Support | Affiliates | Cash Like Clockwork Hello, Marlon here. Did you know that you publish VERTICAL pictures to Pinterest and Google+, SQUARE pictures to Instagram and horizontal ones to most other platforms? Two thirds of Americans own a smart phone and 15% rely on it for Internet access. That’s just one of the juicy tidbits in today’s newsletter. Share it on Twitter and Facebook. #marlonsnewsletter #internetmarketingnewsletter Live chat today AT 4 est ABOUT getting attention via social media. JOIN ME ON MEERKAT. Download the appl. Click. Find my picture and SUBSCRIBE to the event! Then join my twitter feed at twitter.com/marlonsanders for updates CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE GOOD TIMES on my first Meerkat live, interactive video stream.

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Support | Affiliates | Cash Like Clockwork


Marlon here.

Did you know that you publish VERTICAL pictures to Pinterest and Google+,

SQUARE pictures to Instagram and horizontal ones to most other platforms?

Two thirds of Americans own a smart phone and 15% rely on it for Internet


That’s just one of the juicy tidbits in today’s newsletter. Share it on Twitter and

Facebook. #marlonsnewsletter #internetmarketingnewsletter

Live chat today AT 4 est ABOUT getting attention via social media. JOIN ME ON MEERKAT. Download the appl. Click. Find my picture and

SUBSCRIBE to the event! Then join my twitter feed at twitter.com/marlonsanders for updates


GOOD TIMES on my first Meerkat live, interactive video stream.

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152 comments and 92 viewers on a freaking Friday with only same day notice!

That’s awesome.

Before I get to today’s topic, here are a few details on Meerkat:

1. This is an app for your mobile device, smart phone, iPhone, iPad or android


2. It’s free! Get it here. Or just go to the app store on your IOS or Android mobile

device and search Meerkat and download.

3. All you do is install it and you’ll SEE the upcoming events when you click on the

little Meerkat icon.

4. Just hit SUBSCRIBE under that event and you’ll be notified when it starts.

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What makes it fun and exciting?


Let’s say you pop in on my video stream. As I’m talking, you can SEE the

comments scrolling from everyone on the video stream!

What’s more, this is NOT your boring, talking head Google hangout. People do

these live streams from everywhere. After some more practice, I plan on doing

one from the park I go to and maybe the vegetarian restaurant I eat at or a


Very FUN!

To get NOTIFIED of my streaming events, get on my TWITTER at:


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As you can see, when there is a live streaming event, I’ll send out a tweet with a

link to it. But it’s best to find the event on Meerkat and subscribe so you’ll be

notified in case you forget!

You might wonder why I started out talking about Meerkat and live streaming.

The REASON is this…


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This is the #1 challenge to Internet marketers today! In the old days, you could

put out your offer to your list and KNOW they’d see or read it. You could post on

Twitter and KNOW people would pay attention to it.

Today? Not so fast, buddy.

We are inundated, bombarded, and over-saturated with push notifications, spam,

crazy stuff, disasters – and more.

You don’t have a SALES PROBLEM.

What you have is an ATTENTION problem.

Your customers and potential buyers are over-communicated with. No one will

BUY from you if you never even get attention.

You can have the greatest product in the world, the greatest sales letter, webinar

or video sales letter, the greatest Youtube channel or the greatest product.

But NONE OF IT MATTERS if you don’t first get attention.

Rule One: PRIORITIZE getting attention!

The first thing you have to do is just make it a PURPOSE or a goal.

If you don’t do something to stand out or get the attention of your customers and

potential buyers, you’ll lose out.

Make getting POSTIVE attention, the right kind of attention, a personal priority.

Rule Two: Consistency wins attention

This is the hardest one for me. I’m a creator. I like to create things. Routine isn’t

my thing.

And while you CAN have staff or a team do SOME things, in social media you have

to be INVOLVED personally.

Of course, there are ways to get attention with paid advertising and publicity.

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But when you’re starting out, you probably don’t have the budget for those. So

you’re left with you and your hustle. Am I right about that?

Now, whether you’re promoting with social media OR through affiliates, you STLL

have to get attention.

And part of that is being consistent. If you’re here today and gone tomorrow, out

of sight, out of mind.

This is a MINDSET shift. You have to PRIORITIZE getting attention.

Rule Three: Get the right kind of attention

It’s true that PT Barnum or someone like that said that all attention or publicity is


I’m not so sure that is true today. Ask Bill Cosby if he thinks that is so true.

Ask Donald Sterling if he thinks that is true.

Ask some of the NBA stars who lost huge, massive endorsement deals from

sponsors because of negative attention.

I think also of the show American Idol. You have singers try out dressed in all

kinds of stupid outfits.

That gets the wrong kind of attention.

The RIGHT kind of attention is to show up and have a great performance.

Want to get a YOUTUBE FOLLOWING FROM SCRATCH? The two channels below

are practically a master’s degree in getting viewers on Youtube the RIGHT WAY!

Go here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boBex_v3_eA

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I also REALLY liked the video by the guy he collabed with: Derral Eves:

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Rule Four: Get attention by being RELEVANT to the wants and problems of your target audience

People want solutions to their problems and pains. If you show up with one, you’ll

get attention if you do a masterful job of communicating.

Rule Five: Go 10X or go home!

If you’ve followed me recently on Twitter or Facebook, you know I’m a fan of

Grant Cardone’s 10X philosophy.

This is the book to get:

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There are many themes in it. But the basic one is that you be prepared do 10X

what you THINK it’ll take. You don’t necessarily have to do 10x. But you’re

prepared to.

In other words, a few Instagram posts, tweets, articles, podcasts and a few live

streams aren’t going to do much of anything.

But a huge volume will.

What happens is we all want INSTANT RESULTS to validate that we aren’t wasting

our time. Or because if we don’t get instant gratification, we get discouraged.

I’ve found in coaching that if people don’t see immediate results within 10 days,

they tend to quit.

Well, that isn’t how the world works.

But keeping on keeping on isnt’ always easy. That’s why you crack open the 10X

Rule book or pop in the audio cd’s for a kick in the seat of the pants motivation!

Now, Grant is who I like. He can be a bit rough around the edges with language,

smokes cigars, and other things. Maybe he isn’t “the guy” for you.

Maybe for you it’s John Olsteen or Maxwell, or many others.

Who can YOU listen to that will get you into non-stop ACTION vs. the paralysis of


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One of the main points of Zig Ziglar and Jim Rohn was that we become what we

feed our minds with. They were both big proponents of constantly feeding our

minds with positivity because gosh knows there’s more than enough negativity in

daily life, on the news and in the paper.

The REASON I like Grant Cardone is he PERSONIFIES 10X action. No bull.

MOST famous people on their Instagram accounts have under 300 posts. Grant

has 1,532. But I pulled that screen cap off my pc. On my IOS, it showed over

7,000 posts.

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In addition, he writes articles for Entrepreneur and Business Insider, has 4 books

and publishing another, does weekly TV quality Youtube channel shows, does a

zillion tweets, does live streams, speaks at events.

Oh, he also owns $350,000,000 of real estate and bought more last week.

OK THAT is what I mean by PERSONIFYING 10X actions.

Rule Six: If you struggle with social media or “don’t get it” – get yourself an iPhone. No seriously. Do it!

I’m a VERY slow adopter on smart phones. Like years slow.

When I finally bought one last year, it was an ANDROID. SUCKED. Hated trying to

figure out how to use it.

What a disaster of an interface! LOL.

Now, the younger generation “gets it.” They were using ipads at 2 years old.

But I have to say, using my “jump plan” to change phones from Android to the

iPhone is like the best marketing decision I’ve made in a YEAR!

It’s 1000X easier to use than Android. All of a sudden I GOT things I didn’t GET!!

I can’t tell you how profound that is.

Many new marketing opportunities will open up to you. Listen, if you got an

Android and love it, know how to use it and get results with it, stick with it.

BUT if like me, you just don’t “get it” and basically leave your smart phone sitting

around uncharged like I did, and only use it to text family members in an

emergency, then maybe it’s time you swap out for an iPhone.

I really think you’ll be glad you did.

Rule Seven: Get Hootsuite Tweets. No really. Just do it.

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Did you know that you publish VERTICAL pictures to Pinterest and Google+,

SQUARE pictures to Instagram and horizontal ones to most other platforms?

The BEST FREE education in social media I’ve seen comes from Hootsuite and also

Social Media Examiner.

I LOVE the tweets sent out by Hootsuite. You can read them on the Hootsuite


For example:

What 20,000 tweets taught us about twitter images

4 ways to increase your share of voice on social media

Everything you need to know about marketing in a post-mobilegeddon world

How to create a content marketing strategy: A walk through

Now, do you use Hootsuite to manage your social media posts overnight and on

weekends or do you use Sprout Social or Buffer?

That’s one I haven’t decided yet.

I WILL tell you something that amazed me.

I am on a TRIAL with Sprout Social and some way they KNEW I was doing a

Meerkat broadcast and tweeted it out to their list!

That was VERY COOL!

I really have to dig into these tools more.

Rule Eight: Don’t try to automate all your social media marketing. Bots don’t get attention

Can you automate it all?

Yes. Absolutely.

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But use your brain.


What’s the #1 problem?

Getting attention.

Do you really think you’ll get as much attention when it becomes apparent all the

posts are from a bot?

Grant Cardone uses Hootsuite for his posts overnight and on weekends when he’s


I LIKE that. But in the daytime, a LOT of the posts are by him, although it does

appear to me that MOST but not all of the Instagram posts are by his graphic

designer who finds the quotes and makes them into attractive pictures.

Grant says he works closely with the designer though because he wants to

maintain control over his brand.

You’re BETTING on your competition being lazy, firing up the bots and putting as

little effort as possible into social media.

That makes YOU stand out if you’re willing to go 10X and do a lot yourself.

Now, I’m NOT the fastest adopter of this philosophy. I like a business that can be

done by others Emyth style.

But the reality is, it doesn’t take long.

You can do tweets in 30 seconds once you’re good at it.

With the iPhone, you open Instagram, snap the pixl, take a minute to write the

caption, choose a filter for the photo (takes just seconds) and PUBLISH!


Here’s the BIG COMPELLING REASON to do your Facebook status updates with

your smart phone:

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If you’re on a desktop, you gotta go to a stock photo service and buy a stupid

photo that you pay $1 to $5 for.

And it takes TIME.

On a smart phone, you snap a picture and BOOM! Update done.

Of course, you could snap with the smart phone, save to drop box, go to your

desktop, make the post, find dropbox, find the photo and publish.

But that’s like 3 more steps!

Rule Nine: Grab your own name on Instagram and use it!

This is SO MUCH easier for me using an iPhone. I don’t think I EVER did figure out

how to post to Instagram using my Android.

It’s EASY with the iPhone! Love it.

You need to grab your NAME on Instagram! Someone else got marlonsanders.

Or I did and I can’t figure out how to log into it! Lol. I probably have it.

Hootsuite has


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Hootsuite again has the BEST article:

Secrets from an Instagram Power User: How

@missyhelly got 51k Followers


One thing Instagram says is your photos and posts need to follow a THEME. This is

what the accounts do that get the most followers.

My pictures don’t really have a theme. I need to improve in this area vastly.

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Rule Ten: Grab your own name on Twitter and use it!

Thankfully, I have my own name on twitter! Twitter.com/marlonsanders

Rule Eleven: Grab your own name on Facebook and use it!

Oddly enough, Facebook wants you to set up a PAGE for your business. Since my

Facebook account is my name (facebook.com/marlonsanders), my PAGE had to

be different. So it is: Facebook.com/marlonsandersnews

I really haven’t posted there with any consistency and my header graphics sucks.

This is a definite area for improvement! So if yours is less than perfect, get busy!

You have work to do today.

Rule Twelve: Find your own path to getting attention

One size doesn’t fit all.

I may or may not stick with the full social media game plan. I honestly don’t know

if I can stick to it THAT consistently or not.

It takes a real COMMITMENT. No doubt about it. Especially if you’re going to do

live streams or hire a designer to do cool Instagram pictures. The problem with

using Fiverr on this is if they use a “public domain” photo that ends up being from

a stock photo site, you can have to fork over big fine.

I suppose you could go in and buy a ton of photos and give the designer on Fiverr

the login. Maybe. I’m thinking about just hiring a local freelancer I can develop a

rapport with.

But let’s say you go ONLY the product launch route (which I’m using also). Or you

do ONLY paid ads.

You STILL have to find YOUR way to get attention.

A lot of paid ad people are doing paid Youtube ads now.

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That bar constantly changes.



PS: I haven’t been pushing much for testimonials on the blog and

a lot are a year old. If I’ve helped you, even if it was just something

small, a small victory, do me a favor and take a few minutes to

post it at:


Services You Can Use

(If you want to post this ENTIRE ezine, you can replace the

following links with your RESELLER links)

Get my Facebook Training. This is powerful training on how to use paid

Facebook advertising to generate leads but then get the cost per click down

to pennies even in the most competitive markets imaginable. MOST

people I know who are BUYING ads and succeeding today are doing it on

Facebook. The volume there will make your head SPIN! You can build a

whole 1,000 lead a day empire off of Facebook if you want and are in a high

demand niche with the volume.



The POINT of Product Dashboard is to get you to create QUICK audio-

based info products to TEST MARKET your ideas as fast as possible to find

the 1 or 2 out of 7 that is a winner!

THAT is why I created Product Dashboard. Now, it’s really the

APPLICATION of the product creation part of Gimme My Money Now,

which is the action plan for Amazing Formula. In Gimme, I teach to do a

12-product survey, create a FAST audio product, TEST it with a KSL and

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roll it out via affiliate traffic. That model applies TODAY every bit as much

as when I originally created the model.

What I FOUND was Gimme presented the IDEAS but not enough of the

mechanics on HOW to DO the fast audio products for some people to be

able to implement it. So I said, “Hey, let me REALLY help people by

putting this into a step-by-step how to.” Again, I KNOW you want to know,

“Marlon, is it out of date?” The answer is again, I teach EVERGREEN

stuff. It’s basic. Find your target audience. Do a survey. Find out what

they want. Create a FAST audio product and see if it SELLS. That’s the

whole concept. A few SMALL details may have changed…like the

VERSION of Audacity you use I’m sure has changed. It doesn’t matter. It’s

the BASICS that matter. THAT is the concept behind Product Dashboard.

Survey > Create audio > TEST FAST. If it sells, roll with it and roll out an

affiliate program. If it doesn’t, do the NEXT ONE.

Get all the basics on how to do graphics the REAL WAY using PSD’s from

Photoshop Elements, so later you can graduate to full-blown Photoshop.

This is very basic but really, really good training in just the core stuff you

need to START OUT with. This is training wheels for graphic design. You

won’t become a pro overnight. But this gets you on the RIGHT PATH and

that is the PURPOSE. We updated screen caps last year. None of the

basics in Photoshop Elements change much. You got a lasso. Paint bucket.

Patterns. Gradients. This is what we teach here. BASICS. To me, if you’re

really SERIOUS and don’t want to just hire out all graphics, you need this.


Get “training wheels” to walk you through my famous 12-step

formula I taught around the world in 120 seminars Fill in the

blanks and click a button.

The ORIGINAL fill-in-the-blanks letter software. This is NOT about

magically creating sales letters. It’s like TRAINING WHEELS for my 12-

step formula to FORCE you to use it and walk through the process

mentally. I found in teaching this in 120 seminars that people would not

actually DO the formula I taught. So I decided to create a way to FORCE

FEED it. THAT is why I created Push Button Letters that then spawned

the whole entire genre of sales letter creation software, MOST of it sold as a

magic pill without understanding the GOAL which is to get you to

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MENTALLY PROCESS and walk through a precise, step-by-step



The exact things I taught a new employee to get him up to speed on all

this marketing stuff in 30 days. And will get YOU up to speed on the

absolutely criticall basic knowledge also. Get up to speed FAST with the

in-house training I gave one of my new employees. I love this product. To me it’s

Evergreen. The stuff I teach here is what I feel is absolutely VITAL for anyone to

know, including a new employee, new customer or whoever. That includes you.

This is BASIC but powerful training. I find a LOT of people miss the BASICS, so

they get no value from other stuff they buy. You HAVE to put in your basics

FIRST http://www.themarketingdiary.com

Want to know how I got 30,000 affiliates to promote me? I love

this product also. It’s how I got several million people to my websites. It

includes the steps, the documentation, everything. Now, yes, I did this

product some years ago. You’ll find out the things I do, teach and believe

in are EVERGREEN. The answer is NO. It’s not outdated. YES,

everything in it STILL applies. Do I STILL use everything you’ll read about

it in it. It’s my BLUEPRINT for a highly successful affiliate program.

Check this puppy out:


Need a target market? http://www.pushbuttontargetmarket.com

If you’re struggling to find a target market, I think this can help. It isn’t the

ONLY thing you need. It isn’t like “the answer.” But I really think if you

delve into the tool it talks about that you can really gain a deeper

understanding of what is SELLING in the market. That is the purpose of it.

Money Getting Secret: On December 3, 1998, I Discovered A "Money

Getting" Secret That I've Repeated 122 Times -- And You Can Use This

Same Secret Starting 2 Hours and 58 Minutes From Right Now!


List To the “Pizza Cast” and discover some cool secrets of promoting products: I did this when I employed Santos. I think it’s a

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good discussion of Promo Dashboard and the purpose of it. I like this interview a lot personally! Even though I did it 2 or 3 years ago that’s why I keep it up. I think it ALL still applies. Again, this is another EVERGREEN PRODUCT and concept.


How To Trick Out Your Optin Boxes Before You Can Say Jack Flash... Then Put 'Em On Your Facebook, Blog, Web Pages, Sidebars, Fly-Ins, Squeeze Pages, Email Capture Pages, Exits And Pop Up's And Become A Freakin' List Building Machine! http://marlonsanders.com/optinsecrets/promo.html

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim Because it was grassy and wanted wear,

Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same,

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And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black.

Oh, I marked the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,

I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost