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LifestylzPersonalTraining.com.au - Personal Training For Today's Busy Life

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LifeStylzPersonalTraining.com.au focuses on the main key elements of exercise and works to concentrate on their individual client’s special needs such as any past or present injuries, current stamina and endurance, athletic history, as well as anything else that they believe may play a factor in how a person’s body may react to a certain routine. Visit the website to know more.

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LifeStylz Personal Training


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Personal Training in Castle Hill has never been so exciting!

You can lose weight. Get fit. AND revolutionize your life.

We have no contracts. No fixed terms. No exit fees. No fine print.

Start when you like. Leave when you like.

At Lifestylz Personal Training Castle Hill, Kylie Sultana and her team are the ‘go

to’ people if you want to:

Lose weight and keep it off.

Get fit and stay fit.

Change your lifestyle so that you make lasting changes that contribute to your

overall health, wellbeing and happiness.

Many people who live or work in the Castle Hill area, or who visit Castle Towers

choose Lifestylz Personal Training for their personal fitness training sessions


We provide personal training, buddy training and group training sessions in

exciting 30 minute blitzes.

We provide realistic nutritional guidance.

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We motivate you, inspire you, keep you accountable, and nurture

your ‘can do’ attitude so you can achieve your lifestyle goals.

We have state-of-the-art equipment, and because we’re different to a gym, you

don’t have to wait to use the equipment.

We’ll stand by your side and help you achieve all your lifestyle goals. You’ll

receive as much motivation as you like, by either telephone, text, skype or

email. And best of all, we are a caring and friendly bunch – no heartless boot

camp sergeants at Lifestylz Personal Training Castle Hill !!

We believe in being realistic. Our trainers enjoy the good things in life, just like

the next person, so we don’t expect you to give up the things you love either.

What we will do is work with you, as a team, to create a healthier lifestyle. We

do this in a number of ways, but our number one tool is motivation.

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At Lifestylz Personal Training, we try not to complicate things — we know

there are a lot of different opinions and options out there! We work with the

facts about health and wellbeing, and that’s why we think of ourselves as a

healthy lifestyle centre, rather than just a training studio.

Have a look at our individual profiles:

Personal Trainer Kylie Sultana

Personal Trainer Craig

Personal Trainer Stephen

Other ways we can assist you include:

30 Minute Personal Training and Group Training Sessions, Cardio Club

Cardio Club



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Possibilities Developed By Choosing A Personal Trainer

Health indicates a factor that must be a main priority in every individual's life as they

try to get benefitted from new possibilities and exclusive experiences. Regrettably,

so many individuals have an inclination to concentrate on resources like the work

environment or the demands of the family so the concentration on health becomes a

secondary concern. When you are set to recapture the prospects that persists with

taking care of positive health, consider the many unique possibilities that are

provided from choosing a personal trainer.

First Possibility: Meeting Personal Goals

The possibility of fulfilling your own

personal objectives represents the

first resource a person can access

when taking advantage of a personal

trainer Castle Hill. From this resource

you can identify all the prospects you

are trying to take advantage of when

it relates to improving your health or

maintaining your existing prospects of

positive health.

By setting up the personal goals that you have, you will be in a position to set up

guidelines and milestones that will help you achieve success from this pursuit.

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Second Possibility: Designing an Exercise Program

Exercise represents one of the primary resources people depend upon when looking

to maximize possibility for losing weight and enhancing overall health. There are

several different styles of exercise an individual can get benefitted from and many

that should be avoided. With the resources of a Castle Hill personal trainer, you will

be in a position to gain access to a professional who knows several exercise

programs so that you can figure out the best resources to depend on to achieve your

particular health needs.

Third Possibility: Customising Nutritional Guidelines

Besides the significance that is discovered with exercise, a second element of

improving health that is available to any person is found with the prospective of

dieting. When many individuals consider this aspect, they have a tendency to believe

that dieting represents a reduction in food consumption so that the body is required

to use internal resources of store depositories. This is a significant mistake made by

several that often leads the body to entering a condition of hibernation where food

stores are maintained on account of the threat of starvation. Developing specific

nutritional guidelines with your personal trainer Castle Hill will help you in expanding

dieting potential and finding the best resources for burning through fat and calorie


Fourth Possibility: Identifying a Resource of Motivation

The fourth opportunity developed through the usage of a Castle Hill personal trainer

is finding a resource of inspiration that will assist you accomplish your goals. Majority

of the people have a hard time achieving these goals on their own and the chief

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reason is a lack of motivation that may temporarily prevail but cannot survive the

long duration of time for improving total health.

Personal Training Studios And The Four Advantages It Can Provide

Most individuals can identify that they are at present cashing in on some type of

dieting and exercise regimen in order to improve the opportunities that prevail with

health. The main trouble that is involved in this is maximum number of the people do

not stick to the workout and dieting regimes which in due course of time cause a

failure in the attempts that are made with the intention of improving health and

getting over unproductive habits. To discover a resource of support so that you can

expand your opportunities for health and reduce the risks of failure, take a good

benefit of the several benefits of personal training.

First Benefit: Obtaining Results

The first advantage that is usually the most

appealing opportunity for an individual to reap the

benefits of is seen with identifying real solutions to

obtaining results. With the resources of personal

training Castle Hill you will be able to discover an

individual who is inspired to assist you in

accomplishing results and will develop a plan that

is designed specifically around your needs. By

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finding out the best resources of exercise and nutrition for you to take advantage of

so as to achieve your goals, you will be able to meet both short and long-term results

for enhancing your total health.

Second Benefit: Finding Motivation

While many people are motivated when they initially began an exercise or dieting

program, this enthusiasm starts to fade away as outcomes come slowly and

temptation becomes a frequent influence in your life.

By accessing the resources of personal training studios, you will be in a position to

explore a source of inspiration that will assist you to stay on track and accomplish

your main health-related goals. By having an individual who actively takes part in your

efforts and is proud of your results, you will explore a source of inspiration that helps

you to attain the seemingly impossible.

Third Benefit: Seeking Aid

The third benefit of finding a personal training Castle Hill resource is identifying a

solution of aid to assist you accomplish your objectives. Several individuals

understand different exercise routines and even different dieting programs but are

uncertain of what will work for them. The experience and education a personal

trainer can bestow for you will assist you to pinpoint the particular resources you can

rely on to achieving your health-related goals.

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Fourth Benefit: Long-Term Advantages

The ultimate advantage you will be in a position to discover is seen with

accomplishing long-term results. With the resources of personal training studios you

will be in a position to accumulate your short-term goals to eventually see long-term

benefits that may have previously appeared impossible to accomplish.

Every one of these advantages assists to identify why individuals should look into the

many resources that are available to them with the advantages of personal training.

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Choosing a Personal Trainer: How to Make a Good Decision?

People are always on the lookout for new and innovative ways to stay fit and healthy.

Given the little amount of time that we can dedicate to our health in our busy lives, it

is always essential that we chose our workout plans very carefully in order to ensure

the most efficient use of our time. Staying healthy actually means a lot more than

countless hours at the gym and strict dieting. There are many preconceived and

popular notions which are more likely to land you in the hospital. To truly be aware of

what is good or bad, one needs to be thoroughly learned in such matters. Such

intricate knowledge on fitness cannot be acquired overnight; the smarter choice

would be to seek the help of a personal trainer.

One of the advantages of choosing a personal

trainer is that this way, you have a trainer’s

undivided attention. An expert will be on the

constant alert, advising you on the sort of

exercises that will help you, a diet that is

tailored to your needs and to answer any

doubts that you may have. Apart from being

educated in these matters, a personal trainer

should also be effusive and friendly. Attitude

is another important aspect of choosing a

personal trainer since you have to work closely

with your trainer.

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In fact, while choosing a personal trainer some people may deem a trainer’s attitude

to be more important than his knowledge on fitness. A person choosing a fitness

trainer is doing so because they lack the drive and the motivation.

To have an expert who constantly encourages you not only elevates your confidence,

but also makes working out an infinitely more enjoyable experience. Personal

training is also fun, when done with a spouse or a friend.

Personal trainers usually operate out of studios and before signing up with them, it is

a good idea to see what kind of facilities they provide. Showers and lockers are a

must with any gymnasium and anything on top of that is a bonus.

Before choosing a personal trainer, be sure to question them a bit about the kind of

workout routine that is best suited to achieve your goals. In the case that you are

undecided about the physique that you want for yourself, you can also seek their

counsel and see what they have to advice. They also have to display aptitude at

choosing the right kind of food for you. Not all people are comfortable with different

diets and so it is their responsibility to cater to your needs.

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LifestylzPersonalTraining.com.au - Local Exercise Studio Offers a Beginning on the Road to a Healthier


For those interested in bettering themselves and making their lives more healthy and

happy, LifeStylz Personal Training offers a wide variety of programs suited to each

individual’s needs and goals to achieve success…

For anyone who has ever tried to embark on an exercise-related journey, it is

understood just how complicated it can be. Whether trying to lose a significant

amount of weight, or just to stay in shape, there are many factors that can affect a

person’s results. Things such as diet and amount of exercise are obvious parts of

creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but there are certain ways to exercise

that are more effective than others.

The professionals at LifeStylz Personal Training are very attentive to each person’s

unique needs and demands when it comes to getting and staying in shape.

LifeStylz is the ideal choice for anyone who wishes to better their lives and enhance

their overall quality of life. The personal trainers use specialised techniques that allow

them to help clients achieve maximum results in a desirable amount of time.

Many individuals work to go about their own exercise regimen. While for some this is

a successful option that shows results, others struggle to be aware of just how much

education goes into getting the best outcome of their hard work.

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LifeStylz Personal Training focuses on the main key elements of exercise and works

to concentrate on their individual client’s special needs such as any past or present

injuries, current stamina and endurance, athletic history, as well as anything else that

they believe may play a factor in how a person’s body may react to a certain routine.

LifeStylz boasts an extremely friendly studio that offers clients a no-contract

agreement with no fixed terms, no exit fees, and no hidden stipulations. While many

gyms focus on the financial part of owning a studio, LifeStylz is dedicated to

providing their clientele with a positive and life-changing experience.

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The Benefits of Personal Training and How It can Improve Your Life

Personal trainers are often regarded as a luxury that can only be afforded by the

upper echelons of society. The truth of the matter is that while personal training is

not suitable for everyone, it is more suitable for those who have a hard time

concentrating and staying motivated. One of the benefits of personal training is that

the person can interact with you on a personal basis and provide you with motivation

and professional advice. They make sure that you keep your goal in your sight at all

times and also make sure that you stay on the right track. For a person who is

determined to achieve his goal but at the same time appreciates the importance of

staying healthy, it can be very difficult to effectively work on all his goals.

Another advantage of having a personal

trainer is that is an idyllic means of

avoiding injury. It is very easy to get hurt

when you are not aware of proper form

of doing exercises. Shoulder injuries are

most common, with broken joints and

torn muscle tendons being the more

serious injuries.

With a personal trainer, you will always have a good form. Having a professional

keeping a wary eye on you will go a long way in keeping down your medical bills.

Other benefits of personal training include the access to good dieting information.

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While there are various supplements and diet programs that are being endorsed by

celebrities and fitness gurus, it may not be the best choice for you.

Many supplements and more strict dieting regimes have harsh side effects that you

may not be aware of. Trainers on the other hand, are well aware of the tools of their

trade and can advise you accordingly.

Another lucrative aspect of personal training is the privilege of working out at

personal training studios. Many people favor them over gyms because of the

environment and how everyone there is always cheering you on. Such a charged

atmosphere and encouragement makes your workout sessions more enjoyable and

consequently, you will also see better results. At personal training studios, one can

expect great support—both on a professional and mental level. The availability of

both male and female trainers ensures that you do not feel uncomfortable and

moreover, the flexible timing option that they offer makes it very easy for you to

manage your schedule. The availability of shower facilities ensures your convenience

and also makes sure that you are fresh after every session.

If you think that professional training and some extra motivation is what is going to

get you on the right track, then personal trainers are for you. Experts may come at a

price but they ensure a healthy life in the long run.

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How to Choose a Personal Trainer in Castle Hill?

If the time has come for you to choose a personal trainer to help you in your fitness

goals, then you may be quite unsure how to manage the process. Choosing a

personal trainer who can meet your needs is harder than it might sound, and when

you are looking for help and assistance in the Castle Hill area, you will need to know

all the best ways to decide which personal trainer is the right one for you. When you

want to pick a Castle Hill personal trainer, you will need to find someone that you get

on with form the start, and who is not going to aggravate you or annoy you in any

way. In fact, if you want to avoid throwing your money away, you will need to find

someone who you can form a long-term relationship with, and who can help you

towards the mutual goal which is your fitness or health.

When you start choosing a personal trainer, it is

always a good start to try and talk to the

individuals who will be coaching you. Getting on

well with the trainer is vital, so if you don't gel

and become unwilling to attend the session

because of the personal trainer, this is a bad

sign. Someone who agrees with your goals is

essential, since otherwise you will be struggling

with every decision, and the trainer may not be

guiding you along the best route for your

personal fitness program.

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When you first meet your Castle Hill personal trainer, you might be asked to fill in an

assessment form, which will ask you about your lifestyle, and assess how fit you are


This questionnaire will also help you in choosing a personal trainer, because people

who do not offer this service are probably under-experienced, and will not be able to

fully understand your circumstances, and won't be able to work out how best to get

you on the road to fitness.

When you are choosing a personal trainer, you should also consider details such as

where the trainer lives, and whether they work close to you. People in Castle Hill

might choose to pick a trainer from the same area for reasons such as location. You

should also consider the education which your personal trainer has, as this is also

important. Most trainers working in gyms now have a degree in physical education or

sports science, and will be able to show you their certificates. Other trainers will have

graduated through similar diploma courses.

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Get the Benefits of Personal Training in the Castle Hill Area

Anyone who has tried to lose weight and get fit by themselves will know that it is not

as easy as it first seems. Although the start of the program can go well, and you feel

better and fitter, after only a few days real life tends to intrude, and you will give up

your fitness program quickly in order to go for a schooner at the bar, or eat out at a

fancy restaurant. In fact, keeping fit and losing weight by yourself is nearly

impossible, and after a few tries on your own, it becomes clear why others choose to

have the benefits of personal training while they attempt to improve their lifestyles.

There are a number of reasons why you should

consider personal training Castle Hill, trainers can

help you when you can't manage yourself. The first,

and most serious reason, is that a personal trainer

can help you no matter what your age, physical

condition, or ability. Rather than just being focused

on running 100 meters in the first session, personal

trainers are able to adjust their learning program to

accommodate almost anyone. Because they can

customize the program to suit your needs, you are

more likely to experience the benefits of personal

training as a positive thing, and keep yourself going

for longer.

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During your first personal training Castle Hill sessions, you will be encouraged to

discuss your personal goals, whether that is serious weight loss, better physical

fitness, muscle gain or managing an injury which has incapacitated you.

Personal trainers can talk you through what each training session will mean, and will

give you the personal attention which can encourage you to stick to the exercise

regime long after you would have given up if you had been doing it by yourself.

After a number of personal training Castle Hill exercise routines, you will start to

notice the improvements in your health and fitness levels, and learn how to get the

most out of your personal training sessions. But perhaps the biggest benefits of

personal training are those which occur on the inside. Taking sessions with a personal

trainer will mean that you can manage more, because the trainer is constantly

encouraging and reassuring you, giving you more motivation to complete your

exercises, and praising you when you manage each routine. Because of this, you will

also notice changes to your feelings, becoming more and more confidence, and

increasing in self-esteem as you become thinner and fitter.

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LifestylzPersonalTraining.com.au - Choose a Personal Trainer to Lose Weight and Improve Fitness with No

Contracts or Joining Fees

One of the primary reasons so many people never consider hiring a personal trainer is

worry about the steep fees or contracts. After all, anyone with a busy lifestyle will

know how difficult it can be to keep regular appointments around work, home life,

family life and everything else.

Yet with LifeStylz Personal Training, there are no contracts or joining fees to hinder


Motivation to stick to a weight loss plan can be difficult when results aren’t showing.

People often pay huge amounts of money to sign up for gym memberships, find that

they aren’t achieving the results they expected, and then learn they can’t cancel their

contracts without steep fees.

Yet Lifestylz Personal Training at Castle Hill work hard to find each individual client’s

source of motivation and inspiration. This has an amazingly positive effect on keeping

people on track and helps them to find the right forms of exercise to really get those

weight loss results showing fast.

All of this is done without restricting contracts. There are no expensive joining fees

and no exit fees to hem in clients, either. In fact, people are encouraged to come and

go as they please around their own schedules at Lifestylz Personal Training.

The team at Lifestylz Personal Training at Castle Hill is led by Kylie Sultana. Each

trainer is dedicated to helping people increase fitness levels, lose weight, and tone up

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the entire body. This helps people to look and feel great, but it also helps to improve

health and happiness at the same time.

A big part of Personal Training might involve working on a specific exercise plan to

tone up parts of the body and work on trimming down any excess weight. Each of

these programs is individually designed to help anyone reach whatever fitness or

weight loss goals they have.

However, the Personal Trainers at LifeStylz also make a big effort to provide realistic

nutritional guidance based on each individual’s preferred taste and culinary style.

Rather than try to go it alone when trying to lose weight, tone up or build fitness,

work one-on-one with professional Personal Trainers. They only have their clients’

best interests at heart and will always offer 100% personalised service.

Personal training – 30 minutes in the Castle Hill fitness studio

Personal training involves a qualified instructor providing

1 on 1 fitness training just for you, or for you and a buddy.

(Many of our clients end up bringing a friend or spouse

along to share the love and motivation! It increases the

fun while also slightly decreasing the cost of the personal

training session).

Group sessions – 30 & 60 minute classes in the Castle Hill Fitness studio

Don’t be put off by the word ‘group’. The class size is limited to 6 participants so you

won’t get lost in the crowd. Thrive off the group energy and determination as your

fitness instructor delivers a tailored fitness session to meet your needs and goals.

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Cardio Club

The Cardio Club involves going on a 30 minute walk or jog, and it’s a great way to

meet new people while doing outdoor exercise. Get your heart thumping and feet

pumping with this enjoyable club. You may even find a new training partner in the

cardio club, who knows?

Results and Goal setting sessions

In order to keep you motivated and on track to achieving your goals, we offer 6

weekly 'results’ and goal setting sessions. During these sessions we track your

progress, answer any questions, and praise you for the results you’ve achieved! It’s a

great way to keep you firing on all cylinders!

To Learn More About The Personal Training Programs

Offered By LifeStylz PT, Please Visit

http://LifeStylzPersonalTraining.com.au. Check Our

Timetable For Details Or Call The Castle Hill Studio On

(02) 9659 5583