LEADER BIBLE STUDY The group 2nd Chapter of Acts, most popular during the 70s and 80s, is still remembered today for their praise and worship music—particularly the celebratory “Easter Song.” The group was formed out of tragedy when the younger members of the group—ages 14 and 12—went to live with their older sister following the death of their parents. As orphans, it seems the three found their hope in their relationships with Christ and the very personal presence of the Holy Spirit. No doubt the Spirit empowered the three siblings to turn their pain into a ministry that glorified God. The true account of the second chapter of Acts in the Bible captures the promise of Jesus that came to fruition. Jesus had promised to send the Counselor, but Jesus had to go away before the Counselor came (John 14:16,26; 15:26; 16:7; Acts 1:4-5). The Spirit came on the next most important event for Jews after Passover when Jews from all over the land assembled in Jerusalem. The disciples were together when a sound like rushing wind and “tongues like flames of fire … rested on each one of them.” The result was that they spoke in different languages, enabled by the Holy Spirit. The sound attracted a crowd, and as they got closer, they heard these Galileans speaking their languages. Everyone was amazed! The Holy Spirit empowered the disciples to speak in the languages of the people present. This miracle enabled the people from different nations to understand Peter’s words. With boldness Peter presented the gospel. “Pierced to the heart,” they asked what they should do. Peter told them to repent and be baptized. On that day 3,000 followers were added to the small group of believers. Through the Holy Spirit the apostles (those who were personal witnesses of Christ) were able to do wonderful things. The new converts devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship. Every day they ate together and praised God—all while “the Lord added to their number.” How can you rely on the Holy Spirit to help you share God’s plan of salvation? How can you help the kids in your group understand that the Holy Spirit is not a spirit in the sense of popular literature, but He is our Comforter and Helper? Pray that the Holy Spirit will help them understand their need for salvation. THE HOLY SPIRIT CAME LEVEL OF BIBLICAL LEARNING The Holy Spirit helps people understand God’s plan for salvation. SCRIPTURE REFERENCE Acts 2 SUGGESTED FOR THE WEEK OF April 26 Additional training for Bible Studies for Life: Kids is available at ministrygrid.com/web/biblestudiesforlife. LIFE POINT The Holy Spirit helps people understand God’s plan for salvation. UNIT VERSE Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 (CSB) WEEKLY BIBLE VERSE But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you. John 14:26 (CSB) 56 Unit 2, Session 4 © 2019 LifeWay © 2019 LifeWay

LIFE POINT helps people THE HOLY SPIRIT CAME plan for ... · Everyone was amazed! The Holy Spirit empowered the disciples to speak in the languages of the people present. This miracle

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  • Unit 2, Session 4







    The group 2nd Chapter of Acts, most popular during the 70s and 80s, is still remembered today for their praise and worship music—particularly the celebratory “Easter Song.” The group was formed out of tragedy when the younger members of the group—ages 14 and 12—went to live with their older sister following the death of their parents. As orphans, it seems the three found their hope in their relationships with Christ and the very personal presence of the Holy Spirit. No doubt the Spirit empowered the three siblings to turn their pain into a ministry that glorified God.

    The true account of the second chapter of Acts in the Bible captures the promise of Jesus that came to fruition. Jesus had promised to send the Counselor, but Jesus had to go away before the Counselor came (John 14:16,26; 15:26; 16:7; Acts 1:4-5). The Spirit came on the next most important event for Jews after Passover when Jews from all over the land assembled in Jerusalem. The disciples were together when a sound like rushing wind and “tongues like flames of fire … rested on each one of them.” The result was that they spoke in different languages, enabled by the Holy Spirit. The sound attracted a crowd, and as they got closer, they heard these Galileans speaking their languages. Everyone was amazed!

    The Holy Spirit empowered the disciples to speak in the languages of the people present. This miracle enabled the people from different nations to understand Peter’s words. With boldness Peter presented the gospel. “Pierced to the heart,” they asked what they should do. Peter told them to repent and be baptized. On that day 3,000 followers were added to the small group of believers.

    Through the Holy Spirit the apostles (those who were personal witnesses of Christ) were able to do wonderful things. The new converts devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship. Every day they ate together and praised God—all while “the Lord added to their number.”

    How can you rely on the Holy Spirit to help you share God’s plan of salvation?

    How can you help the kids in your group understand that the Holy Spirit is not a spirit in the sense of popular literature, but He is our Comforter and Helper? Pray that the Holy Spirit will help them understand their need for salvation.


    LEVEL OF BIBLICAL LEARNINGThe Holy Spirit helps people understand God’s plan for salvation.



    Additional training for Bible Studies for Life: Kids is available at ministrygrid.com/web/biblestudiesforlife.

    LIFE POINTThe Holy Spirit

    helps people understand God’s plan for salvation.

    UNIT VERSEJesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 (CSB)

    WEEKLY BIBLE VERSEBut the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you. John 14:26 (CSB)

    56 U n i t 2 , S e s s i o n 4© 2019 LifeWay© 2019 LifeWay


  • › 4 balloons, marker, tape › Inflate the 4 balloons. Write on each balloon a Bible reference: John 14:6, 1 John 4:10, John 3:16, and John 14:26.

    Teaching Tip: Use a signal such as a whistle or bell when balloon drops to signal kids to stop and listen.

    › Note cards, marker › Make a list of familiar occupations (firefighter, teacher, doctor, and so forth.). Write one occupation on each card.

    › Option: “The Holy Spirit Came” coloring page (Printables)

    Teaching Tip: You may want to give the clues for the first card to model how to play the game. If a child is not comfortable speaking in front of the group to give clues, she can choose a friend to take her place.

    › Videos › Printables: “Unit 2 Missions: Madagascar”—Print the missions story.

    › 2 water bottles, cup, tablespoon, small container of dirt








    BALLOON TOSS BIBLE VERSES ʹ Point out the Bible references on each balloon. Take a few minutes to guide the kids to find the Bible verses in their Bibles. ʹ Make a tape line down the middle of the room. Divide the kids into two teams. The object of the game is to volley the balloons over the taped line to the other side without the balloon touching the ground. ʹ When a balloon touches the ground, pause the tossing game. Lead kids to find the Bible verse listed on the balloon. ʹ Continue play until another balloon touches the ground and allow time for kids to find that Bible verse. ʹ Play as time allows. Remind the kids that these verses are the Weekly Verses for this unit.







    WHAT’S MY JOB? ʹ Welcome the kids to church. Tell them you are excited they are here. ʹ Ask what it means to have a job, and ask for examples of occupations. ʹ Ask for a volunteer. Show her a note card without anyone else seeing it. ʹ Encourage the volunteer to give clues to the group without saying the name of the occupation. The clues can be acted out or verbal (Example: drives a large truck, uses water, rescues people). The first child to guess the correct answer can give the next clue. ʹ Explain that God gives people the abilities to do all sorts of jobs. Today they will hear that God sent a special helper, one that Jesus promised would be coming to help His followers. Ask the kids to listen for the name of the special helper and what purpose He fulfills.







    ʹ If you have not already shown the video, “Cattle Call,” show it to the kids. ʹ Open one water bottle, pour some water into the cup, and add a tablespoon of dirt to the bottle. Replace the lid and shake the bottle. ʹ Comment that in some villages in Madagascar, there is no clean water for the Mahafaly people to drink. Show kids the two water bottles. Ask kids which water they would prefer to drink. ʹ Pray that the Mahafaly people would have clean water to drink. Pray that the people would hear about Jesus, who gives living water to those who believe and trust in Him.

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    › Pack Items: 12: “Unit 2 Banner” 13: “John 14:6” 14: “Unit 2 Questions” 18: “Good News Pictures”

    › Teaching Picture 9 › Music, Videos, heavyweight paper, tape

    › Before the session, cover the word Savior on the “Unit 2 Banner” with a piece of heavyweight paper.

    › Place your Bible across the room from where kids gather for Study the Bible.

    1. EXPLORE THE LIFE POINT ʹ Point out the “Unit 2 Banner.” Ask if anyone can remember the word that is covered? Then ask what the word Savior means. (One who saves others) Tell the kids that Jesus is our Savior because He took the punishment for our sins when He died on the cross. Review with the kids how God loved people so much that He sent His one and only Son to die on the cross and raised Him from the dead. Explain that today they will learn about a helper God sent to help people understand God’s plan for salvation.

    2. TELL THE BIBLE STORYINTRODUCE THE STORY. ʹ As you begin to tell the story, explain that you have something very important missing that you need. Ask if anyone can see what you are missing. When a child notices you do not have your Bible, ask the child if he would be your helper today. Point out your Bible’s location and ask the child if he would bring the Bible to you. Thank him for being a great helper today. ʹ Ask the kids to tell you what it means to be a helper. Explain that everyone needs help sometimes, and a helper is a person that gives assistance and encouragement. Remind the kids that you had a helper who brought your Bible to you when you needed it. ʹ Open your Bible to Acts 2 and tell the Bible story in your own words. Option: Show the “Notebook Bible Story” video.

    TELL THE BIBLE STORY: THE HOLY SPIRIT CAMEJesus had promised the disciples the Holy Spirit would be coming. On the day of Pentecost, a major Jewish feast to celebrate the grain harvest, the disciples were all together in one place. Suddenly, a sound like a violent rushing wind came from heaven, and it filled the whole house. The disciples saw tongues that looked like flames of fire resting on everyone’s head. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different languages.

    Jews from every nation were staying in Jerusalem for Pentecost. A crowd came together and the people were confused because they each heard the disciples speak in their own language. Everyone was amazed. The Holy Spirit helped everyone hear about Jesus.

    Peter stood up and spoke loudly to everyone. He began preaching about Jesus. He told the crowd how Jesus had been crucified on a cross and how God had raised Him to live again. He told them all about the wonderful miracles God had done through Jesus.

    When the people heard Peter preaching, they believed, and asked him what they should do. Peter told them they must confess their

    58 U n i t 2 , S e s s i o n 4© 2019 LifeWay© 2019 LifeWay

  • LIFE POINT The Holy Spirit helps people understand God’s plan for salvation.

    REVIEW QUESTIONS › Who promised the disciples the Holy Spirit would be coming? (Jesus)

    › How did the Holy Spirit help the disciples on the day of Pentecost? (They were able to speak in different languages.)

    › Why were so many people in Jerusalem? (They were celebrating Pentecost.)

    › Why were the people so confused? (The disciples were speaking in their different languages and they could understand the disciples.)

    › When Peter stood up to preach, who did he tell all of the people about? (Jesus)

    › What did the people do after they learned about Jesus? (They believed and were baptized.)

    › How many people believed in Jesus as their Savior on the day of Pentecost? (about 3,000)

    › True or False: The Holy Spirit is still at work today. (true)

    Option: If you feel like the Weekly Verse is too long for your kids, use the underlined portion of the verse on the Leader Bible Study page.

    Teaching Tip: Answer questions the kids have, but do not pressure them to make a decision.

    sins, repent, and be baptized in the name of Jesus. Peter told them that they would then receive the Holy Spirit.

    About 3,000 people accepted Jesus as their Savior that day and were baptized. God gives the Holy Spirit to help people understand God’s plan for salvation. The Holy Spirit is still at work today. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit would come and help His followers.

    — B A S E D O N A C T S 2

    3. PRAY AND SING ʹ Recall how Jesus had promised the Holy Spirit would come. The Holy Spirit helps people understand God’s plan for salvation. When the Holy Spirit came, the disciples were able to speak in different languages so that everyone there could hear and understand God’s plan of salvation. ʹ Point out that sometimes it is hard to tell people about Jesus, even if we speak the same language. Explain that the Holy Spirit helps believers tell others about God’s plan of salvation and helps us understand and trust Jesus as our Savior. The Holy Spirit is still at work today. ʹ Pray, thanking God for sending the Holy Spirit to help people understand Jesus is the Savior. ʹ Play the song “The Savior King” and “Risen Indeed.” Encourage the kids to sing along.


    4. LEARN A BIBLE VERSE ʹ Help children find John 14:26. Read the verse aloud as they follow along. Explain that a Counselor (Helper or Advocate, depending on translation) helps people. Ask the children to repeat sections of the verse after you. Repeat the verse, saying only a phrase at a time, breaking long enough for the children to echo what you say. Repeat several times, making the phrases longer each time, eventually saying the entire verse. ʹ Remind the kids that the Holy Spirit came just as Jesus promised. The Holy Spirit helps people understand God’s plan for salvation.

    5. REVIEW THE PLAN OF SALVATION ʹ Display each picture from “Good News Pictures” separately and review the steps for salvation. Explain: God Rules (Crown): God is in charge of everything; We Sinned (Large X): Sin separates us from God and deserves God’s punishment of death; God Provided (Cross): God sent His Son Jesus to rescue us from the punishment we deserve. Jesus alone saves us; Jesus Gives (Gift): Because Jesus gave up His life for us, we can be welcomed into God’s family forever; We Respond (Hands): We can respond to Jesus.

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    CHOICE 1TAKE THE STEPS TO FOLLOW JESUS ʹ Complete the Kids Activity Page. ʹ Ask the children to quickly tell you the Bible stories they have learned about in this unit. Remind the kids that they heard about the crowd welcoming Jesus into Jerusalem, Jesus’ death and resurrection, Thomas believing that Jesus was alive, and how the Holy Spirit came. ʹ Give each child a game piece to place at the start space on the gameboard. Choose a volunteer to go first. ʹ Each player will roll the numbered cube and move the number of spaces indicated. If the player lands on a “Draw a Card” space, the player draws a card and answers a review question from Unit 2. Each player gets one turn per roll. Play as time allows. ʹ Point out the “Unit 2 Banner.” Say “Jesus is the Savior!” as a group. Ask the boys and girls to give you examples from the Bible stories that show that “Jesus is the Savior.” ʹ Pray, thanking God that Jesus is the Savior.

    CHOICE 2UNIQUELY YOU FLOWER ʹ Complete the Kids Activity Page. ʹ Encourage the kids to turn to John 14:26 in their Bibles. Read the verse together. ʹ Remind the kids how God created every person to be unique. Ask the kids to name some things about themselves that are different from everyone else in the room (Examples: hair color, height, etc.) and make sure they mention their fingerprints. ʹ Explain that the Holy Spirit helps all people understand God’s plan for salvation, no matter how people are alike or different. ʹ Help the kids write the Bible verse, or a shorter version of the verse, at the bottom of their papers. ʹ Give directions for creating a fingerprint flower. To create a dandelion, draw a circle in the center of the paper. Use a ruler to draw several lines of various lengths across the center point. ʹ Each child will press a fingertip lightly in the paint and press the fingertip lightly on their papers, at each end of the lines. Suggest they complete petals of one color at a time, moving around the paper, before using a baby wipe to clean the paint from their fingers and start with a new color. Create a stem with a green marker. ʹ Options: To create another type of flower, increase the size of the center circle and place the fingerprints around the circle for petals. For younger children, write the verse at the bottom of a white piece of paper and photocopy, one for each child, to use for the activity.

    CHOICE 1 › Kids Activity Pages › Pack Items: 12: “Unit 2 Banner” 14: “Unit 2 Questions” 15: “Follow Jesus Gameboard”

    › Numbered cube, small items for game pieces (such as: coins, colored construction paper squares, top of markers, one per child)

    CHOICE 2 › Kids Activity Pages › Bibles, white paper, rulers, pencils, markers, paper plates, paintbrushes, washable paint, baby wipes, paper to cover the table

    › Cover the work area with paper. Using a paintbrush, place a small amount of several different colors of paint on paper plates. Place baby wipes on the table.

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  • CHOICE 3FLYING WITH THE LIFE POINT ʹ Complete the Kids Activity Pages. ʹ Review the Life Point with the kids: The Holy Spirit helps people understand God’s plan for salvation. Explain that the Holy Spirit still helps people today who follow Jesus, just as the Holy Spirit helped the disciples speak other languages and helped them tell people about Jesus. ʹ Demonstrate how to fold a paper airplane. Give a piece of paper with the Life Point words to volunteers who will fold the sheet of paper into a paper airplane. ʹ Ask the kids to take turns flying a paper airplane through the hula hoop. ʹ After all of the sheets of paper are on the other side of the hula hoop, ask any child who didn’t have an opportunity to fold a paper airplane to open one of the papers and place the words of the Life Point in order. Continue allowing kids to open the papers until all words have been placed in order. ʹ Read the Life Point aloud as a group. ʹ Option: Prepare two sets of the Life Point sentences and set up two hula hoops. Create two teams and play the game as a relay race.

    WRAP UPCLOSE IT OUT ʹ Read John 14:6 from the poster together. Review with the kids, Jesus is the one and only way to receive eternal life (living with God in heaven forever). Encourage the kids to tell someone about the love of Jesus this week. Remind the kids that the Holy Spirit will help followers of Jesus to tell others about God’s plan of salvation. ʹ Pray for an opportunity to tell someone about Jesus this week.

    THIS WEEK: ʹ Take some time to think about your week. Will you have an opportunity to tell someone about the love of Jesus? Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help you share the plan of salvation with someone this week.

    CHOICE 3 › Kids Activity Pages › 11 sheets of white paper, hula hoop, string

    › Write one word of the Life Point on each sheet of white paper. Use the remaining sheet of paper to demonstrate how to make a paper airplane.

    › Using string, hang a hula hoop from the ceiling at an average 1st or 2nd grade child’s height.

    › Options: Create more than one set if you have more than 10 children. If the hula hoop cannot be hung from the ceiling, children can take turns holding the hula hoop above their heads during the activity.

    WRAP UP › Pack Item: 13: “John 14:6”

    LIFE POINT The Holy Spirit helps people understand God’s plan for salvation.

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