Liz will insert a cover page

Liz will insert a cover page - cdn.subsplash.com...A MESSAGE From Pastor Tim 1 “From that time Jesus began to proclaim, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near." As he walked

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Page 1: Liz will insert a cover page - cdn.subsplash.com...A MESSAGE From Pastor Tim 1 “From that time Jesus began to proclaim, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near." As he walked

Liz will insert a cover page

Page 2: Liz will insert a cover page - cdn.subsplash.com...A MESSAGE From Pastor Tim 1 “From that time Jesus began to proclaim, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near." As he walked

A MESSAGE From Pastor Tim


“From that time Jesus began to proclaim, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near." As he walked by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon, who is

called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea--for they were fishermen. And he said to them, "Follow me, and I will make you fish for people." Im-

mediately they left their nets and followed him... Jesus went throughout Galilee, teach-ing in their synagogues and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and curing

every disease and every sickness among the people. Matthew 4

This reading from Sunday, January 26th, reminds us that Jesus calls each of us to follow him and that we are to fish for people with the news of God’s love, grace and good-ness. How blessed we are to have a gracious God who is with us and sends us out with such good news.

This reading also reminds us of our need to repent. John the Baptist baptized with the waters of repentance as he washed people’s sins away and called them to live godly lives and to be good stewards of God’s blessings. We know that in Jesus we are not on-ly baptized with water but also with God’s Spirit, as we are named and claimed. But along with that, just like his cousin John, Jesus calls us to repent.

Repent is from the word metanoéō and it means to change one’s mind or purpose. It is from: metá, "changed after being with" and noiéō, "think." Repent literally means "think differently afterwards".

I am glad Jesus reminds us to repent. Each day, in one way or another, I live my life go-ing in the wrong direction, going away from God and toward my sinful will. With Jesus in my life, I think differently and I realize I need to change course and follow God’s will.

There is a person in the news who believes he never has to repent or ask for for-giveness. This is vain and wrong. Such an attitude is not only harmful between us and God but with one another. I hope that he can be freed of this mindset.

We are all sinners, but God calls us to see who we are, humbly confess our sins and al-low Jesus’ grace to turn us in the other direction. God seeks to restore our relationship with him and to renew our relationships with one another.

God bless us as we repent and fish for people, Pastor Tim

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We are active on social media! Be sure to follow us:

Pajama Party! And Lock in!

Sunday School kids (and their friends!) can come for a night of fun with Luther Point Bible Camp staff! There will be fun songs, silly skits, faith lessons, and awesome games for all who attend. Dinner will be served. Pick up your kids by 10:00 at the latest. This event is free, but a free-will offering will be taken. Minimum Attendees: 10. Sign Up Deadline (on the website or app): Feb. 7th. Mid-dle School helpers can then stay overnight for a lock-in.

Meatball Lunch on February 9th | 10:30-12:30 Join us after church from 10:30-12:30 for a tasty meatball dinner sponsored by Mission Jamaica and the Stewardship Committee! The community is welcome! We are also in need of more volunteers; peel potatoes and make meat-balls on 2/7 or help serve on 2/9. We also need donated pies! Contact the church office if you’re willing to help out.

Walking Together Synod Event | Feb. 22nd Join us for the 11th annual Walking Together Event, Feb-ruary 22, 2020 at the UWEC Davies Center in Eau Claire as we gather for workshops, inspirational ideas, and the explore faith practices under the theme "Practice Not Perfect." Registration: 7:00-9:00. Event: 9:00-4:00. Info & register: nwswi.org/walking-together

Hi League Volunteered @ FMSC on MLK Day

A group of our high school youth spent their day off from school volunteering for Feed My Starving Children. We packed many boxes of nutrient rich food that will help kids all over the world!

Family Faith 5 Sunday School Once a month we invite parents, grandparents, and oth-ers to join us for Family Faith 5—a faith practice where we Share [highs & lows], Read [the Bible], Talk [about the verse/highs & lows], Pray [for one another] and Bless [one another]. Pictured to the left is the Cook family participating in Family Faith 5 on 1/19.


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Aubrey & other Angels from this Year’s Christmas Program

Emmit carrying a

sign in town during our Hurricane

Hike for Haiti last fall

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How many years have you been a member of FLC?

Since 2013

What’s the best part about being a part of our church family? I love attending Sunday services as well as being involved in a variety of activities/committees. I’m on church council, the Church in Society committee, quilting and kitchen duties (funeral lunches, etc). I have made many special friends through my involvement in First Lutheran Church family.

What are some ways you are a steward to our church and/or our community? Being on Church in Society, I’m involved in all of the local projects of that committee such as collecting a variety of items for the local schools (shoes, socks, boots, etc), the school supply kits, and Thanksgiving meals. I also donate baskets for the Back Pack fundraiser held at the local fire dept. Being on altar committee involves setting up Communion and cleaning up afterwards. I’m also a volunteer at the Amery Community Center doing a variety of tasks. What are some of your favorite activities and hobbies? Gardening is one of my favorite hobbies. I also collect baby dolls and spend time dressing them for each sea-son and holiday. I enjoy re-purposing….furniture and any other “junque” I find. I love going to garage sales to find fun treasures! What’s your favorite Bible verse or story and why? I can’t say I have a favorite Bible verse because I never studied the Bible…..I was baptized Catholic but did not grow up being involved in church. When I was in my 40’s I joined a Lutheran church because I wanted a reli-gious foundation and had friends that belonged that church.

Thanks for sharing with us, Jean!


Jean Mattakat

DOWNLOAD OUR APP Keep up to date with happenings in our church! For instructions on how to download the app and signing up for notifications, visit our

website at flcamery.org.


Weekly Sermons | Church Calendar | Youth & Sunday School News | Online Giving

Digital Bible | Newsletters | Devotions | Events

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Upcoming Events: Feb. 14th: Help w/ SS Pajama Party, Lock In after

Feb. 19th: FUEL @ Deronda Lutheran, 6-8

Feb. 21st: No School Day Activity TBD, $10-$25

Feb. 23rd: Faith in Action w/ SS (field trip)

Feb. 26th: Ash Wednesday Worship 7:00

*Sign up for special events in the app under the Youth>Hi League & Confirmation tabs

**All upcoming events can be found on the app

What do those colors mean? Sunday Confirmation, 10:30-11:00

Wednesday Confirmation, 6:00-7:00

Hi League, 7:00-9:00

Confirmation & Hi League Event/Outing

Mentor or Parent Event FUEL, 6:00-8:00 Hi League Special Event/Outing

Service Opportunity


SUNDAY Upcoming Events: Feb. 2nd: Lesson—Hannah & Samuel

Feb. 9th: Lesson—Hannah & Samuel

Feb. 14th: Pajama Party! 5:30-10:00

Feb. 16th Family Faith 5

Feb. 23rd: Faith in Action Field Trip

*Sign up for special events in the app under the Sunday School Tab

**All upcoming events found on the app

What do those colors mean? Sunday School, 10:15-11:00

Family Faith 5 Sunday School, 10:15-11:00

Faith in Action Sunday School, 10:15-11:00 Kids involved in Worship, 9:00

Friday Night Party! 5:30-7:30 Other Special Event

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Thank You Thank you for serving in January: -Altar Committee: Wanda Johnson, Glen & Bob-bi Clausen, Al & Lou Ann Schock, Del & Collette Earley-Schalz

-Communion Bread: Glen & Bobbi Clausen

-Ushers: Diane & Al Amans and Jason & Stepha-nie Amans

-Lector: Pam Hartmann, Liz Bowman

-Communion Assistants: Steve Osero, Linda Tempel, Gwen Wold, and Jean Mattakat

-Work Group #2 (Fellowship Servers): Brian & Trudy Mattison and Dianne McLeod

-Nursing Home/Homebound Communion: Julie Riemenschneider, Larry & Claudia Behne

-Acolytes Kaylee Waalen, David Williamson, Addie Amans



Financial as of 12/31/19 Offering Received: $46,608.51

Cash Balance: $163,001.26

Refurbishing/Furnace Fund: This month: $8,578.00 Year-to-date: $28,336.50

• February Loose Coins will go to Interfaith Caregivers.

• Meatball Dinner will be on February 9th. Helpers needed! See p. 2 for more info.

• Ash Wednesday is February 26th. Worship will be at 7pm.

• Serving Lenten Suppers: March 4: Group Needed to serve this supper!; March 11:Youth; March 18: Council; March 25: Youth; April 1: Men in Mission

• Mission Jamaica: Feb. 16-23; 11 going: Pas-tor Tim, Anna, & Jens Bjorge, Neil & Sally Pickard, Erin & Megan Osero, Chloe Keller, Sophie Whitley, and Ellie & Erika Emerson.

• Thank You from Sunday School kids planned

“Let It Be a City of Love” Let your light shine before others. –Matthew 5:16

Every day, whether or not we realize it, we choose how we will represent Jesus to others. We do this in the way we talk and the way we act, in the things we do and the things we don’t do.

What if people saw us showing real love to others? What if we let our lights shine?

Jesus, Light of the World, help me to let my light shine. Amen.

Devotion from: “The Funny Shape of Faith: Devotions for the Rest of Us”

ELCA Contributions: This month: $3,000.66 Year-to-date: $11,914.72

Scholarship Contributions: This month: $225.00 Year-to-date: $2,067.50


The church council meets every second Wednesday of the month. There is information on your council representatives and the com-mittees they serve on page 9.


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If you would like to share news in The Messenger, please send it to us by the 20th of the month. We’d love to share celebratory news of new grandkids, major anniversaries,

graduations, etc., as well as news about deaths of loved ones, and prayers, etc.

We are a family at First Lutheran and we want to share in your joys and sorrows!


2 Julie Christian

3 Sarah Sweet

4 Matt Johnson

6 Evelynn Johnson

6 Calvin Johnson

7 Jacob Quist

10 Aubrey Cook

11 Jerry Carlson

11 Maddyline Ziemer

12 Gwen Wold

13 Kathy Williamson

14 Steven Osero

14 Grant Turner

14 Jordan Wold

14 Mateo Aizpurua

15 Al Stoddard

15 Debbie Vincelli

16 Larry Riemenschneider

19 Linda Millermon

20 Belle Meyer

21 Adeline Amans

23 Alexis Madsen

24 Maddyx Madsen

24 Jacob Andersen

25 JoAnn Buss

25 Annabelle Bauer

25 Amelia Fronczek-Rude

26 Kelly Looman

26 Ty Carlson

27 Gary Bauermeister

29 Al Root

29 Ruth Olson


2 Kent & Elizabeth Andersen

14 Julie & Larry Riemenschneider

15 Doug & Bev Gunderson


CONGRATULATIONS to Leah & Luke Hoffmann on

the birth of their daughter, Josephine Joy, on Mon-

day, January 13th! Congratulations also to her big

sister, Ali, and her big brother, Craig.

OUR THOUGHTS & PRAYERS are with Gretchen and

Roger Johnson at the death of her sister, Polly

Klein; and to Lorraine Andren’s family at her death.

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Bishop Laurie Skow-Anderson’s


January 2020 Bishop Laurie Skow-Anderson’s Annual Report to the NWSWI

With the murder of her own people just days away, Queen Esther was called upon to do the unthinkable- petition the brutal King to save their lives. Her cousin Mordecai told her that she was brought into the palace and made Queen for just such a time as this. At great risk to her life she found the courage to act and saved her own people from certain death. Esther 3-41

We have experienced the transforming love and grace of Christ in our lives. We are called to act and do what we can as called baptized Lutheran Christians at just such a time as this. Nearly every day the media tells us of life sucking/death dealing situations in our communities, country, and world. We are called to act with compas-sion, love and courage. We aren’t called to bury our heads in the sand or sit on our hands, rather “this is what the Lord requires of us,” we are called to “Do jus-tice, love kindness and walk humbly with our God.“ Mi-cah 6:8. Do what you can. Make a difference.

For just such a time as this…today, how are you and your congregation called to do justice? Today, how can you show kindness? Today, can you walk humbly with God? Together I suggest that we:

• Listen to God-read the Bible and pray-seek the truth-discern God’s will-dwell in God’s Word!

• Listen to others-engage in civil discourse about diffi-cult topics-seek the common good

• Love God and love your neighbor, no exceptions, live the love 1 Read the book of Esther in The Message translation. It is a fascinating story. Find it at Bi-bleGateway.com

• Repent of our inaction or unjust actions and take ac-tion with courage to do the right thing

• Vote in 2020 elections, not as an act of partisan poli-tics, but as a matter of faith

————–—— 1Read the book of Esther in The Message translation. It is a fascinating story. Find it at BibleGateway.com

The five goals that we as Synod Ministers have been working on this past year are 1) Strengthen Congrega-tional Vitality, 2) Equip for the Future, 3) Connect with Malawi, 4) Grow Generosity and 5) Advocate For Justice. In the next year we will focus particularly on Advocating for Justice. In response to God’s call do “Do Justice,” the Synod Justice Team was formed in July and has eight working groups:

1. Anti-Racism

2. Creation Care

3. Gun Violence

4. Refugees/Global Migration

5. Human Trafficking

6. World Hunger

7. Gender/Sexuality Equality

8. Get Out to Vote 2020

Synod Assembly 2020

Our synod assembly will be May 16, 2020 at Trinity Lutheran in Eau Claire. The theme is: Building a Bigger Table. The conversation at the assembly will be around justice issues and especially what it means to make a place at the God’s Table for all people, no exceptions. Resolutions about racism, gender justice, care of creation, and others will be part of our assembly work. To strengthen our justice work, the synod council has called Deacon David Behling to serve as our Synod Advocate for Hunger and Justice on a volunteer basis. He can be a great resource in your congregation for adult forums or forming a justice team in your own congregation.

Mordecai sent her (Queen Esther) this message: “Don’t think that just because you live in the king’s house you’re the one

Jew who will get out of this alive. If you persist in staying silent at a time like this, help and deliverance will arrive for the Jews

from someplace else; but you and your family will be wiped out. Who knows? Maybe you were made queen for just such a time as this.” 15-16Esther sent back her answer to Mordecai: … I’ll go to the king, even though it’s forbidden. If I die, I die.”

Esther 4:12-16

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Bishop Laurie Skow-Anderson’s


Malawi Visit / SA Consultation April 26-May 12

I will travel to Malawi with Synod Ministers, Deacon Laura Ramlow and Pastor Randy Olson, and the Presi-dent of the Synod Youth Board, Savannah Small. We will all teach at the Pastor’s Academy April 27- 29 in Lilong-we, Malawi. We will also be the official delegation for the ELCA Global Mission Southern African Consultation in Johannesburg, South Africa May 7-10. Bishops and official delegates from all the dioceses in South African, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Malawi and their re-spective US companion synods will participate in discus-sion, Bible study and worship around topics that impact both African and US congregations such as gender jus-tice, climate change, theological education and faith for-mation of today’s youth. Please keep our companion synod, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malawi in your prayers.

Thank you for your partnership in ministry!

NWSWI Synod Ministers Bishop Laurie Skow-Anderson, Rev. Erin Nelson, Synod Minister and Director for Evan-gelical Mission; Liz Bartsch, Synod Minister for Admin-istration; Rev. Randy Olson, Synod Minister for Leader-ship; Deacon Laura Ramlow, Synod Minister for Commu-nications, Faith Formation, Malawi; Rev. Greg Kauf-mann, Synod minster for Leadership; Deacon David Beh-ling Synod Advocate for Hunger and Justice. We are re-sources for you and your congregation. Follow this link to find our phone numbers and email addresses. We aren’t too busy. Our purpose is to help you help the next generation come to know and love Jesus.


Upcoming Events Jan 14 Justice Team Meeting: 2 p.m. Synod office or Zoom open meeting all are welcome at the table

Jan 26-27 Winter Theo Transforming Congregational Conflict: 5 p.m. Sun to 4 p.m. Mon at 29 Pines Eau Claire Feb 22 Walking Together Resource and Leadership Event: Davies Center UWEC “Practice not Perfect”

March 7 EPIC Church Council and Leadership Training Event: Bethany, Rice Lake May 16 Synod Assembly: “Building a Bigger Table” - Trinity Eau Claire

Sept 21-23 Fall Ministry Retreat: “Love Without Limits, No Exceptions” - Dr. Jacqueline Bussie, Judith Roberts

***** Save the DATE***** Saturday Nov 7, 2020 50th Anniversary of the Ordination of Women Day of Celebration

Luther Park, Chetek; Dr. Karoline Lewis, Speaker; Paul Oman, Artist Service Project, Reception, Dinner Fundraiser for Malawi Seminary Scholarship for Women

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240 Elm Street West/PO Box 153

Amery, WI 54001 (715) 268-7135


[email protected]


Our mission is to know Jesus and to

make Jesus known. John 15


Tim Bjorge, Pastor

Karen Christopherson, Secretary

Liz Bowman, Youth Director

Ellen Forrest, Financial Coordinator

Debbie Vincelli & Gwen Wold,

Financial Secretaries

Beth Ray, Music

Julie Hanlon-Johnson, Music

Mick Larsen, Custodian


Jeff Chelberg, President

Jason Gouker, Vice President

Jean Mattakat, Secretary,

Church in Society

Diane Amans, Youth/Parish Edu.

Joe Cook, Youth/Parish Edu.

Gail Mickelson, Worship/Life, Long-

Range Planning

Matt Johnson, Evangelism

Kathy Rasmussen, Evangelism

Gregg Olson, Property

Linda Tempel, Stewardship

Gwen Wold, Worship/Life/LRP

Steve Osero, Life Endowment,




The Property Committee

meets the 2nd Tuesday

each month at 8:30am to

dream, brainstorm, and

organize church improve-

ments and maintenance.

Council Representative:

Gregg Olson


The Evangelism Com-

mittee meets as needed

to find creative ways to

reach out and serve our

local community.

Council Representative:

Matt Johnson,

Kathy Rasmussen


The Stewardship Com-

mittee meets as needed to

find creative methods to

maintain and bolster giv-

ing to the church, be it

financially or other.

Council Representatives:

Linda Tempel,

Steve Osero


The YPEC Committee

meets as needed to brain-

storm and develop our K-

12 education and guide

our Youth Director in im-

plementing programming

for all ages.

Council Representatives:

Diane Amans,

Joe Cook


The Worship Life Com-

mittee meets as needed

to discuss various ways to

enhance our worship ex-

perience and to guide

Pastor to help fulfill con-

gregational needs.

Council Representative:

Gwen Wold,

Gail Mickelson


The Church in Society Com-

mittee meets monthly to

identify ways in which the

church can serve our global

community, and to bring

awareness to parishioners

regarding outreach opportu-


Council Representative:

Jean Mattakat


The Long-Range Planning

committee meets as need-

ed to consider and direct

the future of our congre-


Council Representative:

Gail Mickelson,

Gwen Wold


Past council members

nominate parishioners to

serve on church council.

New council members are

elected in October at the

Annual Meeting. Current

Members: Terry Forrest,

Lee Jones, Shari Johnson,

Mary Lou Wold, Orrin

Arneson, Sally Pickard


Task Forces are created by

a committee for the pur-

pose of researching, plan-

ning, and realizing larger

projects within the church.

Current Task Forces:



Meets at 9:30 in the

North Classroom every

third Thursday. All women



Meets for a steak dinner

and meeting in the

Fellowship hall the first

Wednesday of the

month at 6:00.

All men welcome!


Meets every Tuesday at

7:30 in the North Class-

room. All women welcome!


Meets every Thursday at

8:00 in the North Class-

room. All are welcome!


Meet every Thursday

morning from 8:00-11:00.

All are welcome!


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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


2 Epiphany 4

9am Worship

10:15a Sunday


3 4

7:30am Women’s

Bible Study


6pm Men in

Mission Dinner

6pm Confirma-



8am Bible Study

8:30am Quilters

7pm Al Anon


Meatball Dinner

Prep Shifts:

• 9-10:30

• 10:30-Noon


9 Epiphany 5

9am Worship

10:15a Sunday





10 11

7:30am Women’s

Bible Study

8:30am Property

9a-6p WIC Clinic

6:30p Worship/

Life/Long Range

Planning Comm


10am Church in


6pm Confirma-


7pm Church


Hi League


8am Bible Study

8:30am Quilters

5:30pm MIM



7pm Al Anon



Pajama Party

(grades 1-5)

10p-8am Middle

School Lock In


16 Epiphany 6

9am Worship

10:15a Sunday



6-10pm ARQG


7:30am Women’s

Bible Study

11am Pastor @






Deronda LC


8am Bible Study

8:30am Quilters

9:30am Ruth


7pm Al Anon



Middle School

No School Day




Walking Together


Davies Center

23 Transfigura-tion Sunday 9am Worship

10:15a Sunday


24 25

7:30am Women’s

Bible Study


Ash Wednesday

7pm Worship


8am Bible Study

8:30am Quilters

7pm Al Anon

28 29

February 2020 First Lutheran Church, Amery


Jamaica Team


Altar Committee: Wanda Johnson, Glen & Bobbi Clausen, Al & Lou Ann Schock, Del & Collette Earley-Schalz

Ushers: Glen & Bobbi Clausen Lector: Julie Riemenschneider Communion Bread: Orrin & Kris Arneson

Communion Assistants: 2: Kathy Rasmussen & Matt Johnson 16 Linda Tempel & Gwen Wold; 26 Needed

Work Group: Group 3: R&G Johson, D&C Earley-Schalz Nursing Home/Homebound Communion: Ted Miller,

Elaine Meyer Acolytes 2 Needed; 9 David Williamson; 16 Needed; 23 Addie Amans