AYRSHIRE BREEDERS MEET. NO OFFICIAL FAIIII'.ITION AT CHICAGO. PRIVATE F.N'TI BPBIBI MAY MVKF. A SIIOWING- OFflCBM ll: (Ti.i). At the Hghteenth annual meeting Si the Ayrshire Breeders' A BB* lulloii, which WSS keM St the Fifth Avenue Hotel yesterday, the following officers Were elected: Obndbib Drown. PSBSrlieSS e. E. I., presi¬ dent; H. R. C. Wntsoii. West Krills. N. Y.: L. S. Drew. Burlington, Vt.", ll. Betts, Wellington, Chlo, and John PRESIDENT Ill'.OWN AND C. M. WINSLOW. Stewart, Elburn, 111., vice presidents; Henry E. Smith. Enfield, R. L, trea-ur.r; O. M. Winslow, Brandon, Vt., secretary, 'ibe new executive committee will be Messrs. Barney, French, Delmont, J. O. Martie and Well.. Among those present at th'.* meeting were J. D. VV. French, of Massachusetts; Henry E. Smith. C. M. Winslow, L. S. Drew, Vermont; Charles A. Birnie, William Lindsey, New-Jersey; W. J. Tacker, H. R. C. Watson, E. il. Harney, New-York; J. 0. Magie. J. I). Magie, B. IL Maxie, H. C. Scars, J. A. Costerllne, Delaware, and C. ll. Hayes, New-Hurr.p- ahire. ww"*, ...'._ SOME PROMINENT BREEDERS. During the afternoon session of the association Professor W. W. Cook, of the Vermont Experimental Station, read a paper on " The Dreed Characteristics of 3111k." Tlie BBBQ*tatton luis been SBSktaf un effort lor several months to raise funds suthclent to ar¬ range for sn exhibition ol Ayrshire cattle ot toe World's Columbian Expo.Dion, but lt was decided yesterday not to hsve an exhibit nt tbe F:ilr ns a exhibit of Hie u-s,n lull m. Il is sahl that -cvc-ral large fsrraeTa will raise Ute funds fear the exhibit the as- toclatlon hud Intended to send to Chicago. ROTAL ARCH MASONS IS SESSIOS. Albany, Feb. fi..At tho second day"s session of the Grand Chapter limul An h Masons to-day, J. Leavltt Lambert, of HSSSBtB Falls, was re elected Grand High Priest. The other grand officers were also re-elected. and adjournment followed. At 'A v- m. the companions aiet at Masoni:* Temple nnd vi-t ed Governor and Mrs. Flower at the Executive Maiislg . A KISS COST CESSUSTAKER DOTLE $2"*0. Syracuse, N. Y., Feb. 8..In the County Court to¬ day a Jury gave a verdict for i-r'-oO In favor of Tamer .Wilson, w_e of Samuel Wilson, a farmer of Skaneateies, against John T. Doyle for stealing .a Uss from ber. Doyle was the State census-taker, ond after asking tlie usual questions threw hi.* arms around the youno* woman and kissed her. She drove Ulm out of tte bouse with a revolver and her husband pursued bim with a horsewhip, but Doyle got away. ) BABA" ALPUEUS MARSHALL PROVABLY LOST. Philadelphia, Feb. 8..Great anxiety prevails In ship¬ ping circle** regarding the probable fcJBB wilh all on board of the British built Alpheus Marshall, which left Oils port December 1, laden with snrzar. valutd at BSJJ.800, for Dunkirk. Tbe Marnhull should have reached hst destination January 1. but nothing aaa been hearM of her; lier owners and tbe 1 hiUid'-lphl* agents have given up all hope, lt is believed the vessel was caught In a hurricane and wrecked. The Mar**,!.!) waa commanded by Captain E. J. McFadden tnd carrleu a ero- of lifieen. £ho wai owned by Troop tioris, of Digby, V. ir. TFA.VTS TO WISD UP THE F.C0S0M1TES. Pittsburg. Feb. 8..That the Economite Society', with President John Dbm at Its heud, will soon bo involved In troublesome litigation, is now au assured fact. It ls saki an application for the appointment of a re¬ ceiver to wind up the affairs of tho corporation ls to be flied In the Heaver County Court. George E. Ward, a brother-in-law of Mr. Duss, according to his own ttateinent, 1- the plaDitin". He and Mr. D.i.-. have not been friendly for years. Mr. 'Ward said to a re¬ porter today: "A p.-tition will be presnted in court asking that a receiver be appointed to administer the affairs of the Economjte toasty. Ws want an inquiry made." ?- 7.V MEMORY OF EX PRESIDEST 1IAYES. Bo-tin, Feb. 8..The Republican State Committee this afternoon adopted resolutions of seaport to tbe memory of ex-President Rutherford li. Hayes, setting fortb his sturdy (honor and Intesrity as a man, his patriotism its u soklicr, his ability as a Governor, and Bis culminating success as President, and expressing high appreciation of tin* eminent, service* ne. rendered to his country. A copy of tho resolutions will be tent to tho family. ART ASH ILLUSTRATED DOOKS O.V EIHIBITIOS. A literary feast, tn which the public was Invited to Join, was given yesterday afternoon nnd evening by the Mercantile Library Association, under Ibe manage¬ ment of W. T. Peoples, the veteran librarian of the society. The feast, or exhibition, consisted of the art snd illustrated boohs from the library shelves, which were arranged on tables for the convenience of the large number ot people who attended. The exhibition comprises books of costume, dress and toilet: descrip¬ tion and landscape, design, decoration and ornament; misoelianeous Illustrated works, the industrial and military arts; Japan, museum*r* exhibitions and picture gantries. North American Indians, painting, i-ngravtlig sud sculpture and portraits and zoology. costisuiso rnE Bair of ¦ bburofp* chis a Tbe silo of thc BrttfBSttBf " Zoiiroff" collei-tjon of Royal TIBBS- nit china and bric a brae, and of B. Grotisbaum <*fc Saa_f collection of ceramic art. was con¬ tinued yesterday uftemoon at tbs Flflh Avenue Auction Rooms, Nu. 039 Fifth-av*. The sale will close to-morrow, A pair of myal Vicuna vases, by Professor Hoffmen, their bodies representing Amora, Jupiter, Psyche and Bacchus, were sold for 8M40. Two Bevret vases, twenty-four Inches hleh. after a bitsk competition, were sold for Bin). An Interesting pul nt* big upon a royal Vienna puir-iie bi i> Tochleraa enUtled, -"The fsacrllico of Iphigenia,"' brought *7f>. ' A VSIFORM FOR THE NAVAL RESERVE. Albany, Feb. a.-AdJutant-General Porter Issued sn order to-day lu which ls prescribed the uniform of the officers and enlisted men of the naval mUltla of uP ?£*!*. . ^e .,!n1'rorm ls> nearly as practicable. Bke that of the Lalted States Navy. TWESTT FIVE YEARS FOR HIGHWAY ROBBERY. Newburg. ft Y., Feb. P .-Perry King, who was in¬ dicted hy the Grand Jury for highway robbery, waa tWo olternoon sentenced to twenty-live years In Klug EAKSISGS OF THE WEROVTt COMPAST. Chicago, Feb. 8 <Spt*olal).-The New York Wscult Company held Its annual meeting here to-dny. I're-sl- dent ".loore's aiiuuiU report chowed n. t c.iriilngB ad Baso.SM) tor the yeer, an Increase of iii per cent. The business of Ave factories has been merged Into the New-York factory. The company will eompleto _e Chicago factory this year. The old officers Were re-elected. BURUSOTOS'S TREASURY XEARl.Y EMPTY. Burlington. N. J., Feb. e.-it hus tn-en found thnt tills place ls la serious Ilium.-lui strait*. There ls only HW-JO in the treasury to pay the current expense Sf the month, aaiountrfig to $300 "a. There are alto two bills, one for 52,500 and (mother for fl.iiOO, which Will huve |S t«- paid, together with tsBO In¬ terest. The div estrlea s bonded debt for over .*('>'.>.- ooo, ond a portion of lt will fall due in a short time. DR. F. CRAY RUSS FLED FROM THE CATT HE WAS CNDLIl 110ND.S BOB MAI-PBACTICL-MISfs VVHITXLY, HIS VICTIM. LI LD TUESDAY. Apparently the police of IBs Twesityottonl Precinct are bitaoed arith nu abnormal belief In human nature. Their confidence In the Integrity of Dr. F. Lmy Dllnn haa enabled tlmt physician to escape fn.m the (Dy willie under bonds on n charge of malpractice lu the cate of Alic* Wlitlney, who, ns the re.ult of criminal operations, non* lbs dead on Hm second |SS« of the upsrtmenbhouse No. 031 Wost Forty. second -t. Mis, Whitney took to her b'd two wv elis ago and at once made ihaiBSB nEiiliist Dr. Dllun. wini wu, promptly pit nuder t-'.'t.Oou bonds by JasUeS McMahon. A detective watched Miss Whitney bv day ami a detective arateBed ber by night, bal no ans wiitrliid Dr. IU in ii. Without any interference he mud'" ids prsgnrsilsaa for departure. Hs removed all bis g,.ods from his home lu the broad light of day, and qui-tly left IBs city when lt became Si rtsto that Miss Whitney would die. No one oder d to Inteifere arith Ma plans. The sentlm.nt of Ihe poBet on th.- subjei i uni v lie gathered frr>m the il bibi Ba el Psigauri Thomas ysstssBay in trying to explain Um doctor's escape. ..Wo thought he was all right," suid the lergesnt " Tic sides no one tbrWgBt the girl woulil di.-. Dllnn acted BOJSniSly, and his wife product d the ball ns soon as lt was wanted." Bul this is not the fD'-l time that Dr. Gray Minn has been In thc banda of tho police. Originally Bs came from Tccunis. h, Mich. Once lie kept a "rettsst" Ibt women In Lexlngmn-ave. About ten years aso he was charged with malpiactlce la the ca** of Mi*. Frank Pointillist, int bagara the trial the prosecutor and her husband went to Sweden. In Dovton and In Saginaw, Mich., the doctor, lt ls said, ls knowa. Miss Whitney said that he hud agreed to perform the operation In her case for .}'.'*,) doun and a promis¬ sory note for $;>0 more. Yesterday an autopsy wa- held 00 tht. bodv of the pi: 1- Her real name sad her home arc still unknown. The body will be tullen to Buffalo. superintendent B.rne.s suld yesterday that he had decided io tnke charge of the eas- and Impactor Mclaughlin bud detailed several Headquarters de¬ tectives to seuich for the Blaring doctor. THE TniEF AT PRIRCRTOR ARRESTED. Princeton, Feb. 8 (Speclall.-The head proctor. Mr. Tepley, has reridclcd great service to the SBtdsntS hen- by dl-covering the thief who ha* been robbtBI them for the last six month-, oom.* Hine ago piece-* of Jewelry began to he misted trim the rooms of thc student*., beth In the college and eeo.nary, but lt was not until Monday that the thief ivas detected ls William Cox, a nun living In the tpwn. Pr-XtfaT Topley arrested him nnd he made a full confession indicating the places where he had left UM stol,-ii arthJes. The proctor St once went to Philadelphia and Trenton, where ho spent yesterday getting tho thlncs toge***er. He returned this morning iladen arith april- which Included gold arstehea, diamond rings, .scarf" Bins, gold cull buttons anii such thing! to the amount of f«^000. Cox ls in jail at Trenton. OPPOSITIOS TO TUE " GIFT PACKAGE." Kingston. Feb. 8 (f-pe, lalV-The war between the Hudson Diver fruit growers and the New-York O0m- mls.-lon dealers Mho sdi their pr'sluris cw- merrily on. Msstlnp are bring held In different pads of tho fruit district every few days to organics the groivrs In protest against tho "gift package" rule laid down by the deniers. The Fruit and Produce, Trade A** BOCtstBJa "f New-York luis Just sent out s second circular which says: "Wears an organization of broad minded merchants yielding to rca-on and experience, and not to IhrSBlB, Step by -tcp this chango bas been approaching BS. Returnable barrels, box's and BsSBetS have each had their battles and defeats, nnd what Intcllircnt grower, 6l(lpp-T, siller or buyer iv auld advocate a return to the old custom I" It ls said that one or two of the dealers propose t* receive and seO all conslgnmsnta "ii the sid pinn and the croners expect thc Bomber oi sin-li will be largely Increswed when the season opens, 'in,. nrxt meetDig oj giowen will be held at Maribel*) bssbTuss- day. - a SOMISATIOSS DY 00YRRK0R MORRIS. Hartford, Feb. 8.-Governor M irrts sent In to thc Senate- this afO.Tiioon the following n initiation* I William Haasmlsy, of Hartford, to be n Judge nf the Superior Otirt for eight years. RsllrOad C rnrnl.v sloners-William U. Seymour, of Rldgsfleld, for the unexpired term of four years from July 1, 16!)1 ; reappdnted, George M. Woodruff, of Litchfield, f *r four yen rs from July 1, 1883; KOppoinlSd, Alexsnder OL Ro" erl son, of MoatVtUe, for lour years fr ni July 1, 1888, Dank Commissioner1*. Ld win A. Rink, of Windham, for the unexpired tenn of lour year, fr in July 1, 1881' Edwin ll. Hoyle, of Hartford, for four years from July 1, i?,'j'.i. Labor Commls-I'.ner-Heb¬ ert J. Vance, of **-'ew-I;ril.*ilri, for th>* unexpired term Of f'Jur years from July 1. 1881. The BomtnstBMM were referred to committees. Judge Homertley ls a leading member of the Hartford bur mid the Benlee BesrosenBtttve from Hartford lu the House. He was formerly Stale's Attcrney for many yea-, and Bi the counsel of Trinity College. Alexander C. Il'b- crte-on i* a member of the present Senate. Edwin B. I/oy. Ls the managing editor of -Tho Hartford Telegram'' and ss-Coagrsssataa Robert j. Vanes la editor of "Thc BOW-BritOla Herald.' Junu-s P. Platt ond GgOSSkj D. Clark were elected Judge and Deputy Judge of the city Court ol Meriden. in tba House a mlaeeUsaeoaa caDeelJoa of bills were Introduced and referred, and the following Judges appointed: Jiillus Q fable. Juris*.", and David Callahan, Assistant Judge of the BOW-HaSSB City Court: Ninholu* C. Downs. Jung.* of the Borough Court of durnford; John ,A. Tookey, Judge of the City Court of Rockville; Vesreatce Mugger, .Dide,, of the Town Court of Antonia; J. W. Chandler, Judge of the Borough Court of stafford Spriags; J Ita c Kellogg, Judge, and Lucilia Brown, Assistant Judge, of the Court of Norwich. TITO WEUrEKOWR SEWPORT COTTAGES RESTED Newport, R. I., Feb. 8..Two prominent cottage rentals are reported-those of "gtoniBKtC." on Belle vue ave., owned by J. W. Kills, to CotasBaa Vander¬ bilt, whose villa was destroyed by fire hist fall, Bad " Harbor View,"' owned by F. O. French, to Ll-pciiard Stewart, of New York. RESIGSATIOS OF A POSTMASTER. Lyons, N. v., Pets, fi (ffpsclsi)---Pcsta>.tier F. C. Zlmmeilln, who waa appointed under Harris",n, and his assistant, Edward li. Dourne. have realgned their I*,-Dions, to luke effect March C. Thc ofbie ls Worth BBfiOO, and fully fifteen men are after lt. Any ap polntment will make great dl-cord in the DeSSOCratlc party, as the Hill and Cleveland elements sra at war. ROADS PREPARISO FOR A STRIKE. Indianapolis, Feb. e.-Ever since, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company befall IS discharge members of the labor organizations In this and other rides there has been i, general understanding that a -trike was Impend lng, and the development.* within the last few days have convinced careful observers tho! thc railroads are preparing to m.**! Bach an eraerg -ney as a gea* trul strike during thc Wor'd's Fair would present. A DISSER AT THE CATHOLIC CLUB. A meeting will be heJtl gg th,. Catholic Club on San¬ dfly evening, February 10, to celebmte the episcopal golden Jubilee of Pope Lea XIII. Archbishop Corrigan will deliver an BddSSSB on the life and serviles of tlie Holy Father, and congratulatory resolutions trill b^ adopted anl telegraphed to Rome. Judge* Jo«cp]i F. Daly and Morgan J. O'Drlen and Charles V. Forne*, president of the club, «r*o al-o expected to speak. The founders of the rut nolle Club will huve their annual dluner at the clubhouse this evening. Among the founders who are expected lo be present are lOSSffe Thorn, first president of the dub; si BthSOl Conimis stoner Joseph T. Mo-her. J. K. O'Brien, Robert J. Hoguot and L. J. O'Connor. C. V. Foin*« and Father Taylor, the directu- of the club, will also be present. PUS ER AL OF DR. IV. C. STOSE. Lakewood, N. J., Feb. fi (Special).-Tbe "funeral of Dr. W. OL Moue, who died suddenly at his home, Waldcroft, on Sunday, was held In the Preatrj terian Charts, this afternoon. The Rev. John Read, of Yonkers, who otliclated at the marriage of Dr. and Mr. -stiili", conducted the servile*. A i*uiutrt -an: Dudley Dm K's arrangement of "Dead. Kindly Light" and Sullivan's " Home Lund.-' The pallbearer* were CBpSBBk a. M. Bradshaw, Dr. Bans H. Dinii, Baaaaal D. Davis, Francis P. Freeman. Dr. W. 8. Klmbiill. Professor Albert Hurt, of Hnrvnrd foll,-Be I). Willis James and Dr. William M. Patt, "f New York. Tl, re tin a large attendance of friends. Including Mr*,. I'leveinnd and Wilson DSBMSB, the artist. PROM ISEST ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. CLrVrtKNDOV-John Newell, o' Lhfcairo. FIFTH AVliVUK.Senator .vol-un W. Aldricb, and cx-'iovenior Heiiry Howard, of Rhode laland, and (1,1,f Juitii-a WaJ- brldgu A. Fiell, of MatsachutetU. Ul_SEY-Ex-congre«s. nan Carlo* Frmih, of Connecticut, snd BB4SBSSM .lame* Arkell, of Oaaojahario, N. Y. HOI.LAND-Coiigressman- cleit, fharlc* D. Haine.*, of Klnrlcrhr*)k. B. Y.. and BeueiBl Orland Smith, of Diltiniore. MI'KI'.AY Hill.' BS-(''.ubiBSBBBM Charles S. Daker, Of BaCkSStte. WIND- sort.H. B. Ledyaid, PraaMast of the Michigan Central Railroad Company. WRECKED Bl A BROKEN RAIL. A BAOOAOEMA8 KUM D AND THIRTY-ONE PAS ¦EMOKM UUVRKD ON TRI Bir. FOUR ROAD. St. Louis, Feb. fl.-Tlie Dig Vow passenger train Ko. 12, which left here at 7 M Inst nlight In chnrpc of Conductor Fit»-,-cruld. waa wrecked by a broken rall one mlle tait of Pana, III., st ll 10 last night Chariot Ressler, of indianapolis, a baggageman, was hilled. Thirty-one passengers were Injured. The train consist.-d sf righi BPSrhSS, Including baggage and mall car. The wreck WSS caused by a broken rall, which was aliened by the extreme cold weather. IBs accident OCCUITCd on I small ti estie which eSSSSM B tree'.;. The entire train left th* rall* and eaagftl Are. Tho mall car. which was next to tl,-* ermine, was the first to Ignite, and ns lt ~as burning lt split compleicly In two. The express car and the two following day coaches were thrown from the IflSfJa u distance of Bt least thirty feet. The rest of the cars wcr" .saved by an embankment on the opposite Ml., of Oe ditch. Thc passenger* In the dav COSehet wera rescued with great dlficalty bf the trainmen and uninjured passengers. The following persons lure injured most .-evenly: DOOUTTLE, Samuel 0., >la'll«on. Ind.. axprns me*- *en?er; badly Injured. BADU. C. H., BA ZaSOtS, express BBttttngSr; badly Uijured. ABMBTBOBO, Mrs., Birminghum, Ind.; Internal Injnrl-s. FOX, Charita N . Tillin. Oblo; Internal Injuries. ICBEB7S0N, H. M-. St. LotiU; Inj'ired In ba-k and bead. BEAL, Mrs.. re»ldence unknown; probably fatally in¬ jured. Several other passengers were Injured. All tbe bedrMothlng In the sleeper was utilized for the comfort and warmth of -th* wounded women and children. Baggageaoan Beaaler was pinioned beneath th* bobsa of trunks and bumed to death In sinht of Ibe trainmen and passengers, who were unable to rescue him. Tin weather orsa bit' -riv roM nnd the wounded suffer {really from fae expoaure In addBloD to their injuries. i'<- Oblo aad Mlsaiaslppl Rallrssd sot a si**i*iai train of ino cars to lbs wreck and brough! tbe Injured Bsasengera ta nins, where they were '.alien ts th.* gt .lames Hotel and rared for by physicians of Pans Bad lower HUI. Mrs. Laughlin, of Cleveland, who WM tniv.-llltic ulti the body of h-r husband and four amati children. nus in the toort"! eoseb. All the children were b'inie<!. bruised and eat about their faces ami bands. Th. tmiiy of h.-r husband wss cremated before her tyra. Laughlin was burl la a railroad wrech al Lesvenwarth. Kuri., about two weeks ub >. and died ut Ka':sri* Ull¬ in the railroad hospital. LOC isl ASI ASS OS THE VERGE OF WTABVAT10M. Ycinr.his, Tenn., Feb. S..Four thousand people in Concordia and CatShouls paritbea, la tbe northern part of Loui-lai.ii, ar.* 00 the vergS of slai-vutliiti. In furn.allon received from that Beetloo yesterday shows that the j.e..pi,* are in a pitiable plight, ind unless rcibf ls given i«. them ni anec many deaths from sturv- ution uni lesiiit. Tin* floods ,.f lasi summer de- strured their cropa, and thc water remained os Ute '.-irih so lone that lt was not pootlbk to plant cotton or aryn,ins else, except som'" .|uh lily maturing vega tabb,. Hundreda moved swsjr, but ti.ou sada were unable to l'o. ISOOS rc-liiiilniii- have BUbfdatSd dur- lag the winier on wild game, but as much psie bar been ii.-tiny.d, ihcy have BOthlag t" heep body and .ul together. The preridents "f the eschange* bi Memphis, Vleksburg sod Bow-Orleans have ci, d meetlnga of their organlsatlona t'i r.ii-e fund* f,,r i . lufferers. The New-Orleans Board of l:.;de beard tho li-t With .*:*,')0(J. A CHARTER FOR TUE CATHOLIC SCMMER BCROOl Albany, Feb. P.-Tile Regents Sf th" Mata t'nlv. r-ltv win meet bars ttvrnorrow afternooa st 'i s*elsek '" eonrider ai-cumul-ited boalnees, IneiodBig aa sppM ration r,r a c;.:ir:.-r for the ¦..'.rh Ile Sommer B* h .,i of Anicrba," on tbs thoret of Lase champlain, near Plattsburg. The next -c ian of the si hool win beria on July 15. Tho folltwlne; are Ihe tlUStSSt Bl the Behooli James f. LoughBa, Piuada iv Megfilod, William B. Claxton rind Walter P. OUBRh, Phial'I phla; William J. Murun, John Ii. Cumming**. John lsvrne, I'iitriclt Francis Mullany, John P. Un,phi, Gsatfa E. Hardy. .Dim H. MtMahou, Throat MsMlBan atKt PStrirh Halpin, of ffew-York; Oeorga PUrooni Lathr p snd Thossu P. Joynt, Bsw-Landoa. Conn: joiin P. Mullsney and 'scouts M. Martens, syracuse; John II. lilley, Plattsburg, N. Y. Thoma, g. il'/ patrica; Doston; John U. Hanron, Brooklyn; Thomat c. Coasty, worcc-tcr. Muss.; Warren f.. m ..sher. Voang town, Ohio, and Morgan M. Sheedy, nit '.j ir*;. Penn. THE STATE MEDICAL BOCIRTY MEETISG. Albany, Feb. fi.-The soeoad dav's se.sior. .,f tha Stats Medical gorr*rty to-day una targe!]- attended. ,\ report mi- adopted ezpret lal mttsfaetloa with the law establishing Stale barnda of mfHral esaBBtne-ra. ptroteatlng against ir. amendmoBl aid der Mlin sgriast the appointment of li OOmmlttee of io.if<Te::(:fc u|t!i the Alii'iicaij Medics] .\--«fl'itlon, upon the BBhJSCl of medica] ethic*. Dr*, .lacobl, Baw-York; M ncr, svric:.*.-: llo^k no, Bravoing, Ilia"!.ly ii and Townsend. Albany, wets sppolnted a eoamnlttee to seleel oondMotea for State Bssrd "f Medical Bteadnert and reported tbs fol bining: vv. C. Wey, Kimiru: Oaocgs B. Fowler, Brooklyn; A. Walter Salter, Heridmer and WIlBam M. Maddeia, Broohlya. Tbs report mis gdoptsd. The report of th.* letfslullic eommlllee urK.'J that no more charters bs irrititisl to BWdlcal colleges, ex¬ cept under most .-tdugout regulation*, i.real vlei- lum-e bad been BCOStSSVy (/> pteVBBt present laws govrnluK medical sdUCStlOB from lieing tanipered with. This afternoon Hie delegates were entertained bv Mower itt a reception St Hie, Executive Mansion. FOR Tm: PHILLIPS BROOKS MEMORIAL. Booton, Feb. fc.-Tho committee having iii charge the phillips Brooks Monument Fund announes to.i.r,- I (Tut HOytwO baa already been subset lied. THE PETROLEUM MARKET. BKWI PROM TllF. rilhli and RABOE OF PRICES. Tbe piiiducilou of the MeDonsM ped is doivn to 10,600 barrel, :i dav, a fiillinir oil from recent ieci.nl-. 'in.* cindi* ell tpeenlatloB contlnuet duli and there w.-rc m. tales al tin* (Bock Exchange. At the Caa undated Bxcbsngt lhere w-.r.- -al.-, of io.(mm) harrell t j4 I-S8S4 .", s sents. Rogued oil waa unchanged ul O.ill) sentfl per gallon In barrels, i!.s.o c.-nts In bulli and ii.ir. cents in eaaaB. PorrigB quotstlsM orere: Antwerp, 18 -vs iran's; Bremen, AAi marka; London, 4 1^ pence. LONDON WOOL BALKS. London, Feb. fi.-Ai the wool misa to-day io ooo bale,, constating Isrgeiy of raeriass, were offered. There waa a fair attendance. ai;d Ihe c mpeU_on *as e.*niiiiiiv active. There waa a fair show of ero-, breeds, whleb mid brteUy. Cape of Hood Hope and Ratal gri tarim wer.* in good rcajueat. Holden in iiniliv CBBCS w. re not disposed to luke Hie pries bid. (.orman purchaser! ware very tcBve. French and American buyers wre moderately to, l'.l <*. wt.* me banged. Fallowing ar.* the aaw< In demi and tue prb es obtained: New South Waloo, 5,40(1 baie-: si our,-d, 8 1-2d Blt nd; do, locks and pieces, sd,, l, gl-Sd: greasy, ftl-adSlld; do, lock* ami pi.-,.-, a l Ida I 1 Ud Queel,-land. 3,700 bale,; scoured, ll ib¬ is ci; do, leeka and pieces. Sd* gd; sreaay, il I-Sdi lld; do, lockl and pl.-c-.s, iii,; ed; Me bonni- and Yb loris, !l,40o bslcs; scoured, lodwls 4d do, loch, and pieces, c. ii idii- id; greasy, 5 1 Jd.. I* ._' 1 -j.1 du, lock- mid pice.*., *, ;i Un lid goutb Australia. .MK) bales; s. oiir.*d, ls 1 1 i'd do. b,< ki and Stree* lOl-Sdafta; greasy. 51-81(271-ad; do. loria and nicies, 5d«7 1 4d Wsoi Aii-lralla. 20 bales; so'-Ured li. rrens-^r, i *j,i New-Zealand, I .OOO Nile*; BCOtved, 8 1-2d *>lt l jd: do. I.H-ks and Blecas, 7 :i id greooy, 7d«i)d; do, locks and piecea, j 84d-»8d ( ape Sf tiood Hop." and Natal. 1 ,M)() laics; scuri-d. 7 1 ids)lt Dd tiica-y, .'. 1 i'd., rid. " COTIOB MAMK-IB.Bt TMLBOKAPH. Liverpool, Feb. 8, 4 D. m.-Oilton Intiires BlSStd steudy; American -middling, low middling clause February deffvery, 4 :,ii (etd s,.|i,.rs: February sud March delivery, I BB-tMd -«ll.*r-; Mardi and Aprii delivery, I 60-04, I fil-did; April sud May delivery, I (i*J tiid billers; MST ulltl Juno delli.-ri, M seller. June and Julv deBvetT, ". 1-4)4*99 g-B4d July und August delivery, r. :i BM' -.Ibrs; Anons! and .'september delivery, 5 8-6485 .'l-D-M: Sepiember and October de¬ livery, 4 ..ii o*4d Bellera: October and November d,- livery. 4 .'iii ttl" 4 rvroid: November and December deBvery, 4 B88484 VT-BAB. Uslveeton, Fob. B-*S0ttaa st, adv mtddBaa 9i-fic: low mlddllos, e H-4e geod brdinary, .* lie, ncr mid gro-s receipts, I.OSO bales; k:i1.*s. *j.1-j1 hair* si,,, u '.'It.TilO bales. '-¦ Norfolk. Feb. 8.-Cotton i|iib"t ; niiddlltn.', 0 :j 10c lou- mldilliiii.'. B :t lc good oriUn.-iiy. | l Ki,-; nd and pom receipts, BIS boles; exports to Qreat Hritaln .J.'JOC bales; sales, Hg bales; slock. oO.DH* tulles. N>-w -orleans. Feb. h.-lotion weak and Irregular* middling, li 3-loc low middling, fi 7-e, pu <\ ordinary! - ::.-<.; net rec Inls, 1.473 bales: gio,,, tt.Ii'jo bale* exaorta t,, France. ("..Trnn bale*: eoaatwlse 2OOH bales; sal,.,. 3,700 huies; st/M*k. :cJ4,4]*J b-'les' savaniiiih. Feb. t.-Colton st.adv; inidillliig. 8 7-Sc bm* mlddlDiiz, h ..*,<¦; (.'.Hst ordinary, j* 1-Se; net end irrre-s receipts, IJSOO bales: export* coHStwlse 700 bales; sales, 1,000 bales; stcxli, bl,318 balee. THE MARKETS. TOTAL RECEIPTS. n. w. Fi'.'.r. akaa. 100 Molasaes. bb:«- Bl liPiili*. I bl*. i-'d -in lt. turp.. bbl*.... -.' ll in* a,-- . 2,G1'> "*.,.sii, bbl*. 1,130 Dc Hw)..-it, Misti ... .a i-''. ".'ir. I.bl*. ZS totten, .ile- g.203 oil ethe, ike* . BIS ( i.t-an.e.-it oil, bin- 1.213 "I'" ftack, pkg*. ... l.'.'l',' t.i|i-r rake* . ,i-i Peanut*, lags. .".. tm d trait, pkg*.... 200 Dork, pkg*. '-'Q I -.--.-. obit. JO Reef, pkgs. . 29 I :*... case*. S.0OS Cul. i-k.s. 2,.on Flour, pSfr* i. 2o Min l.iii.t. pki-. *,:I^ Cornmeal, bil*. 4" > lard, kera . ;.*t-»l Corruneal, hac*. 1 ilTI Dull r. pk2». J.OW Wheat : n-h. 17,06011botte, pa.*. I.OI3 (ern, baaB. 7:',oki Di',-al bots. No. -UH i**i», bush. S7.7MiB*!*fBt (Cal.). p«H» 9,236 Mari, busb . i2.**Ao lue*, uk**. 179 Barley, b'i*h. lo,07."> s,..-p "toe*., pk",'* ... . 57 Ptao, batu.. 2,fM*i¦ Speller. ....«. S...u, Oattiicii nhl*. 2&1 Skins, t . .«. TO ll..--..-I i.ii-',. 1,000 -Milln'. |ik«*-. V \k;< . l.'.ii Tal low, pi.irs .. 672 ilia., teed, has*. lld Tobae.-o, bini*.. . 78 Hide*, talc. Hld Tobacco, i.Kir*. A 12 Bobo, bale* . -,'.*". Whiskey, bbls. 707 l-':.l.l.'r. -ldc*. . 6,7001 Wool, b»'.es . 27d Moto, ba:'-". 7-i'r.rar.dy ((al.', pk;*.. 185 GENERAL MARKET REPOST. COPFEE-POt Brat bib alba the *>i»ot market waa steadr ai l-'.. isi., for No. 7; sales, 1,000 baft So. 7 st ISSe, 5*000 bas* Boa. 7. 8 SM '.' to ariiie, at 18-V for Bo. 7, sod SOO i,.ii.-. Santos Bo, B !.. trrlve at 17 V The unifier growth*abewed t fair moven.t. Hole*, 2,600 bags Marl.¦abu and 1,000 I**-'- (.'"iirial America, on priinte term*. Option tradiag waa modernlair active, the .-tile* .iimr.-k'aiinu- 80,730 BB0S. Ilnir>' opened I* fr hiir 11er and closed tirang, i.oiid.iii eio.*..i at a decline "f M on nmr, and it an tdvanet bI ii.,.'.'! en ia'.- months. Hamburg 11.,-.1 'ul pig iiigi).*!. Th.* Nen-York market opened lin,,. I,ur said .(T int*. In th.- teasing, uni cl.-.-d at a aol ii.lv-oi'.* cf ., point* f,,r tba ihii on -. me iii'tiitiis. iimi at a decline nf ."../'.". point* sa other*. Toe oSlelol lin, cabins ijucmtI Kir,t, ordinary HO kl!,,-, ll » DOO; good second ilO k.l... I8S OOO; v hain;." i prl vare), Iii: recelnU In lt.", 0,000 ba-*.. Bia clearances to rm'-d Mir".. 12.000 baa*; let.. I.*,rn.-.-- to Kurope, 1 insi boga; Bk) Hock, 100.000 |)jk-: Di" marhel quiet; receipt* in saut,-. 18,000 bato; .smiles *to.-k, ::i'> con bags: Sasitoo market linn good over¬ age Mlitfl*. 12*.IOU; revell,'., at, Rle, Dllv 1 1888. to i.hruiirv 7. 1STBJ, 2.0V..<V)0 Imus: -amt Mme. 1H02. 2 BBB,. ooo ba*;*: .wne tinm 1S91. 1,042.000 ba**: soeelpta at .S*nt<j». J liv 1. 1803. te FSrbruary 7. 1H0:I. 2.:i2.1.iiOO ba**; sallie time )Sfr2 3.409,000 hn«** ; name time ISSI. *_*.irT» i. OOO bass. W.irnhou** dellvcnle* sine Kebruarv I, 181*1: V. .v-Vi.fk, 72 V.-j boga; Killmore. 2,018 bair,; Neiv-Or- leaiis. 7 3'il brit-*; total. 82,666 baa*.. MoUthS. Clovina. Illjrlicst. LoWetB. Sale.. February . 17. IV'17 ,0 17.'0 17.00 1.800 M,Ph '.17.l.'.,il7..'"i 17.70 17/n ll.ooo April .I7.l3-ri7.20 17'*"» 17.10 2 mn M.... . 17.e,i,i 17.0.-. 17 IS IT.'O 70.) Juno .D'..'-'..-DUO 17.Oil ll". SI 170 r .; . I0.70ai8.73 16.83 Di.7". 1,280 August; . I c.70 a lil 7 y 1<VB3 D'.*-". 1.CO0 sn,,her.10.7drtlO.73 Dl.liO D'. 73 8,000 11 -,,.,. .D', cc 1 Kl .03 DI..-0 DI.SO 7">o November . ....lS.t5alS.55 10.70 Ki.70 I.fOO Deeeuiber .10.40SH6.43 lO-Ci 16.49 6,"*00 1 f'TTON-The tpet marka! ruled .-a--.-. so'..-* |gg bole* "o -I'.rni-- ii i'l 1.coe bale, wen token for- rxnurt. Quotatloua sit baaed tn (ha Amerlcaa standard of elaasifl. allan Boland*. naif. n i. ..rv . 0 IS-ll) 7.1-D) Un ni . 7 .".Di 7 '.i-l-'> Hood ordinary . 8 I IS ¦ 7-10 St-tet good ordloary. -*"i Low middling . 8 < 8 - Strict lo* ii,liidiin(r . O'* Middling . 03:18 0 9-10 ... m ddltnn .B*s OH strirtgriod middling. .. iil-10 101-18 Middling tab . IO 8-18 IO 71-, .IOV-10 1013-10 KTAINT.D. flood m ll ri irv.ll 7-Di Don middling.7 19-16 .1 .-,1.nary 7 1-16 MtddllOg . sr, Liverpool telegram, 1:49 e. ¦ Reeelpts, 8,000 bales. af nhl i, a: .. m..ia. 2,000 bale*, Kales 3.000 bate*, of . ii,I, for speculation sod export, SOO bale*j AraerDan, i ooo hale. Spot market in bujenr* favor. Middliui* piand*. 3 l-l Od i,e pun re.-elpts were lisct balee, comparing with :¦.. i-i; bala* for Uso irre«ponding dar lu-t > bei 1 ' .pl ii- en i c., nSl bul ., itt 3,607,814 bs i during ll com ii line i yeai a.'". Tht Bgo as bot* ' show tat we k'* crop .a .-ni. 1803. 1802. VMM* supplr.1,913,021 1,698.0 I Ile ipr, I day* l-VrWI lc DH .ii m. t., i,i-ii Brital ,. 4 .lc - '.'-i. -'ii ai -. ii .i.i i li '.! 1-' 11*3 r'.Aport-* Oi Continent i Obj* 10.108 31,000 Mci ii Bi fork IB llreosed .... ._:.'.. U7 :»-(i '".'". Ill ether pi.,--.. 8,680 Total tl s ,., Be* y rh bj rut -..*.-. cr :ci:i.-,!. :n ail I'nlted sine, p..rt.. -.-.*. 17*. 1 :' -l "I" Til- »¦ .....ilulne fi nine.' ar y 'is 'bill nnd ,- ii* ,,.--. wu 1 wa* foi I by :-i , abs le [..«. r and the ...tn.ii .w.n. nt H ilea, i.".s.t,si beleo. slaotha. da>lae, Hlgl -. Loo t. Kile*. r uary . O.OTflO.ir.i a.,.; . >.1| :,,; ..,, \p 'i *l ¦' 'a .'I il" (" ,v i. ,,:i itfi lm . ...!.,', IO :, :". Ii 8H lui, ' -a..:( .' ll 9.43 '.i 4;t ii ii ll .*..:i I l :. fi :i 12 ". -i. .i .'o ;'i jj :. 21 ».2 i ,1. tilsr . i's ".. 12 Ol'* I a N,,,.-i.,i..r .......... '¦* "I <¦'.'".» 'J '.' it.'ii r. ami MEAL I I."i i: Th* sunned H..-l demand for loo gride* f..i e»|rorl and rh* -. were , s and »tnmger Otherwl** the market wa** dull, and trade *>d* I ITi Kai** far ex. i«.rt amounted i. obool 0.«K) bnl* a',! tacks it #j IJ f..r lak.i,' .xtia .piing In 'U' :.-. Bod M^SS 13 in bbls ,, .-,,.._..-, for \.. i winter In nock* jid bbl*. SS SO an 30 loi N" -. 4«. S223 far MperBn* +1 sd foi 8o« -1 il -. .. ..t -. For th* |, ooo b april i.* .( 401 . 80 ind 'J ism. I,,;. «|.,t. r '-. i7'.. Quoll- 11 iteni -i I0SSI i0 l' t / . 1'' tin ri . bbl* M I"./ 12 20; n - ri 13; Xo. i. .-.'.sa¦." s.i s.v-rsi put rn- -i '.' rsi 73; .,|.t. r !'¦ a .ni ie -. 1 ...-J it-'. Vo. < . Xo -J 4"a 'r Vt IS¦¦ ¦tialaht* S3 300*1 73 patent -.- DOiSI 20 l'.rc,<. will, il* il."i'lt Dull; prim* to cholee, 6210«« 13 i-i i<y\ ii 1.11 ..r.iiN Quiet but unchanged itara I Canada quo) ur. f.|«.'.",.* in full lead* d' ID ¦¦<! BVK ll"i|'. Dall; tuierfln*. blot" S3 10./63B3 '"liNiii ti. selling modenteii Brandywine, *j'.w; Weatern d anqlhern KS 4*2 90 liiiAis yyiirir Th* bo«lne*a wa* Ivsely of s lora) i r r.-,-.in] rb* racter uni th* nmrket ruled dall Ar, the .penlag there *.u. ai, iel, ia .. ,.r **e bul .I de In.f f llew'td "ii e*«ler cable* foreign si Uni; ai, I a. ill re.»!l/,r j»". I li ttl* Blt* D BU te WBS .1 reaction -f '..>',¦¦ anl Mn* m.i-k'-l elo fd "'iii; lo lon* ."id ut B Bet . i. ', ti thu il-.-- T p 'I '.¦. ". rle* Interior p.,'nt* «.-:,. ¦.-,-.i n'ji hush spring ami 63.814 boah wlntei romporing *v;th 414,279 tod r>l 406 bu*h ttsrlog tod »li,ter !. s|....'Iielv fur td- .-..r:. -|i.-all-i il,v h,--r year. Si il.- -. c.-ir-l r'ie srrlval* were lt-3 7:'l boah, comparing »|tii ui 117 busb f,.i 1'* i-r;.i'-. s i--,.* and maklne tia* total r.- rlpu li.lor a...I teabnord, ?00.160 bush, again » ..*.i -n;i boah. Tl,.* rtraran ¦- from the ttlantle -iih-iarl wi .. 220.111 bu b on Tueaday, rom paring Mitti 2«W.'32 tii-i, na I, nary 7 la*4 rear. The -""t market showed emu f.r a ("ii-' Mire. Ksporb-ra were f ¦. buver* jul miller* *l*o mo-le I.,1 purrhas -. Shlp- i,. r took Ml ci' 1.¦..',, lortndlng Vo. 2 red tui'i-r l**e f ... I. stare: Nu. 2 hird winter. l';.' f ,. h. mb.it- Vo. 1 fainteii M.ii ,tobil 7»*e mid.,- M*v. and Bo, l N'mt'.'-rn it :iv i.'--' Marr delivered. Salas 093.000 bush futurn, 174.000 i,i-a >pot, loeludlne Nu -j r**i wlntei 79,«*S0e rlevstor, sp,.,sp... afloat, 8ISS2f a b.; Bo. I Borthero S".-iM'.'*c X.i. J do. sile Vi. it tilca..*,. »*uiii.' si,. jji.| Ne hard :i0\.<- Ve. 2 Febrnsry. rlo*lnf at 78V: Bo. .J \Iar,h 7b'../V'.'".'. rlcalng Ol 70**e; Sa 2 Msr. **l*,ai V."*/. cloting »t SD'i' No. -2 July KSiit1**. *-io»int »t SC1,.- ( nl'.N.On Um market for rata**** there w»s ;, de lin- of "..- 'f In syuipnthy with til* Weat, lal - i.pt., and Improved grading adowa by recent re. reipt*. The rnarkil rfosed dall aad weak. S|m.i .urn ruled lo-'M iii aympathy. Chipper* t...k 12.OOO l'.-li st,-,mer* mixed at .".3"*.- delila.|. Sale., 'j-oioo ba.i, riitni.- ni.i bnah toot inrtnd. lae So. 2 mlaed, ¦'.:.-./".it,- elevator, ."il'../.'.i',.- delivered: nngraded mixed .".;i'/.">i' ¦.¦ ateamer mixed, "c1-.,; '..v and Bo, :i mit 'i 51e elevator. Xo. 2 r'ebruary, .'.-j',«".:i'..-,-, rloslng ai 52rs< do March, :,j ',,¦ ",:i'..' eloclng at .',' ',.- .lo Mn 32 0-10*38 I-ii'.. rlOaioa ill '<-'\r OATS Option* riled .bili hat bin and MK't market ,,,,- neglected in- haver*, while the lone wa* sllshtly ,-i-l.r. Sales un uki hush fntnr". 31.OOO busb s^,-., Imludlns Ho. 2 white. 418*41-a. Mo. :i do |0e: N",,. *.'. :*s,,;t,i,,-: xo, :. ;t7'.-- So 2 Chlcsgn :i"i'.. delivered; ungraded Western mixed 3x«»*V; dodo whir.* gnanie. No. 2 l-.-t.tn.iri e1o«lng i.r ii ',. do atatrk tW*-.e, rlan¬ ing si :is'. il. *ilar, its |-,.i,..;f.,i». rloafng st Sue | do white, Februan riming at Ile; ,b. BsreK, r|o*|nrl ll il',.- BA Itt,KY Dili' sud unchanged: Western, 80il 7".<-i ..I-f..rai* brewing l-'.«n7-i l,.-\:il-*r 7'.:'--.¦: six rowel sinie 73ii7He; twn-rowei Mao 03S07e, ,, t,, qaalllv; n,,. 2 Toronto, s.v t arrive; Ba. I do nominal: una "I 'I ii". SOSOAi yiyi.l Quiet; Weatem Ma SO im.. ii," il smte. 7'.'-77e: »lx*rowed do s"., on.¦¦ ana.I.i. ,,nu,Irv and ,|t\ ini'b- *- .. * 03 ItYK In fair demand. UiiotSllon*: ai.i '..*,- ..ri trark: 041 Ile delivered li In.il; B3e fur lo. i,n an,I Md m. and s.-,,,:m,- f,.r mo Bl and hicni,- and so.sv f,,r ne. (ill in.al. ifi :r7'-: j««i» tata, 2ls?Se mar.*. Cotton*ee4 ii. il I 10,1*1 fji.. DAV AND RTBAW BAT-QnM and wlBiont oaatable rhange, Haney, So-SOOr lune bal.*, ir.Mid. Xo HOS" SSe; ll-rhfc inlx-d, 721j«77l-'* : dark mixed. *,7'v,i i.' plover o:,*7i).-: shlpplnri 70e std UV -Lons rv,* 63S*07%0; shoit rv.*. IStSOt; .at, 40U l.'i wh'iit. Mia iif,ps_i,.|| -aith nu.,tulon* isrj.iv ssbsBmI; Btw. v,.i. si:ite is'>2. ei,.i,e »4e; pinn.- "j:i, eomraon ta rnidbim, 11«22e: 1891, 17.,-jO.-: nld old*. .'.'.-Io- Itrlflc «"-' IS02 .Iml .. 'J le; good t.> iii-iiii,-. L'l./J.(e: i_allfi.ri.iii, ..id old-, .".<; li'e ; Dnintlaii and Dali.man, -ts.; M0LA881 S-N. -iv-Orb -un.. ,. -nir.f >i gal, Odlle; , oiiilnon, rj,ri.'..-i fin, I oaf I ne: prime, l-o.;-.'-.'.- c mi open kettle. 20.r2fce; prim* SoaSle; .!,..:.. 32SS.1e; r..> .to,- NAVAL s'K,|'.l..- SDI HITS "K Tl lt DI'.N Tl NT- Still liri: eloslogat :ia,*:i..*vc... ROSIN Hun ,trilnc«| quoti-d Bl tl io ',.-! .I,, -i 12*9 |- $130" * il S3 .. -Il,:,; ll. *l '.t-itf-K."; I, fj -J.Vo if -J :||); K *J S.". \\ ?:::" N. 83809698^; yv (., 6120; W \v *i ;m OCRAN ll'l-li.llls |,.,|| .,, a|| direct on*, with the inn-- easy. Liverpool, stain. Maur quoted Ss 3d oro- Halon* Ss 0diM3« eboese. 1".- oil .uk.-, (V ltd tallaiv rv i'd; beef, 1- 'M. me*fiiretmenl Modi, 10-,i|*j, ,n: ppr*, ls W butter ..."«..-...-.. taii.i.,,,. .,.,,,, ,r;llr,' 1lid; fl.un. 7.: pr..\l»ion*, 11* Sd*rl-jb; ,|i,.-.. l¦>. r.,1 ll rake. <is 84; rattan, ll. Sd; beet, 1, Dd m,"as,ir... merit good*. IO*: p.rh. ls Od: butler. JO, ol*.,, -t. nu. grain, lJ,d; fi.,ti-. 7. Sd; prov|*lon* 15*317* od .-h.-.-*.-. 'Jo.; ..Il .:,U" 7- .1,1, /-.,- tallow, IJ, C.| |.,f ...: i,..:, .,.a,....it Booda, io*; perk, 3*; batter, '.'Os. oll.s y moderate lohblne rravemeni |* .hewn io ti,,. leneral market; rottonseed ,-niii,- prime, :,nr,:.- rei'ow .i.,i,-.-. 62, roeoaaat, Ceylon 0**ttOl3e; Corbin ii-"../, 7,*; end, 40, /ci,-; lins,., ii ,;,. American seed, 4Hc L'Bleillf* - -. I '.Se lari ,.,:.,.. ia,.,..,,| ..,.,.,,. al' PBOVIHlOXH-rORK -Quiet snd nnrhanged; sale* 200 bbl-: me** quoted 010*33^020 30: «hort clear, *>_1 .-,o,/*-"i and fimii.i. 620 50*762160 RBEP.Dall hut unchanged; fun Uv m.*-. Boated iii BSOS10; extra i...- SO 2A*ritO 75 ..Itv .-\tr-ii India m.* - 613S4D1 ttl i;|.' HAMS Duli uikI unchanged; qc.r.d *t S2i«*S21 so here middi.d.s Dull and nominal DBRK.**ED IIOOH I'irmei quiet: Itv. Iighr t. beavy, io'-«in1,, pigs id,.* rjl'T MKATS linn and wanted lidtl-d "bellies ll'.---, do thoulder*. 10c; rt.. trim*. Muli',. I. IUD Dull but bltrlnr ulth the Weat; Weatern -t-un t\\n,: d nt 612 23 .1012 30; .*!*« .".(Hi tea nt S12 2"S012 50: eltv quiet .md llrni nt *l 1 7..**11 SO; sab-,, |.-,o les at 611734*612' lined Continent quotej at 61260, and South Amerlra. siooo- Horeb BIS ni irised; Mu- cIobIiib *t 61296 asked, tad 'uh 61192 mtalaal.... BtITTK.ll fUthei tteadler. Cruaaierr, stnt.-. tut,,. f*u iimle jaa-js,-; i'i"ni-i ii mila extras no.-; Wi-.tern tenara. r.r. extra-. ilO,- ll" -r.. *.",'. .'H. terond*. 'Jl.iJ.l. It.bds, Jil. .i.-um.-rv. yy,.-tcrii. Jon*. SlSrSOe: Stat.- .Islrv half full rc'.*, fresh extra-. 'J8.iC'.ii llrst- 2582<b*; ,",'!.- LJ.i24c: fall ends, eiti-as "J7.-: f,il tub, llr-t.! 24S26C; -e-ond-. 2?u23, Welah tubs fresh, flist*. 2AB Jil. seeoods, -J-Ja-JI- hrltb.s iimi t'l'i- .-Uris "Jin'. llr-ts. '.ita'J.V; *e.onds. 21 *...'**;-."-..,.: tlilr.l* 2H»/Jlc; firkin*, errru*. 2""': tlr*t*. 29S24r teronis. ¦.! i-..-- ¦>> ,,¦ thirds, 2(",i"2lc; Went wo Imitation rreauiery ilr-t-. 24*8 .J."..-: .....ml- 'Jl,. .1. yv, ¦.'. ii, diilrv. llr.U. 29t24e; -.*. iili-l*. '.M-»21< third-. lMulUe: Western factory, .lune ll--klns. lftrfCoUc; .fun.", tah*, IDo'JO'-i* : fr"*h ext'OS a. ls..,-; fresh, fl,st*. 2t.i22c; fie.h se.-,>i.|. |0*?20c. thlnls IS. rall-. fr.-h. ie r lt,. Is.j:i,- Clfl.lJsI' In f»lr derrnnd. Stare lo.-tuv. lull ereaas, tall made white, faiiry, 12c; colored, fsnev. 1 -_..- .bobe, 11',,/ll'.c rood bi prime, 11 «711 *_r 1*1101111011 to fair. 10./IOV J i«nt .Ulina, Cliciiaiiio and oclghburlng cotintle*, <qis'.1 tue. "hal,c. lo'i-ilo-Ue; fair lo prime, 8ttlOe; part akim*. prime, S**..i'jo; fair to Rood, 796c; ciniinon, 4*rOe; full skims, l..."-.'C; I'eiili.svliiiiila skim*. l,«<ilL."C.f£**"-**_r Airaiii weak, stub- und Penes) Dania, froth ...athci-ed. ,..,,. .>:,-, Western, fri.li wdUxtloa, beat, AiaA-f; bouthero, best, 994M4e; Western, Bs bsatt, atm, fair to prune, 92S39e. ._, . . ,, SI # a li. KAW-Firm- sale*. 2..*00 bags c-iitiKu jul. 87.10c and 40'J baas mola*>se*. 2 IS-lSe. Quotations: Muscovado, BO teat, a Diet, and 66 t"*t teaMfagsl, J 7-Die UKI I NF.D-Qul.t-, but with qilt.titbui* n lin- billi.,1 cur. loir. .', JIlii.")1-."- .-rushed. 5.31«i5L.*c ; powder.* 1. lin,/.".'., granulated 1.60-84 *s*; Bne BTBoalated. 4.09«. 4-.., "\tia lin.- ..riinulat'd, 4.8103e; .-ul c- 4..H S.,'- WAX powdered. .-..:il ./;'.*_c ; mould A. 4.1M if-Vsc dl.-tJiio-id a ii',".i..i:.. yvind-or a. l.MBiVe: Bldgewoed a. 1.14,/IV"-: I'heiox y. IV./l.-."- K.Ire A, {¦*.« *.3flc! No ii 4'4(/l.iii-; No. 7, 4.104N«be; **". 8. 4 1-lb«41*c; Bo. :i 4»/i.iSi ; Be. lu. a.iM.HSic; No. ll. Ml«4s: No. 12, 8.09*t9Vc ; No. 13. 3*»e. Si liAllINK-Qulet at prevlout quotation*. lard qnobd at lil'.:. Oleo 12c , , TALLOW-Qulet and Brm; prime city clealog st 7'«c. bid. TF.A-The r-g'Dar weekly *ale went off at rather e**ir.r price* u, tallows: Moyune, 2S pkgs. Ifyton, 11*2 ir lue; 1(12 pk-,'* voting lli'un. 11 "traiite 104 pkg* lin. perlal, 11028c; '.7 pk?, goapowser, 29B4K. vwu Bury, *.'*.'S pkg*, roaag Ryaon, ic'.-.ill' 89 pitts Im- p*Hal. ll91Oe; 1,193 pises gunpowder, lO-aBSfe. Japan. 001 pkg* Congou, H\- (1-¦.'."¦; 99 BBS* India and O. pekoe, 12029*. Oolont, '-MO pkg* Amoy, 14-914>e«; 1,030 pkg.* l'ormcu, 19%B20%C. LIV1. STOCK MARKET. N" ir. Yoi a, Wednesday. Feb. .s.-BF.KVF.S-Rcclpt*. CO earl er 1,294 bead.24 euri consigned to r-laughterers sud 4 3 cai* for Ibo market, ultli Un- |K,»s|ijtiity Unit IJ ,-ur. ,,i the latter rosy be shipped to Europe. Tb*i market i,i ,"ii>d linn and Dbi 15. bWner "ii nearl* oil grade*, aaa cloud itroog on Chicago sdvlees. Vary little remained un,.bl. Common t>, >n>,.d n«t,ie steen ranged In pries lr in 64 28 ta S3 83 per DH) B>; 2 SUte **..-rub-" mid at +3 7".. ax.-n at 63 12*rj*it3 28, bulls at *-' 789*64, State mid Pennsylvania row* Bl 8173089 78. *ud 1 fat, eos* Bl ai SO. i in- dressed BOtlve side* linn, at r^OT'sc per :... .uni a Un;, extra ptlroe d. i.nui'ht loc in r/ist mae ilaughter-bouse*. Ko Inter eabl* noir*. Kx poi ter. com- ulalu lint, thor ur,- losing money at present pru*"* and wini rattle ailinn tug here, thc prababfitUea of say pratit in iii- near future ur* not llatteilng. Shipments to-day, li,500 (|iiirt.-r-, of Le.f lu ti e T .utonlc bv Ka*-tina tut (.oin- pooy io Liverpool. The Trio(dad will carry 1. sheep to¬ morrow On Herminia. ._-, _, .,.,.. Baloa-Bewtoa * 0111*11: U Ohio tteers. 199* B sw- ag-, at if.'i 55 per 100 IT,; 17 do. D270 J'; at J. ¦« >itt do. 1170 Th. at 69 30: -20 do. 1194 Bl, at 69 SO: 11 do, 188B1 JJ, at 6919; D' Dun-ali do. 1 Di8 Tb. at MM* 10 £»»./.. vania do. 1299 Bl. ur 66 40: 14 du. 6BJJB. St «'.£»..2 St.it" bull*, fill.-, Th. af. 18 15; 22 cow*, SSS) 9, SS. SJ76, gi da. h14 tr at *3: IS do. soo m. t»t «2 3.; ioJPsaav lylraulo do. son m. at 6176; l do. isoo Th. ot. w.60. D. Mci'h.rsoii <. Co.: io Weaaera atearo, *d4»Jg*.... r?.-, .-.J.; ll do. HSl Th. at. 63 SO 17 dr.. 1219 Bl. Ol *o 13 ll do 1204 Bl it 6840; ls do. 1182 '.. at * . 3.: 1, do, r.",s in nt ar,'A',: 17 do, 1157 tn, at S380; 22 Kentucky do, 117:i Bl, :ih*l SO; 2 Stat* do. 005 Ih. a', (S3 75: 5 State oxen, 1472 Bi at 6480: 12 do, U_2 *. St OJ 80: 1 do. 1470 rr. at r?i; 2 do, 1240 rt.. at Vf.ll^: 2 do, 1169 Si. Bl 63 li-a; 1 bull MOO lb. at 4-4 i I do. 1312 Ih. ut 69Ml 8 do 099 7*- a' fit 19; do. :i20 Bl, at *A 2.»: 3 dc 1170 ai M il"' 9 do. 'Ai>A Th, nt 82 78; 28 state .««, 1070 jr., at 6875; 2 do. 1007 B>. Bt69 90: 1 do. 1100 lb at 68 90; .1. ,b, 1000 tt, at <f'A2r): 16 do. 1013 tr. ot «3 IO; 19 do. 910 m at 62 90: 83 do. S70 th. at 82 «o 3 do. 728 tb. :. i. .-, s .lo s!4 lb. Bl *2 10; 22 do. I0.">« ff., at 43 40. sherman te Culver: 20 st. Louis steere, ll">ts rh. at B5«o 11 Est. Louie s'-aes ond tteers, 1200 rh. ut tl 70; j sr,i' tteei Di'' S) ..I T" 7'. jj suit.- cons, 604 Th. at 62 90; 1 sr. Louis bulls. 1267 Th. at 69 20. S sander-1 17 Ol.te.-,*- 1MB g. at 6929%: 8 c_, .. 770 Bi itt *1 78 1 hull, M40 rh. nt 69. I,,,!/ k lldeeck: 4 state oxen, 1900 rt. et 69 29; 10 do 1327 th. at 68 30 I bulla, :i:i7 6, ut 62 '.'¦"'; -' vctrliia*. 523 Bi tl 6928; 20 Peonsylvonla .¦.«., oc3 Ih, a'. ?il ila M Oo'.d»mlth: late vet.¦ ttiuv, 17 rhlcuao steer*. 1261 " at ''.'i'-"-: rn ,i, reoerse), 1201 r. at JW. "Mii.iii cows. Iteceints over all nods, in:, bend. Feellna Ormer, ami ordinary t* rh -lee .oms sold promptly Bl .fJaait-V'l lier h> ad trash .-"ii-' ti- lon a., eil 50**2-'. .1 o Curtl* rrporta the tale ot 17 fre*h rows, at tl, .."" t'.h i^i bead; D. Ml'h-i-on «v Co.. I eow and calf, fur CALVKS -Be r'lptB. H|."i bend, of which 007 st COth.-t.. 100 nt. Jertev City, aid is at other market*. In-nv.ind iri-u and pilees fair far Mill- mel Weatern ralres, ivit'i ..iii--.rs -r.a.ii Ail sold. Common to prime veal* broueht tuj to per D"' th; "hobs." .fto'08 80; gratBer*. aS*fs923: mai . rearlings sid down to 6279; wetters ealvat al *f:ii.--*i " DriMHd calv* continue linn Bud dernnnd fair. <"ounrrr dr.-.I yeal* told ut n.-lJ" (few rholeo 1-Hr' elly ,i ,.i rn D-flSe, sitd u faney eoreaaa or t»,. at 19*}t»14e: .li- ..I grassers tl .',."¦'. lit*> .iilic* ut O-rH--. aid Un---, d *V( -:. in- nt liw 7*-.-e. Kales i r. v-i. 80 Western etlveo, -io> tn aver. ag. at *:i 23 per Uti Tr.: 21 do, A~:t rr. at +:t 23 SS do 812 ir- at *:i 23 s veals, ns r.. 140 m. at S'»*»*0. Han.* v Mullen; 12 veal*, ISO Bv. at $.': 12 do. 197 Bl n --. : ," to l-i :. at *:>a**; il calve' ai.d Ina* 101 Bl, Bl -i-ii 29. Ilallenbeek v Holli*: ii a/e«tera eslve*. 976 m nt 41: Jil "h.. :ui :* ut til 73; 30 do 121 '.h. ar *:i 75; io do 130 r*- at SS; 8 veals OS to Hi Th. at SO -*.0./4'j. I. enl lek 26 veals, ID", ta 102 f*. al 67*163. .1 (.. c.n*i- 22 veals 1-40 ih, it 60: 10 do, 199 ft, al IS 73; do. 100 to lito rh at 6S9SS 7.'.. ju,bl i Buckingham: 2 i.*al<, 190 rn at *0: Cl di. ii7 ... i* -s m is do nt rn ar 68 23: il do ur ir., nr -ix IJ'-.*; 2 do. 69 Th, at *F3 J f"-l eoives, 198 Th. at " i 79. B. Pideoek *. Son-: 1 veal 'J(VI Th. a' SS; D' do, tl .ir ss 23; i '!" 112 ^. ar *s i da, 73 rh it 60; .. .1 .... .* ... it' .,- « ......... j >..,". .s ... i'l .>". i lasers, 206 Bl, at id *J">. .J irrass. ra, DM 9), itt 43 2-">; 18 it e., ISO .' it | Ni wton v OMI. rt: X. lt*, ii , I* Si iS all D. cyb I'la i-.ni I Co. 8 v.-*!.. fJO Th nt »8 78; 11 do. Bl 88; 19 ¦:.--. rs. 34'J in, at 43 29; 8 do. USO Th, ll I KlIFRP AX'D I.yMDS Keeelpt*'. Cl's car*, or 4 175 sad 13 rara it 00th-»t., 34 ears at. .ie s..v i itv and 3 ,* Hoboken, li-" ear* went dir-*.-t '¦. th* shambles. mi a i.-rv light supplv and hluh markets W- si sdvsneed tully 2'"- p-r ino B, and very f,-«- strh'tiy prlroe limb, i Very common to tirime sb. .ol'* Bl tI 73006 pr I0O Th: fair to prime lamb, at *1 75, 67: iiii\",I *:."H al *'. 7". Dre**ed mutton tinner ii 0 .i-e.-.-.i i-itni,., i-je higher at D^SUe, wit! .-., ...... ,, in., iii,..,- ith . ile* at lOrlO-j D Barrios***!: 1.7.1 Ohio !amh-< 7d Th averntre. "7 Th. ut 66 90: ls.", sine 87 Th nt tl 73. 1- - lon .'. 103 ,!.. sheen KW rr, at «c. 131 d .,,, ,"i, ,,.-, ,,., ni ,f.. ui ,..,, n, ,a hi ., , , ^. Dull tit,", k t- Holli*: -jOi Stnf> lamb. 74 Th. at. 47: 02 s-Ute -i a Mi ra, st 60: 210 do. 62 IB. at 63 87V .; Dill nhueki 214 We«t*rn Um'*, 70 Th. at 67; 200 yy.-i* in sheen :.! r*< -it Sd. Dune v Mullen- 2'"'1 Michigan sh.*en. 81 Th. at *-, 70 .1. ., ""I .: '.7 st.. sb.1 :(ri,l iamb*, 77 *S at **, 7'.. Jadd V Du.-i.li.ih.ini: -JOS State lamOS, Ut' th lt -rl7.".; - Mat* tl. i'7 ", -it *.* 1* Slat." she.-,, anl lambs. 77 " it *-, 7', I lo:-U ISO B Bl -ITV n, ¦it.,,! t- i.ri.-tt i7i Ohio iamb*, 83 Th. st MOO: 17 ot,;. .',.."o. raj rs, *t ti 97 D McPher-ton v Co.: D'.^ *-''i'e lamb*. S'J Th. at 67: 11 -*¦>. we* 129 r-i »t -'. 971a, )(('(. sp.ipts. *jo r-ir*. 01 4 018 b-s'!-?0 e,r* ,t, i.iti-.sr md .. .-ar. at 7er«ev Cltr. Market blaber ci c.'iliti'i* ui c.*k1 l|k*h", *.. h'.nv hog* are nuoted Bl - I.dt t- nocklnchsm wH « ct*re be'.** JOi rs av at IS 50 pat 100 Bl, d rou ;ii do. 3.18 th. at ?) *J5. 1 at 8d IO errjue. I.IVH 8TOCK MADKKTs-BY TKI.I'.r.RAPH. DurTiilo, Dei,. 8.- Cattle.Beeetpla la-t ttrantt four h 'in., 1,000 io nd; tomi for neel; thus fer, 7,000 Bead; f..r sane lime hst week. 7.7iO head*, consign.*l ttrrongb, 1,000 bead: t,» Bew-Yorlr, ~.o bead; on tala none; morsel opened itrong mut blgner: do very* good here; rlaaed arlib a strong feeling. Hoes Becelpts Insi twenty-four hourn, 8,700 Bead; totui f..r Ihe week Hms far. 4"".">.'.i> bead: for s;nne time lust Mci'li, '..:,'» head: condgned through, 9,100 heHd: to Neiv- l'ork, ino bend. ..11 .nie. coo head; ranrket opened .trnngar; rloaed Brm im.T strong: Vorker*, t-.* r,:i^ -.¦": good m.-.! tn ni; and hun, SS OOo?OS TO; pir-. Cm- Sd -ii'-'o mid bimba -Beeelpt* but twenty- f. ur boura, "j,ooo bead; totul for ween thus tar, 20.1100 head; for tame :lme hi-if week, rV2.7'rt) heud : contdgned throujh. *ds) bend: to New Yoi li, 1,900 fiend: on s;ile. 2,400 head: inarh't opened strong nnd higher; closed strOOS witb nil *iild: ln*st lambs, *»'i"' SfiNft; fair to good. f4 73i'S5 73 bett sheep, $,-, oT-t) S.'. Mi; fancy wetber*, S-T. 7.">J*t**J; fulr to good sheep, 04 2:.i/S5. Kt. I.onls. Feb. S.-Cuttle-Berelpf*. 8.100 head: ihlpment*. 2.200 betid. Barbel aetlea uni htsBer; fair i" ibsal native*. t:\ :,n,i +4 7.".: choice, ipr,,?*«.-, *..;,: f.d steer-, ffi ju Sf I Itt ; (ed T'-\;i"s st,*-.*-.*. 13 909 -lid. Iloffj Becrlpt*. 3,300 bend; tblpments, 3.800 bead. Market |Oe higher; baavy, trioda S8 3ri; pncUlng. #7 7d,/I?¦* 20; 11-,'bt. #7-0,, if- 1:,. Sheep Receipt*, DOO head shipment*. 1,200 bend. starket Brm; 'nlr lo |bod natlvea, 63SB3; eboles inulliiiiM, $4 7'." .f.'i 23. Chleajp, Keb. s.. The r.venlng Jot.-fd" reports: Cattle.IJeeelpts, h.:oo bend ; shipments. 9,500 bend: market IO»lfW higher: best native*. S3 DOiTfO i:>; fair lo P""*1. 65»#3 30; other*. 94 60BB4 75: feelers. -i -i.-.o: stnekprs, *:i 50.763 73; .-ons, 93 3090300; Texas st.¦-. (Q00904SO. Ili'ii- Rerelpta, 1.000 ii.ni: si,i|,ni,nts, f,,<iini load: market 10915c hither: mixed :iud parkers. STP0»*0*tSO; prime heavy nnd butchers' weight*, fd 40.. ¦*- .'...: prime H-^fit. ifs,/' .sssi;,; other llelil,, ST S0907 75. slie.*p-Dtvelpts. 8.500 head: shipment*, l loo head: market trifle higher; nattve-a 64* IS ",o: Weaterns, *j>j,(#5 *jj; lambo, fl 50£f6 45. ORALS ASH PRODUCE MARKETS. WEkTUWM OP VFW-YORK nF.AUNOS. There wus little life In the whent spseulatlon and few feutures yesterday. Tl*? sati»s agKregtiteii only n:).',,000 bunliels, and the bwlMSa wa* largely lixal uni profe.tinnal. Opening prices Indlcsted uti sd- miice .f l i rent, but n ih.'llne of 1-401 2 rent soon took' pises, on easier cubics, foreign aeOlac nnd local nnil/lug. In the afternoon B reaction of |-0i ll (.cut Mcsrred, sud tin* etoatBej leas was wsok ut a net Ills', of 1 .*. lI cent for the. dav. MSSSk, May anil .inly were the only iiptjnus dealt In. Horeb sold ult bin the nnip' of TD 8-09)70 T-0, May of ll 3-00091-4, and July of M5-00891*0 cents. Th*? spot marlie4 showed Increased urtlvlty, tho sales be¬ ing 174.000 bushels, of which exporter* took 141,. 0(H) bushels. . 'oin options declined I-9B8-4 cent, owing lo lnrger rocelpis, md Improved grwllng shown by recent ur- rli.iN. s|M.t corn closed lower In sympathy with options. Outs were nejilected. irith the tone of tho option list, steady aid sp'.t lots easier. TlK! Html -imitations were ns follows:, Wheat-February. 787s; March, 703-4; May, 31 7 8; July, 69 3-4 tents*. Coin-rYtirtiary, &2 7*f; March, 52 3-4; Mav, 52 b 8 cents. (inls.February, 37 3-4; March, 38 1-2; May, 30 cents. lard-March, lj>12 30; May. $12 30; July, flu f>2. The receliits of ¦rrnlii und flour yesterday at New- Yoi*!.. Ililli!detphla, BsltlfSStra and BOSOM were as lions: Wheat. 109.731 bttlbsU: corn. 9M,'jSo bushels: oatt, 100.057 bar_eis; total Krutn. 409,. .68 bushels; flour. 49.501 pnrknges. At Chicago, MJIwankee and st. I^uls the arrivals were* Wheat I*-.....12 bushels; cuni 4BS.694 bushels; .nfs, |ST- 183 bushels; total ...rain, 705.671 bushels; »1.,ir 27- ISO horrels. ' ' THE TRADK IV riiif\\(;o. Clilcago, Feb. | (Special,.-if .n.*j ,.^ny ,. ,,,. provision marhet as If the hollers of lard w,.,,. i-trt-g udvnniage .f the very fuvorable conditions to market B66S8 of their line. Allhoigb th. re were only 10,000 hogs, ullhongh the prtaaa ut the yards BBS t9 ci'iits up. and iiltliouirl, the estimate for 'n.ursd.ij* was only llT the ^__tJr*tl0*S_l_Kl ",,.,,.lu ,0P' M,", tocS 91183, and closed ni t!197. Ribs ano Z_I not very active. Wright ai d Ile .rn w*r»P0^k **** to bo on the selling side. Morris in* HWiJ,up-*v*»d of pork. It ls th/expitrtnlU^rS*&S_5_! wi iee -mite n run S boa -Tnd . ,wr'," *«th.t suns anito rwyBWSft r-3* btlity of shippers for a lOTgBt to'alnS 'i'v",? 5 the CM nilli* te'lilieiaturo inri th.. .*? '-^"lU.H. of Moy pork tdd Sni^ ,_5 i 7'Mblo ro^ .1 fop 50. Miiv nis b-iwi-en * $'*<¦ }2*JEl rissad at i?ioo5. """ *.'.'(, ans Wheat wi. so dull lf . Inclined io k. Tiicr,* nus jual enough aprrehenVi, ,v.r m,^ *.**¦ ami the winter ub,,,t , ,,/p to prevent m^h Wf_*~ M.-iy -old bel ween 7.-, *.& attiTi \._?^*1_95 ut 7s 10078 I4c. Tbe eSbtes -tere w-**?____ n. h.* against m.* prl,*.*. Tliere wa* tb. ,0,? S"8*- uneasiness over tl,... Hutch bill. Tn.- eli h,ii lnu*** th.* market no support. Bel dpt* hiobC *?-»t light. Vlnneupolls aud Duluth hud ' ? S hero there wen only 130; the- estimate f**><ff_*!»i wai only li 7. Auvl.e*'from tKbeot ort2__^ the winter aheat tenltorv declare that t L ?rt"r* W io det.rml.ic. at to tba damage from ,*-,-* «ttM___ weather. Corn aas weaken,d by the -,.'..r*",r,1'"try a lot of shoit sellers. May sold froin 47 iff^S93 sad elossd ol *d; tsuki 1 lt. 0b_ ¦_.?.___'_ sympathy with corn. May sold from 2_?1 34 3 isc, and closed at 34 :M&34 1-2* n... __¦ I dull, May ehsBSIf nt ol 21 1 -2. »*«89Bet *¦"¦ -<.>-_ THE STATE OF TRADE. Baltimore, Feb. 8.-Flour dull, uneluneed a clpis. 3,810 bids; shipm-nts. .¦j.vt!'.* J, '. ._> 800 bbl,. Wheal dull; No. red ,,.. BBB <&_Sl 7.1 8-40,76 7 nc; M..l,,.'J, 77 5-8«i77 Uc', ItaPM OOO 7-0s; ateumer .\.. 2 rd, 73 l-ij aL H Minto. 70,900 bush; .shipments, 30040 Lti,i* .'.,_*; 100,211 bush; sales, li; 1.000 buah. Miiiii,_ ..'h*l,*_ sumpie. 70i/¦*.><-. torn easy, mixed snoi 51*.* ,N February, 50 3-4050 7-*c; Mareil, 30 l--,,-*) '"_' May, .">1*7.".| l 4c; steum.-r mixed, 40 1 j.Tl t_| Kc.cii.is. 133,470 boah; shipments, 48,114 b_SV_3 51:1,174 hush: tale*. ie-.,,.,uo bushT wi i;^°*> tample, 53* Me; y-How do. do, 52c. ..ats -__s*__ st.-a.ly; No. -j orbits WeateiTi, 41842c; B_7_u_i B'estern, 3S«38 1-tJc. Beoelptt, 10.000 bush" Tt!i7* 208,073 bu,!:, irv., dull: N... 2. U3c Donilnallv ^k' ceipts, 1,400 bush: stock 74,itu boab iuI.**- pod to choice Timothy, 015 SOS Sis sa^ J**I freights dull, unchanged. Colton nomiMl* mi**i^rn 0 »-4<. Provisions iiotnlnal; mess p ,rk B_TT_5* Unlined. 12 :i-4c. Butter (inlet und ess7^__S5_ fancy, 28./20c: do, fnlr to choice. 20..--ic* i? ,"7 ration. 980; rolls, fine. 22c. Ens weak ____' Coffee firm: Rio cargoes, fair, li) 1 2e; \n. 7 1"-?',*e' Engsr steady and active: granulated, 1 7.,,.' r^J_ unchanged. Whiskey Ina, 913409199, 9V* D'-ion. Feb. »..Markets asset, but steadT n_ celpts-i-'loiir, 5.3CO bbls; 7..! 11 sacks. Caral aa_*. bush. Oats. 6,000 bn-n. Stotts, 71 toils. ' "4JI Hulfalo, Keb. H.-tspring wheat Nadia -te-i<*v* mr.. np, liberal, demand I'sht. Balee, 9,000 No. i hw Digs . obi. HOl-SSe; 5,000 No 1 Northern Waabbu 2 7Hl-4e; 12 car. No. 1 Northern Duluth. 7i I-i 71)7 Cleats***.No. 1 hard dd, e7l-4; do ne**, M|Ti No. 1 Norlhern Dululu old, >*4 1-4c: do Wiifnbtjrn do, 701-Os; Duluth new, Tn 1 78 3.4.- <{0~1 .^i orthern, 7<;:i4c: winter limier: -ale,, 10 esta Se 2 red, 7se; :i cars No. :t extra rad, 729 7:i«*; Baste mils of while. Corn fal.lv active, timi; ibm 4 cub Nc 2 yelloiv, 47:i-4i 16 cars No. :i dr,. 471aJt c. CMS No. 4 dOt -17c; 2 cars Bo. 2, -17 1-jc; 0 "ir* No. 3, *i7c; 2 ears Bo. 4, 40 1 Se: l car sa grade 4<il-2c; ;i eai-s No. :; BTblte, 40 1-Jc (mts firm,*.! offer!np light; sales. 4 (;n-s No. 2 atdte. soe; | rru-J do clipped, d') l-3B41e; :i ears Bo, :i iiiir... nor; .*,,. 2 mixed. D7c ashed. Barley si, adv; sales, 'jn.onr) 1 liolce Wisconsin, .'.7c Bye dull; N'.>. 2. :,sc risked. Hour finn: trude fnirlv acttve; best spring. 84 50^ >M .".5 do wlni.-r. 04SO4 IO; rye flour, 6340866*6' ndlBeed firm, unchanc.-d. I.'cc.*i],i om, 10006 luisii; oats, 2.000 boab. Bhtpmento.Wh.-at, e'ooo Nash; ryp, 4,<«K) bush. ('h)cngo, Feb. c..The leading Attires ranged u follows Article*. Olieniiig. Highest. Lowest. Cl->»lnf. WI,, at, No. 2. * F'-hi'iaiy . 74*1 71"** 74'* 74'i<i74S M:-y . 78Vt77-i3 7S-V, 78-7:8'* 7S>*07«*, Ju v . 78 78a781, 775* 77>4 lorn Bs. 2. I'ebrmirv. 43-2 4Ah 41 4S Mos . 47.117'. 47'* 4'i<*4CMl<',*a Jtiv . 47'. I7'**?17S 46*1 441. Oat* Nu. 2. Pebrua v . 31'. 911* :o 31 May . ::i', 31 . 31V,/3l-j 3.1, Meas p'-rk. per bbl. Min MB 0S*j 91993% S10 35 110 50 Diird. lier 100 IT. Mnv . 12 «V> 1200 11*5 1197% J-ilv . 11 70 ll 70 ll 52*9 1100 tsltoii rib*, per 100 I May . 1019 10174 0 074 10 07"* c.-isii quotation* were as foUowt: Floor dull, un- rhanged. No. 2 sprtnB wheat. 71 I 4^i"l :j-c: No. 3 .pring wheat, OOo 05c: N". 2 red, 71 1-4071 :b*. Nu. 3 eora. 43c; Bo. ::. ::7c Bo, 2 oats, 31 l»S :i 1 le; No. 2 whit.*, f. tx h.. rjflo; Ni. :j wUte, SS 1*2" :J4 1-2c No. 2 ii". .'.J, 1 Jc No. I barlev, Otc; Bo. :t, f. o. b.. i'.» '¦(".; No. t. f. o. h., ..).«.#, Ile. Meas irotrlr. per bbi 918 25*91837 1-2. lard, p.*,* Ksi th. rfu 750911 77 12. Short rib* shiel doo**), t?10 io« .flo ._*.); drv salted thoulden 'boxed'i, en-7 1-20910; -ii Ti clear sides (boxed), flOrJO/* .-iii-.',. Whisker, distillers' finished goods, p-r gal, -1 17. ftiftart, cut loaf, j 1*4)83 ¦>-¦; granulated, :, 1 -, : liiiidard "A,* 5c. AHlelea. Receipt*, 8hifn.*'nt-*. Fleur. MIS . 22O00 11(106 VI,,, (,.,-', .DH iv*) SOO.) Corn bu*h .214.061 IW.OOO ..,,, buah.14M.O0T. 142.006 Bro. both . i.«<*i "mm Dariiv, bush. 90,000 ri.000 on Um i*r.<i:i"> Bzebante Co-dsy Ike batter.MM mi- itrady; eriramery, 26«28c; dalry, 31Si!7e; -os good end atrictljr B*eah, 801-4O31e. Cincinnati, Keb. >...Fl mr In moderate den__ Wheat sU. mt: N... 2 red. t-c; reoelpU. .i.doo ina*; ihlpments, : ,000 bush. Porn strong; No. 2 mix**, 43c. cuts tinner; No. 2 mixed, :;:) 1-4033 1*99 live quiet; No. j "h. Part quiet, kwrer, *?ii>50. Lord linn. 912. Bulk mestt Hm, fl" 50801001 14 Bacon Mindy, 912 ..',-,. yyiiisk.-y qvieti -ab's, 740 til.'-. #117. Dnttir eii.ir. BO§mt ttesdy. Eggt (lUl-t. noe. Cheese st,adv. Milwaukee. Peb. i..flour qnlcf. Wheat ste-dy; Moy, to "i-,-; No. 2 spline, C*.»c; No, 1 NortbsiSi 74c. torn steady, No. ii. ll 1 -. 12c. (Hits .:i;idT; No. 2 white. 35 L-2c; No. -i do, :.;: l-2r-f34 1-Ce. Barley quiet; No S, '"h.': ssmple. :,:'. .;» l-2c. live .inlet; No. 1. 59 IV. Pi..vision-, quiet. Dork, *>I;iv. BIB :>o. Dani, Kay, rf". 1 '..">. B*c»Ipta-Floar: ...juc bids: wheat. i(>..'i,o busb: bsrii-y, 8.ooo bush. Shiprnenta.Floar. 11.400 bbb; wbsst, 20.- 00 bush; barley, 10,000 bush. Minti' iini lis. fib. S.-Wbeat qasst; Mnv opened st 71c and ci'wed at 70 7 sc Tbe eosb market nos rot ns -ronu today. No. 1 Norlhern told st 70s, ind No. 2 Noni), in at 60 1 2c Bereipt* of wkeal here i" -re 177 rora, and Bl Dnlntk und superior. 10 can. Cleats-February, noe; Bot op. tod. 71. hignett, TIS. iovrest. 70B-4c; dos, d. 70 7sc July opened, 7:tl4c; highett, Til 3 lc: louc-t, 7:;i-m-. on tmck. No. I hard, 71c. No. 1 Northern, 601 2c: Nc I Nonht-Tu, liC.t«7c Philadelphia, Feb. ".-Flour -Market woalt ard very Bttle <i ling. Di.* lour -julcl and steady. Burk- wheal Hour "inlet but tlrni: 9QO0B15 per 100 lt. Wheat-Martel duli and (eaturele-**; price* of 1 p'luni largely nominal. No. 2 nil. February, 77 l-2(» 77::-if. March. 76 1-4079 l-9e: April, 7:i 1-2-t 7B9-4e; Kay. BOOOOl-de. (Jorft.Utile (flspsaBMB io trude in spstoos, pricoa largely asmlnal and ...-ith- ont important ehange. No. 2 inlx>*d. f.hruurv. '.1 :»46 arch, 511-40513-Oc: April. 511-4951 3-9e; Msc, 51 l-4iT51 :i -< o.its-l'ri.-.s ruled fteady; ont importi BfiS; Marc Diinrc- dull ami ancbanped. No. 2, I'-hrnary. 41S 4ii2c: March. 403-4041 l-4e: April. 41. il Ide: Mav. 41 1-4941 "I lc. Ena unsettled and I'^-r: Pennsylvania ilrsts, ::oe. BeOned tugan (inlet and iinenanged; cubeo, ."> 1-.-».: lozenge, 51-3e; ttaadaaj powdered, "il--,*: tine granulated, -i 7 .-. : st.-niiUrd irr:iniiliit,*l. t 7->, crown \. 61-0c; errata) a. 4 7-ec: dimble reffned diamond A. 4 7-Se: r-nniec- Holier'-) Ai 4:: lc; red etar A. 4 .".Ol.: Keystone A, I ">rtc; Franklin II. 4 1 -'_u: Franklin #.\ira <', 4 l-8«'. red star C, 4 1-S( : treen star c. lc Otbee articles unchanged. Becelpta-Flour, 4,200 bbls, 1,719 s.-i.l-s: wlieat, o.'.iO" bush: corn, 20,800 book; tss*. Itf.000 bush, shipnietils Wheat, 9,150 bush: com, s,s.'>0 bu- : oats. lo.,--'..> bush. st. Louis, Feb. I..FlOST dull and itnrlitnied. yvh.-nt slow and easier, hating about 1 -.- hi'luw yesterday; raab, DB I-Oe; Ms**, to i-j-'TO 5-ec; .inly. 7i .18e. tern very -low and closed 1*99 loner: oath, :('.» 3-4c; Man ii. I" l 4c j Mai, 49 900. 42 12c; Julv. 43 1-4S49 3-Sc. Oatt lower; **st»i :n i-2c Md: May, 34 5-Se. Hie hlfber; 55e. uss* iv qulei Hlnnsisota sold si 57c. Bran bitter; 73*773 12c ll;iv uiicliiin-j :1. l/*ad linn: BBTB, spelter quiet: -ii 05. luxs.-isi higher; fl 18 I* Duller unchanged. Bags lower; 27c ('urnmeal timi; f2. Whlsk-y st. adv *1 17. Bagging end iroa ,ott.,11 tb** unchanged. Laid higher; 611 87 1 -. lither provisions v,-rv -low, with only a siiuill Jj?» trad.* nt previous limitations. BeaelpU Kl">ur, 3.'H» bbls; ivbenl, 99j0O0 bush; ern, 1143.000 hush: SMS, ti.oiH) bush, dblpments-Flour, so.ooo bbb: arba* lil.OOO bush; eoru. 14.000 bush: oats, 12,000 bush, rye ::.Oihi bush: barley, 1,090 bush. Toledo. Feb. s. -Wbeflt dull, easier: Nc - r*"* and February, 7;;.. 77 .-,..,, 77 :>. t,*. corn dull, stead), NO. 2 cash. Me; \mv. DJ 1-2.* No. 9, 43 1-S«. '"', quiet: raab, 3de. Bye dull; cash, 58c. \tortt> se.sl dull: steady; pi lim* caob and Pebniory. ir'45' March. fO 50. Recidpla.Flour, 11'.' bbls: wh"*at, 3.525 bush; corn. 2-1.1'..... bush; imts. l.-uv> b_8Si" cloverseed, 324 bagt Hhtpmenta.Flour, 1.799 b*J8i wh> at, COO bush; corn, 9,300 bush, cioeeneed, 866 bugs. _#_ F.CRorF.AN l'i;<»l)l cr. MABK-B. Liverpool, Feb. S. :t:45 p. BU.Beef-Holders otter sparliu'lv. lorin-Holders oller tpartngty! prfo* mes, B'estern, iln>', Brm Bl 80S sd, llama and bacon. Holders offer moderately, Cheeee- Holders odjSj BBSringly. Tall')"- Holli-rs are not offering. r?fljs»8 of tiirp-'iitine. Holden odVr tpartngly; strong st "ja Od. DcT-ln Tin* supply is k.'o,st; common dull ». Us 7 l-2d. Ijird-sp.t -Holders offer -paringVi fulnres.Holders ure 11.t <.if.-i-inir: prime Vgestero spat Nm at 60a. WIteat--Holdtia" off*r aparlaaty. Flaa_*; Huldcis offers modsrstely. Cow Spot Holder* onw freely: futures-Holders offer ni'*Ieiatelv; niu**a Wesi.rn February ttesdy nt i- 8 lid: March 1*066? at 4s 4 3-4.1 \ Ajiril steady nt I- -ld. Ilofs at I.ondun- I'ncltic r.isist HoUera niter moderately. Couta* HOTEL BRISTOL. 6TH AVE. AND 42D oT.. NEW-YOBB. AMERICAN FLAN. A FAM1T.T n»)TEL OF THE IIKiHEST ORDEB FOB PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT OVtoVal E M. EARIX 1 CO.. Proprletar*._ THI LANCHAM Tjd *-tT \m> .itu ave. , A very desirable -nt* for rental; large.t lOOBBj ¦ S°J eltv hotel, and hondaniiie'y fmnlahed and dciorateo. sen- aim* and strrMt noted f-v «l»rtjJH,g' gHABBOB, M|fc_ WESTMINSTER HOTgs 1BT11.HT. AXB 1BV1S« PI.ACB, NEW-YOB*. On* Bl*ek K*ai ot L'*l*n ^euare. A II*iel *. l*»n K-iafclUhajd ".¦iVlW W"" alala* of Noted fiicelBraoe. AoteHcaa 1 ,J**E8Tb), Bl'BCIAI. atATWM FBBiMANBNTWW***"*1-


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OFflCBM ll: (Ti.i).

At the Hghteenth annual meeting Si the Ayrshire

Breeders' A BB* lulloii, which WSS keM St the Fifth

Avenue Hotel yesterday, the following officers Were

elected: Obndbib Drown. PSBSrlieSS e. E. I., presi¬dent; H. R. C. Wntsoii. West Krills. N. Y.: L. S. Drew.

Burlington, Vt.", ll. Betts, Wellington, Chlo, and John


Stewart, Elburn, 111., vice presidents; Henry E. Smith.Enfield, R. L, trea-ur.r; O. M. Winslow, Brandon,Vt., secretary, 'ibe new executive committee will be

Messrs. Barney, French, Delmont, J. O. Martie and

Well.. Among those present at th'.* meeting were

J. D. VV. French, of Massachusetts; Henry E. Smith.C. M. Winslow, L. S. Drew, Vermont; Charles A.

Birnie, William Lindsey, New-Jersey; W. J. Tacker,H. R. C. Watson, E. il. Harney, New-York; J. 0.Magie. J. I). Magie, B. IL Maxie, H. C. Scars, J. A.

Costerllne, Delaware, and C. ll. Hayes, New-Hurr.p-


ww"*, ...'._


During the afternoon session of the associationProfessor W. W. Cook, of the Vermont ExperimentalStation, read a paper on " The Dreed Characteristicsof 3111k." Tlie BBBQ*tatton luis been SBSktaf un effort

lor several months to raise funds suthclent to ar¬

range for sn exhibition ol Ayrshire cattle ot toeWorld's Columbian Expo.Dion, but lt was decidedyesterday not to hsve an exhibit nt tbe F:ilr ns a

exhibit of Hie u-s,n lull m. Il is sahl that -cvc-ral largefsrraeTa will raise Ute funds fear the exhibit the as-

toclatlon hud Intended to send to Chicago.


Albany, Feb. fi..At tho second day"s session of theGrand Chapter limul An h Masons to-day, J. LeavlttLambert, of HSSSBtB Falls, was re elected Grand HighPriest. The other grand officers were also re-elected.and adjournment followed. At 'A v- m. the companionsaiet at Masoni:* Temple nnd vi-t ed Governor and Mrs.Flower at the Executive Maiislg .


Syracuse, N. Y., Feb. 8..In the County Court to¬

day a Jury gave a verdict for i-r'-oO In favor of Tamer

.Wilson, w_e of Samuel Wilson, a farmer of Skaneateies,against John T. Doyle for stealing .a Uss from ber.

Doyle was the State census-taker, ond after asking tlieusual questions threw hi.* arms around the youno*woman and kissed her. She drove Ulm out of ttebouse with a revolver and her husband pursued bimwith a horsewhip, but Doyle got away.


Philadelphia, Feb. 8..Great anxiety prevails In ship¬ping circle** regarding the probable fcJBB wilh all on

board of the British built Alpheus Marshall, which leftOils port December 1, laden with snrzar. valutd at

BSJJ.800, for Dunkirk. Tbe Marnhull should have

reached hst destination January 1. but nothing aaa

been hearM of her; lier owners and tbe 1 hiUid'-lphl*agents have given up all hope, lt is believed thevessel was caught In a hurricane and wrecked. TheMar**,!.!) waa commanded by Captain E. J. McFaddentnd carrleu a ero- of lifieen. £ho wai owned byTroop tioris, of Digby, V. ir.

TFA.VTS TO WISD UP THE F.C0S0M1TES.Pittsburg. Feb. 8..That the Economite Society', with

President John Dbm at Its heud, will soon bo involvedIn troublesome litigation, is now au assured fact. Itls saki an application for the appointment of a re¬

ceiver to wind up the affairs of tho corporation ls to

be flied In the Heaver County Court. George E. Ward,a brother-in-law of Mr. Duss, according to his own

ttateinent, 1- the plaDitin". He and Mr. D.i.-. havenot been friendly for years. Mr. 'Ward said to a re¬

porter today: "A p.-tition will be presnted in court

asking that a receiver be appointed to administer theaffairs of the Economjte toasty. Ws want an inquirymade."



Bo-tin, Feb. 8..The Republican State Committeethis afternoon adopted resolutions of seaport to tbe

memory of ex-President Rutherford li. Hayes, settingfortb his sturdy (honor and Intesrity as a man, his

patriotism its u soklicr, his ability as a Governor, andBis culminating success as President, and expressinghigh appreciation of tin* eminent, service* ne. renderedto his country. A copy of tho resolutions will betent to tho family.

ART ASH ILLUSTRATED DOOKS O.V EIHIBITIOS.A literary feast, tn which the public was Invited to

Join, was given yesterday afternoon nnd evening bythe Mercantile Library Association, under Ibe manage¬ment of W. T. Peoples, the veteran librarian of thesociety. The feast, or exhibition, consisted of the artsnd illustrated boohs from the library shelves, whichwere arranged on tables for the convenience of thelarge number ot people who attended. The exhibitioncomprises books of costume, dress and toilet: descrip¬tion and landscape, design, decoration and ornament;misoelianeous Illustrated works, the industrial andmilitary arts; Japan, museum*r* exhibitions and picturegantries. North American Indians, painting, i-ngravtligsud sculpture and portraits and zoology.

costisuiso rnE Bair of ¦ bburofp* chisaTbe silo of thc BrttfBSttBf " Zoiiroff" collei-tjon of

Royal TIBBS- nit china and bric a brae, and of B.Grotisbaum <*fc Saa_f collection of ceramic art. was con¬tinued yesterday uftemoon at tbs Flflh AvenueAuction Rooms, Nu. 039 Fifth-av*. The sale willclose to-morrow, A pair of myal Vicuna vases, byProfessor Hoffmen, their bodies representing Amora,Jupiter, Psyche and Bacchus, were sold for 8M40. TwoBevret vases, twenty-four Inches hleh. after a bitskcompetition, were sold for Bin). An Interesting pul nt*big upon a royal Vienna puir-iie bi i> TochleraaenUtled, -"The fsacrllico of Iphigenia,"' brought *7f>.


A VSIFORM FOR THE NAVAL RESERVE.Albany, Feb. a.-AdJutant-General Porter Issued

sn order to-day lu which ls prescribed the uniform ofthe officers and enlisted men of the naval mUltla of

uP ?£*!*. . ^e .,!n1'rorm ls> a» nearly as practicable.Bke that of the Lalted States Navy.

TWESTT FIVE YEARS FOR HIGHWAY ROBBERY.Newburg. ft Y., Feb. P .-Perry King, who was in¬

dicted hy the Grand Jury for highway robbery, waatWo olternoon sentenced to twenty-live years In Klug

EAKSISGS OF THE WEROVTt COMPAST.Chicago, Feb. 8 <Spt*olal).-The New York Wscult

Company held Its annual meeting here to-dny. I're-sl-dent ".loore's aiiuuiU report chowed n. t c.iriilngB adBaso.SM) tor the yeer, an Increase of iii per cent.The business of Ave factories has been merged Intothe New-York factory. The company will eompleto_e Chicago factory this year. The old officers Werere-elected.

BURUSOTOS'S TREASURY XEARl.Y EMPTY.Burlington. N. J., Feb. e.-it hus tn-en found thnt

tills place ls la serious Ilium.-lui strait*. There lsonly HW-JO in the treasury to pay the current expenseSf the month, aaiountrfig to $300 "a. There are alto

two bills, one for 52,500 and (mother for fl.iiOO,which Will huve |S t«- paid, together with tsBO In¬terest. The div estrlea s bonded debt for over .*('>'.>.-ooo, ond a portion of lt will fall due in a short time.



Apparently the police of IBs Twesityottonl Precinctare bitaoed arith nu abnormal belief In human nature.

Their confidence In the Integrity of Dr. F. LmyDllnn haa enabled tlmt physician to escape fn.m the(Dy willie under bonds on n charge of malpracticelu the cate of Alic* Wlitlney, who, ns the re.ult ofcriminal operations, non* lbs dead on Hm second

|SS« of the upsrtmenbhouse No. 031 Wost Forty.second -t. Mis, Whitney took to her b'd two wv elisago and at once made ihaiBSB nEiiliist Dr. Dllun.wini wu, promptly pit nuder t-'.'t.Oou bonds by JasUeSMcMahon. A detective watched Miss Whitney bv dayami a detective arateBed ber by night, bal no answiitrliid Dr. IU in ii. Without any interference hemud'" ids prsgnrsilsaa for departure. Hs removed

all bis g,.ods from his home lu the broad light of

day, and qui-tly left IBs city when lt became Si rtstothat Miss Whitney would die. No one oder d toInteifere arith Ma plans. The sentlm.nt of Ihe poBeton th.- subjei i uni v lie gathered frr>m the il bibiBa el

Psigauri Thomas ysstssBay in trying to explain Umdoctor's escape.

..Wo thought he was all right," suid the lergesnt" Tic sides no one tbrWgBt the girl woulil di.-. Dllnn

acted BOJSniSly, and his wife product d the ball ns

soon as lt was wanted." Bul this is not the fD'-l

time that Dr. Gray Minn has been In thc banda oftho police. Originally Bs came from Tccunis. h, Mich.

Once lie kept a "rettsst" Ibt women In Lexlngmn-ave.About ten years aso he was charged with malpiactlcela the ca** of Mi*. Frank Pointillist, int bagarathe trial the prosecutor and her husband went to

Sweden. In Dovton and In Saginaw, Mich., the

doctor, lt ls said, ls knowa.Miss Whitney said that he hud agreed to perform

the operation In her case for .}'.'*,) doun and a promis¬sory note for $;>0 more. Yesterday an autopsy wa-

held 00 tht. bodv of the pi: 1- Her real name sadher home arc still unknown. The body will betullen to Buffalo.

superintendent B.rne.s suld yesterday that he haddecided io tnke charge of the eas- and ImpactorMclaughlin bud detailed several Headquarters de¬

tectives to seuich for the Blaring doctor.


Princeton, Feb. 8 (Speclall.-The head proctor. Mr.

Tepley, has reridclcd great service to the SBtdsntShen- by dl-covering the thief who ha* been robbtBIthem for the last six month-, oom.* Hine ago piece-*of Jewelry began to he misted trim the rooms of thc

student*., beth In the college and eeo.nary, but lt

was not until Monday that the thief ivas detectedls William Cox, a nun living In the tpwn. Pr-XtfaTTopley arrested him nnd he made a full confessionindicating the places where he had left UM stol,-ii

arthJes. The proctor St once went to Philadelphiaand Trenton, where ho spent yesterday getting tho

thlncs toge***er. He returned this morning iladen

arith april- which Included gold arstehea, diamondrings, .scarf" Bins, gold cull buttons anii such thing!to the amount of f«^000. Cox ls in jail at Trenton.

OPPOSITIOS TO TUE " GIFT PACKAGE."Kingston. Feb. 8 (f-pe, lalV-The war between the

Hudson Diver fruit growers and the New-York O0m-

mls.-lon dealers Mho sdi their pr'sluris cw- merrilyon. Msstlnp are bring held In different pads of thofruit district every few days to organics the groivrs

In protest against tho "gift package" rule laid down

by the deniers. The Fruit and Produce, Trade A**

BOCtstBJa "f New-York luis Just sent out s secondcircular which says:"Wears an organization of broad minded merchants

yielding to rca-on and experience, and not to IhrSBlB,Step by -tcp this chango bas been approaching BS.

Returnable barrels, box's and BsSBetS have each hadtheir battles and defeats, nnd what Intcllircnt grower,

6l(lpp-T, siller or buyer iv auld advocate a return to

the old custom I"It ls said that one or two of the dealers propose t*

receive and seO all conslgnmsnta "ii the sid pinn andthe croners expect thc Bomber oi sin-li will belargely Increswed when the season opens, 'in,. nrxtmeetDig oj giowen will be held at Maribel*) bssbTuss-day.

- a


Hartford, Feb. 8.-Governor M irrts sent In to thcSenate- this afO.Tiioon the following n initiation* IWilliam Haasmlsy, of Hartford, to be n Judge nf the

Superior Otirt for eight years. RsllrOad C rnrnl.vsloners-William U. Seymour, of Rldgsfleld, for theunexpired term of four years from July 1, 16!)1 ;reappdnted, George M. Woodruff, of Litchfield, f *r

four yenrs from July 1, 1883; KOppoinlSd, AlexsnderOL Ro" erl son, of MoatVtUe, for lour years fr ni July1, 1888, Dank Commissioner1*.Ldwin A. Rink, ofWindham, for the unexpired tenn of lour year, fr in

July 1, 1881' Edwin ll. Hoyle, of Hartford, for fouryears from July 1, i?,'j'.i. Labor Commls-I'.ner-Heb¬ert J. Vance, of **-'ew-I;ril.*ilri, for th>* unexpired termOf f'Jur years from July 1. 1881. The BomtnstBMMwere referred to committees. Judge Homertley ls a

leading member of the Hartford bur mid the BenleeBesrosenBtttve from Hartford lu the House. He was

formerly Stale's Attcrney for many yea-, and Bithe counsel of Trinity College. Alexander C. Il'b-crte-on i* a member of the present Senate. EdwinB. I/oy. Ls the managing editor of -Tho HartfordTelegram'' and ss-Coagrsssataa Robert j. Vanes laeditor of "Thc BOW-BritOla Herald.'

Junu-s P. Platt ond GgOSSkj D. Clark were electedJudge and Deputy Judge of the city Court ol Meriden.

in tba House a mlaeeUsaeoaa caDeelJoa of billswere Introduced and referred, and the followingJudges appointed: Jiillus Q fable. Juris*.", andDavid Callahan, Assistant Judge of the BOW-HaSSBCity Court: Ninholu* C. Downs. Jung.* of the BoroughCourt of durnford; John ,A. Tookey, Judge of theCity Court of Rockville; Vesreatce Mugger, .Dide,,of the Town Court of Antonia; J. W. Chandler, Judgeof the Borough Court of stafford Spriags; J Ita cKellogg, Judge, and Lucilia Brown, Assistant Judge, ofthe Court of Norwich.


Newport, R. I., Feb. 8..Two prominent cottagerentals are reported-those of "gtoniBKtC." on Bellevue ave., owned by J. W. Kills, to CotasBaa Vander¬bilt, whose villa was destroyed by fire hist fall, Bad" Harbor View,"' owned by F. O. French, to Ll-pciiardStewart, of New York.


Lyons, N. v., Pets, fi (ffpsclsi)---Pcsta>.tier F. C.Zlmmeilln, who waa appointed under Harris",n, andhis assistant, Edward li. Dourne. have realgned theirI*,-Dions, to luke effect March C. Thc ofbie ls WorthBBfiOO, and fully fifteen men are after lt. Any appolntment will make great dl-cord in the DeSSOCratlcparty, as the Hill and Cleveland elements sra at war.

ROADS PREPARISO FOR A STRIKE.Indianapolis, Feb. e.-Ever since, the Pennsylvania

Railroad Company befall IS discharge members of thelabor organizations In this and other rides there hasbeen i, general understanding that a -trike was Impendlng, and the development.* within the last few dayshave convinced careful observers tho! thc railroadsare preparing to m.**! Bach an eraerg -ney as a gea*trul strike during thc Wor'd's Fair would present.

A DISSER AT THE CATHOLIC CLUB.A meeting will be heJtl gg th,. Catholic Club on San¬

dfly evening, February 10, to celebmte the episcopalgolden Jubilee of Pope Lea XIII. Archbishop Corriganwill deliver an BddSSSB on the life and serviles of tlieHoly Father, and congratulatory resolutions trill b^adopted anl telegraphed to Rome. Judge* Jo«cp]i F.Daly and Morgan J. O'Drlen and Charles V. Forne*,president of the club, «r*o al-o expected to speak. Thefounders of the rut nolle Club will huve their annualdluner at the clubhouse this evening. Among thefounders who are expected lo be present are lOSSffeThorn, first president of the dub; si BthSOl Conimisstoner Joseph T. Mo-her. J. K. O'Brien, Robert J.Hoguot and L. J. O'Connor. C. V. Foin*« and FatherTaylor, the directu- of the club, will also be present.

PUSERAL OF DR. IV. C. STOSE.Lakewood, N. J., Feb. fi (Special).-Tbe "funeral of

Dr. W. OL Moue, who died suddenly at his home,Waldcroft, on Sunday, was held In the Preatrj terianCharts, this afternoon. The Rev. John Read, ofYonkers, who otliclated at the marriage of Dr. andMr. -stiili", conducted the servile*. A i*uiutrt -an:

Dudley Dm K's arrangement of "Dead. Kindly Light"and Sullivan's " Home Lund.-' The pallbearer* were

CBpSBBk a. M. Bradshaw, Dr. Bans H. Dinii, BaaaaalD. Davis, Francis P. Freeman. Dr. W. 8. Klmbiill.Professor Albert Hurt, of Hnrvnrd foll,-Be I). WillisJames and Dr. William M. Patt, "f New York. Tl, retin a large attendance of friends. Including Mr*,.I'leveinnd and Wilson DSBMSB, the artist.


AVliVUK.Senator .vol-un W. Aldricb, and cx-'ioveniorHeiiry Howard, of Rhode laland, and (1,1,f Juitii-a WaJ-

brldgu A. Fiell, of MatsachutetU. Ul_SEY-Ex-congre«s.

nan Carlo* Frmih, of Connecticut, snd BB4SBSSM .lame*

Arkell, of Oaaojahario, N. Y. HOI.LAND-Coiigressman-cleit, fharlc* D. Haine.*, of Klnrlcrhr*)k. B. Y.. and

BeueiBl Orland Smith, of Diltiniore. MI'KI'.AY Hill.'BS-(''.ubiBSBBBM Charles S. Daker, Of BaCkSStte. WIND-

sort.H. B. Ledyaid, PraaMast of the Michigan CentralRailroad Company.




St. Louis, Feb. fl.-Tlie Dig Vow passenger train

Ko. 12, which left here at 7M Inst nlight In chnrpc

of Conductor Fit»-,-cruld. waa wrecked by a broken

rall one mlle tait of Pana, III., st ll 10 last nightChariot Ressler, of indianapolis, a baggageman, was

hilled. Thirty-one passengers were Injured. The

train consist.-d sf righi BPSrhSS, Including baggageand mall car. The wreck WSS caused by a brokenrall, which was aliened by the extreme cold weather.

IBs accident OCCUITCd on I small ti estie which eSSSSM

B tree'.;. The entire train left th* rall* and eaagftlAre. Tho mall car. which was next to tl,-* ermine,was the first to Ignite, and ns lt ~as burning lt

split compleicly In two. The express car and the two

following day coaches were thrown from the IflSfJau distance of Bt least thirty feet. The rest of the

cars wcr" .saved by an embankment on the oppositeMl., of Oe ditch. Thc passenger* In the dav COSehetwera rescued with great dlficalty bf the trainmen

and uninjured passengers. The following personslure injured most .-evenly:DOOUTTLE, Samuel 0., >la'll«on. Ind.. axprns me*-

*en?er; badly Injured.BADU. C. H., BA ZaSOtS, express BBttttngSr; badly

Uijured.ABMBTBOBO, Mrs., Birminghum, Ind.; Internal Injnrl-s.FOX, Charita N . Tillin. Oblo; Internal Injuries.ICBEB7S0N, H. M-. St. LotiU; Inj'ired In ba-k and

bead.BEAL, Mrs.. re»ldence unknown; probably fatally in¬

jured.Several other passengers were Injured. All tbe

bedrMothlng In the sleeper was utilized for the comfortand warmth of -th* wounded women and children.

Baggageaoan Beaaler was pinioned beneath th* bobsa

of trunks and bumed to death In sinht of Ibe trainmen

and passengers, who were unable to rescue him. Tin

weather orsa bit' -riv roM nnd the wounded suffer

{really from fae expoaure In addBloD to their injuries.i'<- Oblo aad Mlsaiaslppl Rallrssd sot a si**i*iai train

of ino cars to lbs wreck and brough! tbe InjuredBsasengera ta nins, where they were '.alien ts th.* gt.lames Hotel and rared for by physicians of Pans Badlower HUI.

Mrs. Laughlin, of Cleveland, who WM tniv.-lllticulti the body of h-r husband and four amati children.nus in the toort"! eoseb. All the children were b'inie<!.bruised and eat about their faces ami bands. Th.tmiiy of h.-r husband wss cremated before her tyra.Laughlin was burl la a railroad wrech al Lesvenwarth.Kuri., about two weeks ub >. and died ut Ka':sri* Ull¬in the railroad hospital.

LOCislASIASS OS THE VERGE OF WTABVAT10M.Ycinr.his, Tenn., Feb. S..Four thousand people in

Concordia and CatShouls paritbea, la tbe northernpart of Loui-lai.ii, ar.* 00 the vergS of slai-vutliiti. In

furn.allon received from that Beetloo yesterday shows

that the j.e..pi,* are in a pitiable plight, ind unlessrcibf ls given i«. them ni anec many deaths from sturv-

ution uni lesiiit. Tin* floods ,.f lasi summer de-strured their cropa, and thc water remained os Ute'.-irih so lone that lt was not pootlbk to plant cottonor aryn,ins else, except som'" .|uh lily maturing vegatabb,. Hundreda moved swsjr, but ti.ou sada were

unable to l'o. ISOOS rc-liiiilniii- have BUbfdatSd dur-

lag the winier on wild game, but as much psie barbeen ii.-tiny.d, ihcy have BOthlag t" heep body and.ul together. The preridents "f the eschange* bi

Memphis, Vleksburg sod Bow-Orleans have ci, dmeetlnga of their organlsatlona t'i r.ii-e fund* f,,r i .

lufferers. The New-Orleans Board of l:.;de beardtho li-t With .*:*,')0(J.

A CHARTER FOR TUE CATHOLIC SCMMER BCROOlAlbany, Feb. P.-Tile Regents Sf th" Mata t'nlv. r-ltv

win meet bars ttvrnorrow afternooa st 'i s*elsek '"

eonrider ai-cumul-ited boalnees, IneiodBig aa sppMration r,r a c;.:ir:.-r for the ¦..'.rh Ile Sommer B* h .,i

of Anicrba," on tbs thoret of Lase champlain, near

Plattsburg. The next -c ian of the si hool win beriaon July 15. Tho folltwlne; are Ihe tlUStSSt Bl theBehooli James f. LoughBa, Piuada iv Megfilod,William B. Claxton rind Walter P. OUBRh, Phial'Iphla; William J. Murun, John Ii. Cumming**. Johnlsvrne, I'iitriclt Francis Mullany, John P. Un,phi,Gsatfa E. Hardy. .Dim H. MtMahou, Throat MsMlBanatKt PStrirh Halpin, of ffew-York; Oeorga PUrooniLathr p snd Thossu P. Joynt, Bsw-Landoa. Conn:joiin P. Mullsney and 'scouts M. Martens, syracuse;John II. lilley, Plattsburg, N. Y. Thoma, g. il'/

patrica; Doston; John U. Hanron, Brooklyn; Thomatc. Coasty, worcc-tcr. Muss.; Warren f.. m ..sher.Voang town, Ohio, and Morgan M. Sheedy, nit '.j ir*;.Penn.


Albany, Feb. fi.-The soeoad dav's se.sior. .,f thaStats Medical gorr*rty to-day una targe!]- attended.,\ report mi- adopted ezpret lal mttsfaetloa with thelaw establishing Stale barnda of mfHral esaBBtne-ra.ptroteatlng against ir. amendmoBl aid derMlin sgriastthe appointment of li OOmmlttee of io.if<Te::(:fc u|t!ithe Alii'iicaij Medics] .\--«fl'itlon, upon the BBhJSClof medica] ethic*.

Dr*, .lacobl, Baw-York; M ncr, svric:.*.-: llo^k no,Bravoing, Ilia"!.ly ii and Townsend. Albany, wetssppolnted a eoamnlttee to seleel oondMotea for StateBssrd "f Medical Bteadnert and reported tbs folbining: vv. C. Wey, Kimiru: Oaocgs B. Fowler,Brooklyn; A. Walter Salter, Heridmer and WIlBamM. Maddeia, Broohlya. Tbs report mis gdoptsd.

The report of th.* letfslullic eommlllee urK.'J thatno more charters bs irrititisl to BWdlcal colleges, ex¬

cept under most .-tdugout regulation*, i.real vlei-lum-e bad been BCOStSSVy (/> pteVBBt present lawsgovrnluK medical sdUCStlOB from lieing tanipered with.

This afternoon Hie delegates were entertained bvMower itt a reception St Hie, Executive



Booton, Feb. fc.-Tho committee having iii chargethe phillips Brooks Monument Fund announes to.i.r,-I (Tut HOytwO baa already been subset lied.


BKWI PROM TllF. rilhli and RABOE OF PRICES.Tbe piiiducilou of the MeDonsM ped is doivn to

10,600 barrel, :i dav, a fiillinir oil from recent ieci.nl-.'in.* cindi* ell tpeenlatloB contlnuet duli and therew.-rc m. tales al tin* (Bock Exchange. At the Caaundated Bxcbsngt lhere w-.r.- -al.-, of io.(mm) harrellt j4 I-S8S4 .", s sents. Rogued oil waa unchanged

ul O.ill) sentfl per gallon In barrels, i!.s.o c.-nts In bulliand ii.ir. cents in eaaaB. PorrigB quotstlsM orere:Antwerp, 18 -vs iran's; Bremen, AAi marka; London,4 1^ pence.

LONDON WOOL BALKS.London, Feb. fi.-Ai the wool misa to-day io ooo

bale,, constating Isrgeiy of raeriass, were offered.There waa a fair attendance. ai;d Ihe c mpeU_on *ase.*niiiiiiv active. There waa a fair show of ero-,breeds, whleb mid brteUy. Cape of Hood Hope andRatal gritarim wer.* in good rcajueat. Holden iniiniliv CBBCS w. re not disposed to luke Hie pries bid.(.orman purchaser! ware very tcBve. French andAmerican buyers wre moderately to, l'.l <*. wt.*me banged. Fallowing ar.* the aaw< In demi and tueprb es obtained: New South Waloo, 5,40(1 baie-:si our,-d, 8 1-2dBlt nd; do, locks and pieces, sd,, l,gl-Sd: greasy, ftl-adSlld; do, lock* ami pi.-,.-,a l Ida I 1 Ud Queel,-land. 3,700 bale,; scoured, ll ib¬is ci; do, leeka and pieces. Sd* i» gd; sreaay, il I-Sdilld; do, lockl and pl.-c-.s, iii,; ed; Me bonni- and Ybloris, !l,40o bslcs; scoured, lodwls 4d do, loch, andpieces, c. ii idii- id; greasy, 5 1 Jd.. I* ._' 1 -j.1du, lock- mid pice.*., *, ;i Un lid goutb Australia..MK) bales; s. oiir.*d, ls 1 1 i'd do. b,< ki and Stree*lOl-Sdafta; greasy. 51-81(271-ad; do. loria andnicies, 5d«7 1 4d Wsoi Aii-lralla. 20 bales; so'-Uredli. rrens-^r, i *j,i New-Zealand, I.OOO Nile*; BCOtved,8 1-2d *>lt l jd: do. I.H-ks and Blecas, 7 :i id greooy,7d«i)d; do, locks and piecea, j 84d-»8d ( ape Sf tioodHop." and Natal. 1 ,M)() laics; scuri-d. 7 1 ids)lt Ddtiica-y, .'. 1 i'd., rid. "

COTIOB MAMK-IB.Bt TMLBOKAPH.Liverpool, Feb. 8, 4 D. m.-Oilton Intiires BlSStd

steudy; American -middling, low middling clauseFebruary deffvery, 4 :,ii (etd s,.|i,.rs: February sudMarch delivery, I BB-tMd -«ll.*r-; Mardi and Apriidelivery, I 60-04, I fil-did; April sud May delivery,I (i*J tiid billers; MST ulltl Juno delli.-ri, M seller.June and Julv deBvetT, ". 1-4)4*99 g-B4dJuly und August delivery, r. :i BM'-.Ibrs; Anons! and .'september delivery,5 8-6485 .'l-D-M: Sepiember and October de¬livery, 4 ..ii o*4d Bellera: October and November d,-livery. 4 .'iii ttl" 4 rvroid: November and DecemberdeBvery, 4 B88484 VT-BAB.

Uslveeton, Fob. B-*S0ttaa st, adv mtddBaa 9i-fic:low mlddllos, e H-4e geod brdinary, .* lie, ncr midgro-s receipts, I.OSO bales; k:i1.*s. *j.1-j1 hair* si,,, u'.'It.TilO bales.'-¦

Norfolk. Feb. 8.-Cotton i|iib"t ; niiddlltn.', 0 :j 10clou- mldilliiii.'. B :t lc good oriUn.-iiy. | l Ki,-; nd andpom receipts, BIS boles; exports to Qreat Hritaln.J.'JOC bales; sales, Hg bales; slock. oO.DH* tulles.

N>-w -orleans. Feb. h.-lotion weak and Irregular*middling, li 3-loc low middling, fi 7-e, pu <\ ordinary!- ::.-<.; net rec Inls, 1.473 bales: gio,,, tt.Ii'jo bale*exaorta t,, France. ("..Trnn bale*: eoaatwlse 2OOHbales; sal,.,. 3,700 huies; st/M*k. :cJ4,4]*J b-'les'

savaniiiih. Feb. t.-Colton st.adv; inidillliig. 8 7-Scbm* mlddlDiiz, h ..*,<¦; (.'.Hst ordinary, j* 1-Se; net endirrre-s receipts, IJSOO bales: export* coHStwlse 700bales; sales, 1,000 bales; stcxli, bl,318 balee.


n. w. Fi'.'.r. akaa. 100 Molasaes. bb:«-BlliPiili*. I bl*. i-'d -in lt. turp.. bbl*.... -.'

ll in* a,-- . 2,G1'> "*.,.sii, bbl*. 1,130Dc Hw)..-it, Misti ... .a i-''. ".'ir. I.bl*. ZStotten, .ile- g.203 oil ethe, ike*. BIS( i.t-an.e.-it oil, bin- 1.213 "I'" ftack, pkg*. ... l.'.'l','t.i|i-r rake* . ,i-i Peanut*, lags. ."..

tm d trait, pkg*.... 200 Dork, pkg*. '-'QI -.--.-. obit. JO Reef, pkgs. .

29I :*... case*. S.0OS Cul. i-k.s. 2,.onFlour, pSfr* i. 2o Min l.iii.t. pki-. *,:I^

Cornmeal, bil*. 4" > lard, kera . ;.*t-»lCorruneal, hac*. 1 ilTI Dull r. pk2». J.OWWheat : n-h. 17,06011botte, pa.*. I.OI3(ern, baaB. 7:',oki Di',-al bots. No. -UHi**i», bush. S7.7MiB*!*fBt (Cal.). p«H» 9,236Mari, busb . i2.**Ao lue*, uk**. 179Barley, b'i*h. lo,07."> s,..-p "toe*., pk",'* ...


Ptao, batu.. 2,fM*i¦ Speller. ....«. S...u,Oattiicii nhl*. 2&1 Skins, t . .«. TOll..--..-I i.ii-',. 1,000 -Milln'. |ik«*-. V

\k;< . l.'.ii Tal low, pi.irs .. 672ilia., teed, has*. lld Tobae.-o, bini*.. . 78Hide*, talc. Hld Tobacco, i.Kir*. A 12

Bobo, bale* . -,'.*". Whiskey, bbls. 707l-':.l.l.'r. -ldc*. . 6,7001 Wool, b»'.es . 27dMoto, ba:'-". 7-i'r.rar.dy ((al.', pk;*.. 185

GENERAL MARKET REPOST.COPFEE-POt Brat bib alba the *>i»ot market waa

steadr ai l-'.. isi., for No. 7; sales, 1,000 baft So. 7st ISSe, 5*000 bas* Boa. 7. 8 SM '.' to ariiie, at 18-V forBo. 7, sod SOO i,.ii.-. Santos Bo, B !.. trrlve at 17 V Theunifier growth*abewed t fair moven.t. Hole*, 2,600 bagsMarl.¦abu and 1,000 I**-'- (.'"iirial America, on priinteterm*. Option tradiag waa modernlair active, the .-tile*

.iimr.-k'aiinu- 80,730 BB0S. Ilnir>' opened I* fr hiir 11er andclosed tirang, i.oiid.iii eio.*..i at a decline "f M on nmr,and it an tdvanet bI ii.,.'.'! en ia'.- months. Hamburg11.,-.1 'ul pig iiigi).*!. Th.* Nen-York market openedlin,,. I,ur said .(T int*. In th.- teasing, uni cl.-.-d at a aolii.lv-oi'.* cf ., point* f,,r tba ihii on -. me iii'tiitiis. iimi at a

decline nf ."../'.". point* sa other*. Toe oSlelol lin, cabinsijucmtI Kir,t, ordinary HO kl!,,-, ll » DOO; good second ilOk.l... I8S OOO; v hain;." i prl vare), Iii: recelnU In lt.",0,000 ba-*.. Bia clearances to rm'-d Mir".. 12.000 baa*;let.. I.*,rn.-.-- to Kurope, 1 insi boga; Bk) Hock, 100.000|)jk-: Di" marhel quiet; receipt* in saut,-. 18,000 bato;.smiles *to.-k, ::i'> con bags: Sasitoo market linn good over¬

age Mlitfl*. 12*.IOU; revell,'., at, Rle, Dllv 1 1888. toi.hruiirv 7. 1STBJ, 2.0V..<V)0 Imus: -amt Mme. 1H02. 2 BBB,.ooo ba*;*: .wne tinm 1S91. 1,042.000 ba**: soeelpta at

.S*nt<j». J liv 1. 1803. te FSrbruary 7. 1H0:I. 2.:i2.1.iiOO ba**;sallie time )Sfr2 3.409,000 hn«** ; name time ISSI. *_*.irT» i.

OOO bass. W.irnhou** dellvcnle* sine Kebruarv I, 181*1:V. .v-Vi.fk, 72 V.-j boga; Killmore. 2,018 bair,; Neiv-Or-leaiis. 7 3'il brit-*; total. 82,666 baa*..

MoUthS. Clovina. Illjrlicst. LoWetB. Sale..February . 17. IV'17 ,0 17.'0 17.00 1.800M,Ph '.17.l.'.,il7..'"i 17.70 17/n ll.oooApril .I7.l3-ri7.20 17'*"» 17.10 2 mnM.... . 17.e,i,i 17.0.-. 17 IS IT.'O 70.)

Juno .D'..'-'..-DUO 17.Oil ll". SI170r .; . I0.70ai8.73 16.83 Di.7". 1,280August; . I c.70 a lil 7 y 1<VB3 D'.*-". 1.CO0sn,,her.10.7drtlO.73 Dl.liO D'. 73 8,00011 -,,.,. .D',cc 1 Kl .03 DI..-0 DI.SO7">oNovember. ....lS.t5alS.55 10.70 Ki.70 I.fOODeeeuiber .10.40SH6.43 lO-Ci 16.49 6,"*00

1 f'TTON-The tpet marka! ruled .-a--.-. so'..-* |ggbole* "o -I'.rni-- ii i'l 1.coe bale, wen token for- rxnurt.Quotatloua sit baaed tn (ha Amerlcaa standard of elaasifl.allan

Boland*. naif.n i. ..rv . 0 IS-ll) 7.1-D)

Un ni . 7 .".Di 7 '.i-l-'>

Hood ordinary . 8 I IS ¦ 7-10St-tet good ordloary. -*"iLow middling . 8 <8-Strict lo* ii,liidiin(r . O'*Middling . 03:18 0 9-10... m ddltnn .B*sOHstrirtgriod middling. .. iil-10 101-18Middling tab . IO 8-18 IO 71-,

.IOV-10 1013-10KTAINT.D.

flood m ll riirv.ll 7-Di Don middling.7 19-16.1 .-,1.nary 7 1-16 MtddllOg . sr,

Liverpool telegram, 1:49 e. ¦ Reeelpts, 8,000 bales.af nhl i, a: .. m..ia. 2,000 bale*, Kales 3.000 bate*, of. ii,I, for speculation sod export, SOO bale*j AraerDan,i ooo hale. Spot market in bujenr* favor. Middliui*piand*. 3 l-l Od

i,e pun re.-elpts were lisct balee, comparing with

:¦.. i-i; bala* for Uso irre«ponding dar lu-t >

bei 1 ' .pl ii- en i c., nSl bul., itt 3,607,814 bs i during ll com ii linei yeai a.'". Tht Bgo as bot* ' show tat we k'* crop.a .-ni. 1803. 1802.VMM* supplr.1,913,021 1,698.0 I

Ile ipr, I day* l-VrWI lc DH.ii m. t., i,i-ii Brital ,. 4 .lc - '.'-i. -'ii ai -. ii

.i.i i li '.! 1-' 11*3

r'.Aport-* Oi Continent i Obj* 10.108 31,000Mci ii Bi fork IB llreosed

....._:.'..U7 :»-(i '".'".

Ill ether pi.,--.. -¦ 8,680Total tl s ,., Be* y rh bj rut

-..*.-. cr :ci:i.-,!.:n ail I'nlted sine, p..rt.. -.-.*. 17*. 1 :' -l "I"

Til- »¦ .....ilulne fi nine.' ar '¦ y 'is 'bill nnd,- ii* ,,.--. wu 1 wa* foi I by :-i

, abs le [..«. r and the ...tn.ii .w.n. ntH ilea, i.".s.t,si beleo.

slaotha. da>lae, Hlgl -. Loo t. Kile*.r uary . O.OTflO.ir.i

a.,.; . >.1| :,,; ..,,

\p 'i *l ¦' 'a .'I il" (",v i .,,:i itfi

lm ....!.,', IO :, :". Ii 8H

lui,' -a..:( .' ll 9.43 '.i 4;t ii ii

ll .*..:i I l :. fi :i 12 ". -i.

.i .'o ;'i jj :. 21 ».2 i

,1. tilsr .'¦ i's ".. 12 Ol'* I a

N,,,.-i.,i..r.......... '¦* "I <¦'.'".» 'J '.'

it.'ii r. ami MEAL I I."i i: Th* sunnedH..-l demand for loo gride* f..i e»|rorl and rh* -. were

, s and »tnmger Otherwl** the market wa** dull, andtrade *>d* I ITi Kai** far ex.

i«.rt amounted i. obool 0.«K) bnl* a',! tacks it #j IJf..r lak.i,' .xtia .piing In 'U' :.-. Bod M^SS 13 in bbls,, .-,,.._..-, for \.. i winter In nock* jid bbl*. SS SOan 30 loi N" -. 4«. S223 far MperBn* +1 sd foi 8o«

-1 il -. .. ..t -. For th*|, ooo b !« april i.* .( 401 . 80

ind 'J ism. I,,;. «|.,t. r '-. i7'.. Quoll-11 iteni -i I0SSI i0 l' t / . 1'' tin

ri. bbl* M I"./ 12 20;n - ri 13; Xo. i. .-.'.sa¦."

s.i s.v-rsi put rn- -i '.' rsi 73;.,|.t. r !'¦ a .ni ie -. 1 ...-J it-'. Vo.

< . Xo -J 4"a '¦ 'r Vt IS¦¦¦tialaht* S3 300*1 73 patent -.- DOiSI 20 l'.rc,<.will, il* il."i'lt Dull; prim* to cholee, 6210«« 13

i-i i<y\ ii 1.11 ..r.iiN Quiet but unchanged itaraI Canada quo) ur. f.|«.'.",.* in full lead* d' ID ¦¦<!

BVK ll"i|'. Dall; tuierfln*. blot" S3 10./63B3'"liNiii ti. selling modenteii Brandywine, *j'.w;Weatern d anqlhern KS 4*2 90

liiiAis yyiirir Th* bo«lne*a wa* Ivsely of s lora)i r r.-,-.in] rb*racter uni th* nmrket ruled dall Ar, the

.penlag there *.u. ai, iel, ia .. ,.r **e bul .I de In.ff llew'td "ii e*«ler cable* foreign si Uni; ai, I

a. ill re.»!l/,r j»". I li ttl* Blt* D BU te WBS .1 reaction -f

'..>',¦¦ anl Mn* m.i-k'-l elo fd "'iii; lo lon* ."id ut B Bet. i. ', ti thu il-.-- T p 'I '.¦. ". rle* Interior

p.,'nt* «.-:,. ¦.-,-.i n'ji hush spring ami 63.814 boah wlnteiromporing *v;th 414,279 tod r>l 406 bu*h ttsrlog tod

»li,ter !. s|....'Iielv fur td- .-..r:. -|i.-all-i il,v h,--r year.Si il.- -. c.-ir-l r'ie srrlval* were lt-3 7:'l boah, comparing»|tii ui 117 busb f,.i 1'* i-r;.i'-. s i--,.* and maklne tia*

total r.- rlpu li.lor a...I teabnord, ?00.160 bush, again »

..*.i -n;i boah. Tl,.* rtraran ¦- from the ttlantle -iih-iarlwi .. 220.111 bu b on Tueaday, romparing Mitti 2«W.'32tii-i, na I, nary 7 la*4 rear. The -""t market showed

emu f.r a ("ii-' Mire. Ksporb-ra were f ¦.

buver* jul miller* *l*o mo-le I.,1 purrhas -. Shlp-i,. r took Ml ci' 1.¦..',, lortndlng Vo. 2 red tui'i-r l**ef ... I. stare: Nu. 2 hird winter. l';.' f ,. h. mb.it- Vo.1 fainteii M.ii ,tobil 7»*e mid.,- M*v. and Bo, l N'mt'.'-rnit :iv i.'--' Marr delivered. Salas 093.000 bush futurn,174.000 i,i-a >pot, loeludlne Nu -j r**i wlntei 79,«*S0erlevstor, sp,.,sp... afloat, 8ISS2f a b.; Bo. I BortheroS".-iM'.'*c X.i. J do. sile Vi. it tilca..*,. »*uiii.' si,. jji.|Ne hard :i0\.<- Ve. 2 Febrnsry. rlo*lnf at 78V: Bo..J \Iar,h 7b'../V'.'".'. rlcalng Ol 70**e; Sa 2 Msr. **l*,aiV."*/. cloting »t SD'i' No. -2 July KSiit1**. *-io»int»t SC1,.- ( nl'.N.On Um market for rata**** there w»s

;, de lin- of "..- 'f In syuipnthy with til* Weat, lal -

i.pt., and Improved grading adowa by recent re.

reipt*. The rnarkil rfosed dall aad weak. S|m.i.urn ruled lo-'M iii aympathy. Chipper* t...k12.OOO l'.-li st,-,mer* mixed at .".3"*.- delila.|.Sale., 'j-oioo ba.i, riitni.- ni.i bnah toot inrtnd.lae So. 2 mlaed, ¦'.:.-./".it,- elevator, ."il'../.'.i',.- delivered:nngraded mixed .".;i'/.">i' ¦.¦ ateamer mixed, "c1-.,; '..v andBo, :i mit 'i 51e elevator. Xo. 2 r'ebruary, .'.-j',«".:i'..-,-,rloslng ai 52rs< do March, :,j ',,¦ ",:i'..' eloclng at .',' ',.-.lo Mn 32 0-10*38 I-ii'.. rlOaioa ill '<-'\r

OATS Option* riled .bili hat bin and MK't market,,,,- neglected in- haver*, while the lone wa* sllshtly,-i-l.r. Sales un uki hush fntnr". 31.OOO busb s^,-.,Imludlns Ho. 2 white. 418*41-a. Mo. :i do |0e: N",,. *.'.:*s,,;t,i,,-: xo, :. ;t7'.-- So 2 Chlcsgn :i"i'.. delivered;ungraded Western mixed 3x«»*V; dodo whir.* gnanie.No. 2 l-.-t.tn.iri e1o«lng i.r ii ',. do atatrk tW*-.e, rlan¬ing si :is'. il. *ilar, its |-,.i,..;f.,i». rloafng st Sue |do white, Februan riming at Ile; ,b. BsreK, r|o*|nrl llil',.- BA Itt,KY Dili' sud unchanged: Western, 80il7".<-i ..I-f..rai* brewing l-'.«n7-i l,.-\:il-*r 7'.:'--.¦: sixrowel sinie 73ii7He; twn-rowei Mao 03S07e, ,, t,,

qaalllv; n,,. 2 Toronto, s.v t arrive; Ba. I do nominal:una "I 'I ii". SOSOAi yiyi.l Quiet; Weatem MaSO im.. ii," il smte. 7'.'-77e: »lx*rowed do s"., on.¦¦

ana.I.i. ,,nu,Irv and ,|t\ ini'b- *- .. * 03 ItYKIn fair demand. UiiotSllon*: ai.i '..*,- ..ri trark: 041 Iledelivered li In.il; B3e fur lo. i,n an,I Md m.and s.-,,,:m,- f,.r mo Bl and hicni,- and so.sv f,,r ne.

(ill in.al. ifi :r7'-: j««i» tata, 2ls?Se mar.*. Cotton*ee4ii. il I 10,1*1 fji..DAV AND RTBAW BAT-QnM and wlBiont oaatable

rhange, Haney, So-SOOr lune bal.*, ir.Mid. Xo HOS"SSe; ll-rhfc inlx-d, 721j«77l-'* : dark mixed. *,7'v,i i.'plover o:,*7i).-: shlpplnri 70e std UV -Lons rv,*

63S*07%0; shoit rv.*. IStSOt; .at, 40U l.'i wh'iit. Mia

iif,ps_i,.|| -aith nu.,tulon* isrj.iv ssbsBmI; Btw.v,.i. si:ite is'>2. ei,.i,e »4e; pinn.- "j:i, eomraon tarnidbim, 11«22e: 1891, 17.,-jO.-: nld old*. .'.'.-Io- Itrlflc«"-' IS02 .Iml .. 'J le; good t.> iii-iiii,-. L'l./J.(e:i_allfi.ri.iii, ..id old-, .".<; li'e ; Dnintlaii and Dali.man, -ts.;

M0LA881 S-N. -iv-Orb -un.. ,. -nir.f >i gal, Odlle; , oiiilnon,rj,ri.'..-i fin, Ioaf Ine: prime, l-o.;-.'-.'.- c mi open kettle.20.r2fce; prim* SoaSle; .!,..:.. 32SS.1e; r..> .to,-NAVAL s'K,|'.l..- SDI HITS "K Tl lt DI'.N Tl NT-

Still liri: eloslogat :ia,*:i..*vc... ROSIN Hun ,trilnc«|quoti-d Bl tl io ',.-! .I,, -i 12*9 |- $130" * il S3.. -Il,:,; ll. *l '.t-itf-K."; I, fj -J.Vo if -J :||); K *J S.". \\?:::" N. 83809698^; yv (., 6120; W \v *i ;mOCRAN ll'l-li.llls |,.,|| .,, a|| direct on*, with the

inn-- easy. Liverpool, stain. Maur quoted Ss 3d oro-Halon* Ss 0diM3« eboese. 1".- oil .uk.-, (V ltd tallaivrv i'd; beef, 1- 'M. me*fiiretmenl Modi, 10-,i|*j, ,n:ppr*, ls W butter ..."«..-...-.. taii.i.,,,. .,.,,,, ,r;llr,'1lid; fl.un. 7.: pr..\l»ion*, 11* Sd*rl-jb; ,|i,.-.. l¦>. r.,1

ll rake. <is 84; rattan, ll. Sd; beet, 1, Dd m,"as,ir...merit good*. IO*: p.rh. ls Od: butler. JO, ol*.,,-t. nu. grain, lJ,d; fi.,ti-. 7. Sd; prov|*lon* 15*317* od.-h.-.-*.-. 'Jo.; ..Il .:,U" 7- .1,1, /-.,- tallow, IJ, C.| |.,f...: i,..:, .,.a,....it Booda, io*; perk, 3*; batter, '.'Os.

oll.s y moderate lohblne rravemeni |* .hewn io ti,,.leneral market; rottonseed ,-niii,- prime, :,nr,:.- rei'ow.i.,i,-.-. 62, roeoaaat, Ceylon 0**ttOl3e; Corbin ii-"../,7,*; end, 40,/ci,-; lins,., ii ,;,. American seed, 4HcL'Bleillf* - -. I '.Se lari ,.,:.,.. ia,.,..,,| ..,.,.,,. al'

PBOVIHlOXH-rORK -Quiet snd nnrhanged; sale* 200bbl-: me** quoted 010*33^020 30: «hort clear, *>_1 .-,o,/*-"iand fimii.i. 620 50*762160 RBEP.Dall hut unchanged;fun Uv m.*-. Boated iii BSOS10; extra i...- SO 2A*ritO 75..Itv .-\tr-ii India m.* - 613S4D1 ttl i;|.' HAMS DuliuikI unchanged; qc.r.d *t S2i«*S21 so here middi.d.sDull and nominal DBRK.**ED IIOOH I'irmei quiet:

Itv. Iighr t. beavy, io'-«in1,, pigs id,.* rjl'TMKATS linn and wanted lidtl-d "bellies ll'.---, dothoulder*. 10c; rt.. trim*. Muli',. I. IUD Dull butbltrlnr ulth the Weat; Weatern -t-un t\\n,: d nt 612 23.1012 30; .*!*« .".(Hi tea nt S12 2"S012 50: eltv quiet .mdllrni nt *l 1 7..**11 SO; sab-,, |.-,o les at 611734*612'

lined Continent quotej at 61260, and SouthAmerlra. siooo- Horeb BIS ni irised; Mu- cIobIiib*t 61296 asked, tad 'uh 61192 mtalaal....BtITTK.ll fUthei tteadler. Cruaaierr, stnt.-. tut,,. f*uiimle jaa-js,-; i'i"ni-i ii mila extras no.-; Wi-.tern tenara.r.r. extra-. ilO,- ll" -r.. *.",'. .'H. terond*. 'Jl.iJ.l. It.bds,Jil. .i.-um.-rv. yy,.-tcrii. Jon*. SlSrSOe: Stat.- .Islrvhalf full rc'.*, fresh extra-. 'J8.iC'.ii llrst- 2582<b*;

,",'!.- LJ.i24c: fall ends, eiti-as "J7.-: f,il tub, llr-t.!24S26C; -e-ond-. 2?u23, Welah tubs fresh, flist*. 2ABJil. seeoods, -J-Ja-JI- hrltb.s iimi t'l'i- .-Uris "Jin'.llr-ts. '.ita'J.V; *e.onds. 21 *...'**;-."-..,.: tlilr.l* 2H»/Jlc;firkin*, errru*. 2""': tlr*t*. 29S24r teronis. ¦.! i-..-- ¦>> ,,¦

thirds, 2(",i"2lc; Wentwo Imitation rreauiery ilr-t-. 24*8.J."..-: .....ml- 'Jl,. .1. yv, ¦.'. ii, diilrv. llr.U. 29t24e;-.*. iili-l*. '.M-»21< third-. lMulUe: Western factory, .lunell--klns. lftrfCoUc; .fun.", tah*, IDo'JO'-i* : fr"*h ext'OS

a. ls..,-; fresh, fl,st*. 2t.i22c; fie.h se.-,>i.|. |0*?20c.thlnls IS. rall-. fr.-h. ie r lt,. Is.j:i,- Clfl.lJsI'In f»lr derrnnd. Stare lo.-tuv. lull ereaas, tall madewhite, faiiry, 12c; colored, fsnev. 1 -_..- .bobe, 11',,/ll'.crood bi prime, 11 «711 *_r 1*1101111011 to fair. 10./IOV J i«nt.Ulina, Cliciiaiiio and oclghburlng cotintle*, <qis'.1 tue.

"hal,c. lo'i-ilo-Ue; fair lo prime, 8ttlOe; part akim*.

prime, S**..i'jo; fair to Rood, 796c; ciniinon, 4*rOe; full

skims, l..."-.'C; I'eiili.svliiiiila skim*. l,«<ilL."C.f£**"-**_rAiraiii weak, stub- und Penes) Dania, froth ...athci-ed.,..,,. .>:,-, Western, fri.li wdUxtloa, beat, AiaA-f;

bouthero, best, 994M4e; Western, Bs bsatt, atm, fair

to prune, 92S39e. ._, . . ,,

SI # a li.KAW-Firm- sale*. 2..*00 bags c-iitiKu jul.

87.10c and 40'J baas mola*>se*. 2 IS-lSe. Quotations:Muscovado, BO teat, a Diet, and 66 t"*t teaMfagsl,J 7-Die UKI I NF.D-Qul.t-, but with qilt.titbui* n lin-

billi.,1 cur. loir. .', JIlii.")1-."- .-rushed. 5.31«i5L.*c ; powder.* 1.

lin,/.".'., granulated 1.60-84 *s*; Bne BTBoalated. 4.09«.

4-.., "\tia lin.- ..riinulat'd, 4.8103e; .-ul c- 4..H S.,'-

WAX powdered. .-..:il ./;'.*_c ; mould A. 4.1M if-Vsc dl.-tJiio-ida ii',".i..i:.. yvind-or a. l.MBiVe: Bldgewoed a.

1.14,/IV"-: I'heiox y. IV./l.-."- K.Ire A, {¦*.«*.3flc!No ii 4'4(/l.iii-; No. 7, 4.104N«be; **". 8. 4 1-lb«41*c;

Bo. :i 4»/i.iSi ; Be. lu. a.iM.HSic; No. ll. Ml«4s:No. 12, 8.09*t9Vc ; No. 13. 3*»e.

Si liAllINK-Qulet at prevlout quotation*. lard

qnobd at lil'.:. Oleo 12c , ,

TALLOW-Qulet and Brm; prime city clealog st

7'«c. bid.TF.A-The r-g'Dar weekly *ale went off at rather

e**ir.r price* u, tallows: Moyune, 2S pkgs. Ifyton, 11*2

ir lue; 1(12 pk-,'* voting lli'un. 11 "traiite 104 pkg* lin.

perlal, 11028c; '.7 pk?, goapowser, 29B4K. vwu

Bury, *.'*.'S pkg*, roaag Ryaon, ic'.-.ill' 89 pitts Im-

p*Hal. ll91Oe; 1,193 pises gunpowder, lO-aBSfe. Japan.001 pkg* Congou, H\- (1-¦.'."¦; 99 BBS* India and O.

pekoe, 12029*. Oolont, '-MO pkg* Amoy, 14-914>e«;1,030 pkg.* l'ormcu, 19%B20%C.

LIV1. STOCK MARKET.N" ir. Yoi a, Wednesday. Feb. .s.-BF.KVF.S-Rcclpt*.

CO earl er 1,294 bead.24 euri consigned to r-laughtererssud 4 3 cai* for Ibo market, ultli Un- |K,»s|ijtiity Unit IJ

,-ur. ,,i the latter rosy be shipped to Europe. Tb*i marketi,i ,"ii>d linn and Dbi 15. bWner "ii nearl* oil grade*, aaa

cloud itroog on Chicago sdvlees. Vary little remainedun,.bl. Common t>, >n>,.d n«t,ie steen ranged In prieslr in 64 28 ta S3 83 per DH) B>; 2 SUte **..-rub-" mid at

+3 7".. ax.-n at 63 12*rj*it3 28, bulls at *-' 789*64, State mid

Pennsylvania row* Bl 8173089 78. *ud 1 fat, eos* Bl

ai SO. i in- dressed BOtlve side* linn, at r^OT'sc per:... .uni a Un;, extra ptlroe d. i.nui'ht loc in r/ist mae

ilaughter-bouse*. Ko Inter eabl* noir*. Kx poi ter. com-

ulalu lint, thor ur,- losing money at present pru*"* and wini

rattle ailinn tug here, thc prababfitUea of say pratit in

iii- near future ur* not llatteilng. Shipments to-day,

li,500 (|iiirt.-r-, of Le.f lu ti e T .utonlc bv Ka*-tina tut (.oin-

pooy io Liverpool. The Trio(dad will carry 1. sheep to¬

morrow On Herminia. ._-, _, .,.,..

Baloa-Bewtoa * 0111*11: U Ohio tteers. 199* B sw-

ag-, at if.'i 55 per 100 IT,; 17 do. D270 J'; at J. ¦« >itt do.

1170 Th. at 69 30: -20 do. 1194 Bl, at 69 SO: 11 do, 188B1 JJ,at 6919; D' Dun-ali do. 1 Di8 Tb. at MM* 10 £»»./..vania do. 1299 Bl. ur 66 40: 14 du. 6BJJB. St «'.£»..2St.it" bull*, fill.-, Th. af. 18 15; 22 cow*, SSS) 9, SS. SJ76,gi da. h14 tr at *3: IS do. soo m. t»t «2 3.; ioJPsaavlylraulo do. son m. at 6176; l do. isoo Th. ot. w.60.

D. Mci'h.rsoii <. Co.: io Weaaera atearo, *d4»Jg*....r?.-, .-.J.; ll do. HSl Th. at. 63 SO 17 dr.. 1219 Bl. Ol *o 13

ll do 1204 Bl it 6840; ls do. 1182 '.. at * . 3.: 1, do,

r.",s in nt ar,'A',: 17 do, 1157 tn, at S380; 22 Kentuckydo, 117:i Bl, :ih*l SO; 2 Stat* do. 005 Ih. a', (S3 75: 5 State

oxen, 1472 Bi at 6480: 12 do, U_2 *. St OJ 80: 1 do.

1470 rr. at r?i; 2 do, 1240 rt.. at Vf.ll^: 2 do, 1169 Si.

Bl 63 li-a; 1 bull MOO lb. at 4-4 i I do. 1312 Ih. ut 69Ml

8 do 099 7*- a' fit 19; .» do. :i20 Bl, at *A 2.»: 3 dc 1170*¦ ai M il"' 9 do. 'Ai>A Th, nt 82 78; 28 state .««, 1070 jr.,at 6875; 2 do. 1007 B>. Bt69 90: 1 do. 1100 lb at 68 90;.1. ,b, 1000 tt, at <f'A2r): 16 do. 1013 tr. ot «3 IO; 19 do.

910 m at 62 90: 83 do. S70 th. at 82 «o 3 do. 728 tb.:. i. .-, s .lo s!4 lb. Bl *2 10; 22 do. I0.">« ff., at 43 40.

sherman te Culver: 20 st. Louis steere, ll">ts rh. at

B5«o 11 Est. Louie s'-aes ond tteers, 1200 rh. ut tl 70;

j sr,i' tteei Di'' S) ..I T" 7'. jj suit.- cons, 604 Th.

at 62 90; 1 sr. Louis bulls. 1267 Th. at 69 20.S sander-1 17 Ol.te.-,*- 1MB g. at 6929%: 8

c_, .. 770 Bi itt *1 78 1 hull, M40 rh. nt 69.I,,,!/ k lldeeck: 4 state oxen, 1900 rt. et 69 29; 10

do 1327 th. at 68 30 I bulla, :i:i7 6, ut 62 '.'¦"'; -' vctrliia*.

523 Bi tl 6928; 20 Peonsylvonla .¦.«., oc3 Ih, a'.

?il ilaM Oo'.d»mlth: late vet.¦ ttiuv, 17 rhlcuao steer*.

1261 " at ''.'i'-"-: rn ,i, reoerse), 1201 r. at JW."Mii.iii cows. Iteceints over all nods, in:, bend.

Feellna Ormer, ami ordinary t* rh -lee .oms sold promptlyBl .fJaait-V'l lier h> ad trash .-"ii-' ti- lon a., eil 50**2-'.

.1 o Curtl* rrporta the tale ot 17 fre*h rows, at tl, ..""

t'.h i^i bead; D. Ml'h-i-on «v Co.. I eow and calf, fur

CALVKS -Be r'lptB. H|."i bend, of which 007 st COth.-t..

100 nt. Jertev City, aid is at other market*. In-nv.ind

iri-u and pilees fair far Mill- mel Weatern ralres, ivit'i

..iii--.rs -r.a.ii Ail sold. Common to prime veal* brouehttujto per D"' th; "hobs." .fto'08 80; gratBer*. aS*fs923:mai . rearlings sid down to 6279; wetters ealvat al


DriMHd calv* continue linn Bud dernnnd fair. <"ounrrr

dr.-.I yeal* told ut n.-lJ" (few rholeo 1-Hr' elly,i ,.i rn D-flSe, sitd u faney eoreaaa or t»,. at 19*}t»14e:.li- ..I grassers tl .',."¦'. lit*> .iilic* ut O-rH--. aid

Un---, d *V( -:. in- nt liw 7*-.-e.Kales i r. v-i. 80 Western etlveo, -io> tn aver.

ag. at *:i 23 per Uti Tr.: 21 do, A~:t rr. at +:t 23 SS

do 812 ir- at *:i 23 s veals, ns r.. 140 m. at S'»*»*0.Han.* v Mullen; 12 veal*, ISO Bv. at $.': 12 do. 197

Bl n --. : ," to l-i :. at *:>a**; il calve' ai.d

Ina* 101 Bl, Bl -i-ii 29.Ilallenbeek v Holli*: ii a/e«tera eslve*. 976 m nt

41: Jil "h.. :ui :* ut til 73; 30 do 121 '.h. ar *:i 75;

io do 130 r*- at SS; 8 veals OS to Hi Th. at SO -*.0./4'j.

I. enl lek 26 veals, ID", ta 102 f*. al 67*163..1 (.. c.n*i- 22 veals 1-40 ih, it 60: 10 do, 199 ft,

al IS 73; :» do. 100 to lito rh at 6S9SS 7.'..

ju,bl i Buckingham: 2 i.*al<, 190 rn at *0: Cl di.

ii7 ... i* -s m is do nt rn ar 68 23: il do ur

ir., nr -ix IJ'-.*; 2 do. 69 Th, at *F3 J f"-l eoives, 198 Th.

at " i 79.B. Pideoek *. Son-: 1 veal 'J(VI Th. a' SS; D' do,

tl .ir ss 23; i '!" 112 ^. ar *s i da, 73 rh it 60;.. .1 .... .* ... it' .,- « ......... j >..,". .s ... i'l .>".

i lasers, 206 Bl, at id *J">..J irrass. ra, DM 9), itt 43 2-">; 18it e., ISO .' it |

Ni wton v OMI. rt:X. lt*, ii , I* Si iS all

D. cyb I'la i-.ni I Co. 8 v.-*!.. fJO Th nt »8 78; 11 do.

Bl 88; 19 ¦:.--. rs. 34'J in, at 43 29; 8 do. USO Th,


IKlIFRP AX'D I.yMDS Keeelpt*'. Cl's car*, or 4 175

sad 13 rara it 00th-»t., 34 ears at. .ie s..v i itv and 3

,* Hoboken, li-" ear* went dir-*.-t '¦. th* shambles.mi a i.-rv light supplv and hluh markets W- si

sdvsneed tully 2'"- p-r ino B, and very f,-«- strh'tiy prlroelimb, i Very common to tirime sb. .ol'*

Bl tI 73006 pr I0O Th: fair to prime lamb, at *1 75,

67: iiii\",I *:."H al *'. 7". Dre**ed mutton tinner ii

0 .i-e.-.-.i i-itni,., i-je higher at D^SUe, wit!.-., ...... ,, in., iii,..,-

ith. ile* at lOrlO-jD Barrios***!: 1.7.1 Ohio !amh-< 7d Th averntre.

"7 Th. ut 66 90: ls.", sine87 Th nt tl 73.1- - lon .'. 103 ,!..

sheen KW rr, at «c. 131 d.,,, ,"i, ,,.-, ,,., ni ,f.. ui ,..,, n, ,a hi ., , , ^.

Dull tit,", k t- Holli*: -jOi Stnf> lamb. 74 Th. at. 47:02 s-Ute -i a Mi ra, st 60: 210 do. 62 IB. at 63 87V

.; Dill nhueki 214 We«t*rn Um'*, 70 Th. at 67; 200yy.-i* in sheen :.! r*< -it Sd.

Dune v Mullen- 2'"'1 Michigan sh.*en. 81 Th. at *-, 70

.1. ., ""I .: '.7 st.. sb.1 :(ri,l iamb*, 77 *S at **, 7'..

Jadd V Du.-i.li.ih.ini: -JOS State lamOS, Ut' th lt -rl7.".;- Mat* tl. i'7 ", -it *.* 1* Slat." she.-,, anl lambs.77 " it *-, 7', I lo:-U ISO B Bl -ITV

n, ¦it.,,! t- i.ri.-tt i7i Ohio iamb*, 83 Th. st MOO: 17ot,;. .',.."o. raj rs, *t ti 97

D McPher-ton v Co.: D'.^ *-''i'e lamb*. S'J Th. at 67:11 -*¦>. we* 129 r-i »t -'. 971a,

)(('(.sp.ipts. *jo r-ir*. 01 4 018 b-s'!-?0 e,r* ,t,

i.iti-.sr md .. .-ar. at 7er«ev Cltr. Market blaber cic.'iliti'i* ui c.*k1 l|k*h", *.. h'.nv hog* are nuoted Bl


I.dt t- nocklnchsm wH « ct*re be'.** JOi rs av

at IS 50 pat 100 Bl, d rou ;ii do. 3.18 th. at ?) *J5.

1 at 8d IOerrjue.

I.IVH 8TOCK MADKKTs-BY TKI.I'.r.RAPH.DurTiilo, Dei,. 8.- Cattle.Beeetpla la-t ttrantt four

h 'in., 1,000 io nd; tomi for neel; thus fer, 7,000 Bead;f..r sane lime hst week. 7.7iO head*, consign.*lttrrongb, 1,000 bead: t,» Bew-Yorlr, ~.o bead; on talanone; morsel opened itrong mut blgner: do very* goodhere; rlaaed arlib a strong feeling. Hoes BecelptsInsi twenty-four hourn, 8,700 Bead; totui f..r Ihe weekHms far. 4"".">.'.i> bead: for s;nne time lust Mci'li,'..:,'» head: condgned through, 9,100 heHd: to Neiv-

l'ork, ino bend. ..11 .nie. coo head; ranrket opened.trnngar; rloaed Brm im.T strong: Vorker*, t-.* r,:i^

-.¦": good m.-.! tn ni; and hun, SS OOo?OS TO; pir-.Cm- Sd -ii'-'o mid bimba -Beeelpt* but twenty-f. ur boura, "j,ooo bead; totul for ween thus tar,20.1100 head; for tame :lme hi-if week, rV2.7'rt) heud :

contdgned throujh. *ds) bend: to New Yoi li, 1,900fiend: on s;ile. 2,400 head: inarh't opened strong nnd

higher; closed strOOS witb nil *iild: ln*st lambs, *»'i"'

SfiNft; fair to good. f4 73i'S5 73 bett sheep, $,-, oT-t)S.'. Mi; fancy wetber*, S-T. 7.">J*t**J; fulr to good sheep,04 2:.i/S5.

Kt. I.onls. Feb. S.-Cuttle-Berelpf*. 8.100 head:

ihlpment*. 2.200 betid. Barbel aetlea uni htsBer;fair i" ibsal native*. t:\ :,n,i +4 7.".: choice, ipr,,?*«.-, *..;,:

f.d steer-, ffi juSf I Itt ; (ed T'-\;i"s st,*-.*-.*. 13 909-lid. Iloffj Becrlpt*. 3,300 bend; tblpments,3.800 bead. Market |Oe higher; baavy, triodaS8 3ri; pncUlng. #7 7d,/I?¦* 20; 11-,'bt. #7-0,, if- 1:,.

Sheep Receipt*, DOO head shipment*. 1,200 bend.

starket Brm; 'nlr lo |bod natlvea, 63SB3; ebolesinulliiiiM, $4 7'." .f.'i 23.

Chleajp, Keb. s.. The r.venlng Jot.-fd" reports:Cattle.IJeeelpts, h.:oo bend ; shipments. 9,500 bend:market IO»lfW higher: best native*. S3 DOiTfO i:>;

fair lo P""*1. 65»#3 30; other*. 94 60BB4 75: feelers.-i -i.-.o: stnekprs, *:i 50.763 73; .-ons, 93 3090300;Texas st.¦-. (Q00904SO. Ili'ii- Rerelpta, 1.000ii.ni: si,i|,ni,nts, f,,<iini load: market 10915c hither:mixed :iud parkers. STP0»*0*tSO; prime heavy nnd

butchers' weight*, fd 40.. ¦*- .'...: prime H-^fit. ifs,/'.sssi;,; other llelil,, ST S0907 75. slie.*p-Dtvelpts.8.500 head: shipment*, l loo head: market triflehigher; nattve-a 64* IS ",o: Weaterns, *j>j,(#5 *jj;lambo, fl 50£f6 45.



There wus little life In the whent spseulatlon and

few feutures yesterday. Tl*? sati»s agKregtiteii onlyn:).',,000 bunliels, and the bwlMSa wa* largely lixal

uni profe.tinnal. Opening prices Indlcsted uti sd-

miice .f l i rent, but n ih.'llne of 1-401 2 rent soon

took' pises, on easier cubics, foreign aeOlac nnd localnnil/lug. In the afternoon B reaction of |-0i ll(.cut Mcsrred, sud tin* etoatBej leas was wsok ut a

net Ills', of 1 .*. l I cent for the. dav. MSSSk, Mayanil .inly were the only iiptjnus dealt In. Horebsold ult bin the nnip' of TD 8-09)70 T-0, May of

ll 3-00091-4, and July of M5-00891*0 cents. Th*?

spot marlie4 showed Increased urtlvlty, tho sales be¬ing 174.000 bushels, of which exporter* took 141,.0(H) bushels.

. 'oin options declined I-9B8-4 cent, owing lo lnrgerrocelpis, md Improved grwllng shown by recent ur-

rli.iN. s|M.t corn closed lower In sympathy with

options.Outs were nejilected. irith the tone of tho option

list, steady aid sp'.t lots easier.

TlK! Html -imitations were ns follows:,Wheat-February. 787s; March, 703-4; May,

31 7 8; July, 69 3-4 tents*.Coin-rYtirtiary, &2 7*f; March, 52 3-4; Mav,

52 b 8 cents.(inls.February, 37 3-4; March, 38 1-2; May, 30

cents.lard-March, lj>12 30; May. $12 30; July, flu f>2.The receliits of ¦rrnlii und flour yesterday at New-

Yoi*!.. Ililli!detphla, BsltlfSStra and BOSOM were as

lions: Wheat. 109.731 bttlbsU: corn. 9M,'jSobushels: oatt, 100.057 bar_eis; total Krutn. 409,..68 bushels; flour. 49.501 pnrknges. At Chicago,MJIwankee and st. I^uls the arrivals were* WheatI*-.....12 bushels; cuni 4BS.694 bushels; .nfs, |ST-183 bushels; total ...rain, 705.671 bushels; »1.,ir 27-ISO horrels.

' '

THE TRADK IV riiif\\(;o.Clilcago, Feb. | (Special,.-if .n.*j ,.^ny ,. ,,,.

provision marhet as If the hollers of lard w,.,,. i-trt-gudvnniage .f the very fuvorable conditions to marketB66S8 of their line. Allhoigb th. re were only 10,000hogs, ullhongh the prtaaa ut the yards BBS t9 ci'iitsup. and iiltliouirl, the estimate for 'n.ursd.ij* was onlyllT the ^__tJr*tl0*S_l_Kl ",,.,,.lu ,0P' M,", .« tocS

91183, and closed ni t!197. Ribs ano Z_Inot very active. Wright ai d Ile .rn w*r»P0^k ****to bo on the selling side. Morris in* HWiJ,up-*v*»dof pork. It ls th/expitrtnlU^rS*&S_5_!wi iee -mite n run S boa -Tnd . ,wr'," *«th.tsuns anito rwyBWSft r-3*btlity of shippers for a lOTgBt to'alnS 'i'v",? 5the CM nilli* te'lilieiaturo inri th.. -» .*? '-^"lU.H. ofMoy pork tddSni^ ,_5 i 7'Mblo ro^.1 fop 50. Miiv nis b-iwi-en * $'*<¦ }2*JElrissad at i?ioo5.

""" *.'.'(, ansWheat wi. so dull lf . Inclined io k.

Tiicr,* nus jual enough aprrehenVi, ,v.r m,^ *.**¦ami the winter ub,,,t , ,,/p to prevent m^h Wf_*~M.-iy -old bel ween 7.-, *.& attiTi \._?^*1_95ut 7s 10078 I4c. Tbe eSbtes -tere w-**?____n. h.* against m.* prl,*.*. Tliere wa* tb. ,0,? S"8*-uneasiness over tl,... Hutch bill. Tn.- eli h,ii lnu***th.* market no support. Bel dpt* hiobC *?-»tlight. Vlnneupolls aud Duluth hud

' ?Shero there wen only 130; the- estimate f**><ff_*!»iwai only li 7. Auvl.e*'from tKbeot ort2__^the winter aheat tenltorv declare that t L ?rt"r* Wio det.rml.ic. at to tba damage from ,*-,-* «ttM___weather. Corn aas weaken,d by the -,.'..r*",r,1'"trya lot of shoit sellers. May sold froin 47 iff^S93sad elossd ol *d; tsuki 1 lt. 0b_ ¦_.?.___'_sympathy with corn. May sold from 2_?134 3 isc, and closed at 34 :M&34 1-2* n... __¦ Idull, May ehsBSIf nt ol 21 1 -2. »*«89Bet *¦"¦



Baltimore, Feb. 8.-Flour dull, uneluneed a

clpis. 3,810 bids; shipm-nts. .¦j.vt!'.* J, '. ._>800 bbl,. Wheal dull; No. red ,,.. BBB <&_Sl7.1 8-40,76 7 nc; M..l,,.'J, 77 5-8«i77 Uc', ItaPMOOO 7-0s; ateumer .\.. 2 rd, 73 l-ij aL HMinto. 70,900 bush; .shipments, 30040 Lti,i* .'.,_*;100,211 bush; sales, li; 1.000 buah. Miiiii,_ ..'h*l,*_sumpie. 70i/¦*.><-. torn easy, mixed snoi 51*.* ,NFebruary, 50 3-4050 7-*c; Mareil, 30 l--,,-*) '"_'May, .">1*7.".| l 4c; steum.-r mixed, 40 1 j.Tl t_|Kc.cii.is. 133,470 boah; shipments, 48,114 b_SV_351:1,174 hush: tale*. ie-.,,.,uo bushT wi i;^°*>tample, 53* Me; y-How do. do, 52c. ..ats -__s*__st.-a.ly; No. -j orbits WeateiTi, 41842c; B_7_u_iB'estern, 3S«38 1-tJc. Beoelptt, 10.000 bush" Tt!i7*208,073 bu,!:, irv., dull: N... 2. U3c Donilnallv ^k'ceipts, 1,400 bush: stock 74,itu boab iuI.**-pod to choice Timothy, 015 SOS Sissa^ J**Ifreights dull, unchanged. Colton nomiMl* mi**i^rn0 »-4<. Provisions iiotnlnal; mess p ,rk B_TT_5*Unlined. 12 :i-4c. Butter (inlet und ess7^__S5_fancy, 28./20c: do, fnlr to choice. 20..--ic* i? ,"7ration. 980; rolls, fine. 22c. Ens weak ____'Coffee firm: Rio cargoes, fair, li) 1 2e; \n. 7 1"-?',*e'Engsr steady and active: granulated, 1 7.,,.' r^J_unchanged. Whiskey Ina, 913409199, 9V*

D'-ion. Feb. »..Markets asset, but steadT n_

celpts-i-'loiir, 5.3CO bbls; 7..! 11 sacks. Caral aa_*.bush. Oats. 6,000 bn-n. Stotts, 71 toils.

' "4JI

Hulfalo, Keb. H.-tspring wheat Nadia -te-i<*v* mr..np, liberal, demand I'sht. Balee, 9,000 No. i hwDigs .

obi. HOl-SSe; 5,000 No 1 Northern Waabbu27Hl-4e; 12 car. No. 1 Northern Duluth. 7i I-i 71)7Cleats***.No. 1 hard dd, e7l-4; do ne**, M|TiNo. 1 Norlhern Dululu old, >*4 1-4c: do Wiifnbtjrndo, 701-Os; d« Duluth new, Tn 1 4« 78 3.4.- <{0~1.^iorthern, 7<;:i4c: winter limier: -ale,, 10 esta Se 2red, 7se; :i cars No. :t extra rad, 729 7:i«*; Bastemils of while. Corn fal.lv active, timi; ibm 4 cubNc 2 yelloiv, 47:i-4i 16 cars No. :i dr,. 471aJtc. CMS No. 4 dOt -17c; 2 cars Bo. 2, -17 1-jc; 0 "ir*No. 3, *i7c; 2 ears Bo. 4, 40 1 Se: l car sa grade4<il-2c; ;i eai-s No. :; BTblte, 40 1-Jc (mts firm,*.!offer!np light; sales. 4 (;n-s No. 2 atdte. soe; | rru-Jdo clipped, d') l-3B41e; :i ears Bo, :i iiiir... nor; .*,,.2 mixed. D7c ashed. Barley si, adv; sales, 'jn.onr)1 liolce Wisconsin, .'.7c Bye dull; N'.>. 2. :,sc risked.Hour finn: trude fnirlv acttve; best spring. 84 50^>M .".5 do wlni.-r. 04SO4 IO; rye flour, 6340866*6'ndlBeed firm, unchanc.-d. I.'cc.*i],i om, 10006luisii; oats, 2.000 boab. Bhtpmento.Wh.-at, e'oooNash; ryp, 4,<«K) bush.

('h)cngo, Feb. c..The leading Attires ranged ufollows

Article*. Olieniiig. Highest. Lowest. Cl->»lnf.WI,, at, No. 2.


F'-hi'iaiy . 74*1 71"** 74'* 74'i<i74SM:-y . 78Vt77-i3 7S-V, 78-7:8'* 7S>*07«*,Ju v . 78 78a781, 775* 77>4

lorn Bs. 2.I'ebrmirv. 43-2 4Ah 41 4SMos . 47.117'. 47'* 4'i<*4CMl<',*aJtiv . 47'. I7'**?17S 46*1 441.

Oat* Nu. 2.Pebrua v . 31'. 911* :o 31

May . ::i', 31 . 31V,/3l-j 3.1,Meas p'-rk. per bbl.

Min MB 0S*j 91993% S10 35 110 50Diird. lier 100 IT.

Mnv . 12 «V> 1200 11*5 1197%J-ilv . 11 70 ll 70 ll 52*9 1100

tsltoii rib*, per 100 IMay . 1019 10174 0 074 10 07"*

c.-isii quotation* were as foUowt: Floor dull, un-

rhanged. No. 2 sprtnB wheat. 71 I 4^i"l :j-c: No. 3

.pring wheat, OOo 05c: N". 2 red, 71 1-4071 :b*.Nu. 3 eora. 43c; Bo. ::. ::7c Bo, 2 oats, 31 l»S:i 1 le; No. 2 whit.*, f. tx h.. rjflo; Ni. :j wUte,SS 1*2" :J4 1-2c No. 2 ii". .'.J, 1 Jc No. I barlev,Otc; Bo. :t, f. o. b.. i'.» '¦(".; No. t. f. o. h., ..).«.#,Ile. Meas irotrlr. per bbi 918 25*91837 1-2.lard, p.*,* Ksi th. rfu 750911 77 12. Short rib* shieldoo**), t?10 io« .flo ._*.); drv salted thoulden 'boxed'i,en-7 1-20910; -ii Ti clear sides (boxed), flOrJO/*.-iii-.',. Whisker, distillers' finished goods, p-r gal,-1 17. ftiftart, cut loaf, j 1*4)83 ¦>-¦; granulated,:, 1 -, : liiiidard "A,* 5c.

AHlelea. Receipt*, 8hifn.*'nt-*.Fleur. MIS . 22O00 11(106VI,,, (,.,-', .DH iv*) SOO.)

Corn bu*h .214.061 IW.OOO..,,, buah.14M.O0T. 142.006Bro. both . i.«<*i "mmDariiv, bush. 90,000 ri.000

on Um i*r.<i:i"> Bzebante Co-dsy Ike batter.MMmi- itrady; eriramery, 26«28c; dalry, 31Si!7e; -osgood end atrictljr B*eah, 801-4O31e.

Cincinnati, Keb. >...Fl mr In moderate den__

Wheat sU. mt: N... 2 red. t-c; reoelpU. .i.doo ina*;ihlpments, : ,000 bush. Porn strong; No. 2 mix**,43c. cuts tinner; No. 2 mixed, :;:) 1-4033 1*99live quiet; No. j "h. Part quiet, kwrer, *?ii>50.Lord linn. 912. Bulk mestt Hm, fl" 50801001 14Bacon Mindy, 912 ..',-,. yyiiisk.-y qvieti -ab's, 740til.'-. #117. Dnttir eii.ir. BO§mt ttesdy. Eggt(lUl-t. noe. Cheese st,adv.

Milwaukee. Peb. i..flour qnlcf. Wheat ste-dy;Moy, to "i-,-; No. 2 spline, C*.»c; No, 1 NortbsiSi74c. torn steady, No. ii. ll 1 -. 12c. (Hits .:i;idT;No. 2 white. 35 L-2c; No. -i do, :.;: l-2r-f34 1-Ce.

Barley quiet; No S, '"h.': ssmple. :,:'. .;» l-2c.live .inlet; No. 1. 59 IV. Pi..vision-, quiet. Dork,*>I;iv. BIB :>o. Dani, Kay, rf". 1 '..">. B*c»Ipta-Floar:...juc bids: wheat. i(>..'i,o busb: bsrii-y, 8.ooobush. Shiprnenta.Floar. 11.400 bbb; wbsst, 20.-00 bush; barley, 10,000 bush.

Minti' iini lis. fib. S.-Wbeat qasst; Mnv opened st71c and ci'wed at 70 7 sc Tbe eosb market nos rot

ns -ronu today. No. 1 Norlhern told st 70s, indNo. 2 Noni), in at 60 1 2c Bereipt* of wkeal here

i" -re 177 rora, and Bl Dnlntk und superior. 10 can.

Cleats-February, noe; Bot op. tod. 71. hignett, TIS.iovrest. 70B-4c; dos, d. 70 7sc July opened, 7:tl4c;

highett, Til 3 lc: louc-t, 7:;i-m-. on tmck. No. Ihard, 71c. No. 1 Northern, 601 2c: Nc I Nonht-Tu,liC.t«7c

Philadelphia, Feb. ".-Flour -Market woalt ardvery Bttle <i ling. Di.* lour -julcl and steady. Burk-wheal Hour "inlet but tlrni: 9QO0B15 per 100 lt.Wheat-Martel duli and (eaturele-**; price* of 1 p'lunilargely nominal. No. 2 nil. February, 77 l-2(»77::-if. March. 76 1-4079 l-9e: April, 7:i 1-2-t7B9-4e; Kay. BOOOOl-de. (Jorft.Utile (flspsaBMBio trude in spstoos, pricoa largely asmlnal and ...-ith-ont important ehange. No. 2 inlx>*d. f.hruurv. '.1 :»46

arch, 511-40513-Oc: April. 511-4951 3-9e;Msc, 51 l-4iT51 :i -< o.its-l'ri.-.s ruled fteady;ont importiBfiS; Marc

Diinrc- dull ami ancbanped. No. 2, I'-hrnary. 41S4ii2c: March. 403-4041 l-4e: April. 41. il Ide:Mav. 41 1-4941 "I lc. Ena unsettled and I'^-r:

Pennsylvania ilrsts, ::oe. BeOned tugan (inlet andiinenanged; cubeo, ."> 1-.-».: lozenge, 51-3e; ttaadaajpowdered, "il--,*: tine granulated, -i 7 .-. : st.-niiUrdirr:iniiliit,*l. t 7->, crown \. 61-0c; errata) a.4 7-ec: dimble reffned diamond A. 4 7-Se: r-nniec-Holier'-) Ai 4:: lc; red etar A. 4 .".Ol.: Keystone A,I ">rtc; Franklin II. 4 1 -'_u: Franklin #.\ira <', 4 l-8«'.red star C, 4 1-S( : treen star c. lc Otbee articlesunchanged. Becelpta-Flour, 4,200 bbls, 1,719s.-i.l-s: wlieat, o.'.iO" bush: corn, 20,800 book; tss*.Itf.000 bush, shipnietils Wheat, 9,150 bush: com,

s,s.'>0 bu- : oats. lo.,--'..> bush.st. Louis, Feb. I..FlOST dull and itnrlitnied.

yvh.-nt slow and easier, hating about 1 -.- hi'luwyesterday; raab, DB I-Oe; Ms**, to i-j-'TO 5-ec;.inly. 7i .18e. tern very -low and closed 1*99loner: oath, :('.» 3-4c; Man ii. I" l 4c j Mai, 49 900.42 12c; Julv. 43 1-4S49 3-Sc. Oatt lower; **st»i:n i-2c Md: May, 34 5-Se. Hie hlfber; 55e. uss*iv qulei Hlnnsisota sold si 57c. Bran bitter;73*773 12c ll;iv uiicliiin-j :1. l/*ad linn: BBTB,spelter quiet: -ii 05. luxs.-isi higher; fl 18 I*Duller unchanged. Bags lower; 27c ('urnmealtimi; f2. Whlsk-y st. adv *1 17. Bagging end iroa

,ott.,11 tb** unchanged. Laid higher; 611 87 1 -.

lither provisions v,-rv -low, with only a siiuill Jj?»trad.* nt previous limitations. BeaelpU Kl">ur, 3.'H»bbls; ivbenl, 99j0O0 bush; ern, 1143.000 hush: SMS,ti.oiH) bush, dblpments-Flour, so.ooo bbb: arba*lil.OOO bush; eoru. 14.000 bush: oats, 12,000 bush,rye ::.Oihi bush: barley, 1,090 bush.

Toledo. Feb. s. -Wbeflt dull, easier: Nc - r*"*and February, 7;;.. 77 .-,..,, 77 :>. t,*. corn dull, stead),NO. 2 cash. Me; \mv. DJ 1-2.* No. 9, 43 1-S«. '"',

quiet: raab, 3de. Bye dull; cash, 58c. \tortt>se.sl dull: steady; pi lim* caob and Pebniory. ir'45'March. fO 50. Recidpla.Flour, 11'.' bbls: wh"*at,3.525 bush; corn. 2-1.1'..... bush; imts. l.-uv> b_8Si"cloverseed, 324 bagt Hhtpmenta.Flour, 1.799 b*J8iwh> at, COO bush; corn, 9,300 bush, cioeeneed, 866

bugs. _#_

F.CRorF.AN l'i;<»l)l cr. MABK-B.Liverpool, Feb. S. :t:45 p. BU.Beef-Holders otter

sparliu'lv. lorin-Holders oller tpartngty! prfo*mes, B'estern, iln>', Brm Bl 80S sd, llama and bacon.Holders offer moderately, Cheeee- Holders odjSjBBSringly. Tall')"- Holli-rs are not offering. r?fljs»8of tiirp-'iitine.Holden odVr tpartngly; strong st "jaOd. DcT-ln Tin* supply is k.'o,st; common dull ».

Us 7 l-2d. Ijird-sp.t -Holders offer -paringVifulnres.Holders ure 11.t <.if.-i-inir: prime Vgestero spatNm at 60a. WIteat--Holdtia" off*r aparlaaty. Flaa_*;Huldcis offers modsrstely. Cow Spot Holder* onw

freely: futures-Holders offer ni'*Ieiatelv; niu**a

Wesi.rn February ttesdy nt i- 8 lid: March 1*066?at 4s 4 3-4.1 \ Ajiril steady nt I- -ld. Ilofs at I.ondun-I'ncltic r.isist HoUera niter moderately.





THI LANCHAMTjd *-tT \m> .itu ave. ,A very desirable -nt* for rental; large.t lOOBBj ¦ S°J

eltv hotel, and hondaniiie'y fmnlahed and dciorateo. sen-

aim* and strrMt noted f-v «l»rtjJH,g' gHABBOB, M|fc_


On* Bl*ek K*ai ot L'*l*n ^euare.A II*iel *. l*»n K-iafclUhajd ".¦iVlW W""

alala* of Noted fiicelBraoe. AoteHcaa 1 ,J**E8Tb),Bl'BCIAI. atATWM FBBiMANBNTWW***"*1-