THE POLITICAL FIELD. WHAT TUB WORKERS ABM BOISll. rowbstaa Clnb Waals Saaator HUI to »!>*ak in nicltn.aad-Arr*inB*»*»«**t» f"Sf th* Grand Kally "f th« Drnmmin. At s .Pilaf of UM Po what mi Club bald last eTsalnf it ormo a^cMad upon tb«- uuMiamrnilsllfii "f .*"' eoaaa-dttss on ikiasastrwtlsa «" bold a grand l^ino- Ctatk rally <n ths SVSJBlng Of October oator David B. HIL can |H« indu.ed tO slop in RlchltBld SB ld** ejfmj to or fr.ur. Lynchburg, w nero hs will speak Sta (b-tobci 27th. If Senator Hill iuBBjasjajfi t" spsal in BIsaaHOaal ths fBBlhn will is* h.ii on sn sraalai t«. -.nit thc New York Senator. It wu* ilsa decided that ths members of tbe club are lo occupy .»aats « las fcvstal mw membera wera eleeted, among theta Jndge Georg* L Christian and < ..lonel doha rt. Cary. Short -j..bes were made by Mesa** W. B. .Meredith and IL L Monia, mr. amnonaa A regular meeting of the Commerdsl Travelers' Democratic Club was held al their hill. No. 1313 Mal" »tseeU last sreaing The sttendance wns Inri-''', and ihough a great deal ot enthusiasm per¬ vaded the inc. ting it took a very practical turn. Bad resulted in tbs disposal ,.t fl laige amount ..f baaiaSSB. Complete plans were adopted for th'-ir giami rally and --peaking on ths night .previous lo election day. A soluble building will bs Recured and entertaining orators will address the BOO* pie. Good reports were made of the work being dons at home by thc dub, .ind enthusiastic ct minnnicatioiiM wert* read from members on thc road. A resolution was adopted inviting thc members --f other Democratic rlubs to Tjsit their room--. They keep open lu Bail ami web-nine all visitors. This is u very live organisation, nnd their grand rally the night pievions to the last Presidential election wai* a splen¬ did affair, which is vet remembered as an epoch in politics in Kichmond. The occasion this year will in BO way tie inferior to ll.at. rot.nir.-AL CHAT. Chnirmnti Patteson, of tbe dty Demo- eratle committee, has - red the tb.- Motaii Academy for Thurn ty even¬ ing, November 3*1. when Hon. John Ran¬ dolph Tucker will speak under the gu- sj»i' es of the city committee The officers "f nil Hciiocratic clubs In this city and the chairman, secretary nnd treasurer of tbs city Democratic committee will meet for reference in the cbanceiy court-rooia at s o'clock this evening._ l)«.ath ofMn. Hatasal. Mrs. Mary H. Menari, th* wife of Rev. raul L. Mendel, pastor of St. John's German Kvangellcal church, died yesterday nt l:-'7 P. M. Mr*-. Mcuzel, nee Rasmussen, was born on Moy 5, 1865, at Kudkjoeping, Langeland, Den- mark, and came over to tins country in 1X74. on March 30, 1875. she married Kev. Paul L Mensel at. Buffalo, N. V. The couple BOOIl after removed d' l"i ville. N. V.. where they lived until No¬ vember, 188(1. From there th.y removed to Albany. N. Y.. where they remained until February. ISM'-, and sin... then they have been residents of this city. Mrs. Men/el lea\ea ten children, from Seventeen years to one week old. Tin* funeral will take place to-morrow at L,:.",i> P. M. from late residence of the de- cerise], 208 east Marshall street. Her* Vice* will be held st I' IV M. at St. John's German Kv angelita church, Rev, Fd. Ilnb-'r. of Baltimore, Md., officiating. The interment will be ni Hollywood. ) Mr. m... Mri. Drew. Another delightful performance of "That (Jill From Mexico waa giren Bl the afaaart last night by Mr. ard Mrs. Sidney Drew and their sxcellenl com¬ pany to il well-rilled bouse. The play is an enjoyable, high-class comedy. There will be a matinee thia ni ternoon and a performance tonight, which ".'ll con¬ clude tl..* engagement of on.* of the best ab'iwK thal luis been presented to tbe Hi ond theatre-goers for n long time. The sale of seats for the Soudan cont- mences al tht* b-.x office at the Mozart this morning at 9 ...lock. C0SORE11AT1OSAI. 1 Ol SCH.. The Color l.lu* * Cause of I i.nilder«lila Plseaasfoa. Minneapolis, N"fii*fi.. Oct. 14. Al lin* niorning session of CongTt-gstional Coun¬ cil it wsa agreed thal ths next meeting should bs held "u the Padflc coasl at a point io be decided upon by tbe pro¬ visional committee. The committee on nominations reported tbe following pro¬ visional conn! it tee for the next three ..ears, and the Council indorsed the reso¬ lution: II. S. 15. Capen, (1. ll. W II. A. Hav. n. Anbin- little, W. ll. Moore, s. D. Forbes, A. II. Quint, J. G Menin. H. a. Hill, J. F. Sturtc- vaal and M. \Y. Montgomery. Tb- .pics tion ot disputed .uses from Alabama araa ln*oas*hl np. snd it was decided that thc matter should be laid a-iib- letii- }»orarily. Further report was made rom the committee on credentials, aird ths rbairman rend ths full report, -hov. lng the full Blimber of delegates present. The committee on credentials had tan.le a report on thc Alabama case, ibo aub- ajtaacs being thal tb.* reports ol tbs Ala- baum As.s, elation, oomposed of whites, should not ls* admitted. Tin- regular ns- BscJBtina, which bas bean Ib existence for ssvsatasn years, is comp, sed of colored people. Bad is represented in tbe connell as in former council-. Then- was a protracted discussion. The whole mat¬ ter hinged on tht color line. The col ored people claim that the whites will not join them in their church work, nnd the white people claim they are following the precedent-, of the Wore-ter Conven- tioti of three years ago m thc Georgia case. The discussion was intense, but "With no outspoken words of bitterness It was finally referred to fl committee ol five to make a report later in the meet¬ ing. --.«--. EITE D1STISOU1SHET1 1IF.STIEMES Delighted Boean** Jdr. Riatne Bill] Romain § a lt.*)>-«blu-an White Plains, N. Y.. Oct 14. Tho five ijtatingtilahad isotlsm ia, whom Mr. .Whitelaw Keid invited to Ophir latin- to meet Mr. I'd,inc ut dinner last night, left for Sew York on tbs *-*:17 o'clock wain this morning. They wen- General dames S. clarkson. Cornelius N. Ituss, Joaeph il. Manley, Thomas H. Carter and Lewis In. McCoia,,-*. All were jubilant ovsr the result of the conference with Mr. blaine last svsnlng. Whether Mr. l.lniiie will take thc platform or not. they felt thut his active Interest in ths campaign and bia counsels will be ol treat advantage t>. tbs Kepublican cause. Mr. Blaine, b.v bis earasstnsse lasl lng, convinced bis bearers thal in* was never mora loyal ta thc lc publican cause than at present and be placed hiuisell at the tlinjiDSiil of tbs coliriniUc ll i* srrid BS will from time to time on tb. everything for the Itepublican na* tional ticket that bis physical condition Will permit. lt is not vd decided whether he win appear on tho platform or not lie is peri .< tly willing to .!.> s... and the Itepublican lenders arc nn\iou*-. to Lave hiui. Mr«. ll-.ri linn tlrowtnic W«ak*r* Washington, Oct. 14. I>r. Gardner of I il to -1 Harrison lo-uight rc j.iib!, weakci than during th.- day. Her sleep la longer and mora bea*.*-, and on each awakening «b.* is .nplctclv < ibrir-.sici. Tba |>., i naid, however, tbal BO particular change could tai in her condition. Children Cry for Pitcher's CastorinC BLAINE BAS SFOMEK. He Trias Bia after.l.laaer M-tnMl».**.* I'poa a Few of Ileld's IValahhora. While Plain-.. Ott, ll Jainea G. Blaine has spoken, the magnetic nu Mattie bas thrown the weight of his ut¬ terance, into Ihe campiiigii; be has ..I thc claim thal bc wee disgruntled bi earnestly and atti) murd <*f bl time vigor proo._d_a.ng the Republican und ad%u. sting thc election of Harrison and livid ticket. Mis speech was delivered under Unique < ir* cuinst-U.ce. Th.-iv were no cut niel dried arrangements, no public ball, no set p.o- gramme, but when Informed at B o'clock kfternoon that rtssolents oi White Plains a'.i ihe surrooading villages in- tended serenading bim si ophir Farm, the reeid' ace ol *.\ bitelaw 1 i-i *. ti,is evening, de cx-flcc re tary tamed to his h/.st nnd said: "Then 1 will Speak lo them." . "That is good," replied Mr. Reid. "Yes." said Mr Blain.', "ami ask Cha incey to speak rt!-.." And so it was arranged. Mr. B had received s number of callers during tin* day, and the soi! air of an Indian summer day had braced him op wo_r- dertully. Mr. Reid invited rather n formidable gall.-.ring io dine with Mr. Blaine, bul it I congenial party and h very pleas¬ ant oik*. There were present: Chaun¬ cey Depew, Charles W. Hackett, chair¬ man ol lie Republican Stat.' active com¬ mittee; William Brookfield, chairman <>f the .New York county committee; Sn- Committeemen Garrett A. Hobart of \< u Jersey, K. C. Kerens <>f Mis¬ souri and W. A. Hahn of Ohio; W. II. Robertson, ex-collector of the port of Sea York; Solomon ILrsh, ex-Miniater to Turkey; Patrick Egaa, Minister io Chili. These gentlemen came from Nev York 513 P. M. train, and were met bj Mr. Reid's carriage and driven to Ophir While they were dining word was out nm month to mouth -.' Mr. Reid'* nc ghbora that Mr. Blaine was to lu- given a welcome by itizens of W< it Chi -lt county. White Plains thu news weal by telephone to i\,t t'oli. and even to Rye, mc!.! awn.. Thc result Mas remarkable. At . o'clock buggies tr-egan to arrive si ophir Kano from all directions. Then came carriages, family carry-alls and omnibuses loaded with people. Tbe whole country seemed to be ronsed. It m-.is lil;,, an English hustings. Tbe psln- tjr 1 residence .,;' the Republican candi- date for Vice President was soon sur¬ rounded by people. .Many huhes were nt, aud the men represented erery of life, from the retired merchant lo ile- fanner or town blacksmith. The l,r,,n 1 porch sras soon filled with ladies snd tlnit escorts, while Ibe men stood ii ur..ups on the Inwn. At ll -'clock Mr. .¦ind Mra. Kohl and their guests appeared in the parlors, the shades wen- drawn np nnd thc puny were plainly seen through lin- plate fln-.s win, At this moment n bras-; band, follow."1 by i torchlight procession, march...1 up the driveway from the south, ll ms* thc colored Republican Clnb, of White They were followed by the Portcbester Kepublican Club, ;.'so led bv s band carrying torches. Tbe two bodies of men ranged up in line in front of the entrance to the Reid mansion. The big folding doors were then thrown open, and Mr. Reid nnd his guests sp pealed. They Mer loildlj cllC'ied. Mr. Blaine then m.-nie ¦ lengthy speech, whidi was enthusiasticell. received. DE Dil AlfiH) SPEECH. Meaars. Brackinrl-lae nnd Daniel Decline to Deliver lt. Chicago, Til**.. Oct 14..Henry Wat¬ terson, of Kentucky, has been asked to make tbe dedicatory' **peec_ al the World's Fair grounds, iu pla.-.* of Con¬ gressman Breckinridge. Piesident Thoa. Palmer, of Ibe national commirsion, tele¬ graphed to Mr. Watterson this morning nabing him to take this place ol honor upon ''ie programme When Mr. Brei in ridge resigned on account ,,t criticisms ol thc Chicago papen, an stten.pt was made to get Senator John W. Danu!, oi Virginia, to take bis pince Senntor Daniel has telegraphed his refusal, and now the honor once more goe*i ts this time lo the door of the noted Di eratic editor. If be refuses, it ls proba¬ ble that that the number will be sflowed a. lapse a the programme is over four hens long, jud ian l»enr considerable ah' cnn-.' ss it hun t injury. Bealasas Kuiiorea, New York. Od 14.- The business fail¬ ures .luring (lie last seen (h..vs ar,-: I'¦¦;. thc Knited Statis. 1-Ji; Canada, -.''i: a total of 215, a- compared with 220 lust. 208 the week \ levien- to the last ami 260 for the corresponding week of last year. _, Kortn.ii Catholics I-icln~»'l. Detroit, Mich.. Oct. 11. After a wann debate the Board of Rd neatlon has pass ed a resolution which practically ,'i- cludes sll Roman Catholics from acting as t fnchers ai ths public schools of this city. A Ure Convict Wurili SI O.000. A Jackson (Mich.) dispatch lo ihe Chi¬ cago Tribune says: A State prison !lOO,COO is a ,,ttle out "f ihe ordinary, Yet such is Charles Wright, No 4780, life man st ths Michigan State penitentiary. Wright is a lira- looking man of thirty lb- cain..- to the prison from Hen¬ rie eounty, Northc a Michigan, a little less than three y.urs ugo. He ams one .,t il, most prosperous business men in pail of Ila- Slate, having made a for¬ tune in the lumber business. He and his brother, as partners, operated extensive milla. Kan- m ls,xi two ofi-cers'Vf the law proceeded to attach certain logs in a.rih-i- to compel the company t,. p ¦>. taxes. Wright requeeted them to at¬ tach s neighboring pile of lumber rather than the Ioks. na attaching the logs would close down the milla and result disas¬ trously, ihey not acquiescing h.- made the request lake the form of a demand, und said he w,ii ld shoot tln-m if they persisted in serving process on tbe logs. They came back in the evening and at¬ tached th- logs, feeling tbat this was thi only way thc firm Could bc brought lo tillie. "You remember what I told yoi," were Wright's words, uttered in tbe coolest. manner, "To blssea with you," was the only re¬ sponse, .md Wright, drawinj s six-aboot- er hi: bad ju-t purchased, -.bot one mau ih-a.I, then tin* other. Ai the prison Wright's conduct ia «-x- eellelll. Iii* (..._, Ole- ,,f tl,e |srga*T SI 11 I lighter kind, lins -in oil stove in it. He doe* mom of his own cn .king and in- w.alth enables him to have many ale- lieacies. ll lie wart- cit ra tobacco he has no irouble abo it getting it. Ile probablv lives better than many mei enjoy liberty. Iii- cell is finely furn¬ ished. H.s Peal is a com faita Me one Th,,-,, are paintings on the wails and rug* upon tiie bard floor Wright now has fun rtiarg* ..f the big Webster wagon contract. Hs i- sa ex¬ port lumber buyer, and his nurrhnafSJ nf luinlaer are so shrewd thal DS saves his employers a great deal of money, Hs legal expenses have I.,1 |20,000 so far, and his attorneys have ju-t <b- Cided to take the (BUM t0 ths 1'liited States Supreme < ourt. T. Da vi- [Evana, I. .. proprietor of Kyi -hi,urn's live eveulug journal. The Ailvince. is lo the city ¦ mute home fi tan n trip to New York ind Boston. In tbe latter .-itv be ettatt-ded as a .1 le¬ gate the Convention of the Brotherhood of Si. Andrew, and is stopping over in Riebin.! to visit friends snd attend titra Exposition. Mrs. Evan, accompanies bim. Two Much of h Muk. It is not unuMinl for chu contracted in the fall io bang _aj nil winter. In such .rises cat..irih ur '-bionic bronchitis are slmnal -ure to result. A Hfir cool bot¬ tle of (!ba__berlaia's Cough lt<*iiie.lv - iii eura- any edd. Can y.,u afford to risk so inch for as sinai, an amount J This remedy is Intended especially for bad chi- and croup, und chu always bs ds p-vnhal uyou. For sile by Owens &. Minor Dna Co., 1007 east Mam street. THE OLD NORTH STATE. HA I KIO lt IS CBSTESSIAL COLORS. It-it Vf-Mfc Will B** * «.rand l"«Ca-»nt ta Btnnr ot tho On* Hnndr«<ltri Ulnh- dar ot tiie capitts! City. Kn leigh. \. C.. Oct 14.-Kpecinl.- Baleifh is banoaa1i| in-.re *ray atul *Baa> Kcnir. every boor in anticipation of the great centennial week which will open next Tuesday with the most wgalUcsat pageant evst aeen la tha State in honor of the on<* hun.Ire.Ith birthday of tin- capital .-itv. Almost c\ery basiaess hons.- and private lasidsacs in the .-itv i* being decorated t.*-day iu red ami oriole, tha centennial colors. The Haleigh aral (i.-ist-.n railroad hus just complsted Ita centennial contribu¬ tion, which will be a couaterpsil "f "Th.- t. rnsdo,' the Hrst lot omotive which over ciiine to this i-itv. Il will appear in the parade, and will hr attended hy ti t.nder and hos .ar, the whole making r miniature train about iifty fl el iu length, ill busineas houses have agreed to close on Tuesday, tbs centennial day, and there will be a general holiday. Yesterday was ths Anniversary ..f the foundation of tbs State University, and ii waa celebrated with appropriate ex- dses rr' that Institution. An si araa delivered bj Profsssor Alexander ., arlotte, gad at uighi a reception wis !.. 1 at ibo residence of President George T. Winston. Complaint was made hers to-day bs- cause the waiting-room for white ladies nev,- Uhion depot i- overrun "arith negroes. There ls u separate waiting- r'Hiiii for the colored people equal in rr aud stjnipmei I I thal pn f.»r whit.* peopl *. but ths negroes per- sistcntly go Into ths apartment for tbs whites, fte matter was to-duy called to the attention of the miners. A ::ur Willi rocket* nf lint Witur. Asheville. N. C., Oct. 14. Special.- Yesterdai norning two colored washer¬ women, "livia-* on B&gie -ti.-et, got into an altercation over some trivial matter, and threw buckets of hot water on eacq other. Tbs argument was painfully healed for a while, but did not last Iq ig, Both were prettj badlj scalded, ami ths recorder administered sedstivea Mr. T. L. (Jordon and Miss Lillian Farrar, both ni this place, were married by Rev, McNeeiv DuBoas iii Trinity (Episcopal church yest, iday afternoon. lt was ii very pretty wedding, and after the cen,.i.'ny the bride and groom l.-ft on ii bridal tour North. Tlc "World's Fair,' in behalf of the Mis-.on Hospital, began yesterday after noon. Th.* iiiiile folks inaugurated the fair arith Mother Goose's Melodies, nnd their performance was enjoyed by a large attendance of Asheville's elite. Thc interim] revenue collections for this district yesterday amounted to ""¦.'",- 070.58. There ii an Asheville II"*-.* Company, No. 2, now, am! it was organized last night. Hose Company No. 1 was en¬ tirely too large for all the men to be ac¬ tually engaged, even when needed, and hence a good many of the old members withdrew ;iiid joined the nsw company. With tin* new arrangement, it is now thought every mail cati do effective ser¬ vice at tires at tbs same time without getting in ea.li other's way. Thc com¬ pany meets (o-ni**hl to elect officers. Petitions nie being circulated for signa¬ tures, nakina, th.* IL.md of Aldermen to pave Patton avenue before the Lad weather sets ia. Mis. Vf. II. Malone died day before yesterday. T. tl. Merriman .ind ,loli:i W. Starncf Spoke to-night in tbs Newton Academy building, mar Killmore, and a largs crowd of workingmen were present. 1'p to yesterday noon the registration books iii the different precincts of tin- city showed about 300 new names. There is no mw registration this year, ain! these BgurM simply indicate Asheville'.*. additional rote by reason of new arri vals, both in tin- city and at the age BJ* twenty-one, sin.-.- the Inst election. Dltalpatbili I.«.->.!¦ to OmteOA*. Charlotte, N. c.. Oct 14. Special. Vf. I!. .1. Irvin*.', formerly superintendent ot ihe Charlotte c.,non Mil., committed sui. ide at lao*.di. several miles from here, ibis morning. He had been ilia siontil ,;, ;ind. it was sup-ioscd, killed f in .*. tit of desperation, a- he had beau "ut of employment several weeks. A dreadful aeddenl t**ccurred nt ihe brick J ard ot ||... < 'har!..tte Brick and Tile Company this morning. The boil r exploded, killing William Hiinpicut, a young white man, instantly and ii others. Ilunnicul wa** standing by the throttle of ihe engine when ir exp Hi- body was blown un in the air T.'i feet, and landed ."iU yards away. Nearly every bone iu Ids body was broken. «.f boiler aud timber were bl. wa 200 .Mini-, away. Th.* Hep illili, ans of this section arc ,"f war among themselves, ibu- faction lilies :i county ticket; Ihe other opp,,.,.. it si roi ih. in order lo fuse with ihe Third party. The funner crowd tomorrow to put out a straight Republi¬ can ticket. Cania are out snnonndng to-diy the marriage of Miss Luis,. Wilson, ofMor- gantou, and I> K. L. Gibbon, of this city. Tl.sremoi takes place on the 20th Instant. Miss Wilson is a daugh¬ ter of Major Wilson, chairman of thc railroad commissioner*-,. Both pinion ttl this contract ar.- prominent in uncial circles. Th» rvo]u* nu ol thc Trotter. There has b.en much discussion of recent years as to low fast the trotting hor<e would ultimately travel. As the trotter is distinctively an American hoi's,., these <ii-r* issi,,ns have been great interest in ibis country. To kn .. a second! od th.- time iii wlii.-h Flora Temple traveled n mils in 1850 required thirl r years, anti when the distance wag finally covered iii less than iw.. minutes and ten second-, there wets very many Who believed that tho limd of the tl ot¬ ter's speed had Leen rent bsd. Then wai Invented what is known as the kite- shaped I rack, and over such courses several lories trotted in [ess than th.* time mentioned. Th- se kite-shaped tracks wen- thought not to afford a lair bai -> foi* comparison, for on them there wns ifuly one curve arid two Inp.;*, straight stretches, inst nd of the two curves,in old fashion*'! oval tra> ks. Own¬ ers whoSS horses had made tln-ir proud re¬ cords on ihe oval tracka said thai they wei,, no! in the least disturbed over thc new kii'-shaped records, and, according to tl... New York Herald. Mr. Ko!...rt Bonner, tha ownei of those fan. mis marcs, Sunol nnd Maud S., offered a year ago to give *.">.<*>'> to th" driver of any ''ur*.' that within two years trotted a a ne in two minutes aud five Ascends over an oval track Sun-., then Nancy Hanks, a Kentucky- br.-d iiiare, nix years obi last spring, and ti..- property of Mr. Malcolm j Forbes, of Huston, hns been blocking a second or so ..ff the record pretty nearly whenever shs appeared, ami bIm reduced ber tim.* whether she was med over oval or kile sh.ip. d tra .*. To h.*r the shape appeared to make verv little difference. This season NaB-Cf Hanks has I.u driven t<> a sulky with pneumatic tires to tho wheels, nnd known as s bicycle siilkj. Those who though* that the tty, cord a**aght to have stopp.*<1 at two min¬ utes and ten Bl coads no*- accounted for the f-n I that she Went in 2:01), til."!' io 2:i >7 ll, Min! then in 2*06 1-4 to the fact thal a bicycle nulky waa mci. ami tbat in some mystsrioua wu these air- ' cushioned tires pushed the horse alon*,' and accelerated th.* trotter'*- speed. This i- k.- th.* contention that n man could lift hii.is.-lf hy his boot straps. Hut ci ber iniiji-tur. s xv, rc mn*li> hr inathein.iii- iiin*.. and hns**d upon careful calculations and analysis of tbe re-**s***da since IM.",, when the fastest tim.- was two minutes und thirty sssasjda These Keith men by constructim: n le-ranthini curve estimated that 2.07 should bc ihe Highest of all in Leavening Power..Latest U. S. Gov't Report uVal record in this ve.ir. and that *_'.i-l si,..uld be the recrd in 1000. At thu ti I Xtncy Hanks Ind j-. *-t fons a mile in __r ;< »T ll, nnd Ha-, therefore, -nie quarter of a second slower than tin" best trotter ought io bnVS beeu. Hut sim.- then thia wonderful mara bas gone a mile oval track tit Terre Han'", in Indiana, in two minutes timi four seconds, and. ac- cording to tbs calculations of tim n maUciana, is eight years ahead ol Int tim". Tin-e calculatiors, predictions sod con- jectures. whether tiny come from profee- s,,rs occupying .*h.ii:**s in seats of learning or from practical horsemen, seem to h. i like i'd,-. rlhe truth seems to !-' that when tbe best horses fal) imo the proper ! iuds ih.y are likely to improve, other- :,ot. If thc breeders ot t; lil ur- to ktu>w how to train and drive these fleet sters. the rate of -|.d is likely to bc steadily reduced, until the trotter will be quite as fast as the rnnrn r. Fut when ibis will be m. man can say. though there is surely m< h.. rm in gui -ing. lt is to he hop,,! that General Tr.oy. Secretary ,,f t!ie \i.\y. and Mr. Kel crt Bonner, both of whoa have been liberal contrib¬ utors to this ,!i-. uasioi . aril] live to ><¦<. the few rs icconds knocked off the record, timi some youngster from Ken) icky, California or Ni W York do tie* distance in an even two minutes. Nancy I Li,,I.s. in h.-r recent trial, did thc third quarter of her mile at a better than a two-initiute ri t.-. The mathemati¬ cal caleulati pn <:i.-t that ihe trotter will go a i,iii-- iii 1. bl in the year 'Jl Iii. Thia is int. roting, but too lon-; to wait. Harper's \\ el bj Pr. BcbarHnfurth, In n paper recently communicated to the Qermaa Antin-,.poi. _ leal Society, relates tin- Heston Transcript, deals arith tb" frigin of the i:,o ipea plants at present being cultivated in Out of the total BUttbSr only Shonl fifty ¦pecies have bees proved to date back t,, pi-,- Christian times Tba bulk have be Imported from foreign countries wltli r-gpl maintained /-commercial relations. Anion;* tim most recent introductions of this kimi an- tbe COttCB plant rind our European vegetables; munni- tbe earliest were the Mcred penes (aftnaseps schimperii ami tbs ¦yi .iniore. arhoss native home is Southern Arabia or the Incense ci uni ry. knoa-ro to the ancient Egyptian, a. runt. To th.* Mme ra _:;,>n Egypt appears to be indebted for the common Hg, tim rat*ob-trae and the aloe. vVbeat, barley nml spelt were Introducad fn tn Babylonia; heiinri, the Asiatic lotus (Neiimiiiium speclbsnm), which supeiseded S native species, ths pomegranate, peach, apricot and .jnlnce came from Persia, whilst India furnished rice, dui rim, the sugar cane, sesamnm, Indigo, tba hanan* and lemon. Many of these plants only reached Egypt Indirectly, and In Or. Schwelnfurtb's opin¬ ion many of then BS, for Instance, lice, durrba, n-s-ininni and Vij-na atne.ale.-are Indigenous to tropical Africa. A (Ireat netta re. Art Stipnlemf-nt next Sunday with The Times. Reproduction in twelve colors "I the famous painting by Edouard De¬ tail!. * entitled "The Defense of Oiam- figny." Every subscriber gets one free. lou I miss thc opportunity. Ita Hmm anti I:-.;ie».>r. Be sure to register in th* mammoth book made by Sam. W. Howman, man- ufactiiriiig stationer, Norfolk, Va. This is The Times' official register, lt is at main itrance to thc Exposition buildinjr, nnd ile- names of visitors mitered thereon ure published daily in ibis paper. Irn-iortaat lo Kleahv People. Wa lm i noticed a page article ia the Globe on reducing weight at a very small expense. It will pay our readers to send a tv, cent stsnip for a copy to Cook Lircu- lnting Library. 36 asst Washington itraat, Chicago, ill. Whea Baby was sick, wa gave sar OSstorls, 4v_«n she waa a Child, ihe cried for Caatorta. tVhen ah© becsme Misa, she clung to Ca*tor__. rThen aba had Cbildrea, ate gave them __Sb_S__I If out of order use Ileecham's Pills. if rori, rack Acnes. Or yon are all worn out, rei'! v good for notn- Ing. lt is general debil tv. J v EEOWirS IltoS lilTTVIlt. It will curs you, cleanse ymir liver, and give a good apr-ctlte. in ii Ha. ItsOWIdBa..THad, Oetober 18, HW, at tho residence of hi< fatln-r. rn Henri,-o countv, I,UH.ali. BOWLES, in the twenty-second year of his ace CBOWI Died. I eta er I. !*¦"..-. HABBY GOULD-CAN CROWE in t..e taenty.sixtb yenr of his age. iiuer-l from his. late home THU C-atur- dayi HORSING at ll oC eek MLN/LI..- Died, Ins:. Oetober nth. at M . Mrs. MAU1! v.. MLN/I.i . | wife of Hev Lani L Kensal, pastor of Ell John n fieruian Evangelical i. I nnenl on BUND-iY, October i-ith st P. M (rou the re-i'.euee i '. ea-u Mir-h*,! irreet, and at I' UL from st -H.lin - I o-Tinan vangencal ohurch. lneruiaui at wood. Ht HNEAD.-Oit-d. at the rad,lenee of ber aunt, Mrs. Rebecca I'errin. in Hanover count n.aday, Octol Misa MARY ll. SNEAD. WSATH.BR porkoast. -1 Washixotov, !>. C. Oct IA.Pur Tirgia a: I air; *onlh winds; warmer '**-.- In WSStOrn mir;;,m. I For Korti! aro!ina, 8 inth t'arolin.i - en 1 Georgia: r*air; asst lo .-oath winds. TiANliK Ol THI TIIKKMOMKTBR. Bange of rhe thermometer at Tua Tpiss ofbie ia.ter lav. iictai.. r. l-l, WW: V A. .M., '. I. M.. ,... 1'. H.,*, ft P. M.. TO; 9 P. M.,6i; mnlni-'lit. S. Avsrsgs.aftS. Bl AKIM. Uti IA.,...,.. ,i r. MINIATL^RE ALMASAf\<> BanriMi. r> -1 -loon rises., IrM A. M. Uunaew.r> .: Lav _ lang tn..: tn Um. hioii tidc. Morning. 1- -.: E.euiug. 1:1] PORT OF IIICIIM.'M). Oi. ll ISSI SAII.F.I.. ftrhooners John BL I rscham, ' realer rid gifford pig iron, J.?*». (lordon. ss nt A Larker: Jenni L. Mu, liams. AL ana. railroad tie., fesesi < urti ,. Parker: .'ennte lum. 1 cr- mndaHundreds to im..h loa-ling luair..r lo. New York. *»e..a-l (. urti* .. larker. PORT OF WES! POINT. Ocr U. BBB BBEttBEx Rteatoahin Baltimore. Pennett. Baltimore, pasaeuge.a an 1 BBB gs] cargo. bailkii. f-leami-hio Rapimore. 1'altitnore, paaaengert an 1 general cargo. LAMUF.HTS P01HT, O.t. tl.'.89., a OAl ID. Pte-ni-ihiiiB Acadian. Quebei*. One bee: iron.--. ilal-restan, E-rent-sa; Calliope, un d.Fhia. Wilmlngtoe __S__re___. Barge Lo rsi ea; Mhoooar Estello Phinnsy. a - >. K'eani*dil'* *>aarllan, Oeahae, Lar_a < ort'oa, llo-uk.u: icboou.r E.tulle Phiuney, -lotion. !<?> Sur-n itti.t Ragi-aSer, B to register lu tbs mammoth bj Sam. ','*,. Bowman ..¦. pr, Norfolk, Vn. i'lii* is TL i register, lt is at a..ii:, entrance to the Rxitositlon b ribltng, and the nan..-- of visitors entered thereat, inblisbetl daily in this pap r Tue shortest sud quickest route to the ExpoM.t-ion is ".'» 'lain-street electric -»«rs to tun Main-street car sheila, corner Mam snd Vine atassta From iiere it is only a short distanos to tho troni eutrauuo of ths Expo. aition. ________________ MNIlAV cm nen MOIIOtUL tr- TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHUUCH icornsr Broad sad Iwentieth streets), Rev. ;' \ ir. Preaob- in»" atti ilock V. If. and loco P 1. :>y tits nestor. 1V1 Inssdsy **icht -ii-rvic* - I Bondsjr.schooJ st :'::;. A. ll. tordisl Invitation to ».;. t-*eau free. ¦WUNTON^TATION METHODIST Fl' BCOPALl Ul Hell coner Twenty-fourth m.* N Itrsstl lo.v. tis iBOB H. Rat, rantor. tnornina class st 9o'clsek. Frenching at il i. M. aal S P. M. W-*o_*asdsr-night Bsrvicasst "rifto'clock, foons vien* prsrsr- meeting Ihtirsday night st 7:43 o'siook ti iwi, A 17 REL. 8 !' It B BT METHOD! s P CHURCH..Praaohing at ll A. M. anl 8 I'. M the psi '.Rsv. Vf. E. Judkiss, P. IX. Lectnre and prayer masting Weduenday ats P. M. Seats Hoi. _ CS-ft HO A D-ST Ii E E C MRTHOMST CHURCH (corner Broad sn 1 Tenth streets . Bev. W. \ I. I...... 11. li., pastor, -Sarvicsa an inda** school9:80A. M. Preaching a> lt A. IL an I H I'. »I b. I Snb- in sud Jo r, * sptist Wsd> sreninaa *i:i5oc.o<*k. i ia-.i meeting Ihnrsday evening at s:l& Btrsagsra re- gpectli;.!/ invited to attend ad the.se services. i'l.vi' M. E. t'HUBOH (wen Fran.lin reel . li iv. .'. Whey BU-cosos, IX n., oastor. -I'lasahing al ll a. _L and »: is P. M. by the pastor._ ISHINOTON -T-IEI'T METHODIST ll lc ll arv and tv Babington streets). ss H BaaaxTr. ia-tor Preachina to-morrow at li A. ">' and s I'. M. by the pastor. t.eviv&l services morning and night. BTPIB8X BAPTIST CHURCH (eorner Twelfth and liroad streets,.Rev Gbobos Coonta, I) D., Dsitor. Preaching st ll A. 31 snd t: 15 P. kt r***-Fon.TH-STREET BAPTIST CHURCH, Rev. H.P. Williams, 1'BRtor.Prsschiag st tl A. M. ands P. M. Munday achoo! at 9:15 A. IL rs-r,RoVF.AVRNl'E BAPTIST CHURCH. Ker. J. C. Hiokn. D. D., pastor.-Preechmg Sunday hy the -.astor at il A. M and SJ'. >(.. and Wednesday evening at8o'olock. Ail seats free and public invited. nrPINE-STREET BAPTIBT CHURCH (corner Pinn and Albemarle streets', I'.ev I h. Hutbon. pator..Preaching Snnday at il A. M. and I P. M. hy the i*a>.Uir. Sunday-school at 9 A. M. Prayer-meeting Wed nevi a: night, S o'clock. Young people's meeting Frilay night,«o'clock. _ ta ta-LEICrll-STRFF.T BAPTIST CHURCH (corner Twenty-i'th and Leigh stre,-. PrsschlngonBaudsy at ii A. it. and at sP. M. by the castor, Kev W. L. Waioar. Sim dav-school a* 9:1.1 _ M. Prayer-meet ng Wednesday night at s o'clock. Usn s praver- meetiug Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. All wel¬ come. _ ts ra*-BARTOS H'"ICt HTS BAPTIST CHU Ht'K- Hot. R. H. Pi rr. D. D.. t.astor-Sunday ?choo! at "I A. M. Preaching at ll A. M. and n P. ii. Ali are cordially invited. ta*-M(»Ni:Mr:STAI. CHURCH. Bsv. Joh*- K Nbwto.v. rector..Services every Munday at 6 P. M. Sunday school at KrriO A. M. Wel¬ come to all._ ts WO RACE EPISCOPAL C IU* R C H.- Divine serTices Sunday morning at ll o clock, conducted hr Kev. M. T. TUBSSB. Evening prayer at 8: li P. M._ la-WEST-KND EPISCOPAL IflSSIOM cor¬ ner of Main and Lomi>ardy streets Sunday- school a' t P. M. Services and sermon at 5. H. M. and Thursday st 8 P M. Welcome to all. nVALL SAINTS' P. E. CHURCH (Madison neari.raoe. Kev. J. YT Dowkm.as. rector.- Services at ll A- M. sad 5:30 P. M. Bundar school at 9:30 A. M. ts tar-MOO RE MEMORIAL PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH d.anrsl street oppo¬ site the Parki.-Services st ll .15.A- M. sn i ti P.M. Snnday school at 9:» A. M. All wbo come aro welcome and seats furnished them. tWHI. JOHN'S PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH (Broad street, corner Twenty- filth -Rev. Lawn W.BtTBTOB, rector: Kev. C. it. Kcyk, assistant..Sunday services at St. John s and at Weddell-Memorial chapel (Den- .-t Fulton," at ll A. M. and 8 P. IL A cordial invitation and welcome for ali. ts rs*-CHI 'RC H Of THE COVENANT (Park avenue aid Harrison street*. Rev. J. Calvi* Btbwsbt, pastor -Prsacbing at ll o'clock A. M and I 1'. M. bv the pastor. Lecture on . 'a. at s P M. Sabbath school meets ». toolooa, beats free aad a cordial wel¬ come to all. EaaaanSL CasrcL (Washington and Kev- #rly streets .Hervic**s each Friday night at 8 ocock by Rev. J. i Stbwabt. Sabbath school at r.', A H. _ n*TFI RST FVOI.isl! I.FTHERANCHURCH (Seventh aad tirace streets1.-I'.kv. J. C. Bsa. bbbs.pastor..Sunday service* ii a. M. andu P. ,l ttanday-sehool at yr.-'i A. M. Praver-. meeting every W«dn**sday at 7:45 P. M. Pnblio cordially invited. ts ts*-1 KIMIY LUTHERAN CHURCH (COR- NER i wsnty-ninth and streets Hov. Hk.nut N. I'l m. i>astor..Sunday services aili A. M. and ', .Mri P. M. Sunday-school at «'30 A. M. ta-FN" IN 008PEL MI-SION.-(Corner Seven'h and Main streetsV M*e*.in_s on Sun¬ day afternoon at : o cloc.i a:.d - at nitfht Alio everv ti gb', all through the week Meetings eonanctsd bv Mrs lt. Vi. <'. <.t. vkr and others. A general niTitation to everybody. nrEYANOlLICAL M S IOU CHURCH near Broad R noola Lil l*reachinit \. M. Prayer. 11 i . i iJJjr invited ;o attend thesa eats tr**. christian ¦;(. Rev.Jabe/ Ham, pastor -Preach. .A air si - I". H. Kundav at '':: A. M. i » r-nifc< nifht at s o clock. '. U .rited. tr-; \'. CI!l Fi I' real Fiosd » at li v. M an pres "lb. Jnogiasnt and Ilitila * W.riHt dav night at . o'clook. Ail ar* dial! tM~M ",::-.'¦ U ' .. OHEI'tl bingat i A. M.. and-P M . br tha ia tv. Uv. A. lt dook g. Bundaj **. Fray, rim o'.iug SI dsi nifhl si tBrnnjrf pm -AN c\{ V, .-. u. i'. Kr.iirt. reachiag a IA. IL aadtl V ht IsraECOKDPR W CHUB ah at ll .. >F and 4 V tl. las h mr..f sf*srtK*-ta ti«rvfr»aa i - tal linn) t* "BTTHIRD PtttaSRYTER VN CHURCH. , .a ! street*. . Rev. -1 'or do, mug servios at ii i) dook. l.v. bibi service at I ..clock r*r\, RA Cl sm; k g I' I'KKsl VTF.RI VN rt her J .*sns . ^Aia, Dsttar. s*r- k M. ami a V M. Preaching bs ihe i»aat<>r Miudav-sch'."! at j] Wsdaasday uu'ht survices at s o'clock. tv-,*, ESTKIESTBB PBESBY1 ERIAN CHL'RCH eornsr Syrauiore am Carv streets .-Preaih.ugat i 0 clock Sun lay after- n,,ju i,. Baw. It P. K*-"" Bsrviosa mvmrr a' 8:16 >> clock. 8*b ath-scb'jol Via) A. M. Ail weiconie. IS-.'FFVCrilNO KY IIIC.HLAND PARK Hail at ll A. M. b) :h'> tailor. Rev. J. .N. LvraaMi sleo rrsaebiag at .! I: M > Rev. i; K. SLtuu. v.U. AMI'S*;*-!* "tr***. **-^.."4 S'sj* /s-y VIRGINIA'S Open from Oct. 6th Until Oct. 26th, EXTRAORDINARY ATTJIACTI.BJB DAY AND NIGHT. On October mh, 17th IBth, I at. I th ant Min corriinoricing at -vis each evenin-: » l be given Iain« t* Undid lli.torical au. Pjrrotaebaic tlhow. "PARIS FROM EMPIRE TO COMMUNE.1 Over three hundred people rake part ia each performance, givm_- a thrilling and mo-- realistic te ro, luetion of one of the most terrible re.o.unons that haa ever oe curred in 'he Worlds biston*. At mr-,- -. , daring *he performance new ano* lntere.tluj B_B_aaalr_as are introdu eil, including r'ancy and Irick Bicycle Riding, Startling 'irapeze and Slack Wire lets, Daring feats of Horsemanship. Fancy and Graco-Roman Wrestling, Acrobatic Performances, Sc. Following tb-* de-traction of the .it* eom«i a magill Leen: ii.pla.vof brewoms. thal IN* L-l .1 R -i E ! IN' HIE hOl'ill. Lsstiog aftsea or twenty niinutaa. One of the most striking featarsi of tali ""SUPERB AQUATIC FIREWORK in which the lake neem- one va-t daxzliag fotinrain of tire, tue whole e.h.' itlou ij1.j.i_- hy a shower of one thousand rocketi Exposition Races. Oct .ber f'thto litb. ineluuve the rT''0 BITIONRACE*-lwid -ak.- place i'_.. ,n. trio-, t ronuae one <<f tha most turf i-vs-rita tbat bas ever tak.n i.toa-n the South. 'a The Decomas appear on the large.t biovels on earth in :hs>ir nart'onnaiica luring th. ness in front of the gran 1 stand ->a h . Horse Show, From October loth to p,rh ine'.usive Poultry Exhibit Opens October 11th sn 1 rontiaisi nntll october I d lt ari 1 the largs.t and best show ever given uti der the ausuioe* of the .-society. Cat Minstrels, one ot the fannies! and moir, entertain- ing shows ever given, free every _a> ia the Music Hall. THE ST. BELMOS, Thri ling and sensations! trap»/e artist, give tree performance, daily in tbe tiena Hali. NEXT WEEK'S flTTRflCTlONS, CATTLE, SHEEP tad 8W1NEHH0W, OCTCB-B 17th loSSd liclwlvs, The entre, i the finest and n baa tak, n place in iin¬ ji GRAND isch Exciting RlCYi \ r th an I .lat the raw O, O ER B f a ra, * D li c VfOZABT ACAJ_*J UV 0 I i ir.;,.*. and Manscer. MR. AND MR37SSDNEY DREW. rsTAR Ri A (Ml I . An-, tin- unn ¦ t ' omedy of rho tunas, That irl Fro n Mexico! Preced.nl ..-act ra HON lin. and Mrs. Da la b tb plays. Illili bi ¦ommencing uri; ¦: \ ¦. " s oe n-th.tr.sa FOOT-BALL. RICHMOND COLLEGE es. WASHINGTON AND TEE UNIVERSITY. ISLAND PARK, SATURDAY. Octobeb 15. 189-*. Game called at 3:30 P.M. Admii.; >n r<v| Ladies free. MOZART ACADEMY OEM! Ed. Hamilton Cam ii. Le-see A Manner. THE SOUDAN. THE CR.NDEST BPECTAC0LAB IND bTIl_ITA--V DRAMA OP THE DAY WILL BE AT lill: MOZART ACADEMY FOR ONE WEEK I'.EirlSNINO MONDAY. Or-roar-B VrSB. wednesday and saturday matinee.*. oe l t_St_ NEWRKHMONDTIIKAllE Bbabch 4 -JUTS.Managers! rOUB RIO-IT- AND WEDNESDAY >i -11 NEE. COMM-SNCINO i), tores irxs. CORINNE, ED BY THE KIMBALL OPERA ( ARCADIA. 3UPPOP.TEDBY THF. KIMBALL OPERA COMPANY, IN oe :.v't_ I Bi' I j - HOMAf DIXON. Ja. the famous Na w \ork preacher, inhisgrea''»l success. FOOLS! AT rOUHd MEv- HUM IAN ASSOCIA¬ TION HALI. I rn. at I GrOisOos P. M D.r.N i 1 AIL TO BBAI HIM Admihs *. .,4i ivar.:_-. tb sa en.tu: A PRO LWIATI.'** BY THE GOVERNOR OF VIRGINIA-*. PK K'l AMATION. un or a!«vit the lath Instant, on the Lae of the Kiehmond and P ta shorg rai roa 1 . '- the cona y of - ;: i- N i h sn- Hl**- aaa- BierOarS I y some un-nown party or w i sped arrest sod are n w ..>;«,r.>. 1 do bira y .¦'.'.. ..-.- I of . »Si HUN Bl) DOLLA arr.st, deii.erv and c-aaviailoa <>f lb .* r ar.les tod 1 do iii-neover ad nttcars * il *---¦- ..iiliisry and request the pee <. their best <x rtiou. IO bro Bra b ir ar os; :h_t they ma u t.rotiglr t.i in ,..., (n.eii 'in,lr 'or han.I as ..vernor I aril urilrr Hie l-ms-r <. al of the ( OBI- saiL.;- inoiinea'ib. at lt-- mond. Ibis I ta .Uy0f° , MaKLNSEl n roi; By Ihe Governor H Vi'. F e. a*, .v. oe UH Secretary of the Comroonwealta. LOOT AND I Ol NA I 081 \, RAI ' SIARHENRYJTI I. «. '.MO S BLACK "M! CAi'l -*¦'.' ?ona ile rewar t f isurai to >>. l -.*»-- BROLOH. SU. wes: lirace -.tree.- oo lt-U l*i.IND ON 1'ID EXl *OIlOUKlM r Thursday n ht a MR -L .¦_:¦. ,' nwoat o n rai v sailing a. ki Pana oi urgiuia oo . ---

Library of CongressTHE POLITICAL FIELD. WHATTUB WORKERS ABMBOISll. rowbstaa Clnb Waals Saaator HUI to »!>*ak in nicltn.aad-Arr*inB*»*»«**t» f"Sf th*Grand Kally"f th« Drnmmin

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Page 1: Library of CongressTHE POLITICAL FIELD. WHATTUB WORKERS ABMBOISll. rowbstaa Clnb Waals Saaator HUI to »!>*ak in nicltn.aad-Arr*inB*»*»«**t» f"Sf th*Grand Kally"f th« Drnmmin


rowbstaa Clnb Waals Saaator HUI to

»!>*ak in nicltn.aad-Arr*inB*»*»«**t» f"Sf

th* Grand Kally "f th« Drnmmin.

At s .Pilaf of UM Powhat mi Club

bald last eTsalnf it ormo a^cMad upontb«- uuMiamrnilsllfii "f .*"' eoaaa-dttsson ikiasastrwtlsa «" bold a grand l^ino-Ctatk rally <n ths SVSJBlng Of October

oator David B. HIL can

|H« indu.ed tO slop in RlchltBld SB ld**

ejfmj to or fr.ur. Lynchburg, w nero hswill speak Sta (b-tobci 27th. If Senator

Hill iuBBjasjajfi t" spsal in BIsaaHOaal thsfBBlhn will is* h.ii on sn sraalait«. -.nit thc New York Senator.

It wu* ilsa decided that ths membersof tbe club are lo occupy .»aats « las

fcvstal mw membera wera eleeted,among theta Jndge Georg* L Christianand < ..lonel doha rt. Cary.Short -j..bes were made by Mesa**

W. B. .Meredith and IL L Monia,mr. amnonaa

A regular meeting of the CommerdslTravelers' Democratic Club was held altheir hill. No. 1313 Mal" »tseeU lastsreaing The sttendance wns Inri-''', andihough a great deal ot enthusiasm per¬vaded the inc. ting it took a very practicalturn. Bad resulted in tbs disposal ,.t fl

laige amount ..f baaiaSSB.Complete plans were adopted for th'-ir

giami rally and --peaking on ths night.previous lo election day.A soluble building will bs Recured and

entertaining orators will address the BOO*

pie.Good reports were made of the workbeing dons at home by thc dub, .indenthusiastic ct minnnicatioiiM wert* readfrom members on thc road.A resolution was adopted inviting thc

members --f other Democratic rlubs toTjsit their room--. They keep open lu Bailami web-nine all visitors.This is u very live organisation, nnd

their grand rally the night pievions tothe last Presidential election wai* a splen¬did affair, which is vet remembered as

an epoch in politics in Kichmond.The occasion this year will in BO way

tie inferior to ll.at.rot.nir.-AL CHAT.

Chnirmnti Patteson, of tbe dty Demo-eratle committee, has - red thetb.- Motaii Academy for Thurn ty even¬ing, November 3*1. when Hon. John Ran¬dolph Tucker will speak under the gu-sj»i' es of the city committeeThe officers "f nil Hciiocratic clubs

In this city and the chairman, secretarynnd treasurer of tbs city Democraticcommittee will meet for reference inthe cbanceiy court-rooia at s o'clockthis evening._

l)«.ath ofMn. Hatasal.Mrs. Mary H. Menari, th* wife of

Rev. raul L. Mendel, pastor of St.John's German Kvangellcal church, diedyesterday nt l:-'7 P. M. Mr*-. Mcuzel,nee Rasmussen, was born on Moy 5,1865, at Kudkjoeping, Langeland, Den-mark, and came over to tins country in1X74. on March 30, 1875. she marriedKev. Paul L Mensel at. Buffalo, N. V.The couple BOOIl after removed d' l"iville. N. V.. where they lived until No¬vember, 188(1. From there th.y removedto Albany. N. Y.. where they remaineduntil February. ISM'-, and sin... then theyhave been residents of this city.Mrs. Men/el lea\ea ten children, from

Seventeen years to one week old. Tin*funeral will take place to-morrow atL,:.",i> P. M. from late residence of the de-cerise], 208 east Marshall street. Her*Vice* will be held st I' IV M. at St.John's German Kv angelita church, Rev,Fd. Ilnb-'r. of Baltimore, Md., officiating.The interment will be ni Hollywood.


Mr. m... Mri. Drew.Another delightful performance of

"That (Jill From Mexico waa giren Blthe afaaart last night by Mr. ard Mrs.Sidney Drew and their sxcellenl com¬

pany to il well-rilled bouse. The play isan enjoyable, high-class comedy. Therewill be a matinee thia niternoon and aperformance tonight, which ".'ll con¬clude tl..* engagement of on.* of the bestab'iwK thal luis been presented to tbeHi ond theatre-goers for n long time.The sale of seats for the Soudan cont-

mences al tht* b-.x office at the Mozartthis morning at 9 ...lock.


The Color l.lu* * Cause of I i.nilder«lilaPlseaasfoa.

Minneapolis, N"fii*fi.. Oct. 14. Al lin*niorning session of CongTt-gstional Coun¬cil it wsa agreed thal ths next meetingshould bs held "u the Padflc coasl ata point io be decided upon by tbe pro¬visional committee. The committee onnominations reported tbe following pro¬visional conn! it tee for the next three..ears, and the Council indorsed the reso¬lution: II. S. 15. Capen, (1. ll. WII. A. Hav. n. Anbin- little, W. ll.Moore, s. D. Forbes, A. II. Quint, J.G Menin. H. a. Hill, J. F. Sturtc-vaal and M. \Y. Montgomery. Tb- .picstion ot disputed .uses from Alabamaaraa ln*oas*hl np. snd it was decidedthat thc matter should be laid a-iib- letii-

}»orarily. Further report was maderom the committee on credentials, airdths rbairman rend ths full report, -hov.lng the full Blimber of delegates present.The committee on credentials had tan.lea report on thc Alabama case, ibo aub-ajtaacs being thal tb.* reports ol tbs Ala-baum As.s, elation, oomposed of whites,should not ls* admitted. Tin- regular ns-BscJBtina, which bas bean Ib existence forssvsatasn years, is comp, sed of coloredpeople. Bad is represented in tbe connellas in former council-. Then- was a

protracted discussion. The whole mat¬ter hinged on tht color line. The colored people claim that the whites willnot join them in their church work, nndthe white people claim they are followingthe precedent-, of the Wore-ter Conven-tioti of three years ago m thc Georgiacase. The discussion was intense, but"With no outspoken words of bitternessIt was finally referred to fl committee olfive to make a report later in the meet¬ing.



Delighted Boean** Jdr. Riatne Bill] Romain §

a lt.*)>-«blu-anWhite Plains, N. Y.. Oct 14. Tho five

ijtatingtilahad isotlsm ia, whom Mr..Whitelaw Keid invited to Ophir latin- tomeet Mr. I'd,inc ut dinner last night, leftfor Sew York on tbs *-*:17 o'clock wainthis morning. They wen- General damesS. clarkson. Cornelius N. Ituss, Joaephil. Manley, Thomas H. Carter and LewisIn. McCoia,,-*. All were jubilant ovsrthe result of the conference with Mr.blaine last svsnlng. Whether Mr.l.lniiie will take thc platform or not.they felt thut his active Interest in thscampaign and bia counsels will be oltreat advantage t>. tbs Kepublican cause.Mr. Blaine, b.v bis earasstnsse lasllng, convinced bis bearers thal in* wasnever mora loyal ta thc lc publican causethan at present and be placed hiuisellat the tlinjiDSiil of tbs coliriniUc

ll i* srrid BS will from time to time ontb. everything for the Itepublican na*tional ticket that bis physical conditionWill permit. lt is not vd decidedwhether he win appear on tho platformor not lie is peri .< tly willing to .!.> s...and the Itepublican lenders arc nn\iou*-.to Lave hiui.

Mr«. ll-.ri linn tlrowtnic W«ak*r*Washington, Oct. 14. I>r. Gardner ofI il to -1 Harrison lo-uight

rc j.iib!, weakci than duringth.- day. Her sleep la longer and morabea*.*-, and on each awakening «b.* is.nplctclv < ibrir-.sici. Tba |>., i naid,however, tbal BO particular change could

tai in her condition.

Children Cry for Pitcher's CastorinC


He Trias Bia after.l.laaer M-tnMl».**.*I'poa a Few of Ileld's IValahhora.While Plain-.. Ott, ll Jainea G.

Blaine has spoken, the magnetic nu

Mattie bas thrown the weight of his ut¬terance, into Ihe campiiigii; be has

..I thc claim thal bc wee disgruntledbi earnestly and atti) murd <*f bltime vigor proo._d_a.ng the Republican

und ad%u. sting thc election ofHarrison and livid ticket. Mis

speech was delivered under Unique < ir*cuinst-U.ce. Th.-iv were no cut niel driedarrangements, no public ball, no set p.o-gramme, but when Informed at B o'clock

kfternoon that rtssolents oi WhitePlains a'.i ihe surrooading villages in-tended serenading bim si ophir Farm,the reeid' ace ol *.\ bitelaw 1 i-i *. ti,isevening, de cx-flccretary tamed to hish/.st nnd said: "Then 1 will Speak lo

them." .

"That is good," replied Mr. Reid."Yes." said Mr Blain.', "ami ask

Cha incey to speak rt!-.."And so it was arranged. Mr. B

had received s number of callers duringtin* day, and the soi! air of an Indiansummer day had braced him op wo_r-dertully.Mr. Reid invited rather n formidable

gall.-.ring io dine with Mr. Blaine, bul itI congenial party and h very pleas¬

ant oik*. There were present: Chaun¬cey Depew, Charles W. Hackett, chair¬man ol lie Republican Stat.' active com¬mittee; William Brookfield, chairman <>fthe .New York county committee; Sn-

Committeemen Garrett A. Hobartof \< u Jersey, K. C. Kerens <>f Mis¬souri and W. A. Hahn of Ohio; W. II.Robertson, ex-collector of the port ofSea York; Solomon ILrsh, ex-Miniaterto Turkey; Patrick Egaa, Minister io

Chili.These gentlemen came from Nev York

513 P. M. train, and were met bjMr. Reid's carriage and driven to Ophir

While they were dining word wasout nm month to mouth

-.' Mr. Reid'* nc ghbora that Mr.Blaine was to lu- given a welcome byitizens of W< it Chi -lt county.White Plains thu news weal by telephoneto i\,t t'oli. and even to Rye, mc!.!

awn.. Thc result Mas remarkable.At . o'clock buggies tr-egan to arrive siophir Kano from all directions. Thencame carriages, family carry-alls andomnibuses loaded with people. Tbewhole country seemed to be ronsed. Itm-.is lil;,, an English hustings. Tbe psln-tjr 1 residence .,;' the Republican candi-date for Vice President was soon sur¬rounded by people. .Many huhes were

nt, aud the men represented ereryof life, from the retired merchant

lo ile- fanner or town blacksmith. Thel,r,,n 1 porch sras soon filled with ladiessnd tlnit escorts, while Ibe men stoodii ur..ups on the Inwn. At ll -'clock Mr..¦ind Mra. Kohl and their guests appearedin the parlors, the shades wen- drawn npnnd thc puny were plainly seen throughlin- plate fln-.s win,At this moment n bras-; band, follow."1

by i torchlight procession, march...1 upthe driveway from the south, ll ms*thc colored Republican Clnb, of White

They were followed by thePortcbester Kepublican Club, ;.'so ledbv s band carrying torches. Tbe twobodies of men ranged up in line in frontof the entrance to the Reid mansion.The big folding doors were then thrownopen, and Mr. Reid nnd his guests sppealed. They Mer loildlj cllC'ied.Mr. Blaine then m.-nie ¦ lengthy speech,

whidi was enthusiasticell. received.DEDil AlfiH) SPEECH.

Meaars. Brackinrl-lae nnd Daniel Decline to

Deliver lt.

Chicago, Til**.. Oct 14..Henry Wat¬terson, of Kentucky, has been asked tomake tbe dedicatory' **peec_ al theWorld's Fair grounds, iu pla.-.* of Con¬gressman Breckinridge. Piesident Thoa.Palmer, of Ibe national commirsion, tele¬graphed to Mr. Watterson this morningnabing him to take this place ol honorupon ''ie programme When Mr. Breiinridge resigned on account ,,t criticismsol thc Chicago papen, an stten.pt was

made to get Senator John W. Danu!,oi Virginia, to take bis pince SenntorDaniel has telegraphed his refusal, andnow the honor once more goe*i tsthis time lo the door of the noted Dieratic editor. If be refuses, it ls proba¬ble that that the number will be sfloweda. lapse a the programme is over fourhens long, jud ian l»enr considerableah' cnn-.' ss it hun t injury.

Bealasas Kuiiorea,New York. Od 14.- The business fail¬

ures .luring (lie last seen (h..vs ar,-: I'¦¦;.thc Knited Statis. 1-Ji; Canada, -.''i: a

total of 215, a- compared with 220 lust.208 the week \ levien- to the last

ami 260 for the corresponding week oflast year.


Kortn.ii Catholics I-icln~»'l.Detroit, Mich.. Oct. 11. After a wann

debate the Board of Rdneatlon has passed a resolution which practically ,'i-

cludes sll Roman Catholics from actingas t fnchers ai ths public schools of thiscity.

A Ure Convict Wurili SI O.000.A Jackson (Mich.) dispatch lo ihe Chi¬

cago Tribune says: A State prison!lOO,COO is a ,,ttle out "f

ihe ordinary, Yet such is CharlesWright, No 4780, life man st thsMichigan State penitentiary.Wright is a lira- looking man of thirty

lb- cain..- to the prison from Hen¬rie eounty, Northc a Michigan, a littleless than three y.urs ugo. He ams one

.,t il, most prosperous business men inpail of Ila- Slate, having made a for¬

tune in the lumber business. He and hisbrother, as partners, operated extensivemilla. Kan- m ls,xi two ofi-cers'Vf thelaw proceeded to attach certain logs ina.rih-i- to compel the company t,. p ¦>.taxes. Wright requeeted them to at¬tach s neighboring pile of lumber ratherthan the Ioks. na attaching the logs wouldclose down the milla and result disas¬trously, ihey not acquiescing h.- madethe request lake the form of a demand,und said he w,ii ld shoot tln-m if theypersisted in serving process on tbe logs.They came back in the evening and at¬tached th- logs, feeling tbat this was thionly way thc firm Could bc brought lotillie."You remember what I told yoi," were

Wright's words, uttered in tbe coolest.manner,"To blssea with you," was the only re¬

sponse, .md Wright, drawinj s six-aboot-er hi: bad ju-t purchased, -.bot one mauih-a.I, then tin* other.

Ai the prison Wright's conduct ia «-x-

eellelll. Iii* (..._, Ole- ,,f tl,e |srga*T SI 11 Ilighter kind, lins -in oil stove in it. Hedoe* mom of his own cn .king and in-w.alth enables him to have many ale-lieacies. ll lie wart- cit ra tobacco hehas no irouble abo it getting it. Ileprobablv lives better than many mei

enjoy liberty. Iii- cell is finely furn¬ished. H.s Peal is a comfaitaMe one

Th,,-,, are paintings on the wails andrug* upon tiie bard floorWright now has fun rtiarg* ..f the big

Webster wagon contract. Hs i- sa ex¬

port lumber buyer, and his nurrhnafSJ nfluinlaer are so shrewd thal DS saves hisemployers a great deal of money,Hs legal expenses have I.,1 |20,000

so far, and his attorneys have ju-t <b-Cided to take the (BUM t0 ths 1'liitedStates Supreme < ourt.

T. Da vi- [Evana, I. .. proprietor ofKyi -hi,urn's live eveulug journal. TheAilvince. is lo the city ¦ mute homefi tan n trip to New York ind Boston.In tbe latter .-itv be ettatt-ded as a .1 le¬gate the Convention of the Brotherhoodof Si. Andrew, and is stopping over inRiebin.! to visit friends snd attend titraExposition. Mrs. Evan, accompaniesbim.

Two Much of h Muk.It is not unuMinl for chu contracted in

the fall io bang _aj nil winter. In such.rises cat..irih ur '-bionic bronchitis areslmnal -ure to result. A Hfir cool bot¬tle of (!ba__berlaia's Cough lt<*iiie.lv - iiieura- any edd. Can y.,u afford to riskso inch for as sinai, an amount J Thisremedy is Intended especially for badchi- and croup, und chu always bs dsp-vnhal uyou. For sile by Owens &.Minor Dna Co., 1007 east Mam street.


It-it Vf-Mfc Will B** * «.rand l"«Ca-»nt ta

Btnnr ot tho On* Hnndr«<ltri Ulnh-

dar ot tiie capitts! City.

Kn leigh. \. C.. Oct 14.-Kpecinl.-Baleifh is banoaa1i| in-.re *ray atul *Baa>

Kcnir. every boor in anticipation of the

great centennial week which will opennext Tuesday with the most wgalUcsatpageant evst aeen la tha State in honor

of the on<* hun.Ire.Ith birthday of tin-

capital .-itv. Almost c\ery basiaesshons.- and private lasidsacs in the .-itv

i* being decorated t.*-day iu red amioriole, tha centennial colors.The Haleigh aral (i.-ist-.n railroad hus

just complsted Ita centennial contribu¬tion, which will be a couaterpsil "f"Th.- t. rnsdo,' the Hrst lot omotive whichover ciiine to this i-itv. Il will appear inthe parade, and will hr attended hy ti

t.nder and hos .ar, the whole makingr miniature train about iifty fl el iulength, ill busineas houses have agreedto close on Tuesday, tbs centennial day,and there will be a general holiday.Yesterday was ths Anniversary ..f the

foundation of tbs State University, andii waa celebrated with appropriate ex-

dses rr' that Institution. An si

araa delivered bj Profsssor Alexander., arlotte, gad at uighi a

reception wis !.. 1 at ibo residence ofPresident George T. Winston.Complaint was made hers to-day bs-

cause the waiting-room for white ladiesnev,- Uhion depot i- overrun "arith

negroes. There ls u separate waiting-r'Hiiii for the colored people equal in

rr aud stjnipmei I I thal pnf.»r whit.* peopl *. but ths negroes per-sistcntly go Into ths apartment for tbswhites, fte matter was to-duy calledto the attention of the miners.

A ::ur Willi rocket* nf lint Witur.

Asheville. N. C., Oct. 14. Special.-Yesterdai norning two colored washer¬women, "livia-* on B&gie -ti.-et, got intoan altercation over some trivial matter,and threw buckets of hot water on eacqother. Tbs argument was painfullyhealed for a while, but did not last Iq ig,Both were prettj badlj scalded, ami thsrecorder administered sedstiveaMr. T. L. (Jordon and Miss Lillian

Farrar, both ni this place, were marriedby Rev, McNeeiv DuBoas iii Trinity(Episcopal church yest, iday afternoon.lt was ii very pretty wedding, and afterthe cen,.i.'ny the bride and groom l.-fton ii bridal tour North.Tlc "World's Fair,' in behalf of the

Mis-.on Hospital, began yesterday afternoon. Th.* iiiiile folks inaugurated thefair arith Mother Goose's Melodies, nndtheir performance was enjoyed by a

large attendance of Asheville's elite.Thc interim] revenue collections for

this district yesterday amounted to ""¦.'",-070.58.There ii an Asheville II"*-.* Company,

No. 2, now, am! it was organized lastnight. Hose Company No. 1 was en¬

tirely too large for all the men to be ac¬

tually engaged, even when needed, andhence a good many of the old memberswithdrew ;iiid joined the nsw company.With tin* new arrangement, it is nowthought every mail cati do effective ser¬

vice at tires at tbs same time withoutgetting in ea.li other's way. Thc com¬

pany meets (o-ni**hl to elect officers.Petitions nie being circulated for signa¬

tures, nakina, th.* IL.md of Aldermen to

pave Patton avenue before the Ladweather sets ia.Mis. Vf. II. Malone died day before

yesterday.T. tl. Merriman .ind ,loli:i W. Starncf

Spoke to-night in tbs Newton Academybuilding, mar Killmore, and a largscrowd of workingmen were present.

1'p to yesterday noon the registrationbooks iii the different precincts of tin-city showed about 300 new names. Thereis no mw registration this year, ain!these BgurM simply indicate Asheville'.*.additional rote by reason of new arrivals, both in tin- city and at the age BJ*twenty-one, sin.-.- the Inst election.

Dltalpatbili I.«.->.!¦ to OmteOA*.Charlotte, N. c.. Oct 14. Special.

Vf. I!. .1. Irvin*.', formerly superintendentot ihe Charlotte c.,non Mil., committedsui. ide at lao*.di. several miles fromhere, ibis morning. He had been iliasiontil ,;, ;ind. it was sup-ioscd, killed

f in .*. tit of desperation, a- he hadbeau "ut of employment several weeks.A dreadful aeddenl t**ccurred nt ihe

brick J ard ot ||... < 'har!..tte Brick andTile Company this morning. The boil r

exploded, killing William Hiinpicut, a

young white man, instantly and iiothers. Ilunnicul wa** standing by thethrottle of ihe engine when ir expHi- body was blown un in the air T.'ifeet, and landed ."iU yards away. Nearlyevery bone iu Ids body was broken.

«.f boiler aud timber were bl. wa200 .Mini-, away.

Th.* Hep illili, ans of this section arc ,"fwar among themselves, ibu- factionlilies :i county ticket; Ihe other opp,,.,..it si roi ih. in order lo fuse with iheThird party. The funner crowdtomorrow to put out a straight Republi¬can ticket.Cania are out snnonndng to-diy the

marriage of Miss Luis,. Wilson, ofMor-gantou, and I> K. L. Gibbon, of thiscity. Tl.sremoi >¦ takes place on the20th Instant. Miss Wilson is a daugh¬ter of Major Wilson, chairman of thcrailroad commissioner*-,. Both pinion ttlthis contract ar.- prominent in uncialcircles.

Th» rvo]u* nu ol thc Trotter.There has b.en much discussion of

recent years as to low fast the trottinghor<e would ultimately travel. As thetrotter is distinctively an Americanhoi's,., these <ii-r* issi,,ns have beengreat interest in ibis country. To kn ..

a second! od th.- time iii wlii.-h FloraTemple traveled n mils in 1850 requiredthirl r years, anti when the distance wagfinally covered iii less than iw.. minutesand ten second-, there wets very manyWho believed that tho limd of the tl ot¬ter's speed had Leen rent bsd. Then waiInvented what is known as the kite-shaped I rack, and over such coursesseveral lories trotted in [ess than th.*time mentioned. Th- se kite-shapedtracks wen- thought not to afford a lairbai -> foi* comparison, for on them therewns ifuly one curve arid two Inp.;*,straight stretches, inst nd of the twocurves,in old fashion*'! oval tra> ks. Own¬ers whoSS horses had made tln-ir proud re¬cords on ihe oval tracka said thai theywei,, no! in the least disturbed over thcnew kii'-shaped records, and, accordingto tl... New York Herald. Mr. Ko!...rtBonner, tha ownei of those fan. mis

marcs, Sunol nnd Maud S., offered a

year ago to give *.">.<*>'> to th" driver ofany ''ur*.' that within two years trotteda a ne in two minutes aud five Ascendsover an oval track

Sun-., then Nancy Hanks, a Kentucky-br.-d iiiare, nix years obi last spring,and ti..- property of Mr. Malcolm jForbes, of Huston, hns been blocking asecond or so ..ff the record pretty nearlywhenever shs appeared, ami bIm reducedber tim.* whether she was med over ovalor kile sh.ip. d tra .*. To h.*r the shapeappeared to make verv little difference.This season NaB-Cf Hanks has I.udriven t<> a sulky with pneumatic tiresto tho wheels, nnd known as s bicyclesiilkj. Those who though* that the tty,cord a**aght to have stopp.*<1 at two min¬utes and ten Bl coads no*- accounted forthe f-n I that she Went in 2:01), til."!'io 2:i >7 ll, Min! then in 2*06 1-4 to thefact thal a bicycle nulky waa mci. amitbat in some mystsrioua wu these air- '

cushioned tires pushed the horse alon*,'and accelerated th.* trotter'*- speed. Thisi- k.- th.* contention that n man couldlift hii.is.-lf hy his boot straps.Hut ci ber iniiji-tur. s xv, rc mn*li> hr

inathein.iii- iiin*.. and hns**d upon carefulcalculations and analysis of tbe re-**s***dasince IM.",, when the fastest tim.- wastwo minutes und thirty sssasjda TheseKeith men by constructim: n le-ranthinicurve estimated that 2.07 should bc ihe

Highest of all in Leavening Power..Latest U. S. Gov't Report


record in this ve.ir. and that *_'.i-l si,..uldbe the recrd in 1000. At thu ti I

Xtncy Hanks Ind j-. *-t fons a mile in__r ;< »T ll, nnd Ha-, therefore, -nie quarterof a second slower than tin" best trotterought io bnVS beeu. Hut sim.- then thiawonderful mara bas gone a mileoval track tit Terre Han'", in Indiana,in two minutes timi four seconds, and. ac-

cording to tbs calculations of tim n

maUciana, is eight years ahead ol Inttim".Tin-e calculatiors, predictions sod con-

jectures. whether tiny come from profee-s,,rs occupying .*h.ii:**s in seats of learningor from practical horsemen, seem to h.i like i'd,-. rlhe truth seems to !-' thatwhen tbe best horses fal) imo the proper! iuds ih.y are likely to improve, other-

:,ot. If thc breeders ot t;lil ur- to ktu>w how to trainand drive these fleetsters. the rate of -|.d is likely to bcsteadily reduced, until the trotter will bequite as fast as the rnnrn r. Fut whenibis will be m. man can say. though thereis surely m< h.. rm in gui -ing. lt is tohe hop,,! that General Tr.oy. Secretary,,f t!ie \i.\y. and Mr. Kel crt Bonner,both of whoa have been liberal contrib¬utors to this ,!i-. uasioi . aril] live to ><¦<.

the few rs icconds knocked offthe record, timi some youngster fromKen) icky, California or Ni W York dotie* distance in an even two minutes.Nancy I Li,,I.s. in h.-r recent trial, didthc third quarter of her mile at a betterthan a two-initiute ri t.-. The mathemati¬cal caleulati pn <:i.-t that ihe trotterwill go a i,iii-- iii 1. bl in the year 'Jl Iii.Thia is int. roting, but too lon-; to wait.Harper's \\ el bjPr. BcbarHnfurth, In n paper recently

communicated to the Qermaa Antin-,.poi. _

leal Society, relates tin- Heston Transcript,deals arith tb" frigin of the i:,o ipeaplants at present being cultivated in

Out of the total BUttbSr only Shonl fifty¦pecies have bees proved to date back t,,

pi-,- Christian times Tba bulk have beImported from foreign countries wltli .»

r-gpl maintained /-commercial relations.Anion;* tim most recent introductions of thiskimi an- tbe COttCB plant rind our Europeanvegetables; munni- tbe earliest were theMcred penes (aftnaseps schimperii ami tbs¦yi .iniore. arhoss native home is SouthernArabia or the Incense ci uni ry. knoa-ro to theancient Egyptian, a. runt. To th.* Mmera _:;,>n Egypt appears to be indebted for thecommon Hg, tim rat*ob-trae and the aloe.vVbeat, barley nml spelt were Introducadfn tn Babylonia; heiinri, the Asiatic lotus(Neiimiiiium speclbsnm), which supeisededS native species, ths pomegranate, peach,apricot and .jnlnce came from Persia, whilstIndia furnished rice, dui rim, the sugar cane,sesamnm, Indigo, tba hanan* and lemon.Many of these plants only reached EgyptIndirectly, and In Or. Schwelnfurtb's opin¬ion many of then BS, for Instance, lice,durrba, n-s-ininni and Vij-na atne.ale.-areIndigenous to tropical Africa.

A (Ireat netta re.

Art Stipnlemf-nt next Sunday with TheTimes. Reproduction in twelve colors"I the famous painting by Edouard De¬tail!. * entitled "The Defense of Oiam-

figny." Every subscriber gets one free.lou I miss thc opportunity.

Ita Hmm anti I:-.;ie».>r.

Be sure to register in th* mammothbook made by Sam. W. Howman, man-

ufactiiriiig stationer, Norfolk, Va. Thisis The Times' official register, lt is atmain itrance to thc Exposition buildinjr,nnd ile- names of visitors mitered thereonure published daily in ibis paper.

Irn-iortaat lo Kleahv People.Wa lm i noticed a page article ia the

Globe on reducing weight at a very smallexpense. It will pay our readers to senda tv, cent stsnip for a copy to Cook Lircu-lnting Library. 36 asst Washington itraat,Chicago, ill.

Whea Baby was sick, wa gave sar OSstorls,4v_«n she waa a Child, ihe cried for Caatorta.

tVhen ah© becsme Misa, she clung to Ca*tor__.

rThen aba had Cbildrea, ate gave them __Sb_S__I

If out of order use Ileecham's Pills.

if rori, rack Acnes.Or yon are all worn out, rei'! v good for notn-

Ing. lt is general debil tv. J v

EEOWirS IltoS lilTTVIlt.It will curs you, cleanse ymir liver, and give

a good apr-ctlte.

in ii Ha.ItsOWIdBa..THad, Oetober 18, HW, at tho

residence of hi< fatln-r. rn Henri,-o countv,I,UH.ali. BOWLES, in the twenty-secondyear of his ace

CBOWI Died. I eta er I. !*¦"..-. HABBYGOULD-CAN CROWE in t..e taenty.sixtbyenr of his age.

iiuer-l from his. late home THU C-atur-dayi HORSING at ll oC eekMLN/LI..-Died, Ins:. Oetober nth. at

M . Mrs. MAU1! v.. MLN/I.i . |wife of Hev Lani L Kensal, pastor of EllJohn n fieruian Evangelical i.

I nnenl on BUND-iY, October i-ith stP. M (rou the re-i'.euee i '. ea-u Mir-h*,!irreet, and at I' UL from st -H.lin - I o-Tinanvangencal ohurch. lneruiaui at

wood. HtHNEAD.-Oit-d. at the rad,lenee of ber aunt,

Mrs. Rebecca I'errin. in Hanover countn.aday, Octol Misa MARY ll. SNEAD.

WSATH.BR porkoast.-1 Washixotov, !>. C. Oct IA.Pur

Tirgia a: I air; *onlh winds; warmer'**-.- In WSStOrn mir;;,m.

I For Korti! aro!ina, 8 inth t'arolin.i- en 1 Georgia: r*air; asst lo .-oath


TiANliK Ol THI TIIKKMOMKTBR.Bange of rhe thermometer at Tua Tpiss

ofbie ia.ter lav. iictai.. r. l-l, WW:V A. .M., '. I. M.. ,... 1'. H.,*, ft P. M.. TO;

9 P. M.,6i; mnlni-'lit. S. Avsrsgs.aftS.Bl AKIM. Uti IA.,...,.. ,i r.


BanriMi. r> -1 -loon rises.,IrM A. M.Uunaew.r> .: Lav _ lang tn..: tn Um.

hioii tidc.Morning. 1- -.:E.euiug. 1:1]


ftrhooners John BL I rscham, ' realer ridgifford pig iron, J.?*». (lordon. ss nt

A Larker: Jenni L. Mu,liams. AL ana. railroad tie., fesesi < urti ,.

Parker: .'ennte lum. 1 cr-mndaHundreds to im..h loa-ling luair..r lo.New York. *»e..a-l (. urti* .. larker.


Rteatoahin Baltimore. Pennett. Baltimore,pasaeuge.a an 1 BBB gs] cargo.


f-leami-hio Rapimore. 1'altitnore, paaaengertan 1 general cargo.

LAMUF.HTS P01HT, O.t. tl.'.89.,a OAl ID.

Pte-ni-ihiiiB Acadian. Quebei*. Onebee:iron.--. ilal-restan, E-rent-sa; Calliope, und.Fhia. Wilmlngtoe

__S__re___.Barge Lo rsi ea; Mhoooar Estello Phinnsy.

a - >.

K'eani*dil'* *>aarllan, Oeahae, Lar_a < ort'oa,llo-uk.u: icboou.r E.tulle Phiuney, -lotion.

!<?> Sur-n itti.t Ragi-aSer,B to register lu tbs mammoth

bj Sam. ','*,. Bowman..¦. pr, Norfolk, Vn. i'lii*

is TL i register, lt is ata..ii:, entrance to the Rxitositlon b ribltng,and the nan..-- of visitors entered thereat,

inblisbetl daily in this pap r

Tue shortest sud quickest route to theExpoM.t-ion is ".'» 'lain-street electric -»«rs totun Main-street car sheila, corner Mam sndVine atassta From iiere it is only a shortdistanos to tho troni eutrauuo of ths Expo.aition. ________________


tr- TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPALCHUUCH icornsr Broad sad Iwentiethstreets), Rev. ;' \ ir. Preaob-in»" atti ilock V. If. and loco P 1. :>ytits nestor. 1V1 Inssdsy **icht -ii-rvic* - I

Bondsjr.schooJ st :'::;. A. ll. tordislInvitation to ».;. t-*eau free.

¦WUNTON^TATION METHODISTFl' BCOPALl Ul Hell coner Twenty-fourthm.* N Itrsstl lo.v. tis iBOB H. Rat, rantor.

tnornina class st 9o'clsek. Frenchingat il i. M. aal S P. M. W-*o_*asdsr-nightBsrvicasst "rifto'clock, foons vien* prsrsr-meeting Ihtirsday night st 7:43 o'siook ti

iwi, A 17 REL. 8 !' It B BT METHOD! s PCHURCH..Praaohing at ll A. M. anl 8 I'.M the psi '.Rsv. Vf. E. Judkiss, P. IX.Lectnre and prayer masting Weduenday atsP. M. Seats Hoi.


CS-ft HO A D-ST Ii E E C MRTHOMSTCHURCH (corner Broad sn 1 Tenth streets .

Bev. W. \ I. I...... 11. li., pastor, -Sarvicsa aninda** school9:80A. M. Preaching

a> lt A. IL an I H I'. »I b.I Snb-in sud Jo r, * sptist Wsd>

sreninaa *i:i5oc.o<*k. i ia-.i meetingIhnrsday evening at s:l& Btrsagsra re-gpectli;.!/ invited to attend ad the.se services.

i'l.vi' M. E. t'HUBOH (wenFran.lin reel . li iv. .'. Whey BU-cosos, IXn., oastor. -I'lasahing al ll a. _L and »: is P.M. by the pastor._

ISHINOTON -T-IEI'T METHODISTll lc ll arv and tv Babington streets).ss H BaaaxTr. ia-tor Preachina

to-morrow at li A. ">' and s I'. M. by thepastor. t.eviv&l services morning and night.BTPIB8X BAPTIST CHURCH (eorner

Twelfth and liroad streets,.Rev GbobosCoonta, I) D., Dsitor. Preaching st llA. 31 snd t: 15 P. ktr***-Fon.TH-STREET BAPTIST CHURCH,

Rev. H.P. Williams, 1'BRtor.Prsschiag st tlA. M. ands P. M. Munday achoo! at 9:15 A. IL

rs-r,RoVF.AVRNl'E BAPTIST CHURCH.Ker. J. C. Hiokn. D. D., pastor.-PreechmgSunday hy the -.astor at il A. M and SJ'. >(..and Wednesday evening at8o'olock. Ail seatsfree and public invited.nrPINE-STREET BAPTIBT CHURCH

(corner Pinn and Albemarle streets', I'.ev Ih. Hutbon. pator..Preaching Snnday at il A.M. and I P. M. hy the i*a>.Uir. Sunday-schoolat 9 A. M. Prayer-meeting Wednevi a: night,S o'clock. Young people's meeting Frilaynight,«o'clock.


ta-LEICrll-STRFF.T BAPTIST CHURCH(corner Twenty-i'th and Leigh stre,-.PrsschlngonBaudsy at ii A. it. and at sP.M. by the castor, Kev W. L. Waioar. Simdav-school a* 9:1.1 _ M. Prayer-meet ngWednesday night at s o'clock. Usn s praver-meetiug Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. All wel¬come.



ra*-BARTOS H'"ICtHTS BAPTISTCHU Ht'K-Hot. R. H. Pi rr. D. D.. t.astor-Sunday ?choo!at "I A. M. Preaching at ll A. M. and n P. ii.Ali are cordially invited.

ta*-M(»Ni:Mr:STAI. CHURCH. Bsv. Joh*- KNbwto.v. rector..Services every Munday at 6P. M. Sunday school at KrriO A. M. Wel¬come to all._ ts

WORACE EPISCOPAL C IU* R C H.-Divine serTices Sunday morning at ll o clock,conducted hr Kev. M. T. TUBSSB. Eveningprayer at 8: li P. M._la-WEST-KND EPISCOPAL IflSSIOM cor¬

ner of Main and Lomi>ardy streets Sunday-school a' t P. M. Services and sermon at 5. H.M. and Thursday st 8 P M. Welcome to all.

nVALL SAINTS' P. E. CHURCH (Madisonneari.raoe. Kev. J. YT Dowkm.as. rector.-Services at ll A- M. sad 5:30 P. M. Bundarschool at 9:30 A. M. ts

tar-MOO RE MEMORIAL PROTESTANTEPISCOPAL CHURCH d.anrsl street oppo¬site the Parki.-Services st ll .15.A- M. sn i tiP.M. Snnday school at 9:» A. M. All wbocome aro welcome and seats furnished them.

tWHI. JOHN'S PROTESTANT EPISCOPALCHURCH (Broad street, corner Twenty-filth -Rev. Lawn W.BtTBTOB, rector: Kev. C.it. Kcyk, assistant..Sunday services at St.John s and at Weddell-Memorial chapel (Den-

.-t Fulton," at ll A. M. and 8 P. IL Acordial invitation and welcome for ali. ts

rs*-CHI 'RCH Of THE COVENANT (Parkavenue aid Harrison street*. Rev. J. Calvi*Btbwsbt, pastor -Prsacbing at ll o'clock A.M and I 1'. M. bv the pastor. Lecture on

. 'a. at s P M. Sabbath school meets». toolooa, beats free aad a cordial wel¬come to all.EaaaanSL CasrcL (Washington and Kev-

#rly streets .Hervic**s each Friday night at8 ocock by Rev. J. i Stbwabt. Sabbathschool at r.', A H.


n*TFI RST FVOI.isl! I.FTHERANCHURCH(Seventh aad tirace streets1.-I'.kv. J. C. Bsa.bbbs.pastor..Sunday service* ii a. M. anduP. ,l ttanday-sehool at yr.-'i A. M. Praver-.meeting every W«dn**sday at 7:45 P. M. Pnbliocordially invited. ts

ts*-1 KIMIY LUTHERAN CHURCH (COR-NER i wsnty-ninth and streets Hov. Hk.nutN. I'l m. i>astor..Sunday services aili A.M. and ', .Mri P. M. Sunday-school at «'30 A. M.

ta-FN" IN 008PEL MI-SION.-(CornerSeven'h and Main streetsV M*e*.in_s on Sun¬day afternoon at : o cloc.i a:.d - at nitfht Alioeverv ti gb', all through the week Meetingseonanctsd bv Mrs lt. Vi. <'. <.t. vkr andothers. A general niTitation to everybody.nrEYANOlLICAL M S IOU CHURCH

near Broad Rnoola Lil l*reachinit

\. M. Prayer. 11 i .

iiJJjr invited ;o attend thesa

eats tr**.

christian¦;(. Rev.Jabe/ Ham, pastor -Preach..A air si - I". H. Kundav

at '':: A. M. i » r-nifc<nifht at s o clock. '. U .rited.

tr-; \'.CI!l Fi I' real Fiosd

» at li v.M an pres"lb. Jnogiasnt and Ilitila*

W.riHt dav night at . o'clook. Ail ar*

dial! .¦

tM~M ",::-.'¦ U '

.. OHEI'tlbingat i A. M.. and-P M .

br tha ia tv. Uv. A. lt dook g. Bundaj**. Fray, rim o'.iug SI

dsi nifhl si

tBrnnjrf pm -AN c\{V, .-. u. i'. Kr.iirt. reachiag a IA. IL aadtlV htIsraECOKDPR W CHUB

ah at ll .. >F and 4V tl. las h mr..f sf*srtK*-ta ti«rvfr»aai - tal linn) t*"BTTHIRD PtttaSRYTER VN CHURCH.

, .a ! street*. .

Rev. -1 'or do, mug serviosat ii i) dook. l.v. bibi service at I ..clock

r*r\, RA Cl sm; k g I' I'KKsl VTF.RI VNrt her J .*sns . ^Aia, Dsttar. s*r-

k M. ami a V M.Preaching bs ihe i»aat<>r Miudav-sch'."! at

j] Wsdaasday uu'ht survices at so'clock.

tv-,*, ESTKIESTBB PBESBY1 ERIANCHL'RCH eornsr Syrauiore am Carvstreets .-Preaih.ugat i 0 clock Sun lay after-n,,ju i,. Baw. It P. K*-"" Bsrviosa mvmrr

a' 8:16 >> clock. 8*b ath-scb'jol Via)A. M. Ail weiconie.

IS-.'FFVCrilNO KY IIIC.HLAND PARKHail at ll A. M. b) :h'> tailor. Rev. J. .N.LvraaMi sleo rrsaebiag at .! I: M > Rev. i;K. SLtuu. v.U.

AMI'S*;*-!* "tr***.**-^.."4 S'sj* /s-y


Open from Oct. 6th Until Oct. 26th,EXTRAORDINARY ATTJIACTI.BJB

DAY AND NIGHT.On October mh, 17th IBth, I at. I th ant

Min corriinoricing at -vis each evenin-: » lbe given Iain« t* Undid lli.torical au.Pjrrotaebaic tlhow.

"PARIS FROM EMPIRE TO COMMUNE.1Over three hundred people rake part iaeach performance, givm_- a thrilling and

mo-- realistic te ro,luetion of one of themost terrible re.o.unons that haa ever oecurred in 'he Worlds biston*. At mr-,- -. ,daring *he performance new ano* lntere.tlujB_B_aaalr_as are introdu eil, including

r'ancy and Irick Bicycle Riding,Startling 'irapeze and Slack Wire lets,

Daring feats of Horsemanship.Fancy and Graco-Roman Wrestling,

Acrobatic Performances, Sc.Following tb-* de-traction of the .it* eom«i

a magill Leen: ii.pla.vof brewoms. thal IN*L-l .1 R -i E ! IN' HIE hOl'ill. Lsstiogaftsea or twenty niinutaa.One of the most striking featarsi of tali

""SUPERB AQUATIC FIREWORKin which the lake neem- one va-t daxzliagfotinrain of tire, tue whole e.h.' itlou ij1.j.i_-hy a shower of one thousand rocketi

Exposition Races.Oct .ber f'thto litb. ineluuve the rT''0BITIONRACE*-lwid -ak.- place i'_.. ,n.trio-, t ronuae one <<f tha mostturf i-vs-rita tbat bas ever tak.n i.toa-nthe South.


The Decomasappear on the large.t biovels on earthin :hs>ir nart'onnaiica luring th. nessin front of the gran 1 stand ->a h .

Horse Show,From October loth to p,rh ine'.usive

Poultry ExhibitOpens October 11th sn 1 rontiaisi nntlloctober I d lt ari 1 the largs.t andbest show ever given utider the ausuioe*of the .-society.

Cat Minstrels,one ot the fannies! and moir, entertain-ing shows ever given, free every _a> iathe Music Hall.

THE ST. BELMOS,Thri ling and sensations! trap»/e artist,give tree performance, daily in tbe tienaHali.


OCTCB-B 17th loSSd liclwlvs,The entre, i

the finest and nbaa tak, n place in iin¬

ji GRANDisch

Exciting RlCYi \ r -¦ than I .lat

the raw O,O ER

Bf a ra,


D li c


i ir.;,.*. and Manscer.


An-, tin- unn ¦ t ' omedy of rho tunas,

That irl Fro n Mexico!Preced.nl ..-act

ra HONlin. and Mrs. Da la b tb plays.

Illili bi¦ommencing uri; ¦: \ ¦.

" soe n-th.tr.sa




ISLAND PARK,SATURDAY. Octobeb 15. 189-*.

Game called at 3:30 P.M. Admii.; >n r<v|Ladies free.

MOZART ACADEMY OEM!Ed. Hamilton Cam ii. Le-see A Manner.




MONDAY. Or-roar-B VrSB.wednesday and saturday matinee.*.oe l t_St_NEWRKHMONDTIIKAllEBbabch 4 -JUTS.Managers!rOUB RIO-IT- AND WEDNESDAY >i -11

NEE. COMM-SNCINO i), tores irxs.






oe :.v't_I Bi'I j -

HOMAf DIXON. Ja.the famous Na w \ork preacher, inhisgrea''»l



TION HALI.I rn. at I GrOisOos P. M

D.r.N i 1 AIL TO BBAI HIMAdmihs *. .,4i ivar.:_-.

tb sa en.tu:



un or a!«vit the lath Instant, on the Lae ofthe Kiehmond and P ta shorg rai roa 1 . '- thecona y of - ;: i- N i h sn-Hl**- aaa- BierOarS I y some un-nown party or

w i sped arrest sod are n w

..>;«,r.>. 1 do bira y .¦'.'....-.- I of . »Si HUN Bl) DOLLAarr.st, deii.erv and c-aaviailoa <>f lb .*

r ar.les tod 1 do iii-neoverad nttcars * il *---¦-

..iiliisry and request the pee<. their best <x rtiou. IO bro Bra b ir aros; :h_t they ma u t.rotiglr t.i in

,..., (n.eii 'in,lr 'or han.I as ..vernorI aril urilrr Hie l-ms-r <. al of the ( OBI-

saiL.;- inoiinea'ib. at lt-- mond. Ibis I ta

.Uy0f°, MaKLNSEl


By Ihe GovernorH Vi'. F e. a*, .v.

oe UH Secretary of the Comroonwealta.


I 081 \, RAI ' SIARHENRYJTII. «. '.MO S BLACK "M! CAi'l -*¦'.'?ona ile rewar t f isurai to >>. l -.*»--

BROLOH. SU. wes: lirace -.tree.- oo lt-U

l*i.IND ON 1'ID EXl *OIlOUKlMr Thursday n ht a MR -L .¦_:¦. ,'nwoat o n rai v sailing a. kiPana oi urgiuia oo . ---