Light in the darkness,when light is knowledge; darkness ignorance

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Since my childhood, I always believed knowledge is power. Even today when I write a book or any blog, I make sure it should invariably be knowledgeable and useful. This book is different; it is a collection of many different topics which makes it interesting and above all knowledge gaining. Some of the information here are purely my very own thoughts and never available elsewhere. You may enjoy reading this book over and over again to retain all what you may find interesting. Do keep reading my books while finding new information with each one of them. I believe, my readers should benefit in reading my books; the time and money they spend on buying and reading the books should never go wasted; I may never excuse myself for that.

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When light is knowledge; darkness is ignorance

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Eric EH Buddhadharma Author

December 2015.

Contents Preface ..................................................................................................................................................... 4

An epidemic called “God and religion” .................................................................................................... 5

Knowing beyond what we already know. ................................................................................................ 6

What God would tell you on brotherhood. ............................................................................................. 8

Reality of this universal truth ................................................................................................................. 12

Zen teaches us peace, focus and awakening. ........................................................................................ 17

Zen happiness through a logical mind. .................................................................................................. 19

Compassion for peace and animals. ...................................................................................................... 24

What exactly is man? ............................................................................................................................. 26

Should we give birth to another child? .................................................................................................. 29

The curse of eating meat ....................................................................................................................... 30

Blessings of being a vegetarian .............................................................................................................. 31

One common symbol for all religions. ................................................................................................... 32

The inner voice ....................................................................................................................................... 33

How to win spiritual arguments always ................................................................................................. 34


Hello friends,

Since my childhood, I always believed knowledge is power. Even today when I write a

book or any blog, I make sure it should invariably be knowledgeable and useful. This

book is different; it is a collection of many different topics which makes it interesting

and above all knowledge gaining. Some of the information here are purely my very

own thoughts and never available elsewhere. You may enjoy reading this book over

and over again to retain all what you may find interesting.

Do keep reading my books while finding new information with each one of them. I

believe, my readers should benefit in reading my books; the time and money they

spend on buying and reading the books should never go wasted; I may never excuse

myself for that.

Happy reading!

Eric EH Buddhadharma Author,

An epidemic called “God and religion”

Something has seriously gone wrong with we people. I see everyone, from every religion,

talking “God and religion”. With the up rise in the religious beliefs, the incidence of

rape, murder, senseless killing, violence and illegal activities are also increasing. Most

people I meet do not know the intellectual part of their own religion, only some prayer

and history with ways to worship and ceremonies. This epidemic is spreading like

wildfire all over the world among all religions. When one open one’s mouth,

immediately blurt out something about their God(s) and religion. Logic, reality and

truth has taken a back seat forever, it seems. Let me bring out the truth about all these

religious people. They are mostly hypocrites, religious so long it suits them; other times

evil ways are attributed to modernization and civilisation. Let me examine my

comments. Take for example America, a Christian country. Jesus said in Mark 18:10

“You know your commandments, do not kill” Americans kill man and animals in billions

every year for revenge and food respectively, flouting all the commandments of Jesus.

Hindus are forbidden from eating meat. In Mahabharata and Manu-smriti, violence

against animals is vehemently opposed, yet the Hindus have turned India into a hotbed

of non-vegetarianism. In Islam, Muslims are vehemently required not to interact with

the Christians and the Jews, if they do, they become one of them. Saudi Arabia invited

the Jews and Christian soldiers from America to kill their own Iraqi brothers. In India

and Pakistan itself Muslims are killing each other in the name of sects. Buddhists are

not required to eat meat, if you go to the Rumetek Monastery in Sikkim, you will find

small restaurants serving meat only diet (I had to go almost hungry here; none of the

restaurants are vegetarians!). I have many such points against which religious people

flout the commandments of their very own religion and yet for all, all the time 24X7

murmurs God(s) and religion. Please wake up to truth, reality and hard facts of life

instead of hypocrisy. If you want to follow religion and God(s), first establish which

single religion and God(s) is true.

Knowing beyond what we already know.

We all go to school, learn from our parents and elders and learn from observation too.

This is common to each one of us. We follow a religion and faithfully observe the

customs and rituals. We are all afraid of our Gods and believe in super known power.

We all believe in hell and heaven and the rewards and punishments for the deeds we do

in this world. These behaviors are common to most of us around the world. We need to

know beyond what we already know and follow. We need to analyze our lives logically to

be able to unearth the truth upon which this universe is based. Knowing beyond will

only help us find the truth and happiness until we are alive. Take for example two

people with the same qualification from the same school and college. One is a teacher

and another researcher. The teacher is knowledgeable but he repeats what he knows day

after day, year after year to his successive batch of students, whereas the researcher goes

beyond his formal education and gains a broader knowledge base. Likewise, we should

all learn beyond what we already know.

MYTH: The God I believe in is the true God(s), God(s) of other religion are untrue and

cannot be believed upon.

TRUTH: Believing in one or many Gods makes no difference in our lives. People have

believed in different types of God(s) since this world came into existence. Praying to

different God(s) is being carried on since then, while the world is moving at its own pace

untouched by God(s) in anyway. Most import is, we need to believe in ourselves. We

need to understand our abilities and limitations and achieve what we strive for. Each

one of us can make a difference to this world by being responsible, helpful, kind,

compassionate and merciful. This is the God within each one of us and we can use this

ability in us to make a difference to this world, its people, the earth, sky, water,

creatures, and what not. We need to contribute a little of our time towards nature’s

upkeep. Ultimately, a well maintained world will offer us and our children health and


`MYTH: The religion I follow is the best. `

TRUTH: The religion you follow is an additional religion. People from all religions

across the world are sinners. Not because their religions taught them to sin but because

they follow their own built in religions that grow within them. Each one of us is born

with a unique appearance, fingerprint as well as a unique religion built within us. This

religion within us helps us to be a good or a bad person. You hear about devout

religious people who have criminal intents and follow a violent lifestyle. In their

religious sermons or teachings, no such crime is permitted; they cannot help themselves

but remain and act the way they are. Their inborn religions are crime and violence as

against some who are helpful and kind; such people are born with a “personal religion”

of kindness and compassion.

MYTH: Unreligious people are not good people.

TRUTH: Religions have only divided mankind into believing different Gods and the way

of life. Humanism is the greatest of all religions. Brotherhood, if followed on a

worldwide scale, should bring back peace to this war torn world.

MYTH: Only some people are born with good luck rest are all miserable.

TRUTH: All men are bound by the reality of birth, growth, death, and in-between of

suffering, misery, pleasures, and happiness, irrespective of whichever religion they

belong. They experience the same anguish in life as well as in death. Each one of us

experience different problems in life, each one of us have unique experience in life.

MYTH: We are born in this world to serve the God(s) we worship, our creator and

master in heaven.

TRUTH: We are a prisoner in this life. We live with a limited knowledge until we die. We

know nothing beyond the three dimensions, five senses and the seven color of the

spectrum. Beyond this we can neither imagine nor be able to find out what lies beyond

this mystery.

MYTH: I am happy because I have the latest gadgets.

TRUTH: With new gadgets and modern technology our lives have become easier;

unfortunately still we have not been able to find ways to make our lives happier. Having

all material things in life makes one temporarily happy and makes life easier too.

However, to find happiness one needs to go beyond material things and search for

happiness in total spirituality.

MYTH: Sacrificing animals will please God and make me prosperous.

TRUTH: Do not sacrifice animals to please any god of any religion. You can instead use

that money in building hospitals and schools; this is progressive contribution to the

society. Noble and educated people do not sacrifice animals but love and treat them

well. Most successful people all over the world do not sacrifice animals but love them.

Sacrificing animals is no solution; it does not bring success but only disease and misery

to you and your family.

MYTH: Ambitious people reach the top and are happy people.

TRUTH: Abstain from undue passion, expectation, desire, ambition and greed for it kills

the person slowly and one regrets one’s actions till one’s last breath. Let not this happen.

Making other people one’s ladder to reach the top, hurting others to becoming

successful and seeking what one want to at any cost is a wrong process in life, ultimately

bringing unhappiness for the rest of one’s life.

What God would tell you on brotherhood.

When religion divided men through their scriptures, it created hatred amongst men.

Men lost the meaning of goodness and took to proclaiming their religion as the most

superior. Religious competition amongst men got the better of them, resulting in

violence and destruction in this world.

Oh Men! You are all created the same way and the greatest religion for all men is

brotherhood or humanity. If each one of you regard the other as your brother and felt

their pain and suffering you would not only bring happiness to all but also found this

world a safer and happier place to live in.

All of you together are like few children lost in the jungle. They hold each other and seek

refuge together and see to it that no harm comes to one another. This is exactly the

philosophy of brotherhood. It will not help you in depending and relying upon me. It

will help if you help each other in distress and see to it that no harm comes to one

another. Neither it is difficult nor expensive to reassure your neighbor or any other

person in distress or need. If you had ever experienced someone coming to your help

when you were under distress or traumatized, how blissful it was that very moment. You

still thank that person and bless him. The same way if you go on to help someone at the

time of need, you will realize the purpose of your existence and feel happy to be of some

use to someone.

When your child learns to respect others and sees their elders helping out others in

distress, the child will grow up to be a fine adult and will likewise be helpful and


Brotherhood amongst men will lower the percentage of crime and violence.

When a criminal returns from jail, he is an outcaste. Brotherhood and caring for him

will reform him and give him back his respect. Shunning him will make him commit

another crime; it is a vicious circle that man falls into when love and caring is absent.

When your child learns to follow a religion and hears their elders demeaning other

religions and brewing hatred against them , the child will grow up to be a human

hater and with a narrow outlook in life. His life will revolve around his religion and he

will judge each and every one according to his religion. He will perform acts befitting his

religion and ultimately become a misfit in the company of people of other religions.

Oh people! you are all my children. When you demean each other, when you turn violent

against each other, when you deprive each other of your love at the hour of need, it all

pains me. I never wanted it to happen this way. But I gave you a mind to understand

what is logical. If the creator for each of the religion were different then, Oh Men! Each

one of you may have had a different way of emotion, appearance and outlook in life. But

see for yourself, you are all the same in appearance, emotion, outlook and life style.

Even the blood group of a man from the north pole of this world may be the same as that

of a man from the south pole of this world. Do you still need proof of my claim of

brotherhood amongst you mankind?.

Shun this practice of dividing men in the name of religion and embrace brotherhood

instead; all this for the sake of your posterity. Let the coming generation enjoy the peace

and happiness of this world, something that you people deprived yourselves of for so

many centuries.

Oh men! Let me again come back to you and convince you of one thing. When you die

and when others die and when the creatures die, all of you undergo the same pain and

anguish of death. The belief in any one religion does not lessen your pain. Religion is

therefore, a farce, brotherhood a truth.

Brotherhood is all about helping your fellow being. With time, wealth, reassuring words

and kindness, whichever way you may help, you create a better and healthier

community and by your good karma you earn my respect.

Man ultimately, enjoys dividing themselves into different groups, in the name of

religion, political demarcation of land, political thinking, language, culture and race etc.

When in a small group they may divide themselves into local groups. People of one

locality are looked upon differently by people of another locality. The discord and divide

amongst mankind is inevitable unless man learns to mingle and bring down the great

political divide of countries. The world I created is one and for all irrespective of caste,

creed, religion, language or race. When you divided the land to rule easy over people,

when you created religion and other divides, you simple distanced one person from

another. You looked down upon another race, religion, country and culture. This is not

what a man should have been.

Free the world to all and let each one survive in an atmosphere where one would like to

survive. Then let one race mingle with another and let their children mingle with

another and so on and so forth and you will see that there would be no divide amongst

mankind. The world would stabilize in a few centuries with similar looking people all

over and language that would be understood by all. Oh men! You are foolish into

believing that by demarcating your land and by protecting your race you are securing

the future of your posterity. You are only creating rife amongst yourselves.

You would see more wars and destruction all over. When you mingle and let your

children and their children grow in different countries you would shun war and cruelty

to others as you would find your own children and their children in the battle field and

you and your children and their children would refrain from pulling the trigger on their

own blood and flesh. You turn around and tell me tales from the past where brothers

killed brothers and children of one brother killed the children of another brother. Oh

foolish ones! Did not I tell you that brotherhood and only brotherhood and the respect

for other sentient beings and refraining from greed could only lead you to the path of

peace and salvation. Brotherhood comes from respecting lives, mans’ as well as

creatures. Kindness to another man as well as creature fills you with the spirit of

brotherhood. Did Barbarians win at the end? Go through their lifestyle, they evaporated

from this earth by killing each other. You mankind today, is in the making of such

barbarians. If you shun brotherhood and take pride in annihilating others you are

creating enemies and all the while you will have to prove your loyalty and friendship to

others and ultimately when peace will be broken, you will send your children to war

against them and bring back corpses of your loved ones and then console yourselves

thinking of having defeated your enemy who once was your friend. Then in time you

create another enemy and then again lose your children’s children and the game of war,

death, destruction and defeat will go on. Sorrow will prevail which you will hide by

celebrating the defeat of your enemy. You will gain nothing out of killing and

destruction and spend your peoples’ life time and wealth in defending the country and


When one brother is in distress and need help I may not be there to help but you as a

brother will be next door to help. Therefore, the time you spend in worshipping me may

be better used in helping your brethren and other sentient fellow beings, thus starting

the chain of brotherhood and love for the less fortunate creatures. If each one of you

who spend an hour a day in worshipping me uses that much time in teaching and caring

for others, would you not make your world a better place to live in? Would you not save

so much money that otherwise is wasted in religious celebration and worship ?

Brotherhood demands control over your desire and passion. One’s never ending desire

and senseless passion leads man to commit crime and offend others, thus earning

wrath and committing act not befitting a brother of this earth.

Reality of this universal truth

There are endless scriptures, shashtras and sutras from different religions from all over

the world. These religious scriptures are the reasons for you to let the eye of your mind

remain closed and sleep even when you are awake bodily. Religions lets you follow the

scriptures blindly and never help you open the eye of your mind to reason what is myth

from truth.

True religion lies within each one of us. Just the way no two people look the same or

share the same fingerprint, in the same way no two person share the same religion.

Since time immemorial billions of people were born and died, each one with their own

distinct fingerprint, appearance and religion. The proof is in front of you. Each religion,

even though governed by the same holy book are followed and interpreted by different

sects from the same religion. There are good and bad people from the same religious

community and when few people from the same religion get together for a discussion;

they are fist and blows over interpreting their own holy commandments. This clearly

shows that each one of us run our lives according to the way we want to function, good

or bad. Religions teach us all the good deeds we ought to do while we live, why then the

followers disobey the religious commandments? For instance, Jesus said "Do not kill,

you know your commandments" Since time immemorial one Christian killed another in

several battles since the times of Romans and the Anglo-Saxons, they are continuing to

do so even today, much against the peaceful doctrine of Christianity. This goes for all the

religions in the world today. Our personal religions are similar to the "Disc operating

system" in the computer. If the operating software is corrupt, the computer will not be

able to deliver proper results when any software is installed. If my own personal

religion governed by my soul and spirit is corrupt I will be a nasty and corrupt person

with destructive and criminal thoughts, even if I follow religious ways, I will continue to

be a bad man with bad thoughts and deeds.

We have been taught to pray to God and be frightened of his wrath if we sin. Gods and

religions run the lives of almost all of us since time immemorial. We are so much so

into believing the interference of God and religions in our lives that we cannot, even for

a moment, think that these are all absurd and Gods never interfere in our world ever.

The same God or Gods that sends us light, water, air, food, flowers and all good

things on this earth also sends us earthquake, lightning, flood, famine, drought, malady

and reptiles and beasts, yet religions makes us believe that Gods are kind and loves

mankind more than our own parents and our dear ones. God and Satan are the two

sides of the same coin. We are so afraid of God that we have learned to recite “Thank

you God for everything, thank you God for the world so sweet". I wonder if the children

in the Indonesian schools were reciting this little hymn praising God for sending that

memorable earthquake which killed maimed and devastated innocent little children and

their loved ones. We humans are double faced and hypocrites unable to stand up to the

truth we know is true. It is time we wake up and see this world and ourselves from a

different perspective.

In birth as well as in death there is extreme anguish for all living beings. The cruelty of

food chain is extremely agonizing and disturbing. It is horrifying to see innocent deer,

goats and gazelles being chased by civets (leopards and lions) for food. The God that

proclaims his love for all living beings is the same God that is behind these cruel and

barbaric natural behaviors of man and beasts alike. You love your children, would you

ever let it be chased by a lion for food? Would you shake the school building and let you

child crush and die under the debris, as in earthquake? Would you let you child get

electrocuted, as in lightning? Would you let your child starve to death, as in drought and

famine? Yet we thank God for everything and thank God for the world so sweet. While

I am writing this blog, there must be unaccountable animals and people including

children who may be starving and in suffering, without any kindness being shown by the

said Almighty God, of which many will die due to starvation and malady. Awake to these

natural phenomenon and look at your world from a different perspective to save

yourself, your loved ones and the world at large, instead of going into battles on trifles.

Only helping each other and showing the way will bring peace to humanity. Arrogance

and religious ways are injurious to mankind, humility and real understanding on the

way this universe operates is the true answer.

We should not be afraid of any God or any law, we should only be afraid of our own

deeds or Karma. This deed or Karma stays with us until we die and then attaches itself

on our families and loved ones. They suffer the consequences, depending upon the

nature of the crime or misdeeds we may have done in this world. Good deeds naturally

fetches dividend for the person as well for his loved ones. We are governed by our

Karma, good or bad. We can never rid ourselves from the deeds we may have done in

the past, it is there to stay permanently in this world with its effect being felt by the

immediate family members and the society, the country and the world. Karma of Hitler,

Barbarian and the likes of them left a permanent mark on this planet, in the same way

the karma of Jesus, The Buddha and Lord Mahavira left a mark of peace and love across

this world of ours. So Gods, religions and laws are all secondary while your very own

deeds or Karma are primarily responsible for what you


We humans have been fooled into being born into this world. We think we are

intelligent, smart, all knowing, yet we are so knave and ignorant that we know nothing

about this world and the universe except from the three dimensions, seven colors of the

spectrum and the five sense organs. Even our sixth sense is based upon all the five

senses. We are the prisoners of nature and only after we die, maybe, the truth will

unfold before us. So, in death, maybe, we will find freedom, until then we remain a

prisoner, in whatever we do. Do we realize all that we crave for, are all injurious to

us? We live in deception and we die very slowly; gradually letting seconds, minutes,

hours, days, weeks, months, years and decades pass by. Every evening we sit and

celebrate with our friends and families without realizing that every evening snatches one

day from the rest of our lives. The 25000 odd days we live, we live in ignorance gifted to

us by the nature. We love to do and perform all which may be detrimental to ourselves.

For instance, rich food, passing time with friends, worshiping the Gods and such other

cravings are injurious and unproductive. Even marriage and having children puts us

into undue responsibility and mostly keeps us busy in the worldly ways for survival. Our

ability to improve ourselves spiritually is mostly forfeited. Think of all that we love to

live with, you will see mostly deception. Even oxygen, necessary for us to survive, kills us

gradually, oxidizing our body and letting the aging process within us. We are so

intensely involved and busy finding ways to survive, nature gave us limited time to think

beyond the material things of life. This is nature's cunning way to keep us busy.

Religions have divided mankind into believing different Gods and religions. Man killed

man in the name of religion and laws, much more than animals killed animals in the

jungles. This is not the principle we should be following to run this world. Have you ever

seen three little children in a dark alley? They hold each other’s’ hands and keep close to

each other until they reach a safe spot. We need to learn a simple lesson from a simple

human behavior.

Religions encourage us to spend our money and time on religious purposes. If we spend

that much time and money on the welfare of all living beings, man and animals alike, we

would see a happy world for each one of


We humans like to be fooled all the time. Nature lets us grow on this earth as fools,

while we spend a fortune spending our time and money in fooling ourselves in religious

ways and in movies and stories. This is why movie stars who fool us into letting

us believe all which are not true are rich people. God-men who keep us intoxicated in

religious ways and in their miraculous abilities are also rich people, having assets spread

over the five continents.

All men are bound by the reality of birth, growth, death, and in-between of suffering,

misery, pleasures, and happiness, irrespective of whichever religion they belong. They

experience the same anguish in life as well as in death

A man, a child, a woman, the sky, the water, fruits, vegetables and all those gifted by

nature are all those common to all of us , world over. A person from Eskimo land,

Netherlands, Nagaland, England and all lands, worldwide, would call all these gifts the

same in their language, whereas, religious scriptures are interpreted differently by two

people in the same room, inciting extreme resentment and discord. This clearly proves

that religious scriptures are a hoax and should never be taken seriously except for some

moral lessons, mingled with fiction.

Abstain from undue desire, passion, greed, expectation and ambition, which are all

but pitfalls for your happiness in life. Unless you awake to your spiritual side, you will

never understand your true self, somewhere within you will you see darkness and

unhappiness; how much wealth you accumulate is immaterial.

Sacrificing animals for prosperity, warding off evil and diseases are all a hoax and stems

from ignorance. Some people sacrifice to please their God or Gods. Stop this ignorance

in the name of religion. Millionaires across the world do not sacrifice animals to get rich

and wealthy; they worked hard and took the right roads towards prosperity. Animals are

the co-owners of this earth; we should not disturb them or their habitats. To seek

happiness, feed animals, do not eat torture or kill them. Feeding animals, birds and

fishes will bring you peace and happiness always.

Not birth and life, but in death you remain a winner, freeing yourself from the bondage.

If living and enjoying most good things in life is injurious to us, in the same way the fear

of death is but a hoax, in death there is a momentary suffering with infinite pleasure and

freedom thereafter. We need not be afraid of death, whatsoever. We only lose our

material body and depart from our loved ones forever. Nevertheless, this natural process

had been happening since time immemorial to all living beings.

People dispute the presence of God. Some believe in one God, others in many Gods,

while some do not believe in the existence of God. Most important, believes in your very

own self. If you believe in yourself you will never fail ever and would blame yourself for

any good as well as bad moments in your life instead of blaming any God or Gods for

your misfortunes or prosperity.

Zen teaches us peace, focus and awakening.

Welcome to this blog on Zen philosophy. Friends, it is difficult for me to explain to you

in words, what exactly is Zen philosophy because words and speeches are inferior forms

of communication. Nevertheless, I will try to explain to you what is Zen philosophy

and how you could benefit from following Zen in your life all the way till your last


Zen teaches you simplicity of mind, food, actions and behavior. Think simple, eat

simple, keep your actions and behavior simple and stress free.

Zen is all about waking up, washing, cleaning, eating, working sincerely, social activities,

maintaining your mind and body, meditating and sleeping.

Zen meditation teaches you to think nothing when meditating; if distracted, chant "I am

thinking nothing" and you will think nothing.

Zen teaches you to know your very own nature; observe yourself and your activities and

accordingly correct yourself. Everyone, a man, a dog or an elephant has the Buddha


Zen does not believe in duality. We create distinctions out of our own mind and then

believe them. There is no good or bad. It is only the circumstances due to which one is

good or bad.

Zen believes all in this world are illusion. Like you cannot catch a bubble or a cloud,

likewise you cannot hold on to anything you love; mother, father, sister, brother spouse,

all will perish, it is only a matter of time. So do not attach yourself to these; see

everything as illusion.

Religious activities are all delusions; seeking help from Gods, praying to Gods, expecting

from Gods, offering to Gods are all delusions. God may exist alright, it is not our place

to communicate with God or Gods for anything because we are autonomous beings,

meaning, we are answerable to ourselves. Do not be afraid of any God(s), police, laws or

anyone; be afraid of your own doings and your very own Karma(s) because only your

karma(s) is responsible for the rewards and/or punishments that you will get in this

world or the next birth, when, where and how we do not know. This is the cause and

effect law.

Zen philosophy is against hurting any living being, violence or eating animals. This is

totally against the Zen philosophy of non-violence (Ahimsa); have compassion and

mercy for all.

Avoid anger says Zen, for anger only kills you and not the person you are angry at.

Since childhood, children should be taught these basic Zen laws so that they grow up to

be responsible and good human beings.

The success of your soul is avoiding rebirth in this world. This you can do by detaching

yourself from the worldly ways. So long you live in this world you may enjoy all the

facilities but attaching to those will ensure re-birth and re-birth means suffering in this

world once again in any life form.

When you follow Zen philosophy sincerely, you will notice quality in your way of life

and in your work. This is because Zen teaches you to focus in all what you do. You

become a better person, a better worker and a better citizen. You live with no greed or

passion, undue ambition, expectation and false desires. You become free of stress, anger

and violence. Your soul is free from the undue greed for worldly possessions.

To know more about Zen philosophy, ask me for a free lecture for your group, big or

small. My fees? Your promise to lead a Zen life full of compassion, love and mercy for all

living beings, man and animals alike. Detest violence and abusing yourself and others.

This world is getting too much into religion; people going astray from the main purpose

of what actually religions teaches us. Communities are foolishly fighting and killing each

other in the name of religion. We need to remember only one little thing; we are all born

with a few special and unique features, our appearance, fingerprint and personal

religion. Like in a computer we have an operating software, unless this primary software

works correctly, we cannot work with other secondary software. Corrupt primary

operating software will give incorrect results or output; in the same way if our personal

religion, with which each one of us are born, is corrupted, we turn evil and our output is

negative and unfriendly to this world. Take for instance, two brothers, both Christians,

church goers, one turns out to be friendly, helpful and loving while the other is nasty,

evil and selfish. How does this happen ? this happens only because we are born with our

unique individual religion like our appearance and fingerprint.

Each one of us, try and live with dignity and respect; this can happen only when we

conduct our lives only with what is real and true in this world. Following logic and

reality is the only way we can find peace, happiness, reconcile to bitter memories.

Zen happiness through a logical mind.

1.Since time immemorial we human beings have been trying to find the true meaning of

and also find happiness in our lives and the lives of our loved ones. It is estimated that

happiness is the most sought after commodity in this world, followed by wealth and

power. Unfortunately, we have not been able to establish the true meaning of happiness

in our lives in spite of many Saints in the past elaborating on this commodity and the

road to happiness. What we mistake for happiness is our possessions of material things

in this world which does not give us happiness but comfort. With comfort comes an

easier life, with easier life comes relief; relief brings smile on our faces. This is not

happiness; it is only a temporary phenomenon of relief and comfort which should never

be mistaken for happiness. When these articles of comfort are worn out and new ones

with better features appear in the market, older ones turn an eyesore for its owners.

Sooner they get rid of those old ones and own better and more versatile ones, for them

to find happiness once again. For any common man, this remains the true definition of

happiness. No, happiness in its truest form is far from any such material things in life.

We need money, home and paraphernalia to live, alright, but that should not be the

benchmark for happiness. The secret to finding true happiness is different, once

acquired, it remains with you till your last breath; gift that is most precious and also

free, like air, water and sunshine. The way to finding true happiness is total simplicity of

your body and mind. The secret code is for you to unlock within you; like a number lock,

unique to your very own secret setting.

2.There is an inbuilt mechanism within each one of us, finding and operating it to seek

true happiness is only in our own hands; anytime on attaining maturity till our last

breath we should be able to find it and use it to attain peace, happiness, and health. This

gift of nature is beyond any religion, wealth, or power. You only need to cultivate it and

put it into good use day after day and see how it grows happiness and peace within you

with each passing day.

3.The first step is to learn to see the world from a different perspective. See yourself as a

fortunate being with facilities at your disposal which many unfortunate people and

creatures are deprived of. Learn to understand the difficulties and misfortunes of others.

See yourself as a saviour of all living beings. Respect people and creatures, like roadside

dogs, cats, cows and other animals. If you can afford, offer them food and water. You

will realise how much this first step to success will make a difference in your life. `This

first step will awaken you to realise how much these creatures need us and how much

they appreciate your little service to them.

4.Always stay away from complicated and useless thoughts and actions. The major cause

of all diseases and malady in this world has always been our unhealthy thoughts and

ways. Simplicity of thoughts and actions always brings true happiness because you avoid

stress and excitements which go hand in hand with evil thoughts and evil ways. People

who practice complicated ways in their lives turn old and grey faster, with deteriorating

health attached to them till their last breath. Simplicity releases healthy hormones and

this is responsible for good health, good and pleasing personality liked by all and a

healthy and ageless mind to compliment it all.

5.The major code to unlocking in finding true happiness lies within your heart. Saints

like Jesus, The Buddha, and Mahavira were awakened to this bright secret code. The

bright codes are love, compassion, mercy, care, and charity for all living beings

including living plants and the atmosphere which include earth, air, and water. It

remains our prime duty never to harm or disturb these atmospheric conditions for

monetary gains. When, for gains we do this, we actually harm other living beings,

disturbing their share of the healthy atmospheric conditions.

6.All religions of the world have one common goal, to make us good people, to believe

that God is kind and merciful and we, in return, should be kind and merciful. This is

why Jesus said 18:10 “You know your commandments, do not kill”. Does religion make

us good people? No, because religion is based upon delusion and myth, so much so that

most of us do not become good people. This comment of mine may offend many people.

OK, let us take a small example. Many countries around the world label themselves as

countries practicing certain religion; for instance, USA as Christian country, Sri Lanka

or Japan as Buddhist countries and Iraq as a Muslim country. See the animal abuse in

the farms, how cows and pigs and other animals are beaten with chains and rods. See

the hangings of the criminals, torture to the blacks, torture and merciless killings of the

inmates in Iraq, brothers killing brothers . Would Jesus, Buddha or any other saint do

these acts? Do they follow their religions? The answer is in front of you. With people

turning more religious, violence is increasing worldwide. So, not religion, but our own

realisation can only transform us into become good and kind people.

7.When I said violence is increasing worldwide, I also mean another secret code to true

happiness. We need to respect all living beings, including animals. We need to lead a

vegetarian life. We need to avoid flesh of any living being. We need to avoid milk in

excess as our food. We need to stop the use of honey, collection of which is a criminal

act. Honey bee collects honey as their winter provision; we steal it away from them, the

same way someone withdraws money from our savings using a fake credit card. OK,

most of you will be offended when I suggest you to turn vegetarian. Let me give you an

example. War, rape, murder, senseless killing, mass killing, violence, excessive anger,

torture, and intimidation including terrorism has one thing in common- all people

involved are non-vegetarians. This phenomenon is the curse of the dying animals which

finds its flesh on our dinner table. I have been studying this phenomenon, starting my

own people, friends and relatives, down to the country people and the world at large, I

see the consumption of animals as our food is increasing by the day with an equal

increase in the nature and intensity of violence generated by the increasing consumption

of animal flesh. The truth is in front of you, I can only point it out to you.

8.Did you ever stop to show some love to the rodents and the lizards that take shelter

somewhere in your home? How awful, how crazy to suggest feeding the domestic pests.

If you find this suggestion crazy and awful, believe me you are heading towards some

disease. This is a hard fact which I have observed in so many years. People who detest

and prefer to kill house pests like the domestic rodents, rats, mice and lizards lean more

towards some disease. Find ways to keep them away from your home, like high

frequency sound or electronic repellents. Morning, I feed all the crows, cats, mine as

well as the neighbourhood ones, pigeons and sparrows. They have all turned my friends

and know me. The feeling is ecstatic and very joyful, with a surge in healthy hormones in

my body. What else a man can ask for when nature brings such joyful moments in our

lives each morning and evening. We only deprive ourselves of such joyful moments by

neglecting and hating such unfortunate living beings, which are deprived of love, food,

shelter, and security. Remember, they too are the creations of the same nature that

created us on this planet. Did you ever stop to talk to a crow or a roadside dog, cat or a

cow? See how they respond on offering them biscuits while talking to them. If each one

of us did this every day of our life, this planet would turn so healthy, brimming with

love, joy and care for each other. Diseases, anger, disappointments, and negativity

would all disappear from our lives. The intensity of senseless shooting, terrorism and

hatred would certainly go down if not completely disappear.

9.Meditate, whenever you can. You need not keep long beard, wear lose gowns or keep

an unkempt hair or go to the jungles to meditate. Meditate before sleeping, on waking,

in the bus, while waiting for someone in the waiting room or while walking. You will find

answers to so many questions as well as it would turn you towards reality rather than

any religious way. Reality is the base for finding peace and happiness. For instance, God

is good and kind, loves us and sent us fruits, flowers and made our world so sweet.

Should we buy this story? The same God sends us earthquakes, lightning, thunder

storm, flood, famine, malady, reptiles, beasts, and predators to kill us. So, the quicker

you turn yourself towards reality of this life, the quicker you accept the hard facts of life

and start to believe in yourself rather than in any religion or God. I wonder if the school

children who got crushed when their school roof collapsed in the famous Indonesian

earthquake were singing “Thank you God for the world so sweet”. Most of our doctrines

are based upon whims handed down to us since our forefathers. Our duty is to correct

those and delve deep into the reality of this universe. When we succeed in doing this we

actually succeed in finding true happiness, followed by peace and good health of body

and mind.

10.As a member of this planet and this society, it is imperative I contribute towards the

benefit of mankind. In line with the Chinese proverb, I can show you where to see, it is

up to you what to see. May happiness, good health, and peace always be with you and

your family.

Compassion for peace and animals.

Know all men of this planet, to seek happiness in this world you need

to live your life by its rules. The first rule is to be compassionate and

helpful to all living beings. Killing, hunting, hurting, torturing, and

cruelty to any living being, man and animal alike, will only bring

misery, malady, sufferings, distress, and misfortune into your lives.

Remember, all living beings are born out of this earth. They have an

equal right over the land, water sky, and other natural gifts of the

earth. They are lesser fortunate than humankind and therefore,

humanity needs to have love and sympathy for them. Depriving

them of food, water and bare comforts and needs will only add to

man’s misery. The way you cannot see or feel the radio waves on the

TV and the cell phones, in the same way, curse of the dying and

tortured living beings; man, animals, birds, or other living

creatures, cannot be seen, but the curse exists in the air, one day to

punish you for your cruelty against them.

Eating of the flesh of any living beings, animals, birds, reptiles, sea-

life, or even insects, are all forbidden and unhealthy for humanity.

Drinking excessive milk or living on milk products, only deprives the

calves of their mother’s milk, which again is sinful and a cruel act.

Collecting honey from the honeycombs is equally a sin. Honeybees

stores the honey to sustain them during the winter months.

Humans deprive the honeybees of their legitimate hard-earned

savings in the form of honey, their winter food. This is an outright

sin; law will never punish you for, your deed will one day make you

suffer, and you will not know why, believe me!

Living beings- do not eat them feed them instead! They can get as

hungry and thirsty as you do, yet you turn away your face from

their misery and misfortune. A little care and food will make them

happy; they will thank you for the mercy you show them.

Every man needs to know, this world is one large home for the

billions of homes across its length and breath. As you all care and

maintain your little homes by cleaning and keeping the fan, fridge,

light bulbs, and other fittings in order, same way, you should find

little time to be responsible towards the world’s maintenance. This

world consists of at least the sky, air, earth, waters, living beings,

plants and humankind- seven segments in total. If each one of us, as

a member of this world, shoulder little responsibility in maintaining,

at least one from the seven segments, this world will be a blissful

place to live in again.

Religion has only divided humankind into believing different gods

and different ways of worshipping. Man, thanks and praises his God

for all the food, fruits, and good things sent to him on this earth.

Man, neither thanks nor curse his God for the lightning, flood,

famine, epidemic, earthquake or the reptiles and the beasts that his

God only sent to humankind in his world. Man remains blind to this

logical phenomenon and continue wasting his time and money and

the lives of those billions of innocent creatures, as sacrifice, to keep

their Gods happy. Man by nature has a weak mind and follow

double standards, when it comes to pleasing someone superior to


God, therefore, does not rule your destiny or your world; you are the

master of your own destiny by the deeds you commit in this world,

while the natural calamities are the cause of geographical changes in

the atmosphere.

Stop squandering money, gold, and silver in the name of Gods and

religions. Use those billions of dollars instead, for the welfare of

those less fortunate human beings and animals across the world. It

will give you endless pleasure to see your money bring smile, health,

and future to those lesser fortunate than you are.

Never sacrifice animals; this is the sign of a weak mind. Those

people happy and healthy around the world and those billion dollar

businesses around the world, do you think they all sacrifice animals

to be successful? They in fact, feed and love animals. You bring

more misery upon yourself by sacrificing animals.

Learn to believe in yourself. Believing in one or many Gods makes

no difference in the lives of humankind; it fetches you nothing.

Ultimately, every living being is born, grows, live in misery and

some happiness, and then dies. Man is a prisoner in this world,

knowing only from his five senses, three dimensions, and seven

colours of the spectrum. Besides this, man knows nothing about the

hidden mystery of nature and the universe.

What exactly is man?

What exactly is man? Since time immemorial we have been trying to unfold the mystery

of all living beings, especially that of mankind. We have miserably failed in our efforts

in unlocking this mystery. There are some secrets about everything in this entire

universe which man can never unfold ever. Man, in his frustration of this failed mission

of unfolding the secrets, went about in defining all living beings including himself, by

offering varying reasons, religious, scientific, and philosophical. None of these really

serve any purpose in defining what mankind and all other living beings are in reality.

Ultimately, this is frustrating, leaving each one of us to give one’s own reason for being

born in thisworld. Nothing happens without reason, which we are sure about, so the

presence of all living beings including mankind must be having some reason. If we have

not been able to locate or establish the reason for our existence in so many millions of

years, better we should not waste our time further in this quest and use those precious

hours in some purposeful and positive ways and deeds.

Man, if we see from a realistic point of view, is made up of so many different ingredients,

natural and supernatural or mystical. We are a bundle of nerves, organs, vessels, tissues,

bones, muscles, lipids and other intricate physiological mechanism that reserves and

runs on blood, protein, carbohydrates and fat; supported by air and water.

unfortunately, a dead man can never be brought back to life even after repairing all his

body parts and making him functional otherwise. This is because man, or as a matter of

fact, any living being, has another side to his life, which is supernatural or mystical. This

has been puzzling mankind since time immemorial.

Man has yet not been able to seize and control something that run lives, called soul or

spirit. Maybe, in course of time man will be able to identify and communicate with

spirits, only then dead could be resurrected by man himself by letting a spirit control the

once dead body afresh. Only time will tell if such a feat could be experienced by

mankind in the future.

Some of you may not find my perspective of looking at man very convincing. You may

not agree with me about the soul and spirit in any living being. Let me share my

experience with you. A few years ago I had a cat that was not pregnant. I dreamt she was

holding a very young brown and white kitten in her mouth; while I unlocked the door to

my office she brought in the kitten from behind me and many other cats followed her to

see and inspect the little kitten. Dream is a dream or as Shakespeare said, “dream is

itself but a shadow”. But in my case it was not to be so. When I went to unlock my office

door the next morning, I experienced what exactly I dreamt. My dream unfolded in front

of me verbatim. Unless there is something spiritual about living beings, I could not have

ever foreseen the future. In the same way once in a while I am able to experience or

dream some impending mishaps. Once I dreamt of a baby shrouded in white, vomiting

milk. I got the news at 6 am next morning about a baby who choked himself on milk

and died. Recently, a person was hospitalised for a minor operation, I dreamt that he

was shrouded in white and offered me something white to eat. I told my wife about this

and I knew the matter would turn serious. It did turn serious. In the morning while I

was having my breakfast I could hear a Hindu mantra or requiem. I told my wife that if

the person survived the next 48 hours he would live. Next morning we received the news

of his demise. I have had several such experiences in my life; hence I am convinced

about all living beings including mankind having a spiritual side to them. This spiritual

side only enables a living being to live and survive till one’s death.

Two sides of mankind, physiological as well as spiritual are necessary to define a man, or

all living beings. Just as earth and water is responsible for the physiological presence of

all living beings, in the same way air provides the spiritual presences for all living

beings, enabling them to think, live and react under all circumstances from birth until

death. Both these features enable mankind to be a superior being amongst all living

beings in this planet. I may be wrong, there could be beings which cannot interact with

us and which may be much more superior spiritually to mankind. We regard mankind

as superior only because we can see results in front of us. With the architectures, man’s

quest for exploring the universe, modern gadgets, living style and superior ability in

whatever man does, we are self-styled “superior beings”. Being a superior being and

being purposeful are two different aspects that need to be combined in one.

Man has so far shown his ability in doing what he had been doing since time

immemorial. Most of us grow up and get busy finding ways to survive, also start finding

ways to earning. Without income, we could never survive, unless of course our

ancestors left behind wealth to take care of our existence. Each one of us choose an

activity from which we could earn and survive. Each one of us think that we are

contributing to the society, in fact we do not, we only contribute our time against the

earnings. Each one of us do something with an intention to receive back something in

cash, kind, or popularity. None of us, or would I say most of us, do not undertake any

activity that would not give us some incentive. This is what man is - without any

mission to accomplish in this world.

Man is basically a living being strongly looking first for his own survival and secondly to

invade and dominate all other human beings and all living beings. If he succeeds in

dominating his world, he would invade and dominate all other planets within his reach

and ability.

Should we give birth to another child?

By the day this world is becoming a very cruel place to live in, competition, violence,

struggle and excessive efforts in the ways to survive has made it imperative for us to stop

and think if we should bring a child to this world. With the coming of a child, there are

only sorrow hidden in our expectations and Love for our children.

Sacrifice of the mother for the first 9 months.

After the birth, excessive expenditure of energy of the parents to bring up the child.

Child undergoes trauma of school days learning, growing up, competition, survival


Anguish in birth and death.

We give birth to a child only for selfish reasons, to let people know that the parents of

the child are fertile, to have a child who would take up the mantle from the father, have

a child for the parents and the grandparents to be happy.

What happens if we do not have a child? Love between the spouses remains intact and

undivided. Energy of the parents could be used for better purpose. Saving of the money

which would have gone for this child’s education could go to needy children. The spouse

could be free to travel, go about and engage into different activities as they wish, which

would not be possible once the child goes to school.

With restricting the coming of a child we reduce the world population, reduce

competition, allow food and amenities in abundance and then gradually let our specie

perish from this earth. When we will never be a part of this world there would be no

God, no evil, no goodness and no one to disturb the habitat of the animals.

The curse of eating meat

It is strange but true, we are cursed when we eat meat. I am vehemently against eating

meat since my childhood. I observed those involved in killing, selling, cooking, serving,

and eating meat are cursed in various ways.

If you believe in re-birth, meaning all living (breathing) beings have souls, they are re-

born into this world to spend a pre-determined time to suffer, and we therefore, cannot

kill them. We should also believe in non-violence. Jesus and other saints, philosophers

and eminent people taught us non-violence. Violence in the form of terrorism, organized

crimes, senseless mass shooting, rape, murder, loss of emotion, sentiment and values,

which are all in the news all the time all over the world. Strange enough, there is one

thing common to all the violence all over the world; people involved in all these crimes

are non-vegetarians.

Killing, torturing and eating creatures, all goes a long way in conditioning our minds. It

is not necessary, those eating meat would turn violent and killers only; the same way not

all the students studying in the same class in the same school ranks first, second and

third in the group. With the practice of killing, torturing and eating living creatures,

some turn killers, some violent, some arrogant, some angry, while some remain calm

but victims of diseases and terminal illnesses.

With the premature killing of living beings, we dangerously turn the balance of birth

and rebirth against the wheel of time. This disturbance in the natural rebirth process is

the cause of all that evil, violence and sin that man is committing all over the world.

With the passing of time the intensity of such crimes are becoming severe and frequent.

This is evident from the nature and the frequency of the crime rates all over the world;

today and in comparison, 50 years ago. The curse of the tortured, killed, slaughtered and

abused animals will continue to haunt us unless we bring a stop to this practice.

Blessings of being a vegetarian

Most religions and saints advocate vegetarianism. Practicing vegetarianism makes

us peaceful people with respect for all living beings. Vegetarian diet does not make us

weak, instead it makes us strong. Today worldwide people are turning vegetarians,

either due to becoming civilised or due to health reasons, after they had indulged into

meat eating all their life.

Unfortunately, saints and prophets we adore and respect taught us non-violence and

simplicity in whatever we do and eat.

Vegetarianism associated with simple living and high thinking

True vegetarianism calls for simple meals with low or no intake of alcohol or cigarette,

with respect for all living beings, compassion, love and mercy, meditation and stress-

free lifestyle. Control over your mind, body, anger, desire, ambition, greed, passion and

expectations from life in general. Just as Yoga is not only about body-stretching and

pryanams, it is also about mental focus and meditation, in the same way true

vegetarianism is not only about living on vegetables, but associated with a host of

other dos and don’ts, some of which are described above.

Vegetarian lifestyle is a clean lifestyle.

To compliment strict vegetarianism in our diet, children must go through an additional

half an hour course in every school and class introducing the values of vegetarianism

from philosophical point of view, along with good upbringing and hygiene.

Vegetarianism is the core of civilisation

Vegetarianism, foremost is associated with civilisation. With time we have gradually

learnt to do away with many cruel and primitive traditions, such as torturing the

prisoners of wars, slavery, hanging in the public; with civilisation we have learnt to be

morally conscious and responsible too. The practice of killing living beings for food or

otherwise should be completely abolished. One must visit the slaughter houses to see

the plight of the dying innocent animals withering in pain or the sudden impact of high

voltage that runs through their body. Crabs get their pincers broken and let into boiling

water alive, tortoise gets their belly slit open and their shell removed, while they are

alive. Big fishes, difficult to be held are hit with a baton on the head to stun them

before the heads are severed in one stroke. Do we still call this civilisation? Yet mankind

is looking for happiness all around, never to find any, unless they learn to respect

the less fortunate living beings which they call animals.

One common symbol for all religions.

Did you ever stop to observe what is similar to most religions of the world? It is the

tridents of the Hindus that is similar to the symbols of other religions. The most ancient

religion of Hinduism has tridents with three prongs as shown in this picture below:

Hindus have another important symbol called “Om” again with three prongs but tilted

towards the left. It is otherwise same as the trident. As shown above .

Christians have a cross as their religious symbol. The middle prong being straight with

two sides prongs open to left and right. Otherwise it is similar to the trident. Please

observe the cross in the picture.

Sikhs have “Ek Onkar” as their religious symbol. If you observe this symbol with three

prongs, it is similar to the trident.

The Islamic calligraphy of the word “Allah” too has three prongs and incidentally it is

similar to the trident. Please see the picture.

Finally the Jews have a similar symbol, Menorah(Hanukkha) it is a candle stand with

one middle prong and four prongs on each side instead of one. However, you will

observe the construction, design and the angle of this religious symbol is very similar to

the tridents of the Hindus.

As a layman I can only observe and point out the similarity but it is not my place to

interpret the reasons behind or the coincidence of the similarity. It is up to each one of

us to find the answer to this similarity.

The inner voice

Every living being is inherent with an inner voice, but the one gifted to man is the most

pronounced. Inner voice stems from the combination of a few things, your logical mind,

your spiritual development, and your conscience. If you have strengthened your mind

spiritually and kept a clean and unbiased mind, clearer and louder will you be able to

hear your inner voice.

Your inner voice is your religion, your protector, your advisor and your guide for ever. It

helps you come out of difficult situations, it allows you to take correct decisions for

which you are happy in the long run, and at every step, it keeps telling you the dos and

don’ts in life. It is up to you how much you can hear it and how much you ignore it.

Your inner voice is always active and always suggesting, it never betrays like the beat of

your heart.

Inner voice cannot get you knowledge of things that you do not know, it is not an

educational institution, but certainly it creates a bank of logical and defence action plans

based upon how much knowledge you have acquired in your lifetime. Higher the

knowledge, education, experience, observation, and sensitivity of mind, better will be

the service of your inner voice to you. Your inner voice depends upon the input you

have provided to it since birth.

Only when you let your active mind think more in material terms that you slowly

suppress your inner voice, letting the material side of you take over, and your mind,

programmed to succeed materially.

Those who guide their life spiritually and balance between the material things in life and

spiritual strength, they are the cleverest of the lot. With activated inner voice in their

day to day life they leave those temptations that may trouble them later and hold on to

those which may provide them with respect, peace, happiness, and comfort of the mind.

Such people generate tremendous goodwill in their world and society. They go on to

become an icon of principles. Ultimately, in their own little world, these types of people

need little or no praise nor do they care for the worldly pleasure, which they avoid

mostly in their lifetime. Their base is solid and they die a successful and a happy


How to win spiritual arguments always

As a thumb rule, we should always argue on spiritual/religious subjects of which we

have sufficient working knowledge. Arguing on a subject with little knowledge makes us

a laughing stock among people. Arguments should always be based upon facts and

truth. Unless we learn to put forth our arguments substantiated with facts and figures,

we will never win any argument.

I love to argue with spiritual leaders, only to expose them of their lack of knowledge on

their very own scriptures. I remain neutral on religious views allowing my opponent to

keep the talk going. I interrupt only when I find loose ends in their talks. Ultimately,

either they get very angry, disgusted, offended or get up and leave the gathering.

Remember, religious views always have loose ends and mostly based upon hypothesis

and fiction. So there comes a point when my opponent relies upon some un-

substantiated facts, I ask for proof and reference, which turns out to be either some

disputed quotation or nothing at all. I always keep my arguments going only to the

extend I am sure about and I can provide evidence.

Try this method and win all the spiritual arguments. It works!