.... ' .. ; . .; .:.;. .. :'';' . .. ".". , ". ';" ... .'", ... :, __ Nebr$lale-BIst.'-Soo-·- -,.,.,. 1500n'Si. 16 pages two sectiQ.ns ._---_. EIGHTY-FIFTH YEAR - fol{,.',md ('!lid ,,' I·o"t"ffh:t'. .. hrn"'" ' K"tllrn "01<111"" G""rnn' ..... 1 Juniors Administered ._ OotJL of· Setfion-one eight pag,es, , WAYNE, ,THURSDAY, MARCH 24 .. 1960 !lil'hrll>la.a I _ ,. __ -T---'- ___ ojuig Hosl<frisliirlAverts- Thursday Evening T 'd· ... Md· B 1- '. . . ___ __ ay aze t1ay evening, Mar. :31. The pro- T1w Hoskins community haH ;, gram, under the supervision of 51 t 5" F " ·F"d t ( II F"' I" ,new heroine. Debra An.n Guirl •. I red Voree, wilJ inelude alJ four a es . clence OIr n ay Q 0 ege ami y nlure In 'fivc·yenr·old daugh'er 01 and large' en:;cm bles of the school.. 1\11'[0;. Robert Grurk, is- tiM talk of The WaYhe .Prep orchestra, jun- Collision 'til(' community aiter 8M calmly ior high chorus, high school chorus I led three younger children 10 .afe I and band wi!! all be represented. 10 ·D·· .. '1" .... - .... "M d .' ty .from the burni.ng basement 01 : licIpate as directors arc: Paul girl then Just as calu}l nolifl I I teat'.hers who will' par-I ',' n e our on a·y .. _., fal In .homc_ TIle !Cooper. Pilger, orchestra; Donald : Arnold Janke, W.insidc, rccclv('d I her mo(hcr, who was l/the 'Schumacher, Osmond, jtlnior h!gh ! thaL.1hc. _ house was Oll I - \\"as drn'ing wus colli- I two-sl..ctry Gnirk home wa." Neligh, Dand. I slOn wilh one dl'lv('n by Gnf Lar· 'damaged extensively by the lire The Wayne Prep orchestra will open the program with the cverture, '''The King of Yvetot" by Adolph Adam. Five numbers will be performed by the junior high chorus. I The Wayne Prep chorus; will pre- I s(nt the most ambitIOUS program I they ha\'e ever attempll'd as they Prt'sent four numbers aU in seven : (lr eight part harmony, The con- I duding portion 01 the 'conr:ert will I be by the high school band which will present four---num- i bers. . Randolph. ., I which is believed to have starte{l i ! 1Il lhe basemeqt. : lip, four, n'cl'iv('d nUllor bluiscs. I of the fire has not been- All wele trealed by a doctor and det."mlned. Wh.'n it released. Debra Ann and her younger SIS- : The aeeidC'nt tinct' mil.! ter and brothers.. Rlncty 4, Rob· es ('<I:-;t of WlIl . ..,IUt' on SIute High- I anc;t_ R.gl.nalcl,:l,.w.,.. plaY·j wav 35 del our The ears collided, mg 10 the b ..... m:ent: their aln'lOst IWad·on on a curve. ' mother wn milking in the'barn. , Wayne county Shel'lt:, Don 'Wei. Mr. h-c.l1lo 'bk, mVl'stjgalpd the accidenl. The at the time. cars werc almost 10111.1 losses When DeBra b·rought· t)cr. mothN 1 fl om the barn, Mrs; Gnirk : the. up Q 1 I side the house safe, their eye::. ! Madison Junior.lo . ,Ireaming from '!Doke .. HIGH SCHOOL JUNIORS from Wayne- "High, they assumed their duties in the respective of-, - Wayne Prep and WinSIde gathered last Wednes- fices. County Judge David J. Hamer. is Barbara Wolske WAYNE HIGH STUDENTS Karen Johanson (seated) and Karen Head Wayne Siale ' .. f h 1\ h I.) day at the Wayne courthotlie to get on inSide here rlghtl: Mike _, -, Willers display the sCience pro,ect whlj:h they Will exhibit Friday -- .--- on vIew of proceedings on the county level The oath Wayne HIgh; Carol Erdmann and Jeanne ard- i WaVnne/s Cho"lce t th NE N b k J A d f S F t WSTC Stude t Co "I ,menl near the furnace. The fire of office was to_ the _gsOJ,(IL_ ____ .. .. __ __ . __ __ ._. ___ n_ t rrefr K,chardnUnCI m macre-- ". For G"lrl/s Slate I Mitchell, Wayne High science teacher who is' chairman of the Mylan JaixeJ1, M.1t1ison junior, flghtmg the flames I S I T will serve as y.,,Iavne State studenl' sible. Extensive damage- was donc W P l · t ... -- ,.' .,=-.;:':.---.-...... Academy, said close to 300.students from about 20 body pfl'sidenl year. Ht, won to the floors and walls t?f ,bed ' a' yne rep aure PlOP i Barbara ,Wolske, daughter of ... fo.r. __ __ show. in biology, Ian Mumby OVC'f two other,looms, the living room and thc -- - -I Mr. and ]\lIS .. Ed. has chem'lstr)', physICS and math In- the "V.STC : candic-raleo;, Ann (;rn!f. Ibrlley. bathroom. " _, - I science building from 9 a.m. to -3 p.m. The pub1k·-is-i to Ia:',-"Rn"d Bellv -JOn(;s,--Omaha were forced-.to break coIn attend _ __ . - Ihre·c ('ar.hcr had b('en, windows in tbe Speech P lay Con test Hon ors i I M::S A' -- --I ---- -M d- -- . . - _ _ " _ glCls' glee club and ,; ac- nnua anquel on ay 10 .1,<, councli president The e'eetin,n· side. and - - - I in the dining room ancL_ Wayne PreD' and . L I A hi • T ('s. The winners: ! kitchen was blistered. Much of till' - students earned their shard' of su: Area schools thMt earned rat· Laurel and Wayne Prop both -ete .oea I elle eams SCTIJOr -:- D.iCk. PIneda. Stellmg, I was. damaged by perlors exccllents Saturday ill i Ing5 for one·act plays were Lau· earned five superiors_ Laurel ill- _ _ Ill.. president: DOll l\ieDuwall, and water With the _exceptIOn of the Distl'let III declamutlOn ami rei and Allen, excellent, and Win- .1· garnered five excellent , - . ___ l= Flandreau, S D _ V1('e upstairs furnilu!e .and cloth play contest held at WSTC. side, good.· Allen also copped a i a:;yon:e ! __ ---------:-- Tfie arflilfai'Sports Banquet, hon. Lar.ry Kramer, Stuart, secretary,; i_"_g which was bro1)ght Ol,lt Prep's one·act plllY, "Tlle Sistcrs good in oral reading of drama. ' . --- t-oring·-----ath-tetes-oand-c-Ireer--fead-en;!anu-Terry Henderson;T:orr(.ction-.---:---a-ged _____ .. __ . __ _ M Intosh" won one of two sup('rior In individual competition the foI- High received three superiors, now r- a es. 1 from Wayne High, Wayne Prep! vjJle, la., treasurer. ! Full .exteqt 01.' __ ... -in{,-4-t1de-d----i-n---t,hlo'---C----i'l owi-a-g--swdeats-e-3,nwd Allen two arrd __ Soft Water I WSTC . athletes and' Junior _ Dean Strenger, Cedar I not. yet. been - ,NYs,_ - ----Mar-y Tll-f-illl.t!..-S.vonne KralLnan-i excellent rating!:'; Discussion, Ben-! E!: __ lwad of lhe, . P. Christensen, who It h e I. r - I pres-ident; Fr-ed Fetrow, 1 sald the by and Mike Perry. Wesl Point High I nett Viken, Wayne _ of spe('c_h de· I lives northeast of Wayne, has solv I O'Nelll, -vice presidcn!: Bonita i The famll,Y .• 5ot8. o,v- received the other superior play I Leedom, Allen, anc(JiiJ:LCooper, .partment and Dr. LUCIle. Cyprean··1 ed the problem of "too much snow at tHe city audItorIUm. I Vandegrift Omaha sec.ret<lry and I ernlght . at the adJoining l falm rating. ___ Laurel, suoerior ratings .. Nicky 1\1e- 1 sen served <:s twu of the Judges for' I'nd no place to Pllt it" by: pushing I of _the outstanding i Joyc'e 1\ Nelson Newman I' home of Mrs. Gnirk's brother. Miss .Turner- receIved an addi. Lel:!ll, Wayne. Prep, Btll the contest. it- all in .a cistern on her farm. I . ' , , . ' .•. -- ti6riiilhonor as outstanding 8-etress anp Bill Witt, Wayne High. VIcki I ., Not only .. s the removed but I Chamber of Comnlelce. Guesl' Sophomore- M a I' l y Elliott, I . . '. ... --In· class-B schools of 150 or h k II Chrlstense.n will have plenty I speaker for lhe evening \v-ill be Crcston, la., prcsicl('nt; PauL Pack,: Choral Con· c' e"'1 Set sWdents. Paul . Ponca, Laurel, rec:w-cd exec,Hent aWardS'I-Dr;--Bent at Te s of m .the Cook, Norfolk Mayor. Ponca, vice president; Carol De.' I' . was the outstan_gmg actor m class ,In- oral-mterpretatlOn of prose. - the cistern IS equIpped With a ill· 1 'Host ticke'ts, which allow lheiGroot, Madison, .sel'retary, and , d. ft. I: B. Outstanding actre!'s actor Itliteralure Pamela. Hughes, wayne. Hosp"llal Problems ter.. ,.' purchaser to select one of the ath. " Norma Olson, l\'Iamlla, la., treasur·1 Sun ay-A in class A WHC ,Judy Creamer, and MarCia Lunz, Allen" _ . d ' I' ' d d . ell .; ., Iletes to be hIS guest for thc eve· i el. I U7_, I.' r<l West ,:",:cre .. awar e. superIOrs. aro yn . ___ . ___ __ o-Lthc .. ... _ ........ _ .. ____ . ___ .. _ ... ____ __ ... L-iufeT. - - -- - -- - . - ---- --- . 1 Beck. "\---vay-ne I ticlcet includes the meal for bofh , club and Jumor high cllo1'I:l:', Both Wayne Prep a!1d -Wayne i Johnson, Laurel, excellent. . : the host a-nd his guest.. i k . : will present their--' 'High earned supef'io-r-s.-<-fo;'oral I puhUe Bi.lI! persons m.pt al ! cOll.lJ.1 ani s t for the choir sever- M " SI- . d : Dr. J. B. Merriman. dilector oj Land M. or Councd., choral :p.m,. reading of drama. The Prep cast Witt, WaYBe High, nad Denms il1?an s cillb rooms <II small groups. She IS also eetlngs ate athletics at WSTC, Harold MaCle. at !ne for "The Man Who Came to Din- . Winsidf', superior.: noon when lile HospItal AuxIliary, member of the pcp and presI-: . . . ..... I jewski, Wayne High coach and I Ch.. " P I I : gra"h.'Y11I feature a wlde vanpl), ner"· included Bill Denkinger,. I Bill Reeg, Wayne Prep, and Gloria, heard Dr. Walt.er speak dent of the Methodist Youth Fel·, 1rammg- sessIOns for Wayne Frank Williams, Wayne Pre p airman os 0 ,of ll'i'uSI(:. David Sctire-iner, Vern Baue-r- Hattig, Laurel, eXcellent,- on problem!; oj Ihe city hospItaL lowship group. county home le.ad. I will deliver the athletic rec- _ meis.ter 7 and- - Exte-mPQrancous--.--spea-king,- Jan- :Vh-en compleled NiCKle .McLean, daughter 01 Mr. i ers will be conducted at Wayne ·-ognitlon-s. - - :-I\;r· .J-----It to-b n · s ··· o -n i h @lITgl1te<l .lind Dunklau. Wayne High's icc Mohr, Laurel, {'xcellent. In 1942, tM to and I\Irs Robert McLean,. has i and Hoskins this week by Home The Sports Banquet is sponsored 1111. JI nil I dercr," with for "Darkness at NoO-n" i . ublic address" 'Dream I lomc 1 rue. Dr. been named alternate. She IS aiAgent Myrtle jannuall y the Chamber of Com.! Dr. ,J. R. Johnson, head of the: reached out C I the first of the ·new 'Ne- I tello combining to sinor'tl''';'I,arilorJe to attain higher ob· , 'braska Historical Land l\'larks solo. of oper· CouncIl. ' The glee e-l,ub will. pc'rio'rm vocal is a-;"iillable one Bach

l~II~ ~ OotJL ·1:~:~'i:::kly ojuig Hosl

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Page 1: l~II~ ~ OotJL ·1:~:~'i:::kly ojuig Hosl

.... ' .. ; ~ . .; .:.;. .. :'';' . ~ .. ".". , ". ';" ... .'", ... :,

,',~',"'_.'" "'~"' __ '_'_-~" _'~r

Nebr$lale-BIst.'-Soo-·- -,.,.,. 1500n'Si. ~1I;-W'!,r.

16 pages two sectiQ.ns

;~-- ,~

--------'-~ ._---_. EIGHTY-FIFTH YEAR

- ---.-------.-.--.-----~ --~~~----

fol{,.',md t'LI~'1 I'!j"f":~ ('!lid ,,' I·o"t"ffh:t'. W\l~II~_ ~ .. hrn"'" ' K"tllrn "01<111"" G""rnn' ..... 1

Juniors Administered . _ OotJL of· Offic~

Setfion-one eight pag,es,


WAYNE, NEBRASI$A~ ,THURSDAY, MARCH 24 .. 1960 ~~~~:::;~I~~~~,/:~rr;.r; ;:;h.~~~:::~y\~~!:!I~~ !lil'hrll>la.a I _ ,. __ ~ -T---'- ___ ~~MBER,~RTV -S~.V~II

·1:~:~'i:::kly ojuig Hosl<frisliirlAverts-Thursday Evening T 'd· ... Md· B 1- '. . . :~~::~~rr~~~:~~~~:;~~lr~~~;: _~_ r~'g_e _~±Y _1_11~ ___ ~ __ ~n ay aze t1ay evening, Mar. :31. The pro- T1w Hoskins community haH ;, gram, under the supervision of 51 t 5" F " ·F"d t ( II F"' I" d· ,new heroine. Debra An.n Guirl •. I red Voree, wilJ inelude alJ four a es . clence OIr n ay Q 0 ege ami y nlure In 'fivc·yenr·old daugh'er 01 ~11:. and large' en:;cm bles of the school.. 1\11'[0;. Robert Grurk, is- tiM talk of

The WaYhe .Prep orchestra, jun- Head-o~"'t Collision 'til(' community aiter 8M calmly ior high chorus, high school chorus I led three younger children 10 .afe I and band wi!! all be represented. 10 ·D·· .. '1" .... -.... "M d .' ty .from the burni.ng basement 01

: licIpate as directors arc: Paul girl then Just as calu}l nolifl I I ~tudent teat'.hers who will' par-I ',' n e our on a·y .. _., ql~Ir fal In .homc_ TIle quick.w!t~ed !Cooper. Pilger, orchestra; Donald : Arnold Janke, W.insidc, rccclv('d I her mo(hcr, who was l/the ba~~l 'Schumacher, Osmond, jtlnior h!gh ! SeVel"~1 l\i~;~(7~'\~ (':,~~~~g c~~l~n :~~~: l~lIking, thaL.1hc. _ house was Oll

I ~~~~~IS; l'~~:.~:,y ~~er H~;~~h~ii~l~r~ - \\"as drn'ing wus il~ colli- I fl~~ilC two-sl..ctry Gnirk home wa." Neligh, Dand. I slOn wilh one dl'lv('n by Gnf Lar· 'damaged extensively by the lire

The Wayne Prep orchestra will open the program with the cverture, '''The King of Yvetot" by Adolph Adam. Five numbers will be performed by the junior high chorus.

I The Wayne Prep chorus; will pre­I s(nt the most ambitIOUS program

I they ha\'e ever attempll'd as they Prt'sent four numbers aU in seven

: (lr eight part harmony, The con­I duding portion 01 the 'conr:ert will

I be pres~nted by the high school band which will present four---num­

i bers.

. ~on, Randolph. ., I which is believed to have starte{l i ke~sar:~~n e~~~~~'d R~~~~r a~l~, ~~n: ! 1Il lhe basemeqt. : lip, four, n'cl'iv('d nUllor bluiscs. I Cau~ of the fire has not been-All wele trealed by a doctor and det."mlned. Wh.'n it .tart~d,· released. Debra Ann and her younger SIS-

: The aeeidC'nt ~)('eurcd tinct' mil.! ter and brothers.. Rlncty 4, Rob· es ('<I:-;t of WlIl . ..,IUt' on SIute High- I ~rt ~ anc;t_ R.gl.nalcl,:l,.w.,.. plaY·j wav 35 del our The ears collided, mg 10 the b ..... m:ent: ·~hll. their aln'lOst IWad·on on a curve. ' mother wn milking in the'barn.

, Wayne county Shel'lt:, Don 'Wei. Mr. Gnl~k wa~ IWlr:,~r;Om h-c.l1lo 'bk, mVl'stjgalpd the accidenl. The at the time. cars werc almost 10111.1 losses When DeBra b·rought· t)cr. mothN

1 fl om the barn, Mrs; Gnirk foun,~~ : the. .o1h.e~i.1dron-----lJncd~ up Q 1

I side the house safe, their eye::. • ! Madison Junior.lo . ,Ireaming from '!Doke ..

HIGH SCHOOL JUNIORS from Wayne- "High, they assumed their duties in the respective of-, - sp~~a.~s r~lil~l~edbe~~et~~ ~~~~~ Wayne Prep and WinSIde gathered last Wednes- fices. County Judge David J. Hamer. is show~_., Barbara Wolske WAYNE HIGH STUDENTS Karen Johanson (seated) and Karen Head Wayne Siale ' .. f h G· 1\ h I.) day at the Wayne courthotlie to get on inSide here sw~rmg I~:. q_~1t...t_9 rlghtl: Mike ~'Ore-l; _, -, Willers display the sCience pro,ect whlj:h they Will exhibit Friday -- .--- ~ ~!l:~a~gi~ge on ll~e~-Y;~the ~~ie~ vIew of proceedings on the county level The oath Wayne HIgh; Carol Erdmann and Jeanne ard- i WaVnne/s Cho"lce t th NE N b k J A d f S F t WSTC Stude t Co "I ,menl near the furnace. The fire of office was administered~ to_ the _gsOJ,(IL_ ~~().re ____ ~.r, .. W..JJy.f1~ ~p~I!,~'!!! .. Ji~!! __ .!:i~~~.~.!.= WaY!}~~i9.h:. __ . __ ~~_---;--__ ._. ___ n_ t rrefr eproJec~~~~~~fi~~m~6r~I~:~erth:l~r~ K,chardnUnCI 11?dg~d m mew~-. macre--

". For G"lrl/s Slate I Mitchell, Wayne High science teacher who is' chairman of the Mylan JaixeJ1, M.1t1ison junior, flghtmg the flames nearl~ 11Inpo~-

I S I T will serve as y.,,Iavne State studenl' sible. Extensive damage- was donc W P l · t ... -- ,.' .,=-.;:':.---.-...... .M.tJ~lebraskQ Academy, said close to 300.students from about 20 body pfl'sidenl n~xl year. Ht, won to the floors and walls t?f ~e ,bed ' a' yne rep aure PlOP i Barbara ,Wolske, daughter of schoo~··ore--~~et:·ted-... fo.r. __ .!~! __ ~nnual show. Proiec~s in biology, Ian ele~'lion Mumby OVC'f two other,looms, the living room and thc -- - -I Mr. and ]\lIS .. Ed. ~olske, has chem'lstr)', physICS and math wI11-··be-dem-O.I1!~!ated In- the "V.STC : candic-raleo;, Ann (;rn!f. Ibrlley. bathroom. "

~ ~ _, ~ - I ~~e~ir~,~m;~t:oJ~~~r~~~~7t a~al~~ science building from 9 a.m. to -3 p.m. The pub1k·-is-i jt~_~ to Ia:',-"Rn"d Bellv -JOn(;s,--Omaha .(1~iremen were forced-.to break coIn attend _ __ . - Ihre·c ('ar.hcr had b('en, ~he windows in tbe u~t,air:8 ro~!?S

Speech P lay Con test Hon ors i I M::S aW~!~be~ ~t~~! ~~~~ J~~~ A' -- ~-- --I ~B------ ---- -M d- -- !~~~.(,\;~('tos~l~;en-t ~~~,~~O~~;£~~~ g~~;~ t~o~f~:: ~ti~~ . . - _ _ " _ c~;e't'" glCls' glee club and ,; ac- nnua anquel on ay 10 .1,<, councli president The e'eetin,n· side. and 1'16rrulk-'II<+pe(LJilU\U!~_

- - - I Seni{l~:lj~~li~:'f~(~e~-sS(!~~u~;;e }~~:~;~: bl~Z:i'nt in the dining room ancL_ Wayne PreD' and W.aj:~¢~I:Hjgr! ~F . L I A hi • T ('s. The winners: ! kitchen was blistered. Much of till' -

students earned their shard' of su: Area schools thMt earned rat· Laurel and Wayne Prop both -ete .oea I elle eams SCTIJOr -:- D.iCk. PIneda. Stellmg, I fu~niture was. damaged by ~moke. perlors a~d exccllents Saturday ill i Ing5 for one·act plays were Lau· earned five superiors_ Laurel ill- _ _ Ill.. president: DOll l\ieDuwall, and water With the _exceptIOn of the Distl'let III declamutlOn ami rei and Allen, excellent, and Win- .1· ~ garnered five excellent .~at- , -.~ - . ___ l= Flandreau, S D _ V1('e prcsident~: ~ome upstairs furnilu!e .and cloth one-~c~ play contest held at WSTC. side, good.· Allen also copped a i :~:. a:;yon:e ~= ~:tti~o9~r ~:;~~ ! --~~-_- __ ~~- ---------:-- Tfie arflilfai'Sports Banquet, hon. Lar.ry Kramer, Stuart, secretary,; i_"_g which was bro1)ght Ol,lt ~_ndam-

Prep's one·act plllY, "Tlle Sistcrs good in oral reading of drama. ' . ·~S~ M~k-- --- t-oring·-----ath-tetes-oand-c-Ireer--fead-en;!anu-Terry Henderson;T:orr(.ction-.---:---a-ged _____ .. __ . __ _ M Intosh" won one of two sup('rior In individual competition the foI- High received three superiors, now r- a es. 1 from Wayne High, Wayne Prep! vjJle, la., treasurer. ! Full .exteqt 01.' tbe.....d4~~c.._ha:L __ --I'~il-g.s-... -in{,-4-t1de-d----i-n---t,hlo'---C----i'l owi-a-g--swdeats-e-3,nwd §!-!~r)Q:!C:--or~, Allen two arrd .wJnsi~e __ o~-e.l_-_-. Soft Water I and~. WSTC se~ior . athletes and' Junior _ Dean Strenger, Cedar I not. yet. been eS~ll.~d_,! - ,NYs,_

- ----Mar-y Tll-f-illl.t!..-S.vonne KralLnan-i excellent rating!:'; Discussion, Ben-! E!: __ F~anklin-L-aa::;-e: lwad of lhe, . P. Christensen, who It h e I. r .·c~~mf)!ons-ltlp - basket~~Il! I Blu~fs, pres-ident; Fr-ed Fetrow, 1 ~nlrk sald the 'los~_~ov~ed by and Mike Perry. Wesl Point High I nett Viken, Wayne _ Pl~ep" J~laf-ge-I-vmverslty of N('brask~ spe('c_h de· I lives northeast of Wayne, has solv I tean~.' wl~l ~e he~d ~onday cy~ntng O'Nelll, -vice presidcn!: Bonita i ms~rance. The famll,Y .• 5ot8. ~ea o,v-received the other superior play I Leedom, Allen, anc(JiiJ:LCooper, .partment and Dr. LUCIle. Cyprean··1 ed the problem of "too much snow at tHe city audItorIUm. I Vandegrift Omaha sec.ret<lry and I ernlght . at the adJoining

l falm

rating. ___ Laurel, suoerior ratings .. Nicky 1\1e-1

sen served <:s twu of the Judges for' I'nd no place to Pllt it" by: pushing I Rec~gnit.ion, of _the outstanding i Joyc'e 1\ Nelson Newman G~ove I' home of Mrs. Gnirk's brother. Miss .Turner- receIved an addi. Lel:!ll, Wayne. Prep, Btll K.oe.be~., the contest. it- all in .a cistern on her farm. ~~~l:;:r, W:~p'~::ent~n~~eth~~Y Jl~~~~ I tteasure~. . ' , , . ' .•.

-- ti6riiilhonor as outstanding 8-etress anp Bill Witt, Wayne High. VIcki I ., Not only .. s the sno~ removed but I Chamber of Comnlelce. Guesl' Sophomore- ~ M a I' l y Elliott, I . :~l . '. ... --In· class-B schools of 150 or ew('rl~'mon, .~j-eanm;-'l'hotrras,: h k II ~rs. Chrlstense.n will have plenty I speaker for lhe evening \v-ill be Crcston, la., prcsicl('nt; PauL Pack,: Choral Con· c' e"'1 Set

sWdents. Paul ~iegman, . Ponca, Laurel, rec:w-cd exec,Hent aWardS'I-Dr;--Bent at Te s of so~t wat~r m .the SU~lmer ~siWarren Cook, Norfolk Mayor. Ponca, vice president; Carol De.' I' . was the outstan_gmg actor m class ,In- oral-mterpretatlOn of prose. - the cistern IS equIpped With a ill· 1 'Host ticke'ts, which allow lheiGroot, Madison, .sel'retary, and

, d. ft. I:

B. Outstanding actre!'s al~d_ actor Itliteralure Pamela. Hughes, wayne. Hosp"llal Problems ter.. ,.' purchaser to select one of the ath. " Norma Olson, l\'Iamlla, la., treasur·1 Sun ay-A emo~n in class A WHC ,Judy Creamer, ~rep, and MarCia Lunz, Allen" _ . d ' I' ' d d . ell .; ., Iletes to be hIS guest for thc eve· i el. I U7_, • I.' ~b.L.-,. r<l West .Poin~, ~n ~~~_n S~ _lv~n, ,:",:cre .. awar e. superIOrs. aro yn . ~ ___ . ___ ,~g._are...no.v.L-.Oh_.sa.ic...-P.r.icc __ o-Lthc .. l-~_ ... _ ........ _ .. ____ . ___ .. _ ... ____ .~ __ y.ne~~I:I""s-~ ... ".L:-,:_5n~e~

L-iufeT. - - -- - -- - . - ---- --- . 1 Beck. "\---vay-ne -~~d' I ticlcet includes the meal for bofh • , club and Jumor high ~lx~d, cllo1'I:l:', Both Wayne Prep a!1d -Wayne i Johnson, Laurel, excellent. . : the host a-nd his guest.. i k . : will present their--' a~ri!l:al. i,.sprin~

'High earned supef'io-r-s.-<-fo;'oral I Urigin~l~ puhUe addre~s, Bi.lI! FI~I)' persons m.pt al W~yne ! cOll.lJ.1 ani st for the choir ~11i:l sever- M " SI- . d : Dr. J. B. Merriman. dilector oj Land M. or Councd., choral c~ncert D.t·~ :p.m,. _.~unday reading of drama. The Prep cast Witt, WaYBe High, nad Denms il1?an s cillb rooms S~turday ~~ter. <II small groups. She IS also ~ eetlngs ate athletics at WSTC, Harold MaCle. ~ at th~ ~lty a~dl~otitim: !ne ~ro-for "The Man Who Came to Din- . Wai'nemund~, Winsidf', superior.: noon when lile HospItal AuxIliary, member of the pcp cl~b and presI-: . . . ..... I jewski, Wayne High coach and I Ch.. " P I I : gra"h.'Y11I feature a wlde vanpl), ner"· included Bill Denkinger,. I Bill Reeg, Wayne Prep, and Gloria, heard Dr. Walt.er B('jl~hal'k speak dent of the Methodist Youth Fel·, 1rammg- sessIOns for Wayne Frank Williams, Wayne Pre p airman os 0 ,of ll'i'uSI(:. David Sctire-iner, Vern Baue-r- Hattig, Laurel, eXcellent,- on problem!; oj Ihe city hospItaL lowship group. county home e~~~~ion _cl~~ le.ad. I coa~h will deliver the athletic rec- _ meis.ter7 -Jea.ne-~anl.er. and- R-05~ - Exte-mPQrancous--.--spea-king,- Jan- :Vh-en t-h~'lo.s~lt<l1 W~'l compleled NiCKle .McLean, daughter 01 Mr. i ers will be conducted at Wayne ·-ognitlon-s. - - :-I\;r· .J-----It to-b


o- n i


.lind Dunklau. Wayne High's icc Mohr, Laurel, {'xcellent. In 1942, tM prO.le~\Va,~ ~ekr:.ed to and I\Irs Robert McLean,. has i and Hoskins this week by Home The Sports Banquet is sponsored 1111. • • JI nil I dercr," with for "Darkness at NoO-n" i . ublic address" 'Dream Ilomc 1 rue. Dr. been named alternate. She IS aiAgent Myrtle An~e~son. jannually the Chamber of Com.! Dr. ,J. R. Johnson, head of the:

reached out C I the first ch:ir~an of the ·new 'Ne- I tello combining to sinor'tl''';'I,arilorJe to attain higher ob· , 'braska Historical Land l\'larks solo. e~rience of oper· CouncIl. ' The glee e-l,ub will. pc'rio'rm vocal

is a-;"iillable one Bach a.rut:Jb:2i.~r::::;:

Page 2: l~II~ ~ OotJL ·1:~:~'i:::kly ojuig Hosl

-~.:.. .. ~11~_~ ::::;================-':::'::0=:--;::---~ ,i :rhe Wayne (Nebr.) Herald, Thursday, March 24, 1960 i-Guests were I\If, and Mrs. Ven' I and famibL were S!!udi1\' dinlle~.. d _. Mh; Eldon Bufl and .1\I('s .. Marvin

H 05 K I N 5 ' N EW,,5 I,Tonas, )Jlwfl?lk. and ~lrs. Ilal'ofd guests in tilt, Ed"win S(iill'lil'nbC"rg I 'I SeeDy the Herald' I (;und('r~ol1 plan to attend tIl(' un-

- .Jonas and children, Hapirl City~ s. I hom£', _ I Btlal WS('S confvl('fH't' 'IIt Vl'cmon1 . D. '. . j AIrs. Frank l\I,I l'1t'n, Mrs. Edwin ~ilr. 3() tllI'ough Ap!::~

--M-p-;------aw;l Mrs .. "l"in yr'igJ:lQr ~dl_Brogic-_a.ud_A.melia_Schroedc.f_..wen.------..Mr; and· Mrs. Howard Mauand Mr. and Mr-$. Ke.rmit-Andrewl


The Wayne Herald I

Mrs. J. E. }ingel-'Phone 73 • I Randal visited in the Evel'ptt New.] Monda~ ~flernoon visitors in' the! sonsvisi~ed Henry l\Inus I<:st Sun .lIlei ,,"ons, Blair, lind M,l ,mil 1\h'~ '"'~ _ ._ .. Servlr19 Northeast Nebraska's Great Farming Area ; man home Frielay ('vcning, 1 Mrs. LIZZie PuIs home,. I duy evening. , I Flo~'d Ar").drews were din!ler :gu('sts

t . s " . -Piron-e-130 I :\.1rs Edwin StratE' and i\lr and gue<;ts in the Dave Miller: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Machmillerl Kil't~.:.IH).d Karman S('hellefl" Mr, and Mrs, 'Kenneth- Wagner Sundav in the Charles lI11ikesiholll(t.: !IO :'I <II.:',.~: ___ .. _~_ ... _Wayne, S('i?raska : ~rs· Harry Scf1\wde. and ,'t'rr~ 11(1)11' "1~Ton's. birthday. 'were Saturday supper guests in borg ~ ere Saturda;.: {.}\fernight "awl f:1.lnilY :.lIlrl Elmel' Waekl'1" Mr, . and Mrs, David Ratzlaff,

N AT ION A L E.D nOR I A 10 were Sunday supper gUf'~ts III Ih~' ,'.1 r~ John TI~lf>t'.le I'l:'tnrned Tues· I the Clarepce SclH'oedel:· home. gu(>sts III thE' home o,f -their grand- r WC'.I'e- (ilnnt'r gu(>st~ Fri,da y in the Norfolk; nnd Mr. and M 1',1; , . O,~.l ~'j ~rtr1 IO\N Tom Hill homE', Norrolk. :1:1.\ {'\"~'nlng from OITlaha, after Mr. and 1\'1rs. Elmel' PetC'1' and purcnts, l\11'. and Mrs. Schel1f'n',I"rNI A. WuL"iU'r hOIll(' 'Hickerson and B"flll were j{1ll~\ ~o( A~TI~TI6 Mrs, Hans A<;mu-s and Arlrn(',~,pl'lld~ng two weeks in·the ho.me of family visited Thursftay C'vening in berg. -! Dr. and Mrs. James Stansberry of I\tr. and Mrs. John l\Iiller Ill· an

"~'_"ii""".t.id'li. i wBre~¥isit·on; .in thf2 Herman Opie.r I;hcl" 1He,ce., 1\'11'-£, R. E. ~nr..m.stfi)-:m .. ; the Carl Mann home. . _:_ Mr· .i!..nd ~~ __ !i~y"'II!g.l"!rl l!~.!:n·, and family, York, were l.a:;t week. nnmvcl:IHlD'_ .ili.D.!!..~.LTl!(>sda:2.:)n a j, '''I;tu!l''~'-I~ l.!. Ilt.W~~1l!IP'''1· l'\lhl~C<l'''.d w"~'-kl"

''''l i-" '·"!lI"·],; "lll.'red in th,' 1",.~I"f(I'_,· ", II , . , ""I ('I .. ," ttl"; I lI"~tL,·!". ,Hpt ILl \I r '''~I" L.:" (.: II" 1 ,rll'

II ff'.1 1,\ "/'11",..011(\ uflpl'nOflTl

- ---------.: ,1lOme Sunday afternoon I Mr and l\~rs. Ed win Brogul, Mrs. Myron Deck 'lnd Scotty VIS, I hardt, Norfolk, were Sunday SUp· I' end "uesls in the Ben Mt~ver home i Norfolk cafe. ---=., . :; ;\!I;~: .Mr. and-Mrs: .J. P.. prn~('1 and Marl, and Ed~ie wrere ~ues~s last,ited )n .the Gerald Bl'uggem.on pel', guests ,in the Berm!!n Opf<>f Mr~.a~d Mrs.' Glen Sa~pson vis: I ~ IMr, .nd.~rs. ,'erVi!l! -·Hlc~e\son

I,,· Richard were VISllor.-, In Ihe r\lfrf'd ~·UPO~I~ 1Il Ih(' !\"Icrlm "WInter home I home- Friday .. · 1..: home. . i·' . .. . . .' and Brad were dmner' guea-t;s--8un-, __ : Miller home, Winsirl<,: Fnday l'\!;" i IIIl their tll'st \\'~ddjng anniversary" Mr. and Mrs. Clnr.QJlce Scllrorder Mts. Erwin Ulrich visited Man-.j ~~~~ ~s.t- .~un~a.'\>e~'~;:nn; 10 the I day of Mr. ·and Mrs. Jugn !\filler.

I:"h 'J,,"tlll"lln ,.<1 1 ~ "I

~-~ ning. Mr, ,~n~l Mr~. Carl Nieman, Win· ,a~~ Mr. and Mrs .. ,E:l'\~in Ulrich 'day afternoon in the Mrs. Martha! .. eOl",£' {. . I Clarence Sorensen r'"e'~*u,rned MI. and, Mrs .. Ed win Bro.~i(', 'HII \"I~Lled 111 the Mrs. Martha vIsIted Sl1nday evenmg III the Ed Rohrk.e home. I Mr. and Mrs. Wallace. ~l!gh~s hom£' Sundav nfi£'r sp·en~U1'l'8 ttire('

Ti,,· \\·I1\"IH' 11 .. ·),,1<1 01,,, ~ 11,01 Mark and Eddie .wen' "ll P P (' l' \.(),,:-; hnnw Sunday evening. J'vlaas hom1:>. Amelia Schroeder, Winside, caml:', and MrS", Harry Dressler vIsited til I weeks in the Methodist ;1l6spltal, guests in the Arnold Wlnl('r horne, H (l b {' r t Fletehpr returned to!' ~riday for all extende.d visit in thf'1 the Roy NQrman home, Wausa, Sioux' City. . :i"!W:, , 1,1,·,111".\ ,·tlll"l "1'1"",·["""

N()rfolk~ Frida~:. , ~.' . Brookmgs. S. D, Monday aft~r; H k' PTA N : home of her sister, Mrs. E. A·I' Sunday. . . : Mr. and Mrs. R, H. HltnSen vis· I ~jj,II- b~\~'~~t-;-·-;:-'II,-:-, (11,1. I Mr and Mrs. DiCk R,.jo:'r. ';-"nr st'\I1:"1"1:I1 ·days with his! OS IRS ame Strate. Class~ates. of Janet Rat.hke gave I ited Il1st Wednesday ufH.'rn?on in

<II In part ,..trldh· fo) hid.!, 10 f(llk were visitors ill thl' EU!.;(,Il(' ilwtllt'r, Irent' Fletcher. I, , Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Klmg,l, a ~rJlns~ birthday part_y for her l·t1 LeRo,' "111nl .~:", ~1'O\'lacC-II-", IHld ITlll" if'.~!1f' 01"1\ II Ill, II" I ',Iar'tm.n home Sllnll,',', d I I TI d th Atrioll R g l(~ I.I-H-I '-", i:I A , \\·nllh-lngton !!Ii. J\:I'.) _ " \Ir"i. ~;d\'\"In Brogie and' Mrs. Er'I'D' P' t Wayne, were Sunday afternoon and as mrs oy Hl l' I { ec . . rtf",·, UI'II"II~-;~~-;"~ .. "'.,;,_ I II., HI" "!,,m", II .... (,,,~,-,,--- Wl·n l TltlC!"! w('re Saturday evening Ixson r.esl en 'sllpj)er gUests in th~ Everett New·1 horny. , , D.e~avn,e ~a~tlson ,sP~ nd'-l\\~'~

01 "II)'"IIt' "lid Ih., ~j,.j •• "r ,,'lor""!.,. IS"· t \'Jsi\ors In the Mrs. Lizzie PuIs H k· PTA t T d',,' mun home. Helen Gildersleeve, Mrs. Jim I weekend In L.,ncoill. M.l.. an .' -.-. -"-~·;~-('.RJI"I.IU'\ IH'I'I';'" -I. O .. f·e y . ... . home' . I nin:sa~n:he 'Hosl~~~eS ,PI~~~C n~cl~(~;I: MT. a-nd MI'5-. Donald Pfeifer l!nd. Brown, Mr~. w. c. ~('st,. ~.1r8. ,Darrell _ HarrlllOrl .~ ... e~~ .. af~~re ~1~~

It' ['1"1","'. (~P(htl·, 1.IrX"Tt. 'I'r'!lI~~"n '·'''011'',-,. ~I""I'''' HIO" '1IH!~ ... "n 'y Ad It CI b l\lf .. <lnd l\'1rs Jim McKenzie. and I Mrs. Elmer Peter, president: operr.·:·fa.mil.¥-, Win~ide, w('r~ Sl~~~_ay din.;~Ii~~~~ N~~~IJ~~be~tIS·Me;~~~an~ I~:~g~;n~~~:nd Vlslte III . '}u'n·;iP~"'~e~'i~l~i",rO$4.~((/ J>~.'l\ \'::::;.'.II$~:·II~/.;~I:J r.~),'x. tl\'11':;:·\li.~1"1~~~lt:: ~~~~ ~ndU r:r~. ~yron Walk{']" pn ~amJl~ and ,Mrs. Ida Hoffman, No~- ('d the m('etmg with the flag salute. ner guests In the Wilbur Behm£'r r-----'--'-------' ___________ -;

,. "',,'1tI~~:.!~~~~III, ~ _' tE'l'tained memb(>rs of tilr Young loll-:. wcrp Sunday supper guests Ill, In the absenc(;' of the s('{'r£'tur\', home .. I Adults at a social evening in their thp Pete Moody home. . Mrs·. J. ,E. flingel was --a'pPoint~d Mr. am Mrs. J. E. Pingel, Mrs.

HOSKINS home Saturday. Gaml's and ('on· ilel\;r tb~:~'~c1~~,r~~ ~~~nE~~r~~~uN;:: sub-secretary. : Y:~~~e D~:~~~~ ~~~e J:i~rt~~arn ~~.~

Mrs_ Ame' nd 'F'ef·ad Sun'da,', 'I: ~i~sm~~a~";~~~;e~~I'~II~u~~lt(! !\lrs nnw homt' R~:7d o~~~:~~,el:~!:1d:~:/ ~~~'. ,IJ,~hSdnayDr~~eS~n,'ngh,Ome, Norfolk, Wed· ti' I lJlll Oplpl' left --Monday after Dennis Puis, vice president, a=ld": '--

.. Quilting "Part, ~~l':~;~II~~a;{~'~·~<;I:a~~~y:n~n ~hr~.h~I;r~ Mrs. Mvron Walker, seCl'etary. I .l\t.\I,'Sci ~a7 Falk, .Jim. a~~ June,

On N·,nety, , .. "-seco' nd SIf-thday. 'I at r\~rSqU~ti~~k p~.~\;t~~{'(~,;~~t~(I;~,~.,in;~'t1 !l\<llt Uplt'r. He atlends college at treasuret'"o : ~~~I~l~n h~~~:,Y ~~I:I~~~~ In e . I t('l'noon. Guests wt'l'e i\ln,. LIZ':I(, BrooKing"i. S. D. "st;~e\\~se:~~~~)1I~~I~rlb~h:~~I~~1tsT(~, Kathleen, Pa.tricia and JinHr~y;

• 1 Puis, Mrs. Reuben Puis, :'Ilrs ".1' Ch h ney! Apr.~21·22. The national n.~eet. ~[ar~h:Ft~.~~~~day afternoon In .'\Jr.~ }[pnry Ar~")end was hon?red ~ : win._tzlrich and Denise I'ul.... urc es ing will be held In Philadelphia. .~e u orne.

on her nmctY'Rcconrt birth-I ,I E. Pingel attended the funeral i ~ Peace Ev. and Reformed- ·aur:h Mrs. Peter read an ~ll'tit'lp in ob' M~s. l\lary Falk and J-une Falk :Pl obs('n·ance held at her: :·tivieps for Johu.j·lass, Plainview,' Ge!.Together Club , servance of State din' and a poem,! were callers in the Clarence I

~lcm.b.eJ~ .. Qf . . J!1~: .. fa_~ily I )lunday afternoon at the Plainview Mrs. Johnny Krause ~nlt'rtaiJH'r1 . (E. o. Mudler, pastor) "This Task." - Sehrol'OeI' home Sunda~ af~ernoon.!

~!;~~;(~l:lt ~~~eK~~~~ a~1r ~;d ~!l;! Lt~V:cr~~~l{~h~~~!l. Dallas Schellpn : ~;~~To~~~~~r ;;Il~~>s T:~~~t,\~·) a~~~'~. los~~~ay,w~;~~·i:7 ~lsunday school, , Pl:};~~.w;?r~z~~e ~::~~t~~g JI~~(.·h E'~'i~' M~r~n~n~l'~rl~·a~;n~c~:~~s w::" (>\(1]l'( Ampnd, Mr and Mrs Hen btrg K:lImen and Klrt Lee vlslted~trerman Opfer and Mrs li('nl~ - Hank, ErWin Ulrich, Mrs. Milciredivisitors in the,Walter~STf"iITehOmel. 1\ IlnhnpkP Mrs Pa~llne Mal III Lh, \V~!.!5'r Stlate hom(' Fnda~ Langenberg Sl The ne~ meetlflg~ Imr:'~ ~~ef~t;F~ur\~~~~~ and Ron~~IJ)JxS~~l_, __ 'i"riday evenin~. _ , fltr<Tt't-Yl-r<; Mlnm-rr-e-:rrt- anf\--Vt~{\(nUl~ trbe~t the !VIr::. Herman ... '. ' p-a, ! llostesses \vere Mrs. Mar" Falk Mr <lnd !III'S Hal'r\"Schwedf' and 1)1\ .. on 1\11' and Mrs. Harry Schwede! Opfer home. Sund~\}'rl M.ar. h27:j ~;.r3s~lip, 9:30 I Mrs. Myron Walker and 1\11'5. Er: I I\lrs.· kmm:1 Bernh~rdt were dm-h.\.T~';;'s\;l1t.;OI~~:th~::enC:k:~d b~:s~ I \\"('n' visitors In til(> Harry Strate: - am: • lln a,\ sc 00 . .. I win Ulrich. ncr guests in tht:' Carl \littelsl('adt 1 I A d t d th t bI 'heme Friday evening. BabV Beef Club Ev Umted Blethren Church 1--- lHJ1U~Norfolk, S.unclay.

- ~\;'r~:l 6...~:~~1 re~~~v~~~ sevel~af.~~: \11 and MI S E~wm Brogle I Baby Beef dub met <It tlip \ \\ I S I ) : !\Irs. l\lprlin Grothe, Mrs. OrVIlle Mr ~nd Mrs Otto Carst£'n Cok \'lr and Mrs. Amend eelebrated i\.oJ dl"k and Edfffe, EhHe Manske andt

lOn Behmel home r-.Ionda~ c"~/\'.'S"l:",g,~~ s( in l1e \1 (;~ eu~ p~stor 9'301 Aod.erscm, LindiL~.aJlJLRhonda vi!,' I ridge· and Arlene Asmus H~skins 1\lr and Mrs J E Pmgei vtsireO Eleven members WCfe "lin( s\:ndava:chOol, l;.r;U. IP , .. I,' ited' in t1re""\'i1'r'<lld 13i llgg( mall, were' visitors in the Me~lin Mpie;

tht'lr "f',"ellty·first wedding anni- Monday III the Mrs Marthu 1 Hans Asmus, assistant ]earlel (on ,I m. 1 home Saturday afternoon. I home Norfolk, Saturday evenmg. Il'r"'ary In JanuDIY. --~r~- ,hll,tnn the meetmg .GUCs.ts.......wc.r,,1 ___ __ __ ' J<'reEl Nelselh-J.er-ecffi€.--S 9 anElI _

MI and Mrs Richard T !LeIer I Mr and Mrs Hans Asmus and \11 Trinity Lutheran Church 1 Paul R hrk 'Norfolk' I·.er·' '.. Mrs. J01li1TIffi'lIe-v,ni"sa--ruesoay Karen Walker, Omaha, spent the! ~~orfolk were supper guests em th~ I and Mrs Henry Asmus The n(')o.1 ( W~"c~~nslnk Syno~ Hors in °the \Irs. Mal:tha~ ;Oh~~:' I ~v~rni~ht h guest in the Harry

\\"('{'kt'nd in the home of her par· I Dallas S(hellenberg home last Sun I meetmg wllJ be at the (,('01 gP I >. >. ran, p~s/or) I home F[idav. --,' c we, e orne. , ('ilL: .... 1\11', and Mrs. Awalt Walker.: clay. J I Langenberg home Apr. 4 ThL1r,s.d~y, Mar. 24; .y 0 un g. Denls'e' FiilS"" s-pe'iir'\Vc'dne'scfay'!' My.' and Mrs. Harry Schwede I

Karen Walker, Omaha, and Mi. I Warren Thletje spent the pastl- Pt'(~plp s Blblp C'lass, 8 p.m.. Jand Thursday in the home of hel'l were visitors In the Reuben Bret·; '.!.:I(l. ~lrs. Ray.mond Jochen.s and Iwo weeks in the Harry S.chwede St, Patrick's Party Sllll(I'~Y. Mar. 27: Worshlp, 10'uncie and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Er.~s('hneider home, Pierce, Monday

Yes, "Writing checks, too, is speedy" - the fastest way to pay monthly bills, Minutes to draw the checks;

---fllillllj.es fa mail .jlH;m -

and the job is done,

Try it: Open a Checking Account with us. L.I~:11Y ~{'re dlllner guests III the: hom. e w h i I (' his father, John I Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schropdpl' , ,I m.: Sunday scnaal, 11. .' win Ulrich~ , , ~ , evening. I

.'\\\dlt \\alker home Sunday. ThiNJe, underwent surgery in ani entertained Mr. and l-Irs. Eugene TtJ('~day, Mar. 29: Adult mem-I Mrs. Pete Moody and Loren were I Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pingel were: .'Ilr and Mrs. Harry Schw.~d,e at- Om:tha hospital. Hartman, Mrs. Mattie Voss, Mr. b('~~h~P c\ass. 8 I\i· m . 30: L nt ,Saturday afternoon visitors at the i Sunday supper guests in the Art' \ ',..... ' _

1t;ndpd t1~e .Mr. a.nd Mrs. Q~, r.~I: CIU, b Mr. and' Mrs. Alfred Miller, Win· 'Mrs. Ward, Johnson, Mrs. lin '1' .{';,;f'~{ a~', 1 ar. e en! Edwin Schellenberg home.. ,Lehma~ home, Pierce-. I k - .~.,-.tll~llJ'!J!l_Y!~l!.!?,~~~!."' . visitors in the J. E. Pin· Opf~r Mr. and Mrs Edv .. in' S{ \! . P Ifl. I .. Rev. and' Mrs. H. Fritze, Nor·: Carol Rath"man, Omaha, spent ~-..JI'" 1 tNt- B '

lolJ... Thursday ('venlng. :. , Mrs. l\1<lry Falk. '\11' LInd ---CI 5 h d M : folk, were supper guesl& in thl' Rev.: the weekend in the Clat~s Rathnu1n ~ d salona an --- .'\11" an.d Mrs. Casper Broeke.: 1\11'. and :Mrs. Herb Mittelsteadt, llkifo-h, J\!t\-<lnd :~\'lrs :\Ir~.) arence 'c roe er: ;1rs. G. B. Frank home Sunday. I home. FULL·SERVICE '\ _,

1\"11'1('1', Pierce, and Mr. and Mrs.1 Mrs. Emma Bernhardt, Mr, and Roy Witte, Mr. and Mn. Henr}' " :'I 1. 1.I~g~1 ~n~d~l.rs. Edwn~ .~ro. Dennis ~uls. was a .~al1er. in the ~ Mrs. Adolph Bruggeman und Mr. """. BANK ~ 7 -~="..:.,...:;--.:.--:;-::-::'-:-:-:~::..:.--;..-::-:;-:..::--_-:;-:.;-:..:-:..:.-.:--:;-.:-;.-.:..:..::..:::..:::..:::..::~I Hohneke, Mr. and Mrs Htlns As·' glt .. 1.11, an{ • Ie were YIS~ ors Erwin Ulrich home 'rrlda~Y. : and Mrs. J.·EL_Pingel Visited Mrs. ~,. ~J( 0",. WA_YNE, NEBR, ASKA

-'- mus and Mr. ana Mrs. J. E. I'~ng(ll In, t1~e, (,clle Hartman home Wed· I Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Herbol. 1 Erne'He Schmidt in -the Herber:t:

SA-'V""--'E~'-'_ da~~~s~"~~m~.~n~~~I~~~e~~~e~.~m~d~f~am~~~,~p~~~IT~e~,~a~n~d~I~K~~~g~~~m~.~';N~O;ri~O_.~'~h_t_m_d_a~Y_'_f~"~~~~~~~~~~~~§§~~~~~~~~~~ , • .:J"=1r1cJi __ il-_____ -I-fi!p·9lZl,,el~el<-w.,e-nt--to ?\4r-s-: ·JohA:.-on, Mrs. "'1:[[': ~M 11-" ~f· -'U'--o-ghrthlr. and; Mrs. D<!lIaL~~.hel!e_'.:'.~c:.r~, fern~on .. ~ Mrs .. Voss, hl.L . .Ko.Ila~~~~I~ ~~/~oudlarss·and '~rs - \ . -.- ---~_"'-__ -=-----_ . __

~~~ri~r~ut:~l~t. ~~~;t't;~~)(:~~l('~ ~anda" Krause were dinner guest~, Grennan Cook Book We Give and Redeem Consumers Stamps cafeteria lunch was served hy 1\11"" I ~ tr(' Adolph Bruggeman home 1 ~'


, h,!troductory Offer

Riehard:'Hudnut Hand Lotion

Schr-oeder . ':. u~~ ~~~nd Mrs. Henry Asmus and' ..

S Kt·rden and Dar.ryl Haase w('n' ~[~~;~~·e ~:~. a;dn(~frsM~ien ~~~~~J ',:', < I'

.. a ur ay 'guests In tht' Ed win 1 ~nd Arle~(' A~mus, Col~mbus, were i

.bl~~~e ::dme~frs. Cllfford BOSS31'ri \,Isitors in the Hans Asmus home i ' '"

1 and "family, Tilden, tlnd Dehbjp and S~~lt;::~~t ~~'i~~:I~,g· Mrs. Carl Nie- i

~in~~~tt:l:!!~~e~!et~;~· ~~~~~n S~~II~~j~II~" man, Winsidt\ and Mr. and Mrs.;

-""--····~------R-eg:~lue--·-·· . home. -.. ·~ii,i;,~.'J~~~~~'i{ie· .. ·in the Lutheran I

2 b l andO-Mrs. Albert Mei('rht'nn ott es melia 'Schroedel- wt'rt'. . I hospItal. Norfolk, Wednesday eve·

o!., ~~' :!..:..:' '..:.,;,:' :.Jt.>!r.t:r.a;,;;,,;;;;,,;::·-~-::.:~' ='====:!=:~Il~~~~if.f:~:'~itin fti,iiii< Friendship Garden A. Strate home. lllghl glll~,:~I~r~·n S{~:t~;~~~ ~~h~ve~~ j

H d d ! Mr. and Mrs. William Fenske', home J\lonrlay ('vening. an' an Body Lotion I John. and .~FY ':1len werE', Sunda;. :\Irs. II. Schmeler, Norfolk, was I

• ._~._. j ,. evening vl~tors lI~tll{'. Ahm Wag an o\'('rnighL guest in the 'Hans As.~ , ""Reg. $1 each ner- hOI?e. . llliiS horne Tuesqay evenip.g.

angel food cake

family size

2 b I $ 0 I

Debbie and Lyne.tte M.eIf'rlwnI'Y'1 i\lrs lIar1'\" Schwede was· a guest ott IS :, 5 . Stanton, cam~ .Fl'1da;.. and. spent l'l'lday in tJ;p M, r5', Wayne Sch,le{'ht ! . . ........ , . , , .... ,. 'I. ' the weekend III the hOIll(' o( 1111'11' homt:'. '\'orfoTk - -----:-·~:-::---~ .. Iii.~I::,._U!iS:-''1-----'~~iiI

grandparents, ]\[r. <Jnd :\Ir~ Ed· .:'111'. and Mrs Ernesl Lindsteadt, cut lip i win Meierhenry. I :\orfolk, W(lrp VISitors in llie Ger·

Denise _and Ren~ P--u.l ... sfli..1.nt· -aid Brllg.lH-'·m.a-A--H-Dffi.€- T~.a.¥--ai~ .~~=:~==:====:;:::::::=I£~!~~!~l=::E~a~';h:;,~~~;;:=~~=~~=~~~~~~-==-_ night in the h011W ot lernoon '

::=-=:I~~:b:;::~~I~fi.""=~.--::"tl~1 M~ --+_ ..:.~s..'~ ·£dna .MiehQ.\-son,--N.()FfG.lk.~ -- \\ a, a nSltor 111 the Mrs. Martha'

Hypnotique r ---- ---Sproy -Mist -Cologne

$3 with free bottle Perfu.~e - $1.75 value

Veterons-=-of-Foreign -'WilfS.

'!Ioyne, N~.I>",,-sko - -


• Invalid Wolken , , .

'. ,C Hospitol Beds' • Crutches

,This Equipment is for Free Home Use

of anyone sick, helpless ·or disabled, Your magazine subscription .Jnew~newatt-will h'e-tp- ·tr-further this community project, . Everyone is ur.ged to cooperate. Delivery is guarantee~.

Page 3: l~II~ ~ OotJL ·1:~:~'i:::kly ojuig Hosl

Time to Choose YOOl'

NEW SPRING WARDROBE Come in now for the pick at the crop and get caught up with Spring' We've a wonder· ful selection of new Spring hots' and suits just for you.

"Impressive" is the word for the new shapes in Dobbs and Adams hots for Spring.



Come- in and browse. . you'll find the full

line of new Curlee and Capps suits. It's wise

-:+-' ~'-

'-~- - .-.... -.~+ ..

Socia! and nW1 Lloyd Ave Announces Barbara's Engagem~nt

Hoskins-Lloyd Ave, Hoskins, a,nnounces the engagement of his dallghte"r, Barbara io-George R. Carstens. son of ;\11" and :\Jrs.

The Wayne INebr.1 Kerold, Th."day, Ma"h 2~, f960' 1 3

from- Hoskins high sdiool and is prcsentty cll)ployed at tht' ()1Il1l'

hn "National Bank. Me I.;ln~en-. berg was gl'adunte1!' frtl111" lIo~ . . kins high school and s('l"v('(1 two

Yl'!II"S in lilt' ll. S :\)lllL Ik~ l:L ~"'-,~_ -il" student ilt thfl---t:~ni\~(\f"!.fit~'r()r -." ".~~

:\phl'lIs],a stud) ill~ lmSIIlt'K<; !ul-I1lIlHstl'atioll. '. i< CLU~ MEETINGS i< WEDDINGS' i< REUNIONS • i< SOCIAL .EVENTS A ,hll](' ;j \\'('ddl11~ h,' piannw!.

,Lois ZepliIlFeted.Qf-I Bridal Shower Sunday I About 30 guests aitf'nd('(' OJ

'mi",cei!aneous showl'!' Suntid.\ at the Woman'" (:Iub room .... ilon. oFillg Lois Zt'plin

Prizes won by' ~1~..; I'<lul Z('P' lin and Ardath and Arrl~'~l('h W..@-I~ pn-'-St,·nted to. .tll(' hor~lrt'e

Hostesses were Shlrlf;'Y l\1Bhl'n, Dorothy Whorluw, Jalw '/l'flrt'~ an~1 1\1r!i. Halph Ettel'

1\11SS Z<,plin wlll marry Hay Roherts, jr. Apr. :l ,I! ltedf;'l'nwt' Lutheran church

i Mrs. J, Einung Hostess To Fortnightly Tuesdoy

Mrs. John Emung. sr W<lS

, hostess 10 Fortnightly rlub at dt',~ !-.ert·bridgf;' Tuesda.\· afternooll"

1\1r!i. Howard Witt, !\Ir,~. Ed Smith and Mrs. Ed Seylt'l" \\lpn' gUests. Priz('s Wf;'nt to :l.Irs .J. M, Strahan, Mrs. F. A. Mildnt,1' and Mrs. Ralph Rec\c{'nha\H'r

Apr. 12 meeting i" \1'1111 ,~lr ..... --lUllph---C:a.r.hart.

.Kick and Klatter <;Iub .

! PI~~C~(ina~d T~~~tt~f (~JS~~I Tuesclav wJ!h Mrs. EI'('rt'tk HI· eck. Pinl1s \\'(>rr maric In lour WSTC Apr. 5

Roll call was "]]ow I'd Lil\p t.g. Change .\ly Kitchen ~ll''' Basil Osburn l't'porlPd on ]iuc­

pilal AuxIiiar) clOd llll'lll

bership. 1\1 i'mht'l':-. ely and coukies 10 pack 11)" Johnnv Mohr. Kurl'i!. <lnd BIll Corbit, Ft. Ca]''';lln. Colo,

1\1rs. Harold C,aTFi.i(' g:l'v(' till lesson on furmtmf' al ralll;(,lllf'ni Wayne county (':\t('llc-lIJn (Itlh.~ will tour Lincoln Apr. :.!i.

Apr. 12 mce\lIlg b With .\lr,~ 1\1('lvin Utecht

: Husbands Are Guests at I LaPorte Club Tuesday , Twelve La Porte ,.('Iull tl1('n1'

i bers and their 11lIsbundc- atlt'nd ('d a cooperatll't' supp('r Tl1{'~d;I.\ e\'elllng Irl tl1l' HEA rl\(ll1l~

PrIZCS were won In· :'III' fllill M15. Otto Lu!l. .'\I·r~ Wert, LesiPr L"utt .<IIlt! ( Thompson. .'\:Ir~ Carl Sundl'l! and 1\1rs. Walt{'r ('Illnn Wl!'t·

\\ r~

JE Club Prizes Tuesday Mrs. Henry At [J iHHI ~Irs

Herbert Lutt won .J E ('lull Pi'll

~~rs~tAffr~i(!~~I.~~~,TlIl'~rl<J~ \\ Ilh

Apr. lL ml'e1II1~ I.~ I\'llh :\1.1 ~ Arp.

son Ervlll Hageman. sr. were hosles!i{''i. (~r

Mrs. EI viII Hageman . .ir., Cbi· cago, and Mrs. Eric Thompson were gut!sts, Prizes werc won by

..J'dr:s . ..Albert Bic.bcL J\Jrs. Clwrl{'s Hci~es, Mrs. Harvey Beck. and Mrgl!~Chal"les Nichols.

Mrs. ·Merli-n Preston and 1\11'1', Beck win he hostesscs at till:' Apr. 20 meeting in the Woman's club rooms.

FQmiliBallilll!lt);nds~.~.I-:-la"nl{sS ,C:-at:v'stee.n'i's:, .. w"incrSi~a(JrC'·"''WilF-·'I __ ' __ --i;J __ lr_f_-fj __ (J7T. ___ :~L_~_. '---I---":';:':4.~-SOCIAL FORECAST. , side high Her finance

---------..... .,... Missions School. Term Wa<. gr'dualed . from Winside Thursd~y, MM, 24 A family banquet las! Wetlnes. ~~~~1 ~':'~I~l ';i~(~i~~. t'mp~oy('d on

·r';I:~:~0~lT[I·:lbl,~a~~i~': ~:((:k Kf'I'1l day climaxed t h l.' four·wepl, A June wl'Ctding is plannt'rl, SOI'leli Sprvll·e. evening Baptist School of Missions.

SI Church \""omen Ml·s. Elien Sandborn gu\'(' tht, SL 1'~H!I'<:; E\'Plllng Cil'cle welcome. Mrs. Wallact' Hug]ws

Friday, Mar. 2S FN l'luh, \lr.~, Lin-crn lla.rder_ .\If'liloriist l\Jjddle Achllt WOl'I(shop

Monday, Mar. 28 Cott'ne Cltth. ~rrs. Art Lyndl l'onlrat't Cluh. nClI!ilh Bornhoft

Tuesd.ay, Mar. 19 - ])clla I)ek :'III'S. L A

JJt'ltCl (;;,mma. L,lUrel

Wt>dnesday, Mar. 30



F\'O CIlIll. :\11'5 J\)hn Addison

John Millers Honored-At Anniversary Party

summarized ~ toursC'. which was a study of AfrlNI. l\iYI,tle Nelson gave a t:lfk on Afrlca Wallace Hughes showed a film, "h1 the Footsteps of the Wi·teh Doctor."

The food and table decorations carried out .the African tiWIlH'

Mrs. C. J: Boyce, Mrs. M. R. Childs and Mrs. Carlos ~Iartln were chail men of the (-'v('nt

Linda Erdmann,-' Arlene Ham· ilt0n and Judy Hcnm Wt'rt' wait,

Jolly Eight Club Meets With' Mrs. H, Rethwisch

Jolly F;ighl dub lllr-t Thursdny With Mrs. ]·If'nr.\' Hl'thwist'll. i\II s.

Acme Club Mel'ts Monday With Mrs .. R, Merchant

ACIT1t' dub lTlt't Monuay with l\lt·". 'Rohfrt I\fpl'chant. Mt'mbers brought sal'k_ IUllches-'-..l\Irs M~'I"' ('h~nt Sf'I:v('d d('ss('l't and ('offt,p,

l'IIl"s. Fl"('rl B~t1ir gav~ the pro· grp tn on the Hfl.' of Earle Stanley {;ardner, Apr. 4 meeting is with !\Jr~. K. N. Parke. Mrs l\1('l'('hant wi!! iI a Vi,' tll~ program

Furniture Arrangement Topic of CI"j" Meeting

Mrs. lIt'rbert 'E-r-ht-t'nkamp and' ~rrs. Floyd Echt~'nkamp presented I

the lesson on furniture arrange·! mef}t at a Friendly Nf'i,g~b{)rs cjllb mel.'ting last Wl.'dllesdaY Nme memhers w('re pre5ent

Co·hos!('.;s('S Werf' .\Irs . Am05 . John Gettman was a gue::.t. ..\ ]'('('{'11ti()fi Tlml'~rI<DT ~ntrrg - """PrIze-=-'wennt'l1~'" "'"'''1 ,,-,L<"'tcillUlll~L.aJlJ:L..Jl111:s..X''!lc.--,,-,'e~1

J.n the 1),11'](1 fLltl.laJf home. ;\lor· L'laussl!~. :vlrs. Emma 'Otic aIld w('. Apr, me~~ing IS at the REA

~(;::(I~}~()I~~~·I(~(;ll~]\I~ln!(:\{~~.rsg(;~~~~ J\Irs ThC'l'{'sa Baie!". Apr 21 hnilding~ Wt'ddlll,~ llH'('llng is with i\lr~. Baler Ken Lore Meets Thursday

or;~;~':I~:~~:~~!~·1RW(\l~"<iI~'.~~_c~~_~Guests at OE.B Thursday With Mrs. T. J. Hughes :'III'.~ ]]it'k(')-.on, Wayn('-;- i\lrs, Biek K-e-I'I~'lrs, D('an Ken LOl'e"ellib nie1 'Th-uCl:rday was Pierson wprp guests at Cln OEB ('vening with II'lrs. T. J. Hughes.

(;U(· .... t~ W('],{' present from Sut· club meeting Thursday with 1\1rs. Mrs. Wilmer-Grie:;s; l\1l'·s·. 'C: E: ton, l)'Nf'll\. !\Iorfolk. Lillcoln, Merton Hilton. ;'vIcDermott and :'I'lrs. John Barr Wa~ n(' and Tok.\o. Japan. Prizes were won by ~Irs, NOITis were guests.

Weible, Mrs. Hoy Coryell <.Inc! Prizes were won by Mrs, Paul Two Guests at FNO Cl~ 1\11:s. Kern, ~pr. 7 meeting is Pawelski and .Nlr~" Ed, Weber. In Mrs. D. Whorlow Home ------wTth Mrs Enrl LII'.~()~ Apr. 7 meetfng IS With Mrs.

I Pawel.ski. \1;:!r>!10:J)·!'.~JO~~I~~~{\:t;':~e~u:;t~ DOllgras King DAR Meets :,1 an F.\]) ,-llIlJ meeting la,1 For Luncheon on Friday Rathman.Langen.berg

11l Ih(' !\-!n" Dorothy Douglas Kin,; DAR. clwpter . ---me-~~Eri4a.y f41:....Jun£he.on .atJJDtR dd

Armhrust(,l", Mrs. MOll'isoll. )'lrs. Ailcr' Scac{' was 'Plan June W'e ing Brnnds!et/er all d Mrs" Brad "in I:narge . \\l a rnc'lll II nd(' won the prizes. Mrs. J, W. Jones, org§,nizer of

meeting is witt! the local chaptl'r, t'xplained the Hoskins-Mr. and' I\1rs. Claus [

H.athman. Hoskins, announce the cngagmcllt of their daughter, Carol, Omaha, to VernOn D. Langenberg, Lincoln, son of Mr and Mrs, Langenberg, sr., Hos·

Dr. O. B, Proett Speaks On Presbyterian Jubilee

Dr. n, B. I'rOt'tt spoke on "The Hl·for nH'd ,Inel Presbyterian Ju· Inlet'" at a l1It'eting of Presbyter· 1,\11 ,(,hur('h \\'ml1en las! Wedm's· lia,· :lflt'rnoon.

i~(,\·. V\ ~'nll vVard, Omaha, who had been mvite<l to speak, was..~_.

'linahlL' to attend du(' to inclem· ent wpath('l'.

I\lrs. Hi!.\- mond Schreiner .Jav.~'A I

d(,\'Ollon:-, "The Good Samarl··! i

tan H()c-te~sl'S were '\lrs. Ro· B. VlIiJ,

1\TfS: Albert


GQC, Club Meets Tuesday, With' Mrs. John Goshorn

I;(W cluh t;wC TtI('sday IVlth :\l\'~. Juhn (;(Jsllorn. i'Ilrs. Lulu ~RSTfilI\r-\nrs'---a -gtW~+.

!'Jlli' .... \\,{'J"(' \\on hy \]rs. Har· old (Julnn, .\lrs (;osI\Orll and ,\lr,~ ( .1, I'('rrin. Apr. 211 mcet· In~ L~ \\ Ilh .'\1 r~ Art Lynch.

Four Guests Attend JFB Club in Williams' Home


name "Douglas'King," Mrs W8.I· den Felbf'r and ;\11'13. E. E. F'l('et· wood gave reports.

It was agrecd to donate $S to Kate Duncan'Smith school. NKt nweting is Apr. 15.


Miss Rathman was graduated

GAY FRIDAY THRU MONDAY March 25·26·27·28

Time to add' Spring Sparkte to your.

wardrobe and giv~ you added zest for living!


A charming Spring fashion ••• weI! beyond Spring too. Created

with an easy waist· length iacket for daytime with the most sumptuous

detachable collars. Beneath, a slimming dress. In soft supple

silk·like shantung that's wrinkle and spot resistant. Spring tones.

Sizes 12-18

March 2$th to April 9th

$1.35 Kay'''' H",i,,,, on,,1, 10' 99f . . $1.50 & $1.65 Kayser Hosiery ~1'lnll

(including Fit-All Tops) on sale for' I iJ' . ":-1:.

Save now-and enjoy famous Kayser fit an(I faS1\ion all yem.' long! So 'many wonderful styles to choo::;~


Page 4: l~II~ ~ OotJL ·1:~:~'i:::kly ojuig Hosl


4 The Wayne (Nebr,1 Herald, Thursday, March 24, 1960 I Roger Denesia Named


t~ey stayed u~til . .J,~;"~I;m· they' on~ of fivc In;l~ll.lIHlllr ho~pil;lf mcved to Arkansas. . s('hool of nursing ~llLd('nls ,tu ill I

Survivors include the Widower tend the Na,tionnI Sllld~'nl NlIl·"{'.~'

WAYNE BOWLING atld'sever~al nieces and nephews. convention. Th(' ('on\,pnlion will Ill'

-Among- ~hose attending -the {u· h( ld the '-attcr nar( ftJ-: :\j)r11 III

I_ \Vayne High's Roger Denesia I:eral servl~es were'Mr. and Mrs. ~'liami, I?la.

i ~~asSk~t~~I~d t~~~~('T~~arSs5d!Y a~;st~: Marriage Licenses ------19-6-0--.;;..--.l~O~sse~e;,rh~~p·~~:~~;'nsi~~~ ~lrs·1 Miss Sahs. ~l Jt~lll(lr at tilt' Olna~ Wednesday Nlteowls W L II Junior League W L I~i!n!'ha World-Herald. • I ha school, will rcprf'scnt Ois11"1( I

H f Idt' Ha)'lllond. Hose, Wayne, Chev pu 'IJ -LU ~ "'~h. 1._. ,...... ' ,

..T r 's Cafe -- 58 4? , Bt'll Tf'lcphone, Warne, Ford oren . Q 5 to Represent NUfS('S' .lssociation. iit' a e 8 . __ .• 60 40 I Tt'O:,;c'pltl,.,,',',',' 19 5 It ,'5 the second l,'me lhe Wayne K' S h~-'----~I-I----tl .1l.'----l.lj..l,ll.1.I:a..'t~, 'itl" 'I"

• ~;!'y_ . -. - ~ If; 8 H.gh S,enior has-been named to the II. IV1. Hllpert, Winside, Olds D" t . t II A .. Duffers 55 45 I Slrik('~ I:} 9 squad. H('. earned similar honors Eldin B. Roberts, Wayne, Fo:rd IS riC . ssoclahon She i~ a cnndldutt' f01"_ 111(, (II

'FVo'xgbo,nltW,,- 44~ ",.,'8' ~\',','"c" 1'-I~~~~~---~~~~~~~~e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~~~:~~~~~:~~iK~~ieiniSiai~~'idi~ig~hi~iriOif~·j~~'~·inid~·i~iUiUi"i~iniS~'~lli~u~m~,a~I~U~U~~~ln~'~"~"'r' __ _ ,.~ !) 1956 Mrs. Sahs, Carr.oll, will be, committee,

Olson's 41 S9 H,)jkl'.~ 18 I' ".,aD,ne~sllSct'""r,5nr.:~retld,e 5p3a8.,Posieno,lssonin, aln8

, High scores: Hofeldt's, 833; Ter, lll'!h (iC. Top, ",'e,'age of "ncarl)' 30' per" game, man 0 J. Knotwell Mrs. Chapman was born Nov. 2.: !'I! A era), Wayne,

ry's 2364' Jim Silv(,rI Ie ?16 nd <l l\Iar. 21: John Bartleson, jr.,' 1879 and.in 1898 mal,"ried Henry J. ~ 1949 602." 13 ,'" a 'liah. Ll't' DealljHis four·year career average is Stanton,. fined ~]O and $4 l'O~ts for1Noelle at. Wayne. In August. 19431 Floyd Glassmeyer, Wayne,

i \\"l'lbiL-, ~5~1 19.1. H(' started" every game but sP('e~!ng Ui5 OI~ht J; l'Ompl:llnt by j she. marl'led C:harles Chapman at I Dodg(': pickUp Community Lea9'ue W L : Wednesda'y 'ladies ._~ w his first in his high school career. Sherlif Don Weible. I AlbIOn .. They lived near. Elgm un·, "Ianlvn Nelson, Wayne, ~uick

CB'cnnaFdaranDk"IY"n :','9'\ '_ 4:1:;., ~\~[tn.~(Jn TV 73 31 '. Deeds Filed til 1948 when they moved east of 1 Erllfr;d Alh~in, \Vayne, Wi1lys pu n ,., Mar. 21: George B Otte to Her- Stant?.~., . . __ .! 1948

Langemeier . t)1 51 ~~~)l1.~~~, ;'IIorl"lson ~~:~ Coney, Raver Listed in bert Han.5en and Wife; NEI/l 21- . SurvIvors mclude the .~Id~wer~ .. -' -bo/'('II L. 'l'hompfon, Wayne,

CB,a,'I'I:sY'M'a,'ke" ',','" 'J -,~ :i~ I Small College Who's Who 27·3 for $30,000. 'f~ve sons, Henr':r: ~oelle'r.ll .. , Cleal- I Buick Driver's Licenses . field, S. D., Wllham Noelle: v:e., 1946

West Barber ;'d fj~ ! Cma CUll ~7 57 I Lan}, Coney and Ron Raver, St t '.'1 wela, S. D., ~Ibert Noelle, Warran. Willard A. !\l:.l1C!lOW, Wayne,

t~~!e~E:'i~~SBen Fr,,?t i~:): I ~i:~';y~;'h~~'hnd i~ ~~ ~i!~~~ bb~~::H~~:f:~~~~5:fioe s~~~ a:o ~~;~~~::;~ ;Hi~;rv:ht~~~!,~:!~~~:~~~S~~!~~~~?i!~~~s:~~;' Dodel' pickuP •

Casey's, -2445; Cork Baber, 210 I SL'Jr('~ S\~anson S T\' 756rwere gelected for all around out censes and permits . Colome, S. D., and Mrs. Alberti F ROd' Jean Nuss, 530. -ulli Ama Bahe 180 Iwd 508 standmg pIa}, accordmg to offl • Noelle, Monterey, Calif.; two step· ' .. ormer eSI ent

I clalg of the small college Who's sons, Rex Chapma-n, Ewing, and: j .

Pioneer League W L I Busmessme-n's Scratch W L Wh~ Ft Wayne, lnd Dale Chapman, Washington. Ill.; I DOles °In Arkans s Wagon Whee.l ... 7n.n I P:Jl)s/ Blue 73 23 .coney paced the WIldcats- scor- 11 grandchildren, 11 grpat-gl'and- ~ a VikenConstr. 71 41 I Ctll\('llAu(o 7I ' ! 2412'Illlg <md set two season ;"~;;;;"d-,A .. , ..... , .. .1 .chlldren.and~_a_ .. hrothe.r, A.d912).l..~_ .. FUlli'r.a.Ls.c.I:.Y.i:cJ:.S_(9.rM,rs. __ S._O_ Dahl Nursing !iR 5.01 I \1(D()n~I{1 s 61 1

2 3.01 12 records thiS year Raver was tab- Bruggeman, Denver. li;ndcrson, 75. wcrc held Friday af-

Wolters ;).7 .'1.1' :'I!l'lt· H,ll' ".)1 2 !lJl.::- bed fOl the Omaha World-Herald's Leonard Bruggeman and J\lrs 'tcrnoon at Mc:;'\Jutt Funeral home Wayne Book 54'~ 571_1 ~ta!e .r-.:at:onal 40 ' :! 55 1 All-NCC team. Coney and Charles Edward Fork,. Carroll, aUtClHkdlconwa:,. Ark Mrs Anderson dIed Van's 51. 61 h~st ,"1\~tlOn<Jl 33 6:1 Rachow were close contenders for services for t~CJr aunt. last Tuesdav mornmg at Umvetslty Vets Club 14(} i' \\:-;T( I<aculty 32 64 flrst·team all conference berths. - IIWsPltal Little Rock, Ark Wayne Grain .. ::I7l::: 74\ I T~('tg('n Ha(chery 28. ti8 • ChnslJ1ld Andf'rsun uaugl1t('r of

FOR COMPLETE , Fadory - Trained


Also _/Co";plete stock of supplies and parts.

See or Call

Jeltme-Pe-otson 4 blocks south and 2 west of bonk corner

ALL SERVICE WORK GUARANTEED !ilgh.. s.cru:e..s...:..._llahLSE_"y'<!-Il 1', lflgh scores: McDonald s, 914; Architects Named For I ;\1r. and Mrs. Lars Spike, was born

,j39, Don SUlld, 246 'cd ";C, - I ~,~~s:.t9;rn",,~-25827- 'fum'-<-a"",,' 23-5- N!,",itetord Score$ by -as+l'Ie1If-'Coliege Buildmg':" -'It.~~ i'()t8!~~~trs~~'~~~SIJe, mar Phone AT. 7 -2917 __ W_a_k_e_f_i_e_ld_,--<t;!lH~:~ ~ ___ ,

Couples League W L, C' L W L I L I a·Jo~n Laterhser and Sons, Omal1l1 i,~~h~e,~' ~h:ve:'i' ~m~a~n';Viy~e~ar~5~i~n:w~aY~n~e~, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~====~ ~~~~:;~-~~'I~l~!r ~~1:! !~I~!1 I~enteague 5Gl~ 2711~ Loea eague Keg ers d:~f~~ec~STC~;e n~~e~oo~a~~~vJ({'~' !~.~ mO\'i~g ~~~~nncsota where _____ _

Sievers·Doescher 551,~ 441~ II EIIlU,n g , 53 :U Two near record scores were building. The State Normal Board I

-~ ·J-eeh-Bar-ner 49 51 Sweet i;;._a§.N~ ____ ~ 49 1:0 34 1,:, pO!'ted by Wayne bowlers in league in Lincoln approved thell'

Gathje·Buli 47.53 Swanson 'FV 41 --43- acfion at Melodee . .1anes the past th~o~:;!' president W. A. Brand. " ......

?~~~~s:;.i~~:hen ~~l,~ ~~~12 ,I ~·I~l~~(' Auto ~;:; w~~~ Sund posted a 679 series on cnburg said the final choice of 51k •

Gathje-Thompson 42 1'2 5J~':21 FrPt'ffTcKsOn 3,1 50 games of 220, 213 and 246 last Mon. Funeral Services for the new building is still await· High scores: Th~mp.~on ~ \~sf :t-';)'"'armers 28 56 d<!y night for the _Van's team. It ing' further study. Two possible 10'

62.5 and 1779; Dale Thompson. ~19, lll!;h scores: Kent, 918 and 25~6; equailed- his best series of three- For War Veteran, ~~;:;tnSar:;e ort~;h~ P~~~~~:r ~~~~!'I ;\:1:1 o:')~: r.;adinf! Tll(1Jll:J30n. IG~~_..AdamSOn, 277; Gor'dy lIel· years ago and is only four pins un- site.

:,r, 1 ·1)~. • gren, 639. ~th~i~~~~~~d ~~ 6~h~osi;~~~ 66, Held -Saturd' ay Friday Ladies' Trio W L: Church League W L

"First National Bank of Wayne, Nebraska Charter No. 3392 .

Statement af Condition March 15, 1960

LIABILITIES North,rup Kmg 66 38 I G ' th 53' I season H ki F B\lrman's 6~ :10' rar.:e. ,,-:,U, eran 30 1

_ K,lrl Adamson rolled a 277 os ns- un era I services for Ar' ie's.. 1 Concordia No. 1 SO 34 III league actIOn Fred H. Green, 66, were held Sat-

'''C~r(''s'-Conoc'o ~':~~'~~~-~~r)~' ~~r.: £l}ll~o~d1~_l-1,~2~ __ ~841 351

_ the l5~ent Feed ~m_ ":~~r-~I~~~tur~";;d~aYh~,,a;~fl~e,r~n~o~on;:a~, :G~r_a~ce~L~ut~h,e~r~'-r' ~Gtra7rY~::::~'t"~;.,~:~;.t:tir£;:~~~~~----~~H~~-1~-{j;~ict-Pr<;msarur~;en7e~:J~i~4 __ !\ixon 5fl l :c 471.~ I ~~,~~~~:~lanLuthcran 41 !~ I fourth hIghest game 11 ' • •

~~.~l:~~'~eeds ... !~::~ ~;:; 'I ~~', ~:~: ~~:, i . ~; ~51 ~:;eU~p~~~d ~~n~~5ihe local alleys th~~'in~~~ne~c~~~~nl,~S~o~~~~(~a?;o~ I ~'~~~~d~OS~!~~i'~!~ .... • pn~umollJa. and. complications I surgery performed to

Warm·munrle Ins. 25 79 Methodist 33 51 I WhICh .set m fol~owmg the rem 0'" !, hiS leg, which was hit by a .2.2' High scores: Larsop.,'s,,' 433: I High scores: Concordia No. 1. READ TJ.tE WAY-NE HERALD al of hiS larnyx m 1958. He had re-I caliber rifle bullet a few months

Carl's, 1217; Mary Van ~'4\j'.l77; 1'837 and 2308; J. M., Brown. 193; WANT ADS turned. home Mar. 20, 1959 from I a~o. Ama Bahe, 428. . .1. Ralph Biermann, 537. the Omaha V.cteran·s h~spital but! The leg has been put in a l"a.;;t

$765,832,51 457,115,47

from 647,196,39 ---- I mO,144,37

:::::11 ::Ii ..



.New picture uniformity • New picture sharpener • New picture stability • New constant contrast '.New t'uning ease • New Reserve power • New "Plus Power" ,~CJ!!!lP~Eill.tL __ _ • New Audio.output-

The· Brentwood Model 4674

Fi.nest TV ~rfQrmance .•• new for 1960 WIth 10 gre.at n.evv chassis advances. Exclusive Magnetic Moriitor focus­finest in TV. High style console with bright brass accents., Twin speakers. Penna-Circuit construction.

'Even as j!l)w as

entered the Lmcoln hospital in Dc- I, from the knee down. His condition' cember. :, is good and he plans to be ho~ R~v. A G ~cke offiCiated at the by Easter Sunday. He' ha:o b('cn '-

service. l\:l,rs. Cameron lsaa~son' hospitalized since ·Mar. 11. ~~:~e~~c~~:r~r~~d hy Mrs. Vlctor I ____________ _

Pallbearers were Or\"1llc Raabe, 1

It"'h~;"'-'i(\Tva,;g;..n~er. I I i Thc WinSide .. , __________ _

"graVe~ide r~~~~O~u~~~tw~~~~u~t~~; ~.'prices in Wayne Wednesday a,m.l kins Lutheran cemete!'\' '------Oats .59

Fred II. Green, son ·of Mr. and Cream, lb. .6U

$3,550,949,32 $3,550,949,32

Member of the Federal Deposit In5urance Corporation

Member of the Fedenll Reserve System

() l\r ,Je1frey' Chairman of the Board . .\-don .Je(frC'). President L. B McClure, Vice President

Charles E. McDermott

Albert M. Kern, Cashier A. J. Voorhies, Assistant C;ishicr· Walter Bellthack '

Mrs. Henry Green, was born Mar.1 Hens, lb. ;c07

15, 1893 ndrthw{'st of HoskinS. He, ':C~OC~k~':._ ~lb'.:., _____ ~~,0~5~==================================== was baptized and confirmed in -

I· Hoskins Trlmty Lutheran church.:

He was part of the 355th Infant­I ry, 89.th division in the ll. S. Armv i during World War 1 and serveJ'

I ov~:~e~:renb' and a sls(cr, Mri> '1

i death. I Survl\!orS mclude fIve sisters"

Mrs. ElsI(' Vo~s. !Iolrs Ida Becker and I\ITtS·.---ntez1i"rsK. Norfotk";-]\:ff5. ~-'--­Nell Pickard, Omaha, and Mrs. f Nora Brumcl:;. Hoskins. I

Among those attending '!'ervkes from out of town were Mrs. Nelli P~('kard and, Mr. an, d lUr.s. Cicdl Pickard, Omaha. and Mr. and Mrs. Dean, FiSk, Ifldlanapolis, Ind. I

And the Caddies. Admission 15c

Parents Invited!

Saturday, Mo~ch 26 , The New Swing Kings!

Ladies FREE Before 9 p. m, With Gents Paid Admission

Regular Admissio~ 75c

be ot-woter- a ppy

with on, ..

Wash days are happier when there's always plenty of hol-waler~

Gas heats water faster than' other fuels .. ,over 40 gallons of hot

water eyery,h~ur .. ,from a space-saving 40 gallon unit, And it's guaranteed for ten years! Best of all, dependable, abundant

natural gas i"re,ady to,heat w9ter anytime you need il-24

hours a 'day, 365 days a year, Morn"ngs are happier when

there's ple.nly __ ."f hot water' for baths .. ,show~rs .. ,shaYing",b(eak.

, fast dishes .. Aut~clrCgas ~ater heating saves you money, too.

A.nl daY-Qr'~j9ht, you~ P!eoples' ;ervicempn is on eelf to g;v~

J ~!:~~,~!i:: ~) ~~~ ------~----It .you· live beyon-<:l-the gdS. il1-ii-IOS, s~e the friendly LP dealer ifl .

,~liveirrtile ':r:n:-6ci:~~fi' r.n.~n:ner. ' : auto moticoJJy,w ith--n ;-t61:t"ei:;:§ a s-c.::, " • ';. ""'i> .• _-_:.' . ~;~,,"ol! '.... I" _~_. ____ " hCJnl FJ -..: 'Flrestc;>ne and RepubhcGam'bles -:Corona<lO'--- -------~

Page 5: l~II~ ~ OotJL ·1:~:~'i:::kly ojuig Hosl

I SOUTHWEST, Ike 'Sons and Guns'NightBig Success

, ,''-_ "-I , ' , ': ' .. ",; , ., , 'I'" "" .:.-" ').' """,

", Former Resident Wakefield

Mrs. Lawreh«:e Ring Phone ATlas 7~2620 '

" I wack were" - in the Carlson home to spend Sunday.

The Harley and Gordon Bard families brought Bupper to the C: L. Bard's Friday to honor :Mrs.

" Bard's and also their Of Winside Weds In Colorado Feb. 20

1,11". :'III's !'I};lj I'ln Fpit will enter. 1111 !II ApriL

Iii' and ;\Ir~ AIIll'rt Sllndl'll vb.

',·Ii In til(' IL(;., Hohl't"hon 'home, ; C. L. ·Bards Mark <lllth SIUII.\.. Sunil;l\" <lfllornootl

111" ilJld lIJr.~ AI~lIl Sundell l·n· • " • h h'T ""H"nt," M,' nnrl Anniversary Wit

fel"",,' Km""",,""i" Sooux Cit)" ' SU('l1l'lI ijCCulllJlani('~! her: G th· S d

.'Ir~ I.;!\\T(,:::J,:~H'H~·:~~ ila~'(\SI~('arll a erlng un oy 'l{'\H'I] w('rt> gucsts of ~lr~. A. W Over 100 relatives and friends j)(Jiph 1\1onc1a;, afINl1()On. were in attendance at the C. L.

I\lrs. j\lan'lrl~ l·'('lt and childl'en Bard's fortieth wedding anniver· '"iH'nt Sunr!'l.\ ,dtt'l'nou!l In lh(' Bud sary observance at their Erlundsoll hotl1l' Sunday afternoon and evening. Ihb~eJI Lull \'l~ltl'd in tilt. l.eon Pastor C. W. Carlson COP.9'y£!!;d

• 1]"(1 Hob('rl~ hUlllt· last TUl'sda\" devotIOnals.. Jane and R9':';'Inne l'\ t'mng, ~ . "~.~I'-d-.-pr~-sented ~ v,~cal du_et,

Nlnt' \1)--<11' (Jld. DlallL' ,J,wkf!. How Great Thou Art, a10ld Da~. Iwuk!' h~r ;j['111 In a fall aner i ny Bard gave a ~olo. A trJ.bute 10 .,("llOol Ihi'!\ wl'ck. , behalf of the family was gIven by

:III'S Lawn'lItt' Hmg aSSIsted I, ~al~~~' !:;~, followed by a poem

\\',ltl1 conducting .d('vOti?tlab ~t. t.hl' YMrs, Gordon Bard read an ac­\\ 'lkdH:,ld Nur~lIl~ hdn1l' [< rlc1ay ('aunt of the wedding forty year:> • d.ternoon after WhICh sl;c and Mr. ago and Lenus Ring s p 0 k e were displayed' by members of the league. Ike Hln/{ ~~~e g~~_f_~~a_hl- words of appreciation as did mem- members were asked to bring their sons and fov-gren. bers of various organizations to orite guns for the meeting. The program includ-

:\1r. and Mrs Neil Sandahl and which the couple belong, Mrs. ed a discussion of the history of firearms develop-tl~I·~,al.~o~~e%\lh:~~u~~~I~~· ;',~'{~n~7:iI~~ Charles Pierson contributed an or- ment and a cartoon film on gun safety.

I II the G II ~ S"I anhlill--"<lllli~!Illi",--:"":;;;;~~m.,"'W;C"''''Dai","orl<mdnqrtl",,,.ro,mr-wE.apons~\,,',e-thQf,-c25--1I1J;~S-----.. ---: SundayaJtNnuun" the guest book and gifts" --'-----~-,,- ---

Mrs. MarVin MortpllSOtl SI)('r.t i and Gordon Bard were hosts. Mr, ·and Mrs. Jack Soderbcrg bratc their thirty-eighth wedding clipped alencon lace and nylon Friday afternoon with Mrs. \-Vel· Luther Bard and Mabel Ring were dinner gue~.ts and -spent Sun, anniversary .. Sunday evening in tulle. The bodice was styled with don i\lortl'tl.son. The Bob Barg were married at the home of the day with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff ·Mun- further observance they were sup· a fitted tulle midriff and a- scal-f.amlly w~s III the latte!" home for I' bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. son. per guests of Mrs. Olive Lamb. loped sabrina ne.ckline. Lon g Sunday dIIllH'r. I Lewis Ring, Mar. 18, 1910 by Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gustafson Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Carlson sleeves tapered to bridal points.

Mr and Mrs. 130b Baq.,~ere I E. G. Knock of the Salem Lllther- and children and Mrs. Walter visite,i in -the C. L. Bard home A bustle bow af taffeta worn at Friday WppCI' guesl~ 10 the Mel! an church. They have spent their Grose spent Sunday in the Lawr· Monday evening. the back and handciipped, border Hoethpl' 110mc 1n honor of hiS married life in the Wakefield com· ence -"Meyer home, Hooper. The Fritz Temme family were lace trim-accented the full gather­bIrthday Sl!nda~ munity. Mrs. Lawrence Ring accomp- Sunday dinner guests in the Harry ed skirt. She carried a cascade

They have three sons, Harley anied Mrs. Wilbur Petersen, Mrs. Wert home. Mr. and --M-r's. Harold arrangement of roses and steph­aud Gordon, Wakefield and .pal~, Ron Harding and Mrs. Oscar Gildersleeve' were afternoon vis'· lIno-tis.

(/uct Des Moines, seven granddaughterf etO:r~lund to att:~ad~~ a Th~~~~~i~ itO:tS~. and Mrs. M(,l'ic Mrs.

vcr, Colo. . _ ~ , • Rev. Dale E. Haumon officiated Open House Helcf Sunday

~~u~~c~ d~Uab;e ;~~~r~t~r%m~7:h ~~~ ,Jones, D'en\,er, a SO'\. Jeffn'Y E~ _ At New Dist. 51 School and white carnation sprays. \ an., 7 Ills .. 4 oz. i\Ir. and Mr:; Ii I'. Appn)\llIl~!h'l~ l~lO pcrfions nl.

The bride given in marriage b\' I Jones, Carroll, <tl'e grun~j~)iln'nls. I.ll'ndt'd til\' llll('t\ l\l)u_~l' held :.It til£' h r father' wore a full length I Mar 14: ~Ir. ,Ind Mrs., I.('.(~ !ior- ,1\('\\ iln,tnd :-11 ~l"ho'6l hOIl!>c SUll.· c~antillY la~e gown. Her fingcrti~ re1l. Reno. Nev. a ~on, Lill'ls!uplll.'.r I da~' \lflt'l'lwon TIlt' school is locat­veil fell from a rhinestone coro- Morley, 6 Ibs., 12 oz. Mr. ilnd J\lr.~, ,t'd fo~r 11)\\1':0; west of Wayne. net. She carried while carnations F~ank HOTrl'iJ, Waynt', ,11'(' gram]· I J\1(,!llI~{'r:-. of till' SC.tlOot brrurd arc tlnd red roses. ·parents. ~ At\'ln 11'1111111'. pn'sldcnt; Marvin

Elaine Apking, Denver, £ervcd Mar, 16: .Ml' and l\Ir~. I>~lll Lld!-' (;lIndC'I'Soll. :-,{'ct'l'tary, lllld Jason her sister as maid of honor. Lor· tenberg, Dixon, n son. bIbs .. 1401. I'rcston. treasurer. 1\1rs. Mary ene Tyler and Sandra Rubin, Den- Mal'. 17: MI'. <md I\ln,. l.yslc I :'J(wl'l;:t'r <Jnd 1\ll's. Naney S.aundel's vel', were bridesmaids. They wore Park, Norfolk,.! a· son ' ;J\"{' tht' l{'achel's identical red and white dresses Mar, 16: Mr. and l\lrs. Alfrt'd' C<1fft'l' <lnd t'ookies were furnish· featuring bouffant skirts and scoop Bronzynski, Winside. a !-lOll. 7 jh.~ .. ('d In patrons of Ihe district. necklines. They wore Rembrant I ---i'--~-!!-!--!-~--• bows and carried H,d and white I colonf"iil--bouquets:- - ---- ----,-.

Ronald Carbaugh, Lowry AFB, i was best man. Grorunsmen were I

Ronald Campbell and Nelson ~ Witt, Lowry AFB. Ushers were Perry and Larry Apking, the bl ide's brothers .

Flower girls were Connie Niel· sen, Hartington, and Sandra Reed, Denver. Mark Norris, Denver, was ringbearer.

Candle lighters were Keith and Kent. Nielsen, Hartington, and Ricky and Randy Nielsen, Denver.

A reception was held at the church folloWing the ceremony.

For ,her going away ensemble the bride chose -a--black velvet suit I with white accessories.

O).1t of Town guests included "Mr.i and Mrs. Nels C. Nielsen and Ly· 'I dia, Laurel, and Mrs.' Matthew Nielsen, Connie, Keith and Kent.

The bride, a former Winside resident, is the gr-anddaughter of Mrs. Carrie Apking, Winside, and Mr. and Mrs. Nels Nielsen, Lau·


The Americon born in 1961 can look forward to a life span of nearly 70 years Since 1900 alone, overage life expectancy has climbed -an in-

credible 20 years. Medical progre~s is the great achiever of these revolutionary gains, NeW-research and new knowledge today promise even further odvarfces' __

N'e'vertheless, neglect1n~r~eea~clan In- time to benefit fu-lIy from' modern medical science is cheating many not only of aveJage years, but of extra years. Clearly, the great step 'oware! bette:, health and longer life is simple: regulor medical (heck~up5.


May we compound your next prescription?

Two Registered Phormocists - We Deliver


Winside State- Bonk

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chambers evening by Mr. and Mrs. were at Dixon Sunday ns dinnN NicHolsen. They attended a church guests in the Dick Chambers home meeting.

groom, and Ellen Thieman, Oma· ha, were bridesmaids. They wore Mrs. Ring Chairman ~f i :!~:~\ 1:~:~~ss~~a~7u~r~!~:eSt~n ~~~ Rural Concer Crusade I and also visited Mr. and Mrs, Bill Bruce Ring was in the Wilbur

Chambers. Giese home, Wayne, from Tues-

day evening in the Jim Chambers Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Taylor and

of Win~id(', Nl'braska, Charter No. 1636, at the close of business on ;\janh I.'">, l!Joo. ': , ....

Cush hal,ln('cs WIth ot~~'~~~~nk:Si~~~~ing reserv~ b'alance~, and ea:-.h ilt'lns in process of colleetIOn 292,122.37

matching headpieces. They car- Don Reed, Wayne county Cancer I ried colonial bouquets of white Crusade chairman, announces that 1

carnations. Mrs. Lawrence Ring has consented I Prescription Heodquorters

1022 Moin Wayne, Nebr, -Vmted Stllles (iO\{'rnment obligations,

dir('LI and gU;Jl'anteed 426,997.79 Obli'2,atiom of Slate;. and polilltal subdivisions 6, Loans and (il"t·Oltnb (Including $1,592.::;6 overdrafts) Bank 'pre!l1i.~('" owned $-,'furniture and fixtures $3,260.20

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McQUlstla n Iday to Thursday because of and children, Pender, spcnt Fri· weather conditions.

home. daughters of Akron, la. were Sun· Mr. and 1\Ifrs. Glen Olson re·! day evening visitors in the Merle

turl).~d Wednesday noon fro I'll their: Ring home.

~eon Asmus, Wayne, was best tdor,"sVeervtoe abse


man. Claire Janssen, Coleridge, ;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::========:::::::::;:;;::; and Gene Baier, ~rcmont, were - ---- -------groomsmen. Ushers were Darrell Heier, Wayne, and Eldon Johan- i trip to Colorado. They had spent I Mrs. Harry Wert visited Mrs.

Dig~~a~lJ c~~jj&~~.and beCau_~c! ~i~~i:l~g ~~~~~: :1~n~!~~ ~~~~f~~~~ sen~inview ------+J. l----~-"" TUTAL ASSETS

Glen Olson and her mother Mr. and 1\1rs. Wert were with Mr. il::!l: ~oJ~a~;=fg :~f~~,Vi;~'uy7ear~ I of Mrs. Ralph Hing and guests that evening in the Ole reception for 150

cot"oor auo"" Nelson home, Wayne. Thc N~l· in the church basement. I of indi\'lduals, partnerships, 300059,67 Fred Johnson, Wakefield. II son's rccently returned from F!oii- were Mrs. Victor Johns-on,

D('posit~ \:?~~~~'i~:,~Y~;tate!'; GOVl'rnment ' sa~:rScia~d~1t:~rdte:e~U:~?sedsta~;n~~; 00. I iins: ~~~.i~j~~O~~;lIi~:S~n~a~lrs~~~ Dep:)~~;~\:::l!~u\)~I~~t:l\11~t':)~'I\~t1~~1 s.ubdidsions the Oison home. C. Brinkman. Other d('P()~lt" I c('rtltlf'd ,Ind officers' cbecks, etC.) Rita Olson was nine ycars old I M J' ohansen Weds I Mrs. Norma Janssen, Coleridge,

TOTAL IJEI'flSITS $1,118,557.14 Thursday and treated schoolmates • had charge of the gue~t book. Mrs. ---7-,4 1' teacher at the BelL Sandra l H' S d I Sandra lI4M~lins, Plainview. Mrs.

TOTAL LlAIJlUTlES $1,118,55. ~d Richard Ring were overmg!lt • eler un ay I bwain Bethune, Norfolk, Karen guests in her home. I . Brown. O'Neill, Sandra Johansen

CAPITAL ACCOl!0lTS 'I R. and Sharon Rasmusscn Capital $ 50,000"00 Mr" and Mrs. Glen Olson and i At" P ainview I tes thlt Surplus ~~,~~.~~ I children spent .Sunday evening In: ., I ~;Sl. ~onald Rasmusse~, Plain-

_~~~_t_'_' ____________ ~C~". ___ • -in~' t58,.65{~th~etDel-m~r ~~~~~~~!e, Pen ... , ~la. !'llyn Johans{'~, daughter of 'I view. poured and ~ Fred Hei.

The Wonder Latex Paint

TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS _, .. l1VIr. and Mrs. Einar Jo.h. ans.en, .. er, W':lYne, and Mrs. }j. E. Ware, :mel- Mrs, -~d-=-.Sandahl and P-l-a-inview,- --and....LeRo~J:I£.!cJ''-- glP

$1,244.715.79 M~._ and Mr,s ALbert K~llion were i of MI'. and Mrs. Wi.lliam. He.ier':+:ca:';k:':e~,' ld;;laflfk,",,",=,,-~""!,,",~'c-:'l~t=====::'l TOTAL I.IAmLlTII<:S AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ""Thts hallk'STaJlrttl~Li)~-S of. ~rtday eyenmg gucsts m the Rol- I WinSIde, were mar!'led m !'Ites I Waitresses were Alyce Schultze

he Lon-.e _hom.&; , . i Sunday at .Bethany L u the ran and Margal'et Mullins, Plainview, Comn1on stock with total pal' value of $50,000.00-

MEMORANDA Assds' pledgpd ()r ,issigM'rl to SCetIrl' I-labHitfes -an'd·tor other'

purpos{'s (lntluding notes and bills rediscounted and se· ('uritirs sold WIth agn'f'ment to rcpurchase). . $136,900:00 I (' B \[Iskldt Cashl('f' 01 the abo\'{' named bank, do hereby certIfy

tha't the ~i){)\ (' staicIl1l'nt i; true to the best of my knowle~~eB~n4i~~I~i: COHRECT-AT-TEST Chas. D. Farran )-

-E. T. -War-nemunde- -) Dire.clors

Charh'l' ~K 3392 , Reserve District No. Hr~PORT OF CONDITION OF


LIABILITIES Demand dcpo;its of indl"victuals,

p<lrtnersiups, . an~! _yorpol'atiofls Time depo&its OfjildIYl(!lWlS,

partnprshipo;, eorporations DeDosits of Unite tes Government

- (Illcluciing po~tal savmgs) Deposit.s of Stalt's and poHtie<!I,subdivis-ions D"C'posits of hanks.. 7,429.14 OtilPr d{'pnstl'\(('{'ytiflecJ alld caslucr's checks .ctc.}. .. 20,415.59

__ -----'WTA'"-llill'USlTR ___ , " Ja.20Z,ll3IL60 "_= TOTAL LIABILITIES


.surplus UlldiVldf'd profits .. .. ~~-," ..... Reserves-(apd retirement account for preferred stock)



Mr. and Mr~ Martm Holmber6 church, Plalllview. and Kathleen Meyer and Jan Mr._ anc.i.·,M.rs .. ~e~b~n_ Gold..::, HomcIJ~_~'Yan§.on,. . Mauu .Sioux City.,<.la- ~ r , __ :

berg were Sunday dinner guests 01, ';0 pro~,lIse 11e" an.d "The FOllowmg a short wedding trip i Mrs: Henry Holmberg. Prayer. acco,mpamed. nt the the couple will reside in Norfolk

Mr. and Mrs. Walter. Chinn wer.t' gan by ~lrs. S.haro~ \'lI1so~. where the bnde IS employed by I supper guests Friday ill the Cecil The bride, given In marnagc by the National Bank of Norfolk and Rhodes home, ' to cele· I her fa wore a gown of hand

- Jteserve B+stri-et- No-;---fO REPURTUY-CUN1JITm~~-· -<-

The Stote Notional Bank

LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships,

and corporations deposits of individuals, partnerships,

and corporations .... De~sit_s. of United States Government

'("including postal savings) DepOSits of States'-allo pol1lica-1 ,subdivisions Other deposits (certified and cashier's. check:;, etc.)

TOTAL DEPOSITS $5,178,52fl.85

• Apply with brush "or roller

• Clean up with water


P~i:iting easier,. " " < -- < < -" .- <, <-'or <-

more enjoyable!

'-_ .. __ 2_8 .... 8-_C_O_L_O_~=--S ____ --'·_~49 gal.



Page 6: l~II~ ~ OotJL ·1:~:~'i:::kly ojuig Hosl

The WaYl1e -(Nebr.) Herald, Tllursday, M~rch 24, 19~O i . ~ ." .,' _, ' '1 ~~~I FI.:.(T~~' r\·C'nfn;::-;-. Mrs. :T:!~cl·i· :':\1"1'. and" :U;·s.· Dc·juno rlnnson :and: l~arcn.Sue The Jol~ansrift 1(.1i.'ilhone I": ',-" , I'Wlll p:llh' for iHm nnd presented i • II See 1,11111 Harald: elSO,: \\,h .H" !\·i::·I~~ghl.gu.(:Sl·\V"[I- I Mlchapl ~!1d l\Il's, Ernest Paekcr. ,lHlmher 15 AT-7-2278. S(HOOL NEWS lum ~\lth a gllt

Rural Homemaker ,for the d.a y. \. - _ I ~(':<:ddY an(1 1 hlll,"{i,IY m ",e Dal:""I,,·/.l\Ir .. <l.ml ~'lrs. Leo Schultz and 1 Slepile"n Schwarten ~\as emolled II,. ' ' .' ' I i\1.lrsha (launl won. the rendmg

_ ! The firsl meeting will be held : ld Ratzlaff home, .Norfolk. sons VISltCrl In the Gus SC~1I1z home in second::grade in Dist,riel 64. Thes I ('ont{'st WfY will h.lVC a pro]('ct j I~I the city a~ditorium. Regisfra· MY'. and' Mrs. Vern Storm and I Mr. ar.-d ~rs. Richard Ca.". Sund~y afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. I have moved to the farm •. vneated ttict 61i. , and THllnb<;,r COl Conservation Day Recognition 'Day ,tlOn will start at 9:30 a.m, :rhe daughters, Fremont. were weekend ?~d famll~ sp('nt last. we!:'k~nd vis- Lnwl:ence . BlaHert spent Sunday 1 by Verllon· ~chultzs. Their pho,JW!' DJ;. . ' Fifth grncifYl'!;, Gnyle Victorl Vicj;i II,'rogram, whic.h will start at 10 gueS·ts in t.he Art Storm home Iltmg relatives and friends m Ster· I evemng a-l-Leo Schultz's. number is· AT-7.2401. M,rs. Gloria ~l'seberg, te-acher .1 Gaunt and Donnie Pearson' made

S h d I d·A· 20 ia .m . .' will i,ncludc'threE spc<akers, Mrs. Harry Swinney was a~ong ling and Tecums.eh. . I Mr. alld Mrs-,. To~_ Shellington Mr, a~d: 'M.r~, Kenneth Packer We have .missed quite a fewl a Inrge, w~.1l map o~.lhe ~~.,?C~Y

C e .U e . pr. I BpeClai mUSIC, ,J noon Itmcheon and th~ guests in the David Ratzlaff I Mr. and Mrs. M. A." Jarrell and! were Thursday supper guests, .at were p.on-ca VlSItors Monday. da.v~ of school becalls.e of snow: MounOun and PSCJflC toA~,al ) . . . lours to plae(>s of' interest. home, Norfolk, for the golden wed- LaVon, Louisiana, and l\-h:. <I,nd ~ Erne,~t A[l~ersoul's. _ Mr. an~'IMrs, Jerry Lightner, storms. Ronda Victor IS the onl~' i Sta~es after finishing- that ~lIi.'jf~!'in

1 I rOJ~c.t c1tl.b--pr~slClentB, f("Om NE A~m'B Arlhaud .. st~te home ~. ding anniversary of !'Itr. and Mrs., Mrs. John Hnr"'tman were" la<:t '! . Mr. and Mrs. Art Meyer, spent .ro.n- .and Jean',_q~t, Falls" Mont., one, who has had perfect attend-.~.socLal studies, ".~,., ... Nebraska W ",I hf" III ' e on...lgad('r wlWlOtroduC'e the Miller. . ~nday supper guests in the An-ISunday afternoon with his mother. were last. Thursday overnight ance.. i. ._...., Apr. ~ .for Il Rt.lrill HOIllP-jtt:Ii~C'rl v~rioils club p~es.idents and "reeog-- - W. C. Heikes, ObijH, visited Pri-I dr~w. PMker".j1ol'De. _ i Mrs: Wilham A. lVle)~er, Wayn~. I gUestsof1ret·p .... ~:lUs. ;V4!. i\nO .lvus: . ~~~~nn-l~Ias.Lwc.ek...lO~A.D~WA-V.N.E_I1.E.R.A,.LI .,D=c= J~e('OgnljlOl1, ~mppjln~. TlH' Wu,\- ne nlze oLltstan(h.n~ lOst an. ces of lead· day in the Charles Heikes horne. I' Mrs •. Ann Niemeye~ was' a din- I . B.ecause of sno ... ,;:.l}locked roads, J. W. Stevens. They were enroute hve In DlstrIct 88, Vi e held a far('- I < EVERY -WEEK l hamber oj COntlJ1prc'(' Will be host (,TFhip. ___ Mr, and Mrs. Claude Heik€s, Da- I ner guest Thursday In the J:o-'<rank "Betty and Terry SWflgel'ty were h 0 In e fro m Rochester, Minn." .. ======~"'"'=.-.;=== ..... ;..;;;=--====-;;; ----.-.- .---.- - -- .. _. __ . --- ~~--.---- kota City, were visitors Saturday, ! J. Lansing home. I Munday oV€t:night, gUt'sls at 'tber-' where Jon underwent h'eart!"sur· I

We Are Pleased To Announce

The Appointment Of:



as a

LOCAL REPRESENT ATIV[-== 80-9 Pine Heights Rood

Wayne Phone 609


Mr. and Mrs, C. J. Boyce and,' 'Mr, 'and Mrs. Stanley Johnson I on Culton·s. . gel'y Feb, '29. Linda ,visited las~ Sunday evening 1 ann famIly visit{'d Sunday in the Mr. Clnd 1\11'.s. Ivan Nixon ent-er~ ______ .. _____ ;....

in the ~arry Swinnt'y h~me. l\larsl'lIl1s WE'rknwister home, Til- tained Mr. and Mrs.' Wl1lt Utecht, Servl"ce News •• Mr. and Mrs. George Nassiff, I den. Mr bnd Mrs;. Preston TurnE'r and

Karen and Kathy and Marjorie Mrs. August Wit·tler visited Wed- Lind1:l. and Mr. and Mrs. Leo _________ ..... _ ,Worrell, Sioux City, and E~ery nesday aflf'rnoon tn the' Mn;. Henry i Schulz 'and Loren li'rirlay evenin~. W i Jarvill, Pri":lghar, la .. were ~eek-I Lage hom£' . ! Mr. and lV(nc Cal Swagel'tV"ann' ~~e I i end gU€\tLIll the Harry Swmnt'y Keith Jech spent the last two I chlld1'en ~p('nt TlH.'~day evening at I f C Kenneth L ... And~rson, son, 1 home. w('eks .. l!tenciing an Equitahle in- I Nixon's. ' 1

0 Mr. and M.rs. Art~l~r ~. Ander-, i Mrs. John Wendt -Pilger and SlIral1C(' Sd1001 in Om<lha. , 1\lr.' and Mrs Dean Dahlgrl:'l1 I so~' Wayne, IS partl('rpatmg with i Mr. and Mrs. Kenn~th Gral~berg 'Fred Bartels, Hubbard, .5pent:and childrl'n we)'e> Sunda'y dinner:~tner pe~s~n.nel ~r()m the,fourth In~, ! and Tammy _were lat;t Sunday af" ]\'lllnday In tlw Charlcs Heikes guests at P(l.ul Dahlgren's, ' ;. try. Dlv1slon 10 ~xer;else Puerto,


{ernoon and supper guests of Mr-s, . hump .Janice Nixon attended the Chris-, me ,Ill Puerto R~co. During the Luey Gramberg and Mrs. Joy Mrs, Mae Yo~, Mrs. Lula :tian yonth confercncf' at Wahool exer~l·ses tr?ops Will be. tran.sport­Little, O.IlHlha, and werE' evening Backstrolll flnd l\hs. Hoy Pierson FridH:': 10 Sund.flY, She ac('ompa-! cd f~om their h?me stt\tl~ns m the

I visitors 111 the Gilbert Gralllherg' Wl'I'e gll('st.s or Mrs .Johll (il'ttman nied ;Vit'rlin NIxon and Murlene U: "i. to fI stagmg area In Pu(;rto !"]'I'Ullit" ~'(~ln()lIl. Thursday l'v('ning. Canasta -was- r ~('hr(JedCT home S1md,rv-evcnimr .. RICO and returned. _

3 CYCLES '- Hot, Regular, Wash'n W~.or


Can give yau these adv~ntages:

20 Westinghouse Self·Cleaning Auto. Washers 7 Fifty-pound Dryers -: Zero soft water - Lots of free .parking

Get a deaner, whiter, fluffier wash in less than an hour - done' the way you would like to do it at home - only better."

WASH 20c DRY 10c 2Sc and SOc coin ch~ngers Saap ond BleDch Dispensers~

,Mrs. Herman Riedel, -Charlene playC:'d and IU!lrh \.vas s('rvf'd. 1\ll's. I Mr. and Mrs, Willis -Kahl w:r .. i Anderson .. a 1957 graduare- ofl iand Darl't"ne a~d Mr~. Alfred·1\'~an. You,flg, '.1rs. ,Julla Pel'due and:Satllrday l'v('l1ing vi!litors at CllliXoncor~ lugh schoo.I, ?ntE'-red t~c ske went to S~oux City Silturday. Mrs .. U'.ZZIt.' LOb('r g., were lunCheon., Swagerty's 'Sunday arternoon and I ~my In 19~9 He, IS ~ mecha~lc

j ·Mr. and Mrs. D. Hall, ·Mrs. W. guests 1asl Sunday afternoon. Gett-, supper gllE'sts were Mr. and Mrs. gun~er station at Fort LewIs,; D. Ha~. and Mrs. Clarence .Son'~- mans, fOn~H'l' l:esldcnls who have' Clarence Stn1'zl and family, Emer- ~a"~~~. __ .. ___ ._ ... _._ .. _ . ____ . __ . ___ 1:.. ________________________ ,

sen vl~lted Thursday evemng 1I1 b('f'n \'lsiling In Wl1yn(' s('vernl, son I r------------........ = .... ----------------~---------... ---.;...--the ~larence Preston home. wC'C'ks,. pla~n 10 lC'aH' ,soon 101" th('il' Mrs, Art Mt'ycr dsitcd Mrs. Will-'

Ir¥lng Carlson, son of Mr. and! hotTIe In Kennelwe. S. D. I Thompson Thursday ev('ning:'< .. Mrs. Alber~ G. Carhw.n, IS among ,Mrs. He~~ Reuter en~ertai-ned I Mrs. II('rman Longe. Dakota the 150 lJmvcrslty, of Kansas "tll- Card club 1 hill'S!!:!."" ('\'l'l1l1lg. City. Sj)Pllt Fnd'l.\' with her dl1ugh­dents selected for the ~ymphony f M~ .. and ~rs: Allan Per~ue and IlpI', l\lrs. C,d SIV(lgerty, Sbe had, Have l

orChestra and band sprmg tOUl'. amti) \\,(,I"C dllln.('1' gll~c.ls salur .. accompanied another: dau"'hter _____________________ ~-- !he ,group. will pl'~"Sellt 10 ~oncert~ i ~~~1' 1I1 the illrs, .Julia PerduL'i \lrs, elm I\'ixon, Dillrota City~ ::Vh~ I __ In eight rrMes during the four-da~ It, . 'was <:nroule to Norfolk ~ 'I


tOllr ~prough ~outheast Kansds! M;. and Mrs. AlVin ~eeg and, 1\'1r anr! 1\1r<; Art l\1~yer spent 1

~nd. southern Mi,ssou~i. Carlson, a f~milY were guests last Sunday af- I Sllnd~y ('\'('nin~' at 1"r('(\ Selllinc's. Jumor at ~he Umverslty, has Sf'l"i!- ternoon 111 the RICh'H~1 Heeg home ,'" !\'/r . .., Jo(' Erickson ~ enL Vricla I "No Spin Di ed as aSSIstant concert ~aster. : M;. an,d, Mrs. ~Ivln Ree~ a~d! afternon with Mrs. Em~l1ll Levcn: 1

Mr. and ,Mrs. Orval Hickerson I family Vlslterl Friday evening m! Doug MAnske was a Sundn ov: and Brad attended the Nebraska the Lowell GI.assmcyC'r home and I .' 'I t, t' I 1 d 1 y I·

Christian colJege preaching rally Sunday evenmg in the Albert I ~~~~~, 1 gucs 111 t l~<:r ~ ___ Lund,

~~ NorfOlk, Wednesday, Thursday G~~lea~~~~·rs. Melvin Johnson I Mr.' and Mrs .. Kenneth. Paeke:r i and familv. Mrs. Hay Putney and, ~tte.mlE'.d the fortIeth wedding anm- I family a~d .Joan HC'lthold were \'ersar) ,of _Mr. and 1\1rs. e. L.!

I dinn('r gucsts Sunda~ 111 the Mrs. Barr! Sund<'lv afternoon I Ella hOl11C'. I\lr and 1\1rs ThurC' .John<;on'


To Fit the Following Models:

, Evans'a ~~';k I:~'t th~L1~~~~: 1\III'. an~l Mrs. Leo Schulz and: home. Mr. and Mrs. An_I.son!> 1H'1.!lNI Howard CrllnH'r 'cele··

drew Parker and Mrs. Mathies i brale hIS birthday Thursday cve· i Holt were dinner guests Sunda}'. m I mng. . ' the Horstman home. I Distnct 5b dismissed school" '

Mr. and Mrs. Max Ash, Colorado I Monday fOl'enoon and didn't re- I

Sprmgs, left Thun;day after spend- sump classes until Friday because i iog three weeks wilh f('latives and of impassable roads.· District 64 I

1955 - S9 Chevrolet %-ton Pickup

1959 -60 Chevrolet 3A-ton Pickup





friends. Tlw~ TtH'sday apdJ

'also di5mi~~ed last Monday fore- 1 Wednesd;lv III Ch~lrk::i Heikes ;noon untll Ihursday, . i home. j Lyl(' .Juh"n"nil was a Tucsd<lY:

Saturday evening calle-rs in the'! suppE'r guest il( Hjalmcr Lund's. I Robert Nissen hom(' for . i 1\(rs. Johanson and da~ghters, w~ol first birthday were ' had spent a few days III the Elvin,

CORYELL~ AUTO 112 East 2nd St~ Your Chevralet -Oldsmobile Dealer

John Mohr. ~t'lr. n'ud I\lrs. Nissen and G lana Ann, Mrs. Erne>st Fr('vert .md Frevert.

Vi"Sitors in the Robert Nissen home Sunday l'Y('ning wcre Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoffman, Frieda and Marie Hoffman, .!VIr. and Mrs. Harvey HennmgsE'n and Lavern,

Statement Of Condit i-on Mar. 1S, -1960 FLORIDA

:::~~~~~~~~~~_~-~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I M1"":' and .:\'lrs. Kenneth Sl('nwall and f,amll y cmd'\Vlrs, John Hosack· I er. , i Rev. and Mrs. E, J. Bernthal visited la~t Sunday {'\'cmng in the



I:',: I"" ii'!: \!','l '~!5' :'!1;,::,il~("':; i °1 ,

II I I!:' ",''''\)'!'''''':

~~ . ': I ' " , , '" I I' : '. '-: 11' ,I I ~"'i!"( i I" ,II :'1, ,f"" I'! :1 ':' , ':,:"" I '" ,.~ ";::' I,' lit· 'lll:~lj' .p "fr.I':"i~i!· 1""1),0! \ul,I, ',ilt: .':.: :i',,~:!,:' :;,.,>:",~,'."il,.I!1illi~I·~.'~,

I(:~~i:;(j;::~l i: ::(:[1:: i,,::; :': t :'1:';;:; r,il::' ,;, ::':/(:1 i: !~! :]~'Ilw; lif~;IJ,llrf[!~1;~~:!,~i:~f~JllI!~~~~~,] ,[r~.;,;~I\:· :tJjll!r;j~t' ~i:t~:"iji-tjr~;i:~;~~i::;- '~'::((:;, :],:,: 1::(;,;': ,:'::: ... , :[r;", il:: t:,.; ;'

Otto lleitholrl home Mr. and Mrs. Emil Von Saggren,

AnalH'llil. (";1111'" \\ (' r I' dinner rgut'~t"S -\~l-S+~ \V {>-(\ue-;,-tl-tt;\---m : Helthold Jwnw. lIellholds ;lnd their i guests . ~pent tlw aflPrnoon In the John ('tllll~~('n IlOnH', H<lndolph.

~ Mr" and Mrs. Otto Heithntd we,re I ~uppl'r gl\rst~ Friday in llll" Ro· . bert HillPh;lrl

tumor sincC' Thank.s~i\'ing, A h..-m si."ter, older hrnlll('r <lnfi* his par· (>nt~ arl" sur\'ivor~. Bengtsons li\'('d notth('asl or Wakefield ~e<!rs ago

Sunday Mr. nnd Mrs. Kf'I"mit Turner ·and faintly wc're dinner guests in the ,Jl"lTY Turner hOllle They wer'~ joincd by l\1r, fll1.d Mrs.' Preston TUrnf'l: and Linda and Mrs. Joreta Min('r.

Mrs. N. P. CllristC'n~('n visited her sister·in·law, Mrs, Frank Nel­son, South Sioux City, Saturday af· ternoon.


Loans and Discounts _ _ _ __ . . . . .'. . . . . . . ..

House~ther Real Estate ..... .

Total Cash and Equivalent TOTAL

....... $1,177,751.04



Surplus-Fund ......... , . . . . . . . . . .'. . ..






AII~,_oi~-'-'~OndiviRd Profits qn.dReserve ....... . TotafDeJfl)ii~~. =-;-;-~:-;-;-~~~~-;-;--~c~~~~~==~~~!:!f:_t-,-

( ~


Page 7: l~II~ ~ OotJL ·1:~:~'i:::kly ojuig Hosl

, ~ - ,'~ ........................ ',' ··1'

AD SECTIGi .P I The, Wayne I Nabr. I lie raid, Thursday, Maloh 2~, 19.60 ', ••••••••••••

dis(,u~H". This.c!l\l only be ,'uc('om·

CARDS of THANKS pUshed b y yOlt~· contributions. '. Thanks. Mrs. Basil 'Ost)\~n, Coun­~~~~~~~~~~~~Ity Chairman. m24p

Us~ Herald WanfAds- Sell~ .8uy~ THANK YOU to 'aU who helped

make my birthday a happy event. Mrs. Albert Bastian. m24 R·enl ~Serv;ees - PHONE 130

- -'l I WISH TO THANK eVl'I'yone fol'

FOR SALE WIL"L-'YOl.t"NEED A-N:EW or" uiJed--T.AK1E-A,DVANTAGE'_ of the I,ate i FOR __ SALE: Brood -sows. farrow-, - --. - ceivNl during my rccent lIInc.'ls. t . ., . ----- .. I HlC gifts, vtsits, and cards I re-

i heater thi$ winter? See Coast· sPl"ing to get your inside pamt- I ~f1g now, Also sweet clover, 101" lOR REN~ Leslie Ann Conyers, ' m24p


To-Coast. Coast-To·Coast W,ayne. i~g done before the busy field lb. Henry Reeg, "Yayne. rrt24t3p'I _ il ___ . _______ ~. _____ _ ,,:: s24tf ;;'~~~s B::O~n s~;:;~t a~p:~~g c~:~~ I ' - --- ---- ,I :;:r~c'il:?iO~;~~I~~;l~s c~~~S~ing~~~~~~ i J HE. SIEGLER HEATER .. Super I FOR SALE: Good lIs,cd refrigerar- to Coast store" i~ Wayne. m24t3 HELP WANTED I FOR !lENT: Cub Tractor by 'the flowers and visits during 111)' stay I gu~ded floor. heat. It ~In P!lY I tor, good used gas range~ Coast, ---~---~.. I ' ~-; hour. ,McCormick Farm Equip- at the hospital and .at home, Mr5.

[~: ~~s~lfit a;:~~s.an~o~:al~n ~~~! ~<:~~st s~ore, Wayne. mZ~ :~ PY~d ~~~.~ou~~~~~;; ~~~~ 'I II me~~Store. < flltf Clifford Hale. <\0 • m24p

select lhe model you will need I ATTENTION B O-A T ,OWNERS: I Ch008e ,now while stocks are com· ! RURAL LADIES: There is earning, FOR. RENT: Sleeping room for WE WISH TO express our sincere noW .. : . W~ will install it at your! We now ~ave a"l1 the Nebraska !~.le~. Push types, self~propelled'or opportunity for you representing I men. Two -single"beds. Pl'ivah'! thanks to all those who so 1~i1~dIY convemence, We, .. ___ }rade_E,a s y : boat license numbers and letters rmdmg 'models are av~dable at the AVon Cosmetics and Toiletries in I cl~trance. 212 'Sherman, phone 561· ',rellle!nbcrl'd. us 1m ,our flfheth terms. Coast·To-Coast, Wayne. I in regulation size. Also l'cgistra· I Coast to Coast store 10 Wayne. vour cdmmunity Opening in Bren. \\. m.24p I weddmg anmversary. ~lr. and Mrs.

___________ S_24_tf I tiO:i ~:~ii~~t~o:·u f~~:s, M~:Ca~~~~ :I ____ ~. .~_ __ _____ ,_ m24t3 ~a. and Wilbur l'ownships. Call or! FOR RENT: Sleeping room for i John Miller. 1025 Lincoln St. .. ~.;::4,~

~'()H SALE: Used 6!,~ H. P. chain I ~~ Pt St pp. '-[241:"3 F-OR SALE: 30·ton 3rd rutting al-: write. ~eth W. Root, Box 144" Nor.! two Single beds 210 West 2nd 'I WISH TO EXPRESS my SlOcerl' SllW. Priced reasonable Coast Ires ~~~ __ ~~:~_~ ___ m_~, faUa. Wire tied, 40c a bale. 15, folk, ~,,(',b~ _____ ~~~. . m24t211 thanks for the cards., plants anci,

:0, ):;oa:~L:aYn.:,wo gtrl,' 5:::: BAB" (JIUX '. ~i~~:~;;;~~~io:~F:t~ei~~t~~~~:p H:;;~s ~Z~}E~ppiyOs:~o~e~~~ f~;. -' ---- ~ ------. -i ::~~~~; ~~:~!~~D~~o~l~~: :1~~:~:~;)~ I (oats. Sizes 4 dnd fl. $250 eaeh White Leghorns, California Whites, ~-- .. ~--- Ben Franklin store. Wayne. m17t2 MISC. SE'RV.leE_S ... _ I old Shell, m24c

L12 Sherman, phone 561-W m24p Austra Whites, Leg Ramps; White !,LOOR SANDER, POLISIIER and --.~----- ....... --~ j ___ ~ •• Austra Whites, Leg Ramps, 'Ramp 'edger for rent, Do your own WANTED: Woma'n. as part· tim£> i MY SINCERE THANKS to friends

BIG C'APACTTY, SMALL' floor" Whites, White Auslras, 'Red Legs, floor refinishing and save. Coast to ch('('ker. Apply In person at I , and relatives for the cards, let. space requirements. That's the Leg·Rox. Straight 'run '$-11;90, Pul- Coast ~a? a complc~e stock. of ~~fe~ay St~c. _ . ________ ~_2~~~ I We service all mak~s of Radio I' tel'S and ~Iowcrs 1. recci~ed during'

.giant size 27 cu. ft .. home freezer lets1l25.00. per 100. X·Gross.and ,In- floor flOlshmg aupphes, patnls. , . ' I and TV. Why IIOt enjoy- both to my stay III the SIOUX City Metho·. that takes no more floor space cross stral~ht run S15.00. Pullets w.axes, varnishes and seals. See I HELP. WANTED. !I~ve, opem~g I the fullest I dist hospilnl. All was deeply ap.: than the average 10 ~u. ft. chest: $30',00 per 100. De~ivery b-efore Coast to Coast store, Wayne. ~o~' two. young men mterested.ln· 'preciated. Clarence Sorensen .. m24 typt:' freezer See it naw at Coast MaJ.20,,$lper.100~ess,Fl'eeheavy m24tf retaIl sellIng. Good opportunity for M N ~------ -_~ . ________ _ to Coast store, Wayne. m244~; Cr~ss Bred Coeketals. Also. s~~ advanc'('ment, Larson Kuhn com·. C att' s ~ WE WISH TO THANK all our fri----.-- - ------- I ChlX .. Please Bo.ok NOy.;. No Depos!t pany Wavne Nebraska. ml1t3' : ends and relatives who sent

I)L~N ~OUR PLANTING NOW: h~~':ii~egd. o~~l f~~~~~l~3Ir;tCk~g~ ,'W .. :"A .N~.', ED. ' . , . . "Ra3 ,'o & TV Serv.,'ce I ca~ds and gift~ antl1isit.cd Wi I , With time-proven world fa mOlls i nations leading R0P Thapnest _ " "I \VANTED: Man for farm work. CI ~h!Ie we were III the hospital. A I

Earle May garden seeds at your' Bveeding Farms. 3000 Breeders",on ' Single 01' married. Inquire Phone 108 tf big thank you to tlw staf.! at the I

friendly Coa~t 10 Coast store in our own Farm. Centra'! Hatchery, ,person. 'WiIlis Me y e r, Wayne, Wayne hospital. Mrs. Charles Mel. Wayne. m24t10 711 So. 10th St .. Narfol~-N~!,,' 028 . Ho-g' 5 Bougfitl)Ciily rNeh:" ~_~::.= ~~7t2P TO BUY TO SELL .. IoF .nd·C'lferyrAnn. in24p

Feeder Pigs Wanted.

Phone FIt" 1.1050, Midwest Hog' Sales, Inc. South 13th Street, Nor·


f~e ml~ll~f);~~~!~~he~it~~~e_~~! REk ESTATE ca~J:~~d ~~~t~~~~~s,w~7~ose~i k~~~!~i~~hO~a~h~~' ~neCl~~~s~ Property Exchan,ge the food that was brought to the salary, $4500·$5250. One Vocal 117 Main P.hone 197 home and those who assisted in

f4tf' Music teacher' for grades 1·12, my home while I was recovering -c---:-:-=-=-:::---- salary $4500-$5250. County seat tf from a broken wrisL_Mrs. Harry

fOlk, Nebraska

town, 25 teacher system, NCA Gust. m24p school.

Kugler Electric Co Phone 322, Way •• "

. Expert Washer Service with. Ga.oine Mclytag Pam'


~?'O/··: . ----\.

....., IMnV tl .... . ,... NpoottKilv ...... • ~Ihe __

_ .... - lVII, -.,..----_" .1.BlIL ITAI.


110 Main St. Ph, 130

~-t-~:f·-~r;;~~~a:~;,~~--11-~~~~~~~~~~~c"I·:W=ANTE=== D: A two-bedro~om~~ho~u~8e~.'~~~~~~~~~~~~1~~~~~~~~:::~tt~~~;~~~~!\;~;r~~~~~~~;~;~~~~~~~::~~~ price $8500. A three-bedroom G I h

house_not over 3 years old, price .Johnson's Cafe in __________ =.::: ene e mer--~~~:~~. pr~: $~~~;. w~e~-~:~r~~~ 'MY SINCERE THANKS for all the SaY$ • • • ers for these houses, but need the beautiful get well and birthday houses to sell. We need listings. ; also for all visits, letters,

Walter Moller, 'Realtor. n5ti rvt,s'a:Ja~ts~v:;,~~hn~a:'h~a1~s soa~~ WAN rr ED: Sleeping room for way made my. stay in the hospital

young man. Permanent Wayne more pleasant-. Mrs. Ernest Bram-

Buy your next car,~from ,the man who's on your sid. when you are' faced with deciding about the mechanical 'sound~ ness of a car.

______ ~ ____ ..;'IHcrald em~loyee. Phone 130. m24 mer. ·m24p

Low Interest Rat. ,~ 'L"Cmg

,Feder.at .Land .a.nkA.iHIIS FEDERAL LAND BANK

ASSOCIATION Felix Jelinek, Managu

Wakefield, -:Hebrask.i matf

Ladies, earn $10 for four hours df evening, work in your own home.

Write Box 207, Route 3, West Point. Nebraska. m24

Every.Week • • •

For the Folks in This Community

FOR SALE: Unim.pr<;ved 80 acres, Wayne' County, all seeded and in

Soil Bank ,pr<rgram for another· 4 years which will guarantee 79:­return on the investrp.ent, and the contract can -be transfered to the new owner. Walter L. Moller, Re· aUor. Phone 84. m24t

I WISH TO EXTEND-",* personal thanks ~Q those _wbQ have labor­

so -devoutedly as -volunteers for New March of Dimes, and 10 countless -men, women and

who have made it pos­the National Foundation

to look to another year of magnificent .accomplishment in cOf!:tinuing fight against crippling


k h k LOW..cOST LOAN A sound financing plan

'59 Ford Custom 300 For.dor. Economical ~ .. cv:l. en­gine and standard translT)is· sion. One.owner, only 12,000 miles. SPOTLESS.

'" .... r59 Chevrolet Bel ,Air

4-door, v-s engirie, p;ower·, glide and Positraction, One­owner, actual 18,000 miles. Very sharp.

oj( oj( oj(

'58 Ford Custom 300 I=ordor. Another 6.cyl .. with standal'd transmission. One­owner, town car. Beautiful black car with· white walls.

oj( +: oj(

'57 Oldsmobile 88 4-dqar hardtop. Radio, heater, hydramatlc and whlte~lIlIs. Local town car tnat is, very­clean.

+: oj( oj(

'57 Ford Custom '300 Fordor V-S. Radio, heater, Ford·a..matic tutone. Excep. tionally dean town car.

oj( +: ....

'51 ford Custom Tudor V-B. Heater, tutone, standard transmission. One. owner with only- 27~OOO- mires';

oj( oj( oj(

'56 Chevrolet 210 4·door V-8. Radio, heate:r and 9tandard transmission.: One·'

~ owner tow,n car that is ~Iean_

-!< -!< +:

'56 Merc.ury Mont~rey, 4.do~r .. Radio, heat~r f M:~rc~o~; matlc, power steering aod tu· tone. Real buy here ..

'54 Ford Custom· Yes, every wee t is newspapet goes to wor as a S'"RVICE' I: ava~lable for: a,ny budget

salesman.J~)~ .. ~l~~~~~d~~~~~~vvh~~~~:.~)rn?~==================~~~~~~~~~~=====1t-~~:::;=jt:~~~~9H~~~~~~~~~~~~~= thing to sell. For when you speak through the adver- - ~ tising columnsoHhis paper, tFiOusctnds of our readers CRE~JT c_~ pay attention:+'You cal'lcorral this p~tential market CORP, c_ ----.----

Phone ·787 . Wayne

-~because-thesefOTks-giVeOulrr:!;~~t~h~e~~~-~·~~-~-~-~'~----~------~---~-~--------~----l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-;.:~~:;~~~== ~rship that pays extra dividends at the sales counter.

''Whether you have Ol")e slightly used washing machine

to sell ... or lO8-new-ones, TELL our readers ... SELL

our readers-through our Advertising Columns .,.dis­

play or.<:~sified.

.- ~-; --,-

'.i" ..... SE~"ING·NORtHEAST ~N-EBR'AS.CA .... \.,- ..


Page 8: l~II~ ~ OotJL ·1:~:~'i:::kly ojuig Hosl

8 The Wayne .r Nebr, 1 Herald, Thursday, Marcll- -24,1960 I --~AW-Gr~ed-~ibb.on I l{elll:!l'n J.ohnson ,hdmt' ~u~day, af-, Korlil W('I'l' dlllIWI" "gUmi{S :in t!)w. 'WA'KEFIELD NEWS Wuefield Bowling-- !elnOOIl lor lielgren IwlOS blrlh'lwlu<lrd .lefll·,·Y 1101111' Sunday. ' WAKEFIELD •• __ . , -' . ... . Idl~\' ., - ., ~II.'. "nd ~11"P""I'D"hlgre" enl·

. w" lht', NOi'Ill.an Hu-glund fmully 1 It'd til tht' .1U.t' ,lnhnsUIl--hom. C

D-Ixon County Feeders' Meet II By Mrs. George Grimm-Atlas 7-2756 ~ se~r.~t:C~lIz. ~L';'~'~;Ui:'ank ~~nd Lora 11<lgluml __ w(~tl' ('oopcru,! day l'viming. . ;~ tlve supper gUl'slli Thursday in "tl's.:\ [ BI1l'hhol/ SeW'lrJ I 19 I' the Waltt'l: lIl\glun~1 110nw honoring If'ft ":blil'sday [o)\owhri--a ~ \V('~k('~

I - ff d I the busll1esS ml'cUng Churches. MFail

r Store 16 ·1 t.he ,tec1rl1ng anmvC'l'sary of tll(' \'ISII In tlll' tWllW of ill'l sou and

E t N 0 - -M It \HIS le~uhed to take the Sat I oler Ins. host s. . dauJ.!hll'r III' law. ~11'. lind Mrs. llt.11' ee ew I£ers on ay I U1ddy schuol class on a tour of International 16 ! I\lr. lind I\1rs. Hl')'llold Andt'l'son Huehholl

_ . 1/;:~c~~~~(';~ea~:~~~, c~~l~~~d ~:: (WI:Ir;~V;;;:~a~~U;~;) ! ~:::;ic{~~~!!u!,e ~i I call1'd in the Jil'rllert Juhll~on 'lal'J/pl ('!Hldt'l's and t\lls. ~illHl' T_he. Dlxon-Coun~y Feeders' as·--- .----- .-.. -. - - ber and Da!~as Wendt were -chos,en I. Thursd~y, 'Mar. 24; 'Choir prac. T~e Dutc~men ~ 10 i Iwnl<' Sunday 'lfterllOon. {'Illldl'r~ WI'I'(;'_ dl[}IH'I' gUt'~t5"'I!'of

SoclatlOn held th~lr annual ban.! 10 h PI as a comnllttee to formulare the lIce, 7:15. p.m.; Deborah Circle, Higb S'C-O-Te 5: Mrs. Willie Kahl,·-~1-I's. WHlis 1\Iari{!-.Fl'('dl'IP-k--"iOI1----+iW-tf~y~ qyl't Monday evem~g at the Wake., Car oese ers an plan. Devotions were-led by Rev. 8:15. " i Service, ,9Q6 and 2~5; Warren Kanl and Che!"yl and Mrs. liarold ~11"~ Ht,tdH'1l Holm, lUalmar i!pld school auditOrium. About 200 .. . Meske Hefreshments were served I '"Sunday, Mar. 27:"'Sunday schoel, Price, 228; Joe Ke.agl!!, 602. ! Jahn and Lind:.! Stil', SIOUX l'1t, I '\r on '1Jl(! Cr 11 I d' p('rsons alten~ed. I Open House Apr',1 3 by Leona rei Dersch and Kenneth 1O-:a.m.; worship, 11; adult· memo at tendl'd a bridal showel . hono·r: 1;\',1' :-gtll'~t ~ '::i\l;lt~'~7~ 'il


; ~l~l\W~~,~c·i};:;;· Harry Wend~1. Wakefield may-' Baker. I bership class, 6;45 p.m. Thl,lrsday Handicap W' IIlg'Oonna Lamp Sunday <.If[pl"noon ,)(>I1.',t'll tlOllH'. 1'~IlJ(.l1"SOIl.'

or, welcomed the group. Guest Mr. and Mrs. Carl Doescher will - Monday, Mar. 28: Young pea. Sherry's 2212 in SI. Luke's church. EmC''n;on ~I :-,pl'aker was Warren C.ook, ~or. observe their fiftieth wedding an:: Salem Lutfleran t;hurch Men I pIes m,~m~ershjp class, 7' p.m. NE Nebr. RPPD 22 ! elm'a ~llllnrich and 1\1'1":-'. l\('tllC Ih~' \\<~;:~:·lI;'\ll:;"f'Il~:~;:i\,~I~IIt:~;\:~I;,~~ folk, Warren Kester, SIOUX ,cIty, niversary Apr. 3 wit{l an ~pcn I Salem Lutheran Cnurch Men MI~s.lOn_ Covenant Church ~~~~'~~o~ers~' i~ ,MOtlel' VISited In till' Wcndt'll bUill JUllclll'OIl glH'~I.~ llf !\Ii-: and ~Irs, served us master of ceremolllcs. ?ouse. The obsel'vance will be held i met Monday evening. Ronald T (Fred Jansson, pafrtor) Twin Cylinders 17 IliolllC, Allen, suntlay.· ,(;POl'g(' .J('n~t'll Suilday.

Officers elected were Norman III the S1. John's Lutheran church I Harding preSided and led devo· th h~rs?ay, Mar. 24:_ Mary Mar· Does.ooer's Const. 17 ! lI1~~~'d ~~l(IFr~!~~~'nt ~,~~\~{f~~~ Palll 1\11'. and ~Ir.~. Ill'an SHimon anrl Lubberstedt, Dixon, president; basement Crom 2 to 4 p.m. and 7' tions. A film on higher educat~on a oClety, 2:30 p.m.; Boy's' Bri· J Lb 17 1\11 a",1 'lr". c',',',"els 1"'111011 lkmwtt, :'1\1 ,Int! I\lrs. Kennelh Emil Schutte, Dixon, vice-presi. Lo 9 p.m. ..... was shown. Hosts were Levi Dahl· gade, ~:30; choir 'rehearsal, 8. ! -·So~send _,I'. l> ., l' S 1 I l> 1\1 dent; Harold Von Minden, pon. 'gren, Melvin Larson and Walter Saturday, Mar, 26: J~ior choir, I ~ roe el s . • 9}i:! wel".('..~per guesls Thursdav In . II mun all! lInna. r5. Caroline ca, treasurer and Wende-II Sch. IS. t I Haglund. 1. p.m.~ chertlb 'choir, 2; COnfir~a·II04H4l~h BSlcoresB· ·'Je~sen s29~um~ler, WAR R E N M"" RODGERS; ! tilt' HOw~l'allle;' llOme' fo; .Im ('ordon lind l<llll\I~, Wllkefie)~, Mr. roeder Allen secretary I oc.e y tlOn class, 2. 1 ' ue unnJ, 10 , G en Wayne, a cadet at the Okla. -bll:.thcta-y.' 1~\'('lllllg '\'lsJtors w{'r(' t and 1\11':-0 ['\'t'd .'::ialmOIl a~I"!'Mrs. " 'I • • • P' G'I Sunday "Mar 27' Sunday school Longe, 210;' Bob Obtergard, 572. L 'I :\lr. and Md. \VilHum (;Iudert und ilelton linlll).;,,~ ollcord, M". l.~nd

{hlt~~~I~e~'le~~edS\h/~:~l~U:tlht'ran PTA Meets ' ';~::;on ~o~'('na~t P~oneer Girls, 10 ~,m.;' wo~ship, 11; evening Tuesday Handicap W L llama MI itary academy, has MI'~: ElIllly Johnson. 1\1r:. Ilanl'.\ l<lyln~ and faulIly, I PTA m~t Tuesday evcnmg In the mel Friday evelling III the Paul: serVIces, 7:30. . Keglers 24 12 been awarded. ?n ~thle.tic rib- I 1VII' and' Mrs. Harold Smith and Lat\! vI. \\'('.nl. to ll~('lghton Sunday

• school auditorium with attendance I Everingham hOllie in 'observance Thursday, Frtday and Sunday Uptowners 23 13 bon tor partiCipation In ~bas- I\lr. and Mrs, lIanv Hober!.;, wert' !t~ h:ll~ \\ IIhH\l\ Stl~ll1on observe: Farmers Union Holds :of 53. Rev. Samuel Meske gave of Karen's birthday, Mrs .. Marvin evenings, special services, 8·p,m. Salmon Wells 22 < 14 ketb~lI. !he announcement was-,dmnel gUt'sls'sunciuy in the Ku. 11IS, .~l'\C~II.\'-I.[)Urth buthctay, Annual Meeting Saturday j.dC'votions. Cub Scouts presented, Borg condudt'd the meeting which Rev. Arnie Mars, Salina Kans" C-arr's' Imp. 17 19 made thiS week by Lt. Col. W. gene Paul home. Mr. and Mrs, SlllHla~ dlnlln lind slipper guests

The Farmers UnIOn Coop, Wake., the flag and led the pledge of 111·: wa,>, followed by games. speaker, Farmers ,Union 16 20 W. Bess, ir. Rodgers is.the son 1 Smith took the Pauls Ollt to supper I~l till' Ik;w Salmon hom!! I~st' f'l'ld, held their annual pancake 1legmllcc. Do~ald ~retzer gave a Am. L~gion 16 20 of Mes. Erma Rodgers, Wayne. Ihat l'Ve.,!Hng. in ohsel'\'ancl' 01 SUlHla~' WPI'l' Mr. and 1\I1's. Ken·

and dividend day -Sat-uI'da.y. All: ~.ass _:<;~l.o ~:~h. Shlrl~y_ Ander~on Kings Daughters Chri$.tian Church Coca Cola 16 20 - th~;I: .. t:~~rll~'II~~ed~~~grl::lI~I,~~Js~r~~1 ~~':!1. SI~(I)\~I(:J:; ~[~a~'l~l~n~~d ~~I'n~na~ . proxiJllatC'ly 750 persons enjoyed at the plano. Grade's' of" an-d "9 won: Kin!;s Daughters met Thursday (Merlin Wright, pastor)--' T--o-mc-o' 10 26 I Stina Johnson. Mrs. L. W Hvpsl'. Jallllly WI;'I"(' s'llPPt'r gUl'sls Sun.' l.uurt'l. an\! I'll!". and Mrs. Bill fr\'~' pancakes and £.oflcc~. book,,.awards. ,in the ChristIan church, Devotions Thursday, Mar. 24: Jet Cad(>ts" High scores: American Legion.! Mrs, Wilbur P('tersen. ,,\lrs. 'I{on cla\.' 111 Ih" L~d Po,,1 110111". TllC c'",. I1atlig and ];Inlll~, Concord .. Mrs.

'were given hy Mrs. Maude Gras. 4 p.IJl.; youth choir. 5; }3ible 11093 and 3072; Luie Henschke, 229"ri old Harding, Mrs, J.<lwl·{'IH·P Hmg ,1:.", r Bridge Cfub ! Mrs. Per Pearson conducted a study, 7:30. ,Walt MalleI, 59K· .. · ..... _-.. ._ ! and Mrs. Oscar BjorklUnd atlt'nd gpoe 1'311ls wC'll' ,l'\'('llIl1~ Callers,. ~IC~~~;.I:lO~:l'~Ltlg JUlnl'd lh,em In the

WAKEFIELD Mrs Walter Moller entertamed, busmess meetmg Officers elected Sunday, Mar .. 27: I!ible school, I I cd di;;trict ALCW llH'eting In \\'<Ill- I 1\1.r. an~ r<.lrs. Eugt'Ill' Paul and

H • I N t I Bndge club Thursda) evenmg~ for the coming year are Mrs B'ry 10 .a.m.; worship, 11; leadership I Women's Handicap W L I sa, Thursday. s{)n~, I\lrs. Robert Paul and dall~ I· 1 ~!r. and 1\lr.~. HubC'1 liut~hings" Osplta 0 es Pl"lzes were won b~ 1\11 s Wilbur I an Johnson preSident, Mrs Har traming, 7 p.m.; evening service, I B~nson Bar. 20 7 Mr and 1\11":-' J\ L Pos :-oil h:rs and 1\11'. and 1\11',>,. DI'WdJII': Allen and Mr. and M1·S. C. W. Her·

Petersen and Mrs Ted Jones old Olson, \Ice preSIdent, Mrs C S, i PIOneer Hybl"ld 19 spent' the weekl'~d II~ the hom~].uj' 1"1~1 and so!~ WPl"(> gUl'sts J'h'lI', I'i('k. W1!k('II~'ld, iltlendcd church

l< 1~~~:l~~Jt~ed lIe:~er~lNur J~:~~~~~: AUXiliary Supper Gt!orge Buskirk, treasurer The Salem Lutheran Church Fullerton Lbr, 17 10 and Mrs A Rc-Sa-hotk<l ·Crete Ihe ho"less. blrt~Hlay. I Omnha. Stlnda~ Gregory JO'hn,~ 1\1 Ib - I V· Agler secret~ry and Mrs 1 Busby Elevator 17 1,2 9'·:! his brother.iil.law and sisler. ;\11'. I da~ In th~, r:. W. I'aul honll' [or at ·SI I'aul J\let!lodist church"

LegIOn AUXIlIary entertamed the lnlSSlOnary lesson waS given by (C. Willard Carlson, pastor) i Jack's Jokerettes 17 10 . .. . ,.' 1\11'. anct MIS. Don I'ct('rs an~1 ~l)n of 1\1r. and l\lrs. Hogel'·Hutch·. Allen, Mrs. Maufll'e Olson, Emer· LeglOn ThursdaJ evening at LC!OY1 Mrs Nels-Munsurr Mrs-:--Pearson Thul'S'l:l:a-y;' Mat': "24: ALCW, 2 p.! Schroeder's Store 15 12 A ~roup of fnends gath,:,r~~ .111 family and Mr. and Mr~. DIck 01· lIIg.~ was b.<lPtl'/'l'd. A birthday din·, son. ered dish supper A movie on Le served II m.· senior choir practice S' long I Wkfd. Service 15 12 ~he E. O. Fenton huml' 1 Ut sd.l~ on and baby. Wayne. Wl're dmn('1' n.f>'r W<l~ lI1('n Iwld in the Roger

DISnll;;sed· Joe J Kunzman, glOn actIvJties was shown The ~ . ra~ge planning committe'e, '8. I Bossma~'s. 13 IH4 ~~e b~~,ate:, IOb.~e.rvunl'l;' ot Mr.~. guesls Sunday III the Egon Kal>!· Itukhlng 11011](' honOling Mrs .. Ru· WakC'fJeld; Baby Stanley McAfee, AuxJliary held their monthly meeL tRuth CJr~le Friday, Mar. 25: Junior choir I Farmer s UIllQ.~ __ .....:_~5 _~ nto s lrt ld~.~. _ . . rup hOl~1(\. _ 1}{'1 lIutcl:l11 gs. Bruce Hutchmg's, AIll'n; 1\lrs. Katherine Kramer, ing. The group voted to sponsor a Ruth Circle met in the Presby· practice, 4:15 p.m. I Cash Stole. 10 17 ~Mrs, MelVin ·tl1TI~---li·n--:-·allcf-;Ul':'i~----rTiTYTf·aiTI('I.~if('·.()ln. allft -!Wl':'l:--rtITgcr11U~·' Columbus:' Doris Nelson, Concord; girl at Girls State, terian church Thursday afternoon Saturday, Mar. 26: Senior con. t St. P~ul's Pm _._10 __ ll- were, after~oun guest.s JJl tht' Eu Jerry and .'\lr. ,wd 1\1r.~ .JerlY, Jllg.~ Mrs Kt'nncth \'ictor. Emerson; ! with 14 attending. Mrs. Robert Os· . class, _9 __ .a...m..;--iwti --M-enkms-Servtce" 91"i 17 1,:!! gene L~ndlll h~mc for the birth· -~.-------l\'lr~. WJlb~lr Habrock, Emerson; St, John'~ ,Men's Club .: tergard gave th~ _ junior missionary St. PaJll's Green 8 19 I day of the hostess. Mrs. EdfLlppoll, All~n; Mrs .. .t.lar· St. John's·Men's Club m.eLlas1-~-Beok--·-of-the-Ages." were 2 p.m. Moller Ins. I} 21 , The Wes Anderson family. Wau· i(')' E. Schmaqeke, Wayne; Her·


Thur.sday.- -M-r-;- - Ed Eehtenkamp.: mllde for the gervirrg. of the PEO Sunday, Mar. 27: Sunday school, High scores: B:Usb~ .Elevator,: sa, vI~ited in the Ht!yno!d AndC'I" DON'T MISS IT!! DON'T MISS IT!! bert Gctleman. Winside; "MIT.- W a yn.-e, presented a fi!mstrtp~ I·dtmre-r- - MomJ-a-y- evenin-g---in t-he 9:--4-5 a.m.; worship, 11. 709; Pioneer Hybrid, 2076; Norma' son and George Gnmm homC':. I~arr('J Rohde, All~n; Malcom Mc· "Saints Ative," and addr~s5ed !~e, c~tirch. Hostesse~. were Mrs. Ed Tuesday, Mar. 29: ALCW meet. Carr, 191; ."~arian Keagle, 487. ISa.~urday. Af~ernoon gucsts In the: THE BEST YET!! CUJ'kllldale, Wakefield. group. Dallas Wendt preSided over tSclmabse and 1rrs. Art Mallum. ing, 7:30 p.m. ' --~ .. I Gnmm home were the Wes Anr\('r·

-----~- ~---- Wednesday. Mar. 30.: T enten Mr. and Mrs. Fred Strange, I sons, Charles M'allums and' 1\1~ ,"1 Pollt"'al .\<'!n·rtl:-<f'nlf'nt Pollti('al AovPl'tisE'ntpnr Pulll] .... «1 \<iy,'I'IIRPm"llt service, S p.~. ¥-' Sheridan, Wyo., arrived Mondav and Mrs. Revnold Anderson.

~ for a two-week visit in the Charle·s Mr. and M~s, Ear.J Hinds, P'on· H~hn High School Spring Concert


l~M. SHULTZ ., ' Candidate FOr ~fA TE SENA TE, 16th DISTRICT


I am not in fqvar of a State Sal~s Tax now. Our voters should pay their fair assessments and be happy that we don't have a sales tax like all the states around us, who pay mOre taxes per person than we pay in Nebrasko. )1.1 so, a sales tax is costly to ope rote and en­force. The State Capitol buil ding is overflowing now with bureaus and commissions. .

The history of a State Sales Tax is that it almost always is jock­ed up higher and higher as tax spenders wont more money to spend.

SECOND: Your local school boards should be very careful about asking or accepting .stoteor feaeFdIm:Qney .to Jun_ your scQQol. If you ,do, you will certoinly los~ local control ove·r you~choo1s. j)

St. John's Ev. Lutheran Cniirar "K::inneY···~0'!l17·:-'", .-' i ca, ,visited Mrs'. Pearl Scott S1111 Missouri Synod , Mrs. Paul' ·Nielson;~'S·eiiaal;·-·Jrl'ltiaraftet'ft€loo.,..--.~~~. ~~~~~_-. '_ .... 0 __ •

(Samuel Meske, pastor) ! pan: ~as guest speaker in the' Mr. ~nd Mrs. Andrew Sorenson Saturday, Mar. 26: Saturday I ChrtstJan churc~, and sho.wed slid· were. dmner and luneh guesls Sun

school, 9:30 a.m. I es Sunday evemng."- day ID the Clarence Varner home. I

Sunday, Mar, 27: Worship. 9:30 I Mrs. Dean Ba~kstrom and Nan· Mrs. Grace Wuerth,. Emerson, and a.m.; Sunday school, 10:30. 'cy w~re visitors Monday to Wed· Mr. and Mrs. William Kane. Or·

Tuesday, Mar. 29; Choir rehear· I nesday in the Marland Schroeder chard, were also lunch guests. sal, S p.m. I home. Mr. and Mrs. Reynold Anderson,

Wednesday, Mar. 30; Lenten M~. and Mrs. Harold Hypse and l\'Ir-. and Mrs. Levi Heiglen, 1\lr.





Rice Auditorium March 31, 1 services, 8 p.m. ! {amlly, Topeka, Kan., spent the I and Mrs. Carl Helgren, Mr. and I weekend in the L. W. Hypse home .. Mrs. Joe, Helgren and Dall:', Mr ~

ImmanUe!i;S~·Ur~u~~~;:ri::~;~c~h~Ur~.C~h~jfS~o~~,::eV~M~:~:::d~MM~a~~S~r·i:t;:·~cw~a~~::~~~~d:, ~i~;r:r;:. ~I,~~~:~~w:Ma:r::'~:eD:, w::::~r::e::~;::~st~~S:a~~n;d~~~::~~' ~=:7::3:o::::p~.;::m~.::::::::::::::==:;::=::::~A~d~m::::.~s~O~C~-~-~2~S~C§~ (Samuel Meske,

Saturday, Mar. ._-- -_.--school, 1 p.m.

Sunday, Mar. 27: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11,

, I Rcv. Merlin Wright attended'rthe':

annrJal ChI istJan College miSSion.,

, ~i~, r~~;fo~~dla~[e!~~~g con~en. I Mrs. Ben Bokemper and Mrs. I Delbert Gradert and children, ,EVl·1 ! crson, visited Mrs.. Myrtle Striv.; 1 ens Saturday everung. I

I H,A D~~~~el~~nl~~::rv~el~:~ bN~~: i -- tnursaay·-·- ,

Wenstrand and LeVcrn Henningsen stayed in the Paul Fischer home this week.

Helen Jansson visited in Chica· go and Princeton, Ill., Saturday and Sunday.

Mrs. David Borg entertained DUV Wednesday evening.

Elmer Graffis, Laurel, visited Saturday and Sunday in the Law· renee GraWs home. Sunday

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Wheels Available for All Popular .Makes and Models ,rTractors -- -',-"-:- ~ :-- _.

Page 9: l~II~ ~ OotJL ·1:~:~'i:::kly ojuig Hosl

----- -----------"r--~ -~. -- - --------.----


SCHOOL N E=\ A IS ,~~e~e written during the next ,~~~Id interxiowod~lder per'l 'l'HE ~A' .YN.~ - _.1I-,- , .. ,. ... . . .... -

. -- - -'~V isc~~~e~~~;i~d~~onts~r:at~o('~'~n~~:pr~~a;i~Cg~IW~I~S:~e::ve~~~egr~~~~I' ',. ----E· E· D~ ALD' Third Grod. Wayne Magdan' I ~~~~~f :!s~~;e!,ar~;~h e~~:ter;~~~ i ~O:nd~Y ~o~I~I,.g;e~,;, 3 t~,~e a~~:· ' ,. . ' .ff.l"'\.. . ,.

Mrs. Harvey Grosse~ visited our Fifth Gr.de a report on a _common bird in this: cil·y audi,torium.. ---- I 85th Year No. 46 Wayne._ Nebraska, Thursday, March 24, 1960 Section 2· - Pages ~ to,$ classes Tuesday afternoon. . Library Angels .this week were! area. and the boy ~eported on. thl' In social studies ~e wrote l.'~~O" ~ -::::::::::::::::.:::::;::::::::::::::.:::.:==::::::::~::::::::~::::::::::;;

Mrs. Be-timer' fr-eiited the .pupi!s-~Sher"fYJ6nnson, I:"aUy- -J6rgensen,f.Wl~D: . a~d_ trappmg_ regulatltlIl" tnundre.? . ...wot~_ Jit.ones-~~-ili.§t-Qr l-~nbearc}- and ·Mt';-----an.d--M-f's:--Wil-I~his_a Dianne, bor-n-- M:ar ... --'-4---tO-.. l\'I[:,.t~, _ _~_ _ on her birthday Tuesday. . Lana Danielson, Judy Suhr and' In ~ ras .a. ,our ·opl~lOn 0 peace ~n en· l liam Krusemark helped Gar y I and Mts. Bob Strelow. N f 'w .--- .... Ch - h -._-----

·We are- st-udying ('ommuniCR 'J,ottn B-ra-ndsteUer. -! _~~nJlY Wltt broug~t ~ bOOK con- te~ NatJ~ns. . :Krusemark celebrate his seventh Mrs. Geor-ge-. Buskirk was. a ews 0 ayne urc :e'" ·S' ,,;~i~~s, in social studtes. W (' d ' T,wenty-lwo .fifth graders had I tamlflg all the ordinances of the! - - -- -Ibfrthlla-y-·}<~riday-evening-:--~- -- ---Thursday-dinner guest at W.- C. _..., , ___ '_

nesoay, Michael Carlson, Robert perfect scoles In tbe mastery test. I City of Wayne. The st~l~enls 'If!' 10: L 1_" I Mr-. and Mrs. Dick Wert and I Ring's. Claussen and Ricky Cass g~ve <I I-The~· were: Sallie Bergr, Theresa lea~ the law~ c?ncernIn.g th.e ~s.e 1 es Ie Lson and Mrs. Harlan Korth ~nd Mr; and Mrs. _Wendell Korth '). ~ . ..., . puppet show in make bC'lieve tele· ('ass, Douglas Claussen, Connie of flrea~ms wlthIn.the city hmlts. , I so_os were Sunday afternotm vis· and sons were_ ·Sunday pdinneI:_ Assembly of God Sunday 1\.1 2 S d I I vision All pupils made walkie. Fitch Mary Jane Hansen Vicki 1 The duties of the Wayne Board of By Mrs. George Buskirk : itors at Will Korths guests at Ernest Freverts Wayne 1 ar 7 un ay se lOO

talkie~ and e·njoyed sending mns IIilto~, Barbara jacop;,>on,' Sh~rry .Health were read. when the 'Unit Phone ·ATlas 7·2521 'Mr. and Mrs. CI~rke Kai and and later attended open' hou.se at ( van Meyer ,pat't~l) I :~~lt jlmiOr Bible class, 9 30 a III . sages to others in class. Johnson. Patty Jorgensen, Lmda I on foods was ?tudled. , 0 I sons, visited at the Edward Kai the new District 51 school. Sunday, Mar 27 Sunda~ s(hool, I slud 9al~~ \:~I:r""l:1na "Delta, Blblc

Patrick Osbon gave u report on Kay. Lorraine Summers, Davidi The st?dents a.re havlIlg a con, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hen~chkelhome, Pender; and· at Harry Stein- Mr". and Mrs. Charles McGuire 10 a.lIl, worship. 1l~ pvangl'ilst!(, }' .. ,', ShiP, The ~ro.ss IS "The Life of Sl. Patrick" and Mrs LindstIom, Carl ,Matson, Paulette r test dunng March to deternll:\(" a~~ family were Saturday evemng: hoffs Bancroft Frida'y evening. and son and Mr. a.nd Mrs. Fred servlcc. 8 p.m. ! the ~,nS\Hl to the HU01~.C~ at the Behm.er told us the story Of. "Why 1 Merchant,. Michael' OSb.on, Lee I who (,reads.-.,.th'e W?rld New . .; map I,' VISltOt:§ at the Conrad Suhr hOme'jl Mr'. and Mr·s. Robert Hansen Tarnow spent Sunday afternoon We.dncsday, Mar. 30: Prayer 1 so. ul, an.d comulllon, lO:3p We Celebrate sf. Patrick's Day" Sherry, J u d y W.ehrer, Nancy more tho~oughly. Scores on a 1 Wayne. and.'· family were Sunday dinner with Mrs. George Laase, Wisner. meetIng, 8 p.m. ~~onda~, !\lar. 28: Due duh, 8 This was done during opemng ex· Wert, Debbie Wrtght, Wally Ul-I w~ekly qUIz are', ave.rged to deter· i Elwood Sampson and daughter guests a t Henry Bokemper's. Mr. and Mrs. Ed K1J!~~mark - " I p. . ,. _, ercises Thursday. rich, Carol Hansen and Judy Suhr. I, mme each ~eek s .wInner. To date II have been spending some time I Wakefield. joined others Thursday evening -to First B~PtlsfChurc'h , ,. Tuesda), Mar. 29. Church coun·

Diana Janke slipped on the ir:(' {'arol Hansen trealed h~r classit~e score IS 2·1 In favor of the I with his mother, Mrs .. Carl ~'am-, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Korth, .helP Mr. and Mt"s. Carl BrUdi-! (HusseIlM. Darken, pustor) 1.'CI1W:d~~1 .. l' . jilflll and broke her arm Thursday ill 1fI honor of her eleventh birthday. 'gIrls. iuelson at the Wavne hospital. Iwarren and Vaughn were Friday ga m celebrate their fifty--first Sunday, Mar. 27: Sunday school. \d~}, I\. a1. 30. Alta .guild, It'rnoon. Seventh G.rade 'Eighth G.-.de - Mr. 'and ~Irs. l\1~rvln Meier an.d ,supper guests at Henry Koepke-'s- _w,edding anniversary ~t Wakefield. 9:45. a.m.; wOl'ship. 11; Junior and: it l,n.: l'nt{-'~I wO~~hip, .. ~~ Wcr,~

Pupil~ _J'lho received. perfect Th(' s05-'lal S,tudl,es discu.ssion ~is i This week ou~ t,ea~her, M~s. !VIii". rlaug,htcr. Visited at Donald ~rUdl-I' Mr. and, Mrs. Ken'."'eth ~~ker Mr. ~n.d Mrs. W. end, ell Korth an,d I SCIl1?r B~.F •. 6:3U p.m.; eyening 8. It! e 011 Ie uy to. Calvary. scores tn the weekly spelling 1(',,1 on the lands of ASia. In anthmetlc ,Ier, has been ill With a VllUS at gam s, Carroll, Sunday. Mar. 13 were Wednesday evemng VISitors sons VISited at Darrel Thomsen s serVice, 7:30. I

~r:~ieLa~~d~~~~so~'al~er)1h~kae;.' !)~(' ;:~~~nt~SgeCon~nLl~nn1t th~t~~~e1. ! ~i~l N~;t°~c~os~~t:tL :e~k~oP~c:hnl: Ii ~:l~n V~~I~~. at the August and Garl at l\rr~o~~~ BM~~.ir~; Wilson wen' i Th~l~~d:~d e~;;~tou~~" Hansen anti m~~~~;~~J' Blb~~a;lllcl~~:7. 3:)J~)~~~~I;' , St. Paul's Lu~ren Churcb Ruth Ann Grosse, - Janet Zac-h. "The Funny Bone," which con. i while thanks very much tl) l\1r:--. I Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Kai visited to Omaha Friday to visit their i Michael, Elmel' Holst, Leonard! choir pracUcc, 8:30. . (H E. Shirck, pastor) G.loria Poltard, ~teven Mrsny. talns. humorous stories and poems I Sh~rer for her fine job of sub."t]-, Edward Zach in the Wayne hosplt"I g:,r:ndda~ghter, R.enee W.ilson. at' Pollard a~~ ErVin llensc~ke ~ere 1- . Thursday, Mar. 24; Exctutive' Lmda Forbes, Lin d a Drcker. IS being concluded In reading. tutmg. 'aI Saturday. He had an appendect- Children s Memortal hospital. ! Sunday VIsitors- at Joe Wilson s. Church of Christ ChUrch Women, 1:30 Jl.~.; Church Michael Carlson, Sally Zap p, The usc of adverbs were studied, In arithmetic we,,, have been 1 omy. 1 Mrs. Will Biermann returned i Betty Bressler attended a skat-I (Amos Beckcnhal1f'r hOllll') Women birthday party."]:;~hlng-- ---Bradl-ey Hansen, Kathy McNall .. In .~ngJjt.h this week. The five I studying board feel. ' . Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brudigam home last week from Albuquerque, I ing party at Wakefield ,Friday eve- i Sunday, l\1ar. 27: Worship II Ci~~I~~r~~y, M~r. -2~-:--~unior cat"ci~ D.avid Tlelgen, W:uren Tiedlk(', parts of .speech have -been intro-I In English we have,,,O.ecn study· and Raym,ond. Mr. and Mrs. Ar·; N. M. She had been assisting in. ning sponsored b.y a number of I a.m.i--L-ord~s--stlpper 11·50. ' OMa f{arder, Paula Tcic;f'l'1l and dllced thIS year. Business letters 'ling interviews. As a lesson each nold Brudlg~m, Mrs. Mable Clin- ,the care of a new granddaughter.ichurches. 'I Monday, Mar. ;n;': Bibk study chism, 1 p.m,; Junior choir. 2;

--- -- .----~-- ------.--~--- --.. --~ .~~--"-~- ----.-..... --.--- -- CUtSS, Glenn I\IC'ycr, teacher,' 7:30 sc~~o;~~;,te~l~i;.m:i7~:;~~day school,

Speaking ofBaki~:Gakes, . p.m. 9:30 a.m. worship, 10:31): pastor'~.'i

Wesleyan Methodist Church (William' c. Mitler. paston

Sunday, Mar. 27: Sunday sd1001, iJO a.m.; worship, 11; Wcsl£,yan ,youth, 7:30 p.m.; e\"angdistil' sen'· ,ic{', S.

adult class, 8 p.m.; Couples club, B,

Wednesday, Mar. 3!>: 'Senior choir. 7 p.m.; Lenten services, 8,

Did .y~ou KlloW


'-i15oo (JFF --C1Ip·th1sC:oupo~ake ·it to Tiedtke App110Jn"Clr,--Wayne,-Neb-r:­H~ will honor this certificate at the face value of $25.00 toward the purchase of any G.e, range equipped with the amning new Sen-s.;~m-p-Atltomat~e--Su-r-fac:e-Unit~_ . __ _ _

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I WednesdilY, l\1ar. 30: P I' aye I' t-m-efi.'t~~~" ___ _ _

-First Church -Of-Chr-il~.-~--­(Daniel Escntt, pastol1)

Sunday, Mar. 27: Bible 'school, 10 ",~w!2L5.hlR, It;_....e~.EH:Y..:._.

,ice, 7:30 p.m. I-United Presbyterian Church I (Dr. o. B, Proett. pastur) St. Mary's Catholic Church

Sttnday, Mar. 27: Chut'ch sehoul. (William KJeffman, pastor) 9;'45 a.m.; nursery, II; worship, Thul'sday. Mar 24: Mass, chap-

I "The Eternal Goodness," 11 cl, 8:30 a.m.; Men's club, Sl. , Tuesday, Mal". 29: Men's council, Mary's hall, :8:30 p.m. breakfast, 6:45 a.m.; membership' Friday, Mar. 25: Mas5, chapel, class,7:3e:-=--p-:-m. 11:30 a.m.; lltations of cross, chap-

I Wednes-d1Iy,- Mar. 31: Bible el, 3·30 p.m. and church. 7:45 ano prayer service, 9 a.m. Senior choir will sing.

S .. turday, Mar. 25: Mass, church, 1- First Methodist Church 8 a:m.;" religious iIJ.structiolJs-:~fol'~ i (William Simmer. pastor) : p.ubl~~ -, sc.hoo.l chlTdren, --schooL : Saturday., Mar .. 26: c~nfirm.atton; ~.:;~~;':;~ ~~·}7~~;~~ssionst church, ,class, 1 p.m.; ,cl1l1dren s chOir, 2. Sunday Low mass Senior' choir

~~~ffflh~~~nti~~A~~~~~3~~~~~~~~~;~~~ __ ~~,~,~S[~~d~afY~':M~a~~!2[7~'~C;~~~~.~h~S~.~-':Bam;'~m~cr~~ WI !.9.45 a.m., ;:orshlp, Your Works choir. 10: Lenten holy hour. C<;;Y-____ _ K~n, l1-;-"TIurscry for pre· Junior choir, 3:30 p.m,; corporate

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pius all these ofirer features

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o£ficial Monday, Mar. 28: • Friday, Mar. : 31: Distribution of holy_commun·

Mar 30· MYF i ion, 7 a.m. . hreakfast, 7:30 a.m:: IMYF, 6:30[ Monday, Mar. 28: Mass~ chapel.

m.; Chancel chOir, 7; Lsnten: 8:30 a'.m.· -houl" No.5, 8. 1 Tu€S"oay, Mar. -19-: _Confessions,

WSCS confe~nce, Fremont. ctlurcn;· ;r-:---- -Redeemer Lutheran Church ! chapel, 11: a.m~; r·Lc~~~ ~::~: (S. K de Freese, pa:;tor) i-nOnS. chureh, 7:4.5._p,m.w Newman

II Saturday. Mar. 26, Con~irmatibn I club after d,evotions-. -- ,~----. ~ class, 2 p.m. I· , ~

I Sunday, Mar. 27: Early service,! . !' h''''· Hl' -':'.'r d '''The Betrayal," 9 ,.,m,; Sund.y' I See By· ,T e e -0·1 school, 10; late serVice, 11.! <-____ ._ I •

Werlnesday, Mar. ::\0: Yo,uJh,------___ .... __

choil'. 6:45 p.m.; Chancf'.l \"'hoir, 7;' Mr. and Mrs, Orville E~xleben ~enten serVice'~Lord___!~-JLJI:." nd --sons-and-~~i1. Carsten, -==-~--- \visner, were',guests Thutsday eve·

~ Grace . Luth~ra,n Church ning in the Deibert Reed home for

(E. ~~I~~Or~~lh~{~pOadstorl' ! Ja~~~ ~~~hk~~s~ir~~~~'. Widaw$ki

Thurs~~r. Mar. 24: Choir rc: I and Tamara, Seward, were Yisitors

he~::~!d:~~OM~·~·26: Junior choir, I ~:~k~~~~l~yho~~.rnoon in the Fred

1 p. m.; church school and con-I Mr. and Mrs, WUfred Nelson, firmation instruction, 1 :30; com· 1 Pamela and I\'Iary Beth. Laurel, munion counsel and n'gistration, were visitors F~iday in Ule Fred 10 :l.m., 4, 5:30 anci 7:30 p.m. I Dcnkingcr ho~e.


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- .

Th& WOY-lle' ! Nebr.) Her.ald, Thursday, March 24, 1960 . . . .; ~o~~~: ~~s \~~~r p~~~. l~~(~h\~ i~:~::~!t,\\:~

EDITORIAL . COMM:ENT help hold up the roof, and i1~"s,lld Capitol News . -' .. '...... , ..... ~~~o~~~g;;\~rw=~;I~I~;d\,;~~I~~rI~~~~;;~

d f Ed .• on it in two "<j0ms. I'~d glll'ss('d It

St t B . t "/}' h d" / b look 'em four month 10 -huiltl -it tltl a . e ,oar 0 uta: 1-0 n : 'n:':';,,;:::;:~n~;;:;;~;:t :J.:"~ll~K;: :':::7e':. if )'o;,'~e~nj":::li;:;;'~:~~ 9;': ;,:::;,:n th'0;9",t ;; , ~~~~~~:s:fth~S\V~:~:lll;r '{l;;~~~~ :I~. ·1-~~f1nd-'_ro,.p;ni(Jn of topia t"~--con-crrn most -01 the" Ihl' ·subjj:~·t-;ll.f,~U.f.f('d you .hflt!~ 9,flin·;';i.---Y.-O',~- us (l how he knowed now why it ,_~i)J.;

< < d l flU l King Solomon 40 years to build

I ( f f C t It ~f';k~f' d}TI}' otan ('aiin'~fi{itnrritrr-to-f;;ii.FCh.~a7Trr--r:ca cr , "we 9tfJen ~art' ,Il tOlt,f}1i if) an Jmportqnt that temple, He had a -tljou~and ·S .. en,- ~er O-~~~ ~ -=.... on' ·r~~o~'~.y· -~e~ ~-r~-s-y : I'{)f,i!ahll' ta('ts hf/ore he sits down. to writl'., From prob/em (Iud the wn/l'r IS proud to hafJe called yGrlr wives standing around sllgg:t'5;tin~ _ i"/~J /.!mis the 'iL'''i~rr sJro,,(/,'-.-he able -to gif.!t a c/rar aftf'1lli~n 10 mz· import(~1Jf sllbj'i~ct thnt.WHl may. JIf/fl~ , _~d'?~':i!.!"!l~~.!!1i.st~'.L

I ~lrtlir,. of Iffl,h-,-,rtmlt topus. _ o'{!rr/fJol'fd. Your truly,

<;il~l;~'{'(:~~~!r!~ o~t~~~t~~~::s~, ii~ 1 Statistics ~ Ih~S r~e: a place that would he- of I E' lOB ut Not'. for .M .. e I .tJncle Zeke I lilt' Stall' Bml.!'rI of ,gdu(,3tion,,, ' , .... IflCe seckel'S c·ould test thell conomv 5 K ! .• \\·I'II-:t' members were first elec!<'d A,.,rr(llltllrul ... Idlrstles ""ere -,ath wing!>' and get their nanws fa ·7_-- . • • ". • I Farm News and Views III 10')J TIH're are sh:: of them, who· ere-d In Nehraska by the fed~rall miliar to NebJllskans. It also is ' , . I . !, '." ; ,

011 non.poll!'H'al ticIH't!l. jI-lOvC'rnJ11C'llt. a~ f'al:ly as 1866, In sought ufter by partv workers who . Congress IS currel1tl~ conSJ~er,"g_ an urg~nr to defray the added cos~: . . DEAR MISTER EDITOR: . I ' , ,t h d ' " '. ]8fJ8 Nebraska 'provIded for {"olleet· have a chance t ·''''be· in an import-. specral message from PresIdent Eisenhower calling , It is amazing to ~hls. writer how a Congres.s.~· When I ·was a boy thc-uld-.,folks I HOLD OFF BUYING farmland

1'.tH'lh(,i~l\I~~II~~at: BO:~d o;g~~:c~~ mg of IJ~ese lacts ... ttlOugh .assess· I ant position oncS"~·I.,'ery four years! for an increase i," postal rotH to wipe out a deficit man can· justify approval of the House action to· called the penny postal card .the. 'I for~allother YC'llr i~ possihll',: YJlI'lll i HIl, should be abalished and the I (~I:~ ~::HJ m 19}4 ,~he, state. an~ led: I-casting a ballot for a pos~ibJ(>: tota.1 ~f $569 mrllion a7'.umu~ted In' t.h,e h~ndling· extend his own free moiling privilege$: an(then c~1I ,pore man's communication sys~e~. ,experts say .thC'I'e IS n .. l'hll~;~1 Ihlll l"omlTlI~siOtl(>r of EdlH'ation 'IP· dal <:"ov~rn?lents Signe~ ~n agree. president. of mall by, the PostofflC"e Department durlng'the for increased postal rotes for the general public A letter ('ost two cl'n~ and dIdn t I prices of falmland wt~I._de(~.nx-~~:- _ !H'llltC'd'. Now, the hoard names thl' l.nent-slllI In forL'e~to JOintly p,ur.: In all·there aroe 223 pel'son~ sel;'k.; 1959 fiscal year. ' . to offset the added cost otnts ownmailings, ; man~ folks out our way eyer lise I, ~he year's (>011. ~rh('~r lll!Hj-rl',(lJ Ihlll (·ol1llllissioner and sen. his Sarary. slle the work. II ing seats in bOlr. partit.'s, This list, I The postal rate increaSe" proposal haS" receiv~ C GI C . h 0 h ,nothmg but the penny c~rd, I ,reo : rnlerest ratl-s wII! he ~o\\'er 1tI HHll Ilr F (~ D('cker holds th(' post,., N('arl~~~qrt a day ('omes out 1 pillS interest in oth·l'r state 1'<\{'t'S h:. ed wides read ublicity At' the same time two - O?9resSman enn, unolOg am, ~~ a,. collect my Grandpa telling about Wherever possible' Increase fill' 111w·h pays $11,500 per year. u.f Ihe Stu~e·Federal Division of Ag-: expected to slow ('ounting of the. h PIP h b- I b 'd .' h has voclferDusly attacked another: p~osaj, ,by I the peopl~ being mighty grateful tf): production 'from Ian? yml now

" . . . , ,., ncultural Statistics today, primary ballot bv e-Ie~llol) work. ot er proposa s, ave ee~ near y urle I,n t e Postmaster General Arthur Summerfield wh~ch I the Congress when they come up· have, Buy thp right kmd of f('rtll ,.J 1/.)))(' 1~H!:er In a ~et]~O~e~~~:'~'1 pr.ohablY the b.est known and thelers. The primaqr·balloting is Mayl re~ms of news Items poul"lng out. of Wa$hlO~ton would allow first class,moib-t-O-bt;,.fransported by· .with this fil.H-'. publ,ic serviN' ,dur· iZl'r, hig~ 9ua.lity. 'seed an.d Olhel.· •

I, [HI! I,ht ISSUP on ,I {' 0 I mo..-t frequcnt. I'" the weekly an· roo dOlly. The-y would hClv-&-tbe-Opposlt-e-,ef.f-K-t .. ofL t.h8----a-ir-wh-en_spaee was available. 109 the admmrstl'atron of PreSident items which WIll J.:IVt'. you IlllllWdl I: Ilot ['; Ihe Ne~rll~ka S~~o~l m· alysis of crop conditions. Tht' big.. President's proposal on the po&tal~ defitit,- ., - --'---~ I atp return, I i"U\l')lH'ttt Assoclatron, w Ie says <1~st IS the farm census. I Eloodlng The first was approved> by tlTe House recent- If the postal dehclt is so large that rates I Mondav morning I had to go in THERE ARE MANY pre·~'m('r ;:I"I;1t'1~~;~:7t~ISdi~~~ie~~mtl und -SnluiJ I" The division gets .U.s infor'hlation I Anxious_ officials an~ e y: i.n g Iy, It would make available to members of Con- must be. incr~ased, ,it would seem incon5iste~t !O the post ·office and buy me one of !,'(ence cllPmi{"~ls availablt;' in gr;tn

.'\ " .' .. ~ throL~.fh personal. VISits and_ from! snow-~hoke? streams and g.ull1es, I gress postal service of a ,kind not ·available to afford air. mall service ,to postal pa:f.rons wh~ paid these penny c~rd.s fer .three .cent. ular. form t111~ ,s('llson, Granul.t's ('~Jf'nl~ opposrng the petItIOn: l'orreSpondel.lts, erther by terephone I especially rn the eastern third of lather use 5 and it would be, at f rther 'public ~ only for first class service. Such o· move coula only, r think a election year IS a mrghty elimmate hauling water and rmx

d~'I\ (' I ...... t~1(',.N~braska State EdU.: or mail, ~\falling.1S from. the div.is~on 'I ~ebraska, fol' p~ssihle ,spring flood., T~ H a f Id, U bl bex resutt ~in gleater costs to the Postoffice Depart- I good time to remind them Con· ing and unpl~gging r~oz~lcs: Tilt'

t Il'on '\SsOllatlon, Ne~raska Con",yearJy rlln clos(' to Ihe one mtllLoI\ mg. The state IS takmg steps to pense. e. ~u5e ,c Ion wou ena e mem ers ment and an even greater deficit. gressmen about what they've done chances of dlrft and IfntatlOn to rt, ... ~ 0/ Par'C'nls and T~~chers, and! mark. Tile of/ice reports it has I organize volunteer and othC'r state of Congress to deliver to th~ postmast~r ~f ~ny . to the por(' man's communication, lhe operator art' also rNhH·('d t he ~(:hr<lska S~ate,. Sellool Hoard~: nea.r!y 70:000 cOITespondents on its and federal ageneic.s 10 com hat the., crty o~ town any number ,of pieces ,of mall wrth .10- , Some of the p.ostal_rote,.~I~~ aske~, by the system, Granule applicaiors. are a~1dl!~b!1' A~~tH IdllOn. They say they rep.re_ maIling list. problem when It arrses. struchons that the mall be dehvered to every Prestdent ~ .JU1douJtl~dk.J:ys.rlfle(f, but rtf would·, The penny card had a picture of from, several eqmpment m<l.OII ~(:/l.'. fiO ~)pre,('~t of the ~chool chrld . Clo~ely w~tche~ by farmers ~~d I A.s of ·n~w, offjtlJals <lnlicipule postoffice box on the -postman's route. The mail seem Congress should also leok into the idea of Thomas Jefferson, onc of the' facture~s, ~hey will do ~. g{)O~)flh, 1 t fl 111 ~C'hruska. the School i eny 10lks alIke, IS the crop report IsO"me heavy flooding, espE'ciully i w~uld not have to bear names or addresses. The reducing Postoffice Department costs and should I founders of our co.untry on It and '. of disl-nbutmg granules It. ('lIItl)l~ .

.. ,[\~'~ -",pars ago j , j d Im~I'~a weekl~'.barometer of t~e _prob·1 wit~ a fast_t~aw_ It IS expe~tl;'d _the! House took no testi~o~y on how much this ~xten- halt <:tny legislation which would se.nd these costs. if you recalled., l\hsler. Editor, ole Ie? pr~periy. {<'allow. manufa.ct.u~el'.;" ~j.,J\ l, I.l~~nt Assoc anon tr e un able l'On~lttlOn of Nebr-aska -s- nurn---;Jtr1li-y Engineers, Civil Defense-and t sion would cost, Nor aid it vote adoltional funds soaring even higher. i Tom was Wl'armg a mIghty pleas· dJr(~ctlOns and (,ol1~ul~ your crealt'r i)~'~tt~lssJt:IJ~:~I~SP~~·1~7e ~.~~~~ ~~~~~ i ber one mdustry. i volunteer agencies like the Red I an~ Ipok in that pjctul'e, like he; 10 be- 'sure your _<;t'ttJllgs tire ·('01

!(; ,L:t't the ,matter"before· the voters I Delegates _ - I it~~~a~i:~ ~:~J;i;<1I~~ayv~i.!~a~~t~~ i -~ ~AU' ~. I ,~--" ··W'·~-~-·-~·~ ___________ j_~;;e~r~~: :~~(~(~~t~~~=~::t~ ~~:;'.: re~~YBEANS 'A·R-&---*S~';rk·-·!ii·{TR>~·-II~I~ ,~i~1I ... 1, he' group_ ,has had many l'h:r. __ ~~~'e a ~ot _~o~.r.e .p~rsons .r-ooIems. "'," -r--Or .--- -t-s-- ortn I didn't want ta·embarras Tom <;0 i profitable than second or third 111f!( rUH(S With Decker" the St~te seekmg a seaTaI nrc natlOna-i party - - -- , ,. , " ., I they put ole Ben Franklin's picture year eorn wbich rnqst be sold al flt'!..Iilrlnwnt o~ EducatI~n! ~hlCh I conventions this year: ~ne of t~e. It Will be qUite some time before !he ~mble the pot: rs,. boding. The voters are taking an '"ter~ Ion it. This was a bad mistake on \ harvest, say farm managers. If L,t ,c1{(>I'" ~uperVlses and individual 1 reasons for, ,the b~ost In mterest m " See fly the Herald' that started three ~eeks ago Tuesd'!y mgh," m:.the est In theIr government such as ~ever before .. ~he I account -of" ole Hen being knoWed 1 you ~ __ not have capaCity". for all I~'~ milt r s of the Board of E~~a- i Nebraska IS reVival of, the two.. _ " Wahoo caucus~s dies a,way .t..CJ a whlsp:er. Nbthlngl resul~s -of the caucuses have pro~lded two qualified I as the "Fatber of Thrift," and the corn you .raise, consider, piai'll. I (n , ,party sy~tem thus creatl~.g more short of war WIth RUSSIa, Will cause as much talk candidates for .almost every office and when the [they wasn't no thrift in a tw,o·cent ing more acres to soybe1tnS and ,'''' ,1.1. ~r.auer, Jr" stuart, fIeld mter,est I,n the Democ~abc ~8rty. H., R. Y.oung, selective service I on the street corners, around the breakfast and citizens of this community trovel to the polls Apr, post card, If yC?u've got one of fewer to corn. Cap~tal l~eqlljre It pr( S( nla.Uve for the S,ohool I~. Another IS the ~ast' ~Ith whl(>h a auditor, Lmcoln, spent last Mon.: coffee tables or wherever Wahoo peopte meet as 5 they will have a choice .. , something that has them old two· centers around, Mis- ments for growing soybeans are' p!·ovenwnt group} says hu~ orgamz· delegate_ could file thiS year, day to Thursday in Wayne. He: th d b k' t t t~th 'N t . I' f . . f ter Editor git it out and look at it. lower than those of corn, .. 'I'orr\ principle pos!tion is th-at In the pa,st, it was necessary to was a' guest of Mr. and Mrs, E. G. ,e recor - rea. log ur~ou a, e caucuses, .. ,0 been sad.IY acklng r.ont time, to time or many! Ole Ben_l~k&.IDighty down in the , (lnf' p~rson should have executive circulate petitions and then file the Smith. . since 19ZB! when ?n ~ntlfet~ n~w slate' of offlcnrl~ ;ears. This renewed interest is healthy and those I dumps, like he was plum disgust~ 1----· --.----:----

. po\\"el~.~tl ,Ihe ~tat,e for formatio~ of petitions, with the secreta.r~ o,f_, Mrs. Rudolp~ _ Ha,mmer visited f were put IOta office In a SImilar mon, has su.ch df you who turned· ou. t ~ do-your duty at the cau~ led, NW Wayne -pol-r-c; ft-s ,a-iten too-onrsystem of St~te. ThiS -year, a:h ihat was_:re· SafUrday morlllhg 11'1--(111:- Albert'!·a~ge-neF(~J mo¥eme,nt~beeA-seen.-__ .-_. ' - .. ~.~-.- ,-. ' I· notl:~thl't!"E!.1!"entrrr--r_-I-.;;"._ .. ;;;;o .. _-.:· .. ;;;. __ =;;;.==;;---~ ,ulmll)]stt'ahve government to have qlllred was a $25 filing fee, There Soules home, ThiS has been one of the best thrngs that cuses· are to be commertd'ei:ll Give yourselves a pat I bO ht M d th t th' t t ,\r: ,{'X('('utive b~ard," ,ate 131 Democrats· filed either for Mr. and Mrs, John Plath and! could hoppen, People have been stirred up ,and on the back - Wahoa Newspaper, [as~:med t~n p~ an;bod/: ;:et!~e Mr. and Mrs. Will Schroeder VIS- .

I h{' three .ma]or school orgamza· delegate or alternate and 92 Re· Peggy and Mrs. Sadie Hammilt, I Ion It Just u a d ng f M lted Gerald Hales last Tuesday t'v(>

1WltS, on the, other ha~d, claim ",re· publicans, The Republican total is Woodbine, la., we r e weekend i . •• Llbe~ty At I:~st th~~~ad ~e p~~s mng . . ~l"lledl.Y..trYll1g to revl~e'a que~tlOn rO'llg.hly, the s~me but the Demo· guests in the C. ~. Stirt2 home. __ : _ Meet AAF . u ~u.~ Man-of Many MISSIons per respect fer Ollr foundmg fath.i Raymo~d Florlnes spent_I-a-st-f:-rI- -

-- -~~--l'9S4. ~~-.', rs. c.--G-;----5m-ith -spent SiJl1cfay I. • tytg. 'Q ... ers not to embarrass 'em puttmg day ev.enmg m the Glen Granqmst ____ "uustake, as well as a· b~._$.ome An added re~son for the boost 10 and Monday in the F, C. Yont ~ , , , . ' . I their picture on thiS piece of stal home Last Sunday they a)ld Gran

('\:pense to the state," TIl~n)7 the the Democratic side is that the home Lincoln No edrtor, dead or alive rn fhl$ century or of paralleled lack of convlctlonal courage. liar y Ad th t' but thPOOnl qUlsts were guests of Frank Lar board system is "democ.ratic- and party i~ having half ~otes at the IMr: and M~s_ Kennard' Mdnske colo~ial days has been m.issed by' that ageless, And, strangely enoug~, not all of his missives thl~~n gOOd

n I c:n s S~yO abou~ thi~ sons 10 honor ,of Mr Larson's and

bl'lngs ('{lntrol of, the State Depart· I conventIOn, thus do~.~_l~~~_ th~ "~~~.: a~~_, l\!~~~, .. :~,~en~" ~~~. ~~~kend in mystic cr~s~der .~f_ ~he ~~~I~.~ A ~~~~~~~.s.:_._. ' ~re wlth~~t ~~rl~ .. ~anr times he ~roposes good, new three cent post card. I hope Mr GranqUIst s. b~t.?days. llH'nt of Educahon closer to the ber who Clln be elected, Runmng Ute Clarence Sl"uveTi·nome; Si::lllx· A miln of many faces wlthl1fiiiny: miSSions; lie,r-ticiCkSit' up WltJi mtelhgent ·-l'"eos.onlng-ond- -then my Congres-sman wHf'take note, Henr.y--HoffmanB-'-.and, Frieda and ---peopll'.'· . for party convention traditionally City. has rubbed shoulders with the seething, masses of drifts awoy- to hunt-up anot~er editor's mailbox ... Ed was telling the feUers at the Marie Hoffman were dInner·guesls

====================::::====~=====-=-=-=-:::...:::...:::...=-=-=_=- the -great city 1aborec:t-'withr1ie-p~of~ ~ous evktentty----pass-ed---th-rougfr-our--town country store SatlU'"day-night~abou -las~Y- of ~~:-M~._~-- i country folk ~nd prescri~s, without. asking or - some~ Mo~4~y_ for in that day's mail was .on.e being ov~r ~< town to inspect ~ be~r~~::~~~d M-r:r.~~'r.everLirut-

B . d P f · I '! pay, the cure---ror-lltt-the evIirqt--nmnklnd, -----ot:""1fIS: prescnptlons for the. common good. tilS ~aUgh~~r s ~w ~o~sfk -~- :~krhlt family visited in the Amos-E-ehten-

U.sl·n·e'ss an' . fO .esslo·na I His mos~ revere~ possession is his unlimited lett~r ~as rational and intelJigent; his _suggestion drO~~ thfnkw~uch at th~ wa~ th: 1 ka~p ho~e ~ast Thursday q.)(~_nin~, I supply of statronery, Inks and sta~p, and on up- meritOriOUS" I house building trade is carried an frIday evemng Echten~a.mps: ami ) t~-the-minut~ ~irecto~y of all ne~spaper, ma,g~~. But, M,r. M. ous, If y~u feel so ~trongly ab~ut these days, He said the ll:lmber Mrs. Irene. G,eewe "were;:vis~t~l'S ~

0-1 R "E' C7==oa' 'Y-". I zine o~d periodical edlt~rs, as wel!.~~,the m~h~a- ~hot.Y0u writer '!Vhy-not 11ft your ved?-Gay Mrlls, I was so green that come sprmg of Percy Chnshansens,

-.- . - --- -- - - ~ - - - ! tion n-ecessa.ry for his incognito existence, an un~ WIS Independent. I the }ear they'd have to use a 1awn I Mr. and ~r5. w_ H. Sf-1~II, Lau-. .,. I mower on the floors arfd a prunm6 reI, VISited In the Harold Shell

.. _ ' ..... _~~.--'- - .. .. ~. .'- '''1' f.even northeast coUnties Flll'nwrs'-ntght '""n""Ok-eR-4h"-"'.'lberhoard S He aI· , homo Thursday afternoon _. ---. W B k held last week Each member of the Wayne Men·s - -ay ac .. ~_ club brought a farmer fnend to dinner at the Hotel


Veterinarians Willard Wiltse ___ 492 When 2S Years Ago I

City Treasurer- W: A. Koeber, o. D. Mar. 21, 1935: Pearl Sewell will hold the Wayne Drs, Jensen and Brown Leslie W. Ellis --.~ 23·J OPTOMETRIST I 10 'Years Ago county grade spelling contest at the courthouse Sat· I

110 ~est 1st Street Ci~o;~:jWitt 295 W 111 West 2nd Phone 173 1 Mar. 23, ,11950 : Wayne High school. entrants se, ~:e1 Fr'1Cia~~ig~t ~~:~~~e:a~!e~~~:e;~~Pb:;.a~O~~: I Office Phone 75 City Attorney- --- -.~ 1;1 lected to compete in the district speech contest are ing missed . -: Three Wayne students, -Bethel Brown

, B. B. Bornhoft __ 218 ' ayne, Nebr. Bob Moses, humorous division; Chere Houdersheldt, of the' city school and Mattie Scace and Helen Mab· - CHIROPRACTORS C"l dramati('; Mary Carhart, poetry, and Alan Cra ,000rof the college high school placed in the- sub-'

SEWING· MACHINES newscasting Fire completely destroyed the district d.eclamatory contest at Laurel Girl Elmer Young grocery store at DI~on Tllesday ni~ht scout rany at which -golden' eagi('t awards will be

A. D. Lewis, D_ C. ' . Joan Ahern, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, John F.I presented to Dorothy Hook and Mary Ella Pile and Ahern, rc('eived the degree of bachelor of ~cience! at which many other merits will b(' awarded will bl' in technical' . from Iowa State ' held Thurtoday Carroll school board reo

Neurocalometer Service 112 East 4th St.

Life Ins, Co. Martin Polhemus j District Agent

and Associates Tel. 226 108 W. 3rd St.. Wayne


Assessor, Henry Arp _198

Clerk, C. A,.Bard ___ .08 Judge, David J, Hamer --258

Equitable Lite Assurance Sh;;;:;'I, Weible ____ 233 Society Deputy E. L. Hailey._.750·W

Benthack Clinic 215 W. 2nd st.

Wayne, Nebr,

Phone 1060 .

recently sold th'e bUsiness ,to! Jean Pasewalk, Dorothy Bartels, Frances Taylor I i and Mylet HolekamP, Mrs. F. B. Deeker was not

* lS Years Ago 1945: A ·"house for rent"

Hera brought in the of.50 responses, Each one wanted to rent a home in Wayne and all but one were disappointed, , . William Beckenhauer reports the Red Cross drive now has $4,150.02, This Includes 18 rural and 26 ~~ty _d.~~!!jcts~~_,!!!~ Mrs. C. L, Bard celebrated their silver wedding an· niversary Sunday with a family cooperative dinner at noon and open house JO the afternoon and evening,

+: *

: an applicant for re·election,

* -*....~

OF THE UNITED !'.TATES -' Supt., Gladys Porter __ 114" 20 Y A George L. John, M. D. 1 ears go

_. Keith Jech Treasurer, Leona Bahde _232 q.II'4""",;; .. ";1,."""""'"r""''''vifio;rt~~~iii'F.ii"-iiiii-=iitii;:,,::iii--mnothP:..,..veTlTe!1.t+--P·b. 361W-· ~ W~tll--Waj1n, 1·-.w·;rt,<·~~"""",:c~U!In.~ -;;c;;;--I ..... ~'WG!{;II'l-· _d~~JY tl1eStat~ B'Olird ""'1cdH"";';,,,,,,,,,,,_,"·~n,,,oln.

Dean C. Pierson 111 West 3rd.

Farmers ·1 nsurance

Agricultut6 Agen.ts-Harold Ingalls __ ~_564

114 East Third Stre~t to ha\·e an engineer's figure prepnred of ('ost of sewage treatment for Wayne- . , Surplus Commodities assoeiation bas a.

Office Phone 712

tive in '

Page 11: l~II~ ~ OotJL ·1:~:~'i:::kly ojuig Hosl

";' '_", ~.~. ~-::':="'-"""'o'""":'."",,"' .. "" .. "'.":'."' .. ,,"'. "'c'''"· .,., ... ..,·.~ ... ,"'.·.,"""' .. ""' .• "',,"',."',, .. d ...... , "' .. '!",r .... £.",R "' ... ~ .. ",4 ................... ;J .......... ,"I!"I'''I!''i' ............. - .... , ... , .. \ .. , ........................ : ....... , .. , .. ,~.,~ •• ~·'~t.:'!!~~tnl\I~,~"-:'!1:"d:O; .. ::J;.~

I $ I

Gloria, ')'Ir. and"')'Irs. George 7IIag 'and :\Irs. ,I,lX Holdorf, :'.11'. and days of 1'.Il's. Pearson.., Vi-l'gil '(lJ;~l 't(,lldE'd.·opell hous.e in' th(' LulbCl 'The Wayne (Nebr.) HerQld, Thursday, March 24, .1960 :.! I Duson, Mr, and Mrs. WiJlis John- 1\11'5. Elrav Hank and faIllHy,--,Mrs. : Da~. Bard honl(' ~Sunday ('venll'lg lor I-. ___________ '=:~---....;.-.... ...;:_-

CO~CORD NEWS son, Ml' and-Mrs.~-.--E.cl~ C;~r-o!-in(' }'lege visited in the Jarn"j- Mrs. Ceorge Vollet's was a glle ..... ' -Bard's JortLtth wedd~ng anntH'1 I II t I f 1 \ I \\ I N 1 l\t .I,ark F,;',wip,i. MI's. : son ,and' da-ughter~, Mr .. a~d Mr".! es Hank hqme Friday eve-ni. : in· th~ Dick Hanson home Fmla) ,sar),. . ~"-:neaslda~~n~,Vt~~~~) i1~('~;~~ g,~~~ s( I'l~'~' I F'~it~mRjt:'l~',t'O MI's. KC.llllcth, .Klau.

---Mrs;--Gail Martindale-Phone JU·.·4"!:24S1 ! Ine,r Peter~on an~ Knstl{l, r-.~r:: Mr. a~d Mrs. Marlen Hol~f, mormng,._ ,.' Mr. and. Mrs. v~rneal. Petc!,rs~n : son. tlOlll(~. i\1t!!. ,JlI11 J'lnrl\~oll. f;('Il. Mrs. 1:'1"t'd Mn"ttt1\t'f:;" j\1I1/t; __________________ ..;.....; ____ : and Mrs, Jim Nelson and famll} I <lnd I,lmJly wt're last Sund~y af.! Mr. and Mrs. Floyd. sulilv~n and daughters spent Fl'Iday ev('·: Hoh('I't 'and Vr,\IICl'S spent ·T\lur .. CllIl"l1llCC- Tullll' and 1\Irs. ',Janil':'1

_ . . ___ ... _ .. _ _ _"'. .... _ _ .. _~ and. 1\1r..:. ~~ Mrs. Art J~ns~_a~ tr.'rno~n ~.~d ~~_~~.~~_?ues~s ~,:~h~.spent I~~t Tuesdar evenmg in _~~~'~ing i? _~0.rllid p~~C!~o.?_~?!~~~:..~!!_~l .... <l.tJ~ntQ.Q!! ... }tL. . ..tIH' L.uvcrtH', -Matsl1kJ:-; .8.pent I WedU()sclJY; lI.l~r-. -Ch-ur-L- - -servJCl!, Trre--story-m-l1u.' cross, Dwight. ~K "Erwin home. ,freorge- "VottlIT5""4'ruIlTe-:-. 1\IrS.Vlrgll Pearson ana chiWl'en 'Clarkson hom(', noon in the l':i:tlH'r Hogel' Ji\1tfl't' '.0_5 •••. B p.m. --, I Fern Anderson was released ~ Mrs. Cla~ence . ~uttl(' s pen t ! we~e Saturday supper gues.ts in: MI'. liml Mrs. Hoh Hurt 'jllld' [01' her 11I\'thduy. " Evangelkal Pree Church 1-.-- Concordia YMC~ '. I from the Wa):ne hospital las: M?n· ,Thu~sda)' afternoon in the Thomas I the Mrs. Jewell Fin_n..:.~.9.llI(,1, Nol" I family SIlt'nt Thlll'sday l'Vt'llIng ill 1\1rs. Hoy ,Joh;lson. ·~.1I's:WYlll,OI'('

(Ambrose J. Collins, pastor) Silver Wedding . . : YMCL met In the C?ncordla d!l'y afternoon and is. recuperatmg: ErwlU home, / . ~ folk. .- 'tlw Luvenw Clarkson ho ill t'. Wnl!in und Dul"a Peterson wl.'ry Thursday Ma .::l4:' Ch.o1r... .: i Thursday·~vening VIsitors in the I ~~:,he:.~nnichur_~.r~.t ~,U~. at home. . "~! Mrs. Hen~y. Rastede was a dl~' I Wednesday eVening .(1.11',. ru'ld ~.a:'1t ~Intlay l'\"l'nm.~r._ :ulll /-luests. In tlH' George Anrl{'r'ion

-tiee, 7:30 .m. L. _.. pr.a.(: -f~u~m(fr~~wansurr-:tJUT1l1~-~I ' e .ng..,....~J~-. . ~~ .\H. IDITJ1i1rS"."-·A"fT~-m-r·1 lIel guest III tlte Q~jj 11\Irs. WUired Nob"bTjiff(fsoi1s-,::i"ri"il------rrr-rs.~('orgel\-lugnus()n VlSTIl>(flilllOlt.'ll';. .' . p , ,'. Ilhelr Silver weddmg annlvenary n~al Peterson and Mr. and M "Iand Mrs. Leroy Koch and Mrs. home last Sunday. IMr. and Mr~, Darryl Hubbafd 8nrilthe"\\aUace ]'lagl1l1son homt'o JIIlllUY S.t'l'v.en spen! Monduy to

h~nday, Mar. 25: Men s fell-ow·1 were Mr. and Mrs. Keith ErciksoD I Jim Nelson had charge of the pro· Clarton Anderson visited Fern I Mrs .. Clarence Pears.?n _.~<lS a' family were guests for homemud£" MI'. and !o.il' .... Meh:in -1\'lagnuson W{>{\I1t's£\IlV in Ill(' Morris Johnson 8 IP, Logan Center El'B church,: and daughlers, Mr. and 1\-11'5. Nor· gram. ,Mr. and Mrs .. Ha.r~l~ Andt'l"son in the Wayne hosp~tal \ ca~jer in the J~well Killion home' ice cream in the Bob Sherry home and family.were lasl Sunday din· hatTle' '. 8 p.m. 'man Anderson and daughter.s and George and 1\11:. and 1\1rs. VUgl Ilast Sunday afternoon. Evenmg I Fnday <!ft~rnoon. . _ Mrs_ Har.old Macklem, Laurel nor gu(,sts III the Wallace 'l\Iugnu Diane Rnd Duit' Magnil~oJI w('\'{'

Sunday, Mar. 27: Sunday school,: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stinger and Pearson served. .. I \'isltors were Mr. and Mrs. Ah'inl Mrs. Frtlz Kraemer. aod Mrs. 1 ~Jl('nt Monday afterno?n in Ole AI": Son homC'. . ovel"tlIght gUl'sts'-of Mrs,.,·,~yinol'(' 10 a.m.: worship, 11; gospel hour, 'Terry. Su~day evening the follow· . '. . .. 'Anderson. Harlan and Cll~.(i.S AJ?·.I CI.al'ence. pear .. so. n w. e.ro. gUl'.S.I.~ .. in \'Id Peterson ho.me m hoyor· of .1Ihs. Wilft'cd Nohb(' ami Ala~l' Wallin \"/(l~!1{1sriay. und 'rbtlr14tlay. 7:3n p m. ing fa~i1ies s~rprised Swansons I Bon~lle Fletas, ",::yne, was.a derson and Bill D.en~ingel'... t~e S}~.r~~~ .. R.!.stRd~ ---ll9"I1Ht . ..!'-l.st . Mrs .. Pe~rson·s -birlh~ay. Mr. and vlsitNI in lht:, Ro!!('n Dunn homt' l\1t .. a~d l\lt's. WI Ilium Willi. Wt'l"j,'

Munday., Mar. 28: Sunday·sehool i for their anmversary: Wallace last .saturday ovcrnlght guest III ,.Mr. and Mrs Mike Rewmkei 111eS~ay sft':TTmon. I,Mrs. Wmton Wa1Hn <1I1d family last SllndH'Y altemooll. g"uesl.s ItJ the (i. (;:. Mnl'p~Hlnlp slaff, 7:30 p.m. Magnuson. Charles .and Donald ,the Pau.! Bose ho~e. . land Ktl1"t were Thursday afternoon 1 Friday. Mr. an~ Mrs. Ha,rold:werc evening .guests. Mr. aRdl Mr. and J\lrs. Wj]~red Nohbt, and home Saturday throlll,(h M()l)d~,y,

WE dnesday, Mar.' 30: JUOic.,.r YP. 'Kardell, Vernt'al and Arvid Peter·, M~. and Mrs. Dl.ck Stall~ng a.nel visitors in. ·the Frank Carlson hon,e! Burns jomed a ¥roup i~ th(' OrviL[ Mrs. Verneal Pt'tcr..ion and family son.s Wl'rt' gllesl~ 10 thl' J\lilford l1.iarlent' and r:llliu'e: li"~!I!bt'rg 7::-:0 p.m. pray('\' me('tin~' lind' 80n. A no· host lunch was served. fa.mdy and Mrs. DlCk Slalhn~ and for Minnie's I)lrthday. Mr. ~nd: TutU.e hom~, SlOllx......Ci.ly~ .. £~nd Mr .. and Mrs. Iner Pe1l'rSOIl, HOl:'hl'r 110111(' Fl'Inay t'Vl'tlIng. \Vl'rt' \\"l'dncsdllY lind Thursd.uy 0\'·

Btbit' :itudy, 7:30. Kim ~ere la~t Sun?ay dinner I r-.~rs. Vl'l"n Carlson were evelllng I evenmg.of cards. and Kristi were Sunday dinner I Last Sunday ~'v{,llin~ Mrs. Gun· el'OIght gUl'!\tS III till' Honry Jnhn·

CGTlco.rdia Lutnerat; Church (S. E. Peterson, pastor)

Thursday, Mar. 24 AL(,W. p.m.

Saturday, Mar. 26: l'onHrmatloll, 10 a.m.

Sunday; l\lar. 27: Sunday sehoul, 9:45 a.m.; divinc worship, 11. church membership class, 3 p.m

Wednesr!ay, Mar. 30 Lentf'n

Peterson Honored guests 10 the Bill Stallmg home. \"ISltOI·S. I ~ Mr. and Mrs. Harold ,Durns and I guests. I nar Swnnson VIsited In thl' ·Mt·s son home

M~s~uh~~~~ jua~~:~~o:nl're I\~~lest:~~ fO;da~ta~~::~de~~?I~r~nM~!~eC~~~: an~r;Jeftd w~I;~~iie~~r~~~r/~~'~~~~ i f~m;~~ w~~:. S~~~~fe d~~~I~ ~~~~,~ an~r ~I:.n~n~?r:irs~I~~~::tl~~(~l\~~'~·' CI~~:s~Tli:):~ 1~~1~~; 'reports her I J~~h~,I~~~~~~I'~v:~~~~ia~~~il.t'~~~1 ::~~~. the Ar\'id Pt'tcrson home honoring ('rnight guesl.~ in the Eric ~('bon 'I guests in the' 15enneth Klausc'n I Randolph.. son were dinner guests ·Sunday. in daffodils and tulips are up two ed in t-he h:dwlll'd Lilln hOI1W. PeteJ.sons' wedding annive.rsary. home. hO!11{' le!st Sunday. Thl'Y were all -Sunday evenmg the· Harold I the Roy Pearson holm" honoring I inches in spite of the snow drifts Dt'nllls Gurdon, WakcfieHI,. was , ___ _ :'-.1),1'011 PelerSttll ('ailed congratula. Mrs. Dick H!l(lsoll was a patient gut'sts In the Tl'd Middleton homc·i_~~rns_ family joined a group iN·the' the birthdays of Mr. and Mrs. Hoy nearby, 1 a guest in the Fred Salmon home tions from AlIantic, {;a. Ill' was in the Wayne hospital last Sunday In lh(' afternoon. : Ro~d~~ -.-----. - .. ~.Pe~..r§o!l.. J e f f. Barbara an rl SIlf'IIPy last woekend _ ('nroutt' to ('allfornill from Arabia. ur Wednesday. I 1\11'5. Yerl Carlson and Tammy Jlm Pearson, Umverslty of Ne· 1 Mr. and Mrs. Crayton Anderson Creamer Wl'rl' I'~I'id<lY ·~tH(,l'not)tl ,Mr. and Mrs. Kcnn.~~h-·5~}}pIJ. EH~njng gU('sts W'i'l e l\lr. and Mrs. M' d M ' B \'d Eo's Lau· were Fnday afternoon guests in' b~'aska, spent the weekend with and daughter Were slipper guests I guests in the M.rs. iVlartlw Hi('th I f~.n~ 1\11'5. Dean Salmon and Ben-WaJlace Magnuson and Dpnise. rei ~e~~ gU:SSts i~'thf' del~:~'Graf.' the ll('rnHI? Kraemer home. . hiS parents, Mr, sod Mr~. CiaI" Wednesday in the Alv10 .Anderson home. ~{llt. Wakefit'ld, vi~ited in till' Mr. ~l1d Mrs. Glenn Magnuson lIml fis' home Friday evening. Joan: Mrs. Della Pearson .was tI dm·lence Pearson.. . I.home. .' I. Je':1!n Sl'rv~n spent, ~.1onday tn I'red Salmon hOI11t' r~url:iday uf·

~lalcom t I' t ek' thl' I ner guest Welinesday In the Dale Mr. and Mrs. QUInten Erwm and 'Mrs. ErVIn Brown, Wakefield. I \Yedlll'sday III the I'rod Salmon tcrnoon. ,.-_____ ...,_____ G ff' h spen ~ as we ID I Pearson home to celebrate her Joan, were luncheon guests in the, spent Thursday afternoon in 1lH' hOhlt'. . Mrs. Daryl Ilubbun\ visited in r~ IS ~m~i CIS h 'blrthdav. I Walter Johnson home, Wakefield.' Ernest Swanson hom('. Mr. and Mrs. Flovd Sullivan the Ivan Clark home Thursc,(lIY aI·


The facilities of our mortuory­

the chljrchlike, chapel. the private

'Em;~so~n . e~tSun:: 'e~e~r~na::~ Lori .'Peterson~ ~as an overnight, Friday. ", r Woman's club will meet in tlH' were gu('sls Thursday' l'venlOg III tl'rnoon. ~the vern';t~in!11an hOl~e.l\'lr.~nd!gLlest 10 the An'l(] Peterson homt!. Mrs. Otelia. Magnus~n amt~rs.llwilliS Jo~nson h~me Apr. 6. :th{> It"lt? iUeth homp. ,l\l~" alld Mrs. Ivan Cla~'k and 1M W'ir St . I [ Wednesday and T9ursday. I Thomas Erwm were dtnner guests Mrs. WIlliam Rieth spent Thurs· La!;;t SHnda\" allernoon Mr. allri i 1 c'n~ Bunall1an w {' r C slipper 1\ :\'1. I .Ia~n M ~mll~an a;t(' ail.'l: James Martindjile spe-n~ Tbu~s· I in the Gtenn Ma.gnuson. hom-c·Slln~ I day a-Her-noon· ·in the Vern St-ein· Mr-5 ... Edwin ~l'SbP-l'~' and 1\11'. allCl gll~~ts- in t\1I:>- Stan Swftlls-on-hum-t'--I ~;d I\~~ ~1;ld M~~: H~tvey e;~/~,!~~~ I da'y mght in tM George Vollers d~y to celebrate Mr. Magnuson's I man home. Mrs Wylt Johnsun ;J!ld son~ wt'l'e' l~st. Tuesday eVC'nlng.. , f'-d f ij E . t l·.·t~holll-e-. _.':'. __ -i-hirthda)L.. ,. Jean ServeD was a supper·gu-e!i{lguesls I.n till' Ilpnr~ .J()hll~1)11 hom!:' \\-urd h-a.s h('en r£'ct'lvcd-l\wt-·Uw--~'~esd:m e~~nin~e~~o~he s~~~inm~;"Il: Mr. a'nd Mrs. Clayton Anderson, Mr. a~d Mrs. ~arlen Johnson; in the Bill Rieth home Wed,ne..<>ela y . 1 for Arl1le's hil·thd;l~ 1\11'. ami Mrs., infant ~on of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon J / ' b' thd <lnd Shelley and -Mr. and ,Mrs. Le· I ~nd family were afternoon callers I 1\1r. a~d Mrs Laverne (Iarkson Don J)ahlqulst---W-t'-l~ (J"l'llll'g "I P<Jp! .Kancoke,llawaii tJllIlerll'pnl '1(;111<.' or. s ~UH1~t NGj.}~.-!<-oc_h ~n.~ C~eryl ('~lled ~'!... th_~.: In.--!.he ~Ienn ~.<l~!lW~illli-home Sun·! and family sp~nr t~rst·· Sund.ay af. Hal'S. <;llrgl'ry for hemin last wt'ck.

. -supper. .. .gu~sts In 1 F.rank Carlson home 1'-rKIaY eve" I day. .. : tern.oon in the Jim C~arkson hom~"1 Mrs. Ceeil ~,'I~rk ldt l~:,~ 1.·~~.~;.' .' th F . . h - -'SIt' d nmg. -.: Mrs:" 'l\laTtha ···-Rleth····spE'nt "-Mon,.! .... Dranne"M'a'grrusun "W<rs--a 'grre'st,l1'l darfor-<r"""Vrstt:-m' th(' NeTt KITC\"l'!,.1 GET FAST RESULTS ~ ~y S d o;e a ur ai' . I Mr and Mrs. Virgil Pearson and' day in the Jack Erwin home. - the Winton Wallin----n-n-m--e---onda) home, South SIOUX l'Jlv.

th a~l' ~lIlHaYk ~nner gu~sMmjfamilY, and Mrs. Delia pearson) Mr'. and Mrs. Winton Wallin and and Tuesday.. .. l'CCI: Clark was a ::'~ndi>y dmll~1 USE WAYNE: HERALD .an~ M;':.~ Ev:~tt ~~~ :~d Ma~: were Sunday dinner guests in. thel Renee, Mr. and Mrs'. Ivar Ander· Mr. a~d Mrs. Laverne Clarkson! gUtls! in the r);"nf Borg IWIllt'.. WANT AOS lys, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Peru·. i Dale Pearson home for the bIrth· .son and Ruth and Mae PearsoT! at· and famll.y and Mrj and Mrs. noh I Mrs. ?liarlha RIL'lh. l\ir~. l\hllie'

son, Mr. and Mrs. James Hank I ' and Pam Hughes. .

M,. and Mrs. Bud Hanson. and I savings on every department' famliy were last Sunday dmner •

gU:l~~s'~~dthe OS~~g:~h~:~~o~o~n~i I room. and so forth -- all were I

~---··-·I~~~··"-~~----~--"~--~·-~-""~·----·-----~-H~~~,~!~~~~:~~~ designed and bui It for one purpose; Mr. ~nd Mrs. even~:~son <lnd:

to meet those special requirements

present during bereavement.

PHO'NE 8l 6·3251 LAUREL


~~~~~~ ~~el~~ela~~~u~~~~o~V~~~l~ht 11


Delwyn and Dwight Johnson, spent from Monday to Thursday 'in'

; th~~r:~d O~~~~ ~:;:u;:~m~~~~d: I family spent Friday evening in

: th~~~i~e. [::;:l~n a~~~~T1ette Me. I Donald spent Wednesday night in the Willis Johnso(J home. They were overnight guests in the Mere : dith "John.!.on home Thursday. ' Mt~ a:rrrt"""" Mrs-;---Will1s· J"oh"m-on-'­

I were guestSTtltheFrankMcDon--, aId homc last Saturday evening in i I honor of McDonalds' wedding an·:

: ni~e::::lf' a ~ d Vern'ita H'oldorf i ,were visitors in the Jack Erwin 1

'home last Monday to V\ednesday. i Mr. and Mrs. Jack Erwin, 1\11'. I


R'oyal GELATIN ~.

this coupon and purchase Y2 Ga lion or ~ more of

TOP TASTE MILK at Wayne .National. FoOd Store.

Page 12: l~II~ ~ OotJL ·1:~:~'i:::kly ojuig Hosl

"1 :····:··r: ...

----.---:-,~ :,::


4 -The Wayne (Nebr) Herold, Thursday; Mcirclt·24, , ",,:n+.:.niH.llr. Mrs. Krei, who is an aunt of Her· muD and Oscar Thun, died Sunday morning. Funeral services Tuesday at Coleridge. CARROll NEWS

Mrs. Arthur Cook - Phone 36

Mrs. Walt Lage visited the S. J. Hales Friday.'

Mrs. Anna Hansen and Arnold Hansen were guests in the Dean Owens home for dinner.

Sunday dinner, Anderson home.

Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Rohlff the weekend in the home parents at Carnav.an, la.

Mr. and Mrs. Enos Williams and John were dinner guests Sunday in the Wayne WilHams home and supper guests in the Roy Jenkins home.

Janet Lage was a Saturday over· night guest of Barbara Cook.

The Dale Stoltenberg family, Lincoln, were Saturday supper guests of Loren Stoltenbergs. Mr and Mrs. John Rudebusch evening caBers.

The Roland Sbhl Sunday in the Max Stahl

The Ronal,1. K,J.l,hnhcnns Thursday -{'~"~ni!]g in Ule Pearson home. Sunday they were

.dinner guests of Ellery Pearsons. Karen Sahs, Omaha, spent the

weekend in the Gilmore Sahs home.

Guests in the Marvin Isom home for Sunday dinner were 11'11'. and Mrs. William Stalling and Clayton, Mrs. Dick Stalling and Kim, and Scott Stalling, Concord

The Dallas Cunningha m were Sunday visitors in


Jim Church and Joan Mellick spent Sunday eveni-ng in the Ijj'om Church home.

Mr and Mrs. Richard Van Venter and family, West \i'Ne dinller guests Sunday of rv Johm IllS.

~\Ir. p'.d Mrs.

E. Jones

Last week. callers in . Waller home were Melvin

Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Hoberts Leon and the Everetr Waller Roland Stah~1 famjJj~s.:

Sodefy .... Social Forecast thursday, Mal'. 24_

Social Neighbors, Mrs. Jay Middleton

Merry Makers, Mrs. Art Glass Friday, Mar. 25

Country Card club, Herman Brockmans

Happy Go Lucky, Marion Glass Sunday, Mar. 27

B & B,. Ted Winterstei~s Toe-"day; -Mar. 29

Way Out Here, Mrs. Lester ,eo Menke

Music Boosters Music Boosters. which was post·

poned twice because of weather ami road conditions, will not meet this month. Next regular meeting is Apr. 13.

GST Club GST club

Prizes were won by Vernon Hok-amp, who and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne The next meeting will be Dean Owens home Apr. 22.

LLL Club Ernest Fork was hust to

club members Sunday the church parlors. Loval Neighbors

Mr. and. Mrs. Ted were honored for their

La r r y and Dennis day evening in the Gus Johnson O'~eill, spent the we~.J~~nd _ with home, Prizes went to Mr. and Mrs. theIr parents, the MaUrIce Han· Wayne Imel, Mrs. Winterstein and sens. Mr. Johnson. Cooperative lunch

Mr. and Mrs. C. H. l\lorris and was served. The anniversary cake Harold were Sunday supper guests was baked by Mrs. StanlE'Y Morris of .Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Morris; and decorated by Mrs. John Paul·

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kenny were sen. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. dinner guests Sunday in the Mer- Morris and family and Mrs. Paul· lin Kenny home. sen and Angela.

Mrs. Ray Harmeier was a Tues· --day dinner su~st of Mrs. Stella The Glenn Clark. '. ,. Sunday

Mr. and Mrs. Roberts and Kittle

:: .. : 148.3~.62


....... $161.031.64



.. $269.483.50.. 55.089.82

Churehes. ~ Methodist Church

(Kenneth Willard, pastor) Sunday, Mar. 27: Worship, 9;45

a.m.; Sunday:-school, .. l0.:--4.5.

Bethany Presbyterian ilnd Zion Congregational Church

(Gail Axen, pastor) Sunday, Mar. 27: Worship, 10

a.m.; Sunday school, 11'. ...

AIr. and Mrs, Ora Wax and child· ren werp Sunday guests of George J0hnstons.

Mr. and 11.rs. Leo Jensen were Friday dinner guests of Mrs. H. L. Neely, Winside.

The Dale Stoltenberg fnmify.

Mr. and Mrs. Henty Rohde left last Tuesday 'Morning for Pay· sop, Ariz., to' see theIr son, Don and family-. From there they plan to go to Los Angeles to sec othpr re}atives,

Charlie Landberg left wilh Ha'r old Lenhoff, Randolph, fot Colton. Calif., Tuesday. I-le plans to Visit his brothers, Swan and Helge also

Mr. K~7.d \:.~~.~: ~~~;3~~'/1~11\~:~ If 1

guests in the LllO Kuhl i-lo-nw. l\'lr. ano l\lr<, William ·ilg.iJlll'r

and Kay viSIted in the Ah'Vl'lllt ed hOllH'. Yankton, SundaY.aftl'l' noon. ~i

Mr. and ,I\lrs. Don HocdC'1' alld daughter, Aurora. S. D., wert' Sun day eVl'nmg guests in the John Kulll hOIl1f'

UNMATCHED FOOD AND SERVICE ~~C~I:~K~~~~e~h~e~a~~n~:~~Obert 111>,-'",1";"-·0",,,,,1.;. n~~..:s~_ ';J'ames-'Koh1e-r~"ill1d --M,.-s,+I--'''-oe_lunU.''cP1!1'''JilL._ .. : ExQ.ty_d~y......!t.v.e.r:.Y..~-, ,?ur.Jood is pt'-Ra/·_

Peterson family were visitors in Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Nettleton Melvin Schroeder returnet;i last measures up to sa!i:ch~~~n::!~~atr~~t~~ '5~lIa;~t °cu:rt~fi~~!~! the Allen Stoltenberg home Sunday and the Hubert Nettletons were Wcd~csday after spending three every d.y - for anv occasion. afternoon. Thuraday evening guests !Il the days in Linc(lIn.

Lois Stoltenberg, daughter of Mr. Eddie Oswald home for 1\1rs. Os· ~. MadVll Ko<;h-and Ron vis. and Mrs. Allen Stoltenberg, has ac· wa'ld's birthday. ited Ernest Brammers Thursday repted a teaching position. in the In honor of !I.'1rs. Clair Swanson's evening. sixth grade in the Sioux City school birthday, Sunday afternoon' guests' Mrs. Ernest Brammer returned system for next year. tilcrc were l\Ir. and Mrs. LCftnanl. l<lst lVloJlday from the hospital

cQmp-anied'by Mr: and Mrs. Oscar rhe Dale Curtright familY, Kear· Pritchard and family, 1\1r. and I when' she had been a patient nine Thun and Paul, were ,jn the Otto r.ey,. the weekend in the Wi!· Mrs. Oscar Swanson, Mr. and :\ttrs.: weeks. ,Mrs. Norman Vogel, Cole·

Frying "Delicious 'With Chicken" R 'I-b -S·-t· ~e~ -a~ -k--SU-:-S~n:;CCh,J"lli;~ ---o-nc---

Beef, deliciously tender, , •• , ... Lb. 0 '7 C

:.' Ocean Spray Short R'lbs U.S.D.A. ~ .. , Choice Grade Beef ..• , ••••••.. Lb.

Cranberry Sauce

2~='l5c _


,U.S.D.A. Grade·A, U.S. eapecially . for aupcr.h eating.

qualities by our own poultry buyers. You're assured of the very finest when you buy

frying chiekens at Safeway~

---¢ut-up;; .. lb:~3 SCc~--


Asparagus .... .. 3gk~~: '1--


2.-lb, Ca .... ~n-

Ibs . C' bulk, the vegetable I " 6c19 -

-3-9-- 'U.s. No. 1 Grade, I

• .. • _,rnou,", Iha"s ju" ~ . (

_~ ~~___ . La,g.;;".t~nd", _!..,a"-Y .. ~. ~-:-rf ":1.--Fresh~Br-o.~Q!t ,<cO m vo.'am"" ....... Bun'" 2 9c C.risp·:C:.Orrots ~~~~~~~%'n~hc;~: ...... 2:~gl~~

- n _ _ I r I . California-grown. fre~'- --- iJ:: ------r-u-:rea -\we ery crisp'and c~ncby --.. ___ • .-I· ... C

C~pital~'- .. Surplus ................. . tJndivided. profits

TOTAL LIABILITIES ,.... ...... .. ....... . CAI'ITAL ACCOUNT~

Page 13: l~II~ ~ OotJL ·1:~:~'i:::kly ojuig Hosl

,', Everutb1ng to "ghlen YOur houtil -J' "ework,

.... ~. - e\n brighten ~OU{ MUS

Hurry in right now! Don't miss this chance to pick up aU your cleaning aids! Variety is tremendous .••

all quality products to choose from •.• special money back guarantee if you are not satisfied .•• at Safeway!

TIDE DETERGENT 20-oz. Pkg. 35c

491,!.I.-oz. JiI{g. 83c'

VEL DETERGENT 15-oz. PI{g. -35c-

37\Hz. 1'kg.83c

Dash Delerg,enl Especially for

automatic washers!

9-lb. 13-oz. Pkg. $2.45

Controlled suds for automatic washers!

lO-lb. Pl,g; $2.59



l-lb.Pkg. 16c

AJAX CLEANSER 2 ~:: 33c 2 ~:: 49c


400-d. Pk/i.-25c--





15-oz. Bottle 41 e \ Cleans so well

\ without rinsing

28-oz. BotUe 73c \ l-lb. Pkg. 31 c ! LlQUIDLUX Pla-.t~2~~:· 41c Plast~c";~ 69c

IlJIIIIftWlIS'II' 1-pt jrOj;;- 1-qt 75 .. I'CVIM .11\ ••••••• c~ ~C_ ...... Ca~ . C

LIQUID JOY 12-oz 41 22-oz -69 .. Plastic BU: C P.{astic Btl: C

LIQUID VEL 12-oz. 41 22-oz. 69 .......... Can C ...... Can C

LIQUID IVORY-.... ~.2C:; 4Ic .... ~2C: 69c

MaX-wen HOuse Coffee (Save 15c pack)

2·lb, Can $1.34 Ka 0 SVru Red labol, wh;tc, l',,-lb. 25

~"r',.. _ .. ye ..... .;l't;-.B, rich and satisfying ...... Bottle C

Crisco Shorlening;~~ ~r:~~:;;g ..... t~~ 75c

S 'fl" S'h I 'Pm'e 31b 77 WI nlng or enlng vegetabl, .. Cal; ~ C

Margarine ~~~l~~~~~artered ...... 2 ~t~{~. 55c

Buller-Nul Coffee .......... ~: ..... "C~~ 750



3-oz. Bottle 29c

IVORY SNOW - for your

dainty clothing

12 ,,; -QZ. Pkg. 35c


BLUE CHEER 21-Oz. Pkg. 35c 51-oz. Pkg. 83c

19-oz. Pkg. 37 c

. OXYlol Delefgent 19-oz. Pkg. 35c

49~';' -oz. Pkg. 85c

Breeze Delergent 15-oz. Pkg. 35c 38-oz. Pkg. 85c

RINSO BLUE 22-oz. 1'kg. 35c 54-oz. Pkg. 83c



e. '0.

dir('ctor 'of- tile lutcllens In Chi­I~is dl'lightfully ;JsplIl'agus cheese

ilnrl green pepp-ct in klldt'r, l.\bout 5 min·

III .~(';l:-'I)ning, mu~hroom milagr' ('heese. Simmer

I n buttered indi-II,,! quart cas­

of salmon,

tained the GT club Fri· T\.'lrs. Emil Thies. \Iil\lIH' ,HId

~:y ~~~rno~~~a Ras~i~l~:~ J:nnci! Theophilus Reformed Church' I Duanc and l\l<lI'ilrn :\i()ll); :-'pt'nl

M;s. lle~ ijanson were guests. At II (John Schaeffer, pastor) ~~~~~{~,'lr~~~~on<ln\;'th1\l~'~:'~ ;~~:(\::~;II~~~~~~!~~~I_ cards Mrs, Frank Dangberg re Sunday, Mar. 27: Sunday school. Swanson, Con eOI'd ceived the prize. The next meel· 9:30 u,m.; worship, 10<:10. Mrs_ John WerulL 1'II;'lT. ing will be with Mr:;, Dangbcrg - - - caller in the August \'()('('h lionlt'·

. Apr. L- : St. :aul's Lufheran Church Sunday afternoon I

i Thtl~Sda~' :~~~e~~,: I~~;}~~l prac Mr. and 1\1rs. Ah'in 1\111" I

American Legion Auxihary i tice, 7:30 p.m. ,~o~~~ ~~~~~e~,u~11~~~ ~;)\~lI"~' Tlllt\() met Saturday aftcl'noon at th(' Saturday, ·Mar. 26: C h u r c h David Leonhart wa,~ ,I Sllnd;l\' Legion haJI. Mrs. George ,Voss.: school. 1 p-:-m. I dmner "uest 10 tht' 1 Illc I I I I I

president had charge of the husi- Sunday, Mar. 27: Sunda\ s(hool I h 0

ness session. A carpet rag bee will ,9:30 a.m.; worship, 1020 O;:;:s t3C'n LeWIS "\)1 ~ I I. d Lr

'~:~!r~~'" W~:~e~x~t Wednesday- at the Wednesday, Mar. 30 ~cnten ~ er home. service, 7:45 p.rn ====.;....;;;....;.-';....;;,-~;;...-' of the late R. H. ,

Thompson family Mr. and Mrs. ,L~)n Soden and Mr ! a hospital bed table I and M'i·s. 'JuliUs Eckert and Peggy I

'1 to be- 'used in Winside and com· were guests in. the Stanley Soden: mununity. I home Saturday evening for Debby

I, Mrs. H. R. Neely and Mrs. Wal- Soden's fifth birthday : ter Maas served lunch. . Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dangberg I

~I_ ~~., i a~d family spent Friday evening' Auxiliary Supper ,with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

:, The Legion~ Auxiliary entel'tain- Ed Seheut'lel1, Norfolk. • ','-'d !Jhe legion membe,rs at supper! 1\I1:s. Julius Eckert and Pegg~ . Friaay .. 'fhirty J,TIembers were! \'isitpd I\ll'S. Charles l'viuellpr and 'present. The tables were decorat-I infant daughter in the H a r r y I

ed in the' paliTiotie theme. 'Heinemann home Saturday afte r -: card-.. "Prize-s:.:::::">v..ITe_....ll..war..cl"ea·To·lnoDil. -- ---~. -- .. - -_.'- ,


On Sale Every Week at

Felber Pharmacy

Arnie's SUperette

Perry Jarvis, Carroll

Bill's Market Basket

Hotel Morrison

Griess Rexalf

Council Oak

Sav..="Mor Drug Store Stanley House!, Alfred WClgner, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carpenter i

Mrs. Dennis wallSr,_ ~~~~~l.:.nd_-.!~~~o- s~a~~.:.=_\ver~ .=-din_~e~1 ==== __ - ..... .."..----

sheer d_eUght- in-apra-ctieal-b-ra: a topping of nylon net I

t-he-twincross~ove-rparrets---sleek your hips . ..~ ...... .

PAGE LaChoJ Meatless -'FOIbEf HilIilIU!E:--- -1.-' --CHOP--SUE-Y- -i---''''IItAA-liurJl'CL._~--,,,-e.rs,,,,,~,,~::,, _____ -U-__

-- 4.roU Pkg. 2-9c

OomelCieanser 2 ~;~~ 33c 2 ~~~~. 49c


25.ft. Roll 33c

LOW"LOW, /JrLceS plus

No. 303 Can 35c

Yellow Cling Peaches g~~~ht.°:g~! 29c Golden Corn ~:;n~o~;e';e~~o;etYleN.O:g~~ 210 Chunk -TunachlCkenOl'theSea- 6%-oz. 35c

for your lenten menu .. Can

Nestle's Quik ..... ~~~29.c ., .. :~;;: 49c C~ke Mix io~~S~f~t~~ ............... ~;; 19c

I Whit~, Y.e!low, ~hocolate or Marble Vari-etics

Gold --.."..,.~ ...... ~--I.--.. -,------,-~'----~·-·4...,--'lli1='c...:...··,--





,Sheerest nylon net takes YOllr everydcrv bra . and niake" i\ci'SpecicI1'd~1rqhl • , .prMy

. ,. enough to make y~U fe~l ~?~_l.ds prett~er~.t901

. Such a-delectably lady-like look! It's a good, firm as feminine and frothy:; as··Your dress-up' :floweni' -tracings ef on the


Fli~~~~-~~lk· by


.*. Tile cross"over.panelS Wbn'tham. pery;u.r. ~-'. .. , . stride." won't bulge your thigh. YoU'U

walk, sit, bend with fabulous freedom!


Page 14: l~II~ ~ OotJL ·1:~:~'i:::kly ojuig Hosl

G n!Wayne IN~b~.} Herald, Thursdoy, ~arch 2A, 19601 M,~' <1nd Mr-s,.-Or-1!. R. Wax and I and r.kn TTol1d(ll'sh<:ldt hom0-5~-O-lll~-~TJ.&:l1~h~OmC nC)JorroU~: Y?· ~r: and_-_~I'~ ___ !0¥----L:nngAm..e.le.rI.Ulcir"'>llll~='c'""-'-illli""'-""'-:-'fr~_ t .. ~i family were dInner guests last i Mr. and Mrs. Anton L. Pedersen I were VIsitors' last Wednesday af-, ¥r. and Mrs. Fred Oltc spent retul'UE'9. wst Tues~ay attm' spend-, and [I,Ii':,·"s.-,l~·,-".I'c' -====:0 , I' . \ 'Sunday in the nave ,Jones hOllU',iWel'C guests last Satul'ctll.Y evening.ternoon. : Thursday evening in the Mrs. John In!!.f\\'e weeks [11 ME-sa,-Ariz. bin, Mo. -"' __ I .• II S l; h Hid' , Mary Lu Pa~elskl, who attend,S j CalTol). ,. in th(' WiHiam Knoll hom~ -i , '. i Dunklau home. '. . I • ee uy t e era j Mount Scholaslieil colJl'ge, Alrhl'l 'I =r HM., and J~\t.S.-=.h'-'L:::LlJhOhz-P-ath-'----.--. Mr. and Mrs. Ole .G. Nelson re,l, Mr. ana Mrs,. Clar~ Buskirk:. .Lin--

____________ ! son. Kan., was ~'h().s('n .'1<; <l d"je. " Mrs .. pau~ ~chrQeder, ir. and. ~rs. Gustie Hans,E'~ ~nd Mrs, ~I ~nd Mike, wlJ{~ bave spent the past, Mr. a~d Mr:s. Milto~ Ow~ns and \ turl)e~~-y ,aft~r spNluing' ('oln, sppnt Fnday in the Mrs. A. '. ~ j gate for the KNI'. ('onventlOn 10 he I Stephame, lrl!-Ig, were we('kl'nd I phle Ewert were VIsItors Thursday thr€'c ,and one half years at I\Py, DI1Vld, Carro.!l. were dinner l?ueRts) sever'al mOl)ths In Florldll, EnrOllt(' W, n()~pll honH', Mrs, Dolph wu:i\""

Sa~lrf'~a~~·in ~hE'H;I~'~enE(~I~~~~:t'~aa~ I held at TO~~_~~;I~-.:..:. 2:.I_~~i, I gupsts in th{' Paul J. Sehrocd{'l", sr.' after~oon in the Mrs. A. W Dolph ~ West, Fla., In.ovea this wee~ to Friday in the Johl! H. Owens hom('~lto WaynE' they spent R ..... week with tlH'lJ' clln~~I~U<"st ~~_. __ •

home. I

MI~luJ~~7~layT;:dt;:S ~~~:6~T~~r~~:T- j ness I

-----.Mrs.-Ed Elton and children,_ Er.e'l mont, visit~;,rI SlIndu)' in tiLe AdDm :'III'Pherran homo('. , "

Mrs. Emil Carsten, Wisner, spent~' I;l.~t Tlitlr<;d<J\' to Sunrlil\' in the J

On'!])p Erxh,iwll hUllltl, . I Mr!'>. Cla .. enc~ Jeffrev and Sand· I

ru, AUpn, wt'n' dimlP\' guests 1'1'1-du\' In II1£' John \1/ B'Jrlll'S home '

Victor Lamb and Mr. and Mrs. ,Jerry LudlrIW, i\1)l'!ull,. \ i~llf'd l..lst SunddY In lhe .John W Bar'n('~ hom!'

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Quinn, Win· sid{', <lnd 1\11'<;' \\,11 Y ;\1:lI!I",on and Bndgpt Wt'n' dlnllt'r gtlt'~h Thll\"~

day in the Art Auker llOllH' Mr. lind Mrs. August Brudigam

w('n' ("oj'fp{, .~lIt'.~h Fndd.\ III th{' Mrs. A W. Dulph hOlllt'

Larrv Nichols and David and .J1I11Jll.\- I,clll "'1)(')]1 ~,'\ (')";11 Ii,i\' Ja~1 wl'l'k It) the Ellld l.lIll Ildllll'

Harold Hatfield, Omaha, spent Ju~t l\1ond<lY 10 \\'t'dl1t'schIY wIth his mnIIH'l". '\Ir~ IINIII:I 11,t\llpld.

Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Giff, Ceda-r ilapHls. 11'11 I' nd,]I" ,d I ('Ii I I~ilirtg three wc'('ks Illtll Ih(,lr ,~(J]] III 1.11\ lIIId dall~111('r, 'Ir ,11\d :\lr~ (' E lledtit-k'

Mr. and Mrs. George' Magnu~on \"I;,lkd Thur ... dllY III 1111 !\n Id j'pl

Mr. -and Mrs. B.1be Mann and Mrs HOllni(' .\J,HHi: Tanll',I, S,md fa, AIIIII"<I ,lilt! :'Ilarl:1 \\t']"(' la~1

Sunda.\- aftl'f"lIOOIl and S \I P P (' r

gll(',"I~ III 111(' l'1:ln'IH'l' "'alln illllll('

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Erdmann and family alld (;l"an~ :me! Bl<ln.!M.w Banister W('l"l' gll('.~h 'rtllll';,day pvpnmg in tht' A. E Tla\j;,(]11 hOlll('

for "lr. D:ll'I80I1''<; hirlhda)

7-::-=--=::--:-=-__ ~_1 LEGAL ,PUBLICATlO~ ___ I


By virtue of the authority vest , ed in me by the COllstitution and laws of the State of Nebraska. 1,: ~~lieh o~· r!r;rOaks~a~~:E'rnor 01 the i

:le~~~~g pre~fn;t~ldthl1?O~;hti~r~:: State of Nebraska on the 10th da \' of May, 1960, during the hours de~­ignated by law for the followmg purposes, to wit:

(1) To express a preference, so desired, by each pQ!itical Wl-rty for President of the Ia'oited States.

(2) The election by each of the political parlles _of delegates and allernates to the National Political Conventions, as provided by stat­ute.

(3) The no-mination by each poli­tical party of one candIdate for United Slates SCIlCl!or.

(4) Thl' nominatIOn by each poli tical party of Doe candidate as 1{eprestlnlative in Congress ·from eaeh of the four Congressional Djstricts in the State.

(5) The nominatIOn by (':tch polio ttcal---pn11J-m' -c:,mmd~lf('-~-- ror-sTii{~--" ofiicc"<;, to \",It:

One Govprr;u:u,: One LIeuh>nant Gov<.'1"nor One Secr{'tary 01' State

g~~ ~tl~~~to~r~~s~~;~IC - Accounts i

On(' A!-tornl'Y Gcnera] OI1l' Hallway cOlllmisslOllcf (() I Tilt' IlOll·pubtica] nomination

01' Iwo l"<lnrllda/('~ fOi JlIclg;c 01 Ilh' , SllP.1'cmi' ('oart frum NI{'h -of Ih ... ,

(7) The nOIl·pulitlcal l]ominatIOn of two eandldates 101' the (JUice of Member of the State Board of Ed. :_ ll.cation for each of the Third anrl FOUllh State lioanl 01 EducatIOn

with purchase -of Paint Dept. item. Chalet type wood bird house comes ready to assemble and"point. Measures 6"l.x 5"H,

19( True Decorator Quality at

-an Unheard of Low Price



25¢ Value!

Yours for the asking! -A FREE packet of perennial or annO'al flower seeds. limit of one per customer.

*65 YEARS TOO SOON! In the year 2025 Gamble Stores will be 100 years-ol<t-We're celebratin,g 65 years earl)'. so we can all no .. ti,:iDat,,!

Our suppHers.~ame Ihroug~ with some wonderful items. placed huge' ordftrs-agreed to off-season production with carload lot dl'livery of many ilems. The result, the "81G 1 00" - 1 00 items of merchandise' at the lowest prices eyed -

5 PC. DINETTE budget, ,too! 30x40" toble opens to .48". on ball be~lring slide. Heavy chromed frames, ~:~;,I upholstery. Blue, .gr:ey, green, yellow. :





Features * Powerful 3 H.P. 4 Cycle Engtne

* Convenient E-Z REACH Controls

_*_lio_ndY Adju.table 9uic:k Oepthlar-

BOW RAKE '199 Compar. atl.2S

I ~~· afl."

plows, takes the backache out of gardening. No pushing-tine action pulls tilter forward. Unbreakable tines adjust for wide or narrow rews.

With Bolo

Farmcrest Portable Air Compressor

Compare at 129.50


aF! .. Foclory

Page 15: l~II~ ~ OotJL ·1:~:~'i:::kly ojuig Hosl

~~_ _ _ Fay Smith, Jmpertal ~.te'rE,arcr;ertT,' UID1iha­

John S Samson, Omaha Neola Johnson. Mead Sally Bloom, Lincoln

-- ---nlll!lTaL>=lr. tinroln-C. ,C .loonson. Omaha

William F. Matschnflat, LlDcoln Fern Hubbard Orme, .Lincoln

~_ -----MooroQ------Usher J incoln Ted SHook. Wayne

Mrs. Karl C. Brinkman, Geneva Dean G Kratz, Omaha

Robert A. Munro, Kearney Jack Schuetz, Lincoln Cal Stewart, O'Neill

····,········:;c:;::··,·7"'··!~~~ ........ ~ ......... - .... --__ tlllll! .. ___ _ -f

. ...!

Page 16: l~II~ ~ OotJL ·1:~:~'i:::kly ojuig Hosl

The Wayne '-Nebr~--He,oi~:fIt1, ... I(I¥~4",d>-~FJcg6(i,"~""'';''' .................................... ~ ......... ::----............. ,+,'lli!~~' _....were sunday_~.ning_~ed Mr. and 1\,1I;s: Emanuel _StQI c's oin and Mrs. ~v()l~ n' QIlL--1r~d.Ji~~-:----:

DIXON NEWS . the ~ori Ox1eY--h6-mc·.~ ime1ti,~j~·ading annivers;,n; cee- (' lSI.' ome Qvcrmg . - -<l\lr all( !\1l's:-uirI'Y LubhC'),stcdt

. ' Mr. Mrs. Sterling Borg and bration at the Parish Hali, OberL I Thursday afternoon visHors in anet ra'~'.i!y \VPnr Sunday '('~('nmg DIXON • • • '. Ann were Friday evening callers Friday afternoon Mrs. Harold I the Mrs. Eva Knrnes home WL'l't' \'ISI\OL'~ ,Ill thll Enrl i<:ci(.A-I!t- 'IIOl'le.

G Id ' A· D- Mrs. Sterling Borg - Phone JU .. 4 .. 2877 in the Marion Quist home. --, Murray and SOITS' visited in the i Mrs. ,lack McGowen and Mrs. O en nnlversary Inner -----+------'""1"-----------::;110.1 Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Dick garl McCaw home. Allen. I Alice Herie!. . I, b "Id ' . ., . Mrs. C. ~. Sherman, Wakefield, itors in the M. P. Chambers' .were supper ,guc..sts}n Mrs. Oscar Bot'g was a Thurs-! ~lr. and_,!\Irs. l\Iarvltl Andersolll I See y the Hera I·

t..> the Bill Chambers ,home. I day afteJnoon caller m tile Nln:;. and family, and Mrs. Bertha Pres- . ., ...

H Id W d ma f L·sI I was a Wednesday through SWlday borne. Friday Mrs. Wilmer Herfel cook· i Mabel McCaw hOllle. - !.cott, O'Neill wert.' Sunday' dmner . '

e .. 'a nes '''y' or·.···· "I. e---s- guest in the Frank Lisle hOome. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Radtke and ed at the D!~':I.~ s~hool in pl~ce of I Mr _.and_Mrs. __ Arthur.. Dawe andJ,gu('sts ~n ~hc Mrs, Tillie Anderson ,.~r. ~~d ~r.5.,.B~", Mo,ytu~ ... e!!_~~ the Wilmer Herfel home. Elmer Slack .was admitted to Judy Dawe, who alte'nds Mi~higan Mr .. an~ ~1ts. Allan Prescott and I l'vct\1ng 1\1 the William Knoll hOl'n"l}:

.. were -Sunday evening vi-s- Mrs. Leo G. arvin, who w~s Ill. Debbie Royal Oak M, ieh andf,l,un1(', Laurel. It,l the afternoon I cd ,I hll,thd<l~ P,llt~ la~( ::;;a1..lI~_.

!\1r and i\rn.- ~tanJf Lisle, Dix- --=---=--=-=---=-==-=-= we-r:e- W...ayne_hospltal--Wednes.da)'..._. State eoHege at Kalama-'l6ty;-ar-r-iv "nll.lxJot,Qed_th~_gTPJll? ____ ------.:."~.!_._ ~~d Mrs. Henry C. May spent on, oh&.erved their fiftieth Weddi~gl.S ~ • Lisle and and Mrs. Mr:s. Jim Hirsettman and Cam'I'ed 'Tuesday for a v'isH in the M;. and I\lrs. Allen PI'CS{'ott ~nd FridlY, IIl.Omaha. !I..lr. M.au uttend: <JnlHvctsary Mar. 16. A family oe.ety Hartman and Clayton. ity were Sunday afternoon and. -Frank Lisle home. I family we l' c Sunday eveIllng l'd n L,Hilll:H' palllllng schoo~. dlllll.('r wa~ held at the Normandy I • Friday dinrier gu-ests- In- the Mr. aDd Mrs. Leslie Noe and evening visitors. in the Phil Boes·' Tuesday supper' guests in the I gtles~s in the Louis Prescott homt'.: Clare~"Ce Bolings visited Mrs:.. Sid III SIOUX Crty. ' Social Forecast Frank Lisle home were Mr. and family were callers Sunday after- hart ·home.· Frank Lisle home in addition to I Hartl~gto_n, _ Harnnglnn .at Ihe Wakefield hos.

l'\l(,I,JltH'rs ~f Ihe family attendin.g I Due ~4he uncooperative natute l\lr-;. Jens Kvols and family, lUI'. noon in the Marion Quist home. their houseguests were Mr. and i. Mr~ ----and- ]\lrs. Rei~Sala and, PII<t1 Frida) {'\Tning She.:11115' been \\(')"(' tlll'lr fIve children and their oC the weather and the 'toad con- and Mrs. Malvin Hartman .lDd Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Hartman and Mrs. Robert Wickett and fam-I Bruce. North Bend .. wert.' lost Ill£'f£' abollt a Wt'l'k. ',.,'

fallU!ll'" Ml and Mrs. Arthur ditioos'ln- many parts of the the family run· Bernadine were guests Sunday ;'If- ily, Sioux 9ity, and Mr. and Mrs._ weekend guc:ts in th~ ~,d Sala I . Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ehle~s and Uaw{' ~md fam.dy, Royal Oak, community, many planned ner Everet Lisle took Mr. and ternoon in the Floyd Blo(llll homf'. . Marvin Hartman and ,Clayton and home.. " Ilatlllly, West POInt. WC'1'l' g~,(,st~ in .),Il("h, EVPl'ett Lisle, Mr. and Mrs. events have had to be Mrs. Dawe, Judy and Debbie to Mrs-;' Myron Dirks attended a Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. I Frank Dawe. 1\1r. and Mrs, ~('ns, Monday dinner guests In Uw Ihe ill'IH)' Ehl('['.~ home t~st SUIl . .Ten" K\'ols and family, Laurel, and in some cases the train in Sioux City. bridal shower honoring Mrs. Rob- John Young and daughters attend Kvols joined the group in the eve· George Monk home were Geol'ge I day nftl'!"tloon. ,~!r. and ~lrs. Robert Wickett. and Th sd M 24 " Thulsday supper guests in the crt Dirks at Coleridge Sunday af-lIullIly. SlO,UX Cit:y and 1'lr. a,nd l\~~th~Jist ';SCS Lloyd Wendel hom~ were Kenny terMon. ]\'lr.l. 1\.1urvlI1 Hart~an a?d Clay· Postponed Meeting of Daily Do- Bayne, Panama ~Ity, Fla., .and Sunday afternoon Emil a n'd tOil, DIxon. Mrs. L. S. Sherman" ers I ~r. anp Mrs. AlVIn Bayne, SIOUX Amanda Schutte visited in the WakeflPld. was also a guc-st. Other 1 _. City. 'f

l"t'latl\'(,s were unable to, attend Saturday, Mar. 26 Mr. and Mrs. ~1arion Quist were W~!~~e;C~~~eg!~.m~~rden City. S. I

rill£' tll ra,ld and weather condi· 50S Club Wednesday evemng Vlsitors in the D., was a Monday" caller in the I tWllS. : Sunday, Mar. 27 I \"Irs. Hazel Bruggeman home, Emil and Amanda Schutte home. I

Folluwlng thl' dinner the' group I Methodist MYF II Laurel. . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wolter were ---'-'-a-thel'ed at the-----Robert Wickett --- Mr. and Ml"s. WillIs Schultz and Thwsday afternoon visito. rs in the I hOllle for a program pre5f"1~cd iJy Out·Our~Way Club : family, "Martinsburg, were ~unday thl' 111lrlc"n glilnctchi.ldrcn. !\. t('le·l· out-Our·Way held its postponed I aftern?on luncheon guests 10 the P~U;r~o~Ca:::~~d sons were din· I ph(Jlle r,ill wa~ rN·civcd fron'l Mr. meeting Friday afternoon at the I Frctldle Mattes home. ner guests in the Fredilic Matte-; I and 1\!r:". John Dundsoll. t\I'\cka_ -'lOwe of Mrs Norman A'Vlerson, Lavonne Mattes participated, in home Tuesday. ' ,\tl~ln. At the ('Io~(' oJf the Ch.'1in~1l\Irs. Earl Ever. s was the as~~~nt the District III declamation con­<lnnl\ l'I" "If\, cakp Iwd ice cre(lll1 hostess.' Twelve members an-s'Ve'r. test at Wn~~ne Saturday.. th~~? ti~a~anVa~~~~~~;!S~~~,I!,~! \\ a:,-, o..,l'l"\'l'ti cd 1'011 call with a SL Patrick's Day !\1I and Mrs, Ray Spa~r acco~n- day aft~r school. I

I'll!", and l\-1rc., LIsle were ,married. joke. M.rs. Earl M.attes w?n the r-unie~ Earl M~son to SlOUX CIty Sunday afternoon Mr. an-I \ll': .. Wt'dtl(".,da.\', Mar. !6. 1910. at the' door prize. Mrs. Mike Knelfl _a~d to bnng. Mrs. Mason home from Clayton Stingley and family Wt..1"1.-11rIdl".~ parent'l-i farm home near 1\1rs. Walter Schutte were In the. hosPl~al where she had been a . th P t S· I ' [)rxon. Thl'~' ha\-'(' lived and farm· ~ha.rge, of game~. The next meet· patIent slllce Tuesday. g'~;::~a~ aft~rn~o~ ~~.g :~d h~;~:: i l'd 1!l thl' Dixon community all rng-,·will be WIth Mrs. ~en.dell . ~r:s. M, P. Kavanaugh .Anton LiLa·PuP"eVl~s-l.'.t.ed __ . in th ... e._A .. rt ... _ J.,.j~ .. P4' tlH'lr m'arm<l·ltfc Schroeder Apr-; 13. For that meet- m tohe Ge-rele Kavanaugh r . -"

~:a-~eaa~h :.!=e~o::ai~~. make and s~~ ~f~~rn~i~~ent Kavanaugh dinner guests in tTle-An-Church-es were Tuesday afternoon guests in . home in honor ~.f :un;'j Methodi., Glwroh" "" ~~~lyN~:~eS~~;::ty 01 St Anne's th.M~~ ~:a~~~uthe~~~eStanley ~t~~~· Mrsbi~;;:a~:~Jm~~~d

(Ah JIl I! tH ano pastor) I church met Wednesday evelllng at I <'nd family were FrIday SUPP'-'l' Kathleen, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl: Sunct,l\ Mar 27 Sunda} school, I the Harold Murray home Merlej g~ests lD the Newell Stanley home L' '

10 d m : worshIp, 11 I Murray was the host Mr and Mrs Don Oxley ami 'Kf;. and Mrs. Clayton Stingley i Wednrsda\ Mar 30 PraYN - Ned w(rp Sunday afternoon guests and family were Friday evening I

))Jl'c11~lg 8 jl m ~ W;~~ ~;ed~n~f the Dixon Met'ho- lD i~p-,r:oat~~, J~~~~~ :~~: Frld<,} visitors in the Uoyd Wendel home. I - . th N I I Mr. and Mrs. Dick Chambers 1

St. Anne's CathoJic Church I dist church has selected Mrs. Ron- i sup. per guest In e .oe. so. m were Friday afternoon visitor::; in i

sun~~(JI~~::: ~;:ITil~::,to:~.m. ~~etfnn:e~; t~e·a~:~~as~: ~~:f~~~lhO{;!; .. and 1\1rs. La. Monte l~erfel the Mrs. Joreta Miner- home, I

1."n1en· . ~'checiule. cnte Jf the WSCS. The confer. ::IJld echh~e were Sunday. dmn~r Wakefield. 1 C " H r I h - Weekend guests in the Soren I

M.onda~', T.uesday 8t:ld Thursday, lenc<'. will be held Mar, 30 through guests in the Wilmer er e ome. Hansel} home were Mr. and Mrs"1 Mas'S' 7:30 a m. I ::~;chl inatFrt~!O:;~rst M.ethodist Hi~lt~n,a~~., M:!~e R;~~~~y B;:;;;~; Gordon Hansen and daughters and I

1\lr and Mrs. Harold Carlson, i A Iso attending this meeting and luncheon guests in the Fred- ~~~', ~~:r~'it~arvin Ellyson and I Kirk alld ::;;hefl were Sunday din· I from Dixon will be Mrs. Dick die Mattes home. . Mr. a~d Mrs. Le~oy P~nlerick: ner guests ill the Mrs. Elsie Carl· 1 Chambers .w~o is <secret'ary of con-i Mr. and Mrs. Vmcent .Kava.n- and famIly were FrIday ait('rnoor'l son home. ference ffilsslOnary work. augh were Wednesday evemng VIS- arid supper guests in th<! \Villiam i


Lckert home. ' I ---------+D~o~n~ald~P~et~er~s~a~nLd~lham~imlyLw~e~re~I----

guests_1n the Arnol<i_Eeters.~. i Thursday afternoon M~s. Georg~

Rasmussen and Randy visited in I th~:i~~de~~s~rt;llm~~~~'hutte and I Joan' were Tuesday evening vis· 1

itors in the Emil and Amanda I

Schutt-e home. ! Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McCaw I'

, and family were Thursday evening visitors Tl'lthe Clayton Stingley home. . !

Sunday afte'tnoon Mr. aud ;Vfr~. i Ronald Penlerick and KClylc-:1'~ vis

j:-~:r~l~k;~;~cf~~u~~fers+----were Thunday dinner guesti in I~ -

the William Eckert home. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lubberstedt 1

~~~to~~~!~ t~:reN!:~d:~ ~~~~i:r~ i , ~,tedt home. I

Sunday dianer and luncheon I guests in the Max Rahn home ~

Ruffled T ri-Pleat Curtains Tailored T ri-Pleat Panels +,,='--""!'~=""'D!e .RaIPb-RasmU"'s·C;:-------Last"lng wmdow·-beauty tor your home""----

.. ";~l Exdus·i~e "triple plea.ted" side he~s

100.54" lOOx81" 192x81" 288x81" 41x63" 41x72" 41x81" 41x90!' lOOx63" l00x90" 192x90"

1 S~9S-~--1.39 1.49 1.59 1.69 3.98 4.98 -9:95 .' each each- each each,

pair pair pair pair

--~"==================~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;:;:;:;===::I---i~~"'io;~~To~~~;::~~-- -:::_....::=-:___:~--~=-___:--~~::____:___:-~=-:--:~-:-----Flne.di'lP'dry-100'l; DuP-or"i"i "Dil-cro-ii"f -- cu'r'ta:rns to glve_ your Sheer white Marquisette curtains exquisitely made for beauty and home a new look. . carefully made with the new "Tri-Pleat"



Without Ak-Sar-Ben, more fhan 200 young Nebraskans evwt­

year would find it ,diffiCUlt - perhaps impossible _ to continue

their university education,

Without Ak-Sar-Ben, Nebraska's County Fairs would have h~d to cUkJor more money from the taxpayers of their own counties

__ ~~~,. necessary im.provements of buildings and grounds _ or their

facilities would become ·obsolet •. -----~~--------- --------

Without'A'k-Sar-Ben, ,marty Nebraska cornmunities·woulcFhave. had 10 c:Ie

without import~"t ·life-soYing, fire-fighting 0'- hospital e-q-uipm~nt_

or have turned' soml'\Yh.r. el.e for the money io buy it.

Without Ak·Sgr·atn; many 4·H and FFA projects (ould not bt ,(on"nUtd.

, Help ke!p_ ,N~braska~~~~J.1!9_ ~.k~S.Qr .. 8.n and supporting

its pr09~$5iv. ,program.! -----, ...

.0 ), ;;'11 ,: ,-- .-:- ':, < ,~,,---; "': ,,:1, ,,"\~;:', /. ill" ....... ········ .. ···· .. ·· .. A K-S'A R -B·~'"N,· .. · .. ·· .. ···· ----

home. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Park ane!

familY were Friday evening call· I ers Ill. the -Elmer Sundell home· l

Among the group of Luther I League members who attended a I

youth conference in Wahoo this: weekend were Rhonda Engstedt and Danny Johnson. While in Wa' I hoo Rhonda visited her sister, San· I

who is a student at Luther

wear in drip-dry, iron-shy "Dacron""'. Lovely fliffled styling with features t,hat prevent hiking-up and pucker during the en~ire TRI-PLEAT -stitching on the ruffles for added beauty. Our own life of the curtain. White only. Donfield brand.

Delightfully modern ~ . ,

Wonderfully washablel

Luxury paired with practicality, thanks to wonderful features of Fiberglas (R) .. , full washability, no-iron drip-dry finish, long wear, soil resistance. Modern floral patterns and colors by fam~)Us decorator :£tisii. __

and Saturday

th{!--H1llIS""--.tOhns-on-h"Ome~- ~~:1---:-~~':;?~~~~~~~~i Mr. and Mrs. Tom Park wen~ Wednesday evening visitors in the Earl Peterson home.

Dinner guests SUflday in the J. I C. McCaw' home to honor Mrs. Me- : Caw on her birthday included Mr. I and Mrs. Earl McCaw and-Sa-n- j dra, Mr. and Mr's. Clarence M("-I Caw and family, Mr. and Mrs I Ha~old Mut:l'ay and familY and Mr. and ~rs. Henry, McCaw and family, Ralston. ,,---'-+--"li

Mr, and Mrs. J. C. McCaw were Friday- dinner in the L. C. Doescher