Name: Nikita Talar Roll no.: 3547 LINUX PRACTICAL SESSION Program 1: useradd, passwd, vi/touch, gzip commands useradd command -New user is added. passwd command-Password have been set. vi/touch command- To create a new file. Linux


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Page 1: Linux

Name: Nikita TalarRoll no.: 3547


Program 1: useradd, passwd, vi/touch, gzip commands

useradd command -New user is added.

passwd command-Password have been set.

vi/touch command- To create a new file.

gzip (gunzip) command- To compress or expand files.


Page 2: Linux

Name: Nikita TalarRoll no.: 3547

Program 2: groupadd, gpasswd, su, commands

[root@pc1 Desktop]# groupadd tycs #New group is added

[root@pc1 Desktop]# gpasswd tycs # Password have been set


Page 3: Linux

Name: Nikita TalarRoll no.: 3547

Su- To change a login session’s owner.


Page 4: Linux

Name: Nikita TalarRoll no.: 3547

Program 3: Copy and Move Files

mv- To move files and directories.

cp- To copy files and directories.

mkdir- To create directory.

rmdir- To delete/remove directory.

cat- To display contents.


Page 5: Linux

Name: Nikita TalarRoll no.: 3547

Program 4: ps, arch, date commands

ps- It displays information about a selection of the active processes.arch- File architecture.date- Date, time of current day is displayed.

Program 5: who, whoami commands

who- Shows who is logged on.whoami- Display user name of the owner of the current login session.
