Morry and Happy Naw Year. The season of gift-giving and well-wishing has again arrived. Everyone greets his friends with "A Merry Christmas and a Hap- py New Year/' So do we. All our customers are our friends. But to meet each one personally would be almost impossible. Therefore we have taken this means ! of let- ting you know that we have not forgotten you. Please Consider This Personal,. Clara Mohner The Up-To'Oate Milliner. piPRZ Herald, was a Pierz caller Tuesday. | Leo Virnig and Fred Ferhaar who Dec. 19.— Mike Kiewel of Little are attending the St. Johns university,{ F ills was a Pierz caller last Saturday. 1 A. P. Stoil made a business trip to Little Falls Saturday. C. J5. Gravel returned last Wednes- m y for a trip to the cities. J. P. Virnig and wife of Lastrup transacted business in Pierz Monday. The New Co*opertive creamery D^ened Monday morning and quite a lirge number of farmers came in w ith cream. Henry Paul was a Little Falls visitor Saturday. Steve Premesberger left for Duluth Monday where he will be employed in a machine shop. __ j William Nimsch was an Onamia v isitor over Sunday. E. L. Hawes, the dentist trom Watthon, was in Piers over Sunday. P. L. Poster, John N. Faust, and Andrew Faust returned front Onamia 8 inday where they had been making > ood. Peter Busseler of Lastrup was a Tierz caller Monday. Christ Abies of Albany, who was an < ser Sunday visitor here with his I)-other, Prof. N. Ahles, returned < ionday morning. Mrs. M, Wermerskircben was a Lit- 1) Falls visitor. Peter Blake ef Lastrup was a Pierz (\dler Saturday. Mike Scbraut has moved his house- hold goods and family into the Theodore Thielen house on Edward 0 r r66t« P. L. Poster was a Little Falls visi- t »r Mocdy. j Christ Virnig Jr., came up from i Dakota Saturday for a visit with his| threats. Christ is employed as a life; i isurance agent at present. i Dec. 20.—The celebration of the (irand opening ot' the Farmers' j < 'reainery took place an Tuesday after- j »oon. A cro^d ot about 500 people came home to spend Christmas with their parents and friends. Kev. Sand of Lastrup was a Pierz caller Wednesday. Peter Blake of Lastrup took in the creamery celebration here Tuesday. Mrs. Kinzer of Buck man was a Piexz caller Tuesday. Andrew Stroman of Swanville was here on business. FLENSBURG * Dec. 20.—Mrs. J. A. Hylander was a caller in Little Falls between trains last Saturday. M. and Mrs. L. D. Uregerson visited at. Louis Larson'8 last Sunday. Key. Matson from Malmo conducted services in the Congregational church Sunday. Anton Nelson and mother and'Willie Olofson and family will move to a farm id Belle Prairie this wOek!! Mr. Nelson has rented his 'farm here to Gerhard Smith. : Another telephone meeting will be held in the school house in district 31 next Friday evening, the 2diid, at 7:30. Be sure to come. Many have taken advantage of out big subscription offer., Mave you? Ben Lindberg and 'son, Edwin, of Freedhem visited at L. 1). Uregerson's Tuesday and Wednesday. J. A. Rylander and Fied Bergstrom have been up in Parker town with their saw rig the past week. Christ.,Wuellner was in St. Cloud last week. There will "be a Christmas tree and program rendered by the schoolchil- dren in the Flensburg school house next Sunday, evening at 5 o'clock. In school district 31 the children will have a program next Fiidiay afternoon at 1:30. Among those who were county seat callers last Monday were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Peterson, Rev. J. P. Johnson* Mrs. Ole Bergstrom, G. Bovie, Fred and Oscar Bergstrom and Bennie Fredrickson. Gust Sundberg is laid up with a sore bacK. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hoglund and family visited in Flensburg Tuesday. I Next Tuesday evening, the 26tb, at ' o'clock, there will be a Christmas tree r festival in the Swedish Congregational church and Chistmas day in the morn- ing at 6 o clock there will be services. Everybody welcome. Mi. and Mrs. J. A. Rylander and Mr. and Mrs. F. Bergstrom spent Sun- day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnson. Olof Larson has finished his contract of hauling sand on a part of the county road here. RICE LAKE Dec. 20.— Albert Peterson went to Minneapolis on business Tuesday. Halmer Isaacson left Monday tor Onamia, where he expects to lie em- ployed. Mrs. Chas. Winkie and daughter, Nettie, were shopping in Little Fblls Monday. " Mines Stella and Isabel AicLeod were Little Falls visitors Saturday. Isaac Isaacson of Onamia came down last week for a few days' visit with his parents here. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Love were cal- lers at Little Falls Saturday. C. E. Winkie of this place drove to Koyalton Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Isaacson were Little Falls visitors on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bennewitz were shopping in Royalton Thursday of last we*ik. - Most of the farmers in this vicinity are hauling hay this, line weather. Jacob Nohner of Pierz was on Wednesday morning in Justice Ran- dall's court aquitted ot the charge of appropriating $10 collected for a com- pany of which he was a member, pre- ferred against bim by Otto Hoffman as secretary of the company. Special sale on cut glass water sets. Low at $8, now $6, while they last. Diamond Sign. Southwest Darling Blomquist Monday and complimented August on his iinecattle and large, chickens. He bought half a dozen hers and will start a poultry farm. I Rev. Charles Johnson leaves this week for Minaeaprlis to spend Christ- mas, and as a consequence there will be no services at the Mission Friends church Sunday. There will be services at the {Swedish Lutheran church New Year's day at 10:30 in the morning. All in- vited. Dec. 20—Superintendent Barnes has visited our schools. Special news has been received too late, and we suppose some more will come along about Friday. Arvid Nelson, who has been work- ing near Fish lake, is home for the holidays. The Darling correspondent wishes all a Meny Christmas and a Happy Nfew Year. Mrs. H. H. Cortner returned today from a visit in Chicago. Everybody is busy this fine weather. Many have taken advantage of our big subscription offer. Have you? SWANVILLE Drc. 26.—Dr. Hall of Little Falls was in town on business last week. The play, St. Elmo, was given to a good sized house Thursday and gave good satisfaction. On Saturday the same troupe returned and gave Lena Rivers to a fair sized crowd. From here the play was taken to Long Prai- rie. the troupe driving over Sunday. Dr. Ostrander was a visitor in the cities a tew days last week. J. Kraeger is still very weak and ' Deo. 20.—The sad news was received a few days ago of the death at Bowbells, Ward county, North Dakota, _ of Erick Regoeli on December 9 of | d^g s^m to improve at alh mflamation ot the lungs, at the age of Mrs. Ostrander has been sick the nearly 71^years. He was sick about a * past two weeks. F. C. Muske was a Little Falls A common mistake that causes much loss on the farm, is putting new and often warm cream into the cream jar where other cream is without first chilling the new. When ibis is ne- glected the new cream begins ripening the mass, before the dairyman is ready RANDALL Dec. 20.—P. J. O'Brien and sister, Mrs. Thos. Lambert, returned home Wednesday after a few days' visit with friends at Little Falls. Hans Gosch returned from the Twin for it. Always chill the newly skimmed, Ly^oSi^ cream and, upon adding it to the ]ar, e stir all together well; keep it ail cold s ' until the time for churning, when it should be ripened as rapiuly as pos- sible. Ihe butter maker may expect choice, long-keeping butter, and buttermilk that is thin and poor, be- cause the cream has been perfectly churned.—Northfield News. jngregated at Faust's hall at about, Sunday. R. F. D. NO. 5 Dec. 20.—The traveling show which showed in district No. 9 Thursday evening was not very well attended but all that went say it was good. Frank Krottoschinsky returned from Burtram Thursday. John Manka drove to Bowlus Fri- lay on business. fetil Krottoschinsky left for Cedar a few days' fishing. Fri}hk Kaluza of Little Falls at- tended the show in district 9 Thurs- day. Many of the farmers drove to Little Falls Saturday to do their Christmas shopping. Martin Larson of Bowlus called on friends and relatives here Saturday and Miss Kathrine Ben tier spent Friday and Saturday here with Mrs. Ehr. Will Crosby has returned borne after several months spent at Courtenay, N. D. The Misses ClaTa Florence Simones visited Little Falls, returning Sunday. Mrs. Annie Barnes and son, Angus, week. He leaves a wife, and one son, Charles, and two daughters, Mrs. Esther Botton of Flaxton, N. D., and Mrs. A. F. Nelson, wife of the first pastor of the Swedish Lutheran church of Darling. The tamily which came to Darling from Nerke, a province of Sweden in the spring of 1892 and settled in section 33, which property they still own, moved to Bowbells about nine years ago. The only rela- tive here is John Regnell, a nephew, who did not receive the news in time to attend the funeral. The remains were laid to rest at Flaxton, N. D., December 14. The deceased was a fine old! gentleman, and the many friends of the family here deeply sym- pathize with them. Gustave Sanderson is home ti spend Christmas with relatives. Student David Swanson, who is at- tending North Park college, Chicago, came home Saturday to visit bis parents, and will leave Friday to take charge of a Mission church at Billings, Mont. The young people met at Elm Huldt Larson and farm last Sunday evening for singing Saturday in j practice. Refreshments were served and all bad a good time. The Mission Friends church people left Saturday tor a few days' visit j will have a program by the Sunday with relatives in Royalton. j school, and'tree Christmas Day night Miss Nellie Sullivan spent Saturday Dec. 25, beginning at 7:30 sharp at in LittlelFalls. the East Darling school house, as the A. W. Honstrom left Sunday for; church is too small. Collection will Minneapolis on business. Will Wittwer spent Friday afternoon with relatives at Green Prairie be taken for the Sunday school. A Christmas festival and fine pro gram will he given by the Sunday Mamie Carpenter visited Saturday school of the Swedish Lutheran church oae o'clock, where a long program of addresses was given. After the pr> t: ram was over, a large crowd walked i ver to the new creamery where Mr. 1'hlepson, the buttermaker, threw the d )ors wide open so the people might inspect the new institution. From ther«j me people went back to the hall where tree lunch and refreshments were f-orved The sandwiches were nicely ri.jdecked with fresh butter which had Mrs. Felton arrived Saturday from Washington for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Perzina. Walter Viechorek, who has been in the West during the summer and fall, returned Saturday. Julia Perzina of Bowlus visited at home Sunday. Joe 01dak09ki is busy hauling bass wood logs to Bowlus this week. Mrs. Peter Eowalzek visited with with her sister in Darling, returning Sunday. Irene Campbell, who teaches in the vicinity ot Green Prairie, spent Satur- day with her parents at bis place. Connie Strom visited over Sunday at her home at the Brickyards. J. K. Sullivan and J. P. Hicks were county seat visitors Tuesday. Many have taken advantage of our big subscription offer. Have yon? Ijjen churned early, in the morning'relatives in Culdrum Sunday andMon Tbe butter sure must have been good day. l't when the first pound of butter wasj John Booth of Elm dale was a caller O' t'ered for sale the first bidder bid fS at the home of Peter Gregersen Sun t ie second $4 and finally it was' sold f ,r $5 to F. X. Virnig. Many more iv ere sold for $1 per pound and spme at 50 cents. This was the last excit- ment of the day. The people then want home all feeling assured that the ut>,w co-operation is a success: A more extended article will be found on the front page. ; F. X. Viring, Hubert Bares and son, .1 hn, were Little Falls visitors Mon- day. Joe Hesch of Buckman was a Pierz caller Tuesday. P. J. Vasaly, of the Little Falls SCOTT'S EMULSION IS THE BEST IN WORLD- THE because it is made of the purest and best in- gredients, because it contains more healing, strengthening and up- building material than any other . Emulsion, and because it is a perfect product of a scientific- ally perfect process. Doctors tke world over recognize Seatt's Emulsion as the Standard prewar ration of Cod Liver AIA DRUGGISTS 11-22 day. Miss Annie Stang attended church in Elmdale Sunday. John Paycer of Fawndale visited at the home of Peter Krycb Friday. Sceporek Bros, were grinding feed for the farmers Monday. Mrs. John Manka, who has been visiting friends in Minneapolis the past *eek, returned home Saturday. Raymond Krych started up his gaso- line rig Friday and he is ready to start sawing for the farmers. Mrs. Christian Novak of Platte is visiting with friends here this week. L. M. Larson was a business caller at Little Falls Tuesday. Fr^nk Krottoschinsky transacted business in Bowlus Tuesday. , Albert Gosiak drove to Little Falls Tuesday on business. John Perzina called in Bowlus Tues- Peter Blair transacted business in Bowlus Tuesday. Many have taken advantage of the big Herald offer. Have you? Read The Herald Want Ads BRICKYARD Dep. 22.—Merry Christmas. Members of the Meadowview Sun- day school will give a play euftitled "Christmasat Finnegan's Flat,'* at the Assembly iiaU Saturday evening, Dec. 23rd. Everybody welcome. Miss Clara JUarson and Constance Strom of tfandair visited over Saturday at their homes here. E. A- Westheg visited; at A. J. Holm's at Little Falls Aoiiday,, V Oar young folbs enjoyed themselves Saturday evsmng at a dancer given at the home of S. Muncv. Peter Arendt of Little Falls furnished the music. Others from Little Falls, Little Elk and Rice Lake also attended. Miss Florence Siroinonps of Cushing visited at the home of C. Larson Sat- urday and Sunday. Mrs. F. Miller visited friends at Little Falls last Thnnrtay. Miss Mary Copa called at A. Strom's Sunday. Sunday Omaha, Nebraska. Dec. 14, 1911. Dear Friends :— Will make my parents a visit and while with them would be glad to demonstrate our line of goods. We guarantee we have tbe cheapest and best gasoline lamps and lighting _ systems ever produced for homes, stores, offices, etc. 30 days trial. ~ For particulars write or call V. E. Johnson, Telephone 282-7, Box 65, Rte 7, Little Falls, Minn. It p NORTH ELM DALE Dec. 20.—Albert Jendro went to Lit- tle Falls on Monday. E. M. Larson called on Otto Carlson of Upsala Sunday. Eddie Maciej, who was sick is able to be around again. Martin Larson went to Little Falls last week with a load of hogs. Frank Gessner of Lewisville is here visiting with friends and relatives. Jiibn Sobieck went to Bowlus Sat- urday on business. M. J. Madson has ptfrchased a drill- ing machine. Joe Kulla went to Bowlus with a load of,hay Monday. Pnilip Korrel went to Upsala to get feed ground. Rasmus Madson and son Charlgy of Swanville, "Were busy -digging tele- phone post holes at Elmdale last week. Lawrence Ohotto, who has been visiting his sister in Duluth for some time, returned home Saturday. E. M. Larson and Miss Charlotte Ol- son went to Bowlus Saturday on busi- ness. . _ Misses Rosie and Brownie Kososke were Little Falls visitors last week. j Frank Jendro is navihg his house papered. _ Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ohotto of Swan River visited at tne home of Mr. and Mrs. John Schictka Sunday. H. C. Larson and W. Davies went to Little Falls last week on business; G. K. Vallett and Christ n went to Bowlas Saturday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kalis wait to Bowlus Haturday on business. There will be a ChristmM program in Stehool district No. 15 Friday evep- 1D §ir. and Mrs. Richard Dickson and baby of Royalton came, here Saturday to vitit v itfc relatives. Mrs. John Sobiick went to Piiday to visit friends. Misses Trena and Mable Booth re- turned to St. Cloud, where tbey are employed. i Mis. Philip Korrel spent Friday with friecds at Bowlus. V "Frank Fergus and his" . mother went at 7:30 sharp December 26. Rev. O. JB. Nelson will speak to the children at the finish ef the program and a collection will be taken for the school. Hugo Troselius visited with August There tfiilt be services here commencing at 8 o clock. Everybody} tp Jjittte Faly list week, come. Many have taken adrantave of our big surbscriptiun offer. Hate ?ou? HORSE Blanker will protect the horse and protect the owner's pocket. The are warm and strong. They arc long of wear. Look for 5 A when buying. JL *4 V5A Battle'Ax ^ Square Blanket E*m La*c* aa«: Extra Kiwj H. Maiho visitor last Thursday between trains. Roy McRae and Arthur Mielfce re- turned from Minneapolis Saturday afternoon, where they have been at- tending an automobile school. A big Christmas dance is advertised for Monday, Dec. 25tb. Supper is to be served at the Albion hotel. Mr. Underwood of Staples was here on business last week. Wm. Mielke has had a lighting plant installed in his home. Services will be held in the local churches Christmas eve with appro priate piograms given by tbe children. Mrs. Eglert Vanzile is in the village visiting Mis. Helen Vanzile. Clarence Aleshire drove out to Lake Beauty Saturday and returned with a fine load of Christmas trees. He has disposed of most of them by this time. Our local merchants have their boli day goods out in full array and it truly makes a person feel Cbristmasy to see them all. Irvin Stith assisted in the local News office Saturday afternoon. The excelsior mill was shut down for repairs Saturday. Mr. Mitchell was a Little Falls visitor Saturday between trains. W. Bailey, the Standard Oil man from Long Prairie, was in town Satur day. Deputy Sheriff Long, of Long Prai rie was in town to attend the creamerv meeting Saturday Little Falls larket Report Wheat, No. 1 Northern. Wheat, No. 2 Northern.-.!..... Wheat, No. 3 Northern........ Oats new Corn old Barley................................... Rye new,; 94 .88 36- .75 67— .70 74—.78 Hay 8— 10.00 Shorts, per 100 lbs...... Oiound feed, per 80 •••« Cracked Corn Shelled Corn new Bran, per 100................ Floiir. pat. pro. per 100. Straight grade, per 100. Bf»kere per 100.. 50- 135 1.30 125 1. 2 80 2.70 2 10 Low Grade per 100 lbs 1.5o Rye flour, per 100. Oil Meal, per 100 Steers, fat Oflw« ......................... Calves. slivD. w.. m... Hogs, live —— Pork, dimeed. 8heep. alivei 2.80 2.25 2.50-8.00 2.00-3.00 . 300 - 450 . 6.00-5.25 6.50 2.50-3.00 Mutton, dressed ^.05—.07 Hens .06 Potatoes, new per ku...... 40 .60 Beans, per bushel.................. *. 1.50—2.50 Peae, per bushel .................. 1.50—2.50 Onions, bus.. 100 Dairy butter, per lb.............. 26— SO 37 —.30 1 00 11- 12 Creamery butter, per lb. Granulated sugar J 5 lbs Turk y. ...... Butter Fat Kerosene .13 B. CL Bowers of Koyalton throughElindale Monday en route the auction. Extra -- Just Received! One Ton of Candy and we are going to give the people of Morrison county A Big Saving on Their Christmas Baying. churches and stock and Special discount to all schools, public institutions. Come and see our prices. Our Prices are the Lowest. Two fid Premiums GIven Away. Jou get a coupon with every purchase. This ad and a fifty cent purchase good for votes. The n. C. Store H. W. Verniers, Prop. for your boy or girl is a Scholarship in the Little Falls COLLEGE It trains them for 'i i 1 ^ s Makes them t independent and gives them a useful education* It's the best gift you can buy.

Little Falls herald. (Little Falls, Morrison County, Minn ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89064515/1911-12-22/ed-1/seq-8.pdf · and Oscar Bergstrom and Bennie ... Dec. 20.—

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Morry and Happy Naw Year.

The season of gift-giving and well-wishing has again arrived. Everyone greets his friends with "A Merry Christmas and a Hap­py New Year/' So do we. All our customers are our friends. But to meet each one personally would be almost impossible. Therefore we have taken this means! of let­ting you know that we have not forgotten you.

Please Consider This Personal,.

Clara Mohner The Up-To'Oate Milliner.

piPRZ Herald, was a Pierz caller Tuesday. | Leo Virnig and Fred Ferhaar who

Dec. 19.— Mike Kiewel of Little are attending the St. Johns university,{ F ills was a Pierz caller last Saturday. 1

A. P. Stoil made a business trip to Little Falls Saturday.

C. J5. Gravel returned last Wednes-m y for a trip to the cities.

J. P. Virnig and wife of Lastrup transacted business in Pierz Monday.

The New Co*opertive creamery D^ened Monday morning and quite a lirge number of farmers came in w ith cream.

Henry Paul was a Little Falls visitor Saturday.

Steve Premesberger left for Duluth Monday where he will be employed in a machine shop. __ j

William Nimsch was an Onamia v isitor over Sunday.

E. L. Hawes, the dentist trom Watthon, was in Piers over Sunday.

P. L. Poster, John N. Faust, and Andrew Faust returned front Onamia 8 inday where they had been making

> ood. Peter Busseler of Lastrup was a

Tierz caller Monday. Christ Abies of Albany, who was an

< ser Sunday visitor here with his I)-other, Prof. N. Ahles, returned

< ionday morning. Mrs. M, Wermerskircben was a Lit-

1) Falls visitor. Peter Blake ef Lastrup was a Pierz

(\dler Saturday. Mike Scbraut has moved his house­

hold goods and family into the Theodore Thielen house on Edward

0rr66t« P. L. Poster was a Little Falls visi-

t »r Mocdy. j Christ Virnig Jr., came up from i

Dakota Saturday for a visit with his| threats. Christ is employed as a life; i isurance agent at present. i

Dec. 20.—The celebration of the (irand opening ot' the Farmers' j < 'reainery took place an Tuesday after- j »oon. A cro^d ot about 500 people

came home to spend Christmas with their parents and friends.

Kev. Sand of Lastrup was a Pierz caller Wednesday.

Peter Blake of Lastrup took in the creamery celebration here Tuesday.

Mrs. Kinzer of Buck man was a Piexz caller Tuesday.

Andrew Stroman of Swanville was here on business.

FLENSBURG * Dec. 20.—Mrs. J. A. Hylander was a caller in Little Falls between trains last Saturday.

M. and Mrs. L. D. Uregerson visited at. Louis Larson'8 last Sunday.

Key. Matson from Malmo conducted services in the Congregational church Sunday.

Anton Nelson and mother and'Willie Olofson and family will move to a farm id Belle Prairie this wOek!! Mr. Nelson has rented his 'farm „ here to Gerhard Smith. : Another telephone meeting will be held in the school house in district 31 next Friday evening, the 2diid, at 7:30. Be sure to come.

Many have taken advantage of out big subscription offer., Mave you?

Ben Lindberg and 'son, Edwin, of Freedhem visited at L. 1). Uregerson's Tuesday and Wednesday.

J. A. Rylander and Fied Bergstrom have been up in Parker town with their saw rig the past week.

Christ.,Wuellner was in St. Cloud last week.

There will "be a Christmas tree and program rendered by the schoolchil­dren in the Flensburg school house next Sunday, evening at 5 o'clock. In school district 31 the children will have a program next Fiidiay afternoon at 1:30.

Among those who were county seat callers last Monday were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Peterson, Rev. J. P. Johnson* Mrs. Ole Bergstrom, G. Bovie, Fred and Oscar Bergstrom and Bennie Fredrickson.

Gust Sundberg is laid up with a sore bacK.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hoglund and family visited in Flensburg Tuesday.

I Next Tuesday evening, the 26tb, at ' o'clock, there will be a Christmas tree r festival in the Swedish Congregational church and Chistmas day in the morn­ing at 6 o clock there will be services. Everybody welcome.

Mi. and Mrs. J. A. Rylander and Mr. and Mrs. F. Bergstrom spent Sun­day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnson.

Olof • Larson has finished his contract of hauling sand on a part of the county road here.

RICE LAKE Dec. 20.— Albert Peterson went to

Minneapolis on business Tuesday. Halmer Isaacson left Monday tor

Onamia, where he expects to lie em­ployed.

Mrs. Chas. Winkie and daughter, Nettie, were shopping in Little Fblls Monday. " Mines Stella and Isabel AicLeod were Little Falls visitors Saturday.

Isaac Isaacson of Onamia came down last week for a few days' visit with his parents here.

Mr, and Mrs. Henry Love were cal­lers at Little Falls Saturday.

C. E. Winkie of this place drove to Koyalton Friday of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Hans Isaacson were Little Falls visitors on Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bennewitz were shopping in Royalton Thursday of last we*ik. - Most of the farmers in this vicinity are hauling hay this, line weather.

Jacob Nohner of Pierz was on Wednesday morning in Justice Ran­dall's court aquitted ot the charge of appropriating $10 collected for a com­pany of which he was a member, pre­ferred against bim by Otto Hoffman as secretary of the company.

Special sale on cut glass water sets. Low at $8, now $6, while they last. Diamond Sign.

Southwest Darling

Blomquist Monday and complimented August on his iinecattle and large, chickens. He bought half a dozen hers and will start a poultry farm. I

Rev. Charles Johnson leaves this week for Minaeaprlis to spend Christ­mas, and as a consequence there will be no services at the Mission Friends church Sunday.

There will be services at the {Swedish Lutheran church New Year's

day at 10:30 in the morning. All in­vited.

Dec. 20—Superintendent Barnes has visited our schools.

Special news has been received too late, and we suppose some more will come along about Friday.

Arvid Nelson, who has been work­ing near Fish lake, is home for the holidays.

The Darling correspondent wishes all a Meny Christmas and a Happy Nfew Year.

Mrs. H. H. Cortner returned today from a visit in Chicago.

Everybody is busy this fine weather. Many have taken advantage of our

big subscription offer. Have you?

SWANVILLE Drc. 26.—Dr. Hall of Little Falls

was in town on business last week. The play, St. Elmo, was given to a

good sized house Thursday and gave good satisfaction. On Saturday the same troupe returned and gave Lena Rivers to a fair sized crowd. From here the play was taken to Long Prai­rie. the troupe driving over Sunday.

Dr. Ostrander was a visitor in the cities a tew days last week.

J. Kraeger is still very weak and

' Deo. 20.—The sad news was received a few days ago of the death at Bowbells, Ward county, North Dakota, _ of Erick Regoeli on December 9 of |d^g s^m to improve at alh mflamation ot the lungs, at the age of Mrs. Ostrander has been sick the nearly 71^years. He was sick about a * past two weeks.

F. C. Muske was a Little Falls

A common mistake that causes much loss on the farm, is putting new and often warm cream into the cream jar where other cream is without first chilling the new. When ibis is ne­glected the new cream begins ripening the mass, before the dairyman is ready

RANDALL Dec. 20.—P. J. O'Brien and sister,

Mrs. Thos. Lambert, returned home Wednesday after a few days' visit with friends at Little Falls.

Hans Gosch returned from the Twin

for it. Always chill the newly skimmed, Ly^oSi^ cream and, upon adding it to the ]ar, • e

stir all together well; keep it ail cold s ' until the time for churning, when it should be ripened as rapiuly as pos­sible. Ihe butter maker may expect choice, long-keeping butter, and buttermilk that is thin and poor, be­cause the cream has been perfectly churned.—Northfield News.

jngregated at Faust's hall at about, Sunday.

R. F. D. NO. 5 Dec. 20.—The traveling show which

showed in district No. 9 Thursday evening was not very well attended but all that went say it was good.

Frank Krottoschinsky returned from Burtram Thursday.

John Manka drove to Bowlus Fri-lay on business.

fetil Krottoschinsky left for Cedar a few days' fishing.

Fri}hk Kaluza of Little Falls at­tended the show in district 9 Thurs­day.

Many of the farmers drove to Little Falls Saturday to do their Christmas shopping.

Martin Larson of Bowlus called on friends and relatives here Saturday and

Miss Kathrine Ben tier spent Friday and Saturday here with Mrs. Ehr.

Will Crosby has returned borne after several months spent at Courtenay, N. D.

The Misses ClaTa Florence Simones visited Little Falls, returning Sunday.

Mrs. Annie Barnes and son, Angus,

week. He leaves a wife, and one son, Charles, and two daughters, Mrs. Esther Botton of Flaxton, N. D., and Mrs. A. F. Nelson, wife of the first pastor of the Swedish Lutheran church of Darling. The tamily which came to Darling from Nerke, a province of Sweden in the spring of 1892 and settled in section 33, which property they still own, moved to Bowbells about nine years ago. The only rela­tive here is John Regnell, a nephew, who did not receive the news in time • to attend the funeral. The remains were laid to rest at Flaxton, N. D., December 14. The deceased was a fine old! gentleman, and the many friends of the family here deeply sym­pathize with them.

Gustave Sanderson is home ti spend Christmas with relatives.

Student David Swanson, who is at­tending North Park college, Chicago, came home Saturday to visit bis parents, and will leave Friday to take charge of a Mission church at Billings, Mont.

The young people met at Elm Huldt Larson and farm last Sunday evening for singing Saturday in j practice. Refreshments were served

and all bad a good time. The Mission Friends church people

left Saturday tor a few days' visit j will have a program by the Sunday with relatives in Royalton. j school, and'tree Christmas Day night

Miss Nellie Sullivan spent Saturday • Dec. 25, beginning at 7:30 sharp at in LittlelFalls. the East Darling school house, as the

A. W. Honstrom left Sunday for; church is too small. Collection will Minneapolis on business.

Will Wittwer spent Friday afternoon with relatives at Green Prairie

be taken for the Sunday school. A Christmas festival and fine pro

gram will he given by the Sunday Mamie Carpenter visited Saturday school of the Swedish Lutheran church

oae o'clock, where a long program of addresses was given. After the pr> t: ram was over, a large crowd walked i ver to the new creamery where Mr. 1'hlepson, the buttermaker, threw the d )ors wide open so the people might inspect the new institution. From ther«j me people went back to the hall where tree lunch and refreshments were f-orved The sandwiches were nicely ri.jdecked with fresh butter which had

Mrs. Felton arrived Saturday from Washington for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Perzina.

Walter Viechorek, who has been in the West during the summer and fall, returned Saturday.

Julia Perzina of Bowlus visited at home Sunday.

Joe 01dak09ki is busy hauling bass wood logs to Bowlus this week.

Mrs. Peter Eowalzek visited with

with her sister in Darling, returning Sunday.

Irene Campbell, who teaches in the vicinity ot Green Prairie, spent Satur­day with her parents at bis place.

Connie Strom visited over Sunday at her home at the Brickyards.

J. K. Sullivan and J. P. Hicks were county seat visitors Tuesday.

Many have taken advantage of our big subscription offer. Have yon?

Ijjen churned early, in the morning'relatives in Culdrum Sunday andMon Tbe butter sure must have been good day. l't when the first pound of butter wasj John Booth of Elm dale was a caller O' t'ered for sale the first bidder bid fS at the home of Peter Gregersen Sun t ie second $4 and finally it was' sold f ,r $5 to F. X. Virnig. Many more iv ere sold for $1 per pound and spme at 50 cents. This was the last excit-ment of the day. The people then want home all feeling assured that the ut>,w co-operation is a success: A more extended article will be found on the front page. ; F. X . Viring, Hubert Bares and son, .1 hn, were Little Falls visitors Mon­day.

Joe Hesch of Buckman was a Pierz caller Tuesday.

P. J. Vasaly, of the Little Falls




because it is made of the purest and best in­gredients, because it contains more healing, strengthening and up­building material than any other . Emulsion, and because it is a perfect product of a scientific-ally perfect process. Doctors tke world over


Seatt's Emulsion as the Standard prewar ration of Cod Liver


day. Miss Annie Stang attended church

in Elmdale Sunday. John Paycer of Fawndale visited at

the home of Peter Krycb Friday. Sceporek Bros, were grinding feed

for the farmers Monday. Mrs. John Manka, who has been

visiting friends in Minneapolis the past *eek, returned home Saturday.

Raymond Krych started up his gaso­line rig Friday and he is ready to start sawing for the farmers.

Mrs. Christian Novak of Platte is visiting with friends here this week.

L. M. Larson was a business caller at Little Falls Tuesday.

Fr^nk Krottoschinsky transacted business in Bowlus Tuesday. ,

Albert Gosiak drove to Little Falls Tuesday on business.

John Perzina called in Bowlus Tues-

Peter Blair transacted business in Bowlus Tuesday.

Many have taken advantage of the big Herald offer. Have you?

Read The Herald Want Ads

BRICKYARD Dep. 22.—Merry Christmas. Members of the Meadowview Sun­

day school will give a play euftitled "Christmasat Finnegan's Flat,'* at the Assembly iiaU Saturday evening, Dec. 23rd. Everybody welcome.

Miss Clara JUarson and Constance Strom of tfandair visited over Saturday at their homes here.

E. A- Westheg visited; at A. J. Holm's at Little Falls Aoiiday,, • V

Oar young folbs enjoyed themselves Saturday evsmng at a dancer given at the home of S. Muncv. Peter Arendt of Little Falls furnished the music. Others from Little Falls, Little Elk and Rice Lake also attended.

Miss Florence Siroinonps of Cushing visited at the home of C. Larson Sat­urday and Sunday.

Mrs. F. Miller visited friends at Little Falls last Thnnrtay.

Miss Mary Copa called at A. Strom's Sunday.


Omaha, Nebraska. Dec. 14, 1911.

Dear Friends :— Will make my parents a visit and

while with them would be glad to demonstrate our line of goods. We guarantee we have tbe cheapest and best gasoline lamps and lighting

_ systems ever produced for homes, stores, offices, etc. 30 days trial. ~ For particulars write or call V. E. Johnson, Telephone 282-7, Box 65, Rte 7, Little Falls, Minn. It p

NORTH ELM DALE Dec. 20.—Albert Jendro went to Lit­

tle Falls on Monday. E. M. Larson called on Otto Carlson

of Upsala Sunday. Eddie Maciej, who was sick is able

to be around again. Martin Larson went to Little Falls

last week with a load of hogs. Frank Gessner of Lewisville is here

visiting with friends and relatives. Jiibn Sobieck went to Bowlus Sat­

urday on business. M. J. Madson has ptfrchased a drill­

ing machine. Joe Kulla went to Bowlus with a

load of,hay Monday. Pnilip Korrel went to Upsala to get

feed ground. Rasmus Madson and son Charlgy of

Swanville, "Were busy -digging tele­phone post holes at Elmdale last week.

Lawrence Ohotto, who has been visiting his sister in Duluth for some time, returned home Saturday.

E. M. Larson and Miss Charlotte Ol­son went to Bowlus Saturday on busi­ness. . _ •

Misses Rosie and Brownie Kososke were Little Falls visitors last week. j

Frank Jendro is navihg his house papered. _

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ohotto of Swan River visited at tne home of Mr. and Mrs. John Schictka Sunday.

H. C. Larson and W. Davies went to Little Falls last week on business;

G. K. Vallett and Christ n

went to Bowlas Saturday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kalis wait to

Bowlus Haturday on business. There will be a ChristmM program

in Stehool district No. 15 Friday evep-

1D§ir. and Mrs. Richard Dickson and baby of Royalton came, here Saturday to vitit v itfc relatives.

Mrs. John Sobiick went to Piiday to visit friends.

Misses Trena and Mable Booth re­turned to St. Cloud, where tbey are employed. i

Mis. Philip Korrel spent Friday with friecds at Bowlus. V "Frank Fergus and his" . mother went

at 7:30 sharp December 26. Rev. O. JB. Nelson will speak to the children at the finish ef the program and a collection will be taken for the school.

Hugo Troselius visited with August

There tfiilt be services here commencing at 8 o clock. Everybody} tp Jjittte Faly list week, come. ™

Many have taken adrantave of our big surbscriptiun offer. Hate ?ou?

HORSE Blanker

will protect the horse and protect the owner's pocket. The are warm and strong. They arc long of wear. Look for 5 A when buying. JL • *4

V5A Battle'Ax ̂ Square Blanket

E*m La*c* aa«: Extra Kiwj

H. Maiho

visitor last Thursday between trains. Roy McRae and Arthur Mielfce re­

turned from Minneapolis Saturday afternoon, where they have been at­tending an automobile school.

A big Christmas dance is advertised for Monday, Dec. 25tb. Supper is to be served at the Albion hotel.

Mr. Underwood of Staples was here on business last week.

Wm. Mielke has had a lighting plant installed in his home.

Services will be held in the local churches Christmas eve with appro priate piograms given by tbe children.

Mrs. Eglert Vanzile is in the village visiting Mis. Helen Vanzile.

Clarence Aleshire drove out to Lake Beauty Saturday and returned with a fine load of Christmas trees. He has disposed of most of them by this time.

Our local merchants have their boli day goods out in full array and it truly makes a person feel Cbristmasy to see them all.

Irvin Stith assisted in the local News office Saturday afternoon.

The excelsior mill was shut down for repairs Saturday.

Mr. Mitchell was a Little Falls visitor Saturday between trains.

W. Bailey, the Standard Oil man from Long Prairie, was in town Satur day.

Deputy Sheriff Long, of Long Prai rie was in town to attend the creamerv meeting Saturday

Little Falls larket Report Wheat, No. 1 Northern.

Wheat, No. 2 Northern.-.!..... Wheat, No. 3 Northern........ Oats new Corn old Barley................................... Rye new,;

94 .88


67— .70 74—.78

Hay 8— 10.00 Shorts, per 100 lbs...... Oiound feed, per 80 •••« Cracked Corn Shelled Corn new Bran, per 100................ Floiir. pat. pro. per 100. Straight grade, per 100. Bf»kere per 100..


135 1.30 125

1. 2 80 2.70 2 10

Low Grade per 100 lbs 1.5o Rye flour, per 100. Oil Meal, per 100 Steers, fat — Oflw« ......................... Calves. slivD.w..m... Hogs, live —— Pork, dimeed. 8heep. alivei

2.80 2.25

2.50-8.00 2.00-3.00

. 300 - 450

. 6.00-5.25 6.50

2.50-3.00 Mutton, dressed ^.05—.07 Hens .06 Potatoes, new per ku...... 40 .60 Beans, per bushel..................*. 1.50—2.50 Peae, per bushel.................. 1.50—2.50 Onions, bus.. 100 Dairy butter, per lb.............. 26— SO

37 —.30 1 00

11- 12

Creamery butter, per lb.

Granulated sugar J 5 lbs Turk y. ...... Butter Fat Kerosene .13

B. CL Bowers of Koyalton throughElindale Monday en route the auction.

Extra -- Just Received! One Ton of Candy

and we are going to give the people of Morrison county A Big Saving on Their Christmas Baying.

churches and stock and

Special discount to all schools, public institutions. Come and see our prices. Our Prices are the Lowest.

Two fid Premiums GIven Away. Jou get a coupon with every purchase.

This ad and a fifty cent purchase good for votes.

The n. C. Store H. W. Verniers, Prop.

for your boy

or girl is a

Scholarship in the

Little Falls

COLLEGE It trains

them for

'i i * » 1 ^ s

Makes them t


and gives them a

useful education*

It's the

best gift

you can buy.