Sustaining the Environment for a Secure Future

Live&Explore April Edition 2012

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Fort Buchanan's MWR monthly Magazine

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Sustaining the Environment for a Secure Future

Page 2: Live&Explore April Edition 2012

april 2012 • Dfmwr Events Magazine

Directorate, Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation• Director, Mr. Dallas J. Petersen

DFMWR Admin. Officer• Mrs. Liza Muñiz T. 787-707-3135

Business Operations Division • Chief: Mr. Jerome Hesby T. 787-707-3373, Bldg. 390, Suite 100

Community Recreation Division• Chief: Mr. Eric Hill • T. 787-707-3301Bldg. 390, Suite 100

Child, Youth & School Services • Chief: Ms. Carmen Dieppa T. 787-707-3399 / 3598 Bldg. 1147, Coconut Grove

Army Community Service • Chief: Mr. Rafael GilestraT. 787-707-3292 / 3709 / 3804 Bldg. 390, Suite 101

Marketing, Advertising & Commercial Sponsorship• Marketing Coordinator and Editor: Ms. Grace Meinhofer • T. 787-707-3719Bldg. 136, Miles Loop Street


Child Abuse Prevention, Page 1Blue Ribbon CampaignResiliency & Special Needs Page 2 Battling the Mind Bugs,Family Advocacy Program Classes

Child Find Day, Page 3Army Volunteer RecognitionApril- Month of the Page 4 Military Child in the Army Tropical Paradise Pool Party Page 9Country Night, 80’s Party,Flea Market TimeDFMWR Membership Cards Page 13 Army MWR Survey

In This Issue: INSIDE EVERY ISSUE:• DFMWR Team Member Highlight

• Army Family Covenant

• Community Recreation Division

• What are you reading? New in the Post Library

• Things to do...April 2012 Event’s Calendar

• Sports, Fitness and Outdoor Recreation

• Army Community Service

• Child, Youth & School Services

• On-post Entertainment

A World of Opportunities to reach the Military Market in the IslandFor Commercial Sponsorship and/or Paid AdvertisingCall Ms. Mariana Urrutia at 787-707-3703, or e-mail: [email protected]

DFMWR Events magazine

DFMWR Team members Highlight

Fort Buchanan Has Talent!We would like to thank those employees whose efforts led to a make-over of the Fort Buchanan Golf Club Pro-Shop. Mi-chael Ortíz & Victor Martínez from the Golf Club along with Mr. Luis Andino, on loan from Child and Youth Services, were instrumental in replacing the old, outdated and worn out carpet with a new laminate wood floor. Manuel Martínez from the Golf Club, then followed up with a new paint job. The overall result was an end product second to none. Fur-ther, the cost was a fraction of what would have been paid had the project been contracted. Many thanks to these gentle-men for their efforts and the pride they showed throughout the completion of the project. By: Jerry Hesby, Business Operations Division Chief

Accreditation Achieved!CYSS would like to announce that the School Age Center has achieved their accreditation!Thanks to all the School Age Center staff for supporting our Soldiers and their Families and for ensuring consistency on what they do to maintain quality in our programs. My con-gratulations for a work well done. Input from children, parents, families and staff were considered during the pro-cess of improvement.Hurray! Such good news for one of the Army’s finest and most professional school age programs. By: María Martínez, SAC Manager

What’s Hot in our Programs?

The Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (DFMWR) is joining forces with the Directorate of Public Works (DPW) in their recycling efforts.

During the month of April, DFMWR facilities will receive

blue recycling bins and will be recycling paper, card board, plastic and aluminum. The campaign will create aware-ness of the program amongst DFMWR employees and will explain the benefits of recycling.

Family and MWR is exercising leadership initiatives in the reduction of Solid waste that are typically incinerated or sent to a landfill. DFMWR’s goal is to have all their facili-ties in compliance by April 30th, 2012. Recycling can be beneficial to the environment, save precious en-ergy, and conserve resources.

DFMWR Recycles

Page 3: Live&Explore April Edition 2012

Keeping the promise... Army Family


APRIL: CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH Child abuse is a social problem, and finding solutions depends on involvement among people throughout the community. We must dedicate ourselves to preventing these tragedies. We must commit ourselves to protect our children, and keep them safe.

The effects of child abuse are felt by whole communities, and need to be addressed by the all. Effective child abuse prevention programs succeed because of partnerships created among social service agencies, schools, religious and civic organizations, law en-forcement agencies, and the business community.

Everyone should become more aware of the negative effects of child abuse and its prevention within the community, and become involved in supporting parents to raise their children in a safe and nurturing environment. For this reason, the Family Advocacy Pro-gram (FAP) provides different Family well-being events, classes, and workshops throughout the year. Please contact FAP for schedule of classes and events at 787-707-3709/3698.

We encourage all to protect our children by recognizing,

and reporting ALL child abuse and neglect!Provided by: Ms. Wilda Díaz, Family Advocacy Program Manager

The Army Family Advocacy Program (FAP) preventive education initiatives provide Soldiers, DA Civilians, and Family members information about child abuse and its harmful effects on Army Families and the Army mission. FAP is an essential resource at Fort Bu-chanan engaging in long standing pre-vention efforts positively affecting the Army and civilian community.The theme for Army Child Abuse Pre-vention Month is “It’s No Secret… Everyone Can Help. Keep Army Children Safe and Healthy.” As com-mander of this Garrison it is my goal to ensure that happens. April is also designated as the Month of the Military Child and what better way to honor children in military Families than to keep them safe and provide for their health and well being.In 2012, after more than 10 years with increased OPTEMPO and multiple deployments, child abuse is not the greatest problem facing the Army and its Families. However, the Army rates while lower than in the civilian commu-nity did go up on 2010 after two years (2008 and 2009) of lower rates. If in the Army, the numbers are lower, we are still dedicated to prevention.

The truth of child abuse remains the same. It happens. It has a profound effect on the child victims. It takes place in a Family context where other problems exist that degrade Family functioning. And the statistics do not tell us the whole story. Some child abuse and ne-glect remains unseen and unreported -- with consequences that grow and spread, affecting the community, and in our case, the Army mission.Child abuse is no secret. We still need to build and maintain awareness. When homes and communities take care of their children, the whole com-munity becomes a healthier place. FAP’s successful prevention campaign asks that everyone:• “Recognize” signs of distress that can lead to abuse and take action • “Rethink” wellness and ways to stay healthy • “Reach Out” for professional help, and• “Report” child abuse and neglectAnd everyone needs to know thesafety and health of Army children rests in all of our hands.

“It’s No Secret… Everyone Can Help. Keep Army Children Safe and Healthy.”

THE BLUE RIBBON STORYDuring the month of April the Family Advocacy Program is dis-tributing the blue ribbon pin as a symbol for child abuse/neglect prevention. The story behind this symbol is as follows:

In spring of 1989, a Virginia grandmother began the blue rib-bon campaign as a tribute to her grandson. The three-year-old died at the hands of his mother’s abusive boyfriend. Since that time, concerned citizens all over the Country have worn the blue ribbon as a symbol of the need to prevent child abuse and neglect. By: Ms. Wilda Díaz, Family Advocacy Program Manager

Child Abuse Prevention Month Garrison Commander’s Proclamation


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april 2012 • Dfmwr Events Magazine2

Army Community Service

The Army’s Official web site for military Families: www.myarmyonesource.com

Resilience and Special NeedsBattling the Mind Bugs By Elizabeth Newell

Most everyone has dealt with a buggy software program one that seems to work perfectly until a little glitch throws things out of whack. And it’s likely you’ve had workdays that played out that way, says business adviser and author Larry J. Bloom, adding managers must battle the bugs in their minds that trigger mis-takes and poor choices.In his book The Cure for Corporate Stupidity: Avoid the Mind Bugs That Cause Smart People to Make Bad De-cisions, Bloom says humans develop poor thinking habits based on innate survival instincts. This is especially true in the workplace, where managers face stress factors such as a shortage of time to complete projects, unclear objec-tives, and resistance to new ideas.People are susceptible to errors in judg-ment based on distorted perceptions of reality. Even when they know their intuitions can be wrong, he says, folks often are reluctant to abandon their judgments. Managers in particular are likely to identify specific results they want to reach and attach strong feelings to them.Overconfidence and a sense of infallibility, which are common among leaders who have ascended the ranks quickly, serve as a “breeding ground for the mind bug,” Bloom says. These are not char-acter flaws, he notes, so much as a re-

Family Advocacy Program New Parent Support Morning PlaygroupTuesdays, April 3rd & 24th, Bldg. 1140 from 9:00 am to 11:00 am

Dealing with Family Stress andAnger IssuesThursday, April 5th and 26th at Bldg. 507 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Protecting My Body Class• Wed, April 18th, DDESS Pre-Kinder, 8:30 am• Thu, April 12th, CYSS Bldg. 1000, 3:30 pm

Prevention of Shaken Baby Syndrome• Wed, April 25th, DDESS High School, 7:40 am - 1:30 pm.

Child Abuse Prevention signing of Proclamation dates at DDESS:• Mon, April 16th- Middle School, 7:00 am• Thu, April 19th, Elementary School, 9:00 am • Fri, April 27th, High School, 11:30 am

Child Abuse Prevention Booths• Mon, April 2nd- ACS, Bldg. 390, Suite 101• Wed, April 4th, Exchange Main Lobby, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm• Tues, April 10th, CAC, Bldg. 1000, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm• Fri, April 13th, DDESS Middle School, 7:00 am• Mon, April 16th, Teen Center, Bldg. 519, 3:00 pm• Wed, April 25th, CDC/SAC , Bldg. 1000, 1:30 pm - 5:30 pm

For information of FAP classes call FAP Educator at 787-707-3698 or e-mail: [email protected] the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program, Victim Advocate Services, Transitional Com-pensation (TC) Program, and Family Advocacy Program related information please call Ms. Wilda Díaz, FAP Manager & SARC at 787-707-3709 or via e-mail: [email protected]

flection that success tends to be based on the appearance of being informed rather than actual information. Bloom points to common mind bugs, including:• The assumption error-basing decisions on notions you believe are true without challenging them.• Data rejection a reflexive dismissal of new facts because they contradict norms.• Experience bias the belief that future events will occur in a specific way based on prior outcomes, even though condi-tions might differ.These skewed thought processes lead work teams to spend far more time fixing decisions that go wrong than ensuring they go right in the first place. Even then they are dealing with symp-toms rather than the real problem. But there are specific steps managers can take to avoid bad decisions that can plague large organizations such as government agencies.Like in any pest control effort, the first step is to identify the nuisance and how it’s affecting your environment. Con-duct a mental virus scan. Ask yourself which of the mind bugs you are most vulnerable to personally and which your employees are most susceptible to as a group. Bloom suggests scanning for mind bugs in four areas:• Sufficiency (Do you have the correct inputs?)• Accuracy (Are the inputs truthful?)• Beliefs (How do you color your decision process?)• Social (What is the influence of others?)Working through these categories systematically can help you identify pockets of vulnerability. Next, you should work through the possible con-sequences of this glitchy thinking and the ways you can overcome personal mind bugs and marshal your team to combat collective bugs.After going through this process in-dividually, it can be helpful to host a group discussion about the issues and how you would like to address them going forward. In a non-confrontational setting, where the focus is on collective mind bugs rather than any one indi-vidual’s shortcomings, employees are more likely to have a productive discus-sion of how they can hold each other accountable and challenge conven-tional thinking. That way decisions are more likely to be based on facts, trends and information rather than bias.

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Army Community Service

Relocation Readiness ClassesLife skills with Scrapbooking ClassTuesday, April 3rd and Wednesday April 25th from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm at Bldg. 390, Suite 101. Engage in a creat ive, relaxing and practical ac-tivity and preserve your favorite photos by making a scrapbook.

Register for classes by calling 787-707-3682 or email: [email protected]

Financial Readiness ProgramManaging Family Financial Stress April 5th, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, Bldg. 507. Spaces are limited; to attend you must make a reservation by calling (787) 707-3310 or email: [email protected]

Army Volunteer Corps Volunteer RecognitionIn observance with Army Volunteer Week the Fort Buchanan Volunteer Recognition event is on April 18th at the Commu-nity Club & Conference Center, 11:00 am. For details call 787-707-3365.

Exceptional Family Member Program

Child Find DayDevelopmental Screenings• Do you think your toddler or pre-schooler is not speaking as he/she should for his/her age?

• Are you concerned that he/she does not play or learn like most children his/her age?

• Can your child crawl, walk, run and jump like other children his/her same age?

If you are concerned about your child’s development, (and your child is entitled to DDESS) and would like more information, bring your infant/toddler/pre-schooler (0 - 5 years of age) to Fort Buchanan’s Community Club for a developmental screening on April 25th, 2012 from 8:00 am to 2:30 pm. For more information contact:Educational & Developmental Inter-vention Services (EDIS), Department of Defense School System (DDESS) or the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP). 787-707-2165/2167 (EDIS)787-707-4631 (DDESS)787-707-3295 (EFMP)

Volunteers and the ArmyVolunteering is a defining part of the American experience. From the Minutemen at Lexington to today’s all volunteer force, the Army relies on the fundamental connection be-tween volunteerism and citizenship. The strength of the Army lies in its Soldiers, and the strength of Army communities lies in the talents and contributions of its members. Vol-unteerism stabilizes our Army com-munities by contributing to commu-nity cohesion, increasing self-reliance, and enhancing the well-being of our Soldiers, their Families and Civilians. The twenty-first century brings new challenges for our Nation and the military. The Army is undergoing monumental transformation to in-crease the force’s relevance and readiness to face the uncertainties of today’s global challenges, enabling it to pursue ways of war that are in-creasingly rapid, simultaneous, and non-contiguous. So too must the Army transform its volunteer pro-grams to remain relevant to an Army increasingly deployed and capable of meeting emerging needs. This new reality drives the need to trans-form volunteerism within our Army communities.

Organizations utilizing volunteers in our Army communities have found themselves challenged to fill volun-teer positions. Changes in the Army community such as the increasing number of dual income families, rapid pace of today’s life, and in-creasingly deployed force, have decreased the traditional pool of volunteers. Today people seek new ways to volunteer, often looking for short-term commitments or volunteer op-

Employment ReadinessStrategies for Writing a Winning Federal Resume April 12th, 9:00 am - 11:30 am, Bldg. 511.

The Most Important Section of a Federal Resume - Learn How to In-clude the Core of Competencies in your Resumé, April 26th, 9:00 am - 11:30 am, Bldg. 511. Participants will receive helpful suggestions for improvement.

For more details call 787-707-3365.

portunities with their Families, from their homes, and during evenings and weekends. The Army and the organizations that utilize volunteers must seek new ways to engage people to continue to harness the power of people who believe that one person can make a difference. The Army Volunteer Corps (AVC) will be the Army’s agent of transfor-mation for volunteerism. The AVC is an umbrella that encompasses all volunteers and organizations using volunteers ensuring that the programs are relevant and volunteers are ready to meet the challenges facing Soldiers and their families.

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april 2012 • Dfmwr Events Magazine4

Child, Youth & School Services

Easter Egg HuntChild, Youth and School Services will be holding its annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 7th, 2012 at the Cabaña Picnic area near the Water Spout. For more information please contact CYSS at 787-707-3466. Don’t forget about the Easter Day Brunch at the Community Club on April 8th, 2012 from 11:00 am-3:00 pm.

Cyber BullyingConferenceApril 10th, Bldg. 1000, 4:30 pm. Parents are encouraged to attend.

April is Month of the Military ChildMOMC is special month dedicated to honoring and acknowledging our courageous and resilient military children. It has been estimated that more than one million of America’s children have at least one parent currently serving in the military. First introduced in 1986 by former De-fense Secretary Casper Weinberger, MOMC is celebrated around the world through special events, activi-ties, and programs. Fort Buchanan’s CYS Services will be hosting the Kick-off Event April 3rd, 3:30 pm -5:30 pm at Bldg. 1000. CYSS will also host an Easter Egg Hunt, De-ployed Student Days, and a special event at the Exchange Food Court as part of the celebration. For more details please call 787-707-3569.

CALLING ALL PARENTS! PAC Meeting and WEB-Track Training We are in search of parents who would like to participate in our quarterly Parent Advisory Commit-tee (PAC) meeting, April 25th, 5:00 pm, Bldg. 1000. During this time parents/ guardians are able to voice opinions, address concerns and ask questions to CYSS staff members.

Following the PAC meeting, a training will be offered to parents on using our Web-track System, the on-line site that allows parents to access a wide range of sports, recreation, child/youth programs and services of-fered by Army Garrisons world-wide. Parents are able to sign up for select-ed sports, SKIES classes, or make pay-ments to their MWR accounts. Join CYS Services Functional Technology Specialist on April 25th.

Editorial by William BradnerInstallation Management Command

It’s the pre-school child who—with-out being asked—passes his dessert to his little sister, simply because she looks sad. It’s the second-grader who bravely puts a picture of her father at the head of the table for her birthday party, and the fifth-grade siblings who donates all their earnings from their lemonade stand to the USO that both their parents passed through on the way to Iraq. It’s the junior high band member who asks if the spring concert can be dedicated to our deployed ser-vice members, and it’s the high school cheerleader who organizes a “care package” drive. It’s the col-lege graduate who clings just a little longer to her father, wishing that her mother was at the commencement ceremony instead of in Afghanistan.These are our military children; our Nation’s heroes.

With so much media attention focused on the Soldiers returning from war and the sacrifices they’ve made for our freedom, we don’t want to overlook the youth who quietly support them in the back-ground. Approximately two million children have experienced the de-ployment of one or both of their parents in the last ten years.

They brave their own battlefields. They rely on an inner strength to face each day. They swallow their

fears and disappointment because they know that their Soldier-parent is doing something important. They inspire us with their resiliency.

It’s hard for the average American to fathom how well our children cope. How those who are old enough to understand dread an unexpected knock on the door. How much joy they feel when their uniformed parent steps off the airplane in a sea of red, white and blue. Like the Soldier on the battlefield who pushes forward because he has to, they push for-ward, counting the days and hours until the end of the deployment.

Our military children are heroes. Let’s not let them be unsung heroes.Military installations around the world have celebrated the Month of the Military Child each April since 1986. Communities will host fairs, youth centers will sponsor spe-cial events, and garrisons around the world will take a little time this month to honor military kids, and thank them for their service.

It’s a relatively common sight today to see a stranger say “thanks for your service” to a service member in uniform. This month, take it a step further… take a moment to thank the child holding his or her hand. Their heroism deserves our gratitude.

Month of the Military Child: A time to thank our Heroes’ heroes

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Child, Youth & School Services

Middle School & Teen ProgramsFort Buchanan’s School Age, Middle School and Teen programs offer pro-grams that enhance self-esteem, pro-mote a healthy lifestyle, and encourage good citizenship while providing a safe time and place for social interaction. Each of our after school programs are staffed by qualified technology instructors as well as outfitted with a Technology Lab with seven computers, Internet access, age appropriate software, digital still and video cameras, scanners, graphics tablets, printers and LCD projectors. Every day our instructors Esli Maldonado, Luis Dávi-la and Xavier Sánchez provide homework assistance as well as basic technology instruction. Special programs include robotics, alternative energy, space and astronomy, and animation. Our labs and instructors are available upon request outside traditional center hours to as-sist homeschooled youth in addition to their daily after school activities. We in-vite parents and family to visit the pro-grams and see their children’s projects. Through our partnerships with the Boys and Girls Clubs of America and 4-H we offer instruction in the digital arts and op-portunities for our youth to showcase the skills they gain through interaction and instruction with our staff in categories, such as photo illustration, electronic mu-sic making, digital movie making, com-puter games and graphic design. All of this is offered to registered youth Mon-day through Friday 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm in each of our programs with extended hours available during out of school days and camps (6:30 am to 6:00 pm). Visit us and find out more!

Health FairCYSS will be sponsoring a Health Fair on May 24th, Bldg. 1000 (CDC-SAC) from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. More information at 787- 707-3432 or 3569.

SKIESUnlimited Program offers instructional classes which al-low children to explore and develop talents and interests for lifelong hobbies and learn life skills. Through SKIESUnlimited, children and youth in Family Child Care, Child Devel-opment Center, School Age Center, Middle School and Teen Programs have equal access to opportunities that expand their knowledge, in-spire them, allow them to explore, and acquire new skills. Courses such as guitar, piano, tennis, karate, swimming and our new classes the-ater, zumba, and kindertots. Com-ing soon tutoring classes Math, Eng-lish and Spanish.For more information contact Parent Central Service 787-707-3541/3787

Part-day CYS Services A part day program for children will be offered 3 days a week from 8:00 am -11:00 am. It will provide early learning experience opportunities to children ages 3 to 5. Curriculum is based on a creative curriculum that promotes activities to stimulate and keep children interested through-out the entire time they are in the programs. Should you like more in-formation please contact the CYSS Parent Central Services (PCS) Office at 787-707-3787 or visit us at Coco-nut Grove Housing area, Bldg. 1145.

Start Smart is a program for chil-dren ages 3-5 which helps develop their motor skills. Parents should en-courage their children to be active right from the start so when they are three years old, kids will begin to develop confidence in their bodies and physical capabilities. When chil-dren are encouraged to use all their muscle groups by running, climbing, jumping, kicking, throwing, and reaching, they develop strength and coordination. Start Smart offers fun exercises to refine these skills in little ones. Held at CYSS Bldg. 1000, Tuesdays,10:00 am. Fee $20.00 per child. Call 787-707-3466- YS Sports Office, and 787-707-3787.

The US Army does not officially endorse sponsor.

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Featured Book for Earth Day April 22, 2012

Recycling materials is the easiest way for everyone, even kids to get involved in saving the planet. This book explores how our garbage is processed, the problems it creates for the environment, and how we can change that. Children are encouraged to take active part in preserving and caring for the environment through a multitude of ideas for recycling paper, glass, plastics, and other common materials at home and at school.

““RECYCLE””Written by: Kay Barnham

For details, visit or call the Post Library at (787) 707-3208

DVD Releases • April• Courageous/Blu-ray/Drama • Dream House/Blu-ray/Thriller • Scorpion King 3/Blu-ray/Action • Rum Diaries/Blu-ray/Comedy • Super 8/Blu-ray/Adventure • Hugo/Blu-ray/Fantasy • Twilight Breaking Dawn/Blu-ray/Thriller • Lady and the Tramp/Blu-ray/Cartoon • Ides of March/Blu-ray/Thriller • Money Ball/Blu-ray/Drama • Tuskegee Airmen/Blu-ray/Action • 24 Complete Fourth Season/DVD/TV • The Mighty Macs/DVD/Drama • Last Man Standing/DVD/Action • Treasure Buddies/DVD/Comedy • Discoveries…America Hawaii/DVD/Docu-mentary • Rudy Maxa’s World Japan/DVD/Documentary • Church Girl/DVD/Drama • Fireflies in the Garden/DVD/Drama • Skyline/DVD/Science Fiction • Go For It/DVD/Dra-ma • A Mile in his Shoes/DVD/Drama • High School Musical/DVD/Musical • The Debt/DVD/Thriller • Word 2010/DVD/Instructional • Excel 2010/DVD/Instructional

What Are You Reading?New at the Library

Story TimeFort Buchanan Post Library offers an hour long storytelling with crafts. Story time will be on Wednesday, April 4, 2012 at 3:00 pm and the theme will be Earth Day. Chil-dren between the ages of one to nine years old are welcome and must be accompanied by an adult.

National Library Week April 8th to 14th 2012 Celebrate the pleasures and importance of reading! This year theme “YOU BELONG @ YOUR LIBRARY” and to show our apprecia-tion for our customers, bookmarks will be given to the first one hundred customers who check out a book! Visit us and find out the wonderful services and resources avail-able to you at your Library.

The Fort Buchanan Post Library celebrates EARTH DAY, April 22nd 2012. This year’s theme will be Mobilize the Earth. A dis-play of various reading materials will be available for check-out.

Computer Orientations Offered monthly to assist customers in accessing public computers and reference resources on different sub-jects at Fort Buchanan Post Library. Our next orientations will be held on Wednesday, April 25th at 10:00 am.

Freegal Music gives you FREE access to hundreds of thousands of songs that are yours to keep! Library customers can download three songs per week all in MP3 format. This service will work with any MP3 player, including iPods, and can be loaded into iTunes. Access Freegal Music by visiting the Library to register!

Kids - Create Your Own Book!The Fort Buchanan Post Library of-fers “Books by You” which inspires the love of reading and writing in children as they create and publish their own books.

Freegal Music

The NCO JournalThis magazine is published monthly and is filled with great stories and thought-provoking articles. Please stop by the Library and pick up your FREE copy.

What’s New at Your Library? Transparent Language Online is a language-learning program that provides an effective, fun, and en-gaging experience for language learners of all levels. Transparent Language Online is available in over 80 different languages, 33 lessons for each and includes resources intended to expand upon the basic material, al-lowing learners to see how language is used in the real world. To learn more about Transparent Language Online, visit or call the Library.


USERNAME: ftbuchanan PASSWORD: library

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Community Recreation Division

Saturday, April 14th from 7:00 pm to 12:00 am at the Water Spout! $7.00 at the door/for 18 years and older. More details by calling 787-707- 5105.

Un-dust your cowboy boots! Time to party on Friday, April 20th at the Borinquen Lounge & Patio 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm. A family event, free of cost.• Country Music DJ• Horse Shoe Competition • Mechanical Bull Competition• Country Dancers from San Juan Squares School will teach you “Square Dance” & “Line Dance” steps• Steak Night Menu available

For details call 787-707-3535 / 5105

Find Great Bargains!

Treasure Hunting at it’s best! Saturday, May 5th, 8:00 am - 3:00 pm at the Exchange Parking Area. Re-serve a table for $20.00. This event has become one of the favorites among community mem-bers. One of the repeat sellers at the flea market commented that besides being a way of getting xtra cash, it’s also a way to so-cialize and share an interest with other vendors. The previous flea market sold out weeks before the event so save your space now! Call 787-707-5105 / 3974.

Be on the watch for upcoming events!The Annual Armed Forces Day Run and other Activities will be held Fri-day, May 18th. Unit formation be-gins at 6:15 am, and the run starts at 7:00 am. It is a two mile run at a nine minute mile pace. All Military Units are invited to participate and there will be Civilian and Retiree catego-ries as well. In addition to the run there will be several other compe-titions throughout the morning to include the indoor paintball arena, tug of war, and an obstacle course relay. Come out and participate in the run or show your pride in our Armed Forces by cheering on the runners on their route through the installation.

Fort Buchanan DFMWR will have our first Motorcycle Show on Sun-day, June 3rd from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm at the Community Club and Conference Center parking lot. There will be a contest with several categories based on the style of bike. We will have work-shops on motorcycle maintenance and several displays of interest to riders to include a display on mo-torcycle safety. Polish up your bike, grab your helmet and ride over for a great event. If you are not a rider, stop by and check out all the motor-cycles on display and visit our ven-dor displays to see about getting a bike of your own. For information call 787-707-3974/ 5105.

The US Army does not officially endorse sponsors.Choose a designated driver, do not drink & drive.

Sponsored by:

Sponsored by:

Leisure Travel Services will be re-located at the Bowling Center Bldg. 168, open Tuesdays through Satur-days from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. Call 787-707-4343

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april 2012 • Dfmwr Events Magazine10

Community Recreation Division

Happening at The Water SpoutAquatic ParkSwimming Lessons for Children (Children ages 4 yrs. and older)$50.00 per eight, 30 minute lessons Tues., Wed. and Thurs. from 4:00 pm to 4:30 pm or from 5:00 pm to 5:30 pm

Water Aerobics Lessons$30.00 per eight, one hour lessons Tues. and Thurs. 6:00 pm -7:00 pmNext date: March 1st - 27th

Lap swimming Tuesdays thru Thursdays from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm during the months of April, September, October, November and December

For more information call:707-707-3550 / 3211

Easter CyclingApril 5th, 2012, 5:00 pm, 90 minute indoor cycling class.

Ironman CyclingApril 21st, 10:30 am, 120 minute indoor cycling class.

All classes are held at the Sports & Fitness Center, for details or tosign-up please call 787-707-3767.

Fitness Center Classes in April 2012

Outdoor Recreation Classes:Catamarán Trip to Icacos IslandSnorkel, swim, and enjoy the beach! Saturday, April 7th from 10:00 am to 3:30 pm. Cost: $125.00 includes transportation and refreshments.

Toro Verde AdventureOn Saturday, April 14th from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm. Cost: $125.00 in-cludes Escape If You Can Zip Line & The Beast Rapelling packages and transportation.

Scuba Basic Open Water ClassApril 20, 21, 22, 28 and 29. The cost is $150.00 (equipment included)Fee includes two dives and refresh-ments. Basic Open Water Certifica-tion upon completion. Pre-register by calling 787-707-3734.

St. Patrick’s 10K RaceThis year’s St. Patrick’s 10K Race in Fort Buchanan had a participation record of 118 runners (132 runners were regis-tered). A commemorative T-shirt was awarded to the first 84 participants to register. Trophies were presented to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place per category. Two new categories were added for this race, Male 64 years and over and Female 65 years and over. Thanks to Antilles High School Jr. ROTC for volunteering to work as finish line officials. Congratulations to all participants. The following were win-ners by category:

MALE:15 - 181st Francisco Pumarejo Jr. 36:512nd Orlando Rodríguez Jr. 46:193rd Francisco J. Roche 51:1119 -261st John Nastus 37:422nd Michael P. Comerford 46:193rd Arnaldo L. Díaz 49:1527-351st José Villalón 41:112nd Rafael J. Navarro 45:293rd Efraín Pagán 47:24

36-451st Alberto Saldaña 39:152nd Alberto J. Roche 46:283rd Darrell Retherford 49:0446-541st Alfredo Rodríguez 43:232nd Edwin Cruz 43:243rd Wilfredo González 44:2055-631st Cristino Lozada 47:362nd Eugenio Ayala 49:043rd Angel M. Molina 57:0264 and over1st José L. López 1:20:40FEMALE:25-341st Nicole M. Martínez 59:402nd Ana Sepulveda 1:00:393rd Aurea Vázquez 1:01:4135-441st Isis M. Méndez 58:202nd Jackie Mortensen 1:01:063rd Dee Ann Dunstan 1:02:5845-541st Rosalind Robles 1:03:572nd Aixa López 1:12:413rd Anabelle Ejarque 1:16:38

Thank you

The US Army does not officially endorse sponsors.

Page 11: Live&Explore April Edition 2012



Lunch Buffet Tuesday through Friday from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.

BingoTuesdays and Thursdays starting at 5:30 pm.

BBQ at the borinquen Lounge & PatioThursdays and Fridays starting at 4:00 pm.For more information, please call 707-3535/3509

Sustaining the Environment for a Secure Future

Army Earth Day Expo 5th AnniversaryFriday, April 20th, 2012 9:00 am - 2:00 pm, Community Club & Conference Center, Fort Buchanan

787-707-3966 /3508

Earth Day was founded by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson on April, twenty-two 1970. He was worried about the growing environmental crisis and attempted to make it a known and discussed issue. Beginning as an environmental teach-in in Philadelphia on April sixteen lasting until April twenty-two, with no official governing body, it grew at the grassroots level to a global day of environmental awareness.At the 1st Earth Day in Fairmont Park, Philadelphia visitors in-cluded ; Senator Edmund Muskie ( author of the Clean Air Act, 1970 ), Ralph Nader, Ian McHarg Landscape designer, George Wald a Nobel prize-winning Harvard Biochemist, Senate Mi-nority Leader Hugh Scott and poet Allen Ginsberg. Since that point, regular folks like me and you have thrown themselves into expressing the issues of environmentally aware actions in-cluding recycling, energy conservation and reducing and / or reusing dispensable items.Today it is a worldwide event that represents the commitment of the United States and other countries to environment securi-ty. Active Duty military, civilian personnel, Families and the local community contribute significantly to the impact of this event. Join us as we celebrate Planet Earth. This year’s theme: Net Zero Energy & Water for Resource Conservation, highlights our readiness goals, environmental successes, and our dedication to conducting forward-looking stewardship programs. Army Green is Army Strong!

Happening at the Community Club & Conference CenterEaster Brunch Sunday April 8th,11:00 am to 3:00 pm and be sure to bring the kids so that they can participate of the Easter Egg Hunt at 12:00 pm!

Page 12: Live&Explore April Edition 2012

april 2012 • Dfmwr Events Magazine

No, it’s not “The Company” it’s “The Culinary Institute of America”.

Mr. Rafael Ayala, who has been with the Golf Club since 1999 recently attended the “CIA” basic and intermediate cu-linary arts classes in San Antonio Texas. Mr. Ayala joined other MWR employees from around the world in an immersion program that in-cluded various food preparation techniques, food presentation, por-tion control, pricing and benefits of comparative/smart shopping to control costs.

During the period of February 20th through March 2nd 2012, Rafael and the other students studied, prepared and presented breakfast, lunch and dinner menus & items. Meals prepared were then tasted and critiqued by CIA staff and other students.When asked to comment on the value of the training, Rafael stat-ed the cost control/pricing seg-ment was great as it taught all how quickly profits can decrease if reci-pes are not followed or portions are not controlled. Based on what he learned at the CIA, Rafael will be assisting in revamping the Golf Snack Bar menu and recipes, and also be a key to training existing and new staff in menu techniques.


Golf Cook CIA trained!!

Community Club & Conference CenterThe Community Club and Conference Center once again participated in the Caribbean Bridal Expo and Mar-ketplace celebrated at the Puerto Rico Convention Center the week-end of February 25th & 26th, 2012. As always, our booth was a big draw because of the beautiful décor, the excellent food selection and the at-tention our staff provided everyone who inquired about our services. For more information about our wedding packages, please contact the Sales Office at 787-707-3509 or 707-3535.We also unveiled the new DFMWR Membership Card that is available to civilians who want to enjoy not only the Community Club facilities, but also the golf course and bowling cen-ter (subject to daily fees) and special events that are held within the instal-lation. After a favorable background check is conducted, a $20.00 pro-cessing fee enables members to get an identification card that expedites access to the base. For additional in-formation, please call 787-707-2989.

The month of April brings many things to mind: April showers, Spring cleaning, Easter Bunnies and Taxes. It is the month when most people feel a sense of rebirth and renewal. For Christians around the world, Easter Sunday is a day to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. It marks the end of Lent, a forty-day period of fasting, prayer and penance. Join us for our annual Easter Brunch on Sun-day April 8th from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm and be sure to bring the kids so that they can participate of the Easter Egg Hunt!

Golf Course ComplexWPRGA Tournament Despite a gloomy start, the smiles of the ladies of the Women’s Puerto Rico Golf Association, (WPRGA) quickly brightened the skies over Fort Bu-chanan Tuesday, February 28th 2012. Thirty-eight ladies from the association participated in a two person Ringer tournament throughout the day, with the team of Nildita Medina & Rebekah Alfond finishing in first place. This event marks the return of the WPRGA to Fort Buchanan. Ladies par-ticipating were impressed with course conditions and services provided. At the conclusion of the event the ladies were briefed on the new DFMWR Card program and membership promo-

tion. Based on their impressions of the course, several of the ladies opted to apply for the DFMWR card while here. The management and staff congratu-lates participants and winners on their play and hopes to see frequent visits by all the ladies of the WPRGA. For more information call 787-707-3980.

Many tried, but no one got close on hole #3.12

Bowling Center News for April Congratulations to Mr David Márquez for the High game and series for the Month. David rolled a game of 290 and a Series of 740 playing in the Satur-day Liga Borincana. Congratulations also go to Mr Michael with a game of 285 and a Series of 737 he also plays on Liga Borincana. On the Female side we have Ms. Yamitza Quiñones with a game of 256 on Liga Centinela Boricua and Ms. Iza Marrero with a series of 680 on The Federal Employee League.People interested in joining a league can call 707-BOWl. Also, our Junior program runs on Saturdays from August to May every year.

Page 13: Live&Explore April Edition 2012

MWR Offerings

787-707-3974/5105 • Fax: 787-707-3154

Special Events Special Events DFMWR holds many special events during the year which will be accessible to you by purchasing this card. Events such as the 4th of July Celebration, Holiday Celebration, Concerts, Dances with Live entertainment, & children activities such as the Easter Egg Hunt, Family Day and Halloween activities.

18 lanes are certified to PBA standards and we have USBC Sanctioned Leagues for Adults and Youth. Enjoy the remarkable Cosmic Bowling program. Our Snack Bar Café offers Criollo Lunch specials Mondays - Fridays , 11:00 am- 1:00 pm. We also offer Birthday Party Packages and social activities upon request! Our bar offers a comfortable place to relax for your Friday or week-end social.

Our nine hole Golf Course using alternate tee boxes provides an 18 hole round of over 6,300 yards, a Driving Range & PAR 3 short course, daily green fees apply. Access to Pro-Shop and Snack Bar. Monthly Member Tournaments, Golf outings upon request, Golf lessons by appointment, Golf carts equipped with GPS.

787-707-3980 • Fax: 787-707-3585

787-707-3509/3535 • Fax: 787-707-3882

Community Club & Conference CenterCommunity Club & Conference Center

Seven meeting and social rooms available for booking, affordable catering and usage fees, daily lunch buffet, Bar & Patio Lounge with weekly evening BBQ specials, Ballroom with capacity of 500 people.

Community ClubFort Buchanan&&

Bowling Center Bowling Center

Golf Course Complex Golf Course Complex

787-707-3272 / 2695

For information please call 787-707-2989or visit: www.buchananmwr.com

What is the DFMWR Membership Card?The DFMWR Membership Card is a program that integrates members of the Puerto Rican community into myriad Fort Buchanan’s social and business activities. Interested parties go through a process that includes National Crime records background check. Those with a favorable background clearance pay a small processing fee to obtain an DFMWR picture ID Card. This card greatly simplifies access to the installation and the business venues therein.

The Directorate, Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (DFMWR) is a comprehensive network of support and leisure services designed to enhance the lives of Soldiers (Active, Reserve, and Guard), their Families, Civilian employees, Military Retirees and other eligible participants.

DFMWR contributes to the Army’s strength and readiness by offering services that reduce stress, build skills and self-confidence and foster strong esprit de corps. DFMWR services also help the Army attract and retain talented people. DFMWR is proof of the Army’s commitment to caring for the people who serve and stand ready to defend the Nation.

Now you can enjoy some of the benefits that our Community has to offer.Join our membership program and let us serve You.

DFMWR Fort Buchanan

The Army will survey members of its communities world-wide as part of an effort to improve morale, welfare and recreation programs. The survey, conducted by the Marketing Research and Analysis Branch of the Family and MWR Programs directorate, U.S. Army Installation Management Command, seeks to identify what customers are interested in, whether they are using available services and if so, how satisfied they are with the programming their garrison has to offer.The marketing branch will distribute the survey to randomly selected participants at 75 garrisons.“The survey is going to give us the information we need to make sound business decisions based on customer interest,” said Joseph Rayzor, marketing chief for Family and MWR Programs.Those selected to participate in the Army MWR Services Survey will be contacted by email. Follow-up messages will be sent by postal mail. Survey answers can be submitted online or through traditional means.The survey will remain open through mid April. Results will be analyzed and compiled into a report by summer 2012.


Page 14: Live&Explore April Edition 2012

april 2012 • Dfmwr Events Magazine

www.buchananmwr.comPaid Advertising

U.S. Army endorsement not implied.

ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ATTENTION! SKIESUnlimited Instructors NeededJoin the Child and Youth Services (CYS) family as a child/youth instructor. The new Schools of Knowledge, Inspiration, Explo-ration and Skills are looking for qualified, caring instructors for the Schools of Arts, Schools of Sports, School of Aca-demics, and the School of Life Skills. Our classes will serve in-fants through high school seniors in a wide variety of subjects and interests. The sky is the limit! If your expertise interest chil-dren & youth, we want to offer your class. Suggested classes could include: Basic Make-up, Painting/Drawing, Modern Dance, Yoga, Scrapbooking, Ballet, Modeling, and more! The possibilities are limitless! Please contact Parent Central Service 787-707-3541/3787

House for Sale: Urb. Berwind Estates C/ 1, #6-B, Rio Piedras - terrestrial house, 4 rooms, 2 baths, carport, patio, terrace, walk-in closet, living rm, family rm, ample kitchen, private Rd ideal for trucks & boats. Apt. on back w/ private rd, 1rm, 1 bath, kitchen, living rm, space for various vehicles. Controlled access 24hrs. $45 month. Metropolitan Area, close to main highways, shop-ping centers, universities, hospital $235,000 NEGOTIABLE (787)762-8467 (787) 533-3211 (818)-288-4646. Email [email protected]


Classifieds Section

U.S. Army endorsement not implied.

Page 15: Live&Explore April Edition 2012

at Library, 2:30 - 4 pm, 787-707-3208

at Community Club6 pm, 787-707-3535

9 am10:30 am


at Library, 2:30 - 4 pm, 787-707-3208

2:30 pm – 5:30 pmat Fitness

Center, 11:30 pm, 787-707-3767

at Fitness Center, 6:30 am, 787-707-3767

at Bowling Center, 1 pm - 5 pm, 787-707-2695

at Automotive Skills Center 787-707-3972FAP

Bldg. 507, 10 am, 787-707-3698ACS 10 am, 787-707-3310Easte Cycling @Fitness Ctr., 11:30 am787-707-3767

@3:30 pm, 787-707-3541Every Tues & Thur- @ Water Spout, 787-707-3550

@ Cabaña Picnic Area, 10 am, 787-707-3466

10 am, 787-707-3734Every Saturday @ Fitness Center:

9 am787-707-3767Every Saturday:

10 am – 11 am, 787-707-3541

10 am, Bldg. 1000, 787-707-3998

Bldg. 1000, 10 am, 787-707-3466

11 am -1 pmTuesday - Friday, 787-707-3535

Bldg. 1000, 2:30 pm787-707-3466

@ Library, 3:30 pm - 4 pm, 787-707-3208

9:00 am @ Fitness Center, 787-707-3767

Bowling Ctr., 11 am - 1 pm, 7870-707-2695

, 3 pm – 4 pm / 4 pm - 5 pm, 787-707-3541

@ Fitness Center 6:30 pm, 787-707-3767

at Automotive Skills Center, 787-707-3972

Antilles Elementary School @ Water Spout, 8:00 am, 787-707-3569

CDC/SAC, Bldg. 1000, 787-707-3698 at the Club, 6 pm, 787-707-3535

BBQ @ Borinquen Lounge, Thursdays,4 pm,787-707-3535

7:00 am @ Antilles

Middle School, 787-707-3998, Bldg. 1000

9 am 787-707-3468@ Comm. Club, 4

pm - 5 pm, 787-707-3541Every Friday:

4 pm, 787-707-3535@ Finess Ctr. 5:30 pm,


for $8 at Automotive

Skills Center 787-707-39729:00 am @ Fitness

Center, 787-707-3767@ Bldg.1145,

9:30 am, 787-707-3787

@ 3 pm, 787-707-26955:30 pm - 6:30 pm, Fitness

Center, 787-707-3767

Fitness Center, Bldg. 167, 5:30 am/ 12 pm/

and 4:30 pm, 787-707-3767 Bldg.

1000, 10 am, 787-707-346610 am, @

Fitness Ctr, 787-707-3767 11 am -1 pm

Tuesday - Friday, 787-707-3535@ Library,

3:30 pm - 4 pm, 787-707-3208

at Automotive Skills

Center, 787-707-3972@

Bldg. 1000, 4 pm am, 787-707-3569

Proclamation Signing @ Antilles Elementary School, 9 am 787-707-3698

@ Water Spout 11 am, 4 pm/ 5 pm



Antilles High School11:30 am, 787-707-3698

Golf Complex,12:30 pm, 787-707-3980

4 pm, 787-707-3535

Bldg. 1000, 5:30 pm, 787-707-3569 @ Club, 7pm, 787-707-3826

787-707-3734Every Saturday

9 am787-707-3767

at Automotive Skills Center, 787-707-3972

@ Bldg. 1145,9:30 am, 787-707-3787At the Fitness Center:

5:30 am / 12 pm/ 4:30 pm 9:00 am,

5:30 pm, 787-707-3767

11 am -1 pmTuesday - Friday, 787-707-3535

at the Club, 6 pm, 787-707-3535 at

the Club, 3 pm, 787-707-3541

at Automotive Skills Center, 787-707-3972

Lounge & Patio, 4 pm , 787-707-3535 @ Water Spout

Tues. & Thurs., 6 pm, 787-707-3550 @ Fitness Center, 5:30 pm

787-707-3767Tuesdays & Thursdays BINGO at the Community Club, 6 pm, 787-707-3535

Every Friday: at Borinquen Lounge & Patio, 4 pm, 787-707-3535

Bldg. 519, 4 pm, 787-707-38268 am - 3 pm,Exchange Parking Area, 787-707-3974/5105

Fajardo4 pm, 787-707-3734





Fitness Ctr., 6:30 am, 10 am, 787-707-3767

Antilles Elementary School Pre-Kinder, 8:30 am, 787-707-3698

@ Comm. Club, 11 am, 787-707-3365


CYSS Team vs. Off Base, 9:30 am, 787-707-3466

@ Fitness Center, 10:30 am, 787-707-3767

@ Bldg. 1140, 9 am, 787-707-3998

Bldg. 1000, 10 am, 787-707-3466

11 am -1 pmTuesday - Friday, 787-707-3535

Water Spout, 11 am787-707-3550

@ Exchange lobby, 3 pm, 787-707-3541

Antilles High School, 7:40 am, 787-707-3698

@ Comm. Club, 8 am, 787-707-2165

10 am , 787-707-3208 @

Bldg. 1000, 1:30 pm, 787-707-3998 Bldg. 390,

787-707-3682@ Bldg. 1000, 5 pm


at Automotive Skills

Center, 787-707-3972Antilles

Elementary School @ Water Spout, 8:00 am, 787-707-3569

Bldg. 507, 10 am, 787-707-3698

@ Water Spout , 11 am, 787-707-3550

@3:30 pm, 787-707-3541


7 am - 5 pm, 787-707-3734

Visit us at:

@Parent Central Svc., Bldg. 1145, 787-707-3787

Antilles Middle School, 7 am and @Teen Ctr.,

3 pm, 787-707-3998@ Comm. Club,

4 pm - 5 pm, 787-707-3541


at Automotive Skills Center 787-707-3972

@ Bldg. 1145,9:30 am, 787-707-3787

3 pm, 787-707-3787

Easter @ Community

Club, 11 am, 787-707-3535

@ Water Spout, 12 pm787-707-5105


Good Friday

Bldg. 1140, 9 am

Bldg. 1000, 3 pm, 787-707-3998begin at

Fitness Center, 5:30 am, 787-707-3767

Bldg. 1000, 10 am, 787-707-3466Bldg. 390,


Bldg. 1000, 3:30 pm, 787-707-3787

, @Community Club, 3 pm, 787-707-3541

Exchange Lobby, 9:00 am 787-707-3998 begins,

787-707-3277“Earth Day”, 3 pm, 787-707-3208

Wed - Fri: at Bowling Center, 11 am, 787-707-3272

@ Fitness Ctr. 6:30 pm, 787-707-3767

for $8 at Automotive

Skills Center 787-707-3972Mon, Wed & Fri, 9 am @ Fitness Center, 787-707-3767

ACS Bldg. 390, 787-707-3998

Post Library, 10 am 787-707-3208 Teen Center, Bldg. 519,

9 am, 787-707-3826

2 3 4 1

9 10 11 13 1412

18 20 2116 17 19

23 24 25 2827THU 26

75 6

30 May 1 May 3 May 4 May 5

April Fool’s DayPalm Sunday


Income Tax Day Antilles Middle

School @ Water Spout, 8:00 am, 787-707-3569

@ Bldg. 1000, 9 am, 787-707-3569

@ Comm. Club, 9 am, 787-707-3966

787-707-3734@ Borinquen Lounge @

Patio, 5 pm, 787-707-3535


,11 am @ Comm. Club, 787-707-3535

Child Abuse Prevention MonthApril 2012 Month of the

Military Child

@ Water Spout, 7 pm -12 am787-707-3550


Calendar subject to change. For updated version: www.buchananmwr.com


DJ Barón López, 9 pm, 787-707-5105

May 2