MRS. GUERNSEY TELLS OF KANSAS PROHIBITION Addresses Chapin Union and Is the Guest of Honor at Recep¬ tion Later. Candidate for President of the D. A. B. Receives Pledges of Support From Local Members. MR*. f.KOnnE T. I.I KltNSlCY. !; vmtr rrcent of KHnu», rnnrildntc for president general. How prohibition has worked out in Kanran v,as described by Mrs. George Thacher Guernsey, a. temperance advo- cate of that state and a candidate for president general of the National So- ciety of the Daughters of the American Revolution, in an address last nicht at a meetinc of Chapin t'nion, the pioneer branch of the Woman's Christian Tem¬ perance Union in the District, at 522 6th street northwest. Mrs. Guernsey was the truest of honor of the evening: and at the close of the meeting was tendered a reception. She spok opti¬ mistically of the future, saying she was certain every state in the Union soon would be prohibition territory. That improvement of laboring condi¬ tions will do mui h toward making for prohibition was asserted by Miss Con¬ stance Leupp, president of the Consum¬ ers* League of the District of Colum¬ bia. "One of the phenomena which has always followed the shortening of working hours has been the falling off In the liquor drinking habit," said Miss Leupp. Progressive disarmament and the es¬ tablishment of "better and safer deals" for nations wer<| urged by Mrs. J. N. Speel, second vice president of the woman's peace party. Law should be established in place of war. she said, because war has cost women more than men. Changes in Forty Years. Changes brought about in the atti- tude of the country toward prohibition during the last forty years were dis- cussed by Mrs. Emma Sanford Shelton, District president of the W. C. T. U. She spoke of the development of tem¬ perance organisations during that time, calling attention to the fact that the W. C. T. U. now 1 as UOO.OOO members. At the end of her talk Mrs. Shelton was presented with a bouquet of vio¬ lets by Mrs. Doocy: also with a gavel made from wood from the Francis ?cott Key home and inset with & small piece of copper from the Capitol. Several new members were taken in. mme as active workers and others as honorary members. Those who were present had the white ribbon pinned on them The new members included sev¬ eral D. A. P. members. They are Mrs Guernsey. Mrs Pulsifer, Mrs. Kllen Spew-er Mussev. ail members of the patriotic organ»za» ion. and Mrs G. Yol- lanri. Mrs. Belle Tr ;by. Mrs. Ruth B. Davis. Mr*. «'. Merwin. Mrs. K G. diggers, William Knowles Cooper, Mrs. «*oopcT. Miss Phoebe Howell. Mrs. Rd- sar Ch'irr h. Mis? Mollie Bond, former Judge Will: am H De I>a<--- and Leroy Reed j Solos were sung by Mrs. Iceland San¬ ford. Mrs. . I.iyton Emig and Benjamin L;r,eb.<i k. Mrs. Theodore Moore led the devotional exerciser Mrs. Williams the Hostess. Mrs Theresa. A. Williams, president of the Young People's Branch, was the hostess, being assisted by Misses Helena T Doocy, Chcre Lusby, Lillian Allison, Rosalie Taylor. Bertha Zel|er?», Frances Perhajn, G. Nichols, Helen Grandfleld, Pearl Colerider and Abbie Tlngley, and Mrs. William Heitmuller, Mrs. A. A Maxim, Mra. A. E. Miley, Mrs. Sallle Denham, Mrs. IT Juliet Woodfleld, Mrs. Faith Jenkins, Mrs. Clara I^evey, Mrs. X. F1 Welch, Mrs. James Lloyd. Mrs. W. 1L Osburn and Mrs. C. II. Buxton. Tn the reception to Mrs. Guernsey Mrs. Doocy was assisted by Mrs. Shelton, Mrs. Howard L Hodgkins, Mrs. Theodore Moore, Mrs. Pulsifer, Mrs. Charles P. GrandfleM, Mrs. Benjamin Llneback, Mrs. J. W. Allison, Mrs. Rachel Tongate Beck, Mrs. W. K. Andrews and Mrs. E. S. Henry. Mrs* Williams made the presenta¬ tions. Fonra hukt in accidents. Freight Cars, Aato and Elevator Figure in Mishaps. John Gray, colored, twenty-eight years old, 2 462 Phillips court north¬ west, fell between two freight cars at; 31st and K streets northwest, yester¬ day afternoon. Both N-us were cut off. He was taken to Georgetown Uni¬ versity Hospital. Andrew Brlcker, twenty-nine years old. Conduit road, broke his right arm yesterday afternoon while cranking an automobile. A friend took him to Emergency Hospital. Edgar Robinson, colored, thirty four years old, caught his foot in an eleva¬ tor in an 1' street store yesterday aft¬ ernoon. IPs injury was dressed at Emergency Hospita.1. Will: am Randolph, colored. 44'2 New York avenue northwest, caught his hand in the machinery while working in Amrein's bakery last night, and re¬ ceived a compound fracture of one finger. A great system of windmills is being experimented with in Kansas to pump the underground water to the surface for the purpose of irrigation. ALFRED W. McCANN Th0 Net* York Globe Famous Food Specialist Sayc M?OMPEIAN OUVE OIL has been pat tbrou.h die M«t drutic MMljriit by cb«ni»ti working ¦wler sr cBration without any kn«wUyU« i? wh*t MCB other was doiif. If all tho olive oils that ask for admittance iato tho Uaited States war* subjected to tho una teat. 1 believe that 90 per caat. would he rejected," POMPEIAN OLIVE OIL ALWAYS FRESH THREE LOTS OF NECKWEAR Specially Priced for Friday's Selling SleevflfM <iuimpe«, of shadow lace and plain net, in both high and low neck effect; exceptionally good styles. Values up |"|Q to $2.50. Friday. yQC choice Roll Collars of embroid¬ ered organdy, in a large assortment of designs, in¬ tended for wear /-% £¦ with coats, waists j£/&C or dresses, at.... Sleevelean Gnimpei of Shadow Lace i these have * high stock collars; in white only. Regular 25a -g ^ » / value. Special | jZ'/2C Neckwear Store and Bargain Table.Street Floor. Open 8:30 a.m. Close 5:30 p.m. I BUST & ICatm &mtjB Sc &fl. Leather Handbags! Silk Handbags! Velvet Handbags! At 50c on the Dollar and Less, Because One Large Maker s Business Went Into the Hands of a Receiver It is opportunity filch as you never liad before and may never again.DON'T MISS IT. Every style is new and good .eaeli hag perfectly made and finished. Choose from these three hig lots: Lot 1 Consists of Leather and Silk Bags Worth $2 & S3 Choice, 98c Lot 2 Consists of Leather, Silk and Velvet Bags Worth 98c to .$1.50 Choice, 59c Lot 3 C onsists of Velvet Bags One Style Only Worth 69c Choice, 29c 0m ST. ASD PXX9A. AV* Bargain Table.Street Floor. Small Lots of Petticoats Sateens, Messalines, Jersey and Crepe Prices cut to close them out quickly. 9I.0O Sateen Petticoat*, a. limited quantity and in terra cotta color only. Friday 95.410 and 9ft.50 Crepe de Chine Pettleoat»: also some messalines with silk jersey tops: knife-pleated ruffle, in black. Russian green, emerald, brown, taupe. £ CT/"k navy, mahogany and ^11 purple. Friday at 96.75 Kloaflt Petticoat*, in full extra sizes, with Bmall knife- pleated ruffle; in navy, peacock blue, taupe and other shades, with silk .ier- f\f\ sev tops. For one day only at Small lot of Cornet Covers, odds and ends, of light blue batiste, figured dimity, striped and figured crepes: some rather elaborately trimmed with lace. 50c and 75c values. Choice at Women's Wear Store.I'd Floor. 39c 5,000 YARDS LININGS In a Big Mill End Sale.T wo Big Lots Choice of Sateens. Percalines, Canvas, etc.; in black and colors, including the latest spring 1915 colorings. Values to 35c yard. Lot 1.Special, 8c Yd. Lot 2.Special, 16c Yd. Lining Store.Street Floor. GIRLS! ISN'T THIS GREAT? Middy Blouses to°$2hoo Special Friday . . 69c A lucky strike from two of the leading middy manufactur¬ ers: people who make the very hest fitting and chic middies oil the market. Made of Lonsdale jean in galatea cloth, with collar and cuffs of white, navy. red. cadet green or striped galatea: some with linen or flannel collars; long and short sleeves; also a few Sport ('oat Middies in the lot. Mostly clean, cri-p goods; some slightly soiled; others with slight imperfections; size* 4 to 20 years. Bargain Tables.Street Floor. DAINTY OCEAN PEARL BUTTONS at 51 2 C DAIIVTY. A descriptive word thai exactly suits these buttons. OCEAN PKARli.The one kind of button? that the fashionable world wants most of.and gets at Kann's BUTTONS.The Only Dress Trimming: That Is All Kage This Season. A special price not likely to be duplicated this season. This surely means OPl'OFtTl'X JTY to you to choose from self-shank or new-through buttons: in four sizes: f, to 12 a card: the dresses, the suits, the waists, the wraps.all are button trimmed. Regularly 10c card. Kutton Store.Street Floor. I? m Two Carloads of Higk-grade Refrigerators At a Third and More Than a Third Under the Regular Prices Discontinued patterns and slightly marred stock from two of the leading makers of higher class Refrigerator?. Re¬ frigerators that are scientifically constructed along the lines of modern refrigerator building, insuring a minimum ice con¬ sumption and a maximum of actual refrigeration. Each and every one of these Refrigerators will positively give you the same satisfaction as if you paid the full price, and we guarantee them to do this or we will cheerfully refund the purchase price. While in some cases there are several Refrigerators of one number and style, in the majority there are only one and two of a kind. But the quantity is so large that you are sure to find just the one you want at a much lower price than you expected to pay for it. Here are hints. Read. 123.50 Refrigerator. 3-door style, hard¬ wood. galvanized lined, Go-lb. tf C ZQ ice rapacity 7 $29.98 Refrigerators, oak case, nickel trimmed, porcelain lined, de- C f Q QO faced, 120-lb. Ice capacity <$>7*7O $4.98 Ice Chests, hardwood ease, AO galvanized lined, size 25*18x25. # *12.9* Ic#» Chests, hardwood ca»e. gal¬ vanized lined, size 32x21x32. de¬ faced $7.98 NEW PROCESS Itaiigc*. chOK' tvro styles, sid" elevated ovei.*- JVjri. latest "modern ftyle made. Wairnnici *very d"iaii. T o ra O r row. $34.98 $6.50 Refrigerators, hardwood case, galvanized lined. 39-lb. ice $4.69 Cedar or Tar Bar* Extra Quality. Dou- b 1 e Strength. Special tomor¬ row. Small Hize. 39c. Median Size. 49c. Large Size. 59o. Extra Large Size. 99c. Tarrine Moth- proof Paper, ex»r« quality, double strength. .beets, 40x4S. v*} Sir sheet Per roll of 12 sheets. 39c. $13.50 Refrigerators. lift lid. hard¬ wood. galvanized lined. 70-lb. #0 QO ice cap yO*sO White Porceloid lined. $9.99. $24.98 Refrigerator. 3-door styh wood, white lined. 70-lb. Ice capacity hard- $16.69 .26.9* Refrigerator. 3 door style, hard¬ wood. white lined. 100-lb. ice $17.98 Lawn Set. comprising 25 feet blgh-preaanre. wire-wrap¬ ped boee, with noszle, coup¬ lings. bard wood reel, com- pie.,. w.rr.t.t.d. $2.98 Nurnery Refrig¬ erators. heavy block tin. «ak fin¬ ish. packed with mineral wool, gal- ranisbed lined, separate water compartment, nick¬ el spigot, :*."t $1.98 $22.50 Refrigerator, 3-4oor style, bard- wood, galvanized lined, 70-lb. CIA lee capacity ** 4 $15.50 Refrigerators, lift lid. hard¬ wood case, galvanized lifted, 80- JO OQ lb. ice capacity ** * White Forceloid lined. $11.91. Mwb Mower*. Choice of 12 and 14 inch size. High grade throughout. Specially tempered ateel knives. Easy nnning. w'."- $2.19 ed. Choice 1 $15.75 Refrigerator, Apartment House, hardwood, galvanized lined. 50-lb. Q QO ice capacity .p7«/0 White Porceloid lined. $11.98. Blue Flame Oil Cook Stoves, two- burner size, fully warranted, odorless and smokeless when properly QO cared for $**7O Wizard Combination Set. comprising one $1.00 Triangle Oil Polish Mop. 5<»c l»ottle Wizard Polish, 25c Dust Cloth and QO. 10c package Mop Cleaner. Soi ' OC $32.50 Refrigerators, oak case, nickel trimmed, porcelain lined, de- $21.98 faced $24.50 Refrigerator. 3-door style, hard¬ wood. galvanizel lined, 100-lb. $1^ QR ice capacity ** $17.08 Refrigerators. Apartment House, hardwood, galvanized lined. 00- 1b. ice capacity White Porceloid lined. $12.98. $11.98 or Oil Stove Ovens: best Russian nicely lined: lull two burner warranted quick, even en $1.98 <»a* Stoves or Rot Plates, full nickel fin ished; heavy stock; three-burner frf OQ size: warranted Model cookers or Ranges. 3 drilled burner* on top. large hake oven with broiler attachment. Fully war- ranted *r; $9.98 A Rousing Remnant Sale in Wash Goods FRIDAY 2.500 yards of mill lengths anil remnant* from onr own stock make up one of the most im¬ portant and attractive Friday sales we have offered in months. 40-inch Voiles, flower¬ ed designs, coin spots, some two-toned spots, wide black stripes on white ground*. col¬ ored striped designs; Woven Strrped Tissues, Silk and Cot¬ ton Crepe Ratines, in good col¬ ors. Choice of the lot at, A Yard, I2lc Values Up to 39c 8c Apron Gingkams In brown, blue, red and green checks; good, firm qua!- C.-. it v. A yard *}C 18c Cotton Crepes In plain colors only, pink, blue and crcam. Spe- 'j2/mrr cial. a yard tomorrow., i Wash Goods Store.and Bargain Table . Street Floor. 39c to 75c Silks in a Big Clearing Remnants at, 25c Yard Including the most popular weaves of the season; widths range from 19 to 40 inches. Your OPPORTUNITY to provide yourself with just the material you have been longing for at a price that makes it possible for you to get enough for your trimmings and tinderlinings. Choice, Yard. . 25c new dress, waist or Stripe Mescalines Figured Foulards Bulgarians Printed Satins Polka Dot Foulards Colored Grenadines Printed Ratines 1,155 Yds. $1.25 COLORED CREPE DE CHINES The good wearing quality that every woman knows and likes. One of the cool¬ est silks for summer dresses or separate waists. We show them in 30 different col¬ ors; also white and black; 36 to 40 inches wide. Choice, a yard Kilk Store Corduroys Novelty Silks Black Pongees Black Surah Black Messaline Natural Colored Pongee Colored Messalines 69c -Street Floor. PURCHASE AND SALE EXTRAORDINARY 13,569 Boxes Gold Initial Writing Paper The Entire Remaining Stock of a Well Known Mill That Wished to Close Out This Stock at Once "My, what a quantity to dispose of," but it will go, and quick¬ ly, when you see the paper. It is a beautiful quality fabric finish paper, with old English initial (all letters) ^ ^"^1/ stamped in gold. Ordinarily this sells at 25c, I Vl /j but because of our low purchase price we offer Q it to you for only, BOX Bargain Table.Street Floor. Big April Sale Remnants of Dress Goods 40 to 54 Inch All-Wool, and Silk and Wool Fabrics; Lengths of V/? to 6 Yards. Values to $2.00. Choice.... 69c Every year at thi¦; time this mill favors lis with the short lengths that remain after making up full pieces. You know from past experience how important these events arc and will therefore hurry to this one. Particularly when we say this is the biggest and best lot we have ever had. Choose from these fabrics: (iabardines lipingles Poplins Whipcords Silk and Wool Crepes Covert Cloths Silk and Wool Poplins Spring Coatings Crepons Storm Serges French Serges Clay Serges Crepe Poplins Blue and White Checks Cheviots, Etc. in all colors; also black and cream. of Black and White Checks and all- wool fabrics. Worth to 75c. Friday Dress Goods Store.Street Floor. Remnants At 32c Yard Several Special Sales Have Left Odd Numbers.Brisk Selling of Regular Stock Has Left Broken Lines. We Have Combined Together All These Odd Garments and Can Offer Tomorrow Few of a Kind DRESSES lli Positive Values to $29.75 At $12.95 Or course, then are only a few that were formerly priced at $29.75. but there are main which range in price between $18.50 and $25.00, so you are sure <>i getting GOOD VALUE, no matter what style you select. Chin Chin Dresses of the scarce and much in demand taffeta. (ieorgette Crepe Dresses, beautifully made. Some witk the vraist part in the sheer crepe and combined with darker colored crepe in the effect of a suspender dress. 1 Hhers with body of sheer embroidered net. Then there are many in crepe do chine, suitable for afternoon wear. I'he assortment contains both Afternoon and Evening Dresses. \11 sizes in the lot, though not all sizes in all styles. Dress Store.Second Floor. £ This Money-Saving Sewmachine Club Closes Within 2 Days Take advantage of this oppor¬ tunity now. Pay $1.00 at First. Then $1.00 Weekly This Is the Club Special: |M Ust Piles Standard Rotary Sewin* Machine. New 1016. Sit Straight. .Automatic Drophesd. $39 L«ik Stitch ud OhMln Stitch. You Receive Dividends Too can makt yonr money ears owner nearly lOTo.by prepayIn* all paymeatsTroa nre 10 cents on each prepayment made at your fonrenlence. "Save As You Sew." To avoid possible disappointment Join This Club tomorrow 6ure. Sewmacliine Store.Fourth Floor. Here Is the Best of All Special Coat Sales Smartest of Sprmgf Coats for Women A Clearance of a Mak¬ er's Surplus of Qualities Up to $22.50. Choice, Friday, at $H.95 This maker.one of the best in the business.was clearing his stock rooms of all surplus lofs.accepted our offer provided we took the entire lot. The quantity was big. but we could not resist, the styles were so good and the qualities so excellent. You will not rc'sist when you see the styles, feel the quality ot materials and note the excellence ot the workmanship. Every style you could ask for is in this lot. Flare effects, belted backs, circular and Empire models, some with revers. others with silk standing collars. Materials include gabardines, men's wear serges, shepherd checks, covert cloths, golfines, moire silks, etc., in all colors; also black and white. Special Lot New Skirts Friday at $3.95 Garment Store.Second Floor. $ £ & £ a & te¬ rn si k it k asm gggg agjgmsgijaggag gg gaga

Lining Floor. Handbags! Silk Handbags! Lots Middy Friday 69c€¦ · MRS. GUERNSEYTELLS OFKANSASPROHIBITION Addresses Chapin Union and Is the Guest of Honor at Recep¬ tion Later

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Page 1: Lining Floor. Handbags! Silk Handbags! Lots Middy Friday 69c€¦ · MRS. GUERNSEYTELLS OFKANSASPROHIBITION Addresses Chapin Union and Is the Guest of Honor at Recep¬ tion Later


Addresses Chapin Union and Is theGuest of Honor at Recep¬

tion Later.

Candidate for President of the D. A.B. Receives Pledges of Support

From Local Members.

MR*. f.KOnnE T. I.I KltNSlCY. !;vmtr rrcent of KHnu», rnnrildntc for

president general.How prohibition has worked out in

Kanran v,as described by Mrs. GeorgeThacher Guernsey, a. temperance advo-cate of that state and a candidate forpresident general of the National So-ciety of the Daughters of the AmericanRevolution, in an address last nicht ata meetinc of Chapin t'nion, the pioneerbranch of the Woman's Christian Tem¬perance Union in the District, at 5226th street northwest. Mrs. Guernseywas the truest of honor of the evening:and at the close of the meeting wastendered a reception. She spok opti¬mistically of the future, saying she wascertain every state in the Union soonwould be prohibition territory.That improvement of laboring condi¬

tions will do mui h toward making forprohibition was asserted by Miss Con¬stance Leupp, president of the Consum¬ers* League of the District of Colum¬bia. "One of the phenomena which hasalways followed the shortening ofworking hours has been the falling offIn the liquor drinking habit," said MissLeupp.Progressive disarmament and the es¬

tablishment of "better and safer deals"for nations wer<| urged by Mrs. J. N.Speel, second vice president of thewoman's peace party. Law should beestablished in place of war. she said,because war has cost women morethan men.

Changes in Forty Years.Changes brought about in the atti-

tude of the country toward prohibitionduring the last forty years were dis-cussed by Mrs. Emma Sanford Shelton,District president of the W. C. T. U.She spoke of the development of tem¬perance organisations during that time,calling attention to the fact that theW. C. T. U. now 1 as UOO.OOO members.At the end of her talk Mrs. Shelton

was presented with a bouquet of vio¬lets by Mrs. Doocy: also with a gavelmade from wood from the Francis?cott Key home and inset with & smallpiece of copper from the Capitol.Several new members were taken in.mme as active workers and others ashonorary members. Those who werepresent had the white ribbon pinned onthem The new members included sev¬eral D. A. P. members. They are MrsGuernsey. Mrs Pulsifer, Mrs. KllenSpew-er Mussev. ail members of thepatriotic organ»za» ion. and Mrs G. Yol-lanri. Mrs. Belle Tr ;by. Mrs. Ruth B.Davis. Mr*. «'. I» Merwin. Mrs. K G.diggers, William Knowles Cooper, Mrs.«*oopcT. Miss Phoebe Howell. Mrs. Rd-sar Ch'irr h. Mis? Mollie Bond, formerJudge Will:am H De I>a<--- and LeroyReed jSolos were sung by Mrs. Iceland San¬ford. Mrs. . I.iyton Emig and BenjaminL;r,eb.<i k. Mrs. Theodore Moore led thedevotional exerciser

Mrs. Williams the Hostess.Mrs Theresa. A. Williams, president of

the Young People's Branch, was thehostess, being assisted by Misses HelenaT Doocy, Chcre Lusby, Lillian Allison,Rosalie Taylor. Bertha Zel|er?», FrancesPerhajn, G. Nichols, Helen Grandfleld,Pearl Colerider and Abbie Tlngley, andMrs. William Heitmuller, Mrs. A. AMaxim, Mra. A. E. Miley, Mrs. SallleDenham, Mrs. IT Juliet Woodfleld, Mrs.Faith Jenkins, Mrs. Clara I^evey, Mrs.X. F1 Welch, Mrs. James Lloyd. Mrs.W. 1L Osburn and Mrs. C. II. Buxton.

Tn the reception to Mrs. Guernsey Mrs.Doocy was assisted by Mrs. Shelton, Mrs.Howard L Hodgkins, Mrs. TheodoreMoore, Mrs. Pulsifer, Mrs. Charles P.GrandfleM, Mrs. Benjamin Llneback, Mrs.J. W. Allison, Mrs. Rachel Tongate Beck,Mrs. W. K. Andrews and Mrs. E. S.Henry. Mrs* Williams made the presenta¬tions.

Fonra hukt in accidents.Freight Cars, Aato and Elevator

Figure in Mishaps.John Gray, colored, twenty-eight

years old, 2 462 Phillips court north¬west, fell between two freight cars at;31st and K streets northwest, yester¬day afternoon. Both N-us were cut off.He was taken to Georgetown Uni¬versity Hospital.Andrew Brlcker, twenty-nine years

old. Conduit road, broke his right armyesterday afternoon while cranking anautomobile. A friend took him toEmergency Hospital.Edgar Robinson, colored, thirty four

years old, caught his foot in an eleva¬tor in an 1' street store yesterday aft¬ernoon. IPs injury was dressed atEmergency Hospita.1.Will:am Randolph, colored. 44'2 New

York avenue northwest, caught hishand in the machinery while workingin Amrein's bakery last night, and re¬ceived a compound fracture of onefinger.

A great system of windmills is beingexperimented with in Kansas to pumpthe underground water to the surface forthe purpose of irrigation.

ALFRED W. McCANNTh0 Net* York Globe

Famous Food SpecialistSayc

M?OMPEIAN OUVEOILhas been pat tbrou.hdieM«t drutic MMljriit by cb«ni»ti working¦wler sr cBration without any kn«wUyU« i?wh*t MCB other was doiif.If all tho olive oils that ask for admittanceiato tho Uaited States war* subjected to thouna teat. 1 believe that 90 per caat. would herejected,"


THREE LOTS OF NECKWEARSpecially Priced for Friday's Selling

SleevflfM <iuimpe«, ofshadow lace and plain net,in both high and low neckeffect; exceptionally goodstyles. Values up |"|Qto $2.50. Friday. yQCchoice

Roll Collars of embroid¬ered organdy, in a largeassortment of designs, in¬tended for wear /-% £¦with coats, waists j£/&Cor dresses, at....

Sleevelean Gnimpei ofShadow Lace i these have

* high stock collars; inwhite only.Regular 25a -g ^ » /value. Special | jZ'/2C

Neckwear Store and Bargain Table.Street Floor.

Open 8:30 a.m. Close 5:30 p.m.


& ICatm &mtjB Sc &fl.

Leather Handbags! Silk Handbags! Velvet Handbags!At 50c on the Dollar and Less, Because One

Large Maker s Business Went Into theHands of a Receiver

It is opportunity filch as you never liad before and maynever again.DON'T MISS IT. Every style is new and good.eaeli hag perfectly made and finished. Choose from thesethree hig lots:

Lot 1Consists of

Leatherand Silk

BagsWorth $2 & S3

Choice, 98c

Lot 2Consists of

Leather,Silk and

Velvet BagsWorth 98c to

.$1.50Choice, 59c

Lot 3C onsists of


One Style OnlyWorth 69c

Choice, 29c


Bargain Table.Street Floor.

Small Lots of

PetticoatsSateens, Messalines,

Jersey and CrepePrices cut to close them

out quickly.9I.0O Sateen Petticoat*,

a. limited quantity and interra cotta color only.Friday

95.410 and 9ft.50 Crepe de ChinePettleoat»: also some messalineswith silk jersey tops: knife-pleatedruffle, in black. Russian green,emerald, brown, taupe. £ CT/"knavy, mahogany and ^11purple. Friday at

96.75 Kloaflt Petticoat*, in fullextra sizes, with Bmall knife-pleated ruffle; in navy, peacockblue, taupe and othershades, with silk .ier- f\f\sev tops. For one dayonly at

Small lot of Cornet Covers, oddsand ends, of light blue batiste,figured dimity, striped and figuredcrepes: some rather elaboratelytrimmed with lace. 50cand 75c values. ChoiceatWomen's Wear Store.I'd Floor.


5,000 YARDS LININGSIn a Big Mill End Sale.Two Big Lots

Choice of Sateens. Percalines, Canvas, etc.; in black and colors, includingthe latest spring 1915 colorings. Values to 35c yard.Lot 1.Special, 8c Yd. Lot 2.Special, 16c Yd.

Lining Store.Street Floor.


Middy Blouses to°$2hooSpecialFriday . .

69cA lucky strike from two of the leading middy manufactur¬

ers: people who make the very hest fitting and chic middies oilthe market.

Made of Lonsdale jean in galatea cloth, with collar andcuffs of white, navy. red. cadet green or striped galatea: somewith linen or flannel collars; long and short sleeves; also afew Sport ('oat Middies in the lot. Mostly clean, cri-p goods;some slightly soiled; others with slight imperfections; size* 4to 20 years.

Bargain Tables.Street Floor.


DAIIVTY.A descriptive word thai exactly suits these buttons.OCEAN PKARli.The one kind of button? that the fashionable world

wants most of.and gets at Kann'sBUTTONS.The Only Dress Trimming: That Is All Kage This

Season. A special price not likely to be duplicated this season.This surely means OPl'OFtTl'X JTY to you to choose from self-shank

or new-through buttons: in four sizes: f, to 12 a card: the dresses, thesuits, the waists, the wraps.all are button trimmed. Regularly 10c card.

Kutton Store.Street Floor.



Two Carloads of Higk-grade RefrigeratorsAt a Third and More Than a Third Under the Regular Prices

Discontinued patterns and slightly marred stock from two of the leading makers of higher class Refrigerator?. Re¬frigerators that are scientifically constructed along the lines of modern refrigerator building, insuring a minimum ice con¬

sumption and a maximum of actual refrigeration.Each and every one of these Refrigerators will positively give you the same satisfaction as if you paid

the full price, and we guarantee them to do this or we will cheerfully refund the purchase price.While in some cases there are several Refrigerators of one number and style, in the majority there are only one and

two of a kind. But the quantity is so large that you are sure to find just the one you want at a much lower price than youexpected to pay for it. Here are hints. Read.

123.50 Refrigerator. 3-door style, hard¬wood. galvanized lined, Go-lb. tf C ZQice rapacity 7

$29.98 Refrigerators, oak case, nickeltrimmed, porcelain lined, de- C f Q QOfaced, 120-lb. Ice capacity <$>7*7O

$4.98 Ice Chests, hardwood ease, AOgalvanized lined, size 25*18x25. #

*12.9* Ic#» Chests, hardwood ca»e. gal¬vanized lined, size 32x21x32. de¬faced $7.98

NEW PROCESS Itaiigc*. chOK'tvro styles, sid" elevated ovei.*- JVjri.latest "modern ftyle made. Wairnnici*very d"iaii. T o ra O r row. $34.98

$6.50 Refrigerators, hardwoodcase, galvanized lined. 39-lb. ice $4.69

Cedar or TarBar* ExtraQuality. Dou-b 1 e Strength.Special tomor¬row.

Small Hize.39c.

Median Size.49c.

Large Size.59o.

Extra Large Size.99c.

Tarrine Moth-proof Paper,ex»r« quality,doublestrength..beets, 40x4S.v*} SirsheetPer roll of 12

sheets. 39c.

$13.50 Refrigerators. lift lid. hard¬wood. galvanized lined. 70-lb. #0 QOice cap yO*sOWhite Porceloid lined. $9.99.

$24.98 Refrigerator. 3-door styhwood, white lined. 70-lb. Icecapacity


$* Refrigerator. 3 door style, hard¬

wood. white lined. 100-lb. ice $17.98Lawn Set. comprising 25

feet blgh-preaanre. wire-wrap¬ped boee, with noszle, coup¬lings. bardwood reel, com-

pie.,. w.rr.t.t.d. $2.98Nurnery Refrig¬

erators. heavyblock tin. «ak fin¬ish. packed withmineral wool, gal-ranisbed lined,separate water

compartment, nick¬el spigot,:*."t $1.98

$22.50 Refrigerator, 3-4oor style, bard-wood, galvanized lined, 70-lb. CIAlee capacity ** 4

$15.50 Refrigerators, lift lid. hard¬wood case, galvanized lifted, 80- JO OQlb. ice capacity ** *

White Forceloid lined. $11.91.

Mwb Mower*.Choice of 12 and14 inch size. Highgrade throughout.Specially temperedateel knives. Easynnning.w'."- $2.19ed. Choice 1

$15.75 Refrigerator, Apartment House,hardwood, galvanized lined. 50-lb. Q QOice capacity .p7«/0White Porceloid lined. $11.98.

Blue Flame Oil CookStoves, two- burnersize, fully warranted,odorless and smokelesswhen properly QOcared for $**7O

Wizard Combination Set. comprising one$1.00 Triangle Oil Polish Mop. 5<»c l»ottleWizard Polish, 25c Dust Cloth and QO.10c package Mop Cleaner. Soi 'OC

$32.50 Refrigerators, oak case, nickeltrimmed, porcelain lined, de- $21.98faced

$24.50 Refrigerator. 3-door style, hard¬wood. galvanizel lined, 100-lb. $1^ QRice capacity **

$17.08 Refrigerators. Apartment House,hardwood, galvanized lined. 00-1b. ice capacityWhite Porceloid lined. $12.98.


or Oil Stove Ovens: best Russiannicely lined: lull two burnerwarranted quick, evenen $1.98

<»a* Stoves or Rot Plates, full nickel finished; heavy stock; three-burner frf OQsize: warranted

Model cookers or Ranges. 3 drilledburner* on top. large hake oven withbroiler attachment. Fully war-

ranted *r; $9.98

A RousingRemnant Sale in

Wash GoodsFRIDAY

2.500 yards of mill lengths anilremnant* from onr own stockmake up one of the most im¬portant and attractive Fridaysales we have offered inmonths. 40-inch Voiles, flower¬ed designs, coin spots, sometwo-toned spots, wide blackstripes on white ground*. col¬ored striped designs; WovenStrrped Tissues, Silk and Cot¬ton Crepe Ratines, in good col¬ors. Choice of the lot at,

A Yard,I2lc

Values Up to 39c

8c Apron GingkamsIn brown, blue, red and green

checks; good, firm qua!- C.-.it v. A yard *}C

18c Cotton CrepesIn plain colors only, pink,

blue and crcam. Spe- 'j2/mrrcial. a yard tomorrow., i

Wash Goods Store.andBargain Table . StreetFloor.

39c to 75c Silks in a Big ClearingRemnants at,25cYard

Including the most popular weaves of the season; widths range from 19 to 40inches. Your OPPORTUNITY to provide yourself with just the material you havebeen longing for at a price that makes it possible for you to get enough for your

trimmings and tinderlinings.

Choice,Yard. . 25c

new dress, waist or

Stripe MescalinesFigured FoulardsBulgariansPrinted SatinsPolka Dot FoulardsColored GrenadinesPrinted Ratines

1,155 Yds. $1.25 COLORED CREPE DE CHINESThe good wearing quality that every woman knows and likes. One of the cool¬

est silks for summer dresses or separate waists. We show them in 30 different col¬ors; also white and black; 36 to 40 inches wide. Choice, a

yardKilk Store

CorduroysNovelty SilksBlack PongeesBlack SurahBlack MessalineNatural Colored

PongeeColored Messalines

69c-Street Floor.


13,569 Boxes GoldInitial Writing PaperThe Entire Remaining Stock of a Well Known Mill That

Wished to Close Out This Stock at Once

"My, what a quantity to dispose of," but it will go, and quick¬ly, when you see the paper. It is a beautiful quality fabric finish

paper, with old English initial (all letters) ^ ^"^1/stamped in gold. Ordinarily this sells at 25c, I Vl /jbut because of our low purchase price we offer Qit to you for only, BOX

Bargain Table.Street Floor.

Big April Sale Remnantsof Dress Goods

40 to 54 Inch All-Wool, and Silk andWool Fabrics; Lengths of V/? to 6Yards. Values to $2.00. Choice.... 69c

Every year at thi¦; time this mill favors lis with the short lengths that remainafter making up full pieces. You know from past experience how important theseevents arc and will therefore hurry to this one. Particularly when we say this isthe biggest and best lot we have ever had. Choose from these fabrics:(iabardines lipingles Poplins Whipcords Silk and Wool Crepes

Covert Cloths Silk and Wool Poplins Spring Coatings CreponsStorm Serges French Serges Clay Serges Crepe Poplins

Blue and White Checks Cheviots, Etc.in all colors; also black and cream.

of Black and White Checks and all-wool fabrics. Worth to 75c. Friday

Dress Goods Store.Street Floor.Remnants At 32c Yard

Several Special Sales Have Left Odd Numbers.Brisk Selling of Regular Stock Has Left Broken Lines.We Have Combined Together All These Odd Garments and Can Offer Tomorrow

Few of a Kind DRESSESlli Positive Values to $29.75

At $12.95Or course, then are only a few that were formerly priced at $29.75. but

there are main which range in price between $18.50 and $25.00, so you are sure<>i getting GOOD VALUE, no matter what style you select.

Chin Chin Dresses of the scarce and much in demand taffeta.(ieorgette Crepe Dresses, beautifully made.Some witk the vraist part in the sheer crepe and combined with

darker colored crepe in the effect of a suspender dress.1 Hhers with body of sheer embroidered net.Then there are many in crepe do chine, suitable for afternoon wear.I'he assortment contains both Afternoon and Evening Dresses.\11 sizes in the lot, though not all sizes in all styles.Dress Store.Second Floor.


This Money-SavingSewmachine ClubCloses Within

2 DaysTake advantage of this oppor¬

tunity now.

Pay $1.00 at First.Then $1.00 Weekly

This Is the ClubSpecial:|M Ust Piles


Sewin* Machine.New 1016.Sit Straight..Automatic Drophesd.

$39L«ik Stitch ud

OhMln Stitch.You Receive DividendsToo can makt yonr money ears owner

nearly lOTo.by prepayIn* all paymeatsTroanre 10 cents on each prepayment made atyour fonrenlence."Save As You Sew."To avoid possible disappointment JoinThis Club tomorrow 6ure.Sewmacliine Store.Fourth Floor.

Here Is the Best of All Special Coat SalesSmartest of Sprmgf

Coats for WomenA Clearance of a Mak¬er's Surplus of QualitiesUp to $22.50. Choice,Friday, at $H.95

This maker.one of the best in the business.was clearing his stockrooms of all surplus lofs.accepted our offer provided we took the entirelot. The quantity was big. but we could not resist, the styles were so goodand the qualities so excellent. You will not rc'sist when you see the styles,feel the quality ot materials and note the excellence ot the workmanship.

Every style you could ask for is in this lot.Flare effects, belted backs, circular and Empire models, some with

revers. others with silk standing collars.Materials include gabardines, men's wear serges, shepherd checks,

covert cloths, golfines, moire silks, etc., in all colors; also black and white.

Special Lot New Skirts Friday at $3.95Garment Store.Second Floor.




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