$ 12.40$ 3.44$ 3.32$ 3.18$ 3.37$ 6.06$ 6.65$ 6.19$

Note: Amounts less than $5,000 are displayed as $0.00 due to rounding. Revenues that are equal to zero are displayed as $ -.

Page 20: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

Revenue Type 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Appendix A: Local Government Revenue 1995 - 2010, by Revenue Type(in millions of dollars)

Transportation Fees 3.99$ 9.77$ 11.11$ 6.13$ 12.52$ 13.51$ 13.12$ 11.56$ 12.40$ 3.44$ 3.32$ 3.18$ 3.37$ 6.06$ 6.65$ 6.19$

Congressional Interest 2.94$ 2.95$ 3.21$ 3.12$ 3.54$ 5.21$ 4.28$ 3.86$ 3.65$ 4.51$ 4.86$ 5.19$ 5.45$ 4.33$ 5.32$ 6.08$

Prosecuting Attorney 2.94$ 2.95$ 3.21$ 3.12$ 3.54$ 5.21$ 4.28$ 3.86$ 3.65$ 4.51$ 4.86$ 5.19$ 5.45$ 4.33$ 5.32$ 6.08$


Reimbursements2.18$ 2.19$ 1.66$ 1.83$ 2.22$ 1.89$ 1.96$ 2.27$ 3.08$ 3.08$ 6.15$ 6.04$ 4.21$ 4.70$ 13.93$ 6.04$

State Reimbursement

for Services2.85$ 3.21$ 3.07$ 2.34$ 5.64$ 11.83$ 9.15$ 15.27$ 10.78$ 19.47$ 14.29$ 14.97$ 30.59$ 21.80$ 7.74$ 5.71$

Focused Learning

Experience Program


-$ -$ 0.03$ -$ 0.05$ 0.05$ -$ 0.05$ 0.07$ 0.74$ 1.45$ 1.91$ 3.21$ 4.57$ 5.68$ 5.59$

Food-Beverage Tax 0.58$ 0.60$ 0.55$ 1.02$ 1.01$ 1.04$ 0.45$ 0.45$ 0.45$ 0.41$ 0.41$ 4.32$ 4.49$ 6.00$ 5.56$ 5.54$

Sales 0.20$ 0.13$ 0.13$ 0.14$ 0.20$ 0.07$ 0.06$ 0.08$ -$ 0.00$ -$ 0.06$ 0.08$ 0.21$ 4.12$ 5.53$


(Unrestricted)2.61$ 8.43$ 10.36$ 15.35$ 10.22$ 10.78$ 10.81$ 2.61$ 8.64$ 9.44$ 4.52$ 4.50$ 4.60$ 7.44$ 4.36$ 5.31$

Licenses 2.61$ 8.43$ 10.36$ 15.35$ 10.22$ 10.78$ 10.81$ 2.61$ 8.64$ 9.44$ 4.52$ 4.50$ 4.60$ 7.44$ 4.36$ 5.31$

Violation of

Ordinances3.31$ 4.22$ 3.28$ 3.07$ 4.74$ 5.41$ 3.43$ 3.58$ 3.68$ 3.57$ 4.76$ 4.22$ 4.21$ 4.29$ 4.77$ 5.12$

Public Depositary

Insurance Fund


-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1.63$ 1.14$ 1.03$ 0.83$ 0.98$ 0.96$ 4.81$ 4.99$

Grant From Another

Unit38.66$ 1.70$ 19.88$ 22.01$ 3.19$ 4.37$ 47.08$ 2.49$ 3.61$ 2.30$ 2.32$ 8.92$ 3.28$ 6.26$ 3.58$ 4.91$

Golf Course 7.66$ 7.70$ 7.80$ 7.24$ 5.52$ 7.36$ 6.57$ 6.87$ 5.83$ 6.82$ 6.12$ 6.17$ 5.37$ 3.58$ 3.16$ 4.30$

Transfer From Library

Operating Fund2.31$ 3.27$ 3.54$ 4.46$ 4.77$ 5.32$ 5.16$ 5.25$ 4.88$ 4.74$ 5.27$ 5.23$ 5.54$ 6.09$ 4.28$ 4.27$

Cigarette Tax Dist.-

General Fund3.93$ 4.10$ 5.88$ 5.92$ 6.01$ 6.12$ 5.70$ 5.88$ 4.87$ 4.75$ 4.92$ 4.49$ 4.58$ 5.02$ 4.75$ 4.24$

Regular Transfer

Tuition From7.11$ 8.02$ 8.22$ 7.43$ 7.81$ 8.20$ 8.36$ 9.39$ 8.84$ 9.12$ 9.97$ 9.83$ 9.77$ 8.25$ 5.62$ 4.19$

Special Education 1.19$ 0.84$ 0.84$ 0.88$ 0.98$ 1.11$ 1.20$ 2.27$ 2.23$ 2.38$ 2.11$ 2.97$ 1.74$ 0.80$ 3.75$ 4.14$

CAGIT Additional

Disbursements-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 5.32$ -$ 0.92$ 0.96$ 2.06$ 2.43$ 2.45$ 3.96$ 4.12$

Building Department

Charges2.50$ 2.71$ 2.85$ 3.01$ 3.88$ 3.87$ 4.87$ 4.56$ 4.43$ 4.73$ 5.57$ 6.12$ 5.43$ 5.86$ 4.81$ 3.85$

Plan Commission

Charges2.95$ 2.61$ 3.09$ 3.35$ 3.32$ 3.73$ 3.79$ 3.97$ 5.31$ 5.91$ 4.95$ 4.31$ 4.06$ 3.91$ 4.29$ 3.61$


Reimbursement for


2.08$ 0.78$ 1.95$ 2.86$ 17.60$ 20.81$ 27.08$ 41.06$ 37.33$ 30.26$ 40.98$ 58.09$ 70.84$ 79.14$ 6.33$ 3.59$

Special Education Pre-

School (State)13.50$ 16.22$ 18.39$ 18.91$ 20.81$ 20.03$ 21.56$ 23.33$ 23.11$ 26.95$ 30.90$ 30.10$ 29.30$ 29.31$ 36.34$ 3.45$

Note: Amounts less than $5,000 are displayed as $0.00 due to rounding. Revenues that are equal to zero are displayed as $ -.

Page 21: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

Revenue Type 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Appendix A: Local Government Revenue 1995 - 2010, by Revenue Type(in millions of dollars)

Rece. From

Extracurricular Acct.

for Pay

1.62$ 1.43$ 1.62$ 1.64$ 1.91$ 1.96$ 2.16$ 2.71$ 3.24$ 3.10$ 2.81$ 4.33$ 4.39$ 4.10$ 3.51$ 3.45$

Culture-Recreation 1.95$ 2.56$ 1.99$ 1.78$ 3.17$ 2.16$ 2.35$ 2.89$ 3.26$ 3.65$ 3.48$ 3.65$ 3.88$ 1.05$ 3.50$ 3.43$

State Grants-Highway

and Transportation2.07$ 3.04$ 2.72$ 2.87$ 2.78$ 2.46$ 1.86$ 2.23$ 2.49$ 2.42$ 2.53$ 3.19$ 2.70$ 3.08$ 3.92$ 3.31$

General Government 0.05$ 0.06$ 0.14$ 0.25$ 0.12$ 0.28$ 1.05$ 0.16$ 0.13$ 0.70$ 0.71$ 0.96$ 0.12$ 0.13$ 2.25$ 3.30$

Utility Collection 2.20$ 2.15$ 0.04$ 0.36$ 1.20$ 1.31$ 1.46$ 2.04$ 1.50$ 1.67$ 3.18$ 3.07$ 2.74$ 3.89$ 2.75$ 3.25$

Court Receipts 4.65$ 4.63$ 3.51$ 1.88$ 1.65$ 2.50$ 4.59$ 6.00$ 5.95$ 2.60$ 3.02$ 2.42$ 2.42$ 3.03$ 4.43$ 3.14$

Special State

Distribution0.30$ 0.30$ 0.37$ 0.40$ 0.85$ 0.41$ 2.23$ 2.02$ 0.96$ 2.54$ 1.56$ 1.35$ 5.77$ 1.14$ 3.63$ 3.12$

Transfer From C.C.I.

Fund4.01$ 4.24$ 4.16$ 4.19$ 8.13$ 5.15$ 3.47$ 3.53$ 3.62$ 3.32$ 6.67$ 6.96$ 2.68$ 2.48$ 3.29$ 3.10$

Riverboat/Casino -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.16$ 3.95$ 0.60$ 0.52$ 1.56$ 0.66$ 2.15$ 2.36$ 2.72$

Swimming Pool 1.78$ 2.01$ 2.17$ 2.11$ 2.31$ 1.93$ 2.27$ 2.62$ 2.83$ 2.35$ 2.55$ 2.79$ 2.67$ 2.64$ 2.58$ 2.65$

Payroll Withholdings 3.33$ 13.71$ 14.19$ 14.44$ 11.27$ 13.89$ 3.48$ 3.55$ 3.20$ 1.83$ 2.09$ 1.76$ 1.89$ 2.42$ 4.46$ 2.42$

Transportation-Federal 0.06$ 1.06$ 2.31$ 2.37$ 3.81$ 3.79$ 3.97$ 4.20$ 3.89$ 3.25$ 4.45$ 3.65$ 4.60$ 3.69$ 2.46$ 2.42$

Parking Meter

Receipts3.01$ 3.07$ 1.51$ 1.22$ 1.15$ 1.37$ 1.19$ 1.26$ 1.13$ 1.71$ 1.53$ 2.01$ 1.95$ 1.70$ 1.98$ 2.37$

Transfer from One

Fund To Another12.11$ 5.62$ 2.47$ 6.80$ 10.34$ 5.56$ 7.20$ 7.20$ 54.73$ 24.01$ 21.38$ 14.47$ 11.23$ 6.79$ 8.45$ 2.36$

Tax Refunds 0.25$ 0.65$ 0.42$ 0.57$ 1.05$ 1.20$ 0.90$ 1.89$ 1.31$ 1.81$ 9.96$ 1.45$ 1.55$ 1.54$ 1.54$ 2.31$

Liquor Excise Tax

Dist.3.59$ 4.01$ 4.00$ 3.66$ 4.06$ 2.63$ 3.05$ 3.36$ 2.99$ 3.16$ 3.42$ 2.79$ 2.60$ 2.27$ 2.16$ 2.29$

Health Services 2.28$ 3.22$ 3.39$ 0.54$ 0.67$ 0.47$ 0.58$ 0.98$ 0.98$ 0.99$ 21.04$ 20.66$ 3.44$ 0.94$ 0.95$ 2.22$

Public Service and

Courts0.50$ 2.26$ 0.43$ 0.25$ 0.81$ 0.80$ 1.90$ 1.15$ 1.07$ 0.89$ 1.22$ 1.36$ 1.43$ 1.47$ 1.15$ 2.19$

Indirect Costs

Received from Federal


1.13$ 0.83$ 0.79$ 1.04$ 1.09$ 0.88$ 0.65$ 1.14$ 1.32$ 1.46$ 1.69$ 1.92$ 2.03$ 4.88$ 2.09$ 2.09$

City/Town Services 1.39$ 0.12$ 0.16$ 0.26$ 0.26$ 0.22$ 0.07$ 0.06$ 0.01$ 5.47$ 7.02$ 1.78$ 1.19$ 2.55$ 2.69$ 2.04$

School Building

Holding companies2.10$ 0.79$ 3.11$ 0.89$ 3.32$ -$ 0.33$ 1.04$ 2.80$ 1.05$ 0.95$ 1.51$ 1.86$ 2.55$ 0.83$ 1.98$

County Services 0.63$ 1.45$ 1.58$ 1.44$ 1.76$ 2.23$ 1.87$ 1.69$ 2.12$ 0.67$ 1.57$ 1.59$ 1.54$ 1.36$ 1.45$ 1.80$

Child Welfare IV B 5.16$ 3.48$ 1.00$ 1.05$ 2.27$ 2.37$ 2.11$ 2.98$ 2.78$ 15.37$ 17.48$ 3.48$ 3.29$ 2.65$ 1.97$ 1.79$

Note: Amounts less than $5,000 are displayed as $0.00 due to rounding. Revenues that are equal to zero are displayed as $ -.

Page 22: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

Revenue Type 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Appendix A: Local Government Revenue 1995 - 2010, by Revenue Type(in millions of dollars)

Payments in Lieu of

Taxes5.16$ 3.48$ 1.00$ 1.05$ 2.27$ 2.37$ 2.11$ 2.98$ 2.78$ 15.37$ 17.48$ 3.48$ 3.29$ 2.65$ 1.97$ 1.79$

Refunds 10.50$ 3.51$ 3.85$ 2.70$ 4.66$ 4.65$ 5.43$ 8.34$ 8.50$ 6.74$ 6.50$ 9.39$ 6.23$ 10.36$ 3.84$ 1.71$

Assessments 2.34$ 3.59$ 2.21$ 2.14$ 1.95$ 1.99$ 1.69$ 2.11$ 5.87$ 7.20$ 0.90$ 0.65$ 1.50$ 1.54$ 0.46$ 1.57$


Reimbursements1.59$ 0.38$ 0.22$ 0.26$ 0.11$ 0.28$ 0.32$ 1.01$ 1.04$ 0.90$ 1.88$ 1.79$ 1.73$ 1.32$ 1.11$ 1.57$

Public Law 874 1.21$ 0.36$ 0.46$ 0.15$ 0.21$ 0.25$ 0.37$ 0.29$ 0.30$ 0.71$ 0.63$ 0.93$ 1.26$ 0.60$ 0.93$ 1.55$

Fees - Student and

Adult13.18$ 14.59$ 14.99$ 14.88$ 16.90$ 16.74$ 20.82$ 19.90$ 21.84$ 20.72$ 20.02$ 22.62$ 23.11$ 23.15$ 3.80$ 1.52$

Board of Education-

Tuition Support0.24$ 0.07$ 0.02$ 0.01$ 0.06$ 0.12$ 0.14$ 0.03$ 0.54$ 0.27$ 0.55$ 0.30$ 0.59$ -$ 0.44$ 1.48$

County Treasurer-Tax

Sale Costs0.13$ 0.16$ 0.14$ 0.20$ 0.23$ 1.89$ 0.30$ 0.79$ 0.95$ 0.77$ 0.68$ 0.61$ 0.30$ 0.39$ 1.13$ 1.44$

Parking Space Rental 2.30$ 2.21$ 2.58$ 2.91$ 2.90$ 2.79$ 2.74$ 2.72$ 2.80$ 2.19$ 2.56$ 2.47$ 2.03$ 2.23$ 0.39$ 1.42$

Sale of Gen. Fixed

Assets (Sale of Prop)1.87$ 2.57$ 2.10$ 2.08$ 2.48$ 4.84$ 1.96$ 2.30$ 1.39$ 1.75$ 1.58$ 1.64$ 1.24$ 1.43$ 2.28$ 1.39$

Adult Education 0.89$ 0.87$ 1.17$ 0.51$ 0.35$ 0.78$ 0.45$ 0.09$ 0.13$ 0.07$ 0.09$ 0.07$ 0.07$ -$ 1.37$ 1.36$

County Home-Other

Revenue2.35$ 1.74$ 2.36$ 3.98$ 3.57$ 3.66$ 3.57$ 3.08$ 1.57$ 1.62$ 1.53$ 1.88$ 1.87$ 2.16$ 1.78$ 1.34$

Gifted and Talented 0.42$ 0.45$ 0.43$ 0.52$ 0.56$ 0.53$ 0.45$ 0.50$ 0.33$ 0.26$ 0.25$ 0.32$ 0.28$ 0.57$ 1.60$ 1.34$

County Contractual

Library0.99$ 0.73$ 0.75$ 0.83$ 0.90$ 0.92$ 0.98$ 1.08$ 0.97$ 1.14$ 1.19$ 1.24$ 1.24$ 1.27$ 1.27$ 1.31$

State Grants-Social

Progs-Comm. Service0.61$ 0.38$ 0.29$ 0.72$ 0.98$ 0.98$ 0.56$ 0.42$ 0.51$ 0.61$ 0.98$ 1.38$ 0.91$ 1.10$ 1.44$ 1.30$

Transportation-State 0.43$ 5.82$ 1.83$ 3.46$ 3.51$ 3.29$ 3.12$ 3.75$ 3.03$ 2.53$ 2.63$ 3.61$ 2.74$ 1.10$ 1.21$ 1.24$

Telephone 0.59$ 1.70$ 1.39$ 1.36$ 1.06$ 1.33$ 1.97$ 2.06$ 1.02$ 0.90$ 1.48$ 1.51$ 1.74$ 1.63$ 1.24$ 1.22$

Copy machine

Charges0.90$ 1.07$ 1.22$ 1.13$ 1.16$ 1.19$ 1.17$ 1.00$ 1.04$ 1.12$ 1.05$ 1.20$ 1.24$ 1.22$ 1.25$ 1.20$

Payments By Area

Joint Voc. Sch.


1.89$ 1.70$ 1.75$ 1.71$ 1.48$ 1.90$ 2.57$ 2.55$ 2.22$ 1.84$ 1.96$ 2.03$ 2.67$ 1.97$ 0.80$ 1.18$

Sale of Graves 1.35$ 1.44$ 1.20$ 1.23$ 1.41$ 1.62$ 1.51$ 1.44$ 1.52$ 1.40$ 1.58$ 1.50$ 1.54$ 1.54$ 1.48$ 1.16$

Unclaimed Surplus

Tax0.28$ 0.23$ 0.18$ 0.33$ 0.42$ 0.64$ 2.67$ 0.28$ 0.40$ 0.91$ 0.50$ 0.47$ 0.77$ 0.79$ 0.87$ 1.12$

Other Revenue from

Local Sources8.47$ 13.77$ 9.79$ 11.47$ 12.55$ 12.34$ 10.91$ 13.85$ 13.06$ 13.89$ 13.09$ 15.37$ 17.25$ 4.90$ 1.01$ 1.11$

Federal Aid-Highways 2.49$ 1.51$ 1.22$ 1.02$ 1.34$ 1.57$ 1.79$ 1.92$ 1.42$ 1.02$ 1.30$ 1.75$ 1.55$ 1.51$ 0.99$ 0.99$

Note: Amounts less than $5,000 are displayed as $0.00 due to rounding. Revenues that are equal to zero are displayed as $ -.

Page 23: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

Revenue Type 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Appendix A: Local Government Revenue 1995 - 2010, by Revenue Type(in millions of dollars)

Unclaimed Tax Sale

Surplus0.37$ 0.05$ 0.05$ 0.50$ 0.52$ 0.57$ 0.64$ 1.07$ 0.94$ 0.67$ 1.38$ 0.10$ 1.22$ 1.85$ 1.95$ 0.97$

Dog Pound Fees 0.65$ 0.47$ 0.43$ 0.66$ 0.51$ 0.65$ 0.54$ 0.62$ 0.63$ 0.82$ 0.93$ 0.93$ 1.11$ 1.30$ 1.14$ 0.91$

Sale of Cemetery Lots 0.40$ 0.67$ 0.59$ 0.42$ 0.64$ 0.72$ 0.70$ 0.58$ 0.56$ 0.58$ 0.70$ 0.66$ 0.82$ 0.79$ 0.70$ 0.89$

Temporary Loan 0.18$ -$ 0.15$ 1.17$ -$ -$ 0.21$ -$ 0.29$ 0.24$ 0.37$ 1.80$ 0.24$ 0.15$ 1.24$ 0.86$

Hospital Receipts 110.82$ 120.70$ 121.40$ 161.60$ 170.97$ 164.45$ 195.68$ 0.48$ 0.51$ 0.51$ 0.64$ 1.74$ 0.95$ 0.87$ 0.97$ 0.86$

General Property

Taxes-$ -$ -$ -$ 0.04$ 0.07$ -$ 0.07$ 0.06$ 0.55$ 1.22$ 0.04$ 1.23$ 1.38$ 2.05$ 0.86$

Community Guidance

for Yourth Lilly


0.10$ 0.16$ 0.12$ 0.03$ 0.12$ 0.12$ 0.10$ 0.12$ 0.12$ 0.12$ -$ -$ -$ 0.13$ 0.70$ 0.76$

Work Release 0.21$ 0.22$ 0.22$ 0.42$ 0.44$ 0.58$ 1.22$ 1.13$ 1.35$ 1.63$ 0.99$ 0.83$ 1.00$ 1.02$ 1.06$ 0.76$

Federal Payments in

Lieu of Taxes6.53$ 4.85$ 4.76$ 3.92$ 0.67$ 0.87$ 0.87$ 1.67$ 1.33$ 1.59$ 1.93$ 3.05$ 2.13$ 1.69$ 2.19$ 0.74$

Probation 0.01$ 0.13$ 0.00$ 0.02$ 0.00$ 0.06$ 0.06$ 0.00$ 0.14$ 0.24$ 0.32$ 0.47$ 0.44$ 0.52$ 0.63$ 0.73$

Concession Stands 1.65$ 1.82$ 1.48$ 1.37$ 1.07$ 2.05$ 2.91$ 1.97$ 2.26$ 1.86$ 1.87$ 0.74$ 0.81$ 0.87$ 1.41$ 0.71$

Police Reports 0.42$ 0.53$ 0.59$ 0.16$ 0.12$ 0.06$ 0.12$ 0.40$ 0.26$ 0.45$ 0.61$ 0.31$ 0.49$ 0.06$ 0.60$ 0.68$

Hotel-Motel Tax 1.50$ 2.00$ 1.93$ 1.97$ 1.72$ 1.57$ 1.97$ 0.92$ 1.51$ 1.25$ 1.10$ 1.66$ 1.18$ 1.12$ 0.57$ 0.68$

Loans From One Fund

to Another1.16$ 4.90$ 1.60$ 1.60$ 4.53$ 6.17$ 4.39$ 0.34$ 0.29$ 1.23$ 0.50$ 0.62$ 0.28$ 1.26$ 0.10$ 0.68$

Special Assessments 1.16$ 4.90$ 1.60$ 1.60$ 4.53$ 6.17$ 4.39$ 0.34$ 0.29$ 1.23$ 0.50$ 0.62$ 0.28$ 1.26$ 0.10$ 0.68$

Other Cemetery

Receipts0.21$ 0.31$ 0.30$ 0.62$ 0.27$ 0.29$ 0.48$ 0.51$ 0.44$ 0.72$ 0.56$ 0.75$ 0.53$ 0.54$ 0.48$ 0.56$

Bond Anticipation

Notes2.93$ 0.27$ 0.04$ 0.29$ 0.26$ 0.40$ 0.72$ 0.48$ 0.41$ 0.07$ 12.45$ 10.76$ 0.06$ 0.15$ 0.34$ 0.55$

Temporary Loan

From__________Fund2.93$ 0.27$ 0.04$ 0.29$ 0.26$ 0.40$ 0.72$ 0.48$ 0.41$ 0.07$ 12.45$ 10.76$ 0.06$ 0.15$ 0.34$ 0.55$


Engineer Salary0.83$ 0.84$ 1.00$ 0.83$ 0.77$ 0.69$ 0.82$ 0.73$ 0.76$ 0.76$ 0.79$ 0.72$ 0.58$ 0.54$ 0.53$ 0.54$

Special Education

From0.26$ 0.28$ 0.26$ 0.67$ 0.72$ 0.67$ 0.72$ 0.34$ 0.45$ 0.43$ 0.52$ 0.62$ 0.56$ -$ 0.34$ 0.54$

Gifts Donations and

Bequests0.58$ 0.23$ 0.03$ 0.05$ 0.16$ 0.01$ 0.19$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.17$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.95$ 0.25$ 0.54$ 0.53$

Joint Services and

Supply0.79$ 0.48$ 0.53$ 0.68$ 0.68$ 0.94$ 0.95$ 0.92$ 0.96$ 0.72$ 0.76$ 0.81$ 0.91$ 2.18$ 1.31$ 0.53$

Operating Grant

(Library)0.01$ 0.00$ 0.04$ 0.06$ 0.08$ 0.18$ 0.15$ 0.28$ 0.08$ 0.00$ 0.13$ 0.13$ 0.14$ 0.35$ 0.51$ 0.51$

Note: Amounts less than $5,000 are displayed as $0.00 due to rounding. Revenues that are equal to zero are displayed as $ -.

Page 24: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

Revenue Type 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Appendix A: Local Government Revenue 1995 - 2010, by Revenue Type(in millions of dollars)

Housing Authority 0.23$ 0.18$ 0.22$ 0.22$ 0.24$ 0.55$ 0.63$ 0.66$ 0.38$ 0.50$ 0.37$ 0.27$ 0.50$ 0.52$ 0.43$ 0.50$

Street and Curb Cut

Permits0.37$ 0.33$ 0.28$ 0.46$ 0.49$ 0.53$ 0.59$ 0.56$ 0.66$ 0.67$ 0.55$ 0.61$ 0.58$ 0.63$ 0.75$ 0.50$

County Treasured-

Demand Fees0.25$ 0.22$ 0.23$ 0.12$ 0.19$ 0.19$ 0.38$ 0.26$ 0.21$ 0.67$ 0.62$ 0.68$ 0.87$ 1.03$ 0.54$ 0.49$

Special Judges 0.30$ 0.07$ 0.10$ 0.05$ 0.10$ 0.31$ 0.41$ 0.09$ 0.10$ 0.65$ 0.77$ 0.15$ 0.65$ 0.20$ 0.21$ 0.45$

Other Federal ADM

Reimbursement0.24$ 1.11$ 0.27$ 0.08$ 0.21$ 0.58$ 2.84$ 0.34$ 0.10$ 2.48$ 2.80$ 0.61$ 0.55$ 3.94$ 0.00$ 0.44$

County Auditor 5.22$ 4.73$ 4.75$ 5.27$ 5.25$ 5.64$ 5.32$ 5.14$ 4.97$ 4.50$ 4.93$ 4.25$ 4.47$ 3.70$ 0.45$ 0.43$

Special County Taxes 5.22$ 4.73$ 4.75$ 5.27$ 5.25$ 5.64$ 5.32$ 5.14$ 4.97$ 4.50$ 4.93$ 4.25$ 4.47$ 3.70$ 0.45$ 0.43$

CAGIT Additional

Disbursement - SCH-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.05$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00$ 0.41$

Public Law 94-142 0.21$ 0.23$ 0.25$ 0.27$ 0.30$ 0.36$ 0.41$ 0.15$ 0.16$ 0.32$ 0.46$ 0.46$ 0.41$ 0.76$ 0.98$ 0.39$

Data Processing 0.40$ 0.28$ 0.49$ 0.49$ 0.37$ 0.38$ 0.41$ 0.43$ 0.41$ 0.36$ 0.18$ 0.21$ 0.21$ 0.29$ 0.38$ 0.38$

Sale of Property 1.08$ 3.95$ 3.02$ 2.67$ 0.95$ 0.88$ 0.88$ 2.11$ 1.24$ 1.53$ 3.57$ 2.78$ 3.81$ 0.72$ 0.49$ 0.37$

Converted Column A

Sums-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00$ 0.04$ 0.04$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.37$

Health and Welfare 1.70$ 1.28$ 1.22$ 1.46$ 1.28$ 9.87$ 8.84$ 0.27$ 0.30$ 1.52$ -$ 0.25$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.35$ 0.36$

Traffic Signal

Maintenance0.21$ 0.32$ 1.66$ 2.05$ 1.97$ 1.95$ 2.06$ 0.23$ 0.23$ 0.24$ 0.23$ 0.16$ 0.18$ 0.16$ 0.32$ 0.34$

State Grant - Child

Welfare Services-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2.75$ 5.40$ 4.49$ 4.05$ 5.09$ 4.69$ 7.24$ 4.83$ 3.56$ 0.30$ 0.33$

Dog Tax Licenses 0.24$ 0.55$ 0.21$ 0.21$ 0.21$ 0.21$ 0.21$ 0.22$ 0.24$ 0.25$ 0.27$ 0.26$ 0.25$ 0.39$ 0.26$ 0.30$

Transfer From Parking

Meter Fund0.31$ 0.41$ 0.21$ 0.09$ 0.06$ 0.20$ 0.06$ 0.07$ 0.09$ 0.07$ 0.12$ 0.21$ 0.39$ 0.26$ 0.23$ 0.29$

Sale of Iron 0.11$ 0.44$ 0.27$ 0.43$ 0.28$ 0.30$ 0.35$ 0.36$ 0.32$ 0.33$ 0.20$ 0.47$ 0.46$ 0.38$ 0.76$ 0.27$

Non-Property Taxes 0.03$ 0.23$ 0.34$ 0.33$ 0.30$ 0.37$ 0.13$ 0.16$ 0.19$ 0.47$ 0.50$ 0.40$ 0.37$ 0.39$ 0.27$ 0.26$

Transitional Child

Care0.03$ 0.23$ 0.34$ 0.33$ 0.30$ 0.37$ 0.13$ 0.16$ 0.19$ 0.47$ 0.50$ 0.40$ 0.37$ 0.39$ 0.27$ 0.26$

Health Inspection Fees 5.19$ 4.92$ 14.44$ 3.42$ 3.62$ 3.95$ 0.40$ 0.26$ 0.53$ 0.52$ 0.22$ 0.46$ 0.51$ 0.38$ 0.33$ 0.26$

County Surveyor 0.27$ 0.13$ 0.15$ 0.19$ 0.21$ 0.26$ 0.28$ 0.28$ 0.59$ 0.28$ 0.73$ 0.31$ 0.78$ 0.36$ 0.40$ 0.25$

Regular Child Care 0.44$ 1.11$ 1.03$ 0.27$ 0.33$ 0.53$ 0.60$ 0.60$ 1.02$ 0.85$ 0.86$ 0.85$ 0.85$ 1.00$ 0.98$ 0.25$

Note: Amounts less than $5,000 are displayed as $0.00 due to rounding. Revenues that are equal to zero are displayed as $ -.

Page 25: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

Revenue Type 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Appendix A: Local Government Revenue 1995 - 2010, by Revenue Type(in millions of dollars)

Federal Shared

Revenues0.15$ -$ 0.01$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.24$

Hydrant Rental 0.01$ 0.19$ 0.23$ 0.02$ 0.24$ 0.21$ 0.19$ 0.19$ 0.20$ 0.18$ 0.17$ 0.17$ 0.16$ 0.16$ 0.16$ 0.24$

Beginning Teacher

Internship Pgm

(Teacher Mentor)

0.41$ 0.61$ 1.60$ 0.70$ 0.87$ 0.89$ 0.98$ 0.77$ 0.64$ 0.70$ 0.91$ 0.82$ 0.64$ 0.70$ 0.41$ 0.23$

Weed Cutting 0.02$ 0.04$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.03$ 0.01$ 0.02$ 0.03$ 0.10$ 0.11$ 0.26$ 0.31$ 0.18$ 0.21$ 0.17$ 0.20$

Examination of

Records0.13$ 0.20$ 0.14$ 0.09$ 0.08$ 0.14$ 0.11$ 0.16$ 0.09$ 0.11$ 0.14$ 0.10$ 0.17$ 1.35$ 0.20$ 0.20$

Sale of Crops/Income

from Farm0.07$ 0.07$ 0.20$ 0.07$ 0.17$ 0.17$ 0.27$ 0.28$ 0.01$ 0.12$ 0.13$ 0.13$ 0.15$ 0.15$ 0.16$ 0.19$

Asst. To Families with

Dep. Children0.42$ 1.25$ 0.75$ 0.33$ 0.38$ 0.70$ 0.53$ 0.67$ 0.07$ 0.03$ 0.06$ 0.03$ 0.06$ 0.12$ 0.21$ 0.17$

Street Sweeping 0.16$ 0.17$ 0.16$ 0.16$ 0.16$ 0.17$ 0.16$ 0.17$ 0.18$ 0.15$ 0.17$ 0.16$ 0.17$ 0.16$ 0.17$ 0.17$

Highways and Streets 0.07$ 0.04$ 1.08$ 1.07$ 0.31$ 0.45$ 0.05$ 0.18$ 0.11$ 0.34$ 0.13$ 0.17$ 0.16$ 0.02$ 0.03$ 0.16$

Rev. For/On Behalf of

the School Corp.0.07$ 0.04$ 1.08$ 1.07$ 0.31$ 0.45$ 0.05$ 0.18$ 0.11$ 0.34$ 0.13$ 0.17$ 0.16$ 0.02$ 0.03$ 0.16$

Receipts from clearing

Accounts-$ -$ -$ -$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.01$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.01$ 0.04$ 0.04$ 0.02$ 0.11$ 0.16$

Sewage Fees 1.28$ 1.39$ 0.53$ 0.32$ 0.80$ 0.60$ 0.70$ 0.30$ 0.31$ 0.42$ 0.29$ 0.23$ 0.10$ 0.08$ 0.12$ 0.15$

County Welfare Dept.

Reimbursement14.60$ 8.73$ 7.61$ 6.84$ 8.89$ 11.93$ 7.65$ 7.04$ 18.51$ 6.40$ 5.78$ 7.37$ 7.68$ 6.69$ 0.16$ 0.15$


Education From1.31$ 1.23$ 1.60$ 1.73$ 1.44$ 1.72$ 1.38$ 1.62$ 1.59$ 1.86$ 1.80$ 1.89$ 1.63$ 0.40$ 0.55$ 0.15$

Out-of_State School

Corp.0.92$ 0.73$ 1.04$ 0.49$ 0.44$ 0.27$ 0.72$ 0.28$ 0.78$ 0.80$ 0.30$ 0.40$ 0.42$ 1.16$ 1.04$ 0.15$

Other Federal Grants 1.27$ 0.80$ 0.44$ 0.50$ 0.15$ 0.11$ 0.22$ 0.28$ 0.24$ 0.15$ 0.19$ 0.44$ 0.42$ 4.22$ 0.63$ 0.15$

Health Nurse 0.01$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.08$ 0.08$ 0.46$ 0.09$ 0.08$ 0.13$ 0.13$ 0.17$ 0.14$ 0.14$

Barrett Law 0.01$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.11$ 0.12$ 0.13$ 0.13$ 0.13$ 0.13$

Plac Card Sales -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00$ 0.11$ 0.06$ 0.08$ 0.08$ 0.07$ 0.10$ 0.11$ 0.10$ 0.13$

Title XX Group and

Residential0.02$ 0.03$ 0.12$ 0.15$ 0.12$ 0.13$ 0.13$ 0.13$ 0.13$ 0.13$ 0.12$ 0.20$ 0.13$ 0.17$ 0.16$ 0.12$

Econ. Devel. And

Assistance-State0.03$ 0.03$ 0.04$ 0.02$ 0.03$ 0.65$ 0.11$ 0.08$ 0.07$ 0.11$ 0.10$ 0.08$ -$ 0.09$ 0.09$ 0.12$

Title XX ADM.

Reimbursement0.30$ 0.28$ 2.00$ 0.94$ 25.42$ 28.79$ 19.15$ 8.93$ 14.81$ 9.40$ 10.58$ 12.15$ 8.57$ 7.41$ -$ 0.11$

Summer School From 2.62$ 3.15$ 3.50$ 3.66$ 3.84$ 3.43$ 3.37$ 3.58$ 3.69$ 3.26$ 3.06$ 2.53$ 2.45$ 0.55$ 0.11$ 0.10$

Note: Amounts less than $5,000 are displayed as $0.00 due to rounding. Revenues that are equal to zero are displayed as $ -.

Page 26: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

Revenue Type 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Appendix A: Local Government Revenue 1995 - 2010, by Revenue Type(in millions of dollars)

Welfare Dept Share

Child Support IV D5.72$ 5.21$ 5.11$ 6.61$ 3.35$ 3.73$ 1.33$ 0.46$ 1.22$ 1.29$ 1.63$ 4.42$ 4.02$ 4.69$ 0.12$ 0.10$

Area Vocational

Schools0.82$ 0.78$ 0.68$ 0.64$ 0.54$ 0.74$ 0.71$ 0.63$ 0.68$ 0.83$ 0.83$ 0.83$ 0.83$ -$ 0.01$ 0.10$

Vital Statistics 0.02$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.04$ 0.07$ 0.09$ 0.09$ 0.10$ 0.07$ 0.07$ 0.10$

Health-Federal 0.00$ -$ 0.10$ 0.08$ 0.08$ 0.07$ 0.07$ 0.10$ 0.07$ 0.07$ 0.24$ 0.16$ 0.16$ 0.11$ 0.09$ 0.09$

Trust Fund 0.02$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.97$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.24$ 0.16$ 22.03$ 36.02$ 9.82$ 9.13$ 0.08$ 0.08$

Insurance (Of

Premiums Paid)1.87$ 0.67$ 0.64$ 0.29$ 0.16$ 0.11$ 0.12$ 0.09$ 0.20$ 0.33$ 0.31$ 0.26$ 0.26$ 0.28$ 0.02$ 0.08$

State Share Revenues 0.10$ 0.10$ 0.60$ 0.09$ 0.30$ 0.12$ 0.40$ 0.04$ 0.63$ 0.11$ 0.11$ 0.12$ 0.17$ 0.71$ 0.87$ 0.08$

Income from Trust 0.55$ 0.13$ 0.63$ 0.40$ 0.33$ 0.34$ 0.12$ 0.06$ 0.25$ 0.09$ 0.08$ 0.13$ 0.14$ 0.08$ 0.10$ 0.07$

Latch Key Program 0.10$ 0.63$ 1.15$ 0.50$ 0.08$ 0.07$ 0.11$ 0.04$ 0.07$ 1.51$ 0.03$ 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ 0.07$

Library Service

Authority0.17$ 0.13$ 0.09$ 0.06$ 0.13$ 0.37$ 0.12$ 0.13$ 0.13$ 0.10$ 0.07$ 0.07$ 0.07$ 0.08$ 0.06$ 0.06$

Disaster Grants -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.06$ 0.06$

Earnings from Gifts

Don.& Bequests0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ -$ -$ 0.08$ -$ -$ 0.10$ 0.12$ 0.12$ 0.06$ 0.06$ 0.06$

Insurance (Claims for

Losses)0.08$ 0.17$ 0.04$ 0.08$ 0.08$ 0.04$ 0.06$ 0.20$ 0.12$ 0.10$ 0.13$ 0.05$ 0.05$ 0.09$ 0.09$ 0.06$

Township Contracts -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.02$ -$ 0.04$ 0.05$ 0.05$ 0.04$ 0.05$ 0.05$ 0.08$ 0.05$

Sales Tax 0.20$ 0.13$ 0.08$ 0.07$ 0.08$ 0.07$ 0.05$ 0.09$ 0.08$ 0.15$ 0.17$ 0.04$ 0.04$ 0.06$ 0.04$ 0.05$

Personal Property 0.05$ 0.05$ 0.05$ 0.06$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.02$ 0.10$ 0.08$ -$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.09$ 0.02$ 0.05$

Adjustments 0.72$ 0.87$ 0.60$ 0.40$ 0.74$ 0.57$ 0.46$ 0.59$ 1.39$ 0.69$ 1.83$ 2.14$ 1.94$ 0.76$ 0.05$ 0.05$

Equal Opportunity At

Risk Students-$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00$ -$ -$ 0.02$ -$ 0.13$ 0.14$ 0.06$ 0.06$ 0.18$ 0.06$ 0.05$

Payments By Joint

School Memebers0.21$ 0.12$ 0.19$ 0.25$ 0.23$ 0.36$ 0.21$ 0.21$ 0.27$ 0.50$ 0.49$ 0.55$ 0.57$ 1.80$ 0.08$ 0.05$

Burglary Alarm

Charges0.02$ 0.02$ 0.05$ 0.05$ 0.05$ 0.05$ 0.10$ 0.05$ 0.03$ 0.04$ 0.04$ 0.04$ 0.06$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.05$

Transfer from

Dormant Fund1.00$ 0.07$ 0.43$ 0.28$ 0.25$ 0.35$ 0.14$ 0.08$ 0.39$ 0.02$ 1.58$ 0.46$ 0.45$ 0.41$ 0.03$ 0.05$

Other Grants in Aid-

Restricted-$ -$ 0.02$ 0.14$ 0.00$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.05$ 0.08$ 0.03$ 0.05$ 0.06$ 0.41$ 0.05$

State Grant - Healthy

Families-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.96$ 0.07$ 0.33$ 0.49$ 0.03$ 0.18$ 0.12$ 0.05$ 0.05$ 0.04$ 0.04$

Note: Amounts less than $5,000 are displayed as $0.00 due to rounding. Revenues that are equal to zero are displayed as $ -.

Page 27: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

Revenue Type 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Appendix A: Local Government Revenue 1995 - 2010, by Revenue Type(in millions of dollars)

Copies of Public

Records0.04$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.04$ 0.06$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.21$ 0.01$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.04$

Int. From County on

Late Undist. Tax0.08$ 0.09$ 0.03$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.02$ 0.04$

Sale of Maps and

Publication0.31$ 0.35$ 0.05$ 0.06$ 0.03$ 0.06$ 0.05$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.03$ 0.44$ 0.09$ 0.06$ 0.05$ 0.07$ 0.04$

Lease of Coliseum 0.23$ 0.15$ 0.15$ 0.06$ 0.05$ 0.55$ 0.93$ 0.92$ 2.22$ 1.88$ 2.93$ 0.96$ 0.03$ 0.04$ 0.04$ 0.04$

Other Damage

Reimbursements0.10$ 0.03$ 0.11$ 0.08$ 0.05$ 0.02$ 0.39$ 0.02$ -$ -$ -$ 0.07$ -$ -$ -$ 0.04$

Other Overpayments 0.00$ 0.17$ 0.27$ 0.17$ 0.15$ 0.10$ 1.05$ 0.03$ 0.18$ 0.20$ 0.18$ 0.12$ 0.28$ 4.61$ 0.17$ 0.03$

Vocational Education 0.71$ 1.22$ 1.20$ 1.20$ 1.51$ 0.95$ 0.73$ 0.74$ 0.71$ 0.60$ 0.60$ 0.84$ 0.54$ 0.62$ 0.01$ 0.03$

Federal Aid-Social

Programs-HHS0.10$ 1.07$ 0.55$ -$ 0.08$ 0.08$ 0.21$ 0.24$ 0.20$ 0.55$ 0.48$ 0.61$ 0.87$ 0.64$ 0.10$ 0.03$

Accident Report

copies0.04$ 0.03$ 0.09$ 0.01$ 0.02$ 0.01$ 0.00$ 0.20$ 0.02$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.05$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.03$ 0.03$

Personal Services and

Retirement7.93$ 5.41$ 6.07$ 0.04$ 0.02$ 0.04$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.15$ -$ 0.05$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.03$


Registration0.02$ 0.05$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.10$ 0.06$ 0.14$ 0.08$ 0.23$ 0.03$ 0.10$ 0.10$ 0.10$ 0.03$ 0.03$

Flood Control -$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ -$ -$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.02$ 0.02$

Repayment of Poor

Relief Advances0.18$ 0.09$ 0.02$ 0.02$ -$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.01$ 0.00$ 0.01$ 0.00$ -$ -$ 0.06$ -$ 0.02$

Forfeits 1.66$ 0.13$ -$ 0.12$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.37$ 0.01$ 0.05$ 0.05$ -$ 0.01$ -$ 0.02$

Special State Library

Distribution0.05$ 0.05$ 0.05$ 0.09$ 0.13$ 0.05$ 0.10$ 0.05$ 0.07$ 0.11$ 0.11$ 0.10$ 0.07$ 0.03$ 0.07$ 0.02$

Common School Fund

Advances-$ 0.00$ 0.03$ 28.39$ 34.66$ 0.03$ -$ 16.68$ 0.26$ -$ 0.62$ 0.21$ 5.41$ 1.80$ 1.77$ 0.02$

Loan Repayment 0.18$ 0.31$ 0.05$ 0.08$ 0.03$ 4.52$ 2.96$ 0.34$ 0.11$ 0.54$ 2.22$ 0.68$ 0.53$ 4.00$ 0.04$ 0.02$

Proceeds from General

Long-Term Debt-$ 0.00$ 0.03$ 28.39$ 34.66$ 0.03$ -$ 16.68$ 0.26$ -$ 0.62$ 0.21$ 5.41$ 1.80$ 1.77$ 0.02$

Econ. Devel. And

Assistance-Federal0.01$ 0.01$ 0.15$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.03$ -$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.02$

Revenue For/On

Behalf of the School


7.56$ 7.85$ 10.02$ 7.41$ 8.36$ 8.10$ 9.40$ 0.07$ 0.41$ 0.10$ 0.16$ 0.34$ 0.26$ 0.21$ 0.02$ 0.01$

Fire Inspection 0.03$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.14$ 0.53$ 0.00$ 0.04$ 0.07$ 0.07$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$

Repair of Damages 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.00$ 0.01$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.03$ 0.01$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.01$ 0.05$ 0.02$ 0.01$

Alcohol Tax to Police

Pension0.09$ 0.14$ 0.01$ 3.86$ 3.98$ 3.98$ 0.00$ 0.07$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$

Note: Amounts less than $5,000 are displayed as $0.00 due to rounding. Revenues that are equal to zero are displayed as $ -.

Page 28: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

Revenue Type 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Appendix A: Local Government Revenue 1995 - 2010, by Revenue Type(in millions of dollars)

Transfer Tuition

(Welfare and Military)1.47$ 1.86$ 1.58$ 0.94$ 0.79$ 0.79$ 1.02$ 0.50$ 0.49$ 0.76$ 0.28$ 0.26$ 0.27$ 0.15$ 0.01$ 0.01$

Voc. Ed Revenue from

County0.03$ 0.02$ -$ -$ 0.09$ 0.17$ 0.29$ 0.25$ 0.25$ 0.25$ 0.43$ 0.36$ 0.25$ 0.74$ 0.25$ 0.01$

Gun Permits 0.03$ 0.15$ 0.02$ 0.13$ 0.00$ 0.01$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.01$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$

State Grants-Jobs-

IOOD0.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.02$ 0.01$

Gun Permit

Applications0.01$ 0.01$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.01$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ -$ -$ 0.01$ 0.01$

Home EC. Agriculture

Industrial0.02$ 0.03$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.01$

Street Lighting 0.15$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.02$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$

State FICA Payments 0.01$ 0.03$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$

Change of Venue 0.54$ 0.16$ 0.33$ 0.13$ 0.22$ 0.04$ 0.20$ 0.05$ 0.06$ 0.38$ 0.05$ 0.03$ 0.11$ 0.35$ 0.23$ 0.01$

Fire Reports 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.25$ 0.25$ 0.29$ 0.52$ 0.32$ 0.31$ 0.23$ 0.21$ 0.42$ 0.00$ 0.01$ 0.00$ 0.01$

Surplus State Dog

Fund0.05$ 0.03$ 0.04$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.02$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.25$ 0.16$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.05$ 0.00$

Court House 0.00$ 0.03$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.20$ -$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$

Welfare -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.03$ 0.03$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00$

Counter Cyclical Loan

HEA1001-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00$

State Grants-

Department of


0.01$ 0.01$ -$ 0.34$ 0.51$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.03$ 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00$ 0.00$

County Extension

Agent0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ -$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.10$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$

Intangible Tax 0.01$ 0.02$ 0.05$ 0.27$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.02$ -$ 0.01$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.03$ 0.06$ 0.00$

Deposits/Escrow 0.05$ 0.16$ 0.15$ 0.02$ -$ -$ 0.01$ 0.02$ 0.26$ 0.30$ 0.28$ 0.17$ 0.17$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$

LSTA Grant -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.01$ 0.07$ 0.07$ 0.07$ 0.07$ 0.07$ 0.07$ -$ -$ 0.00$

Return of Petty Cash -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.01$ 0.01$ -$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$

Gifts and Bequests -$ -$ -$ 0.01$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00$ 0.12$ -$ 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00$

A.D.A. Flat Grant 34.52$ 34.82$ 35.14$ 35.48$ 35.59$ 35.64$ 35.67$ 35.75$ 36.18$ 0.39$ -$ -$ 0.01$ -$ -$ -$

ADC for Unemployed

Parents0.01$ 0.03$ -$ 0.02$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Note: Amounts less than $5,000 are displayed as $0.00 due to rounding. Revenues that are equal to zero are displayed as $ -.

Page 29: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

Revenue Type 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Appendix A: Local Government Revenue 1995 - 2010, by Revenue Type(in millions of dollars)

ADM for Allow AFDC 0.05$ 0.24$ 0.22$ 0.08$ 0.05$ 0.05$ 0.05$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Adoption Assistance 10.37$ 12.37$ 16.11$ 16.76$ 1.98$ 1.13$ 0.82$ 0.66$ 0.77$ 0.40$ 0.81$ 0.63$ 0.61$ 0.44$ -$ -$

Adults 0.22$ 0.18$ 0.39$ 0.40$ 0.40$ -$ 0.45$ 0.43$ 0.43$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Boat & Trailer Excise

Tax-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Bond Principal -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2.05$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Burial Deceased

A.F.D.C Recipient0.24$ 0.24$ 0.18$ 0.14$ 0.09$ 0.09$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.25$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Bus Driver Training

Reimbursement-$ 0.00$ 0.00$ -$ 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2.76$ -$ -$

CAGIT Property Tax

Replacement Cr.0.99$ 1.46$ 0.96$ 1.06$ 1.43$ 1.30$ 0.82$ 0.91$ 2.60$ 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Capital Grant (Library) -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.01$ 0.02$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Capps Reimbursement -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


DISTRIBUTION-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.01$ -$ -$ 0.02$ -$ -$

Chapter I 0.10$ 0.09$ 0.09$ 0.15$ 0.18$ 0.17$ 0.15$ 0.18$ 0.22$ 0.23$ 0.13$ 0.03$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Chapter II -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00$ -$ 0.02$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Child Abuse

Prevention-$ -$ 0.04$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Common School

Funds Withheld-$ -$ 0.16$ 0.75$ 0.20$ 0.59$ 0.84$ 0.41$ 0.94$ -$ 0.20$ 0.33$ 0.09$ 0.63$ -$ -$

Comp. For Loss of

Gen. Fixed Assets-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.05$ -$ -$

Computer Consortium

Advances0.04$ 0.01$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.01$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Computer Technical

Replication Adoption


0.00$ 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ 0.01$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.09$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Conservation of

Natural Resources-


-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Demolition Permits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Development Loan

Repayment-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.21$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Disaster Grant -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Drug Free Schools

Part II P.L. 99-570-$ -$ -$ -$ 0.02$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Note: Amounts less than $5,000 are displayed as $0.00 due to rounding. Revenues that are equal to zero are displayed as $ -.

Page 30: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

Revenue Type 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Appendix A: Local Government Revenue 1995 - 2010, by Revenue Type(in millions of dollars)

Early Childhood

Preschool Latch Key0.04$ 0.05$ 0.06$ 0.05$ 0.08$ 0.09$ 0.10$ 0.09$ 0.10$ 0.09$ 0.11$ 0.05$ 0.05$ 0.06$ 0.06$ -$

Economic Education

Mini Grants-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Election Expense 1.04$ 0.05$ 0.00$ 0.01$ 0.85$ 0.08$ -$ -$ 0.25$ 0.16$ 0.00$ 0.06$ 0.48$ 0.77$ -$ -$

Exceptional Benefits

Tax (for special


-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.01$ -$ 0.00$ -$ 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Federal Aid-Econ.

Dev.-Dept. of


-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Federal Aid-Food



-$ 0.00$ 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Federal Aid-Parks-

Dept. of Interior-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Federal Aid-Water and

Sewer0.13$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.80$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Federal Revenue

Sharing-$ 0.01$ 0.00$ 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.02$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Forestry 0.06$ 0.37$ 0.09$ 0.07$ 0.07$ 0.06$ 0.05$ 0.04$ 0.04$ 0.07$ 0.07$ 0.10$ 0.09$ 0.06$ -$ -$

Foster Care Assistance 22.82$ 30.83$ 39.55$ 37.68$ 14.40$ 7.80$ 4.57$ 6.12$ 1.12$ 1.94$ 2.26$ 2.76$ 0.85$ 0.49$ -$ -$

General Obligation

Bond Proceeds-$ -$ -$ 0.05$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.10$ -$ -$ -$ 22.71$ -$ -$ -$


Aid(Restricted-Direct)0.09$ 0.23$ 0.09$ -$ -$ 0.01$ 0.02$ 0.06$ 0.04$ 0.04$ 0.04$ 0.04$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Gross Tax on Real

Estate0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.01$ 0.06$ 0.05$ 0.02$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ -$

Health-State 0.54$ 0.80$ 0.75$ 0.68$ 0.51$ 0.69$ 0.59$ 0.71$ 0.62$ -$ 0.52$ -$ 0.07$ -$ -$ -$

Indiana Vocational

Technical College-$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.01$ 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Jobs Training

Partnership Act0.17$ 0.06$ 0.06$ 0.06$ -$ -$ 0.04$ 0.03$ 0.05$ 0.05$ 0.05$ 0.05$ 0.05$ -$ -$ -$

Junk Dealer Licenses -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Local Option-Property

Tax Replacement-$ 0.00$ -$ 0.67$ 0.68$ 0.73$ -$ 0.11$ 0.14$ 0.09$ 0.08$ 0.47$ -$ -$ 0.01$ -$

LOIT to Freeze

Property Tax Levy-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Major Moves -

Everyone-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 53.34$ 1.08$ 0.02$ -$

Major Moves - Special -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1.92$ 0.20$ -$ -$

Operation Prime Time 72.73$ 80.65$ 91.35$ 98.96$ 100.37$ 0.93$ 0.61$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Note: Amounts less than $5,000 are displayed as $0.00 due to rounding. Revenues that are equal to zero are displayed as $ -.

Page 31: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

Revenue Type 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Appendix A: Local Government Revenue 1995 - 2010, by Revenue Type(in millions of dollars)

Overpayments 0.82$ 1.82$ 0.01$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.01$ 0.07$ 0.01$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.01$ 0.02$ 0.01$ 0.09$ 0.15$ -$

Parent Involvement

Mini Grant-$ -$ -$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.01$ 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Performance Based

Awards-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.04$ 0.03$ -$ -$ -$

Premium and Accrued

Interest-$ -$ -$ -$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Premiums on Bonds

Sold-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Pre-Vocational Ed.

(Hand.)0.04$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.01$ -$ -$

Principal Leadership

Academy0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.03$ 0.02$ -$

Proceeds of General

Fixed Asset Disp.0.74$ 0.70$ 0.59$ 0.47$ 0.40$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Public Law 89-313 -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.24$ -$ -$

Public Law 97-35-

E.C.I.A0.07$ 0.26$ 0.10$ 0.12$ 0.07$ 0.17$ 0.26$ 0.10$ 0.15$ 0.09$ 0.09$ 0.02$ 0.06$ -$ -$ -$

Public Law 99-457

Educ of Preschool


0.15$ 0.07$ 0.01$ 0.01$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Reading Excitement

and Paperbacks


-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.04$ -$ -$ -$ 0.08$ -$

Real Property -$ -$ 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.01$ -$ -$



Replacement Cr.

1.03$ 0.00$ -$ 0.12$ -$ 0.47$ 0.51$ 0.04$ 0.26$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Receipts from Sale of

Bonds-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.02$ 0.01$ 0.01$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Restricted 0.00$ -$ -$ 0.01$ 0.07$ 0.08$ 0.05$ 0.05$ 0.08$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Revenue in Lieu of

Taxes-$ -$ -$ -$ 0.17$ 0.17$ 0.13$ 0.10$ 0.15$ 0.15$ 0.15$ 0.20$ 0.20$ 0.15$ -$ -$

Sale of Investments -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.08$ -$ 0.10$ 0.10$ -$

Sales Tax Paid on

Gasoline0.01$ 0.02$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

School Lunch 0.06$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.03$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

School Lunch

Reimbursement-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.12$ -$ -$ -$

Services Provided

Other School Corp.0.53$ 0.22$ 0.19$ 0.16$ 0.13$ 0.14$ 0.14$ 0.14$ 0.14$ 0.15$ 0.19$ 0.17$ 0.17$ 0.03$ 0.04$ -$

Special Arts Grants 0.00$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.00$ 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Note: Amounts less than $5,000 are displayed as $0.00 due to rounding. Revenues that are equal to zero are displayed as $ -.

Page 32: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

Revenue Type 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Appendix A: Local Government Revenue 1995 - 2010, by Revenue Type(in millions of dollars)

Special Benefits Tax

(for special districts)-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1.04$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Special Federal

Distribution-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.02$ -$ -$

State Grant - Destitute

Children-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.05$ 0.18$ 0.38$ 0.52$ 0.11$ 0.38$ 0.32$ 0.14$ 0.01$ -$ -$

State Grants-Parks-

Natural Resources0.03$ 0.48$ 0.02$ 0.04$ 0.03$ 0.26$ 0.01$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

State Grants-Social

Progs-Welfare Dept.0.27$ 0.14$ 0.14$ 0.16$ 0.17$ 1.58$ 1.02$ 10.30$ 0.65$ 0.53$ 0.76$ 0.59$ 0.46$ 0.42$ -$ -$

State Transfer Tuition 1.10$ 0.90$ 1.10$ 0.66$ 0.52$ 0.19$ 0.09$ 0.09$ 0.07$ 0.23$ 0.04$ 0.03$ 0.11$ 0.09$ -$ -$

Statewide Library

Card Program-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.01$ 0.01$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Student Exporatory

Teaching-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00$ 0.02$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Students 0.01$ -$ 0.01$ -$ -$ 0.01$ -$ -$ 0.02$ 0.04$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Teacher Quality

Contracts-$ 0.01$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.02$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Technical Assistance

Grant0.15$ 0.13$ 0.15$ 0.01$ 0.01$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.03$ -$ -$


Reimbursements0.20$ 0.26$ 0.30$ 0.31$ 0.25$ 0.18$ 0.17$ 0.16$ 0.17$ 0.20$ 0.16$ 0.04$ 0.07$ 0.03$ 0.07$ -$

Timber Sales 0.00$ 0.04$ 0.04$ 0.04$ -$ -$ 0.15$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Title XX 0.00$ 0.40$ 0.00$ 0.04$ 0.12$ 0.09$ 0.10$ 0.09$ 0.08$ 0.06$ 0.00$ 0.46$ 0.56$ 0.12$ -$ -$

Transfer Per Bond

Ordinance0.12$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.08$ 0.08$ 0.05$ 0.05$ 0.05$ 2.06$ 0.05$ 0.05$ 0.05$ -$ -$

Transportation 37.68$ 37.86$ 39.18$ 39.08$ 37.61$ 35.37$ 35.96$ 34.86$ 31.08$ 0.11$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00$ -$

Urban Devel. And

Assistance-Federal-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Urban Devel. And

Assistance-State-$ 0.11$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Veterans' Memorial

Funds Withheld0.05$ -$ -$ 0.04$ 0.03$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00$ -$ -$

Voc. Ed.

Reimbursement for


-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.03$ 0.07$ 0.36$ 0.01$ -$ 0.11$ 0.10$ 0.61$ -$ -$

Workstudy 0.00$ 0.01$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.03$ 0.03$ -$ 0.10$ -$ 0.07$ -$ 0.01$ 0.00$ -$ 0.00$ -$

Note: Amounts less than $5,000 are displayed as $0.00 due to rounding. Revenues that are equal to zero are displayed as $ -.

Page 33: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Adams 47.86$ 50.00$ 53.68$ 56.85$ 57.67$ 65.06$ 67.29$ 69.31$ 67.94$ 69.65$ 71.00$ 72.44$ 76.76$ 64.42$ 73.88$ 43.01$

Allen 536.29$ 572.80$ 600.13$ 631.85$ 648.63$ 720.15$ 729.17$ 760.87$ 790.44$ 796.09$ 820.20$ 883.59$ 909.18$ 790.28$ 899.90$ 538.99$

Bartholomew 126.81$ 128.69$ 134.25$ 146.30$ 153.62$ 159.25$ 160.60$ 173.59$ 171.22$ 175.20$ 180.12$ 197.65$ 204.06$ 179.31$ 206.26$ 119.52$

Benton 21.15$ 22.11$ 22.94$ 24.67$ 25.65$ 26.59$ 27.99$ 28.94$ 29.16$ 29.09$ 31.19$ 31.80$ 32.33$ 27.70$ 32.99$ 21.21$

Blackford 22.70$ 24.66$ 26.96$ 28.80$ 29.68$ 30.85$ 32.04$ 32.90$ 33.36$ 35.30$ 33.29$ 32.81$ 33.67$ 30.80$ 33.14$ 20.35$

Boone 74.24$ 80.55$ 86.00$ 93.56$ 99.22$ 107.91$ 115.74$ 126.84$ 132.25$ 136.93$ 142.27$ 160.21$ 169.82$ 143.61$ 176.34$ 107.79$

Brown 22.33$ 24.39$ 25.46$ 27.38$ 29.00$ 30.82$ 30.73$ 31.44$ 32.84$ 34.98$ 35.43$ 82.91$ 38.92$ 29.43$ 35.01$ 22.65$

Carroll 33.44$ 34.32$ 35.73$ 38.58$ 40.76$ 42.96$ 43.77$ 45.40$ 44.00$ 44.14$ 45.07$ 46.59$ 49.52$ 40.87$ 47.68$ 27.66$

Cass 64.20$ 67.09$ 73.17$ 77.56$ 80.40$ 83.79$ 87.99$ 91.26$ 94.45$ 95.20$ 99.56$ 100.86$ 101.84$ 92.76$ 97.12$ 57.14$

Clark 140.44$ 144.56$ 154.13$ 156.57$ 163.39$ 173.92$ 182.22$ 193.31$ 193.63$ 212.69$ 220.14$ 230.08$ 255.74$ 203.67$ 260.50$ 150.48$

Clay 37.49$ 40.19$ 41.92$ 45.18$ 46.39$ 47.96$ 49.35$ 50.30$ 52.59$ 52.69$ 55.98$ 57.49$ 58.40$ 51.72$ 59.10$ 43.26$

Clinton 56.83$ 59.02$ 61.74$ 65.95$ 71.48$ 73.69$ 77.71$ 80.67$ 82.88$ 82.05$ 81.35$ 87.58$ 92.69$ 81.52$ 94.63$ 58.97$

Crawford 15.78$ 16.29$ 17.80$ 19.55$ 20.02$ 20.95$ 21.93$ 22.22$ 23.39$ 23.92$ 25.82$ 26.43$ 28.87$ 25.56$ 26.41$ 16.62$

Daviess 40.80$ 43.25$ 46.64$ 49.20$ 52.30$ 54.86$ 58.17$ 60.33$ 62.56$ 64.01$ 66.58$ 70.02$ 73.42$ 64.44$ 70.69$ 43.68$

Dearborn 67.57$ 70.96$ 77.14$ 82.95$ 89.28$ 97.13$ 100.28$ 110.09$ 111.82$ 119.26$ 124.59$ 128.18$ 135.94$ 115.02$ 135.44$ 87.52$

Decatur 37.98$ 41.37$ 41.75$ 45.11$ 46.89$ 48.41$ 51.52$ 54.35$ 56.13$ 58.82$ 58.03$ 60.73$ 65.09$ 55.45$ 63.83$ 42.68$

DeKalb 62.12$ 66.83$ 70.54$ 76.49$ 80.21$ 84.24$ 89.09$ 94.09$ 95.81$ 95.31$ 99.21$ 103.14$ 107.68$ 91.26$ 106.05$ 62.58$

Delaware 198.18$ 203.59$ 212.72$ 214.39$ 218.19$ 229.02$ 240.28$ 255.55$ 260.05$ 258.70$ 268.80$ 279.18$ 288.31$ 243.27$ 262.25$ 130.29$

Dubois 68.05$ 74.54$ 72.44$ 77.76$ 83.95$ 89.79$ 90.01$ 94.19$ 96.05$ 97.90$ 103.82$ 111.19$ 113.73$ 100.21$ 118.66$ 77.65$

Elkhart 280.77$ 302.08$ 322.24$ 349.75$ 367.15$ 388.43$ 414.47$ 451.77$ 448.36$ 453.26$ 474.84$ 505.36$ 531.43$ 467.77$ 532.88$ 287.42$

Fayette 45.61$ 46.74$ 48.26$ 50.70$ 52.83$ 54.06$ 58.43$ 62.62$ 58.65$ 58.60$ 60.82$ 62.84$ 64.99$ 56.92$ 62.93$ 39.67$

Floyd 95.65$ 100.46$ 107.34$ 116.55$ 123.19$ 129.99$ 136.67$ 145.17$ 136.67$ 147.58$ 157.31$ 166.84$ 181.55$ 147.28$ 170.58$ 103.62$

Fountain 29.10$ 29.86$ 31.59$ 33.35$ 33.95$ 35.94$ 37.88$ 38.50$ 39.37$ 40.89$ 41.77$ 43.12$ 45.45$ 38.86$ 45.11$ 31.34$

Franklin 29.12$ 29.24$ 30.83$ 33.70$ 34.86$ 36.52$ 37.69$ 41.29$ 41.38$ 41.40$ 42.61$ 46.56$ 47.57$ 38.21$ 43.00$ 28.71$

Fulton 30.96$ 32.84$ 34.62$ 37.40$ 38.80$ 41.04$ 42.91$ 44.97$ 44.06$ 43.75$ 45.80$ 47.85$ 49.23$ 40.54$ 46.43$ 28.61$

Gibson 53.58$ 55.19$ 58.06$ 62.28$ 64.96$ 68.41$ 67.78$ 69.64$ 71.53$ 73.46$ 79.86$ 83.10$ 87.25$ 75.18$ 88.49$ 51.69$

Grant 132.68$ 138.13$ 139.92$ 148.63$ 151.53$ 155.06$ 161.15$ 165.52$ 166.14$ 166.64$ 168.77$ 175.21$ 176.64$ 153.62$ 172.74$ 117.78$

Greene 50.01$ 53.69$ 55.29$ 58.97$ 60.39$ 63.71$ 66.39$ 67.57$ 69.20$ 69.81$ 73.50$ 74.03$ 75.22$ 67.64$ 74.80$ 56.74$

Hamilton 287.42$ 348.89$ 381.69$ 402.85$ 458.11$ 496.63$ 535.80$ 582.88$ 615.19$ 631.01$ 667.39$ 723.35$ 805.35$ 680.54$ 848.48$ 496.40$

Hancock 82.17$ 88.99$ 91.93$ 98.39$ 106.41$ 114.26$ 123.71$ 130.15$ 138.33$ 144.92$ 152.33$ 163.28$ 178.56$ 157.52$ 183.16$ 109.21$

Harrison 46.34$ 48.33$ 50.34$ 55.52$ 59.13$ 65.62$ 64.60$ 67.51$ 74.96$ 72.78$ 75.77$ 79.98$ 83.11$ 72.21$ 82.63$ 79.86$

Hendricks 138.04$ 154.96$ 166.44$ 183.75$ 204.58$ 220.80$ 238.75$ 259.22$ 284.29$ 301.79$ 321.36$ 351.38$ 371.58$ 333.45$ 405.17$ 220.57$

Henry 78.47$ 84.24$ 87.44$ 92.17$ 94.09$ 100.09$ 104.26$ 108.05$ 115.10$ 117.04$ 119.16$ 119.96$ 123.99$ 108.94$ 121.03$ 79.74$

Howard 155.54$ 164.46$ 169.97$ 175.48$ 178.20$ 188.71$ 195.12$ 203.70$ 199.03$ 216.02$ 226.75$ 233.31$ 240.28$ 201.95$ 236.02$ 136.11$

Huntington 58.65$ 60.25$ 64.75$ 67.97$ 71.08$ 76.75$ 78.25$ 81.67$ 86.60$ 84.85$ 88.19$ 89.78$ 89.40$ 79.41$ 86.82$ 50.97$

Jackson 55.25$ 66.00$ 70.78$ 67.26$ 74.11$ 80.17$ 82.81$ 86.70$ 89.22$ 94.19$ 92.79$ 99.60$ 101.82$ 86.04$ 100.90$ 64.63$

Jasper 48.43$ 52.17$ 53.12$ 59.73$ 59.48$ 63.68$ 67.63$ 68.57$ 70.86$ 69.47$ 73.99$ 78.04$ 84.21$ 67.01$ 79.72$ 50.23$

Jay 35.52$ 38.28$ 40.18$ 42.74$ 43.04$ 46.49$ 48.92$ 48.89$ 50.94$ 51.45$ 52.15$ 54.99$ 55.90$ 52.06$ 57.78$ 37.17$

Jefferson 45.06$ 47.67$ 48.73$ 50.94$ 54.07$ 56.91$ 58.83$ 61.17$ 62.41$ 65.58$ 69.02$ 73.13$ 73.95$ 61.59$ 72.27$ 45.07$

Jennings 33.40$ 35.76$ 38.04$ 41.87$ 45.75$ 49.97$ 53.19$ 56.74$ 60.14$ 60.44$ 62.55$ 63.65$ 65.21$ 59.43$ 65.32$ 47.20$

Johnson 151.81$ 164.99$ 178.39$ 199.08$ 212.86$ 230.55$ 248.44$ 261.44$ 274.29$ 279.93$ 301.40$ 324.34$ 342.38$ 305.37$ 360.59$ 204.84$

Knox 58.77$ 61.67$ 61.62$ 69.59$ 67.25$ 70.80$ 73.37$ 75.19$ 78.17$ 75.56$ 81.43$ 79.20$ 87.05$ 74.08$ 81.66$ 47.62$

Kosciusko 108.74$ 116.34$ 120.95$ 127.54$ 139.14$ 146.68$ 157.09$ 160.91$ 164.18$ 158.56$ 167.73$ 178.07$ 184.44$ 161.37$ 197.13$ 122.05$

LaGrange 40.02$ 41.44$ 45.31$ 49.32$ 52.99$ 57.24$ 58.82$ 61.11$ 64.54$ 65.51$ 66.75$ 71.17$ 76.31$ 61.39$ 70.08$ 42.94$

Lake 1,050.22$ 1,104.26$ 1,213.29$ 1,217.42$ 1,257.47$ 1,301.76$ 1,362.39$ 1,441.03$ 1,482.48$ 1,505.21$ 1,551.40$ 1,630.75$ 1,671.90$ 1,388.27$ 1,477.06$ 728.26$

Appendix B: Total Local Government Revenue 1995 - 2010, by County(in millions of dollars, after imposition of caps)

Page 34: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Appendix B: Total Local Government Revenue 1995 - 2010, by County(in millions of dollars, after imposition of caps)

LaPorte 191.63$ 192.57$ 205.16$ 225.00$ 222.16$ 233.34$ 238.59$ 243.29$ 248.18$ 247.45$ 256.15$ 259.67$ 259.67$ 214.11$ 214.11$ 115.63$

Lawrence 66.69$ 71.19$ 74.54$ 78.76$ 84.11$ 88.83$ 90.85$ 92.74$ 95.34$ 98.74$ 103.39$ 105.95$ 112.69$ 98.10$ 105.97$ 68.51$

Madison 211.93$ 224.13$ 230.32$ 239.75$ 243.25$ 255.45$ 271.87$ 285.95$ 287.10$ 295.90$ 299.93$ 306.84$ 324.80$ 293.51$ 306.65$ 175.79$

Marion 2,135.83$ 2,216.73$ 2,304.49$ 2,504.72$ 2,586.59$ 2,601.11$ 2,861.57$ 2,880.40$ 2,825.47$ 2,945.57$ 3,125.26$ 3,467.04$ 3,866.06$ 3,349.04$ 3,368.22$ 2,240.70$

Marshall 80.33$ 85.59$ 86.82$ 92.08$ 94.31$ 99.71$ 105.74$ 109.74$ 109.67$ 109.73$ 112.94$ 118.65$ 124.50$ 104.47$ 123.51$ 81.66$

Martin 16.81$ 17.99$ 18.33$ 19.75$ 20.01$ 20.91$ 21.98$ 22.68$ 23.16$ 22.93$ 23.17$ 23.95$ 25.04$ 21.86$ 24.82$ 18.70$

Miami 56.51$ 57.77$ 60.48$ 62.22$ 66.66$ 71.30$ 72.17$ 74.55$ 75.95$ 77.88$ 80.26$ 80.41$ 84.58$ 70.12$ 81.36$ 54.82$

Monroe 159.01$ 171.81$ 176.43$ 184.17$ 193.16$ 201.57$ 208.99$ 224.14$ 234.23$ 239.33$ 252.90$ 254.46$ 272.91$ 231.11$ 278.38$ 179.49$

Montgomery 66.26$ 70.17$ 73.79$ 78.00$ 80.95$ 86.10$ 89.23$ 97.18$ 96.52$ 94.42$ 101.86$ 107.25$ 108.10$ 88.30$ 105.72$ 64.18$

Morgan 85.01$ 88.93$ 92.74$ 102.30$ 107.99$ 115.41$ 121.70$ 128.49$ 127.65$ 136.38$ 142.86$ 146.84$ 150.97$ 131.72$ 149.96$ 101.26$

Newton 28.31$ 29.39$ 31.71$ 33.53$ 34.85$ 36.15$ 38.09$ 39.51$ 38.96$ 39.95$ 40.73$ 40.66$ 42.79$ 35.51$ 42.35$ 26.17$

Noble 63.87$ 67.77$ 71.75$ 77.59$ 80.91$ 88.45$ 91.29$ 96.11$ 98.99$ 101.55$ 104.32$ 107.99$ 112.07$ 97.31$ 109.28$ 69.80$

Ohio 7.38$ 7.67$ 9.64$ 11.28$ 11.32$ 11.83$ 12.04$ 12.77$ 12.94$ 13.07$ 13.98$ 14.28$ 14.57$ 12.46$ 14.55$ 11.48$

Orange 27.51$ 28.82$ 30.55$ 32.78$ 34.08$ 36.00$ 37.44$ 39.20$ 39.76$ 39.78$ 41.09$ 43.20$ 44.81$ 41.36$ 46.71$ 37.03$

Owen 26.99$ 29.29$ 30.96$ 33.90$ 35.61$ 36.96$ 38.73$ 41.16$ 41.94$ 42.36$ 43.55$ 45.23$ 47.51$ 41.94$ 46.10$ 30.05$

Parke 24.66$ 25.93$ 27.32$ 28.61$ 30.63$ 32.74$ 33.78$ 35.47$ 35.86$ 36.82$ 37.73$ 38.80$ 40.10$ 35.51$ 40.64$ 29.08$

Perry 27.01$ 28.97$ 30.05$ 31.93$ 34.69$ 35.54$ 36.48$ 38.82$ 40.05$ 40.61$ 42.69$ 43.09$ 44.59$ 37.96$ 42.69$ 30.01$

Pike 22.18$ 22.95$ 23.91$ 25.56$ 26.84$ 29.54$ 30.18$ 31.83$ 32.47$ 33.25$ 33.91$ 35.27$ 35.23$ 31.74$ 35.04$ 21.16$

Porter 237.82$ 245.26$ 263.44$ 276.57$ 290.93$ 310.71$ 321.91$ 328.35$ 342.92$ 356.02$ 377.41$ 389.52$ 422.75$ 321.65$ 394.85$ 213.85$

Posey 52.86$ 55.77$ 57.91$ 58.64$ 59.09$ 62.02$ 63.56$ 66.08$ 67.51$ 68.44$ 69.92$ 71.24$ 74.63$ 54.66$ 71.99$ 40.18$

Pulaski 26.24$ 27.75$ 29.19$ 31.14$ 32.85$ 34.14$ 35.80$ 38.90$ 38.29$ 37.97$ 38.55$ 40.09$ 41.93$ 35.69$ 39.03$ 27.31$

Putnam 51.76$ 54.54$ 57.38$ 63.24$ 66.72$ 73.45$ 77.95$ 79.55$ 82.33$ 84.61$ 86.92$ 88.98$ 89.33$ 74.66$ 89.88$ 59.63$

Randolph 45.48$ 47.50$ 49.74$ 52.24$ 54.92$ 57.65$ 57.07$ 60.17$ 61.79$ 63.63$ 66.12$ 68.19$ 69.47$ 58.98$ 68.59$ 45.00$

Ripley 40.94$ 43.19$ 50.47$ 51.23$ 53.00$ 56.25$ 59.75$ 62.47$ 64.16$ 64.46$ 66.82$ 70.46$ 73.00$ 63.75$ 72.04$ 53.38$

Rush 29.44$ 31.18$ 33.45$ 35.02$ 36.68$ 37.94$ 38.80$ 39.20$ 40.57$ 40.97$ 42.70$ 41.99$ 44.75$ 38.11$ 42.27$ 25.36$

St. Joseph 419.69$ 446.68$ 466.05$ 496.46$ 532.52$ 569.77$ 607.25$ 648.13$ 655.93$ 657.17$ 691.87$ 724.36$ 727.19$ 632.57$ 675.89$ 391.81$

Scott 32.67$ 33.98$ 35.43$ 38.75$ 41.07$ 43.92$ 45.52$ 48.49$ 49.61$ 50.04$ 51.97$ 56.05$ 56.22$ 52.36$ 57.54$ 41.36$

Shelby 63.46$ 69.65$ 72.91$ 82.22$ 85.04$ 92.58$ 96.86$ 98.18$ 101.01$ 100.70$ 111.01$ 114.03$ 114.12$ 99.13$ 117.66$ 73.29$

Spencer 34.92$ 36.64$ 38.51$ 39.97$ 40.98$ 44.07$ 44.93$ 48.03$ 50.52$ 50.11$ 49.70$ 51.30$ 53.38$ 42.44$ 51.24$ 31.77$

Starke 35.29$ 37.22$ 39.99$ 43.28$ 44.91$ 47.94$ 49.74$ 50.59$ 52.59$ 55.33$ 54.51$ 56.64$ 57.89$ 49.90$ 58.11$ 38.97$

Steuben 56.63$ 59.17$ 62.47$ 67.16$ 69.48$ 74.36$ 79.13$ 84.05$ 88.78$ 88.59$ 91.33$ 96.33$ 99.98$ 79.67$ 98.63$ 59.53$

Sullivan 36.45$ 37.31$ 38.54$ 39.55$ 42.55$ 43.77$ 44.83$ 47.65$ 48.49$ 49.95$ 49.99$ 51.28$ 51.08$ 45.13$ 53.11$ 33.36$

Switzerland 12.64$ 13.29$ 14.16$ 15.33$ 16.30$ 17.07$ 19.36$ 19.76$ 20.39$ 20.10$ 21.70$ 20.80$ 21.75$ 20.35$ 23.31$ 18.12$

Tippecanoe 206.25$ 224.77$ 246.50$ 254.61$ 259.28$ 270.48$ 274.63$ 292.90$ 296.93$ 304.43$ 325.80$ 338.27$ 356.26$ 301.04$ 354.68$ 211.77$

Tipton 29.41$ 30.36$ 31.34$ 34.34$ 35.07$ 36.03$ 37.07$ 39.91$ 39.55$ 40.24$ 41.08$ 42.62$ 44.28$ 38.48$ 43.84$ 26.56$

Union 12.64$ 13.56$ 14.75$ 15.54$ 16.57$ 16.40$ 18.09$ 18.44$ 20.13$ 19.44$ 20.23$ 21.01$ 21.90$ 19.82$ 21.80$ 14.56$

Vanderburgh 309.05$ 314.99$ 324.97$ 333.22$ 349.53$ 358.87$ 380.74$ 411.08$ 429.57$ 426.42$ 437.42$ 447.47$ 456.22$ 400.56$ 471.12$ 306.95$

Vermillion 26.84$ 29.49$ 32.33$ 31.97$ 33.14$ 35.16$ 36.38$ 37.40$ 37.42$ 39.15$ 37.31$ 40.98$ 41.32$ 34.03$ 38.63$ 22.91$

Vigo 160.30$ 165.42$ 176.10$ 187.54$ 197.54$ 201.06$ 210.78$ 217.62$ 221.93$ 234.87$ 246.08$ 257.27$ 269.20$ 242.04$ 258.91$ 134.17$

Wabash 58.42$ 60.92$ 63.94$ 67.88$ 72.87$ 76.21$ 78.86$ 80.32$ 79.60$ 80.48$ 80.80$ 81.32$ 81.73$ 70.73$ 80.15$ 53.27$

Warren 15.80$ 16.23$ 16.97$ 18.02$ 18.67$ 19.38$ 20.28$ 20.71$ 21.26$ 21.58$ 22.84$ 23.64$ 24.45$ 21.00$ 23.07$ 14.13$

Warrick 77.93$ 82.77$ 83.86$ 89.58$ 93.57$ 99.77$ 99.42$ 106.50$ 110.89$ 114.96$ 120.07$ 123.20$ 125.00$ 101.24$ 125.44$ 76.29$

Washington 36.49$ 38.67$ 41.39$ 44.70$ 48.29$ 50.48$ 53.23$ 55.02$ 58.02$ 60.67$ 62.23$ 65.32$ 65.93$ 58.75$ 65.86$ 46.22$

Wayne 126.68$ 133.21$ 134.78$ 144.19$ 145.91$ 156.27$ 160.84$ 166.38$ 168.83$ 167.98$ 175.21$ 175.60$ 179.92$ 155.41$ 175.83$ 104.95$

Wells 45.28$ 48.72$ 50.40$ 54.38$ 57.00$ 61.36$ 62.44$ 62.55$ 64.63$ 63.28$ 65.55$ 64.14$ 68.21$ 56.22$ 65.73$ 44.46$

Page 35: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Appendix B: Total Local Government Revenue 1995 - 2010, by County(in millions of dollars, after imposition of caps)

White 46.92$ 52.04$ 49.43$ 55.81$ 56.85$ 57.89$ 61.71$ 66.43$ 66.84$ 68.38$ 68.82$ 72.13$ 75.33$ 63.45$ 81.05$ 55.11$

Whitley 55.75$ 56.71$ 60.05$ 64.82$ 59.18$ 62.93$ 64.03$ 67.77$ 68.64$ 68.92$ 70.77$ 73.47$ 77.90$ 63.85$ 73.97$ 49.83$

Page 36: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

Fund Name 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

GENERAL 5,938.70$ 6,269.38$ 6,648.41$ 6,969.78$ 7,405.60$ 7,806.33$ 8,231.17$ 8,658.38$ 8,802.25$ 8,978.55$ 9,248.99$ 9,604.32$ 9,917.15$ 10,219.84$ 10,329.50$ 10,217.51$

DEBT SERVICE 462.65$ 545.25$ 572.91$ 630.94$ 695.07$ 732.46$ 803.99$ 849.29$ 969.38$ 1,051.09$ 1,072.18$ 1,158.49$ 1,272.63$ 1,364.23$ 1,200.42$ 1,188.34$

CAPITAL PROJECTS (School) 443.87$ 469.31$ 509.20$ 546.61$ 582.09$ 608.77$ 630.05$ 664.44$ 697.27$ 725.30$ 765.23$ 831.27$ 894.30$ 939.89$ 872.22$ 865.23$

HIGHWAY 493.85$ 505.29$ 511.31$ 525.66$ 535.15$ 564.12$ 594.72$ 577.68$ 624.49$ 622.23$ 661.20$ 647.81$ 664.24$ 630.27$ 582.52$ 593.23$

TRANSPORTATION 334.15$ 348.30$ 368.65$ 377.77$ 405.18$ 419.15$ 390.95$ 406.13$ 428.67$ 425.98$ 454.37$ 491.00$ 517.58$ 530.56$ 555.80$ 566.67$


GENERAL211.37$ 224.71$ 232.74$ 261.17$ 270.18$ 277.97$ 310.88$ 78.92$ 91.75$ 200.29$ 229.73$ 220.64$ 246.55$ 275.67$ 332.03$ 389.15$

MOTOR VEHICLE HIGHWAY 247.96$ 259.12$ 259.00$ 268.34$ 277.00$ 293.42$ 313.80$ 312.81$ 324.51$ 292.28$ 289.55$ 280.89$ 306.88$ 292.79$ 281.60$ 288.58$

SPECL AIRPORT GENERAL 88.44$ 97.54$ 113.21$ 143.82$ 151.70$ 163.72$ 188.60$ 184.88$ 191.74$ 191.56$ 183.77$ 205.99$ 235.18$ 245.77$ 259.05$ 243.70$

FIRE 86.97$ 94.88$ 103.95$ 106.94$ 112.37$ 121.16$ 131.59$ 150.97$ 155.81$ 159.95$ 158.32$ 172.72$ 169.62$ 191.09$ 203.84$ 190.64$




-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 177.02$ 188.05$


GENERAL69.17$ 79.49$ 81.68$ 83.71$ 85.68$ 84.25$ 84.91$ 88.11$ 91.26$ 83.06$ 99.18$ 90.93$ -$ 176.64$ 143.05$ 150.87$


(LIQUID) GEN53.87$ 114.21$ 123.52$ 122.61$ 121.53$ 125.31$ 130.51$ 75.38$ 82.98$ 82.98$ 73.18$ 74.07$ 93.74$ 116.96$ 118.40$ 146.05$

SCHOOL PENSION DEBT -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1.52$ -$ 56.17$ 112.19$ 115.60$ 135.41$ 135.36$ 125.98$ 129.61$




-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 73.03$ 80.31$ 104.81$ 127.17$

PARK & RECREATION 51.31$ 56.14$ 59.13$ 63.49$ 66.89$ 71.79$ 84.73$ 99.21$ 108.00$ 110.04$ 108.93$ 104.31$ 115.10$ 119.99$ 116.88$ 120.76$


GEN43.42$ 36.61$ 55.26$ 57.07$ 58.87$ 72.72$ 73.93$ 81.12$ 80.26$ 80.11$ 88.87$ 98.87$ 100.97$ 113.18$ 125.06$ 118.14$

BUS REPLACEMENT -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 58.21$ 74.96$ 90.69$ 93.52$ 85.15$ 87.70$ 94.85$ 110.14$ 97.11$ 113.24$

POLICE PENSION 56.77$ 60.78$ 64.45$ 66.75$ 65.09$ 71.88$ 67.45$ 71.30$ 61.21$ 67.76$ 74.77$ 86.40$ 92.60$ 86.52$ 93.27$ 98.35$


TRANS GEN74.39$ 97.22$ 89.88$ 92.58$ 79.67$ 81.81$ 92.26$ 79.92$ 82.19$ 82.41$ 72.37$ 71.63$ 76.97$ 80.04$ 90.58$ 97.12$

FIRE PENSION 57.51$ 62.93$ 64.50$ 70.40$ 64.17$ 68.97$ 66.52$ 69.47$ 62.12$ 67.76$ 73.42$ 89.95$ 91.12$ 85.43$ 90.34$ 96.65$

SPECL CONSL CO GENERAL 44.22$ 49.38$ 58.48$ 59.04$ 60.75$ 65.42$ 86.53$ 72.67$ 69.13$ 76.45$ 70.44$ 76.72$ 78.66$ 82.27$ 84.58$ 89.60$


DEVELOPMENT57.17$ 70.66$ 62.67$ 67.30$ 69.70$ 71.38$ 74.36$ 76.35$ 80.74$ 79.20$ 76.56$ 79.75$ 84.13$ 87.44$ 80.07$ 78.87$

LOCAL ROAD & STREET 74.22$ 103.64$ 110.53$ 145.14$ 120.77$ 198.70$ 142.64$ 86.00$ 80.52$ 80.99$ 77.92$ 86.81$ 81.14$ 79.25$ 72.20$ 72.68$

TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE 37.36$ 39.01$ 39.67$ 40.88$ 39.19$ 39.41$ 41.85$ 46.88$ 45.59$ 46.24$ 49.78$ 49.52$ 52.44$ 54.84$ 56.09$ 60.79$

CASINO/RIVERBOAT -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.16$ 0.38$ 2.26$ 3.49$ 13.72$ 34.05$ 58.87$

CUMULATIVE BRIDGE 49.96$ 56.58$ 60.01$ 62.68$ 65.24$ 65.85$ 68.15$ 71.58$ 71.23$ 65.54$ 61.41$ 60.05$ 64.02$ 67.70$ 59.42$ 58.58$

HEALTH 27.79$ 30.47$ 30.99$ 32.38$ 34.86$ 35.62$ 41.21$ 41.06$ 43.54$ 44.04$ 45.45$ 46.01$ 49.00$ 50.65$ 53.23$ 52.87$


CONSTRUCTION62.56$ 62.51$ 52.14$ 110.39$ 119.60$ 59.98$ 80.14$ 188.14$ 250.56$ 242.53$ 223.35$ 391.73$ 657.68$ 409.47$ 141.74$ 49.60$

PARK 39.52$ 42.92$ 45.10$ 47.09$ 50.32$ 51.02$ 43.50$ 41.20$ 39.24$ 40.80$ 39.04$ 41.25$ 45.57$ 47.67$ 46.09$ 44.89$

Appendix C: Local Government Revenue 1995 - 2010, by Fund(in millions of dollars)

Note: Amounts less than $5,000 are displayed as $0.00 due to rounding. Revenues that are equal to zero are displayed as $ -.

Page 37: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

Fund Name 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Appendix C: Local Government Revenue 1995 - 2010, by Fund(in millions of dollars)


TERRITORY GENERAL-$ -$ -$ 2.98$ 2.81$ 2.57$ 3.28$ 6.56$ 6.41$ 7.97$ 26.17$ 25.67$ 38.22$ 21.88$ 36.50$ 43.74$


MANAGEMENT36.08$ 39.10$ 39.22$ 43.01$ 46.46$ 46.95$ 42.15$ 41.49$ 39.42$ 39.28$ 46.15$ 42.23$ 43.76$ 44.78$ 46.42$ 43.23$


GEN19.98$ 20.73$ 21.73$ 22.86$ 25.95$ 27.48$ 28.27$ 29.44$ 30.52$ 32.32$ 32.66$ 32.38$ 37.06$ 37.54$ 38.50$ 38.10$

SPECL SANITARY GENERAL 24.22$ 25.24$ 26.66$ 28.08$ 28.43$ 29.86$ 32.26$ 33.92$ 36.03$ 36.90$ 37.56$ 37.37$ 39.35$ 38.99$ 36.62$ 36.56$


PENSION24.23$ 25.39$ 26.61$ 28.64$ 27.25$ 28.56$ 29.52$ 33.26$ 28.82$ 28.97$ 37.73$ 45.34$ 47.17$ 46.94$ 47.02$ 31.46$


PENSION20.92$ 22.02$ 22.49$ 23.36$ 23.03$ 23.45$ 24.57$ 28.58$ 23.52$ 22.85$ 29.60$ 36.92$ 36.13$ 49.21$ 37.25$ 30.78$


GENERAL19.71$ 21.06$ 20.84$ 22.05$ 21.10$ 21.84$ 23.70$ 23.59$ 25.65$ 25.01$ 25.78$ 25.30$ 24.98$ 31.32$ 27.76$ 27.05$

LEASE RENTAL PAYMENT 19.72$ 21.03$ 22.79$ 22.05$ 20.77$ 22.48$ 26.18$ 29.29$ 29.09$ 30.18$ 32.35$ 38.41$ 37.00$ 35.84$ 28.86$ 26.98$

SPECL FIRE GENERAL 5.97$ 6.43$ 7.14$ 7.86$ 8.49$ 9.47$ 10.30$ 11.92$ 12.44$ 14.59$ 16.24$ 17.14$ 20.30$ 24.20$ 23.34$ 25.19$

2006 REASSESSMENT -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 22.54$ 22.61$ 22.97$ 22.98$ 21.11$ 23.27$ 25.08$ 25.35$ 24.44$


EXEMPT OPERATING-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2.77$ 7.86$ 10.17$ 13.45$ 14.35$ 12.76$ 13.47$ 19.98$

JAIL LEASE RENTAL 11.62$ 11.99$ 13.36$ 11.79$ 12.62$ 12.11$ 13.57$ 16.21$ 16.00$ 14.97$ 14.53$ 16.56$ 17.68$ 17.06$ 16.69$ 17.75$


EXEMPT CAPITAL-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1.61$ 16.95$


TAX CEDIT18.07$ 21.79$ 25.99$ 26.94$ 40.50$ 71.37$ 2.29$ 0.70$ 0.12$ 9.28$ 17.88$ 27.33$ 27.14$ 21.51$ 17.65$ 16.90$

AVIATION/AIRPORT 8.30$ 8.67$ 13.12$ 9.68$ 10.13$ 11.71$ 10.40$ 10.25$ 11.38$ 10.90$ 11.85$ 10.58$ 10.83$ 9.93$ 16.70$ 15.96$

LOCAL INCOME TAX 13.03$ 19.03$ 19.57$ 32.73$ 19.22$ 23.01$ 23.61$ 31.76$ 20.46$ 15.64$ 12.93$ 18.15$ 18.28$ 15.67$ 16.97$ 15.69$


SERVICES - FIRE9.36$ 9.42$ 9.84$ 10.69$ 12.43$ 12.77$ 14.19$ 14.93$ 13.55$ 14.84$ 16.38$ 15.16$ 15.10$ 14.37$ 15.04$ 15.68$


CUMUL1.15$ 0.85$ 1.38$ 0.91$ 1.51$ 1.38$ 2.98$ 4.29$ 3.13$ 1.96$ 6.31$ 6.00$ 16.29$ 16.49$ 5.24$ 15.13$

BOND #2 6.05$ 8.08$ 7.95$ 8.16$ 8.97$ 10.09$ 11.94$ 14.80$ 15.18$ 15.62$ 15.93$ 14.44$ 14.49$ 13.41$ 10.36$ 14.81$


(Township)11.44$ 12.30$ 12.91$ 13.86$ 14.57$ 14.91$ 16.26$ 18.90$ 20.22$ 20.49$ 20.53$ 20.24$ 18.86$ 18.50$ 15.70$ 14.64$


DEBT0.39$ 0.44$ 0.57$ 11.64$ 13.06$ 11.80$ 24.55$ 12.31$ 16.22$ 15.58$ 16.78$ 15.17$ 22.94$ 19.74$ 17.40$ 14.50$


DEVELOPMENT18.48$ 13.01$ 13.51$ 13.85$ 13.64$ 13.59$ 13.96$ 14.07$ 14.93$ 15.58$ 15.35$ 15.60$ 16.54$ 16.51$ 13.85$ 13.00$




-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 12.66$ 12.59$

COUNTY MAJOR BRIDGE 3.81$ 4.38$ 4.54$ 6.03$ 8.32$ 8.60$ 8.88$ 9.31$ 10.33$ 10.04$ 10.13$ 10.48$ 10.92$ 11.57$ 13.52$ 12.00$




-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 11.91$ 11.91$

DEBT PAYMENT 0.96$ 1.61$ 2.01$ 2.42$ 2.28$ 3.20$ 2.12$ 1.95$ 3.04$ 3.63$ 6.12$ 7.23$ 9.42$ 9.77$ 11.02$ 11.38$

EMERGENCY FIRE LOAN -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.05$ 1.21$ 6.65$ 3.96$ 5.38$ 7.22$ 7.70$ 11.16$


(LIQUID) DEBT15.88$ 16.56$ 15.88$ 13.65$ 31.34$ 14.18$ 28.17$ 7.69$ 8.47$ 8.20$ 8.20$ 8.62$ 8.62$ 8.60$ 10.45$ 11.05$

RECREATION 6.82$ 7.65$ 9.42$ 7.81$ 8.86$ 9.34$ 9.54$ 11.61$ 10.42$ 10.86$ 8.53$ 10.53$ 11.97$ 12.12$ 11.53$ 10.92$

Note: Amounts less than $5,000 are displayed as $0.00 due to rounding. Revenues that are equal to zero are displayed as $ -.

Page 38: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

Fund Name 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Appendix C: Local Government Revenue 1995 - 2010, by Fund(in millions of dollars)


(CIG TAX)9.66$ 10.33$ 12.63$ 12.93$ 11.51$ 11.62$ 10.98$ 11.24$ 11.30$ 11.06$ 10.63$ 9.82$ 12.87$ 13.67$ 12.39$ 10.62$


SERVICE20.53$ 20.54$ 16.85$ 17.88$ 16.60$ 17.40$ 16.30$ 16.10$ 16.97$ 16.51$ 15.93$ 19.69$ 20.41$ 23.06$ 10.88$ 10.59$

PARK BOND 10.23$ 10.56$ 12.44$ 11.16$ 12.20$ 15.41$ 12.44$ 13.35$ 12.00$ 16.93$ 14.28$ 15.28$ 18.33$ 17.88$ 9.62$ 10.18$


SERVICE1.70$ 1.61$ 1.58$ 1.59$ 1.23$ 1.27$ 0.91$ 0.42$ 0.49$ 0.39$ 0.44$ 0.42$ 10.14$ 12.88$ 9.04$ 9.48$


PROJECTS2.62$ 3.52$ 3.53$ 4.96$ 4.51$ 5.59$ 6.67$ 8.14$ 8.07$ 8.06$ 7.97$ 9.09$ 11.78$ 12.12$ 12.02$ 9.03$




-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 8.52$ 8.50$

RAINY DAY -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.09$ 0.14$ 0.21$ 0.17$ 0.45$ 0.56$ 9.01$ 8.44$


BLDG0.62$ 0.54$ 0.55$ 0.56$ 0.59$ 0.62$ 1.41$ 1.50$ 1.70$ 1.66$ 2.68$ 2.84$ 3.18$ 8.62$ 8.49$ 8.34$


PAYMENT0.34$ 1.50$ 1.81$ 1.95$ 3.20$ 4.53$ 4.44$ 5.48$ 2.06$ 4.75$ 7.91$ 7.75$ 8.83$ 9.56$ 8.16$ 7.87$


FUND (WAYNE CO ONLY)-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 7.46$ 7.71$ 7.30$

SANITATION 3.27$ 3.35$ 3.76$ 3.76$ 3.47$ 3.44$ 3.49$ 3.54$ 4.50$ 4.93$ 4.33$ 4.78$ 4.60$ 5.91$ 6.70$ 7.13$

JAIL BOND 4.44$ 6.98$ 6.36$ 8.28$ 8.45$ 8.00$ 8.80$ 8.71$ 8.55$ 6.10$ 6.59$ 8.06$ 8.48$ 9.19$ 8.91$ 7.00$

RACIAL BALANCE FUND 4.70$ 5.09$ 5.11$ 5.19$ 5.30$ 5.32$ 5.53$ 5.76$ 7.69$ 7.49$ 7.52$ 7.38$ 7.89$ 8.11$ 7.08$ 6.91$


THR DEBT5.92$ 7.74$ 7.47$ 7.41$ 7.16$ 8.23$ 18.44$ 8.81$ 8.13$ 9.86$ 9.82$ 9.51$ 9.30$ 6.44$ 6.32$ 6.83$

FIRE BUILDING DEBT 1.31$ 0.69$ 1.41$ 1.37$ 2.45$ 2.64$ 4.21$ 4.60$ 5.64$ 4.91$ 8.24$ 6.81$ 9.33$ 7.69$ 9.00$ 6.76$




3.03$ 3.12$ 3.24$ 3.39$ 3.45$ 3.51$ 3.87$ 8.53$ 8.84$ 7.82$ 8.93$ 9.05$ 9.13$ 5.67$ 8.29$ 6.60$

PROPERTY MAINTENANCE 47.82$ 37.92$ 29.06$ 27.83$ 28.49$ 27.28$ 2.75$ 3.01$ 3.87$ 4.93$ 4.26$ 4.59$ 5.33$ 5.71$ 6.40$ 5.67$




-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.26$ 0.56$ 0.98$ 1.55$ 1.61$ 2.62$ 3.28$ 3.39$ 5.23$

CEMETERY 4.57$ 4.91$ 5.14$ 5.42$ 5.72$ 5.57$ 6.05$ 5.20$ 5.10$ 5.41$ 4.96$ 4.60$ 4.87$ 5.00$ 4.64$ 5.16$


GENERAL0.90$ 0.82$ 1.59$ 1.80$ 1.13$ 2.65$ 0.68$ 0.78$ 0.79$ 0.97$ 0.97$ 2.06$ 2.56$ 3.65$ 7.99$ 4.83$

POLICE 0.01$ 0.02$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ -$ 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 4.67$


CIRCUIT BREAKERS-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 4.65$ 4.61$


DIST/SUPPL4.63$ 4.15$ 4.32$ 4.53$ 4.49$ 4.91$ 4.89$ 4.73$ 4.59$ 4.67$ 4.54$ 4.81$ 4.30$ 5.08$ 4.57$ 4.58$

HIGHWAY SPECIAL 1.00$ 3.00$ 6.00$ 7.00$ 7.00$ 9.00$ 9.00$ 12.00$ 8.00$ 7.52$ 7.52$ 4.52$ 7.10$ 6.92$ 4.54$ 4.54$


RESERVE2.40$ 3.50$ 3.87$ 4.76$ 5.33$ 5.67$ 5.58$ 6.39$ 5.26$ 5.07$ 5.68$ 5.40$ 5.84$ 6.63$ 5.05$ 4.54$

FIRE EQUIPMENT DEBT 6.25$ 7.47$ 6.24$ 7.26$ 7.13$ 7.12$ 6.32$ 6.51$ 6.64$ 6.91$ 6.41$ 5.61$ 7.91$ 5.86$ 5.31$ 4.49$




-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 4.35$ 4.35$

CUMULATIVE FIRE SPECIAL 1.92$ 1.98$ 2.47$ 2.76$ 2.87$ 3.10$ 3.33$ 4.58$ 5.62$ 4.78$ 4.55$ 5.18$ 5.45$ 6.08$ 4.95$ 4.22$


GEN18.78$ 1.81$ 1.95$ 2.14$ 2.58$ 1.41$ 1.34$ 1.58$ 1.49$ 1.57$ 2.78$ 2.34$ 3.61$ 2.31$ 5.29$ 3.80$

Note: Amounts less than $5,000 are displayed as $0.00 due to rounding. Revenues that are equal to zero are displayed as $ -.

Page 39: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

Fund Name 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Appendix C: Local Government Revenue 1995 - 2010, by Fund(in millions of dollars)


DEBT2.86$ 2.77$ 2.24$ 2.27$ 2.41$ 2.30$ 4.72$ 4.21$ 4.86$ 4.71$ 4.62$ 4.84$ 4.31$ 4.03$ 3.93$ 3.76$

STREET BOND 0.58$ 0.58$ 0.48$ 0.46$ 0.12$ 0.04$ 0.72$ 0.83$ 0.79$ 0.48$ 0.58$ 1.09$ 1.15$ 1.20$ 1.22$ 3.65$


HOUSE1.81$ 2.08$ 2.93$ 3.03$ 3.33$ 3.50$ 3.40$ 3.44$ 4.16$ 3.57$ 3.90$ 3.68$ 3.97$ 4.03$ 3.51$ 3.59$


(RATE)2.81$ 3.39$ 3.65$ 3.08$ 3.32$ 2.42$ 2.61$ 2.16$ 3.13$ 2.63$ 2.91$ 2.92$ 3.51$ 3.79$ 3.43$ 3.56$


DEBT2.30$ 2.49$ 2.36$ 2.52$ 1.77$ 1.77$ 3.76$ 1.87$ 1.90$ 1.90$ 1.02$ 1.04$ 4.25$ 3.23$ 3.37$ 3.37$

SELF INSURANCE 4.72$ 4.12$ 4.37$ 4.27$ 0.90$ 1.40$ 0.98$ 1.02$ 1.35$ 1.90$ 2.29$ 2.48$ 2.68$ 2.80$ 2.93$ 3.00$

SPECL SANITARY REFUSE 5.68$ 1.31$ 1.43$ 1.54$ 1.86$ 2.03$ 1.31$ 2.30$ 2.02$ 2.08$ 1.63$ 2.91$ 2.91$ 2.91$ 2.91$ 2.91$

PARKING METER 0.58$ 0.66$ 0.73$ 0.81$ 0.68$ 1.11$ 1.29$ 1.03$ 0.96$ 1.91$ 2.16$ 1.98$ 2.18$ 2.46$ 2.36$ 2.82$

COURT HOUSE BOND 3.14$ 3.39$ 2.31$ 1.66$ 1.77$ 1.81$ 3.65$ 2.91$ 2.21$ 3.22$ 3.28$ 2.61$ 2.29$ 3.20$ 2.93$ 2.78$


GENERAL42.95$ 46.46$ 45.16$ 49.27$ 46.65$ 48.89$ 52.97$ 54.16$ 55.12$ 50.11$ 59.79$ 54.33$ 14.06$ 15.41$ 2.01$ 2.73$

MEDICAL CENTER 1.41$ 1.41$ 1.67$ 1.68$ 1.70$ 1.85$ 1.89$ 1.92$ 1.63$ 1.89$ 2.02$ 1.99$ 2.13$ 2.13$ 2.73$ 2.73$


SERVICE4.44$ 1.54$ 1.43$ 1.42$ 2.16$ 1.92$ 1.89$ 1.94$ 3.53$ 2.55$ 2.21$ 2.24$ 2.30$ 2.34$ 3.52$ 2.66$


CIVIL-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1.23$ 1.11$ 1.39$ 1.53$ 2.31$ 2.29$ 2.54$ 2.60$

REDEVELOPMENT BOND 2.72$ 2.34$ 4.76$ 2.63$ 2.46$ 3.68$ 3.75$ 2.67$ 3.14$ 3.20$ 3.23$ 6.11$ 7.31$ 15.03$ 8.02$ 2.53$

COMMUNICATIONS CENTER 0.76$ 0.95$ 0.88$ 1.25$ 1.44$ 1.51$ 1.51$ 1.73$ 1.82$ 1.89$ 1.91$ 2.05$ 2.41$ 2.10$ 2.44$ 2.53$


EDUCATION21.63$ 31.28$ 48.45$ 25.36$ 27.80$ 27.78$ 30.05$ 31.69$ 34.64$ 34.93$ 39.77$ 38.74$ 38.40$ 38.79$ 38.78$ 2.52$

PARK BOND #2 -$ -$ -$ 0.31$ 0.15$ 0.56$ 0.85$ 0.59$ 0.69$ 0.66$ 1.20$ 1.15$ 2.78$ 3.39$ 1.95$ 2.50$

LANDFILL 1.67$ 1.62$ 1.92$ 2.06$ 2.70$ 1.85$ 1.42$ 1.51$ 1.50$ 1.78$ 2.06$ 2.06$ 1.92$ 2.18$ 4.82$ 2.47$

HEALTH INSURANCE 1.07$ 0.80$ 0.18$ 1.23$ 1.85$ 2.44$ 2.48$ 3.05$ 2.35$ 2.63$ 2.93$ 3.32$ 1.80$ 1.98$ 2.51$ 2.40$

DRAIN IMPROVEMENT 0.62$ 0.56$ 0.92$ 1.23$ 1.95$ 1.85$ 2.07$ 2.15$ 2.03$ 2.39$ 1.67$ 2.37$ 2.51$ 2.50$ 2.34$ 2.37$

CUMULATIVE SEWER 2.39$ 2.77$ 2.70$ 2.94$ 2.85$ 2.81$ 2.89$ 2.92$ 3.69$ 3.48$ 3.45$ 3.41$ 4.12$ 4.07$ 3.39$ 2.36$

THOROUGHFARE 1.39$ 1.65$ 1.85$ 2.03$ 2.27$ 2.03$ 2.24$ 2.20$ 1.71$ 1.04$ 1.54$ 1.09$ 1.16$ 4.06$ 1.13$ 2.31$


RENTAL1.75$ 1.55$ 1.58$ 2.39$ 2.40$ 2.26$ 1.85$ 1.95$ 2.09$ 1.85$ 3.50$ 2.94$ 3.11$ 2.95$ 2.10$ 2.30$


GENERAL0.67$ 0.74$ 0.71$ 0.80$ 0.93$ 0.96$ 0.91$ 0.98$ 0.98$ 1.01$ 1.02$ 1.04$ 2.24$ 2.46$ 2.30$ 2.30$


PROJECTS0.11$ 0.65$ 0.21$ 0.39$ 4.23$ 0.94$ 1.55$ 1.75$ 0.32$ 0.36$ 0.15$ 0.07$ 1.39$ 2.35$ 3.11$ 2.30$

LEVEE AUTHORITY 0.84$ 0.85$ 0.89$ 0.80$ 0.90$ 1.05$ 0.92$ 0.73$ 1.12$ 0.84$ 1.23$ 1.42$ 1.80$ 1.87$ 2.44$ 2.29$


BOND0.27$ 0.35$ 0.24$ 0.29$ 0.30$ 0.30$ 0.24$ 0.29$ 0.33$ 2.36$ 2.07$ 0.36$ 3.49$ 2.88$ 1.88$ 2.24$

MENTAL HEALTH 2.00$ 2.41$ 2.63$ 2.47$ 2.36$ 2.32$ 2.37$ 2.33$ 3.33$ 2.61$ 2.29$ 2.15$ 2.10$ 2.18$ 2.26$ 2.21$

THOROUGHFARE BOND 0.05$ 0.48$ 0.44$ 0.46$ 0.46$ 0.08$ 0.07$ 0.54$ 0.82$ 1.48$ 2.04$ 2.07$ 2.10$ 2.09$ 2.68$ 2.18$

Note: Amounts less than $5,000 are displayed as $0.00 due to rounding. Revenues that are equal to zero are displayed as $ -.

Page 40: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

Fund Name 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Appendix C: Local Government Revenue 1995 - 2010, by Fund(in millions of dollars)


CAPITAL DEVEL-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1.45$ 2.26$ -$ 2.18$

CIVIC CENTER 1.03$ 1.34$ 1.35$ 1.15$ 1.38$ 1.28$ 1.57$ 2.37$ 1.51$ 3.01$ 2.26$ 2.29$ 2.48$ 1.40$ 2.20$ 2.07$


AND CHILDREN252.59$ 277.40$ 285.10$ 261.71$ 306.42$ 324.48$ 318.43$ 348.41$ 391.84$ 382.26$ 399.29$ 471.63$ 524.37$ 514.38$ 2.06$ 2.06$




-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2.08$ 1.89$


DEBT2.46$ 2.06$ 2.27$ 2.12$ 1.57$ 1.37$ 1.31$ 1.31$ 2.41$ 3.24$ 2.68$ 2.87$ 3.20$ 2.98$ 1.80$ 1.79$

AIRPORT AUTHORITY 3.01$ 2.90$ 0.08$ 0.10$ 0.11$ 0.10$ 0.11$ 0.11$ 0.10$ 1.06$ 1.08$ 1.34$ 1.68$ 2.08$ 1.81$ 1.74$




-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1.59$ 1.73$

BOND-GENERAL SINKING 1.45$ 1.17$ 1.40$ 1.68$ 1.74$ 1.64$ 2.07$ 1.98$ 2.21$ 2.37$ 2.33$ 1.54$ 1.51$ 1.60$ 1.65$ 1.72$

SPECL FIRE DEBT 0.33$ 0.26$ 0.27$ 0.57$ 0.79$ 0.74$ 1.27$ 1.22$ 1.01$ 1.79$ 1.67$ 1.27$ 1.59$ 1.59$ 1.61$ 1.47$

STORM SEWER 0.53$ 0.69$ 0.63$ 0.57$ 0.74$ 0.54$ 0.42$ 0.50$ 1.58$ 1.76$ 1.51$ 1.55$ 1.54$ 1.98$ 1.57$ 1.46$

ELECTION/REGISTRATION 0.56$ 0.79$ 0.33$ 0.91$ 0.85$ 1.22$ 0.56$ 0.84$ 0.83$ 1.51$ 0.88$ 1.25$ 1.22$ 1.81$ 0.83$ 1.41$

STORM SEWER BOND 0.53$ 0.66$ 1.00$ 0.77$ 0.44$ 0.63$ 0.62$ 0.98$ 1.00$ 1.01$ 1.63$ 1.61$ 1.46$ 1.56$ 0.70$ 1.37$


FROM CIRCUIT BREAKERS-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1.28$ 1.28$


FROM CIRCUIT BREAKERS-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1.26$ 1.26$


BUREAU2.02$ 2.19$ 2.14$ 2.49$ 2.15$ 3.35$ 1.97$ 2.25$ 2.39$ 1.97$ 2.09$ 2.28$ 1.97$ 2.37$ 1.18$ 1.26$




-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1.25$ 1.25$

BOND #3 -$ -$ -$ 0.12$ 0.33$ 1.04$ 0.50$ 1.47$ 2.19$ 1.94$ 2.76$ 2.37$ 2.81$ 3.11$ 1.31$ 1.24$


CUM BLDG4.89$ 6.77$ 6.12$ 13.73$ 2.95$ 1.79$ 2.84$ 0.19$ 0.25$ 0.66$ 20.74$ 21.87$ 2.09$ 3.88$ 3.84$ 1.24$

CUMULATIVE JAIL 1.72$ 1.31$ 1.44$ 1.42$ 1.35$ 1.09$ 1.20$ 1.74$ 1.78$ 1.77$ 2.10$ 1.60$ 1.15$ 1.66$ 1.26$ 1.04$

COUNTY 4-H 0.24$ 0.25$ 0.28$ 0.30$ 0.32$ 0.32$ 0.33$ 0.34$ 0.34$ 0.36$ 0.31$ 0.50$ 1.04$ 1.00$ 1.02$ 1.02$




-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.78$ 0.85$ 0.94$ 0.98$ 0.97$

BOND #5 -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.19$ 0.49$ 0.48$ 0.50$ 0.54$ 0.50$ 0.45$ 1.37$ 0.95$

YOUTH CENTER 2.15$ 2.88$ 2.91$ 2.98$ 0.48$ 0.49$ 0.56$ 0.54$ 0.53$ 0.57$ 0.56$ 0.57$ 0.70$ 0.49$ 0.74$ 0.91$

CUMULATIVE HOSPITAL 1.75$ 1.80$ 1.49$ 1.39$ 1.24$ 1.09$ 0.70$ 0.74$ 0.75$ 0.76$ 0.77$ 0.80$ 0.96$ 1.05$ 0.90$ 0.91$


CUMULATIVE BLDG0.66$ 0.75$ 0.76$ 0.73$ 0.73$ 0.71$ 0.73$ 0.82$ 1.03$ 0.95$ 0.97$ 1.03$ 1.06$ 1.05$ 0.94$ 0.89$

TRANSPORTATION BOND -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.09$ 0.36$ 0.49$ 0.43$ 0.43$ 0.60$ 0.59$ 0.67$ 0.80$ 0.88$ 0.86$

BOND #4 -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.52$ 0.57$ 1.00$ 0.97$ 0.96$ 0.86$ 0.99$ 0.88$ 1.03$ 1.03$ 0.83$


GENERAL0.65$ 0.63$ 0.67$ 0.69$ 0.85$ 0.71$ 0.72$ 0.67$ 0.71$ 0.74$ 0.78$ 0.74$ 0.79$ 0.80$ 0.81$ 0.81$


RECREATION0.22$ 0.24$ 0.31$ 0.63$ 1.27$ 1.24$ 0.86$ 0.83$ 0.85$ 0.79$ 0.85$ 0.85$ 0.87$ 0.90$ 0.81$ 0.80$

Note: Amounts less than $5,000 are displayed as $0.00 due to rounding. Revenues that are equal to zero are displayed as $ -.

Page 41: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

Fund Name 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Appendix C: Local Government Revenue 1995 - 2010, by Fund(in millions of dollars)

SPECL CUM FIRE -$ 0.09$ -$ -$ 0.04$ -$ 0.06$ 0.20$ 0.23$ 0.24$ 0.24$ 0.25$ 0.26$ 0.54$ 0.45$ 0.79$

COUNTY WELFARE LOAN 4.04$ 0.54$ 0.26$ 4.57$ 3.47$ -$ 12.67$ 10.34$ 9.58$ -$ 1.42$ 2.29$ 0.67$ 0.70$ 3.43$ 0.77$


BUILDING/SERVICES0.54$ 0.52$ 0.67$ 0.70$ 1.36$ 1.27$ 1.30$ 1.33$ 1.32$ 0.83$ 0.78$ 0.98$ 1.00$ 1.00$ 0.95$ 0.76$

FIRE EQUIPMENT BOND 0.25$ 0.24$ 0.27$ 0.25$ 0.23$ 0.22$ 0.14$ 0.22$ 0.27$ 0.25$ 0.36$ 0.70$ 0.58$ 1.04$ 0.67$ 0.75$

CRIME CONTROL 0.03$ 0.03$ -$ -$ 0.48$ 0.51$ -$ 1.04$ 0.62$ 0.54$ 0.51$ 0.43$ 0.69$ 0.66$ 0.89$ 0.74$


MANAGEMENT-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1.05$ 1.04$ -$ 0.44$ 0.84$ 0.86$ 0.86$ 0.82$ 0.73$

COUNTY WHEEL TAX -$ 0.07$ 0.07$ 0.07$ 0.66$ 0.58$ 0.58$ 0.56$ 0.58$ 0.61$ 0.65$ 0.60$ 0.62$ 0.89$ 0.61$ 0.73$

INSURANCE 0.76$ 0.52$ 0.34$ 0.57$ 0.63$ 0.48$ 0.10$ 0.16$ 0.82$ 0.49$ 0.67$ 0.54$ 0.63$ 0.52$ 0.67$ 0.70$

ART INSTITUTE 0.39$ 0.41$ 0.41$ 0.43$ 0.47$ 0.47$ 0.48$ 0.50$ 0.63$ 0.57$ 0.62$ 0.65$ 0.69$ 0.74$ 0.75$ 0.67$

SEWER BOND 0.59$ 0.76$ 1.32$ 1.29$ 1.22$ 1.15$ 1.24$ 5.09$ 2.07$ 1.96$ 1.85$ 2.34$ 2.10$ 1.26$ 1.19$ 0.66$

UTILITIES 0.33$ 0.43$ 0.44$ 0.41$ 0.59$ 0.40$ 0.63$ 0.49$ 0.40$ 0.55$ 0.58$ 0.57$ 0.53$ 0.60$ 0.54$ 0.65$

CUMULATIVE DRAINAGE 0.41$ 0.31$ 0.57$ 0.62$ 0.64$ 0.63$ 0.67$ 0.68$ 0.73$ 0.77$ 0.77$ 0.70$ 0.77$ 0.79$ 0.67$ 0.64$

RETARDATION CLINIC 0.43$ 0.45$ 0.47$ 0.53$ 0.56$ 0.46$ 0.48$ 0.50$ 0.56$ 0.51$ 0.56$ 0.56$ 0.59$ 0.61$ 0.59$ 0.58$

HOSPITAL LEASE RENTAL 1.30$ 2.49$ 2.26$ 2.24$ 1.87$ 1.86$ 1.72$ 1.40$ 1.42$ 1.36$ 0.62$ 0.62$ 0.64$ 0.58$ 0.68$ 0.58$


PENSION0.21$ 0.30$ 0.28$ 0.27$ 0.36$ 0.41$ 0.41$ 0.43$ 0.23$ 0.46$ 0.48$ 0.50$ 0.44$ 0.44$ 0.47$ 0.56$


CIRCUIT BREAKERS-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.77$ 0.55$

2010 REASSESSMENT -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.49$




-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.49$ 0.49$


EQUIP0.01$ -$ -$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.00$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.00$ 0.30$ 0.43$ 0.45$ 0.45$

HISTORICAL SOCIETY 0.24$ 0.25$ 0.26$ 0.27$ 0.28$ 0.29$ 0.29$ 0.30$ 0.46$ 0.30$ 0.30$ 0.31$ 0.39$ 0.42$ 0.37$ 0.42$

RAUSH MEMORIAL CENTER 0.36$ 0.35$ 0.34$ 0.37$ 0.39$ 0.38$ 0.38$ 0.39$ 0.39$ 0.40$ 0.45$ 0.42$ 0.42$ 0.41$ 0.42$ 0.41$


BUILDING0.51$ 0.69$ 0.71$ 0.74$ 2.77$ 1.29$ 0.66$ 0.86$ 0.85$ 0.90$ 1.01$ 0.98$ 1.40$ 1.30$ 1.03$ 0.41$


MAINTENANCE0.13$ 0.15$ 0.15$ 0.16$ 0.16$ 0.20$ 0.26$ 0.25$ 0.34$ 0.31$ 0.36$ 0.37$ 0.38$ 0.40$ 0.41$ 0.39$

ANIMAL SHELTER 0.34$ 0.33$ 0.28$ 0.23$ 0.29$ 0.23$ 0.32$ 0.30$ 0.34$ 0.31$ 0.33$ 0.39$ 0.36$ 0.41$ 0.41$ 0.38$


COUNTIES-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 4.80$ 4.21$ 2.33$ 0.38$


REPLACEMENT-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 16.63$ 17.90$ 14.39$ 15.19$ 15.71$ 18.22$ 11.42$ 0.37$




-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.37$ 0.37$

HOSPITAL BOND 2.70$ 0.80$ 0.53$ 0.42$ 0.14$ 0.12$ -$ -$ -$ 0.41$ 0.34$ 0.39$ 0.50$ 0.46$ 0.39$ 0.36$




-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.14$ 0.19$ 0.23$ 0.25$ 0.25$ 0.34$ 0.36$ 0.36$ 0.36$

Note: Amounts less than $5,000 are displayed as $0.00 due to rounding. Revenues that are equal to zero are displayed as $ -.

Page 42: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

Fund Name 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Appendix C: Local Government Revenue 1995 - 2010, by Fund(in millions of dollars)

PLAN COMMISSION 0.28$ 0.28$ 0.42$ 0.34$ 0.33$ 0.33$ 0.63$ 0.32$ 0.25$ 0.52$ 0.36$ 0.37$ 0.53$ 0.39$ 0.26$ 0.35$

GOLF COURSE 2.48$ 1.68$ 1.73$ 2.23$ 2.22$ 2.19$ 1.75$ 0.58$ 0.44$ 0.20$ 0.49$ 0.43$ 0.35$ 0.35$ 0.34$ 0.34$


SYSTEM0.70$ 3.69$ 3.23$ 4.42$ 3.75$ 3.82$ 5.07$ 1.56$ 0.63$ 0.74$ 0.62$ 0.49$ 0.65$ 0.58$ 0.79$ 0.34$

PLANNING 0.10$ 0.13$ 0.12$ 0.11$ 0.18$ 0.18$ 0.19$ 0.18$ 0.16$ 0.18$ 0.16$ 0.12$ 0.20$ 0.21$ 0.29$ 0.33$




-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.44$ 0.30$

CUMULATIVE BUILDING 0.15$ 0.15$ 0.27$ 0.29$ 0.30$ 0.30$ 0.74$ 0.75$ 0.83$ 0.61$ 0.57$ 0.55$ 0.57$ 0.61$ 0.55$ 0.30$


DEBT SERVICE-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.22$ 0.21$ 0.42$ 0.15$ 0.30$


FROM CIRCUIT BREAKERS-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.27$ 0.27$

REDEVELOPMENT BOND #2 -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.31$ 0.23$ 0.27$ 0.26$ 0.26$ 0.26$ 0.27$ 1.39$ 1.70$ 0.27$


GENERAL0.26$ 0.26$ 0.24$ 0.23$ 0.17$ 0.18$ 0.19$ 0.20$ 0.21$ 0.21$ 0.22$ 0.23$ 0.24$ 0.23$ 0.23$ 0.23$

SWIMMING POOL 0.22$ 0.18$ 0.21$ 0.21$ 0.23$ 0.20$ 0.20$ 0.30$ 0.27$ 0.19$ 0.19$ 0.21$ 0.29$ 0.37$ 0.35$ 0.23$


UNIT)0.11$ 0.11$ 0.12$ 0.17$ 0.18$ 0.14$ 0.16$ 0.18$ 0.16$ 0.16$ 0.20$ 0.21$ 0.18$ 0.18$ 0.18$ 0.19$


EQUIP-$ -$ 0.09$ 0.09$ 0.11$ 0.09$ 0.09$ 0.09$ 0.14$ 0.14$ 0.13$ 0.13$ 0.17$ 0.20$ 0.16$ 0.16$


INDIGENT38.89$ 41.71$ 43.44$ 45.76$ 47.79$ 50.04$ 51.95$ 54.45$ 56.96$ 59.57$ 61.58$ 63.47$ 66.10$ 67.71$ 0.15$ 0.15$

MUSEUM 0.08$ 0.08$ 0.09$ 0.09$ 0.10$ 0.11$ 0.12$ 0.12$ 0.18$ 0.12$ 0.13$ 0.15$ 0.15$ 0.16$ 0.15$ 0.15$

NONREVERTING 0.17$ 0.17$ 0.17$ 0.10$ 0.17$ 0.09$ 0.07$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.30$ 0.22$ 0.31$ 0.20$ 0.23$ 0.15$ 0.15$

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 0.42$ 0.88$ 0.90$ 1.62$ 2.26$ 4.53$ 0.45$ -$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.35$ 0.41$ 2.07$ 2.07$ 0.14$ 0.14$


CAPITAL0.13$ 0.18$ 0.19$ 0.35$ 0.19$ 0.27$ 0.10$ 0.10$ 0.05$ 0.89$ 0.58$ 0.40$ 0.23$ 0.34$ 0.26$ 0.14$


FROM CIRCUIT BREAKERS-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.22$ 0.13$

FLOOD CONTROL BOND -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.11$ 0.09$ 0.10$ 0.10$ 0.05$ 0.09$ 0.11$ 0.08$ -$ 0.13$


BOND0.06$ 1.73$ 1.70$ 1.16$ 0.02$ 0.09$ 0.10$ 0.13$ 0.07$ 0.07$ 0.07$ 0.28$ 0.08$ 0.16$ 0.12$ 0.12$

COMMUNITY SERVICES 0.14$ 0.18$ 0.14$ 0.18$ 0.21$ 0.28$ 0.21$ 0.21$ 0.21$ 0.20$ 0.18$ 0.20$ 0.19$ 0.20$ 0.13$ 0.12$

CIVIL DEFENSE 0.06$ 0.06$ 0.09$ 0.08$ 0.07$ 0.08$ 0.12$ 0.12$ 0.11$ 0.08$ 0.08$ 0.10$ 0.10$ 0.11$ 0.09$ 0.11$

COUNTY FAIR 0.08$ 0.08$ 0.09$ 0.09$ 0.09$ 0.10$ 0.09$ 0.09$ 0.08$ 0.08$ 0.08$ 0.09$ 0.08$ 0.08$ 0.10$ 0.10$


OPERATING0.85$ 0.89$ 1.19$ 0.97$ 0.07$ 0.85$ 0.07$ 0.08$ 0.07$ 0.07$ 0.07$ 0.07$ 0.12$ 0.09$ 0.10$ 0.10$

PARKING GARAGE 0.33$ 0.20$ 0.19$ 0.19$ 0.17$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.12$ 0.10$ 0.10$ 0.16$ 0.10$ 0.08$


STREET-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.08$ 0.08$ 0.09$ 0.09$ 0.08$ 0.08$

FIRE & POLICE EQUIP DEBT 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.54$ 0.62$ 0.40$ 0.63$ 0.50$ 0.44$ -$ -$ -$ 0.03$ 0.08$

CONTINUING EDUCATION 0.52$ 0.26$ 0.17$ 0.07$ 0.10$ 0.06$ 0.07$ 0.05$ 0.04$ 0.05$ 0.05$ 0.07$ 0.07$ 0.07$ 0.07$ 0.07$

Note: Amounts less than $5,000 are displayed as $0.00 due to rounding. Revenues that are equal to zero are displayed as $ -.

Page 43: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

Fund Name 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Appendix C: Local Government Revenue 1995 - 2010, by Fund(in millions of dollars)

REPAIR & REPLACEMENT 0.21$ 0.21$ 0.06$ 0.92$ 0.96$ 0.97$ 0.95$ 0.07$ 0.07$ 0.27$ 0.07$ 0.07$ 0.07$ 0.07$ 0.07$ 0.07$

COUNTY 4-H BUILDING 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.08$ 0.08$ 0.06$ 0.07$ 0.07$ 0.07$ 0.07$

SCHOOL PLAYGROUND -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.04$ 0.04$ 0.05$ 0.05$ 0.01$ 0.04$ 0.05$ 0.04$ 0.07$ 0.06$

WATER 0.13$ 0.11$ 0.11$ 0.12$ 0.11$ 0.08$ 0.10$ 0.10$ 0.11$ 0.13$ 0.11$ 0.12$ 0.14$ 0.16$ 0.05$ 0.05$

BUILDING DEMOLITION 0.04$ 0.01$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.05$ 0.07$ 0.06$ 0.02$ 0.04$ 0.05$ 0.07$ 0.01$ 0.07$ 0.06$ 0.05$

PARK BOARD 0.05$ 0.05$ 0.04$ 0.06$ 0.05$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.02$ 0.03$ 0.04$ 0.04$ 0.05$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.04$

OBLIGATION LOAN -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.11$ 0.06$ 0.08$ 0.08$ 0.08$ 0.07$ 2.67$ 0.04$

SEWER 0.17$ 0.31$ 0.25$ 0.35$ 0.31$ 0.24$ 0.43$ 0.10$ 0.18$ 0.66$ 0.10$ 0.04$ 0.04$ 0.04$ 0.04$ 0.04$


VEHICLE-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.01$ 0.05$ 0.05$ 0.05$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.02$

BAND 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.03$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.03$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.02$


LOAN3.11$ 3.92$ 3.80$ 0.87$ 1.39$ 2.82$ 3.32$ 4.17$ 5.41$ 5.46$ 4.77$ 0.64$ 0.82$ 1.07$ 1.72$ 0.02$

MOSQUITO CONTROL 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.04$ 0.02$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.02$ 0.05$ 0.02$ 0.03$ 0.02$

HYDRANT RENTAL 0.43$ 0.43$ 0.43$ 0.41$ 0.47$ 0.44$ 0.57$ 0.47$ 0.49$ 0.50$ 0.08$ 0.17$ 0.17$ 0.15$ 0.01$ 0.01$


RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 27.14$ 22.81$ 17.14$ 12.61$ 13.76$ 0.01$ 0.01$

COUNTY WELFARE MAW 8.27$ 8.87$ 9.30$ 9.74$ 10.18$ 10.67$ 11.10$ 11.57$ 12.06$ 12.47$ 12.82$ 13.21$ 13.69$ 13.93$ 0.01$ 0.01$


REPORT0.00$ 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$


BUILDING/MAINTENANCE0.02$ 0.02$ 0.01$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.03$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$

COUNTY WELFARE CSHCN 6.06$ 6.23$ 6.39$ 6.53$ 6.70$ 6.85$ 6.97$ 7.05$ 7.34$ 7.65$ 7.72$ 7.88$ 8.11$ 8.35$ 0.01$ 0.01$


CAPITAL0.76$ 0.85$ 0.61$ 0.61$ 0.46$ 0.33$ 0.01$ 0.11$ 0.07$ 0.08$ 0.05$ 0.10$ 0.39$ 0.06$ 0.01$ 0.01$

CONSTRUCTION 0.01$ -$ 0.08$ 0.20$ 0.28$ 0.20$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.01$

FIRE EQUIPMENT 0.06$ 0.05$ 0.06$ 0.23$ 0.31$ 0.05$ 0.05$ 0.14$ 0.10$ 0.11$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$

REGIONAL PLANNING 0.53$ 0.51$ 0.52$ 0.52$ 0.48$ 0.46$ 0.49$ 0.61$ 0.63$ 0.55$ 0.43$ 0.57$ 0.51$ 0.40$ 0.00$ 0.00$

PUBLIC LIGHTING 0.24$ 0.22$ 0.12$ 0.12$ 0.18$ 0.22$ 0.17$ 0.20$ 0.25$ 0.26$ 0.25$ 0.26$ 0.29$ 0.10$ 0.00$ 0.00$

GENERAL IMPROVEMENT 0.00$ 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.67$ 0.05$ 0.01$ 0.00$ 0.01$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$


GENERAL0.01$ 0.05$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.03$ 0.06$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.05$ 0.03$ 0.05$ 0.00$ 0.12$ 0.12$ 0.00$ 0.00$

2007 REASSESSMENT -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.47$ -$ -$ -$

2008 REASSESSMENT -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.47$ -$ -$

2009 REASSESSMENT -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.49$ -$

4-D INCENTIVE -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Note: Amounts less than $5,000 are displayed as $0.00 due to rounding. Revenues that are equal to zero are displayed as $ -.

Page 44: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

Fund Name 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Appendix C: Local Government Revenue 1995 - 2010, by Fund(in millions of dollars)


VEHICLE0.00$ 0.00$ -$ 0.00$ 0.06$ 0.08$ 0.04$ 0.09$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

AIR POLLUTION 3.61$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

AIRPORT BOND 0.33$ 0.93$ 0.76$ 0.74$ 0.62$ 0.69$ 0.61$ 0.59$ 0.64$ 0.63$ 0.59$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

AIRPORT SINKING 0.02$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


SERVICES PRG0.22$ 0.04$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


AND AGENCY FUND-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.11$ 0.11$ 0.07$ -$

AVIATION ROTARY 0.02$ 0.02$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

BICYCLE LICENSE 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

BOND PROCEEDS -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

BOOK PROCESSING -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


INTEREST0.12$ 0.19$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

BRIDGE MAINTENANCE -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

BUILDING AUTHORITY 0.02$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.10$ 0.09$ 0.09$ 0.04$ 0.06$ 0.09$ 0.05$ 0.00$ 0.05$ 0.05$ 0.03$ -$

BUILDING FUND -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.03$ -$

BUILDING RENTAL 0.23$ 0.21$ 0.20$ 0.27$ 0.20$ 0.19$ 0.28$ 0.23$ 0.24$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

CABLE TV 0.48$ 0.60$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


DISTRIBUTION-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 5.32$ 0.21$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

CEMETERY #2 0.09$ 0.11$ 0.11$ 0.10$ 0.15$ 0.12$ 0.11$ 0.11$ 0.07$ 0.03$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.02$ 0.02$ -$

CITY HALL-NONREVERTING 0.01$ 0.02$ -$ 0.03$ 0.02$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


CAPITAL FUND-TIF0.14$ 0.14$ 0.14$ 0.14$ 0.14$ 0.14$ 0.14$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


DISTRIBUTION-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.15$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


HOME DETENTION-$ 0.08$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


CORRECTIONS-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


DEVELOPMENT1.42$ 1.36$ 1.40$ 1.34$ 0.33$ 0.47$ 0.43$ 0.56$ 0.57$ 0.30$ 0.16$ 0.36$ 0.32$ 0.27$ -$ -$


DEVELOPMENT BOND-$ 0.79$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

CORNER PERPETUATION 0.04$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

COUNTY EXTENSION -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

COUNTY HOME BOND -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

COUNTY POLICE PENSION -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Note: Amounts less than $5,000 are displayed as $0.00 due to rounding. Revenues that are equal to zero are displayed as $ -.

Page 45: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

Fund Name 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Appendix C: Local Government Revenue 1995 - 2010, by Fund(in millions of dollars)

COUNTY USER FEES -$ 0.05$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

COUNTY WELFARE 50.93$ 39.86$ 35.35$ 21.98$ 18.13$ 10.32$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

COUNTY WELFARE ADMIN 30.05$ 31.05$ 34.84$ 36.12$ 38.17$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

COUNTY WELFARE BOND 0.92$ 0.93$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 16.48$ 36.49$ -$ 0.44$ -$

COURT -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

CUMULATIVE JAIL #2 -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


IMPROVMT0.00$ -$ -$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.02$ 0.01$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

CUMULATIVE SINKING -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


MACHINE0.14$ 0.07$ 0.07$ 0.12$ 0.03$ 0.06$ 0.06$ 0.06$ 0.21$ 0.28$ 1.55$ 1.13$ -$ -$ -$ -$

DATA PROCESSING 0.04$ -$ -$ 0.90$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

DOG TAX -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

DONATION -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


CONVERSION PURPOSES20.64$ 7.19$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


TO KNOW-$ 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$




-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.01$ -$

ENDOWMENT 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.07$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

EQUIPMENT BOND 0.19$ 0.16$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 0.04$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

FED CRIMINAL JUSTICE -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

FED GRANT -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


WELFARE-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.24$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


CENTER/YOUTH-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


WIC-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.17$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


SHARING TRUST0.04$ 0.04$ 0.04$ 0.04$ 0.04$ 0.01$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

FIRE & POLICE EQUIPMENT -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$




-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.12$ -$

FIRE PENSION SPECIAL 0.02$ 0.03$ -$ 0.00$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

FLOOD CONTROL 0.02$ 0.10$ 0.06$ 0.07$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

HAZARDOUS WASTE -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

HEALTH MAINTENANCE -$ 0.08$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 148.76$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Note: Amounts less than $5,000 are displayed as $0.00 due to rounding. Revenues that are equal to zero are displayed as $ -.

Page 46: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

Fund Name 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Appendix C: Local Government Revenue 1995 - 2010, by Fund(in millions of dollars)

HOSPITAL 6.47$ -$ -$ -$ 0.45$ 0.32$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


NONREVERTING-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

HUMAN RELATIONS #2 -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


POLICE DEPT-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 149.93$ -$ -$ -$


SERVICES14.28$ 27.87$ 24.58$ 20.59$ 20.32$ 31.46$ 34.64$ 39.09$ 37.00$ 31.99$ 28.72$ 24.90$ 24.57$ 24.72$ -$ -$


AUTH39.29$ 12.10$ 20.34$ 20.58$ 22.63$ 18.40$ 18.85$ 19.35$ 19.50$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


MANPWR PRG1.99$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


METER2.15$ 3.66$ 5.73$ 6.06$ 6.25$ 6.30$ 6.15$ 7.65$ 6.90$ 7.05$ 7.51$ 8.59$ 7.80$ 7.38$ -$ -$


DEVELOPMENT0.03$ 0.05$ 0.02$ 0.02$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

INDUSTRIAL LOAN 0.04$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

INDUSTRIAL PARK -$ -$ 0.00$ 0.01$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

INVALID FUND -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

JUDGEMENT 2.56$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.06$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

LEVEE BOND -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


SERVICES/CONSTRUCTION-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


SPECIAL-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

MEDIC - NONREVERTING -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


INSPECTION0.01$ 0.00$ 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


REASSESSMENT2.59$ 0.49$ 0.20$ 0.03$ 0.03$ 19.56$ 20.72$ 3.62$ 1.46$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

PARK CONSTRUCTION 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.01$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

PARK NONREVERTING 0.08$ 0.20$ 0.26$ 0.30$ 0.40$ 0.54$ 0.33$ 0.25$ 0.02$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


OPERATING0.31$ 0.34$ 0.38$ 1.08$ 0.32$ 0.07$ 0.01$ 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

PARKING 0.68$ 0.69$ 0.83$ 0.91$ 1.00$ 1.15$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

PLANNING & ZONING -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.00$ -$ -$

POLICE EQUIPMENT 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.01$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


TRAINING0.03$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.01$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$

PRETRIAL DIVERSION -$ 0.05$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

PRINTING / COPYING 0.16$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


(1999)18.75$ 20.65$ 22.50$ 23.59$ 24.31$ 3.31$ 4.02$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Note: Amounts less than $5,000 are displayed as $0.00 due to rounding. Revenues that are equal to zero are displayed as $ -.

Page 47: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

Fund Name 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Appendix C: Local Government Revenue 1995 - 2010, by Fund(in millions of dollars)


RETIREMENT (P.E.R.F)1.47$ 1.53$ 1.51$ 1.19$ 1.49$ 1.53$ 1.92$ 0.66$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

SCHOOL REORGANIZATION -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.46$ 0.20$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

SPECL BOND PROCEEDS -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.07$ 0.08$ 0.06$ 0.03$ -$ -$ -$ -$


RD/ST8.65$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


BRIDGE0.86$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


DEVELOPMENT GENERAL12.99$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


CTL DEBT3.46$ 2.26$ 3.10$ 2.08$ 4.01$ 4.02$ 7.69$ 5.40$ 5.36$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


CTL GEN0.62$ 2.74$ 2.48$ 2.75$ 2.75$ 2.84$ 3.09$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


PRES0.24$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


EMERG COMM3.40$ 7.24$ 3.44$ 3.54$ 3.49$ 3.49$ 3.50$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


GENERAL-GOLF0.67$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


WASTE DIS30.37$ 20.31$ 20.87$ 20.40$ 20.97$ 20.79$ 19.48$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

SPECL DISPOSAL GENERAL 0.06$ 0.12$ 0.14$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

SPECL EDUCATION CO-OP 6.31$ 6.85$ 6.98$ 7.16$ 7.50$ 8.05$ 8.79$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


DEBT SERVC0.38$ 0.43$ 0.29$ 0.36$ 0.50$ 0.30$ 0.65$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


DEBT SERVC #2-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.49$ 0.80$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


CONT ED-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


ALLOC AREA 1A-$ -$ 0.01$ 0.05$ 0.03$ 0.06$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


DEBT1.13$ 1.10$ 1.26$ 1.36$ 1.39$ -$ 1.50$ 1.40$ 1.40$ 1.43$ 1.40$ 1.23$ 1.33$ 1.77$ -$ -$


DIST BOND0.89$ 0.92$ -$ 0.81$ 0.53$ 0.66$ 0.65$ 0.66$ 0.65$ 0.67$ 0.62$ 1.25$ 0.01$ -$ -$ -$


JUDGEMENT-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


CHG DEBT-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

SPECL SELF INSURANCE 1.13$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


CUM CAP. DEV.-$ 4.96$ 4.21$ 4.44$ 4.50$ 4.42$ 4.23$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

SPORTS COMPLEX/SPORTS 0.52$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

STATE FAIR BOARD -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

STATE FORESTRY TAX -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

STATE REVENUE SHARING -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

STREET 0.01$ 0.01$ 0.02$ 0.01$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Note: Amounts less than $5,000 are displayed as $0.00 due to rounding. Revenues that are equal to zero are displayed as $ -.

Page 48: Local Government Finance: A Historical Perspective

Fund Name 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Appendix C: Local Government Revenue 1995 - 2010, by Fund(in millions of dollars)


SERVICE0.44$ 0.37$ 0.19$ 0.23$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


SERVICE-$ 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

T-B CLINIC 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00$ -$ 0.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

TEXTBOOK RENTAL -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$




-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 0.03$ -$


REIMBURSEMENT-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


COMPENSATION0.01$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$


SERVICE-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1.09$ 0.99$ 0.75$ 0.66$ 0.56$ 0.59$ 0.38$ -$ -$

ZONING 0.04$ 0.03$ 0.02$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Note: Amounts less than $5,000 are displayed as $0.00 due to rounding. Revenues that are equal to zero are displayed as $ -.