BONUS OFFEREDIN POPULAR BABY CONTEST 1, XXXII.—No. 5 ASK YOUR MERCHANT FOR BABY COUPONS »t it arein N. J., FRIDAY, APRIL B ( 1940, i Mired u tteotrio PRICE FIVE CENTS bing Board To, ColAr jpplicaliori At Seiiiofi Nextfrrt BUILDINGS PLANNED COST Businessmen's Association CtdU Meeting For Tueia'ay WOODBRIDGE—.A special meeting- of the Woodbridge Township Businessmen's Associ- ation will., be held Tuesday at eight p'clock at thefiome of Dr. " W. Z., Barrett, of 186 Gr&n ••Street...;;,';. / • /:•. • , V ' ' . '). - t h e pu'rposo'dl the meeting is • .to decide wlwthejf. t\ rc6r.ganlte tihe. nntf oc.to disband HndJuYn over a "consMe'r.able'' amount of •money now ln. f thcb.«nk to charl 1 ;. table orgahiietfoni.-Alt memb'pn are urged;to attend the Session arid vote on the question. ' •_ Live-NotDeaA-Peopk %«fo«H$ Need, Conakry Qbjedon hmst Hilarity Marks Public Hearing On flan To Enlarge , Burial Grounds; Committee Sustains Objections ationOnSo.ParkDrite AUgafier H vqrs Development LiiliHRIDGE — A Waring 11,,, hdd before the Board of umnt next Friday'night;-at (/dock to decide Upon the lent ion of the WoodbHdge I,.,,. Apartments, Inc., to cpn r L ., mmv of apartment hmjs- L smith Park Drive, in the |,lhi iilire Park section, off Eton- 1 Avoiiiro.' Ili rd* Dunham, agent for the' oriitioii, states that the pjro- |,l structure is the ."garden with a center court, sur- ,l',,,i by five twp-story frame brick-veneer buildings', 103 Ii,y ;tt feet each. Gjsrsigftt- front a . . ,. . _ , .... had their- desired efltect Monday nigh,t and as a result ihe Township Committee did "riot atiopt ah; ordinance 1 -on final reading which *.w6iild ,hjaVe entitled; tha Hityiy Trinity •Rbma^-Gatholi(S Slovak GhWCh to enlarge its cemetery in Berth Amboy. > The ordinance which would* hiva;given the Both Israel Cqroetery the'same irivlleg.es was '«lso (turned down, I though there wcro' no protests pffcrou in.that case, j , .. Vineont Guttweln, speaking in behalf of' tho Hopolawn d e t e c - tion, pointed o\it thqt another cemctdry in the vicinity would depreciate property values. and .relations will be provided in pur of the court. If approved, mstruction will cost in the mrhood of ?16Q,000. ens to construct similar apart- :lwellings on Green Street, uu-ned down after protests •cceived from home-owners vicinity. William AUgaier, Kstnte Director of the hip, points out that'in his .! tin; now location is an me us it would improve the hich is now' unsightly. 'It is liuf of real estate develnp- 1 Ilial the construction of the cnt dwelling would open land in back of tho site, is now practical^ fand ctay'baiiW, < \'o Itk- project is approved, it is ltd I that several new streets be cut through. . ,WP of the hearing have al- k'un sent to affected prop- owners by the Board of Ad- |i-nt. The property is now in "A" residential lone. Several Parcel?, Indicating Wide-Scale Development, Arc Disposed Of WOODBRtDGE—New homos In Avenel, Woodbridge and Isejin were assured with the sale of sev- eral lots, of township-owned prop- erty Monday night. Sales totaled 15,500, The sale of the lot a he corner of Green Street and A"mboy Avenue, for a proposed ga station, was postponed until nexi Monday night, April 8, as predicted jn last Friday's issue of this paper Purchases were made as follows: Lots 6 and 6 in Block 413G to jidward and Sadie Omer for ?1SO. ; t o t 14 In Block 825 to Mary and Florian Wranitz, ?100, Lots 17 to 20 inclusive, in Block 1076T to Edward Doody for $100, Lota 3 and 4 in Block 278D; lots 5 and Gin Block 278C to Victor Orummond for ?800. Lots 85 and. 86 in Block 41 ID to Victor Drummond for $400. ~ • Lots 401 tto 404 inclusive in Block 409J to New Typo Homes, Incorporated, for $400. - Lots 397 to 403 inclusive and 140 to 448 lnclusivoin Block 8551; Lots 349 and 35Q and 382 to 394 and 395 and 896 in Blatk 85BJ; Lots 68 to 78 inclusive in Block 8550; Lots 107 to 131 inclusive in would bring the cemetery too close to the public school.. Mayor August P. Grelnor de- clared-that th,e "committee Is not fostering the ordinance, but since the request was made by the ceme- tery associations, a, hearing was held to ascertain the feelings of (he people.".' " Another spokesman' stated that there were 26 cemeteries in Wood- bridge Township, and that'most of the owners wore out-of-town associations. -Another woman said that the proposed cemetery lands would bring the cemetery within (Continued on Page 8) TRUSTEES, DEACONS NAMED BY CHURCH Annual Meeting Of Presby- terian Parish Marked T 265th Birthday WOODBRIDGE Fifty new members were received into the First Presbyterian Church during the past year, according to a re- port made by Rev. Earl Hanmim Devanny- at the 265th annual meeting held Wednesday night at the cHurch. Block 86SP; Lob 146 to 150 inclu- S|ve an 157 to 160 inclusive in Block. 8550 to New-Type Homes lBC|7,30p. Lots 944 to960 Inclusive and 8GS.96S.in Block 856H; Lots 032 to .943 inclusive in Block' 8561; Lots 877-880 inclusive, 885, 886 and 891 to 896 inclusive in Block 856J; Lots 901 to 906 inclusive and 915-916'inBlock 856K, Janwa Construction Company, Inc., $4, 200. town At Lait To Get One Through New Commission Emil Koyen, W. C. Leeson and John V. Hunt were elected ae trustees while Jay Rutan, William Butters and Walter C. Lehigh WOODBHIDGE—A shade tree commission, which will have charge of the regulation, plant- ing, care and control of Shade and ornamental treat and shrub- bery on the streets, highways, public places and parks ir. the Township, was provided for in an ordinance Introducedon first reading at a meeting of the Townahip Committee Monday night. Hearing on the ordinance will be h,eld on Monday night, April 15. ' The ordinance was introduced, after prominent, citizens of the Township waited on various members of the committee urg- ing them to do something to beautify the Township so that prospective homeowners would be interested in locating here. The commission which will be organized under the ordinance will consist of three residents of the Township who will be ap- pointed by the mayor and who will serve without compensa- tion, SECRET SERVICE MAH ROTARY CLVB SPEAKER E. V. Sherry Addresses Lo- cal Service Club; Mov- ing Picture Shown WOODBRIDGE Edward V Local Authors (!) Busy Writing Township History WOODBRIDGBv- Make Way' for the historians! •.-.-• •Make way for Joseph Joy, of Avenel; Edward Reinhardt, of Iselin;, James J, Dunne, Henry King and Bernard Sullivan of Woodbrldge! : ' '..,.' Th'e quintet, under the-direc- tion of S. Charles ; Browne, of Avanel^fca/ve. .started, to work, under a-WPA set-up on the His- tory of'W.oodbridge iorwhidi the Township of Woodferidgo has ibligated itself to thVextent'of *3oo. ••-; .;• • " ...•.• u !. '. The historians appeared for a short session In Chief of. Police George 'E. Keattng's office in the basement,-. They "were then; Men for an equally short time In Townehty 'Clerk' : B. 'j. DUni> Wi office on tWnexl iloor. When last seen they'were work- ing' in the Legion rooms on the top floor. ~— •;• WooAbriA%t Takes The Count! Census Takers, laden tyith f Copious Forms Start JobOtFindingWhoWtAreAndmatVttGotl IDENT CONCERT M E E D FRIDAY Orchestras", GleeClub Appear In Recital In School Hitll 1)O1)URIDGE—Final renears- iii K held for the annual Ik to be given by the two .trns.ttnd the Glee Club bf e Hiifh School next Pri- at eight o'clock in the I auditorium; . \ s complete program will be as : Plectrum orchestra: Old Favorites; "Aloha Oe", Liluokanl; "Hungarian V' No. 5, Brahms, John Bra- |1» Nielsen, Joe Aiuto; Char- r«n; Stiing'cnsemble, "Dance instate," Gluck; Accordion "Nola", Arndt, Walter Brzo- ;•>, Glee Club, '"Mistress ritu", Penn; "Lift Thine i Mendelssohn; "Song of the l Lots 1213 wid 1214 1225 to ; g Coleridge-Taylor. -i, Symphonic Orchestra: "Polar.ai»e MUitaire", Ken-ill, Dorothy Kline, Ruth ld Dorothy Kolesark. Orcn- "Spanish Walt?", .Waldteil- ' "March of the Bojars", en; string numbers, violin, lenir", Drdla, Gerald Schiller; ["Tarentello", Sqtiire, Dorii violin "Czardas", Hontl, itte Plessner; string ba»s, J w SonAilary Clark;Wood (umbers,WitcB and clarinets, bnderry Air", OJd Irish; |"Andatino", Lemare,: Ann | clarinet, "G»uotte . Ca- ;de Bueris, WiHlamKiiey; its and trombone, "Hunting I, Von Weber, -Herbert Tyjer, tund, Rob.ert Stephen, Max bet, "Youth Dauntless", tobert Stephen;'piano solo, i of Spring," Singing, Jean I'. Orchestra, "Walt Russe." Wt; Finale, Orchestra and Club, "Land of ^ope and | Elgar; Star Spangled Ban- \ Juck Stein as accompanist. HAN'S CLUB .SOCIAL DBRIDGE —The Welfare nt of the W ' Olb 1228 inclusive in Block 856B; tots 1161-1162 in Block 856D; L>ta 1067 to 1072 inclusive in Block 866 to Murray Strudlcr, agent for a corporation, ; $1,•100. Most of the 1 new i homes to be constructed are in the low-cost class, especially those to be erected in the Isolin section. . ' CONDITION OF ROADS TARGET OFCOMPLAINT Town Committee Inundated With Pleas To Remedy Winter's Ravages WOODBRIDGE—Complaints re- garding the poor condition, of roads throughout the Township con- tinued to pour in on the Town- ship Committee Monday night. The Republican Club of Isclin protested against the dangerous condition existing on Correja Ave- nue, since the break-up of the cold weather. The members also com- plained about the water'settling on Pershing and Correja Avenues. The Vulcan Detinning Company of Sewaren, requested the commit- tee to do something about the poor conditions existing on Arbor Street which "qauses us considerable in- convenience.' Oftier protests were received Ye- and George Battrtan were selected as elders'. John M. Kroger," the church treasurer, reported that all bills have been paid and that there was a balance in the treasury. After the business meeting: the congre- gation adjourned to the Sunday School rooms where a program was presented, Miss Norma Chase gave a book review, Miss JeanMer- rill played piano selections, a pa- per on Livingston, the African missionary, was read by Miss Grace C. Huber and vocal selections were sung by Roberta. Berry, accomp- rnied by Mrs. Lillian P, Stephens ut the piano. Refreshments were served'by a committee of the Worn n's Auxiliary with Mrs, James Reid as chairman,. Mtp. John E. Breckcnridge and Mrs. Earl H. Dc< vanny poured. Sheriy, of the United States 8B RAIN HELD CAUSE OF TWO-CAR CRASH Three Persons Injured In Collision Near T On Convery Boulevard WOODBRIDGE Three per- sons were hurt, one Seriously when two cars crashed on Convert Boulevard just south of the "Y*', during the heavy rain last Satur- day night. According to a report made by Officer Joseph Casale, a car own- ed and driven-by Jacob Essig, 26, of 685 Donald avenue, Perth Am- boy, north on the boulevard, col- lided into another car operated in the opposite direction by- Hen- ry Sabotick, 28, of 105 Mawbcy Street, Woodbrdige. Sabotick is said to be in a crit ical condition; At the Perth Am boy General Hospital it was said he had sustained a possible frac- ture of the- skull, a raptured blad- der, a possible fracture ofv th riba, possible fracture of the spin and lacerations of the head, Essig, the other driver, suffered concussion of tho brain and lacera- tions of the arm, .while his wife riding WOODBRtDGE—How old «>• y o u ? •• - i- .•-'.' - .v, * Do JTOU hata bathtub? What Ujrbur taUrjJ ' TheiV are tama- of lh« quet- tfqns that are nwr b»lng asked ' by • the U,' a...C*nitti takers' throughout ,'(&• Township, . : The Auiqerators lit the Town- ship a.reva». follow*! MM. Lena C Perltr, ATtnaJi Stani«y -J. Curnex, Pprl Reading) Camilla, Toft; Hopeiawtff Tlllla Otmajrat, Fordil CbrUty Kulehaf,' Fbfdn • Mr.! John R. ^|ati, Fbr4»» HIW MI Btrn.ttln, Wbodb^ldm How'. ' aril, Peitd«r, Sawareni Pranelt Joieph Som»ri, • Woodbridga i, Mn. Margaret I. Ryan, Wood- bridge) Laura Llbbejr Gron- man, Ar«nel| Olga : E. Nagr, Fordu Marfarct L. Gatalona, Woedbrlii|«i JtM^ii C. tr, Port Rwdlngi CW»rl« M, Btail, Ii.ll«i Allt. A. MlnkUr, j Hwbwt S. PiUikl, *|»di A«l' C. d ' ' p . no dlffleuitUi U\ »•• • cuflng *niw«ri, to tkf qotittyni ihty h»T« to »ik.' • All :ejuMtUtu muit '• be. aBiww«d v ;«»Vr««ilr-' 'ThoM, 'wW don't «M .tii»j*ct io a, itntanct of %\*\f dayj |n jaiti a tint up to f r t * or, birth:' : The-«num*raior B M Jttotb* admllUd Into- thV homo. Wit- m Vlew'i.faiajrbe grantftd ontildt lh« door or ori th« porth. RMI- dentt.may aik the enumerator for hit crtileathtli which are In the form of an Identification card boarim hll p flST-OFFICE BID GIVEN NEW IMPETUS WaihingtonOiiiciabProm- iie Mayor Greiner To Puihlotal Project Big Boms For New Subscriptions Offered In Baby Popularity Poll 0,000 ExtraVotes ToBe Given With Each Order Fd Paper; Contestants In Spirited Race For The lead WOODBRIDGE—The result of the counting of the otes on Wednesday resulted.in an upset in the Independ- ent-Leader Popular Baby Contest. Benjamin Lattanzio cap- tured first place after a drive from the fourth position. Rose Marie Bak, who has held the lead a good many at tHe total counts, dropped to second place. Right, now the le^ad of Benjamin Lattanzio is rather $f^c7^1*p1a meeting of tihe Rotary Club helcf yesterday noon at the. Colonia Country Club. .Mr. Sherry, who was introduced 'by Fred Bunton- bach, cashier of the Woodbridge Rational Bank, showed a movie en- titled "Know Your Money." Next week a Chinese student will give a talk on the Wang pup- pet government. He was securedi through the efforts of Edward Lotz, of the New jersey Woodfin- ishing Co Hamptoiy Cutter and Louis Wct- terberg, who were vacationing in Florida, Rttended yesterday's meet- ing. face, knee and had all her front teetl knocked out. She also suffered possible chest injury. BERGEN STANDS FIRM FOR CARNIVAL TABOO gardlng conditions on. Berkley Street,- Colonia, and Avenel Street, Avenel. Ann Brennan Given Party; To Become Mofhit's Bride WOODBRIDGE —Miss Ann C. Brennan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Brennan, of Lake Avenue, was tendered,a surprise personal shower at the home of Miss Eileen Van Allen, of. Harrison Street, Monday night, Miss Brennan is to become the bride of Joseph Mof- fett, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Mof- fett, of Wpodbridge,, on April 20, at 3:30 o'clock in St. Mary's Church. Gue^tfoWere: Mrs. H, Dunn, Mrs. G. Suits/Mre; W. Wfllett, Mrs. F. Fritz, Mrs. M; Faith, Mrs. E. Bren- nan, Mrs. K. Van Allen, Miss M. Paige, Miss M. Leahy/Miss E. Ry- tn, Miss R. Brennan, Miss E. Bren- nan, Miss M. Brennah, Miss I, Di Como, Mrs. P.' Moffett.MI. Crowe, of Woodbridge; Miss M'. Sei|ert, of Linden and Miss M. La Brue of Elizabeth. 4 More Tanks To Be Built By Oil Company in Seufaren . SEWAREN—Four additional tanks, each with a capacity of 110,000 gallons, will be con- structed by the Shell Oil Com- pany,on its property here in the near future. The tanks will cost Approxi- mately $107,000 to construct, according to the building permit filed in the Building Inspector's office. leg and TO SURVEY NEED HERE, Ediion Help U Expected; Compton ArraogM Cipi- . tol Conferences WGODBRIDGJB— A new post- office building for Woodbrldge has ' como a step closer to reality as a -. result of a plea by local, officials tb Smith W. Purdum, Fourth As^ slstant Postmaster General in , large of Federal construction. Mayor August F. Greiner, ac- \ mpanied by Committeeman, Her- ',•' erti B. Rankin and Township"' Counsel Leon E. McElroy, went to Washington last Friday and ed Woodbridge's case before recavious, for h|a standing and that of Rose Marie Bak and Roger Gerald Tomko and, Arlene J3dna Bendy is extremely close. In fact the standing of the first ten con- testants ia such that a really good showing on the part of. any of them might provide the contest with a new, leader at the'next count on Saturday evening. The riext counting of. the sub- scription and coupon votes will take place on Saturday at 8 p. m. This count is very important as the contest -management is offering 10,000 extra credits, in addition to the regular schedule, for. every subscription reported and 100 Lions' Club To Aid Blind At Game Social April 24th WOODBRIDGE — The second annual game social for the benefit of the Blind Fund, will be conduct- ed by the Lions Club of Wood- bridge, Wednesday night?April 24, at the Craftsmen's Club on Green Street. Tickets may be purchased from any member of the Lions Club or from the following committee: Dr. H. L. Moss, chairman; Dr. C. I. Hutner and Al Bondietti. Votes Against Granting Permission For Travel- ling Shows ToCome Here WOODBRIDGE—With Commit- teemah John Bergen, of the First* Ward, casting a negative vote, be- cause he "consistently was- against traveling carnivals in his ward," the. Knights of Columbus was granted permission to sponsor a carnival given by the Heller-Acme Shows from June 10-15 on King George's Road. Woodbridge Fire Company No. 1, was unanimously given permis- sion to cdnduct its annual home- made carnival on July 10, 11, 12 and s 13 on the School Street gVounds while the Sam Farrcll As- sociation of Port Reading will con- duct aicarnival in that section the same dates as the Knights of Co- lumbus show, June 10-15. The American Legion received a permit to hold its annual circus, April 30, on the Board of Educa- tion.lot.on Berry Street and Legion Place. . schedule, for every'"baby coupon reported. There are only nine mon days-of the second period of high credits remaining and the Satur- day count specials are the highes to be offered for the balance of the contest,, • • Tho3e interested in the contes should take a look at the Honor Roll on this page and support any- one of the leading babies, or" fo that matter any youngster on the Honor Roll who is making an ef- fort to improve his or her position The next few d?ys o"f the second period may see a 'dark horse' en- try gain the coveted-first place. TICKETS NOW ON SALE FOR PARTY_APRIL 22 AHair, Originally Sched- uled Week Earlier, To Benefit Trinity Church WOODBRIDGE Tickets are now available for a benefit card party to be held Monday -night,- April 22, under the auspices of the Men's Club of the Trinity Epis- copal Church at the Southern Bell Ted, Room on Rahway Avenue. J. Alfred Compton and Hugh Honor Roll Below is the standing of the first 12 babies in the.Popular Baby Contest as shown by the ount of Wednesday, April 3rd, at.8 p. m. . . • Standing Standing This count Previous count 1 Bonjartiin Lattanzio 4 2 Rose Marie Bak 1 3 Rogor Gerald Tomko 6 " 4. Arlene Edna Bendy 3 5 Joan and Judith ,' 2 Kovacs ' 6 Rosemary Galaida 5 7 Janet BsbS'DttBflwn rfl* 8 lorna Jean TaggaH 8 9 Mary Julia Ur * 10 .. 10 June Donnelly 12 11 Robert Foehrenbach 9 12 Helena G. Pochek . 11 NEXT COUNT—8 p. m., Sat- urday, April 6th. Saturday is BONUS DAY. 10,000 extra credits will be added to every subscription sold, in addition to credits issued as per the sched- ule. . . and 100 votes will be added to every coupon reported, in addition to the 300 received asper the second period sched ule. Saturday will be the one day in the contest offering the opportunity to every one of the contestants to get ahead. It i possible for ANY contestant t( be a leader after the Saturday count. ' rovernment executives. They :eived the assurance that this icipallty's petition would loubtodly got* first consider*tipA,t soon hs Congress has approving money allotments now under con* ' ideraiioh, The local request, un- il this time, had been .buried <' among scores of similar picas hroughout the country, The fact that Mr. Greiner and his party were able jto sec General Purdum is attributed to Acting Secretary <tf the Navy Lewis Compton, a close personal fr}end. Despite the pressure of his affairs'' during the absence at naval man- oeuvers of the Pacific fleet of' Secretary of Navy Charles Ediion, M^ Compton .avranged the nece»« sary conference for the W d ) ' d d l i Q n . His'inteMSt-: K WHAT'S YOUR NAME? WOODBRIDGE—If the person who signed a letter as "An Old Faithful Reader" will communi- cate with this office and give us his name we will be glad to discuss with him the situation of which he -wrftes. It is the practice'of this newspaper not to answer letters sent anonymously. Williamson Kelly, the co-chair- men, announce that a valuable door prize will be offered in addi- tion to the prizes-to winners in the various games. Guests may reserve tables for Chinese Check- ers- or-any-othor game they-may wish to play and still be eligible to 'tvin prizes. Refreshments will be served. It was planiledoriginally to have the party on April 16. but duo to a conflict,in dates, the affair'was postponed a week. Colonia Woman Succumbs; Funeral Held On Tuesday COLONIA—Mrs. C&rrine John- son, wife of Wilford B. Johnson, of Montrose Avenue, died, Saturday morning at heV home. Besides her husband she is survived by two daughters, Mrs, John J. 'O'Leary and Mrs. Calvin E. Johnson, of Colonia. Funeral services were held Tues- day afternoon at the Greiner Fu- neral Home, Woodbridge. Burial Was in the Cloverleaf Memorial Park, Woodbridge. Need For New School Buildings And Increased Facilities For Pupils DemandedMdnAttentmtiftownsMpSchoolBoardA^^ ' (Note; TW» li the ninth of » seilea «( «ttcle« on tie History of, the Tatrtublp School Syitem.) ByRuthWolk Carteret again campaigned for another new school and just two years, before that section broke away from Woodbridge tp become What wa» then known as the Bor-" o^gh of v Roosevelt the residents were Miccessful in securing the sec- A month later Mr. Leisen report- ed that there waa "need of a new school building at Carteret .and presented plan's," Mr. Osborn then made a motion tfi»t, "the board recommend the-building of ^ new school building in Oarteret," The. board appoint^ Kr. Loisen- and Mr. filatt .aa a committee to '•'wait on propBifty 8 adjacent On Febi'uHry 16, 1904, it was "moved andcarried that a commit- tee be appointed to ascertain the amount ,of money thought neces- aary to complete and furnish the to School.No, 2 (old Carteret school) and get prices on property pn which to TOflSjJJcvfl' HWirig when required^'lHiNMe com- mittee failed tip rKbtTftif agree- ment with suck .pflgnertyi, owners for on April IJflQdifc.Lefcen and Mr. Platt re were was decided Commia- proved,' a building would be disposed of to the best possible advantage." New Building Olcnyad ' At a special election, the voters' approved the erection of a two- Btory brick building at Carteret, containing 13 roqtofand.to cost ho more than $36,000. They also yot- ed to raise' $3,000 to complete and furnish the addition to Np. 1 echool. ' •"! .' ; • .After the election, on May 2?, 1904, the Carteret Realty Co., at- tempted to give some land to the Board ip orect the school on an- other site, but J, H, Thayer Martin appeared before the Board with a petition from the residents of Carteret'requesting the board not to change the site of the proposed, new school building. The 'board bowed to the will of ihepeople, BRODNtCK—SOMERS WOODBRIDGE Miss Agnes. Dolores Brodnick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brodnick, of Grove Avenue, became the bride of Law- rence. Somers, son of Mr. and 1 Mrs. S f F no bidq for the old school building, Bo it was moved On the adjoining lot for the time being after per- mission was given by the. owner of the land, Mr. Canda. ' Staff U Incrotied The first mention of a custodian of school funds, a post now held by Michael J. Trainer, Township Ta!x Cojloctoi'.was made in the min- utes of June 27,'l804, when Leon- ard Campbell .was given the. posi- tion, Airihe same' time, Louis' Bradford, of Newport, R. I., was appointed principal of No, 10 school and Jessie Love, a-brother of John H. Love was named prin- Buschman Guild To Present 3-Act Comedy Next Month WOODBRIDJGE-."What Wrfght Left," a play I in three acts, will be presented i by the Buschman Guild o. of the Fjrst Presbyterian church in the high school audi- torium early in-May, according to plans made Monday night at a meeting held at the home of Miss Dorothy Omenhiser in Colonia. During the business session, Miss Marjorle Lockie conducted the devotional and Mrs-Albert H, Bowers,' Jr.^jeviewed a chapter In tne.mission 'study book. GRlFFITHS^tEHIGM WOODBRIDClE—Mrs. Frederick P, Grifflths, of Gerardville, Pa., has announced the marriage of daughter, Diana, to Walter Cladek Lehigh, of Harrdl Avenue, this place. The ceremony took place James Francis Somers, of Free itfan Street, yesterday morning during a nuptial mass in St, /nines R. C. ch\irch'. Rev; Thomas Carney erformed the ceremony. cipal of No. 9 Sehool at S50Q a P |BC ' e - lhe "«"»ony tooK place v e 'ar " Saturday evening in the Lutheran •On July 17,1005, the Board of Education received part of a' col- lection of New Jersey minerals Church, in Gerardville. Mr. and MTB. Lehigh will be at home to their frlenda jifler Apiil U, at 524 liBOlit**«thB latter largely instrumental in Ttbcruirthe elimination of the deat£ dealing grade crossing here—is be- , ing counted upon to assure tho new post office.' Mayor States Caie 'Mayor Greiner pointed out to General Purdum that' considerable expansion is expected here within the next few years and that all efforts are being directed toward enlarging the residential and in- dustrial population of the commu- nity. If th6s"e attempts are success-" ful, he continued, the already in- idequate postal facilities will be iven more over-taxed. , As a result of his visit on Friday, Jayor Greiner received on Mou- lay the following communication 'rom General Purdum: My d*ar Mayor Greiner; , Thii it to refer to your per-' lonal call at'this office ye«t«f- ' day in company with Menn, Chariot E, Gre|oiy, H. B. Ras- kin, and L. E. McElroy, ralalU* to o Federal building to bout* the poit office in Woodbridge. There a n at the pretant T,irae ' no fundt available for acquisi- tion of a lite and the conitruc- tion of a GoYernmeht-ownad building in your city. However, we. are requesting that an In-' apector be detailed to conduct a survey and submit a report in orde.r 'that full information con'- cerning conditions and postal re-' quiremeMs Inay be on file with', the* Department. We have also requested that the Inspector' contact you during the course of hit investigation. ' Plea(e ba aitured that in th? event Congress authorises add!- . tional funds for public buililiog' ' \ , construction outsido the District of .Columbia, careful conildera« Don will be. given Woodbridge in making allotments thereun- der. Woman s Club Annual Guest Night ne- WOODBRIDGE—A play, "Wild Hobby Horses," coached by Miss Grace Huber, will be a feature of. he annual Guest Night of the Woman's Club of Woodbridge to be held tonight ai! 8:30 o'clock in the Craftsmen's Club on .Green Street. ' ". ••••'• The cast of the one-act presenta- tion will be 'as follows; Nurse Torrance, Mrs., Leon Campbell; William Curewe", Donald Wescojrt; Arthur, his Oldest BOH, Leo Cuiffreda; Donald, his young- est sou, Donald Aaroe; Mrs, Wil- liam Carewe, MTB. Victor C. 'Nick- las; Anna Martin., Miss Barbara Brlegs; Emma, a maid, Mrs, Lelnnd Reynolds. Mrs. Thomas J. Leahy wilt be h of the program and Mia. Asher Fitz Randolph will take i if the muaic. The hospitality co mittoe: Mrs. William G. Brewqr', chairman, Mrs, Andrew E, * k -" iul vice chairman, M"I-B. Frank cik' and Mrs. George A, Full*: will serve refreshments. The president, Mrs. O. T. Frasgr^ and the past presidents, Mrs. ~ " Boyntoii, Mrs. J. H, T, Mi Mr"), Frank LaFarr, Mrs. A. F v Hftndolph and Mrs. Thomas, Leahy, will be in the receiving V The ushers for the occasion i Mrs, C, R. Davis, Mrs. John K H and Mrs. George May. * After the play, general will conclude the' feptiv George Ruddy and his will play % '•• ' ',' '


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    1, XXXII.—No. 5


    »t it arein N. J., FRIDAY, APRIL B( 1940, iMired u tteotrio PRICE FIVE CENTS

    bing Board To, C o l A rjpplicaliori At Seiiiofi




    Businessmen's AssociationCtdU Meeting For Tueia'ay

    WOODBRIDGE—.A specialmeeting- of the WoodbridgeTownship Businessmen's Associ-ation will., be held Tuesday ateight p'clock at thefiome of Dr. "W. Z., Barrett, of 186 Gr&n

    ••Street...;;,';. / • /:•. • , V ' ' .'). -the pu'rposo'dl the meeting is• .to decide wlwthejf. t\ rc6r.ganlte

    tihe. nntf oc.to disband HndJuYnover a "consMe'r.able'' amount of•money now ln.fthcb.«nk to charl

    1;.table orgahiietfoni.-Alt memb'pnare urged;to attend the Sessionarid vote on the question. ' •_

    Live-NotDeaA-Peopk %«fo«H$Need, Conakry Qbjedon hmstHilarity Marks Public Hearing On flan To Enlarge, Burial Grounds; Committee Sustains Objections

    ationOnSo.ParkDriteAUgafier H

    vqrs DevelopmentLiiliHRIDGE — A Waring11,,, hdd before the Board of

    umnt next Friday'night;-at(/dock to decide Upon the

    lent ion of the WoodbHdgeI,.,,. Apartments, Inc., to cpnrL ., mmv of apartment hmjs-L smith Park Drive, in the|,lhi iilire Park section, off Eton-1 Avoiiiro.'Ili rd* Dunham, agent for the'

    oriitioii, states that the pjro-|,l structure is the ."garden

    with a center court, sur-,l',,,i by five twp-story framebrick-veneer buildings', 103

    Ii,y ;tt feet each. Gjsrsigftt-

    front a . . ,. . _,.... had their- desired efltect Monday nigh,t and as a resultihe Township Committee did "riot atiopt ah; ordinance1 -onfinal reading which *.w6iild ,hjaVe entitled; tha Hityiy Trinity•Rbma^-Gatholi(S Slovak GhWCh to enlarge its cemetery inBerth Amboy. > • The ordinance which would* hiva;giventhe Both Israel Cqroetery the'sameirivlleg.es was '«lso (turned down,I though there wcro' no protests

    pffcrou in.that case, j , ..Vineont Guttweln, speaking in

    behalf of' tho Hopolawn detec-tion, pointed o\it thqt anothercemctdry in the vicinity woulddepreciate property values. and

    .relations will be provided inpur of the court. If approved,mstruction will cost in themrhood of ?16Q,000.

    ens to construct similar apart-:lwellings on Green Street,uu-ned down after protests•cceived from home-ownersvicinity. William AUgaier,Kstnte Director of the

    hip, points out that'in his.! tin; now location is anme us it would improve thehich is now' unsightly. 'It isliuf of real estate develnp-1

    Ilial the construction of thecnt dwelling would openland in back of tho site,is now practical^

    fand ctay'baiiW,

  • /&/077 Of Tomskip Sdiori SystemWOODBBTOGE—TV.

    ef ike 'Fir--.- C O K E S TOBmm Tt Be tfcis

    ttt iibeMri. A. B. B«rm,

    ' is bebe ,-f fai; Pricm $2175,•• mm


    V .1: f\

    h .f

    Mam a Swsr ;£teft,Hwi

    Mr. Cisk *err^ »T! Tim eaai';

    & i it J^& i*£t- fie laser fc»,

    •c. Lis • • v& n^£is f i f -

    Ma. J«fe P. Har*«» sEtqr

    rtd by- tie Yar% B^s

    :&tarday. April 6, IMO- AT

    . CrafUmen'* Cloib, Greeo SL, W«odbridgeMUSIC BY , ,

    Connie Atkmwn anil HU Berke!ey-Crt«wt Or?h


    v . • ALSO , ' ; •

    Stem*, H*nn*nuc» of Swing

    Danciftg from 8:^0 P. M.,to 7 ? ? Tiekrf, 40c

    of the !»roeee«ii to-be donated to tlw


    • • « » *

    _ 25AVEMH.—-Eer, ISStiB Boyre.

    of Giariotte, Ncnfc CxmBa*, no-

    as »3ratHade of t

    !13» tieefcani.. A



    j TIME SAVING .* * * * - . ] Ai QP -gas raagei SET* k&sr f«-TT . , ; ̂ i» tc-frk. aa-d do thtk 'wwk wiftr** 'tae •£. ~" U i '"i6*'• l A i < i a i E ? !K*etieai

    i£ ElKt r-Tft

    Eiini irs.a ^TEifc Tihs£ *s taej Saact •to^* Swkt cspaesi-ot i a sits ffiKe-ibss ever bete*.




    it MPEB r. a. wen



    CHICKENS, lb.AVq. 5 TO 6 LB. 28c

    W* Mfl66 WOOMKIDGE



    SWIFTSLey of 28cSWIFTS ,






    PRICED 1 9 8 and 2 9 8AI1SIZES Reg.198 R e g J J



    Farmer s Meat Marke(258 SMITH ST. , PERTH AJV

    PHONE P. A. 4-3147

    !lit Low Pricej that will jiTe you jreit

    in ycur Food Budget from week to v>«






    Pork Chops 1 9 c



    Sansage !b.



    FOWL !b. 1 9 t |



    Week-End SpecialsSKKNED BACK


    SPARE UBS, ft.12cFRESH







    UlWtm 1km 194$ Moid





    ' UHMEK WBW fff4f*-i4ftf'>*f Mff

    Me G»ltfft,ILI


    • Itihli SiMlMM.e-*<



    . , Kordevon, a sensatii: :e'

    Beauty and Charm flllis^ developed by ̂ jimakes this piano a ii •'

    A ^ • i triumph. Wfth its-rich. ::

    * 9 A C Uke textore "»*its v: ''!' " • • ? * * u n • .soft, warm- tones, K -U'Jwith i*

    PlIRIIf APPIlANfF TO1 UIHilv HI 1 iiiniivL v»U.

    t«K «n,T Arwwwranai CEIEKAL FXE«T*M OEU.ELB I \' reirra i n * v . ( « m u n «u^amo^rHE4TKEi '



    ,grs.aB?Balance to Suit Yo« ̂ *>'*»'."•t0O-H|Mf •• to ke

    and sew.


    605 BROAD

  • SOCIAL LISTEDck|y party I« Held By;t James' Pariih 0 n

    Townsiiip >

  • w v n i v̂ 'B*w

    C+ioaia NewsTwtdwr >

    mmimwfflj-4 aj.i iirt irrr.T s n r i i ^ , —-ftn *»< H K

    VAI-THW J ) w r l t 0 I M ' ' 1R*r'11 „ _ .


    ftoj .Av"**- ,>rTH"~' Vvanii Hirt l m t ! i s m i t

    -Iii. I-LI ! •• IIJUC

    IK!1 1 I ' • !,..iYTil l ' ' I .• ""i! .!. .IE

    -"VwffiCei in"-.-.,.'iscueritii

    t c

    Mrt 'Wiliiala BcfltanniL i


    •crtnet' tenrii ij. i*i' '••" '•'u u tr*- i* o' IUT • .ant' ;premi«* HeMiinri •' i ' i 'lirJ- neiijnheL. r in s . . I ._ 'uriM l! (IM T"T"aBU'] • ^-

    X VI t III r 0 1 T ' ' " > i 1 i jf* w

    u Ktati o J I T J e n "(u ., fertnin mm .nti!1- Jl '

    mrnw' h" 'Itii'1 • i«-hi; ntiiah «• lftiln. "P. '"• - i

    OTi*llVi.iti «l̂ i J^

    ^ T I * «i "i! ,,->r-riniar, 11 in iii ••- "irm o lIinJi'MJ-

    V :»-! SUit 'M 1 IT1' "I*!,i«MJMi,iiei

  • FRIDAY, APRIL B, 1940





    Plui —


    CHAPTER #6MON. »nd TUES.

    [ Bn»etl on J. Edgar Hooyer'i"Pcriom in Hiding"


    zation In Dramatic'Vigil In The Night'

    Had Carole Lombard deliberate-ly set about creating an entirelynew screen personality, the antlthesis of her previous characterisa-tions, she CQuldh't have doine bet-tor than select herrole of the'epn-flciehtiofrmrrsa in A. J. Cron'in'tidramntic. Btoryi "Ylgil :in" theNifcht," her current RKO Radio vo<hifile in which she is co-starred withBrian Ahcnrrie and Anne ShirleyTho picture,opens,tomorrow at ttupitmas.- . ' • • • • ' - . ; . • ; .._.\•Her 'reason, However i« much

    HlmploT-—-arid • tfio vdifference goesm u c h , d c o p o r . ' • ' • ' » ' , ' . • • '

    "It is a Btronif rolfê in a power-iul story," explains ^iss Lombard'."What more -could eh' actresswant?.

  • v - fj?m

  • ^̂ ,..-


    iarronoftball Leagw

    To Make 1940 Debut On Thursday

    ERIES A U G U S T S . ;

    For Loop Play;Age; Groups LMefd.'


    opened Its 1040 diamond' sensonore recently by filappiriR the Fords

    g l D t l t t W F d kv F > 0 v d 8 p a r k , ., Charley Murdock starred on the-thound W..thd O h l l i b '

    ^hl ts in Hhfl. neyeri.inninii effn-tc8t.;"He ./anded thirteen of theipposltion batsnieii/ ,* •

    Rinkydinks tiefed Co&eti

    tho eli?(i)llity fli,. in the various diyiBioDR ojIvmiisliip recreation-.softhai', , ucrc released yesterday bj,1 (;in(>, Director of'the Reb-,,,• |i(>|inrtinont. •

    ,.,,1'iljiHf to 1 Gioo,' team con-. um'l rosters will bft accepted,s o'clock Tuesday- night,in. l-'irst half play will be-

    ,1,-IJ- ii nnd June 15, Sccqnd-, ,iDjit'tiiion is slated to start•' i and terminate August 17.wri'k is allowed after eachf.'.r the playinK.of pottppneds, ties and play-offs. Thesliip scries will' open August

    •ito the fact that team on-ill lie accepted until Aprili,M it develop that ;mor6

    Is ;irc filtered than the total;,;ny to mnkc a well-rounded

    i niin contracts submittedIn' k'nuuu quota-has beenI will bo placed on a wult-. Entries will be dated as

    hv Oioe.

    that'. The Date TroutiWiU A iA

    inNewJemyWOODBRIDG-E-ThQ town-'

    ahip',» freah water anglers willsoon be Betting their alarmeloeks for early arising' Yea,

    ,only nine more days remain be-forG tho day of days arrivoa. It'sApril lB,opening day of the troutsoason, - /

    The. nine dayn remaining Isjudt about enough time for thetrout anglers to check over theirtackle and wearing apparel.Reels, lines, lures and rods arcdue for a thorough going-over.

    Stores are already" featuringthe latest piscatorial items.Showcases are filled'with newflies for the fresh water -fisher-man.

    ft 4 Rinkydlnk»g their third straight bbe-

    bttll conquest over the wectcondwhen they beltod the Fords Cotpets

    1 te 0, ntthe-Forda park djniTiodMilf Potersis?k was on the


    Th'a Ibc'ai .Wfrftnc demerit will piny j»t the W d V f i e c for the 'Com" " t o Itipar.'that a- llefltilte -mliintfl, IPI.the n(iio «f moi', mid In equal monthly

    WljnenU of »U.0O nlus Interest ander term) provided for In contract of

    ...o Bale nt all of the premises Inquestion shall be subject to the fallow-Ing conditions and restrictions on theunVto W made of the land, which ahullbe taken to be real covenants runningwith th» land and binding upon thepurchaser, Its auccegsors and assigns,fnr a Term of ten yeara from the date

    l t It *

    It's no use talkinM; Amusement guys arc touuh.They h/ave practically sewed nn thefirst.place position in the Wood-bridpc Rec leaprue, and they do thesame thing with _the high-three-Kame set prize. They .butcheredthe maples for games of 10R2,1001and 1002 for a grand total of 3035,and if you think any teani is goingto beat that this season yotivc nuts.

    —M-. Lehrer, 2(18—"Hot-Foot" Kuty did it again

    agaiait till Kacopi. He bangedout * 807 teriet to make himtelf• nemeiia to the1 Kacopi. ; Be-tween yon and m^ that • the onlytime the lug hiti'em." The eventcalled for » little celebrationand "Kuiy" took care of hii endlike a trojan.

    —M. Lehror, 20R—Those ParamountBavbers finally

    Rot out of thrit 13-t;amcjirix. JoeGrimaldl who sponsors the team,should give Jimmy Zilni an extradouse of hair-tonic for that 23-1game, which was th« mnin factor intheir* winninp that game. JohnnyTtemais also collects a clip for hi.t223. • :

    —M. Lehrer, 268—The fy-it block of ten gamei in

    apecial match beWeen "Rocky"Stango and "Hock" Chomickiwere railed Wedneiday night atthe South Amboy Y. M. C. A.with "Hack" taking a big leadof 244 pint. Chomicht hit icoreiof 181, ^14,-244, 199, 173, 150,220, 195, 198, for a total of1,978, while Stango'• gamei•/ere* 179, 183, 201, 181, 167,186, 159, 168, 145 and 195 to-taling 7.734 pint. Rocky raninto 17 ipliti, which were mainlyreipomible for hii bad gmci.Hli ball juit ^efuied to take thepina even though he plugged thepocket very iteadily, while Hackifamouf "mixer" wai workingovertime. The iccond. and laitlet of gamei will be rolled at theFordi Rec Sunday at 2 o'clockand the chancei for Rocky pick-ing up thoie 244 itleki are pret-ty ilini.

    —M. Lehrer, 268—: 'The only possible chance Stango

    has if he is fortumite in lay in c; inthe first two games.with scoresaround 240 while 'Hack who is

    .-T-M, tohrer, 26?—"'.Bobby Jogan^ who vAt the Craftsmen's Club alleys

    the teams iwe on their last ICR andarc pretty well bunched up for topspot. There should bo plenty "oactual t h w j f o f k i t A l

    Gerek' and G. Rusznnk | have al-ready signified their desire to pinywith the Loglon.

    The. 1940 campaign will probablyopen May 5. All games will bebooked for Sundays at .the LegionStadium..


    residents of Woodbrid(?o properand any members of teams com-iotlnf» in the Recreation,- Civic nnd'eanut leagues. The first forty toegister will be eligible to partici-pate in the tourney. AccOrdinu to•esterday-'s report, thirty bowlerslave already entered the title.cries. ,

    The tournament rules require a'1 entry fee. Two games to bo

    bowled, total pin-fa l̂ to .qualify.Hiph thirty contestants will beeligible for match play. One gameeach will be rolled on alloys 1 and2 and 3 and 4. There will be ftfifty-cents entry fee per matchthereafter.

    Qualifying RalesThe thirty qualifying bowlers

    shall be divided into fifteen hitfh- 'New Brunswick here Sunday after-men and fifteen low-men groups, inoon,The high man will meet the low j The All-Stars copped the fsrstman, and tho second highest to.roll .game, 959 to 884, then took the

    itching Chorei Will Fall ^To Simonien, Gunwy; "

    Iniicld UncerUin


    Outdistance New Bruns-wick Combine In Match

    Here on SundayWOODBRIDGE — Taking the

    first two gamqs of a three-gamemutch, the Woodbridge All-Starsout-pinned the Schwartz kcglcrs of

    WOODBRIDGE — Woodhr^dg.High School's sqund of fcminlnbow and arrow experts continuedin second' place in tho third annuascholastic archery tournahicnisponsored by the Now Jersey Archcry Association.

    The^cores for Mnrch, relotiBedSaturday night by tho. nssoclntion,placed the Bloomfleld ftigh girlarchers in a class by themselvesfor having captured the teamchampionship for the fifth consecu-tive month, " . •• *

    In taking top honors again, thqBengnl sharpshooters registered1,020 points, Woodbridgc finishedsecond with a count of 976. Bogotawas third with' 942, followed byMorristown, 922; Hillside, 859, andIrvington, 810.

    Miss Dorothy Roddy was high

    its fortes apiinit a powerful ]aril • Prep - team; Cqwh Nickco and hii l»40 biseball t&Hfepreuntlnii WooSbrldgf RtSchol will op«n the local diama

    Th«»(i»jr, »t theStadium here.

    4T\\e Barrens, lait year's CentJoney Group IV championo'. \now operating in Group Ht-fower division, arc running <feverish pace. No one on tha «quIt lonfitig.

    Prtsco is on the job assign!drills, Instructinit bo(jlnner« akeeping nil players in.motion «ll;Vithe time and It top speed. Thi 'veterans^ too, are hustlln); as well"as helping the rookies. >,

    1 Most promisim? of the begln«\"?ncrs Is "Morris" Vahaly who i L

    holding down, the .keystonen the varsity, Prisco stated'nhnly has a good arm and If:ecps his head he' has n great , M ,lire in baseball. Anotherirospect is Tulo Jankovinichutficlder.

    Infield h NewNick Somok, Jim Bedi,

    Pochek and Vahaly round out thtfinfield. The quartet, with the eje^icption of Pochek, is new and httf'lot liecn tested for endurance. ] '

    Alex Ur, fastest man on thoiqund,, Butch Gurney and John

    shooting1 on his tough-alley* woulddrop to around

    k" f i k iwith this

    masi's nnd.the Craftsmen's furnishinff the most fireworks.

    —M. Lehror, 268—' For the Round-Robin at TheCivic league, it Ionki like Spring'er, Hihieleiki, Rui Lorch, and"2-Ton" Lev! are a pretty lurebat. McFarlane and Simomenwill be up there too. With thftabove kegleri in there will be nodoubt that they will give anyfive men a good argument.

    , —M. Lehrer, 2C8—It seems' as if George's Tavern

    pinners will absolutely not toleratethe Nut Club in thfc Peanut takingmore than one game from them,For the past, season they have wonpractically evei"y match from them.The last match they popped a 1017'to tuke hiph single game, "and fol-lowed with a 970 to miss highthrec-Rnme set, held by the Nuts,

    Gunner" Nelson nnbctne hot-Jog, Th« final i . t will be rolled

    Pctnut »1l«y* an Sunday,

    with his 208 •"Nate" Bern-stein was on'tho paying end of abet Monday night , , , His brotherBernie's "hook" must have went toFlorida for the winter . . . The Jef-

    2819.Schwartx (1)

    Doktorich, 185-178-188; Tager,179-140-158; Habcdank, 1G3-192-224; Slifkin, 182-204-228; Kubiak,195-158-177. Totals, 884-878-975,2737,

    man and the next highest to meet Bornstuin, 244-179-221; Simonaen,the second lowest, etc. The losers,212-194-192. Totals, 959-948-912,shall-be eliminated" from furtherplay. • '• The three high men and bye con-testants shall then bowl the fourlow men in order of pin-fall. Thebye men will take fourth high rank-ing. . .

    The semi-finals will consist ofthe four money winners. The highman will bowl tho lowest man, thoiecond highest to meet the fourth

    contestant.The finalists will then roll it off

    tor the Woodbridgc singles cham-pionship, Two games, total pin-fall, in all matches.

    The prize money will be award-ed as follows; winner,' $20; finalist,$10; semi-finalist, $5, and aemi-finalist,. $5. High game prizeaward will be $5.

    scorer for Bloomfleld' with a countof'2(12. Miss Irene Hawryliw, with254, was tops for Woodbridgc.

    The scores:TilimmfloldDofothy Roddy 282, Clnrh

    Sulvlk 25(1, Oertruds Downs 252, Jeaninwo 250. Total, 1,020.WoodbridRo — Irene' Hawryliw 253,

    .Ilrhnn JiimlQrup 248. Liium Qulnn 211!Rnmiinu Stoll 232. Totul, 970.

    Bogota—Irene Janssen 260, Marn Murbott 238, Marlon Rchusaler 280, Mldrcd Ponalo 218. Totul. 942.

    Mori'laUiwn—Cynthtft Muclntyre 252,CurolViT Sefolk 228. Krelvn Clnrk 221Lois Wilson 218, Toinl, 'flffl.

    Hlllslilc — Marlon Smith H53. JnnWalsh 230. Munrarot fflwrl 1M). Morle':rMiwany 187. Total. 859. • ;

    IrvlnRtnn—I'->vnrly Noanilrr S38, ̂Browni> 201, Kuiili.1; Bryiui 20.'i, OlurlAHwi-t 181). Total,'H10.

    Andiron—Rll™ Cnml).i 170, Ifnlh-ySnlilviin 1011. Nunl Ornnun 8!), B.ot'Jolicn 91, Total, 372. '

    p c h e d u l c s . . . At the Peanut—TheCasey gang is giving plonty troubleto the other t e a m s . , . the Ooi'ity's"Lo" and Eddie are doing the mostdnmagc . . . Willie Skay is positively one of the big s i x . . .

    Dubay make up tho outfield organ-ization. '

    Tho. pitc.hin(? departmentthe only roal promlao- visible atpresent, Boh Simonsen and Butch!Gurney show great possibilities. •Siinonsen in likely to duplicate hi*.pdrfor'-'iice of last year. He haaan cli'ectivo faBt boll, plenty of )control and knows how to pitch1.Gunoy ftlwuys has been gifted:with everything that aproat pitch-er feliould have—^except control,

    Pan! Kurzo and Mike Greachukwill ho I'i'oomod with the JuniorVarsity and will action ns reliefInivldr. Control seems lo be thoweakness of both boya.



    ferson Motors clipped >the iinusual-1-five 200 games to total a neat1039 . . . Pete Medic's tomatowas. wprkirig swell Tuesday night. . . At1 tho 'Fords Rec—"Flash'!Varady trying to eat, a dish-fagsandwich after their match

    Oynamito" Horvath was drinkingseven-up , . . The Iron-mon wereordering apven up at a time—anddowning 'ejn too Val Lundshould wear baseball shoes—itmight, keep him behind the foulline . . , 'Ray for Roy Anderson—hs missed his usual bad game thisweek . , . Steve Lesko, (Jensen'smeat cleaver) sliced off some nicescores for the Hollo's . . . If JoeSinally doesn't watch his leg whenhe's delivering the ball, he'll haveto buy a crutch . . . There's openbowling every Friday, Saturdayand Sunday at the Fords now'—Two leagues have finished their

    TIME OFF. . .To Do Things

    Time to indulge her Interests—isn't thaiwhat every homemaker want*? And time offshe will have if electricity does the laundrywork. Working through dependable applhvdnces, electricity takes the drudgery out ofwashing and ironing. The electric washer Ifgentle In Its action and thorough In Its Work.Washing machines sell at reasonable prices.Ironing attachments', which may be fastenedin place of the wringers, are nominallypriced. An electric ironer which has its Owntable is slightly higher In price. Small tarry*ing charge added if you buy on terms.

    Nationally Famous AH-Gh-1 OrchestraKNOWN AS


    • AT THE





  • PAGE EIGHT FHTOXT, r , l«40

    5 a local Youths Are EnrolledIn Newark Engineering College

    ICELAND IS WSOIBEDFORno Jud, wo rtnct

    CSpecial to- Indepeodwu-Lwder) | Uwufuiffi Robert L. Battler, Jr.,-

    WnOI>BRII»GK — Sn youmriJion of Mr, and Mm Bobcrt L

    ' "TVoodbridRc Townitaip i S»tti*p. of Ambby A»«rae, TVowi-

    ivCHMH p

    Tdk History Umt

    meian nnioru UioN w n . i i > %arrci B I hrocb. of

    Sf and,BttWk,BIT •* £

    U p * . Avcnut. i i m n nut a « < t t a w , » m w pinch vT f Mr I *»« l«««1 W tavd*ffree ofHaeneloT

    of Nqiley-who *»«s.introduced

    not nf Mr, ofHaeneloT, t t | ) t,

    T n *Mil-!Cmfft'id.. sd' •<Snivel on { i a f

    . Btrec. Var ,lit.t iiiif ',"tiuk, Gnufefctct no. jail, nor oitykmtaL •Ri aticnnei t tVriodbrldFi^prer in Iceland'.nnri th«.t the *rw

    bcnon. wii'n. Gi'uffredu-iva* jor'itv of its 8,000 inhahlmnts umi,dranjatiti,' micnni^ra] or forty Ve»«K*(vf aRC fcmrc 'coltctfe

    .v frj>

    Furnuhed Rooms

    Mrs. Henry pave tfrepqrt on theFederation Meeting helci. by the


    WANTED'"'A.NVASKKi;,—leu••Tiinniip- a n i l '

    iii!;. I ; -wor); rti, . 'It .pc-; d-••nniTiiiFKi.ru-. Hen\ (i»iK>Ttini!n: inivi in-sr i i t • j . ions: ftstiilnisiu-i! •fum-"»v,: ami if. ul i iul i! piMi/iy-n-nrlc. fir.' i n i ; u u - l i i m n o n u . IHaitimni 'i'uioriiis;,v M I . I I . I w o r k F . '."3i'. Maidt 1 Ht.,.Mnlm:; N. •.! " • . -


    W i t ; i r t iT ' i n r r . r < i t r ( i ' ' . i i \ - r r v HTII]i i - i - . i n n u - n r i ; H h o u l d I m v i ' ) i l | X I ,' ! j ! i i" -nl i f l i - i h j n : n r i m ; i i n i P lP l l ' i . ' I . I l l lu I.IW'U.-, | i ; l l l i H ' - V i .

    ' Vcr uurrviflw writ-;'A.'-ITIll!Ho:, 1!>:; I 'rru: AITIDOV;

    YOUKfi iady foj•'office, worJi. Box.C. cnit of indopendent-Leiidcr.

    •' "'' ^ : 4-5*


    g yWoman's 'Clnb last month.

    Mrt. Soli reported an £ht; Presi-dentrs;Tea held-by'.the-'South Amhoy Woman's Cluli recently., Mrs,Rush read u poem composed . byMi>. Blancht: Balfoui in honor ofthe propram chairman, Mrs. Wil-liam II. "Watson.

    There wero 24 preser.1 and re-freshments were served by MTR.Frank J- LaFarr apd-Mr^. Solt,The .annual meeting; .will' b( heldApril-17 At, the horn? of Mrs. PeterVan Syckli: in Cliff Kontl with Mr.'-

    Stiiwuli, UK co-liostcsj-.. "

    AvsnnD, 'and Edward Elliott, ofOak Tfte Rfsd, were New Yorkvisitors on "Wodneniiy and Thurs-day.

    Hay it; iTtm PenhingAmna'o ̂ School aoiitorimn, the

    holtdsv iran( Kotbj' Toihk*rcw,;Mrtt Church of Iaelinits. annul play and dance. The

    te the c u t «f "HareCkatlie" are'Slorta Preen,

    Dorothy Lordi. Jtuth'Kiitzer. Bar-A. AJten, of Jitney City,

    thi- Brnulay of "Mrs. i'._,— Monncey, 3Unche,£i«ta:,,Ed-wartf Elliot, John Omttki, Frank

    , Lwlie

    thf -neckntd

    bold', .Chjhjwr.'of «^yy,i»in(raw- woaLajiii Idanee tn'

    f M i dt ; nra-1. .future. Munt ior due*irp will bi .Iqrnnhed *y Joe 'Baf'tinJ

    p Grouv met, *hU week at the" of -Mr?,. G. "Woodi, 6f L«

    or.oth\ Kochek, Dorothy £ 0 1 ,Rtfth Mutze:, Clara Sink, "SGale, Stanley Owens,Snowdej.. Anthony Ho

    Mflttensoii, all of town,and Jtoy Irwin of .Crauford.

    —Francis^nowden, of Terehinp

    Mr,Owen*. beyfj bhirnlahsd' by too 1Caeh,t Club" Boys.

    -The-Holy None" Society offetftiaVPKtffli'-win sponsoi: ap

    on April.25K Th

    Trilljriect on April'Chairman'for " "


    50 feet HI her $itehen windovhftvf t< b« earned

    amid inuirhtci,

    '1IjeJd. Mendw

    F'unet«I HomeMr. Imrrassm, wh»'ha-

    ' ' H l i iber'shoji in'Hopelawii.h

    bershoji inHop{fee committee that the FHA had.refused loans w build nevin Hopolawn. beceuat ther- "

    d d k then-too many dead

    tnte "n nejjiftn o;. ifcondrnft.' itB';^ i • | ^ — - - - — • * • • • ^ - - ^ ~ • • •

    . ,After u'shw; reces m ti^ 'KB";. ^ V i-iv '''[^^tmMayi*1! •' Ufmne .'Cajwtfery! •&of the comrnfttft., / oirfniiU(.lii.jHjiti

    ;iiMj_'j_l_l_v« - * • ' " ' lij

    r n& widoUvThflhuuPred Spcnc*r'tho,yo!f \ti?' tni '"''I ~ • j'n.|tr !i''" i-a.ii.. iiaiiinc'-. iii iiiont'lil ijm

    'ji-lil: -

    riiEEMAN A. KONUK Irvine Hi



    SIEHOBAWDA : •< urltiPM kiiiiiedl fl.onl;' viiljie):

    (Jovfiritinenl oliilKittionp, l i i m t • J«i'ilu secuii! depotitiH and otlterlhiliiltlifs.)

    ;. .•„..' ..; ..„„„_. , s '

    Secured liabilities: •mi Deposit? secured by pledged Meet* Tuirnunt tn-

    of law ;....


    the fart tbut oiApril 16 IMul tinte

    Lws-47?, Itilt- »i *»w bin***.-it: unM t.-rm."SM).it

    th.' DaliiiP of p u r c t m ^ p n w U< bf• WJi )i>! cguu: ,-uivnthty1 Hi»»Uniei)u>of• 1WO.«'

    In!.- duw.wBiBBL^i:««.«!;purelinJW' prlw

    iiiuntntv ui»t»IJ«'*Dii:-vi » » • » • .i•r*.1 '.aiifl..plher t.«roif pruvio- | |

    ssifl Tninimui] ... , _..coats ol prtiinnnp as.'i! | b« iai(ci> tt-

    tliis snl'j ' Saiii int? mi wltK th': »„ . , .. solii OH t?Tinf will r^-1 purchaser

    _ dnwn payment'or S"4J.CK> tt!f' tor _nbiiuic« e( ourchMC Prici? 10 h'- pain in

    ilmnnfhly inauillmont^ of SIOO.O'1tnteresr-tiiKi' othtr t?rm:

    'ftif'in-eonfrwit of »alo.Tim ualc of oil-the prenime'1 i'

    Uoii ahall be siubjcr' Ln trr d-iitibnB lanci l̂•R'.riĉ iâ ^ of: in •..!»>•

    'to .b" made of'thflanti. whicl. .̂ hnl1. h<lakBlJ'tn bo'real cnvenantn ruhnipr witl

    iiuc•. Uiiidnii; upuii tinilt- jjut'tesHorH uiifi MHBiffiif(Kleii'..yean- lfun; '• ' ' u"1'

    • Nil.assignment of interim "in ai\y oi(be Intv mcluaeii in (lue »al"- fee f«r tli«- pr«uaration ol t

    Takfi inrtlici' nntim that a" satn fairor any dote , in which It muy-.lie »u-loiinied tlv. Township Cutnniltlw re-aerve.'t the richt in iff (tiacretimi to t--Ject any aw "t .th( aboTfc statement i tnw to th

  • FRIPAV, AffRll 5,1940/• t

    ! > • • *

    H. J.Logan,

    Hague.had a candidate-but that was only a coinci-dence ! Mr. Hoffman got his sales tax—very briefly, to be

    My! Bat They're Smart!I think it's a pretty safe bet any mow'that the Repub-

    icans simply will never learn.I've been watching politics in New Jersey frojn tht

    fifty-yard line for nigh on to ten years come next Wife*Sunday and not^wlthin my memory has there ever beenime when the Grand Old Party couldWt point to ft 1edition prodigy from Podunk as the guy who ultimately '?Was going to take Frank Hague's meaaurfr. The lintrack??!David was Hamaybe ain't efrom it.-

    There was supposed'to have been an alliance betweej^vHagtie and^Hotfrtiaii a* ttif ba f̂c -M |0iW,*tRwi Mr* Hoif-','';*>man jopposed. William Li DHj.foVthe goVeiriio'rthip. I doh' t**befieye; it, I,thirik^that Mr.':ty\\ gok'eyef^ bit of apppcoi ' ?

    Mr. Hague could muster and the fact that he waB iby a few thousand votes 'ia simply 6ne of those'puzzles whichhasftevef'bee'n solved.'"

    How Stupid It Would Have BtenlCertainly; there was,no sense in such,;an

    .so far as Mr. Hague was concerned; If he wasn't satisfied . _with Mr. Dill BB the Democratic candidate ,for Governor,"'«why in the name of the Saints did he ever nominate himfI think everyone will agree that Mr..Hague can select any ?!'candidate he chooses. Why would he put up a man simplyo knoc^him down, and at the same time do business with,

    a Republican who; under the restrictions of organized'politics, could only give him the merest crumbs of patron-age? If Qague elected Dill he could have the plums—'BO he saw to it that Hoffman was elected and got only thepits! It's nonsense,

    What Mr, Hague did do under the circumstances, wassmart business. Mr. Hoffman Was Governor and there*are lots of tilings Governors can give away that Mr. HagueWants. He immediately proceeded to take' Mr, Hoffmaninto camp—the same gentleman from South Amboy theRepublicans figured was going to send Mr., Hague to thecleaner's. - . . ' . '

    As. Governor, Mr.'Hoffman insisted on a salp ' tax,/:1

    That was all right with Mr. Hague. He. had a few voUfr.-j'in the legislature which would insure passage of the Gov-ernor's sales' tax bill., Of course, there was a vacancyat the time on the Court of Errors and Appeals for which

    the more serious accidents weredue to the hazards of the weather,Planes were in flight when theyshould have been aground,

    What Would "Confucius.Say"?

    Does anyone feel sorry for theChinese sage who ,is now beingwidely,mistreated through puttinginto his mouth many words and1

    sentiments- that ha .never uttered?If somebody wearing a Chinesescholar-costume of twenty-five cen-turies ago could reappear and al-lege that ho has been cruelly mis-quoted, that would be Confucius.

    "East is cast and west is west,"wrote Rudyard Kipling, "and neverthe twain shall meet."' But he didnot stop there. And we need onlycompare the Chinese sayings withthose of Benjamin Franklin's PoorRichard to realize the kinship ofall wise men,

    ."In style," Confucius averred,"all that is required is that it con-vey the meaning," Now the re-grettable feature of the currentfad is the inanity in most of theparodies. , However, "Confuciusmight cdjiour In some measurewith the, modern vogue; "Betterbe remembered by all," he mightsay, "than forgotten by all butscholars.'—ChriitUn Science Man-llor.


    Washington.—Whilo waiting farhis pay check, Thomas L, Pear-son, 69-year-old construction work,er, put his hand in his overcoatpocket and immediately there wasan explosion which tore two of hisfingers off. Pearson could giveno reason for anyone's planting abomb in his overcoat .pocket,

    sure—and Mr. Hague got the appointment to the Court ofErrors for his minority leaderin the House of Assembly—but permanently!. Score one for Mr. Hague.

    When He's Through With Them--Subsequent evidence of understanding between the

    two led to the belief in many quarters that the combina-tion was actually Oh the verge of incorporation. These hadforgotten that the whole history of politics in New Jerseyin Mr. Hague's day contained chapters depicting similaralliances in other years. Mr. Hague has used one Repub-ican right after the other—used them to his own benefit

    —and then when they were not in a position to do any-thing more for him he promptly disposed of theirW

    He's Through!Well, he's finished with Mr. Hoffman, With Mr.

    Hoffman's help, he got an appointment (also to the Courtof Errors and Appeals) for his son. He1 played the storiesof his friendship for South Amboy's first citizen for all theywere worth. He never denied them. He led Mr. Hoffman,possibly, and certainly Mr. Hoffman's followers to the be-lief that should his "pal" again run for Governor 'hewouldn't do anything to harm him.

    Not much! Mr. Hoffman announced his candidacyand the lads, he has attached to the public payroll smiledsmugly when you asked them if they thought Mr, Haguewould help his candidacy along, They almost sneered,"Of course. Don't be stupid!"

    Mr. Hague helped him, all right. He .helped hisfriend Harold by designating the strongest candidate tbappear in New Jersey since the Republicans convincedDwight Whitney Morrow to run for the United States,Senate—Charles Edison.

  • 4 yn™ii t

    ' i*g-mdLamitd tADS


    * • » . . ' • ,


    ,-t . « '


    ^^v-i*** Bfl -I ^^^^^^^^^Rj.^™< ' * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^^^P^^^Pt W^&tW^^


    X "»•«•*,


  • FRIDAY, APRIL B, 1940am




    L your family the ad-;

    L E O of iMnR •»>.«

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    ttle,,,from the,wor*

    Insecurity: enjoy

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    ' y n K now in

    All indications point to Increased Construction Costs in next few years. The old law of supply and de-mand is a hard one to break. A shortage of almost any commodity invariably means increased prices .and there's nothing to deny that we're to have a housing shortage within a couple of yean . . AHindi*

    ,"„ cations point toward it. ,.; ' Rents in most sections of the country' are rising. .Check local trends. .Talk to your friends who are

    /renting homes or check your rent receipts. Why be a rent payer. Own Your Own Home.Consult, the advertisers on this page, jlet them show you: the easy way to have a comfortable home of'

    1 ̂ youf'own : either by remodeling or building. -They have helped hniidred of home owners. They? can help . ."„•. you. Don't Delay!] Consultthem Today! ! .1 ^ v ;: . / , :i ; • . ' '



    ^ MUST SBLtfoSE^ESTATE , $3j90flH-- $5,000 -

    ACT QUICKLY. Also 8 fully improved-5-Rodm Dwelling! on paved street in Woodfcridge. Institution mutt Liquidate.

    * t , S A C R I F I C E S J 2 4 0 0 E A C H ' . . • " • ' • '

    STERN and DRAGOSET, Realtors97 MAIN ST. nm.w..*onunu WOODBRIDGE, N. J.



    |]|orr's the new idea in point! D«fic» hot,blist-

    I ciTccis of Summer sun. Won't shrink and

    [ i " Huh zero temperatures. Won't peel.

    [IK;AS TINTED GLOSS stays smooth, eolor-

    iiiiil waterproof. Covers more square

    [feet |ie tlnMj twinHprciQed on thoUM^iaiof job*

    I approved by FHA. Coma In.for full Information, today.No obligation on your part.'


    InitedWallPaper&PaintStorelnc,TELEPHONE ELIZABETH 3-9862

    4 WEST JERSEY STREET(Opposite, R. J; Gocrke Co,)


    MILLWORK ^Our lumberyard ii on<

    of the landmarks of thii

    city. We will be' glad

    to take you through,

    and show you the vol-

    ume of butiness we do,

    enabling us to give you

    the best buy for your


    When it comes to building supplies come to us! You

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    builders, assuring you a square deal all around!



    253-57 Lake Ave. METUCHEN, N- I


    HOT WATERFor EveryRoom InYour Home

    iVo Job Too largeor •

    . Too Small


    Reliable Service

    CUSTOM BUILT HOMES TO ORDERMiddlesex County1* Best Residential Section

    WOODBRIDGE PARK ESTATE^ Elmvrood Are. and North Park Drlro Near Grood St.

    See Model Homo"

    P. H. A. ApprOT.d Sub.diTiilon.10% Down

    Seeur* location now fronlinf en Ptrk. Superior Hom«i (or

    Superior People, lnv.itlgato before buying eltewhert,




    Harry Andersen(Formerly Jenseh & Rodner) - i

    Plumbing and Heating _FORDS, NEW JERSEY

    26 Lawrence St. * Tel. Pa.-4.41O8

    It CanHappenToYou

    Your property need n t̂ be a -

    total Ion, if your imurance it

    Adequate. Think of tht fact

    that there it a fire in 500 hornet

    daily—that it'1 alwayt the re-

    lult of an "accidental" cleaning

    •. fluid esplotion, curtain catch-

    ing fire from the »tove, or cig-

    arette. You can't afford to be

    Without our low rate fire in-


    For Details Phone P. A. 4-1533


    530 New Brunswick Ave. Fords

    rl —

    EMPLOY .'u capable architect toplan your home, and know the sat--infaction of seeing expertly de-vised blueprints through everystage of developments as the homein which1 you will raise your fam-ily. Architectural service is along step forward in economy.

    50) New Low Cost Homes(F» Hi AJ

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    Inspection April 12

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    You've heard Of bu»ine»» men being "wiped out"—


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    i Federal Homes, Inc.WOODBRIDGE


    Real Estate & Insurance ' .' 577 Now Brunswick Av«, ,

    1 t

    Office Tel. P. A. 4-3288 R«i. Tel. P. A. 4.3237*1

    Represented by EDNA V. LAUN

    P. A. 41378-M.

    i % \t JA

    A ravolutionorr newrnithod ol burning oilI hot glvaa FAStlB.ClIANIR ell hast,

    loiopowm UNITAll, mechanism con-tained in one qulckljrreraoviblo unit .


    HIW OUXO OIL IUINKM o d e l s i o rhomes of everythe. Fully auui'

    ^ _ matlc. Roio-power Uott andTfcin-Mit Fuel Con-trol.


    Provides tnie winter air touiil-ticniflg, Automnic. EquiMeu with

    ic famous. RotopoweV Unit Oiluiner and the cevolutionatr

    HeM Tranimlttef.

    THI NIW DttCO WATII HIAI1IFor your home ot bumuu.

    upclles SO gal of lieaovOiiliOlwateftnhout., '

    Equipped with revoluboq-iry Quik-Actjun HeatTranimitiot.

    PERTH AMBOY HARDWARE CO.313 Madison Ave, Phone 4-4000 Perth Amboy






    Here I] a completely automatic oil-burn.Ing Dclco Boiler, for small homeit at Ipiln no higher than a Dclco Oil Bur-ner cost a few years ago. Now is thetime; to replace that old inefficient heat-ing plant and enjoy the conifort andeconomy of this latest General Motors-Dclco dThe new small home boiler and otherDelco boiltt) for larger homes, aitequipped with the e*chiil«e Quilt-ActionHeat Transmitter thai provides quicker,cleaner oil healing thin 'ever before.In fad, the Quik-Action Heat Trans-miller geli up to tempcMtuieuhu Until fnitir than ordinary ire-brick combustion chambers..,practically no fuel can MCMKunburncd

    IrllBU.COmniU.Oli.— An iujtcumcot

    p i s on ac-ceptcdpcmcipleiofcombustion. Everyi l l l l



    DELCO 1NSTALOMETERTo die f teat new Dclco Automatic Heat,

    f Generst Motors Adds—d Laoontory*l i inil M,our kmi! Vniii

    cow, iitstallauom were inad« mostly by, lesti on such installations re<

    v»«l (hat in most cases imptoviouut cwjhe mi l l b/ use of the Irunloineter.

    let. "T*l Otltar J t W t / t ) w i ,(or»'.I»tmnWost«>ai , ' i l

    Q S6uer Q Cot .nf f l Bun* D Walk I

    ^ a n i i . - -

    1 ,ft 1


    SECTION #70Noltiy ig Vr' jhvglven tli.it Xh* ttrnirtkljrnm) Collator «f T*X«* Of tlM

    Tawn«)iti> of Wbuibruln-. in the rminty of Ml•»)* at tin- Tsisr Off!'^ ll«mr,rn! Municipal R'jJMSnr, Main. Sir**!, WoM-fcrUtic, fs»«r .l«r**>». Mar 1, H4S, at two o'clock 1n Uie afurnoon, (&§Mrarftlalidard Time, lo mtlnff tdun!r l»t anilrloffc ntimbtr *jiown on tht- Tuwnnlilp-AVf-n^mtdt Map, and In Jitcordiths*nrlth «h» ls»t ta* duplicate Iflvlntf th«-«iwl ' " 'laJ dlll'llr'i'j., l o n l h e r Willi !ll* total nilt« TIIK r i AKT DAT UP *Ul.f, IH>.

    Hulil r»,»|«.rtu» panel* of I*IHI Will I"- fold, to tnakr •..«-• — « , .jovj-rallv f i.jrg'iflil- Atralni-i tl.fr, tarn*- on >a .

    2C2 am] l i d1CUI

    •Nortil pnrt of3 C3-r»4 and 15

    11.'3 and 41 nnd C9 to 11

    (,," and 6<f.| and &2

    Fr> 2S' of SO to $31CH ami 149ISi to 1M

    •772 to 74 .'% of US and all of i t9 and lf)A1EU i.ml « • •S und id 'J35 anil 137A152« » . : • '

    IS' of 69 and all Of 708

    8»lint ...Bsllnt .

    « Eil lm _ .-.Ballnt : „,Ballnt • •

    c I)»llnt .tarire Ballnt .

    O«onr« Ral in! . . , , 1,4*Oeafftr Ballt i l _ r „,. -1,4S

    ' 0*6»ne Bulint . _ . 1.4*G R l l . . . .> i_ 1.4f

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    J.St« »J3 2?


    . . ._. 141X12f.'o, . «3J.rg« Ballnt .Georifo Rsllnt'Owrge BalintQeorKe Hallnt „Qporga BftilntNicholas HurmanKorflu IJberty, H^alty f.o,Fordu Liberty Uealty Oof n known .Mary Halo* - ' .KM. of M«rir.1r(t. of Maruarot Hirfnton 'Mif;>iael and Mary YanowttkyJosi-pfi Daitun . | . .Jtiaeph lMlton ,

    10 3210,3312.4072,.*6

    120191* SI

    l ArnlrW ArnU.rcon . 46 65Thomuii W'UJIe . . 8.41A'lolpli Mr-tZf-mlorf 25.23Oraie O'lirlvn . . . . ?KS1George Hallnt , . , 4S5,C3John hunilnx 4192Kill i Ciio-aloklff I71.SJllJirtfiirit M Htockt-I l « 4 , n.lohn Bliimc • Zt 11Vcrnrjn l .yl .m 131.1 SFrank and M.'iry Kotl 17.74Fk ih 23.77"



    : .._....:

    FrankRundoiph G)offi ..,..,.......,,w........Antnn Watflmbuffer .•...,.Jfilin: I J I W H - ...F'ollpir V*ra;«lluIsak P. Ueuk ,Earl W. Anderson 15.29Lorraine Oil Co v 57.SJ .

    Phillip ••T\*bw"ZZ'l~~Z''.'.'~.Z- 2r.9!96Port* l»dr

    • John Mlkovicn :. 87.47John Mlkovlfth 42.02Jjiinti! Oiilical , '•"*Dante «« lg« i ; '. '. 2.74

    ... . . . Klda Kuckct CT.41of 721 anil all of 722 HonJ. Gardolla, 67.48 '1

    1C81B9172 and 1731791) and 180B2920 to 22 .Wsnt piirt or 76-194 to 20620623 . .44B1 i

    4 to 6

    25 to 20

    J '

    tonJXand 1*zon22 .23

    ; 4 , • •

    91014IB14lfiA ,•4II316i ami 2l1 ana 38nSB

    16 to «8


    . 'A

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    n1A1V and S17 ami 18 ,

    .1 and.g.-

    S,nnd 43! find 87

    . 11 lt»a 12

    U »n J!!

    Hand (•'• Tttnnemin i 41,OSHiins C. TannoHcn 41.08George Mllovtslk 64.80.Tohn Bodnar .,... 24.79Helen Karol 4.68John .Owtnrbo "6.06Anders Horen Nielsen 0.95Na»a Mtgr. & Iriv. Co 12,28Nwm Mtir. ft Inv. Co. J.»lOhnrle* K; Jaauart ~... v 1611.82John Ollrtan 248.83Jobn OUrenn 1 U 3St«ve and Kll». Homan 2.09'Morton Bros, 2«.2OStephen Riis*kal 16.38George Qyurlndak '... 1'.°°Tr. Co, ............"' . JerB»y Lbr, Co «•





    and 7

    and 13

    to IBand 8BA and

    Fords Ijh^irty Rflfilty O,-

    May Eiponlto ,.....„.. 1I3.WF|r?t National Co. ......

    ..Bdvriy |)a)il ...;. 1. .„..,..TtjuniiiH t e n tin I ...,,.,,..John arid M w Cliavla > ....Perth Afrtbov Realty Co, ,«.Hpiwy Wlnfleld,,.-. ,..',,.m,,,,rJatniiB ftiiil Ttn»e Lttk^ ..........JP«Bth Ambfty nedltjr fX>, ........Perth Amboy H*aity Go, i..,..«Pol th Amboy Hoalty Co . . .Forth Apjfcay ttsalty Co , .Ptrtli Ambny Itoalty Co . .

    Incorporate A«r«a(t«Incorporated Aoreng* , , .Honn M Nel«s ,l lose M N'UIHUnose M NUIHH >.Wooiltirlilgo U«v Co,Hql KelneyBQI Kel"i>y . • v • ••Jttdk FullonTr, For Unlon-IIudnoij Jil&.

    • I S6 60

    84 40«,(888.8967 74

    477 447 404 60M

    . "«^p .̂ ^̂ ^W

    IS t o l l

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    n to it

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    , JgirMc* Van Bnrtft _ ..•' ijHtffl D»»a]iu« - _^ ., William Donahue _ , -

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    v rtooinvings......

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    . ._. foxor»e Brtggs, Jr.

    1 Ftfhtannaj . ,.„.m Culljin .'...„.A. Potter . . . _ . _ . . . . . „ _hqulet!...... ,.

    S, ary Ollmore „..Jftnr* Potter -

    arft* acott „;. atlt* Smith, Jr „

    Ruby MayHow. Kromer .„ : ;

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    Lii.- ^ — - - - -—• Edyard Ol«en' ,

    . 'Maloatm Dunliam , . >'. ' Elmer Mo^ ;....

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    • 1166 to 11691202 ond 1203

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    1 E. AdamsIf. U Koherger .:..

    _Ianlel Chlsolm .. ,

    ' Afttti Nevlns ;..;Rev. H. C. EverettMaria F). Mnrclii-sf'Klorenoe Realty Cu .Somerset Estate, iiJack RippleCentral Jersey Sloi,r 1

    Inc. ....'.Central Jersey .ll'.iii 1• inc., :....;Robert O'Donncll ..Frank SataiglJoseph H. Mayers, in,Joseph H. Mayers, l::Maple Management t>.Florence Realty On*David SJoRtrom ....'..8. Baranyar •Julia Browfiky ,Avenol Realty Co. '..Hans LoresaJoseph Welner ..,,'„...Michael MartinJohn (Jr?eh •Marie Hans Phillip .Elizabeth NagyElliabeth Nogy......Anna Porkolnk K«jlCharles Reod ...•....•.....;...Charles Kfeed :

    , Margaret Reed .Benjaipin Contl ...Demetrius Kalonom.1Benjamin Contl . .Demetrius' Kalonmii,!;Mrs. Catherine KK-IIBteve MarllRck ......Lucy SylvesterFred SandmanSnmuel BroWnMary LettchPaafiunle 'Clpollon"Antonio Delbeschio

    ' George VnnkulaBllwbeth Kfltko

    "Rubin (JambaBarbara TohlrahPauline GuttmanElizabeth,, NagyAbe J. FoxJoseph KnautzJoseph KnautzJohn Kudlk ..„ ,Charles ReedJohn Kmllk..JoHppli KnautzJohn HautJoseph Gawarklewi' ;•John HaMtGeorge Gregor -Paul OfegftrJames C. BlairJames C. BlairJames C, Blair

    ' L, M. Campbell .:....:John BodnarCatlna ZulloTony, RagucclT. Qeorge BEallcK'Joseph iflslnlPnul and Julia Gnyil--'Attlllo TptelllMatyns Ballal

    Dnted April 1. ;M.-J. Ti:


    24,4,2.69, 18.07

    Kite'' Roberts ....:..... 12J8.gnefl.,..., .„,... ...renenhouse mi


    N o , . r s t r a n 4 ; . . . . . . . . . .ny Cftrdohe ,.,...Anthony CardoneMrs. Nellie Donarununa ,Bagdad Tcadore ...jrrank Adubato.Prank Adubato and gj, jQqfQBJanohe Schrunj ,....,„.'.....,.../...Mae' Bell „•Uaa Belt••,.,».; *..,..„.,„...DQIIMO ,Tro«.rt*ra, .„,,„!.„...,.,...MIM.H,anrfM*Hryano?rv^W«^aii'r'a5:M. H, and A. Wolfe ltSalty Co,M, % and A. Wolfo lUftlty Co.


    8. Ti 56 W. a g vlino and through the centre f flaywall 54.44 feet to a poltrt"rn the rearllitc-of said liulldlflSf known an Greaston Block; thence (2) ̂ . 71* 18' W. st!|ialong the division line betweenlands hereby conveyed and lands of.aftld Sqhwartss 6*70 feet to a point;|henne.(») 6, «5' t2' 30" W. throughlantlg f)f the party of .the flrsf part,82,01 feet to c point In the divisionlino between lands of the party ofthe ftrst part and lands now or for-merly of Daniel C, Whalen; thence(4) S, 19' 12' E. along said lastubove 'described 4lvlalon line, 28.08M t tp * paint in the southerly lineOf lands of, the party of the •jlraiparf! thePW (5) N. 68' 29' E. I M Pfeet along the aald southerly line pflands of the party of the flrst *a.rtto a point In the rear line of theWulldtng known as the old tin nit opthence (8) I«. I f U' W. 168 fefitalong th»fre»r 1 ne of the bultihttknown as the oW.tln shop to,thitorthwoarorly corner thereof,; thints(7) N ?3«.1B'_ E!., 47.73 feet, alor-


    tlond.across the lands of tln» partyof the flrnt part hereto Hlmll be ln-enteil over such portion of sa'li],landsan Dttld party of.ttiu llrst pnrt, theirheirs nnd ftaslgnB, owners of snld re-maining property Hhall deslRnnfflund not othorwise; and that unfllsaid alley. 10 feet In width by Hifoet In length above mnntlonoi]shall be opencil n« sot rorth n, (u,fl

  • 7*

    •—-— • -™i™ b r aBoiled oats usually needs about

    twice aa much' water Is eweaL

    T^'crtfl8"'Iueh *» * « » M « !™ B b l O f b fr0"> Ove to six Om

    tnelr measure of water duMns*• but tor whole grain

    It takes about two Humva, wtimes as much irtiter as

    Mteiri Tutorial! RmTB« fastest toboggan slope In tfif

    • " » • « • * « hrtous Cresti Run™St. MotlU, SwItMrtund. It Ii 1,320yards long and a spud ol over temiles an hodr h often rtitfhel

    it out to l?e a gentle-


    •, i i —

    .}% ms CLASS

    u t t e d befit*It ll a good practice to real the

    bilebtatd «n th« tubfloor and butttfw flMUft up «gtinat It to avbid thebtat piffllnt; Sway frtm th« door ftm r w* a«« ** ttrtUimerfrWl Sw*

    ftt»t of Light FMtteM ,When.tha iungiten f)lament ol ID

    Incandescent bulb rtathek. ft* tertiperajure where if flvei'off light "is-twlco as hot aft molten steel."

    tt it Is set on top of (he finish ,,UU1,It ŝhould be nailed to the tubfloor

    C0H6 TO 6 £ T HIM .b6-r-*EM! >/

    'on t h e s e m i c r o b e g

    uiey seem prepared to lodgeost anywhere." ' . •. '«s ; most of them carry sobe

    0( s r i p "

    Obtained From Soap1

    3 a valuabl b« by-prod

    m SoapB l3 a valuable substanoeI";


  • By Tbe Navigator

    Mr-Uod -raiM-d tbe fiNtt flu*,which-*a? donated by ibtupperiht^ndent of ibr- P sJteadintr