LIMESTONE QUARRY AND PORT FACILITY EXPANSION ...eia.emb.gov.ph/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Public-hearing...2004-VII which is totally enclosed by MPSA 067A-1997-VII the quarry operations

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  • 2020



  • Public Hearing Documentation Report

    Limestone Quarry & Port Facility Expansion Project 1 Solid Earth Development Corporation


    Limestone Quarry and Port Facility Expansion Project

    Project Title : Limestone Quarry and Port Facility Expansion Project

    Project Location : Quarry Component: Barangays of Tinubdan, Tananas, Tonggo, Basak, and South Poblacion

    Port Component: Barangays of South Poblacion and Panadtaran All within the Municipality of San Fernando, Province of Cebu, Region VII,




    : Solid Earth Development Corporation (SEDC)

    Venue : South Park Convention Center, Barangay Panadtaran, San Fernando,


    Date : November 27, 2020

    Time Started : 8:00 AM (registration)

    Time Ended : 12:49 PM

    Facilitator : Atty. Unalee Monares, DENR-EMB Region VII


    The proposed Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) amendment of the SEDC Limestone Quarry

    and Port Expansion Project involves the integration of the two ECCs issued for the SEDC Limestone

    Quarry and Port facility. These include ECC Ref. No. 0401-001-302 which covers MPSA 205-2004-VII

    and ECC Ref. No. 1709-0018 covering MPSA 067A-1997-VII. Considering the location of MPSA 205-

    2004-VII which is totally enclosed by MPSA 067A-1997-VII the quarry operations of both MPSAs can

    be integrated which is the current practice of SEDC. The amendment also proposes to increase the

    combined total ECC Area to 641.57 hectares and combined Production Area to a total of 329.87

    hectares. Finally, SEDC shall increase the combined Total Annual Production Capacity to 4,800,000

    MT of limestone material. There will be no changes in the current port dimensions as the new facilities

    and installations will be constructed and installed on the existing port structure. The proposed expansion

    shall contribute in addressing the shortage of domestic cement necessary for local and national

    infrastructure and development programs. Furthermore, this project shall benefit the national and local

    government through generation of revenues, boosting of local employment, increase in livelihood

    opportunities and improvement of carbon sink through reforestation programs. Increase in Social

    Development and Management Program (SDMP) allocation is also foreseen with the increase in

    revenues arising from the expansion of operations.

    In compliance with the DENR Administrative Order 2017-15: “Guidelines on Public Participation under

    the Philippine Environmental Impact Statement System (PEISS)”, the conduct of Public Hearing is

    required for all Environmentally Critical Projects (ECPs) for which public scoping was undertaken and

    for PEIS-based applications; and is a formal process initiated and conducted by DENR-EMB to promote

    dialogues and communication between and among the project proponent, DENR-EMB, relevant

    government agencies, LGUs and stakeholders.

    Furthermore, in compliance with the DENR-EMB Memorandum Circular No. 2020-30: “Interim

    Guidelines on Public Participation in the Implementation of the PEISS (PD 1586) during the State of

    National Public Health Emergency”, public consultations may be conducted using one or combination

    of two (2) options: 1) The proponent is allowed to conduct public hearing with project’s major

    stakeholders through video conferencing for not less than two hours, with sufficient time for open forum

  • Public Hearing Documentation Report

    Limestone Quarry & Port Facility Expansion Project 2 Solid Earth Development Corporation

    and discussion of EIA results with mitigating measures as provided in its Environmental Impact

    Statement Study (EIS) or Environmental Performance Report and Management Plan (EPRMP); 2) The

    proponent shall undertake public hearing by sector in small groups following the minimum health

    standards recommended by the IATF. All documentation materials, including video conferencing

    recordings shall be submitted to DENR-EMB. For this project, the proponent opted to conduct the

    combination of the two options.

    This Public Hearing Documentation Report summarizes the notification methods, presentation of results

    of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), and the comments, and concerns received at the Public

    Hearing, both in the actual venue and via Zoom Meeting.



    Invitations were sent to stakeholders of the Project at least 10 days prior to the Public Hearing schedule.

    The notices contain the Zoom Meeting ID and Passcodes for those who want to join via online platform.

    The received invitation letters/notices are attached in Annex 1. The list of invited stakeholders is

    presented in the following table:

    Table 1. List of Invited Stakeholders





    Barangay Agencies

    San Fernando:

    Barangays Tinubdan,

    Tañañas, Tonggo,

    South Poblacion,

    Basak and


    Dioscoro B. Pacquiao, Jr. Barangay Captain Tinubdan, San


    Casiano T. Canoy Barangay Captain Tañañas, San


    Virgilio P. Siarot Barangay Captain Tonggo, San


    Dioscoro E. Esbra Barangay Captain South Poblacion, San


    Genaro B. Sarol Barangay Captain Basak, San Fernando

    Vavy Montreah H. Dayao Barangay Captain Panadtaran, San


    Municipal Agencies

    San Fernando



    Lakambini G. Reluya Municipal Mayor

    Mun. Building, San

    Fernando, Cebu

    Ricci Regen G. Reluya Municipal Vice-Mayor

    Nelson B. Soronio Municipal Agriculturist

    Engr. Shelley B. Rias Mun. Planning & Dev’t.


    Dr. Alfredo S. Manugas, IV Mun. Health Officer

    Engr. Simeon A. Lauronal Municipal Engineer

    Alicia A. Brobo MSWD Officer

    Rosario D. Tormis MENRO

    Interest Groups

    Fisherfolk’s group Sofronio B. Alfeche Pres., South Poblacion

    Fishermen Association


    South Pob., San

    Fernando, Cebu

    Youth group Riyadh Christopher V.


    SK Federation


    Sangat, San

    Fernando, Cebu

  • Public Hearing Documentation Report

    Limestone Quarry & Port Facility Expansion Project 3 Solid Earth Development Corporation





    Senior Citizen’s


    Ponciano S. Alaña Head, OSCA South Pob., San

    Fernando, Cebu

    Farmer’s group Neria G. Canoy President, Tinubdan

    Farmer’s Assn.

    Tinubdan, San

    Fernando, Cebu

    Women’s group Apolonia C. Caño President, KALIPI Tonggo, San

    Fernando, Cebu

    Education Sector Dr. Victor A. Ybañez PSDS San Fernando

    District 1

    North Pob., San

    Fernando, Cebu

    Dr. Joel B. Umbay PSDS San Fernando

    District 2

    Sangat, San

    Fernando, Cebu

    Religious Sector Msgr. Alfredo O.

    Romanillos, Jr.

    Leader, Team of

    Pastors, St. Isidore The

    Farmer Parish

    South Poblacion, San


    Business Sector Lolita O. Pinatil

    Visitacion C. Villamero

    Kazuhiko Ichizawa

    Proprietor – Casa

    Tarcila Dragonfruit


    Owner – Vissy’s Store

    Pres. – Taiheiyo

    Cement Phils., Inc.

    Tinubdan, San

    Fernando, Cebu

    Tinubdan, San

    Fernando, Cebu

    South Poblacion, San

    Fernando, Cebu


    The Notice of the Public Hearing was posted twice on Manila Bulletin on November 06 and 13, 2020

    (Annex 2 – Proof of Publication from Manila Bulletin).


    Notices were posted at public areas such as barangay and Municipal offices a week prior to the event.

    The postings were documented in the following images:

    Figure 1. Posting of Notices in Barangay and Municipal Offices


    The Notice of Public Hearing was posted at the DENR-EMB website (www.emb.gov.ph) with the

    Project’s Environmental Performance Report and Management Plan (EPRMP) as an attachment that

    is publicly available for download. EPRMP is not available in printed copy due to COVID-19 restrictions

    in terms of handling and direct contact.

  • Public Hearing Documentation Report

    Limestone Quarry & Port Facility Expansion Project 4 Solid Earth Development Corporation

    The proponent also posted the Notice of Public Hearing in their Official Facebook Page:

    Figure 2. Posting of Notice of Public Hearing in SEDC Official Facebook Page



    The Public Hearing was held on November 27, 2020 at the South Park Convention Center, Barangay

    Panadtaran, San Fernando, Cebu with a live and interactive broadcast via Zoom. The hearing was

    attended by a total of 58 participants composed of 42 participants from the actual venue and 16

    participants from Zoom (Annex 3 – Attendance Sheets). The summary of attendees by sector is

    presented in the following tables:

    Table 2. Number of Representatives per Stakeholder Group in the Venue

    Stakeholder Group/Sector Number of Representatives Attended

    LGU-San Fernando 3

    South Poblacion LGU 1

    Tinubdan 2

    Church 2

    Tonggo LGU 2

    Basak LGU 1

    Panadtaran 1

    Tananas LGU 1

    DEPED 1

    OSCA 1

  • Public Hearing Documentation Report

    Limestone Quarry & Port Facility Expansion Project 5 Solid Earth Development Corporation

    Stakeholder Group/Sector Number of Representatives Attended

    Fishermen’s Group 1

    Business 1

    Farmers 1

    EMB 7 2

    SEDC 18

    TCPI 3

    TOTAL 41

    Table 3. Number of Representatives per Stakeholder Group in Zoom Meeting

    Stakeholder Group/Sector Number of Representatives Attended

    DENR Region 7 2

    CENRO Argao 2

    EIARC 2

    EMB Central 4

    San Fernando LGU 1

    Biodiversity Management Bureau 1

    Mines and Geosciences Bureau - CO 1

    SEDC 3

    RHR Consult Services 6

    TOTAL 16


    The following table shows the program of activities during the Public Hearing. The PowerPoint

    presentations used are attached in Annex 4.

    Table 4. Program for Public Hearing

    Project Title: Project Location: Quarry Component: Port Component: Project Proponent: Date and Time of Hearing: Venue/Address: Virtual Platform:

    Limestone Quarry and Port Facility Expansion Project Municipality of San Fernando Barangays of Tinubdan, Tananas, Tonggo, Basak, and South Poblacion Barangays of South Poblacion, and Panadtaran Solid Earth Development Corporation (SEDC) November 27, 2020, Friday, 8:00AM (registration) South Park Convention Center, Panadtaran, San Fernando, Cebu Zoom Meeting ID: 884 4801 3034 Passcode: 233847

    Program of Activities Person Responsible

    Registration RHR Consult Services, Inc. via Zoom Group Chat SEDC for attendance at the venue

    Opening Prayer RHR Consult Services, Inc. via Zoom

    National Anthem RHR Consult Services, Inc. via Zoom

    Acknowledgement of Participants Mr. Gines Boltron Community Relations Officer, SEDC

    Welcome Remarks Mr. Neil Papas Municipal Administrator of San Fernando, Cebu

    Briefing and Orientation on the Purpose of the Public Hearing and EIS System

    Engr. Rosauro L. Dividina EMB Region VII

    Presentation of the proposed Limestone Quarry and Port Facility Expansion Project

    Engr. Joel Sombelon SEDC

    Presentation of EIA Study Engr. Jess Addawe

  • Public Hearing Documentation Report

    Limestone Quarry & Port Facility Expansion Project 6 Solid Earth Development Corporation

    Program of Activities Person Responsible

    Project Manager, RHR Consult Services, Inc.

    Mr. Russel Baniqued Terrestrial Flora and Fauna

    Ms. Hazel Mae Añabieza

    Marine Ecology

    Engr. Ronald Pahunang Meteorology, Air and Noise Quality

    Mr. Henry James Botengan

    Socio-Economic/People Module

    Presentation of House Rules on the Conduct of the Public Hearing

    Atty. Unalee Monares Public Hearing Officer, DENR-EMB Region VII

    Open Forum

    Atty. Unalee Monares Public Hearing Officer, DENR-EMB Region VII

    Summary of Issues/Concerns/Impacts raised by the public and Response of the Proponent

    Closing Remarks and Next Steps in the EIA Process

    Atty. Unalee Monares Public Hearing Officer, DENR-EMB Region VII

    The program commenced at 9:15 AM with an opening prayer followed by the singing of the national

    anthem. Engr. Rosauro L. Dividina of EMB Region VII facilitated the official start of the program at the


    Mr. Gines Boltron, Community Relations Officer of SEDC, acknowledged the venue’s participants such

    as LGU and sector representatives. Engr. Dexter Tabada, on the other hand, introduced the participants

    from the Zoom Meeting who include representatives from EMB Central Office, EIA Review Committee

    Members for the project, Biodiversity Management Bureau, Mines and Geosciences Bureau, DENR

    Region VII, and CENRO Argao. Mr. Jess Addawe also presented the EIA team members and

    presentors of the EIA results.

    Afterwards, Mr. Neil Papas, the Municipal Administrator of San Fernando, welcomed the participants

    as the representative of the San Fernando LGU. Mr. Papas provided a brief background of the EIA

    process and emphasized the importance of stakeholder participation in the public hearing.

    Engr. Rosauro Dividina of DENR-EMB Region VII then discussed the Philippine Environmental Impact

    Statement System (PEISS) in Bisayan language.

    The project description of the proposed Limestone Quarry Expansion was presented by Engr. Joel

    Sombelon, SEDC’s Mining Operations Department Manager while the Port Facility Expansion Project

    was presented by Engr. Nilo Yap, the company’s Consultant on Safety, Health & Environment.

    After the presentation of the Project Description, Mr. Jess Addawe of RHR Consult Services, Inc.

    formally introduced the members of the EIA team, discussed the EIA study schedule, study area, and

    the EPRMP outline (in Zoom Meeting). Consequently, Mr. Russel Baniqued virtually presented the

    results of the Terrestrial Flora and Fauna Assessments conducted in the impact areas in San Fernando,

    Cebu. Ms. Hazel Mae Añabieza proceeded to discuss the marine ecology study for the port facility

    component of the project in Bisayan language. Afterwards, Engr. Ronald Pahunang presented the Air

    Quality study results also in Bisaya. On the other hand, Engr. Catherine L. Addawe reported the water

    quality monitoring results for the EIA study. For the results of the Social Impact Assessment, Mr. Henry

    James Botengan detailed the methods, results of perception survey, and mitigating measures. Each of

    the above presenters have shown the results of corresponding modules and their proposed

    environmental management and monitoring plans.

  • Public Hearing Documentation Report

    Limestone Quarry & Port Facility Expansion Project 7 Solid Earth Development Corporation

    Atty. Unalee R. Monares of EMB Region VII facilitated the open forum and provided guidelines and

    mechanics of the activity. At 12:49 PM, he officially adjourned the Public Hearing for the proposed

    Limestone Quarry and Port Facility Expansion Project.

    Figure 3. Registration of participants at the venue

    Figure 4. Opening Prayer

    Figure 5. Singing of the National Anthem

  • Public Hearing Documentation Report

    Limestone Quarry & Port Facility Expansion Project 8 Solid Earth Development Corporation

    Figure 6. Acknowledgement of Participants led by Mr. Gines Boltron in the Zoom Meeting

    Figure 7. Welcome Remarks from Municipal Administrator of San Fernando - Mr. Neil Papas

    Figure 8. Presentation of the Philippine Environmental Impact Statement System by Engr. Rosauro Dividina

  • Public Hearing Documentation Report

    Limestone Quarry & Port Facility Expansion Project 9 Solid Earth Development Corporation

    Figure 9. Presentation of the Project Description by SEDC

    Figure 10. Presentation of EIA Results by the EIA Team Members

    Figure 11. Open forum facilitated by Atty. Unalee Monares of EMBR7

  • Public Hearing Documentation Report

    Limestone Quarry & Port Facility Expansion Project 10 Solid Earth Development Corporation

    Figure 12. Participants raised issues and Concerns during the Open Forum

    Figure 13. Recapitulation of issues and concerns raised and the proponent’s response, and adjourning of the

    Public Hearing


    The Open Forum, facilitated by Atty. Unalee Monares – Public Hearing Officer, served as a venue for

    participants to ask, suggest, clarify, and/or comment their issues and concerns about the project. The

    Public Hearing Officer reminded the participants regarding the guidelines to properly identify

    himself/herself (name, organization and/or position) before airing their clarifications, questions,

    comments, and concerns. The participants were also informed that the open forum will be properly

    documented through audio and video recordings to accurately note their statements and the

    proponent’s responses.

    Topics eliciting the largest number of verbal comments at the public hearing were the listed in the


    • Programs for COVID Pandemic response

    • Hiring of forester to monitor tree survival rate

    • Hiring of marine biologist in the protection of marine life

    • Person-in-charge of IEC activities

    • NGO Representative in the MMT

    • Impacts to mangroves

  • Public Hearing Documentation Report

    Limestone Quarry & Port Facility Expansion Project 11 Solid Earth Development Corporation

    • Solid waste affecting Luknay Creek and Coastal Clean Up Programs

    • Fruit-bearing trees consideration during reforestation

    • Forest establishment

    • Coral health measures

    The summary of the Open Forum is presented in Table 5:

  • Public Hearing Documentation Report

    Limestone Quarry & Port Facility Expansion Project 12 Solid Earth Development Corporation

    Table 5. Issues and Concerns raised during Open Forum of the Public Hearing

    Issues and Concerns Stakeholder/s Who Raised

    the Issue Response Respondent

    1. Asked what programs of SEDC for those affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, especially the victims and those whose livelihoods are affected.

    Alicia A. Brobo, MSWD of San Fernando

    MGB instructed mining companies to realign funds to support the government’s response against Covid-19. As early as March, the company has already extended assistance to the LGU, both on the municipal and barangay level. The company also extended assistance to the Municipal Health Office. However, with regards to this concern, SEDC is still in the process of addressing it. At present there is no formal program but SEDC has been active in coordination for Covid-related assistance. Funds for Social Development has been allocated already and has been/is being spent accordingly. SEDC shall also be coordinating with the MSWD for this concern. (MGB, through a memorandum, ordered all mining companies, SEDC included, to realign portion of the SDMP budget to support communities affected by CoVid-19 and SEDC responded by donating relief goods to the communities and also frontliners. In terms of livelihood project for CoViD-19 “victims”, at present there is no formal project yet but SEDC will coordinate and support any program of MSWD of this purpose through SDMP.)

    Mr. Gines Boltron, SEDC CRO

    2. Pointed out the correction on the Project Description Presentation on the mention regarding the Tenement and Barangays and their inclusion/relations.

    Mr. Neil Papas, San Fernando Municipal


    SEDC welcomed and noted the correction made by the municipal administrator.

    Ms. Mitzie Almira I. Carin,

    SEDC HRA Manager

    3. Inquired the tree planting survival rate of the planted trees by SEDC. To check and mitigate the low survival rate, the LGU recommends SEDC to hire a forester.

    Mr. Neil Papas, San Fernando Municipal


    The SEDC has been seeking to address this need and has already hired several foresters in the past, however due to incompetence, this did not turn out well. The company has actively searched to fill this vacancy and has currently hired a new forester who

    Ms. Mitzie Almira I. Carin,

    SEDC HRA Manager

  • Public Hearing Documentation Report

    Limestone Quarry & Port Facility Expansion Project 13 Solid Earth Development Corporation

    Issues and Concerns Stakeholder/s Who Raised

    the Issue Response Respondent

    started a few weeks back. Hopefully, this will already address this concern.

    4. With regards to the adverse effects of the port project, he recommended hiring a marine biologist to ensure marine life protection.

    Mr. Neil Papas, San Fernando Municipal


    SEDC duly noted and grateful for the comments and recommendations.

    Ms. Mitzie Almira I. Carin,

    SEDC HRA Manager

    5. With regards to the IEC, which kept being mentioned in the presentations, he inquired who is handling the IEC efforts of the company.

    Mr. Neil Papas, San Fernando Municipal


    SEDC replied that the CRO attends to the IEC activities, assisted by the Com Rel Coordinator and the Admin Staff.

    Ms. Mitzie Almira I. Carin,

    SEDC HRA Manager

    6. Regarding the Multi-Partite Monitoring Team, he inquired who the NGO representative in the MMT is.

    Mr. Neil Papas, San Fernando Municipal


    SEDC answered that the NGO Representative is the one appointed by the Mayor.

    Ms. Mitzie Almira I. Carin,

    SEDC HRA Manager

    7. Regardless of the Mayor’s appointment, a person more representative of the sector should be considered (relating to the NGO representative in the MMT)

    Mr. Neil Papas, San Fernando Municipal


    SEDC duly noted the comment and will be discussed with the respective offices.

    Ms. Mitzie Almira I. Carin,

    SEDC HRA Manager

    8. The EIA Results show there is already very few mangroves in the study area. DENR Region 7 representative. She inquired if there will be mangroves that will be affected by the project.

    For. Elizabeth M. Rivac CENRO-Argao Representative

    With the FLC with the CENRO as well as the approved survey plan for the applied MLA area, there is no mangroves within the project area nor will there be any directly impacted. This of course does not take into account yet what may be indirectly impacted.

    Ms. Mitzie Almira I. Carin,

    SEDC HRA Manager

    9. There is no mention of Solid Waste Management. She asked the company’s measures to address the wastes along the Luknay creek, as well as those along the coastline as she is aware that the company participates to the “Adopt an Estero Program” of the EMB.

    For. Elizabeth M. Rivac CENRO-Argao Representative

    SEDC implements regular clean-up activities along the Luknay Creek, as well as Coastal Clean-up. It has just been paused during the onset of the Covid-19 Pandemic. But this November, a coastal clean-up along the port shore line was done.

    SEDC SHED Officer

  • Public Hearing Documentation Report

    Limestone Quarry & Port Facility Expansion Project 14 Solid Earth Development Corporation

    Issues and Concerns Stakeholder/s Who Raised

    the Issue Response Respondent

    10. The solid waste management should be enhanced and broadened, and be included in the IEC, so as just not to keep cleaning up the creek but once and for all address the source of the wastes being thrown in it.

    For. Elizabeth M. Rivac CENRO-Argao Representative

    Solid Waste Management has been a practice and is strictly implemented in SEDC Work Areas and Facilities. The Municipal Administrator was designated as the Solid Waste Management Czar by the Mayor of San Fernando and has programs for its propagation starting at the household level.

    SEDC SHED Officer

    Mr. Neil Papas, San Fernando

    Municipal Administrator

    11. With regards to the tree planting and reforestation program, fruit bearing trees are recommended for biodiversity enhancement. This will encourage birds towards the area and thus help the biodiversity process. There should also be a similar guardianship program of the forest area, similar to that of the bantay dagat. It is recommended that those tasked with the guardianship be coordinated with the DENR for orientation and deputization.

    For. Elizabeth M. Rivac CENRO-Argao Representative

    SEDC delegates Forest Guards, 3 at present. This is also in conjunction with the EPEP. SEDC will coordinate with the DENR7-CENRO to enhance this endeavor.

    Ms. Mitzie Almira I. Carin,

    SEDC HRA Manager

    12. The perspective should be to “Make Forests” and not just Tree Growing. As forest guards are being mentioned, but there are no forests yet to guard.

    Mr. Neil Papas, San Fernando Municipal


    Duly noted by SEDC. Ms. Mitzie Almira I. Carin,

    SEDC HRA Manager

    13. Asked what measures with regards to the Coral Health are to be implemented by the company.

    For. Elizabeth M. Rivac CENRO-Argao Representative

    SEDC is under the process of attending to Marine Resource Stewardship. SEDC has initially consulted with a Marine Biologist Consultant for this and will coordinate with the DENR office for Technical Assistance.

    Ms. Mitzie Almira I. Carin,

    SEDC HRA Manager






  • Annex 1


  • Republic ofthe Philippines

    DepaItment Of E重置Vironment and NaturaI Resources


    DENR Compound, Visayas Ave刷e, D緬an Quezon City = 16

    丁eiephone No§∴ 〈632)927-15・17, 928-37-25; Fax討o∴ (632) 920-22-58

    Website: http:〃聞w.emb.gov.ph / Emai白rna"@emb.gov.ph


    BaI岬Ilgqy, Cqplain

    Barangay Hall ofPanad ar州, San Fernando, Cebu

    (032) 488921 1

    November 3, 2020

    Su勘ect:  Public Hearing of the proposed SEDC Ljmestone Quarry and Port Operations

    Expansion PrQiect of Solid Ea巾h Development Corporation

    Dea「駒r. Dayao;

    We are pleased to invite you and your constituents to attend the Public Hearing of the

    Propo§ed SEDC Limestone Quarry and Port Operations Expansion Prqiect ofthe Solid Earth

    Developme11t Corporation. The said hearing is scheduled on:

    D租書e �Time �Venue �zoomDe亡ai賞s

    27November2020 �8:00AM �SoしIthParkConvention �MeetingID:88448013034 RegisII■alわnsla融 �Center,Panadtaran,San

    (Friday) ���Passcode:233847 a17.・30AM �Fe「nando,Cebu

    The Public Hearing w川be conducted as part ofthe requirements ofthe proponent,s application

    for an Environmental Compliance Cer揃cate・ Interested parties will be given the opportunity to

    express freely their concemsIsupport/opposition/questions about the prqject.

    Kindly register or submit a concise pos誼on paper to this O飾ce via email at i迦繋出血,

    血ee (3) days before the scheduled Pu班c Hearing∴「hose whO are unable to register online or submit

    POSition papers may still join the discussion on the day ofthe hearing.

    Attac霊led herewith is thc prQject’s Executive SummaIγ for the PubIic (ESP) for your reference.

    The prqiect’s EnvironmentaI Perfomance Report and Management Plan (EPRMP) is dowuloadable at

    Our Website ww.eia.emb`gOV.Ph. Kindly access the Notice ofPublic Hearing/ Consultatien link foundin our web page). The copies ofthe ESP and EPRMP are available at the fo11owing o飾ces:

    ● 隠MBRcgion7

    Greenplains Subdivision, Banilad, Mandaue City, Cebu

    (032) 345-3905

    e LGU輸San Fernando, Cebu

    Municipa臨y of San Femando, Province of Cebu

    Should you have any qしIeStion, yOu may COntaCt Engr. Dexter Tabada, PrQject Case Handler,

    Environmenta=mpact Assessment and Management Division (EIAMD), at teIephone numbers +632

    8920-2240 and十632 8920-224上

    Since「cIv yOu「S,

    陸鵡圏雪国W賞LL霊AM P. CU内ADO


    Vの思川諦槻P′◆0柄I I力e c面It’層′,榊/… P/./,/ef/ /妬…

  • Repしl掘c ofthe Philippines

    Department of Envi「onment and Natural Resources

    曲的V耶雷O師描配的TAし醜ANAG圏M玉村ず蹄町碍理AモJDENR Compound誰SayaS Avenue, D緬man Quezon Ci!y = 16

    丁e厄ph°鴫Nos∴ (632)927-15-17, 928-37-25;戸a州0ふく632) 920-22-58

    Website:間p:/柄ww.emb,gOV.Ph / Em訊[email protected]

    November 3, 2020


    Ba′柳略の, CやわiI~

    Bara鵬gay Hall ofTi肌bdan, San Fernando, Cebu

    O91 2- 1 072982

    Subject:  PしIblic Hearing of the proposed SEDC Limestone Quarry and Port Operatious

    Expausion P「Qject ofSolid Earth Development Corporation

    Dear Mr. Pacquiao, Jr.:

    We are pleased to invite you and your constituents to attend the Public Hca血g of the

    Propo§ed SEDC Limestone Quarry and Port Operations Expansion Pr《函Ct Of the So]id Earth

    DeveIopment Corpo「ation. The said hearing is scheduIed on:

    Date �Ti血e �Ve血ue �zoo鵬Deのりs

    27November2020 �8:00AM �SouthPa「kConvention �Meeting!D:88448013034 Regis17.ationslaI.応 �Center,Panadtaran,San

    (Friday) ���Pass○○de:233847 a17:30AM �Fema富ldo,Cebu

    The Pu描c Hearing will be conducted as part ofthe requirements ofthe PrOPOnent’s application

    for an Envirol-mental ColnPliance Cer輸oate. Intere§ted parties w組be given the oppo血nity to

    express freely thei「 concems/support/opposition/questions about the p「Qject.

    Kindly register or submit a concise position paper to軸s O鯖ce via email at裏rfu軸2b,

    three (3) days before the scheduled Public Hearing. Those who are unable to register online or submit

    position papers may s刷join the discussion on the day ofthe hearing.

    Attached herewith is the pr匂ect’s Executive Summary for the Public (ESP) for your reference.

    The prQject,s Environmental Performance Report and Management Plan (EPRMP) is downloadable at

    o町Website -.eia.emb.gov.ph. Kindly access the Notice of Public Hearing/ Consultation link found

    in our web page). The copics ofthe ESP alld EPRMP are available a=he fo11owing o航ces:


    Greenplains Subdivision, Banilad’Mandaue City, Cebu

    (032) 345-3905

    0 LGU-San Fer皿ando, Cebu

    Municipality of San Femando, P「ovince of Cebu

    ShOuld you have any question, yOu may COntact E鵬gr. Dexter Tabada, PrQject Case Handler.

    Environmenta=mpact Assessment and Management Division (剛AMD), at telephone numbers +632

    8920-2240 and十632 8920-224 1.

    Sincerely yours,

    田豊国雪国P. CU雨ADO

    PI・(Jl紺I I尿謝l・il・個I7硝l…件の沈・I I妬.,

    O重C-D i rさc章or




  • 陣epしlblic or佃さP踊押ines

    Depa11ment of EnviroI聞ent and Na血ral Reso…CCS


    胃 雷驚言繕謹鷲織笠Novembe丁3, 2020

    M恥. SOF隠ON細O磨. Aし『困C鵬E


    South Poblacion Fisllermen A§§Oeiati伽(SoPoFiAs), South Poblacion. Sa調Fe叩ando, Cebu

    c/0 (032) 2668749 -母rgy. Hall

    S噂ect:  Pl暮blic Hea血g of the proposed SEDC Limestone Quarry and Port Operations

    Expansion PrQjec書of Solid Earth Dcvelopment Corporation

    Dear Mr. Atfeclle:

    We are pleascd to invite you to attend the PubIic蘭脚血g of’the Proposed SEDC Lime§tOne

    Q雌rry and Port Operatlon§ E叩an§ion Prqiect of the Solid Ea皿Development Corporation. The

    Said血eむrin呂is schさduled on:

    Da‡e �Ti調e �Ven職e �zoo鵬De書証Is

    27November2020 �8:00AM �Sou砧ParkCo職vcn書ion �MeetinglD:88448013034 R培i勅.aIions約手Is �Ce血er,Panad書ar租n,San

    (Friday) ���P謎scode:233847 a17.・30AÅI �Fem紬do,Cebu

    The Pu掘c Hearing w川be conducted as part ofthe reqllir合ments ofthe proponent’s application

    for an Environmental Compliance Certificate. Interested parties w紺be given the oppo11uIl王ty to

    express froely their concerns/support/oppositio函uestions about the pr句ect.

    Kindly register or submit a concise position papcr to this O恥e via email at通」壇摸!漣や山地,

    three (3) days before the scheduled Pu掘c Hearing. Those who are unabIe to register online or submit

    POSition papers may s航りOin the discussion on the day ofthe hearing.

    Attached hcrewith短he prQiect’s Executive Summary for the Public (ESP) for your reference.

    丁he prqiect’s Environmental Perfurmance Report and Management Plan (EPRMP) is downloaぬble at

    Our Website www・eia.emb.gov`ph. Kindly access the Notice ofPubIic Hea血g/ Cons亜ation link fomd

    in our web page). The copies ofthe ESP and EPRMP a「c ava温ble at the following o欄ces:

    O 鴫M髄恥egio血7

    Greenplalns Subdivision. Banilad, Mandaue City, Cebu

    (032) 345置3905

    e LGU-San Fernando, Cebu

    Mし面cipality of San Femando, P「ovince of Cebu

    Should you have any question, yOu may ContaCt Bngr. Dexter Tab分d租, P「qiect Casc Handler,

    Enviromenlal Impact Assessment and Management Division (EIAMD), at teleph0ne叩mbers +632

    8920-之240租nd十632 8920_224上

    Si腿ccrely yoしI裏・S,


    しし富A棚甲. CU内ADO


    l与`′l私I Il小間高I・`個刷I...柄海でI l弥.. 四囲四囲

  • 璽      RepしIblic ofthe Ph消ppines

    Depa11ment of Enviromnent and Natural Resources

    曲押VI蹴O討弼E恥了AL轍A卵AG窮醐瑠刺門∵鯵U蹴EA請D削R Compo皿d, Visayas Avenue. D胸an Quezon City = 16

    丁el印hone Nos∴ (632〉927-15-17, 928・37-25;戸a州〇二(632) 920-22-58

    Website: ht巾:〃w抑/.emb.gov.ph l ∈m細ma待@帥b.gov.ph



    Barangay Hall of Ta慮a軸s, San Fernando, Cebu

    O906-330 1 369

    November 3, 2020

    Su匂ect:  Pub=c Hearing of the proposed SEDC Limestone Quarlγ and Port Operations

    Expansion PrQiect of Solid Earth Development Corporation

    Dear肌r. Canoy;

    We are pleased to invite you and yoし一r COnStituents to attend the Public Hea血g of the

    Proposed SEDC Limestone Q櫨ar「y and Port Operatio鵬取panSion Prqiect of the Solid Earth

    Developme11t Corporation. The said hearing is scheduled oll:

    Da章e �Timc �Ve調ue �zoomDe章aiIs

    27November2020 �8:00AM �SouthParkConvention �MeetingID:88448013034 Regis′7・aIioI7SIarls �Center,Panadtaran,San

    (Friday) ���Passc○de:233847 aI7.・30AM �FemandoつCebu

    The Public Hearing will be conducted as part ofthe requirements ofthe PrOPOnent,s applieation

    for an E【一Virormental CompIfanee Certifroate. Intel.eSted parties w航be given the opportunity to

    express free ly their concems/suppo「t/oppositio函uestions about the prQject.

    Kindly legister or submit a concise position paper to this Office via email at e証蛙111b.掌O¥可l,

    three (3) days before the scheduled Public Hea血g. Those who are unable to register o証ne ol. Submit

    POSition papers may still join the discussion on the day ofthe hearing.

    Attached herew軸is the prqiect’s Executive Summary for the Public (ESP) for your rcference.

    The prQject’s Environmental Performance Report and Management Plan GPRMP) is downloadable at

    Our Website www'eia,emb.gov・Ph. Kindly access the Notice ofPublic Hearing/ Consultatio掴nk found

    in our web page). The copies ofthe ESP and EPRMP are avaiIable at the following o飾ces:

    e BM魅Re如O観7

    Greenplains Subdivis on, Banilad, Mandaue City, Cebu

    (032) 345-3905

    O LGU-San Fernando,Cebu

    Municipality ofSan Femando, Province ofCebu

    Should you have any question, yOu may COntaCt Engr. Dexter Tahada, Prqject Case Handler,

    E11Vironmenta吊mpact Assessment and Management Division (EIAMD), at telephone numbers +632

    8920-2240 and十俄2 8920-224l.

    Sincc「ely yours,


    W!しし賞ÅM P.



    I国中 P′●ひ庇/ /庇の八、i′・0′槻e,′/… P’・。/CC′ /妬“

  • R印u輔c o唖le Ph轟ppines

    DepaI.ment Of Environment alld Natural Resources

    E卵V重融O肘脱出的甘AL i殺A囲A脅班朋思弾で鯵U REAUD酬R Compound, Visay∂S AveⅢe. D紬man Quezon Ci申l 16

    丁elephone上れS∴ (632)927-15-17. 928-37-25守ax No∴ (632〉 920・22-58

    Website: http:〃肌飾emblgOV.Ph / Em訓: mall@emb"gOV.Ph

    November 3, 2020MS. ROSAR喜O D. TORMIS

    M棚icやa/動面oIm7eI7/の/ a′7d Nc沈〃廿I R錆0~IrCeS Q(殖er

    M皿童c申al B重dg. ofS分n Fernan寄o, Ce心u

    (032) 272 1079

    Su匂ect:  Public Hearing of the proposed SEDC Limestone QしIaI|γ and Port Opel.ations

    Expansioll Pr匂ect of Solid Earth Developmenl Corporation

    Dear Ms. To「mis:

    We a「e pleased to invite you to attend the Public Hearing ofthe Proposed SEDC Limes‡one

    Quarry and Port Operation取pansion Project ofthe Solid Earth Development Corporation. The

    Said hearing is scheduled on:

    Da書e �’富i鵬e �Venりe �乙oo鵬De書租i置s

    27Novembe「2020 �8:00AM �SouthParkConvention �MeetinglD:884480再034 RegisIγaIionslaIイS �Center,Panadtaran,San

    (F「iday) ���Passcode:23う847 a17.・30AM �Femando,Cebu

    The Public Hearing w川be conducted as part ofthe requirementS Ofthe PrOPOnent’s application

    for all Envil・Onmentai Compliance Cel.描cate. lnterested parties wi11 bc given the oppoltunity to

    express freely their concems/supportノopposition/questions about the prQject.

    Kindly registel・ Or SしIbmit a concise position paper to this O飾ce via email at ci高相11l).如¥’.吐,

    three (3) days before the scheduled PしIblicしIearillg. Those who are unable to registel● Or亜ne or submit

    POSition papers may s剛join the discussion on the day ofthe hearing.

    Attached herewith is the prqiect’s Executive Summary for the Public (ESP) fo「 yoIIr 「eference.

    The prqject’s Environmental Perfomance Report a書ld MaIlagement Plall (EPRMP) is downloadable at

    Our Website www.eia.emb.gov.ph. Kindly access the Notice ofPub塙c Hearing/ ConsしIltation冊k found

    in o冊Web page). The copies ofthe ESP and EPRMP are available at the following offices:


    Gl・eenPlains Sllbdivision, Banilad, Mandaue City, Cebu

    (032) 345-3905

    。 LGU-San Fernando,Cebu

    Mu11icipality ofSan Femalldo, Pl’OVince ofCebu

    Should you have any question, yOu may COntact Engr. Dexter Tabada, PrQiect Case Handler,

    Environmental lmpact Assessment and Management Division (EIAMD), at telephone numbers +632

    8920-2240 and十・632 8920-224 1.

    Sincerely yoし1rS,

    国王冒ILL事AM P. CU内ADO


  • Republic o刷Ie P姐ippincs

    Depflrtment Of Environmel章t and Natural Resoul.CeS

    駐軸V曹RO前醐隠酌ずÅ運髄A鞠A(渦潮曲的’ざ蹄も賦駐在liDENR Compound. VisaγaS Ave佃e. D軸紬Quezon City =碕

    ≡夢細 喜怒認諾語鴻鵠吾Nove皿bcr 3, 2020


    規Iぶi)タeSS O†1仰eI・

    Vi§Sy,§ S章o「e

    Timbdan, San Femando, Cebu


    Sl璃ect:  Pu掘c Hea血g of the proposed SEDC Limestone Qua∬y and Port Operations

    Expa11Sion Pr(垂ct of So舶Earth DevelopmeIlt Corporation

    Dear M§. Villamero:

    We are pleased to invite you ‘O attend the Pub置ic鵬糾ing ofthe Propo§ed S圏DC L緬esto調e

    Q咽rry and Port Operation§ Exp狐nsion Prqject ofthe Solid Earth Development Corpora証on・ The

    Said hea血g is schedlIled oll:

    D租tc �Ti鵬e �Venue �乙のo調De船舶

    27Nove調bcr2020 (Friday) �8:00AM �So面hPa章・kConven書ioll �Mce血営教D:884480書与034  Passc○dc:2鵜847 RegisI7.aIioI7SIuI●ls �Center,Panadtaran,San

    a17:30A太〆 �Fe「舶nd○○Cebu

    The Public手Iearing w紺be co11ducted as pat ofthe requirements ofthe proponent’s ap函cation

    for an Environmental Comp壇ance Cert描cate. 1nterestcd pa「ties w紺be given thC OPPOl.tunity to

    expres§ freely their conccms/support/opposition/questio11S about the prqject.

    Kindly register or sし1bmit a concise position paper to佃s O徹ce via email at ±j±生娘連投L由

    thrce (3) days befol・e the schedule〔l Public ‖宅aring∴l’hose who are unable to regi§ter O揃ne or submit

    position papers may st町Oin the discl-SSion on the day ofthe hcaring.

    Atlached herewit吊s the pI旬ect’s Executive Summary for the Public (ESP) for your reference.

    The pr句ect,s Envil‘O叩ental Performa霊事Ce Report a重1d Management Pla11 (EPRMP) is downloadable at

    our website www.eia.emb.gov.ph. Kindly access the Notice ofPublic Hearing/ Consultation link found

    in our web page). The copies of油e ESP and EPRMP are available at the following o雌ices:


    Greenplains S‘lbdivisiol一, Banilad’Mandaue City・ Cebu


    0 しGU -S郷n臼e肌分れdo,Cebu

    M1micipality of Sall Femando, Province of Cebu

    ShOuld you have any question, yOu may COntaCt Engl.. Dexter Tab租d鑓, Pr匂ect Case Ha11dlel‘,

    Environ】nCntal ImPaCI Assessment and ManageInent Div轟on (EIAMD), at telephone mll11bers +632

    89之0-之240紬d十632 8920-224上

    Sincerely yo肌s,

    声へ弓    〆・・〆〆㌦トー


    [与(II短・出血当初l、iI・硯I冊III… l与()I(・し・l

  • 萱蓋重

    R合pl輔c of the Ph溝ppincs

    Department Of Environment and Nafural Resources

    彊NV聡O閏期間周甘A曽.棚A弼A屯鴎醐盟撞丁朗煉激AUD削R Co叩ound, Visay∂S Avenue, D軸a[ Quezon C時= 16

    了e廟トo鵬的os・‥ (6線〉927輸15・17, 928}37・飴膏秋岨・ (632) 920-22・58

    鵬b§iくe: h輝〃鵬博e∩↑b・90V・Ph I Ema旧n劉@帥b.90V.Ph



    l“aiheiyo Ccme皿t Phils.,置nぐ.

    Sou章h PobIacion, San Fe調紬do

    O32)2322688; (0つ2)2307鵜3

    November 3, 2020

    Su華Ct:  Public Hea血g of the proposed SEDC Limestone Quarry and Port Operation§

    Expansion Pr(海ct of Solid Earth Development Co巾oration


    We are pleased to i11Vite you to attend the Publie Hcaring ofthe Proposed SEDC Limestone

    Quarry and Port Opcration§ E叩ansion Pr(函Ct Of lhe So闘Ea血Development Corporation. The

    Said hearing is schedllled on:

    D租書e �Ti調e �Ve競りe �zoo調Deね鵬

    27Nove叩bc「2020 �8:00AM �SouthPal・kConvention �Mcc血留肥:88448013034 Regiぶl棚IioI国al●Is �Center.Panadt紺an,San

    (Friday) ���Passcode:2鵜847 a17:30AM �Femalldo,Ccbu

    The Pu掘c鵬aring w紺be conducted as part ofthe requirements ofthe proponent’s application

    for an Environmental Complia11Ce Certificate.血erested parties w紺be give11 the opport肌ity to

    expl.eSS freely their concems/support/opposition/questions abo[lt the pr(来ct.

    Kindly register or sしIbmit a concise position paper to輔s O鯖ce via email at ds聖地亜畏捜L由

    three (3) days befol.e the scheduled Pub障c Hgaring, Those whO are unable to register on輔e or submit

    POSition papers may s細join the discussion on the day ofthe heari11g.

    Attached hel・eWitl吊s tlle PrQiect’s軟ecutive Summary for the Public (鴨SP) for you‖refe「ence.

    The Pr匂ect’s Environmen融Perfi正1anCe Report and Mana畠ement Plail (EPRMP) is downtoadable at

    our website www.eia.emb.gov.ph. Kindly access th8 Notice ofPu輔c Hearing/ Cons両創ion li撮fo¥lnd

    in our web page)∴rhe copies ofthe ESP and EPRMP are available at the following o飾ces‥

    e 賦朋職恥egio調7

    Greenplains Subdivision, Ban航d, Mandaue City. Cebu

    (032) 345-3905

    e LGU-San Fern紳ndo, Cebu

    M皿icipality ofSan Femando, Province ofCebu

    Should you have ally queStion, yOu may COntaCt Engl.. De強ter Tab鵠d鑓, PrQject Case lねndler,

    Environmenta‖mpact Assessmcnt and Ma一一agement Division (EIAMD), at te!eph0ne個nbers +632

    8920-2240 and十億2 8920-224上

    Si調cercly yりすS,




    航)樹/ /柄cI柄I・(肋I聞I…柄,/“/ /沈‥ 四囲

  • RepしIblic ofthe Philippines

    Department of Environment and Natural Resources

    鴎飾V駈!O肘鵡語N甘AL j淘Å討ÅG班朋五郎でB町恥勤AUD削R Compound, Visayas Avenue, D柵an Q]eZOn City = 16

    丁el印hone Nos∴ (632〉927-15-17. 928-37-25; Fa州o.: (632〉 920-22-58

    Website: http‘伽柵W.emb.gov.ph / Ema蛤ma"@emb.gov ph

    November 3, 2020MR. D事OSCORO E. ES職RA

    BaI・a-柳, Cα7Ia所

    要ねra唯ay Hall ofSouth Poblacion, San Fernando, Ceb調

    (032) 2668749

    Subject:  Public Hearing of the pl"OPOSed SEDC Limestone Quany and Port Operations

    Expansion PrQject of SoIid Earth DeveIopment Corporation

    Dear Mr. Esbra:

    We are pleased to invite you and your consstituents to attend the PubIic Hearing o「 the

    Propo§ed SEDC Limestone Quarry and Port Operation§取pansion Project of the Solid Ealてh

    Development Corporation. The said hearing is scheduled on:

    Da章e �Time �Venue �zoomDetails

    27November2020 �8:00AM �SouthParkConvention �MeetinglD:88448013034 Reg融ナaIior7SIα・ls �Center,Panadaran,San

    (F「iday) ���Passcode:233847 a17:30AM �Femando,Cebu

    The Pub]ic Hearing will be conducted as par[ ofthe requiremel-tS Ofthe proponent,s application

    for an Environmental CompIiance Certi廉cate. Intcl.eSted parties will be given the OPPOrtunity to

    express freely their concems/suppoIVoppositiorl/questions about the PrQject.

    Kindly register or submit a concise position paper to this O鯖ice via email at eia証emb璽出血,

    three (3) days before the scheduled Public Hearing. Th0Se Who are unab]e to registe「 on=ne or §ubmit

    POSition paper§ may Stilljoin the disc11SSion on the day ofthe hearing.

    Attached herewith is the prQiect’s Exccutive Summary for the Public (ESP) for your reference.

    The prQject’s Environmental Performance Report and Management Plan (EPRMP) is downloadable at

    Our Website www.eia.emb.gov,Ph. Kindly acces§ the Notice ofPublic HearingI Consultation ]ink found

    in our web page). The copies ofthe ESP and EPRMP are ava温ble at the fo11owing o珊ces:

    e 鴫朋恥Regio調7

    Greenplains Subdivision, Banilad, Mandaue City, Cebu

    (032) 345-3905

    o LGU-San Fernando,Cebu

    M皿icipality of San Femando, Province of Cebu

    Should you have any question, yOu may COntaCt Engr. Dexter Tabada, PrQiect Case Handler,

    Environmenta=mpact Assessment and Management Division (EIAMD), at telephone numbers +632

    8920-2240握nd十632 8920-224 L


    P′・の/cT/ //7“用・irr,川,一個/... PI・()/C。/ /碑

    AM P. CU内ADO


  • Republic ofthe Philippines

    Deparment ofEnvirol置me11t and Natural Rcso冊CeS


    高士三㌢ 丁。薄黒薄露盤盤盤盤薄霧8博I命ト(高倉・ h書それ・l信用相′ `ゝnhト′、(,, _」 I各州_高,_{打席、(.強」 __,.輸」間e幽鏡h砂〃肌棚爪b・gOV・ph l自問ai同訓@e調b,gOV ph



    Tcam of Pastors, St. Isidore Tlle Fal.mer ParisII

    South Poblacion, San Fel・nando

    (032) 4880097

    Novcmber 3, 2020

    S喧ct‥  P輔c He証n呂of the proposed SEDC L涌ostone Qし一al.ry and Port Operatio!一S

    Expansion PrQject of SoIid Earth Development Corporation

    Dear Msgr. RomanilIo§, JI..:

    Wc are pleased to in‘′ite you to a‘tend the恥bIic Hearing ofthe Pr叩osed SEDC Limestone

    Quarry and Port Opera鉛ns E叩nSion Prqiect ofthe So]id Ea軸Developmcnt Co「pora血. TIle

    Said hearing is scheduled on:

    Da書c �Time �Ve調置置e �zoo調勘efむil§

    27Novenlbe「2020 � 8:00AM Rン● ● �Sou‡hPa「kCo競ve調書ion �Meetin忠霊D:88448013034

    (F「iday) �egIS庇雄OI7諏aIIs u17.・30AM �Cen章el,Panadtaran,S鮒  Fe「n紬do,Cebu �Passcodc:233847

    Tl置e P輔c Hearing刷be conducted as part o佃e requiremcnts ofthe proponel-t's applicatioll

    for an Environmel血Compliance Cer捕eate.血erested paTties wil~ be give一一fro oppo軸lity to

    CxpreSS froely their concerns/support/opposition/ql‘eStions abollt the prqjecし

    Kindly rcgister or submit a col-Cise position papcr to this Of加e via emai】 a痩地鎚d逗軸虹

    thrce (3) days before tl-e SCheduIed P‘lblic蝿ring・ Those who are ul-able to register onIine or submit

    POSition papers IT'ay S細join the discussion ol- the day ofthe lmrillg.

    Attached hcrewith is the pr噂vtis Execu{ive Summary fo「 tl置e P踊c (ESP) for yollr r鴫re11Ce.

    Thc pr垂ct’s E一一Vironmental Performance Report and M鮒ageme一一t Plan (EPRMP) i§ down]oadable at

    Our Website www・eia.emb.gov.ph. K脚y access the Notice ofP輔c Hearing′ Consultation link fou重ld

    i11 Our Web page). Tl-e COPies ofthe ESP alld EPRMP a一・e aVa軸Ie at tl-e剛owjng officcs:

    O E朋鯵Regio職7

    Greenplains Subdivision’Ban融, Mandaue City, Cebu

    (032) 345-3905

    e LGU-San Fernando, Cebu

    Municipa航y of San Femando, Province of Cebu

    SI置Ould you l-aVe any quCStion’yOu may ContaCt Eng「・ Dexter Tab鑓da, Prqiect Case Handler,

    Envirollmel-taI lmpact Assessn-ent and Manage一一一ent Division (EIAMD). at telcphone numbe「s +632

    8920-2240細d十632 8920-224上

    Si調cさ「cly yoしl「§,


    航/ut I/一雄両用′,聞′/..‘ P′・()l聞/炉

  • Repllb“c oftlle P皿ippines

    Department of EllVholl賞ne章lt and Nat面al ResoしIrCeS

    鵜的Ⅴ彊親の的鯛難的甘Å麗.鯛Å関AG隠蹴兇対照“蹄む阻隠AミDENR Compo聞d, Visayas Av即ue, D柵an Quezon Ci申出6-○○‾ 〇〇〇、〇〇

    芋蔓㌢ 丁鵠蕊詩織宝器豊討諾議書器Novc爪ber 3, 2020



    桝u請ici岬置軽さdg. ofSan 『er調紬doうCebu

    (032) 2721 079


    Subiect:  Pub臨Hearing of the pl.OPOSed S烏DC Linestone Quarry and Port Operati高…i!望一

    ExpansioれPrQiect of SoIid Earth Development Corporatio調

    Dcar H〇億. ReI叫ya:

    We al・e Pleased to invite you a11d your constitしlentS tO attend the Public鱒eari帆g of the

    Proposed SEDC鵬mestollC Qu紺ry紬d Por! Operations Expansion PrqiecさOfthe Solid Earth

    Dcvelopment Corporation. The said h飼ring is schcduled on:

    D種でe �Time �Vemりe �乙oo鵬Detaits

    27Novcmbe「2020 �8:00AM �SollthParkConvention �Mccting着Dこ884480重30う4 R(培高II擁ioIl」佃I塙 �Center,Panadtaran,San

    (Friday) ���Passcodc:2鵜847 a17、・30A勅 �Fema11do,Cebu

    The Pu輔c Hearing wiIl be conducted as part ofthe requirements ofthe prOPOnent’s appIication

    for an E!w証onmental Compliance Cert細cate. lnterested parties w紺be given the oppolt胴ity to

    CxpreSS frocly their concelTIS!support/oppositionIquestions about the prQject.

    Kindly registel. Ol. Sub証t a concise positio叩ape!・ tO tllis O鯖ee via ema紺ot高・高11ll..即.〇両,

    血ce (3) days before the SCheduled Public Hearing∴rho§e Who are unable to l.egistor online ol・ Submit

    PO§ition papers may s細join the discussion on the day ofthe hearing・

    Attached herew軸is虹e pr句ect’s Exccutive Summary for the PIIblic (ESP) for your reference.

    The Prqiect’s Environme【1tal PeI.formance Report and Managemenl PIan (EPRMP) is downloadab!e at

    Ollr Website wow.eね.emb.gov.ph. Kindly access the Notice of Pu掘c Hearing/ Consultation link found

    in our web page). The copies ofthe ESP and EPRMP al.e availabIe at the following o情ces:

    e 隠M脇Regio調7

    Greenp]ains Subdivision. Banilad, Mandaue City, Cebu

    (032) 345置3905

    e LGU-S増n恥m肌do,Cebu

    Mu11icipality of San Femando, Province of Cebu

    ShOuld you have any question, yOu may COntaCt Engr. Dexter Tabada, PrQject Case Handlel.,

    E11ViI.Onmenta‖mpact Assessment and Management Division (EIAMD), a=elephone恥mbers十632

    8920-2240 and十償2 8920-22匂上

    Since胎Iy your§,



    柄硬・l II-出′高・研〃I`′柄・・ P′・()柄・I I碑…

  • Republic ofthe P刷ippines

    Department of EnviroIlment and Natural Resources

    曲NV霊最〇㍍棚田邸でAL朋こA討AG圏朗丑的ず蹄U武田A町DENR Compound, Visayas Ave刷e, D軸an Quezon City = 16

    丁el印hone Nos∴ (632)927-15-17, 928-37-25守秋No.: (632) 920-22・58

    Website:崎:勅許W.emb.gov.ph / Ema組[email protected]


    BaI●a′lg坤, C呼,Iain

    Barangay Hall of Basak, San Fernando, Cebu

    C/o O905-3529488 - SK Chairpe「son

    November 3, 2020

    Su勘ect:  Public Hearing of the proposed SEDC Limestone Quany and Port Operations

    Expansion PrQject of So置id Earth Development Corporation

    Dear Mr. Sarol:

    We are pleased to invite you and your constituents to attend the Pu唖c Hearing of the

    Pl.OPOSed SEDC Limestone Quarry and Port Operations Expansion Prqject of the SoIid Earth

    Development Corporation. The said hearing is scheduled on:

    Da書e �Ti鵬c �Venue �乙oomDe書租ils

    27November2020 �8:00AM �SouthParkConvention �MeetinglD:8844801う034 RゆかalionsIa7・持 �Center,Panadtaran,San

    (F「iday) ���Passcode:233847 a17:30AM �Fe「nando,Cebu

    The Public Hearing will be conducted as part ofthe requlrementS Ofthe proponent,s application

    for an Environmental ComPliance Ce一輔cate. Interested pa面es wi11 be given the OPPOrt皿fty to

    express freely their concems/suppoIVoppositionlquestions about the PrQject.

    Kindly '‘egister or submit a concise position paper to this Office via email at i遜un車o¥’.通,

    three (3) days before the schedしIled Public Hearing. Those who areしInable to register o踊ne or submit

    POSition papers may still join the discussion on the day ofthe hearing.

    Attached hereWith is the prQject’s Executive Summary for the Public (ESP) for your reference.

    The pr可ect’s Environmental Performance Report and Management Plan (EPRMP) is downloadable at

    Our Website www・eia・emb・gOV.Ph. Kindly access the Notice ofPnblic Hearing/ Consultawion link found

    ill Ou「 Web page). The copies ofthe ESP and EPRMP arc available at the following o飾ces:

    o 曲M鯵Region7

    Greenplains Subdivision, Banilad, Mandaue City, Cebu

    (032) 34う-3905

    e LGU-San Fernando,Cebu

    Municipa冊y of SaII Femalldo, Pl.OVince of Cebu

    Shou】d you have any question, yOu may COntaCt Engr. Dexter Tabada, PrQject Case Handler,

    Environmenta‖mpact Assessment and Management Division (EIAMD), at telephone numbers +632

    8920-2240 and十632 8920-224 L

    Sincerely yours,

    P. CU丙ADO


    Pl’0/CCl //l招w‘,i’.0研一研/… PI・(沈C./ /碑.


  • Repu描c 〇千章he Pl捕ppines

    Dep餌ment of Enviro置lmeut and Nalural Resoul`CeS


    帝 葦嵩欝諾鷲畿磐Novembe「 3, 2020

    D龍, Aし円陣EDO S.駒ANUGAS霊V

    M諦i壇)aI H融勅〔砺ceI・

    M皿ici匹l劇d争OFS的中ernando, Cebり

    (032) 4889703

    S噂e魚∴∴∴ Pub=c重iearing of lhe proposed S罵DCしimestone Q蝿ny and PorL Operations

    Expansion PrQiect of Solid Earth Developmcnt Co叩Oralion

    D命ar D富. M種油ug鋤s賞Vこ

    We al.e Pleased to invite you to袖end the Put踊c舶cari鴫ofthe Pro叩§e億SEDC Limestone

    Q調rry an億Port Ope「ations取pansion Prqうect ofthe Solid Ea血Development Corporation. The

    Said hearing is scheduled oIl:

    Dかe �T王鵬e �Venue �zoo鵬De書郷ils

    27Nov8調ber2020 �8:00AM �SouthParkConvention �Mee血豊lD:884480は034 R呼応II●αioタブS同・応 �Ccnter,Panadta丁aれ,San

    (『riday) ���Passcode:2三3847 u17.・30AM �Fe岬l紬do,Cebu

    The Public Hcaring will be conducted as part o「the requlrementS Ofthe proponent’s ap函catio11

    for an E11Vironlnental Compliance Ccr輔cate. Interested parties w刷be given the opportunity to

    expl・eSS舟eely th誼concerns/sしIPPOrt/oppositio函uestionsねout the prQject.

    Kindly register or sしIbmit a co11Cise position papcr to輔s O範e v・ia email at r料寮現時g型.由

    佃ee (3) days beforc the schedl庇d Public Hearing. l.‘hose who are unable to register online or submit

    POSition papers may s剛join the discu§Sion on the day ofthe hearing.

    Attached herewi鮎s the prQjectts Executive Sし一mmary for thc Public (ESP) for your I.efereIICe.

    The prqject’s Environmental Perfomance Repori and Management剛an (EPRMP) is downlo8dable at

    Ou「 Website www・eia・emb.gov‘Ph. Kindly access the Notice ofPublic Hearing/ Consultation link fouIld

    in our web page). The copies ofthe ESP and EPRMP are available at the followirlg O珊ces:

    〇 日駒BRe容ion7

    Greenpl壷ns Subdivision, Ban温d、 Ma11daue City. Cebu

    (032) 343-3905

    e しGU置S掛れFern郷ndo, Cebu

    Municipality of San Femando, P章▼OVince of C曲ll

    Should you have any question裏yOu 11喜ay COntaCI Engl.. Dexter T@ha庇l, Prqiect C謎e Handler,

    EnviroI-merlta‖mpact Assess一一一ent and Management Divi§ion (EIAMD), a=elephOne numbers十632

    89之0-2240 and十綿2 8920-224 l.

    l与ぐ痢〔・/ //′“′両で棚ic’〃/... r/.硬宮/i有.

    W喜しし書AM P. CU内AD○



  • Republic ofthe Philippines

    Depalてment of E11Vironment and Natura! Resources

    ENVIRO珊瑚肥前TAL MANAG亜MENT BUREAUDENR Compound’Vi§ayaS Avenue, D胸an Q=eZOn Cily = 16

    Telephone Nos・弓632〉927-1 5.1 7, 928-37-25; Fa掴o∴ 〈632) 920-22-58

    Website:唖p誰棚γ・emb.gov.ph / Ema冊a"@emb.gov.ph

    Novemberう、 2020


    Pz/blic Sc力oo/ D応面h S岬eIγ;∫Or (PSDS)

    Dep聞San Ferれando District 2

    Sangat, San Femando, Cebu

    O933-5765982; (032) 4888I 34

    Sし喧ect:  PしIblic Hearing of the proposed SEDC Limestone Qllarry and Port Operations

    Expansion PrQject of Solid Ea「th Development Corporation

    Dear Dr. Umbay:

    We are pleased to invite you to atte-1d the Public Hcaring ofthe ProI}OSed SEDC Lime§tone

    Q脚rry and Port Operations Expansion Prqiect of the Solid Ea血Deve10Pment Corporation. The

    Said l-earing is scheduled on:

    Da書c �Time �Vcnue �zoomDe書ai書s

    27November2020 � 8:00AM Rッ● �SouthParkConvention �MeetingID:88448013034

    (F「iday) �egIS研aIIOnSla所S a17.・30AM �CenteT,Panadtaran.San  Fel・IlaIldo,Cebu �Passc○de:233847

    ’「he PubIic Hearing will be conducted as part ofthe requlrementS Ofthe proponent’s application

    fdr an Environmental Compliance Cert揃eate. lntere§ted parties w批be given the opportunity to

    CXPreSS freely their concems/support/opposition/questions about the prqject.

    Kindly register or submit a concise position paper to this O綿ce via email a蓮華血迷鎚垣,

    three (3) days before the scheduled PublicトIearing. Those who are unable to register onIfne or sllbmit

    POSition papers may sti11join the discussion on the day oftlle hearing.

    Attached herewith is the prQject,s Executive Sulrmary for the Public (ESP) for your refdence.

    The prQject’s Environmental Perfo「mance Report and Management Plan (EPRMP) is downloadable at

    Our Website www.eia・emb.gov.ph. Kindly access the Notice ofPublic Hearing′ Consultatjon l撮foulld

    in ollr Web page). Tl-e COPies ofthe ESP and EPRMP are available at the following o飾cesこ

    O EM鯵Regi〇億7

    G重・eenplains Subdivision’BaniIad, Mandaue City, Cebll

    (032) 345-3905

    e LGU-San Fernando,Cebu

    M…icipality ofSan Femando, Province ofCebしI

    Should you l-aVe any question, yOu may COntaCt Engr. Dex`er Taba億a、 PrQject Case Handler,

    Environmenta。mpact Assessment and Management Div子sion (EIAMD), at teIephone numbers +632

    8920-2240 and十俄2 8920_2241.


    P′’0/個/有昭面′・。′7催〃/… PI・0煩/ /(/信

  • R印Il揃c o白he Ph掴ppincs

    Depa巾ment of Environment and Natural Resources


    ≡妻戸 葦諒鰭諾諾認許M恥. NEしSON嘘. SO龍ON霊O

    初高松やal AgI.i鋤l短所I

    Mun!cipal Bl心筈. of§an Ferれ紬do, Cebu

    O9 15-906443 I

    Nove調be重3, 2020

    S喧ject‥   Pu鞘c Hearing of the proposed SEDC Limesto調e Quanγ and Port Operations

    Expansion PrQject of Solid EarIh Development Corporation

    Dear M「. Soronio:

    We are pleased to invite you to attend the Public朗Iearing ofthe Proposed SEDC Lim鞘tone

    Q囲富ry and Po巾Operations E鵜panSion Prqieet of the Solid Earth Development Corpor証on. The

    Said hearing is scheduled onこ

    D種子書e �Ti鵬e �V側面c �zoomDe書a鵬

    27Novcmber2020 �8:00AM �SouthParkConvention �Meeti書嶋!D:8844801事034 R呼応かution封a南 �Ce]1ter,Panadtaran,San

    (Friday) ���Passcode:233847 α7〇・30AM �Fe「nando,Cebu

    ’rhe Public Hearing w川be conducted as part ofthe requirements ofthe proponent,§ apPlication

    for al- Environmental Compliancc Cer輸oate. Interested parties w紺be given the opportuI-ity to

    express freely their concems/support/oppositio陣/questions about the prqiect.

    KindIy register or submit a concise position paper to th王s Offroe via email at送迎班一b点l、・、心

    thl‘ee (3) days befoI`e the scheduled l,u掘c Hcaring. Those who are unablc to register o嗣ne oI" Submit

    POSition papers may sti11 joiI自Lhe discussion on the day ofthe hearing.

    Attached herew触is the prqject‘s Executive Summ紺y for the PubIic (ESP) for your reference.

    The prqject’s Environmental Performance Report紬d Management Plan (EPRMP) is downloadabie at

    Our Website www・eia.emb.gov.ph. Kindly acce§S the Notice of PubIic Hea血g/ Cons亜atio両nk found

    in our web page). The COPies ofthe ESP and EPRMP are available at the foIlowing o塙ces:

    〇 日M聴取捲i〇億了

    G「eenplains Subdivi§ion, Ba調ilad, M狐daue City, Cebu

    (032) 345-鋤05

    e LGU-Sam Fem袖do,Cebu

    M皿icipa航y ofSan Femando, Province ofCebu

    Shou地yo両ave any question、 yOu may COntaCt Engr. Dexter Tab袖a守rQiect Case曲ndler,

    Environmenta=mpact Assessl¶ent and Ma-1agement Division (巴IAMD), at telephone 11umbers +632

    8920輸2240 and十俄2 8920_224上

    儲劃勘の ほ年 ー∴ 詔囲囲

    Since「dy yours,

    手 話高言一言〆君

    子鯵、¥. β

    巴N遼蕊、繭しし書A航甲. CU内AD○

    ○暮C- Di rec書or


    柄,庇・l II7ぐ胡高調栂′五〇鮎)肌l砕‥

  • Republic ofthe Pl証ppines

    Depa「tment of Environme重lt and Natural Resoul・CeS

    E即VI蹴OⅣ既鼠軸TÅL朋Å押A蜜最期田岡で魅UR瑠AUD酬R Com印刷d, Visayas AvenJe. Dmman Quezon Cjty宮16

    丁el印hone Nos∴ (632)927-15-1 7, 928・37-25膏秋No∴ (632) 920・22-58

    Websile判書p肋個W.emb.gov.ph / Em紬[email protected]

    November 3, 2020


    SK FとくねI・aIioI7 PI・eS加わnI

    O部ce of SK Federation, San Fernando, Cebu

    Sangat, San Femando, Cebu

    (032) 488%79

    Subject:  Pub!ic Hearing of the proposed SEDC Limestone Quarry and PoIt Operations

    Expansion Pl・匂ect of So樟d Earth Development Corporation

    Dea「 Mr. Oacan;

    We a∫e Pleased to invite you to attend the Pub量ic He分ring ofthe Proposed SEDC LimesIone

    Quarry and Port Operation§ Expansion Prqject of the Solid Earth Development Corporation. The

    Said hea富ing is scheduled on:

    Da章e �Time �Ve細りc �zoomDe書ails

    27November2020 �8:00AM �SouthParkConvention �MeetinglD:884480再034 RegisかalionsIaI’Is �Center,Panadtaran,San

    (Friday) ���Passcode:233847 aI7:30AM �Fernando,Cebu

    The Public Hearing will be conducted as part ofthe requirements ofthe p「oponent’s application

    for an Envirormental Compliance Cer輔cate. ]nterested parties w紺be given the opportundy to

    express froely their concems/support/opposition/questions about the pl句ect`

    Kindly register or sし一bmit a concise position paper to this Office via email at高崎it:111b.竺O臆l二」2h,

    three (3) days before the SCheduled Public Hearing. Those who are unable to register o輔ne or submit

    POSition papers may st紺join the discussion on the day of the hearing.

    Attached herewith is the prQject’s Executive Summary for the Public (ESP) for your reference.

    The prQject’s Environmental Performance Report and Management Plan (EPRMP) is downloadable at

    Our Website www.eia.emb.gov.ph. Kindly access the Notice ofPublic Hearing/ Consultation link found

    in ou「 web page). The copies ofthe ESP and EPRMP are available at the following o楕ces:

    。 EM職Region7

    Greenplains Subdivision, Banilad, Mandaue City, Cebu

    (032) 345-3905

    e LGU-San Fernando,Cebu

    MunicipaIity of San Femando, P「ovince of CebしI

    ShOuld you have any qしIeStion, yOu may COntaCt Engr. Dexler Tabada, PrQject Case Handler,

    Environmental Impact Assessment and Management Division (EIAMD), at telepho-1e numbel“S +632

    8920-2240 and十632 8920-224 1.

    Sincerely yoしIrS,

    嘱繭国雪国’賞LL置AM P. CU内ADO

    O’C‾Director  中古

    辞ec両d b9:

    P/.0/招/ //J理研,iI・(,I槻蹄/... P/.ひ/c,C/ /碑‥

  • Republic ofthe Ph描ppines

    Departme重1t Of Environment and Natural ResouI.CeS

    思NV書取〇㍍醐田押TAし脱A河AG班朋隠郊帽∵鯵U忠正AUD削R Compound誰Say∂S Ave佃e, D柵an Quezon Crty = 16

    TeIephone Nos∴ (632)927・15-17, 928-3アー25; Fax No∴ (632) 920-22-58

    Websile:輔p肋棚.emb.gov.ph / E爪a航mail@帥b.gov.ph

    November 3, 2020



    KALIPl - Women’s Group

    Tonggo, San Femando, Cebu

    C/0 0917-39]4776 - Brgy. Capt.

    Su申ject:   Public Hearing of the proposed SEDC Limestone Quarry and Port Operations

    Expansion Pr匂ect of Solid Earth Development Corporation

    Dear Ms. Ca岳o:

    We are pleased to invite you to attend the Public Hcaring ofthe Proposed SEDC Limestone

    Quarry and Port Ope「ation§ Expansion Prqiect of the Solid Ea血Development Corporation. The

    Said hearing is scheduled on:

    D盆書e �Time �VeⅡue �zoomDe書a軸§

    27November2020 �8:00AM �SouthParkConvention �Mee血gID:884480日0釣 RegねかaIio購ta所S �Center,Panadtaran,San

    (Friday) ���Pa§SCOde:233847 a17.・30AM �Fe「llando,Cebu

    The Public Hearing w紺be conducted as part ofthe requirements ofthe proponent’s application

    for an Environmenta! Compliance Cert楯cate. lnterested parties will be given the opportunity to

    express freely their concems/suppori/opposition/questions about the prQject・

    Kindly register or submit a concise position paper to this O鮪ce via email at通運担う1h虻O¥.吐,

    threc (3) days before the SCheduled Public I十earing. Those who are unable to register online or submit

    POSition papers may sti町Oin the discussion on the day of the hearing.

    Attached herewith is the prQject’s Executive Summary for the Public (ESP) for your reference.

    The prQiect’s Environmental Perfemance Report and Management Plan (EPRMP) is downloadable at

    Our Website www.eia.emb.gov.ph. Kindly access the Notice ofPしIblic Hearing/ Consultation link folmd

    in our web page). The copies ofthe ESP and EPRMP are available at the following o珊ces:

    。 EMRRegion7

    Greenplains Subdivision, Banilad, Mandaue Ctry, Cebu

    (032) 343-3905

    O LGU-San Femando,Cebu

    Municipality ofSan Femando, Province ofCebu

    Should you have any que§tion, yOu may COntaCt E噂r. Dexter Tabada, PrQiect Case Handler,

    Environmental ○mpact Assessment and Managemeut Division (EIAMD), at telephone numbers +632

    8920-2240 and十632 8920-224 l.


    PI・olピ(・l ll-ピe′7-・i′・(,l槻ピ′7I… 1,I・OIe。川舟.

  • 璽      Repu輔c ofthe Philippines

    Department of Envil・Onment and NatlIra! Resources

    隠醐親O珊嶋田鄭TÅL漸A肘AGE轍遜勘で蹄U良彊AUDENR Compound, Visayas Avenue, DMman Quezon Ci申1 16

    Tetephone Nos; (632)927-15-17, 928・37・25; Fax No.: (632〉 920-22-58

    Websile: h時:侮時間.emb.gov.ph / Ema紺m∂[email protected]

    November 3, 2020MR. VIRGILIO P. SIAROT

    BaI峨′柳, C華,IaiI 7

    B伍rangay Hall ofTonggo, San Fernando, Cebu

    O91 7-3914776

    Su曲ect‥   Public Hearing of the proposed SEDC Limestone Quarry and Port Operations

    Expansion PrQject of Solid Earth Developme書1t Corporation

    Dear Mr. Siarot:

    We are pleased to invite you and your constituents to attend the Pub書ic Hearing of the

    Proposed SEDC Limestone Quarry and Port OI)erations Expansion Prqiect of the Solid Earth

    Development Corporation・ The said hearing is scheduled on:

    Date �Ti血e �Venue �zoo鵬Deta軸s

    27November2020 �8:00AM �SouthParkConvcntion �Meeting!D:88448013034 RegisI7・alio′1SlaI・Is �Center,Panadtaran,San

    (Fl・iday) ���Passcode:2鵜847 a17.・30AM �Femando,Cebu

    The Public Hearing w紺be conducted as part ofthe requlrementS Ofthe proponent’s application

    for an Environmental Compliance Certificate. Interested parties will be given the oppo血nity to

    express freely their concems/support/opposition/questions about the P「qject.

    Kindly register or sしIbn教it a concise position paper to this O飾ce via email at ri頭蛙逗蔓退出,

    three (3) days before the scheduled Public Hearillg. Those who are unable to register online or sしIbmit

    POSition papers may stilljoin the discussion on the day ofthe hearing.

    Attached herewith is the prqiect’s Executive Summary for the Public (ESP) for your reference.

    The prQject’s Environmental Performance Report and Management Plan (EPRMP) is downloadable at

    Our Website www.eia.emb.gov.ph. Kindly access the Notice ofPublic Hearing/ Cons亜ation link fou11d

    in our web page). The copies ofthe ESP and EPRMP are avaうlabIe at tlle following o塙ces:

    O E朋膿Region7

    Greenplains Subdivision’Banilad, Mandaue City’Cebu

    (032) 343-3905

    e LGU-San Fernando,Cebu

    Municipality ofSan Femando, Province ofCebu

    Should you have any question, yOu may COnぬCt Engr. Dexter Tabada, Pr句ect Case Handler,

    Enviromenta=mpact Assessment and Managelnent Division (EIAMD), at telephone numbers +6328920-2240 and十632 8920_224 1.

    Sincerely yours,



    柄)/賞●I /庇c′両′・`,研〃e’I仁P/.祝C'/ /砂..

  • Republic of the Ph航ppines

    Depariment of Environment alld Natural Resoul`CeS

    超NV且R㊤N弼E即すAL駒ANAG囲納EN甘酸U環視A巳)DENR Comp伽nd, VISayaS Av郎Ile, DiIiman Quezon City = 16

    了eI印hone国OS∴ (632)927-15-17. 928-37-25; Fax母o∴ (632〉 920-22・58

    Website: h時侮/WW.emb.gov.ph I Email’[email protected]

    November 3, 2020


    」軌II7icやal V油e Mむ′Or

    Mullicipal BIdg. ofSan Fernando, Cebu

    (032) 4889679

    SしIt)ject:  PしIblic Hearing of the proposed S巳DC Limestone Quar「y and Port Operations

    Expansion PrQiect of Solid Earth Development Corpol‘ation

    Dear櫨o皿. Reluya:

    We are pleased to invite you to attend the Public Hcaring ofthe Proposed SEDC Limestone

    Quarry and Port Operations Expansion Prqiect ofthe Solid Eal.th Development Corporation. TheSaid hearing is sclleduled on:

    Da章e �Timc �Venue �乙oo血De書貧ils

    27Novembe「2020 �8:00AM �SouthParkConvention �Meeti11gID:88448013034 RegistI・ationsla所S �Ce!lter,Palladtaran,San

    (Friday) ���Passcode:233847 aI7〇・30Aムイ �Femando,Cebu

    The Public Hearing wi‖ be conducted as part ofthe requirements ofthe proponent’s application

    for an Environmental Compliance Certificate. [nterested partics will be give章1 thc opportunity to

    express freely their concems/supporuoppositio函uestioIIS about lhe prQject.

    Kindly register o「 submit a concise position paper to this O飾ce via email at sj±埴連載J2.盟i通,

    three (3) days before the scheduled Public Hearing. Those who are unable to register online or submit

    position papers may sti11 join the discussion on the day ofthe hearing・

    Attached herewith is the pr匂ect,s Executive Summary for the Pu描c (ESP) for yo即reference.

    The Prqiect’s Environmental Performance Report a-1d Management Plan (EPRMP) is downloadable at

    our website www.eia.emb.gov"Ph. Kindly access the Notice ofPし一blic Hearing/ Consし11tatio掴nk found

    in our web page). The copies ofthe ESP and EPRMP are available at the following of龍es:

    o EMBRegion7

    G「e帥Plains Subdivision, Banilad, Mandaue City, Cebしl

    (032) 345-3905

    o LGU-San Fernando,Cebu

    Mしmicipality ofSall Fernando’Province ofCebし一

    ShOuld you have劃Iy queStion, yOu may COntaCt Engr. Dexter Tabada, PrQject Case HandIer,

    EllVironmenta=mpact Assessment and Management Division (E!AMD), at teleph0ne皿mber§ +632

    8920-2240 and十632 8920-224 1.

    SincereIy you章’S,

    ÷/--一一一一一一一- ‾ ‾‾‾、

    P. CU内ADO


    馨翠P/.。IピぐI /l弛C′高/.。研l聞/… PI〇°/“・/ /海‥

  • 璽      Republic of the Ph消ppines

    Depaltment Of Environment and Natural Resources

    聴NVI蹴㊦邸朗田圃TÅ確醜ANA寄E桝田即で鯵U鞍馬AUD削R Compound, Visayas Avem嶋. D踊an QJeZOn Cily = 16

    丁彊phoneト!os∴ (632)927-15-17, 928-37-25;戸a州o.弓632) 920-22-58

    Websi厄http:休酬・emb.gov函/ Ema粧[email protected]叩h



    0鯖iee of Senior Citizen Association

    South Pob., San Femando, Cebu

    C/o(032) 231 1615 - MSWDO

    November 3, 2020

    Suhiect:  Pub]ic Hearing of the proposed SEDC Limestone Quany and Port Operations

    Expansion PrQject of Solid Earth Development Corporation

    Dear Mr. A量a吊a:

    We are pleased to invite you to attend the Pub書ic蘭ea「ing ofthe Proposed SEDC Limestone

    Q雌rry and Port Operation§ Expansion Prqiect of the Solid Earth Development Corpo「ation. The

    Said hearing is scheduled on:

    Date �Time �Ve調ue �zoo鵬Detai書s

    27November之020 �8:00AM �SouthParkConvention �Mee宜nglD:88448013034 R弓gis什ationsI(IrI$ �Center,Panadtaran,San

    (Friday) ���Passcode:233847 a17:30AM �Femando,Cebu

    The Public Hearing wi“ be conducted as part ofthe requirements ofthe proponent’s application

    for an Environmental Compliance Certifroate. Interested parties wi‖ be given the opportunity to

    express free ly their concems/support/opposition/questions about the pxpject.

    Kindly register or submit a concise position paper to this O鮒ce via email at ei遥c用b.捜玉垣,

    thrce (3) days before the scheduled Pub!ic Hearing. Those whO are unable to register online or submit

    POSition pape「s may stm join the discussion on the day ofthe hearing.

    Attached hereWith is the pr(加ct’s Executive Sし1mmary for the Public (ESP) for yoし1r reference,

    The prQject’s Environmental Perfomance Report and Management Plan (EPRMP) is downloadable at

    9ur Website Ww.eia・emb・gOV.Ph. Kindly access the Notice ofPublic Hearing/ Consし'ltation link foundm our web page). The copies ofthe ESP and EPRMP are available at the following o綿ces:

    e EMRRegio鵬7

    Greenpiains Subdivision, Baniiad, Mandaue City, Cebu

    (032) 345-3905

    0 LGU-San Fernando,Cebu

    Municipality of San Femando, Province ofCebu

    Should you have any qし一eStion, yOu may COntaCt Engr. Dexter Tabada, Prqject Case Handler,

    Environmenta旧mpact Assessment and Management Division (剛AMD), at telephone numbers +632

    8920-2240 and十632 8920-224 1.

    Sincerely yours,


    PI▲。/“/ ′/7ピC′高’.`),7′,7硝I… PI・0/c'Cl /妬..

    国璽国冒しM P. CU丙ADO

    OIC-Di 「ector

  • Repu輔c ofthe Philippines

    Department of Enviro11meIlt and NatlIral ResoしIrCeS


    華声 帯蕊欝驚諾…認許壁壁


    勅棚i垂)al &,Cial脇的ne and Devel叩柳鋤I物ceγ

    朋u調香ci囲l聴ldg. of S細『e「龍郷ndo, Ccbu


    Novenlber 3, 2020

    Suliiect:  Public Hearing of the proposed SEDC lふmestone Quarry and Port Operations

    Expansion PrQiect of Solid Ea11h Developme11t Corporation

    D合ar Ms. Brobo:

    We are pleased to invite you to attend the恥闘c Hcaring ofthe Proposed SEDC Limestone

    Quarry amd Port Ope富ations Expansion Pr{函短of the SoIid Earth Development Coxpol証on. The

    Sald hearing is scheduled o11:

    D分筆e �T竃調e �Vc調ue �zoo競lDo書租ils

    27Novembe「2020 �8:00AM �SouthParkConvention �Mceting賞D:884480130事4 Reg親者αtio′-Sla′“Is �Centcr,PanadtaraIl,San

    (F丁iday) ���Passcode:233847 aI7.・3ひAM �Fe「nandoうCebu

    The Pu揃c liearing wi冊e conducled as part ofthe requirelnentS Ofthe proponent’s application

    fo an Environmental Compliance Certificate. IlltereSted陶rtie§ Wi‖ be given the OPPO血nity to

    express freely their conce1「1S/suppo競/opposition/qlleStions about the prQject.

    Kindly register ol, Submit a concise position paper to this Office via ema栂t d並ut測地,

    血ce (3) days before thc schedulcd Public Hea血g∴「hose who al.e unable to register o刷れe or submit

    POSition pape「s may s刷join the discussion on the day ofthe hearing,

    Attached hereWilh is the pr句ect’s Execlltive Summary for the Pll踊c (ESP) for your rcference.

    Thc prqiect’s Environmental Performa11Ce Report and Management Plan (EPRMP) is downloadable at

    Our Website ww.eia.emb.gov・Ph. Kindly access the Notice ofPl離c Hea血gI Consllltation link found

    in our web page). The copies oftlle ESP and EPRMP are avaiIabIe at the following omces:

    e ∴曲朋駐恥e留ion 7

    GreeれPlains Subdivision, Banilad, Mandaue City, Cebu

    (032) 345-3905

    O LGU -San Fernando,Cebu

    Municipa航y ofSan Femando, Province ofCebu

    ShOuld you have any questioIl, yOu may COntaCt EngI.. Dex・e「 Tab租da, PrQiect Case HandIer,

    巴IIVironme11tal Impact Assessmc面and Manage富nCnt Division (剛^MD), at teIephone nlImbers +632

    89之0-2240 and十632 8920-224上

    S inccl●ely yours,





    擁,I耽.1 //一理研i月個’′硯/・・・ Pj.‘,l“/ /妬‥

  • 璽      Republic ofthe Ph航ppines

    Department of Envil・Onment and NatしIral Resources

    隠NVIRO肘M正郎TAL耽ANA奪曲ME郎甘露U龍距AUDENR Compound, Visayas AvenJe, D柵an QJeZOn City = 16

    丁e!印hone Nos; (632〉927・15"1了, 928-37-25;戸ax No∴ 〈632〉 920ゼ2-58

    Website:帥p誰据相.emb.gov.ph / Ema航[email protected],Ph


    踊′扉cゆal PIanni碓a諦Develq,〃-e所α加e手

    Municipal Bldg. ofSan Ferれando, Cebu

    (032) 2721 079

    Nove鵬be「 3, 2020

    Subject:   P‘lblic Hea血g of the proposed SEDC Limestone Qua章ry and Port Operations

    Expansion PrQject of Solid Earth Development Corporation

    Dea「 Engr. Ria§:

    We are pleased to invite you to attend the P叫bIic Hearing ofthe Proposed SEDC Limes書one

    Qua「ry and Port Operatio調S Expansion P「qiect ofthe Solid Ea血Development Co「poration. The

    Said hearing is scheduled on:

    Date �Ti鵬e �Venue �zoo鵬De青a鵬

    27November2020 �8:00AM �SouthParkConvention �Meeting!D:88448013034 Reg心有.aIio17SIa′.tS �Center,Panadtaran,San

    (Friday) ���Passcode:233847 a17:30AÅ{ �Femando,Cebu

    The Public Hearing wi‖ be conducted as part ofthe requirements ofthe P「OPOnent’s application

    for an Environmental Compliance Cert買ecate. Interested pa11ies w紺be given the opportunity to

    express freely thei「 concems!sしIPPOrVopposition/questions about tlle PrQject.

    Kindly register or submit a concise position paper to輔s Office via email at送迎emb亮哩定立!,

    thl・ee (3) days before the scheduled Pし一blic Hea∫ing. ThOSe Who are unable to register online or submit

    POSition papers may s剛join the discussion on the day ofthe hearing.

    Attached herewith is the Prqject’s Executive Summary for the Public (ESP) for your reference.

    The prQject’s Environmental Perfomance Report and Management Plan (EPRMP) is downloadable at

    9ur Website www.eia.emb・gOV・Ph. Kindly access the Notice ofPublic Hearing/ Consultatio掴nk foundIn Our Web page)∴「he copies ofthe ESP and EPRMP are available at the following o珊ces:

    O 困M膿Rcgion7

    GreenpIains Subdivision, Banilad, Mandaue City, Cebu

    (032) 345-390S

    o LGU-San Fernando,Cebu

    Municipality ofSan Femando, Province ofCebu

    Should you have any question, yOu may COntaCt Engr. Dex書er Tabada, PrQject Case HandIer,

    Envil.OrLmental lmPaCt Assessment and Management Division (EIAMD), at telephone numbel`S +6328920-2240 and十632 8920輸224上

    Sincerely yours,

    困園田四国 、仰IO`P. CU内ADO

    O] C-Director


    音ol紺I I毎酬・iI・t)l棚帥I… l,I・〈)I竹中佃.

  • Republic o「the Pl満ppines

    Department of軌vil.Onment and Natural Resources


    毒手 雷嵩繕謹認諾・58ENGR. S車MEON A. LAURONAL

    勅-ni函ul EIゆI7eeI▲

    M調nicip盆書載ldg. ofS紬恥部軸ndo, Cめり

    (032) 272 1 079

    November 3, 2020

    Su鴫ct:  Public Hearing of the proposed SEDC Limestone Quarry alld Port Operations

    Expansion Prqiect of Solid Earth Development Co叩Oration

    Dear Bngr. LauroIl種l;

    We are pleased to invite you to attend the Pu輔ぐ軸earin轡ofthe Proposed SEDC鵬mesto珊e

    Qりarry and Port Oper租tio鵬E坤rnsion Prqject of the So舶Ea面Development Corporation∴「he

    Said hca置・i噂与s scheduled om

    勘a書e �Ti肌e �Venue �zoo鵬De章ai寡s

    27November2020 �8:00AM �SouthParkConvention �Meetin昌lD:88448013034 Regislralio月競〔汁Is �Ccntc「,Pamd(a隠n,S織n

    (輔d租y) ���Passcode:2うう847 u17:30AM �Fe調紬do,Ccbu

    The Public Hearing will be conducted as part ofthe req11置rements Ofthe proponent’s app[ication

    for all Environmental Compliancc Cer輸oate. Interested pardes w冊be given the oppoltur証y to

    expl・eSS freely their concems/support/opposilioIV’questions about the PrQject.

    Kindly l‘egister or §ubmit a concise pQSitio叩apc重・ to拙s O餓ce via email at通子亙担be華南

    three (3) days before the SCheduled Pllblic l.lea証ng.刑ose who al.e unable to register o硝11e Ol` Submit

    POSitiorl PaPerS may S剛join the di§CuSSion oI- the day ofthe hearing.

    Attached herewith is the prQiect’s Exect南ve Sulnmary for the Public (腎SP) for your reference.

    The p「qject’s Environmental Perfomance Report and Management Plan (EPRMP) i§ downloadable at

    Our Website www.eia.emb.gov.ph. Kindly acce§S the Notice of Pu輔c He紺ing/ ConsしIltatto硝nk found

    i11 Our Web page). The copies of仙e ESP and EPRMP are available at the fo1lowing o請ces:

    o E朋鯵耽e轡ion7

    Gree叩lains Subdivision, Banilad, Mandaue City, Cebu

    (032) 345-3905

    0 し屯U-S練れ耳er舶ndo,Cobu

    Municipality of San Femando, Province of Cebu

    Should you have ally queStionうyOu may COntaCt Engr. D譲ter Tabad@, PrQject Case Handle「,

    En壷onmentaI喜mpact Assessme-1t and Management Division (EIAMD), at telephOne恥mbers †ト632

    8920-2240紬d十632 8920_224上

    Since「ely you「欝,

    Wtしし喜AM P.


    柄,姐・I IIl�