Live互動英語雜誌2010年2月號 - Popularity Brings Success人緣好,收入高?

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A recent study shows that popularity is important for success in life. It’s never too early to learn how to be a people person and reap the rewards! 研究顯示,人緣好壞竟與收入有關?本文還有增進人際關係技巧大公開!

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Page 1: Live互動英語雜誌2010年2月號 - Popularity Brings Success人緣好,收入高?
Page 2: Live互動英語雜誌2010年2月號 - Popularity Brings Success人緣好,收入高?


—Michelle Adams

22 課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 - 16 /慢速 MP3 - 40課程講解》MP3 - 60

FORMER American president Theodore Roosevelt†

said, “The most important single ingredient2 in

the formula3 of success is knowing how to get

along with people.” Science may have just proven

him right. A new study from the Institute for Social

and Economic Research† (ISER) shows people who

were popular in high school end up being more

successful in their later lives.

The ISER study looked at a group of people

thirty-five years after they graduated4 from high

school. Each person wrote down the names of their

three closest friends from high school. The ISER

team figured that the people who were named most

often were the most popular. The study found that

these popular people are making more money now

than the unpopular students.

There are a few problems with this study, but in

many ways, it makes sense. People who are popular

usually have very good people skills. They are

comfortable around others and develop leadership

skills. These qualities are useful in companies and

can help the person rise through the ranks more

easily. A higher position in the company means a

bigger salary.5 *中文翻譯請參閱第 71頁










社會科學 ■

Page 3: Live互動英語雜誌2010年2月號 - Popularity Brings Success人緣好,收入高?

字彙 Vocabulary *為大考出現過的字彙

* 1. popularity [%p3pj4`l1r4t6] n. 人緣;名望

The boy worried more about his popularity than he did about his grades.

* 2. ingredient [6n`grid64nt] n. 要素;原料

My mother says that good friends are the most important ingredients to a happy life.

* 3. formula [`f7rmj4l4] n. 準則;配方

I think the formula of the shampoo has changed because the new bottle smells different.

* 4. graduate [`gr1d.8%et] v. 畢業

Sarah wants to travel around Asia after she graduates from high school.

* 5. salary [`s1l4r6] n. 薪水

My new job’s salary isn’t very high, but I really like the work that I do.

† 為補充說明

† Theodore Roosevelt [`qi4%d7r] [`roz4%v5lt] 是美國第 26


† Institute for Social and Economic Research [`6nst4tjut]指「社會經濟研究所」,總部位於英國,主要研究人類生活的各


關鍵解析 Language Notes

1. make sense 有道理;說得通此片語常以事物當主詞。

• Gabe’s answer didn’t make sense, so I asked him to explain. 蓋比的回答沒道理,所以我要他解釋。

還可用 it當虛主詞。要說「……是合理的」,句型為:

It makes sense that S. + V.

• It makes sense that Jennifer drives because she is the only one who knows where the restaurant is. 珍妮佛來開車很合理,因為她是唯一知道餐廳在哪的人。


以人當主詞,表示「理解某事」,則用 make sense of + N.。

• I tried to make sense of the note, but the writing was not clear. 我試著理解這份筆記,但字跡很不清楚。

2. rise through the ranks 脫穎而出rank當名詞可指「隊伍;行列」,複數形的 the ranks則指「士兵;普通成員」。此片語引申指從團體中「脫穎而出;獲得升遷」。

• The young man quickly rose through the ranks and was vice president within five years. 這個年輕人迅速脫穎而出,在五年內成了副總統。

+ come up through the ranks意思也一樣喔。

• Even though Mary’s father owns the company, she had to start at the bottom and come up through the ranks.




Give It a Try 請依據中文填入正確答案。

q 事實難道不比小說奇怪嗎?畢竟,小說必須合理。

“Why shouldn’t truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to __________ __________.” —Mark Twain(馬克.吐溫)

w 幻想是人生必要元素。

“Fantasy is a necessary __________ to living.”

—Dr. Seuss(蘇斯博士)

e 名望是我從未遭受的污辱之一。

“__________ is the one insult I have never suffered.” —Oscar Wilde(王爾德)

r 人生是我的學校。但願我能以優異成績畢業,並贏得幾


“Life is my college. May I __________ well and earn some honors!” —Louisa May Alcott(露意莎.梅.


*答案請參閱第 71頁


Popularity Brings Success • Society

Page 4: Live互動英語雜誌2010年2月號 - Popularity Brings Success人緣好,收入高?

23 課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 - 17 /慢速 MP3 - 41課程講解》MP3 - 61

Many people know that success is not

only about technical1 skill. The person with

the most knowledge doesn’t always become

president of the school club. Neither is it

always the most skilled2 person that is

offered the promotion3 at work. People skills

play a big part in success in life. By following

some simple rules, you can improve your

people skills and your chances for success.

These tips will help you get started in

improving your people skills. Try them out at

school or work, and you may be surprised

by the results. When it comes to present

happiness and future success, it’s best to cover all the bases.†

*中文翻譯請參閱第 71頁






Be generous with your smiles. This makes people feel more comfortable being around you.

Don’t complain a lot. No one wants to be around a negative4 person.

Really listen when people talk; don’t just wait for your turn. This will make the person who’s talking feel like he or she has a connection5 with you.

Be yourself. If you put too much effort into being someone you’re not, it may drive people away.





社會科學 ■UNIT 8


Page 5: Live互動英語雜誌2010年2月號 - Popularity Brings Success人緣好,收入高?

字彙 Vocabulary *為大考出現過的字彙

* 1. technical [`t5kn6ky] adj. 專業的;技術性的

There were some technical problems, so the speech started late.

* 2. skilled [sk6ld] adj. 熟練的;專精的(be skilled with N. 指「對……很熟練」)

The company is looking for someone who is skilled with factory computers.

3. promotion [pr4`mo]4n] n. 升遷

Gavin’s boss says that he will get a promotion next year.

* 4. negative [`n5g4t6v] adj. 消極的;負面的

I read some negative reviews of the movie in the newspaper.

* 5. connection [k4`n5k]4n] n. 聯繫;關聯

Is there any connection between the two jewelry store break-ins?

† 為補充說明

† cover all the bases 指「面面俱到」。

關鍵解析 Language Notes

1. neither 的用法a 副詞 neither指「也不」,常置於句首,但後面的主詞和動詞要倒裝,以文中的句子說明。

Neither is it always the most skilled person that is offered the promotion at work. 最熟練的人也不一定總是在工作上獲得晉升。

+因為 neither本身就有否定的意思,所以其後接的句子不需加 not。

b 此外,neither A nor B指「A和 B皆不」。

• The house is neither new nor in a good neighborhood. 這個房子既不新,也不是位於好的地段。

neither A nor B當主詞時,動詞需依 B變化。

• Neither Jill nor I have a watch, so we have to ask someone for the time. 我和吉兒都沒有手錶,所以我們必須問別人時間。

2. When it comes to . . . 說到⋯⋯要表示「說到某人事物,……」,句型如下:

When it comes to N./V-ing, S. + V.

• When it comes to baseball, Jack seems to know everything. 說到棒球,傑克似乎無所不知。

• When it comes to fishing, you need a lot of patience. 說到釣魚,你需要很多耐心。

Give It a Try 請根據中文或提示寫出最適合的答案。

q The book is not long. Neither is it boring, so you should enjoy reading it. (用neither nor句型合併)


w 凱爾說到所有關於這間餐廳的事都是負面的,所以我不


Everything Kyle said about the restaurant was __________, so I won’t try it.

e 說到旅行,我比較喜歡搭火車或船,而不是搭飛機。

__________ __________ __________ __________ traveling, I prefer trains and boats to planes.

*答案請參閱第 71頁

neither 置首,主詞 it 和動詞 is 倒裝

動詞依據 I,使用原形 have

Popularity Brings Success • Society