Life Group Questions (James 5:7-12) 1. Read James 5:7-12 together. What stands out to you from this passage? What questions come to mind? What stood out to you from Sunday’s message? 2. Do you find the practice of patience difficult? In what ways? The literal Greek word used for patience here means, “long-tempered”. Why is that significant? During times of suffering and persecution are you work likely to be short-tempered or long- tempered? 3. Which of the examples of patience James uses connects best with you? (the farmer, the prophets, Job) 4. Read these passages where Jesus promises his return: - Hebrews 9:27-28 - Revelation 1:7 - 1 Thessalonians 5:1-2 - Revelation 22:12-13 - John 14:1-3 5. Jesus promised that he would return. On Sunday, Pastor Andrew gave 2 common wrong responses to the return of Jesus. Either we don’t think about it all or we dwell on it in order to try and figure out when and where it will happen. Where do you tend to land between those 2 responses? Why? 6. Do you long for the return of Jesus? Why or why not? 7. Why is it important for Christianity to be true but for it also to work? Is that evident in your life? Do people see the gospel on the ground in your life? Spend some time in prayer together. Ask God for strength and patience as we wait for the return of Jesus. Pray that Jesus would come soon.

Life Group Questions (James 5:7-12)

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Life Group Questions(James 5:7-12)

1. Read James 5:7-12 together. What stands out to you from this passage? What questions come to mind? What stood out to you from Sunday’s message?

2. Do you find the practice of patience difficult? In what ways? The literal Greek word used for patience here means, “long-tempered”. Why is that significant? During times of suffering and persecution are you work likely to be short-tempered or long-tempered?

3. Which of the examples of patience James uses connects best with you? (the farmer, the prophets, Job)

4. Read these passages where Jesus promises his return: - Hebrews 9:27-28 - Revelation 1:7 - 1 Thessalonians 5:1-2 - Revelation 22:12-13- John 14:1-3

5. Jesus promised that he would return. On Sunday, Pastor Andrew gave 2 common wrong responses to the return of Jesus. Either we don’t think about it all or we dwell on it in order to try and figure out when and where it will happen. Where do you tend to land between those 2 responses? Why?

6. Do you long for the return of Jesus? Why or why not?

7. Why is it important for Christianity to be true but for it also to work? Is that evident in your life? Do people see the gospel on the ground in your life?

Spend some time in prayer together. Ask God for strength and patience as we wait for the return of Jesus. Pray that Jesus would come soon.