Light pollution

Light pollution

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Light pollution. Light pollution-essay. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Light pollution

Light pollution

Page 2: Light pollution

Light pollution-essay• With the time evolution ,the human brain began to

develop different innovations in creating more and more areas for his comfort or desire to succeed. The car, cell phone, or public lighting became elements without life would be really hard .Almost all this series of discoveries civilization are known for negative effects named often “the big reveals“. So, rapidly developed, all these discoveries could made our beautiful planet to be destroyed in a few thousand years.

• Light pollution is a phenomenon, who is little known by people, but who affects them in an alarmant way .Light pollution is a consequence of poor public lighting so as the stars aren’t visible in a grown procent ( 20% from planet surface ).

• Firstly ,light pollution affects wildlife . Anually , more and more nocturnal birds who use light stars for orientation in migration time, are easily disoriented when fly through strong light sources .Also vegetation permanently lighted withers faster than vegetation exposed at normal succession night-day, lead to the photosynthesis rhythm being affected.

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• Turtoises are lose targeting, if the beaches where must lay eggs is located near big brightness cities.

• Besides harmful effects that this type of pollution has on nature, the light pollution affects the science researches. Because of too strong public lighting, starry sky became a simple colourful curtain in which stars are hardly observed .In this regard , the study of astronomy is hampered, the effectiveness of the telescopes significantly decreases and they had to be moved in distant places where this type of pollution doesn’t exist.

• If we compare gray Bucharest sky with another one sky who isn’t affected by light pollution, far away from conurbations, we will notice an amazing difference. As an example, in clear nights, from Bucegi Plateau we can see Bucharest night.

• Light pollution is considered “the astronomy cancer”, and this isn’t enough! In our city it occurs the illumination of the night sky by artificial light sources, due to bad design of public lighting lamps, which throw some light straight up , to sky. We, the habitants, our children or our students even cannot see our a star on the night sky here.

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• This phenomen is a consequence of design of public lighting lamps or from the way that these are mounted on poles. More than 30% of produced light is throwed straight orientals, vedelicet straight skyes. This action is like we go shopping and we lose constantly 30% from our money because we have broken pockets. So ,light pollution isn’t a “sign of civilization “, is a sign of boundless disipated energy.

• It is theoretically possible that the shortest night is that of the summer equinox (21/22June), and the longest , the winter equinox (December 21) .In reality, in many parts of the world she is in danger of extinction . Indeed, artificial light has penetrated everywhere and it was imposed everywhere ubiquitous to bring safety : it enhances safe status and improve the efficiency of human activity but raise increasingly this the light pollution. The phenomenon is cvasiplanetar only the desert regions being immersed in real-night. Glare but ill managed , this is an expression of the risipe of energy which influences negatively the environment by disturbing sleep of million people and adversely affects rate and vegetation.

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• International Association for the Protection Night Sky (IDA) stated that the night means" common heritage of humanity" as "starry sky is the one open window toward our infinite universe and should be kept" , which signifies for anyone that night is ours, a night for all of the species, not only for the individual one. But it is also in this way because nobody is taking care of protection. It is always speak about how shall be a good idea to make ,shall organise conferences national and international ,shall be carried out round tables on the subject lighting public, where they place heated discussions. All they should have a positive result, materialized through the implementation of technical theories related to lighting. However, there are very few specialists in Romania in lighting .They build too much on the basis of projects of public lighting systems made unprofessional. Old systems of lighting require to be rehabilitated; 79.05% proportion are not enough professionals for the volume of work recalled.

• They are too much money wasted in bad works and that's why we can't complain that, we, the quality is too expensive to be able to pay. Mistakes they shall be paid in health and revenge every time by a number of different forms of economic losses recorded. Problem is that we don't realize consequences provided these do not have an overview and does not plan on a long-term basis.

• Thus, the sky closes in front our indifference .

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Light pollution-study

– This study shows light pollution at the local level and was illustrated data on the consumption of luminous energy of two of the most important streets in the city Turnu Severin , Mehedinti county, Romania.

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• Drobeta Turnu Severin is one of the most beautiful city port on the Danube river. Located within the western part of Oltenia, its coordinates being 22 ' 33' east longitude and 44 ' 38' north latitude, the city impresses by its beauty and historic importance. The town has developed near Drobeta camp Drobeta Turnu Severin, it became a strategic point initially: a crossroads city roads on land and on the water. City totalled 10 avenues, the most important being Avenue T. Vladimirescu and Avenue Carol I, but also many streets parallel and perpendicular , the most circulated being street Crisan .

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• During major holidays, in particular those of the winter, the city is decorated with tens of thousands of richly adorned and lights being as though detached from stories. Upon entry into the city, a immensity of stars blue lights up avenue T. Vladimirescu.

• In addition to these blue stars, the number of several hundreds with a length of one meter are still present and more, the number of 600 lights showing the type halogen bulbs -Metal, making the sky to be a real light curtain.

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• In addition to this light rising into the sky, another area is intensely light is Crisan street. Along it , from Mihai Viteazul avenue up to Carol I , it can be observed located a number of 150 lamps of light with more light bulbs on which are located again a decorative element light. Garlands brighter and a fir tree into the conical shape made of pieces of huge plates developa bright city as it can be seen from a distance of more than 20 km.

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The illuminating lamps used are of the type 'golb' (1) or 'cobra head' (2), as recommended by the 'timing lights cut' (3)

• 1-


3- So the streets are much too bright,

the light being directed toward pedestrians eyes and to the sky.

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• Another element which produces light into the sky, it is fountain hieroglyphics . Although it is a striking beauty, it spreads light into the sky up to 20m height. Located in a public space often frequented by population, next to Carol Park, it shall submit oasis of coolness on hot days of the summer and makes beautiful nights with light is bright .But ,blinded by her greatness ,citizens do not become accustomed high pollution level that releases it.

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• Therefore, I can say that after research of lamps and light produced by them, I found out that people remain unexposed, considering that this type of pollution is not as important.

• I consider myself to be in me can stand up initiative and so I don't want to autodestruct a change which could improve negative effect of millions of richly adorned , so that our planet is no longer seen as a Christmas tree, blinking from space.

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• Thus ,in addition to lamps with the 'cut' distribution what should replace old poles, on the streets of blocks should be mounted some leds , inserted in pavements, on the basis of solar power, so that, during the night they would street light , the light reaching up to a level of up to 5 meters, In such a way that the stars could be seen easily on the second floor 3 of any type of block.

• Linked to this type of lights, the big avenues could be enlightened completely until the hour 03:00 AM, after that hour running one of two poles of the luminaire .This legislation would also help save monetary funds important enough .

. .

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Front view

Light Full-viewNozzle

Curb -stone

Curb-stone(front view)

Aluminium envelopement


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Structure of the costs of the public lighting

system • Total investment & cost maintenance energy:• The cost of INVESTMENT value represents 10-20% of

the total cost and is determined by:• -lighting system design;• -choosing luminaires directly on the pillar;• -compliance with the requirements for lighting;• -increasing the distance between the luminaries;• -use arrangement on one side or center; • -Find a balance between consumption and the level of

lighting. • The cost of MAINTENANCE is up to 8-10% of the total

cost and is determined by:• - cost lamps replaced x frequency;• - cost component replaced x frequency; • -degree of protection, which indicates the frequency of

cleaning of the speaker;• -the safety check and replacing electrical components

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• The cost of energy is determined by fare, installed power of the system of lighting and operating mode and constitute 78-80% of the total cost of the program.

• Reduce power consumption may be carried out by way of a correct the choice of technical solutions to step design , among them:

• - spacing as much as possible • -use light sources with luminous efficiency as much as

possible• -differentiated rates; -use systems of dimming; • -reducing the number of operating hours, Introduction

where it is possible to tele-management;• -classification streets in accordance with international

norms and ensure optical parameters in the light of that classification;

• -reducing the backlight level during low traffic hours (by reducing the supply voltage with 10% light

• -flux reduced by 20% and obtain a reduction of electricity for lighting about 10% for the duration of a year )

• -to step for the modernisation of the system of lighting use of lamps and luminaires performance

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Case Study• INITIAL INVESTMENT: a luminaire with high-quality

glass refractory equipped with a light with high-pressure sodium (HPS) 400W and ballast reagent(3); loss of 35W) the cost of the luminaire is of 3,000 lei .

• POWER CONSUMPTION : The luminaire work 4000 hr/year at a rate of 1 733 lei/kWh (excluding VAT) The cost of annual enegiei: 1 733 x 4000h x 0.4 kW 2128 lei. Assuming a lifetime of the luminaire is 20 years old and a constant price of energy, the cost of energy for the life of the luminaire is:2128 x 20 years 42560 lei.

• MAINTENANCE COST: given that the life of the lamp is 12000 Series h, the lamp needs to be changed 7 times (once at3-4years) if is operational 4000h/year.light cost would amount to 300 billion lei and 400 lei labor.

• TOTAL COST of routine maintenance for a 20-year period, with a use of 4000h/year is :7x700 4,900 lei. The cost of the investment and maintenance:3,000 lei 4900 7900lei. Total cost of energy: because the electricity tariff for the duration of 20 years will increase, supposing increase by 10% at 2 years. Total cost of energy is estimated at 58-60thousand lei.

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• Existing system of public lighting in the municipality Drobeta Turnu Severin has been established on the basis of urban development concepts promoted 40 years ago. So from a technical point of view, wear illumination system current exceeds 75 %, which is unacceptable for a city require Europeean claims it is. Concept , current status

• System Modernisation of public lighting,in accordance with philosophies and European Union standards, will ensure an increase in energy efficiency by 50-70% as compared to the present situation in the field.

• It is recommended to perform technical and economic analysis of the present system of public lighting on the amount of investments needed to modernise and identify best forms for the provision of the service concerned in insurance conditions of maximum energy efficiency.

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• It is recommended that drawing up a document of public policies relating to the modernization of the public lighting system in accordance with the plan planning general, which can be carried out by two ways:

• a) design as a whole, in part of the system of public lighting sin 2,077 Turnu Severin in accordance with the rules and standards Europenee Union.

• b) design in stages, which may be carried out in time and space of public system as a function of the financial resources available in the budget and municipal investments attracted.

• It is recommended that initiating a pilot project, in one of the sectors of Severin on the modernization of the public lighting system and increase energy efficiency;

• It is recommended that modernization and adjusting regulations and instructions relating to the design, installation and maintenance of public lighting system;

• It is therefore advisable to establish a normative document times promoting a bill with regard to the service of public lighting connected to philosophies promoted by European Directives.

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• It is recommended to use European standards and rules for the purpose of partial lighting traffic route by :

• a) light use billboards ;• b) the illumination of the night windows commercial

centers ;• c) control light emitting panels positioning advertising in

relation to road traffic, and consequently improves the effect of glare and avoid attention divert the traffic participants and harmonizing color light emitting commercials with those used for public lighting.

• In the end I want to make clear that all of these recommendations would reduce pollution significantly bright to which it is subjected to the sky together with its stars.