Page 1 of 13 LIST OF ORAL PRESENTATIONS NO TITLE AUTHORS TOPIC Biogeography and Biodiversity 1 [ABS-261] Water Quality and Its Effect on Seaweed Cultivation in Pari Island Kepulauan Seribu DKI Jakarta Samadi, Warnadi, Asma ‘Irma Setyaningsih, Wiwin Anggara Kasih 2 [ABS-71] Biomonitoring Study of Water Catchment Area of Cilaja In Ujung Berung, Bandung Within Year 2013-2017 Hertien Koosbandiah Surtikanti 3 [ABS-105] Are Need in Situ and Ex Situ Conservation Based Community at Biodiversity Park in Sumedang Regency West Java Province? Wanjat Kastolani TOPIC Economic and Political Geography 6 [ABS-75] Digital Public Sphere of Ridwan Kamil, The Governor of Bandung And Public Policy Heni Nuraeni Zaenudin 7 [ABS-90] Interaction Community in Indonesia-Philippines Border Muhammad Isa Ramadhan, Ahmad Yani, Laode Amaludin 8 [ABS-182] Social Media Emotion in Politics: An Indonesian Case Study of Political Environment on Facebook Vidi Sukmayadi, Ridwan Effendi 9 [ABS-195] Scholars Remote Teaching Service: Indonesia Geopolitical Strategy Elly Malihah TOPIC Hazard and Risk 10 [ABS-184] Optimization of Artificial Recharge Well Function in Complex of Campus UNY Yogyakarta Suhadi Purwantara 11 [ABS-186] The Evacuation as Festival Moment: A Space-Time Construction for Alternative Adaptation Yasin Yusup

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TOPIC Biogeography and Biodiversity

1 [ABS-261] Water Quality and Its Effect on Seaweed Cultivation in Pari Island Kepulauan Seribu DKI Jakarta

Samadi, Warnadi, Asma ‘Irma Setyaningsih, Wiwin Anggara Kasih

2 [ABS-71] Biomonitoring Study of Water Catchment Area of Cilaja In Ujung Berung, Bandung Within Year 2013-2017

Hertien Koosbandiah Surtikanti

3 [ABS-105] Are Need in Situ and Ex Situ Conservation Based Community at Biodiversity Park in Sumedang Regency West Java Province?

Wanjat Kastolani

TOPIC Economic and Political Geography

6 [ABS-75] Digital Public Sphere of Ridwan Kamil, The Governor of Bandung And Public Policy

Heni Nuraeni Zaenudin

7 [ABS-90] Interaction Community in Indonesia-Philippines Border Muhammad Isa Ramadhan, Ahmad Yani, Laode Amaludin

8 [ABS-182] Social Media Emotion in Politics: An Indonesian Case Study of Political Environment on Facebook

Vidi Sukmayadi, Ridwan Effendi

9 [ABS-195] Scholars Remote Teaching Service: Indonesia Geopolitical Strategy

Elly Malihah

TOPIC Hazard and Risk

10 [ABS-184] Optimization of Artificial Recharge Well Function in Complex of Campus UNY Yogyakarta

Suhadi Purwantara

11 [ABS-186] The Evacuation as Festival Moment: A Space-Time Construction for Alternative Adaptation

Yasin Yusup

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TOPIC Gender and Geography, Indigenous Knowledges, Religious and Peoples Rights

12 [ABS-72] Land-Use Guidelines in Tambo Minangkabau Oral Literature Sheiful Yazan and Arwemi 13 [ABS-138] The Development of Learning Content of Islamic Religious

Education (Ire) Courses on Environmental Conservation In Higher Education

Agus Fakhruddin; Ace Suryadi; Kama Abdul Hakam; Encep Syarief Nurdin

14 [ABS-142] Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) Students’ Perceptions of Jihad Concept

Aceng Kosasih, Mokh. Iman Firmansyah

15 [ABS-155] Distribution of the Active Sacred Space Organization of Belief in God Almighty

Seno Budhi Ajar

16 [ABS-188] Local Wisdom of Indigenous Community of Kampung Dukuh as Culture Preservation in Ciroyom Village, Cikelet district, Garut Regency, West Java Province

Iman Hilman, Nandang Hendriawan

17 [ABS-189] Internalization of Tolerance Value by Empowering the Environment as Learning Resource Through Islamic Religious Education in Higher Education

Saepul Anwar

18 [ABS-197] Women and political participation in Garut Parliament period of 2014-2019

Muhamad Iqbal

19 [ABS-208] Understanding Indonesian Islamic Tolerance Students in The Perspective of Critical Study

Endis Firdaus

20 [ABS-240] The Ecological Wisdom Value of Cigugur Cultural Society in Kuningan (Ethnography Study of Agricultural Land Utilization of Cigugur Cultural Society in Kuningan, West Java)

Yani Kusmarni, Mina Holilah

21 [ABS-242] Golok as a Local Wisdom of Sundanese People Warlim, Yadi Ruyadi, Dasim Budimansyah, Iik Nurulpaik

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TOPIC Geographical Education

22 [ABS-202] The Improvement of Students Cognitive and Social Skill through Problem Based Learning Model

Andri Sunanto

23 [ABS-205] Need Analysis of Geography Learning Media Development Based on E-Learning Portal of X Grade Sragen Senior High School

Bayu Kurniaaji1, Ch. Muryani2, Sarwono3

24 [ABS-210] The Role of Geography in Four Years Program (Diploma 4) At Land National Academy in Yogyakarta

Arief Syaifullah, and Bambang Suyudi

25 [ABS-211] Effectivity Of Exo Olo Task Learning Model Based Lesson Study In Geography Learning In Sman 3 Padang

Nofrion dan Azwar Ananda

26 [ABS-218] Utilization of Used Goods Boleng (Bottle, Cans) to Grow Environment Awareness and Entrepreneurship Soul Students in PKBM Negeri 09 Cilandak

Masruroh, Neng Sri Nuraeni

27 [ABS-220] The Influence of Encyclopedia Media Toward Concept Understanding in Geography Learning


28 [ABS-223] Integration Model of Disaster Risk Reduction Principles into School Development Plan of Senior High School in Sinabung Volcano Region, Karo, North Sumatra, Indonesia

Darwin, Dwi Wahyuni Nurwihastuti.

29 [ABS-227] Implementation Of Use Of General Transportation Mode As Student Learning Resources In Improving Ecological Intelligence

Adewi Hidayati, Afifah Nurhayati

30 [ABS-74] Implementation of curriculum at schools Mukhidin 31 [ABS-79] The Forming of Awareness Disaster Character by Indonesian

Students with Disaster Education Implementation David Rizaldy

32 [ABS-82] Soil-Bearing Capacity for Shallow Foundations in Jasinga District, Bogor Regency

Muhamad Ziad Baidhowi, Raden Irvan Sophian, Dicky Muslim, Nur Khoirullah

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33 [ABS-115] Conceptual Models of Learning Material Development Based on The Spatial Perspective To Acquiring Geographical Knowledge, Skills, And Attitude

Budi Handoyo, Batchuluun Yembuu

34 [ABS-116] Blended E-Learning Model Constructivist Based to Improve Spatial Ability Of Students In Geography Instructional

Singgih Prihadi

35 [ABS-119] The Urgency of Cosmography Teksbooks Development Based Al-Quran

Furqan Ishak Aksa, Sofiyan, Bukhari

36 [ABS-128] Introducing Map Literacy Model of Learning Nuansa Bayu Segara, Enok Maryani, Nana Supriatna, Mamat Ruhimat

37 [ABS-136] School Preparedness toward Kelud Eruption Hazard (Case Study on Kelud Disaster Prone Area)

Listyo Yudha Irawan, Ita Kurata Ayuni, Sumarmi

38 [ABS-140] Geographic Skills of Elementary School Students in Solving Emergency Flood Response Problems in Kebumen District, Central Java Province Indonesia

Ode Sofyan Hardi, Darsihardjo, Epon Ningrum, Nandi

39 [ABS-152] Developing Teaching Model on Geography Literacy Based Social Studies to Improve 21 Century Skills

Sugiyanto; Maryani, E., Ruhimat, M

TOPIC Geographical Information Science and Remote Sensing

40 [ABS-260] Utilization of vegetation indices for mapping the micro seep on the surface of oil and gas field in West Tugu Field, North West Java Basin, Indonesia

Tri Muji Susantoro, Ketut Wikantika, Asep Saepuloh, Agus Handoyo Harsolumakso

41 [ABS-81] Spatial Pattern of Chlorophyll-a Concentration in The Waters Areas Around Mouth Of Cimanuk River

Farrah Intansari, Iqbal Putut Ash Shidiq, Eko Kusratmoko

42 [ABS-86] Flooding Model as the Analysis of the Sea Level Increase as a Result of Global Warming in Coastal Area in Lampung

Agung Kurniawan

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43 [ABS-113] Landslide susceptibility mapping using support vector machine model and Remote sensing data in Cameron Highlands area, Malaysia

Himan Shahabi, Baharin Bin Ahmad, Ayub Mohammadi

44 [ABS-146] GIS-based Suitability Analysis for Siting Waterfront Park in the City of Buffalo, New York


45 [ABS-167] The Impact of Coral Reefs Destruction and Climate Change in Nusa Dua and Nusa Penida, Bali, Indonesia

Dewi Susiloningtyas, Tuty Handayani, Amanda Nurul Amalia

46 [ABS-170] quality control automatization of road objects and river object stereocompilation results on establishing indonesia topographic map scale of 1:5000 using arcgis data reviewer

Sawitri Subiyanto, Diana Nukita, Hani’ah

47 [ABS-176] Implementation of Spatial Data Infrastructure in Cianjur District for Disaster Risk Management Purposes

Irsyad Kharisma, Saut Sagala, Musyafa Syahbid

48 [ABS-194] Sampeu: Servicing Web Map Tile Service over Web Map Service to Increase Computation Performance

Rolly Maulana Awangga

TOPIC Hazard and Risk

49 [ABS-268] The Impact of Physical and Chemical Properties to Form Slip Surface in Piroclastic Breccia in Pawinihan Landslide, Banjarnegara

Indra Permanajati, Zufialdi Zakaria, Mochammad Sapari Dwi Hadian, Herryal Zoelkarnaen Anwar, Rachmad Setijadi

50 [ABS-70] Joint Structure and its Influence to Landslide Potential in Cisokan Drainage Pattern, West Bandung, Indonesia

Novian Triandanu, Ichsan Alfan, Dicky Muslim, Dasapta Erwin Irawan

51 [ABS-126] Rainfall Anomaly In The Flood Period In DKI Jakarta In 1996, 2002 And 2007

Mangapul Parlindungan Tambunan

52 [ABS-129] Risk Communication in Reducing Flood Risk in Jakarta Erna Mariana Susilowardhani; Lidia Djuhardi; Iis Yulianti

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53 [ABS-141] Evacuation Simulation Route Map For Earthquake (Case Study In Sayangan Hamlet, Kotagede Complex, Yogyakarta, Indonesia)

Westi Utami, Nurhadi

54 [ABS-150] Disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation integration in peri-urban areas: a case study of Bandung Metropolitan Area, Indonesia

Nurrohman Wijaya

55 [ABS-145] Analysis Of Deformation And Stability Of Breakwater In Morosari District Demak Central Java

Rico Waskito Putro, Suripin, Denny Nugroho Sugianto

56 [ABS-163] Feasibility Study Of Crushing Plant Location At Quarry Andesite, West Java, Indonesia, Using Rock Mass Clasification And Kinematic Analysis

M Ammar Azzam, Mochammad Rinaldi, Satrio Wibowo, Zufialdi Zakaria, Dicky Muslim, Agung Mulyo

57 [ABS-168] Cloud To Ground Lightning In South Tangerang Anton Widodo, Deni Septiadi, Sobirin 58 [ABS-174] Rate Of Land Subsidence Due To Building Loads On Cileles,

Jatinangor Yuni Faizah, Raden Irvan Sophian, Agung Mulyo

TOPIC Population Geography

59 [ABS-258] Characteristic and Housing Formation Process of Ethnic Group in Palembang

Eni Heldayani, Nuranisa

60 [ABS-127] System Dynamics Modeling of Indonesia Population Projection Agus Joko Pitoyo, Muhammad Dhiya Ulhaq, Abdul Wahid, Shofiyyah Taqiyyah

61 [ABS-172] Travel Pattern in Urban Fringe Area of Bandung City Ratna Agustina, Kania Aryani Risyalaina 62 [ABS-177] Seasonal Labor Migration Pattern of Industrial Workers in

Bekasi Regency Sony Nugratama H, Adrian

63 [ABS-236] Human Development in Civil Registration Aspect: Achievement of Birth Certificate Documents in Indonesia

Muhammad Arif Fahrudin Alfana,Tatak Puji Wahyudi and Dewi Nurul Aulia

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TOPIC Toponymy

64 [ABS-99] Socio-Cultural And Environmental Aspects On Toponymy System Of Villages In The East Region Of Cirebon

Bayu Iqbal Anshari, Moh. Dede, Amniar At), Millary Agung Widiawaty, Eni Rosanti

65 [ABS-134] The Like Lexicon In Toponimi In West Java Ethnosemantic Study

Welsi Damayanti, Nuri Novianti Afidah

TOPIC Humankind and Environment

66 [ABS-73] Study On Impact And Adjustment Of Community Around The Cement Industry In Rawang, Selangor.

Mohamad Ihsan Mohamad, Mohd Hairy Ibrahim, Alhajj Ngare Dogo

67 [ABS-103] The Susceptibility Of Seawater Intrusion Based On Resistivity At Banda Aceh City, Indonesia

Akmal Muhni, Moh. Sapari D. Hadian , T. Yan W. M. Iskandarsyah, Gartika S. Nugraha

68 [ABS-154] Determination of Saltwater Intrusion Zone Based On Groundwater Physical Properties on Eretan Coastal Area Indramayu

Feriska Vilda Valensia, Bombom Rahmat Suganda, Nursiyam Barkah, Mohamad Sapari Dwi Hadian

69 [ABS-159] People Preference Toward Sand Mining In Ci Mandiri By Trade-Off Analysis

Keshia Arindini

70 [ABS-162] The Impact Of Land Use Community Environment In Borders Indonesia - Malaysia

Robby Irsan, Luthfi Mutaali, Sudrajat

71 [ABS-166] Some Aspects of Climate Change Effects to Wetland Water Resource in Communities in North East Nigeria

A. N. Dogo, M. H. Ibrahim, I. Muhammad

72 [ABS-193] Mangrove Cultivation Community Based In Karangsong, Indramayu, West Java

Feti Fatimatuzzahroh, Sudharto P. Had, Hartuti Purnaweni

73 [ABS-231] Food Security-Dryland Nexus: Have livelihood Assets Affected? Dini Yuniarti, Yunastiti Purwaningsih, A.M. Soesilo, Agustinus Suryantoro

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74 [ABS-234] Song Bajul Spring Potency For Resident’s Clean Water Supply In Desa Pucanglaban Subdistrict Pucanglaban District Tulungagung IN 2017-2032

Faris Rosul Arifin


75 [ABS-199] Multivariate analysis of limestone petrography data on Kalipucang formation using R

Achmad Darul, Dasapta Erwin Irawan, Jejen Ramdani, Fauzan Septiana, Siti Saniyyah Sholihat

76 [ABS-228] Water Balance in Epikarst: Case study of Kakap Springs, the Eastern Karst of Gunungsewu

Pipit Wijayanti, Eko Haryono, Pramono Hadi

77 [ABS-238] Spatial And Temporal Flood Characterization Of Pindul Karst Drainage System, Gunungkidul Regency

Afid Nurkholis, Ahmad Cahyadi, Romza Fauzan Agniy

TOPIC Land Use and Land Cover Change

78 [ABS-122] Studentification Around Ui Campus At Kukusan Village, In Depok City

Adi Wibowo, Dewi Susiloningtyas, Dwi Fanny Wulandari

79 [ABS-125] Land Use Change Effect on Agricultural Production in Kalimantan Utara

Bowo Susilo, Rika Harini, Rina Dwi Ariani, M Chrisna Satriagasa, Supriyati, Sri Rum Giyarsih

80 [ABS-132] Assessment Of Feasibility Of Settlement Zone Based On Remote Sensing And Groundwater Condition In Baleendah Mountain, District Bandung, West Java


81 [ABS-143] Predicition Of Residential Land Uses And Potensial Flooding Using Cellular Automata Modeling In Gandus District, Palembang City

1. Muhammad Faruk Rosya Ridho, 2. Saut Sagala

82 [ABS-165] Landuse Land Cover Change Detection Of Noida City Using Hybrid Classification

Anindita .S.CHAUDHURI 1, Prafull SINGH1,Suresh.C.RAI2

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83 [ABS-171] Analysis Of Changes In Vacant Land And Fair Market Land Prices To Determine Direction Of Settlement Development In Tembalang District Period 2010 And 2016

Sawitri Subiyanto1

84 [ABS-216] Urban Sprawl Kota Palu

Iwan Alim Saputra, Rahmawati, Ika Listiqowati

TOPIC Landscape, Landscape Analysis and Geoparks

85 [ABS-137] Management Implementation Of Post-Mining Area To Be Continual Observation Media And Educational Facility In Muara Enim, South Sumatera

Muhammad Rezky, Lara Sakiantul Hasanah, Harnani

86 [ABS-229] Geomorphosite Analysis of Tongging Geosite as a Part of Toba Caldera Geopark in Karo North Sumatra Indonesia

Dwi Wahyuni Nurwihastuti

87 [ABS-253] Cultural Landscape Of Palembang Through Vernacular Architecture Of The Limas House

Dadang Hikmah Purnama

TOPIC Local Development, Marginalization, Globalization, and Regional and Local Responses

88 [ABS-80] Strategic Collaborative Model of BGAC+ Stakeholders Model for Sustainable Housing in Indonesia

R. Mahelan Prabantarikso, Idqan Fahmi, Anas Miftah Fauzi, Nunung Nuryantono

89 [ABS-106] Sustainable Community Development in Rural and Urban Area of Subang District of West Java: Local People Preferences in the Implementation of Gintingan

Kurniawan Saefullah

90 [ABS-157] The Study Of Local Wisdom Hamis Batar Of Manehitu Fafiur In Belu Regency, NTT In Perspective Of Conserving The Natural Resources And Environment

Frida Tahu1, Puguh Karyanto2, Yasin Yusuf3

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91 [ABS-180] Dialect Variants For Geographic Names Of Traditional Food And Beverages In Plered District, Cirebon Regency

Firman Aziz and Welsi Damayanti

92 [ABS-191] Development Of Infrastructure In Area Development (Case Study in Pontianak)

Wini Mustikarani1, Nandi2

TOPIC Urban Commission: Emerging Urban Transformations and Megacities

93 [ABS-120] Socio-ecological resilience for urban green space allocation Dian Afriyanie (a*), Roos Akbar (a), Djoko. S.A. Suroso (a)

TOPIC Geography of Governance

94 [ABS-149] Climate-related Disasters and Institutional Capacity in Peri-urban Areas of Bandung Metropolitan Area, Indonesia

Nurrohman Wijaya

TOPIC Geography of Tourism, Leisure, and Global Change

95 [ABS-259] Evaluation Object Tourism Kemaro Island As Tourism Opportunity Palembang City

Maharani Oktavia

96 [ABS-77] The Shared Economy and Social Engineering: Its Implication for Tourism Development

Heri Puspito Diyah Setiyorini

97 [ABS-84] Tourism Geography of Small Lodging Distributions in Jakarta Rachel Dyah Wiastuti, Diena Mutiara Lemy, Nurbaeti

98 [ABS-85] Tourism Village Model Based on Local Indigenous: Case Study of Nongkosawit Tourism Village, Gunungpati Regency, Semarang

Kurniasih, Syafitri Amalia Sudibyo, Fajri Nur Winda

99 [ABS-91] Tourist risk perception and management readiness towards natural disaster in Indonesia

Fitri Rahmafitria, Ghoitsa R. Nurazizah, Agus Riswandi

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100 [ABS-95] Local Products Of Lok Baintan Floating Market In South Kalimantan Province

Deasy Arisanty, Ellyn Normelani, Herry Porda Nugroho Putro, Moh. Zaenal Arifin Anis

101 [ABS-98] Healthy Rural Tourism With Good Management In Penglipuran Bali – Indonesia

Lestari Ningrum, Savitri Hendradewi, Nurbaeti

102 [ABS-95] Local Products Of Lok Baintan Floating Market In South Kalimantan Province

Deasy Arisanty, Ellyn Normelani, Herry Porda Nugroho Putri, Moh. Zaenal Arifin Anis

103 [ABS-98] Healthy Rural Tourism With Good Management In Penglipuran Bali – Indonesia

Lestari Ningrum, Savitri Hendradewi, Nurbaeti

104 [ABS-175] Tourist Movement Patterns between Tourism Sites in DKI Jakarta

Faizah Finur Fithriah, M.H. Dewi Susilowati, and Nurrokhmah Rizqihandari

105 [ABS-207] An Opportunity On Exploiting Local Wisdom In The Improvement Of The Geotourism Area Management

Gilang Suryawan, Wildani Supriadi, Dicky Muslim

TOPIC Other topic related to Applied Geography

106 [ABS-87] Physical Land Suitability for Civet Coffea arabica: Study cases of Bandung and Bangli, Indonesia

Ellyna Chairani, Raldi H. Koestoer & Jatna Supriatna

107 [ABS-93] Explore The Historical Journey In Context Of “Keindonesiaan" Wawan Darmawan and Tarunasena 108 [ABS-233] Visualization Of Fast Food Restaurant Location Using

Geographic Information System Dyah Lestari Widaningrum, Isti Surjandari, and Aniati Murni Arymurthy

TOPIC Other topic related to Human Geography

109 [ABS-151] LOCAL WISDOM IN ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION: A Case Study on Environmental Education Based on Indigenous and Local Knowledge of Lubuk Larangan in Bungo Regency of Jambi Province

Moh Gamal Rindarjono, Seno Budhi Aja, Wahyu Purwanto

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110 [ABS-181] Analysis Social Capital of Community Agribusiness to Improving Social Productivity Space in The Agropolitan Region of Ciamis Regency

Deden Syarifudin; Riza Fathoni Ishak

111 [ABS-224] Spatial Analysis of Educational Facilities Services Pattern In Malang City

Deni Agus Setyono & Denny Dwi Cahyono

112 [ABS-232] The Mining Site Traditional Oil Between Labor and Sustainable Development

Vieronica Varbi Sununianti

113 [ABS-266] Effect of Monsoon Flood to Groundwater Quality in Kuala Krai, Kelantan, Malaysia

Nasir Nayan, Mohmadisa Hashim, Yazid Saleh, Hanifah Mahat, Koh Liew See

TOPIC Other topic related to Physical Geography

114 [ABS-76] The Effect of Jatigede Dam Construction towards the Spatial Pattern of Total Suspended Solids in Waters Areas around Mouth of Cimanuk River

Rosi Handayani Tri Hadi Sukarno, Revi Hernina and Eko Kusratmoko

115 [ABS-107] Spatial Pattern of Shallow Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination using SINTACS Model in Taman Rahayu, Bekasi City

Dita Wahyu Primastuti, Eko Kusratmoko