K.Srinivasulu Reddy Adama Science & Technology University Adama Metrology & Tolerance Engineerin Linear & Angular Measurement

Linear & Angular Measurements

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K.Srinivasulu ReddyAdama Science & Technology University


Metrology & Tolerance Engineerin

Linear & Angular Measurement

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Linear Measurements

1) Line standard2) End Standard3) Wavelength standard

easurement Standards

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Diferent ty es o! standards o! length are

1. Material Standards

"a) Line Standard # When length is measured as thedistance $et%een centres o! t%o engraved lines"$) End Standard # When length is measured as thedistance $et%een to 'at arallel !aces

(n cto$er 1*+3, the meter "m) %as rede-ned as thedistance travelled $y light in vacuum during a time of1/299792458 second

This latest de-nition esta$lishes that the s eed o! light invacuum is recisely 299 792 458 m/sec

2. Wa elengt! Standard

The %avelength o! a selected orange radiation o!.rty ton/+0 isoto e %as measured and used as the $asic

unit o! length

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L"#$ S%A# A' S # When length is measured as thedistance $et%een centres o! t%o engraved lines, it iscalled Line Standards

E Scale, ulers, (m erial Standard ard

(!aracteristics of Line Standards )"i) The engraved lines osses thic4ness and it is notossi$le to accurately measure"ii)Scale mar4ings are su$5ected to %ear 6o%everthe ends are su$5ected to %ear and this leads toundersi7e measurements"iii)Scale does not osses $uilt in datum There!ore itis not ossi$le to align the scale %ith the a is o!measurement"iv) Scales are su$5ected to aralla errors"v) 8ssistance o! magni!ying glass or microsco e is


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$# S%A# A' S * When length is e ressed as thedistance $et%een centers o! t%o 'at arallel !aces, it iscalled End StandardE : Sli ;auges, End <ars, Ends o! micrometer anvils

(!aracteristics of $nd Standards

"i) 6ighly accurate and used !or measurement o!closed tolerances in recision engineering as %ell asstandard la$oratories, tool rooms, ins ectionde artments"ii) They re9uire more time !or measurement and

measure only one dimension"iii) They %ear at their measuring !aces"iv) They are not su$5ected to aralla error

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End standards =ontd

Distance $et%een t%o arallel end !aces They are in t%o !orms

1) End>Length $ars2) Sli ;auges

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Standard lengths on the %all o! the oyal $servatory, ;reen%ich,London1 yard "3 !eet), 2 !eet, 1 !oot, 0 inches "1>2 !oot), and 3 inches

The se aration o! the inside !aces o! the mar4ers is e act at anam$ient tem erature o! 0? @A "10 @=) and a rod o! the correct

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Wa elengt! standards) 8 ma5or dra%$ac4 %ith thematerial standards is that their length changes %ith timeSecondly, considera$le diBculty is e ressed %hilecom aring the si7es o! the gauges $y using materialstandards

%ave length o! a monochromatic light can $e used as anatural and invaria$le unit o! lengthAd antages )

"a) Cot a material standard and hence it is not in'uenced $yefects o! variation o! environmental conditions li4etem erature, ressure"$) (t need not $e reserved or stored under security andthus there is not !ear o! $eing destroyed"c) (t is not su$5ected to destruction $y %ear and tear"d) (t gives the unit o! length %hich can $e roducedconsistently at all times"e) The standard !acility can $e easily availa$le in allstandard la$oratories and industries"!) =an $e used !or ma4ing com arative measurements o!

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Linear MeasurementsLinear measurement includes the measurement o!

lengths, diameters, heights and thic4ness

Linear measuring instruments are categori7edde ending u on their accuracy The t%o categories arenon/ recision instruments and recision instruments

1.#on- recision instruments include steel rule,cali er divider, telesco ic gauge that are used tomeasure to the line graduations o! a rule

2. recision instruments include micrometers,vernier cali ers, height gauges and sli gauges

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1.NON-PRECISION MEASURING INSTRUMENTSCon/ recision instruments are limited to themeasurement o! arts to a visi$le line graduation

on the instrument used There are several non/recision measuring devices

They are used %here high measurement accuracy isnot re9uired

Steel Rule

(t is the sim lest and most common measuringinstruments in ins ection The rinci le $ehind steelrule is o! com aring an un4no%n length to the onereviously cali$rated

ules are made in 1 ?, 3??, ?? and 1??? mmlength There are rules that have got some

attachment and s ecial !eatures %ith them to ma4etheir use more versatile

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i) ernier =ali er

2.Precision instrumentsier (ali er ii0 Micrometer iii0Sli gages i 0 ial gages

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Measuring (nternal Diameter

Fse the inside 5a%s o! the cali er assho%n

Measuring E ternalDiameterFse the outside 5a%s o! the cali er as


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Measuring De th o! a 6ole

Fse the de thgauge o! the

cali er as sho%n

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(t is the least measurement done $y the instrumentL = o! vernier G value o! min div on main scale Co o! divisions on vernier scaleE G 1mm> ?

G? ?2mmSo this vernier measure u to 2? microns

Total reading G

Main scale reading Hno o! the division %hich e actly coincides %ith a division on maiscale L=

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11>20>1 10

The reading G 2 ?2 H I × ? ??1 G2. 32 mm

Measure t!ereading

divided into 1? arts and each art is divided into J su$ artsG"1>1?) "1>J)G?

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eading the ernier Scale

• ead the K? osition o! thevernier scale on the mainscale to get a rough reading

• ough reading G 1+mm• Loo4 along the vernier scale

until one o! the vernierdivision coincides %ith the

main scale• 8ccurate reading G1+ J0mm

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E ercise

What is the reading in the cali er sho%n

8 3 1cm< 3 Icm

= 3 02cm

D 3 0J2cm

E 3 0Icm

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ead the K? osition o! thevernier scale on the main scaleto get a rough readingough reading G 3 0cm

Loo4 along the vernier scale

until one o! the vernier divisioncoincides %ith the main scale

L( 1/1 t! of cm/1 1/1 of cm . 1 cm

.6 cm . 1 7 3.6 . 7 cm 3.67 cm

Accurate reading 3.67cm

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Micrometer is one of the most widely used precision instruments .

It is primarily used to measure external imensions like diametersof shafts, thickness of parts etc. The essential parts of the instrumentare

• Frame• Anvil and spindle• Screwed spindle raduated sleeve or !arrel• Thim!le• "atchet or friction stop Spindle clamp

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228ccuracy u to ? ??1 mm are availa$le

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Micrometer• The au iliary scale is made on the thim$le, %hich rotates

a$out the main scale


rinci le of micrometer)

Micrometers %or4s on the rinci le o! scre and nut.

When a scre is turned through nut, through onerevolution , it advances $y one itch distance , i e one rotationo! scre% corres onds to a linear mo ement of a distance

e:ual to itc! of t!e t!read

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(! the circum!erence o! the scre% is divided into num$ero! e9ual arts say N n O, its rotation t!roug! one di ision

%ill cause the scre% to advance through ; itc!/n0 lengt!

Thus the minimum lengt! that can $e measured $ysuch arrangement %ill $e " itch>n)

The length value o! one circum!erential division can $ereduced $y

i)reducing the itch o! the scre% thread"or)

ii)increasing the no o! divisions on the circum!erence o!the scre%"n)

and accuracy o! measurement can $e increasedconsidera$ly

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The frame is made o! steel, mallea$le cast iron orlight alloy The anvil shall rotrude !rom the !rame !ora distance o! at least 3/mm in order to ermit the

attachment o! measuring %ire su ort The spindle does the actual measuring and ossesses thet!reads of .5 mm itc!.

The barrel has datum and - ed graduations Thimble is tu$ular cover !astened %ith the s indle The$eveled edge o! the s indle is divided into ? e9ualarts, every -!th $eing num$ered

The ratchet is a small e tension to the thim$le (tsli s %hen the ressure on the scre% e ceeds acertain amount (t roduces uni!orm reading andrevents damage or distortion o! the instruments

The s indle clam is used to loc4 the instrument at

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micrometer G Pitch o! the s indle scre%>Co o! divisions on the s

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Ty es o! Micrometers

• (nside micrometers !or measuring the insidediameters

• De th micrometers !or measuring the de th o!slots and $lind holes

• Scre% thread micrometers !or measuring thescre% thread arameters discussed later

• /anvil micrometer that can $e used !ormeasuring the diameter o! o$5ects that have oddnum$er o! symmetrical or evenly s aced!eaturesE am le : Diameter o! a 3/'uted end mill

11>20>1 2+

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Insi e Micrometer Cali!er

The measuring ti s o! inside micrometer are constituted$y 5a%s %ith contact sur!ace, %hich are hardened andground to a radius Fnli4e the conventional micrometer,an inside micrometer does not !a e an, <-s!a eframe and s indle.

ne o! the 5a%s is held stationary at the end and secondone moves $y the movement o! the thim$le 8 loc4nut isrovided to chec4 the movement o! the mova$le 5a% This!acilitates the ins ection o! small internal dimension

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The inside micrometer is intended !or internalmeasurement to an accuracy o! ? ??1 mm (n rinci le,it is similar to an e ternal micrometer and is used !ormeasuring holes %ith a diameter over ? cm (t consistso! :

•measuring unit•e tension rod %ith or %ithout s acing collar, and•handle

When the micrometer scre% is turned in the $arrel, the

distance $et%een the measuring !aces o! themicrometer can vary !rom ? to 03 mm To measure theholes %ith a diameter over 03 mm, the micrometer is-tted %ith e tension rods The e tension rods o! thesi7es 13, 2 , ?, 1??, 1 ?, 2?? and 0?? mm are incommon use

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The measuring scre% has a itch o! ? mm The$arrel or sleeve is rovided %ith a scale o! 13 mm

long and graduated into hal!/millimeter andmillimeter divisions as in the e ternal micrometer

8 second scale is engraved on the $eveled edge o!the thim$le The $eveled edge o! the thim$le isdivided into ? scale divisions round thecircum!erence

Thus, on going through one com lete turn, the

thim$le moves !or%ard or $ac4%ard $y a threaditch o! ? mm, and one division o! its scale is,there!ore, e9uivalent to a movement o!? Q1> ? G ? ?1 mm

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Stic4 micrometers are used !or measurement o! longerinternal lengt! 8 series o! e tension rods %ill ermitcontinuous range o! measurement u to the re9uiredlength

Scre =oints are used !or 5oining the end/ iece,e tension rod and the measuring unit The e tension

rod is generally hollo% and has minimum e ternaldiameter o! 1J mm The accuracy o! this instruments isin order o! > . 5 mm.

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11>20>1 3

e t! Micrometer

Th h ! S % h d Mi i

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The sha e o! a Scre% thread Micrometer is more orless li4e an ordinary micrometer %ith the diferencethat it is e9ui ed %ith a ointed s indle and -an il , $oth correctly sha ed to contact the scre%thread o! the %or4 to $e gauged

The angle o! the /anvil and the conical oint at theend o! the s indle corres ond to the included angle

of t!e ro+le o! the thread

The e treme oint o! the cone is rounded so that it%ill not $ear on the root diameter at the $ottom o! the

thread, and similarly clearance is rovided at the$ottom o! the groove in the /anvil so that it %ill not$ear on the thread crest

The s indle oint o! such a micrometer can $e a liedto the thread o! an, itc! rovided the form or

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an il micrometer

Measures the outside diameter o! cutting tools"suchas ta s, reamers, endmills) %hich have three or -ve'utes

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#i$ital Micrometer

Digital micrometer is ca a$le o! giving direct reading uto ? ??1 mm The s indle thread is hardened, ground andla ed in this ty e o! micrometers

The ositive loc4ing clam ensures loc4ing o! s indle atany desired setting eration is very sim le %ith ush$utton controls !or KRero reset and indication Khold

iii)Sli! Gau$es %$a$e &loc"s or 'o(ansson $a$es )

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Sli gauges are also called as ?auge @loc s or Blocgauges and are universally acce ted as end standards o!length in industry

Sli gauges are rectangular $loc4s o! !ig! grade steel;!ardened allo, tool steel or cemented car@ides li etungsten car@ide or tantalum car@ide 0 %ith less co/eBcient o! thermal e ansion

These $loc4s are highly hardened "more than 8 C )through out, to ensure ma imum resistance to ear and

are then sta$ilised $y heating and cooling successively instages so that the !ardening stresses are remo ed.

8!ter hardening, they are su$5ected to la ing to a highdegree o! -nish, 'atness and accuracy

iii)Sli! Gau$es %$a$e &loc s or o(ansson $a$es )

The essential ur ose o! sli gauges is to ma4e availa$le

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g gend standards o! s eci-c lengths $y tem orarily com$iningseveral individual elements, each re resenting a standarddimension, into a single gauge $ar

The com$ination is made $y ressing the !aces intocontact and then im arting a small t isting motion %hilemaintaining the contact ressure This is called ringing. The cross sections o! these gauges are 9 3 mm for

siDes u to 1 mm and 9 35 mm for larger siDes.Normal Si e Cross-sectional Area

%w × d ) in mm

#p to $% mm&%

+ %.%' (

− %.%)− %.& − %.&

A!ove $% mm


+ %.%

' (

− %.%)

− %.& − %.&

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Wringing is the rocess o! sliding t%o $loc4s together sothat their !aces lightly $ond <ecause o! their ultra'at

sur!aces, %hen %rung, gauge $loc4s adhere to each othertightly The sli gauges are %rung together $y hand through a

com$ined sliding and t isting motion.

The air ga $et%een the gauge !aces is e elled out andthe ad!esion is caused artly $y molecular attraction andartly $y atmos heric ressure 8dhesion is the tendencyo! dissimilar articles or sur!aces to cling to one another


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Wringing of sli gaug

%ungsten (ar@ide sli gauges it! !ardness of 15 ic ers

The ga $et%een the t%o %rung sli gauges is only o!the order o! . 635 Fm %hich is negligi$le

The minimum conditions !or %ringa$ility are :

a sur!ace -nish o! . 25 Fm or $etter, and a 'atness o! atleast .13 m

Sli g g d ! th i ti d g d ti

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Sli gauges are used !or the veri-cation and graduationo! measuring a aratus !or linear dimensions o! industrialcom onents

8ccording to accuracy, the sli gauges can $e gradedinto !our categories

'eference ;AAA0) small tolerance " ? ? Um) used to

esta$lish standards

(ali@ration ;AA0) "tolerance H? 1? Um to V? ? Um) usedto cali$rate ins ection $loc4s and very high recisiongauging

"ns ection ;A0) "tolerance H? 1 Um to V? ? Um) usedas tool room standards !or setting other gauging tools

Wor s!o ;B0) large tolerance "tolerance H? 2 Um toV? 1 Um) used as sho standards !or recision

Cormal Set M 45

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Cormal Set M-45

Sli gauges o! the !ollo%ing dimensions are availa$le inthis ty e o! set

Ran$e Ste! Pieces

$.%%$ to $.%%( %.%%$ (

$.%$ to $.%( %.%$ (

$.$ to $.( %.$ (

$ to ( $ (

$% to (% $% (

Total *)

S ecial Set M-87

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S ecial Set M 87Sli gauges o! the !ollo%ing dimensions are availa$le inthis ty e o! set"+I ieces)

Ran$e Ste! Pieces

$.%%$ to $.%%( %.%%$ (

$.%$ to $.*( %.%$ *(

%.) to (.) %.) $(

$% to (% $% (

$.%%) // 1

8lso M-112G M-1 5G M-5 G M-33 and M-27

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The metric set has 87 gauge blocks (in mm),

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Selection of Sli gauges for re:uired dimension)

8l%ays start %ith the last decimal lace and deduct this!rom the re9uired dimension

Select the ne t smallest -gure in the same %ay , -ndthe remainder and continue this until the re9uireddimension is com leted

Minimum num$er o! sli gauges should $e selected to$uild u the given dimension

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Selection o* Sli! Gau$es Cont +

Let us consider the case %here %e have to arrange adimension o! 56.421 mm and normal sets o! sligauges are availa$le

8l%ays the last decimal oint is to $e considered-rst, i e ? ??1 mm Since gauge o! ? ??1 mm is not

availa$le, 1 ??1 mm sli gauge is to $e selected

The dimension le!t no% is 0 J21 # 1 ??1 G J2mm

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Co% considering the second decimal lace, sli gauge%ith 1 ?2 mm height is selected

The dimension le!t is J2 # 1 ?2 G J J mmCe t !or J J mm, sli gauge %ith 1 J mm is to $echosen and then 3 ? mm gauge Ainally, ? mm gaugeis to $e chosen

Thus, %e have ? ??? H 3 ??? H 1 J?? H 1 ?2? H1 ??1 G 0 J21 mm

8ll these -ve sli gauges are %rung ro erly to get there9uired dimension

< ild 2* I + d J0 030

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<uild 2* I +mm and J0 030mm

2* I +Airst !or last decimal lace o! ? ??+, choose 1 ??+ mmsli gaugeSecond decimal lace o! ? ? , choose 1 2 mm sligaugeDimension le!tG 2+ I /1 2 G 2I mmSelect I mm and 2? mm sli gauges to $uild u there9uired dimension

Thus %e have 2? H I H 1 2 H 1 ??+ G 2* I + mmJ0 03G1 ?? H 1 13 H J H J? G J0 03 mm

02 22

i )COMPARATORS %#ial $au$es)

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i,)COMPARATORS %#ial $au$es)

=om arators are the instruments cali$rated $y meanso! end standard s to measure un4no%n dimensions

=om arator is used to detect and dis lay the smalldiferences $et%een the un4no%n linear dimensions and the length o! the standard

The diference in lengths is detected as adis lacement o! a sensing ro$e

The im ortant and essential !unction o! the

instruments is to magni!y or am li!y the small in utdis lacement so that it is dis layed on an analog scale

=om arators are classi-ed on the $asis o! ty e o! the

am li-cation method used

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Ty es o! com aratorsa Mechanicalcom arators$ tical com aratorsc Pneumaticcom arators

ial gage; ialindicator0

The $asic conce t used is thatthe com arator is set !or anygiven dimension

During the measurement acom arator is a$le to give thedeviation o! the dimension !romthe set dimension This cannot $e used as an

a$solute measuring device $utcan only com are t%odimensions

S,stems of is lacement Am li+cation used

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,in Mec!anical (om arators;i0 'ac and inion. (n it the measuring s indle integral %ith a rac4,engages a inion%hich am li-es the movement o! lunger through a gear train;ii0 (am and gear train. (n this case the measuring s indle acts on acam %hichtransmits the motion to the am li!ying gear train;iii0 Le er it! toot!ed sector. (n this case a lever %ith a toothedsector at its endengages a inion in the hu$ o! a cro%n gear sector %hich !urther meshes%ith a -nal inion to roduce indication;i 0 (om ound Le ers 6ere levers !orming a cou le %ith com oundaction are connected through segments and inion to roduce -nalointer movement

'ac and inion.

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(am and gear train. Le er it! toot!ed gear.

(om ound le ers.

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ial "ndicator

ne o! the most commonly

used mec!anical com arator

The linear movement o! the s indle is magni-ed $y meanso! a gear and inion train into si7a$le rotation o! theointer on the dial scale

The indicator is set to 7ero $y the use o! sli gaugesre resenting the @asic siDe of t!e art

This is generally used !or ins ection o! small recision/machined arts

#on-dial t, es o! indicators include mechanical devices%ith cantilevered ointers and electronic devices %ith digitaldis lays

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Wor4 to $e measured

?ear and inion t, e dial indicator

Pointer"Large hand)

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(nside the dial indicator, %e can -nd a sim le rac andinion gear s,stem.

The rac is connected to t!e lunger The iniongear is connected "through a series o! other gears) to thehands " ointer ) that %e see !rom the to

(! you ush the lunger in, so that the large hand oints to

the 7ero osition, the small hand %ill also oint at itXs7ero osition

8s you ass this 7ero osition each time the large handrotates around the dial, the small hand %ill increment $y

one count The small hand is 4ee ing trac4 o! eachrevolution o! the large handLeast count 1/1 . 1 mm

The small 4no$ on the side o! the dial indicator holds a

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The small 4no$ on the side o! the dial indicator holds aclam that loc4s the large dial in lace

(! you loosen this small 4no$, you %ill $e a$le to rotatethe scale !reely so that the 7ero oint can $e laced at anyosition that the large hand s%ee s

er t, e dial test indicator

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Plunger is re laced $y a $all ti ed lever arm %hich isivoted on the $ody o! the indicator

The $all/ti ed ortion is called st,lus The $all ti edstylus is connected to a main lever , %hich is ivoted at itslo%er end


8 $all at the u er end o! themain lever rotates the scroll andthis movement is dis layed $ythe ointer on the main scale

(t has only a limitedrange "limited $y the scrolllength) and hence a revolutioncounter is not rovided in thisty e o! dial indicator

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Summar )

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1 Plunger ty e" %ith linear moving lunger):The value o!each division on main circular scale is ? ?1 mm The value o!each division on the revolution counter is 1 mm2 Lever ty e"%ith an angular moving stylus):The movemento! the stylus hardly e ceeds 1 mm, there!ore revolutioncounter is not necessary

Magni-cation G Movement o! the ointer on the dial scale Movement o! the dial indicator lunger

ro@) The ointer ma4es one com lete rotation in circle o!21mm dia $y the movement o! the lunger The dial isdivided into 1?? divisions and one division corres onds to? ?1 mm What is the magni-cation o! dial gage

Movement o! ointer G YQ 21

Movement o! the lunger G 1?? ? ?1 mm

Magni!icationG Movement o! ointer> movement o! lungerG YQ 21> 1 G

i C t t It i d fi d th diff ! t ll

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ernier Constant It is defined as the difference !etween one smalldivision of the vernier scale and one small division of the main scale./east Count It is the minimum distance that can !e measured !y a

vernier caliper or a micrometer accurately.

0rin$in$ It is the process of com!inin+ two slip +au+es !yapplication of pressure normal to the surface to !e oined with slidin+motion of one surface over the other.

Trans ucer A transducer is a device which, when actuated,transform ener+y from one form to another.

Pie o-resisti,e E**ect It is defined as the phenomenon due to whichresistivity of a conductor chan+es when it is su! ected to strain.

Gau$e actor The +au+e factor of a strain +au+e is the ratio of

relative chan+e in resistance to the relative chan+e in len+th.

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Measurement of Angles

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• 8ngle is de-ned as the o ening $et%een t%o lines%hich meet at a oint

• Aor engineering ur ose, the angular units arede-ned in se agesimal s,stem;@ase 6 0H i/eDegree, Minutes, Seconds

• nly $ecause o! recise angular measurement,

s!i s and aero lanes can navigate con-dently%ith out the hel o! sight o! land


ase 0?/Aor measuring timeG anglesG and geogra !ic coordinates

Bac groundBa@,lonians

The sexagesimal system of angular measurement

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8 minute of arc ; or 0 arc minute , is a unit o! angular measuremente9ual to one si tieth " 1 [ 0? ) o! one degree (n turn, a second of

arc "or) arc second is one si tieth " 1 [ 0? ) o! one arc minute

Since one degree is de-ned as one three hundred and si tieth " 1 [ 30? ) o! arotation, ractical unit o! angular measure is the degree o! %hich thereare 30? in a circle There are 0? minutes o! arc in a degree, and 0? arcseconds in a minute

Fnit alue Sym$ol 8$$reviations

Degree 1 [ 30? circle @ deg

8rcminute 1 [ 0? degree \ " rime) arcmin, amin,am, , M 8

8rcsecond 1 [ 0? arcminute ] "dou$lerime) arcsec, asec,as

Milliarcsecond1 [ 1,??? arcsecond




1? V0 arcsecon

d Uas

The sexagesimal system of angular measurement Contd..

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(t is used in those -elds %hich re9uire a unit !or thee ression o! small angles, such as astronomy , o tometry ,

o hthalmology , o tics , navigation 'adian is de-ned as the angle su$tended at the centre

$y an arc o! a circle o! length e9ual to its radius (t is more%idely used in mathematical investigation

1 radian 57.2958 degrees.

Line standard: Fni!ormly de ned circles %ith the lines

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Line standard: Fni!ormly de-ned circles %ith the linesengraved at regular intervals say one degree

End standard: 8ngle gauges %ith the angle de-ned $et%eenad5acent !aces

ngular measurement instruments)ernier $evel rotractor "or) Fniversal $evel rotractortical $evel Protractor

Sine $ar8ngle gauges=linometer8ngle de44or8uto collimator

$evel rotractor or Fniversal $evel rotractor : 2 1>2 or minutes al $evel rotractor: 2 minutesh recision: Sine $ar, angle gauges , o tical instruments are use

%ool ma ers S:uare

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The solid s9uare or tool ma4ers s9uare is usually used tochec4 s:uareness of surfaces

%ool ma ers S:uare

The ide ortion is re!erred to as the @eam and theslender u right ortion is called the @lade




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(t is to measure the angle $et%een the t%o !aces o! acom onent

The late rotractor is ca a$le o! measuring to %ithin 1/degree

=onsist o! mova$le $lade=an $e measured u to 3? min


Be el rotractors)

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s er (S ractice, there are t%o $evel rotractors, namely) Mechanical <evel rotractor) tical <evel rotractor

Be el rotractors)

"<ase late)

Be el rotractor)

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Be el rotractor)

(t is the sim lest angle measuring instrument

The $ase late is attached to the main $ody, %hichcarries a main scale graduated in degrees and anad5usta$le $lade is attached to a circular late "s%ivellate) containing vernier scale

The ad5usta$le $lade %hich is ca a$le o! rotating !reelya$out the centre o! the main scale engraved on the $odyo! the instrument and can $e loc4ed in any ositionIunction

The Protractor disc is !ree to rotate at the ivot and can$e clam ed %ith the nut in $ase in assem$ly

<lade can slide $oth %aysernier scale -tted %ith disc is to ta4e readings during


l ll d lFniversal <evel Protractor

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• 8lso called ernier <evel Protractor• Fsed !or measuring and testing


• 8ccuracy o! this instrument isminutes 8n acute angle

attachment is rovided atthe to o! the $ase Theacute angle attachmentcan $e readily -t into the$ody and clam ed in anyosition

ading <ni ersal Be el rotractor

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The rotractorOs disc is graduated in Degrees(t reads 7ero to *? Degrees on $oth side o! 7ero line on

main scaleSD has 12 Divisions on $oth sides o! 7ero line Eachdivision min

AS$ 1

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o Jour Self

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K tical @e el rotractor)

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ecent develo ment o! vernier $evel rotractor

eadings u to a ro imately 2 minutes o! an arc

eadings are ta4en against vernier $y means o! o ticalmagni!ying system %hich is integral %ith the instrument

$ BA' : <ased on the la%s o! trignometry

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1 The a es o! the rollers must $e arallel to each other andthe centre distance L must $e 4no%n2 The to sur!ace o! the $ar must have a high degree o!

'atness (t should $e arallel to a lane connecting thea es o! the rollers

3 The rollers must $e o! identical diameters and round

8ccuracy re9uirement o! sine $ar :


Sine @ar) (t is a recision measuring instrument and is ane cellent e am le o! com$ination o! linear measurement

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e cellent e am le o! com$ination o! linear measurementand angular measurement %hen used in con5unction %ithgauge $loc4s "sli gauges) Fsed to measure e ternal

ta er angles(t consists o! a $ar carrying a air o! rollers %ith 4no%n

centre distance

(t is made o! high car$on, high chromium corrosionresistant steel, suita$ly hardened, recision ground andsta$ilised

elie! holes are rovided !or easy handling o! sine $arand !or reducing the %eight o! the sine $ar

(t should $e used on a grade 8 sur!ace late The distance $et%een the a es o! the rollers is e actly1??mm, 2??mm or 3??mm

Sur!ace -nish o! ? 2 Um a or $etter

Wor ing rinci le of Sine @ar)

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The sine $ar is -rst 4e t on the sur!ace late The %or4iece is then laced on the sine $ar

Place the set o! sli gauges under one end o! the roller o!sine $ar such that the u er sur!ace o! the %or4 iece isa ro imately arallel %ith the ta$le sur!ace

Place the lunger o! the dial gauge on the u er sur!aceo! the %or4 iece Ta4e readings %ith the dial gauge at $othends and note their diference, noting %hich end o! the%or4 is lo%

Where the end o! the sine $ar is lo%, sli gauges heightmust $e increased $y an amount e9ual to the diference inthe dial gauge readings multi lied $y the ro ortion o! sine$ar length to %or4 length

Aor e am le, i! one end o! a %or4 iece is ? ?1mm lo% ,

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the sine $ar $eing 2 ? mm long and the %or4 1?? mmlong, then the re9uired increase in height o! sli gauge set%ill $e ? ?1 2 ?>1?? G ? ?2 mm

This %ill not give an immediately correct setting !rom a-rst a ro imation, $ut it is much 9uic4er than a trial anderror method

Aor $etter results, $oth the rollers could also $e lacedon sli gauges, o! height h 1 and h 2 res ectively

Then sin ;! 2 -! 1 0/l

htt :>>%%% mechloo4 com

(! l is the linear distance $et%een the a es o! the rollersand h is the height o! the sli gauges, then sin !/l

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recautions in use of sine @ars

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"i)The sine $ar should not $e used !or angle greater thanJ degrees ,

$ecause any ossi$le error in construction %ill intensi!y atthis limit

"ii) 8 com ound angle should not $e !ormed $y misaligningo! %or4 iece %ith the sine $ar This can $e avoided $y

attaching the sine $ar and %or4 against an angle late

"iii) 8ccuracy o! sine $ar should $e ensured

"iv) 8s !ar as ossi$le longer sine $ar should $e used since

many errors are reduced $y using longer sine $ars

Diferentiating the a$ove e9uation,

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^ is error in angle measurement, dh is tolerance sin4 in sli gauge dimensionalr in center and center distance o! sli gauge

li gauges are highly accurate dh can $e neglected as com ared to dl , so

Error in measurement is directly ro ortionalto Tan_

The value o! Tan_ increases suddenly and

a roaches in-nity %hen the angle increasesa$ove J ?

(!ec ing of un no n angles of !ea ,

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( g gcom onent

(! the com onents are heavy and canOt $e mounted onthe sine $ar, then sine @ar is mounted on t!ecom onent .

The height over the rollers can then $e measured $y a

vernier height gauge ` using a dial test gauge mountedon the anvil o! height gauge as the -ducial indicator toensure constant measuring ressure

The anvil on height gauge is ad5usted %ith ro$e o! dial

test gauge sho%ing same reading !or the to mostosition o! rollers o! sine $ar

The diference o! the t%o readings o! height gaugedivided $y the centre distance o! sine $ar gives the sineo! the angle o! the com onent to $e measured

Sin G "h1/h2)> L

height gauge !or o$taining t%o readings !or either o! theroller o! sine $ar

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The diference o! the t%o readings o! height gaugedivided $y the centre distance o! sine $ar gives the sine

o! the angle o! the com onent to $e measured


Sine (entre

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8 s ecial ty e o! sine $ar is sine centre %hich is used !orconical o$5ects having male and !emale arts

(t cannot measure the angle more than J degrees

Angle gauges

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There are also a num$er o! angular gauge $loc4s !orthe measurement o! angles The common angle gaugesare:

The selection o! angular gauge $loc4s is similar to theselection o! linear gauge $loc4s, e ce t that su@traction may also $e re9uired

1,3,*,2I and J1 degrees1,3,*,2I minutes3,0,1+ and 3? seconds

Each angle gauge is accurate to %ithin one second and

is mar4ed %ith engraved %hich indicates the direction o! the inclined angleWhen the angles o! individual angle gauges are to $e

added u , then the o! all should $e in line and %hen anyangle is to $e su$tracted , its engraved should $e in other


Devised $y Dr Tomlinson o! C PL in 1*3*

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Si7 I 10

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Si7e: I 10 mm

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1 8n angle o! 33 ? / *N # 1 NO is to $e measured %ith the helo! the !ollo%ing standard angle gauges: b 1, 3, *, 2I, J1

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o! the !ollo%ing standard angle gauges: b 1, 3, , 2I, J1degree , b 1O, 3O, *O, 2IO ,b 3OO, 0OO, 1+OO, 3?OO

Sho% the arrangement o! angle gauges %ith a neat s4etch$y selecting minimum num$er o! gauges: 2I ? H * ? # 3 ? H *O H 1+OO / 3OO

8n angle o! 1?2 ? /+O /J2OO

: *? ? H * ? H 3 ? H *O # 1O H 3?OO H 1+OO # 0OO

3 8 1?? mm sine $ar is to $e set u to an angle o! 33 ? ,

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=om$ination o! sli gauges re9uired to set u an angle isgiven $y hG L Sin^Where LG distance $et%een roller centersG 1?? mmand ^ G 33 ?

There!ore hG 1?? sin 33?

G J J0J mm

determine the sli gauges needed !rom +I ieces set

Minimum num$er o! sli gauges needed to $uild u54.464 mm is

1 ??J

1 J0?2 ???? ???



grees 0 minutes J+ seconds

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: * Degree /1Degree /3Minutes/1Minutes H3?Sec H1+ Sec

<uild an angle o! I o 3JO *

Solution:Degree G J1 o H2I o /* o H1 o /3o G I

Minutes G 2IOH*O/3OH1O G 3JO

Seconds G 0 H 3 G*

;ive the com$ination o! angle gauges re9uired to $uild1?2 o +O J2 Degree: *? o H* o H3 o G1?2 o Minutes: *O/1O G +OSeconds 3? H 1+ / 0 GJ2

irit Le el;@u@@le le el0

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S irit levels are used !or:

1) Measuring small angle orinclination2) To esta$lish a hori7ontal datum3) To test straightness and 'atness o!sur!aces

=onsists o! a sealed glass tu$e mounted on a $ase The inside sur!ace o! the tu$e is ground to a conve

$arrel sha e having large radius The recision o! the level de ends on the accuracy o!

this radius o! the tu$e8 scale is engraved on the to o! the glass tu$e The tu$e is nearly -lled %ith either ether or alcohol,

e ce t a small air in the !orm o! a $u$$le

Princi le:

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The $u$$le is al%ays tries to remain at the highest ointo! the tu$e

When the level is laced on a hori7ontal sur!ace, the$u$$le rests at the centre o! the scale

(! the $ase o! the level is tilted through a small angle,

the $u$$le %ill move relative to the tu$e a distance alongits radius corres onding to the angle

(!ec ing t!e angle of ta er using rollers)1 Method o! chec4ing the angle o! a ta er lug gauge using rollers2 Mi d li ill d $

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2 Micrometer and sli gauges are illustrated $y -g3 Ta er lug is laced on a sur!ace late Airst t%o rollers o! e9ualdiameters are

laced touching on the o osite sides o! the lo%er sur!ace o! the lugon the sligauge com$inations o! e9ual heights "6) The distance "M) $et%een theends o! the roller is measured %ith a micrometerJ Then the rollers are laced on sli gauge com$inations o! height

touching on theo osite sides o! the to ortion o! the lug The distance $et%een the ends o! the rollers in this ne% osition is

againmeasured $y means o! micrometer0 The hal! o! the ta er angle o! the lug is then calculated as !ollo%s:

I (! dG diameter o! rollers, then

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Measuring of included angle of an internal do etail)

1 Dovetail slides are %idely used in machine tools as a guide %ays

2 The slo ing side o! the dovetail slide act as guide and revent theli!ting o! the!emale mating art during sliding o eration3 This angle can $e measured $y using t%o rollers o! e9ual si7e, sligauges and amicrometer

J The t%o rollers o! e9ual diameters are laced ne each at the t%ocorners anddistance i is measured across the rollers %ith a micrometer Then the rollers e9ual si7e sli gauge $loc4s and the distance is

measured (tshould $e noted that the rollers do not e tend a$ove the to sur!ace o!Odovetail0 Let the height o! sli gauges $e h, then

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Measuring e ternal do etail slide)

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1 Aigures sho%s an e ternal dovetail slide %ith angle o! dovetail 2 To chec4 the %idth o! o ening $ as sho%n in -g , t%o rollers o!

e9ual diameter dare laced one each in the t%o corners3 Then the length L is o$tained $y trial and error %ith the hel o! sligauges or end$ars i! L is greater than 2 ?mmJ Then the %idth N $O can he calculated $y the relation

$ G l H d H d cot >2

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$ G l H d H d cot >2

%e re9uire t%o $alls o! diferent si7es, de th gauge, height gauge etc

%o c!ec t!e angle of a ta er !ole

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This method is articularly suita$le !or chec4ing the angle o! a ta eredring gaugeAirst a small $all o! radius 1 is inserted in the hole in lo%er osition and

de th 61 !rom u er sur!ace o! ta ered hole to the to o! the $all ismeasured Small $all must $e o! such si7e as to $e seated some%here in$et%een hole Then $igger $all o! radius 2 is laced in the hole anddistance 62 i e $et%een the to o! $all and ta ered hole is measured %ithheight gauge (n Aig ?1 and ?2 re resent the centres o! t%o $alls Dra% 1/S arallel to the Q o! ta ered hole in section and ?2S er endicular to

1S Then angle ?2/ 1/S G 8>2 `"%here 8 is the angle o! ta ered hole )

=om$ination set

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=onsist o! J arts located in the groove o! the$lade

• rotractor Be el can $e ad5usted only $y directli i li ! h i h

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a lication to lines or sur!aces having the ro erangular relation

• (t o!ten ha ens that such ad5ustment is not!easi$le and, there!ore, a registering device, in the!orm o! a graduated arc, is a lied to the $evel,ma4ing %hat is 4no%n as a rotractor This tool can$e used to -nd the angular relation in degrees

• (enter S:uare) =enter o! a circle is !ound at theintersection o! any t%o diameters an instrument !or

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intersection o! any t%o diameters, an instrument !orreadily -nding that oint is a great convenience

• This -g sho%s a com$ination straightedge ands9uare, called a center s9uare, %hich accom lishesthis result

• 8s one edge o! the rule $isects the angle o! thes9uare, it is evident that a line dra%n $y that edgeasses through the center o! any circular iece to%hich the s9uare is a lied

• Locating centers in the ends o! round $ars or circular%or4 o! any 4ind is the rinci al use o! this tool