LOCAL MISCELLANY. ? ALMOST A TRAGEDY AT TARRYTOWN. JOHN DANIEL M'CARTHY SHOT BY ETTA LENA FOX¬ LER (BOTH COLORKD). An air of romantic mystery hung all yesterday about the closely drawn green curtains of a email barber-shop in Main-st., Tarrytown. Tbe romant io element waa there because it wa* known that tho. young barber, John Daniel McCarthy, had been ahot down in bia shop by Ltta Lena Fuller in broad daylight on the previous afternoon. And there was mystery in the atory, too, for John Daniel had been known to give seventeen differing account* of tbe affair, so that it was common talk: about town that a masked woman had entered John Daniel's shop while he was uaopniK ou lita sola: that the woman wan his stepmother; that elie went Into tho shop without a mask on whilo be waa ahaviug a customer ; that she was bis mother-in-law and dropped In to hare a pleasant afternoon chat with him: that she asked when he was going to marry her, and said aha would shoot hun if she caught hun walking with any ol h. r girl; and that finally she took lune by the forelock and did shoot him then and there with a horse-pistol, which was a nickel-plated, large-sized navy revolver of twenty-two calibre. Af ier carefully addiug all the stories of John Dan- lei's friends together, dividing the sum by two dif¬ ferent accounts given by himself, and applving the theory of probabilities to the result, a Iribunr re¬ sorter who visited Tarrytown yesterday arrived at tbe lollowing story of the case: John Daniol McCarthy, a somewhat blonde negro barber, twenty-one years old, waa introduced oue evening to Kita Lena Fuller, a dashing brunette of the stunt* race, ile accompanied lier to ber mother's home on s stormy night. Thc acquaintance ripened into intimate friendship and then into romantic attachment, at least on Etta Lenna part. But th** end of it all was doomed to be more stormy than the night on which thev met For Etta Lena beard vague but horrid rumors that John Daniel went walkiug with other firle, and that he had a letter from his wife id the ar South 80 she went to his little shopou Sunday afternoon aad _____ him if he was going to marry ber. Oh, yes, be was (Olag to marry her, to Le eure. But when, when! was the (iue_tion that agitated Etta Lena's heait. Ile thought October would be noon enough, and 19 supposed to have hummed something about the leaves beginning to turn at that time of year, she tragically insisted .MB being married bv John Daniel " now or iiwir." liut still he answered with asigh " Oc¬ tober" Then F,lta Lena wanted to eeo that letter from his wife. He stuned to get it; she pulled a email revolver from her pocket, grasped it con- ?nlsivelv ni both hands and Ina. Joint Daniel felled "Minder!' arid rau out of the back door. ti ta Lena followed and tired twice more at ber faithless .*wain. Then she walked coolly Bf the street and John Daniel walked slowly and pain¬ fully down the street, for he had been shot 111 tlir thigh. He remarked to a frieud that he didn't caro eo much about tieii.g shot, but it had spoiled a new pair ol trousers thai bad never been worn before. The -Aiiman was not aiWBtSd. and John Daniel is at thc house of a friend rapidly recovering lion, his wound aud having his trousers mended. MISS LEONARD IN TUE TOMBS. MOT 1 LfASKl) WITH THC. CHANOK.SIIOWINO THE sanraois ok oiPBaso-.ibbt. Helen Leonard, who shot Mrs. Clarence Smith on June 15, was removed yesterday from the Jaffersoa Market Jail, where -he has beeu incarcerated since tlie shooting, to the Tom ba. She is beginning to look ill and wretched from siispmse and an.ucl.v. Her face haa growu thin. " I am so clad to Bee you." sho said to a Tribunk ¦.porter two or three hours afler her arrival in her new quarters; "il Lt so terribly lonely here." "Th.-n you do not like the change t" "1 hate it. Everyone was kind al Jefferson Mar¬ ket. Mrs. burrowes, the matron, has been like a mother to me. She is like a motlier, aud a Christ tau oue, too, 10 all the unfortunate- there, and I Will never forget her. Then I have another friend tc tell you about. Who do yon think 11 is? lt 1b my old governess who used to teach me and _y sister in New-Orleans. 8he is liviug at Roches¬ ter, lint just as soon as she saw about me in the pancr.* she came to New-York to take care of me, and she !ia*i been here ever sine.-." " Have yu heard from Callaghan T" "No. He wa* in Poughkeepsie a few days, but I believe he 1- in New-York now. But he can do mc Bo gio-! now ; his evidence would not help me." Miss Leaf Bid ai-<> repeated her statement that wheu sho was arrested and ti.Len 10 Jnsjiecior Byrnes'a ottos the inspector told bertha! Callaghan bud just binn there, and that uothin^ would be done it she returned llrs. Bad th'e totten. "I v.as arrested." she Bald, "at 9 o'clock, and _"i>r |_ in* ©iii e till hall-past before I wa* taLeu to Jefferson Market Jail. Doesn't that look as it' they were try¬ ing to arrange malters t'; Clarence *siailh, she said, had been 11an_;i 11 or around the District-Attorney's o'hco yesterday -norning, to do her moro barm, she sup¬ posed. She expects to have her BBSS decided iu a day or two. Her sennas! wished her to poetpouc the trial till the first Mon¬ day after the rourih of July. "Hut I scream".!," ene said, " when he raBBgS-tod it this morning. I told him 1 would die if 1 were locked upany longer, ao be is going lo apply tor B tr.al in a dav or two." Wiieu asked if she thought Mrs. Hiuitli would be well enough io give evidence. Mum Leouard ex- pit s-ed herself very energetically: "Mrs. Jsmitu, indeed! 1 will just tell you She Wnsri't wounded at all. \\ hen she was lying on the sola at Dr. Blon¬ dell's and 1 was walking up and down ihe room, 1 ju-.' went over 10 her and -aw wli»ie th** bullet etrtick. It struck ber corset and ginned off loone Bide. 1 don't helievethc bullet gave lier a scratch, but of course Dr. Blondell and Dr. Phelps are against me, lhere is (_larenefl Smith poisoning their ears, end I have no friends to speak for me." Mr. Kmt- xiug. Mis* Leonard'* cotiusel, said that no further appin allon for bail would bemad--, "il it iaK.OOO, cr ij-500, it does uot matter,'' he, i.-nucrked ; "nouo of ns have any bail to oller, and all we eau do 19 to bastcu thu trial as much as possible." DROWNINGS HY ACCIDENT AND DESIGN. Reuben H. Norcott, an uiti-t. of No. 1-7 Churl- tdi-st., who has b-en boarding at MeQninlao's Hotel, at 1. litton, S. 1., committed suicide yesterday morning from Lawlers shipyard. For some time he had sufiered from ticuto neuralgia and malaria until his uni..*, was affected, ile ataricd with bis wiii- for a moruing walk, and on reeo-ing the pier he re'iti'sted bur to take a |et(erto the post ollie*. 6he had gone only half tho length of the yard winn on turning back to look at her husband she saw merely his coat and hal. Be had hastilv thrown ott the articles aud plunged overboard. The body wus (Beavered, A short, stout mau about forty years old, who wore a daik cap and a brown clicked suit, took off his outside clothing at the foot of JacWson-st., at noon yesterday, and lamped into tho hast Kivor. ransons who saw bim make the plunge thought at first that he in¬ tended to take a bath, aud efforts were not made to rosene him. Hi* body soon disapp( ared. The clothing left on thc pier was giren to the police, who did not find any bing in the pockets to establish the suicide's indetily ll in believed that the min was au emigrant. Captain Moiton, of tho fishing schooiinr Melody, ititi.lined the police that al 1 a. m., while the echo iii.r wa* "ff Hay Kid.e, John Harmer, a deck band, fell overboard and was drowned, lianaer waa tweuty-.-*ven years old aud lived at New Lon¬ don, Conn. Janies Lew, eleven years old, whose parents live et No. 417 West Thirty-tifth-at., fell into the North River at the foot of Uansevort-st. and was drowned. li.s iHhtv was recovered. John Connors, a young man whoso home was at Soutn Ambry, N. J., was drowned accidentally in the North River at Pier No. 3d. The body was re¬ covered aud sent to the morgue. The Ixidy of au unknown mau has been found in tbe water at I'i'-r No. 1, North River. The bo iv .f an BBB.OH- mau, the features so badly decomposed as to be uureio.ni/.aldi, was lound on Rooke way Beach, near the big hotel. 1 he body waa clothed in a hickory ahirt, dark cloth trouser* aud heavy brogan shoe*. It is believed to be that of a laborer employed on tho dumping eco wa. > SAMES A. BURNETT ACQUITTED. The trial of jame,) a. Barnett, tba ssshioi of E. dc ll. T. Auihotly _ Co., whu li ha* occupied sen ral day* in the Court ol General Sessions, wus tinished .fenlerday by the acointlal of the defendant. Bur¬ lie! t *:id Charles Roih acted together as cashiers and bookkeepers of the linn bv which they were empl.ycii. After tivy had beta left their en ern, irregnlaniieH to the aixmuut ol JlU.ciOO wi-re discovi-ied 111 the hooka kept by the \ ..ung men. -iiriiet t bud beeeaee eaahier of a bank in i olora-o, ami be was arrrst-.d ia that State on a reqnieition from Governor Cleveland. Roth was arrested in this city. When the defendants weie called to plead to the charges against them, Roth I'.cknowl- e__B_ that he wu* milty a-id that the frauds Sad been commuted only by hun. When he was called tts a witness for ihe defence in Burnett's tn.il.be £.p'._a''.li lullv tne -ethiHi in which he bad de* Xraiified the linn without the knowledge ol hm com- -h«r°_ih Ll,ber.of the y<mig men might Balance m le* ii 1 Vt!" colu,uu» "eremarked .11 pencil, and MiSad » l__* 'ItV *** wlieu tbe <i-ures v..,e Bur-oti K,,h « hi'." .l.'c Ciub wu* »»-»*»«-*ed by niim n'a'i!: U" Uko advantage of bis com- ir_dm".f/f"'!"'^^ absence te change the baures ___o_^.r___ by»run"Yi,rvir'«f.» «w t.. \V ,e ¦hi __l____^_1 __*_*tU*« lh* dillerence. Std!_1J?____. MfteMb Inn-self the process waa etui more simple. His testimony w_* straiirhtfor- ward and was not weakened _j uoMeI_ ta on lioth has not yet beeu seuteuc-1 u"^ex*,1Un*»llo:*- RARE COINS AND MEDALS AT AUCTION The Bale of William J. Jenke^ collection of American and loreign coi na and medals begau rsv £rd2-L*_eriTu al y?1*- & Co.'s auctioiT rooms ISO. /39 Bi'i.adwi.v. Ior tbe silver dollar ol 17U1 * __,r_:o1nt,lt"JU' ^11 was paid. A tini.iue apecitn. u of thc dollar 01 lsatj brou_ht |_1. Proof epeci- mens of 1838 and 1839 sold for *49 and $30 50 re¬ spectively. Better price* were paid for the half dollars, the highest being $55 for a good specimen of 1796. Tho quarter dollar of 18-3, t bon eh somewhat defaced, waa sold for HQ, The 1799 cent, in fair' condition, brought $17. Tbe American gold coinage, of which the collect uni contained a complete list .brought with the exception of a few pieo-c'S, little more than its face value. 1 ho most notable coin was the half eagle of 1H15, there being only three genuine specimens extant. It was sold for $300. The quarter eagle of 1797. brought $49 50 aud a $50 gold piece, or slug, which is now very rare, sold for $59 73. SHARP WORDS BETWEEN OFFICIALS. MB. KlllLXY SATS THAT HE DOESN'T CARE A FIG FOR MR. __a_-r_i OPINION. At thc meeting of the Board o. Estimate and Ap¬ portionment yesterday, President Reilly of the Board of Aldermen moved that $1,340 99 be trans¬ ferred from an unexpended balance to defray tho expenses of the special committee of Aldermen now investigating tho frauds in the Finance Depart¬ ment. President Asten opposed the motion on the kronur! that tho Board had no legal right to transfer any sum for a purpose of t bis kind. The Mayor had the power, he said, to authorize the Commissioners of Accounts to examine the books and accounts of any department of the City Govern¬ ment. They were now engaged in making a special investigation of the Finance Department. Mr. Reilly declared that the Board of Estimate and Apportionment had the power to make tbe trans¬ fer and that the Aldermen had authority to order an investigation. The C-BUBBB.SMSa of Account* bad made one examination ol tho francis in the Finance Department and the public were not satisfied with it. Frauds had been committed in the Finance Department and it was only light that tho bottom facts should bo reached. Mr. Asten asserted that the Commissioners of Ac¬ counts were the proper oflicials to make the lnves- gation. He thought that tho Corporation Con nsel should bs asked it money could be appropriated lor a special investigation. " I maintain,'' said Mr. Reilly, "that we have such authority. Tbe special coinmitteo of the Board of Aldermen have brought out evidence showing gross carelessness in the management of tha Finance Department. Tho loose management of that Department allowed frau,ls to be earned os there for several feen before they were detected. It looks as though President Asten were Bot willing to have the frauds tully investigated. I am not in favor of covering up any corruption." "These rrinaiks are uncalled for," replied Mr, Asten. " I wish to act in a legal meaner. 1 belieTe that this board bas no legal autiionty to make rash a transter." *' I do not care a fig for the gentleman's opinion," Mr. Reilly retorted sharply. "I have uot Saki d bira for his opinion." " I shall certainly rote for tho transfer," said the Controller. Tde motion was carried, the Mayor. Controller and Mr. Reilly voting iu the aflirtnau^o and Mr. Asten tn thc negative. Lindsay J. Howe, tho expert accountant appointed by tho Board of Aldermen to investigate ihe hc- counts in the Finance Department, applied yester¬ day to thc Commissioners of Account* lor leave to examine the books, papers, connon*, eic. In their -ion. They are making a second examination of the Fit.ance Department. 1'hey declined to recog¬ nize Mr. Howe's autiionty until ho had received a wrilten authorization lr.un General Cochrane, Chairman ot the Aldermen's Committee. Tins was procured and tbe Commissioner!* of Account-t prom¬ ised to grant Mr. Howe the necessary facilities. Too District-Attorney's ofliee was thea visit.-d. As¬ sistant District-Attorney Vincent declined to allow certain papers te go out of the poss-*s,ion of the custodian. These, heir on the culpability of Will¬ iam B. Carroll, the dead defaulting clerk, and aro necessary to a thnroii-h examination of thc case. HOW AN EXPERT SWIMMER CAME TO CHIEF. Danie! Davids is a summer boarder at Tompkins- ville, .S. I. A few clays ago he was boasting toe party of boatmen of his expert ness as a swimmer. Mr. Davids is a corpulent, man. Yesterday he st..rtod to co on board a steam yacht for a plea ur.. ernies, ano in ceder to enliree the trip he earned under one arm a box of Mu mai's Extra Dry. It was necessary for him to walk along a String-pier. OB tbe pier to reach a small boat that was waiting to colive,)* him to tbe yartit. A poet interfered with tbe passage of Mr. Davids's body and the wuk-. Twice he tried to nats it and nearly lost his bal* ance. A third attempt was made, and then holli Mr. Defida and the box of wine wentovott'o til. The boatmen expected to BOO him swtingracfitnllv toa Boat, and bo confident were they thal ii aoala hurt Ins Pride to aid hun that no etl'ort was made Bl rescue. rW'ii eves, however, were kept ou the ll.iatiu_ box of wine. Mr. Davids plunged eboul awkwardly, and after becoming completely ex¬ hausted, -ml having awallowad a quantity of water, ha "as pulled out t.y .Special Oilier Peter Devlin inst as ho was sinking for Hie third tune. Mr. Davids had to be almost carried back to the li"!*), a task which required the muscle of tour Strong nie;). Tho boatman meanwhile had fished Pu- b >x Of Wine SA to the Aoa1 and wuhan old oyster-kiil" broke the necks from the bottles, which were emptied with celerity. THE COLLISION' WITH THE PADUA. The jviin\vlvaiiia Railroad has thus far made no in v.sticat i ni int i t;,o causes which lad tittie collision between the ferryboat Jersey (itv and Plena Coull h.l's seam yacht Radii*. Captain Bloomsbury, the acting BBparlotendeat of the ferries, enid yesterday afternoon thal bo laYcstige* tion would he made by the company aol sa] action taken until tba Inapeotora ol ttfeamboata had com¬ pleted their investigation. Aaron Wilson, tbs mint of the ferryboat Jersey City, has made a rejmrt to the -tsamboal In¬ spectors. It does not dinar matcriallv Lom the published BtatemSBta of the pilot. After staling the relative positions of the vessels he save : I blew om- whisle and recelvo.1 no an*v\er; then I blew ou.-, whistle and received two whtiile* ni answer, on hearing tlie two whistles l imaBsdlatsly stopped sn.l backed and patted ray wheel. We dine loseteer, t Be vessel sinking me lu th* lorverdbow,earrjrtegewer my rudder, two braces, uud om staiicbn.u. .v.. one was injured, We were toKriher about iwet.iy mtBStoe The pilot Bays that the collision occurred abont two-thirds of the way from New-York to lbs New- Jersey shore, and that the damage to the ferryboat was about EWO. 'l'he captain of Mr. Lunllar.i'* yacht sailed at the Inspector's office ami promised to submit a written report. SWINDLING IN THK NAME OF CHARITY. " This is not the tirst time w<- have been defraud¬ ed by person* representing themselves aa scents of .St. Joan_ G-mld." aaid tbe Kev, John \V. Kramer, the master of the Ouild. to a TBIB0BS repni sr, " Mai ks, who was arrested on Simd i v on complaint of Otis W. Randall, of No. _r.<J Filth-ave.. lot swindling the. latter's mother ont ol $50, did his work very skilldllv. ll- plaoed on his subscription list the forg«d names ol sevi.d leading firaas to gIVO it an air of penni:.s- uess. He made lusc'oliecuou* through American Dis¬ trict Telegraph fl_a_BB0Mfsand soooeeded in duping a uuiiib'i ol people. A few yeats ago we learned from ho complaints of oootribators mat nome on.., representing himself aa a collector for the Guild, had been defrauding the public in a way similai to the method pt.suedby Marks. Wt at, length de¬ tected tun swindler mid mopped his little geese." Marks wee arraiaasd before Jnetiee Dully et tbe Jeficrson Market police Coori ia tba afternoon, .Mr*. Hannah -cblesinger, of No. 14_ Weet Four' teentb-et,, testified that Maiks bad got $10 from her. eba believing that ho wu* a on I lector of the Quitd. After the alhdavils of several pera ona had be. ii taken, the prisoner wan placed under bonds ol SSl.O-U. _ HELD FOR EXTRADITION. Dirk C. Horseling, who was SBTSBtad in Gland Rapids, Mich., wa* taken yesterday before Coeamte- stoner Osborn lo answer to a request lor hu extra¬ dition by tlio Consul for the Netbc rlands. Horse- ling bad been a eulie.'lor ol public money al i'lllteii, iii the province of Gelderhnl, in the Netherlands. Discharged thal bs appropriated 13,400 of tba ¦onay collected by bim and lied lo tins country on .January He. When he came te this country Ilene* ling applied to a count, vin in tor assistance, and as he showed much intelligence, lie was recommended 10 a farmer living near (iiand Kanni*. His pat iou Caused inquiries to lie made in Hie Netherlands as to Um past history of Horseling, and in th.it v. ay Mie Government hrard ol Ins place of reetdeoce. Do- tectire Dorsey, of t .ii s city, waa cent after the ito* ( used man, and be waa ;inested. When taken be¬ fore the Uommieaioner doraaling admitted that ba had appiopi lated Bi.me of i h.-m..nev collect.;,1. Ha til mi '.jhl ii bad be n restored by some of hie friends 11 .vis held lor extradition under tbe clause thal makes th" embc-.lcineut ot public moneys an extra¬ ditable ollence. li'.'iisiKirs office irons. Colonel BooJami I) BicbardeoB has purchased the prouns-s Nos. 010, OIL', elli and (iii! Ktgmb-ave. irom John Davidson and alto for $-00,000, The eutir"- block hooaded bj Bereath and st. Nicholas av.s. and il'-'ih and lilith st*, r.a terday tran.(erred bv Ueurielte Gunther ior $24-,- OOCj to Mrs. Hui.la V. V. iuii.ll. Negotiations for a loan of $70,OOO to the PlOglBOB Club upon property situated os the south alua of .'ilty-iuuth-i., ab..ut ninety (eel eeel ol Fourth- ave., have beea oompleted with tho Mutual Lite instit ance Co.np.iii>. -B.-T,_8_ DK1VLNG IN PSO-FECT PAUL An accident which may psora laial -cenrredorj Huntley evening in Prospect Park, A eamam drawn ny a pair ot bay boreas, containing William Seovil, a New-York lawyer, dring at No, _50 _t_tb- av ..., lliiiokl-.ii, au l t.iree. lull B, Brae run int by ene containing tncea men. about *»:30o'clock, ou the maia carriageway. Mr. s.ovii's horses io..k fright audranaboiii fifty ysrdB.da_hingtheoarnagaagaiaet a tree, breaking th'- polo and tin ...iigtiie enure party out. Mr. Soovi I was slightly bruised, bul Mi.a Alice Walker, daugh.t-r Ol Major Jolin ll. Walker, of No. 8 Souiu Oxtord-rt... had lu r lt broken betweeu the hip and knee, and received otueriujurue. Alt.i waiting Iiiutu minuuslor a 1 snrjreon oTa'policoman.and none coming, the younc I ladv was placed on cushions in a friend's carriage and taken home, where sho lies in a critical condi¬ tion. MISSING MINNIK HIKER. Minnie E. Hiker, the school girl who left hei home, So. _33 East One-hundred-and-twenty- seeond-st., on .lune 1**, and who hus not since lieen heard from, has been traced it is said, by her rela¬ tives, to Montclair, N. J. In that town she has several friends, among whom is nn anni, Mrs. Will¬ iam Dodie, with whom she is supposed to be living. Mrs. Hiker, Minnie's widowed mother, went te Montclair yesterday in search of her daughter. The missing jrirl was sixteen vears of age and quite pretty. Until March 27 she attended Grammar School No. 68, in East One-hundred-and-twenty- ei.hth-st., bnt on that day her mother entered her in School No. 31), in East One-hundred- anrt-twentv-fifth-st. About two weeks ago, while Mrs. Hiker was calling on some of her friends, she was congratulated upon having such a good-looking danghter. Mrs. Hiker mado a few inquiries about tho time and place that .Minnie had been seen, and was astonished t<> ls mi that lier daughter had not attended school since the day she entered her as a scholar. When Minnie returned that evening her mother taxed her with her truancy, but she denied that, she had been away irma her class-room. Mrs. Hiker said that she would take her to tho principal of the school tho following day and ascertain the truth. Minnie was sent on an errand shortly afterward, but did not return. The police were informed and a search was made. Last .Sunday two men called on Mrs. Hiker and told her that they hud been in¬ formed by a friend of theirs who lived in Montclair that he had carried a girl answer¬ ing to Minnie's description Mrs. lindie's house. Minnie's relatives deny that she was eCQUalntcd with any man with whom she could run away, lier companion* hart always ben girls of her OWti age, and she passed all lier evenings in her own home. Her sudden departure is attributed by those who knew berte fright caused by her mother threaten* mg to take her to the principal of the school from which she had been playing truant. Uer truancy is explained by her dislike to tba school. ¦__*. hours ahe passed out of ber class-room were spent among girl triends. -.. BTBA-fOE COHDUCTOF A I'oi.ict.MAN. Policeman Thomas Bynes, of the Eighth Pre¬ cinct, took three prisoners to thu Jefferson Market Police Court yesterday. Tbey wen- Angelo Wi- uaaso, of No. 79 BalllTBB st. fbarged iritb viola¬ tion of the Excise law; John Carrara, of No. it.'l Sullivan-sL, charged with interfering with the officer in the duoharge of his dntyj ind .John Gi boon, charged aitfa Intoxication. .he conduct ol tho oflicr was so remarkable that the clerk or¬ der hun to sit down. WtBSSCQ said that Iiyines entered his place on Mindai- and asked for a glans of soda water with a "stick"' in ... ile was told that no liquor was sold ou Sn mia.-. Kv raes became violent and noisy, end eek) thal bc wonld arrest Winsaso for violation ot tbe Raelee law, Mrs. Wineeeo interfered ami Byrnes drew n rerotrer and threatened te shoot bar, Wmasso was iheu dragged to the sidewalk hy the (.(licer, who kept lloiirishing his revolver and lnvniiigaiiy one to Interfere with lum. A lurga crowd gatnered aad Jobs Carrara asked what Winaeeo had done. With in ostb Byrnca pointed the reviver at Carrara, head and Ired. I be bullet ont n look of hair from hie temple and buried itself in tba walla of a booea opposite. At the report of tbe reTohrer the crowd scattered and Wi nesca erna taken to the police station, followed by < errarn.wbo intended making a complain! againet Myrtles, ic.th men, however, were locket m>. A numb, r of w«t- ii"-<s..s wet-.- r edy t" swear to tbs troth of Win statement and tbe two men wore Immediately dis- charged. Gibson was charged with throwing a brick at Bymas, snd as be was under the mil.leuce of liquor be «a> eomuutted. Abont sa boar later Byrnes reappeared in conti and said tn Justice Dudy that he had bean sent by the kergeant to timi out why Winas*.. and Curara had been discharged. I be Justice told Byraeathal hie sergeant had netter mind hlsbaaa- ii' ^>, aad ordered h..u io leave tue room. MB. PEARSON AND THE PRIVATE POSTS. post in aster Pearson's attention waa ea He l rester* day to a report thal be bad been connects*, with aome of tbe companies for the private delivery of letters, and for lli.it r .iv.n lu I D ..lect.-.l to report to the) Department the oxiatenceof < impaa < thai were violating the law. Mr. PeS-SOU said t" ;. Iiiiii: si reporter: "1 bare m-ver hel.i any st..ck, nor bough! any. DO! bad any pun lot tn", m .ur. mesa 'Uger "i .1- tory etnonoy, the rumor nar bare arieon from one fact Ab.ut ngotwo i ri.- nd* in whom I had confkteuce ea.t" my office and asked me to Binn aa Bopltcatio- to the Secretary ol the Stets for the incorporation ol tba Maabattan Diatrtot telegraph Company. I did cu, alni my name tiuv there! .!.¦ li ive appeared a- a "I poretor, and, lam laXonneU, also appeared aa ima- .ar. Kui I never reeelTCd notice of my election as trustee sorer kaew «.f oi attendsd soy ameting, end don't know now where tbs office of tbs company is. I was ncTer la any way n ter* e-t".l h. uv nany for the .1. -liv. a. ters." iii.- district telegraph compini's have always held .bat they act only aa ape lalmcseenferaand are not liable to the penaltiesagaiaal private ter* dispatch olin'.*. [be Beetloo un..er which campo nie* haye hern -ue.i lot the rocOTO*. of pe* ezpreeslv ezeepts li om n* preneiona lae earr) mg of letter* by special messenger*. THB I'l.'KM HMAN SAYS IT WAS ACCIDKNT. Maurie. Monge), tbe young Freaehmaa who *h"i bimmil on sunday efteraoon al No. _7 'J hird-*t,, Ile* tn a 11 I.i al ( omi lt ioB ii' St, \ lice ll I* Hospital, The ebot wes firod from e targa pistol ol i Tl '.' li make, the ball urticllai lng Hie lolt lung just-hove the h'-art. Dr. Herold, the house sui- goon ol the boepttal, says thai tbe wound, while not nect.tartly ratal, is of a daogerona ch'*i icter. Mengel wa- ooneciona yeeterday and eon*rst*sed la Oennau with Dr. Herod. Hole locliuad te lie re- tieoiit, bul he safe that be wa* a druggiel in Fiance. Ile denice tbet be Intended to soaanilt suicide and slate*, that the shoot ul' wa-- accidental. Mougel has livcl at Ravenswood, l.ong Islam City, tor over two m. nt hs. and he remus cd to Now- YorK City only n lew davs ago. Ile had eome trouble with thc lanuly with vumii bo lived, nnd then he said thal lin was a married man. THE THOUOHT-EBADINQ Wager. fruin I ht SI. Jam's', Uai'llt. June lt. St. James. Hall waa flited last Dight by un ii'i'iirne. invltad to wttuess t pertornaaeeel Mr. irving Ul*:.up's newer*, arni |0 BBB the BUtSomB of Hie ('hallenru mal- by Ur. LsbeuobArs, Ml'., io lust tii« " tii.iiixbt- re.Klri's " abrlty tu tell tin-ninn-ier of s e nice .:. note lind. 1 certain roiidlllo..*. Ile ... .1 of rh,'- pr.. coeds "t tie entertainment are to be given ts the Vi Uospital lor ( midi, ii, i bel*, a. Tha term* nf tile ofter tn . ie ny Mr. I.... 1.1. ber.- were t-at Be would pay over _l.CJO0lf.Mr. illsnu|) hile. eej.d. nu OOB-ltlOB IBS! Mi isi*i)..p *ii.iulil terfi ii ii I no ii cess "f Fall.re. Mr. ii shop wm to bave two BUSSSSS at Itu- ii.iinli. r of a Bate, wuleu sbi.ulil he inclosed lu sn envelope, the number being kilo.-, n lo the person alene in wiiose li.ml* it wu* placed, au.I Mr. Kiah, M. 1'., wa* nam.-.I by li. UabOOC lo re ss tbe bolder. Leei BlirbtMr. Bishop began bj rsferringtc tm* .hellenes, mill in- suggested .n.t tn* auiiivnoc Sbotlid nominal' ii eoililDllle. f.il I'll. oce.ml.il). ...lue* wen- ea teil ont. ali.I aluonu lim*.- who ascendSd Ihe plat* lorin were Mr. WalCv, y c. M P, Mr. l'..*»i-u e 1.' .rants, BI.P.: Qessrai Balnea, Col-Bel -tatham (3d Man.le slri __e Volunteer*), the Kev. II. II. MaWSIS, thu HST. I", Tie:,liri. Mr. <i."(1 I.me I x uni Mi. Waller w-b-Off, Il being now nb..ut half |x*t h Mr. iii»iiii|i taut lie had rsSSITSC chair* on th" platform tor Mr. LeooueeCre ami Mr, Mrthi but a* iialtber of t-OSS gentlemen BOPS ned to answer his In- viiati.ni to th*-in to take thus.- place*, tie slioiilil proceed to show sollie expenmenta illustrating tne ease with whlcii the sens. * might he deceived. Situe p. i f.,nu.nee* were gone throngs, aad then Mt. Bishop returned tu the subject, ot lue i-lialleiiite. ami read oil. of Mr. Lsb-U- eb Bra's publiahed letters, in which ll wm suggested that Hie m.te SBO.Id ne Lan.led " to some rehab BSTSOe who stn.uni lie lula Ibu tiiiu.l>er." He li ..I | nt aa BC eeptauce of the ohalleags to Mr. LeSoueSreS, aad hud be-n tn- foriiieii by several Bumbora ol thc Boobs <>r C*msseea nial Mr. Labouchere kii<-« I omi be had a.. ).t. .1 tbs challenge. With regard to Mr. Birth's position, he eoe- t. uded h. (t Mr. Firth bad Bothloe tods was ths sap <- tm nt, w aicb was tlint ne siioiild re*il the BUtuber of rn hunk note held li} emu. person »eleeied liy the aiirlieui c. Is support of thia he quoted from e letter in valet Mr. LatwaebSie Naatt-d only tuat tho bolder of tue i. .to shout i ne a man of In li¦p.-mIssi e and of ave:ai{.! intelligence. U__er the irciiuittatirei, Mr. Bishop said lia har.Hy knew w inti stitts I take. Various siutgestioBS wera aade; and, after eons d n-us- uoo. Mr. Bishop uti. rei to tty lu.i io dtseever n pin hidden by ft .nie ceiitiiiinii ii.uue.1 l>y lae audleeoe. -dr. OeoTgO I.alie lui WBS n-ke.| to put t Ula lett, and Mr. Illino,i, tilln.If.il.I ami li..1.II.,x Mr. LSBS FOI I..V tba bund, in a....ni wvni iiiiuu.es loim i tuc pm wbeto lt badhssaplaced, ia i.e using of an opera nat, auder sea el tee etan ssa ». ai ibis asrtod tbs Ude of lee Hog rea sigh bi Mr.-_>_ep_ farer; but fere Bas ii turuat- ou. .i io tutu ni un opposite (.ne. ilsa, shea be dsoliaed, after ma. u rerhiega ami ipuiibiiiiK ev_*los, io irv and ti ll IBS nun.lier SI a llve-j.oiiiid nola wslrti Mr. (baric* Uil-seil. M 1'.. Uad placed ia an envelope, sad eommattsd to Ute custody of ProfSBBOl Kay LsakSStsr. ll *>.i* nuileistooU thal lue leaton nf Ml. Iliebn|i'* r. i.is.il i.i BSSSp*) tin* Bhslisna- wat Ilia:, ha. lux mi a lui ur ueca-noup-ipt-i i- meuteS with 'ti Bay Laafceeu*r. he had .uuu.i him au Basalts ila persse. ead i.e dees eec pun.** . be abie io nous, tsaparainen i har¬ ing Bavlag ii.ii.u io do willi aile.-.** or failure. Mr, Wie_<h, Wno nail tie.li aj)(iuiuti .1 tha.r- lu.i.i, had cl, 'Ile ul 13- lu |.i. .ei in._ and u* Mr. i.ankKster did not lui himself 1.1 liberty to aocepl oondltloas sere those smotloni d. tuc ty bad u> be solved by Col.mel Trenee liol 1.1 ki einii.r M. Edward Htanhops vonehtstl) sappi rt ag atiolber bank lime, lee aili.euee OoBSSaUne, this note waa placed Dy Mi. Waddy iu the bauds of CoIodbI Htat- !.inn, one of Hie enlui.. III. c, .in I Mr. Bishop, le int; n.'u i- f..tt uml not sppsreetli t.iblng Colouel Statham. oas stood close ueii.ie uiiu. hm moviui 1.1- band about tue .lin 01 ibesubject, arrow down the unaabsis _-»__ lie waa hy lue ii-i ...* ot Ml. I..1.10 .. usn la have tWS Clear e; ll MW BB BBl '. BBd In ai tc ll tbe iitlluberlie hal wintei) »>a* r._ln or WttMg. ( "loilel -latbiilu f.'- IlllOd tua ll was the muni" 1 nt Ibe Bots placed lt) bl* rs was grrai me ring, uud ioaay ema.ie.I aluin '-lr. IIUllO|l Ul tli.ike 1,1111 liv LOS band. Befiirti ni.kiu; the trial Ba had i>.'iu_iuo note mm Mr. Wa i- (t,'* ll uni l he j;1vcB lo Inc hal lt v If lie latli-d begged tue audience loloslsl (bat Mr. 1 .uould pay tue A 1 SOU ." ttl' Vieii'llu CSU tren'* Ho.i.nal. Oilt- ?i ie. h. Ploted Illy, several ihoosaed peasous hail us- .i ti. a.'a.'t tue re-Ult, and repeateely eheerwi "ttieAiiicri.au" and . r.i ins r Baicitraut-ppcnsct, us a na!loo.i aita e ** onUlaut wail light" ross lu uou bl Ibu latn (.bat Ur. Uisliuo baa y_iu_l.y woubia bet* HOME NEWS. PROMINENT ARRIVALS. Fifth Avenue Hotel.Ex-Govt:mor James P Porter, of T nnessee.Windtor Hotel. Leveretl Paltenstall. of Iiostoo, and Peter Donahue, of San Fran ci«co.Albemarle Hotel.Canal and Countess d'Ad hetnar, of Paris, and James J. mil. presidont of the St. Pstil, Minneapolis nnd Manitoba Railway Company .Wettmintter Hotel.Jerome R. Parmenter, of Troy. .New-York Hotel.John Mason Brown, of Louis¬ ville, and O. A. Washington, vice-president of the Louis¬ ville and Nashville Railroad Company. WHAT IS GOING ON TO-DAY. Ptate Railroad Commissioners' Investigation of ole vator cbar.es. Coney island Jockey Club races af Sheepshead Bay. Lawn-tennis tournament on 8L Oeorire's Cricket Club ground* In Hoboken. Bartholdi titatuo Committee's meering at No. 171 Broadway. Me.-tlnir of railroad passenger and freight agents. ExercUes at Training Department of Normal College. Annual (lintier of Ichthyophagous Club at Manhattan Reach Hotel. Visit of 7th Re_lrne.it veterans to State Camp. Helen Lennard's euee In the Tombs Police Court. Bt Francis Xarler College Alumni Association at MaB- haitan Beech Hotel. De La Hullo Institute commencement at -flickering Ball. NEW-YORK CITY. THR BT. MARY'S ARRIVAL AT LISBON. Tho nautical school ship St. Mat y's, Captain E. M. Shepard, arrived at Lisbon on Jnne8, from New- York, after a pleasant passage of twentv dave, two of which she lay becalmed. Ibo pupils were all well and contented. A TIRAWII OF llltACK CIirRCH MEMORIAL nOMT*. A plot of ground on the Healy estate, at Far Boc kawav. bas been purchased bv the trustees of Grace Church. UM. the erection upon it of ii branch linnie of the Grace Memorial Home, in Foiirth-ave.. is in progress The building is to bo completed August 1. A PRIZE-FIOIITl R MES OF CONSCMPTtON. " Hilly" Fields, a 'toted light-weight boxer of thia CitT, who had fought nev. tal pri_e--__ta, (lied last night at No. 'JOH Mott-st. He was only twenty- six years old, and he Boocuaabed to what kills a gr. a many athletes.consumption. He was a na¬ ive of this Stale. His father, it is said, was a tilca g. ami. 1MIM)-I\.l rjfOB THK CRKW'LITY OF TO-VB MIS'. The New-York Central and Htnlson Uiver Kail- road Company lin* received Information that Altred I'o*t t* reprea uti o', himself as being authorised to engag" ynii'ii! nun for the company's service. Ofli- ..i-..f ihe company say that neither he nor any other mau has any such authority. hfca.'itatki) nv a nun. As tho milk tram of the New-York, New-Haven ami Hartford Railroad winch left this .itv at 5:30 a, m. yesterday wa* approaching the Staniford sta¬ tion, the eu-iuei saw a man le tye the platform and attempt to croea tbe truck*. Whistle* were blow;; and ellorts made to BtOp the train, bul the nan was km ked down, decapitated end cul to pieces. He was a stranger _bout forty-five years obi. TWO FINHHAI.S. The funeral atrricefl el Hr. Moritz Michaella were bald at ins norse, No, 20-1 Eesl Eighteentb-oU >-<.*- terdajr. The lutermeel aaa at Cypress Hills Ceme¬ tery, Tbeeerrieeeof John Edgar Coi lie', winch took place at tho bones of his bioth^r-m-law, J. Howard Wright, No, uk. Le*_ington-aTe_ were thoeeol the Society of Friends, lue body was illirie.', at Woodlawn. A (tUTI muss U>__UI_-BOt7_B TO BI HCILT. William A. Booth, president "I the children's Aid Society, yesterday Sled plana it the Bureen of Build.gB for a four storr lodging-hniiso for chil- clrett. wini h is to h.-,.,. etea on tba oort.wee) comer of Sev.ni.. .ve. aud Thirty eeoond-st..al a cost nf >.~,imiim. XhC lull l«l ng will be con *. ruc te. t ol biick, au.I ita <iiui' nelone are to be _____ te-t. There will bo-everal school-rooms on tba lower floor, thk pntar mau i og rf_irsi_.__HT__. I'r it" i.-poaotto, an Italian laborer, was tried j-est^rd; v, in the Curt ..f General Heesions, lor the killing oi John W, Beamish. The shooting occurred in Mini"!! v-,i., near t eoal-B-i on January 6, 1883, bul Beamish did not "in* titi February _. lames Kiilorlan., a b.-v who i* now Berring u term far barglary, waa the principal wltaeea tor the prose* cutioti. Tba j..rv couth ted DpoaottO ol iii.ni- elaugbter in tbs m*t degree, for which the penalty i* from tire ta twenty years' imprisonment, un: Ml -.ii.iiy ok mr'.vniit kvmi li'.Ar -ii vi.n. in.wapan te of tba boat thal nae picked ap kn tbe Hudson River off One-bundred-and-aeventy- ninth it have hen found. They wereJamea Cun- niurrbatn, "i No -.'l") Malberry-ei.,Joesph Booti "t Nu.-io ila fe D ne. Ueorue Stafford sud CharlesO'N ill. They hired the boat al lort I.e. at aiiotit :i o'clock ob sunday afternoon, and in a I.-ni iiiin_ io maha last to au e teni tn.n barge tbe i.oai sraa npeel and they arere thrown into the wah r I tinto nv i uk Cl I Th" Rey. Dr. Roderick lenv preeided at a rnoet- iagof tba i'i.hs's oi .Nsw-Vorii hehl yesterday af¬ ternoon In the * oilegiate burch, ai Filth ave. ami Twenty-ninth-et*. nathan il. -.merest ami ci.ir- ML Perle*, graduates of tbe rbeological -.uti* nary ai Mew-Brunswick, N..I.. and .isui*s R. Kin, and Edward M. Muru.m..yd. gradnataa "t the Union rneolegical Seminary, weie stamined la t, Hebrew, tbeol grand personal relicion, and .t bi i >i .-.ii to preach. Mr. Demereet i* Boon to be ordained aa an evaageliet, when be will g'j io Japii at e foreign Btealouary. last Mn iimi "K rm: eawnsi i-itiiAcitmaa. The Bepttsl ptsachere bald their las) meeting yes- terdej prim to tbs sommer vacation, Ibe Kev. l»r. ticorxe A. Hunt. «' Hoboken, read ¦ paper on " In¬ ti rpretation by Emphaaa, end a reriswol the work of .lo*, (.li li. 1 'othlngham." A coiiiuiittce ,.| line -pointed lo repreeeul the conference at the funeral of tba Ree. ur, w. .**-. Utkela on Wedn evellitiK. Tlie Kev. A. li. l.aWMin. who li ts been eh.: d secret.ry of tbe American Baptist Publics* timi Society, baedeclined tbe position .'ind will re¬ main pact oi ot the Oreen Wood Baptist Church, with which ho bus betm Connected lor sixteen year*. tim: complaint aoainsi g CRT _4.¦___. 'ihe lu ami- oi Mr*. Isahella Angle's complaint against City Marshal Henry Myer-, foi ever-barg¬ ing ber in levying sn execution waeeontinued i.e- |. ie Mayor Edson yeeterdey. Mr*. Angle testified that she was sued for 992, of winch she bed n i. idy paid $27, and tbasajadgmentof B100__ was rendered agalaet her. City Marena] Myers .ame io bet with au execution at..I demanded (1-3, .-h.- gars him $140, took Ins receipt for it and Bskedbim to gits e lawyer 910. Myere,oo being ardered by the Mayor's aecretery to make sn item* t/.ci accon_l of cbargee, aeaerted thal ho had charged only 913. Fha casa *_ edjouraed, BBOOKLTN. Jaetlce Cullen, in the Bupreeae Court, yesterday fran ted a decree of ebsol ute divorce in the euit of larv .s. Marsland against Clarence Mareland. ihe Kev. .1. llr.idford Cm.iver, pastor of the Church ot Christ, la Bterling-plaoe, bee retired from active work on account of poor health. Il will re mai n a nie ml ic r ol' t he church. Letters of administration were granted yeeter* "la, by Surrogate Bergen to Mrs. MariaSeining, Widow Of tbe lats Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Bohung, The stirer thief, .lames i.ii*.ell. yesterday pleaded not gUlltV lu fore .Iutl_o .Moore in the Court of Sn sinus, ibo indictment is for burglary in tho first Ma, -te Clausen, who was found on Saturday in Adelphi-st. suffering Irom a dose of oxalic acid, said yeetC-dey that she lives etBcboeleys Monntaio, N. j., alni BU I.ti aw ii (loni hollie niue mouths, shu carrtee the photograph of Jemea Palin, who is at American House, Itostou. .She lirst uiet liimat her homo and met him afterward in New-York by ap¬ pointment. The Bpeeial Commltee of Aldermen on Celebra tion nf IndepenUenee Day yeaterday/ awarded t tu- cotttra-'i for lireworks lo i. J. S. iiarlenberg for $1,900, the next to the loweal bi.bier. I be display will b" at Fort (ireene, Washington Park Hall Orounde, »1 North Tenth and Fourth st*., and near Ulmer's Urew.rv, between Bearer et and Broad* way. Tho Crand Jury yesterlay presented au indict¬ ment againel the .shore Bom, owned by tho Brook* lyn City Railroad Company, it Pori Hamilton, de- clarina lt a aaieence. Pa-Judge B.D. Morris, in lu-h.. lt of lbs com nany, which pl rad ed guilty to the charge, asked ead was granted sixty days in which to abate the nuisance, end retiing to .io *o the shinti is ordered to salsa the road mdetoptbe illumine* winch run over it. lin- coiiitnn*ioii recently appointed toexamiue Into the alleged lunacy of Diedrtcb Mahn ken who shot ami killed Diedrioh btefieoB, la April, began its lieariui-s yesterday. Ex-Judge 1'r.iy appeared f..r Mahaken and Aseiatant Distnct-Attorney backus for tbs people. Beverai wilneeese, Ino)nd- lng Mahnbsn wlfs, teettfled aa to bia strange con* (lint i.n sererel yar* past. Mabnken, «h« sp- p.atc'l in court, was t|iuet and obetlieut. in reportiog totheChief of Police the arrest of members of tbe so-called Salvation Army and tho threatened arrest of " Bishop" MoNamara, ol the Indeuendent Catholic Church, for street preaching, Captain James C'ampbell, of the First Precinct', *a»*: " Fioni my obeenratioo ol those who sssem- Inc al Ih.-il iii"«e|,ii_. 1 um coiivillceil that tWO> thirds ot the crowd are there tosool and ridicule them, ami are not lik'-iy to ba eoarerted." JKUSKY CITY. Patrick Pay, af N". ni Fist Bighteenth*_l_ New Yolk, a taaautar la tbe emvioy "f Decker A Kapil, lumber merchants^ wa. struck by a Penoeyl- vani.i U.ulroad locomotive at the(Jreeue-st. eroesfog yeaterday ereumgand Bcriouaty lujured, ile was raaaoved lo the Cuarity Hospital. Surrogate McAvoy, of HudeOfl County, ve*tenl.iy f ranted u> Bira. Virginie t». Un bin, daagbter of the its Mts. Hannah Uraat, letter* ou lbs entate of tho dacaaaed waaaan worth 91,000, lim aurrtTing bein are I lyasea B. (kant, Mary J. (rainer, Ulyaeoa Ht Irani, jr., Jceas iiiatit and Jeuuio Uraut, chudreu of Drvilio (.r.uit. Jonathan W. Tottlee, tho m.Ilioumiire broker, af _jr_a_ IN. Y., wuo pleaded guilty several days ago. In the Court of General Seflalone. to the indictment! of indecent assault which had been found againal him bv the Grand Jury, appeared in court yester day for sentence. 8everal witnesses, includjun Treasurer Jacobus, of the Produce Exchange, ap peared lu behalf of Mr. Tottles, and sentence wai suspended. NEW-JERSEY. Union flnx..Two cases of smallpox were ri* ported this morning. The victims are Mrs. HotfmaE and her infant. The woman arrived from Germany last Monday and took apartments in a house M Morgan-st. The woinau and the child were removed to tbe county poorhouse at Snake Hill, and repre¬ sentatives of the Board of Health are vaccinating persons living in the vicinity of the lodgings. WESTCHESTER COUNTY. Mt. Vernon..A horse, buggy and set of harness, the property of P, T. Rich, were atolen on Sunday night. Wkstchkster..Patrick MulUn. a blacksmith, bought a triangular piece of grouud from J. w. Warner, of New-York, for gt., 100. The deed gave the nurcha-ser the right to uso the water in the well on the adjoining land, which is owned and occupied by Peter Clinton, another blacksmith. The latter filled up the well aud Muilin intends to sue Mr. Warner. STATEN ISLAND. Stapleton..Michael ('ardella, a young Italian, of Now-York, went to Staten Island on Sunday, while rambling through the woods he met ahoy who gave him a rolmi. A constable arrested him for violating the game law, and bofore Justice Gar¬ rot yesterday ko was tined $20. LONG ISLAND. Long Inland CiTY.-John Daly, of Dutch Kills, ho I ore Justice Delehanty yesterday, was charged with threatening to kill his wife. Officer Nurkle. who made the arrest, testified that when he entered Daly's house ho found him with a loaded revolver in his hand pointed at his wife. The Justice re- aaanded him until Wednesday, ia the custody of hm counsel. Newtown..Coroner White held an inquest last niKut in thiica-eolVVillianiKvau8,age sixty-tive.wno was found in the water near Banfort- Point on Friday. Theolii. ulsat Ulackwelfs Island recog¬ nized him as au inmate of the workhouse, lt is be¬ lieved that be got up tn the ninlil and jumped into the river. The wounds in his back, at hist sup¬ posed to have been made by WOt, were only bruises caused by the body washing against the rocks. The jury returned a verdict ot death by drowning. BABIES IX SCAXDIXAVIA. from The. Little Folkt' Magazine, The petaMta like grund iianies tor their little rmes, sosa ss Adolph, ACriem, (JoUried, ('ustavus, for beys; Md Jesephlae, Tkon. Ingseore, for girts; and if tii.-y hare no n.iine prepared tbey seek one tu the abua- n ir for the particular dry or hat.r's hirth. It ls baptized the next Sunday and taken tu church by the godukOt-sr, wbo provides thc curiNteulii.' garments, which ure often trimmed witta eolered bows, walls tue tulsa! has head* rnnoil it* neck ami wears a cap witta very utile border. I in- clergyman hold* lt well ovr the font and pour* water over the BOOB of Hie head three time*, then wipes with ii towel. As ttl-baby 1*swathed lu six-.neb-wide h .iiil.it* *.. that lt e. uni' il move it* legs and sometimes Bot cv. ii lt* ar.uh, it is unlined to Ile very psetlTC during this ccrenioulal. Tho peasants baye th. ir reasons for this swathing, tba Arel of which ts tnut ttn-y think lt makes the umbi grow straight; tho second thu: lt turn, baby into a compact biiuUle to carry, wuen swathed thu*, infant* liuve been said to resemble the tail ol a lobster,or even it* wi.me body, lu the north teer sro Ottee bung from a loii.. springy pole stuck In the nail, lo be out of thc way ; and, liein_ by nature quiet, t_er are supposed not to mind il. Their cradle*, wlncb are very prlailtive, are also tr*'t i«uii.» sunpendea by a spiral Bpsiag trota t*n reef, wtaieb must he more c.iiiitort-li.e tuan the pola, lints in Swedish .md Mer* ¦regtaa Lapland, psopls tak* these "swaddling*" to lin;-., jim instead of carrying them leto church ina-c a nole In the suow outside lu tue chiiretir.ini a.ni bury th ni in lt, leans, a small ire '.<r breathing u irposee. Tue beales aro kept splendidly warm, win!* th. ir Irh-ocis witmn tue sacred buiuilDg bave instr Beards frozen to iiietr fur (...Ht* tal tuc fiee/.ii. ot their own hr.-utli*. A* soon »* a peasant hoy ian walk, lie pul imo trousers, hu.i"iicd .nt-ei ir- in* j tel.il; aad Bs ie .ire uag_>- uebtn.i teat ii ls offs amusing tu see lum. dis begaiaceahi ireipientiy dur- to Him lu t iii.it lue trouser* ortgiually belonged io Ins rainer, nut w,r<- e it .11 at tim log* und simply drawn mund tue boy's waist without reiiucing their Bise. Add lo Hil* that the feet aro shod enter with little Jack-boots or tr-odee staees, and we have a *trange lb. ir sto. Linn* t-irin r nave leather neel* or no >...'.» ut all, so thal ibe mottle! it *|.areU me trouble ot inrii(liii_ tueiu. Neltlier lia* s.ie much lab ,r with th ir ii ii..;r ni vales i* Bleeped bb etcea ee a csa- lilt's Thu girls also wear weodsn sbeee, but they have giu-iiaiii kers-leie er eageea teeta head*, troaka down to their bee.*, and "iiaiul pinafores. MA li IXE IX IELLIGEXCE. Ml VI AT (.UK ALMANAC. Sun rises 1 no. sit* 7 M Watta rites 1117 Mooa'n gs, day* 21 moll WaiflUi ro-OAT. j_IC Beearlissa- .< Oe*. leUse. nos ii«:i nats, im /V--*-auuy_.o_. 0.01. ito/. Ultu-. U..1. lita u*io, tklmt FOREIGX STEAMERS DUE AT THIS PORT. IO-DAY. FBbnB. fttm Uit. An.le* .Wu.it Indie*.Atti*. s.menlo.-.Ililli .Mull. Mt.ne! .w..i lattas.dell Ports. i gt).ti* ii Monarch.I ...n.t..n.Monarch. li' ..ni.lawnton.Nat 1..hui. AB.ile* .Janian* .Alia*. Kil*U.I i»in inn j..11 am >> Amer. i-iai.- ot Kio.-!.!*.diaagow._Biala. Minimi* ._.!%«i.o,ii._< bbbtS Acapulco.Aspiuw_ii.I-Stls Mau. wedmsi'av.ji'.m; .7. ce_a_a.iiavro.fYaaafe Treen lil tilth Kiiiuue.Millican Foils.Alexandre's. 111. KS I'AY. JIM. .Certstlsaasae ..Thiiigvsii*, Ai|nii . t eutial America..Alias. Ayiuiu.Liveipooi.Willie Stat SHIPPING XEWS. PORT OT NKWYuKK.MON DAT. JUNK '.'5. 18S3 A-ttiv_:i. Steamer Anr-hnrUi Bri. nedderwl.'k. Olasgow Jun* 14. vis UsvUIS 18. wit li unite and p.itseu_*i * to ll. niteis.ui Bros, etaamet Peeeslc Bri, J<*nklu*. Catania May SB, Messina 30, Palermo Jane '-'. -oiieuio 0, Uibraiiar 15 days, with mdse to Phalli* Uro* A Co lltSBIBItT durnum lin, Mace. Antwerp 14 day*, with mdse tu....ter vos*..i le Kiinch. Kdy*A Co. BtSBBirr TarsUBJ- *'"*." Havana 4 day*, wits mdse and passengers to .1 is 1. Ward A Co. -.irimti state of Texas, Klsk. Penisndina Tia nrunswielt, 1....'in Pori Koral, 1 dais, willi _dss tod passen.eis lo Cit Mallory A OB Mfimri Naeooetase, Kempton s_T_nn__ Ci* days, with nnlte.and passenger* to Henry Yonge, Jr. str*iu*i I'ommoawseltb, Vbb Kirk, Philadelphia, with mdse ami p**seugei s to lulu. .' li..I.n t*. -.'..inri lr ju..mia, ll.nnett, Portland, with railje, sud pat¬ ienter* lo I 1' A kims. Bart .Inim Milton Rri, Hinsfnrd. Hollo life 7 nnd P.itsa. rm-ng Feb .1, wita suf sr to untor. Tassel to Austin Ualdwin .'. s lurk Gustav (Oe*.). It..l.*r. Hollo 1113 days, with lugar to I. lt i ooper; vessel lo Kim. ta, -djs A Co. iiait Psi.a (Nor), tn-orson, Liverpool :t(lday*. wit'i soda aah and empty harrell to or.lei. v*»»ei to Bnnham A r.it-i-n. Kalk atiiiela ll .Ital). OaiK'.ilo. Algiois April iii, with rBfOtablS an loonier, fc**el t.. Jol.n Zitiloseo. . hetty nor'. Howctil. lln_e'i J't davs, witheeiueiit ami auiplr tiarrnls toordsi Te*«ei to Theo Raf at*. Kalk arihiir 0 w'ade tot l'oilUndl. .-hermaii. ard.-tias 1'J ("ac*, willi *u*ar toorder; TSttnl to Miller* Houghton. lina- Curacoa (of Windsor. NH>. McNutt, euiaco* 12 days, will, mille in order; «*t*el lo Konlko A Co. ItrU Acadia inf New Haven). Woodward, Point a Pltre IS Ba] -HbSBftartO ll Trowbrldge's-lon*. Brtg (israel tot New-Haveal, ka.uu, Port spain 21 .lay*, willi lugar lo ii Trowbiiagi. A 0. Itrlg lenoii'Phtiiney .or Portland), Tavlor. ( leiifiiegos 17 davs. witt, tugar loai.Ui t.-m*i tu Mil|*r_ Houglituo. lirlg lia.in ot ABaapofl*. N8l." rose ip, snlaaas LB dsys, with su^ai lo iiiilei; tess^i to J W Parker A Co. Brig iiucst. i;iiioit. CarUsaas )3day», wita sugar to order; Tes»i>l to Hatton. Watson 'o. Hilg Halsy. Met srthy, Mstanzas 16days, with angsr, Ac, to.intel vessel to ."" wau .t Son. >.!,i Il SO ry W ..linn ion (of PhlladclphlSl. Magoo. Matan- sasvla Delaware llreak water 13 days, with tugar toordcr; .(.-.¦I lo A liavtoo A o Sear PL Ur'tiko. Hriako. Rararoa Kl days, with Irult to (ii unit I rOBIISlI vestiM lo Simpson. Clapp A Co. s.in Jacob I lloiismau. Kider, (at Kl-nrt 10 days, with pu.eenie* io I -JoaaaOSI vessel to Isaac li staples Behr Royal Arcanum Bri. cioohl. I>oiche9ter. NH. 15 dnys, willi lumhsr lo I. I. Ki. hard-on, ves.et to p i Nevins- Son. SUNajCT-Wtud ac .Sandy Hook, moderate, E. cloudy aed ha/.y. Arrived yesterday - steamer Acapulco. Hhsckfnrd, Aiptnwall Juno Hi, wira mdse aud passengers to Pacific Mall Ss Co. CLKARKD. steamer Witiconsln (Br>, Rigby, LlTerpool via QuiODistowB William* lilt.il. ste.mot Juui.ila, I'aj-ott. West Polut, Vs-Old Dominion ¦soe Mtoamor E W Brane. Foster. Rainmore.J « Krein*.. ship llrechlu Castle illr), sinai I, Pori Spain -K.lward Pcrrv A o. Ham ZohlnaCloudey (.Br), coos, Anjlsr, JaTa. for orders- Boy.1 A Illili ken. Bark Padre lAusO, Vining. Beyrout, syria. Bola coiullcta. nark Dinoga Hal), lias, niiaio. i.eiiea *-eager Bros. BarkCsvIod (Itali.-Boro, Bilbo-Punch, _dye_.Cs Bark Allmurl (Itali. Aclailta, liosarm, santo*, etc.John Dunn. Bark Doris leklmtr, Brandt. Havana-Ja* K Ward A Co. Brig ('ante Ile. tba, Hall, site. Pr.Kretl, son Sr Co. Hit. A (I Jewett, need, calbarlen Jus K Ward A Co. Brig Orbit, Na*b. si i.ucla I.eat. ran Jt Co liri* l.iully Un. Iialim. Port au Prince.Brett. Son A Ce lingi oieiHri, Carty. Georgetown, Demiiraia.Middleton A co. Brig Zcbeiila(Bri. Merriam. Newark P I Nevin* A son s.ln MSBBSrtiti Watson, YarmoutB, NS S.ammell Bros. Cleared satunlay- Daik Atlas wSon. Berg, Hsmharg-Punch, Kdyc A Co. BAILS ll steamers strat lil even, for Yokohama-, America. Rarscos: Itu I.ni.uni, Nuiiolk; J uui-la. Weal 1'aiul, Va. Hark Allis' ClVUflK'.O*. ' lin-; Movkm!.;**. rs ,ie sri', vmkh . POilKHIN P.iRT*J. I.oino.1, lase) M.Arness, *team*r Tvciio Brahe (Br). QrSSSry, .".o.u New-Yuik Jun* lb. (Livttrpoot. Jane 26-Amvsd, Btesmers Arehtrrietie r__. Davies, from Nsw.York Jane 10: Enrique <Bp*_, v.,T;_! from 8t John, NB. Jane 9; IllyrUn (Br), Pargber, frjmK_ i Um June 13. .I QLBBKsTowif. June 23 -Arrived. s_5*_er Battle (Bri. jp__ sell, from New-Tork Jnne IB ea her war ut Liverpool. scii.lt, Jnne I'S-Passed, steamer Franoe (Br). Ifadl***' from New.York June 18 on her way to London. llAKBuao. June_5-Arrlved,aUamerBla_don(Br), Dani. from New-Orleans Janel ^^ KoNTRBAL, Jane 25-Amved. steamers Lake .Venison sal Polynesian. Liverpool. ^^ Halifax, June 25.Arrived, steamers Alpha sud Worcester,- kamk Pom. Jnne -4-Psssed inward, steamer Thora Holme, Liverpool for Montreal. m DOMESTIC PORTS. BOsto*», Jane 25-amved, «te»ioor Jesse li Freeman, Atti dersou. Port Antonio. . Cleared, steamers New-Brunswick, Colby, Ysnnouth, NS* Glaucus. Uearse. New York. *| 24ih-Arri Tod. »lear_er Norm m. Nlckerson, Philadelphia Pint.ADn.ricit. June'2.1.Arrtred. ateameis Ashtleid (Uria Cornwell, Carthagens. Hermod (Dan). Mein, Now.York- Al* leutown, swasey. Bolton; centipede. Warrington, do; ilead. lng, smith. Portsmouth Hercules, Ritson. Portland; Ailee. Hnoglns, Pall Uiver. Tonawanda. Sherman. Providence: _ (J Biddle, wallace. New-Yolk, saxon, snow. Boston. Cleared, steamer* .Mayflower, na. ld-on. New- York; Lances, ter. Mills Boston; Panther. Wiley, Newburyport; I'erkioaiena Miller Newburyport. ^ Ba-TImork. June^S-Arrived, (learner Ooval (Br), Brows. Puerto cortes, cleared, steamers Nova Scotian (Br). Itlcbsrd'son, Liverpool*! India (Gen, fl old t, Asihtis: iii i.omlmnrh lBri. Anderson. luth, Allegheny, Uailett, Boitou; Vineland, Poster, Nsw* Tot*. sailed.steamer* Broomhsngh, India ami Allegheny. b.WAVXAH. June _6.Arrival, steamer City of Columbi** Platier, Bolton. Announcements. LuXDBORG's Perfumes, Km-via, and Maurchal nhl Rosa Bodt BBUMBU Carpet..Great sale. 500 pieces best D. frames, to cloie out quickly, st fl '__ p^ry ate. siiKPi-AKD Ks Arr At Cu., siith-ave. and HJth-sL Flies, roaches, ants, bed-hu_a, rats, mica. crowi, chipmunk*, cluared out by " Rough on Rats." Ibo. -? Poland Water and Pure Poland Soda at IBS Nassau-st. Tribune Building. Henri* A. Daniel'. M. D., 144 Lextagton-ave.. bet vce-i tr* sad lioth-** *. Hours, BBB I. 5 tn 7. Dlieawi of th» Nervous systea. cjeutio Urinary organs, Impoleuce sul-uriluy. Apollinaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATEES.'* British Medical Journal, " Its flinty offers the best security against the danger, which in rural districts, as in towns and cities, ard common to most of the ordinary drinking waters there* London Medical Record, ANNUAL SALE, IO MILLIONS. Of all Grocers, Druggists, and Mineral Water DeaUr\ EEWARE OF IMITATIONS. IT LEADS ALL; Noothar blood p_nry1n_ medicine ls made, er has ever bama* prepared, which so compktely meets the wanta ol pby Hciaae aad thi gineral public ss Ayer's Sarsaparilla. ""¦ It leads the Ult sss truly srie-itlfle prepsratloa for all BIsset diliases If there Isa lurktns taint ot [scrofula ah mt VtmA SriltltTTI I ArcasMtssArAsiLLA will disloj.slt*__> O.-l-'l ____.._, ufromvour syitsm. Tor eonstltetlonsl er scrofulous Catsrrh, Arcs'* Sabb__ Tl rp in nil rssiLLA ts tbs tru* remedy. Ithssoaxsel -Al.-linn _11B|oerle*s cases. It will atop the nuuseoesf eatsrrhsl discharges, and remove the il., kc .'.ns odor ot (_¦' btes h. which are Indications of a scrofulous origin. II B*B____IMI "Hitto, Tex., Sept 28, lSSt. HIAMV-- "Atths sr- sf two years one of mr cha.' dren wss terribly sainted with akoroa* rennin*; seres sss ^ORFS 'U '*°* *od Dett At ta*laa>* time tts eyer , WIBI._> w#., _._!«_. much lnfl-iuod and very som, *s(lltP FTF*. ,Jnrjl'liQ* told os i_.t a p.iwsrfut sltse-: a Ul. Et _.!__ »t|vs intatl. lne must !.» *m?:oyed. TheJ- ea'.ted la recommending ATEit's sarsaparilla. A few lissa prodortvd s perceptible Improvement, whicb.**iy an tdk*i**-e_ to your directions, wa* continued, to acomplste and i>«n__ neat care. No evidence bee tine* appeared ot Ui» exltunoe ot any scrofulous tendencies an I ns treatment of any diet order wa* evor attended by asor* prompt sr s.ectnal r*«allS( Yours truly, B. T. Joil_B0_" PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Usk\% Sold by aU Drag-flit* Bl, six bottles fort*.. Rs X-e A, RADWAYS READY RELIEF. THE CHEAPEST ANO l«T MEDICINE TOM V \Hlt.t L'SK IN nit: WOULD. hi t. ni is .'OJIPL.-Iivrs! A teaspoonful in half a tumbler of water will in a Itt} niouiint* cure cKAMI'S. SPASMS, HOUR BT iMAOIL li KA ll 1'111'ct N, NERVOUSNESS, > I. K K PI. K-» V r-S-J, BIO- UK*. DA' HE. DI ARK IDE*.. DY** EN TKilY, CO-IC* FLATULENCY, and all INTERNAL PAIN'S. MA LA HI."i, CHILLS AND FEVER, CCHED. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF 1** A CORE FOR EVE__ PAIN; TOOTHA" UK. HEADACHE. N Kl l'.At.<IIA_ SPRAINS. UKUISE.-*, i'.U.NS 111 TH£ ll.llK, Clil-l OR LIM US. It wss tho first snd ls THE (INLY PAIN REMEDY. Price. SO rents [.or bottle. Sold by druggists. imc. ie ti* .\ '<* SARSAPAR1LLI.W RESOLVED, THE GREAT BLOOD Pl-RIFIEK. FOR THE "CUE OK ALL CHRONIC DI-.il VSKs. orrs, nt in anil nip ui.«.'a*es. .nc.curial in*r_*"B,rr.ii_.^>^»*. plaints, (lout. Dr»p*r, illckets, r*alt llli»u'n. BroootuU*. Oase sumption. Kidney, Blsdder, laver '.i-util_i.iti. _**. PCRIF1K* IHK Rl.OOD. RESTORING BEA LT" VIGOR; CLEAR BEIN and HKAL'TIFl'L CO - IOE HBO-RED IO ALL. Price 1»l per Uotiio. ll ANB l-i.-JC Radway's Requlatina Pills! Perfectly t_-t«!i's*. sligaetlrnnslsi for'tn* ira >' iii H- i.r.lf i*of thc -.toma, ti, liver, bowels, tlduoys, blal ler. intlarls tn lt- various forms, nervous .Usenet, BSSdaotW, .iis'i»S- tl.ui,costiveness, iu llgestiou, .IvsuetisU, hlll.nis i»si. i.il'SS f..\ er, ititlAtuuuuon ..f the Bowels, plies, and all d*r ii v nests of tbe lataraal vt-Mir_ price ii cen rs per boa. Bold by all dru.itlsu. The Three Leading Table Wa.er_s Lil MIA snd TU HY WITH l.I TIM v lEIrat tniroduced bv me in 18U5.) CARLSBAD. I US. KI*s**l\(.ES »l t ll 1 KV tl \ ) BlWt TER-KISSlN-EN. th.isifest. PL'LI.XA. tho strongest Bltterwat'T. WU,UTN1.KN. .sI'lIWAI.rtVl'U. I'YR.IIONT, Bee. My Mineral Waters h»T.s bi-eu analyzed by th* prlnolost Prolessmsof I'hsuilstry, snd inlirsed-sins* 18iJ. iw»- lult!,i uur'tn,\ Ol eorrn-teoinjiu.i i _._ _sa They are prescribed by the M«<lioal Profession. Over ma Physicians ute them lu their lifiilliet. All hosutt-*. firs*. class liuhllc place*, clubs, aui MSeBSSS- of prlT.uo ft'niuss sst isg l.|lt.er<,t. P1<l.e i,pt 13tu anJ ltth st*. POWERS &WEIGHTMAN, MANUFACTI'KING (IIKMISTS, PIIILADEI.PHIA. NEW YORK OfftOI vi MAIDEN.LANE, Offer to thc Wholesale Dru. Trade aud those who boyla similar quintltles. au aasortiueut of c. Hi.MICAl.S; Medicinal, Photorraphlc, snd for the Arts, In. hutu.. yl'lNIA, BSlffceas A.eKtc Bromide, ftc MOE. PlUA.Sulphato Acetate, Brou.i.lo, etc. CINCIIONIDlA, ctNi llOMA. calomel, corrosive Hublluiste, POTA9 MIM, Iodide an* Bromide, t'ltrlo and Tartaric iclda, NlliateUilver, Sttlphurl.*. Mtir.attc and Nitric Acid*. Epsom Salts, Blue Vitriol. Chloroform, Magnesia Celclmvl Hesvy. Bismuth preparations, strychnia, sulnhtirtc Ether, etc^_ PILES raflenB free. Cnred wltnout the use of tin* Unlfo. powder or salve, r siiftetin" PSIS. Nocharan until cured. C.msulUt.'U \\ nie to. reference. Di". A. A. COR-INS. ll E«st MOA *t. odic.' houis lo lui. Royal "3akmg . ^owder* ABSOLUTELY PURE*


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LER (BOTH COLORKD).An air of romantic mystery hung all yesterday

about the closely drawn green curtains of a email

barber-shop in Main-st., Tarrytown. Tbe romantio

element waa there because it wa* known that tho.

young barber, John Daniel McCarthy,had been ahot down in bia shop by Ltta Lena

Fuller in broad daylight on the previous afternoon.And there was mystery in the atory, too, for John

Daniel had been known to give seventeen differingaccount* of tbe affair, so that it was common talk:

about town that a masked woman had enteredJohn Daniel's shop while he was uaopniK ou lita

sola: that the woman wan his stepmother; thatelie went Into tho shop without a mask on whilo

be waa ahaviug a customer ; that she was bis

mother-in-law and dropped In to harea pleasant afternoon chat with him: that she

asked when he was going to marry her, and said

aha would shoot hun if she caught hun walkingwith any ol h. r girl; and that finally she took lune

by the forelock and did shoot him then and therewith a horse-pistol, which was a nickel-plated,large-sized navy revolver of twenty-two calibre.Af ier carefully addiug all the stories of John Dan-lei's friends together, dividing the sum by two dif¬ferent accounts given by himself, and applving thetheory of probabilities to the result, a Iribunr re¬

sorter who visited Tarrytown yesterday arrived attbe lollowing story of the case:John Daniol McCarthy, a somewhat blonde negro

barber, twenty-one years old, waa introduced oue

evening to Kita Lena Fuller, a dashing brunette ofthe stunt* race, ile accompanied lier to ber mother'shome on s stormy night. Thc acquaintance ripenedinto intimate friendship and then into romanticattachment, at least on Etta Lenna part.But th** end of it all was doomed to

be more stormy than the night on whichthev met For Etta Lena beard vague but horridrumors that John Daniel went walkiug with other

firle, and that he had a letter from his wife id thear South 80 she went to his little shopou Sundayafternoon aad _____ him if he was going to marryber. Oh, yes, be was (Olag to marry her, to Le

eure. But when, when! was the (iue_tion thatagitated Etta Lena's heait. Ile thought Octoberwould be noon enough, and 19 supposed to havehummed something about the leaves beginning toturn at that time of year, she tragically insisted.MB being married bv John Daniel " now or

iiwir." liut still he answered with asigh " Oc¬tober" Then F,lta Lena wanted to eeo that letterfrom his wife. He stuned to get it; she pulled a

email revolver from her pocket, grasped it con-

?nlsivelv ni both hands and Ina. Joint Danielfelled "Minder!' arid rau out of the back door.ti ta Lena followed and tired twice more at berfaithless .*wain. Then she walked coolly Bf thestreet and John Daniel walked slowly and pain¬fully down the street, for he had been shot 111 tlir

thigh. He remarked to a frieud that he didn't caro

eo much about tieii.g shot, but it had spoiled a new

pair ol trousers thai bad never been worn before.The -Aiiman was not aiWBtSd. and John Daniel is atthc house of a friend rapidly recovering lion, hiswound aud having his trousers mended.


sanraois ok oiPBaso-.ibbt.Helen Leonard, who shot Mrs. Clarence Smith on

June 15, was removed yesterday from the JaffersoaMarket Jail, where -he has beeu incarcerated sincetlie shooting, to the Tom ba. She is beginning tolook ill and wretched from siispmse and an.ucl.v.Her face haa growu thin. " I am so cladto Bee you." sho said to a Tribunk¦.porter two or three hours afler her arrival in hernew quarters; "il Lt so terribly lonely here.""Th.-n you do not like the change t""1 hate it. Everyone was kind al Jefferson Mar¬

ket. Mrs. burrowes, the matron, has been like a

mother to me. She is like a motlier, aud a Christ tau

oue, too, 10 all the unfortunate- there, and IWill never forget her. Then I have anotherfriend tc tell you about. Who do yon think 11 is?lt 1b my old governess who used to teach me and_y sister in New-Orleans. 8he is liviug at Roches¬ter, lint just as soon as she saw about me in thepancr.* she came to New-York to take care of me,and she !ia*i been here ever sine.-."

" Have yu heard from Callaghan T""No. He wa* in Poughkeepsie a few days, but I

believe he 1- in New-York now. But he can do mc

Bo gio-! now ; his evidence would not help me."Miss LeafBid ai-<> repeated her statement that

wheu sho was arrested and ti.Len 10 JnsjieciorByrnes'a ottos the inspector told bertha! Callaghanbud just binn there, and that uothin^ would bedone it she returned llrs. Badth'e totten. "I v.as

arrested." she Bald, "at 9 o'clock, and _"i>r |_ in*©iii e till hall-past before I wa* taLeu to JeffersonMarket Jail. Doesn't that look as it' they were try¬ing to arrange malters t';Clarence *siailh, she said, had been 11an_;i 11 or

around the District-Attorney's o'hco yesterday-norning, to do her moro barm, she sup¬posed. She expects to have her BBSSdecided iu a day or two. Her sennas!wished her to poetpouc the trial till the first Mon¬day after the rourih of July. "Hut I scream".!,"ene said, " when he raBBgS-tod it this morning. Itold him 1 would die if 1 were locked upany longer,ao be is going lo apply tor B tr.al in a dav or two."Wiieu asked if she thought Mrs. Hiuitli would be

well enough io give evidence. Mum Leouard ex-

pit s-ed herself very energetically: "Mrs. Jsmitu,indeed! 1 will just tell you She Wnsri't wounded atall. \\ hen she was lying on the sola at Dr. Blon¬dell's and 1 was walking up and down ihe room, 1ju-.' went over 10 her and -aw wli»ie th** bulletetrtick. It struck ber corset and ginned off loone

Bide. 1 don't helievethc bullet gave lier a scratch, butof course Dr. Blondell and Dr. Phelps are againstme, lhere is (_larenefl Smith poisoning their ears,end I have no friends to speak for me." Mr. Kmt-xiug. Mis* Leonard'* cotiusel, said that no furtherappin allon for bail would bemad--, "il it iaK.OOO,cr ij-500, it does uot matter,'' he, i.-nucrked ; "nouo ofns have any bail to oller, and all we eau do 19 tobastcu thu trial as much as possible."

DROWNINGS HY ACCIDENT AND DESIGN.Reuben H. Norcott, an uiti-t. of No. 1-7 Churl-

tdi-st., who has b-en boarding at MeQninlao'sHotel, at 1. litton, S. 1., committed suicide yesterdaymorning from Lawlers shipyard. For some timehe had sufiered from ticuto neuralgia and malariauntil his uni..*, was affected, ile ataricd with biswiii- for a moruing walk, and on reeo-ing the pierhe re'iti'sted bur to take a |et(erto the post ollie*.6he had gone only half tho length of the yard winnon turning back to look at her husband she saw

merely his coat and hal. Be had hastilv thrownott the articles aud plunged overboard. The bodywus (Beavered,A short, stout mau about forty years old, who

wore a daik cap and a brown clicked suit,took off his outside clothing at the foot ofJacWson-st., at noon yesterday, and lampedinto tho hast Kivor. ransons who saw bimmake the plunge thought at first that he in¬tended to take a bath, aud efforts were not madeto rosene him. Hi* body soon disapp( ared. Theclothing left on thc pier was girento the police, who did not find any bingin the pockets to establish the suicide's indetilyll in believed that the min was au emigrant.Captain Moiton, of tho fishing schooiinr Melody,

ititi.lined the police that al 1 a. m., while theecho iii.r wa* "ff Hay Kid.e, John Harmer, a deckband, fell overboard and was drowned, lianaerwaa tweuty-.-*ven years old aud lived at New Lon¬don, Conn.Janies Lew, eleven years old, whose parents live

et No. 417 West Thirty-tifth-at., fell into the NorthRiver at the foot of Uansevort-st. and was drowned.li.s iHhtv was recovered.John Connors, a young man whoso home was at

Soutn Ambry, N. J., was drowned accidentally inthe North River at Pier No. 3d. The body was re¬covered aud sent to the morgue.The Ixidy of au unknown mau has been found in

tbe water at I'i'-r No. 1, North River.The bo iv .f an BBB.OH- mau, the features so

badly decomposed as to be uureio.ni/.aldi, waslound on Rookeway Beach, near the big hotel. 1 hebody waa clothed in a hickory ahirt, dark clothtrouser* aud heavy brogan shoe*. It is believed tobe that of a laborer employed on tho dumpingecowa.


SAMES A. BURNETT ACQUITTED.The trial of jame,) a. Barnett, tba ssshioi of E.

dc ll. T. Auihotly _ Co., whu li ha* occupied sen ralday* in the Court ol General Sessions, wus tinished.fenlerday by the acointlal of the defendant. Bur¬lie! t *:id Charles Roih acted together as cashiersand bookkeepers of the linn bv which they wereempl.ycii. After tivy had beta left their enern, irregnlaniieH to the aixmuut ol JlU.ciOO wi-rediscovi-ied 111 the hooka kept by the \ ..ung men.-iiriiet t bud beeeaee eaahier of a bank in i olora-o,ami be was arrrst-.d ia that State on a reqnieitionfrom Governor Cleveland. Roth was arrested inthis city. When the defendants weie called toplead to the charges against them, Roth I'.cknowl-e__B_ that he wu* milty a-id that the frauds Sadbeen commuted only by hun. When he was calledtts a witness for ihe defence in Burnett's tn.il.be£.p'._a''.li lullv tne -ethiHi in which he bad de*Xraiified the linn without the knowledge ol hm com-

-h«r°_ih Ll,ber.of the y<mig men might Balance

m le* ii 1 Vt!" colu,uu» "eremarked .11 pencil, andMiSad » l__* 'ItV *** wlieu tbe <i-ures v..,e

Bur-oti K,,h « hi'." .l.'c Ciub wu* »»-»*»«-*ed byniim n'a'i!: U" Uko advantage of bis com-ir_dm".f/f"'!"'^^ absence te change the baures___o_^.r___ by»run"Yi,rvir'«f.» «w t..

\V ,e ¦hi __l____^_1 __*_*tU*« lh* dillerence.Std!_1J?____. MfteMb Inn-self the process waaetui more simple. His testimony w_* straiirhtfor-ward and was not weakened _j uoMeI_ ta onlioth has not yet beeu seuteuc-1 u"^ex*,1Un*»llo:*-

RARE COINS AND MEDALS AT AUCTIONThe Bale of William J. Jenke^ collection of

American and loreign coi na and medals begau rsv

£rd2-L*_eriTu al y?1*- & Co.'s auctioiT roomsISO. /39 Bi'i.adwi.v. Ior tbe silver dollar ol 17U1* __,r_:o1nt,lt"JU' ^11 was paid. A tini.iue apecitn. u

of thc dollar 01 lsatj brou_ht |_1. Proof epeci-

mens of 1838 and 1839 sold for *49 and $30 50 re¬

spectively. Better price* were paid for the halfdollars, the highest being $55 for a good specimenof 1796. Tho quarter dollar of 18-3, tbon ehsomewhat defaced, waa sold for HQ,The 1799 cent, in fair' condition, brought $17.Tbe American gold coinage, of which the collect uni

contained a complete list .brought with the exceptionof a few pieo-c'S, little more than its face value. 1 homost notable coin was the half eagle of 1H15,there being only three genuine specimens extant.It was sold for $300. The quarter eagle of 1797.brought $49 50 aud a $50 gold piece, or slug, whichis now very rare, sold for $59 73.


FOR MR. __a_-r_i OPINION.At thc meeting of the Board o. Estimate and Ap¬

portionment yesterday, President Reilly of theBoard of Aldermen moved that $1,340 99 be trans¬ferred from an unexpended balance to defray thoexpenses of the special committee of Aldermen now

investigating tho frauds in the Finance Depart¬ment.President Asten opposed the motion on

the kronur! that tho Board had no legalright to transfer any sum for a purpose of t bis kind.The Mayor had the power, he said, to authorize theCommissioners of Accounts to examine the booksand accounts of any department of the City Govern¬ment. They were now engaged in making a specialinvestigation of the Finance Department.Mr. Reilly declared that the Board of Estimate

and Apportionment had the power to make tbe trans¬fer and that the Aldermen had authority to orderan investigation. The C-BUBBB.SMSa ofAccount* bad made one examinationol tho francis in the Finance Department and thepublic were not satisfied with it. Frauds had beencommitted in the Finance Department and it wasonly light that tho bottom facts should bo reached.Mr. Asten asserted that the Commissioners of Ac¬counts were the proper oflicials to make the lnves-

gation. He thought that tho Corporation Con nselshould bs asked it money could be appropriated lora special investigation." I maintain,'' said Mr. Reilly, "that we have

such authority. Tbe special coinmitteo of theBoard of Aldermen have brought out evidenceshowing gross carelessness in the management oftha Finance Department. Tho loose managementof that Department allowed frau,ls to be earned osthere for several feen before they were detected.It looks as though President Asten were Bot willingto have the frauds tully investigated. I am not in

favor of covering up any corruption.""These rrinaiks are uncalled for," replied Mr,

Asten. " I wish to act in a legal meaner. 1 belieTethat this board bas no legal autiionty to make rasha transter."

*' I do not care a fig for the gentleman's opinion,"Mr. Reilly retorted sharply. "I have uot Saki dbira for his opinion."" I shall certainly rote for tho transfer," said the

Controller.Tde motion was carried, the Mayor. Controller

and Mr. Reilly voting iu the aflirtnau^o and Mr.Asten tn thc negative.Lindsay J. Howe, tho expert accountant appointed

by tho Board of Aldermen to investigate ihe hc-

counts in the Finance Department, applied yester¬day to thc Commissioners of Account* lor leave toexamine the books, papers, connon*, eic. In their

-ion. They are making a second examinationof the Fit.ance Department. 1'hey declined to recog¬nize Mr. Howe's autiionty until ho had receiveda wrilten authorization lr.un General Cochrane,Chairman ot the Aldermen's Committee. Tins was

procured and tbe Commissioner!* of Account-t prom¬ised to grant Mr. Howe the necessary facilities. TooDistrict-Attorney's ofliee was thea visit.-d. As¬sistant District-Attorney Vincent declined to allowcertain papers te go out of the poss-*s,ion of thecustodian. These, heir on the culpability of Will¬iam B. Carroll, the dead defaulting clerk, and aro

necessary to a thnroii-h examination of thc case.

HOW AN EXPERT SWIMMER CAME TO CHIEF.Danie! Davids is a summer boarder at Tompkins-

ville, .S. I. A few clays ago he was boasting toeparty of boatmen of his expert ness as a swimmer.Mr. Davids is a corpulent, man. Yesterday hest..rtod to co on board a steam yacht for a plea ur..

ernies, ano in ceder to enliree the trip he earnedunder one arm a box of Mu mai's Extra Dry. It was

necessary for him to walk along a String-pier. OBtbe pier to reach a small boat that was waiting tocolive,)* him to tbe yartit. A poet interfered withtbe passage of Mr. Davids's body and the wuk-.

Twice he tried to nats it and nearly lost his bal*ance. A third attempt was made, and then holliMr. Defida and the box of wine wentovott'o til.The boatmen expected to BOO him swtingracfitnllvtoa Boat, and bo confident were they thal ii aoalahurt Ins Pride to aid hun that no etl'ort was made Blrescue. rW'ii eves, however, were kept ou thell.iatiu_ box of wine. Mr. Davids plunged eboulawkwardly, and after becoming completely ex¬

hausted, -ml having awallowad a quantity of water,ha "as pulled out t.y .Special Oilier Peter Devlininst as ho was sinking for Hie third tune. Mr.Davids had to be almost carried back to the li"!*),a task which required the muscle of tour Strongnie;). Tho boatman meanwhile had fished Pu- b >x

OfWine SA to the Aoa1 and wuhan old oyster-kiil"broke the necks from the bottles, which were

emptied with celerity.THE COLLISION' WITH THE PADUA.

The jviin\vlvaiiia Railroad has thus far madeno in v.sticat i ni int i t;,o causes which lad tittiecollision between the ferryboat Jersey (itv andPlena Coull h.l's seam yacht Radii*. CaptainBloomsbury, the acting BBparlotendeat of theferries, enid yesterday afternoon thal bo laYcstige*tion would he made by the company aol sa] action

taken until tba Inapeotora ol ttfeamboata had com¬

pleted their investigation.Aaron Wilson, tbs mint of the ferryboat Jersey

City, has made a rejmrt to the -tsamboal In¬spectors. It does not dinar matcriallv Lom thepublished BtatemSBta of the pilot. After stalingthe relative positions of the vessels he save :

I blew om- whisle and recelvo.1 no an*v\er; then I blewou.-, whistle and received two whtiile* ni answer, onhearing tlie two whistles l imaBsdlatsly stopped sn.lbacked and patted ray wheel. We dine loseteer, tBevessel sinking me lu th* lorverdbow,earrjrtegewermy rudder, two braces, uud om staiicbn.u. .v.. one was

injured, We were toKriher about iwet.iy mtBStoeThe pilot Bays that the collision occurred abont

two-thirds of the way from New-York to lbs New-Jersey shore, and that the damage to the ferryboatwas about EWO. 'l'he captain of Mr. Lunllar.i'*yacht sailed at the Inspector's office ami promisedto submit a written report.

SWINDLING IN THK NAME OF CHARITY." This is not the tirst time w<- have been defraud¬

ed by person* representing themselves aa scents of.St. Joan_ G-mld." aaid tbe Kev, John \V. Kramer,the master of the Ouild. to a TBIB0BS repni sr," Mai ks, who was arrested on Simd i v on complaintof Otis W. Randall, of No. _r.<J Filth-ave..lot swindling the. latter's mother ont ol$50, did his work very skilldllv. ll-plaoed on his subscription list the forg«d names olsevi.d leading firaas to gIVO it an air of penni:.s-uess. He made lusc'oliecuou* through American Dis¬trict Telegraph fl_a_BB0Mfsand soooeeded in dupinga uuiiib'i ol people. A few yeats ago we learnedfrom ho complaints of oootribators mat nome on..,

representing himself aa a collector for the Guild,had been defrauding the public in a way similai tothe method pt.suedby Marks. Wt at, length de¬tected tun swindler mid mopped his little geese."Marks wee arraiaasd before Jnetiee Dully et tbe

Jeficrson Market police Coori ia tba afternoon,.Mr*. Hannah -cblesinger, of No. 14_ Weet Four'teentb-et,, testified that Maiks bad got $10 fromher. eba believing that ho wu* a on Ilector of theQuitd. After the alhdavils of several peraona hadbe. ii taken, the prisoner wan placed under bonds olSSl.O-U.


HELD FOR EXTRADITION.Dirk C. Horseling, who was SBTSBtad in Gland

Rapids, Mich., wa* taken yesterday before Coeamte-stoner Osborn lo answer to a request lor hu extra¬dition by tlio Consul for the Netbc rlands. Horse-ling bad been a eulie.'lor ol public money al i'lllteii,iii the province of Gelderhnl, in the Netherlands.Discharged thal bs appropriated 13,400 of tba¦onay collected by bim and lied lo tins country on

.January He. When he came te this country Ilene*ling applied to a count, vin in tor assistance, and ashe showed much intelligence, lie was recommended10 a farmer living near (iiand Kanni*. His pat iouCaused inquiries to lie made in Hie Netherlands as toUm past history of Horseling, and in th.it v. ay MieGovernment hrard ol Ins place of reetdeoce. Do-tectire Dorsey, of t .ii s city, waa cent after the ito*( used man, and be waa ;inested. When taken be¬fore the Uommieaioner doraaling admitted that bahad appiopi lated Bi.me of i h.-m..nev collect.;,1. Hatil mi '.jhl ii bad be n restored by some of hie friends11 .vis held lor extradition under tbe clause thalmakes th" embc-.lcineut ot public moneys an extra¬ditable ollence.

li'.'iisiKirs office irons.Colonel BooJamiI) BicbardeoB has purchased the

prouns-s Nos. 010, OIL', elli and (iii! Ktgmb-ave.irom John Davidson and alto for $-00,000,The eutir"- block hooaded bj Bereath and st.

Nicholas av.s. and il'-'ih and lilith st*, r.a

terday tran.(erred bv Ueurielte Gunther ior $24-,-OOCj to Mrs. Hui.la V. V. iuii.ll.Negotiations for a loan of $70,OOO to the PlOglBOB

Club upon property situated os the south alua of.'ilty-iuuth-i., ab..ut ninety (eel eeel ol Fourth-ave., have beea oompleted with tho Mutual Liteinstitance Co.np.iii>.

-B.-T,_8_ DK1VLNG IN PSO-FECT PAULAn accident which may psora laial -cenrredorj

Huntley evening in Prospect Park, A eamamdrawn ny a pair ot bay boreas, containing WilliamSeovil, a New-York lawyer, dring at No, _50 _t_tb-av ..., lliiiokl-.ii, au l t.iree. lull B, Brae run int byene containing tncea men. about *»:30o'clock, ou themaia carriageway. Mr. s.ovii's horses io..k frightaudranaboiii fifty ysrdB.da_hingtheoarnagaagaiaeta tree, breaking th'- polo and tin ...iigtiie enureparty out. Mr. Soovi I was slightly bruised, bulMi.a Alice Walker, daugh.t-r Ol Major Jolin ll.Walker, of No. 8 Souiu Oxtord-rt... had lu r ltbroken betweeu the hip and knee, and receivedotueriujurue. Alt.i waiting Iiiutu minuuslor a

1 snrjreon oTa'policoman.and none coming, the youncI ladv was placed on cushions in a friend's carriageand taken home, where sho lies in a critical condi¬tion.

MISSING MINNIK HIKER.Minnie E. Hiker, the school girl who left hei

home, So. _33 East One-hundred-and-twenty-seeond-st., on .lune 1**, and who hus not since lieenheard from, has been traced it is said, by her rela¬tives, to Montclair, N. J. In that town she hasseveral friends, among whom is nn anni, Mrs. Will¬iam Dodie, with whom she is supposed to be living.Mrs. Hiker, Minnie's widowed mother, went teMontclair yesterday in search of her daughter. Themissing jrirl was sixteen vears of age and quitepretty. Until March 27 she attended GrammarSchool No. 68, in East One-hundred-and-twenty-ei.hth-st., bnt on that day her mother entered herin School No. 31), in East One-hundred-anrt-twentv-fifth-st. About two weeks ago,while Mrs. Hiker was calling on someof her friends, she was congratulated upon havingsuch a good-looking danghter. Mrs. Hiker mado a

few inquiries about tho time and place that .Minniehad been seen, and was astonished t<> ls mi that lierdaughter had not attended school since the day sheentered her as a scholar. When Minnie returnedthat evening her mother taxed her with hertruancy, but she denied that, she had been awayirma her class-room. Mrs. Hiker said that shewould take her to tho principal of the school thofollowing day and ascertain the truth. Minniewas sent on an errand shortly afterward, but didnot return. The police were informed and a searchwas made. Last .Sunday two men called on Mrs.Hiker and told her that they hud been in¬formed by a friend of theirs who lived inMontclair that he had carried a girl answer¬ing to Minnie's description Mrs. lindie's house.Minnie's relatives deny that she was eCQUalntcd

with any man with whom she could run away, liercompanion* hart always ben girls of her OWti age,and she passed all lier evenings in her own home.Her sudden departure is attributed by those whoknew berte fright caused by her mother threaten*mg to take her to the principal of the school fromwhich she had been playing truant. Uer truancyis explained by her dislike to tba school. ¦__*. hoursahe passed out of ber class-room were spent amonggirl triends.


BTBA-fOE COHDUCTOF A I'oi.ict.MAN.Policeman Thomas Bynes, of the Eighth Pre¬

cinct, took three prisoners to thu Jefferson MarketPolice Court yesterday. Tbey wen- Angelo Wi-uaaso, of No. 79 BalllTBB st. fbarged iritb viola¬tion of the Excise law; John Carrara, of No. it.'lSullivan-sL, charged with interfering with theofficer in the duoharge of his dntyj ind .JohnGiboon, charged aitfa Intoxication. .he conductol tho oflicr was so remarkable that the clerk or¬

der hun to sit down. WtBSSCQ said that Iiyinesentered his place on Mindai- and asked for a glansof soda water with a "stick"' in ... ilewas told that no liquor was sold ouSn mia.-. Kv raes became violent and noisy,end eek) thal bc wonld arrest Winsaso for violationot tbe Raelee law, Mrs. Wineeeo interfered amiByrnes drew n rerotrer and threatened te shootbar, Wmasso was iheu dragged to the sidewalk hythe (.(licer, who kept lloiirishing his revolver andlnvniiigaiiy one to Interfere with lum. A lurgacrowd gatnered aad Jobs Carrara asked whatWinaeeo had done. With in ostb Byrnca pointedthe reviver at Carrara, head and Ired. I be bulletont n look of hair from hie temple and buried itselfin tba walla of a booea opposite. At the report oftbe reTohrer the crowd scattered and Winesca ernataken to the police station, followed by < errarn.wbointended making a complain! againet Myrtles, ic.thmen, however, were locket m>. A numb, r of w«t-ii"-<s..s wet-.- r edy t" swear to tbs troth ofWinstatement and tbe two men wore Immediately dis-charged. Gibson was charged with throwing abrick at Bymas, snd as be was under the mil.leuceof liquor be «a> eomuutted.Abont sa boar later Byrnes reappeared in conti

and said tn Justice Dudy that he hadbean sent by the kergeant to timi out why Winas*..and Curara had been discharged. I be Justice toldByraeathal hie sergeant had netter mind hlsbaaa-ii' ^>, aadordered h..u io leave tue room.

MB. PEARSON AND THE PRIVATE POSTS.post in aster Pearson's attention waa eaHe l rester*

day to a report thal be bad been connects*, withaome of tbe companies for the private delivery ofletters, and for lli.it r .iv.n lu I D ..lect.-.l to reportto the) Department the oxiatenceof < impaa < thaiwere violating the law. Mr. PeS-SOU said t" ;.

Iiiiii: si reporter: "1 bare m-ver hel.iany st..ck, nor bough! any. DO! bad any punlot tn", m .ur. mesa 'Uger "i .1- tory etnonoy, therumor nar bare arieon from one fact Ab.utngotwo i ri.- nd* in whom I had confkteuce ea.t"my office and asked me to Binn aa Bopltcatio- to theSecretary ol the Stets for the incorporation ol tbaMaabattan Diatrtot telegraph Company. I did cu,alni my name tiuv there! .!.¦ li ive appeared a- a "I

poretor, and, lam laXonneU, also appeared aa ima-.ar. Kui I never reeelTCd notice

of my election as trustee sorer kaew «.f oi attendsdsoy ameting, end don't know now where tbs officeof tbs company is. I was ncTer la any way n ter*e-t".l h. uv nany for the .1. -liv. a.ters."

iii.- district telegraph compini's have alwaysheld .bat they act only aa ape lalmcseenferaandare not liable to the penaltiesagaiaal private l» ter*dispatch olin'.*. [be Beetloo un..er which camponie* haye hern -ue.i lot the rocOTO*. of pe*ezpreeslv ezeepts li om n* preneiona lae earr) mg ofletter* by special messenger*.

THB I'l.'KM HMAN SAYS IT WAS ACCIDKNT.Maurie. Monge), tbe youngFreaehmaa who *h"i

bimmil on sunday efteraoon al No. _7'J hird-*t,, Ile* tn a 11 I.i al ( omi lt ioB ii' St, \ lice ll I*

Hospital, The ebot wes firod from e targa pistol oli Tl '.' li make, the ball urticllai lng Hie lolt lungjust-hove the h'-art. Dr. Herold, the house sui-

goon ol the boepttal, says thai tbe wound, whilenot nect.tartly ratal, is of a daogerona ch'*i icter.Mengel wa- ooneciona yeeterday and eon*rst*sed laOennau with Dr. Herod. Hole locliuad te lie re-

tieoiit, bul he safe that be wa* a druggiel in Fiance.Ile denice tbet be Intended to soaanilt suicide andslate*, that the shoot ul' wa-- accidental.

Mougel has livcl at Ravenswood, l.ong IslamCity, tor over two m. nt hs. and he remus cd to Now-YorK City only n lew davs ago. Ile had eometrouble with thc lanuly with vumii bo lived, nndthen he said thal lin was a married man.

THE THOUOHT-EBADINQ Wager.fruin I ht SI. Jam's', Uai'llt. June lt.

St. James. Hall waa flited last Dight by unii'i'iirne. invltad to wttuess t pertornaaeeel Mr. irvingUl*:.up's newer*, arni |0 BBB the BUtSomB of Hie ('hallenrumal- by Ur. LsbeuobArs, Ml'., io lust tii« " tii.iiixbt-re.Klri's " abrlty tu tell tin-ninn-ier of s e nice .:.note lind. 1 certain roiidlllo..*. Ile ... .1 of rh,'- pr..coeds "t tie entertainment are to be given ts the ViUospital lor ( midi, ii, i bel*, a. Tha term* nf tile oftertn . ie ny Mr. I.... 1.1. ber.- were t-at Be would pay over_l.CJO0lf.Mr. illsnu|) hile. eej.d. nu OOB-ltlOB IBS! Miisi*i)..p *ii.iulil terfi ii ii I no ii cess "f Fall.re. Mr. ii shopwm to bave two BUSSSSS at Itu- ii.iinli. r of a Bate, wuleusbi.ulil he inclosed lu sn envelope, the number beingkilo.-, n lo the person alene in wiiose li.ml* it wu* placed,au.I Mr. Kiah, M. 1'., wa* nam.-.I by li. UabOOC lo re sstbe bolder. Leei BlirbtMr. Bishop began bj rsferringtctm* .hellenes, mill in- suggested .n.t tn* auiiivnocSbotlid nominal' ii eoililDllle. f.il I'll. oce.ml.il). ...lue*wen- ea teil ont. ali.I aluonu lim*.- who ascendSd Ihe plat*lorin were Mr. WalCv, y c. M P, Mr. l'..*»i-u e 1.'.rants, BI.P.: Qessrai Balnea, Col-Bel -tatham (3dMan.le slri __e Volunteer*), the Kev. II. II. MaWSIS,thu HST. I", Tie:,liri. Mr. <i."(1 I.me I x uni Mi.Waller w-b-Off, Il being now nb..ut half |x*t hMr. iii»iiii|i taut lie had rsSSITSC chair* on th"platform tor Mr. LeooueeCre ami Mr, Mrthi buta* iialtber of t-OSS gentlemen BOPS ned to answer his In-viiati.ni to th*-in to take thus.- place*, tie slioiilil proceedto show sollie expenmenta illustrating tne ease withwhlcii the sens. * might he deceived. Situe p. i f.,nu.nee*were gone throngs, aad then Mt. Bishop returned tu thesubject, ot lue i-lialleiiite. ami read oil. of Mr. Lsb-U-eb Bra's publiahed letters, in which ll wm suggested thatHie m.te SBO.Id ne Lan.led " to some rehab <¦ BSTSOe whostn.uni lie lula Ibu tiiiu.l>er." He li ..I | nt aa BC eeptauceof the ohalleags to Mr. LeSoueSreS, aad hud be-n tn-foriiieii by several Bumbora ol thc Boobs <>r C*msseeanial Mr. Labouchere kii<-« I omi be had a.. ).t. .1 tbschallenge. With regard to Mr. Birth's position, he eoe-t. uded h. (t Mr. Firth bad Bothloe tods was ths sap <-

tm nt, w aicb was tlint ne siioiild re*il the BUtuber of rn

hunk note held li} emu. person »eleeied liy the aiirlieui c.

Is support of thia he quoted from e letter in valet Mr.LatwaebSie Naatt-d only tuat tho bolder oftue i. .to shout i ne a man of In li¦p.-mIssi e andof ave:ai{.! intelligence. U__er the irciiuittatirei,Mr. Bishop said lia har.Hy knew w inti stitts I take.Various siutgestioBS wera aade; and, after eons d n-us-uoo. Mr. Bishop uti. rei to tty lu.i io dtseever n pinhidden by ft .nie ceiitiiiinii ii.uue.1 l>y lae audleeoe. -dr.OeoTgO I.alie lui WBS n-ke.| to put t Ula lett, and Mr.Illino,i, tilln.If.il.I ami li..1.II.,x Mr. LSBS FOI I..V tbabund, in a....ni wvni iiiiuu.es loim i tuc pm wbeto ltbadhssaplaced, ia i.e using of an opera nat, audersea el tee etan ssa ». ai ibis asrtod tbs Ude of lee Hogrea sigh bi Mr.-_>_ep_ farer; but fere Bas ii turuat-ou. .i io tutu ni un opposite (.ne. ilsa, shea be dsoliaed,after ma. u rerhiega ami ipuiibiiiiK ev_*los, ioirv and ti ll IBS nun.lier SI a llve-j.oiiiidnola wslrti Mr. (baric* Uil-seil. M 1'.. Uadplaced ia an envelope, sad eommattsd to Utecustody of ProfSBBOl Kay LsakSStsr. ll *>.i* nuileistooUthal lue leaton nf Ml. Iliebn|i'* r. i.is.il i.i BSSSp*) tin*Bhslisna- wat Ilia:, ha. lux mi a lui ur ueca-noup-ipt-i i-

meuteS with 'ti Bay Laafceeu*r. he had .uuu.i him au

Basalts ila persse. ead i.e dees eec pun.** . be abie ionous, tsaparainen i har¬

ing Bavlag ii.ii.u io do willi aile.-.** or failure. Mr,Wie_<h, Wno nail tie.li aj)(iuiuti .1 tha.r-lu.i.i, had cl, 'Ileul 13- lu |.i. .ei in._and u* Mr. i.ankKster did not lui himself1.1 liberty to aocepl oondltloas sere those smotloni d. tuc

ty bad u> be solved by Col.mel Trenee liol1.1 ki einii.r M. Edward Htanhops vonehtstl) sappi rtagatiolber bank lime, lee aili.euee OoBSSaUne, this notewaa placed Dy Mi. Waddy iu the bauds of CoIodbI Htat-!.inn, one of Hie enlui.. III. c, .in I Mr. Bishop, le int; n.'u i-

f..tt uml not sppsreetli t.iblng Colouel Statham.oas stood close ueii.ie uiiu. hm moviui 1.1- band about tue.lin 01 ibesubject, arrow down the unaabsis _-»__ liewaa hy lue ii-i ...* ot Ml. I..1.10 .. usn la havetWS Clear e; ll MW BB BBl '. BBd In ai tc ll tbe iitlluberliehal wintei) »>a* r._ln or WttMg. ( "loilel -latbiilu f.'-

IlllOd tua ll was the muni" 1 nt Ibe Bots placed lt) bl*rs was grrai me ring, uud ioaay ema.ie.I

aluin '-lr. IIUllO|l Ul tli.ike 1,1111 liv LOS band. Befiirtini.kiu; the trial Ba had i>.'iu_iuo note mm Mr. Wa i-(t,'* ll uni l he j;1vcB lo Inc hal lt v If lie latli-dbegged tue audience loloslsl (bat Mr. 1 .uouldpay tue A 1 SOU ." ttl' Vieii'llu CSU tren'* Ho.i.nal. Oilt-?i ie. h. PlotedIlly, several ihoosaed peasous hail us-

.i ti. a.'a.'t tue re-Ult, and repeateely eheerwi"ttieAiiicri.au" and . r.i ins r Baicitraut-ppcnsct,us a na!loo.i aita e ** onUlaut wail light" ross luuou bl Ibu latn (.bat Ur. Uisliuo baa y_iu_l.y woubia bet*


PROMINENT ARRIVALS.Fifth Avenue Hotel.Ex-Govt:mor James P

Porter, of T nnessee.Windtor Hotel.LeveretlPaltenstall. of Iiostoo, and Peter Donahue, of San Franci«co.Albemarle Hotel.Canal and Countess d'Adhetnar, of Paris, and James J. mil. presidont of theSt. Pstil, Minneapolis nnd Manitoba Railway Company.Wettmintter Hotel.Jerome R. Parmenter, of Troy..New-York Hotel.John Mason Brown, of Louis¬ville, and O. A. Washington, vice-president of the Louis¬ville and Nashville Railroad Company.

WHAT IS GOING ON TO-DAY.Ptate Railroad Commissioners' Investigation of ole

vator cbar.es.Coney island Jockey Club races af Sheepshead Bay.Lawn-tennis tournament on 8L Oeorire's Cricket Club

ground* In Hoboken.Bartholdi titatuo Committee's meering at No. 171

Broadway.Me.-tlnir of railroad passenger and freight agents.ExercUes at Training Department of Normal College.Annual (lintier of Ichthyophagous Club at Manhattan

Reach Hotel.Visit of 7th Re_lrne.it veterans to State Camp.Helen Lennard's euee In the Tombs Police Court.Bt Francis Xarler College Alumni Association at MaB-

haitan Beech Hotel.De La Hullo Institute commencement at -flickering



Tho nautical school ship St. Mat y's, Captain E.M. Shepard, arrived at Lisbon on Jnne8, from New-York, after a pleasant passage of twentv dave, twoof which she lay becalmed. Ibo pupils were allwell and contented.A TIRAWII OF llltACK CIirRCH MEMORIAL nOMT*.

A plot of ground on the Healy estate, at FarBoc kawav. bas been purchased bv the trustees ofGrace Church. UM. the erection upon it of ii branchlinnie of the Grace Memorial Home, in Foiirth-ave..is in progress The building is to bo completedAugust 1.

A PRIZE-FIOIITl R MES OF CONSCMPTtON." Hilly" Fields, a 'toted light-weight boxer of

thia CitT, who had fought nev. tal pri_e--__ta, (liedlast night at No. 'JOH Mott-st. He was only twenty-six years old, and he Boocuaabed to what kills a

gr. a many athletes.consumption. He was a na¬

ive of this Stale. His father, it is said, was a

tilcag. ami.1MIM)-I\.l rjfOB THK CRKW'LITY OF TO-VB MIS'.

The New-York Central and Htnlson Uiver Kail-road Company lin* received Information that AltredI'o*t t* reprea uti o', himself as being authorised toengag" ynii'ii! nun for the company's service. Ofli-..i-..f ihe company say that neither he nor anyother mau has any such authority.

hfca.'itatki) nv a nun.As tho milk tram of the New-York, New-Haven

ami Hartford Railroad winch left this .itv at 5:30a, m. yesterday wa* approaching the Staniford sta¬tion, the eu-iuei saw a man le tye the platform andattempt to croea tbe truck*. Whistle* were blow;;and ellorts made to BtOp the train, bul the nan was

km ked down, decapitated end cul to pieces. Hewas a stranger _bout forty-five years obi.

TWO FINHHAI.S.The funeral atrricefl el Hr. Moritz Michaella were

bald at ins norse, No, 20-1 Eesl Eighteentb-oU >-<.*-terdajr. The lutermeel aaa atCypress Hills Ceme¬tery, Tbeeerrieeeof John Edgar Coi lie', winchtook place at tho bones of his bioth^r-m-law, J.Howard Wright, No, uk. Le*_ington-aTe_ were

thoeeol the Society of Friends, lue body was

illirie.', at Woodlawn.A (tUTI muss U>__UI_-BOt7_B TO BI HCILT.

William A. Booth, president "I the children's AidSociety, yesterday Sled plana it the Bureen ofBuild.gB for a four storr lodging-hniiso for chil-clrett. wini h is to h.-,.,. etea on tba oort.wee) comer

of Sev.ni.. .ve. aud Thirty eeoond-st..al a cost nf>.~,imiim. XhC lull l«l ng will be con *. ruc te. t ol biick,au.I ita <iiui' nelone are to be _____ te-t. There willbo-everal school-rooms on tba lower floor,

thk pntar mau i og rf_irsi_.__HT__.I'r it" i.-poaotto, an Italian laborer, was tried

j-est^rd; v, in the Curt ..f General Heesions, lor thekilling oi John W, Beamish. The shooting occurredin Mini"!! v-,i., near t eoal-B-i on January 6, 1883,bul Beamish did not "in* titi February _. lamesKiilorlan., a b.-v who i* now Berring u term farbarglary, waa the principal wltaeea tor the prose*cutioti. Tba j..rv couth ted DpoaottO ol iii.ni-

elaugbter in tbs m*t degree, for which the penaltyi* from tire ta twenty years' imprisonment,un: Ml -.ii.iiy ok mr'.vniit kvmi li'.Ar -ii vi.n.

in.wapante of tba boat thal nae picked ap kntbe Hudson River off One-bundred-and-aeventy-ninth it have hen found. They wereJamea Cun-niurrbatn, "i No -.'l") Malberry-ei.,Joesph Booti "t

Nu.-io ila '¦ fe D ne. Ueorue Staffordsud CharlesO'N ill. They hired the boat al lortI.e. at aiiotit :i o'clock ob sunday afternoon, and ina I.-ni iiiin_ io maha last to au e teni tn.n barge tbei.oai sraa npeel and they arere thrown into thewah r

I tinto nv i uk Cl ITh" Rey. Dr. Roderick lenv preeided at a rnoet-

iagof tba i'i.hs's oi .Nsw-Vorii hehl yesterday af¬ternoon In the * oilegiate burch, ai Filth ave. amiTwenty-ninth-et*. nathan il. -.merest ami ci.ir-

ML Perle*, graduates of tbe rbeological -.uti*nary ai Mew-Brunswick, N..I.. and .isui*s R. Kin,and Edward M. Muru.m..yd. gradnataa "t theUnion rneolegical Seminary, weie stamined la

t, Hebrew, tbeol grand personal relicion, and.t bi i >i .-.ii to preach. Mr. Demereet i*

Boon to be ordained aa an evaageliet, when be willg'j io Japii at e foreign Btealouary.

last Mn iimi "K rm: eawnsi i-itiiAcitmaa.The Bepttsl ptsachere bald their las) meeting yes-

terdej prim to tbs sommer vacation, Ibe Kev. l»r.ticorxe A. Hunt. «' Hoboken, read ¦ paper on

" In¬ti rpretation by Emphaaa, end a reriswol the workof .lo*, (.li li. 1 'othlngham." A coiiiuiittce ,.| line

-pointed lo repreeeul the conference at thefuneral of tba Ree. ur, w. .**-. Utkela on WednevellitiK. Tlie Kev. A. li. l.aWMin. who li ts beeneh.: d secret.ry of tbe American Baptist Publics*timi Society, baedeclined tbe position .'ind will re¬

main pactoi ot the OreenWood Baptist Church,with which ho bus betm Connected lor sixteenyear*.

tim: complaint aoainsi g CRT _4.¦___.'ihe lu ami- oi Mr*. Isahella Angle's complaint

against City Marshal Henry Myer-, foi ever-barg¬ing ber in levying sn execution waeeontinued i.e-|. ie Mayor Edson yeeterdey. Mr*. Angle testifiedthat she was sued for 992, of winch she bedn i. idy paid $27, and tbasajadgmentof B100__was rendered agalaet her. City Marena] Myers.ame io bet with au execution at..I demanded (1-3,.-h.- gars him $140, took Ins receipt for it andBskedbim to gits e lawyer 910. Myere,oo beingardered by the Mayor's aecretery to make sn item*t/.ci accon_l of cbargee, aeaerted thal ho hadcharged only 913. Fha casa *_ edjouraed,

BBOOKLTN.Jaetlce Cullen, in the Bupreeae Court, yesterday

fran ted a decree of ebsolute divorce in the euit oflarv .s. Marsland against Clarence Mareland.ihe Kev. .1. llr.idford Cm.iver, pastor of the

Church ot Christ, la Bterling-plaoe, bee retiredfrom active work on account of poor health. Ilwill re mai n a nie ml ic r ol' t he church.Letters of administration were granted yeeter*

"la, by Surrogate Bergen to Mrs. MariaSeining,Widow Of tbe lats Lieutenant-Colonel CharlesBohung,The stirer thief, .lames i.ii*.ell. yesterday pleaded

not gUlltV lu fore .Iutl_o .Moore in the Court of Sn

sinus, ibo indictment is for burglary in tho first

Ma, -te Clausen, who was found on Saturday inAdelphi-st. suffering Irom a dose of oxalic acid, saidyeetC-dey that she lives etBcboeleys Monntaio, N.j., alni BU I.ti aw ii (loni hollie niue mouths, shucarrtee the photograph of Jemea Palin, who is atAmerican House, Itostou. .She lirst uiet liimat herhomo and met him afterward in New-York by ap¬pointment.The Bpeeial Commltee of Aldermen on Celebra

tion nf IndepenUenee Day yeaterday/ awarded t tu-cotttra-'i for lireworks lo i. J. S. iiarlenberg for$1,900, the next to the loweal bi.bier. I be displaywill b" at Fort (ireene, Washington Park HallOrounde, »1 North Tenth and Fourth st*., and near

Ulmer's Urew.rv, between Bearer et and Broad*way.Tho Crand Jury yesterlay presented au indict¬

ment againel the .shore Bom, owned by tho Brook*lyn City Railroad Company, it Pori Hamilton, de-clarina lt a aaieence. Pa-Judge B.D. Morris, inlu-h.. lt of lbs com nany, which pl rad ed guilty to thecharge, asked ead was granted sixty days in whichto abate the nuisance, end retiing to .io *o theshinti is ordered to salsa the road mdetoptbeillumine* winch run over it.

lin- coiiitnn*ioii recently appointed toexamiueInto the alleged lunacy of Diedrtcb Mahnken whoshot ami killed Diedrioh btefieoB, la April, beganits lieariui-s yesterday. Ex-Judge 1'r.iy appearedf..r Mahaken and Aseiatant Distnct-Attorneybackus for tbs people. Beverai wilneeese, Ino)nd-lng Mahnbsn wlfs, teettfled aa to bia strange con*(lint i.n sererel yar* past. Mabnken, «h« sp-p.atc'l in court, was t|iuet and obetlieut.in reportiog totheChief of Police the arrest of

members of tbe so-called Salvation Army and thothreatened arrest of " Bishop" MoNamara, ol theIndeuendent Catholic Church, for street preaching,Captain James C'ampbell, of the First Precinct',*a»*:

" Fioni my obeenratioo ol those who sssem-Inc al Ih.-il iii"«e|,ii_. 1 um coiivillceil that tWO>thirds ot the crowd are there tosool and ridiculethem, ami are not lik'-iy to ba eoarerted."

JKUSKY CITY.Patrick Pay, af N". ni Fist Bighteenth*_l_

New Yolk, a taaautar la tbe emvioy "f Decker AKapil, lumber merchants^ wa. struck by a Penoeyl-vani.i U.ulroad locomotive at the(Jreeue-st. eroesfogyeaterday ereumgand Bcriouaty lujured, ile wasraaaoved lo the Cuarity Hospital.Surrogate McAvoy, of HudeOfl County, ve*tenl.iy

franted u> Bira. Virginie t». Un bin, daagbter of theits Mts. Hannah Uraat, letter* ou lbs entate of tho

dacaaaed waaaan worth 91,000, lim aurrtTingbein are I lyasea B. (kant, Mary J. (rainer, UlyaeoaHt Irani, jr., Jceas iiiatit and Jeuuio Uraut, chudreuof Drvilio (.r.uit.

Jonathan W. Tottlee, tho m.Ilioumiire broker, af_jr_a_ IN. Y., wuo pleaded guilty several days ago.

In the Court of General Seflalone. to the indictment!of indecent assault which had been found againalhim bv the Grand Jury, appeared in court yesterday for sentence. 8everal witnesses, includjunTreasurer Jacobus, of the Produce Exchange, appeared lu behalf of Mr. Tottles, and sentence wai


Union flnx..Two cases of smallpox were ri*

ported this morning. The victims are Mrs. HotfmaEand her infant. The woman arrived from Germanylast Monday and took apartments in a house MMorgan-st. The woinau and the child were removedto tbe county poorhouse at Snake Hill, and repre¬sentatives of the Board of Health are vaccinatingpersons living in the vicinity of the lodgings.

WESTCHESTER COUNTY.Mt. Vernon..A horse, buggy and set of harness,

the property of P, T. Rich, were atolen on Sundaynight.Wkstchkster..Patrick MulUn. a blacksmith,

bought a triangular piece of grouud from J. w.

Warner, of New-York, for gt., 100. The deed gavethe nurcha-ser the right to uso the waterin the well on the adjoining land, which isowned and occupied by Peter Clinton, anotherblacksmith. The latter filled up the well audMuilin intends to sue Mr. Warner.

STATEN ISLAND.Stapleton..Michael ('ardella, a young Italian,

of Now-York, went to Staten Island on Sunday,while rambling through the woods he met ahoywho gave him a rolmi. A constable arrested himfor violating the game law, and bofore Justice Gar¬rot yesterday ko was tined $20.

LONG ISLAND.Long Inland CiTY.-John Daly, of Dutch Kills,

ho I ore Justice Delehanty yesterday, was chargedwith threatening to kill his wife. Officer Nurkle.who made the arrest, testified that when he enteredDaly's house ho found him with a loaded revolverin his hand pointed at his wife. The Justice re-

aaanded him until Wednesday, ia the custody of hmcounsel.Newtown..Coroner White held an inquest last

niKut in thiica-eolVVillianiKvau8,age sixty-tive.wnowas found in the water near Banfort- Point on

Friday. Theolii. ulsat Ulackwelfs Island recog¬nized him as au inmate of the workhouse, lt is be¬lieved that be got up tn the ninlil and jumped intothe river. The wounds in his back, at hist sup¬posed to have been made by WOt, were only bruisescaused by the body washing against the rocks. Thejury returned a verdict ot death by drowning.


from The. Little Folkt' Magazine,The petaMta like grund iianies tor their little

rmes, sosa ss Adolph, ACriem, (JoUried, ('ustavus, forbeys; Md Jesephlae, Tkon. Ingseore, for girts; and iftii.-y hare no n.iine prepared tbey seek one tu the abua-n ir for the particular dry or hat.r's hirth. It ls baptizedthe next Sunday and taken tu church by the godukOt-sr,wbo provides thc curiNteulii.' garments, which ure oftentrimmed witta eolered bows, walls tue tulsa! has head*rnnoil it* neck ami wears a cap witta very utile border.I in- clergyman hold* lt well ovr the font and pour*water over the BOOB of Hie head three time*, then wipeswith ii towel. As ttl-baby 1*swathed lu six-.neb-wideh .iiil.it* *.. that lt e. uni' il move it* legs and sometimesBot cv. ii lt* ar.uh, it is unlined to Ile verypsetlTC during this ccrenioulal. Tho peasantsbaye th. ir reasons for this swathing, tba Arel of which tstnut ttn-y think lt makes the umbi grow straight; thosecond thu: lt turn, baby into a compact biiuUle to carry,wuen swathed thu*, infant* liuve been said to resemblethe tail ol a lobster,or even it* wi.me body, lu the northteer sro Ottee bung from a loii.. springy pole stuck Inthe nail, lo be out of thc way ; and, liein_ by naturequiet, t_er are supposed not to mind il. Their cradle*,wlncb are very prlailtive, are also tr*'t i«uii.» sunpendeaby a spiral Bpsiag trota t*n reef, wtaieb must he morec.iiiitort-li.e tuan the pola, lints in Swedish .md Mer*¦regtaa Lapland, psopls tak* these "swaddling*" tolin;-., jim instead of carrying them leto church

ina-c a nole In the suow outside lu tuechiiretir.ini a.ni bury th ni in lt, leans, a small

ire '.<r breathing u irposee. Tue beales arokept splendidly warm, win!* th. ir Irh-ocis witmn tuesacred buiuilDg bave instr Beards frozen to iiietr fur(...Ht* tal tuc fiee/.ii. ot their own hr.-utli*. A* soon »* a

peasant hoy ian walk, lie i« pul imo trousers, hu.i"iicd.nt-ei ir- in* j tel.il; aad Bs ie .ire uag_>- uebtn.i teat iils offs amusing tusee lum. dis begaiaceahi ireipientiydur- to Him lu t iii.it lue trouser* ortgiually belongedio Ins rainer, nut w,r<- e it .11 at tim log* und simplydrawn mund tue boy's waist without reiiucing theirBise. Add lo Hil* that the feet aro shod enter withlittleJack-boots or tr-odee staees, and we have a *trange

lb. ir sto. Linn* t-irin r nave leather neel* or no>...'.» ut all, so thal ibe mottle! it *|.areU me trouble otinrii(liii_ tueiu. Neltlier lia* s.ie much lab ,r with th ir

ii ii..;r ni vales i* Bleeped bb etcea ee a csa-lilt's Thu girls also wear weodsn sbeee, but they havegiu-iiaiii kers-leie er eageea teeta head*, troaka downto their bee.*, and "iiaiul pinafores.


Ml VI AT (.UK ALMANAC.Sun rises 1 no. sit* 7 M Watta rites 1117 Mooa'n gs, day* 21

moll WaiflUi ro-OAT.

j_IC Beearlissa- .< Oe*. leUse. nos ii«:i nats, im/V--*-auuy_.o_. 0.01. ito/. Ultu-. U..1. lita u*io, tklmt


FBbnB. fttmUit.An.le* .Wu.it Indie*.Atti*.

s.menlo.-.Ililli .Mull.Mt.ne!.w..i lattas.dell Ports.i gt).ti* ii Monarch.I...n.t..n.Monarch.li' ..ni.lawnton.Nat 1..hui.AB.ile* .Janian* .Alia*.

Kil*U.I i»in innj..11 am >> Amer.i-iai.- ot Kio.-!.!*.diaagow._Biala.Minimi* ._.!%«i.o,ii._< bbbtSAcapulco.Aspiuw_ii.I-Stls Mau.

wedmsi'av.ji'.m; .7.ce_a_a.iiavro.fYaaafe Treenlil tilth Kiiiuue.Millican Foils.Alexandre's.

111. KS I'AY. JIM..Certstlsaasae ..Thiiigvsii*,

Ai|nii . t eutial America..Alias.Ayiuiu.Liveipooi.Willie Stat



Steamer Anr-hnrUi Bri. nedderwl.'k. Olasgow Jun* 14. visUsvUIS 18. wit li unite and p.itseu_*i * to ll. niteis.ui Bros,etaamet Peeeslc Bri, J<*nklu*. Catania May SB, Messina

30, Palermo Jane '-'. -oiieuio 0, Uibraiiar 15 days, with mdseto Phalli* Uro* A Co

lltSBIBItT durnum lin, Mace. Antwerp 14 day*, with mdsetu....ter vos*..i le Kiinch. Kdy*A Co.BtSBBirr TarsUBJ- *'"*." Havana 4 day*, wits mdse and

passengers to .1 is 1. Ward A Co.-.irimti state of Texas, Klsk. Penisndina Tia nrunswielt,

1....'in Pori Koral, 1 dais, willi _dss tod passen.eis lo CitMallory A OBMfimri Naeooetase, Kempton s_T_nn__ Ci* days, with

nnlte.and passenger* to Henry Yonge, Jr.str*iu*i I'ommoawseltb, Vbb Kirk, Philadelphia, with mdse

ami p**seugei s to lulu. .' li..I.n t*.-.'..inri lr ju..mia, ll.nnett, Portland, with railje, sud pat¬

ienter* lo I 1' A kims.Bart .Inim Milton Rri, Hinsfnrd. Hollo life 7 nnd P.itsa.

rm-ng Feb .1, wita sufsr to untor. Tassel to Austin Ualdwin.'. slurk Gustav (Oe*.). It..l.*r. Hollo 1113 days, with lugar to I.

lt i ooper; vessel lo Kim. ta, -djs A Co.iiait Psi.a (Nor), tn-orson, Liverpool :t(lday*. wit'i soda

aah and empty harrell to or.lei. v*»»ei to Bnnham A r.it-i-n.Kalk atiiiela ll .Ital). OaiK'.ilo. Algiois April iii, with

rBfOtablS an loonier, fc**el t.. Jol.n Zitiloseo.. hetty nor'. Howctil. lln_e'i J't davs, witheeiueiit

ami auiplr tiarrnls toordsi Te*«ei to Theo Raf at*.Kalk arihiir 0 w'ade tot l'oilUndl. .-hermaii. ard.-tias 1'J

("ac*, willi *u*ar toorder; TSttnl to Miller* Houghton.lina- Curacoa (of Windsor. NH>. McNutt, euiaco* 12 days,

will, mille in order; «*t*el lo Konlko A Co.ItrU Acadia inf New Haven). Woodward, Point a Pltre IS

Ba] -HbSBftartO ll Trowbrldge's-lon*.Brtg (israel tot New-Haveal, ka.uu, Port spain 21 .lay*,

willi lugar lo ii Trowbiiagi. A 0.Itrlg lenoii'Phtiiney .or Portland), Tavlor. ( leiifiiegos 17

davs. witt, tugar loai.Ui t.-m*i tu Mil|*r_ Houglituo.lirlg lia.in ot ABaapofl*. N8l." rose ip, snlaaas LB dsys,

with su^ai lo iiiilei; tess^i to J W Parker A Co.Brig iiucst. i;iiioit. CarUsaas )3day», wita sugar to order;

Tes»i>l to Hatton. Watson 'o.Hilg Halsy. Met srthy, Mstanzas 16days, with angsr, Ac,

to.intel vessel to ."" wau .t Son.>.!,i IlSOry W ..linn ion (of PhlladclphlSl. Magoo. Matan-

sasvla Delaware llreak water 13 days, with tugar toordcr;.(.-.¦I lo A liavtoo A oSear PL Ur'tiko. Hriako. Rararoa Kl days, with Irult to

(iiunit I rOBIISlI vestiM lo Simpson. Clapp A Co.s.in Jacob I lloiismau. Kider, (at Kl-nrt 10 days, with

pu.eenie* io I -JoaaaOSI vessel to Isaac li staplesBehr Royal Arcanum Bri. cioohl. I>oiche9ter. NH. 15 dnys,

willi lumhsr lo I. I. Ki. hard-on, ves.et to p i Nevins- Son.SUNajCT-Wtud ac .Sandy Hook, moderate, E. cloudy aed

ha/.y.Arrived yesterday -

steamer Acapulco. Hhsckfnrd, Aiptnwall Juno Hi, wiramdse aud passengers to Pacific Mall Ss Co.

CLKARKD.steamer Witiconsln (Br>, Rigby, LlTerpool via QuiODistowBWilliam* .» lilt.il.ste.mot Juui.ila, I'aj-ott. West Polut, Vs-Old Dominion

¦soeMtoamor E W Brane. Foster. Rainmore.J « Krein*..ship llrechlu Castle illr), sinai I, Pori Spain -K.lward Pcrrv

A o.Ham ZohlnaCloudey (.Br), coos, Anjlsr, JaTa. for orders-

Boy.1 A Illili ken.Bark Padre lAusO, Vining. Beyrout, syria. Bola coiullcta.nark Dinoga Hal), lias, niiaio. i.eiiea *-eager Bros.BarkCsvIod (Itali.-Boro, Bilbo-Punch, _dye_.CsBark Allmurl (Itali. Aclailta, liosarm, santo*, etc.John

Dunn.Bark Doris leklmtr, Brandt. Havana-Ja* K Ward A Co.Brig ('ante Ile. tba, Hall, site. Pr.Kretl, son Sr Co.Hit. A (I Jewett, need, calbarlen Jus K Ward A Co.Brig Orbit, Na*b. si i.ucla I.eat. ran Jt Coliri* l.iully Un. Iialim. Port au Prince.Brett. Son A Celingi oieiHri, Carty. Georgetown, Demiiraia.Middleton

A co.Brig Zcbeiila(Bri. Merriam. Newark P I Nevin* A sons.ln MSBBSrtiti Watson, YarmoutB, NS S.ammell Bros.Cleared satunlay-Daik Atlas wSon. Berg, Hsmharg-Punch, Kdyc A Co.

BAILS llsteamers strat lil even, for Yokohama-, America. Rarscos:

Itu I.ni.uni, Nuiiolk; J uui-la. Weal 1'aiul, Va. Hark Allis'ClVUflK'.O*. '

lin-; Movkm!.;**. rs ,ie sri', vmkh .

POilKHIN P.iRT*J.I.oino.1, lase) M.Arness, *team*r Tvciio Brahe (Br).

QrSSSry, .".o.u New-Yuik Jun* lb.

(Livttrpoot. Jane 26-Amvsd, Btesmers Arehtrrietie r__.Davies, from Nsw.York Jane 10: Enrique <Bp*_, v.,T;_!from 8t John, NB. Jane 9; IllyrUn (Br), Pargber, frjmK_

i Um June 13. .IQLBBKsTowif. June 23 -Arrived. s_5*_er Battle (Bri. jp__

sell, from New-Tork Jnne IB ea her war ut Liverpool.scii.lt, Jnne I'S-Passed, steamer Franoe (Br). Ifadl***'

from New.York June 18 on her way to London.llAKBuao. June_5-Arrlved,aUamerBla_don(Br), Dani.

from New-Orleans Janel ^^

KoNTRBAL, Jane 25-Amved. steamers Lake .Venison salPolynesian. Liverpool. ^^

Halifax, June 25.Arrived, steamers Alpha sud Worcester,-kamk Pom. Jnne -4-Psssed inward, steamer Thora

Holme, Liverpool for Montreal. m

DOMESTIC PORTS.BOsto*», Jane 25-amved, «te»ioor Jesse li Freeman, Atti

dersou. Port Antonio..

Cleared, steamers New-Brunswick, Colby, Ysnnouth, NS*Glaucus. Uearse. New York. *|24ih-ArriTod. »lear_er Norm m. Nlckerson, PhiladelphiaPint.ADn.ricit. June'2.1.Arrtred. ateameis Ashtleid (Uria

Cornwell, Carthagens. Hermod (Dan). Mein, Now.York- Al*leutown, swasey. Bolton; centipede. Warrington, do; ilead.lng, smith. Portsmouth Hercules, Ritson. Portland; Ailee.Hnoglns, Pall Uiver. Tonawanda. Sherman. Providence: _ (JBiddle, wallace. New-Yolk, saxon, snow. Boston.Cleared, steamer* .Mayflower, na. ld-on. New-York; Lances,

ter. Mills Boston; Panther. Wiley, Newburyport; I'erkioaienaMiller Newburyport.


Ba-TImork. June^S-Arrived, (learner Ooval (Br), Brows.Puerto cortes,cleared, steamers Nova Scotian (Br). Itlcbsrd'son, Liverpool*!

India (Gen, fl old t, Asihtis: iii i.omlmnrh lBri. Anderson.luth, Allegheny, Uailett, Boitou; Vineland, Poster, Nsw*Tot*.sailed.steamer* Broomhsngh, India ami Allegheny.b.WAVXAH. June _6.Arrival, steamer City of Columbi**

Platier, Bolton.


LuXDBORG's Perfumes,Km-via, and Maurchal nhl Rosa

Bodt BBUMBU Carpet..Great sale. 500pieces best D. frames, to cloie out quickly, st fl '__ p^ry ate.siiKPi-AKD Ks Arr At Cu., siith-ave. and HJth-sL

Flies, roaches, ants, bed-hu_a, rats, mica.crowi, chipmunk*, cluared out by " Rough on Rats." Ibo.


Poland Water and Pure Poland Soda atIBS Nassau-st. Tribune Building.

Henri* A. Daniel'. M. D.,144 Lextagton-ave.. bet vce-i tr* sad lioth-** *.

Hours, BBB I. 5 tn 7. Dlieawi of th» Nervous systea.cjeutio Urinary organs, Impoleuce sul-uriluy.


British Medical Journal," Its flinty offers the best security against the danger,

which in rural districts, as in towns and cities, ardcommon to most of the ordinary drinking waters there*

London Medical Record,


Of all Grocers, Druggists, and Mineral Water DeaUr\


IT LEADS ALL;Noothar blood p_nry1n_ medicine ls made, er has ever bama*

prepared, which so compktely meets the wanta ol pby Hciaaeaad thi gineral public ss

Ayer's Sarsaparilla. ""¦It leads the Ult sss truly srie-itlfle prepsratloa for all BIssetdiliases If there Isa lurktns taint ot [scrofula ah mt VtmASriltltTTI I ArcasMtssArAsiLLA will disloj.slt*__>O.-l-'l ____.._, ufromvour syitsm.Tor eonstltetlonsl er scrofulous Catsrrh, Arcs'* Sabb__

Tl rp in nil rssiLLA ts tbs tru* remedy. Ithssoaxsel-Al.-linn _11B|oerle*s cases. It will atop the nuuseoesfeatsrrhsl discharges, and remove the il., kc .'.ns odor ot (_¦'btes h. which are Indications of a scrofulous origin.

II B*B____IMI "Hitto, Tex., Sept 28, lSSt.HIAMV-- "Atths sr- sf two years one of mr cha.'dren wss terribly sainted with akoroa* rennin*; seres sss

^ORFS 'U '*°* *od Dett At ta*laa>* time tts eyer, WIBI._> w#., _._!«_. much lnfl-iuod and very som,

*s(lltP FTF*. ,Jnrjl'liQ* told os i_.t a p.iwsrfut sltse-:a Ul. Et _.!__ »t|vs intatl. lne must !.» *m?:oyed. TheJ-ea'.ted la recommending ATEit's sarsaparilla. A few lissaprodortvd s perceptible Improvement, whicb.**iy an tdk*i**-e_to your directions, wa* continued, to acomplste and i>«n__neat care. No evidence bee tine* appeared ot Ui» exltunoeot any scrofulous tendencies an I ns treatment of any dietorder wa* evor attended by asor* prompt sr s.ectnal r*«allS(Yours truly, B.T. Joil_B0_"


Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Usk\%Sold by aU Drag-flit* Bl, six bottles fort*..



hi t. ni is .'OJIPL.-Iivrs!A teaspoonful in half a tumbler of water will in a Itt}




It wss tho first snd lsTHE (INLY PAIN REMEDY.

Price. SO rents [.or bottle. Sold by druggists.imc. ie ti* .\ '<*



orrs, nt in anil nip ui.«.'a*es. .nc.curial in*r_*"B,rr.ii_.^>^»*.

plaints, (lout. Dr»p*r, illckets, r*alt llli»u'n. BroootuU*. Oasesumption. Kidney, Blsdder, laver '.i-util_i.iti. _**.PCRIF1K* IHK Rl.OOD. RESTORING BEALT"


IOE HBO-RED IO ALL. Price 1»l per Uotiio.

ll ANBl-i.-JC

Radway's Requlatina Pills!Perfectly t_-t«!i's*. sligaetlrnnslsi for'tn* ira >' iii H-

i.r.lf i*of thc -.toma, ti, liver, bowels, tlduoys, blal ler. intlarlstn lt- various forms, nervous .Usenet, BSSdaotW, .iis'i»S-

tl.ui,costiveness, iu llgestiou, .IvsuetisU, hlll.nis i»si. i.il'SSf..\ er, ititlAtuuuuon ..f the Bowels, plies, and all d*r ii v nestsof tbe lataraal vt-Mir_ price ii cen rs per boa.Bold by all dru.itlsu.

The Three Leading Table Wa.er_sLil MIA snd TU HY WITH l.I TIM v

lEIrat tniroduced bv me in 18U5.)CARLSBAD. I US. KI*s**l\(.ES »l t ll 1 KV tl \ ) BlWt

TER-KISSlN-EN. th.isifest. PL'LI.XA.tho strongest Bltterwat'T.

WU,UTN1.KN. .sI'lIWAI.rtVl'U. I'YR.IIONT, Bee.

My Mineral Waters h»T.s bi-eu analyzed by th* prlnolostProlessmsof I'hsuilstry, snd inlirsed-sins* 18iJ. iw»-

lult!,i uur'tn,\ Ol eorrn-teoinjiu.i i_._ _sa

They are prescribed by the M«<lioal Profession. Over maPhysicians ute them lu their lifiilliet. All hosutt-*. firs*.

class liuhllc place*, clubs, aui MSeBSSS- of prlT.uo ft'niuss

sst isg l.|lt.er<,t. P1<l.e i,pt 13tu anJ ltth st*.



Offer to thc Wholesale Dru. Trade aud those who boylasimilar quintltles. au aasortiueut of

c. Hi.MICAl.S; Medicinal, Photorraphlc, snd for the Arts,In. hutu.. yl'lNIA, BSlffceas A.eKtc Bromide, ftc MOE.

PlUA.Sulphato Acetate, Brou.i.lo, etc. CINCIIONIDlA,ctNi llOMA. calomel, corrosive Hublluiste, POTA9

MIM, Iodide an* Bromide, t'ltrlo and Tartaric iclda,NlliateUilver, Sttlphurl.*. Mtir.attc and Nitric Acid*. EpsomSalts, Blue Vitriol. Chloroform, Magnesia Celclmvl Hesvy.

Bismuth preparations, strychnia, sulnhtirtc Ether, etc^_


free.Cnred wltnout the use of tin* Unlfo. powder or salve, r

siiftetin" PSIS. Nocharan until cured. C.msulUt.'U\\ nie to. reference. Di". A. A. COR-INS. ll E«st MOA *t.

odic.' houis lo lui.

Royal "3akmg. ^owder*