1 Life Simple November 2010 Thanksgiving Settings & Decorating Ideas Page 4-6 Facebook Questions of the Month “What are you Most Thankful For?” Introducing Amber Rossitter

Life Simple (Nov)

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Thanksgiving issue of Life Simple for the month of November

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Page 1: Life Simple (Nov)


Life Simple

November 2010


Settings & Decorating Ideas

Page 4-6

Facebook Questions of the Month

“What are you Most Thankful For?”

Introducing Amber


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Daylight Savings Time Falls Back November 7, 2010 Victory Tabernacle Presents “The Day After” November 6, 2010 November 7, 2010 Starts at 6PM for both dates Admission is Free! Call 229-435-0900 for more info! November 14, 2010 CD Signing for Bridgett Mack’s first cd of Poetry Poetic Pearls Victory Tabernacle Church Happy Thanksgiving!!!! November 25, 2010

Submit your announcements to Life Simple by sending an email to [email protected].

LIFE Simple

Page 3: Life Simple (Nov)



Thanksgiving is that special time of year for friends and family come together in food and

fellowship. I am so thankful for all that God has done for me and my family. 2010 has truly been

a year of tremendous change for us. God has opened so many doors transitioning us into a whole

new realm of opportunity. God has continued to bless my family with salvation, life, health and

strength. My family moved to a new location and found a wonderful new church home (shout out

to Victory Tabernacle Church). In January, I was given the honor of traveling to New York and

speaking through spoken words at a luncheon for the ladies of Safe Horizon Shelter. I had the

awesome experience of recording my poetry at Arrow Records in College Park, GA. My cd “Poetic

Pearls” releases this month! And the list goes on and on!

I posted the question on Facebook “What are you most thankful for this year?” The

responses blessed me. God is doing wonderful things for his children. Be sure to check out the

responses on pages 12-14. I encourage you to focus on the many blessings you have in your life

and thank God in advance for what is yet to come. Special thanks to this month’s contributing

writers and .

I am so thankful for my life and all that he has done for me. I am grateful for blessings to come that my eyes have yet to see.

I won’t complain about what I don’t have. I know the best is yet to come. So I right now, I sing the praises. “Look where he brought me from!”


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Thanksgiving Table Setting and Decorating Ideas

Take simple living to the next level by spicing

up your Thanksgiving table this year. With

the proper planning and smart shopping, turn

your table into a memory that will last

forever. Create a Thanksgiving tradition by

creating a theme for your table. Add etiquette

to your dinner by using the proper table

setting as seen in the diagram.

Check out these tips from Designer Erinn

Valencich Erin used natural elements with gleams of metallic to create a warm Thanksgiving table setting.

Image From HGTV.com

Images Courtesy of HGTV.com

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Think outside the box when using candles. Give your family and guests something to talk about while

they wait for dinner.

Make each guest feel

welcome with name place

cards. Get creative with the

way you fold your napkins!

Or Keep it Elegantly Simple…

Image Courtesy of HGTV.com

Image Courtesy of HGTV.com

Image Courtesy of Pottery Barn

Image Courtesy of Pottery Barn

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Get the “How To” by visiting

www.marthastewart.com Images


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Are you Woman 31?

Email us at [email protected] for more info.

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Are you a victim of your circumstances? That’s

a great question! When I pondered over this

question, the only thing I could think of was not

anymore. I used to be. I was a victim of a cheating

spouse. I was a victim because of my upbringing

(alcoholic father and very poor.) I was a victim

because I abused alcohol. I was a victim of my

circumstances. It was my husband’s fault I felt the

way I felt; depressed, lonely and unfulfilled. It was

my mom and dad’s fault that I felt the way I felt;

poor, rejected and unworthy. It was also my dad’s

fault I drank the way I did; I learned it from him.

But, and this is a gigantic but, God healed me. I am

no longer a victim of my circumstances.

However, just because I overcame my victim

status, that doesn’t mean everyone else has. This

was obvious as I sat through a simple, yet profound

bible study.The message was brought forth by one

of my jail ministry team members. When she asked

the question, a few of the incarcerated women

started squirming; it seemed as though opposition

hit before my team member really got started. The

word had to be brought forth quickly and we went

right to John 5:3-9, which is where Jesus healed the

lame man by the pool. This lame man had been

invalid for thirty-eight years—that’s a long time!

When Jesus inquired about whether or not he

wanted to get well, he replied as a victim of his

circumstances. No one would help him in the water.

He would try to get in, but someone else always got

ahead of him. It was everyone else’s fault that he

couldn’t be healed.

As the lesson was being presented, my team

member asked the women for some examples of a

circumstance where they thought they were a

victim. Let me tell you, there were a lot of victim’s

of their circumstances and only one in the crowd

triumphing. One woman had a drug problem and

couldn’t let go because of the feeling it produced. It

was the drugs fault for making her feel so good.

Another woman had a church problem; everyone

but her was a hypocrite. It was the member’s fault

that she wasn’t growing in Christ. Yet another

woman had family issues. It was her family’s fault

that she lost her temper and assaulted several of


But one woman, yes only one, was no longer a

victim. She had battled breast and became addicted

to her pain medication. For years, her excuse to

abuse drugs was the cancer, despite the fact that her

chemo treatments had been done and over for some

time. However, at some point, through much prayer

and support from her family, she was able to face

her giant and say “no more!” She entered into an

inpatient rehabilitation program and recovered. Her

freedom to live came with that recovery. I share this

to ask you: Are you a victim of your circumstances?

That question is a catch-all; it’s covers every

situation, circumstance and event. It’s not gender

specific and it’s not prejudice.

Now, let me encourage you. The past is the past.

You can’t change it. Your circumstance may be

delicate, difficult, or even, devilish, but you can

conquer all things through Christ Jesus. Don’t be

like the invalid—for thirty-eight years! Turn to

Jesus Christ for your on time healing.

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B’s First CD Signing to Be held Victory tabernacle church

November 14, 2010 Following the 10:30 morning service


Rose Shackleford Author of

Be Sure to Get Your Copy of Bridgett Mack’s first cd of poetry, “Poetic Pearls”. Poetic Pearls is unique mix of inspirational words of rhymes and soulful music. Check out Bridgett Mack's debut as she ministers through spoken words that address issues of heart, soul and mind.

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Open mind and eyes. To know that not all family members are who WE want

them to be, but we can ask God to give us wisdom to deal with them and that

life is to precious..

...not to spend time together. Learning to enjoy them more and appreciate how God made them.

T. Rossitter

Having life,health, and strength and thanking God for allowing me to

see allof my family.

B. Moore

I'm not in Afghanistan!

C. Williams

I am most grateful for the faithfulness of God. Inspite of my

shortcomings, He continues to bless me as if I have done everything He

has told me.




Marvin. Jr

So thankful for a job! And for a wonderful support group o of friends and


J Willoughby

I'm most thankful that I have a harmonious family who all

enjoys being together - with good health!

B. Foehrkolb

I am grateful for having a family to go home too, a place of love

caring and enjoyment all through the year. A. Carter

I'm grateful that my husband will be home for Thanksgiving

this year!

T. Nash


BEGINNINGS! Because of these, I still have my family! GOD IS


S. Hand

I am most grateful to God for my life,my family, and most of all for Jesus who died for me

and is my best friend.

A. Barnes

Im thankful for the most amazing church family ever :)

H. Jackson

We are thankful for committed Christian couples who not only talk the talk but walk the walk! Who believe in the covenant

they made before the Lord. G. Stutz

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I am most grateful for this Thanksgiving because me and my kids

will be able to spend it with my husband who was in Afganistan this

time last year. My God is so good and able b/c it could have been the other

way. C Stokes

I am thankful for a heavenly Father who adores me, a handsome husband who cherishes me, children who bring joy to my heart and wonderful friends who are always there no matter the

distance between us.

S. Hayes

A loving family ♥ xoxo, good health, loyal, dependable amazing friends!

L. Umansky

I am so thankful for my family. We are having an extended family reunion this

year and I can hardly wait to see everyone together.

M. Hidle

I am so thankful just to be alive. God has granted me with everything that I

need and Im so thankful

T. Sparks

I am thankful for family and friends.I am thankful for God's grace and


B Gilbert

I am thankful for God blessing me and my family each day with great health, strength, and

guidance and for letting me realize when one door closes in your life, God opens up another

one and this door brings about better opportunities in your life and also let's me know also wherever God places you in life, he places

you there for a reason.

L. Wiliams

I am thankful for God sending his only son to die on the cross for all of us that we may be able to

be thankful for all the things we are thankful for!

L. Thomas

I am so thankful to know who I am not so much who I am in the in my nature being but in


T Henry Sr

Having my hubby home with us instead of fighting in a war.There is nothing like going

through the holiday season or even a year with a love one being so far away.Although I know

another deployment looms around the corner.So, I am thankful for the time we do have

together as a family.

E. Morris

I am thankful for life ,love and family.

T. Henry

God completely turned our financial situation around this year.

I am also grateful that my mom is here visiting for a month.

My sisters baby was born. and so many other things that I can't remember

them all right now :-)

A. Ruth

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I am so thankful for life, health and strength. I thank God for healing my body. I am so thankful for a

loving husband that's been by my side and I thank God for blessing me with 2 beautiful kids.

C. Isom

I'm thankful for all that God has done,doing, and all he's gonna do for my family and I. I thank him for

allowing my family,friends,associates and etc...to see another day. I thank God for changing me from my old ways...Making me realize the true meaning of life. The main purpose for life..Regardless of what someone do or say to make me angry..I am to love

them and pray for them. I thank him for our strenghth, and for the healing that he brings over all

our bodies. Thank you Lord!!!

R. Dixon

This Thanksgiving I am most grateful to have my son be with us. Last year I was pregnant with him and when I found out that I was pregnant and went to

the doctor they told me that it was a possibility that I would lose him, but GOD had the final say. And I and so happy and proud to say that he will be a year old in December. God can make the impossible possible.

Thanking God for our miracle baby!!!! Loving Mathyas Bridges!!!!

D. Bridges

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Introducing Amber Rossitter Find Me I fall to my knees. I want to let go, but can I? I cry out “Dear Lord, be with me!” All I have is this life you have given me. But you roam free so please find me. I need you. I want you. Find Me I have so many doors. Which do I choose? You’re watching me. They’re watching me. My heart cries out “Help!” Who do I run to? I don’t wanna be the same. I can’t walk away. I feel you. Do you feel me? Give me a sign. Show yourself. What do you want? Do you want me to let go? How? What do I do? “Help!” I cry. I scream. I let it all go. The hurt. The pain. I forgive those who have put me down and turned me down. I let go! I gave you what you wanted and you gave me your greatest gift. Your Love! Thanks for finding me.

Written By Amber Rossitter


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I Don’t Strive to Be Rich. ~I Strive to Live Blessed~

A little that a righteous man hath is better than the riches of many wicked.

Psalms 31:16