T -,"- Tv:,. •'•-.-'I -•-; -. ? --.".- •. v.\" i and Fallacies # JOB PRINTING of all kinds promptly, and at raufenable prices, at this office. Advertisements this Week. t /t*c IV.-rl Uffk— Sta*Ji>y Barn Paint— Yottnt; //•-,«. •.,/. Fht Appealing• D%iintiM*.ss~~Smttk'-f Trains Leave Brushton GOING EAST No. 364 No. 2S0 No. 34S . ?;45a.ia, 11&} *-. mi.-- SrStp.m. Mtlfc Tram leading Brasliton $:09 a. m^wiU carry passengers betwee^Sfoira and Malone daily; on Sunday between all stations. <3OI5i« WTMTT No, 341' No.jSoT No. 365 9:09 a. ra, 5:23 p. tri, 10:54 p. in. AJilk Train learm** Brttshtfln at 850 p. m. will carry 'passengers between Kill stations daily. ' : Trains Nos. 230 ancy&T between Ch«r- nbnseo^nd Ogdensbiirg only. Trains on N. Y. O. Leave- Moira B:M a. m, 4:04 p, m. 0OIHa SOUTH 10:09 a. m. =. 7:02p.m. LOCAL ITEMS O^densburg Fair next weelc. St. Lawrence Oo. Fair at Canton this w e e k s ..•:,•'- . . " •-'- •_ ". •,.••'•..•. y . - . . slight fronts were reported from some ae( tions Monday anil Tuesday nights.. Mr. and Mrs; Merrill Baldwin : spent Minday with Lisbon friends, Mia.* Gladys Dana of Bombay has been visiting- Miss Martha liinan. Tbe Brushton Schools open next Tuesday and the prospect* are that there will be a large attendance. The Misses Morsran of Malone bare . * < - - . f- been visiting friends In Brighton for a w e e k . . . • • • - :-__• ; • -• "• ".',' Mrs, John Redwomi and son Tottimy of Bay Pond were guests of Brushton friends the last of the week; , Joe Orton of Ottawa has been .visit- ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs, M, H; Orton. ."•'•.'"" : A new iron roof is beinsr pnfc on. the hi!<h school building; JEL A. Whitney & Son are Joins; the work. John McNulty, John Clark, and Stephen Collins of Brasher spent Sttri- day at thp L home Mim Julia' Sullivan. The Woman's Missionary Society Of th,e Christian church will meet with Mrs. F. A Clark Thursday afternoon*, August 27th. •"•'•., . •'."'-.,. ^Chalybeate Chapter, Ov £• -S^'- will bold a regular nieeting in Masonic Temple next week Thursday evening, September 3rd. Mrs."-James. Moore of Oneida, who has been .visiting bier mother, Mrs. Duatin, for & few days, left for Mtf- Coliuuis Tuesday to join Mr. Moore, where they will speud a few days. Wim Mildred 'Nichols' "of llerknuer wag calling on friends in Brnsbton Sat- urday: *>he was on lier way from Brasher Falls to Malone, where she will visit friends. Mr. James -Frnb Atherton of Essex J<\, Vt aiwl Mima Mary Eiizctbeth Flyno of Burlington were united In lnarriage at Ht. Mary's rectory by" - Rev. T. J. Maboney Monday eyt\moij: they will wake their home in Essex Jc. Darwin R. Day of GiJe "\» the boy from FrankHo Co. who has been seleet- ed toattend the Farm Boys' Camp at tbe State Fair in Syracuse as a guest of the State Fair Commission during thf* Sute Fair. •? '.;' \V. Roy Smith,• who has been an in- structor io a foii'xiuesh L-ttllege in Port Chester fur the la-%t >.ear, ban resigned his position there and la enj >ymg a short vacatiou with bis motber, Mrs. Delia Smith, before going to Hdr'ueij where be will enter a lu\v rillk-e. The'walk on the south side;>f Wash- ington St from the Bank past to the. corner has been made uniform in width with tbe rest of the walk and the part in front of the burned distrust has been resurfaced so that now it is as good as new. . •' , -. - .;'"•. - ... Mrs. C. J>. Manchester died fit lier home in Moira Sunday evening after an illness of over IT yea*** a«?ed -Gl yeara. The funeral vv;w held W'etlne*- day afternoon. She leaves a husband, oue son, W. II.; MatK-bestHr, and oue ier, Mrs. kelson Flint. St. Peter's church and Suuftey School hold a picnic in the Hpriog Grove this week Friday afternoon^ August 28th. The congregation and members of the Sunday School are aliJnvited to attend; the nieetiug place will be at Mrs. Brush'8 at 1:30 o'clock. Anearly supper will be served \n the grove. Upon complaint of a hcensed chauf- leqr, Wail Reome was fined; ^5 00 last Wednesday by Justice Aldrieh of St Begis Falls, for carrying passengers for bire in his automobile without first receiving a chauffeur's license^ Mr. Reome did not deny tbe charge and paid the iJue. He bad made appliea- tiotj for a Heeose. Mr. and Mrs. A. E, Austin of Men- Ueo, Coan! were calling oii old friend* io JBfushton Monday, they are guest* ef Woods Bros, at Hiawatha Lodge aad are making an automobile trip of tb« Adirondacks, they will return home by way of the White Mountains. Mir. Austin formerly spent much of his time itt Brusbton and did much bui-iness in tbii vteioity in buying horse*' fpr tbe eastern market. y Urnkm of Nashua, N. H* visiting relatives ; a Brusbt/m. . Buy your school supplier at Smith's and jjet a camera at no extra cost. The work of oiling the State road thirougrt tbe village Nvas completed Std •Francis Binan returned home Tues- day from hi» summer's work at Cliff Haven. Albert ITawkim* of Syracuse, who is visiting frientls at his:oW honie town of . . . -, ^.cholviUe, visited Mm Jennie BeKt*' 11 be «rea«y massed by a; knap aott other relatives here Wedoes* Mrs. H. H. Hawkins and daughter Clara went to Tupper lake Wedne^ day to visit friends for a few days: Miss R«tb Iierfie. DeLonjj, who has spent the summer iu Brushton,, return- ed to ber home in Tupper Luke with t h e m . . ' Death of Mrs, P. Hill Tiiesday evening; Austiisfc the 18th, Mra Mary Atwater Sill, reliet of the late •V. P. Hill, paased peacefully into, the •si-eat beyond at her home at Brookside Tottage^ rHer death was dne to old age, she having almost attained her01st birth- day; she. had been deeliniu^r for some time but was around the house until almost the Ja&t. The funeral was held Friday at the house* the services being In charge of Rev, Matthew H. Dowd, pastor of the M, E. ehaireli, of -WUHMJ the deceased was a. member.., ..--..' Mrs. Hill was born in the town of Burke, her maiden name-being Mvrater; her early nmrried life was spent in Brush- ton, from here the family moved to Potsdam where they resided for a time,' from there they moved to the town of, •Hannibal, where they lived for 40 years; 11 years ago they retnrned to;Brnshton. The deceased' was of a gentle and kiiid- ly disposition, generous and charitable, every jsnffering and needy neighbor always had her syoipatby and help: this caused her tobe helti in high esteemby all who knew her; and although confined to her borne for the last few years she will be greatly missed in the GQtnccmnity. Her Sim Fred died -in November of last year, the Gfher children survive her;. and although grateful for so many years Mother eohld be with them, they mottrri her loss. They are .Mrs. Polly 'French of Potsdam; Wick of Syracuse, Varrium of Howell* Mich.; Eva and Etta of Bruah- ton, Fraiikand Mrs. Jennie Hill Wood of Hannibal. Card of Thanks tabt tins-means to .express our ap- ppeeiation: for the many kindnesses ex- tended us in our recent affiiction. ;; Tflfi HILL FAMILY. X BOATS OFTHE ANCIENTS. Floating Palaces Used by the QH ! Oreekis and Romans. It is 'generally agreed that Noah's ark-measured -"about. 430 feet in length, ieveiity-Ave feet in breadth and -forty-, five'in-"d-ei»tb: ; . It i& interesting to note that-. the proportions .of these dimen- sions ave practically tbe same as ftipse of the. great i&odern ocean linei^. ,"; The <Jreeks and RomanW coastrttcted- several large vessels measuring up- ward of 300 feet. These were biiilt for the eniperors oi* rulers'and were little mol'e than enormous scows, with- out aiiy means of -propulsion.' Tpon these were erected elaborate eablti ae- cominoiltttions, ahtl even gardens Ayer^ planted. A Roman bath "was installed on oue of these boats. A vessel 420 feet in length Was" Imilt by Ptolemy whi<'h was propelled, by 500 rowers, arranged in five banks, using oars flfty^xyven feet in length. The boat Is recorded to have developed considerable speed. The fanie ot'tne Thalamegus still lives. This boat,- which measured 300 feet In jength, forty feet in breadth and sixty in depth, was said to have been the most b&antiftii craft in an- tiquity and.wasiwfii exclusively by the emperor. . A king of Syracuse is also credited. with having built a very palati'ai boat* whose cabins were hung with costly Mlks. and decorate<l with rare statueS- After tiedecline of the RQinan empire ho great ships were eonstiiieted for more; than1,000 years.-. Tbe biggest niodern ship, the Vater- iand, measures 950 feet, thus approxi^ mateJy fUlfliling the tradition that ships would come to be 1,000 f eet long. —Boston Herald.: North Bangor Aug. 24th—H. S. Edach was called to iEllenburg last Monday oii account of the 'serioBS illness of bis sister, Kirs. Lydia Garlfcki Misa Carrie Ellisi a Christian Sciejaee healer of Orand Rapids, Mich, is visiting at the home of El win Tarbell and ealliiig on old friends. She was formerly a resi- dent of this place. The Key. Isaac Steenson preached a very intejestiBg sermon m J the H. E. ebarob Sunday. The Henry family show that was hare last week was well attended. . The I>Qwn aad Oat t3nb of Herkimer passed through here last week Wednes- day witt tbeir decorated ears and their gay banners flying; they didn't look as if they werts very much down or ont. flawy Ayers and fainily of PgdeQsbnrg are vWM©g friends here for a few weeks. Mr. and Mis. W. B. Steenberge and Ux. a»d Mm. Rofe T^dd motored to Og- deosburg ta»t Snnda|r. Miss .Lola Roys of Tupper Lake visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Roys, BOARD OF <TKAI>E on tbe Dairy Board for 30% cents and cheese at 15% centa. 355 taba c»f bntter were registered {J and 3,660 tease* ot ebeeja©. A year ago batter WAS 3d cents and eheeae 14% cents. CooKs Corners Aug.U—Atihm Trim, Fia»k South worth and Chancy Ellsworth went to the 100ft Inland* laafc Sunday. Engrene Topper, son of Gilhan Tnpper, had hk jaw broken last Snnjday playing ball; they took him to Dr, MeArlney at Ft. Covington Springfield, Hpward Hntehins went to Mass. last Friday to stay with; bis annt, Mra, Edna McCarthy and attend school. R was; rather lonesome bejre for him; Howarct was a boy everybody liked and •him.. l who kiiew ; _ , , Therewas a large'attendaqce at Wm. ttapree's funeral held here in the cbnrch last Friday. -. '• • ;" : •.'".•- : .". ' : •":-•, '-..- Mrs. NelJie Brayton is somje better. Mrs. Henry Hatching isf a business caller in Notth Bangor todajj'. , Quite a Bomber attended fthe Sunday School picnic last Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Buel and brother Doll Bue"! were the °rnest6 of Mr. and Mrs, Henry Htttcbms last i^n tiday. ; The West Gbazy Camp M ^etinsr com- menced last Tuesday and en' Is the 80th, wish w« all conMgo. . i Frank Steenberge was \% tjawn last week getting signers for sberiif; we all hope Frank will be snedessiti 1. Henry Hutehiqs and Bnn; Jock have been btisy putting lightning rods on people's honse?.. . ..•!•"'•",. Mrs. Arnold is very Ul. Some of the JeaveB'On the trees are beginning- to tnni yellow pptting ns in mind that fall will be, with n^ asrain. ; Mrs. Allen Hnnkins add daughter Edna : were bnsiness caller? in Malone i week. •";' SOU?H BOMBAY •.. 2^—Mr, a-iid STrs. ,C anil two-children,-Lyie an< ^ have been visiting at Geo../ week, returned to theii* lion •-.].'Palwer Bnth, who if for a e la Bloom - ingdale Weflnfsda.v. i : Mr. and Mrs; Hiram PerrV, and son""of Ft. Oovington called on tjhe. former's brotlier, A. E. Berry,? Aug. Wth, years. Mr. t>ied dt South Bpnibay, 1914, Win. Lapree* . 08 Lapree had been in poor health, for the past year bat it WAS only the tfist two weeks that his ailment toojk a; serious tarn; He was a man of iTprijerjiit eh«r- aeter and -thoroaghlr lionejt lii all Hif dealings. He is sttrvived by si wife, six sons and four danghtfrg, W illiara, Roy, N^laon, Chester, Aiona, AtkOi,. Mary, and Ada of this place. Mrs. Melvin Brown of Dickinson and Mrs. lloy Smith of Brush- ton. Mrs. Gertie Sweet -iriideriveJjt a serions operation Monday morning; pi CJorawall Qeneral Hospital. AIT hope f< recovery.' ". .'.;;', '••'•.".•-•""'• '.•..•• Mrp. Phebe Braper of Pliih.delpliia. N. Y., is visiting her sisters, MrsC Jonas Pheips and Mrs. Frank Yada w. Mrs. Mary Johnstone ami daughter, Mrs. Geo. Twist and little gjranddaogb- •ie'r Alice of Brandon, Man. arrived nesday nigi»t to visit the former's sisters, Mrs. Jonas Pheips and; Sirs. Frank Yadaw. Mrs. Tuist went ^p Mass&na Sunday to vi^it her wster* Hopson.a few days and will leave there Saturday for her lioiue in Manitoba. Mm Jobnstiine will remain sometitoe to assist in caring, for her iuyalid sister, Mrs. Pheips. Mrs. I<eonardvLabell and t of Brushton spent Sunday wjth her parp- en ts, Mr. and Mrs. J. Laffesb Mrs. Anna. Smith has beejn spending: the week with friends in Dit'!s|:ris6iJ. She Want, Lost, Found, To Ren v Fp? Bale and other liJt& noticesiinser ted;tui4er' this head for one-half cent a word each week. Clash . with prder. Minimnm Charge 10 '•:. WE WAKT—At oneej- local ing salesmen in this state tp? ns. There is money in th YOU «>lieitin» for onr e|eiy specialties. Apply now fo Allen Knrsery Co., Rochester FOR SALE—A good2nd buggy, used very little, cheap. W. S. Martin, West and travel- represent work for selling territory. ; r. ;3om4 hand open be sold #an«or. Mi will FG|B SALE OR RKNT—The store now occupied as a barber shop m& jewelry store in Brushton. X4vin^ rooms in connection. Also a blaoksjmith shop. Enos Anderson, Brnshtonv j SOtf FOR RENT—My house if Brushton. good Barn and 3 acres laiid. W. L. Orton, North Bangor, R. F. p. No X FOR SALE—At this ofl8c<|> at 5 eente a bundle, old newspapers, j. MEN'S BUITS. cleaned and pressed from 50 cents tip. Leave at McMann's Clothing Store. Mrs. Ralph Geddes, Bruahtpn. ; i 30 Has the boy a new Suit fpr the first day 0f school? have received our i-» Prices rangiiig $3,00^$^, $450, $5;00 f Ruler of Death is Expected, It Is Reported. Bring the boy in and let hiin try on one, he'll like it and m will Photo by American Press .AssoGiatipn.- AUSTBWN The Stor^ of Quality and Low Priced Reports -.rwmven" in London . from . sonrt.es .tpnd 'iy .^oiilirui the ra- hior'.-fliar' Enipero-r Krjjiici.s. ..Tu.seph of -Atistrit). is elytra,' According' to. one dispatch received in Paris front Hoiiie, tlie aged ruler's death is HOTT ortly.a matter of a few : hemrs. - ;At tlie. foreign offiee*in Rome, lin\v.e.v«% it was denied that any .reports (.•opeermn.s ;i ttie eoj- [>eror"s ilfnt'ss'. have i>e.en rt?ceivjfd.' The Messagero <>-f tliut city i>rints -a-state- ment re^tmi-in,?; jfclie ivi>ovt autl declui-ea tliiit 'vrortt U^s . tieeiv re-'.ehert ...'from 'a worthy source verifying the. rumor.. •Empevor.Frahels Joseph rec ; !eiit;ly'.''c.e.l-' ebt.ate9 bis eigiitj-fmirth blrtkOay.' His health was : i'eppi'teA,poor at that tiine owing to. the war. ...'.'• . . The emperor's sixfy-six years-of pnb--' fie life haxe. been ..fi I led \v itb many acts" of kir«3ne«s .and'.fortitude, which liave endeared ixiiu to his. subjec-ts; but,, at the sanie ..tiuie tlie 'monarchy over ^'hich he lilies-has been, torn by.'ipter- nal- eoufJiet of. its ttiverse races riia lias- lost territory, "ajiri. tke oi' f s armies have met with (fefeat. .after-• : : Head-to-Foot Oiitfitter Brushton, f N. Y; Sunday. . : >" . .Mr,',and ; Mrs; John Barrett, Mm. Mar- garet Barrett,. Mrs. Orsoa ^pper tt Jolin Niles went to St., Regis Falls S day to attend the funeral of iirs, t^liarles Mrs.'Clark Gale is sick. Mr. and Mrs, Eruest Dean, who. bare beeu spending the past .two. months ID Mtiesetia, have.returnedr ,'••.-. Dr. 'Bast, aect>mpank*d by l;)r. Aigulre of-Corn wall, ealled_ on Mm. Joctag Pheips Saturday and found hex very poorly. ' Misses Stella antl Xettie Palmer have returned to tbeir home in Maloiie after speding the past year with Mr. aad Mrs. Orange Phelps. T. IJ. Frew of DesMoines, Dr;. Athoi Frew and little soil of Dallasi, Texas, Mr. und-Mr-s. Ch^is. Boothe of New York, Mr. and Mr«. Grover Frew ami Mrs, Delia Frew are enjoying a reunion and a'weeks outing on the St, Laurence, -Mrs.^ Alma Try ou of Hi Hard. Florida. aud.Mrs. Steenbt»rg;« of O*tawa,are visit.-. ing at the foriper-'e IVrofcherSj B. N. Pheljis. RussChurchHl, who ha» been visiting rtlHtives find, friends in town the past week, returned to his home iii JVliUs Montlayv, V • -. .- '• ..'". ."'„•< EMGUSH EABL IS /oung Peer Dangerously Hurt on a Betgian Battlefteld. The official n&ws bureau of the wai ; office and atluiiratty in I^ondon an- nounced rthat the Earl of. Ley en and Nelville nas been dangerously wounded. Toe earl recently passed his twen- ty-fourth birthday, and is .one ofthe richest of the bachelor peers. He.is a lieutenant in; the Royal Scots Grays. one of the riiost celebrated British cavalry; regiments. : . : i i Fall Patterns in and in Fashion demands combination of silk and wool .- -.'• -. : •.••'.•'•• ":•'• P r e s s -Qoods.'" ' r .•-• •;'.^'.' : • ;'. ; " Call and see the New Goods BRUSM1W; N. ^ AUSTRIA AVOIDS TROUBLE Di»mantl©». Hai* Cruiser Now.-at. taii~-Three Squadrons Sent to Cap- ture Gerrrtan Statiqrv—'Rupture o| Re- lationsBetvyeen Japan ^nd Germany j Eifected th '.Simple Manner. . The blockade-of Tsingtan, tiae foili- i Bed aeapprt of Klaochow, baa liegiin. I British, French aiid Itussian, vessels of : war are taJdng part in the niovemeiit. ;l japan will uot begin offensive opera- 1 tiong against Kiaochcn^- until; a note i has been sent to the Gerinan gevernot \ .of. the i>roviiiee, urging .him to sniTtiiii j der. Talsaiijiouncenient was made in j Tokyo, -and-, the: -action was., decided \ npon to, avoid bloodshed^. It was iearn- i ed that the Anierican consal at .K-hi-o- chaw.-rewaihis at his post. V •'•.' Japan is directi ug three\ squadrons against the. wro'vince and the Gejrnaan . warships in.eastern waters. Vice Ad-: miral To.mosaburo Kato was appointed eoinmander in chief of the first squad- ron, r hich will carry out the niain of- fensive movemeiit against Jperiiiany;. Vice AduilraJ Sfaciakirhi Ka.to will eoni- mand the. set-<>mi squadron and Rear Admiral T-suehiya the tliiM squatfi'ola, .' -The -rnpture of rclatiohs between Ja.-- pan ariti Uefitiahy was effected in. a : simple '•innniier.' A, representative of the Gernijiir inin.istrj' of foreign -affaivs went to' tlie . Japanese eiiftiassy" nuh hi«ided •tli«:..Jjipsmese charge d'attaires; 'his : jta^siiort,-; with: the verbal .-..remark-'-J that Gerniiuiv Innl-iio response to make 'to-i"JliJf»itH'W• vijtixrintuiH .eoncerijiiig;' the siirr^mta' >rf. Kittoehow' Tiie J.ipanese repi'c^t'iif.-'i.th'i'. torned his embassy and'.. its jtTfln ves over to the prutGction of* (he.. Amorii'iur -a-iiiLf-assa^or,. James W, f Jerani. - .. •-" l ".\ • • . . •"-'.•''•'•'•:•": •'•"• Ooriiinny hns protesteit to China that ' the J'ep«fiHc lias beeii aiding Japan in. the fur '-eastern 'tru.ubie "and -violating the: nih>$ of. iHUJtruHty; ".China replied to this that the : warlike- luival. opera-' 'Him*of the i»ernia-j'is" I»i the oritnit hrui ! ).<?f v n'«^Ufnla't> i Ft't''» violate the principles if tlitvagreonsent -wherel>y"tU liaisob ;, . . ; , . . . 1 ..'l*anir'er of war be : tvve»»jj Jupun iihil •Austria.'. was rexnovM through- the 'igreeinerit of .Austria to tlisinuntle her criii'ser, the Knisorin Elizabeth; jnow at T s i H £ t : t M . • -. ' • •. ; • " ' ' - ; ' '.'.;•• •-. •'- ''] •-•- "-" FfGflfli FORGES OF W. C. Ti U, 6QiintyCpnvention j Septeniljer sixth annual convention of the y W*"C. T. U. will be heW. at tue Grange Hall, North Bangor. 1 he Bangrpr Union will proykte meals for those attending at ten cents. The forenoon will be given to i annnal reports of: officers and* sn^erin- feidentsij in the afternoon addre#es ill 'Mobilization of all of Italy's land and sea fighting forces has been decided upon and" \v?Ii be proflaitne<i in threeor four days, it_ is rei^rt-edj'in Koine on be given,; Judge Paddock st>eakiiig on "Preventable Causes i of Crimea Povert3- asd.Inefiiciencj;;" Mr. Monteitli on "Na- tional ProEibition.. How?" and Miss Gilbert on *'Mercy," '. The_ evening en- tertainment willibe a Xoil n^ Men's Silver, Until stock i>, closed out 1 will sell the following . •;' -. fen Lif -* S Medal Coiite&t, vited to attend. are cordially in- COMMERCIAL PRINTING At this Office broken Lots of Underwear, Hosiery, Frocks, etc. ; Aka I haven ,fe s . s .v-t: of TV:a whicli I'. -\N ill • of a t or.ee. M. m. QUINN,Brighton, will find here afull line of in (Except Text Books) -INCLUDINO^ Tablets, Note and Composition $ooks, Pencils, Pens* Inks, Etc. . WifJt every five cent pnrchase.of School Supplies wo.irive a Sc!i:/ ; ->] Coii}>f>n. for 12.1 of these coupons we will give a No. Q. Brownie .Camera,•.valn'i-tl at ~>1 2"». This little camera is tlie latest model ptrt out.by the .Eastniau. tioiiak < v> -and laakt-s perfect piMnres 1^x3* inehes; capacity, 8 exposures without : reloa«liir.r. iieturca- can be enlarged to post card size at little expense. Aperfect little canrf-ra. Fountaih Pens and other Premiunis also given for coiij>on,s. f ''oxi\«. DP have a e a s h " v i a l u e , ^ : .':'•'•'•-''' : .-. ~ '•'.-•• ••-..':'','•. '.'-'• '.' ' •'. '• Smith's Printing Office, Brushton LINE ST. REQIS FALLS AND MALONE Connection at Moira with Train from the West 5:15 P. THROUGH RATELS :"> V CK V.'.:\ I - V.hVl'TlS \> f Ji'J -. • i j _ij) .?."• .' - .l.: J 4 ; .ti. i ' *tO , y . ' y •;• . -•• . N O . M I L E S - . ....... .-••.-: -: y -•-..". . '.-,". 0:ig,p. in. 20 St. Eegis Falls ." 9:00 a, ni. 6$Q:" •'.•••: 2S .. : Dickinson Center ;':15 *>' 5rl5-y' f ~ : -y[ -. ':i-t- : ".' : Moira iQ>M''""• ; 5:0o-. <"-••"• - y - .1:2 .••''.'• Brushton '• • .'10;15 i: - ' .-"-• . ;. •-•> 4;4<;>.. *"* ' - ..•••".'-.••««... "-' North Baogor .... .10:40 '*' - -. .;-•-' ."• ; /•<> 4:00 •-* •-' : '"' '.••••. : '. •-" ^ - " M a l o n e '.' - 1I:OU " ••. ., •' LOCAJL RATES Moira to-Dwkinfion. ;40c. .' -.- ' . . . . .-•'.. Moira tu HL IU-/IZ Faiir, f >'c. y . : Dickinson^ to St.. Begris Falls, 2.1c. •• , '-.'-•; •'•."•-.•••"•. '.-.-' '.:" S h o r t D i s t a n c e s 5 Cents a mile., . Car WiH Stop on Signal Anywhere on Line. Attention Given Farmers and Traveling Men. All Errands done at a very nominal charge. - BEAN & S0N - " ' . * - ; - , i - -, - - Ladies, Misses and Chlldrens _ "This' mobiiiscatJon will include the horne ; defense, .and orders no%y are reiidy to Jk' signed, it is snidL . It is usserfrfl tliat I\iug Vii-tor Em- mamiel until recently felt obfiged to renounce aij idea of Ifrijhin inferfpnV tion in, tlie. cqiftitct, bnt was won over .1 hy the; lirgruments of- his ministers Marqais'.Anton'io di San Giuiiano, min- ister of foreign affairs, alone oftoe cabinet held to a eontrary opinion; It is stilted nt the foreign office that. Mafqttls San IJiiilijino has received no wowl from Austria regarding bis rfe- <jtiest for an explanaflon of tbe laTtd- ing: of Austrian nnniitions to araa the Albanians for service against Servia. The fe&ilng against Austria is very bittef turoiigbout Itafy. :.! •" DRESSES Big Reduction in Price LEUM Yards Wide Several Patterns per Yard Brushton /: - :

LINE - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn93063604/1914-08-27/ed-1/seq-2.pdfwag calling on friends in Brnsbton Sat-urday: ... W. II.; MatK-bestHr, and oue ier,

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Page 1: LINE - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn93063604/1914-08-27/ed-1/seq-2.pdfwag calling on friends in Brnsbton Sat-urday: ... W. II.; MatK-bestHr, and oue ier,


-,"- T v: , . •'•-.-'I -•-; -. ? -- ." . - • . v . \ "


and Fallacies #

JOB PRINTING of all kindspromptly, and at raufenable prices, atthis office.

Advertisements this Week.t

/ t*c IV.-rl Uffk—

Sta*Ji>y Barn Paint— Yottnt; //•-,«. •.,/.Fht Appealing• D%iintiM*.ss~~Smttk'-f

Trains Leave BrushtonGOING EAST

No. 364 No. 2S0 No. 34S .?;45a.ia, 11&} *-. mi.-- SrStp.m.

Mtlfc Tram leading Brasliton $:09 a.m^wiU carry passengers betwee^Sfoiraand Malone daily; on Sunday betweenall stations.


No, 341' No.jSoT No. 3659:09 a. ra, 5:23 p. tri, 10:54 p. in.

AJilk Train learm** Brttshtfln at 850p. m. will carry 'passengers between Killstations daily. ' :

Trains Nos. 230 ancy&T between Ch«r-nbnseo^nd Ogdensbiirg only.T r a i n s on N. Y. <© O. Leave- Moira

B:M a. m, 4:04 p, m.0OIHa SOUTH

10:09 a. m. =. 7:02p.m.


O^densburg Fair next weelc.

St. Lawrence Oo. Fair at Canton thisw e e k s ..•:,•'- . . " •-'- •_ ". •,.••'•..•. y . - . .

slight fronts were reported from some

ae( tions Monday anil Tuesday nights..

Mr. and Mrs; Merrill Baldwin: spentMinday with Lisbon friends,

Mia.* Gladys Dana of Bombay hasbeen visiting- Miss Martha liinan.

Tbe Brushton Schools open nextTuesday and the prospect* are thatthere will be a large attendance.

The Misses Morsran of Malone bare. * < - - . f-

been visiting friends In Brighton for aw e e k . . . • • • • • - :-__• ; • -• "• ".','

Mrs, John Redwomi and son Tottimyof Bay Pond were guests of Brushtonfriends the last of the week; ,

Joe Orton of Ottawa has been .visit-ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs, M, H;Orton. . " • ' • . ' " " :

A new iron roof is beinsr pnfc on. thehi!<h school building; JEL A. Whitney& Son are Joins; the work.

John McNulty, John Clark, andStephen Collins of Brasher spent Sttri-day at thpLhome Mim Julia' Sullivan.

The Woman's Missionary Society Ofth,e Christian church will meet withMrs. F. A Clark Thursday afternoon*,August 27th. •"•'•., . •'."'-.,.

^Chalybeate Chapter, Ov £• -S^'- willbold a regular nieeting in MasonicTemple next week Thursday evening,September 3rd.

Mrs."-James. Moore of Oneida, whohas been .visiting bier mother, Mrs.Duatin, for & few days, left for Mtf-Coliuuis Tuesday to join Mr. Moore,where they will speud a few days.

Wim Mildred 'Nichols' "of llerknuerwag calling on friends in Brnsbton Sat-urday: *>he was on lier way fromBrasher Falls to Malone, where shewill visit friends.

Mr. James -Frnb Atherton of EssexJ<\, Vt aiwl Mima Mary Eiizctbeth Flynoof Burlington were united In lnarriageat Ht. Mary's rectory by" - Rev. T. J .Maboney Monday eyt\moij: they willwake their home in Essex Jc .

Darwin R. Day of GiJe "\» the boyfrom FrankHo Co. who has been seleet-ed to attend the Farm Boys' Camp attbe State Fair in Syracuse as a guest ofthe State Fair Commission during thf*Sute Fair. •? '.;'

\V. Roy Smith,• who has been an in-structor io a foii'xiuesh L-ttllege in PortChester fur the la-%t >.ear, ban resignedhis position there and la enj >ymg ashort vacatiou with bis motber, Mrs.Delia Smith, before going to Hdr'ueijwhere be will enter a lu\v rillk-e.

The'walk on the south side;>f Wash-ington St from the Bank past to the.corner has been made uniform in widthwith tbe rest of the walk and the partin front of the burned distrust has beenresurfaced so that now it is as good asnew. . • ' , -. - .;'"•. - . . .

Mrs. C. J>. Manchester died fit lierhome in Moira Sunday evening afteran illness of over IT yea*** a«?ed -Glyeara. The funeral vv;w held W'etlne*-day afternoon. She leaves a husband,oue son, W. II . ; MatK-bestHr, and oue

ier, Mrs. kelson Flint.

St. Peter's church and Suuftey Schoolhold a picnic in the Hpriog Grove

this week Friday afternoon^ August28th. The congregation and membersof the Sunday School are aliJnvited toattend; the nieetiug place will be atMrs. Brush'8 at 1:30 o'clock. An earlysupper will be served \n the grove.

Upon complaint of a hcensed chauf-leqr, Wail Reome was fined; ^5 00 lastWednesday by Justice Aldrieh of StBegis Falls, for carrying passengersfor bire in his automobile without firstreceiving a chauffeur's license^ Mr.Reome did not deny tbe charge andpaid the iJue. He bad made appliea-tiotj for a Heeose.

Mr. and Mrs. A. E, Austin of Men-Ueo, Coan! were calling oii old friend*io JBfushton Monday, they are guest*ef Woods Bros, at Hiawatha Lodge aadare making an automobile trip of tb«Adirondacks, they will return home byway of the White Mountains. Mir.Austin formerly spent much of his timeitt Brusbton and did much bui-iness intbii vteioity in buying horse*' fpr tbeeastern market.

y Urnkm of Nashua, N. H* i»visiting relatives ; a Brusbt/m. .

Buy your school supplier at Smith'sand jjet a camera at no extra cost.

The work of oiling the State roadthirougrt tbe village Nvas completedS t d

•Francis Binan returned home Tues-day from hi» summer's work at CliffHaven.

Albert ITawkim* of Syracuse, who is

visiting frientls at his:oW honie town of . . . -,

^.cholviUe, visited Mm Jennie BeKt*'1 1 b e «rea«y massed by a;

knap aott other relatives here Wedoes*

Mrs. H. H. Hawkins and daughterClara went to Tupper l ake Wedne^day to visit friends for a few days:Miss R«tb Iierfie. DeLonjj, who hasspent the summer iu Brushton,, return-ed to ber home in Tupper Luke witht h e m . • • . • • • • • • '

Death of Mrs, V« P. HillTiiesday evening; Austiisfc the 18th,

Mra Mary Atwater Sill, reliet of the late•V. P. Hill, paased peacefully into, the•si-eat beyond at her home at BrooksideTottage^ rHer death was dne to old age,she having almost attained her01st birth-day; she. had been deeliniu^r for sometime but was around the house untilalmost the Ja&t.

The funeral was held Friday at thehouse* the services being In charge ofRev, Matthew H. Dowd, pastor of theM, E. ehaireli, of -WUHMJ the deceasedwas a. member.., . . - - . . '

Mrs. Hill was born in the town ofBurke, her maiden name-being Mvrater;her early nmrried life was spent in Brush-ton, from here the family moved toPotsdam where they resided for a time,'from there they moved to the town of,•Hannibal, where they lived for 40 years;11 years ago they retnrned to;Brnshton.

The deceased' was of a gentle and kiiid-ly disposition, generous and charitable,every jsnffering and needy neighboralways had her syoipatby and help: thiscaused her to be helti in high esteem byall who knew her; and although confinedto her borne for the last few years shewill be greatly missed in the GQtnccmnity.

Her Sim Fred died -in November oflast year, the Gfher children survive her;.and although grateful for so many yearsMother eohld be with them, they mottrriher loss. They are .Mrs. Polly 'Frenchof Potsdam; Wick of Syracuse, Varriumof Howell* Mich.; Eva and Etta of Bruah-ton, Fraiikand Mrs. Jennie Hill Wood ofHannibal.

Card of Thanks

tabt tins-means to .express our ap-ppeeiation: for the many kindnesses ex-tended us in our recent affiiction.


X BOATS OF THE ANCIENTS.Floating Palaces Used by the QH! Oreekis and Romans.

It is 'generally agreed that Noah'sark-measured -"about. 430 feet in length,ieveiity-Ave feet in breadth and -forty-,five'in-"d-ei»tb:;. It i& interesting to notethat-. the proportions .of these dimen-sions ave practically tbe same as ftipseof the. great i&odern ocean linei^.,"; The <Jreeks and RomanW coastrttcted-several large vessels measuring up-ward of 300 feet. These were biiiltfor the eniperors oi* rulers'and werelittle mol'e than enormous scows, with-out aiiy means of -propulsion.' Tponthese were erected elaborate eablti ae-cominoiltttions, ahtl even gardens Ayerplanted. A Roman bath "was installedon oue of these boats.

A vessel 420 feet in length Was" Imiltby Ptolemy whi<'h was propelled, by500 rowers, arranged in five banks,using oars flfty^xyven feet in length.The boat Is recorded to have developedconsiderable speed.

The fanie ot ' tne Thalamegus stilllives. This boat,- which measured 300feet In jength, forty feet in breadthand sixty in depth, was said to havebeen the most b&antiftii craft in an-tiquity and.wasiwfii exclusively bythe emperor.. A king of Syracuse is also credited.with having built a very palati'ai boat*whose cabins were hung with costlyMlks. and decorate<l with rare statueS-After t ie decline of the RQinan empireho great ships were eonstiiieted formore; than1,000 years.-.

Tbe biggest niodern ship, the Vater-iand, measures 950 feet, thus approxi^mateJy fUlfliling the tradition thatships would come to be 1,000 f eet long.—Boston Herald.:

North BangorAug. 24th—H. S. Edach was called to

iEllenburg last Monday oii account ofthe 'serioBS illness of bis sister, Kirs.Lydia Garlfcki

Misa Carrie Ellisi a Christian Sciejaeehealer of Orand Rapids, Mich, is visitingat the home of El win Tarbell and ealliiigon old friends. She was formerly a resi-dent of this place.

The Key. Isaac Steenson preached avery intejestiBg sermon mJ the H. E.ebarob Sunday.

The Henry family show that was harelast week was well attended.. The I>Qwn aad Oat t3nb of Herkimer

passed through here last week Wednes-day witt tbeir decorated ears and theirgay banners flying; they didn't look asif they werts very much down or ont.

flawy Ayers and fainily of PgdeQsbnrgare vWM©g friends here for a few weeks.

Mr. and Mis. W. B. Steenberge andUx. a»d Mm. Rofe T^dd motored to Og-deosburg ta»t Snnda|r.

Miss .Lola Roys of Tupper Lake visitedher parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Roys,


on tbe DairyBoard for 30% cents and cheese at 15%centa. 355 taba c»f bntter were registered {Jand 3,660 tease* ot ebeeja©. A year agobatter WAS 3d cents and eheeae 14% cents.

CooKs CornersAug.U—Atihm Trim, Fia»k South

worth and Chancy Ellsworth went to the100ft Inland* laafc Sunday.

Engrene Topper, son of Gilhan Tnpper,had h k jaw broken last Snnjday playingball; they took him to Dr, MeArlney atFt. Covington

Springfield,Hpward Hntehins went toMass. last Friday to stay with; bis annt,Mra, Edna McCarthy and attend school.R was; rather lonesome bejre for him;Howarct was a boy everybody liked and

•him..l who kiiew

; _ , ,Therewas a large'attendaqce at Wm.

ttapree's funeral held here in the cbnrchl a s t F r i d a y . -. '• • ;": •.'".•- • :.". •' :•":-•, '-..-

Mrs. NelJie Brayton is somje better.Mrs. Henry Hatching isf a business

caller in Notth Bangor todajj'. ,Quite a Bomber attended fthe Sunday

School picnic last Wednesday,Mr. and Mrs. Hector Buel and brother

Doll Bue"! were the °rnest6 of Mr. andMrs, Henry Htttcbms last i n tiday. ;

The West Gbazy Camp M etinsr com-menced last Tuesday and en' Is the 80th,wish w« all conMgo. . i

Frank Steenberge was \% tjawn lastweek getting signers for sberiif; we allhope Frank will be snedessiti 1.

Henry Hutehiqs and Bnn; Jock havebeen btisy putting lightning rods onpeople's honse?.. . . . • ! • " ' • " , .

Mrs. Arnold is very Ul.Some of the JeaveB'On the trees are

beginning- to tnni yellow pptting ns inmind that fall will be, with n^ asrain. ;

Mrs. Allen Hnnkins add daughterEdna : were bnsiness caller? in Malonei week. •";'

SOU?H BOMBAY•.. 2^—Mr, a-iid STrs. ,C

anil two-children,-Lyie an<^have been visiting at Geo../week, returned to theii* lion

•-.].'PalwerBnth, who

if for ae la Bloom -

ingdale Weflnfsda.v. i :Mr. and Mrs; Hiram PerrV, and son""of

Ft. Oovington called on tjhe. former'sbrotlier, A. E. Berry,?

Aug. Wth,years. Mr.

t>ied dt South Bpnibay,1914, Win. Lapree* . 08Lapree had been in poor health, for thepast year bat it WAS only the tfist twoweeks that his ailment toojk a; serioustarn; He was a man of iTprijerjiit eh«r-aeter and -thoroaghlr lionejt lii all Hifdealings. He is sttrvived by si wife, sixsons and four danghtfrg, W illiara, Roy,N^laon, Chester, Aiona, AtkOi,. Mary, andAda of this place. Mrs. Melvin Brown ofDickinson and Mrs. lloy Smith of Brush-ton.

Mrs. Gertie Sweet -iriideriveJjt a serionsoperation Monday morning; pi CJorawallQeneral Hospital. AIT hope f<r e c o v e r y . ' ". . ' . ; ; ' , '••'•.".•-•""'• ' .•..••

Mrp. Phebe Braper of Pliih.delpliia. N.Y., is visiting her sisters, MrsC JonasPheips and Mrs. Frank Yada w.

Mrs. Mary Johnstone ami daughter,Mrs. Geo. Twist and little gjranddaogb-•ie'r Alice of Brandon, Man. arrivednesday nigi»t to visit the former's sisters,Mrs. Jonas Pheips and; Sirs. FrankYadaw. Mrs. Tuist went ^p Mass&naSunday to vi^it her wster*Hopson.a few days and will leave thereSaturday for her lioiue in Manitoba.Mm Jobnstiine will remain sometitoe toassist in caring, for her iuyalid sister,Mrs. Pheips.

Mrs. I<eonardvLabell and tof Brushton spent Sunday wjth her parp-en ts, Mr. and Mrs. J. Laffesb

Mrs. Anna. Smith has beejn spending:the week with friends in Dit'!s|:ris6iJ. She

Want, Lost, Found, To Ren v Fp? Baleand other liJt& noticesiinser ted;tui4er'

this head for one-half cent aword each week. Clash

. with prder.Minimnm Charge 10

'•:. WE WAKT—At oneej- localing salesmen in this state tp?ns. There is money in thYOU «>lieitin» for onr e|eiyspecialties. Apply now foAllen Knrsery Co., Rochester

FOR SALE—A good 2ndbuggy, used very little,cheap. W. S. Martin, West

and travel-representwork for


;3om4hand open

be sold#an«or. Miwill

FG|B SALE OR RKNT—The store nowoccupied as a barber shop m& jewelrystore in Brushton. X4vin^ rooms inconnection. Also a blaoksjmith shop.Enos Anderson, Brnshtonv j SOtf

FOR RENT—My house i f Brushton.good Barn and 3 acres laiid. W. L.Orton, North Bangor, R. F . p. No X

FOR SALE—At this ofl8c<|> at 5 eentea bundle, old newspapers, j .

MEN'S BUITS. cleaned and pressedfrom 50 cents tip. Leave at McMann'sClothing Store. Mrs. Ralph Geddes,Bruahtpn. ; i 30

Has the boy a newSuit fpr the firstday 0f school?

have receivedouri-»

Prices rangiiig

$ 3 , 0 0 ^ $ ^ ,$450, $5;00f

Ruler ofDeath is

Expected, It Is Reported.

Bring the boy inand let hiin tryon one, he'll like

it and m will

Photo by American Press .AssoGiatipn.-


The Stor^ of Quality andLow Priced

Reports -.rwmven" in London . from. sonrt.es .tpnd 'iy .^oiilirui the ra-

hior'.-fliar' Enipero-r Krjjiici.s. ..Tu.seph of-Atistrit). is elytra,' According' to. onedispatch received in Paris front Hoiiie,tlie aged ruler's death is HOTT ortly.amatter of a few: hemrs. - ;At tlie. foreignoffiee*in Rome, lin\v.e.v«% it was deniedthat any .reports (.•opeermn.s;i ttie eoj-[>eror"s ilfnt'ss'. have i>e.en rt?ceivjfd.' TheMessagero <>-f tliut city i>rints -a-state-ment re^tmi-in,?; jfclie ivi>ovt autl declui-eatliiit 'vrortt U^s . tieeiv re-'.ehert ...'from 'aworthy source verifying the. rumor..

•Empevor.Frahels Joseph rec;!eiit;ly'.''c.e.l-'ebt.ate9 bis eigiitj-fmirth blrtkOay.' Hishealth was:i'eppi'teA,poor at that tiineowing to. the war. ...'.'• .. The emperor's sixfy-six years-of pnb--'fie life haxe. been ..fi I led \v itb many acts"of kir«3ne«s .and'.fortitude, which liaveendeared ixiiu to his. subjec-ts; but,, atthe sanie ..tiuie tlie 'monarchy over^'hich he lilies-has been, torn by.'ipter-nal- eoufJiet of. its ttiverse racesriia lias- lost territory, "ajiri. tkeoi'fs armies have met with (fefeat. .after-•

: :

Head-to-Foot Oiitfitter

Brushton, f N. Y;

Sunday. . : >" ..Mr,',and; Mrs; John Barrett, Mm. Mar-

garet Barrett,. Mrs. Orsoa ^pper ttJolin Niles went to St., Regis Falls Sday to attend the funeral of iirs, t^liarles

Mrs.'Clark Gale is sick.Mr. and Mrs, Eruest Dean, who. bare

beeu spending the past .two. months IDMtiesetia, have.returnedr , ' • • . - . •

Dr. 'Bast, aect>mpank*d by l;)r. Aigulreof-Corn wall, ealled_ on Mm. Joctag PheipsSaturday and found hex very poorly.' Misses Stella antl Xettie Palmer havereturned to tbeir home in Maloiie afterspeding the past year with Mr. aad Mrs.Orange Phelps.

T. IJ. Frew of DesMoines, Dr;. AthoiFrew and little soil of Dallasi, Texas, Mr.und-Mr-s. Ch^is. Boothe of New York, Mr.and Mr«. Grover Frew ami Mrs, DeliaFrew are enjoying a reunion and a'weeksouting on the St, Laurence,

-Mrs. Alma Try ou of Hi Hard. Florida.aud.Mrs. Steenbt»rg;« of O*tawa,are visit.-.ing at the foriper-'e IVrofcherSj B. N. Pheljis.

RussChurchHl, who ha» been visitingrtlHtives find, friends in town the pastweek, returned to his home iiiJVliUs Montlayv, V • -. ..- '• ..'". ."'„•<

EMGUSH EABL IS/oung Peer Dangerously Hurt on a

Betgian Battlefteld.The official n&ws bureau of the wai;

office and atluiiratty in I^ondon an-nounced rthat the Earl of. Ley en andNelville nas been dangerously wounded.

Toe earl recently passed his twen-ty-fourth birthday, and is .one of therichest of the bachelor peers. He.is alieutenant in; the Royal Scots Grays.one of the riiost celebrated Britishcavalry; regiments. : . :

i i

Fall Patterns in



Fashion demands combination of silk and wool.- - . ' • -. : •.••'.•'•• ":•'• P r e s s - Q o o d s . ' " ' r .•-• • ; ' .^ ' . ' : • ;'. ;"

Call and see the New Goods


AUSTRIA AVOIDS TROUBLEDi»mantl©». Hai* Cruiser Now.-at.

taii~-Three Squadrons Sent to Cap-ture Gerrrtan Statiqrv—'Rupture o | Re-lationsBetvyeen Japan ^nd Germany jEifected th '.Simple Manner.

. The blockade-of Tsingtan, tiae foili- iBed aeapprt of Klaochow, baa liegiin. IBritish, French aiid Itussian, vessels of :war are taJdng part in the niovemeiit. ;l

japan will uot begin offensive opera- 1tiong against Kiaochcn^- until; a note ihas been sent to the Gerinan gevernot \.of. the i>roviiiee, urging .him to sniTtiiii jder. Talsaiijiouncenient was made in jTokyo, -and-, the: -action was., decided \npon to, avoid bloodshed . It was iearn- ied that the Anierican consal at .K-hi-o-chaw.-rewaihis at his post. V •'•.'

Japan is directi ug three\ squadronsagainst the. wro'vince and the Gejrnaan .warships in.eastern waters. Vice Ad-:miral To.mosaburo Kato was appointedeoinmander in chief of the first squad-ron, ^«rhich will carry out the niain of-fensive movemeiit against Jperiiiany;.Vice AduilraJ Sfaciakirhi Ka.to will eoni-mand the. set-<>mi squadron and RearAdmiral T-suehiya the tliiM squatfi'ola,

.' -The -rnpture of rclatiohs between Ja.--pan ariti Uefitiahy was effected in. a :simple '•innniier.' A, representative ofthe Gernijiir inin.istrj' of foreign -affaivswent to' tlie . Japanese eiiftiassy" nuhhi«ided •tli«:..Jjipsmese charge d'attaires;'his: jta^siiort,-; with: the verbal .-..remark-'-Jthat Gerniiuiv Innl-iio response to make'to-i"JliJf»itH'W• vijtixrintuiH .eoncerijiiig;' thesiirr^mta' >rf. Kittoehow' Tiie J.ipaneserepi'c^t'iif.-'i.th'i'. torned his embassy and'..its jtTfln ves over to the prutGction of*(he.. Amorii'iur -a-iiiLf-assa or,. James W,f Jerani. - .. •-" l ".\ • • . . •"-'.•''•'•'•:•": •'•"•

Ooriiinny hns protesteit to China that 'the J'ep«fiHc lias beeii aiding Japan in.the fur '-eastern 'tru.ubie "and -violatingthe: nih>$ of. iHUJtruHty; ".China repliedto this that the :warlike- luival. opera-''Him*of the i»ernia-j'is" I»i the oritnit hrui!).<?fvn'« Ufnla't>iFt't''» violate the principles• if tlitvagreonsent -wherel>y"tU

liaisob ; , . . ; , . . .1 ..'l*anir'er of war be:tvve»»jj Jupun iihil•Austria.'. was rexnovM through- the'igreeinerit of .Austria to tlisinuntle hercriii'ser, the Knisorin Elizabeth; jnow atT s i H £ t : t M . • -. ' • •. ; • " ' ' - ; ' ' . ' . ; •• •-. •'- ' ' ] •-•- " - "


W. C. Ti U, 6QiintyCpnventionj Septeniljer

sixth annual convention of the yW*"C. T. U. will be heW. at tue GrangeHall, North Bangor. 1 he Bangrpr Unionwill proykte meals for those attending atten cents. The forenoon will be given to iannnal reports of: officers and* sn^erin-feidentsij in the afternoon addre#es ill

'Mobilization of all of Italy's land andsea fighting forces has been decidedupon and" \v?Ii be proflaitne<i in three orfour days, it_ is rei^rt-edj'in Koine on

be given,; Judge Paddock st>eakiiig on"Preventable Causes i of Crimea Povert3-asd.Inefiiciencj;;" Mr. Monteitli on "Na-tional ProEibition.. How?" and MissGilbert on *'Mercy," '. The_ evening en-tertainment willibe a X oil n^ Men's Silver,

Until stock i>, closed out 1will sell the following

. •; ' -. fenLif-*S

Medal Coiite&t,vited to attend.

are cordially in-


broken Lots of Underwear,Hosiery,

Frocks, etc.;Aka I haven ,fes.s.v-t: of

TV:a whicli I'. -\N ill

• • • of a t or.ee.

M. m. QUINN,Brighton,

will find here a full line of

in(Except Text Books)


Tablets, Note and Composition $ooks,

Pencils, Pens* Inks, Etc.

. WifJt every five cent pnrchase.of School Supplies wo.irive a Sc!i:/;->] Coii}>f>n.for 12.1 of these coupons we will give a No. Q. Brownie .Camera,•.valn'i-tl at ~>1 2"».This little camera is tlie latest model ptrt out.by the .Eastniau. tioiiak < v> -and laakt-sperfect piMnres 1^x3* inehes; capacity, 8 exposures without :reloa«liir.r. iieturca-can be enlarged to post card size at little expense. A perfect little canrf-ra.

Fountaih Pens and other Premiunis also given for coiij>on,s. f''oxi\«.• DP have ae a s h " v i a l u e , ^ : .':'•'•'•-''' :.-. ~ '•'.-•• • • - . . ' : ' ' , ' • . ' . ' - ' • '.' ' •'. '•

Smith's Printing Office, Brushton

LINEST. REQIS FALLS AND MALONEConnection at Moira with Train from the West 5:15 P.


\> f Ji'J -. • i j _ij)

.?."• .' - . l . : J 4; . t i . i ' • * tO

, y . ' y •;• . -•• . N O . M I L E S - . ....... • .-••.-: - : y - • - . . " . . ' . - , " .

0:ig,p. in. 20 St. Eegis Falls • ." 9:00 a, ni.6$Q:" •'.•••: 2S . . : Dickinson Center ;':15 *>'5r l5-y ' f ~:-y[ -. ' : i - t - : ".' : M o i r a iQ>M''""• ;5:0o- . <"-• •"• - y - .1:2 . • • ' ' . ' • B r u s h t o n '• • . ' 1 0 ; 1 5 i : - ' .-"-• . ;. •-•>4 ; 4 < ; > . . *"*' - . . • • • " . ' - . • • « « . . . "-' N o r t h B a o g o r .... . 1 0 : 4 0 '*' - -. .;-•-' • ."• ; / • < >4 : 0 0 •-* •- ' : ' " ' '.••••.:'. •-" ^ - " M a l o n e '.' - 1 I : O U " ••. . , •'

LOCAJL RATESM o i r a t o - D w k i n f i o n . ; 4 0 c . .' -.- '. . . . • .-•'.. • • M o i r a t u HL IU-/IZ F a i i r , f > ' c .y . : D i c k i n s o n ^ t o S t . . B e g r i s F a l l s , 2.1c. •• ,'-.'-•; •'•."•-.•••"•. '.-.-' '.:" S h o r t D i s t a n c e s 5 C e n t s a m i l e . , .

Car WiH Stop on Signal Anywhere on Line.Attention Given Farmers and Traveling Men.All Errands done at a very nominal charge.

-BEAN & S0N• • - " ' . * - • • ; • - , i • - -, - -

Ladies, Misses and Chlldrens

_"This' mobiiiscatJon will include the

horne; defense, .and orders no%y arereiidy to Jk' signed, it is snidL

. It is usserfrfl tliat I\iug Vii-tor Em-mamiel until recently felt obfiged torenounce aij idea of Ifrijhin inferfpnVtion in, tlie. cqiftitct, bnt was won over .1hy the; lirgruments of- his ministersMarqais'.Anton'io di San Giuiiano, min-ister of foreign affairs, alone of toecabinet held to a eontrary opinion;

It is stilted nt the foreign office that.Mafqttls San IJiiilijino has received nowowl from Austria regarding bis rfe-<jtiest for an explanaflon of tbe laTtd-ing: of Austrian nnniitions to araa theAlbanians for service against Servia.

The fe&ilng against Austria is verybittef turoiigbout Itafy. :.! •"


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