- ..__ Fi*)* M.-VtOwed ln th* ilght of lta Tln .tuR tru- ilr,i...r llC-USS blll fatherod .fj;' u.lra U . modfflsd prohlbltlon ¦_L«r* If pMSSd, r WOMM reduoe the number ..".,,-= .'t.'-half in n.ust plSCSS and Srtps them !' eRtlr_7 1" OtlMts Uadsr lt each sppHcatton lilllUna* would have to be algned b. iWSlYS jS^iined any othor apptleatlon for on* year. lim prop*rty-owaera care to atgn sppllcatlona tor aalo-ma ln thelr own nelfhborbood. and in Ln. warda the iwmftstt* number could aotpos. '.'h'v b* obtalned Th.- bTSWSM and Uc,uor-deal- era are STSatljr alarmed at the bare thought of «,':.:k a hlll becomlng law. Attsndane* at Mr. Runyon'* funeral ke.pt fJov- .rnor Orlg<* trom gettlng here at hla uaual hour. It wa* nearly o'.-lock when he arrlved. The , IU_1 AsbgaUO- of psrsoM intereated ln the proa- j.octlve sppointnStttS waa on hand to greet hlm. \mong 'he politiclana hSf- to-nlght the gonalp about .eg-vea-at-large to tb* Republlcan Na¬ tional Conventlon makea lt aeem reaaonahly C*r- ta.;n -ha: Oeneral W. J. MtHkX Franklin Mur- phy, Oarret A H.bnrf and John Kean wlll b* the men eh MSB._ ThS Krie Rallroad mar.acera have already c mged thelr tune about track elevatlon. Last v'ear and every other yeai* they were aeemlngly oppoasd to it. Since the atand taken last _"«*_ by genal rs Vc .rh_M and Daly ln "holdln* up" the iiMfganlzation bill, the nfflclala have mani- r.-. '. a dlSpOSltlOBl to OlSCOaa term*. To-rtay Mayor Waastr, Presldent Browa, of the Jeraey Clty Board of Worka, and Benator Voorhses bad a '.ng interview with Presldent K. lt. Thomas. j B McCullo__tl and ex-Mayor Hewltt. of the E 8 Company. Prealdent Thomas anld tbat the company would elevat.* if JSTSS. Clt» or the Bt A" would hear abo.it half the expenae. Ben- , Voorheea ilted attentlon to the fact that the Pennaylvanla. Lehlgh Valley and Jersey Oen- tral had elevated their tracks at varloua polnts in the State at their own expenae. On behalf of jeraey Clty Mayoi Wanser aald thnt the muniel- ar »uld vacate certain BtrMtS and depreaa Others ln order to help along the elevatlon sub¬ ject but the city could not and would not bear any'parl of the expenae. The company rerr- aentatlre* r-faaad. however. to bear the whole expena*. and. in addltlon |0 many other ohjeo- ,,on- they sald: -PMStWB and Passale wlll be wantlng us lo elevaie pretty aoon. and it Is oat of the queatlon for ua to loot all the bllla. Bssldss. lt la not falP.M TlW interview terminated without Say astttMMHt belng arrlved at, except that Benator Voorhaes was asked to ascertaln how much Of the coat the publlc was prepared to ahoulder Pendlng *nll_tatana»*_it on that pbaa* , f the question. th* Penator from I'nlon was ask«d to let th- reorganizatlon bill pasa, but he poHti ly decMned to do anything of the klnd. He waa smphatlc in anaoundn, hls determinatlon to held back IhOS* bllla untll the elevatlon prob- -.arl been dlsposed of. Jarr-s S. Allen. the Er! S sgt-nt here, wanted to have the reor- ajantuUoa blll taken np to-night and dlsposed ,.f one way 01 another. but he was told to bld* a wee. The Erie people aay that if the N'e-w-Jersey Leglalature will not give them the neeeaaary leglalation they can get lt at Albany or AVashington. The new Judkiary amendment to the CoOBtl- tutlon Introduced t. night by Senat.r Voor- heaa, wat- drafu-d by V, .111am H. Corblr.. It pro- vider. for a .Supreme Court of nt least flfteen membera, having equal power, salary and dig- Tiity Tbe (l-iv.-riior shall aasign live of that number to act as a Court of Appeala. who shall I | all ln any other capacity. There shall be no c.ll-* or Vke-Chancellors. The present Chancellor, Vlce-Chancellora and Judges shail eontlnos aa Supreme Court Judg.s. B**lde« the Courl of Appeals. there shail be law and chaa- L..,y divisions of the Supreme Cmirt. Clrcttlt Courta shall be held ln every county of the State by one or more judges asaigned to the law dlvl- slon of tha Supreme Court or by a Ju lf* ap- polntsd for lhal purpoa* The Le_l.latur« may ve*t ln the Cir ult Courta char.cery powera. sub¬ ject to appeal to ihe Appellate Court. POLICE OTJARD A PR1EST. .__VONt- CATMOUC Cl.t'P.H DIFF_r._.NV_S CAUS- TKO-iiL-. raaSSt* Feb 2,.-The Ktn. John Paljokavlu. for- B«rly of' Braddoek. Pa.. broke into th* Wavonlo ratholle Church la this stt. at I .'«..*_ '°-aa>' Tb* POUC* were mwtmnt and prevent-d any demor.- 8tra_oa on ihe part of the crowd whlch ^j!^' He *ame hen. on Friday Wlth a letter from Blahop .vV_r.ratithi.riy.lng hlm 10 take charge of the c'-ur.h ."_¦" Thi- TmslSSS ref.isel 10 deliver the S^£^cn°u^rt^g LAcTtZco't ta*S^waa assssaaiy. It » laarad 5&®Lr_iin__r«AStSE «____. __llc« F*th«r Oonroy. of Bt. Mcholaa Church Sll make M ntteu.pt to s.npoth il.e mat- ^er ova'r anJ effect a nettlement without aerioua irouole. _^._. A PUBUC SCHOOL SPEECH CRITICISED. SO-U FtJOFlM THl.NK IT WAS AN ATTACK ON TUB CATHOUC CHURCH. 8om* of the Cathollc tsjslttss of Weat Hoboken ar.. diacuaelng the rem.rks of the Rev. A. K. Duff. mmmtm oi Um UaHsd Prmbyterlan Church of tho town uttered at the Waahlngton Blrthday exerciaea ln the maln publlc BOhOOL Some of them ara d:a- puaett to erttlela* lh* pjurt¦«_««.$^Jgg^^ _., r ia, Ar.e tlniD.y lin excea* oi painoui it i -ndf.in _H;r.,,,,r ^a^:a £ ss- *__ar_^_-8i^TS6W -cho,::...:,ae "and &. "x? iZ-^th^MattS-a ih* achool are Cathollc*. and .SayXi^W ffStSmFAH mt.ulon ln ffi addreaa. 1 b* paator la ri*port*d to M ar, a. r. m. leeturer. but lie also iS-HSa ihla. CH_S3 OFFICERS CHOSF.N nn mr_wi association _n_*rw its mm POR THK EN81INO TBAB Pater-o-i. Feb. 2< (8pa*elal).~Tli« New-Jeraey ("heaa A.-4.clatlon baa choaaa offlcera fcr th* *nauln| iroar aa followa: PrssMsnt, W. C. Alpsrs. Bajronn*; nra vlce-prealU..-nt. T. K. Wh.-eler. Ellaal.eth; BWOnd vico-prealdent. OernaUua Hjrm**, Newark; a* r*t*rj und u-a-nrar. J. 3. ¦haptar. Bsyoon*. Oov*rnln« C<.mmltte«*-H. W. Pope and Geoig'- C. Thum. EUsahoth; W h. MaaaatL _-*t_*ldi T. W. c. Craa*, Lyoaa raraaa: H. Btrnvtwr, Paiaraon: Gaorg* O. (>¦¦¦ born and J. H. ilopkin. J*r*¦¦ Clty: J 8. IhapMr, l:..y_ine. A. \eralte. Hob.k-n; ftob*rt GoOObOdy ai.d J. H. Whlta, Patarssa,' L Btaraharg, C. a. Linie and L. Bsrastaln, Mswarh; tCufao* U. Cook. H> bokoti. Lxecutive Comnl l*« W. '. Alpeis. J. a. Shaptcr, Nathaniej Hyaa«a, ;¦' W. C. Craneand u UaaastL Th* a*at an"ual lournaraenl wlll be iieia 81 ilayonne on Waaliington'a Blrthday, 13.7. «. .- ORGAN1ZKD TO BUY BONDS Trenton. Feb. 84.-The Amerlcan Securlty In- vavatmtnl Company haa tlled artl_esi of Incorpora- Uon with the Secreury ol 3tate. The capltal atock _D.0uO.i_-, anu the company wi.l bSgU* bu«ineaa ¦rtta _~0.0_i. The objec-ts ot ihe company ar* »-t fcrth to be the purcnaio nt bonda. T.io home Olfcofl la to be ln Jeraey City. 'J".,i; Ineorpoiai.irs are -'dney WttjAttr, Roocrt CJo"let, ogden tjuelet. H. T Wllson. W. BL '"uttlng. t'har'.ea 11. Twssd ar.d Wl'.'ians Fuller. all ot New-York. and Robert S. "Jreen of N«*w-Jer. .>. Ih* fee to the Stata for flilng th* artlcles of incorporatlon waa H.OCO. ruirrs fine furniture, Faahlonable deB.gna car. beat be had at tnann- fact_**_.( prlct. NEW-JERSEY LEGISLATURE. THE THREE-CENT PARE BILL REPORTED ADVERSELY. lENgLTI PA.SK..S THE BILL PIXINQ A l-.a/j. gALABT POR BUPRBMB A7.L' CHANCKRT COURT CLERK. -IJISC-.SI ON ON THB PA8- BAIC BEWAOB ITSTEH. Trenton, Peh. Ci (Spedal). Bo ai waa ilow in both houses uf tha Legialature to-nlght. Tha gal- leries and lobbies had thilr uaual quota ol tatork, aaa all roted the lesslon exceedlngly dull. In the 81 nate I corj rai >n lawa were paaaad to thlrd ran! ng. Benator V Th Jected tn certaln feaiurei of 1 nator Johnaon'a blll prohibltir._ th* throwlng ol broket publlc hlghwaya <r tha leavlng ol broken >n the roads for a perlod of more thaa aeven lays. Bena- lor Voorbeei deacrll>»d thla ai .Scycl bll!. "I am a blcycllat," the Senal ir _a_d, "bul t! drlving blcycling a llttla too far. It wlll w rh hardahlp in the eaaa of townahlp offieiali havlnj charge of the roada by maklng then llable for pen- altie3 i:i unavoi.lahle caaea." To mi-f-t tha vtewi of Benator Vodrhees, the blll waa amandad bv Benator Johnaon bo bi to protect offirioip !r. case "Weumatan ..¦ I eyon thelr e ntr '." prevent them having th- broka n stone c ivered wlthln the tlma sperifleii. Benator Johnaon likewlie ex- plalned lhat th» blll wai intended to prol raei rat hor than bleycles. 8---natr>r VoorheeB'a W.l paylng the Bupreme Courl and Chancery Court clerka each ft.OM Mlary ln- stead of feea, came up on flnal p.?.;.>-,. In t'..¦.' Ben¬ ata lata to-nlght, Benator Kuhl objected section provldlng a pen ilty for not maklng rei il ir rolurno to th.- Btate TTeasiiry of the feea recelved ar.,'. a general diacuasion resulted. Benaton John- aon an. .klrm sald that there ahould be no fur her delay, ns the blll oughl to have been p asi weeka aga Benator Rogara wanted the Wil lald over io that lt oo'.-:.i be amended to prevent tltla c mpanlea from mtiktrt abstracti and thui reduei tha Bl it Income. Benator Johnaon Buggeated that the o almed rn be deall wlth In a separate measure. The bill paaaed by unanlmoua vote. AttBMBLYMAN BULlaOCK BEWILDERED. In the Houso of Aaaembly there were several llvely dlacusalona on meaaurei comlng up f r tir.il paaaaga, and aevera] bllia were paased, whlle many were aivanct-d on the calendar. The CommlttM on Rallroada and Canala reported BuHock's three- cent-car-fare bill adveraely, and Mr. Bullock cre- ated eome merriment by practlcally kllllng the measure by hls own motion, after be had prevallaed upon the members to refuse concurrence ln the re¬ port of the commlttee. When the adverae report was submltti-.i by Chalrman Lower, of the Rall¬ roada an.l Canals Commlttee, Mr. Bullock loudiy InBlstatd thal the matn ba rs of the commlttee stand up and tei! why they we.-? opposed to the blll. "This blll." he s_il "is ln the Intereat of tha common people, anl 1 want to know «hc slgr.cJ this .i'.. rae report." Tiie Speaker ruia-d Mr. Bullock out of order, aay¬ lng the commltte" ivas not compelled to glve its reaaona for reporting the blll adveraely. The w tlon to concur in the report of the commlttee w..s made, but Mr. Bullock pleaded so hard, that a mo¬ tion not to concur was mov,-'l anl carrled. The meaaure was then before the House. and tiie Speaker asked the pleas.irt- of the mt-mburs ln dts- postng of it. "I move |hat the r»port be not concurred in," sald Mr. Bullock apnln. "You are out of or.er. That actlon has already been tak'n." said tbe Bpeaker. YViilie Mr. Bullock was flounderinic about Mr Kinp. of Passalc. moved thai the 1*1111 recommltted to the Commlttee on Rallroada .md Canala, and thla was tifrra?. d to. Thls motion practlcally killl the WH, as the commlttee beinic host'.le to it. It will be plaa "d in the "Commlttee Orav.-yard," where lt will lleep the long sleep of the peaceful. There was a llvely d.sc'i.ssion on Senate blils N'os lf. and 98, whlch came up on final paaaaga in the House to-nlght. The meaaure provldea for the con- slderatlon of r. general system of i*<-wage dispo.al for the valley of the Paaaalc iiiver and the preven- tlon of the pollutlon thereof. >.'o. M calls for the appolntmetit of a commisslon of thre» cltlz'iis to conalder tlie subject. Blll No. 10 author-.zes th _tnt« Board of Health to oonsider and report upon a gr-n- eral system of dralnaga Eaah bill niakcs nn appro- priatlon to carry out the work aefllglMd. Mr. Keed. of Bomaraet, oppoaed tbe bllla He aald could not see Why South Jersey, for ln. tar.,e. should be called upon to pay a portlon oi" the UO.O00 appropriated, as the matter was entirely local, Por oi.e. h<- w.i op- posed tO the measure on aeveral irro'.r.d.. Mr Skin- ner made an eainest p!e:i lot tli" bllla li- dwelt at lenpth upon the unhealthy condltlon of the Paa- ealc River. ar.l C ,ntende,| that th" object Of th<* bllla was general. They Were lald over until tur.rr.iii-c. WHEELMEN HAVE A HEARINQ, A delegaticn of wheeiman came bei" to-nlghl In the Interest of the Fratr-is blcycle path blll, BU- thori_lr,g taftwnahtp commltteea to ezpend onat-flfth or tbe road money ralaed annually for the bulldlng of Mcyele patha alone the blghwaya. Chlef Conaul Rolert C. Uentle. of Ellaabeth; «'. K _a< hanas anal A. D. McCabe. of Aabury Park, representlng the New-Jers-y allvlslon of tho I- A V.' were ar.Ig the delegatlon. The wha i-imen urgatd an amend¬ ment provldlng for upeaifi- appropiiatlona at town¬ ahlp meetlnga ttrnl this wlll ba mada As won as tbe blll baeenmea a law the wheelmen say they wllf hfigln the l.uild!n_ of a blcycle path flve feel wlde from Trenton to the aeaah i'' Among the fcllls paaalng tbe House tO-Dighl were the followlng: Houae No. 9%, authorlaing cltlea and towns to purehaae lands for the purpose of ,-re<-tin« publlc buiidings theraon; Houae Na U maklng oar- taln the term of certaln horough olflclals; Houae No. its, giving all Qatllng gun companiea one aa¬ alatant surgeon. one hospita! Bteward and one quar- termaster-seiK'aTil: House Na). IM, atithorzlr.g the city of CaHsalc lo opa.n nt-w .tr'»-is: Benatte No. IM, provldlng for the rebiilldirtK of Atlantlc- Clty's boaid wulk: House Xo. H'J, problblting Judgea of <-'ity Distrlct Courts from practlslng In any other dlstrlct a-ourt or ln appoal OBBra taken froin any dlstrlct court. lillls were lntrotluced ln tbe House as fol- lows: By Mr. Mullln.Plslng salariee of lownahln .-"in- mitteemen in flrst-ciasa countlee al I" t meeting for each member: also, a blll authorlaing townshlp commlttees to buy electrlc-llght plants. Ily Mr. Hopklns.Autliorlzmi? tne Oovernor ap¬ point a commlaalon of three to uo ..re nddltional lands in Kearny to enlarge the Boldlera' Home grounds. Ky Mr. Harvey.Prohlbltlng the appolntment of any detectlve, conatable or pollca offlcer as a-i.-rk of any Giand Jury. Hv Mr Cagney Ri iuirin_ th" North Rlvaer ferry con.panies to laduce ferry faraa to iwa, centa a passenger. THE NKWAI'.K ARMORT BILL, After the adjustment of the Houae to-nlght th<-- Commlttee ,,tt Ra Ir an Ca tali l-.iv. ;i batarlng to a Inrg'- do'.egatkMi of promlnent Newark poopl, on Mr. Sltinner'a measure provldlng for tha conatruc- tlon of an armory ln Newark. Th.- delegatlon .u- ciudej Eiljah i:. Oaddl Bamual Hoaaland, El!, B. Ward, Judga Mott, WUbur Doremua, Judge i-'ort, ex-<'ounty Clerk Bamuel Sr.ith, .' Sklr.ner and l ,'tr .in. anii Colonel Brletnall, Judge- Advo_ate Johnston, Paymaater .' B. Bch_ and Hur_a-.ni Davld L Wallla ol thi Ial it. - Jndga-Advocata Johnaiwn ..i<it- tr.i princlpal speech He .said Newark wanted .,ti ai n .¦¦ w .uld cosi *_'.".'«". it ..- would rontr.bute the dlfference betwt<_ii thal and the amoi would be aaked io ir/proprlate. The u.ar-1 of l-'rea holdera. he sald, ha. prov.ded ., plol ol ground 400 by 'J*i fc-et. upon w.iich the bulldlng could .... placed. THET BAT THE UMIT [fl Tl 0 LOW. Ilt ll.Dl.Mi AND LOAN AB* >CIAT10NBOPP__ ! sk.'.'a- T.'lt J"i(X.'VN"S BILL Trenton. Peb. J4 .Bpeclal)..Th Senate Cammlttee on Plnanea gavi a I arln thls afternoon on _..!.- tor Johnaon'a blll, whlch llmlta the amount tha: bulldlng a:..i losn aesoci.i on may borrow. Joh.i P, I>ar.drlr.e. Charlea I'.-yor and U"llliatn Cud.ipp, of Jersey Clty, n prei. n'ln_ .i nui.-.lter of bUlkMng and loan aaeo-latlcna, appeared ln oppoaltlon to the bill. Mr. 1'ryor as.d there :\ah no iaw at preaent to pr,- vent the aseoclatlons from borrawlag, :iih.*nigii the law does not ape^iflcally permlt lt. The Indorsa mer.: of the direnors holda each Indl.ldually re- sponaible. The Johr.aon b 11 wlll leg.iilie bOtTOW an'l .n ao far ;t rneets the approv.il of the assoc.a- tions. but th. limit of M par cent of as-a*,* or :o per cent of annuu! reccipte too amall. In ol.o.- asso.'iations lt wiil make aa dlffer nce, but lt wlll ae*-i"usly ,rpt>l' oew onea If the pereroiage lim.t waa .mre.-sed to 7". per cen. it m'. bl W >rfc, Ur I-analrine s_i-J that youri.t assocU.i.ns bad to borrow moaey to -___<. i atart. and the mi. 11.- re wra oould oo reUed upon to BA lhe llm wlthln :h« aafety llne They generally b >rrow fr im lUftO-O tSfBTai the otart, Mr, Cudllpp Baid ba repre- unted the Llneoln Loan Aaaadatlcn, of Jersey Cljr, wh ch ha, M membera and I800.M-J ln aaaata H<* tavored the Vii ao far aa It related to lr^ai.-it.g oanfl bu'. be sald the llmll wna **»tlrel> too low. T; o UmlUtlon of the Ijins woald Inor-.iae the premium to siu h _n ex'enl that poor borrowers t atand the e_| Th hearli I'ow T.ator Jn-.n- thera Intereated to appear before tne e immlttee. -_?.- REORGANIZING THE C0URT8 PROPOAED CONBTITUTION- L AMEXD- ME>T3. THE BUPREME O »URT T KAVE THTtEE 'IVW lOMB, LAW, CH_ M BT AND APPELLATE CHANCELLOR IHIPB T BE .BOLI8HEP. Trenl -: Benator V t- .!¦,., -...- |pht a na w ret of coi ...... tloi 1 " Collins ary Coi mlttee lasl wi k. idc 1 « Bi >rcr thi ton iv. rnor to remil rd ns In aii ment. bul tha Legialature may mmli ;., .i Board of Pardons, of whl h thi ' - men ba r, and hls vou sl aii bo n granl any pardi n or rera _i e The Judlclal power is veat**d iti a courl foi Ihe trlal t In ichmenls, a Buprema (' urt. a pr<- rogatlve co irt, clrcult courta, and iw . xist, and aa may ii ... by :.i« The an endmenta i Supreme <'- urt shall onsist of such ,. .,.. the La ¦¦ itura tn t) _x, b it sha II leaa ihan fl The Justlc. s of the i Court aa hitha " ''¦'¦'' ar.d '.:¦.-'.. ah -1 '¦¦' tha ¦¦¦. ii itlon of thi. .,,.,.¦,. Tha have all t1'- Iui l.dia tiam at.d .wen .ich are n po.iv -.-.-i an II ie Bi .. the Court of Cl and Ai peals. w hlch Iui sdlcti. powei exerclsed li llvia ns. such dl aa folloa rst Law ¦''¦ Isl »n. In wl e es the F ii .. in. ¦'' now e: i, judge J i ... have.i '. cond inei m ; ... oa lhe lurtsdlctli and p Chancellor u-ery now exl: ; ng. Thli Appi 'i.i ....¦¦.. exi r- ,:...;: ¦.' in and powi ra ol lhe 'o iri ar r- ,rs and App. als n iw exlstlng Flve ludi whom four shall be a quorum. s_al lurisdlctl, ia and powera under ruli i to 1 by the c url Tha Judge of the App loritf il ln 'tnm' nion i hall be prei Ident >'s ... IttlllK B': ¦' Wh i- |( p.,.. M I thal tl .. Apn< Hate Dlvialon ta led of J idi ned thereto bv theOa i-ern- ,,.. N|, durlng hls 'rm therrln. all in any other dlvialon of the court. rhe I, ,]... n ,t sen Ipr In Ih A] llatc Dlvli on i.l ... t tlme be asalgna ri by the C us a whole, to seivlce ln the Law ai fhsi rydi- vlgl, .. ;, i,.tlvelj Tl " of VI -Cl am .¦¦¦ v Is aboli'sh,'! by tha- gmendmenta T T WO ULD BA N K RUPT (IT! E8. so SAYS DALY OP BENATOR ROOERSTfl EXCISE l!il.T_ HE THINKB MtTNICIPALmEB ABB DEPENnENT (i\ THB UQUOB Bl BIKI M .'"!'. A I.iVlN'ij T BMPERAN,'i: PEOPLE LTHOLD Tin: MEARVRE Trmtnn. Peh. 21 (gpea-lal) "lf thla blll la paaaa 1 lt wlll bankrupi Jeraa y Clty nnd other munlclp of ih.- Btate," Benal r *ly sald ll fl noon I the Senate Commlttee on Mlaeellaneoua Buslne_a. mmlttee. Ba nal irs R -. Vree- lan l and Engle, .- s hearlng on c i'a blll, ra qulrlng liquor lleen be slgned by twclve freeholders llvlng In the ward who hn.'. nol Blgned any other appi itlon . thln .i year. Th i paai ige of tl Is 111," contlnued the ll" l y n Benati r, "w lhe utid decreaae appn lably the revenue whlcl foara lo mak'- and repalr atreeta at,.i ma schoois " "How ab nce aan the character of lhe gal K>na "' h--k.. Benatoi Vrea "Vou can't maka na," anewered Ba Daly. "flal i are all bad or all - un the atandp >lnt fi om * al them Mrs. l.iiiti i Bourne, of Newark, presldent of tt.. Rtat'.- Women's Christlan Temporance L'nlon, sald that Bha and thoae asi .;, bei _... afrald of the "derreaaed revenm I .:¦ by .-'¦ natoi l >aly " Bha ::,k :tom drunken Ing poll ¦¦ i- >.¦...¦ ...... y ihi "The fear of a decreaaed revi I Mn i i In lhe leaat. We have tila nli ... i. hoa v,..-ns.-s \\ '..:.. v. it,: n ..ii her of aaloona ao the ai tr_i.'..- M i Boui '' » :_ Bl there i.,i ... tha namea ol dead men .... -.,-.. I to B|>| Mrs. Ncttle Cai Trenl By re- dualng the numbei uf salu na wi «..; .. u - lhe ii|,, na. ea ,f o ir taxea ln Ing i Ison fears, i hey w ild The Rei A. '< i,. wson and the Rev J W Lyell, t Cam len, expla thal thlng it v. ,- ild, mera ..¦ whal ipposed the law to Court had declai ara me tl ir La w- son, "ean sign all anal men llvlng In a ci:, -.,::, app a ti .ti roi a - -a Blchard *_ Cunnaey. s hotelkeepei n Reaeh if.i en Ocean Count; sal hai the blll » mld be tlve tn thal I '" ,. whl. h hai a imall re leni .. itlon and was dependenl upon the ¦ "Tliat ean ba met hy . >.. ..;>t.n;- seastale .. from the operatlon of ti act," al l Benator Rogers i,n :!..- suggeatlon of Benal ir Daly the com agreed to hold another meetlng na-xi M nday at o'rloch for the purpose of i.-ii^'ru; brewa i, liquor- ¦l.-.iia.ts snd othera Intereoted in the meaaure. «. PATHER HRUSHKA CAPITULATE8. HE LOOK_ TO THE < ot'ltTH 'i<a ACQLTT HIM OP n.i.t: ;.\l. CIQAB M.iKi:.'i The rtav. Oreg-ory Hniahka. pn. v: of tha Ontek clmrch ln Chettnut-ave., Jeraey Clty, has acceded tai tbe demand f hla congregatlon and itm bui rendered iis keya lo Pather Mltcow, who la tem- ... tupj ing the pt'ip Pather Hi '..;¦., -. Id nol Iti ita lu [j ated in the Pederal court. Tha polia offlclals antertaln the opli a( ihej hava u Btrong ..,- agalnsl the prieel nd thai mt lon of m klng i^.iri wlthout a llcenae la Inevitable. -?- POOR WORK OP THE PRINCETONE THB COLLEGE IU SEAST OVEfl THE INDIPPEB KN'T BHOW1NO MADE BT THB NEW BA8EBALL TEAM. Prin I' <s ¦.'. iii The Prlnceton h .«..¦- i,.,.i si .i oi i ¦." i"- ii/ .v.th the pr tnlnary p. ¦- [n th -.¦ :' .' -flve ti Ild iti ipon le ., c.,i,ti:i liradley'a call ind had .»n hour'i ln ti, ¦! tlce ond bal i ns a vacant Theae ire 'atcher, flrai b ie, second b_se, top end one oi .11, ... men t'.r ll« v i. mcl. s are Cochi r, '.*), ., Buballtute Kelly, B. fo t ba ,i;.,l Bull r :. for -. to .. i- \.. '96; '17, an 1 l"a . .- :. v '"' dee '91; I' ". .iii, >m ¦ «, |_, ni --..a. .. ,..'¦; Bte- '., ..,,>',, ':" ::.V[. ¦;., ,i ,: i. Re .jl ,i pi irtti e wlll ti tbe i* t'H the wi perml '! ¦¦¦ .' '.* p.i'n.i .I iptaln f '... fri im.in i ne lY'.i : OUI ag bj th. |. 11 i ing tn.11- !>y thi tn ar men. AN ESCAPE FROM BNAKE HILL. IlI.N'ltY IIA'.I.. ''. >N I'-T C*OOK, W IL1 Of IN Al I'Nl I"' ¦:.' i. I). nrj il -il' irs ... the HuPei Itentlsry at Bnak< terday i ;. .. i kil IVI Ha the day *tt -¦¦¦.' n the unlform of 1 ;, fi i, and tkly ''¦. aty Clty, Hoboken an Bad ar ':.;" fugltlve '.' id n.,t been >i tui up lo lati lasl nli ... H*.i, ib fl P me, ind ..:.¦¦ .i a >nal thlef. He waa n II :., .. itentl . ..¦..-..:. a'. t 1i" .. n j .r. Id. and . on* .,'..., 'li. .i >'. " Hot. New-Tork Cltr ^ THREE MEN BIMI1 ARLY BTRICKEN. Arllng'.on. reb. I B " '¦' of Ar- llnct .. wer. veil-known citlzfns fallln ib to pi ralytlc itrokes In rai iua sal mi '1 be ". .:'-1 '. '. th, .i.e . malady waa Jamea Freeraan, propr tor ol ae man's Hall, one .1 the 'i .-s m ean i He wns talkli frlei m Medland-avt ia: '. ..¦ .' '. he th.-ew :,., hi, a:.:.i and pltcPa > lai hour h" was tn an aziremel* '' '¦¦ other vIctlmB are Jacob G. rgen. i> ¦"'>,.',^1 }'. v-. ||ves ln Elm-st and V. ......m raft. ot Elm-i ¦. u -tn- nclgtibor ot Oergen A NEW KIND OF FAITH CURE. remaRXABLE recovery OF ax old max. HT TO BE DTINO v REN THE AR- Rl v i. v \: ..;¦. ... A RIEXU ¦, !* U-_. .eb. 21 .-'; :l il)..A st iry of a -4- fi nm " h b ar* ln rejpccti I ln Ni w-Brunawl k. \'. Illlam !*.... ty yeai i lent, liv .¦.- .1 'i .¦¦.-.- il ai ii thi i- . \ v .' '. be He a ' *d tl it an.. ,-.>¦' :- vrii a : i. ;i -.'.... 1 ...-,: man lay. -. i 1. fa.-t, !.;. - II a|¦.. ¦; | Ic.ith wa* n ni ia Uy ..-.- '\ .. fnnm'.y g oup waa thua aorrowfully aur- ;. ..i.. ....:¦. ln th* J , th* f ahari ly, n th.> ; I .. m ....-.., ..-.. found l e Rudolj.ii i: er of Mr. .. ot kn .wn of I '. . ... er ..ii ¦. ti. ¦. In llfe he bi .. ippa i, a an *.i l th Ur trti l-l^r. "I ..- cr, ln a hardl iu lible ¦.. -. .\I .'. tl* 1 le. gi '.. ;. ,.ii ...; I: .*( '..n iw, .¦' l i. li; cheer .,-. you ¦¦. .'¦¦¦ ¦a -: ii. an unuaual tcreal Mr. i. k* *a :.< hy the v " m. ar.d n for the u* In ' *Ir. Becker n a i out the ai I t'.mca to .., '. .. i a,. in bed ii, a, |: "i.i a r I'm jolna to Bel ¦.. '. J':1 '.¦'' to u :: h yo in ,i w.- k " tlnueai I ire, and -¦, ta ri h r-1 i. a-'. i.-t thn ..¦...;..-' :.:.. :I Ira from the grave .1///. RUNYON'8 FUNERAL. NEWARK PAY8 ELOQUENT TRIBUTE TO THE AMBASSADOR'B MEMORT. CROWDS v.'AT'II THE CORTEOB - THE ENTIRE CITT l_ M'.riiMN.; IMPOSINO CBREMONIES AT BT. PA-L'S CHURCH THK REV DR. BAKER'B PEEUNO WORDS Tha funeral ol Th.lore Runyon, Ambanador to Germany, took place yeaterday afiernoon at Bt. Methodlal EpIacopflH Church, Newark. Not ihe 1 ¦:. .! ..' Thi ¦: .... Kn llna huj ten, lhe dl*- atateatnan wi.'. waa Becretary of Btatfl under Prealdent Oarfleld, ha* th*r« been Buch a rlni a,f citlaena at th.* funeral a.f any n ln Newark. Th* church waa HIM, almost to overflowlng. with tl.«* i.- it known paopl* ln tha- ity, wia. unable t.. n.ii" admlttance t.. the .- I, Rroad-at f'.r bloa ka, In ..r.i- r to ratch a BlImpM Of th* ri.rl.-k-- as lt pae**d l.y on tl lery. All over th* clty bu 1. r.r. from all the publli bulldlng u hou*** flagfl were dlaplaycd at half- inail The faca <>f tbe Clty H .1! waa ahi >uded ln ... ia of a-rup.- depended from .url tb* portlco* of the hou*** of .- itlaan* li ..r tha church, to whlch Mr Runyon for U rtj vnri waa attached. th* *mblcm* of *orrow wera pi Th* chanc«l waa hldd*n under I.., k where two f**toona "f Am*rlcan ... Oerman national colora rrtl*v*d lh* mournful ¦ r«**rvcd for frlend* ol th* ran.ll) i... nl and ofl >, and 1 to whlch .1 i he f ini ra party and the ... .ii.a in the front of ... ilovernoi GrigS*. Adjutant-Oenemi »nd th« 1.. *..-.«tt -. .- i-ommtltfl*. conaUUng , »tora Thomi lohni m and K*t< ham nd Aa*. mblym. n v. alltna .>'.' i:'. |, wera il l lh« lefl ..f ihfl pulpil Mem- I ., ...... ,1 atafl and I the boai 1 une \ Iclnity 11 . .. ... wera I'nl ,*-'*,r, *"'"" Parker and I t ..:.. » B Ward, John A '.""s ,,,"' '_' f La Wllllani A ..... :. .1 im< :. 8. HI«- .- i- Huwell .11 Horacfl Alllng. SPLENDIl) PLORAL OFFBRINOB A rr .i.i'.-r of m.ir: I. -nt BonU plece*. Ind II - ih .... ;. :.. th* En peroi and Bi ipr_ ol Ua rmany, .._!.. ,i aii ng th* fi >nl ol th* ra atrum, an a .,., rhltelllle*. Mr Runyon'* favorlte flow*r, I th< incel and th* organ balcony, Th* .!,., tl) |n fronl ..f th* pulplL :<--. plaln black 01 illi e waa relleved by a allv*i p! il :,.,,. .eodor* Run>on, L'nltfld Btatea Aml.. r to Germany, Dl*d Jai ¦¦ y tl, Itti " and .1 mall Amerlcan flss and iwo floral plec**, one lhe irll .. of Mm Runyon, tb< othar lhat ot tha ¦'«"" . , a. 1... funeral party aa emhled at t 1* homa* ot Mr*. .1. m inj.... - m ithi r, In Htll-at. It ii., ..;. .. n.-.j. k T and L Chauncey Runyon. thfl a.; ..... ..:....-1 - .. t< l'n ori' A Leonard F. nnd VV. Ia Kruen; Alexander H. Johnaon. Dr. II ikM 1, ,...,; and Mr HaaMn*. The pallbearera, who um. elceii iv Mi Runyon. w.-r- Roberl F. Hal- ..,,,, ,. harli-i boi hei Ing, John i' Dryden, Amal l>oal lu Id A !"|. J Frank Kort. Fredei. it ita-iir.- i, .4 ¦.. Wllllani ft Oulld, Oarrei A. Hobart, !.. Wolco J 1011, Diomaa N M<' 'arter, Alex- UrGlll, Kranklln Murphy, 'i neral J i\. luni« Cortlamll Park«r. IVilllam A. Rlghter, Ben- Inmea rtmlth n wllllam Stalnaby, Eugene V mden i.i'i li- Wrlght When the rei itlvea o.' Mr Runy ... h be*n Beated ri..- Rev. Dr. Ha -.:*. Baka r. thfl wat .1 .1 the cl ma ¦.. the ;a.... alton. II- 44.1a fall ¦.-. bv rn- Rev. 111. H_i ;.¦ m I, v. ii rrni 1 rlptur 1 lon ap- ., to th 01 !¦. loi r. Ulah >p Andrewa, ..f the Newark offered .1 lotag an.l f*r- \. nt prayer, ln whlch exi )lle th< nr my tlanllke \ mr. a of th« di a l and x, r. -r - hla pal ... thal of the peoph .r lan the b ¦- reava-d fami<y. After mi niith.-m. "There a .1 w ii :., aa .11 tlod'a M- ." y," by the Men la (juartei the llei i" Bakei pronounced lh* eulogy upeaker'a ........ wlth Mr It m) >n rr, ide hlm 1. tl moal lli per*on In thfl ) to da liver the funeral oratlon. As paator and Irlei hi knen Tha >dor* Runyon better, pt-rhapa, than man) « ma kn iwle Ige ol thfl man exta n led over a .:,,.. .,,, it ma* wlth d'.fhculty thal ha could rtatrutn ie*ra ..< ln- apoke of me vlrtuea ani man ) ol th* latfl Amba*aador. ln parl 1. 111 I.n.iY Of TilK LATE AMBA8BADOR "Mod«at, homellke, flndlng dellght In qulet walka an loyal a irl The lon Runj. b< ra to a wider ihan imi itlc coaetll 1 1 ..- ratber ag 1- tra witi -. to hla ma :i r md th n!t) wlth whlch he Rllcd hlgh placia for many ... pie ..1 -. 11.. ig over thfl blll ' New-Jeraey h*pp) and contented wa* the begln- an lhe Ambaaaador of ih greateat of n t| .;.. r. ,.: nr, rea * ll th* Bl L Be- iwei.. th. - ra >rda runa oui of paib n. eulture .ii. ii mded In th .¦.h.a-v r.i .,[ n.... nd .-.. mm itrli a bjaji ;o H.a iv. 1.. ri ked under hippy at.»r. >f H lhe guir-k i.i Ighl and Ja mtl ia aln- ccrlty of b'.a f-.ra 1 1 * ¦' m Inn tance ol i4ii_llty oi hla ehai ict< r. ¦.T .... I. .,:; III ns to tha full Ihe worl I of thought and j .!. .I aowled-e ._..¦ 1*1 ..li .i.r "" .N' ¦ II and ipl an ,. .. 4.1. r. .1 th made .1 iri .. ,. i. .,,1 ... (, .. '. .n. ana ... hoped fcr tll r-^1 V" '.' to I ,f phtlal Iphl former ) ia- ...-,... ¦¦¦ M nu 'I int I'em to; ', .'. " \ iult. Kl ..: burlal ¦¦. .;.. ,,... [ra. R nyon fr rn nmer. A BOBTON EX UONVICT. UI, IDBNTiriCATION OF THE MAN WHO }-,i;.i BU BIMSELF IN JERSBT CITT 1. || thoughl her* thsl th* nd ln a Jerae) ntl lotel ter lay, r/ho ,.. | a* "li. .1 Ounn, Boai n, M i*«.." araa ,, , 0unn wh ..,,. pentenc to Btate nrlaon aboul ,,, ¦. y _k for t: m ir !<¦. ol hla tathi n i, .... ,,,: .,;,¦: ab*)ui a yeai v. :..,. thirt) yeara ..Ll. A.i-r hla pard eured vwnk li 1 Bhop in Whlt.-mn. ai.I lt laa :-i-; i.rta-i thal h- wnt av.ay from ther.* .s<*v«-ral montha e_o. A RECEPTION FOR MR. QUIQQ. ___THUSI__mC SPBBCHU BT MAYOR BTRONO, COKORBBaBMAN COUUNfl AND OTHERfl. AT THK QLiGO CLUB. Tha Qt_gl C'iub, oreanlzed by thi R tpubllcan su.n- ngressmaa Lemuel E. Qulgg, h_d a loi ¦;- ontlnui and Joyous entertalameni last »> b .. m the hall on ond Boor of the house No. ?,i\ Amsterdam-ave. lt wai a receptlon for Mr. Qulrsr, to whlch maay of hia poiitual frlenda bad ted, and the hall waa packed tuil of the bllcana who hr.J recelved Inv.taUoon Thei" refreahmei ta for Invlted gueata, at:d plenty ol .,,. b-maklng, mualc and fun for arerybody. and rtoj-daaces were mixed aritb oratorj ... i thi tiij'ti... txerctsei I tl Ing I an l thare m r ibo it two aen 11 .rm in ¦¦ - m rinted . rogt ni to it through the erei te:- ;. irt ' the nlght. .i. Dunn, presldent of ti e club. was the pre« I Boor of the evenlng, but be had Congn l- maa ... -i at hli rlght ha.id. Other .nen o;i tne platform wen v Itr ng, C n lamsn Robert a: .'.v;: ', v towa; a Od.-ll. Jr.. of Xewburg; mblyman a. C. Wllaon, Aldermen cn.-oti. Rob- '.: -.1. Gel rai 0. H. La Qrtngi, presld -t of the P.re Department; Abraham Qru- ber, r ra * L. Ham II in, Q --.¦ .: ? Ib all, A. Bberman, '.'h:»rie.j Bennett, Oeorge R. Man :i ll. Qunna r. Mr. Iv,..:: .,; ed thi wlth an ad.-. In whlch he to.d .,:' t. of lha Quigg Club in Novem- : | progress i lad the irat ve .b-.ur::v to .'an. r | ¦.- of t'-e club were ..' Mr. <¦!.... how luct ln Con- how falthfull) ai. y i. ill hls He rea ... regrei fi bi .: ..< rn. r .. T ¦' Pla .' I _pe_kei Ham li m Flah, kepi iw iy from the r »pi on. ..- iiu li. turn at comj Umei iry .... .i .. Ii. .: r. t.. club .. fria m poi tr ti Dunn, .i-i told wh it .a f_i t Mr. i iti-. i; m ,.i for i.i, club \i mb*i¦> : the pri wlth e ich ot.ier In foslon bj .lt :r ppla .?-.. >' tti ¦¦. rtrodu 'l io maka .i u. :, ".is v«...v: i! for u.. to be i.' re to- thi ilk. lu lake ;i night o/I oi In awhlle." VI T Mayor over n i 1*1 : il t tipped a -.'..< I rybedy in 8lglit, i.r.'i .- in- i tt thla li boi i non- .:'.'. Aii .r. rrlmenl greeta l bla litf.e Joke, a -.- I! -..- .. Ill Tii \: " .i it- "i v >i .' n not been th. .i wl n I r ive hnd a chanco !ca '. hav t.o rt.in (Lau hter ati 1 ... .; R .; nbl n ougl to be ln the fi i .vern nent r ....:.:::.: bell '. tliat '.'.>.. '''. .' ¦... \ v-- rter - Wh 'ever ffl d by the i: Nal :l Conva nl in ; b. ind t.i b .¦.¦..',. .' >. an know ii wlll be Oov- .., ,i loi Ta 'tlve 11ona of the nnt ry on ler 1 n ¦ lhe .'.:'.. :. mlng ip the llsnste had I the lata ti of iti Istrs !"t.. h^ ¦¦ I: "Th ", r Umei irt so ro m aa tl t lhat they n endure pr.ii ritj n n in ru >, I' ad of thi 11 ruie. W ii re hegini h . recoverlng fr .ti the ..:.. isl -. prof in II n ha\'e lt ig iln iL lughl r.) , and Ic i tre slllta om '¦' break oul at leasl on e gener itlon." ai. ins. iter.) Oth r ip*akTi and s aumber i rs u ! da. rs kept the audience amnsfd untll n la*e l Ai tii" latter noeakers w Qeorga rt. B Iwell, B, it aai.ii. jr.. and James A Bherman. MR. VICOLL OX BI8 DIOXITT. HE DEPUNEB TO BE DMPOBED OP BT MB. . .TETTa ,*ra COCNBEL AOAINBT HIS WILL Alheri Btetaon, the luror who charged r>.* Lancey Nlcoll wlth rauslng a mlatrlal of the actlon to in- apir<. In'o tha- tr>a ntal condltion of Daniei Levy, ai>- peared agaln late yeaterday before Juatlce Book- .taver, ln Parl vi, of the Bupreme Court, to show cs ise whv ii" ihould no: !,.. punlshel for eontempt urt. Whecler H. Pasckham appeared for Mr. ..-a-t II. It. Lancey Nlcoll teatlfled that Mr. St-tson had accused hlm of "putttng it up wlth the ,-.urt" to g-i the jury dls, hargi I. He aald on crooa-e_a_____' tlon that the only Inference to put on the lan_u_ge .Mt S-. v-.,n wus tluit the court had -onnived ut t!i.li.-me. "Now, Mr. Nlcoll, you are niakint* a aerioua ik ai- -t Mr Bl taon." sald Mr. Paickham. .i know lt, but be ma ir a *er;.u.-, charge jgalnsi "'.¦u. ;i never mlad about you, kt'a what be aaM ulKiot the '' .urt." . , ., ,,... .. i mlnd wh.it h-> aald about me. .all .Mr. Nlcoll . ,___.. we can ai .ae of you later -Noi wlthoui ii.. having .mathtng to pay. re- '"i'm'.¦ rt'l' i ote the e.ijhth Juror in the _a_e, was auoted by Mi Bteti >n .' saylng: "Nlcoll 1.1 tha: , .,, '. .: i- iklng thls nt. aaure to set out of It." Mt Koote wa ... i t :t,.¦-...,:. I. .iilal vou use th.- iiln^ua«,. attributed to you by Btetson?" as aske I. ... ;.ii nea. who wys n." exclalmcd Mr. r mte. I inythlng of the klnd. Now aak ma wha: 1 \,' u aak hlm whal he dW aiyT' ea- ikham. "H la trembllng lo tell r°-i do noi tremble aa much a' your man Bl dW retorted Koote. "When be w*a here Prtday ''r:n..i;;;:j'K_;v"i.;1rk'l.rti.ecour:,ta..i.ia..!that n sald to b m: "Thls ls the lai im. ;,,,- i"l m. here thls la aU a pui up lob. \uul. D< ...i gel me h. r aga _;.-t..3.oii '.iah raaerved. DEATH IRoil MALPRACTICE. IT U POLLOWED l;y THI A-UUOR of a TBACRMB OP LANOUAOB* Miss Ada Delmar, twenty-four yean old. wha u,. with ber mother and two slsters at Na. 2U West Dne-huiidri-d-.ind-iilt.'.iitii-i't.. dle.l i-sterday maipractlca Mra. Btevena, of No. :n Weat Porty-second-at., ama accu_ed In connectlon with the caae, aad was paroled by Coroner Ho hor to u .,..ir at bla ifflce thla mormng. when an investi- gatlon an t" the death of Mlaa Delmar wlU ba bo- gun On tbe Coroner-a warranl Profeaaor Manuel A Carrcno, a native of Vene-iuela, fortj yeara ci. , .i i ps in Stern's Ac.demy, ln k.,-..: mttn-M.'.;::.'."Afth-aw.. "***"*«.<> *\ ., Uetectives Keliy and Oalaaher, and MVhli-"i Tt So. M Waat One.hundred.*iid. ¦ixteenth'-t _^_. BALLET AXD YARIETY. There la no toubt thal Oacar Hammeratelna bl |.Marguertte." la b populai succe_a at the Ulytnpla Mualc HalL The houae baa bean canatant- ',. ..,, ,.,...- .ii ,¦,. the ban st was put on the ¦ u,"'i,. ure ty tableau* and dancea an tn h s ;",:': ' ,,1, , ema to ba no reaaon wty lt ,,.; be .in '"¦¦' mi ;!>- .'"' '" ii.. ;' manca :onsl t thai :s no i.'" ¦¦ » .-. .. i.a - ..' ;;',"'.,, i' ,rta. the mu?l.*:a.i; oiiu.i, the ijbriiti ind P. Castor^V* ii change ariiat ,;,,.,. >n all iti- trav. la pr .hahly never aaw funnlei Llllputlans than the llttle Ber.gaUs, or u iirobdlngnaglan fantaatlcs ihan lhe glan: luced by the Karkina, on thelr Amer:- ,..U1 but al Pro 'a Pl ure Palace yesterday. Th hea - eat, drlnk, eapreaa ecstailc Joy and -. .i.¦ ii I ara ogethor u.h iua Int't- ': ,,i .. m> giui .i ., :.- pei u tn ¦ at a.U '¦..> j-. ... a honi tha '¦¦.,. mi 'i ...' who ure noi ifrul.l. " ha r ei form- , n i- rosB lhe * i ai .- ai l Llttle, who j <_y un many od um The :; le-l ar ea- i,,., ..: Mn lo- Uu im rrlo ire t \\*. r l,ii ,-,, (leorgi '..'.-..¦ a-e in helr Six '¦.'¦' ,: -tt .-:>;. .¦t have i new song, "The Pejrl Kound ln bi ... >¦¦ .: .. Tha tcha r s (utu |ln tii- nen monologue. Thu vnier.can Trla have -i- ich. The Aillsom are a ., Dolan and L nhai .. ns and \ anl, , lili .. ., ', Kllroy an Ra ^ aon. Bryani and Ri hm. Ada .w.-.le, thi Cl.f« fo,-1 s aters, Cradoc, Bherman and Morioey and i. ¦. .'.i u' n itcher and i'aplnta are forerno.it tn tv.- r lar forces at Proctor's Theatre, Twenty-thlrd. ..;.. ii..- t.. iiii-.s.-i1 i,'others In Irlsh ucrvint-girl grotesqit v and the burla ua of '"i);, Two Orphans." Palke and Semon, ¦.. '' " i :: ! :::.,! IrantO an! Maud ¦. i.i Pul ler Newhall, who Bings vell: P.eMs and Lewla, par Iy slngera; Her, Burke and R.nJall, .ii....- Carroll, the Morelloi and thelr i. da .. O'Brlen and Havel, ln "A Ni wab. y ., Coui ¦.. v ¦¦ four Mosera. s r ib ii Iui .' rn; u in ,; r. .:, and (I r - Orlm --. Bad May. Paul ki ul -w.iiie i.loy i. cbaraotar singer. To y Paator*a Theatre is ^t n too itiuil far the crowda th.-u come to the contlnuous perfaarmaacaa. COWPERTHWAIT'S" REUABU J NO »U.t, hi.-.h .1 ...it M BBd la.W i pri h t.) bs four.,i BBywhera <-i*e. ARPtiTS. { !..; u ..reJlt, 1,H »\>»t Mth Str^ot. 860 Broadway. Union Sq. ii IStii SL ARTISTJC H ro^ni^ |N Brass t lR0N I 6131 For Interioi.s, Open WOrk FWEPLACBfs ETC. Oar ann Fortnalrli-e «nil SIio|i». The posularlty of thla form of cntert_lrrmc:u la ai.nply aatonlablng. l*. ls now .< nda ted at fiv* ln town, aad n.n* ( them *e*a_> to hurt the othera ln thi leaat. Al Tony P_etor*a thi* w.-.k the attractlon* nr* Mi** Annl* ijahler, cham- p.on cf rilli and ahotgur. Kic* and _.mar. MM .. ttie Mitchell, Ei ina and Huffman, _eat*r an.l \V 111am-, parody duettlat*; _ i R utt, ?-rlo- com.c; H.M 1 '.¦ er, Al Leevea. CharUa **>a- m.-.n, a_ rh,- town matabli M *a BLttl tCuraala, ett<; th* Roberta. a Trto, in * mua.cal ipeclalty: th* m i larac'.er v.vallata; Ca:r»ryn R **'" Palmer. Th maa bl .tt. the boy 1 by Wllllam Hawimond, and T U'a London Marioneiua Coacerta y,o na, afternoon and ovi-ning, at the r le MuaSe, nr tha araxworka, ssw ani oll, are .. tlon. DEATH OF CORONER O'UEYiGHER. THE RESULT OF AN" ATTACK OK I'NtllM.ONIA -A BKETCH Oi.-* HIS LIF K. Coroner Wllliasa (yMeagher, who sras taken lli wlth pneumon.* a fa*w claya aKO. dlod at his. home, No. 427 ...ist _1ghty-fourth-Hf.. a*. II o'clock l_~t night At Bia D-.viai.le v,eiv Dr. PBUIp (."-anlon and Dr. Ja:. ¦¦¦ l) :. rai wUI take place on Thuraday mornlng rr. 10 ov.-v. al Bt. Montca's Chureh. The burlal ... at h.:> Croaa Cea_e_*y. Coroner 0*M*acb*r waa born on January IK, i~_L ai K.laenaul*. County Ttpparaiy, Irclaad. He wa* . luca ed !:. tru- p<!_..<¦ acbool* aad al yj-cn'* Col- waa a a holar lr _r: aini aMd-O-M. ..: took ':.. Ilr*t prlaa tl t.. UMB la .^,2. ln Utt 1 to London aurgaon. Ha tvas ... ahlp iow.i, trom Quaaaatatrn io .s.-w- .:(.. iti iv-, ui... w.r.s graduatca iriim lh* i.: of tuo Ualvsraltjr of :he City \ »-. rjf .11 U_7. _ Fror.i IS-D to ix_ ho w<4» Kd.t.r of 'The New-York r -, thi _rat weekly ine.i. al lourasl : Btate*. At in. aarr.e limc ne waa a und phyalcaa to at. Vtnoeafa iio»- pltal. iri lr/. iie w_s phyalclan to lhe N.w-York l);apen*ar>'. STom lot.; to IMt he '.*....-> mrgtM ot .,,:! and .¦-'_! K stmenji ol New-Tork V'o.un- teera. Ite v. im a member of tho Beeond Oorps Ex- _ir.li..M,' Board, ar-l wa- __rgeon of tne ffna ltegl- i:., :,t iu 1871 and 1871 Dr. 0'M«agh*r waa Burgeon-Oeneral of ;nc 1'ta.e m .... In IS74. <".* Novem_er ti. UfiM, he ..._*. elected t'oroner bj l"_,_S voten. to Johi :<. -)__'¦ _.,__ \ rea H* wa* a fetlow of the *..;.i.e MetLca. Aa¬ aociation an a rui....i'<r of Lbe l'a>_l-__aa' Mutual _d Boclety, th* Celtlc Medlcal Club, Mllrtai. rireone' Aaeoclatlon, Uae._i Boclety and ve_r__t < .roa 69th Rcglmeut, M ighefa brigad*. Oorootr O'Meagher ,e_ve. on. _¦.:. tter, th* w.fe of V. C Donohue. -«-1- PRE8BYTERIAX8 ARE PATRIOTIO. "H11V USTBM TO AN ADDMM ON" CIIKIHTIAK WORK IN AHM.lN'lA-THl- HAl_L.y POB BOME KlSS-OKa "Triu- P«UiOtl*m" v, is tb* BUhl**t °t the Preaby- t.r;aa L ni.n BBMtWg laat cv.a.:_ -8 tne Hotel Brunawtck. Tr.e B9*ak«r waa the Rev. V.'. G. Fud- dtfoot. tleid aa-cretary of the Congresatlotial Hom* aary ioctegr, and the -nu-l. wa* .uruuihed by J. ii bd-er, barytone; Mra. Florence B. Joyce, planfaBt ¦"'! the lllsies Reynoida. vlolm and 'cello. Mr. Helder. who la the cr.or.ster ln the Kourtb Arenu* Pl**byt*_an Church, uang "Two Orena- dters" ar.d ..Kt-urrecti-n." and the trlo piayed ..St.ra*n,..ie,.' "AdaKio'' and "_oin du Bal." Thfl audUOCfl sann at the cloae "God tJave the State." W'lillam N. <"ravar preaided. and arnonjc the clergy- men ur.J o.'Tic.ra uf Preab.vler.an ShMtChSB prSSSBf. many of v hom wcrc- accompanled by thelr WlVOB and daughtera. were the.-e: Mlr..n'._ ¦»-.<_. W. *. L! ich. H-ward Dutrleid. John H. Bdwards, J.-?ee F. For-e*. Herbert Fjrd. H. T. McKwen. J. B. MmaSxT, W C. Rob-rts. C. A. Biod iard. B. HMW. w C. Htltt J. F. Button, F. H MarUng and tharles L. tnompson. Xon-mlnlsterlal-Ro-'-rt DaSfB. ¥red- "kA booth. Oe.ri-.* W. Lllhgow. W. ti. Cros.i- niaV T. S trotiK. John Btew i_t, O-orge S^ S erry. Warncr Van Nonlen. W. H. W'orrull and Jame. VMr*np_ldefoot apokfl for an hour but his addnas w_a ao varlatd ard d«llv*r*d ln .uch an inim.taij.e mann«r lhat when he trlad to »top one- or tw.ee he ,,,, "equeated lo continue hla .xperfmOM. True .tlim lha si.e.ker aald, was ael form nowber* "biy Ls ln the trial* of the Unmlgraata who this country and began Uf* -new in the wtat. He had aeen aaany of thmgrow Into loyal rd .ell-to-do cltlaen*. Mr. Pudd*foot waa both humorou* ar.d pathetlc m th** graphlc deecrlpttoa which he gav* o. the landtng of tne Immlgraat, the y to the Wi il and hlaJUS la his new home He -.'1 thal b* had seen bare-fov.ed ,.;tl-* glrrs e hlgh-acho-5 teachera He had aeen th. aged Immlgrant father to own a sect.on of Improvfi and and ahed tear* of Joy aa he -altnoaael hla chu- . the annual flchool eahlWOop. The National r tl'" apeaker *ald. was aouth of Maaps and Dlxon'- il *..-. where th.rc were so mar.y lilittrate Dr f* L Thomp-On announced that the Home v i raUy to b* hei i next Tueiidiur «**^*»S ,i to bc a great suecjBw. l'res' *:n,-£f.ve- i-U prea'.de, and Dr. T.-.lniage, Lr. Sheldon lackson' and B okfr T. Waahlngton wlll apaak. Tlie campalgn wlll bagln wlth a prayar meeting ,'/, sat-nfay a 3 p. m.. at the ehaparl of he Prea- byterlan Bulldlng On Bunday there win b. an eichange of paator* In all of tho Presbytcrlan churchea Of this clty. with home niiaalona for tne toplc _^__ AGAIX8T JARED FLAOO, JR. TESTIMOXT AT HN TRIAIa Yl'KTEP.-AY-A KTOHT BE8SIOM HEl.P. Th« trir.l of Jared Flagjr. Jr.. the reai estate a«^int Of Weat Elfht**Bth*-t, who ia accused of rent'ng lUta tor Immoral purpoaes, waa continuad yeaterday befor* Jii.li-e Nearburger, ln Part III of the Gt-neral geaal ina The flrst wltn_->. caile. hy the prosecutlon wa_ Rosa Rurn.-a, who teatifled that she had rented a flct at No. 2-7 W-Ot Elghteenth-st. lrom Mr. F^a^^tg, and ii ,;;iioil II for the month of February. i_!-. She nva) evldencfl in eupport of the charge af-alnat Mr l-'l.ifcir;. Then she fel! fiviii :he w.inoaa chair In an -.io tlt, and had to be carrled ont of court. Ir«n* RIce, who had raatud a lal from Mr. Flass at N... _3 _-*t _3ght**nth-St, gave t*flti:r.ony BU__BT i.i thal of the Hurns aromaa. A number ot peraona llvlng In the fla's ln qui*stlon teatifled na to tho dla- orderly acencs they h;;d wliresaed tn and about the il ita Thcsa wltneaa** includ Mra. Jane Cr_;.ly, of No. *'S West N'ineia-eii:li-a: Mra. Klixabeih O.-ey. of No. 2''2 Weat Niaa-teenih-. who formeriy lived al No. 2i0; Mrs. M'ry Gllmore. of No. BS WOat Xlcc- teenth-at., and Charlea Tr'.ddle, formerly of No. 224 \v. ii Ntncteenth-at Parker Mcrtcn teatifled that he hlrcd a f_.t at No, ::'". Wi ai Elghteenth-*L, but waa able to atay t?*ere only » few daya on account of the rlotoua 4 n ln ' of tV oth*r te-raita. R ¦.'. itrd Parkhurat, tl"* ownsr of the prerr.lflefl at Noa, 21S and 2. \Ve*t Nlreteeoth-*., aaid hia ten- ani had ilned m aboul the aeen** ln the nat.4 nr Noa 23 ar.d 227 West _'i:hteenth-Bt. N'ewburger ann ucced that ba would hold night aei tha Flaft »*. *''8 dlapoasd of. -*u untll 7 p. ni. In the evenlng aeveral i ..* teattmcay of th* aame tenor ..ls thal hi day :<"sion. The court ,. i trm 1 untll 10:10 a. m. tc-day. . d.ncpfan ^ijDftJisfnicutfl r*UROPEANS AXD TBAVBLLBBi wlll flnd lhe L*mJen oi-ce of The Trlbur.a. TB. r.»«t Btreel. C*. n convenlir.t i>lace lo l«_iv« thetr adverUea- ¦ nd atfli rHilInt l>.r Tha Tribun.. A.-A.- London. Firs. Avenue Hotel, Hirjh Holb-rn. One of the besi for r. al com- fort 'inrt moder_te charles. Convenient alike for City, Law Couris and West End. Proprietors, The Gortlon Hotsls. Limlted, (JftATEriL.COIIKOHTIXU. ;;:tl¦..Aivl'A-l'.Sl ri'llli.. a iBannna knowt. «_U* it llie u-iuial !aw» WbKI |._ein ttiai op«___«_ ot d:.i-_i.r. und nuirlllon, nnd b) a carflfu. appUcattoa of the i.r.- prapertla ol v> wlfletad .'..-a. .\a i-pi.b haa pro- Nidad (ui ..n. braafc aini auppei ¦ Jrl _t*ty a&vurtd bese-sag* nh._. maj a,.c manj fieavj _t »r» bllla. II lf Ly llra ju.iW-li¦!_ Um* ,>t fUi'ii BftlcUa a.f A\eX that a COB- .tin.ti.4r. mat "- aradualla ballt uo unill atruna enougii to rr.Ut e\ai> ta-, ii.-y lu allarnee. Ilu.ir';e.» of eabtlc ir.ala- .' . art n «tlaa an na na reaAy to attacft ivia»rev*r th^re '.Vi- mar) t*a_ipe :i.:in> a fi.ihi »haft bf r.fland.

Library of Congress · -Tln ..__.tuRFi*)* M.-VtOwed ln th* ilght of lta.fj;' u.lratru- ilr,i...r llC-USS blll fatherod ¦_L«r* U . modfflsd prohlbltlon If pMSSd, r WOMMreduoe the

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Page 1: Library of Congress · -Tln ..__.tuRFi*)* M.-VtOwed ln th* ilght of lta.fj;' u.lratru- ilr,i...r llC-USS blll fatherod ¦_L«r* U . modfflsd prohlbltlon If pMSSd, r WOMMreduoe the

- ..__ Fi*)* M.-VtOwed ln th* ilght of lta

Tln .tuR tru- ilr,i...r llC-USS blll fatherod

.fj;' u.lra U . modfflsd prohlbltlon¦_L«r* If pMSSd, r WOMM reduoe the number

..".,,-= .'t.'-half in n.ust plSCSS and Srtps them

!' eRtlr_7 1" OtlMts Uadsr lt each sppHcattonlilllUna* would have to be algned b. iWSlYS

jS^iined any othor apptleatlon for on* year.

lim prop*rty-owaera care to atgn sppllcatlonator aalo-ma ln thelr own nelfhborbood. and in

Ln. warda the iwmftstt* number could aotpos.'.'h'v b* obtalned Th.- bTSWSM and Uc,uor-deal-

era are STSatljr alarmed at the bare thought of

«,':.:k a hlll becomlng law.

Attsndane* at Mr. Runyon'* funeral ke.pt fJov-

.rnor Orlg<* trom gettlng here at hla uaual hour.

It wa* nearly o'.-lock when he arrlved. The

, IU_1 AsbgaUO- of psrsoM intereated ln the proa-

j.octlve sppointnStttS waa on hand to greet hlm.

\mong 'he politiclana hSf- to-nlght the gonalp

about ,¦ .eg-vea-at-large to tb* Republlcan Na¬

tional Conventlon makea lt aeem reaaonahly C*r-

ta.;n -ha: Oeneral W. J. MtHkX Franklin Mur-

phy, Oarret A H.bnrf and John Kean wlll b*

the men eh MSB._ThS Krie Rallroad mar.acera have already

c mged thelr tune about track elevatlon. Last

v'ear and every other yeai* they were aeemlngly

oppoasd to it. Since the atand taken last _"«*_

by genal rs Vc .rh_M and Daly ln "holdln* up"the iiMfganlzation bill, the nfflclala have mani-

r.-. '. a dlSpOSltlOBl to OlSCOaa term*. To-rtay

Mayor Waastr, Presldent Browa, of the Jeraey

Clty Board of Worka, and Benator Voorhses bada '.ng interview with Presldent K. lt. Thomas.

j B McCullo__tl and ex-Mayor Hewltt. of the

E 8 Company. Prealdent Thomas anld tbat the

company would elevat.* if JSTSS. Clt» or the

Bt A" would hear abo.it half the expenae. Ben-

, .¦ Voorheea ilted attentlon to the fact that

the Pennaylvanla. Lehlgh Valley and Jersey Oen-

tral had elevated their tracks at varloua polntsin the State at their own expenae. On behalf of

jeraey Clty Mayoi Wanser aald thnt the muniel-

ar »uld vacate certain BtrMtS and depreaa

Others ln order to help along the elevatlon sub¬

ject but the city could not and would not bear

any'parl of the expenae. The company rerr-

aentatlre* r-faaad. however. to bear the whole

expena*. and. in addltlon |0 many other ohjeo-

,,on- they sald: -PMStWB and Passale wlll be

wantlng us lo elevaie pretty aoon. and it Is oat of

the queatlon for ua to loot all the bllla. Bssldss.

lt la not falP.M TlW interview terminated without

Say astttMMHt belng arrlved at, except that

Benator Voorhaes was asked to ascertaln how

much Of the coat the publlc was prepared to

ahoulder Pendlng *nll_tatana»*_it on that pbaa*, f the question. th* Penator from I'nlon was

ask«d to let th- reorganizatlon bill pasa, but he

poHti ly decMned to do anything of the klnd. He

waa smphatlc in anaoundn, hls determinatlonto held back IhOS* bllla untll the elevatlon prob-

-.arl been dlsposed of. Jarr-s S. Allen. the

Er! S sgt-nt here, wanted to have the reor-

ajantuUoa blll taken np to-night and dlsposed,.f one way 01 another. but he was told to

bld* a wee. The Erie people aay that if the

N'e-w-Jersey Leglalature will not give them the

neeeaaary leglalation they can get lt at Albany

or AVashington.

The new Judkiary amendment to the CoOBtl-tutlon Introduced t. night by Senat.r Voor-

heaa, wat- drafu-d by V, .111am H. Corblr.. It pro-

vider. for a .Supreme Court of nt least flfteen

membera, having equal power, salary and dig-

Tiity Tbe (l-iv.-riior shall aasign live of that

number to act as a Court of Appeala. who shall

I | all ln any other capacity. There shall be no

c.ll-* or Vke-Chancellors. The presentChancellor, Vlce-Chancellora and Judges shail

eontlnos aa Supreme Court Judg.s. B**lde« the

Courl of Appeals. there shail be law and chaa-

L..,y divisions of the Supreme Cmirt. ClrcttltCourta shall be held ln every county of the State

by one or more judges asaigned to the law dlvl-

slon of tha Supreme Court or by a Ju lf* ap-

polntsd for lhal purpoa* The Le_l.latur« may

ve*t ln the Cir ult Courta char.cery powera. sub¬

ject to appeal to ihe Appellate Court.



raaSSt* Feb 2,.-The Ktn. John Paljokavlu. for-

B«rly of' Braddoek. Pa.. broke into th* Wavonloratholle Church la this stt. at I .'«..*_ '°-aa>'

Tb* POUC* were mwtmnt and prevent-d any demor.-

8tra_oa on ihe part of the crowd whlch ^j!^'He *ame hen. on Friday Wlth a letter from Blahop.vV_r.ratithi.riy.lng hlm 10 take charge of the

c'-ur.h ."_¦" Thi- TmslSSS ref.isel 10 deliver the

S^£^cn°u^rt^gLAcTtZco't ta*S^waa assssaaiy. It » laarad

5&®Lr_iin__r«AStSE«____. __llc« F*th«r Oonroy. of Bt. Mcholaa

Church Sll make M ntteu.pt to s.npoth il.e mat-

^er ova'r anJ effect a nettlement without aeriouairouole. _^._.




8om* of the Cathollc tsjslttss of Weat Hoboken

ar.. diacuaelng the rem.rks of the Rev. A. K. Duff.

mmmtm oi Um UaHsd Prmbyterlan Church of tho

town uttered at the Waahlngton Blrthday exerciaea

ln the maln publlc BOhOOL Some of them ara d:a-

puaett to erttlela* lh* pjurt¦«_««.$^Jgg^^_., r ia, u« Ar.e tlniD.y *° lin excea* oi painoui it i

-ndf.in _H;r.,,,,r^a^:a£ ss-

*__ar_^_-8i^TS6W -cho,::...:,ae "and &."x? iZ-^th^MattS-a ih* achool are Cathollc*. and

.SayXi^W ffStSmFAH mt.ulon ln ffiaddreaa. 1 b* paator la ri*port*d to M ar, a. r. m.

leeturer. but lie also iS-HSa ihla.

CH_S3 OFFICERS CHOSF.Nnn mr_wi association _n_*rw its mm


Pater-o-i. Feb. 2< (8pa*elal).~Tli« New-Jeraey ("heaa

A.-4.clatlon baa choaaa offlcera fcr th* *nauln| iroaraa followa: PrssMsnt, W. C. Alpsrs. Bajronn*; nra

vlce-prealU..-nt. T. K. Wh.-eler. Ellaal.eth; BWOndvico-prealdent. OernaUua Hjrm**, Newark; a* r*t*rjund u-a-nrar. J. 3. ¦haptar. Bsyoon*. Oov*rnln«C<.mmltte«*-H. W. Pope and Geoig'- C. Thum.EUsahoth; W h. MaaaatL _-*t_*ldi T. W. c. Craa*,Lyoaa raraaa: H. Btrnvtwr, Paiaraon: Gaorg* O. (>¦¦¦

born and J. H. ilopkin. J*r*¦¦ Clty: J 8. IhapMr,l:..y_ine. A. \eralte. Hob.k-n; ftob*rt GoOObOdyai.d J. H. Whlta, Patarssa,' L Btaraharg, C. a. Linie

and L. Bsrastaln, Mswarh; tCufao* U. Cook. H>bokoti. Lxecutive Comnl l*« W. '. Alpeis. J. a.

Shaptcr, Nathaniej Hyaa«a, ;¦' W. C. Craneand u

UaaastL Th* a*at an"ual lournaraenl wlll be iieia81 ilayonne on Waaliington'a Blrthday, 13.7.



Trenton. Feb. 84.-The Amerlcan Securlty In-vavatmtnl Company haa tlled artl_esi of Incorpora-Uon with the Secreury ol 3tate. The capltal atock

_D.0uO.i_-, anu the company wi.l bSgU* bu«ineaa¦rtta _~0.0_i. The objec-ts ot ihe company ar* »-tfcrth to be the purcnaio nt bonda. T.io home Olfcoflla to be ln Jeraey City. 'J".,i; Ineorpoiai.irs are

-'dney WttjAttr, Roocrt CJo"let, ogden tjuelet. H.T Wllson. W. BL '"uttlng. t'har'.ea 11. Twssd ar.dWl'.'ians Fuller. all ot New-York. and Robert S."Jreen of N«*w-Jer. .>. Ih* fee to the Stata forflilng th* artlcles of incorporatlon waa H.OCO.

ruirrs fine furniture,Faahlonable deB.gna car. beat be had at tnann-

fact_**_.( prlct.






BAIC BEWAOB ITSTEH.Trenton, Peh. Ci (Spedal). Bo ai waa ilow in

both houses uf tha Legialature to-nlght. Tha gal-leries and lobbies had thilr uaual quota oltatork, aaa all roted the lesslon exceedlngly dull.In the 81 nate I corj rai >n lawawere paaaad to thlrd ran! ng. Benator V ThJected tn certaln feaiurei of 1 nator Johnaon'a blllprohibltir._ th* throwlng ol broket publlchlghwaya <r tha leavlng ol broken >n theroads for a perlod of more thaa aeven lays. Bena-lor Voorbeei deacrll>»d thla ai .Scycl bll!."I am a blcycllat," the Senal ir _a_d, "bul t!

drlving blcycling a llttla too far. It wlll w rh '¦

hardahlp in the eaaa of townahlp offieiali havlnjcharge of the roada by maklng then llable for pen-altie3 i:i unavoi.lahle caaea."To mi-f-t tha vtewi of Benator Vodrhees, the blll

waa amandad bv Benator Johnaon bo bi to protectoffirioip !r. case "Weumatan ..¦ I eyon thelr e ntr '."

prevent them having th- broka n stone c ivered wlthlnthe tlma sperifleii. Benator Johnaon likewlie ex-

plalned lhat th» blll wai intended to prol raei

rat hor than bleycles.8---natr>r VoorheeB'a W.l paylng the Bupreme Courl

and Chancery Court clerka each ft.OM Mlary ln-stead of feea, came up on flnal p.?.;.>-,. In t'..¦.' Ben¬ata lata to-nlght, Benator Kuhl objectedsection provldlng a pen ilty for not maklng rei il ir

rolurno to th.- Btate TTeasiiry of the feea recelvedar.,'. a general diacuasion resulted. Benaton John-aon an. .klrm sald that there ahould be no fur herdelay, ns the blll oughl to have been p asi weekaaga Benator Rogara wanted the Wil lald over iothat lt oo'.-:.i be amended to prevent tltla c mpanleafrom mtiktrt abstracti and thui reduei tha Bl itIncome. Benator Johnaon Buggeated that the o

almed rn be deall wlth In a separate measure. Thebill paaaed by unanlmoua vote.

AttBMBLYMAN BULlaOCK BEWILDERED.In the Houso of Aaaembly there were several

llvely dlacusalona on meaaurei comlng up f r tir.ilpaaaaga, and aevera] bllia were paased, whlle manywere aivanct-d on the calendar. The CommlttMon Rallroada and Canala reported BuHock's three-cent-car-fare bill adveraely, and Mr. Bullock cre-ated eome merriment by practlcally kllllng themeasure by hls own motion, after be had prevallaedupon the members to refuse concurrence ln the re¬port of the commlttee. When the adverae reportwas submltti-.i by Chalrman Lower, of the Rall¬roada an.l Canals Commlttee, Mr. Bullock loudiyInBlstatd thal the matn ba rs of the commlttee stand upand tei! why they we.-? opposed to the blll."This blll." he s_il "is ln the Intereat of tha

common people, anl 1 want to know «hc slgr.cJ this.i'.. rae report."Tiie Speaker ruia-d Mr. Bullock out of order, aay¬

lng the commltte" ivas not compelled to glve itsreaaona for reporting the blll adveraely. The w .«

tlon to concur in the report of the commlttee w..s

made, but Mr. Bullock pleaded so hard, that a mo¬tion not to concur was mov,-'l anl carrled. Themeaaure was then before the House. and tiieSpeaker asked the pleas.irt- of the mt-mburs ln dts-

postng of it."I move |hat the r»port be not concurred in,"

sald Mr. Bullock apnln."You are out of or.er. That actlon has already

been tak'n." said tbe Bpeaker.YViilie Mr. Bullock was flounderinic about Mr

Kinp. of Passalc. moved thai the 1*1111 recommlttedto the Commlttee on Rallroada .md Canala, and thlawas tifrra?. d to. Thls motion practlcally killl the WH,as the commlttee beinic host'.le to it. It will be plaa "din the "Commlttee Orav.-yard," where lt will lleepthe long sleep of the peaceful.There was a llvely d.sc'i.ssion on Senate blils N'os

lf. and 98, whlch came up on final paaaaga in theHouse to-nlght. The meaaure provldea for the con-

slderatlon of r. general system of i*<-wage dispo.alfor the valley of the Paaaalc iiiver and the preven-tlon of the pollutlon thereof. >.'o. M calls for theappolntmetit of a commisslon of thre» cltlz'iis to

conalder tlie subject. Blll No. 10 author-.zes th _tnt«Board of Health to oonsider and report upon a gr-n-eral system of dralnaga Eaah bill niakcs nn appro-priatlon to carry out the work aefllglMd. Mr. Keed.of Bomaraet, oppoaed tbe bllla He aald b« could not

see Why South Jersey, for ln. tar.,e. should be calledupon to pay a portlon oi" the UO.O00 appropriated, as

the matter was entirely local, Por oi.e. h<- w.i op-posed tO the measure on aeveral irro'.r.d.. Mr Skin-ner made an eainest p!e:i lot tli" bllla li- dweltat lenpth upon the unhealthy condltlon of the Paa-ealc River. ar.l C ,ntende,| that th" object Of th<* blllawas general. They Were lald over until tur.rr.iii-c.


A delegaticn of wheeiman came bei" to-nlghl In

the Interest of the Fratr-is blcycle path blll, BU-

thori_lr,g taftwnahtp commltteea to ezpend onat-flfthor tbe road money ralaed annually for the bulldlngof Mcyele patha alone the blghwaya. Chlef ConaulRolert C. Uentle. of Ellaabeth; «'. K _a< hanas anal

A. D. McCabe. of Aabury Park, representlng the

New-Jers-y allvlslon of tho I- A V.' were ar.Igthe delegatlon. The wha i-imen urgatd an amend¬ment provldlng for upeaifi- appropiiatlona at town¬

ahlp meetlnga ttrnl this wlll ba mada As won as

tbe blll baeenmea a law the wheelmen say they wllfhfigln the l.uild!n_ of a blcycle path flve feel wlde

from Trenton to the aeaah i''

Among the fcllls paaalng tbe House tO-Dighl were

the followlng: Houae No. 9%, authorlaing cltlea andtowns to purehaae lands for the purpose of ,-re<-tin«publlc buiidings theraon; Houae Na U maklng oar-

taln the term of certaln horough olflclals; HouaeNo. its, giving all Qatllng gun companiea one aa¬

alatant surgeon. one hospita! Bteward and one quar-termaster-seiK'aTil: House Na). IM, atithorzlr.g thecity of CaHsalc lo opa.n nt-w .tr'»-is: Benatte No. IM,provldlng for the rebiilldirtK of Atlantlc- Clty's boaidwulk: House Xo. H'J, problblting Judgea of <-'ityDistrlct Courts from practlslng In any other dlstrlcta-ourt or ln appoal OBBra taken froin any dlstrlctcourt. lillls were lntrotluced ln tbe House as fol-lows:By Mr. Mullln.Plslng salariee of lownahln .-"in-

mitteemen in flrst-ciasa countlee al I" t meeting foreach member: also, a blll authorlaing townshlpcommlttees to buy electrlc-llght plants.Ily Mr. Hopklns.Autliorlzmi? tne Oovernor ap¬

point a commlaalon of three to uo ..re nddltionallands in Kearny to enlarge the Boldlera' Homegrounds.Ky Mr. Harvey.Prohlbltlng the appolntment of

any detectlve, conatable or pollca offlcer as a-i.-rk ofany Giand Jury.Hv Mr Cagney Ri iuirin_ th" North Rlvaer ferry

con.panies to laduce ferry faraa to iwa, centa apassenger.

THE NKWAI'.K ARMORT BILL,After the adjustment of the Houae to-nlght th<--

Commlttee ,,tt Ra Ir an Ca tali l-.iv. ;i batarlngto a Inrg'- do'.egatkMi of promlnent Newark poopl,on Mr. Sltinner'a measure provldlng for tha conatruc-tlon of an armory ln Newark. Th.- delegatlon .u-

ciudej Eiljah i:. Oaddl Bamual Hoaaland, El!,B. Ward, Judga Mott, WUbur Doremua, Judgei-'ort, ex-<'ounty Clerk Bamuel Sr.ith, .'

Sklr.ner and l ,'tr .in. anii Colonel Brletnall, Judge-Advo_ate Johnston, Paymaater .' B. Bch_and Hur_a-.ni Davld L Wallla ol thi Ial it. -

Jndga-Advocata Johnaiwn ;¦ ..i<it- tr.i princlpal speechHe .said Newark wanted .,ti ai n .¦¦ w .uldcosi *_'.".'«". it ..- would rontr.bute thedlfference betwt<_ii thal and the amoiwould be aaked io ir/proprlate. The u.ar-1 of l-'reaholdera. he sald, ha. prov.ded ., plol ol ground 400by 'J*i fc-et. upon w.iich the bulldlng could .... placed.

THET BAT THE UMIT [fl Tl 0 LOW.Ilt ll.Dl.Mi AND LOAN AB* >CIAT10NBOPP__ ! sk.'.'a-

T.'lt J"i(X.'VN"S BILL

Trenton. Peb. J4 .Bpeclal)..Th Senate Cammltteeon Plnanea gavi a I arln thls afternoon on _..!.-

tor Johnaon'a blll, whlch llmlta the amount tha:bulldlng a:..i losn aesoci.i on may borrow. Joh.iP, I>ar.drlr.e. Charlea I'.-yor and U"llliatn Cud.ipp, of

Jersey Clty, n prei. n'ln_ .i nui.-.lter of bUlkMng andloan aaeo-latlcna, appeared ln oppoaltlon to the bill.Mr. 1'ryor as.d there :\ah no iaw at preaent to pr,-vent the aseoclatlons from borrawlag, :iih.*nigii the

law does not ape^iflcally permlt lt. The Indorsamer.: of the direnors holda each Indl.ldually re-

sponaible. The Johr.aon b 11 wlll leg.iilie bOtTOWan'l .n ao far ;t rneets the approv.il of the assoc.a-

tions. but th. limit of M par cent of as-a*,* or :o

per cent of annuu! reccipte !» too amall. In ol.o.-

asso.'iations lt wiil make aa dlffer nce, but lt wlllae*-i"usly ,rpt>l' oew onea If the pereroiage lim.twaa .mre.-sed to 7". per cen. it m'. bl W >rfc,Ur I-analrine s_i-J that youri.t assocU.i.ns bad to

borrow moaey to -___<. i atart. and the mi. 11.-re wra oould oo reUed upon to BA lhe llm wlthln:h« aafety llne They generally b >rrow fr im lUftO-OtSfBTai the otart, Mr, Cudllpp Baid ba repre-unted the Llneoln Loan Aaaadatlcn, of Jersey Cljr,wh ch ha, M membera and I800.M-J ln aaaata H<*tavored the Vii ao far aa It related to lr^ai.-it.goanfl bu'. be sald the llmll wna **»tlrel> too low.T; o UmlUtlon of the Ijins woald Inor-.iae the

premium to siu h _n ex'enl that poor borrowerst atand the e_|

Th hearli I'ow T.ator Jn-.n-thera Intereated to appear before tne

e immlttee.-_?.-






t- .!¦,., -...- |pht a na w ret of coi......

tloi 1 "

Collins ary Coimlttee lasl wi k. idc 1 « Bi >rcr

thiton iv. rnor to remil

rd ns In aiiment. bul tha Legialature may mmli;., .i Board of Pardons, of whl h thi '

- men ba r, and hls vou sl aii bo n

granl any pardi n or rera _i e

The Judlclal power is veat**d iti a courl foi Ihetrlal t In ichmenls, a Buprema (' urt. a pr<-rogatlve co irt, clrcult courta, and

iw . xist, and aa mayii ... by :.i« The an endmenta iSupreme <'- urt shall onsist of such ,.

.,.. the La ¦¦ itura tn t) _x, b it shaII leaa ihan fl The Justlc. s of the i

Court aa hitha " ''¦'¦''

ar.d '.:¦.-'.. ah -1 '¦¦'tha ¦¦¦. ii

itlon of thi..,,.,.¦,. Thahave all t1'- Iui l.dia tiam at.d .wen .ich are n

po.iv -.-.-i an II ie Bi.. the Court of Cland Ai peals. w hlch Iui sdlcti.

powei exerclsed li llvia ns. such dlaa folloa

rst Law ¦''¦ Isl »n. In wl e esthe F ii .. in. ¦'' now e:

i, judgeJ i ... have.i

'. cond inei m ;... oa lhe lurtsdlctli and p Chancellor

u-ery now exl: ; ng.Thli Appi 'i.i....¦¦..exi r-

,:...;: ¦.' in and powi ra ol lhe 'o iri ar

r- ,rs and App. als n iw exlstlng Flve ludiwhom four shall be a quorum. s_allurisdlctl, ia and powera under ruli i to 1by the c url Tha Judge of the Apploritf il ln 'tnm' nion i hall be prei Ident >'s

... IttlllK B': ¦' Whi- |( p.,.. M I thal tl .. Apn< Hate Dlvialon ta

led of J idi ned thereto bv theOa i-ern-

,,.. N|, durlng hls 'rm

therrln. all in any other dlvialon of the court. rheI, ,]... n ,t sen Ipr In Ih A] llatc Dlvli on i.l

... t tlme be asalgna ri by the Cus a whole, to seivlce ln the Law ai fhsi rydi-vlgl, .. ;, i,.tlvelj Tl " of VI -Cl am .¦¦¦ v

Is aboli'sh,'! by tha- gmendmenta




(i\ THB UQUOB Bl BIKI M .'"!'. A I.iVlN'ij


Tin: MEARVRETrmtnn. Peh. 21 (gpea-lal) "lf thla blll la paaaa 1

lt wlll bankrupi Jeraa y Clty nnd other munlclpof ih.- Btate," Benal r *ly sald ll fl noon Ithe Senate Commlttee on Mlaeellaneoua Buslne_a.

mmlttee. Ba nal irs R -. Vree-lan l and Engle, .- s hearlng on c

i'a blll, ra qulrlng liquor lleenbe slgned by twclve freeholders llvlng In the wardwho hn.'. nol Blgned any other appi itlon . thln .i

year. Th i paai ige of tl Is 111," contlnued the ll" l

y n Benati r, "w lheutid decreaae appn lably the revenue whlclfoara lo mak'- and repalr atreeta at,.i ma

schoois "

"How ab nce aan the character of lhegal K>na


h--k.. Benatoi Vrea"Vou can't maka na," anewered Ba

Daly. "flal i are all bad or all -

un the atandp >lnt fi om * al themMrs. l.iiiti i Bourne, of Newark, presldent of tt..

Rtat'.- Women's Christlan Temporance L'nlon, saldthat Bha and thoae asi .;, bei _...

afrald of the "derreaaed revenm I .:¦by .-'¦ natoi l >aly " Bha::,k :tom drunkenIng poll ¦¦ i- >.¦...¦ ...... y ihi

"The fear of a decreaaed revi I Mni i In lhe leaat. We have

tila nli ... i.hoa

v,..-ns.-s \\ '..:.. v. it,: n ..ii

her of aaloona ao the ai

h« tr_i.'..- M i Boui '' » :_ Blthere i.,i ... .¦ tha namea ol dead men.... -.,-.. I to B|>|Mrs. Ncttle Cai Trenl By re-

dualng the numbei uf salu na wi «..; .. u - lheii|,, na. ea ,f o ir taxealn Ing i Ison fears, i heyw ildThe Rei A. '< i,. wson and the Rev J W Lyell,t Cam len, expla thal

thlng it v. ,- ild, mera ..¦ whalipposed the law to

Court had declaiara me tl ir La w-

son, "ean sign allanal men llvlng In a ci:, -.,::, app ati .ti roi a - -a

Blchard *_ Cunnaey. s hotelkeepei n Reaeh if.i enOcean Count; sal hai the blll » mld betlve tn thal I '" ,. whl. h hai a imall re leni

.. itlon and was dependenl upon the ¦

"Tliat ean ba met hy . >.. ..;>t.n;- seastale ..

from the operatlon of ti act," al l Benator Rogersi,n :!..- suggeatlon of Benal ir Daly the comagreed to hold another meetlng na-xi M nday ato'rloch for the purpose of i.-ii^'ru; brewa i, liquor-¦l.-.iia.ts snd othera Intereoted in the meaaure.



n.i.t: ;.\l. CIQAB M.iKi:.'i

The rtav. Oreg-ory Hniahka. pn. v: of tha Ontekclmrch ln Chettnut-ave., Jeraey Clty, has accededtai tbe demand f hla congregatlon and itm bui

rendered iis keya lo Pather Mltcow, who la tem-... tupj ing the pt'ip Pather Hi

'..;¦., -. Id nol Iti italu [j ated in the Pederal court. Tha polia offlclals

antertaln the opli a( ihej hava u Btrong ..,-

agalnsl the prieel nd thai mt lon of m klngi^.iri wlthout a llcenae la Inevitable.





Prin I' <s ¦.'. iii The Prlnceton h .«..¦-

i,.,.i si .i oi i ¦." i"- ii/ .v.th the pr tnlnary p. ¦-

[n th -.¦ :' .' '¦ -flve ti Ild iti ipon le., c.,i,ti:i liradley'a call ind had .»n hour'iln ti, ¦! tlce ond bal i ns a

vacant Theae ire 'atcher, flrai b ie, second b_se,top end one oi .11, ...

men t'.r ll« v i. mcl. s are Cochi r, '.*),., Buballtute Kelly, B. fo t ba,i;.,l Bull r :. for -. to .. i- \.. '96;'17, an 1 l"a . .- :. v '"'

dee '91; I' ". .iii, >m ¦«, |_, ni --..a. .. ,..'¦; Bte-'., ..,,>',, ':" ::.V[. ¦;., ,i ,: i. Re .jl ,i

pi irtti e wlll ti tbe i* t'H the wi

perml '! ¦¦¦ .' '.*

p.i'n.i .I iptaln f '... fri im.in i ne lY'.i: OUI ag bj th. |. 11

i ing tn.11- !>y thi tn ar men.


Al I'Nl I"' ¦:.' i.

I). nrj il -il' irs ... the HuPeiItentlsry at Bnak< terday i

;... .¦ i kilIVI Ha the day *tt -¦¦¦.'

n the unlform of 1;, fi i, andtkly ''¦.

aty Clty, Hoboken an '¦

Bad ar ':.;"fugltlve '.' id n.,t been >i tui up lo latilasl nli ...

H*.i, ib fl P me, ind ..:.¦¦ .i

a >nal thlef. He waa n II:., .. itentl .

..¦..-..:. a'. t .¦ 1i".. n j .r. Id. and . on*

.,'..., 'li. .i >'. " Hot.New-Tork Cltr ^


Arllng'.on. reb. I B .¦" '¦' of Ar-

llnct .. wer. veil-knowncitlzfns fallln ib to pi ralytlc itrokes In raiiua sal mi '1 be .¦ ". .:'-1 '. '. th, .i.e .

malady waa Jamea Freeraan, propr tor ol ae

man's Hall, one .1 the'i .-s m ean i He wns talkli frlei mMedland-avt ia: '. ..¦ .' '. he th.-ew:,., hi, a:.:.i and pltcPa > lai hour h"was tn an aziremel* '' '¦¦ othervIctlmB are Jacob G. rgen. i> ¦"'>,.',^1 }'.v-. ||ves ln Elm-st and V. ......m raft. ot Elm-i ¦.

u :¦ -tn- nclgtibor ot Oergen


remaRXABLE recovery OF ax old



Rl v i. v \: ..;¦. ... A RIEXU

¦, !* U-_..eb. 21 .-'; :l il)..A st iry of a

-4- fi nm " h b ar* lnrejpccti

I ln Ni w-Brunawl k. \'. Illlam!*.... ty yeai ilent, liv .¦.- .1 'i .¦¦.-.- il ai ii thi i-

. \ v .' '.be He a

' *d tlit an..

,-.>¦':- vr i i a : i.;i -.'.... 1

...-,: man lay.-. i 1. fa.-t, !.;.

- II a|¦..¦; | Ic.ith wa* n ni ia Uy ..-.-

'\ :¦ .. fnnm'.y g oup waa thua aorrowfully aur-;. ..i.. ....:¦. ln th* J

, th* f ahari ly, n th.>; I .. m ....-..,

..-.. found l e Rudolj.iii: er of

Mr... ot kn .wn of I

'. .

... er ..ii ¦. ti. ¦. In llfe hebi .. ippa

i, a an*.i l th

Ur trti l-l^r."I ..- cr, ln a hardl iu lible

¦.. -.

.\I .'. tl* 1 le. gi'.. ;. ,.ii ...; I: .*( '..n iw, .¦' l

i. li; cheer .,-. you ¦¦. .'¦¦¦ ¦ a

-: ii. an unuaual tcreal Mr.i.k* *a :.<

hy the v "

m. ar.d n for the u* In' *Ir. Becker n ai

out the ai I t'.mca to.., '. .. i

a,. in bed ii, a, |:"i.i a r I'm jolna to Bel ¦.. '. J':1 '.¦'' to

u :: h yo in ,i w.- k "

:¦ tlnueai I ire, and-¦, ta ri h r-1 i. a-'. i.-t thn

..¦...;..-' :.:.. :I .¦

Ira from the grave







Tha funeral ol Th.lore Runyon, Ambanador to

Germany, took place yeaterday afiernoon at Bt.Methodlal EpIacopflH Church, Newark. Not

ihe 1 ¦:. .! ..' Thi ¦: .... Kn llna huj ten, lhe dl*-atateatnan wi.'. waa Becretary of Btatfl

under Prealdent Oarfleld, ha* th*r« been Buch a

rlni a,f citlaena at th.* funeral a.f anyn ln Newark. Th* church waa HIM, almost to

overflowlng. with tl.«* i.- it known paopl* ln tha- ity,wia. unable t.. n.ii" admlttance t.. the

.- I, Rroad-at f'.r bloa ka, In ..r.i- r to

ratch a BlImpM Of th* ri.rl.-k-- as lt pae**d l.y on

tl lery. All over th* clty bu1. r.r. from all the publli bulldlng u

hou*** flagfl were dlaplaycd at half-inail The faca l» <>f tbe Clty H .1! waa ahi >uded ln

... ia of a-rup.- depended from.url tb* portlco* of the hou*** of

.- itlaan*li ..r tha church, to whlch Mr Runyon for

U rtj vnri waa attached. th* *mblcm* of *orrow

wera pi Th* chanc«l waa hldd*n underI.., k .¦ where two f**toona "f Am*rlcan... Oerman national colora rrtl*v*d lh* mournful

¦ r«**rvcd for frlend* ol th*ran.ll) i... nl and ofl >¦ >, and

1 to whlch.1 i he f ini ra party and the

... .ii.a in the front of... ilovernoi GrigS*. Adjutant-Oenemi

»nd th« 1.. *..-.«tt -. .- i-ommtltfl*. conaUUng, »tora Thomi lohni m and K*t< ham

nd Aa*. mblym. n v. alltna .>'.'

i:'. |, wera il l lh« lefl ..f ihfl pulpil Mem-I ., ...... ,1 atafl and I the boai

1 une \ Iclnity 11. .. ... wera I'nl ,*-'*,r, *"'""

Parker and It ..:.. » B Ward, John A

'.""s ,,,"' '_'f La Wllllani A..... :. .1 im< :. 8. HI«-

.- i- Huwell .11 Horacfl Alllng.SPLENDIl) PLORAL OFFBRINOB

A rr .i.i'.-r of m.ir: I. -nt BonU plece*. Ind II -

ih .... ;. :.. th* En peroi and Bi ipr_ ol Ua rmany,.._!.. ,i aii ng th* fi >nl ol th* ra atrum, an

a .,., rhltelllle*. Mr Runyon'* favorlte flow*r,I th< incel and th* organ balcony, Th*

.!,., tl) |n fronl ..f th* pulplL :<--. plalnblack 01 illi e waa relleved by a allv*i p! il

:,.,,. .eodor* Run>on, L'nltfld BtateaAml.. r to Germany, Dl*d Jai ¦¦ y tl, Itti "

and .1 mall Amerlcan flss and iwo floral plec**, one

lhe irll .. of Mm Runyon, tb< othar lhat ot tha¦'«""

. , a.1... funeral party aa emhled at t 1* homa* ot Mr*.

.1. m inj.... - m ithi r, In Htll-at. Itii., ..;. .. n.-.j. k T and L Chauncey Runyon. thfla.; ..... ..:....-1 - .. t< :¦ l'n ori' A Leonard F.nnd VV. Ia Kruen; Alexander H. Johnaon. Dr. II ikM1, ,...,; and Mr HaaMn*. The pallbearera, whoum. elceii iv Mi Runyon. w.-r- Roberl F. Hal-..,,,, ,. harli-i boi hei Ing, John i' Dryden, Amall>oal lu Id A !"|. J Frank Kort. Fredei. itita-iir.- i, .4 ¦.. Wllllani ft Oulld, Oarrei A. Hobart,!.. Wolco J 1011, Diomaa N M<' 'arter, Alex-

UrGlll, Kranklln Murphy, 'i neral J i\.luni« Cortlamll Park«r. IVilllam A. Rlghter, Ben-

Inmea rtmlth n wllllam Stalnaby, EugeneV mden i.i'i li- WrlghtWhen the rei itlvea o.' Mr Runy ... h be*n Beated

ri..- Rev. Dr. Ha -.:*. Baka r. thfl wat .1 .1 the clma ¦.. the ;a.... alton. II- 44.1a fall ¦.-. bv rn- Rev.111. H_i ;.¦ m I, v. ii rrni 1 rlptur 1 lon ap-

., to th 01 !¦. loi r. Ulah >p Andrewa,..f the Newark offered .1 lotag an.l f*r-\. nt prayer, ln whlch h« exi )lle th< nr mytlanllke \ mr. a of th« di a l and x, r. -r - hlapal ... thal of the peoph .r lan >¦ the b ¦-

reava-d fami<y. After mi niith.-m. "There a .1

w ii :., aa .11 tlod'a M- ." y," by the Men la(juartei the llei i" Bakei pronounced lh* eulogy

upeaker'a ........ wlth Mr It m) >nrr, ide hlm 1. tl moal lli per*on In thfl )to da liver the funeral oratlon. As paator and Irleihi knen Tha >dor* Runyon better, pt-rhapa, thanman) « ma kn iwle Ige ol thfl man exta n led over a

.:,,.. .,,, it ma* wlth d'.fhculty thal ha couldrtatrutn ie*ra ..< ln- apoke of me vlrtuea animan ) ol th* latfl Amba*aador. ln parl


111 I.n.iY Of TilK LATE AMBA8BADOR"Mod«at, homellke, flndlng dellght In qulet walka

an loyal a irl The lon Runj. b< ra to a

wider ihan imi itlc coaetll 1 1 ..- ratber ag1- tra witi -. to hla ma :i r md thn!t) wlth whlch he Rllcd hlgh placia for many

... pie ..1 -. 11.. ig over thfl blll '

New-Jeraey h*pp) and contented wa* the begln-an lhe Ambaaaador of ih greateat of n

t| .;.. r. ,.: nr, rea * ll th* Bl L Be-iwei.. th. - ra >rda runa oui of paib n. eulture

.ii. iimded In th .¦.h.a-vr.i .,[ n.... nd .-.. mm itrli a bjaji ;o H.a

iv. 1.. ri ked under hippy at.»r. >f Hlhe guir-k i.i Ighl and Ja mtl ia aln-

ccrlty of b'.a f-.ra 1 1 * ¦' m Inn tance oli4ii_llty oi hla ehai ict< r.

¦.T .... I.

.,:;III ns to tha

full Ihe worl I of thought and j.!.

.Iaowled-e ._..¦

1*1 ..li .i.r"" .N' ¦

II and ipl

an,. .. 4.1. r. .1 th made .1

iri .. ,. i. .,,1... (, .. '. .n. ana...

hoped fcr tllr-^1 V" '.'

to I,f phtlal Iphl former ) ia-

...-,... .¦


M nu 'I int I'em to; ', .'. "

\ iult. Kl ..: burlal ¦¦.

.;.. ,,... [ra. R nyon fr rn



}-,i;.i BU BIMSELF IN JERSBT CITT1. || thoughl her* thsl th*

nd ln a Jerae) ntl lotel y« ter lay, r/ho

,.. | a* "li. .1 Ounn, Boai n, M i*«.." araa

,, , 0unn wh ..,,. pentenc to Btate nrlaon aboul,,, ¦. y _k for t: m ir !<¦. ol hla tathi n

i, .... ,,,: .,;,¦: ab*)ui a yeaiv. :..,. thirt) yeara ..Ll. A.i-r hla pardeured vwnk li 1 Bhop in Whlt.-mn. ai.I lt laa

:-i-; i.rta-i thal h- wnt av.ay from ther.* .s<*v«-ralmontha e_o.




Tha Qt_gl C'iub, oreanlzed by thi R tpubllcan su.n-ngressmaa Lemuel E. Qulgg, h_d a

loi ¦;- ontlnui and Joyous entertalameni last »>

b .. m the hall on ond Boor of the house No.?,i\ Amsterdam-ave. lt wai a receptlon for Mr.

Qulrsr, to whlch maay of hia poiitual frlenda bad

ted, and the hall waa packed tuil of the

bllcana who hr.J recelved Inv.taUoon Thei"

refreahmei ta for Invlted gueata, at:d plentyol .,,. b-maklng, mualc and fun for arerybody.

and rtoj-daaces were mixed aritb oratorj... i thi tiij'ti... txerctsei I tl Ing Ian l thare m r ibo it two aen 11 .rm in ¦¦ - m

rinted . rogt ni to it through theerei te:- ;. irt ' the nlght.

.i. Dunn, presldent of ti e club. was the pre«I Boor of the evenlng, but be had Congn l-

maa ... -i at hli rlght ha.id. Other .nen o;i tne

platform wen v Itr ng, C n lamsn Roberta: .'.v;: ', v towa; a Od.-ll. Jr.. of Xewburg;

mblyman a. C. Wllaon, Aldermen cn.-oti. Rob-'.: -.1. Gel rai 0. H. La Qrtngi,presld -t of the P.re Department; Abraham Qru-ber, r ra * L. Ham II in, Q --.¦ .: ? Ib all,A. Bberman, '.'h:»rie.j Bennett, Oeorge R. Man

:i ll. Qunna r. Mr. Iv,..:: .,; ed thiwlth an ad.-. In whlch he to.d

.,:' t. of lha Quigg Club in Novem-: | progress i lad the

irat ve .b-.ur::v to .'an. r |¦.- of t'-e club were ..' Mr. <¦!.... how

luct ln Con-how falthfull) ai. y i. ill hls

He rea ... regrei fi bi .: ..< rn. r.. T ¦' Pla .' I _pe_kei Ham li m Flah,

kepi iw iy from the r »pi on...- iiu li. turn at comj Umei iry

.... .i .. Ii. .: r. t.. club .. fria m poi tr ti

Dunn, .i-i told wh it .a f_i t Mr.i iti-. i; m ,.i for i.i, club \i mb*i¦> : the

pri wlth e ich ot.ier Infoslon bj .lt :r ppla .?-..

>' tti ¦¦. rtrodu 'l io maka .iu. :, ".is v«...v:

i! for u.. to be i.' re to-thi ilk. lu lake ;i night o/I oi In awhlle."

VIT Mayorover n i 1*1 : il

t tipped a -.'..< I rybedy in 8lglit, i.r.'i .- in-i tt thla li boi i non-

.:'.'.Aii .r. rrlmenl greeta l bla litf.e Joke,

a -.- '¦ I! -..- .. IllTii \: " .i it- "i v >i .' n

not been th. .i wl n Ir ive hnd a chanco!ca '. hav t.o rt.in (Lau hter ati 1... .; R .; nbl n ougl to be lnthefi i .vern nent r

'¦....:.:::.: bell '. tliat '.'.>.. '''..' ¦... \ v--

rter - Wh 'ever ffl d by thei: Nal :l Conva nl in ; b. ind t.i b

.¦.¦..',. .' >. an know ii wlll be Oov-.., .¦ ,i loi Ta 'tlve

11ona of the nnt ryon ler 1 n¦

lhe .'.:'.. :.

mlng ip the llsnste had Ithe lata ti of iti

Istrs !"t.. h^ ¦¦ I: "Th", r Umei irt so ro m aa tl t lhat they

n endure pr.ii ritj n n in ru >, I'adof thi 11 ruie. W

ii re hegini h . recoverlngfr .ti the ..:.. isl -. prof in IIn ha\'e lt ig iln iL lughl r.) , and

Ic i tre slllta om'¦'break oul at leasl on e gener itlon."

ai. ins. iter.)Oth r ip*akTi and s aumber i rs u !

da. rs kept the audience amnsfd untll n la*e lAi tii" latter noeakers w r» Qeorga rt. B Iwell,B, it aai.ii. jr.. and James A Bherman.



Alheri Btetaon, the luror who charged r>.* LanceyNlcoll wlth rauslng a mlatrlal of the actlon to in-

apir<. In'o tha- tr>a ntal condltion of Daniei Levy, ai>-

peared agaln late yeaterday before Juatlce Book-.taver, ln Parl vi, of the Bupreme Court, to showcs ise whv ii" ihould no: !,.. punlshel for eontempt

urt. Whecler H. Pasckham appeared for Mr...-a-t II.

It. Lancey Nlcoll teatlfled that Mr. St-tson hadaccused hlm of "putttng it up wlth the ,-.urt" to

g-i the jury dls, hargi I. He aald on crooa-e_a_____'

tlon that the only Inference to put on the lan_u_ge.Mt S-. v-.,n wus tluit the court had -onnived

ut t!i.li.-me."Now, Mr. Nlcoll, you are niakint* a aerioua

ik ai- -t Mr Bl taon." sald Mr. Paickham..i know lt, but be ma ir a *er;.u.-, charge jgalnsi

"'.¦u. ;i never mlad about you, kt'a what be aaMulKiot the '' .urt."

. ,.,,,..... i mlnd wh.it h-> aald about me. .all .Mr.

Nlcoll . ,___..we can ai .¦ .ae of you later

-Noi wlthoui ii.. having .mathtng to pay. re-

'"i'm'.¦ rt'l' i ote the e.ijhth Juror in the _a_e, wasauoted by Mi Bteti >n .' saylng: "Nlcoll 1.1 tha:, .,, '. .: i- iklng thls nt. aaure toset out of It." Mt Koote wa ... i t :t,.¦-...,:. I.

.iilal vou use th.- iiln^ua«,. attributed to you byBtetson?" as aske I. ...

;.ii nea. who wys n." exclalmcd Mr. r mte. Iinythlng of the klnd. Now aak ma wha:

1 \,' u aak hlm whal he dW aiyT' ea-ikham. "H la trembllng lo tell

r°-i do noi tremble aa much a' your man BldW retorted Koote. "When be w*a here Prtday

''r:n..i;;;:j'K_;v"i.;1rk'l.rti.ecour:,ta..i.ia..!thatn sald to b m: "Thls ls the lai im.

;,,,- i"l m. here thls la aU a pui up lob. \uul.D< ...i gel me h. r aga

_;.-t..3.oii '.iah raaerved.




Miss Ada Delmar, twenty-four yean old. whau,. with ber mother and two slsters at Na. 2U

West Dne-huiidri-d-.ind-iilt.'.iitii-i't.. dle.l i-sterdaymaipractlca Mra. Btevena, of No. :n Weat

Porty-second-at., ama accu_ed In connectlon with

the caae, aad was paroled by Coroner Ho hor to

u .,..ir at bla ifflce thla mormng. when an investi-

gatlon an t" the death of Mlaa Delmar wlU ba bo-

gun On tbe Coroner-a warranl Profeaaor ManuelA Carrcno, a native of Vene-iuela, fortj yeara ci.

, .i i ps in Stern's Ac.demy, lnk.,-..: mttn-M.'.;::.'."Afth-aw.. "***"*«.<> *\

., Uetectives Keliy and Oalaaher, and

MVhli-"i Tt So. M Waat One.hundred.*iid.¦ixteenth'-t _^_.


There la no toubt thal Oacar Hammeratelnabl |.Marguertte." la b populai succe_a at the

Ulytnpla Mualc HalL The houae baa bean canatant-',. ..,, ,.,...- .ii ,¦,. the ban st was put on the ¦

u,"'i,. ure ty tableau* and dancea an tn h s

;",:': ',,1, .¦ , ema to ba no reaaon wty lt

,,.; be .in '"¦¦' mi ;!>- .'"' '"

ii.. ;' manca :onslt thai :s no i.'" -¦ ¦¦ »


.. i.a - ..'

;;',"'.,, i' ,rta. the mu?l.*:a.i; oiiu.i, the

ijbriiti ind P. Castor^V* ii change ariiat

,;,,.,. >n all iti- trav. la pr .hahly never aaw

funnlei Llllputlans than the llttle Ber.gaUs, or

u iirobdlngnaglan fantaatlcs ihan lhe glan:luced by the Karkina, on thelr Amer:-

,..U1 but al Pro 'a Pl ure Palace yesterday.Th hea - eat, drlnk, eapreaa ecstailc Joy and-. .i.¦ ii I ara ogethor u.h iua Int't-': ,,i .. m> giui .i ., :.- pei u tn ¦ at a.U '¦..>

j-. ... a honi tha '¦¦.,. mi 'i...' who ure noi ifrul.l. " ha r ei form-

, n i- rosB lhe * i ai .- ai l Llttle, whoj <_y un many od um The :; le-l ar ea-i,,., ..: Mn lo- Uu im rrlo ire t \\*. rl,ii ,-,, (leorgi '..'.-..¦ a-e in

helr Six '¦.'¦' ,: -tt .-:>;..¦t have i new song, "The Pejrl

Kound ln bi ... >¦¦ .: .. Tha tcha r s (utu|ln tii- nen monologue. Thu vnier.can Trla have

-i- ich. The Aillsom are a., Dolan and L nhai .. ns and \ anl,

, lili .. ., ', Kllroy an Ra ^

aon. Bryani and Ri hm. Ada .w.-.le, thi Cl.f«fo,-1 s aters, Cradoc, Bherman and Morioey andi. ¦.

.'.i u' n itcher and i'aplnta are forerno.it tn tv.-r lar forces at Proctor's Theatre, Twenty-thlrd.

..;.. ii..- t.. iiii-.s.-i1 i,'others InIrlsh ucrvint-girl grotesqit v and the burla uaof '"i);, Two Orphans." Palke and Semon, ¦.. ''

" i :: ! :::.,! IrantO an! Maud ¦.

i.i Pul ler Newhall, who Bings vell:P.eMs and Lewla, par Iy slngera; Her, Burke andR.nJall, .ii....- Carroll, the Morelloi and thelr

i. da .. O'Brlen and Havel, ln "A Ni wab. y .,

Coui ¦.. v ¦¦ four Mosera. s r ib ii Iui .' rn; u in,; r. .:, and (I r - Orlm --. Bad .¦ May. Paul

ki ul -w.iiie i.loy i. cbaraotar singer.

To y Paator*a Theatre is ^t n too itiuil far thecrowda th.-u come to the contlnuous perfaarmaacaa.

COWPERTHWAIT'S"REUABU J NO »U.t, hi.-.h .1 ...it M BBd la.W

i pri h t.) bs four.,i BBywhera <-i*e.

ARPtiTS. { !..; u ..reJlt, 1,H »\>»t Mth Str^ot.

860 Broadway. Union Sq. ii IStii SLARTISTJC

H ro^ni^ |N Brass t lR0NI 6131 For Interioi.s, Open

WOrk FWEPLACBfs ETC.Oar ann Fortnalrli-e «nil SIio|i».

The posularlty of thla form of cntert_lrrmc:u la

ai.nply aatonlablng. l*. ls now .< nda ted at fiv*ln town, aad n.n* ( them *e*a_> to hurt

the othera ln thi leaat. Al Tony P_etor*a thi*w.-.k the attractlon* nr* Mi** Annl* ijahler, cham-p.on cf rilli and ahotgur. Kic* and _.mar. MM.. ttie Mitchell, Ei ina and Huffman, _eat*r an.l\V 111am-, parody duettlat*; _ i R utt, ?-rlo-com.c; H.M 1 '.¦ er, Al Leevea. CharUa **>a-m.-.n, a_ rh,- town matabli M *a BLttl tCuraala,

ett<; th* Roberta. a Trto, in *mua.cal ipeclalty: th* m i larac'.er v.vallata;Ca:r»ryn R **'" Palmer. Th maa bl .tt. the boy

1 by Wllllam Hawimond, andT U'a London Marioneiua

Coacerta y,o na, afternoon and ovi-ning, at ther le MuaSe, nr tha araxworka, ssw ani oll, are.. tlon.



Coroner Wllliasa (yMeagher, who sras taken lliwlth pneumon.* a fa*w claya aKO. dlod at his. home,No. 427 ...ist _1ghty-fourth-Hf.. a*. II o'clock l_~t

night At Bia D-.viai.le v,eiv Dr. PBUIp (."-anlon and

Dr. Ja:. ¦¦¦ l):. rai wUI take place on Thuraday mornlng

rr. 10 ov.-v. al Bt. Montca's Chureh. The burlal... at h.:> Croaa Cea_e_*y.

Coroner 0*M*acb*r waa born on January IK, i~_Lai K.laenaul*. County Ttpparaiy, Irclaad. He wa*

. luca ed !:. tru- p<!_..<¦ acbool* aad al yj-cn'* Col-waa a a holar lr _r: aini aMd-O-M.

..: took ':.. Ilr*t prlaa tl t.. UMB la .^,2. ln Utt1 to London aurgaon. Ha tvas

... ahlp iow.i, trom Quaaaatatrnio .s.-w- .:(.. iti iv-, ui... w.r.s graduatca iriim lh*

i.: of tuo Ualvsraltjr of :he City\ »-. rjf .11 U_7. _

Fror.i IS-D to ix_ ho w<4» Kd.t.r of 'The New-Yorkr -, thi _rat weekly ine.i. al lourasl

: Btate*. At in. aarr.e limc ne waaa und phyalcaa to at. Vtnoeafa iio»-

pltal. iri lr/. iie w_s phyalclan to lhe N.w-Yorkl);apen*ar>'. STom lot.; to IMt he '.*....-> mrgtM ot

.,,:! and .¦-'_! K stmenji ol New-Tork V'o.un-teera. Ite v. im a member of tho Beeond Oorps Ex-_ir.li..M,' Board, ar-l wa- __rgeon of tne ffna ltegl-i:., :,t iu 1871 and 1871Dr. 0'M«agh*r waa Burgeon-Oeneral of ;nc 1'ta.e

m .... In IS74. <".* Novem_er ti. UfiM, he ..._*. electedt'oroner bj l"_,_S voten. to Johi :<. -)__'¦ _.,__

\ rea H* wa* a fetlow of the *..;.i.e MetLca. Aa¬aociation an a rui....i'<r of Lbe l'a>_l-__aa' Mutual_d Boclety, th* Celtlc Medlcal Club, Mllrtai.

:¦ rireone' Aaeoclatlon, Uae._i Boclety and ve_r__t< .roa 69th Rcglmeut, M ighefa brigad*. OorootrO'Meagher ,e_ve. on. _¦.:. tter, th* w.fe of V. CDonohue.





"Triu- P«UiOtl*m" v, is tb* BUhl**t °t the Preaby-t.r;aa L ni.n BBMtWg laat cv.a.:_ -8 tne Hotel

Brunawtck. Tr.e B9*ak«r waa the Rev. V.'. G. Fud-dtfoot. tleid aa-cretary of the Congresatlotial Hom*

aary ioctegr, and the -nu-l. wa* .uruuihed byJ. ii bd-er, barytone; Mra. Florence B. Joyce,planfaBt ¦"'! the lllsies Reynoida. vlolm and 'cello.

Mr. Helder. who la the cr.or.ster ln the KourtbArenu* Pl**byt*_an Church, uang "Two Orena-

dters" ar.d ..Kt-urrecti-n." and the trlo piayed..St.ra*n,..ie,.' "AdaKio'' and "_oin du Bal." Thfl

audUOCfl sann at the cloae "God tJave the State."W'lillam N. <"ravar preaided. and arnonjc the clergy-

men ur.J o.'Tic.ra uf Preab.vler.an ShMtChSB prSSSBf.many of v hom wcrc- accompanled by thelr WlVOBand daughtera. were the.-e: Mlr..n'._ ¦»-.<_. W. *.

L! ich. H-ward Dutrleid. John H. Bdwards, J.-?ee F.For-e*. Herbert Fjrd. H. T. McKwen. J. B. MmaSxT,W C. Rob-rts. C. A. Biod iard. B. HMW. w C.Htltt J. F. Button, F. H MarUng and tharles L.tnompson. Xon-mlnlsterlal-Ro-'-rt DaSfB. ¥red-"kA booth. Oe.ri-.* W. Lllhgow. W. ti. Cros.i-niaV T. S trotiK. John Btew i_t, O-orge S^ S erry.

Warncr Van Nonlen. W. H. W'orrull and Jame.

VMr*np_ldefoot apokfl for an hour but his addnasw_a ao varlatd ard d«llv*r*d ln .uch an inim.taij.emann«r lhat when he trlad to »top one- or tw.ee he,,,, "equeated lo continue hla .xperfmOM. True

.tlim lha si.e.ker aald, was ael form nowber*"biy Ls ln the trial* of the Unmlgraata who

this country and began Uf* -new in thewtat. He had aeen aaany of thmgrow Into loyalrd .ell-to-do cltlaen*. Mr. Pudd*foot waa bothhumorou* ar.d pathetlc m th** graphlc deecrlpttoawhich he gav* o. the landtng of tne Immlgraat, the

y to the Wi il and hlaJUS la his new homeHe -.'1 thal b* had seen bare-fov.ed ,.;tl-* glrrs

e hlgh-acho-5 teachera He had aeen th. agedImmlgrant father to own a sect.on of Improvfiand and ahed tear* of Joy aa he -altnoaael hla chu-

. the annual flchool eahlWOop. The Nationalr tl'" apeaker *ald. was aouth of Maaps and

Dlxon'- il *..-. where th.rc were so mar.y lilittrate

Dr f* L Thomp-On announced that the Homev i raUy to b* hei i next Tueiidiur «**^*»S,i to bc a great suecjBw. l'res' *:n,-£f.ve-i-U prea'.de, and Dr. T.-.lniage, Lr. Sheldonlackson' and B okfr T. Waahlngton wlll apaak.Tlie campalgn wlll bagln wlth a prayar meeting,'/, sat-nfay a 3 p. m.. at the ehaparl of he Prea-byterlan Bulldlng On Bunday there win b. an

eichange of paator* In all of tho Presbytcrlanchurchea Of this clty. with home niiaalona for tne

toplc _^__




Th« trir.l of Jared Flagjr. Jr.. the reai estate a«^intOf Weat Elfht**Bth*-t, who ia accused of rent'nglUta tor Immoral purpoaes, waa continuad yeaterdaybefor* Jii.li-e Nearburger, ln Part III of the Gt-neralgeaal inaThe flrst wltn_->. caile. hy the prosecutlon wa_

Rosa Rurn.-a, who teatifled that she had rented a flctat No. 2-7 W-Ot Elghteenth-st. lrom Mr. F^a^^tg, andii ,;;iioil II for the month of February. i_!-. Shenva) evldencfl in eupport of the charge af-alnat Mrl-'l.ifcir;. Then she fel! fiviii :he w.inoaa chair In an

-.io tlt, and had to be carrled ont of court.Ir«n* RIce, who had raatud a lal from Mr. Flass atN... _3 _-*t _3ght**nth-St, gave t*flti:r.ony BU__BTi.i thal of the Hurns aromaa. A number ot peraonallvlng In the fla's ln qui*stlon teatifled na to tho dla-orderly acencs they h;;d wliresaed tn and about theil ita Thcsa wltneaa** includ Mra. Jane Cr_;.ly, ofNo. *'S West N'ineia-eii:li-a: Mra. Klixabeih O.-ey. ofNo. 2''2 Weat Niaa-teenih-. who formeriy lived alNo. 2i0; Mrs. M'ry Gllmore. of No. BS WOat Xlcc-teenth-at., and Charlea Tr'.ddle, formerly of No. 224\v. ii Ntncteenth-atParker Mcrtcn teatifled that he hlrcd a f_.t at

No, ::'". Wi ai Elghteenth-*L, but waa able to atayt?*ere only » few daya on account of the rlotoua4 n ln ' of tV oth*r te-raita.R ¦.'.itrd Parkhurat, tl"* ownsr of the prerr.lflefl at

Noa, 21S and 2. \Ve*t Nlreteeoth-*., aaid hia ten-ani had ilned m aboul the aeen** lnthe nat.4 nr Noa 23 ar.d 227 West _'i:hteenth-Bt.

N'ewburger ann ucced that ba would holdnight aei tha Flaft »*. *''8 dlapoasd of.

-*u untll 7 p. ni. In the evenlngaeveral i ..* teattmcay of th* aame tenor..ls thal hi day :<"sion. The court

,. i trm 1 untll 10:10 a. m. tc-day.


d.ncpfan ^ijDftJisfnicutflr*UROPEANS AXD TBAVBLLBBi wlll flnd

lhe L*mJen oi-ce of The Trlbur.a. TB. r.»«t Btreel.

C*. n convenlir.t i>lace lo l«_iv« thetr adverUea-

¦ nd atfli rHilInt l>.r Tha Tribun..


London.Firs. Avenue Hotel,

Hirjh Holb-rn.One of the besi for r. al com-fort 'inrt moder_te charles.Convenient alike for City,Law Couris and West End.

Proprietors,The Gortlon Hotsls. Limlted,


;;:tl¦..Aivl'A-l'.Sl ri'llli.. a iBannna knowt.«_U* it llie u-iuial !aw» WbKI |._ein ttiai op«___«_ otd:.i-_i.r. und nuirlllon, nnd b) a carflfu. appUcattoa of thei.r.- prapertla ol v> wlfletad .'..-a. .\a i-pi.b haa pro-Nidad (ui ..n. braafc aini auppei ¦ Jrl _t*ty a&vurtdbese-sag* nh._. maj a,.c u» manj fieavj _t »r» bllla. IIlf Ly llra ju.iW-li¦!_ Um* ,>t fUi'ii BftlcUa a.f A\eX that a COB-.tin.ti.4r. mat "- aradualla ballt uo unill atruna enougii torr.Ut e\ai> ta-, ii.-y lu allarnee. Ilu.ir';e.» of eabtlc ir.ala-.' . art n «tlaa an na na reaAy to attacft ivia»rev*r th^re

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