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  • I've known herihim snce rJe.

    5. I have (alan) a c//n "e that I bought -/ "v/I have had it since //ta an/,na ol' #e )*/ Jear

    I have had it for -/ )tear

    I've been a student for // vtr-

    I've been a srudent since

    4. I flrst me[ our teacherI've known her/him for

    m ff'?ir'''ffi $''t

    -.-,,wov@[ 'Y7,q*tri it@,r@[@'efi@l@,tr@l#[e te ,milu'el /.fi=ffi /@[@[@lffilffilBlf;B\ w1ffil;t;JN#iefwle!'&lm.!wwl&lwlelffileplBlei3,Lii@



    Exercise 4. Loci

  • * 'Y'br'

    Exercise . Let's islk. (chort 3-l)Answer rhe questions in complere sentences- Stu'lenr B will use/or' Srucienr C will usesince. Close Your book.

    E:.rample: To A: When did you come here? To B: Use/or' To C: Or' using since?TEscHEn; When did You come here?SruPeNr A: I came here on June 2ncl'T,cltsR: Hor'v iong has (Srudenrl) been here? Use/or'Sruprxr B: He/She h"as been here for two weeks'TercuER: Or, using since?SrupEN'r C: He's/She's been here since June 2nd'

    i. To A: When did you get to class today?To B: Horv long has lZ-

  • .--Dehefvtr txercise I3. !-ooking ol grrflrncr. (Chorts 2- ond 3-3)Complere rhe sentenc.r.-Ur. .ir. ti*pi" p"rt present perfecr form of the verbs inparentheses. tL Farima is from a hor, arid part of her counrry. She (see, never) U' J aere'l SCqz




    Last January,I (see) Sa-a., snow, for the first time io mY life.

    Last night my friend and I (haae) L,./ some free time, so we (go)to a show.

    4. Since classes began, f (haae,not)classes keep me reallY busY.

    l.,veru{ ,,^/ much free rime. My

    5. MingWon (e) this ciass for three months' His English 1Sgetting berrer and berter. He plans take rhis class unil the end of fulay.

    6. Mrs. Perez (e) br, t bec t in our class for three months, but then she leftschool to get a job.

    7. Late.breaking newsl A major earthqrrake (occur, jtut)


    /rt. , J'utl ,'ltt/at 9:25 a.u. Paiific Standardin sourhern California. \t (ocntr)


    B. I admir that I fu'el*)you, but with any luck at all,I

    9. A: Are you taking Chemistry

    aC.,u ru/

    older since I last (se)

    101 th.K-semester?

    B: No, I (ruke, already\ -rU ^/re ]"b*"o it last semester. This semester I'm in 102.

    10. Greg Adams? Yes, I i

  • //a-- ) 4c.:Exercise I. looking o{"rommsr. (chorr 3-4)Compiere the sentences' Use th. p..r"rrt progressive or the presenr perfect prcgressive form ofthe verbs in pareniheses.

    i ' Mr. and illrs. Jones (.sit) are eitting ourside on their norch righrnoiv. f|gy (szl) hav beer Eifitnq there since afer dinner.

    2. The resr begins ar t:00. Righr now jt,s rr:00. sara is ar ihe iibrary. she (reaiezu).a'f re7 / '


    her noes right non. She (reuieu) lo, /*r,

    4. The limle girl is dirry from head r-f{otbecause she (play)in he mud.

    5. The children ae excir ut the concerr. They (pracice)-

    a lot in the iasr few weeks.

    . My baci< hurrs, so I (sleep) /ar" / - /a pad on he floor iately. The bed ,r r


    Exercse ! 7. Lel,s wrile, (Chr:rts Z_,3-1, rsnd J-4)Write about tire picture using rhe verbs in rhe lisr and rhe verb form given in each item

    % her nores ali rnorning3. /Vlarco is in a sore. i{e (siatLd) /'r *--: ar a checkour

    counrer right nor.v. He (stand.) /al he: ,. 1, g rhere for orer fiveminures, He wishes he courd find a sarpsperson. H. irrrrs to buy a pair of jeans.



    ,fl/ ,-nl



    cook fix nemorize piant vacuum washTom has had a busy day so far. Right now, he's taking a break. \Zhat hasTom been doing?rrire ar least four sentences on anorhe piece of pap.rl uu. ,h. p;.o";ffi#'r;ressive.Rewrite your- senrences usingyesterday. Use rhe simple past.Rewrire your senrences usingTzs. Use the present perfect.



    They're going to sing for rheir parenrs.

    Perlacl ond Perfeci progressive fenses 4l

  • j''- '*' "

    r: Exerr:ise 23. Looking a? grfirfir?lrr. (Chorts 2-e cnci 3-5)Use lhe simple past or rhe past perfecr foril of rhe verbs in pareniheses ro conlpiere hesenteilces. In some casesr either rense is correcl

    l. Sa;:rir (be) ,aE / hat re. a ne w'spape r reporrer i:efore he (bicome)hca.e 3 DUSrnessman



    Itt o'th: nedicine.


    3. I r,vas iare. The teacher lrgite, aiready) a quiz u,henGer) .i," + ic ciass.

    4. it',vas raining hard, bur by rhe dne class (e)/


    discovered r):.atl (leave) ,i;t,:.' .':.,,',,. ,:,.,, n:y r,l'allei at home.en:barrassnenr, I told my frie::d thatl (rrorget) .

    -.' ,, .

    in my pocker, IWith some

    ov3r, lhe

    m 'rqile

    ( Nlillions of years ago, di.nosaurs (roam) rhe earth, bur r1:e1,(become) ,/'::t' /... l+-:{ extinct by the dme people frrst (,appear)

    6. I (see, ne,ter,\ ltt/ t;i,,,,:'r ,r, any of Pcasso's painrings belcre I (-aistt)the art museurl

    7. i\fter r,vork, I r.vent to Rosa's offlce ro give her a ride home, but I couldn' hncj her. She(ieav-e) wih someone else.

    8, I gor ready ro pay dre biil, bur when I (iook) )t/,/./ | ! lf




    She kindly (ffir) ;,''t Io pay rny par o rhe biil for me.

    Perfect ond Periect Progressive Tenses 51

  • 10. In 1980, my parents (ernigrarc) ,g, le/ to the Uniied States fomChina. They (*avel, never) outside of China andwere, of course, excited by the challenge of reloca to a foreign country. Eventually,

    rhey (se*le) )a/ ,e ///e. n rnia. rrvly sister and I were born there and@rozu) I roujt? ug . Lasr year, I (go) Orr-n/China for the firsr rime to ,t,.,AyBeijing Universiry. I (.want, alwa3ts) ,/

    , g' , to visit China and learn more about my ownfamily background. My dreams finally came rue.

    Exercise 24. Lg.oWnE st E)rnffior. (Chort 3-5)Underline the pat perfect uJs. Which of the passages is typicai of fiction writing? Vhich ofthe passages is ffi $oken English? 'What ces in verb form usage?

    the door. The school called and rold her that her son was sick, so she rushed out the doorrvihout locking ir.

    ook at his life.

    g he orvned, and moved to London. Thatwas t}re beginning of his adventure.

    f, Exercise 25. Warrn-up: Isienng. (Chorr 3-),.f) Listen for reduced speech in rhese senrences. How is had pronounced?@'

    ,.:3_i, 1. f'm sorry we missed the meering. We had forgorten about ir..

    2. The movie had already begun by the rime we got rhere.3. I couldn't change my schedule. I had already pianned my day.4. I gor home late. My roommate had already gone to bed.

    9. Yesterday at a meedng,I (see)mine. I(see,not) L r'l

    Rick Coliins,.an old friend of

    him in years. At firsr, I (recognize,not)4nut

    frertha'/- re."V 2 e/ him because he (/ose) 7-rl

    a great deal of r,veight.


    52 cHAPTER 3







  • B& fJ Exercise 29. V/orrn-up. (Chci'i 3-7)

    \{l:ich sentence (a. or b.) logicail.* ibilo'ws each sraremenr?in blue.

    Discr-iss ihe neanings of t-he verrhs






    &.S,iffii:, .!


    |.ri;;,., i. I l'iave Deeri worl

  • 4.


    for live straight



    hours. No rvonder I was

    Jack suddenly realized th

    getring tired.

    at the teacher was asking him a/\ !,,,.,' '/'l

    quesrion. LIe couldn't answerfor the lasi ten minutes.because he (daytdream)


    6. Wake upl You (sleep)

    Exercise 31. Looking atComplete rhe sentences. lJseown words).

    glom]ar. (Chori 3-7>rhe past perfect progrlssive form


    long enough. It's time to get up.

    of the verbs in the.iist (or your


    on cell phones.

    ///r.I ,\y''

    dance look play /sing studl- talk

    SrrurtoN: Nls. Reed, a reacher, ieft the classroom for fifteen minutes. During that rime, herstudents did whatever they r,vanted. When she came back, . . . .

    She learned that a few students had been Einlinqt.



    She found out at a couple of students 4n,'/ ,o' . tn i;*,' ./

    Sorneone told her that one student i/i'a'/ t,,,,,' "

    t ''). -' . t loud music.She heard thar several studens in e aisles.

    her grade bookShe found out that a group of students i, '1r;

    She salv that a couple of studenshe board.

    i , She happily discovered rhat a few studentsrhe whole ime.

    pictures on

    5 CHAPT:R 3

  • r.\ .

    .. IXERCISE 30: i., r::i,c1r::r:;i1:: )r-'jt-rr,r;i. ,rilh *lree.d3t,.oet. sti,i-J' t't rt;-'\ir?t''Y1

    f . it t 1:00 P.i'l. I'i-ir hLrngrY I haven'l eaien luncn A4-t2. ['s 1:00 p.,'ri I'm not hr-ingr;l I'\'t

    -- -t,l-rytr/.; ealei-i iunch'

    3. Eric was hr:igry, s,', he-aie a candy bar a ferv minutes ago'. But he'5'1,-,-...

    ---:i- hungri,', so he's going t have another can'cy bar'\

    - 2,,,

    4. I used to eat Iunch at the cafeteria ever)'day, bur now I bring my lunchto sbhooi in a paper bag instead. I don't eat at he cafeteria





    6. Lookl The rain has stopped. It isn't raining -----'

    ' Lei's

    go for a *'aik.

    . )...L,/ i,5, It started raining an hour ago. 7e can't go for a walk because it's

    I hope it stops soon.

    when i read it,i: ,/

    finished all mv

    pul.,l:t yesterday, bu_t I haven't finished itI'11 iinish it later today and put it in the mail.parents yesterday. I thought aboui finishing iiro bed, but I didn't. I ,i,,!

    similar meanings. The meanings of / haoen'tsimilar.

    7. I didn't understand this chapter in my biology bookyesterday. Since then, I've read it three times, but I

    don't understand itl,. i1.:!

    8. I don't have to study tonight. I'vehomework.

    9. I started a letter to my

    I0. Istartedaletterlast night beforehaven't finished

    to my

    I lventit. *

    dialogues by using Yet ot still.

    i. A: Is N1ary home -----_-?

    B: Nio, but I'm expecting her soon.2. A: is Mary in class?

    B: Yes, she is. I{er class doesn't end until 11:30.

    *In negative sentences, sril/ andyer expressfinkhed it yet and I still hazten't finished it are

    The Present Perfect ond the Posl Perfect C 185

    __. +-----!!qt=u;E!E!ErE+|"-;.s