Living Praise Chapel · Beloved let us pray for one another for with that we show love for one another. Let us remember the church and lift the church before God. Let us pray for

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Page 1: Living Praise Chapel · Beloved let us pray for one another for with that we show love for one another. Let us remember the church and lift the church before God. Let us pray for

Living Praise Chapel MESSAGESFROMGOD


Page 2: Living Praise Chapel · Beloved let us pray for one another for with that we show love for one another. Let us remember the church and lift the church before God. Let us pray for

Living Praise Chapel Messages from God; in the first three chapters of the book of Revelation God addresses certain churches that are his and so is living Praise Chapel [08/01/2017. 3:12 pm] To God be the glory and great things has done and greater things he will do. I got a message from God that he wants me to share to you. God says, "Tell the people that I love them, but they should only long and yearn for me and not long for the things of this world". This is what Lord has proclaimed to you, church. As we embark on this fasting pray that you will long for your father, that you would also want to desire more of him. By doing this you are allowing him to teach, guide and direct you in spiritual ways. Remember to wake up and pray, so that he will lead you into the course of the day. God hears you, have those special quiet time with him daily, even every second! Relate with him. He wants you to all tap into the supernatural to see, hear, prophesy, to heal, to perform miracles, to interpret, to dream, to have visions, to speak in tongues and to discern. Church, take every chance that you have with your father, there will be a point in time that the day has arrived and there would be no time to yearn for him or to seek his face. Take the time with God seriously, don't let the devil take hold of you or move you away from God. May his favour and Grace abound unto you and may he guide as you begin to fast and relate with him. Amen. Have a fruitful week! [09/01/2017. 12:06 am] Isaiah 55:6 seek the Lord while he may be found. In this moment of fasting we should pray that our sins will be forgiven, and that we will have what was said in psalms 33:1-2. Pray for your family that they may be saved (may come to know God) Pray that the God of heaven will show you, your future, for when you are aware of the type of future events you will not be stressed out of today's

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problems. Pray also that God will show you what will happen within the year so that you will know how to live your life. Beloved let us pray for one another for with that we show love for one another. Let us remember the church and lift the church before God. Let us pray for the nation and those in authority, for with that, it will be well with us. Pray for spiritual gifts that you may use it to bless his name and work. 1corinthians 12:1-11, 27-31. You can choose prayer partner and pray for the person as he or she does the same for you. You can call and leave your phone in a hand free position, which means you can hear as well as your prayer partner, pray for half an hour a day. You both choose the time best for you. May the Lord Jesus Christ grant you the grace to fast and help you to understand the purpose of fasting and why you as an individual, doing that. Shalom. [10/012017 6:35 am] Good morning, Church! Sunday 11th December 2016, a moment of prayer led by Bishop. A vision appeared before me it was clear on the left side. I saw an Angel being led into the front of the Church by Jesus. These Angels were wearing the breastplate of the shiniest silver, swords by their sides and a golden belt around their waist. Jesus looked magnificent present as always. There were about three to four Angels that followed Jesus to the front. Before approaching they disappeared for an instant. I bring to you one of my Visions from God. Use this as an inspiration to your fasting. God is very ready to grant unto you the gifts, but you also need to be ready for him truly from the heart and not just from the mind. Psalm 63:1 "You, God, are my God. Earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water" You desire For God must be like hunger, thirst and finding him. God is your only resource! Pray and fast from your heart by relating with God and his glory will shine upon you. May his blessings pour around you in your continuation of this

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moment of fasting. [13/01/2017 9:56 am] Good morning Church! I hope you are all doing well. Sunday 11th December 2016 evening, I was busy reading the book 'Steps to the anointing’; suddenly my eyes closed shut as if someone closed them for me. It felt like the spirit was leading me somewhere. At that moment, I found myself standing in place, a dark place with my head tilted upwards where I saw a beam of light emanating from above. This light grew and grew bigger until I saw Jesus and his army of Angels charging towards where I was standing. I bring to you a vision from God. We must be prayerful church and lean unto God we must submit to him wherever we are. When we submit, the devil doesn't harm us. In the bible it says in James 4:7 "Submit yourselves to God. Resist the Devil and he will flee from you" Meaning that when you lean to God your father, every evil schemes that the devil tries to put on you fails. They are never established because you are surrounded by the glory of God. I hope you have a wonderful day today. May his spirit guide and protect you, as you continue to fast and relate with God through prayer. Amen [17/01/2017 5:19 pm] Good evening Church! I hope you are doing well and that your walk with God is full of joy and happiness. Sunday 18th December 2016. While I was praying with the church, I saw an open Heaven upon the church, you could see from underneath, the beauty of Heaven, the Golden buildings all lined up together and the people walking around, the skies were blue and bright. The city was live and productive. I bring to you a vision from God. Heaven is real! Though I or you may not have been there. It's a place full of peace and joy, a place where the glory of God spreads across. As we continue to fast, I just pray that God will reveal his beauty to you and show you his wonders beyond description. Don't get temptations from the enemy about earthly things!

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Like I always say, God wants to show you unless you have a conversation with him. It's not about the external, it's the internal. Your heart is what God wants. Make yourself available for God each and every single day. Go into that secret place and talk to him. It's all about getting down to business with God! In the scriptures it says in Proverbs 16:3 "Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established" I hope you have a wonderful time talking to him. I pray that this week, shall be a week of commitment, a week of intimacy, a week of reading, studying and meditating upon the word of the lord and of course a week of intense prayer. May God shine his glory upon you all as you continue to fast and seek him. [18/01/2017 8:34 am] Good morning Church! Whilst have a moment with God yesterday, this hymn came into my spirit. The question I asked God was "How can I yearn for more of you?" Even though I did not know the lyrics, God was answering the question through this hymn... "Take my life and let it be, consecrated Lord to thee Take my moments and my days, let them flow in ceaseless praise" If I need to yearn for him, I need to put my life in his hands. I want God to direct me, direct you in all your days. The devil may try to divert you away from the paths of God, but because you've made that agreement with God to lead your life. The devil will stop and return back to where he belongs. Let this hymn be your prayer as you fast. Put your life, work, education, family and your walk with him in his hands. Amen and have a fruitful day! [20/01/2017 8:07 am] Good Morning church! May his blessings keep showering you this morning! Sunday 18th December 2016, I had vision. In the vision I found myself standing in total darkness and an Angel of the Lord appeared to me, with its

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wings far out from both sides. This Angel was hovering in the dark atmosphere and it's light emanating so brightly. I give you a vision from God, Angels are wonderful. I always pray to God to see an Angel right before me and these days the first Angel I want to meet is Archangel Michael. But besides that I need to relate with God the father. Angels are magnificent and are there whenever and wherever. Each and every one of you has an Angel guarding you. In the spiritual context some of these Angel are unemployed because people are focussed on the world than in the spirit. Employ your Angels! They are always with you on the call of God and listen to his orders. Angels are also there when you pray. When we pray, there is a battle between the demonic kingdom and the heavenly realm. The demonic kingdom wants your soul but the Angelic host protect your soul from getting into the hands of the demons. You are never a Slave of Satan! You are a servant of Christ! Amen! Ephesians 6:11 "Put on the full armour of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes" The armour of God is prayer, the word of God and taking Jesus as your Lord and personal saviour. Everyone must be ready for war. Be prayerful, read and meditate upon the bible for you never know when the devil may pounce on you! When you fight the devil with God's word, he becomes weak and you become stronger in the Lord! Have a good day Church, and may he guide, protect and direct you. [22/01/2017 3:34 pm] I had a vision and a message from the Lord, this happened when Mama Dorothy was preaching. I felt the need to close my eyes and before you know it I was shown a book, the book was opened. All of a sudden the Lord spoke and said "your name and all the members of the church names are written in this book, if you move away and stop longing

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for me I will remove your name" before the Lord spoke the Lord popped up my name but then it wasn't just my name written, there was a bunch of names written in that book which he was referring to the church. Brethren, I urge to hold unto God and continue his work whilst you are on earth. Remember at the last day we will all give an account of what we did and we will be judged whether your name is not or it is in the book of life. If there is a point in time where you are feeling down and asking yourself "where is God?" Never question God. There is always a reason why you go through problems it's not God who gave you the suffering. Remember it's the devil giving it to you. The problems that we face is a test, a test to see the faith, a test to see how renewed and cleansed our hearts are for God. Never doubt him, because there is nothing to hard that God can't do. The Bible tells us that "With God all things are possible" Don't stop, Remember God made a covenant with his people in the days of Moses, but they rebelled against him, remember Jesus gave us his body which is the bread and his blood which is the wine. To remember when he died to wash away our sins. On his last days on earth his said unto John that they should go unto the depths of the earth to spread the gospel unto all nations. And that the son of man will come back again. I beseech you all to never quit the work of God, never quit on your prayers, never doubt that God is not there when he is everywhere. Always say yes to the work of God! I believe that God is going to something great in our lives very soon. Have a great week church! And as you prepare for your last week of fasting get closer to God than ever before. Because the outpouring of the Spirit is on its way! Stay blessed

[23/01/2017. 12:28 am] There are three messages in what God has revealed: 1. the church living Praise Chapel is registered and recognised in heaven and in the father's presence. 2, your names and those that shall come after are written in the book of life within the church, not outside the church. 3, your name is not permanent in the book of life, they can be removed, if you change your desire for him to something else and that one its easy to do.

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if you want to move to another church please tell God to register you there. In other words try and ask him for everything you do. Let him be Lord of your life. May the ruler of heaven and earth, the creator all things, him and his son Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Be your helper and grant you the grace to be faithful to him till he comes. Amen. [24/01/2017 8:40 pm] Good evening church! I hope you are all doing well by his Grace Friday 16th December 2016, during prayer, a vision from the Lord came to me. A vision of the Angels in Heaven that was surrounded by galaxies of the universe, surrounded in bright and wonderful colours. They stood upon a bright shining cloud. They were many. Legends and legends of them, which looked like they were singing and rejoicing to the name of the Lord. The atmosphere was beautiful and magnificent. I bring to you one of my visions from God. They’re many, many Angels in heaven. They are countless. What I love about them is the songs that they sing to glorify God. The celestial music is peaceful, the kind of music that makes you feel part of heaven. As we continue to fast, we must get more closer to God by going into our secret place. Your father's phone line is always open, he's always online, he's never offline. You can call him 24hours a day/ 7 days a week free of charge. He's always ready to listen. James 4:8 "Draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you" Keep reading, meditating and study the word and most of all pray and intercede for others! Try out this week to go out and evangelise, tell someone "Jesus loves you". We are all trying to catch souls for God and we shall always make it happen. Have a good evening and enjoy the rest of the week through fruitfulness and peacefulness. [27/01/2017 5:27 pm] Good evening Church! Thank God for another week, I hope this week was full of intimacy with your father Friday 30th December 2015, this was the last Friday prayer meeting of the month and the year, during prayer an Angel of the Lord stood at the front of

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the church, standing at attention. God's presence filled the room at the same time. I bring to you my last vision for the week of fasting. I am so grateful for God granting me the gift of visions, being able to have a special connection with the supernatural power of the most high God. I am also grateful to be part of the body of Christ and to grow spiritually in him. God wants to use all of us through many things, it's just up to you whether you are down to earth and really want to desire more of him. I just want to thank God of what has been a powerful three week fasting, where I've related with him and gone through some tests and temptations. But I also want to thank him of all members of the church with their fasting and that his presence has been continuous in your life. However, that doesn't mean we should stop relating with him, this relationship is on repeat everyday of our lives and with that something new arrives in our lives through God. The book of Isaiah 64:8 says "But Lord, you are our Father. We are like clay, and you are the potter; your hands made us all" God made us all, let's be grateful, he moulded us together to be who we are today. We could have been sinners forever, but because of his blood we have been made anew again. May the floodgates of Heaven pour down in your life today and forever more, may he bless you and keep you under his wings. May he also shine his light that you will always follow. Have a great week and God bless

[27/01/2017. 11:00 pm] Lord gave me a vision yesterday late in the evening. The Lord normally gives his visions when I'm a minute or two into my sleep. For some, you have heard of this vision already. But for the other church members, you must take what the Lord said to me as a serious thing which is soon to come. The vision was of three Angels on the clouds they stood about two/ three

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metres away from me, it was also bright and the light also beaming. These three Angels had three trumpets and they stood opposite each other. As they blew one sound. This sound was louder than thunder. Later during the night on the next day the Lord gave me a message about the three Angels with the trumpets. He said, "The reason why you saw these three Angels blowing three trumpets means that I am coming. I am coming back." I woke up and said Amen three times, which corresponded to the three Angels and trumpets. He also gave me a verse from the Bible in Genesis 1:28 "be fruitful and multiply" he had a different meaning to this verse instead of the literal meaning of reproducing and filling the whole earth, he explained to me that we must reproduce and grow and do our part to go out and bring in as many unsaved souls to the body Christ. Therefore in doing this we are growing in number to enter the kingdom of God, which he means Heaven. Please church go out and evangelise and bring souls. Because there is blessing in doing this. God will also recognise it as well by being faithful and doing his work with your heart. The God gave me a vision this evening at the prayer meeting. In that vision Jesus was walking on the clouds, a shining bright light emanating from him. He soon approached until we were standing face to face and he said "Come, my faithful child and I have also come for the church" Jesus cares about us and he is ready to visit us and take us away with him. Remember to keep praying and keep relating with God. Have a good evening church and may his presence remain with you always

[29/01 7:35 pm] Praise God for today to the final day of prayer and fasting and God spoke in our midst a lot of things but few of it. [29/01/2017. 7:35 pm] From Isaiah 61:7 he said instead of shame and disgrace there will be double portion [29/01/2017. 7:35 pm] There will be out pouring of his spirit in order to refresh his Living chapel and this move will affect nations [29/01/2017. 7:35 pm] Revelation 3:8 God is opening a great door and no one shall not close it [29/01/2017. 7:35 pm] 1 Corinthians 16:9

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[29/01/2017. 7:37 pm] This a message from Malawi, A message that God has given to living Praise Chapel around the world [29/01/2017. 7:41 pm] then another pastor from changalume receive a massage; our church should prepare for the coming of the messiah soon. In as much as we cerebrating what he is doing in our midst let us make some effort in sharing the good news everywhere [29/01/2017. 7:41 pm] Roberts: my bundle elapsed [29/01/2017. 7:41 pm] Roberts: I will continues tomorrow when I will have the grace of air time for bundle [29/01/2017.7:42 pm] Roberts: The rest of the message will be given tomorrow [29/01/2017. 8:20 pm] Roberts: What God said to the brethren in Malawi was that There will be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit meaning the gifts of God Jesus Christ is coming soon so we should be prepared We should go out and evangelise God is reminding the body of Christ of what he is going to do for them. [29/01/2017. 8:22 pm] This is a message God has been telling us here in UK. It's a confirmation. [29/01/2017. 8:23 pm] Which means his church around the world will experience that. May God's name be blessed? [31/01/2017. 3:54 pm] Good afternoon church I hope you are all doing well. This is what the Lord told me yesterday evening concerning the body of Christ he said, "My people (children) are perishing spiritually. Churches are being infiltrated by demonic powers, especially used by leaders of the church. So called men of God come into their congregation saying that I have called them, when I have not, instead they call on Satan, they use his powers to spread disease, lies, hatred, lust, money and fame. They have made themselves idols and my children worship them; the so-called men of God. They have planted churches, which were not commanded by me but by their obedience to the enemy, Satan. Catholics are the group of people I am targeting to punish, for they do not worship me, they too worship idols and again my children are being deceived. Many are bowing down towards the Pope, they are bowing, and kissing his hands and touching his feet just like an idol. This goes against the laws that I gave to Moses on Mount Sinai. I will indeed bring my son down to bring my faithful children up to my kingdom. It's time that the earth is punished.

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Do not follow those that have not been called by me, Satan is trying to draw my children far away from me. All churches must worship me and nobody else. It's time for the church to desire more of me and not of this world. I want to have a relationship with them but their minds are rebellious and full of disobedience. Their hearts are hard and full of sin. The body of Christ is weakening. My children (us) tell my children (the body of Christ) of what I say to you and never go against my word." Says the Father of Heaven. Amen Let us intensely pray for the body of Christ. It's by God's mercy that we can be set apart from the works of the enemy.

God has been showing to different people within the church and outside the church that living Praise Chapel is his church. He has also been showing to them that living Praise Chapel has out grown and beyond and the main centre in London was so much that the members were not ready for those numbers. They have also seen themselves in a bigger meeting place. As to how they got into that bigger place only God knows.

[16/05, 09:19] The lord spoke to me and said that he's coming and that you must prepare the people for his coming, you must also guide them into the steps of allowing to physically and spiritually see Jesus through the teachings of the word and the times that you have been speaking with God. You must lead the church into intense prayer, for his presence will manifest, all I know that he will come but I don't know how he will appear to the people. In their own individual time the people must pray for this to happen. I don't know when he will come. [16/05, 09:32] In your free time, the days that you have been speaking to God about Jesus' coming [16/05, 09:32] God has mentioned it before to you and he has taught you how to prepare the church [16/05, 09:35] Like I was saying before I kept hearing the words "I am coming" repeatedly then I had to stop praying to listen to it more [16/05, 09:37] I think new teachings will also be included since it's everything that he has taught you. [23/05, 18:33] "I am the Lord your God, I will never leave you nor forsake you. The church is going to move into greater heights and dimensions. The church will see a dramatic change; this Church will save many souls by my love and power. The enemy is forcing its way to break and wear the church down. But I'm the almighty. He will never be able to touch the power that I have put in the church. I have

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made sure that the Holy Spirit will be with you always whenever you spend time with me, and come into my presence at church. Remember to keeping seeking me, I have something install for everyone of you" [27/05, 20:02] So God gave me a analogy/vision of us, the church at sea on a big boat and he said we were travelling and we met a dragon but that dragon was dangerous, however there was a gap between us and the dragon on the sea. He said that you can never defeat the dragon without something, which was the Holy Spirit, with the Holy Spirit you can be able to handle and solve situations and especially when we pray we need to ask the Holy Spirit for guidance to handle any attack of the enemy. [31/05, 14:53] I was speaking/praying in the spirit and I heard the Holy Spirit say "I am going to give you a vision, close your eyes" so I did exactly that. I closed my eyes I was shown the church building, the current building that we are in. However, around the outside of the church building, there were demons, they held hands that circled around the area surrounding the church, behind these demons was Satan in the form of a beast. Within that demonic circle was four angels, they were closer to the church; two at the sides and two, front and back. And top of the building was a cloud of fire. [31/05, 15:32] Oh yes I forgot to mention, I was sleeping deeply and then I saw Angel. It was glowing brightly even with my eyes closed. I could make out the wings but not it's appearance or what it's looked like [09/06, 22:30] The Lord said "my glory is everlasting, the more you pray, the more I bless you, the more you spend time with me the more I reveal things to you. I love the church so much, the church will grow and there is nothing the devil can do to stop it. Because of this church, many will come to know me" [09/06, 22:31]. And the second one is that I saw in the spirit a grave stone which looked like someone was buried. The spirit said to me that someone I don't know if it's someone in the church or outside the church but the spirit of death is around that person [16/06, 14:47] So the first one, I found myself in like a city and it was being destroyed with asteroids coming down it looked like the whole city was burning up in flames I literally saw an aeroplane fly down into the roads there were people screaming and running to safety, however a glowing staircase appeared in front of me it moved like an escalator, there were also others coming up on this stairs, I looked behind me and still saw people running around and screaming. [16/06, 14:49] And the second one was like man on a lion in full white garments, he was glowing and hovering on top of him was like a

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glowing figure with wings that spread across [16/06, 22:09] I heard the words of the Lord say referring to the Church "you are surrounded in my glory and the crown is on your heads" and also heard him say that whilst we were praying the angels were around us [16/06, 22:31] Oh yes and about this one it's a hissing serpent spirit, occasionally it will come whenever you are praying or when your reading the word, to try and make you lose concentration. [16/06, 22:38] And also try and also start you quiet time in starting with worship because that blocks the spirit in coming next to you as the Holy Spirit is at work [20/06, 15:49] He said "the body of Christ is at stake, they are not desiring me enough" [20/06, 15:51] He also said that you were troubled with the souls (unsaved) and is the church because we are not praying enough. If we were praying enough the barriers that the devil has put up would have fallen, therefore there will be more souls flooding in our church. [20/06, 15:52] He also mentioned things like the 'afterlife' and the 'dead' and the 'dead of the abode' [26/06, 10:34] On Saturday something bizarre happened, while worshiping and praying I kept on having dreams and vision and most of them I can hear the people I see talk and it sounds like we were having a conversation, so it will take my mind off in a second then I'll be speaking, but after I will come to realisation then head back into prayer It kept on repeating, but it was heavy that I didn't even know if I was in another dimension or not [27/06, 23:21] He says: "The dawn of heaven means the rise and fall of souls. Many will rise, as I have lifted them and they have obeyed and related with me and many shall fall because they have gone other paths searching for other carnal things. The message I gave was meant to warn about the days ahead of many souls that are in trouble and many souls that will rejoice with me. There will be consequences and there will be rewards. I have made it clear that you will speak to many, but it means that you will speak and warn many about the thing that they are doing that does not please me. I know that the journey is rough but remember to always come to me, I am your guide and helper, I will always lead the way. There is no need to fear for I am with you." [30/06, 23:13] The reason why your not seeing the fruitfulness of the church is because. One. The church is not seeking him and two. He's taken your mind off the church, because he has other things in mind that will help build the fruitfulness, something that links but not

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in relation. God is more focused about you delivering the things that he says to you, making sure that it helps you and others that's the reason why he tells you other things rather than church. [02/07, 00:13] God said that the books are for the church and the whole body of Christ including the generations to come. He wants those books to reach different parts of the world, he wants every Christian and saved Christians to read which will enable them to be prepared for things that will take place. As for the tracts, it will still be continued to be produced, he will keep sending things to you to write [02/07, 00:20] Oh he just said those temptations are from the enemy, he trying to stop you from knowing what he's doing to the church, he makes you loose concentration of things that possibly God has told you. God says you do know it and see it but it's only when Satan intervenes. He diverts your mind away from God to another thing. [02/07, 00:38] He's doing that so that, the church can realise that when he speaks, it's real. At the moment God sees that the church and the body of Christ are not knowledgeable of whom God is. They don't seek him enough for him to reveal things especially revelations that cannot be interpreted on the spot due to being a mystery. This book he's given you to write is a compact version for others to understand the true nature of God. [02/07, 23:51] For this one, God said that nothing is stopping you, it's just that your mind is focused on something else, rather than doing the work required. Your focused on the Church because the people are not spiritual fit yet, not ready for the encounter of Jesus and making sure that they know what is ahead of them. The desire to write will always be there, but because of something else that has made you be occupied. God is telling you to be patient; you can take care of both things, if you rest yourself upon him. You will continue writing and also continue to lead and nurture the church as well. Don't get too worried, he is always with you [05/07, 23:47] God said that this is his glory that surrounds you, he said that you will be the light that will draw many from the darkness. In this he means; God himself will use you. The Holy Spirit is the one covering you. It's a supernatural transformation, God is opening your eyes to the future, and he is opening other people's eyes to see the nature of God. [06/07, 00:04] I just wanted to tell you this. I saw this, a vision it looked like a man with another set of arms and legs and he had horns and then a red background. What is this? [07/07, 00:29] It's a serpent spirit but also a spirit in human figure form that comes along, when we start to pray it will cover our mouths, to try and stop us from praying or praying less. They know that we

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can pray but then when that spirit covers our mouth it feels like we don't know what pray afterwards and we give up eventually. But that will not happen. We must block that spirit from even entering by first soaking the house by the power of the blood and releasing the Holy Spirit. [09/07, 15:53] And the Lord said that the reason why he's been having dreams of the girl is because that is the woman for him. He said that their relationship will be Christ centred and that they will be known by many great people [11/07, 00:48] For the Youth service, God said that he himself will be there, he will take control over it, he just needs more communication with him For the permanent place, he said that it will happen, he said that people are being limited especially with prayer time, that's one reason why we don't see enough of church members participate in these meetings. Money for the church to mortgage will happen, but he said that an offering would be taken, which goes towards the mortgage. Jesus is coming; everything that he's planning with the church will fall into place. With the absence of youth in the church, he said we must mostly evangelise, God is saying that we must go into youth clubs, he says that they are lost and it's our duty to teach them about who he is. That is God's direction for us. [11/07, 00:55] God wants you to start this but next year in which he will let you know. Even though you disagreeing e on this he reminded me to tell about how you started the church with only 4 people. It's the same with this Bible school beginning to take place, he said that there is more than 20 people partaking in this school, God said he will let the leaders know in the church of others that are supposed to join. He also said that the meeting place can also start in the home or in the church itself. He will prepare you towards this; he knows that your concentrated is on our church.[12/07, 01:26] We are beginning to plants seeds of growth [12/07, 01:26] Church * [12/07, 01:27] The Holy Spirit is beginning to spread out into communities [12/07, 01:28] The ark is representing our church, Or the body of Christ [12/07, 01:33] The dove vision and he explained to me about it [02/07, 00:20] Oh he just said those temptations are from the enemy, he trying to stop you from knowing what he's doing to the church, he makes you loose concentration of things that possibly God has told you. God says you do know it and see it but it's only when Satan

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intervenes. He diverts your mind away from God to another thing. [02/07, 00:22] God didn't allow it but he's trying to get your attention on certain spiritual movements [02/07, 00:38] He's doing that so that, the church can realise that when he speaks, it's real. At the moment God sees that the church and the body of Christ are not knowledgeable of whom God is. They don't seek him enough for him to reveal things especially revelations that cannot be interpreted on the spot due to being a mystery. This book he's given you to write is a compact version for others to understand the true nature of God. [02/07, 00:13] God said that the books are for the church and the whole body of Christ including the generations to come. He wants those books to reach different parts of the world, he wants every Christian and saved Christians to read which will enable them to be prepared for things that will take place. As for the tracts, it will still be continued to be produced, he will keep sending things to you to write [02/07, 00:20] Oh he just said those temptations are from the enemy, he trying to stop you from knowing what he's doing to the church, he makes you loose concentration of things that possibly God has told you. God says you do know it and see it but it's only when Satan intervenes. He diverts your mind away from God to another thing. [02/07, 00:22] God didn't allow it but he's trying to get your attention on certain spiritual movements [02/07, 00:38] He's doing that so that, the church can realise that when he speaks, it's real. At the moment God sees that the church and the body of Christ are not knowledgeable of who God is. They don't seek him enough for him to reveal things especially revelations that cannot be interpreted on the spot due to being a mystery. This book he's given you to write is a compact version for others to understand the true nature of God.

God said "The reason is because you have dedicated your life to me, I have given you my mind to share to others and by that people are astonish by what they hear. You have a spirit-filled surrounding I have given you so that people will know that I am real and that I am in the mist of them. Yes they should not look up to you but remember I work in you to my Children. You are the vessel I use as well as other people for my work. My glory and my presence continues to remain with you, death tries to come to you, but disappears as soon as you relate with me. I am the Lord that will know when the time is right for you to come home, not death not even man. For you know

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that I am a jealous God, but a God that loves all men. Be humble and always continue to love me as you already do"

[12/07, 01:02] Personal visitation if I should say [12/07, 01:05] For that he will tell you, because as part of the visitation he has specific messages to people which are to be spoken directly; one on one [12/07, 01:10] The assignments are also linked with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, in which he said will come soon. He said that some will be able to feel it and some won't but he expects everybody to be able to experience it, those that won't should really prepare themselves by really seeking him, allowing God to prepare them for what is about to take place. Those that will should continue in their communion with him because it's about to happen very soon. [12/07, 01:15] Right now I just closed my eyes for a second and saw a white dove floating in the air with a ray of light above it [12/07, 01:15] And it had a leaf in its beak [12/07, 01:17] And behind it from a distance was a boat [12/07, 01:19] Yes I do, this just came to me just now and is there a possibility that God is trying to say something? [12/07, 01:22] I think he has explained it to me [12/07, 01:26] He said that with this in relation to the church and for the body of Christ. For the church, he said that we were under demonic attacks but because we started to pray every Sunday, the was already filled with the Holy Spirit which also signifies the dove. The Spirit also surrounds the church and for that because it's such a strong presence all the Demons left the area or are leaving the area which has made room for us to harvest which is the leaf more souls, therefore God is telling us that we will be seeing a lot of souls in the coming months to come

[12/07, 09:36] What a beautiful morning Jesus has provided for us. I hope you are all well. During my quiet time this is what the Lord revealed and explained to me:

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I just closed my eyes for a second and saw a white dove floating in the air with a ray of light above it. And it had a leaf in its beak. Behind it from a distance was a boat. This is God showing me a vision similar to the story of Noah He explained it to me like this: He said that with this in relation to the church and for the body of Christ. For the church, he said that we were under demonic attacks but because we started to pray every Sunday, the church was already filled with the Holy Spirit, which also signifies the dove. The Spirit also surrounds the church and for that because it's such a strong presence all the Demons left the area or are leaving the area which has made room for us to harvest which is the leaf more souls, therefore God is telling us that we will be seeing a lot of souls in the coming months to come. The boat is same representation of the Ark, which also represents the church and the body of Christ. We are beginning to plant seeds of growth The Holy Spirit is beginning to spread out into communities. [12/07, 09:40] God also gave me a message: God told me something about the assignments that he has given to people or if I should say callings, some few members have been called to be prayer warriors and there is one who will be an evangelist of which he will not tell me because he will speak to that person privately. Apart from that he said will eventually share the rest of the assignments with me soon. And he said he will pay visits to some people soon as well. Some of them about assignments they have to do for him and some to prepare them for what's ahead. The assignments are also linked with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, in which he said will come soon. He said that some will be able to feel it and some won't but he expects everybody to be able to experience it, those that won't should really prepare themselves by really seeking him, allowing God to prepare them for what is about to take place. Those that will should continue in their communion with him because it's about to happen very soon. [12/07, 09:42] Personal visitation - For that he will tell you, because as part of the visitation he has specific messages to people which are to be spoken directly; one on one. *THIS IS BETWEEN YOU AND GOD*

[12/07, 01:01] God told me something about the assignments that he has given to people or if I should say callings, some few members have been called to be prayer warriors and there is one who will be

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an evangelist of which he will not tell me because he will speak to that person privately apart from that he said will eventually share the rest of the assignments with me soon. And he said he will pay visits to some people soon as well some of them about assignments they have to do for him and some to prepare them for what's ahead [01/08, 13:38] This is other thing that God mentioned yesterday

Church mystery "The church is like an ark, on a flood that is filled with the evils of this world, by meaning, I'm saying that the guidance and the protection of the Holy Spirit keeps the church stable before the stormy floods, which is enemies and the agents of the devil. All kinds of Spirit will pass away from the church, they will take note of it, but can never attack in any way. In the spirit, the church shines like a star it blinds all the spiritual forces of darkness, all they can see is light. That's why they don't take any steps near the church." Concerning the person with the cloud of darkness "They going through a battle, a battle in which they cannot fight, especially without my help, they cannot reach anywhere. They are unsure, they can't get themselves together, they have been blaming me for causing major problems in their life, but I am God of understanding, I am God who is a solver. I do not leave my children, I stay with them, but it looks like they are leaving me for their own will. I gave you a revelation of this person walking in dark tunnels madly screaming, this shows you that the dark tunnel represents the path that they are leading. They are leading a tunnel that is full of sin, they have been taken over by a spirit, which has made them act mad or lose their mind. I will visit them, but keep praying towards this person I will reveal their name, but not yet. I know that their heart is content" [01/08, 13:39] God said this concerning church leaders, he has more to say about them and also some to do with the mystery of the church: Church leaders: "They have a very specific role in the church and in the body of Christ, which is to lead the people to me, to know me and to relate with me. Church leaders are now into making their own laws and decrees into how their congregation can make it into my kingdom, all of those things are wrong. My laws and decrees are written in my book, the Bible, in which I have given you to live by it and to educate you. Church leaders are beginning to take the meaning of the Bible out of context, meaning that they never ask for my understanding, they always look for other sources to teach their congregation, to

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manipulate them thinking every word that has been said comes from me. The word that comes from me is through the Bible. Some are beginning to take prideful lives, by taking all the glory, they have forgotten that the glory given to them is from me and I can also remove the same glory. Certain church leaders are beginning to involve themselves with politics, intermingling this with my work that I have tasked them to do. I am coming soon and every event that has been mentioned in the Bible shall come to pass, these church leaders must change their ways, otherwise my kingdom is at stake for them." [01/08, 13:41] These are some things that God said Church mystery: "One of the mysteries that the church is unaware of is branches, let me give you an example, look at a tree and it's branches, there are loads. The church has its on branches as in Spiritual branches not physical branches. The church is a tree with its branches beginning to grow and for leaves to appear, those individual leaves represent each and every member in the church, if a leaf falls off, they leave the church or no longer part of my work. Another explanation of the branches, each member in the church is a branch as an individual towards their families and other things, with that additional leaves grow beside it, this means that you are bringing someone into my kingdom and also to the church, you are saving a soul! If a branch with leaves also falls it means that they have parted away from the church taking every soul they brought into my kingdom with them." "Another mystery, when there is no one on the instruments, I send my angels down and along with them are the instruments from heaven, they move round the church and whisper melodies into each of your ears. Some of you will be begin to hear it loud and audibly, some will be able to see them play." [01/08, 13:42] This is a long message for church and it would be great if this was sent to the sister churches, this doesn't necessarily relate to us, but it is to warn us for what other leaders are doing, that up coming and stable leaders should avoid, there will be more messages for church leaders: Church leaders: "Most church leaders are troublesome, I tell ten what to do and they ignore what I say and they do their own thing, they will be punished for not obeying my commands and instructions. But they must also change their ways. I have seen that some of these leaders are not real leaders, some are chasing after money especially from their congregation, and some are concentrating on family matters rather than leaning on some and me are chasing after powers that belong to

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the devil. The things that disheartens me is the leaded chasing after money, I have provided everything for them to stabilise their church, however they are using money that is for he church, for their own private lives, they are stealing the seeds I have sown into my people's lives, these seeds have been stolen and used at their own will. The other one is leaders are using spiritual powers to enhance their own congregation and place of worship. They may come to church and preach sweet, relatable messages to the congregation but behind closed doors they are relating with evil spiritual powers. These days’ leaders are missing the point of my Holy Spirit, my Spirit is to guide and lead you and most importantly sending messages. My Spirit has been neglected by the majority of the leaders, they feel like they can handle things without the Holy Spirit themselves, but at a point they will see a point in their ministry a drastic shift." [01/08, 13:44] This is what God said he wants us to know as a church and the work he set for the body of Christ and the world in which he will also explain in more detail, for us it needs prayer:

"One of them is that I am coming soon, the sad thing is that my people are starting to fall back, instead of holding unto me and moving forward. The devil is beginning to attack individuals in the church, especially playing with their minds. The opening of a new dimension in the church, spiritual glory manifestation. The people must yield unto me than ever before because the move of my Spirit is about to take place. The opening of a new dawn, the release of new beginnings; my Spirit begins to be felt everywhere. All these will be explained to you soon. The work that needs to be done throughout the world is my work, my message needs to get across to the deprived areas of the world, some haven't heard my name before, my heart is destined for them to know me because I love them. It is your duty as the body of Christ and the world to do this. [03/08, 00:42] This is what God said concerning about the church a little bit of it is a mystery:

"The church is painted with Gold, just like the mansions and buildings in my kingdom. Every spiritual forces of darkness sees the church, they see the church as a threat because my great power cannot be broken. This church walks in fire, dances, sings, speaks life and most of all prays in fire, that fire is my Spirit. It never dies out. My Spirit can remove and drive out principalities. Your the centre of attention looking by the demonic kingdom. It's a church made to stop demons and powers. A church that prays and alters words, that spiritualises the essence of the Christian individual. My presence fills the church room when you call upon my name, you are called my children because you relate with me. There will be a day that you will all need to fully

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dedicate yourselves before me, my children don't deserve to be in this world that I created, but as they are living now, I have given them my spirit to guide them to lead a life fulfilling in my sight. Some members hearts are cracked and broken, some are full of hatred, but I am a God able to remove and give you peace and all that I give as gifts from my spirit."

[06/08, 00:27] This is really the Spirit of God talking to me at this moment and these are the two things that he mentioned to me and a bit of mystery:

The heart, mind and soul of the people, and focussing on the spiritual and physical aspects of their life

"The church has its own heart, the heart of it makes up the hearts of the people themselves. My Spirit powers the heart of the church. The heart glows with Glory and pulses in a regular motion. This means that the heart is healthy and the heart is being fed with the spirit, my spirit; through this it is being fed with prayer in church and during your quiet times, worship and praise and the message I give to you through the words of the Bible. However, the downside of this heart, if it is not kept healthy the following can happen. The heart will begin to go into irregular motions, the glow will either be off or on and off, it's size will also be different. My Spirit is not going to be available for the heart to feed on because of the lesser spirituality it contains from the people and that's what is really going on in the church right now. The heart of the church is the core of the mind and the soul, if the heart of all is powered, therefore it stabilises the mind of the people and revitalises the soul of the individual. All of that comes from my Spirit, it is needed to power the heart, mind and soul of the individual to fully power and increase the whole atmosphere of the church."

"The church is living in a double world, here on earth and in the spiritual dimension. There needs to be sacrifices and changes in life. Giving your all to me involves changes and sacrifices, there are members who haven't sacrificed their worldly attachments and yet they worship me and do all that they can do to please me; I do favour it but I need their full attention. Some have important mantles, that me showing the importance of them, but it looks like their fleshly selves detest away from what I'm about to teach them and what I require of them. Their spiritual selves are far away; some are living in the double life moment, which I do not agree with. Their physical selves looks more important to them, the devil is working hard to keep those occupied instead of serving me and I to order their steps. It is time for changes and a lot of sacrifices that my people need to make because your spiritual life is about to take another leap in which I will soon reveal."

[09/08, 00:14] This is something that God said to me:

Divine destiny

"You all have different destinies, in which I have planned strategically and thoughtfully. But have you all ever recognised to use this as a chance of getting to know what all yours holds in the next phase of your lives. Your

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destiny is precious to me, I gave you all life and you accepted. When you gave your life to me I didn't continue to make more stages in your destiny but I am a God of the future. I do know your changes in mind, I do know your every heart desire. Before I formed you, I knew you. But relate with me. Some of your destinies are stained and torn, some destinies are confused and unsure and some destinies are in the right state of mind, but ask me I will tell you."

[10/08, 00:47] A message based on revelations 2 and 3. God told me to open Revelations 2 and 3, it's very long but at the moment he's explaining it to me the key verses that he wants me to dwell on and give to the church afterwards, this is so far what he has said for three verses in chapter 2 throughout the days he will explain the rest to me little by little:

2:7a- Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the spirit and understand what he's saying to the churches'

7b- To everyone who is victorious I will give fruit from the tree of life in the paradise of God'

7a- "My people must hear me, I speak to them. I give them messages to tell others. By hearing from me means to dwell within, receive my spirit. I have raised prophets but I'm still raising more, by my spirit you will understand, there are many things going on that saddens my heart. The commitment of the heart of an individual is lacking, their heart towards me is far away from me. Finding the time for me is a struggle, but my messages will still continue to be shared and for my people to apply it their lives."

7b- "There are rewards in having the time to commune with me, I have a place for you in my kingdom. A place of enjoyment and peace. A place that you can eat all the fruits; the tree of life. I created this tree, for you to find abundance in me. A tree that is rich in life, my Spirit is contained in this tree. A tree that never fades away."

2:10d- 'but if you remain faithful even when facing death, I will give you the crown of life'

2:11b- 'Whoever is victorious will not be harmed by the second death'

10d- will I believe and trust in my children who are faithful, those who do my work with my spirit, those who do it forget about the world, those who please me and not man, those not afraid of death and believe that I God have made great plans. I believe that all receive the crown of life but the crown of life is temporary on earth but eternal in heaven, in the end the crown of life can be taken away from you or it can remain on you always. I put you all on earth to do my work by loving and caring for one another, just as I show my love towards all of you."

11b- "you will not be in danger because you have followed me and I have given you life, I have straightened your paths and in the end you will not find yourself in danger or not even death can crawl up to you."

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[23/08, 23:14] 2:17c- 'And I will give to each one a white stone, and on the stone will be engraved a new name that no one understands except the one who receives it'

"I have all your names engraved on the palm of my hands as well as every rock and stone from heaven above. But I have also given new names, names that I the Lord looks and with a heart gives, I don't just give names if you just impress me, I give names if you work with me, relate and obey everything that I alter. Some in the church are working with impressments instead of pleasing me with all their heart, that is why I have not yet given them or shown them their new name, their new name is also the same as being called, and some of them haven't yet because there are certain individuals that I want to speak to but their hearts and minds are not ready for their names and also not ready for where I'm about to take them"

3:5- 'All who are victorious will be clothes in white. I will never erase their names from the Book of Life, but I will announce my father and his angels that they are mine!

"I mentioned to you all that when you enter into my presence with your mind, heart, strength and souls I will exchange your dirty garments for clean pure white ones this is a sign of my love to you, when you pray I change it, when you worship, I change it and when you relate with me I change it. It signifies my glory, which surrounds you all. Because of my clothed of glory that surrounds you, your name will be remembered as sign of your commitment and your all to me. I mentioned to the church that all their names are written in the book of life but if you decide to go against me and at your own go outside my glory, your name will be removed and you will be set apart from me. But I the Lord will always have you all on my heart and never to depart from my sight."

3:7c/8a- 'What he opens, no one can close and what he closes no one can open'

"There are many doors in your life, doors that are opened by the keys in my hands. I'm the only one that can open it by the alteration of a tongue and to close it likewise. Doors are a gateway to the destinies that I have placed in your life, the ones that will take place and the ones that are soon to appear. If you ask for a door, I will open it and if you ask for a door to close I will also do that too. There have been forbidden doors opened in the past, some have gone in and never returned and some have opened it but have left it opened for disturbances and problems from Satan to appear in their lives. The reason for this is because the doors have been opened at their own will, I expect every one of you to not freely open doors as you wish, you must ask of me. Doors can be open anonymously without even your knowing because I have opened a door that will manifest in your life, doors of abundance and reassurance. But the key to each door requires your commitment to my work and your heart towards me."

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3:11- 'I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take away your crown'

"I have told to all of creation that my return to you is near and very soon. I am coming back to take up with me all those who believe and receive me in their hearts. On the final days there will be backsliding, many people will eventually fall away and go deep down in the world, they will deny me and shame me. I tell you, you must continue in my ways and lead a life that I have purposes for you to live, obey my commands and love everyone as I love you also. For the final days will be a memorable one, I have made you royals in my kingdom and the crowns are on your heads, don't chase for others but remember to keep your crown on your head. Not tilted, not slipping off, but firmly on your head to show the strength I provide in your life to worship me and to keep my commandments in your heart. The day will come that you all shall rejoice with me, but always keep on the path that I have provide and availed to you all."

3:12- 'All who are victorious will become pillars in the temple of my God'

"Be alert, be weary, be content, be caring and kind, be vigilant, be sober, be fierce, be confident. As my people, you must show your true worth, if you follow me, you must show that you are ready to fight everything that flies at you, every arrow, every spiritual gun shot. You must all be spiritual intact with the things of the spirit otherwise you cannot become victorious in my house, you must be a pillar to those that want to have me in their walk. A pillar that people can be able to see me and never feel afraid of anything that passes their way. I ensure that everyone of you is a pillar in their families their workplaces. My Spirit is with you all and it will continually to be with you all."

[10/09, 16:56] Sorry for the late message but this is what I wanted to send to you I got this on Friday, I initially didn't understand what was going on but then gradually it made sense. God took me to space and told me what was going to happen and again relating back to revelations:

I was taken into space, in front of planet earth, the Lord revealed to me of how people thought the world was going to end: an explosion wiping out the whole earth and no plant earth remains, but God said "this is the imagination of man", then he showed me how it was really going to happen I saw little explosions of every corner of the world and behind me from space came out a light, glory, through that came the angles on their white horses and Jesus whose face was hidden because of the glory and the light that glowed on his face and I could see his crown and the blood on his robes. God revealed the scroll to me but it was never revealed to me of what is written in it. I was taken into earth and saw commotion everywhere cars slamming into each other, people screaming, planes flying into buildings. I mean it was heavy catastrophe"

[13/09, 22:46] A message from God concerning the numbers being low in the church:

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"There are many reasons why there are members missing or not attending the church. One; demonic forces have decided to infiltrate the homes and lives of the members and outer family affairs, the devil creates problems that these members cannot endure so there he blocks and wipes their minds off of church because of the problems their facing. Two; not enough prayer, I talk to my children in diverse ways, I reveal so much to them, the church prayers are weak, prayers are coming from the mind and not from the heart. Prayers should be exemplified meaning that it should extend to the point of river flowing water is felt physically and spiritually from the soul. Three; most hearts are in the period of rejection, inside of the hearts of people is battles, battles to fight for ones life to my kingdom, the fight to alter a word of love and encouragement to an unsaved soul who rejects, the people's hearts are troubled, to the extent that they are ashamed for not doing enough for me. I tell them nothing is never in vain when you do the work I have presented to you, I have given a precious gift to all of you which is faith. Faith will be with you wherever you go and whoever you meet. As I have promised the numbers will increase, but it will rely on your prayers that comes from deep within. I leave you with this be still and know that I am God"

[20/09, 06:46] Good morning, yesterday God told me something that follows on from why the numbers in the church have gone low, he said that members are not growing themselves; they are not maturing enough with his work. In this instance; prayer and his gifts. He also said that the church makes up the members and if we as individuals are not striving to grow in the secret place and to mature in his presence then we won't be able to see the growth in the church. So for the church the see growth is that all of us need to grow spiritually and work with God.

[29/09, 00:14] Good evening, the Holy Spirit just said some few things about the church and the coming agendas

- the Church must go into another period of fasting the reason for this is because Jesus will pay us a visit, he wants us to prepare our hearts and minds for his visitation he’s about to reveal something to us that we cannot miss out on

- there will be a period of trials and temptations of which I’m not entirely sure of the date, the church must be ready to deepen themselves with the Word and prayer because the devil is preparing to attack

- he also mentioned that are two people in the Church that the devil is fighting against of which I’m not sure of but we must pray for them: one of them has trouble sleeping because of being worried and upset and the other person wakes up with bodily pains.

- the Lord is saying that doors are being opened, a lot of doors; it is not a good sign. With this it means the devil is finding his way to grab people.

That’s all that he has mentioned.

Page 28: Living Praise Chapel · Beloved let us pray for one another for with that we show love for one another. Let us remember the church and lift the church before God. Let us pray for

[01/10, 22:23] Something that God has shared with me, by reading it myself is like an assurance or like preparation for something:

* The dawn of a new beginning *

“The Church will begin to move into a new phase of the spirit, their old ways will be cleansed and all will reproduce a new spirit. That’s why it is going to be a new beginning for the Church. All must be spirit ready, I am about to bless them, visit them and assign them to tasks that require their full attention. A new beginning will mean, all will be changed, I will renew a right and bright spirit within all who take gladness in me, for I am the Lord of all good things.”

* Refreshing the soul *

“I am going to release the flesh of all, at the moment it is diseased, occupied with carnal things that is not of the spirit. The soul is what you will take to Heaven and if it is not refreshed, soul is bound to be detested from the kingdom. You must prepare your souls well for my kingdom, I am returning soon. Cleanse yourself in my word and prayer”

* The mind of the believer*

“I have made a unique mind for the believer, very different from an unbeliever. Remember you were once a person that didn’t know me, but I knew when you were born. The mind of the believer must resists it’s on thinking and rely on the Spirit, for it is the Spirit which provides all understanding. I know what you think, dream and every thought that flashes through your mind. A mind of a believer has to be at peace and shouldn’t be disturbed, my Spirit must take control and lead you.”

* The Kingdom waits *

“You know Heaven is still standing, it’s strong and it’s growing. It is waiting to be filled with all that know me, love and cherish my work. My kingdom is a heart desire for all, spending eternal life in my kingdom is like a flowing stream of never-ending goodness and fruitfulness. All must be ready, continue to work hard to achieve all the greatness that you do for me, because all that you do is never in vain!”

* Glory divine *

“The glory come from me it’s Divine is

And extra blessing. I give this blessing to everyone who relates and do my work with passion and with a heart. The glory divine is special and my heart desire is for all to have it, the glory divine is tangible and it can be smelt off you. With this people will know that I am present everywhere. Glory divine is a sign of my presence.”

* The master and the servant *

Page 29: Living Praise Chapel · Beloved let us pray for one another for with that we show love for one another. Let us remember the church and lift the church before God. Let us pray for

“The last thing is for all to serve me with a glad heart. Not just me but to those who don’t and do have a heart for me because serving them means serving me, though they may not be a master as I am, it is all that you must serve. I am the master and you are my servant, serve with all that I am. Serve with the strength that I have provided for you and most importantly... serve till I come back soon!”