NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. _> _¦_ VOL. XI.NO. 3,413._NEW-YORK, FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1852. PRICE TWO_ CENTS. ££W-YOHM l'KIRJJNJB^ MMll!ilTt» EVkHV MOICNLNf* .SOIiuaJ mclrTkC! ni OBEKLEs a M< «LKAI'H. . t>'« rii*i t »III. 01 <.**., i -Hin» OF IMVCI III ** «a»»»i-«Tk , opro'iTi rt>« mrr taxi. .-g^auverBd to C.i* 8*nec',ner* f»? 12i Cent* petl >.j<-* JT»-*** u*J pref»r, eaa mmj ib eatvajt. ¦* *: Ibe D»e« ,.*.«* "i . rear «I the asm* .at* tii tf|| <. fwtCesw. Mail Sabaanbers. Fit* Dollars ne- at.--v.. > jj^nf- gatjsrriiyteoas takea fur *n taoata« Porti . via* II J* Tare* Dollar* ta advaao rat]mil ad all ¦iliri** *"*B ''jOMtrj NV»v«"»i» " . ZlftC at tk't »Mee whose tarau arc Bienei than tLoaa »f jJJ, tviAaa* a"* lit allowed ea» diferaa'ta Special Notices. fjr «rtje Lae.1 Lecture «f R-v l)r B \.'OV'§ «? .klsnes Tteeel »ili be n«*« at the fab* -a ynlDAY RTENINO 26. butt, at 7, .'el rk Tti.i *c L, ml iteiuca ta ic-'m. of c a perilous edveatnret Mti tea Korea IVic a Calm.tu*» twj p.r* a Zlhffi *al« at Ma M>9 Bioadway, Mo. 19) Broad- and at tk» d-ver. ~tar faclety of tho Iran Maat . A POKM. 'Tha tj«7>* of Laboi " by ACGCAT1NE DIGANNE. ao<l AiAremi tiptt as'ory ot tf.e Society's hjectt, will be de- "vtied a' H-nc t hsp*i. THls EVENING before Triune a#.4. Maaic ooner (lirec-.ioi c f H. Curtis. To Com- iatT|0*e»aeb. Admittai.ee lices's. XS Vter»hlp -Mr 1. M I' KS 'IN s leetore oa Wor. ia i wUl be (slivered at Hope Chapel. to MURBO* ¦TIMM. (Sa'.ardaj Mar. b 27 a: o'clock Ticket«, tfetats For »a!e at Evans k Bnt'an's, No. 997 Broad* say aid C. B Fraacit a Co. BfA Lecture aa Kupernataralltin, embrarla« Spirits, I'll uii lams. Ate, witb an etplauaUou of aurua (file remaiktb * u.i ..» et, predimea. fcic . will be deliw- trtd by 8 J MtUCi wICK. A. M in ,,r Lecture raom of UiC'iMirilmd Ma'krina ical 8ckool. No. 14 *xth-ar., Mai WattiiaitoD luoaio.aa FKIDaY EV«NI VG \f-..<..¦ M Adman ¦ for one, it cen's , for ladr and, gentleman fiteata '.« I* had at .be door, or at Aleairi Hi'titon't lawletoie, No. 49 ti lth av , and ui A. I> F, Kaudutph'e keakaiara. No 64>9 Broadway. Door* open at 7 F.M. Lea ,taaiai7iP at._ Pr Plymouth Charrti. Brooklyn.-K«». (:hki. flNNkY will preach ia th.a Chorea CTKBt KYKN- IBU tki* week, at 7t o'eleca A WetaBI Omfereaoe Afeet- ¦( ef Ca«>chea will be he'd ia ta« Lectn>e ttmiiu of tee ata.e Church every afternoon, frnai i lo | o'ctock. The fib.1* peaera ly are laeitad to be preaent. 1»»" Te the Ladlea..A re irte of Free Lcr-t.irei he- feit ike La«iet will be giren by Dr. BANNING, w the kail of "ucte'y Library corner of |.»...»¦ «. and B">«d- aae.allP. M., ea THCHSOA Y, FRID AY and 8A ! H DaY »I tk.a week, on Pbyaical Fdin atmn and tbe Caneee aad Cure o' Weakneaaaa aad Dieeaaea of Female*. Lauiee paaaiaily ar* invited. Of Deafaosa Cored, whether accompaaied with aeue* d ie'Bet*. palaaiiwn, pain, or diBcaa'cea from the lea* or eneiaal ear br Dr I.UrBNtK'^ newly dieeoe- ntd rtaiedy Dr. LuTENBB'S Kar lalirmary. No M Prtace-it ,N Y.. epaa daily, aicept daadars, trom 9 until I. AlD*ttere moat ctmlaia a f*e nf $1 a*d be preoaid. rar ffatice ta Paaaea.rra f rom Panama to Callferma 11 e PACIFIC MAIL 8TF. iMSHIP COM I' A N Y feel called upon to rue public amice that ao tjaketa will t-e teropai/eo by their afeat at Paaima weich are aot *na*d by *n ofUcer of thia Compaty, aad that tl<-a- #ti tern aimed can he oitemed »aly at their Agency, No. ITT Meet at ,ofof C. L BARTI.RTT, Rao., BoaU.n afM***!* A HM8TRGNO H A RBIS Si CO .New-Orleana. By erder. YVM. II. DAVXDGE. Secreury. Riw-York, Jaa. M. l&M. "BT Heaae and Furaitiire for Bale..Tbe capa- ci..i* four *t"iy bnck owelilna; H«o** known a* N 9 St Oe*i|* place. *itaat*d on the eoith eidanf l'iib at.be- t«**B lit and >' »v .ingethar with the *'»«-ant and valua- ki* Fuiauuie therein eontaiLed. will be eold very cheap. Th* koaie ia i.ew denrahly leca'ed.and fi'.iad w.taallthe Biedera improrementa Th* inrniture ha* been but one year m a*e, and ia of the iuo«t tachorche atyle j coniiatia^ *f tiuteaui. bedate .di\, ctiandelieri. p'ate rlaai aünora, .arpetaof earioua kit.ee, pier and oater tablet, lace and been w»dow eurta ae, bair and vet aeat ehaire, broca- 1*11* eortriBK*. Ac Ac. The word work ol the furniture at entirely ef roie tad niahcpany Thn ¦ a complete itock ef keut*h*ld fwnit'i.e emnmcint l"tn the useful aad .rka»*alal. It ha* '-en atoeeted from tbe l>eat raaaufac- taiara, aid iti tele^tion wa* nb.*rr*d with rreat careantl dwetimiaitioa Thia i* aa opportunity eeldom offered la praeuie vllunhle and n**ful propaety at aainallcnat The tdveituer declii.e* honaekeepmr i* the city on.. ef U*illa*l*i.l hi* lamiIf I'. .* oileitd at a great *acr.nce. If tkakoaa* aad c. u et>ta are not told within a few weeka at puvk'* ta'e, the Utter will be a. ld at auction and t .* ferair rented. The property uiny be examined everr day between th* bourt el and ». For f urther particular m- guir* oa tke piemuei tW Mutual Leant Hoaee-FurmlelilatT and Piano »orte Aeeoclullou..The a*t*ntioii of the pa >- be i* uv.ltd to this new Suc'ety, which u now being friBttdnpen the plan of the varioua Build na Aiaociatiaui, tketgh tomewbat nflerent in th* application*of it* fm.dt. lad tke in* of its clottag. which caunot exceed three jsar*. There will he ihre* himdied shares of $200 each; aid ae aien.hcr will he allowed to take more than live lit er. The monthly psyment en unredeemed shares will sell, sad n redeemed sfcare« $6. Members ena at any has pay mm the full an.ouot of their dues, and became free hem ike Aeeoctatiou A dieo*unt or i p*r c*at wnl be lltswsd oa payment* in advance Nn parson* need vcitc er kpply unlets ies dents of thai city, Brooklyn, or Wil- haaahnrg Fe' full p»rti<'ulatt. Piospectut an Iks seteo. in the Book Store if M**tr* ADRlANCE, id I h m a N R CO No I Astor House, where sulncip- ItSB will ae lecclrred Oo and >**. tV Colamlilna MutnaJ Lean ami Accu.nu- lailn« l im.I Aaaoclaiion.-NOriCE . Tha » arni.ua t.. ahar** a tnia Aaai ation ara rcqueated to call at ibe Beeietary'a Office No Ii Delaacy st., si«a the Con¬ stitution, psy their duaa for the month of March, (two dol- liie er skare) and r*c*iv* their Pass Book. Is eeaeeoaeaee af :.» large n<imber of subscribers an .ar > eomp isace »nh ibis rciuest will greatly facilitate th* busies** ef ih* Aseaoia'lea. we wnl have ever l.Hn dollars to Loau on the first a< hthly meeiieg. THURSDAY, lat April. (No money re¬ ceived at tke m*vtiBg I Odlee houKdariu« th * week from S A. M to 9 P. M. _ CHAS. 1. WOE,Beeretary.Ma.SA ftalaarij at. tT~ Notice .Bulldln« As»<m latioiia' Fire In inmate Company..Ail aereoai who have takea ekaro ai* h*'*l>y not lied l«callaitbe nfllce o* tbeCon. pur. Hailern lUiiroad Buildit.ge, r .-ner otChathain at. ltd 1 v< low, lo eiin ike Charier, previous to its being Netto Al'any. As uea ly all the abates are lakea. tier- Nil wiskitg to hold anv st. ck in tins Couipanr hail better Ci'l at lbs fhee and subtr ibe luimadiate y. Tk« efnc* will be open u tin* d.ir and tomorrow (Sat artay) from 11 till 7 o clock in tbe evening, for persons to uga ike rhs"er ai.d tobs-ribe for t he te * remaintat aharet. S. JkstkiN, Secretary. J. BRUCE, President. (äF* Bulldia« ABKOCIaiiouk' Fire Iwaurance CenapaBS. t B»| al $IM (i. e. d.voted lata ln.nou share*. .I % strb. rath paid up. with the privilege of increann^ Ike sapual s'ork te BMt,0Stl snUacnp ions for the Nptalst ck of ti .. t .it run will he.eciireJ y the f jl- A>»ibx persona, itppoiated Comni.<s:oaers John Bruce, fs liPls't tt YVskeman a I.a'ting. IN M Fulton at.; Mm Bsiton, No 16 North Wtl'iam st.; Solomon Jet- mriB. Hu. 8 Clinton court, Beekmrtnti , Joha F Yal- k>U. Ne US Saals st H- ¦.'».¦. alto h> nil the Directors A Prtwap». ioa, *tolsinint <h* t eat advantages to be de- in. the t ma Paaj to aae)oaaaioa aad small property- ksldere. as » as to those who » iah to mveat their aioner ¦I tat Iks larrsat amount ,.| proflt*. ean Lc hid of anv ..( tke Diieclois, all the Senetariee of the difJereal BuiMiat Aiaaciatiot*. or at the oflloe »f M. IKS-lfHUN. No. rillten ei urt. He*.man St. JOHN BRUCE. riasiJaut _B «TStgoaCH. Stcreiary. ÄCr Ship ( ariteiuer., Alio) !-8FrUKE A HOME »BILK IMF I 'I 'K TIN 11 Y OFFERS A tublir n e.t 11| f he E«r>t Biver Buildiut and Mutual lean das. eiatioa will he held at Cn on Hall, com» r of Aintii C and 4 h St.,ouSATUKDAY EVENING. March I». IU2. at 74 P M AH take feel intersitrd in procunat a hnma fhr them ..ivet ihou it attead and lrara how it ean Mb d >ne by a .fell mosthly pavm*nt. Addreises will be delivered by *M I. CM AND* KM, E*4 , and other eminent speakers. Tk* ertice. No. ill Grand et o->*n dvly ttom 11 A M. "r* I'M wkare *ub*er.plion* wnl ha '»ceivwl and a 1 we*i.arv iB'.or.atiKU tiv*n Entraae* fee for tke pres- *at,$2; dues, |J; *har** OBaDIAM NEYVCO.MB. Preeident JaMKS WUl TE. Fice Fieaideat. SAMUEL U.JORDAN, Aaet. Vice Preet. CkARLks E A NtitasoN. Secretary. Jf ^eva^.Ycrk llonae FwraUhma aad Accu- -nniaiiaa fund Aeooclatlea >. oraraai/ed aad coa- '.>"» f> a 11 .. eft'loewaa (all) ... ..1.1.J with the .aaw»»» Bpeiatioae «"d o.n.ual ijouucr. of th* bwat [.!» a:it' Buihiiuc A*so< uliens. Batrsi.t-* lee il. month- blats. $J thai et. BB I i PECK, Secrvveiy. Otlice No tso Broadwar. re.uu No y *"~TFabllc Meeting 1 h* REPUBLIC AN m'U.D ASSOClalloN will hold it* lirat public iiieelint at attpeeU Room*. No l i> Brvadwar, ou TUESDAY «EBING, Maick 30 at 7, o'<doek oirn ia-- JOSEPH N BARNE-t. P endent JAMES G .vioFFET. Vice 1'ieaident JOHN E M1I.LE«. Asaiataat Vue President. _ TaVtTIAS Wa. J Vslenaae, Hsrvey Hart, lease Mix. Jr Gilbert d Nix-m JakaPM .r.c John Hoope, fswis B Ba'uee, Oeorre B ud. 'aiih fun II*nry M S'evens, flaei S Huden, Henrv Brcner, Hwsihi N. Wild, Cha'lea H Ring, daatat T b. v n. w m B Peck. John Bu\ D Surveyor J Ba.m n»n Stevens Attorsey _ Jens T C*in.\» Secretaiv. ^a» Beeks ef ike AseweiatioA are aow onea far sabecrip- "*a PerMiai liseiroa* ef .oiaiBt can d* *o bv app'.yint aa r*1* OA** o.*n from V to t o'eioca evrrv day, and on !"»"-'i> ivaaiage. Batra ce fee, SI; .>*.r»«. (S00, ¦^kiy CUte. $5. _ TT^H-AAe-iharee nearly all Taken. -Tue IR- hl II D1AG AND Ml lUAl. LOAN AS-SOCIA- StlB eil) hold a Pub,ie Meetiag a' Cbai 'iaei Hall, No 3 «* »*¦ isuai*. an SATUBDAY EVENING, March 27, w't»eivck »..».. ..eu ..*i*. >.»w is yaur tiiue T^'k. s* tk.s A.,., .. is nearly fuB. aad tke hooks will ¦aiij, t ote Addistaaewil, t>* deliveted bv able spiakeri. who will jmsie tk* W*rkirjx, I 'he A»s.> is'ioa. Ladies and gea- Tpea*'e avvited to artend. (.eajratee Fee for the present, onlv $1; Moath'y Dnee, *. rar raise ef share* %H A MORhIS PKARL1V Pres t, K\ n Brosdway QUO H DELI.. \ ir* Ptea't. No Ii» Nassau at. .tlsaT M Nkui *\.8*cre arv. Na Ui Graad at. .¦WUkLawtajivB, Attorney No Ii Beekiuaa-st - fell ti kks . H. Franklin No IT! W.st tt 2*» w Rihist. Countv Clerk * odic*. City Hall ¦ .* C Hsmet. No* IJ7 and l»9 Watar at. i»»** Jtcksaa. Jr No 4»? Brvadwar. S**al U Mixtard, No M Bsrclay et. ¦.'esaPuti. No Hi Dnaae-sl. P (''"-be. No. lit Graad-st fw Biekirdeoa No is Faltaa-sl. aT^-T Msxwail. Ne. laC-tv Hall. *»,,**. ef A-vciation. No to Graad si., open every ,J^ftemgto9o'*»lock, and on Wedaeedays from i to kW!*»»'-M.. far Udi.s Ailttlet el tAe Asaotuatiua .5 »edi rati* iJt.-*! Card.-Meeakert of Building. A*e*cialleae are HK'iilv javitBd t. loin tke NEW-YORK HOCSB SfMlIRO CO.. Ike ob ect l>emg te famtek taerabere SWkhideikfCBbiaet Farmitare by email monthly pay- cv . ur«aai/aunu tt aiatilar to Bui..La* Aseoeia» °«ee Mo ga« Broadway, reetn Ke. ». «V Third JU.ln.nirm' Bulloia« ana Mum r I.O.ID AiliM lallult.. ha M lim 'em 1 00*.7 » B*** iit*Mi hoea taken Tk* aapisBadsated sirci' >v Issjea. Mechtbisia' Boi dmcA'dMeiua Liaa Aee k- ttioa. thaisg ).-..« ..¦ «ii bed tat b«for« Ine ,V*< meutbli BMMtntf, aa' ihn tubM riptisva b i >k» co***t>* h i clo.ed ) a tery large iuii.lt of pTtoa* haviag be* a ditao- patjs. mi in t>»noi»meirbe-ii ot Ik* See>ad, have oa- n-incedaThd Mtcbax, ca' Bo d ue »od ilitual up. A*" r i < r PjartUf t»< *rBartUled m ibeir Oonsitu'ion tue .«». »«v». t.*e< ii» prinende* to shareholder* *1 ie*i filed »och far. r with tb» public, aad whica 0il*d «r tbe Sec»«d, re ledccea*. r ¦« tepid T Ar. peieon. male or female, rlesimea of snaking hit or her small ttraitf. (MN than tuple it-, f in the rot *f * few ..«».». at any rer*. a who i* detiroo* efb.rrow.ag Mi* . i ia order to porch*** hi* own hont« on th* oioet ad- vaitageous terms, who will bat take tk* trouble to com¬ bs'* th* advantage* tffered by this A**ocia'mn both ta Unter* aad borrowers with fhose offered bv other Aasoeia- nta*. will at nee find the key to the success of oar pita far tie'si ee 1st It will loan money at « percent, per arm um on the >*.i advanced. td It will allow interest at the rate of 7 per cent per aa- aum to a'i persona who prefer payiag their eabecnpuoa for two n.aath* or mare in advance, thns securing a doable li¬ te ssi.flistiv the above 7 per eat, second*/, their share (.f profits. Perseas who wish te borrow money for the pur¬ pose of buy it, g or bailding their awn bonae orfaru.cae here sec re an advatce on far more lit ral terma than are rfler'ed by at v o'her Association. 3d. Persons deairons of withdrawing from the Society, can do so at any time, by givieg nae mon h's notice, and re- ceivekaek ail cues paid by them, withiaterestat7,oereent. MlrtliUDl.. ... ..... A peseta*, svbo will save but 14 rettt a day. (and there te not oae pereon wbo eaaaot, if eo dicpoeed,) eaa in this do- riety lecuia in a few yeare a email capital, (SI,000.) with which ke can establish huntelf in batiae**, and achieve his own iBdepeadeace. Tte entrsr.ee fee ia is etat* per share monthly payment, $* per ibaie ; valae of each share. S Ladies art! gent emeu desirous *f ,m;t: can leave 'he r names wnb the Secret err J. H. SaVKK, Presid at. ft. P. towns* I Mi, Vice Presidaat. No. 82Nassau Jar oh Pi ast p., Secretary, No. !6I Hester-st A Fpet ial Meeting, for the paymeat of dues and admis¬ sion of member*, will be bold ta ll'BSDAY EVENING. March 30, at 7} o'clock, *t UaioB But tiinr». No. 163 Bowe¬ ry. Jol a Hoopei and otbere will eipiala th* workings i>< this Aa-ociauon Th* Secretary i* daily, from 9 A. t<> 10 P M at hi* office No. in: Hctter-*t, for th* purpose f receiving tubsenption*. IT Tin' Clielaea Building- aad Mutual Loan Jkaeeclailoa will held 'heir itaod return meeiieg M the Atermbly Boon «. <-.,reer ft av aad 23th St cm MONDAY EVENING. March 29, at 8 o'clock. 8btre* will be re¬ deemed at this mealing, aad the entrance fee will be $5 a<tar this meeting Members a>e e nested to call at to* office of the Secretary aad get their bioks aiid pay the March dues at say timeduntg the day or eventng until 10 o'clock. WM. H. HOYT. Secretary. No. 230 3th av. tV Pamphlet Revlew-CAUTION TO THE PL'B- 1-1 Wc would advise all who feel interested ia the profperity of Building A** iciation*. aa well a* those who have been deceived by the many unfounded pamphlet* aad ether reports IBM have beta circulated to Inj are these in sMtutions, to attend tbe public, meeting ef the Second Kn ckeib. cker Bmidiag Ass-eiatioa,on MONDAY EVE NINO nest, the t7ih inst., at Knickerbocker Hall, at 7| o'clock, oa which occasion 'his Asaociatioa will meet any argnment ibat can be brought to rear against these bene¬ ficial institutions, aad mv-te the fullest and freest discus¬ sion, publicly, at tht* meeting, a* we feel assured that the more minutely and thoroughly tbe operation*are discussed the more beneficial will be tbe leeutt Workiagmea, me. chain, s aad clerks, attend tin* meeting, a* it i* oae of great imoortanue to al'. aad we wonld also invite the at- 'entioa ol lacies to this meeting, as aide speakera will be presest Mr. W. T. »ULLIKEN and others have kiadly volunteered. The protperity of this Association Bag been ui.f-iialieled. at.d those who have not secured shares can do eo at this meeting, or a1 the Office of the Secretary, No. lt'.8 9ih-av.,as the limited number are f»st filliag up. JAM BS K DKL VECCHIO. President ANSON WILLIS, Vica Preaident. tri j>r«gS - John A Ouna. A. A. Vaientiae, W H. Orenel'e, John W. Mil'er, Henry Johnson, Einile Baiter, J. W. Ogdess. Edward J. Madden, Secretary. Office No. lG8 9:h av I':; Bt. Nt< hnlw* Bulldiag Association.-offic* uiidtr the Chatham Bank, corner of Chatham and Dunne .tt. Entrance in Duai n-*t This A*soclation being now completely organized, th* at eiitionef those interesied is invited to UM advantage* it piatent* ia enabling the poor man to accumulate hi* car logs, and provide himself a home, or tbe means of procur¬ ing one m a few years. As tbe success of any Association i f ibis nature depends upon tbe responsibility asd charac¬ ter ol those who conduct it* affair*, care ha* teen taken to select euro a Board of Trustees at will latpire th* utmost confidence of lb se who connect themselves with the So- riaty. The office will be open daily aatil 8 o'clock P. »I., to receive ruhteripiiout, where informatiea may be ob¬ tained. Slate, $c00. Eu'rauce Fee, $1. Duee, $1 per month. William L, Couklin. Clothier, No. 8 Bowery. Thoiraa Williams, Jr., Grocer, No 123 Madison-st. Jobs Leveridge. Attorney-at-Law. No. «7 Chatham-at. Wm. T. Pinkuey, President A»tor Foe Iu*. Co. John B Dunham, Piano-Fore Maker, No 92 K. 13th-*t. (' A. WB'taer. Secretary AstorFre In*. Co Geo B. Whit field. Plumber, N*. leg Water-*t. Egbert Pcudder, Hardwaie, No 15 Oold-st. Jae V Bich Stetionar, No. Gl Wiiliam-et. William Close Builder. No. it Booeevelt-at. Ahram Duiyse, Laathei Merehaat. No 224 Madisoa-et Charte» J. Sbepard. Stove Maau'eetnrer I4t Water St. .Mi C.Paiker. Coach BtuKer Yorkviile J. W. C. Lkvbridoe. Attorney. WM A. CONBLIN, Preeideat THOS WILLIAMS Jr.. Vice-Preeident. Hobt ü. Hakt, Sern t_ty. BT >ollce--THE MANHATTAN SAVINGS in SlllllToN, No. 6411 Broadwar. wnl aliow latereet on all del out* made ob or before the lei ef Afril uexi; an ,»i tit. on sum* ol $300 and utder, five per ceut. for it.i s if SI 1^(0 and . vet $3f0. N, B This lustitutioD divides its .surplus aiuiag the de¬ positors when it auiuuats to mere than S>3,ono. A. A. ALVOBÜ, Secretary. iv The New York Land and Itniidiag Asse- riullen was orgaur/ed to pneure 5'*4) wmkiag meu rj.ui.ee. It i* ia tha full tide of *uc<w»*l Leithereut- llsktea, lhe», be innured with hope and jeia us tnime- diately. The jutiation fee is only 50e but v.111 geaa be ra ted to S3. MILES CH AMBCRS, Preaidoat. H. S. Smith. Secretary. Office No. i Murray at. iVeu) Pnblirations. fiaj t k r^cTi^^T^ilvT PO FORTHCOMING PCBLICATION8: I. nam BLICKB TBA11S OF AMEKICAN HUMOR 11 ADV EMI KES OF MR. AND MHS.SANDB IYS. CoB plete in 1 vol., with illustrations bv Cruiksbenk. Price 3u cent*. III. PRECAUTION. By Cooper. Revieed. With a Portiait aad a View of hi* ia'* Resid«zce at Cooperstowa. IV blOBIEe). Bv'he l>eet Aaikeie. A Senee V A BOM ANCK OP LIFE IN NEW-YOBK VI. LI LI AS I) A V UN A.NT A Tale By th* Author of " Retails'* aad Keuudaeads " he VII THE UPPER TEN THOUSAND Sketche* of An.erican Srvieiv. By a New-Yorker. \ HI pbofbbsob Jl LIUS C.U.SAK HANNIBAL'S SCIENTU1C DlSCOl'BbES. A book full of Wit and Batwaff. )\ AVARICK. A Novel. By Eugen* Sue. \. HU*TING I HP ROMANTIC; or. The Adventure* e* a Novel Reader. 1'rom La Chais* au Roaiaa" of Ju pa Skiideau XL BODKHICK RANDOM. By Smollett. New ax.li- tioB. with IllBstraiioi.s bv Craikshaak XII JOSEPH ANDREWS By Fieldiag. New edi¬ tion, with lllotti-itieae bv Cruikthaak XIII. THE STl'I»KNT'8 WIFE. Bv Mrs Daaie's.au- ttio ui " Fertlev Manor," " lit S star MioBie,'' Be XIV Tile; GYPSY S DAVCHTBR Bv th* Author-( Tbe Gambler e Wife."' Be \\ 111E h' K OF ROME By J. ShenJaB Kaowlet, Esq. XVI. BROOKLAND9 or. The eunrua, Sunshine and Sunret el Lt'e. Aa Autobiography. By Major Bvag Hail, author of *. Highland Sporte," Exnioer." fcc No. %ti Broad waj DgaWITT & DAVENPORT, Publish- .t* aad Bookeellert, Tribune Building*. Nataaa tt, would inviu- the aiitntioa oi tna nau* »o»a.i» assotit.;ent oi new aid popular works. They have lately published the foUewias IHK SWAMP STBXO or. THE DAYS OF MABION AM HIS MkRHY MKS A i**eluiiotary aovrl of great power. Price, 30 ceats. THE BltLK KANUkRS; H. »Urne Ve d, witn lia'ed illuttretioat Prie*. hi aaate. THE REVEKIKS OF AN OLD MAID; W th i3 illustration* Prne»*eaae. 11 a M MAKTILK HIS COMICAlITIES ECCIN- ThlClIlES. Ac U ,th illuitra.iona Price. 30 cent* THE HEIRS OF DEKw ENTWATBB. Bt K. L Hieachaid. Pr.ce. 3U ceat«. LOAk 1 kl. er. Utk; SALONS OF PARI? llr Mn r Riebara»** Pr e*. 31' ceata MAllLDA MgMGOMEBY. A sevual ie Waroutta Price, 3ti ceata BFHBLS AND IOB1F* By l aweac* 1 abree. Price. 3* cents _ JINNY D1VEB. THE FE H aLE HIGHWAYMAN Pin* 23e*ata. DE WITT a DAVENPORT. Pub'Bsbvrs.Tribi'B* Baildiug», Nassau-*». Important Pub»icatioB PH)R SCHOLARS, »TU DE NTS, En¬ gineers Artis'a.Offloeia of the Army aad Navy, ai.d lor Baatily and Pab'ie Lib ane*. H i'NOi.RAPHlC BNCYCLOP.UDU B e re. Literature, aid Art; systema'.ically srraa.ke« by C He k.wnh Ftve Hundred Steel P ate*, by the mv-t durtieguubed Aitist* ef German; The Text trane'ated and eJited bv Spencer F. Baird, k. M.. »I Dm BlIlsjBBl Secreiar» of ib* Smuhaoa.aa InHit aioa. Four vol* , 8vo., Tut. and 2 vols 4lo . Plalea. Price* for SeU of * vole Beuad in half Turkey Mor«eco,»pri*kt*d *dt**- -S40 *t B .rd ia kalf Turkey M..mcoo, gill back» and edgc*.$«J N Bouid ia fuilTurk*> Momcce. gilt b»i «nd *di;**.$33 9d Pu duhtd kv RUDOLPH OA URIGUE. Ne. t Barclay- st . (Astot Hew**) New York_ III*aiboldt's new work.- I I BOHN'S LIBRARY SERIES' HUMBOLDT S TRAVELS Vol. I Also tke fellow,ag ust reenved. via FIR JOSHUA BEYN01T>3 WORKS. Vol. 1. DK JOHN PYE SMI1H 8 GEOLOG t AND 3CBJP- 'sik^THOMAS BROWNE S WORKS Vol.S. Alf EN BRATTLES OF THE BRITISH NAVY, kol I. BANG8 BRO. k CO.. No. Ii Park rew. T~ ^ilE AMERICAN GARDEN1R.A Treati** *a the titaatieB. sail aad layiaf eat ot gardes*.** tk*wak'Bgaad Kaaag*aa*at of hot beds aad greew beute*, *ad oa th* propagation aad «eltirattou el vegetal', e. heibe, ftalt aad rtower»-by Was. Cobbett. Price, Vi f**u wlxon B co.. Agvieulunil Book*. Kv. S Tryoavruw, UarleB Baiiraad Buiidian. N Y Mrs Ei'is'i Naw Fa»c natieg 8 ory.New H*idy CKLr-I)ECrFlI'«n : 01 I HK H 9- K^'rOhT OF A Hl'MAN HEART, by Mrs Rh, . th' r of " Hea tt Ii an W men M Enr'and. Ct.»pl«t* in two vninmci, wi h l'lu'trsti .re Pricef .'' .a; Ol j iB ruualia $1 Ii. ' This ose of th* health tat aid aioit iat«i*(tiB( t.' .f ncnan lAAd »* remember to heve Mad Iiis ia treib, .e> kittory rf a voai&'i heart Dariatad asoaly a w tmaae» i! 1 d*pior it. for *»*i» a. nu'e pbaaa o: thato taa ef b/Tbc i lt, IteUsre, and passions is laid bare, witb th* akili and d-li eary tf a hushed practituner. Elia, the heroin*, it r »' j m i se'f-ceeeiTisg woan, who is carried thr-i i.-' scour** of irrt'i. in which her heart and mind are trained, by malt tad disappointments, to reit oa the m? true 1*01- ntr wb cbb ceetHiently 'Sly on in th»e life. The progre*» of the narrative introduces numerout examples of ekaraeter, and aireat diversity ef meidentt sufficient tekeep the read- .i s attention sliv* while ths h'fh moral, r*lutt*u» praic- ples. naturally evolved from the etory. reader th* work a if. » raloable and nneiceptioaable production It should form a poitioa of erery lady'a library in the eoantry." [Home Journal " Mri. Ellia la one of the moat a<- ip! ehed female wri¬ ter! of England. The heneroleat aim of this writer n to ¦ ake her reader! better, and thus render them happiar. All her work* are an *nbj*>-t* which come near IB* h*act ; aid we know o'f ne writer who baa a more intimate ae- ¦inaiataace wit h all it* me*t secret recssee* than the, la the work l*fare ns. we have aut only a true hicory, but an accurate picture of the bamaa heart, and whner*r withe* to irprere their nwn, ma? here see it reflected ia many of itt pkieee at in a mirror." [fThnatiaa Intallicencer. _8ThI>fJEK A TO WN8END. No. 121 Broadway. BOOK8 ! BOOKS ! ! BOOKS ! ! !. LEATITT It ALLEN, Bookeellers. Pablieaera and Stationers, hate removed to Iba new and slegaat atore, No. 17 Der-at .a few do*ra weal */Broadway, where, la a eaatral ard con*enieBt Jocatioa and with mach m tra cok medioaa Wareronata. tbey are enab'ed to serve alltheii customers and friend* promptly and laithfally. From tkeir treat facilities for Itymg la their steck at the lowest rate*, their dstermmBtien not tn be aadertold, sad an art it* *apeh*Bcs ia the biaiaess of saore thaa sirteea years, the endemtned feel assured tkey ean rive tati«fte- ti(.n to all who are inclined te faror them with orders, far aid near, and which will be at promptly answered, and at tb* fan-* prices, as if the buyers thsmselees wera preeent n*y beg to «sture Country Merchants aad tke Trade generally, that their asrortmeat of School Books, Library snd MiecellaneoBS Books, Blank Btokt, Paper and Sta¬ tionery, it ef ue most dearrabls ckaraetei. and offer* great induremenU to purchasers both with reepect to quality aad pree Orders for everytbiBg in tkeir line of basinet respectfully solicited and promptly eiecnted Tke BocersigBtd respectfully teggeet to th* Trade thtt tbty bsva connected with their bueineas th- sej* ef Paper Hastings. Tbree liuadrad tboutsad rolls nf Wafl Paper of erery quality and variety nf pattern, for sal* at M an ..l* curbs' pneet. LEAVITT B ALLEN, Ne. 27 Dey at A Thrilling Tale *f the Rerolatioa! THE SEVEN BROTHER OF WY¬ OMING; An sutheatie History ef the Brigand* of th* Americas Revolution. This work is a narrative ef ereitiag interest, aad exhibit¬ ing a pernliar feature n the American Revolution. The " Siren Brother* of Wromtag'' ware the most wid*lv known and dreaded ef that peculiar class ef msa. Bailed Befnge* "kitaers, wkich the War of the Colnaiaa of a ..or- ica with Gieat Britain callsd into exittenci The present narrstive is s tratbful his'ory of their unparalleled acts ef atrocity in New-Terk. Ph ladslthia. Backt County, paua , and the Valley of Wyoming. It embitces, also, a rind aletare of the bloody massiere nf Wyoming The narratire w trspbicaJly written, and will repay a aerneal Prieje 14 coats. H LONG A BROTHER, Nu 13 Aitn-st., N Y and ail hoeksellers throughout the Union. (^HEEVER'S NEW WORK..C1IAS. >' FCBIBNERha* just published. A REEL IN A BOl TLB FOB JACK IN THE DOL- DRl MS: B*mt the Adveature* of two of the King's S.'S- nek in a Voyage to the Celeatial City Edited from th* Manurcnpts of au Old Salt. By Rev Heary T Cheever 1 rnl. 12mo. "Anr.tber esritat.ls Pilgrim's Prog'est, only made by tea, and with the greater ranety and peril incident to thai wsy of tiavel'Dg 8on e of the best trait* of Bunyaa's immortal pcerr are htr* reproduced." [N. Y.Erangsliat. " There it cnginslity, rich ahd striking, n every par*. W.th e depth o* religious expensncs but seldom fonnd in thet* snperfJeinl dayt. it comhlntd a delightful flow of imagination, well regulated, howsrer, by eorreot taste." (New-York Journsl ef Commerce. .' The beck is written with considerable power, ami th* allegory i«cnrri*d nut with no little felicity It is one nf tb. hooks that sie sme to h* useful [Nsw Yeik Courier snd Esqulrer " The allegory is most admuably susisiaed throughout. Ths sty le is simple,clear, direct and forcible." I Arthur's Home Gaxstt*. " It it a bock in which all will meet with tomethine to pleat*, employ, and profir them " [Albany Cxprex 1XAMPLI8 OF LIFE AND DEATH By Mrs L H. Sigournev. 1 nil i2nvo. HOMEOPATHY UNMASKED By Dr. W Hooker. I vol. THE OLD GUARD OF NAPOLBON By J. J. Head- ley. 1 vol. ISBBe.. with illa»liatioa» THE QUINTESSENCE of KNOWL¬ EDGE I N am 8 HOME CYCLOPEDIA, la six volum**, cor*|iri*iag the f owing, each sold eapa- "l*AND-BoOK OF LITERATURE AND FINE ARTS By Gsorgs Riplcy aad Bsyatd Taylor, Eeas Ivel Ivo., cloth, fl HAND-BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. By Paike Godwin, Esq. 1 rol. r.v.. clotk. $2 HAND-BOOK OF THE USEFUL ABT8, ke. By Dr, Antitell lv 8vo cloth, $2. HAND BOOK OF THE SCIENCES. By Prof. St. Joha, of Westein Reserve College 1 rol 8ro., clotk. SI. Man" BOOK OF G EOGRAPHY. By P. C. CalU' Otl, E»i| I vol 8vo,c'oth $i (Iapre*t) HANI) BOOK OF H18TOKY AND CHRONOLOGY: or, Th* World't Progress. A Dictionary el Datee. Erited by G. P. Putnam. With a supplement to 1842 Revisod edition. 1 sol. 8vo., eleth, $2. In all six vo l.. small fro.,each eant.iinmg from 660 to 800 paget. double columna, with Engrarikgi. Sheep, *s h $2 2i ; hslf niorocc*. SI 74 sach " This seties of populsr manna't it latended for the great mass of Americas rsadsra. The materials have been drawa from a (treat variety of sources. Ib a small enmpass tkey contain th* essence ol many large aad valuabt* works " * [Bottoa Wt'fkmHt. " One of the most compendious sources fjr refetencs un Ihs whols cacle of knowledge, m the language." [Hartford Times. "This truly valoahls series of publications, sach of which is worthy of s placs in cvsry library." IDlst School Journal. Also.the SixthThouiandnf the WOBl.D'8 PROGKE«S a Diciii nsry sf Da'ss and 8tatnt'c<, Literary, Scientif'n, and Political, from Iks Crsstioa of the World to D*csm- ber, 1141. Lirit ifmo $1 GEoRGE P. I'l f NAM, Publisher, New York ACOMPREHENSIVE (,FO<; RAI !IV tad HISTORY. ANCIENT and MODERN, by 8. G. G-.iodnch. author of Parley's works. 1 his n or k contains 2'2 ,uatlu pages, equal !o 1,000 e*m- u on l2mo. paitet, aad it iliumiaated with 79 beautiful tty- li riaphic Bisps, atd anmerous wood engravtsas. It is the mast osmpsete aad ceaprehensive woik tor High Schools, fkisilist. meichantt, tiavelert and emigraatt, that hat ever appeared. It ceitair.t the Geography atd History of svs-y rninti., iai lai ag :h* late Cetitut of the Uni.ed 8<at*e; it give* ths iitualiotaLd popa'atitiB of over 4 tu cttme, Iowa*aad vil- iares . th* uintelials sre all arrauged in the moat eoayea- lest order; atd a copious Index terres as a guide to th* riiloij ard geography of tke m it remarkable plxcee ta ti e wold The work hss received the h.rhett corn;n*nd- «u. ¦ § h the hands ef snenticc men in America and Es¬ lohe, atd is it t'l.rdid as one of the most useful,cosreaient Hud valuable whicn tke author has given to the public. Proofs have beta foiwardrd to Mr Goodrich the author, new Ct ntul nt Pant, and he wntei that it it being trans¬ lated i»to Fieaeh, and a ieree portion ka* been published iL the Bulldin of the G«cgraphiial Society. Pi . ib boards kail bound $1; ta clo h. gut, (1. Pub¬ lished kbd Stld wholeiale asd retail by _GBO. 8AVABB. No, M Juhn-Sl ,N Y. DICKENS1 HOUSEHOLD WORDS. .A Weekly Jomnal. served to city Subscribers, or semA by Mad al $1 4n a tear The who'e set m QQ1 Muslin, at %'j he set. AN GALL ENGELLA HEWITT. Publisasrs. No. 1 Si iuce-tt. (up stairs Also, Bl ILDIKG ASSOCIATIONS, theu DECEP- I IVI C'ia.artai and Kuuteat Teadency Expoaed Price ill rrate. FIELD SPORTS..Publisher] This Dav, IkeFoartb tad Revissd Editsr a of FRANK FOR- E4 1 h 1 FIELD «PORTS. :ti. I LiteJ State* aad B h> ii k FrvviLC** of North A mer.ca, ealarged. with much vli¬ ter!* information tad many tew nBtgravisga added, oi »»try tp< eiee < f (line, draws from nature, by the autriijr, Hea-y wiliitm Hc.-beit.E*q. Twovolumee 8to , elegant¬ ly hi und in cloth, tilt. Prceti STRINGER t TOWN SEND. No 121 Broadway. SCHUBERTH A CO., Music Depot, No. 147 Breedway, N, Y , requatt tkepnbli« to uupec; their imaxeuse tl-erx of Music tor Volte, Piano, for I, 4, (. t kaads, for Organ, Violin, Violoncello, Harp, Orckestra. etc., in every atyle, for virtuoeoe and betinnera. Tke rreatett aelectios la the railed Mutet ef i »,wi worth, oidersef Fsreign and Aatericaa V'ieic w;-! aeattoa^td to with nremptneaa. (Dant (fmplonment A> AfJs-lsrABT BOOK-KBBPCR, ¦ Some w»U*sl*biith*d huase hi this eity.bya young Man wko is a gt od Peaniaa, and can prods** u* m^si aeqiee- tiocabi* lev ta e m ret aid to ahilay sad charac'.at. Ad- dien W. 8. H.. Na Iii Broeaae-st._ AS Cook, by a respectable youn*j If o- maa wbe tnerough y anderetaads her n et« a all It* brsachs*. a* ¦¦«..- aa-f praaemag A* Cssmsar- u.k d and Wa.treee ky aaelher kaa ae ebjsetiea te tke care of eki'drea aad botk woaid pre er liviag * the tt'b* konse. aad wsald make tkemaelvee gsnsrany BsWuL Caa ke aeen at Nj. Tl 17th at., neat Ak at_ AS Cook and U aaaitt ia waaiitntr snd lrramg. by a Prctestant GirT GViod si tr re fere Bee Apply at No U*Ii. Mark'* ;lace. (r.k tl) Caa be teen far two day*. _._ AS good Cook Bod^Bsker, bjr a rssp««ta- ble Wemaa whe axtdsrstaad* mak ag bsaamr. Ns ,.k et iiasaro ths seaatry. i",*ed re'eteace. Apply et ne. 116 l9fAVst, between Sth and 7ta ara_ AS Ccok, by a tespectable jouBf Woia- sa whoia well experienced ia cookiag aad bakiat. :s .-. - d Washer and Iroaer Ooodetty reieeaB.-e froai ber last place Caa be seea for two daye at Ne US I9U-**-, beiw**a Sth aad 7th art. AS fust-rare Cosk, Waaher ami Ironer. Al»o uCbiaw mail tad Wiinr,br a res » *. years Wfiitu «f,f -,nr -fifprni ' >sst NbB Call No 504 H. e-tos at., set* he eerwi eeett-et.. op rerre, frnal room, first floor Caa h B* two dar*. AS Cook, by a respectable loung »» «- »aa. I* a moat eirellaat Waeher aad Iraner The 1 ea* of c.tr reference Call al No tin at between id aad Id art. AS Cook, or to wash and ir«n in a smt pnvaie family crtodo caaeral koatataork.hr a re tpertabie Proteataat Girl. Geat] cite reference from her latt piece Caa he- teea at No Ml Tth-tt far twi days. AS plain Cook, by a respectable yniinn Werna», ta a respectable private family; at a s .¦> Wtshar an« Ireeer; nadtrttanda baJtiag of bread aad pastry. Norxarding bouses aeed apply. C*n be teea f*r ttee cays. CaU at No t 5th-st , ta the rear, front room, td floor. AS Cook, Washer and Ironer, by a re¬ spectable Prote>tant Woatth. in a prtvata fkmilv. Brst re'eretces given. Caaba seea for two days at Ne. HO Vairk et. AS Cook by a your.g German Girl, |Ood Washer and Ironer Can stake bread and pas¬ try or to *e general housework ina am a 1 family Inquire at Ne I Amos st, near 6 h a? ta the Bookatere. AS Cook, by a respectable Protestant Womss, in ri priva'e family Hse the beet of refer- eeeea Apply at No. hM tttl at , between 7vh aad Ith are., fiett rrtm mps'etrs. \S (rood Cook and Baker, by a respecta¬ ble Woman who understands raak.Dc batter. No al set rs to the country. Good reference. Apply at Ne. KOlPthst .hetwseaStn aad7ih-ara. AS Cook, Chambermaid, &c , by two Girls one as tend p'am Cook and excellent Washer nod Ironer the other as Cbaaiherma d and to take eara »f enildr.n Tkey csn set the beet of city refereace. Ceil at No. 130 7th BT., two doors from h at third ftoer, float mem. Can be seen two days. \S Chambermaid asd would assist in the care cf children or do plain sewinf. by a recpeetable youpgWonan in a private family. Q:od city te.ereaee given. Can be seen for three days at No S73 East 11th at. between 1st av aad A renne A AS Chambermaid, or to do R-eneral housework, by a respectable ynuaf Womaa; is a good Washer aad Ironar. Has n, objectioa to the eooatry Call at Ne. 36 Oreat Joaes-st. AS Chambermaid tr,d Waiter, by a re- srectable tones; Womaa Good refereace a .rs. Inquire at No % Court-st., Brotkljn. AS Chambermaid and Waitress, or as Seamstress aad Nurse, by t respectable Protestant young Woman, ta willing to u tke herself useful. Caa coiue well rerommer ded Caa ba eeea for 3 dare, at No. Be* Firtt av , between 18th aad rah sis second door, back room. AS Chambermaid ami Waitress, or to take care of children, by a respectable young Womaa. Cail at No 17 Washingtoa-s.]. Cta be seen for two days AS Chambermaid am! Waitress, by an hoaest, active aad competen'- Girl. She will aaewer calls (or two days from her former imployer'e. No. 47 Lex- n,gten- av. AS Chambermaid and Waitress, or to mind children and do plain sewing, or assist in wash irg end trolling, bra competent Girl with good city refer- encee. Apply at No. liu lst-av sear 13th st. Can be seen for two d.ys AS Chambermaid and Waitress, by a yetu g Womaa, or to take care of Childrea. le a good Washer asd Ironer; willing to make herself generally useful Satitfactoiy recommsadatiuna. Cell at No. 40'J Hudson St. Can be seen for two days. AS Chambermaid, by a young Womaa, and to assist in washing and ironing, or sewing er waiting, and make herself aseful. Call at No ti at Beet of reference. 4 ü Chambermaid ami Waiter, by a re- ' w sBresAstele young Woman, or Chambermaid aad in st¬ aut in tfe washing sad ironing. Has ao objection to go ia the country Haa good city reference. Call at No 71 7th at_ AS Chambebmaid am! Washer, by a re- sfactah'e Young Woman. Haa got the best of city refe rare Apply N 71 Spnag-et near Broadway. Caa be reen two days. Also an excellent Cook. 8 Children's Ncrse, by a rery expe- nrcred, well recommaaded. middle-aged Woman. Ha tke t eat of city reference for the last sit yea's or more. Wield do rbatr.berwork and tiae washing fs very fond of rhidren Apply at No l}Sa .it n c, ia the rear. AS Drissmaker in a private family, or to etgage by the ueek er month Address .. note or call at the fancy store No. 1M llet-st., aext to 7th av. Call t: ir I! o'eleck. AS Fine Washer and Ironer, or to take charge of a baby, or tn do hne and neat sewiag. Good or reference from her last >ady. Ne nhieeiion to a abort diaBJice ia the country. Call at Ne. 347 ltth-st.,east front Tun», secoBd fleer. Can be seen two dags. An iiakdener and Coachman, by an ex¬ perienced Irishman. He ie as unmarried man aad a Pidee ant, aad baa good city refereace aate chaiacier aad capabilities. Call or address B O at No. 74 «th av., in tLebookitore. \Gardeber wishes to announce to Geatl<men who hare email Yegetabla or Flower Crrdent, withia the vicinity of New-York, Brooklyn, or Wllliarrtbargh, that he is ready to cuatrnot wi h any per¬ ils who may require his scrrices, and he nan pnduce the l»et test.c. nie * far his oompsteacy aad long expeneace. address a note to Ne tu6 lih at.. Esat H er. New-York. 4 S Gardener, by a young Man who un- l V derttands all kinds of vegetables, and fruit trees aad tliwers. aad take charge of horte aod etariage and drive if rtiaired City reference given. Addree* C. G at thu efica for two days. AS general Hot semaid, m a small pri- rate family, by a respectable yonag Womna. Has tea d rtiertr.ee. Apply at No. rij Orehard st. in tas rear, ten be ieea for two days._ ,4 S geneial HovSBMAlB, by a smart and a'a tidy young Womaa. It a good Cook. Washer aad Iroaer, asd wi Mag to mate herself ueefoL Caa give good rrfrreace. Won.il go m the couatry. Call at No. y Bcweiy._ AS general Housemaid, by a young Wo¬ man, ia a sma'l private family, is a g od 'a a Cook, tad an ticelleat Waaber aad Draer. ehe would Use to go as Laundress. Caa be seen for two if No. 51 Uai- vsriity-plate, batweea 11th aad llib-eta._ AS Wet Nlrse, f-y a respecUMe Woman a ho caa i> piaih sewiag No objectioas to gorag to ia* eooatiy Apply at No 8 York at ARespectable Protestant Woman de- eiree a eiiaatloa to do plats tewing aid at'lit with children, or wait ea aa old lady. Haa ao object oa to g i.a noil duiaaee in the couatrv. Tbe best of rt '-.-i.-.. fitm ker lttt place, where »ke ha* 1.red mae »eart In- qu.re at No. 3CS Soaih 3d at , WiLianuburgh Cau be teea lor three daya. ARespectabli Yocbo Woman de- . r-t a titaatioB to do geaeral houtewora in a email private rau,ily. Go< d city reierence. Apply at No. lire 13ih- tt eor.of ltt-av served floor, treat room. ARespectabli yocbo Woman desires a situation to do general housework ia a small private family. Good citv menace Apply at No 3*4 Hadeoa- st tear CkarRoa, frost room, second floor._ AProtestat Woman desires a situ- stion to uke eara of children. She ia very eapa- h'eiB akiag rare of rhildreB, as it has beea her eapa-ity, Jicae need apply but a religions lanuly Beet of reference gives Call a. No tl East l*iJa St.. Bear 3d av , Id Beer. .. ARespectab^b Girl desires a situatioa to do the geaeral »KVitework of a private family No objectioa to ga a short iieiance ia the c j«atry. Beet of rei- ereace from her last place. Caa be seea at No 4'.« Pr .ri¬ et for two daya, over tke fjcy store._ 4 N Enclish Protestant Girl watvU a / » Bitssttos as Child's Maid she is also willing t .do piim aewmg BefsreBce, if i*iiued Address 8.- W , TnbBBe 0S5ce '_ a. WIDOW LADY wishes to apprtn- ^m. t ee her aea an aetivs. sBtelligeat hoy of ta rwea years ead to acres pertea who wüi uaeti him a asefa. oc- BaaJ o n-d at the sees tiane have him aader her oera ca/e. A »y psrtoa wishing eesb a laA w-Jl plea«e addreea J D . T.iBtaae Office, saatvig where ke caa he seea. ¦ EMPLOYMENT WANTED.By a j i u.aa«kaia accastt.i.ed re work at nee mstaiaery aadiraaa woik. Is a»ed to a fe«t Ulhe Adaross EM- PLOYMEBT at this office._ WlttlC TEACHER or G< »V E RN ESS -81 astioa wasted, hv a foaag Ltiy thoiosjghly sal »ee for the svtaatton. Haa beea etaolorsd .or three sea s ia rata -setble poaiuona at Female Sena-aavlee ib ibis ? sate, BBd k a. präsent t*jpl<sred as Ooreraeesia a fasiisT* in it^euy IseoBipaieattattvaiBBtract. a^ I>aariBgaa*1 Paiatiag, *a.; lbs a tsoroogh knuwl*vgeof Maaic. WouM sccep. a ait at kam as Matae Ieacker in a Setsiaary ia or ttu thecuy.bot weukl aretee a ataa-wa ia a -mate fami'y, wheie aba would esuoy the eo^ifaeta ef a home Teaiin-. aiale or teT abi'itv aad saHafat tory r-fe.eacea will dl... Addrent Miss F- J Bo 91 FraaAlta st. EMPLOYMENT IS WANTED br a I J kV<k keepet . h* art uldotFerto k * employer it kaowledx* .».' I t* *i|.*ri*ece ia tks h>isia*«a. aad re'-r *a**« that wi.a'd he ua. irfptcnabl* Kx~-tat!"*a a ta saury wederat». Add'*** W X , bfrW uf TV rn»«*w. MUSIC TEACHER^ lady turing bad ion>a twelve inrtncn »*ce a* a f* »eher oa tha Piano- Feis*. a den roi« f..Ma otac a f*w aa >r« raula aad take* thia a.etkod mf offen, e her lerrk-e* to tt* Babite.. fSISSS^'f* D»r ""eiere istjuire of Mr WM YAN- DERBFEK. at hat Maa.nl Waieioom, No. 479 Bread war. RESIDENT GOVERN E8S.-A Lady ".aa haa had much practical eepenetee ta Teacktat. wuh** a r*-*t ftien eBt. Sae m fully co-pe'eat to tatet in Maaie. Drawing, Freach. Wntisg. aad all the Esghah branches, axd csn r'ndiice th* h'thee'trttim >nia!s >f h*r eapabmiy. character, and reaaeetaMaap ftean raap»j«rable frmi tea in N*w York and a viciattv Addreaa M «a A 1.1 M. No IV tth a? . ketween |)th aad leth-ett. S~EJRVÄNTS-('ir:re free to Employers. -The rear F'r taetint aad other SertaaU fee ever* ea- peritr at FERRES Ageecy. No :)7 Data*-*', aear cor¬ ner of Brradway. Families w:.l rait or eeed fur theea. «ERVANT8..A great Tarier? of weU- *C aelecttd Servan'i aaita>> e for prrrate' hoeeea end ho'elt, are aow wantirg aaiplovmeat at C. MASON'! Office*. Nee. HO Broadway aad Bowerv. Term*. Yearly tub*, ription, it caata ; otherwise. 14 cent*. Ne pans will be sparad to reader satiafactwa N R M»e and Boys laitehle lor any respectable employaMet alwar* ea hand. SERVANTS WanT>TÄC^7^Eb. celleat CboW* H*u**wovk Girl*. Nurse*. Lauadrwa-e*. Seaman*****, Waitress**. Ac . Ac . waat nlac*a. Aboat Jo Oir'* waat to to to the coaatry. Alan, Men a* Watte'*, Ac. Beat 1 (Ere for «. od Senay*. N Y Employ meet Of- fjce. No 4'SBr. ad«»y T. P 8A1 NJKRS TWO Young or Middle-aged Men wasted to Sol'cit Ord*. for a useful aad aalabl* article which ha* an competiti.n A liberal coaimiaiiua given, hp which thty may at*k* $!<Ki ner aton'h Addle**, (peetpa d) B BB Wiiliemsborgh Poet Office \\'ANTED.A smart, capable Wortus, * . t* act aa Waiter, attead the «.... tie , in a private family On* haviag rood rcroniti.eLdatioa* mav apply at Mo. t Bant I7th-*t. \lrANTED.A situation for a Girl of * " aboat It year* >f a«e. in a private family. Her mother h*iaa* dead. h*r father wonld like to have ker aeaed natil ske la of sge. A place in the coaatry, or em of the city preferred. For faither pertieulars, inquire at No. « Peck nlip. ^l^ANTEP.By a young Man of 31, a ? " aRaarloa a* Att'itaat Book keeper, or ae Clerk ia s Lawyer's Office Tke beat of referetcee girsa Addreaa C. J C , Trihna* Offica tDüntfö. A MILLER w a N T E D.To n erhört t » diitanr* in the coaatry. A young unmarried Mia can nbtainafi'od attaailaa by talking; at Ne M W*at at.. New. York. Noae but th.ee comini; well recommended t«ed apply. ACENT WANTED, with $1,000 in ready cafh.Aa active, *trai|kt forward man. with > m caak to lend * empl«yer. to manace aa ee ab in ¦.eat down tnwu in coaaectioa with a manufactory np Iowa. No ose need answer h » advertiaemeat wk<i ta afrsid of work and ha* aot the ready cask, and witk refer- eace. Addrea* b W at the tffi's of this paper. CARPET SALB8MAN WANTED, in a Carpat Store Ou* kavmc a kaowletge af tks busisees pr*f*rr*d. Addt*a*8 S tni* offic*. CALIFORNIA TICKET..Wanted, TWO STATE ROOM TICEETd, on ths Vaadsr- bilt stesmer nf Annl i, in exchanss for oas for May i, witk bsttsr Bccommudatiuns tusranteed. A fair compceaatioa v> ill be given. Alee two auerag* on tame steamer. A l dress B A , larlee Hotsl. (M>OK WANTED.-A first-rate Cook, Unnau thoronthly underrtands hsr bunssts, also ha* washist aad irouing. Ons hat can briar the beet t*i- timeaia:* mag hear of a taod altuati na by applying at No. 113 Hick* at , Brooklyn Hirnta. from 1 to » o aloes, P. M. Noae but Protestants need apply. C^ÖMPOS!T(>KS7.Sereral careful and J «xperiesced C< mpostrors «saled st BAKER, GODWIN k CO S, Tribune Baildiugs. 1EMPLOYMENT.$1,0C0 to 31,500 . -A WpaUd, a *troe| ac'iv* man who could loaatts abav* aaaoant mm mod aBcuntr To auch a parsna B gomm and p«rwaseBt iitiiatina will be glvan an! fair wages Ad¬ drea* MANUFACTURER. Tni sad offioa. I^NGINEER WANTED.Of atriody I d temparBt* habits, trustworthy aad eompeteal le raa a in.all tu 1.1 aad tske full charie of ths boilers Oae hanag innu* skill u iron nyeti preieired Good recom m*adail«n* retiuir*d. Apply to C. O. READ, st tks Wash aad Bath House, No Ml Mott at. / MKL WANTED..Wanted, a first-rate " Girl to do reneral hnuaework Mttat bea a;o^d Cook, and flrat-ist* V>'a*ber «nd I oner. No othar* need apply. A German Proiattaat pi*f*r*d. Apply at No. 118 Id-ar. HOUSEKEEPER..Wanted, a smart, go-ahead American Woman, of mldd'e age. a* Housekeeper for b larrs liisl class Hotel, out of th* ei'y Suck a petsoa, williat to devote her lime to th* iater«*t of the House, aay addr*is A. B. C, aad laave it * Ike etfioe i f the N. V Tribune._ Ii S. SCHOOL AGENCY, Mutual J e Ben. lit and 8ar nga Institute, No. V).i Bioadway . Devoted to univ*r*al eaincati n. by nrtotiaiiag all ednca- liflBBi order*. E'jual profit* aecursd tu patn m aad agent*. Nec^tiat.on* «faily. oy ib« be*', inatiru ma*, fantlll**. end trachtt*. Term* one per csst in «d*anc* on oae year's cumpeBiatioa (leelaOiui boaid ) K»feresecaevchaased Eatabliahtd m 18t7, by R.H.WIL 'OX. Progneuir. WANTED.A skillful ami euergetio Man to etiltivste a ftrm oa the Hudsra. Oeml re¬ commendations teuuired. App1* m LOUCKB, Nu II W»U at. 1X7ANTED -Six Men of tjood atfdress, r T uLdsrataadlst Frsseh aad Oermao, to art as Arents for Mteis'e Ex of Rock Rose. Imimre at the i ompany's Office, Nu 41] Broadway. A cap.tal of St to $h ail be reqniraii, WA N T E I) . An unmarried Man as Waiier oas why caa bring th* beat of city refer- .tces is to rharaetsr axil ctpibtlitv Noae ne*d apnly unless they fully undeistand their business Apply at No. 78 Soatk at_ WANTED.A Clork or Salesman in an upkolstery s'ere. Any.person haviat $l.0(W to loaa kis en p'oyer will hear of a good aaTaatxea), aad aa opportu any of goiag iato busitess aaould the parties suit. Securitr xiv«n for th* money. Noi.s n*ed apply ualeee they have he moaey Addre**, wita r*«l same, SAFE, Tribune Of- aee_ WANTED.50 GaxeJeners to loan the . f iiib»crib*r ti ***k It will b* rctaraed arsiai ia two rroBtbs with thauka and ib *'**t. Addr*** A N . Ed itoref The Amtrtcmn Gardeaerr* C\reaic(t,.Maakattanv.ll* P O W Y._ 11'AN TED.A peraon to cajiTaas thia » T city for ike purp« ee of abnaankh] saescnpti»aa'm very raluaele work bow betas pu».ii»i.»d Appij to coft- NlfH, LAMPORT h CO , No t Park place _J_'rANTED.A smalt and tidy Wouiau ; . » Ametican. EagUsk. Scotck. or Ws sk preferred Must jb exieiienced and fully capab . ef doixg th* work s i n ail faint y.one who would prefsr a omf stable hint* to kirb wstes A widcw witk * th*r a bry or girl. .1. from twei«* ib fenrteea. wou'd Und tat* a ra-e ehanc*. s*'b« child would rietrca'edas on* of the family. Ad- drees p stpsid. DOCTOR, u .x IM. Bri adwsy P. O. II "ANTED..The adtertieer is desirous r * of mee'iat with some highly reepeetabl* family, who wield rent of him a aew aad m. d*ra bull House, el g t. ' located 'a the appeni P»rt of ike c tr. aad board a a family'fwkich is imsil) oat e/ tke rent Thar caa ah*, hav* th* priTilex* of isatbt » few mere bt*rder*. To say ssch, deainiut it less*BiBf the.r expensas aad of secunst » ___¦ seat h< Bi* thi* cfter* an u*u*eally fav*»able up. orten.ty. Th* ai pineant Bust havs saAsieat fursitare, or the m*aas auk wk'ch to fara sh tks h*as* tk/eutheut. except ta**e ararteente taken by th« adrertiee». which need be but par- ttally to Addies* JONES.skis *fJic*, for eae week gtrinf nine aad referent** I |i|)(i AGENTS WANTED, to sell a I loo aew aid bBtnafal Medal,on whiek Areate »r- . ow «aramt fr-a $5 t> t'O per dav Co .a ry Agaats, by fcrward.ag oae er more fMfoa may laiy upeaikavia« them oa thaber.Mrma. B LYON. No iU Broadway. Ä I IIIIII »dB PARTNER WANT- fj* *" f\ r o y<iK to j«fa tke Advertiser, wko will luitst a like fcmoaa'. ia s msaa/actunet baaaess that wiU tet fif.r per eeat. ta a Weatera eatf For pmieilart ai- t: ,, br be1ll MORBieON. Be W Qrseae-et. J_ 1 r t U\ .WANTED, a persoa wi» V a . . M m r . tke abere amount, to eagage ia a basi- x.*t* ib whiok tksre it ae eempetitiea ; sssi y maaaxed ; pr. «u n*w MA per c*m., er abeal tu. : par aaania». whica 4i be tatis/acterLy akowu apoa an ia'*m*w. Aaar*» M ABCH. TribuBS Off.cs. with same axulj»xjd*ae»____ _Q lllin .WANTED, a parter with 0 *>.! PUWa ,h . Mlh sixe^mt,__-_____"«f ..te and rery tr..r.tab'e maaefa_xo1nj .___»»_ »» o oper *tteuti*a $b . .ay be ree;__««_ VlatsaTlL artiia.' Breedw*a Pant Offlse giving tees aame. when all | »r tar¦ will be aiade kaewa. M- VVA NTEIi-^"Exshange for a sm_U sf Impaeted C.g.rs ^ M ^j^ffi-Effig. aatirkMceua ia»r -/ Tribune Office. (JflüDCfB fin Unoincse Ältn VaLI ARLE PATlSiNT RIGHT fop ? SALE -Tke «ai < (ki fiM-liiim'rilOfB M AC HIN s. See .*.>.>¦! «< w»eperet'oeeotto» Bad üeg>p 'epe . g «m< > e.i..cad ml « im Mi« b? Iba .»»».. Tkt> WM-r .«« o«t gase . -.«««« operaiio» eeleasM.a« ».«tu» ..,i. »; be 4mer*«ae is» tit ata. Addre.sJ.W Sl.*l.,m»»R at lake Ina« Hoejea npO 1 H I". .... ih.. M .»« K N.r 8A LK. Tkat lare Br»t »..i »k a *V «kwest. No >;t .tSBet-et. «a I.r»|..,f(),clr,i|: NT. It It one of tt« b> «¦ de i arala . a*d. n n. n »tot im Sa»» b Uta*««. trDiJ litHt.trti) a'«aa««ia»t« AMlGMEi Ab, LA Stock of Wat, h- /** «b J.ael t .«a fancy Gauds, t «et hei with eterw f.S ureeb, »e.t ii N. « . c>. |(,;,|eoe Tb« gods IM all '«»a,..»,re atria«. ha.it» Boee b atbt w.tk a f or »oa X > a rt.b e t otxer tat« will be«Mla) law Tb t rt« t a im« ehsasa i . aa| aaa who wieset so er reg« 'B rUbt bi'tiaee« l'or p»r«iee a'» oenire aftaa .».> arr bare«.». oreatitee C H I«ITH. Awigaee FOR $ A1. E- G K \ LADD\S we U es- lab'itbrtl alra «to-e Na KU Riaed«rer Ab* tt« karirt a SSM < ai. al a c.»h rau rat a «real bargaai, as tt» pr ptiaa. r m> aaaaat iem v sc from loa «al» ^mnonnnilö V[1BL0*S GAMD&N.-JOHM SEK- 11 TON. M get W ( OaBYN Ac.ie« Mtaaree. k Rl DA V EVENING, w. ra a. -i ., edeeed. 1W the reread iisb« is ihn Cr« 'be .-4... Oceieoftee BLAt h. DOMINO, or. « \ gm t Adreat ire Mestc Autor Lbre.t« uy Webster. Pein O'L'otacll.Kr Hadsria. J«»»»'a. Ms« Ass« Taiilos. Hriweea tta M .ei Je . . aa is-at eiset -a or 1} m.a-tte«. Ticket*. Joe Ia..i«op«a a-at Nniwintllj. B ROA DW \ Y 1 II K \ I KK..B. A. MARSHALL. So« La»««* .THIS EVENING, Man 6 n, will . f ,i.r,: H AM LEI* Pnaoe f Deamarh Hasalat.-Mr. rn-iw |0*SkaiBa.Mat«. Posas! Toentel-ide wo«. «. Pa ce er* THk B] NOaZVOCS. Besäe äs» Pare,««i, s*a>i rtretiy Clrels aaa üaaaw Ti«r,a»««aU. Private R..«m aad $4 Dm «mi at », aad i.«rforM,«Br.. ac.«a«aaa«» » ai « alook BÜKTON 8 THKa I KK, Chambirs^ ST -THI* ITRNINO. sfairk tf. THI M 4II) Of* MA" M >l NTAllf. Walter.Sar Hosia. | w.>t«t «... .Mtaa Mar* Tarlor TKF K'HST MO HT Mobs. Ai Ir > Talaia Dnti d.Mr ?»:«<-..!. Kit Iiis Aatniai-'tr N<wr .MiBlBf. I'ar.jc ToaoMittd« w ih r-t* rooni.es Auanaaiaa.Oraaa Cir-la Bad l»«r«.iet, 54) eaajtB. Baaroaat Tier. U.-aata r><«.. ...-»» a| r.>aim«b«« al Tt o'eltwk. BRul Ci Ha M H LY(' KI'M- Hroatlw*7, tear Brrosae et THIS RVKNINO. Marek M, BENEKir Ol Mi.« U4 V t- MrilHI Ut Piar«( tk« STaUlta.1« ¦»'rargrr. F^atsr | Mr. M\ .rr..Mitt Dareapert To eeaciade «ut n - HONEY MOON Duke A räum.Ere er | .1 ist Mm 1 >*r«ap*tt AdBtissiAB.Oreea Circle aad Par«o«t. lOeeete. Eaatllf Ckele. lj eis MB) epaa ai I. t aitaia rta«s «t 1) e'eleek. MISS DaVKNINiKT has th«To^7w tat oa ace that he- UK* K » r tn l laat appeaiaaee bat eae. will täte elate at Sioaibiai't LgeeaM THIS ii t'it EVENING Mt aB * a wb eb oeaelea will Se aree«Bted Ibeplaieof I HE STMA^GKR asdthe HO NEY MOON-iae par'* of Mrt. H.l.er aad Jallaae bp As Dareapert M~R7iTEMPS I KK'S PÜst t >riKini». H«j. lad Eaianaioinent Ibia f4aa«na. will he girea al IBS) Taberaacle. »a MONDAY MV a>NI HO Ma.eb l», isel iaV- iit the '..»« in Scsi«: Tta ludiaa'e l'eniplaial," " MoraiBa, tu ii aad Bi«ht " Im tba« SwaaUr Sattle," " Jeha Aadertro Bbtje" 1kaMadWD«a." Mr haar* it like a sileer Isle " 1h» ¦ irrtBf o' tbo T)eor," " Laateal of the Ir it EnntriBt " " Wart nma bka aaa ib Ufa's loao aale." ' The Dar " ¦ Mr «mi, » ()."" Let as lore eae Another and the Mar Ojiaen ib those parts Tickets, so ceete. Booke, If ( cente. To caaiaare at 8 a'eaeeh. (1 I RC 1\S - NEW.YORK AMPIII- ** THE4TRB.No IT*»iw«ry -J M Sf HKNKrtT of the CLOWNS LOYhTT n.d W KKNNEDY. Trflf EVEN IN') Much !> »a wa.rh tri till PATH Kit W KEKl RY will ., ia iba Hm beeidee a full d«s- £ayor HORSEMANSHIP by the Troupe of B- SANDS METROPOLITAN (lit« TriplBr) HALL..ERIN'S GBU VN I I E O BEI LI Y. th« MstTBguitbed Orator aid tin'n int. will give SSM ut hu Grand I.vie X-otrte rmei. » «-yuC IRISH BVEN- INUS, on FRIDAY NluH T v> t«. erabraeiag da- ISM ISASetJ ShotOh00 ef SOOSrtTt, H.ian r>nt R««niBi«e«ac«e, paiiagts of ihrillug h.e .an-e, euvisiag Aaeedot«a,fee. O the EDITOR ..f THE TRHUFNK: Sir Seetag an attic s la your paper allegiag thst a HORSE I bar« as eahtbelkaa at No 4i Caaal it., aear Br«tdwsy, with a Line« Baiks in nsa of its syes, lesa si- r ai nreparttioa I dar a water aay ataa wBo asserts It fr. at »10 to 11 on. t a lbs t-.. n i. fal'e Adanitssce it, etata H WOOLLIY. npHE AZTErS-ChAnvre) of Hoiats^- I Thete wosderful li'tta o.¦« can hara«A«r ba ««.» at Iba S..«i«iv Library datire ibair stay Ut Btew-Yurh, (wklch will ba limited) from t| n »ad fraat 7 to 9 e'elor.h daily. Ticke»« tlceau Chi ttran half price. ]\TA POLEON at Fi »NTAINBLEAU, 1 a March 11 till -THE EVE OP HI4 ABDICATION, paiated by Paal D«'«rnea« i be rt'nhiiioa of tbu world¦ resowi.sd pictars wb rh bsa Been r tiled ditTllg the last tw« yesrs in EsglaBd. Eratce and Oermaay by seer half a mi!iioa of people ib bow ..,».« at .Stiiyreseat Istrtute, No. «09 Broadway Opes from 9 a. M te It P. M Aduntm a llaaata, Chtldr«a hall pnoe. SATTLKR'S 0O8MOKAMA8.Kiral Sonee . EiBibited noraee of itta el sad ¦reatlwsy. Opes rrem SAM nil IS si «ek P M Admissa<>e ti oeata. Tke«e worke of Ar.i of a cei ec'ioaei FlBWaof EUROPE, ASIA MINOR SVBIA, THE HOLY LAND, EGYPT, NUBIA aad A B ABI A They are «Ietched aasl paiaied laoil by Prof Sattler T JtloiirTj Ciunif<> unö to toon. $L>*U\ III-ill TO LOAN on Bond and rjTte »1 p.a. It] pa p Mnr,,M. .. ..^...«je, .,f ,,ua. eety, la evuiie >.f 11 ,eee ¦.. ti uie Aj>pl« ts BELDER h COLTON Ne 94 Phamliera et. Worses, (Earriagei, #c. I CO MULES tor SALE..The sub- I OO »criber baa cous'Be ly jSB .> »d sad for isla a Urge asBiler «f geod sale. b> died Mulei, laeludisg well- bialeMu'eewf gieal ti/e. past this fi«T firm work, er aas; kind of '.tsm wok. a as a v -o. . sei able f.r tb'peiag alto, a aumbet broken ter SSWUS aa .u « .. aad a lot of So d rneeg and ur.b'ckea f.tui 'naiousbls. Isomre of IOBEBT BICHEV. No i«) Wa h.ugt a «t ft Y «r at ihe rei .leeee of the «ob»ori'>«'. a' I* . e.bnrg. New Verity, on the Camdea aad Amboy Na irnad where the Mates nuybeiees. J tai Ev BUCEBLRW. (^OAL .The auKeatriber Itaa in <ard a J fall SBpply of Aathiar.ie aad B........nu Ooale. fBSJa nstisg of Psach On i.e .: Blank H.a.i, LsSisB Haahrtoe.. Esgliak Caaaal, Livarpo.il Orr«l. Cnmherlaad, Ikdasy.aU it which is warranted to be *>t ke heel jaalitr. delieereS is the beet order, aad '<.. ea'e at 'he rery -weet euaraet encts. JAMUL WORTH, N«. 14 B rood wee. sad Sta-ei rnr Paemeena IN lTlisccllancons ^.üöcrtifiemente. ;oTICEof INTF NTION te FORM aa Issurance C< mptsy, Cspual, $ Ki Ofo. diride.1 isto (be »baue ef $ I. eacb. reab ta d up. wok the prirl'ege ef iscrsssrsg lbs espi at »t'e-k to t '.uo ^u The atder- I rtrd ts.tbj lire b" Baal their it fa irsa bs form aa fa- «..r<sc» CompSUJ, r<> r>e b-ra ee ie »bee !v ./ New York, ttd to ralltd THE Rl l(.Df*G ASSOCIATIONS FIRE INSUBANCI COMPANY, for ths purpoee e* B .' 11 eiataace oa dw«ll,s« koaeee st.ee«. roots, aad all kiadi of baildngt tad sp » i. in forai'.ur«, mer gBaaaaas sndotber propeity, aga.sst Inee or damage by file aaa the ruk. of islaad aaeiaansaa aad traeeporteteie, as tip'et sad is the eoeotd s.ibcir.»iaa of the drat eeclioa of tbssctlo pro» lor the its ruo t in ef letaraae« Companies, paaeed Apiil !. h, lt!3 -Dsted Mew Tora, Febtaary 1, IUI. DtaiflToBS Jrbn Brae*. Sissaoe Draper, Morgta Morgaaa. Ca!«hB Woodknl!.AIpa«u« Besicsg Jobs C. Hell. Abrsm Wakeman. i'asier C '"biida. Dane Collarairs, Pttrkie Levlsay, *W>tomee Je.turus, Wa tsr Brady, Cains ... ae t Wa E. I: .- -s Jehs Kasse i. Das ! H Gregory, Jobb J Ye.ie't. Jobs T Dedge. A.rre.iXJe««.. J ho T. Hh.peerd Cbarlee W Hell, i «e,.a Giiee, » alter K.eier, Jobs B«gtea fr., Ifesry Major. Joka H-S per. J eiak M WniWey, f.amaelHa»aeH, MiP Wül, «tohs P'srseU Wm M Dodge, Chaa Jeakeae. II. rr, A C.rb. , Daaield Habold, Bebt Me'is'.lss rWWaler. Jo«l Saoubia. Janas A Ca bo* Rjeb'd J. BicUarcs. TuaaUiy H Berg-;' JOHN UK' > Presideat sJolomo" Jisscbuh, leetetery.______ 1H) LEA8E.The whole ef fir-«; story Rmldisg aathe eeeser of'BVi«»¦'¦*1 *"* Ass-its This is «e mt the mo-t .imtO****. _ tue lower >ert of ihee 'y ..« »'", say oae re^a.r.ag a groat aat.ei t of r»r>m aad iigh> trtroet rroat led hot. Apply - yesaaasa ta iaB. Bl. SHABF. TO LET.Two larB« I>»fu in the five- ..»rr Baildtag. correr of Be«kataa. t#e!4 aad Aaa- «ta Each Left ia Di'at feat. Ih'ee rdee oe street. tad ror'anr bataaeea r.itirisas grest 1 C.Ilira ajaaatBaij. jror te,ms s>ply oa tne peemtse re JAB M SHAEf. icTlsliT.A fine Store, No. «1 Beek- nu ii enrser sf i. .Id Also a large Boom either with or witboet tke there, aed imaed.aely erer it eeit- abls for a Salse-rewa kc . Re. This room «t li by l'» fee*, with frost os tbres ttrtets. atvd is eae eg* the mmt a.egaat saiee reos-s us the Uiwer part ef the eity APjdr <>a the p.emiaes U_rn.tmM.tW. TVtW' aad 8 EC ON D-il AND FÜRNL II 1 UBB-Srllrag eff cheap at No 9 Spraee et., Bsfsav MakegsBf C* a -a Beakers. Bareaas. UH.i r ue.. 1 w" - . r.-1_ IV .atari «.l> ii.Iin 9 Spraee at., Sefae, is. Leefciag etasase, Jaalee. CeuaMre w,t« dratin, urs.Caaai BaaasAaa.de. havr, Lbsjbsj Staads. K^MOVAL-BROVVN & TA8KBH bare rsstsTed their tterk of C mks Faaaaad Faaey i. . . \«« « Marray st add I Park-plaee, ap stars ae. i Breadway rr.e eheire asd B W laklet. Ceustere wilh trswsra, i I>«Ik7c"^*.C«aah *.«. Steels 7 dosea Chairs. 1* Bo^lia?« Ur koA aad at: a- Mattreset* Pei_es.ee Lfwraar"-^ -*» **H> (t^h'l Bs>aa.WasL- yj-tlTatV. Tablae. hall, effiee aad parier Sterea_

l'KIRJJNJB^ NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. Unoincse Ältnchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1852-03-26/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · BfALectureaaKupernataralltin,embrarla ... M Adman ¦for one,

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ni OBEKLEs a M< «LKAI'H.. t>'« rii*i t »III. 01 <.**., i -Hin» OF IMVCI III** «a»»»i-«Tk , opro'iTi rt>« mrr taxi..-g^auverBd to C.i* 8*nec',ner* f»? 12i Cent* petl >.j<-*

JT»-*** u*J pref»r, eaa mmj ib eatvajt. ¦* *: Ibe D»e«,.*.«* "i . rear «I the asm* .at* tii tf|| <.

fwtCesw. Mail Sabaanbers. Fit* Dollars ne- at.--v.. >

jj^nf- gatjsrriiyteoas takea fur *n taoata« Porti. via* II J* Tare* Dollar* ta advaao rat]mil ad all¦iliri** *"*B ''jOMtrj NV»v«"»i» "


ZlftC at tk't »Mee whose tarau arc Bienei than tLoaa »f

jJJ, tviAaa* a"* lit allowed ea» diferaa'ta

Special Notices.fjr «rtje Lae.1 Lecture «f R-v l)r B \.'OV'§ «?

.klsnes Tteeel »ili be n«*« at the fab* -a

ynlDAY RTENINO 26. butt, at 7, .'el rk Tti.i *c

L, ml iteiuca ta ic-'m. of c a perilous edveatnretMti tea Korea IVic a Calm.tu*» twj p.r* a

Zlhffi *al« at Ma M>9 Bioadway, Mo. 19) Broad-and at tk» d-ver.

~tar faclety of tho Iran Maat . A POKM. 'Thatj«7>* of Laboi " by ACGCAT1NE DIGANNE. ao<lAiAremi tiptt as'ory ot tf.e Society's hjectt, will be de-"vtied a' H-nc t hsp*i. THls EVENING before Triunea#.4. Maaic ooner (lirec-.ioi c f H. Curtis. To Com-

iatT|0*e»aeb. Admittai.ee lices's.

XS Vter»hlp -Mr 1. M I' KS 'IN s leetore oa Wor.ia i wUl be (slivered at Hope Chapel. to MURBO*¦TIMM. (Sa'.ardaj Mar. b 27 a: 7« o'clock Ticket«,tfetats For »a!e at Evans k Bnt'an's, No. 997 Broad*say aid C. B Fraacit a Co.

BfA Lecture aa Kupernataralltin, embrarla«Spirits, I'll uii lams. Ate, witb an etplauaUou of aurua

(file remaiktb * u.i ..» et, predimea. fcic . will be deliw-trtd by 8 J MtUCi wICK. A. M in ,,r Lecture raom ofUiC'iMirilmd Ma'krina ical 8ckool. No. 14 *xth-ar.,Mai WattiiaitoD luoaio.aa FKIDaY EV«NI VG \f-..<..¦M Adman ¦ for one, it cen's , for ladr and, gentlemanfiteata '.« I* had at .be door, or at Aleairi Hi'titon'tlawletoie, No. 49 ti lth av , and ui A. I> F, Kaudutph'ekeakaiara. No 64>9 Broadway. Door* open at 7 F.M. Lea,taaiai7iP at._Pr Plymouth Charrti. Brooklyn.-K«». (:hki.

flNNkY will preach ia th.a Chorea CTKBt KYKN-IBU tki* week, at 7t o'eleca A WetaBI Omfereaoe Afeet-¦( ef Ca«>chea will be he'd ia ta« Lectn>e ttmiiu of tee

ata.e Church every afternoon, frnai i lo | o'ctock. Thefib.1* peaera ly are laeitad to be preaent.1»»" Te the Ladlea..A re irte of Free Lcr-t.irei he-

feit ike La«iet will be giren by Dr. BANNING, w thekail of "ucte'y Library corner of |.»...»¦ «. and B">«d-aae.allP. M., ea THCHSOA Y, FRID AY and 8A ! HDaY »I tk.a week, on Pbyaical Fdin atmn and tbe Caneeeaad Cure o' Weakneaaaa aad Dieeaaea of Female*. Lauieepaaaiaily ar* invited.

Of Deafaosa Cored, whether accompaaied withaeue* d ie'Bet*. palaaiiwn, pain, or diBcaa'cea from thelea* or eneiaal ear br Dr I.UrBNtK'^ newly dieeoe-ntd rtaiedy Dr. LuTENBB'S Kar lalirmary. No MPrtace-it ,N Y.. epaa daily, aicept daadars, trom 9 untilI. AlD*ttere moat ctmlaia a f*e nf $1 a*d be preoaid.

rar ffatice ta Paaaea.rra f rom Panama toCallferma 11 e PACIFIC MAIL 8TF. iMSHIPCOM I' A N Y feel called upon to rue public amice that ao

tjaketa will t-e teropai/eo by their afeat at Paaima weichare aot *na*d by *n ofUcer of thia Compaty, aad that tl<-a-#ti tern aimed can he oitemed »aly at their Agency, No.ITTMeet at ,ofof C. L BARTI.RTT, Rao., BoaU.nafM***!* A HM8TRGNO H A RBIS Si CO .New-Orleana.

By erder. YVM. II. DAVXDGE. Secreury.Riw-York, Jaa. M. l&M.

"BT Heaae and Furaitiire for Bale..Tbe capa-ci..i* four *t"iy bnck owelilna; H«o** known a* N 9 St

Oe*i|* place. *itaat*d on the eoith eidanf l'iib at.be-t«**B lit and >' »v .ingethar with the *'»«-ant and valua-ki* Fuiauuie therein eontaiLed. will be eold very cheap.Th* koaie ia i.ew denrahly leca'ed.and fi'.iad w.taalltheBiedera improrementa Th* inrniture ha* been but one

year m a*e, and ia of the iuo«t tachorche atyle j coniiatia^*f tiuteaui. bedate .di\, ctiandelieri. p'ate rlaai aünora,.arpetaof earioua kit.ee, pier and oater tablet, lace andbeen w»dow eurta ae, bair and vet aeat ehaire, broca-1*11* eortriBK*. Ac Ac. The word work ol the furnitureat entirely ef roie tad niahcpany Thn ¦ a complete itockef keut*h*ld fwnit'i.e emnmcint l"tn the useful aad.rka»*alal. It ha* '-en atoeeted from tbe l>eat raaaufac-taiara, aid iti tele^tion wa* nb.*rr*d with rreat careantldwetimiaitioa Thia i* aa opportunity eeldom offered lapraeuie vllunhle and n**ful propaety at aainallcnat Thetdveituer declii.e* honaekeepmr i* the cityon.. efU*illa*l*i.l hi* lamiIf I'. .* oileitd at a great *acr.nce.If tkakoaa* aad c. u et>ta are not told within a few weekaat puvk'* ta'e, the Utter will be a. ld at auction and t .*

ferair rented. The property uiny be examined everr daybetween th* bourt el 1» and ». For f urther particular m-guir* oa tke piemueitW Mutual Leant Hoaee-FurmlelilatT and

Piano »orte Aeeoclullou..The a*t*ntioii of the pa >-

be i* uv.ltd to this new Suc'ety, which u now beingfriBttdnpen the plan of the varioua Build na Aiaociatiaui,tketgh tomewbat nflerent in th* application*of it* fm.dt.lad tke in* of its clottag. which caunot exceed threejsar*. There will he ihre* himdied shares of $200 each;aid ae aien.hcr will he allowed to take more than livelit er. The monthly psyment en unredeemed shares willsell, sad n redeemed sfcare« $6. Members ena at anyhas pay mm the full an.ouot of their dues, and became freehem ike Aeeoctatiou A dieo*unt or i p*r c*at wnl belltswsd oa payment* in advance Nn parson* need vcitcer kpply unlets ies dents of thai city, Brooklyn, or Wil-haaahnrg Fe' full p»rti<'ulatt. Piospectut anIks seteo. in the Book Store if M**tr* ADRlANCE,id I h m a N R CO No I Astor House, where sulncip-ItSB will ae lecclrred Oo and >**.

tV Colamlilna MutnaJ Lean ami Accu.nu-lailn« l im.I Aaaoclaiion.-NOriCE .Tha »

arni.ua t.. ahar** a tnia Aaai <¦ ation ara rcqueated to callat ibe Beeietary'a Office No Ii Delaacy st., si«a the Con¬stitution, psy their duaa for the month of March, (two dol-liie er skare) and r*c*iv* their Pass Book.Is eeaeeoaeaee af :.» large n<imber of subscribers an

.ar > eomp isace »nh ibis rciuest will greatly facilitateth* busies** ef ih* Aseaoia'lea.we wnl have ever l.Hn dollars to Loau on the first

a< hthly meeiieg. THURSDAY, lat April. (No money re¬ceived at tke m*vtiBg IOdlee houKdariu« th * week from S A. M to 9 P. M._

CHAS. 1. WOE,Beeretary.Ma.SA ftalaarij at.

tT~ Notice .Bulldln« As»<m latioiia' Fire Ininmate Company..Ail aereoai who have takeaekaro ai* h*'*l>y not lied l«callaitbe nfllce o* tbeCon.pur. Hailern lUiiroad Buildit.ge, r .-ner otChathain at.ltd 1 v< low, lo eiin ike Charier, previous to its beingNetto Al'any. As uea ly all the abates are lakea. tier-Nil wiskitg to hold anv st. ck in tins Couipanr hail betterCi'l at lbs fhee and subtr ibe luimadiate y.Tk« efnc* will be open u tin* d.ir and tomorrow (Sat

artay) from 11 till 7 o clock in tbe evening, for persons touga ike rhs"er ai.d tobs-ribe for t he te * remaintat aharet.

S. JkstkiN, Secretary. J. BRUCE, President.(äF* Bulldia« ABKOCIaiiouk' Fire Iwaurance

CenapaBS. t B»| al $IM (i. e. d.voted lata ln.nou share*..I % strb. rath paid up. with the privilege of increann^Ike sapual s'ork te BMt,0Stl snUacnp ions for theNptalst ck of ti .. t .it run will he.eciireJ y the f jl-A>»ibx persona, itppoiated Comni.<s:oaers John Bruce,fs liPls't tt YVskeman a I.a'ting. IN M Fulton at.;Mm Bsiton, No 16 North Wtl'iam st.; Solomon Jet-mriB. Hu. 8 Clinton court, Beekmrtnti , Joha F Yal-k>U. Ne US Saals st H- ¦.'».¦. alto h> nil the DirectorsA Prtwap». ioa, *tolsinint <h* t eat advantages to be de-

in. the t ma Paaj to aae)oaaaioa aad small property-ksldere. as » as to those who » iah to mveat their aioner¦I tat Iks larrsat amount ,.| proflt*. ean Lc hid of anv ..(tke Diieclois, all the Senetariee of the difJereal BuiMiatAiaaciatiot*. or at the oflloe »f M. IKS-lfHUN. No.rillten ei urt. He*.man St. JOHN BRUCE. riasiJaut_B «TStgoaCH. Stcreiary.ÄCr Ship ( ariteiuer., Alio) !-8FrUKE A HOME»BILK IMF I 'I F« 'K TIN 11 Y OFFERSA tublir n e.t 11| f he E«r>t Biver Buildiut and Mutual

lean das. eiatioa will he held at Cn on Hall, com» r ofAintii C and 4 h St.,ouSATUKDAY EVENING. MarchI». IU2. at 74 P MAH take feel intersitrd in procunat a hnma fhr them

..ivet ihou it attead and lrara how it ean Mb d >ne by a

.fell mosthly pavm*nt. Addreises will be delivered by*M I. CM AND* KM, E*4 , and other eminent speakers.Tk* ertice. No. ill Grand et i« o->*n dvly ttom 11 A M.

"r* I'M wkare *ub*er.plion* wnl ha '»ceivwl and a 1we*i.arv iB'.or.atiKU tiv*n Entraae* fee for tke pres-*at,$2; dues, |J; *har**

OBaDIAM NEYVCO.MB. PreeidentJaMKS WUl TE. Fice Fieaideat.SAMUEL U.JORDAN, Aaet. Vice Preet.

CkARLks E A NtitasoN. Secretary.

Jf ^eva^.Ycrk llonae FwraUhma aad Accu--nniaiiaa fund Aeooclatlea >. oraraai/ed aad coa-'.>"» f> a 11 .. eft'loewaa (all) ... ..1.1.J with the.aaw»»» Bpeiatioae «"d o.n.ual ijouucr. of th* bwat[.!» a:it' Buihiiuc A*so< uliens. Batrsi.t-* lee il. month-blats. $J thai et. BB I i PECK, Secrvveiy.

Otlice No tso Broadwar. re.uu No y

*"~TFabllc Meeting 1 h* REPUBLIC AN m'U.DASSOClalloN will hold it* lirat public iiieelint at

attpeeU Room*. No l i> Brvadwar, ou TUESDAY«EBING, Maick 30 at 7, o'<doek

oirn ia--JOSEPH N BARNE-t. P endentJAMES G .vioFFET. Vice 1'ieaidentJOHN E M1I.LE«. Asaiataat Vue President.


Wa. J Vslenaae, Hsrvey Hart,lease Mix. Jr Gilbert d Nix-mJakaPM .r.c John Hoope,fswis B Ba'uee, Oeorre B ud.'aiih fun II*nry M S'evens,flaei S Huden, Henrv Brcner,Hwsihi N. Wild, Cha'lea H Ring,daatat T b. v n. w m B Peck.

John Bu\ D SurveyorJ Ba.m n»n Stevens Attorsey

_ Jens T C*in.\» Secretaiv.^a» Beeks ef ike AseweiatioA are aow onea far sabecrip-

"*a PerMiai liseiroa* ef .oiaiBt can d* *o bv app'.yint aa

r*1* OA** o.*n from V to t o'eioca evrrv day, and on

!"»"-'i> ivaaiage. Batra ce fee, SI; .>*.r»«. (S00,¦^kiy CUte. $5. _

TT^H-AAe-iharee nearly all Taken. -Tue IR-hl II D1AG AND Ml lUAl. LOAN AS-SOCIA-

StlB eil) hold a Pub,ie Meetiag a' Cbai 'iaei Hall, No 3«* »*¦ isuai*. an SATUBDAY EVENING, March 27,w't»eivck »..».. ..eu ..*i*. >.»w is yaur tiiue

T^'k. s* tk.s A.,., .. is nearly fuB. aad tke hooks will¦aiij, t oteAddistaaewil, t>* deliveted bv able spiakeri. who willjmsie tk* W*rkirjx, I 'he A»s.> is'ioa. Ladies and gea-Tpea*'e avvited to artend.(.eajratee Fee for the present, onlv $1; Moath'y Dnee,*. rar raise ef share* %H A

MORhIS PKARL1V Pres t, K\ n BrosdwayQUO H DELI.. \ ir* Ptea't. No Ii» Nassau at.

.tlsaT M Nkui *\.8*cre arv. Na Ui Graad at.

.¦WUkLawtajivB, Attorney No Ii Beekiuaa-st- fell ti kks .

H. Franklin No IT! W.st tt2*» w Rihist. Countv Clerk * odic*. City Hall¦ .* C Hsmet. No* IJ7 and l»9 Watar at.i»»** Jtcksaa. Jr No 4»? Brvadwar.S**al U Mixtard, No M Bsrclay et.¦.'esaPuti. No Hi Dnaae-sl.P (''"-be. No. lit Graad-stfw Biekirdeoa No is Faltaa-sl.aT^-T Msxwail. Ne. laC-tv Hall.

*»,,**. ef A-vciation. No to Graad si., open every,J^ftemgto9o'*»lock, and on Wedaeedays from i to

kW!*»»'-M.. far Udi.s Ailttlet el tAe Asaotuatiua.5 »edi rati*

iJt.-*! Card.-Meeakert of Building. A*e*cialleae are

HK'iilv javitBd t. loin tke NEW-YORK HOCSBSfMlIRO CO.. Ike ob ect l>emg te famtek taerabere

SWkhideikfCBbiaet Farmitare by email monthly pay-cv

. ur«aai/aunu tt aiatilar to Bui..La* Aseoeia»°«ee Mo ga« Broadway, reetn Ke. ».

«V Third JU.ln.nirm' Bulloia« ana Mum rI.O.ID AiliM lallult.. ha M lim 'em t« 1 00*.7 » B***iit*Mi hoea taken Tk* aapisBadsated sirci' >vIssjea. Mechtbisia' Boi dmcA'dMeiua Liaa Aee k- ttioa.

thaisg ).-..« ..¦ «ii bed tat b«for« Ine ,V*<meutbli BMMtntf, aa' ihn tubM riptisva b i >k» co***t>* h iclo.ed ) a tery large iuii.lt of pTtoa* haviag be*a ditao-patjs. mi in t>»noi»meirbe-ii ot Ik* See>ad, have oa-n-incedaThd Mtcbax, ca' Bo d ue »od ilitual up.A*" r i < r PjartUf t»< *rBartUled m ibeir Oonsitu'ion tue.«». »«v». t.*e< ii» prinende* to shareholder* *1 ie*i filed»och far. r with tb» public, aad whica 0il*d «r tbe Sec»«d,re ledccea*. r ¦« tepid TAr. peieon. male or female, rlesimea of snaking hit or

her small ttraitf. (MN than tuple it-, f in the rot *f *few ..«».». at any rer*. a who i* detiroo* efb.rrow.agMi* . i ia order to porch*** hi* own hont« on th* oioet ad-vaitageous terms, who will bat take tk* trouble to com¬bs'* th* advantage* tffered by this A**ocia'mn both taUnter* aad borrowers with fhose offered bv other Aasoeia-nta*. will at nee find the key to the success of oar pitafar tie'si ee

1st It will loan money at « percent, per armum on the>*.i advanced.td It will allow interest at the rate of 7 per cent per aa-

aum to a'i persona who prefer payiag their eabecnpuoa fortwo n.aath* or mare in advance, thns securing a doable li¬te ssi.flistiv the above 7 per eat, second*/, their share(.f profits. Perseas who wish te borrow money for the pur¬pose of buy it, g or bailding their awn bonae orfaru.caehere sec re an advatce on far more lit ral terma than arerfler'ed by at v o'her Association.

3d. Persons deairons of withdrawing from the Society,can do so at any time, by givieg nae mon h's notice, and re-ceivekaek ail cues paid by them, withiaterestat7,oereent.MlrtliUDl.. ... .....

A peseta*, svbo will save but 14 rettt a day. (and there tenot oae pereon wbo eaaaot, if eo dicpoeed,) eaa in this do-riety lecuia in a few yeare a email capital, (SI,000.) withwhich ke can establish huntelf in batiae**, andachieve his own iBdepeadeace.Tte entrsr.ee fee ia is etat* per share monthly payment,

$* per ibaie ; valae of each share. SLadies art! gent emeu desirous *f ,m;t: can leave 'he r

names wnb the Secreterr J. H. SaVKK, Presid at.ft. P. towns* I Mi, Vice Presidaat. No. 82Nassau s»Jar oh Pi ast p., Secretary, No. !6I Hester-stA Fpet ial Meeting, for the paymeat of dues and admis¬

sion of member*, will be bold ta ll'BSDAY EVENING.March 30, at 7} o'clock, *t UaioB But tiinr». No. 163 Bowe¬ry. Jol a Hoopei and otbere will eipiala th* workings i><this Aa-ociauon Th* Secretary i* daily, from 9 A. t<>10 P M at hi* office No. in: Hctter-*t, for th* purposef receiving tubsenption*.IT Tin' Clielaea Building- aad Mutual Loan

Jkaeeclailoa will held 'heir itaod return meeiieg M theAtermbly Boon «. <-.,reer ft !¦ av aad 23th St cm MONDAYEVENING. March 29, at 8 o'clock. 8btre* will be re¬deemed at this mealing, aad the entrance fee will be $5a<tar this meeting Members a>e e nested to call at to*office of the Secretary aad get their bioks aiid pay theMarch dues at say timeduntg the day or eventng until 10o'clock. WM. H. HOYT. Secretary. No. 230 3th av.

tV Pamphlet Revlew-CAUTION TO THE PL'B-1-1 Wc would advise all who feel interested ia theprofperity of Building A** iciation*. aa well a* those whohave been deceived by the many unfounded pamphlet* aadether reports IBM have beta circulated to Inj are these insMtutions, to attend tbe public, meeting ef the SecondKn ckeib. cker Bmidiag Ass-eiatioa,on MONDAY EVENINO nest, the t7ih inst., at Knickerbocker Hall, at 7|o'clock, oa which occasion 'his Asaociatioa will meet anyargnment ibat can be brought to rear against these bene¬ficial institutions, aad mv-te the fullest and freest discus¬sion, publicly, at tht* meeting, a* we feel assured that themore minutely and thoroughly tbe operation*are discussedthe more beneficial will be tbe leeutt Workiagmea, me.chain, s aad clerks, attend tin* meeting, a* it i* oae ofgreat imoortanue to al'. aad we wonld also invite the at-'entioa ol lacies to this meeting, as aide speakera will bepresest Mr. W. T. »ULLIKEN and others have kiadlyvolunteered. The protperity of this Association Bag beenui.f-iialieled. at.d those who have not secured shares cando eo at this meeting, or a1 the Office of the Secretary, No.lt'.8 9ih-av.,as the limited number are f»st filliag up.

JAM BS K DKL VECCHIO. PresidentANSON WILLIS, Vica Preaident.

tri j>r«gS -

John A Ouna. A. A. Vaientiae, W H. Orenel'e,John W. Mil'er, Henry Johnson, Einile Baiter,

J. W. Ogdess.Edward J. Madden, Secretary. Office No. lG8 9:h av

I':; Bt. Nt< hnlw* Bulldiag Association.-offic*uiidtr the Chatham Bank, corner of Chatham and Dunne.tt. Entrance in Duai n-*tThis A*soclation being now completely organized, th*

at eiitionef those interesied is invited to UM advantage* itpiatent* ia enabling the poor man to accumulate hi* carlogs, and provide himself a home, or tbe means of procur¬ing one m a few years. As tbe success of any Associationi f ibis nature depends upon tbe responsibility asd charac¬ter ol those who conduct it* affair*, care ha* teen taken toselect euro a Board of Trustees at will latpire th* utmostconfidence of lb se who connect themselves with the So-riaty. The office will be open daily aatil 8 o'clock P. »I.,to receive ruhteripiiout, where informatiea may be ob¬tained.Slate, $c00. Eu'rauce Fee, $1. Duee, $1 per month.William L, Couklin. Clothier, No. 8 Bowery.Thoiraa Williams, Jr., Grocer, No 123 Madison-st.Jobs Leveridge. Attorney-at-Law. No. «7 Chatham-at.Wm. T. Pinkuey, President A»tor Foe Iu*. Co.John B Dunham, Piano-Fore Maker, No 92 K. 13th-*t.(' A. WB'taer. Secretary AstorFre In*. CoGeo B. Whit field. Plumber, N*. leg Water-*t.Egbert Pcudder, Hardwaie, No 15 Oold-st.Jae V Bich Stetionar, No. Gl Wiiliam-et.William Close Builder. No. it Booeevelt-at.Ahram Duiyse, Laathei Merehaat. No 224 Madisoa-etCharte» J. Sbepard. Stove Maau'eetnrer I4t Water St..Mi C.Paiker. Coach BtuKer YorkviileJ. W. C. Lkvbridoe. Attorney.

WM A. CONBLIN, PreeideatTHOS WILLIAMS Jr.. Vice-Preeident.

Hobt ü. Hakt, Sern t_ty.BT >ollce--THE MANHATTAN SAVINGS in

SlllllToN, No. 6411 Broadwar. wnl aliow latereet onall del out* made ob or before the lei ef Afril uexi; an

,»i tit. on sum* ol $300 and utder, five per ceut. forit.i s if SI 1^(0 and . vet $3f0.N, B This lustitutioD divides its .surplus aiuiag the de¬

positors when it auiuuats to mere than S>3,ono.A. A. ALVOBÜ, Secretary.

iv The New York Land and Itniidiag Asse-riullen was orgaur/ed to pneure 5'*4) wmkiag meurj.ui.ee. It i* ia tha full tide of *uc<w»*l Leithereut-llsktea, lhe», be innured with hope and jeia us tnime-diately. The jutiation fee is only 50e but v.111 geaa bera ted to S3. MILES CH AMBCRS, Preaidoat.H. S. Smith. Secretary. Office No. i Murray at.

iVeu) Pnblirations.fiaj t k r^cTi^^T^ilvTPO FORTHCOMING PCBLICATION8:


CoB plete in 1 vol., with illustrations bv Cruiksbenk. Price3u cent*.

III. PRECAUTION. By Cooper. Revieed. With aPortiait aad a View of hi* ia'* Resid«zce at Cooperstowa.IV blOBIEe). Bv'he l>eet Aaikeie. A SeneeV A BOM ANCK OP LIFE IN NEW-YOBKVI. LI LI AS I)A V UN A.NT A Tale By th* Author of

" Retails'* aad Keuudaeads " heVII THE UPPER TEN THOUSAND Sketche* of

An.erican Srvieiv. By a New-Yorker.\ HI pbofbbsob Jl LIUS C.U.SAK HANNIBAL'S

SCIENTU1C DlSCOl'BbES. A book full of Wit andBatwaff.)\ AVARICK. A Novel. By Eugen* Sue.\. HU*TING I HP ROMANTIC; or. The Adventure*

e* a Novel Reader. 1'rom La Chais* au Roaiaa" ofJu pa SkiideauXL BODKHICK RANDOM. By Smollett. New ax.li-

tioB. with IllBstraiioi.s bv CraikshaakXII JOSEPH ANDREWS By Fieldiag. New edi¬

tion, with lllotti-itieae bv CruikthaakXIII. THE STl'I»KNT'8 WIFE. Bv Mrs Daaie's.au-

ttio ui " Fertlev Manor," " lit S star MioBie,'' BeXIV Tile; GYPSY S DAVCHTBR Bv th* Author-(Tbe Gambler e Wife."' Be\\ 111E h' K OF ROME By J. ShenJaB Kaowlet,

Esq.XVI. BROOKLAND9 or. The eunrua, Sunshine and

Sunret el Lt'e. Aa Autobiography. By Major Bvag Hail,author of *. Highland Sporte," Exnioer." fcc

No. %ti Broad waj

DgaWITT & DAVENPORT, Publish-.t* aad Bookeellert, Tribune Building*. Nataaa tt,

would inviu- the aiitntioa oi tna nau* »o»a.i»assotit.;ent oi new aid popular works. They have latelypublished the foUewiasIHK SWAMP STBXO or. THE DAYS OF MABIONAM HIS MkRHY MKSA i**eluiiotary aovrl of great power. Price, 30 ceats.THE BltLK KANUkRS;

H. »Urne Ve d, witn lia'ed illuttretioat Prie*. hi aaate.THE REVEKIKS OF AN OLD MAID;

W th i3 illustration* Prne»*eaae.11 a M MAKTILK HIS COMICAlITIES ECCIN-

ThlClIlES. AcU ,th illuitra.iona Price. 30 cent*THE HEIRS OF DEKw ENTWATBB.

Bt K. L Hieachaid. Pr.ce. 3U ceat«.LOAk 1 kl. er. Utk; SALONS OF PARI?

llr Mn r Riebara»** Pr e*. 31' ceataMAllLDA MgMGOMEBY.

A sevual ie Waroutta Price, 3ti ceataBFHBLS AND IOB1F*

By l aweac* 1 abree. Price. 3* cents_


Pub'Bsbvrs.Tribi'B* Baildiug», Nassau-*».

Important Pub»icatioB

PH)R SCHOLARS, »TUDENTS, En¬gineers Artis'a.Offloeia of the Army aad Navy,

ai.d lor Baatily and Pab'ie Lib ane*.H i'NOi.RAPHlC BNCYCLOP.UDU

B e re. Literature, aid Art; systema'.ically srraa.ke«by C He k.wnh Ftve Hundred Steel P ate*, by the mv-t

durtieguubed Aitist* ef German; The Text trane'atedand eJited bv Spencer F. Baird, k. M.. »I Dm BlIlsjBBlSecreiar» of ib* Smuhaoa.aa InHit aioa. Four vol* , 8vo.,Tut. and 2 vols 4lo . Plalea. Price* for SeU of * voleBeuad in half Turkey Mor«eco,»pri*kt*d *dt**- -S40 *t

B .rd ia kalf Turkey M..mcoo, gill back» and edgc*.$«J NBouid ia fuilTurk*> Momcce. gilt b»i -» «nd *di;**.$33 9dPu duhtd kv RUDOLPH OA URIGUE. Ne. t Barclay-

st . (Astot Hew**) New York_III*aiboldt's new work.-I I BOHN'S LIBRARY SERIES'HUMBOLDT S TRAVELS Vol. I

Also tke fellow,ag ust reenved. via




T~^ilE AMERICAN GARDEN1R.ATreati** *a the titaatieB. sail aad layiaf eat ot

gardes*.** tk*wak'Bgaad Kaaag*aa*at of hot beds aad

greew beute*, *ad oa th* propagation aad «eltirattou el

vegetal', e. heibe, ftalt aad rtower»-by Was. Cobbett.Price, Vi f**u

wlxon B co.. Agvieulunil Book*.Kv. S Tryoavruw, UarleB Baiiraad Buiidian. N Y

Mrs Ei'is'i Naw Fa»c natieg 8 ory.New H*idyCKLr-I)ECrFlI'«n : 01 I HK H 9-K^'rOhT OF A Hl'MAN HEART, by Mrs Rh, .

th' r of " Hea '« tt Ii an W men M Enr'and.Ct.»pl«t* in two vninmci, wi h l'lu'trsti .re Pricef .''

.a; Ol j iB ruualia $1 Ii.' This i« ose of th* health tat aid aioit iat«i*(tiB( t.'

.f ncnan lAAd »* remember to heve Mad Iiis ia treib, .e>

kittory rf a voai&'i heart Dariatad asoaly a w tmaae» i! 1d*pior it. for *»*i» a. nu'e pbaaa o: thato taa ef b/Tbc i lt,IteUsre, and passions is laid bare, witb th* akili and d-lieary tf a hushed practituner. Elia, the heroin*, itr »' j m i se'f-ceeeiTisg woan, who is carried thr-i i.-'scour** of irrt'i. in which her heart and mind are trained,by malt tad disappointments, to reit oa the m? true 1*01-ntr wb cbb ceetHiently 'Sly on in th»e life. The progre*» ofthe narrative introduces numerout examples of ekaraeter,and aireat diversity ef meidentt sufficient tekeep the read-.i s attention sliv* while ths h'fh moral, r*lutt*u» praic-ples. naturally evolved from the etory. reader th* work aif. » raloable and nneiceptioaable production It shouldform a poitioa of erery lady'a library in the eoantry."

[Home Journal" Mri. Ellia la one of the moat a<- ip! ehed female wri¬

ter! of England. The heneroleat aim of this writer n to¦ ake her reader! better, and thus render them happiar.All her work* are an *nbj*>-t* which come near IB* h*act ;aid we know o'f ne writer who baa a more intimate ae-¦inaiataace wit h all it* me*t secret recssee* than the, lathe work l*fare ns. we have aut only a true hicory, but anaccurate picture of the bamaa heart, and whner*r withe*to irprere their nwn, ma? here see it reflected ia many ofitt pkieee at in a mirror." [fThnatiaa Intallicencer._8ThI>fJEK A TOWN8END. No. 121 Broadway.

BOOK8 ! BOOKS ! ! BOOKS ! ! !.LEATITT It ALLEN, Bookeellers. Pablieaera and

Stationers, hate removed to Iba new and slegaat atore,No. 17 Der-at .a few do*ra weal */Broadway, where, laa eaatral ard con*enieBt Jocatioa and with mach m tracok medioaa Wareronata. tbey are enab'ed to serve alltheiicustomers and friend* promptly and laithfally.From tkeir treat facilities for Itymg la their steck at the

lowest rate*, their dstermmBtien not tn be aadertold, sadan art it* *apeh*Bcs ia the biaiaess of saore thaa sirteeayears, the endemtned feel assured tkey ean rive tati«fte-ti(.n to all who are inclined te faror them with orders, faraid near, and which will be at promptly answered, and attb* fan-* prices, as if the buyers thsmselees wera preeentn*y beg to «sture Country Merchants aad tke Trade

generally, that their asrortmeat of School Books, Librarysnd MiecellaneoBS Books, Blank Btokt, Paper and Sta¬tionery, it efue most dearrabls ckaraetei. and offer* greatinduremenU to purchasers both with reepect to quality aadpreeOrders for everytbiBg in tkeir line of basinet respectfully

solicited and promptly eiecntedTke BocersigBtd respectfully teggeet to th* Trade thtt

tbty bsva connected with their bueineas th- sej* ef PaperHastings.Tbree liuadrad tboutsad rolls nf Wafl Paper of erery

quality and variety nf pattern, for sal* at M an ..l* curbs'pneet. LEAVITT B ALLEN, Ne. 27 Dey at

A Thrilling Tale *f the Rerolatioa!

THE SEVEN BROTHER OF WY¬OMING; An sutheatie History ef the Brigand* of

th* Americas Revolution.This work is a narrative ef ereitiag interest, aad exhibit¬

ing a pernliar feature n the American Revolution. The" Siren Brother* of Wromtag'' ware the most wid*lvknown and dreaded ef that peculiar class ef msa. BailedBefnge* "kitaers, wkich the War of the Colnaiaa of a ..or-

ica with Gieat Britain callsd into exittenci The presentnarrstive is s tratbful his'ory of their unparalleled acts efatrocity in New-Terk. Ph ladslthia. Backt County, paua ,and the Valley of Wyoming. It embitces, also, a rindaletare of the bloody massiere nf Wyoming The narratirew trspbicaJly written, and will repay a aerneal

Prieje 14 coats. H LONG A BROTHER,Nu 13 Aitn-st., N Y and ail hoeksellers throughout the



DRl MS: B*mt the Adveature* of two of the King's S.'S-nek in a Voyage to the Celeatial City Edited from th*Manurcnpts of au Old Salt. By Rev Heary T Cheever1 rnl. 12mo."Anr.tber esritat.ls Pilgrim's Prog'est, only made by

tea, and with the greater ranety and peril incident to thaiwsy of tiavel'Dg 8on e of the best trait* of Bunyaa'simmortal pcerr are htr* reproduced." [N. Y.Erangsliat." There it cnginslity, rich ahd striking, n every par*.

W.th e depth o* religious expensncs but seldom fonnd inthet* snperfJeinl dayt. it comhlntd a delightful flow ofimagination, well regulated, howsrer, by eorreot taste."

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[Nsw Yeik Courier snd Esqulrer" The allegory is most admuably susisiaed throughout.

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six volum**, cor*|iri*iag the f owing, each sold eapa-

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Esq. 1 rol. r.v.. clotk. $2HAND-BOOK OF THE USEFUL ABT8, ke. By Dr,

Antitell lv 8vo cloth, $2.HAND BOOK OF THE SCIENCES. By Prof. St.

Joha, of Westein Reserve College 1 rol 8ro., clotk. SI.

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or, Th* World't Progress. A Dictionary el Datee. Eritedby G. P. Putnam. With a supplement to 1842 Revisodedition. 1 sol. 8vo., eleth, $2.In all six vo l.. small fro.,each eant.iinmg from 660 to 800

paget. double columna, with Engrarikgi. Sheep, *s h$2 2i ; hslf niorocc*. SI 74 sach

" This seties of populsr manna't it latended for the greatmass of Americas rsadsra. The materials have been drawafrom a (treat variety of sources. Ib a small enmpass tkeycontain th* essence ol many large aad valuabt* works "

*[Bottoa Wt'fkmHt.

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which is worthy of s placs in cvsry library."IDlst School Journal.

Also.the SixthThouiandnf the WOBl.D'8 PROGKE«Sa Diciii nsry sf Da'ss and 8tatnt'c<, Literary, Scientif'n,and Political, from Iks Crsstioa of the World to D*csm-ber, 1141. Lirit ifmo $1

GEoRGE P. I'l fNAM, Publisher, New York


G. G-.iodnch. author of Parley's works.1 his n or k contains 2'2 ,uatlu pages, equal !o 1,000 e*m-

u on l2mo. paitet, aad it iliumiaated with 79 beautiful tty-li riaphic Bisps, atd anmerous wood engravtsas. It is themast osmpsete aad ceaprehensive woik tor High Schools,fkisilist. meichantt, tiavelert and emigraatt, that hat everappeared.

It ceitair.t the Geography atd History of svs-y rninti.,iai lai ag :h* late Cetitut of the Uni.ed 8<at*e; it give* thsiitualiotaLd popa'atitiB of over 4 tu cttme, Iowa*aad vil-iares . th* uintelials sre all arrauged in the moat eoayea-lest order; atd a copious Index terres as a guide to th*riiloij ard geography of tke m it remarkable plxcee tati e wold The work hss received the h.rhett corn;n*nd-«u. ¦ § h the hands ef snenticc men in America and Es¬lohe, atd is it t'l.rdid as one of the most useful,cosreaientHud valuable whicn tke author has given to the public.Proofs have beta foiwardrd to Mr Goodrich the author,

new Ct ntul nt Pant, and he wntei that it it being trans¬lated i»to Fieaeh, and a ieree portion ka* been publishediL the Bulldin of the G«cgraphiial Society.Pi . ib boards kail bound $1; ta clo h. gut, (1. Pub¬

lished kbd Stld wholeiale asd retail by_GBO. 8AVABB. No, M Juhn-Sl ,N Y.

DICKENS1 HOUSEHOLD WORDS..A Weekly Jomnal. served to city Subscribers, or

semA by Mad al $1 4n a tearThe who'e set m QQ1 Muslin, at %'j he set.AN GALL ENGELLA HEWITT. Publisasrs. No. 1

Si iuce-tt. (up stairsAlso, Bl ILDIKG ASSOCIATIONS, theu DECEP-

I IVI C'ia.artai and Kuuteat Teadency Expoaed Priceill rrate.

FIELD SPORTS..Publisher] This Dav,IkeFoartb tad Revissd Editsr a of FRANK FOR-

E4 1 h 1 FIELD «PORTS. :ti. I LiteJ State* aad B h>ii k FrvviLC** of North A mer.ca, ealarged. with much vli¬ter!* information tad many tew nBtgravisga added, oi»»try tp< eiee < f (line, draws from nature, by the autriijr,Hea-y wiliitm Hc.-beit.E*q. Twovolumee 8to , elegant¬ly hi und in cloth, tilt. Prceti

STRINGER t TOWNSEND. No 121 Broadway.

SCHUBERTH A CO., Music Depot,No. 147 Breedway, N, Y , requatt tkepnbli« to uupec;

their imaxeuse tl-erx of Music tor Volte, Piano, for I, 4, (.t kaads, for Organ, Violin, Violoncello, Harp, Orckestra.etc., in every atyle, for virtuoeoe and betinnera. Tkerreatett aelectios la the railed Mutet ef i »,wi worth,oidersef Fsreign and Aatericaa V'ieic w;-! aeattoa^tdto with nremptneaa.

(Dant (fmplonmentA> AfJs-lsrABT BOOK-KBBPCR, ¦ Some

w»U*sl*biith*d huase hi this eity.bya young Manwko is a gt od Peaniaa, and can prods** u* m^si aeqiee-tiocabi* lev ta e m ret aid to ahilay sad charac'.at. Ad-dien W. 8. H.. Na Iii Broeaae-st._AS Cook, by a respectable youn*j Ifo-

maa wbe tnerough y anderetaads her n et« a allIt* brsachs*. a* ¦¦«..- aa-f praaemag A* Cssmsar-u.k d and Wa.treee ky aaelher kaa ae ebjsetiea te tkecare of eki'drea aad botk woaid pre er liviag * the tt'b*

konse. aad wsald make tkemaelvee gsnsrany BsWuL Caake aeen at Nj. Tl 17th at., neat Ak at_

AS Cook and U aaaitt ia waaiitntr sndlrramg. by a Prctestant GirT GViod sitr refereBee

Apply at No U*Ii. Mark'* ;lace. (r.k tl) Caa be teenfar two day*. _._

AS good Cook Bod^Bsker, bjr a rssp««ta-ble Wemaa whe axtdsrstaad* mak ag bsaamr. Ns

,.k et iiasaro ths seaatry. i",*ed re'eteace. Apply et ne.

116 l9fAVst, between Sth and 7ta ara_

AS Ccok, by a tespectable jouBf Woia-sa whoia well experienced ia cookiag aad bakiat.

:s .-. - d Washer and Iroaer Ooodetty reieeaB.-e froai ber

last place Caa be seea for two daye at Ne US I9U-**-,beiw**a Sth aad 7th art.

AS fust-rare Cosk, Waaher ami Ironer.Al»o uCbiaw mail tad Wiinr,br a res » *.

years Wfiitu «f,f -,nr -fifprni '

>sst NbB Call *» No 504 H. e-tos at., set* he eerwieeett-et.. op rerre, frnal room, first floor Caa h B*two dar*.

AS Cook, by a respectable loung »» «-

»aa. I* a moat eirellaat Waeher aad Iraner The1 ea* of c.tr reference Call al No 1« tin at between idaad Id art.

AS Cook, or to wash and ir«n in a smtpnvaie family crtodo caaeral koatataork.hr a re

tpertabie Proteataat Girl. Geat] cite reference from herlatt piece Caa he- teea at No Ml Tth-tt far twi days.

AS plain Cook, by a respectable yniinnWerna», ta a respectable private family; at a s .¦>

Wtshar an« Ireeer; nadtrttanda baJtiag of bread aadpastry. Norxarding bouses aeed apply. C*n be teea f*rttee cays. CaU at No t 5th-st , ta the rear, front room, tdfloor.

AS Cook, Washer and Ironer, by a re¬spectable Prote>tant Woatth. in a prtvata fkmilv.

Brst re'eretces given. Caaba seea for two days atNe. HO Vairk et.

AS Cook by a your.g German Girl,|Ood Washer and Ironer Can stake bread and pas¬

try or to *e general housework ina ama 1 family Inquireat Ne I Amos st, near 6 h a? ta the Bookatere.

AS Cook, by a respectable ProtestantWomss, in ri priva'e family Hse the beet of refer-

eeeea Apply at No. hM tttl at , between 7vh aad Ith are.,fiett rrtm mps'etrs.

\S (rood Cook and Baker, by a respecta¬ble Woman who understands raak.Dc batter. No

al set rs to the country. Good reference. Apply at Ne.KOlPthst .hetwseaStn aad7ih-ara.

AS Cook, Chambermaid, &c , by twoGirls one as tend p'am Cook and excellent Washer

nod Ironer the other as Cbaaiherma d and to take eara »fenildr.n Tkey csn set the beet of city refereace. Ceil atNo. 130 7th BT., two doors from h at third ftoer, floatmem. Can be seen two days.

\S Chambermaid asd would assist in thecare cf children or do plain sewinf. by a recpeetable

youpgWonan in a private family. Q:od city te.ereaeegiven. Can be seen for three days at No S73 East 11th at.between 1st av aad A renne A

AS Chambermaid, or to do R-eneralhousework, by a respectable ynuaf Womaa; is a

good Washer aad Ironar. Has n, objectioa to the eooatryCall at Ne. 36 Oreat Joaes-st.

AS Chambermaid tr,d Waiter, by a re-srectable tones; Womaa Good refereace a .rs.

Inquire at No % Court-st., Brotkljn.

AS Chambermaid and Waitress, or asSeamstress aad Nurse, by t respectable Protestant

young Woman, ta willing to u tke herself useful. Caacoiue well rerommer ded Caa ba eeea for 3 dare, at No.Be* Firtt av , between 18th aad rah sis second door, backroom.

AS Chambermaid ami Waitress, or to takecare of children, by a respectable young Womaa.

Cail at No 17 Washingtoa-s.]. Cta be seen for two days

AS Chambermaid am! Waitress, by anhoaest, active aad competen'- Girl. She will aaewer

calls (or two days from her former imployer'e. No. 47 Lex-n,gten- av.

AS Chambermaid and Waitress, or tomind children and do plain sewing, or assist in wash

irg end trolling, bra competent Girl with good city refer-encee. Apply at No. liu lst-av sear 13th st. Can be seenfor two d.ys

AS Chambermaid and Waitress, by ayetu g Womaa, or to take care of Childrea. le a good

Washer asd Ironer; willing to make herself generallyuseful Satitfactoiy recommsadatiuna. Cell at No. 40'JHudson St. Can be seen for two days.

AS Chambermaid, by a young Womaa,and to assist in washing and ironing, or sewing er

waiting, and make herself aseful. Call at No ti atBeet of reference.

4 ü Chambermaid ami Waiter, by a re-' w sBresAstele young Woman, or Chambermaid aad in st¬aut in tfe washing sad ironing. Has ao objection to goia the country Haa good city reference. Call at No 717th at_AS Chambebmaid am! Washer, by a re-

sfactah'e Young Woman. Haa got the best of cityrefe rare Apply N 71 Spnag-et near Broadway. Caabe reen two days. Also an excellent Cook.

8 Children's Ncrse, by a rery expe-nrcred, well recommaaded. middle-aged Woman.

Ha tke t eat of city reference for the last sit yea's or more.Wield do rbatr.berwork and tiae washing fs very fond ofrhidren Apply at No l}Sa .it n c, ia the rear.

AS Drissmaker in a private family, orto etgage by the ueek er month Address .. note or

call at the fancy store No. 1M llet-st., aext to 7th av. Callt: ir I! o'eleck.

AS Fine Washer and Ironer, or to takecharge of a baby, or tn do hne and neat sewiag. Good

or reference from her last >ady. Ne nhieeiion to a abortdiaBJice ia the country. Call at Ne. 347 ltth-st.,east frontTun», secoBd fleer. Can be seen two dags.

An iiakdener and Coachman, by an ex¬perienced Irishman. He ie as unmarried man aad a

Pidee ant, aad baa good city refereace aate chaiacier aadcapabilities. Call or address B O at No. 74 «th av., intLebookitore.

\Gardeber wishes to announce toGeatl<men who hare email Yegetabla or Flower

Crrdent, withia the vicinity of New-York, Brooklyn, orWllliarrtbargh, that he is ready to cuatrnot wi h any per¬ils who may require his scrrices, and he nan pnduce thel»et test.c. nie * far his oompsteacy aad long expeneace.address a note to Ne tu6 lih at.. Esat H er. New-York.

4 S Gardener, by a young Man who un-lV derttands all kinds of vegetables, and fruit trees aadtliwers. aad take charge of horte aod etariage and drive ifrtiaired City reference given. Addree* C. G at thuefica for two days.

AS general Hot semaid, m a small pri-rate family, by a respectable yonag Womna. Has

tea d rtiertr.ee. Apply at No. rij Orehard st. in tas rear,ten be ieea for two days._,4 S geneial HovSBMAlB, by a smart anda'a tidy young Womaa. It a good Cook. Washer aadIroaer, asd wi Mag to mate herself ueefoL Caa give goodrrfrreace. Won.il go m the couatry. Call at No. y

Bcweiy._AS general Housemaid, by a young Wo¬

man, ia a sma'l private family, is a g od 'a a Cook,tad an ticelleat Waaber aad Draer. ehe would Use to

go as Laundress. Caa be seen for two if No. 51 Uai-vsriity-plate, batweea 11th aad llib-eta._AS Wet Nlrse, f-y a respecUMe Woman

a ho caa i> piaih sewiag No objectioas to gorag to

ia* eooatiy Apply at No 8 York at

ARespectable Protestant Woman de-eiree a eiiaatloa to do plats tewing aid at'lit with

children, or wait ea aa old lady. Haa ao object oa to g i.anoil duiaaee in the couatrv. Tbe best of rt '-.-i.-..

fitm ker lttt place, where »ke ha* 1.red mae »eart In-qu.re at No. 3CS Soaih 3d at , WiLianuburgh Cau be teealor three daya.

ARespectabli Yocbo Woman de-. r-t a titaatioB to do geaeral houtewora in a email

private rau,ily. Go< d city reierence. Apply at No. lire 13ih-tt eor.of ltt-av served floor, treat room.

ARespectabli yocbo Woman desires asituation to do general housework ia a small private

family. Good citv menace Apply at No 3*4 Hadeoa-st tear CkarRoa, frost room, second floor._AProtestat Woman desires a situ-

stion to uke eara of children. She ia very eapa-h'eiB akiag rare of rhildreB, as it has beea her eapa-ity,Jicae need apply but a religions lanuly Beet of referencegives Call a. No tl East l*iJa St.. Bear 3d av , Id Beer. ..

ARespectab^b Girl desires a situatioato do the geaeral »KVitework of a private family No

objectioa to ga a short iieiance ia the c j«atry. Beet of rei-ereace from her last place. Caa be seea at No 4'.« Pr .ri¬et for two daya, over tke fjcy store._4 N Enclish Protestant Girl watvU a/ » Bitssttos as Child's Maid she is also willing t .dopiim aewmg BefsreBce, if i*iiued Address 8.- W ,

TnbBBe 0S5ce '_a. WIDOW LADY wishes to apprtn-^m. t ee her aea an aetivs. sBtelligeat hoy of ta rweayears ead to acres pertea who wüi uaeti him a asefa. oc-

BaaJ o n-d at the sees tiane have him aader her oeraca/e. A »y psrtoa wishing eesb a laA w-Jl plea«e addreeaJ D . T.iBtaae Office, saatvig where ke caa he seea.

¦EMPLOYMENT WANTED.By aj i u.aa«kaia accastt.i.ed re work at nee mstaiaeryaadiraaa woik. Is a»ed to a fe«t Ulhe Adaross EM-PLOYMEBT at this office._

WlttlC TEACHER or G< »V E RN ESS-81 astioa wasted, hv a foaag Ltiy thoiosjghly

sal »ee for the svtaatton. Haa beea etaolorsd .or threesea s ia rata -setble poaiuona at Female Sena-aavlee ib ibis? sate, BBd k a. präsent t*jpl<sred as Ooreraeesia a fasiisT*in it^euy IseoBipaieattattvaiBBtract. a^ I>aariBgaa*1Paiatiag, *a.; lbs a tsoroogh knuwl*vgeof Maaic. WouMsccep. a ait at kam as Matae Ieacker in a Setsiaary ia orttu thecuy.bot weukl aretee a ataa-wa ia a -matefami'y, wheie aba would esuoy the eo^ifaeta ef a homeTeaiin-. aiale or teT abi'itv aad saHafat tory r-fe.eacea willdl... Addrent Miss F- J Bo 91 FraaAlta st.

EMPLOYMENT IS WANTED br aI J kV<k keepet . h* art uldotFerto k * employer (« itkaowledx* .».' I t* *i|.*ri*ece ia tks h>isia*«a. aad re'-r*a**« that wi.a'd he ua. irfptcnabl* Kx~-tat!"*a a tasaury wederat». Add'*** W X , bfrW uf TV rn»«*w.

MUSIC TEACHER^ lady turingbad ion>a twelve inrtncn »*ce a* a f* »eher oa tha

Piano- Feis*. a den roi« f..Ma otac a f*w aa >r« raula aadtake* thia a.etkod mf offen, e her lerrk-e* to tt* Babite..fSISSS^'f* D»r ""eiere istjuire of Mr WM YAN-DERBFEK. at hat Maa.nl Waieioom, No. 479 Bread war.

RESIDENT GOVERN E8S.-A Lady".aa haa had much practical eepenetee ta Teacktat.

wuh** a r*-*t ftien eBt. Sae m fully co-pe'eat to tatetin Maaie. Drawing, Freach. Wntisg. aad all the Esghahbranches, axd csn r'ndiice th* h'thee'trttim >nia!s >f h*reapabmiy. character, and reaaeetaMaap ftean raap»j«rablefrmi tea in N*w York and a viciattv Addreaa M «aA 1.1 M. No IV tth a? . ketween |)th aad leth-ett.

S~EJRVÄNTS-('ir:re free to Employers.-The rear F'r taetint aad other SertaaU fee ever* ea-peritr at FERRES Ageecy. No :)7 Data*-*', aear cor¬ner of Brradway. Families w:.l rait or eeed fur theea.

«ERVANT8..A great Tarier? of weU-*C aelecttd Servan'i aaita>> e for prrrate' hoeeea endho'elt, are aow wantirg aaiplovmeat at C. MASON'!Office*. Nee. HO Broadway aad I» Bowerv. Term*.Yearly tub*, ription, it caata ; otherwise. 14 cent*. Nepans will be sparad to reader satiafactwa N R M»eand Boys laitehle lor any respectable employaMet alwar*ea hand.

SERVANTS WanT>TÄC^7^Eb.celleat CboW* H*u**wovk Girl*. Nurse*. Lauadrwa-e*.

Seaman*****, Waitress**. Ac . Ac . waat nlac*a. AboatJo Oir'* waat to to to the coaatry. Alan, Men a* Watte'*,Ac. Beat 1 (Ere for «. od Senay*. N Y Employ meet Of-fjce. No 4'SBr. ad«»y T. P 8A1 NJKRS

TWO Young or Middle-aged Menwasted to Sol'cit Ord*. for a useful aad aalabl*

article which ha* an competiti.n A liberal coaimiaiiuagiven, hp which thty may at*k* $!<Ki ner aton'h Addle**,(peetpa d) B B B Wiiliemsborgh Poet Office

\\'ANTED.A smart, capable Wortus,* .

t* act aa Waiter, attead the «.... tie , in a privatefamily On* haviag rood rcroniti.eLdatioa* mav apply atMo. t Bant I7th-*t.

\lrANTED.A situation for a Girl of* " aboat It year* >f a«e. in a private family. Her

mother h*iaa* dead. h*r father wonld like to have keraeaed natil ske la of sge. A place in the coaatry, or em ofthe city preferred. For faither pertieulars, inquire at No.« Peck nlip.

^l^ANTEP.By a young Man of 31, a? " aRaarloa a* Att'itaat Book keeper, or ae Clerk ia

s Lawyer's Office Tke beat of referetcee girsa AddreaaC. J C , Trihna* Offica

tDüntfö.A MILLER w a N T E D.To n erhörtt » diitanr* in the coaatry. A young unmarried Miacan nbtainafi'od attaailaa by talking; at Ne M W*at at..New. York. Noae but th.ee comini; well recommendedt«ed apply.

ACENT WANTED, with $1,000 inready cafh.Aa active, *trai|kt forward man. with

> m caak to lend * empl«yer. to manace aa ee ab in¦.eat down tnwu in coaaectioa with a manufactory npIowa. No ose need answer h » advertiaemeat wk<i taafrsid of work and ha* aot the ready cask, and witk refer-eace. Addrea* b W at the tffi's of this paper.

CARPET SALB8MAN WANTED,in a Carpat Store Ou* kavmc a kaowletge af tks

busisees pr*f*rr*d. Addt*a*8 S tni* offic*.


bilt stesmer nf Annl i, in exchanss for oas for May i, witkbsttsr Bccommudatiuns tusranteed. A fair compceaatioav> ill be given. Alee two auerag* on tame steamer. A ldress B A , larlee Hotsl.

(M>OK WANTED.-A first-rate Cook,Unnau thoronthly underrtands hsr bunssts, also

ha* washist aad irouing. Ons hat can briar the beet t*i-timeaia:* mag hear of a taod altuati na by applying at No.113 Hick* at , Brooklyn Hirnta. from 1 to » o aloes, P. M.Noae but Protestants need apply.

C^ÖMPOS!T(>KS7.Sereral careful andJ «xperiesced C< mpostrors «saled st

BAKER, GODWIN k CO S, Tribune Baildiugs.

1EMPLOYMENT.$1,0C0 to 31,500 .-A WpaUd, a *troe| ac'iv* man who could loaatts

abav* aaaoant mm mod aBcuntr To auch a parsna B gommand p«rwaseBt iitiiatina will be glvan an! fair wages Ad¬drea* MANUFACTURER. Tni sad offioa.

I^NGINEER WANTED.Of atriodyI d temparBt* habits, trustworthy aad eompeteal le raaa in.all tu 1.1 aad tske full charie of ths boilers Oaehanag innu* skill u iron nyeti preieired Good recomm*adail«n* retiuir*d. Apply to C. O. READ, st tks Washaad Bath House, No Ml Mott at.

/ MKL WANTED..Wanted, a first-rate" Girl to do reneral hnuaework Mttat bea a;o^d Cook,and flrat-ist* V>'a*ber «nd I oner. No othar* need apply.A German Proiattaat pi*f*r*d. Apply at No. 118 Id-ar.

HOUSEKEEPER..Wanted, a smart,go-ahead American Woman, of mldd'e age. a*

Housekeeper for b larrs liisl class Hotel, out of th* ei'ySuck a petsoa, williat to devote her lime to th* iater«*t ofthe House, aay addr*is A. B. C, aad laave it * Ike etfioei f the N. V Tribune._Ii S. SCHOOL AGENCY, MutualJ e Ben. lit and 8ar nga Institute, No. V).i Bioadway .

Devoted to univ*r*al eaincati n. by nrtotiaiiag all ednca-liflBBi order*. E'jual profit* aecursd tu patn m aad agent*.Nec^tiat.on* «faily. oy ib« be*', inatiru ma*, fantlll**. endtrachtt*. Term* one per csst in «d*anc* on oae year'scumpeBiatioa (leelaOiui boaid ) K»feresecaevchaased -»

Eatabliahtd m 18t7, by R.H.WIL 'OX. Progneuir.

WANTED.A skillful ami euergetioMan to etiltivste a ftrm oa the Hudsra. Oeml re¬

commendations teuuired. App1* '»m LOUCKB, Nu II W»U at.

1X7ANTED -Six Men of tjood atfdress,r T uLdsrataadlst Frsseh aad Oermao, to art as

Arents for Mteis'e Ex of Rock Rose. Imimre at thei ompany's Office, Nu 41] Broadway. A cap.tal of St to$h ail be reqniraii,

WA N T E I) . An unmarried Man asWaiier oas why caa bring th* beat of city refer-

.tces is to rharaetsr axil ctpibtlitv Noae ne*d apnlyunless they fully undeistand their business Apply at No.78 Soatk at_WANTED.A Clork or Salesman in an

upkolstery s'ere. Any.person haviat $l.0(W to loaakis en p'oyer will hear of a good aaTaatxea), aad aa opportuany of goiag iato busitess aaould the parties suit. Securitrxiv«n for th* money. Noi.s n*ed apply ualeee they havehe moaey Addre**, wita r*«l same, SAFE, Tribune Of-

aee_WANTED.50 GaxeJeners to loan the. f iiib»crib*r ti ***k It will b* rctaraed arsiai ia

two rroBtbs with thauka and ib *'**t. Addr*** A N . Editoref The Amtrtcmn Gardeaerr* C\reaic(t,.Maakattanv.ll*P O W Y._11'ANTED.A peraon to cajiTaas thia» T city for ike purp« ee of abnaankh] saescnpti»aa'm

very raluaele work bow betas pu».ii»i.»d Appij to coft-NlfH, LAMPORT h CO , No t Park place

_J_'rANTED.A smalt and tidy Wouiau ;.

» Ametican. EagUsk. Scotck. or Ws sk preferredMust jb exieiienced and fully capab . ef doixg th* work

s i n ail faint y.one who would prefsr a omf stablehint* to kirb wstes A widcw witk * th*r a bry or girl..1. from twei«* ib fenrteea. wou'd Und tat* a ra-e ehanc*.s*'b« child would rietrca'edas on* of the family. Ad-drees p stpsid. DOCTOR, u .x IM. Bri adwsy P. O.

II "ANTED..The adtertieer is desirousr* of mee'iat with some highly reepeetabl* family,

who wield rent of him a aew aad m. d*ra bull House,el g t. ' located 'a the appeni P»rt of ike c tr. aad board a a

family'fwkich is imsil) oat e/ tke rent Thar caa ah*, hav*th* priTilex* of isatbt » few mere bt*rder*. To say ssch,deainiut it less*BiBf the.r expensas aad ofsecunst » ___¦seat h< Bi* thi* cfter* an u*u*eally fav*»able up. orten.ty.Th* ai pineant Bust havs saAsieat fursitare, or the m*aas

auk wk'ch to fara sh tks h*as* tk/eutheut. except ta**eararteente taken by th« adrertiee». which need be but par-ttally to Addies* JONES.skis *fJic*, for eae week gtrinfnine aad referent**

I |i|)(i AGENTS WANTED, to sell aI loo aew aid bBtnafal Medal,on whiek Areate»r- . ow «aramt fr-a $5 t> t'O per dav Co .a ry Agaats,by fcrward.ag oae er more fMfoa may laiy upeaikavia«them oa thaber.Mrma. B LYON. No iU Broadway.

Ä I IIIIII »dB PARTNER WANT-fj* *" f\ ro y<iK to j«fa tke Advertiser, wko willluitst a like fcmoaa'. ia s msaa/actunet baaaess that wiUtet fif.r per eeat. ta a Weatera eatf For pmieilart ai-t: ,, br be1ll MORBieON. Be W Qrseae-et.

J_ 1 r t U\ .WANTED, a persoa wi»V a . . M m r . tke abere amount, to eagage ia a basi-

x.*t* ib whiok tksre it ae eempetitiea ; sssi y maaaxed ;

pr. «u n*w MA per c*m., er abeal tu. : par aaania». whica4i be tatis/acterLy akowu apoa an ia'*m*w. Aaar*»

M ABCH. TribuBS Off.cs. with same axulj»xjd*ae»_____Q lllin .WANTED, a parter with0 *>.! PUWa ,h . Mlh sixe^mt,__-_____"«f

..te and rery tr..r.tab'e maaefa_xo1nj .___»»_ »»o oper *tteuti*a $b . .ay be ree;__««_ VlatsaTlL artiia.'Breedw*a Pant Offlse giving tees aame. when all | »r

tar¦ will be aiade kaewa. M-

VVA NTEIi-^"Exshange for a sm_Usf Impaeted C.g.rs

^M ^j^ffi-Effig.aatirkMceua ia»r -/

Tribune Office.

(JflüDCfB fin Unoincse ÄltnVaLI ARLE PATlSiNT RIGHT fop? SALE -Tke .« «ai < (ki fiM-liiim'rilOfBM AC HIN s. See .*.>.>¦! «< w»eperet'oeeotto»Bad üeg>p 'epe . g «m< > e.i..cad ml « im Mi« b? Iba.»»».. Tkt> WM-r .«« o«t t« gase . -.«««« operaiio»eeleasM.a« ».«tu» ..,i. »; be 4mer*«ae is» titata.Addre.sJ.W Sl.*l.,m»»R at lake Ina« Hoejea

npO 1 H I". .... ih.. M .»« K N.r 8A LK.Tkat lare Br»t »..i »k a I« *V «kwest. No >;t

.tSBet-et. «a I.r»|..,f(),clr,i|: NT. It It one oftt« b> «¦ de i arala . a*d. n n. n »tot im Sa»» b Uta*««.trDiJ litHt.trti) a'«aa««ia»t«

AMlGMEi Ab,LA Stock of Wat, h-/** «b J.ael t .«a fancy Gauds, t «et hei with eterwf.S ureeb, »e.t ii N. « . c>. |(,;,|eoe Tb«gods IM all '«»a,..»,re atria«. ha.it» Boee b atbtw.tk a f or »oa b« X > a rt.b e t otxer tat« will be«Mla)law Tb t rt« t a im« ehsasa i . aa| aaa who wieset soer reg« 'B rUbt bi'tiaee« l'or p»r«iee a'» oenire aftaa .».>arr bare«.». oreatitee C H I«ITH. Awigaee

FOR $ A1. E- G K \ LADD\S weU es-lab'itbrtl J« alra «to-e Na KU Riaed«rer Ab*

tt« karirt a SSM < ai. al a c.»h rau rat a «real bargaai,as tt» pr ptiaa. r m> aaaaat iem v sc from loa «al»

^mnonnnilöV[1BL0*S GAMD&N.-JOHM SEK-11 TON. M get W ( OaBYN Ac.ie« Mtaaree.k Rl DA V EVENING, w. ra a. -i ., edeeed. 1W thereread iisb« is ihn Cr« 'be .-4... Oceieoftee

BLAt h. DOMINO, or. « \ gm t Adreat ireMestc Autor Lbre.t« uy Webster.

Pein O'L'otacll.Kr Hadsria.J«»»»'a. Ms« Ass« Taiilos.Hriweea tta M .ei Je . . aa is-at eiset -a or 1} m.a-tte«.Ticket*. Joe Ia..i«op«a a-at Nniwintllj.


Man 6 n, will h« . f ,i.r,:H AM LEI* Pnaoe f Deamarh

Hasalat.-Mr. rn-iw |0*SkaiBa.Mat«. Posas!Toentel-ide wo«. «. Pa ce er*

THk B] NOaZVOCS.Besäe äs» Pare,««i, i« s*a>i rtretiy Clrels aaa üaaaw

Ti«r,a»««aU. Private R..«m t» aad $4 Dm «mi at», aad i.«rforM,«Br.. ac.«a«aaa«» » ai « alook

BÜKTON 8 THKa I KK, Chambirs^ST -THI* ITRNINO. sfairk tf.

THI M 4II) Of* MA" M >l NTAllf.Walter.Sar Hosia. | w.>t«t «... .Mtaa Mar* Tarlor

TKF K'HST MO HTMobs. Ai Ir > Talaia Dntid.Mr ?»:«<-..!.Kit Iiis Aatniai-'tr N<wr .MiBlBf. I'ar.jcToaoMittd« w ih r-t* rooni.esAuanaaiaa.Oraaa Cir-la Bad l»«r«.iet, 54) eaajtB. Baaroaat

Tier. U.-aata r><«.. ...-»» a| r.>aim«b«« al Tt o'eltwk.

BRul Ci Ha M H LY(' KI'M- Hroatlw*7,tear Brrosae et THIS RVKNINO. Marek M,

BENEKir Ol Mi.« U4 V t- MrilHI Ut Piar«( tk«STaUlta.1«

¦»'rargrr. F^atsr | Mr. M\ .rr..Mitt DareapertTo eeaciade «ut n -

HONEY MOONDuke Aräum.Ere er | .1 ist Mm 1 >*r«ap*ttAdBtissiAB.Oreea Circle aad Par«o«t. lOeeete. Eaatllf

Ckele. lj eis MB) epaa ai I. t aitaia rta«s «t 1) e'eleek.

MISS DaVKNINiKT has th«To^7wtat oa ace that he- UK* K » r tn l laat appeaiaaee

bat eae. will täte elate at Sioaibiai't LgeeaM THISii t'it EVENING Mt aB * a wb eb oeaelea will Se

aree«Bted Ibeplaieof I HE STMA^GKR asdthe HO NEYMOON-iae par'* of Mrt. H.l.er aad Jallaae bp AsDareapert

M~R7iTEMPS I KK'S PÜst t >riKini». H«j.lad Eaianaioinent Ibia f4aa«na. will he girea al IBS)

Taberaacle. »a MONDAY MV a>NI HO Ma.eb l», isel iaV-iit the '..»« in Scsi«: Tta ludiaa'e l'eniplaial,"" MoraiBa, tu ii aad Bi«ht " Im tba« SwaaUr Sattle,"" Jeha Aadertro Bbtje" 1kaMadWD«a." Mr haar*it like a sileer Isle " 1h» ¦ irrtBf o' tbo T)eor," " Laatealof the Ir it EnntriBt " " Wart nma bka aaa ib Ufa's loaoaale." ' The b« t« Dar " ¦ Mr «mi, » ()."" Let as loreeae Another and the Mar Ojiaen ib those parts Tickets,so ceete. Booke, If ( cente. To caaiaare at 8 a'eaeeh.

(1 I RC 1\S - NEW.YORK AMPIII-** THE4TRB.No IT*»iw«ry -J M Sf HKNKrtT of

the CLOWNS LOYhTT n.d W KKNNEDY. TrflfEVEN IN') Much !> »a wa.rh tritill PATH KitW KEKl RY will ., ia iba Hm beeidee a full d«s-

£ayor HORSEMANSHIP by the Troupe of B- SANDS


th« MstTBguitbed Orator aid tin'n int. will give SSM uthu Grand I.vie X-otrte rmei. » «-yuC IRISH BVEN-INUS, on FRIDAY NluH T v> t«. erabraeiag da-ISM ISASetJ ShotOh00 ef SOOSrtTt, H.ian r>nt R««niBi«e«ac«e,paiiagts of ihrillug h.e .an-e, euvisiag Aaeedot«a,fee.

O the EDITOR ..f THE TRHUFNK:Sir Seetag an attic s la your paper allegiag thst a

HORSE I bar« as eahtbelkaa at No 4i Caaal it., aear

Br«tdwsy, with a Line« Baiks in nsa of its syes, lesa si-r ai nreparttioa I dar a water aay ataa wBo asserts

It fr. at »10 to 11 on. t a lbs t-.. n i. fal'eAdanitssce it, etata H WOOLLIY.

npHE AZTErS-ChAnvre) of Hoiats^-I Thete wosderful li'tta v» o.¦« can hara«A«r ba ««.»

at Iba S..«i«iv Library datire ibair stay Ut Btew-Yurh,(wklch will ba limited) from t| 1« n »ad fraat 7 to 9 e'elor.hdaily. Ticke»« tlceau Chi ttran half price.

]\TAPOLEON at Fi »NTAINBLEAU,1 a March 11 till -THE EVE OP HI4 ABDICATION,paiated by Paal D«'«rnea« i be rt'nhiiioa of tbu world¦resowi.sd pictars wb rh bsa Been r tiled ditTllg the lasttw« yesrs in EsglaBd. Eratce and Oermaay by seer half ami!iioa of people ib bow ..,».« at .Stiiyreseat Istrtute, No.«09 Broadway Opes from 9 a. M te It P. M Aduntm allaaata, Chtldr«a hall pnoe.

SATTLKR'S 0O8MOKAMA8.KiralSonee . EiBibited noraee of itta el sad ¦reatlwsy.

Opes rrem SAM nil IS si «ek P M Admissa<>e ti oeata.Tke«e worke of Ar.i of a cei ec'ioaei FlBWaofEUROPE, ASIA MINOR SVBIA, THE HOLY LAND,EGYPT, NUBIA aad A B ABI A They are «Ietched aaslpaiaied laoil by Prof Sattler


JtloiirTj Ciunif<> unö to toon.$L>*U\ III-ill TO LOAN on Bond andrjTte »1 p.a. It] pa p Mnr,,M. .. ..^...«je, .,f ,,ua.eety, la evuiie >.f 11 ,eee ¦.. ti uie Aj>pl« ts

BELDER h COLTON Ne 94 Phamliera et.

Worses, (Earriagei, #c.I CO MULES tor SALE..The sub-I OO »criber baa cous'Be ly jSB .> »d sad for isla a

Urge asBiler «f geod sale. b> died Mulei, laeludisg well-bialeMu'eewf gieal ti/e. past this fi«T firm work, er aas;kind of '.tsm wok. a as a v -o. . sei able f.r tb'peiagalto, a aumbet broken ter SSWUS aa .u « .. aad a lot of

So d rneeg and ur.b'ckea f.tui 'naiousbls. Isomre ofIOBEBT BICHEV. No i«) Wa h.ugt a «t ft Y «r at

ihe rei .leeee of the «ob»ori'>«'. a' I* . e.bnrg. New Verity,on the Camdea aad Amboy Na irnad where the Matesnuybeiees. J tai Ev BUCEBLRW.

(^OAL .The auKeatriber Itaa in <ard aJ fall SBpply of Aathiar.ie aad B........nu Ooale. fBSJa

nstisg of Psach On i.e .: Blank H.a.i, LsSisB Haahrtoe..Esgliak Caaaal, Livarpo.il Orr«l. Cnmherlaad, Ikdasy.aUit which is warranted to be *>t ke heel jaalitr. delieereSis the beet order, aad '<.. ea'e at 'he rery -weet euaraetencts. JAMUL WORTH,

N«. 14 Broodwee. sad Sta-ei rnr Paemeena

INlTlisccllancons ^.üöcrtifiemente.;oTICEof INTF NTION te FORM aa

Issurance C< mptsy, Cspual, $ Ki Ofo. diride.1 istoI« (be »baue ef $ I. eacb. reab ta d up. wok the prirl'egeef iscrsssrsg lbs espi at »t'e-k to t '.uo ^u The atder-I rtrd ts.tbj lire b" Baal their it fa irsa bs form aa fa-«..r<sc» CompSUJ, r<> r>e b-ra ee ie »bee !v ./ New York,ttd to r« ralltd THE Rl l(.Df*G ASSOCIATIONSFIRE INSUBANCI COMPANY, for ths purpoee e*B .' 11 eiataace oa dw«ll,s« koaeee st.ee«. roots, aadall kiadi of baildngt tad sp » i. in forai'.ur«, mer

gBaaaaas sndotber propeity, aga.sst Inee or damage byfile aaa the ruk. of islaad aaeiaansaa aad traeeporteteie,as tip'etsad is the eoeotd s.ibcir.»iaa of the drat eeclioaof tbssctlo pro» d« lor the its ruo t in ef letaraae«Companies, paaeed Apiil !. h, lt!3 -Dsted Mew Tora,Febtaary 1, IUI.

DtaiflToBSJrbn Brae*. Sissaoe Draper, Morgta Morgaaa.Ca!«hB Woodknl!.AIpa«u« Besicsg Jobs C. Hell.Abrsm Wakeman. i'asier C '"biida. Dane Collarairs,Pttrkie Levlsay, *W>tomee Je.turus, Wa tsr Brady,Cains ... ae t Wa E. I: .- -s Jehs Kasse i.Das ! H Gregory, Jobb J Ye.ie't. Jobs T Dedge.A.rre.iXJe««.. J ho T. Hh.peerd Cbarlee W Hell,i «e,.a Giiee, » alter K.eier, Jobs B«gtea fr.,Ifesry Major. Joka H-S per. J eiak M WniWey,f.amaelHa»aeH, MiP Wül, «tohs P'srseUWm M Dodge, Chaa Jeakeae. II. rr, A C.rb. ,

Daaield Habold, Bebt Me'is'.lss rWWaler.Jo«l Saoubia. Janas A Cabo* Rjeb'd J. BicUarcs.

TuaaUiy H Berg-;'JOHN UK' > PresideatsJolomo" Jisscbuh,leetetery.______

1H) LEA8E.The whole ef fir-«;story Rmldisg aathe eeeser of'BVi«»¦'¦*1 *"*

Ass-its This is «e mt the mo-t .imtO****._

tue lower >ert of ihee 'y ..« »'",say oae re^a.r.ag a groat aat.ei t of r»r>m aad iigh> trtroet

rroat led hot. Apply- yesaaasa ta iaB. Bl. SHABF.

TO LET.Two larB« I>»fu in the five-..»rr Baildtag. correr of Be«kataa. t#e!4 aad Aaa-

«ta Each Left ia Di'at feat. Ih'ee rdee oe street. tadror'anr bataaeea r.itirisas grest 1 C.Ilira ajaaatBaij.jror te,ms s>ply oa tne peemtse re JAB M SHAEf.

icTlsliT.A fine Store, No. «1 Beek-nu ii enrser sf i. .Id Also a large Boom either

with or witboet tke there, aed imaed.aely erer it eeit-abls for a Salse-rewa kc . Re. This room «t li by l'» fee*,with frost os tbres ttrtets. atvd is eae eg* the mmt a.egaatsaiee reos-s us the Uiwer part ef the eity APjdr <>a the

p.emiaes U_rn.tmM.tW.TVtW' aad 8ECON D-ilAND FÜRNLII 1 UBB-Srllrag eff cheap at No 9 Spraee et., BsfsavMakegsBf C* a -a Beakers. Bareaas. UH.i r ue..

1 w" - . r.-1_ IV .atari «.l> ii.Iin

9 Spraee at., Sefae,is. Leefciag etasase,

Jaalee. CeuaMre w,t« dratin,urs.Caaai

BaaasAaa.de. havr,LbsjbsjStaads.

K^MOVAL-BROVVN & TA8KBHbare rsstsTed their tterk of C mks Faaaaad Faaey

i. . . \«« « Marray st add I Park-plaee, ap starsae. i Breadway

rr.e eheire asd B W laklet. Ceustere wilh trswsra,i I>«Ik7c"^*.C«aah *.«. Steels 7 dosea Chairs. 1*

Bo^lia?«Ur koA aad at:a- Mattreset* Pei_es.eeLfwraar"-^ -*» **H> (t^h'l Bs>aa.WasL-yj-tlTatV. Tablae. hall, effiee aad parier Sterea_