37 SIMK-tMö, DITRISOE St CO. vGov. Bei. hr. .n'a tfcssago. Gmtimen of the Sciui'8 and lirmse of Ilrpreaníatiecs : ¿Th? day for.your annual ot eel m ¡; is "O niât at hand lint i »hould not hevo Ti>v.,kcd you «gain in extia SCIIÍ-.Q, bit f r v»'iat í dotjra u pressing aui«;rgeti«:y admitlii.-r ot' no dulay. J tm progress of tho var1 tor tko last hoy months has not buen favorable to our arm«. ' The brilliant rupuLsc of tho «noray'* ironclad iloet un tho 7th ol' pul last in Charleston lmrbor, bas boon succeeded by tho fall o< Vicksburg and Pert Hudson j ¿ur rotiremont Irom Pennsylvania, Maryinna and Tene.eusoo, and also by our evacuation of Morris Island, but not without a stubborn resistance by the brav.» {rarrisoiui of Wagner and Qrt'¿g;u im dar a lin? from narai and Und batteries «loch ag no works hftvo »v©r before, withstood. Fort Sutntor still bolds out with -an infantry garri- Kon which ha* rvi-<*c!ly aehiertxl a brilliant .moss. Htr noble reins afford tho ln»s.t proofs of the indomitable " courage of the offi¬ cers and aicn of tho first South Carolin» Ar¬ tillery. Our. rnaligtiant foo" is now erecting .on Morris Island powerful batteries of Parr«v.t guns, »nd nqwdring kia danged fleet; pm. pamtory to auulhi-r and moço notviuined at¬ tack upon our harbor outposts, whilst bia laud forcea »re being. U-creasod with tho hop*;, possibir, of tairryitijCharlestonin a combined attack by land un i so*. Tim call of th« Prov¬ ident for liv* thousand troops-for six months' IWI vice within tb« State, begining tito first i«f August last, has been promptly responded t<>, with the excvpliou of Uro rom palliou, nu«« in process of orgauizjiion. This.requisition and the-ouforcerneat of the Conscription Act to forty-live, embracing almost tho entire Popuiafion between the ni¿««s of tnrty and liftv, KO impairs Ute êfBdeucy ol our mi lilia organi z ttioii that I Cud it impracticable to obtain: readily a foieo adequate tu such omergeiicn«* HS M-ciui likely now koon to be upon us. To iiK<fct ihoMo cuiuryeueirs I lutve -ondt avt'vttd, nuder your Ute Act and the Act of I8il,to raise u v.,innt*»er force of ono mounted r««i- ino.it, two uotn panie* ol cavil rv, and VA» b-»t- t«ry of artillery, for servie.} v, iJer«vor in l!".! State they may be nrcnled. Thin force bus not iKïeii «o pr-iino'ly irised as tho occasion requires, nilli I have thu'efore felt it my fluty to again convene- y our bodies, audio recoin- iia-.ed to you tiiat you dovi^ stich pinn, tu in y»»ur wiadoiu may seem expedient, fur lu:- uishiig lor imtneoiato not vic«»- a military force, of at leaat two regiments of infantry, one ot wbici; sLouid.he m'ouhtrd, alu] apropoTtiotiitte fi.rce of c-.valry a.-.ii artillery. Also, that lue btv be so amended as to plnee in «wmo mill tory or^-in»7.iiÍ¿tH¿ fur flte'deToncd of the Sut«, cv«-.ry auíc b'died C-tizutt hctwrenn the age* of KÍx''.ei-ii ami sixty, not rît Coiifed'-riite suryice or otherwise iegiiiy exempted. The Imme¬ diate iL&gi r io apprehended arises from raiding parties of the enemy, who tr.iv dtv^li Miûûuajty into the Staid iiota TeuittsKMio, tliion^l: ui"«!r Georijitt, ur the p.tswi of thu njoui'y.iiis of Nor'h and S¡<u'.h Carolina. Should '.Itu enemy in large force attempt in vag'ou' fr-ini these section*,'the CVmfederatc (jfoVorLDicut will, no doubt, alfonl adetpiate prOdectiou. Biitj to rep-*! r-j'!s and to ¡jro- itcl our fir«'Huic^, tho »State tmr.vdf sh«.ubi make pi-ejiar.uioii. The persous to comjK.s" }bo orgamx-uiotis .should be tlid able bodied i-'ilz.-;iis between sixteeu and ' sixty years of fj^ç? not ia Coiifeù'-ratc service vr other*«».« Iej;aliy cxr-.;i)i»tc'd ; and in'this elas«6boul»l bo rinbrace«!'all porwni.» who have procured ex miiptious by rurnisliinç «.ulrsti'uttw. Noone tliouki b" rcl:««v.;d'ff >m the duty of defeuding bia Louie IxcaUSf of having anno 1 a substituí ti for Ute war for Üoufcdcrnte «otvi^e. .Ali-.«» who luv.» dellaro,! tiieir purpose !o broome .citizens, &?< nl^osu :ii .v> ar«, doraieded amongst «as, ¿»«joying tue protection of our laws, shouM äio iueludcd. I recomnend, suso*, that ti,c tciaiee of those whoso service ts limited to the district or ro^irnent in which they r«**idc, bc deduced tu tkc low«?s«t practicable point con¬ sistent with tho safo policy of the Slate. I tell yoûraifentÛMi to the llcpurt of the Adj«! ttji'. andilitspector Genera! upon Jus Mibjcct, borov- iúi trausoiitlcd. Ju connection with thc subject of exctap* fiions, I-«selÍ your attention wmy ct»rttis|i«)n- ^oij^o wiib the ComroandftBt Conscripta for ¿»outí« CaroÜLa, àlajorC. U. Moiton, wu* ii tho e.uccerror i i OA. Jobn S. Preston, witij wbom, previi u.i to your last extra session, T had a corrvspui.lijricp., n copy of wiiioti waa Hhen tionsmiWed to you. Another'copy, a,i tlso a copy of that wi tb M*j. Mellon, is now tratiBujitted. This subject calls (ot legislation h'i as to raconeüe MS far as. possible the differ- «noe l««?tweeii the laws of the two r»or»»rnmen.«. lt is an important question involving tho ju- riadiction of the two governments, aud nn^U lo be delicately handled. lam satisfied our U-uo policy ÍH, as fhr u is compati bio with tho .constitutional rights of tho SUI«, to conform ".»to the law of Congress on this oubject. I hüve liOÍfcU at liberty to mako any distinction be¬ tween the ewes oxfnipted by our law when tim cssi-sliavd been made, but have claimed îbs» exemption of all alike. The action of the Executive Council, un tho same subject, and the action of your two Hou*cg, at your last oossion (the House approving ami tbo Sánate by its Mlonco acqtiiescinif) rando it proper that I should reply to M.-j. Moitun as I Uad done to Col. Preston. * /idditk nal legislation is needed to euable the «íxmljvp, throtiph civil cr military au¬ thority, or botir, M.»^© iffeotually to aid the C«.infiider»;te üovemuióñf ht-*.¿i'$tii»g dew- tera from tho army. In most cwx the ab¬ sentees have probably not leftthoircommands with the intent to desert their colors ; but the result of their absence is the name, so far as thc good of tho service and proitictiun of tb« country ÍB eoiicetwd. I ba'vo endiravored, KO far aj I was authorized, toaflordafinistaucn, but the law ii inadéquats to such eJücmni ai.- a< ia ucfcdcd. 2'iany constrae'your late net on this.subject to mean that the Sh'Tilfs are not t«> rend';.: aid to tho liutolling Oftieer till roaist^ricc has beenma/ic. In all such cas^s t-ju desfirtei-, of course, make« his cscap«?. }5i}.cu law as you may think proper to pass e'bouid Öinbrace deserters from Stale service, pud should p^'-s'n. r.iditi* and abittinir iictíilors ia «sscaptñg 'roía tho army, jvid in fcsjating or avtîi'Jjiîg nrre%u 1 inviic y«iur atten'ior.'lo ibo opern'ion of tho systenj of im^-c-air.eu^ adep*»d by the Oóutcdcir*te (Jevüriitnent. 1 ac» iñtiirtuoil that in some sectkios, whera the pei>p!e have little moro than is absolutely necessary for their own ase, it is apprehended that destitu- linn will bo brought ftboitt b7 in unequal ope- mtion. Coain? us you do t rot:: every section nf th« St sit', y oti are drubt!«^ hotter inform¬ ed ¿'pon this subject that myself, acd helter ]ircparen to adept aj'tSiwoespolioy thntl n6w:-Uj tstl^gest lt« ) ßfeve ealied tho attention of tho ConlwíerafÓ QoVftfiiment to '.he suhjoct tt:id .sn.iii.Csicd to them tua pr<il)-ibiiity tb^tt tko c«i«ilectioti of tlie tax in kind, wbicis <-po- jatea moro equally on »11. would enviatr the neccesiîy for the ifrtpressraetit of proyi- sTdn.t. The ayst'OT »«bp4":! fer f'imi«i:?n7 b'.b -r roj c: «îofences hes f-alfd tbscconsol.tsh :w par p nie. Large rinrcber* hay»« araibjflf -'loniieivi»» 0! thé pf-'VtAJo i of «hs :.w sn«] paid til« ü-¡0 Ot diie dollar »ud'ilfly »? in dead of in-- nr.diiug tho labor; and i/thèn», willi t¡.c hop- ol iin;ii''dtv, havn ttoilhir îo.rr.».,-îi«jd tho I" hor'oé Piwà the .'inn. With tho mon?y col- lected by thc agent bo liai boen nuable tc hi;eanv .'abjr. I r«;cc»inmctid an amendmenl of tba Acta on this subject, so ai ty abolUt tí» Cue r.4 so W ü uutb'wTiüO tfae Opygrac-r j through the CTommi«inners~o/ !ltoads. I iii tu« urabi are true to thoir trusts,) io ¡irv ' bfibV labor requisite to fnnble. him to res i to th« re Mj of lije Orin mantling Ccncrnt, Lug crudit for all Libwr- prevh u>i y fumé and that this !imo of service *be extei.d .tivo months. The free r.cgnx-s »h> ul J b duded. I doubt not thal there hits bt-cu c for the c. rn¡;L¡ni Lertfofure inado os to troatiuunt uiiú dctmíioa of tte itCgroeí. b j is bebcvtxl that tin-ough' tho Iñati úiubiib j of the energetic St»J,e Agent, («.b-s« ru j buiuwith trauMhtuéri) manyo: tho < have been reruedied. M. L. BONITA? - 8. C. Soldiers Assembled io Pub! Meeting. p From the Southern GuttrtUiin. Cine, EIuer S. C. CAYALUV, Cui.PKl'Ktt ÜOVK TY, VA.,SupU7- A mot ti og of the Int S. C. Cavalry, ila ton's Brigade, was held ut their camp evening, to consider a movement made Enterprise, Mississippi, by the Knlerp Cuiiinderate Society, whose ndriross to people of thu tJoiifuderale Stales 'MS been condy published in the Richmond Whig. to ad-.pt .*omo mode of oxprea-ing themmi on the tjrt»»t dancer that threatens our (. fedoraCj ir.un within, from tho Spirit >>f sp illation aud oAiort.ou that prevails to such alarming rxlent throughout the country- do motion ol' LieuU-naut T. W. Miller, Edgcíicld, Lieutenant Colonel J. D. Twi| wa% called lo tho chair, aud 'W. A. Eedin. Chester, to act as Secretary. Tue Chairman stated,tho object of muctitig in a few appropriate reniai k«, and dared ibo btw tiug ready lor business. On motion of Captain T. W. Whatley committee; twom^ one was appoiiitod preparo business for ti:o meeting. The. following gcutlem»sn wore appoint viz : Ci'.plaia JJ. J. Juhiuou, co. G, Abúoví District, S. C.; Dr. II. DiC.iu.-i, eu. (j, Ahí ville District, S. Ol; Lieutenant'Ll. S. Jun eo. A, Abbeville District, S. C ; J. II. I\,w Ci. A, Anbi-villr Di-trct, S. t\; Captait) J. 'i'r^ZiVant, cu. K, Oruiifimbuig D'sirbt, S. I D. 0. 'fiiidali, o>. E, Urau^eburg. Distrji S. C.; Cpi.. N. Nesbit, co. *B, Sparuuib« District, S.'C; Corpora! J., Bell, ou. B, Sp; ¡anbuig LMsinct, S. C.; Captain l'. VT. Wini 'U>, cu. C. tldgi-iieid District, S. C.; Sergey !>.' E. Toole, co. C, 'Edgvfuid District, S. I L.euion.ml J. T. Clayton, co. E, IVkcus Di tritt, S. C.; il. S. Wa;tl, co. i1', Lickens Di trit t, S. C ; Lieutenant J. W. White, co.-I Vork Di.,ir-,ct, S. C.; J. L Edwards, cu. 1 Chester District, S. C.: Liuutena.niF. Horse; o-¡. 1, Uni^ i isimu S. C.; Corporal J B.-Tcnaji c». i, Collerón District, S. C; Lieut. IL L<:wis, co. D, Oin-s'er Dis! rici, S. C ; W. I Chisholm,|cu. D, Cuest. r District, S. C.; Liei tonii'it T. W. lioilj, co. K, Cnea'.er Di«ir!c S. C.,- D. Foreman, co. K. Birnw.dl Di*lxic S. C.: Assistant Suigwu C. S*ma, Bcaufo District, S. C. t).i moCiuii of Captain Johnson, LicUtonan Colonul i wiggi w»a added as <JU.t..uni»u th U-'iiiuiíti e. The Committee retired, «.nd afro» delibera ti:liz » low minim s, reported tho followiii préalable and revolutions: Wu« r e is, an adores* has beon pcblishc in thc public prints to the people of the COD federate Suites, from tho Eii'-oipriic Misni.« ri it i Confederate Society, proposing a rdai for a cautpaign against tho anny ol' SpOCul* t-.ts au«! ExV/rtionors that «rc striking at th li- in's bl'j'il ol' our rou'trry, wv., as cilizem aud especially as soldier*, bail tho inovcinen W»b joy, bemg tue means whereby thos ol o tc comrades wno have shared thu barthel and heat of (he day thu* far.uuc>mplaiiiiugly but are now rendorod disco:iloutcd by tin .mlforiug-. of tbnir families from thc ravage, of this rui !ilo».-î and unsatisfied onouiy, maj ;*.vo enuio UiV-'Urancc that they MV\ theirs an not forgtitlou. And «0 fuel it iueaiiibeut ol to .end our nid iti th's gfvut worl; by» hearty support, and bj' bringing it to tho no tice ot our patriot friends and fellow laboren Vt the holy causo of National [ndepcndcncc who'e. privilege it is to romain in the eiipj meut of tho bles-siug-t and comforts of hume Tiiorefore bo it. Jiattihedf That werecomtrund lo our friéndi at home this subject lor their immediate anti earliest consideration. tho only ruun>.iy ftu the discaso that ia g «.'Uig &t our nation;'.! vitals, and threalon* our national existence J¿c*ofo¿d, Thnt we itppoiil to chalti (.» mort this gre.il a^dgnwing evil hv an fminediat,« application ol this r-*:n!; :y. We call up-m all thule at home who ap; n-ciatc the glorious CÄUSÖ jo «liicii we uro engr-pud tt? unita ai once and fight '.h;.-. good tight for our wives, our itmthsr.s. our sUers and dangliter« ; and while We ava enrraged in tho moro arduous duties of. the ii* Id, WO lock to lhoi?e.at Jiomc to so pet form their ran 1.1 ibo cause In Which we are engaged that we may emerge from this struggle with untarnished honor and be¬ come, t<y the blessing of tim Almighty Father, a happy and prosperous people. llcsvhctl, That wo will -.mite with our ff lends and neighbor«, at our respective homos, ia tho effort to organizo similar societies in every neiihborho slr Resolved, Tlrnt wo appeal particularly to our prominent and le.idiug ciiir.onR, farmer-1, manufacturera, merchants, mech.viiu, railroad and other transportation companies, as well as all ihose who are in any way engaged in supplying the means and conveniences' of life, U> arm theinaelvos in this humane «and necessary measure, to enroll themjeives un- deMhis righteous banner, and by simultane¬ ous effort free our beloved South fr»*m her most dread enemy. Let the cry be, away with speculation and extortion. Let hi ui be accurs¬ ed who fattens on tho blood of our country'. Rejoiced, That a copy of thesa proceedings he sent to the Governor of South Curolina, and that they bc published in tho Columb a, H. C. papers, and all papers m the S tata and Confederacy be reqitastod to copy. Several i.nnrt addresses were called forth, when tho preamble and rcsolutions W'tro unariim-jusly adopted, aud thc mo-ting ai- jjouiOed. J. D. TWIGGS, Ch'ran. W. A. PED»:v,<»Secïy. - Free Negroes. All Ibo clements of strength which wo possess Ought, in tuiu crisi-i, to be carefully gathered and made cDtcieut and available. There is a place and v. duty for every man- no piac3 should Lo urilillod, uo duty bc un- p«*riornie.d. . lt has more than once occured to us that the class of free necroes-a very prosperous and comoutod class in this State-bas not contributed their full part tn the public du- feyec. Wo have no doubt that m&ny valua^ ble Abocen out of tl-.JH c!a-5 could be added to the nnmber t-iupl -yed Upon tho fortifica¬ tions, if judioious str-pi we/o taken to engago tlieul. Tiiis ia their country. They ougut, it nor. to light, at least to work for t, as weil as others. The- subject bas IK. rt sug^estoii to us to-day by the following p*iagrapîi in au Suiutor Watcfonán : Thousands of free i.-tf/r.'tj.'iaretie.'iitore-.l ove: Ihe. land, lium whnm no public service is c-x- . ncVidV The m.vtier n..d tue skiSC sro iwth c-.e.- ! into 3i-r /ic-.!; ihe ono lo fight, ibo other ui If.b.ir; the /nv ne.jto alone is !e!< ut hot.ic iii ind.donee a<cl eaie, io enjoy bis uub.ui^i.i ? e.v -tn¿,liu¡i. Tilts *IKO is sli aiiyc ! A lady passing p.loi.g the street i-.i Buff-Jo, ? n'jticfld a little 007 seritieri ag sa-.t up-m ti,e > Mde-wr.lk, for ihepurposo of cleaning off thc 1 ice. *Weii, i'm sure.' said tho lady, 'thal ra i raal boaevolout.' ;No it ain't ma'am,' re- , pUeJ Ibo boy, 'it'n ï»tit.: LINCOLN- ¡CHE PERMANENT PRESIDENT OF Tin: NORÏIT.-A gentleman nf rr-spectuLL'ify, who (»rroprlv rimrosonfod «ri« of the North- orri border counties iu thc V-iijjiinj, LègiHa- tiiro. WA«; rocontly arrested hy Plural hu- ibori'y ami iahen to Wrn¿¡ii;i|£i:iin: He was flf'or a tims liberated, and waj by Lincoln'1! j '.rdw conductor) into bio preseivo. Tko iVoi-.heni PiWdv. fukad him " hovr ]nr\<r did the Houfhrn) people think thia-war wouM laslT The reply r»s, "Tboy think it wi"! Oiid vyith youl-adiiiitiuiration." I.inc du very c-jollv replied,'\Tbat will probably liyit aa long >ui I li«*,. Thin xy> tittie ¡froftl*t!liorbj fM Tiles» aro nearly thc erect t?uriia of ibo con¬ versation ns raoortt-d hy good authority io Ha. Whether it !>. correctly i-sportcd or nut, vu aro »ell convinced ol'ono thing, and llujt is: thai if this iTArrb»«» not arid b*;n»r» tk« tinas of electing th« President of ll¡« Federal Suitw, nobody ho »ll.»wwi to bo eleet*l ©ve LiiicoJu. " Aui Oyinar out muttu*." If ha ia not to ba chosen, tha.ballo.-b.ix will oithe.r Dut ba opened, or will be tte diopvHK-.l of sj.'tPr hfing opone»! ai to o ui in cicfeatiiig any chanar* of miora.-Richmond Dispatch. liinKMBtck IKK.-Green r-erHlnimoni s%y 12 of liioiu, tuAijh them, pour on wator unough tn covor them. [foil over a ainu tiro ,iud <1 > not boil them too much, add in * small piuca of copperas. Thu'Ink will not change color and cannot bo vrhahed out or rubbed out. FUJLIKI; THU NKÜKOES.-A lai-jzo accesión nan nonie to ibo negro regimenlm in proce-3 of organization in Washington on the 20lb ult. Tho negro soldiers had invited then male acquaintances to a .sui t of picnic ai tbuir cutup, at AnacoaU Island. When thc lime tor breaking up carno, the lennie* were ?ont homo, but tho malos «rere positively de¬ tained a* recruits. v* C< 1. Poter G. EvanR, of North Carolin?., died in Washington city aliout ion doya a^o oft» «round reCeimi at Midtilnburjr. VVUon t!»e Yankees captured Col. Juvatifi ho begged that i J cy woulu pando iain mid leave bim ut a hoti.o on thu road nulli he L-cl butter: but t.ioy îc-iu^e.;, sa\iii¿.' thil tlioy v»ouid carry Lim io Washington if it killed Ililli. Hi did die-aj:d is another victim of Fedora bar- baril) and inhumanity. The following ammdng colloquy took plae.«, OU Capital Squaie, a few ilays ajjo. A tough mni patriotic soli.'i-.r fónvoor jâlatèj waa j-ios ing through tb« -q-'9ro and mel. President. Dwvia : ¿w.-i'/--Isn't this Jeff. Davis ? Davis-Yes, sir : what do you ¿rani ? XoUicr-1 Lhi.ught you was L>avis-you look so incch like a p»»aU»go stamp. POIÀOXKII BALLS.-TLc Yankee papers t-ay tinii ihe.r uiuoiick aie rn-w eugood in the m.nnlaita.c of poisoned bail, which will pivive "a fatal oxtinguishir lo rebellion" whonuver it atrikea. li ia a Minie ball in ihroopait*-ino point b'utng ol mime hard iiiotal, coated willi r. jntUiOCoùa Boiúiiuu ol co^^r. Wi.cn tho b.i.1 M1 rikv..i, ibu ihreo parts «oparaloj and tko poisoned point pone- iratitig ttiMi'iiiy ¡K>VI :'.J thu cc:le.r and cup, which uiaJtux up thy remainder of tim ban, coi.tot nc extincted, ind rt ill indict au incur- abic wJuitd, tne copper coating producing gangrene in a rev hours. Pabîîç Sale. BY an order frew thu Ordinary i.f Bdgefield ¡.»inrie i., 1 will sell publicly ul tho Cour. ¿Iiuno Steps cn ¡salo day in UctoL'cr next, '.¡ic fol lowing pro,iurtv b*luu¿;¡n¿( lo tho Liiialo of John H. liWiiit:.oy, doc'<!., viz : OiVli FUNK UARNESS OXK HOOD TOPBUtiiA AND ilARNH.SB, Ono L;wge SOW, on;. FL0UOI1 and OMAR, and *^ asmalllo^of (¡arden Tools. jSST-Tho salo to commcaco nt ll A. M. Terma' Cuih. A. 0. TEAO UL, Agent Foi Mi*. Lucy (J whitney. Sept 15 3t State of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, INEQUITY. Mary E. Simklne, *i ts. L HUI for I'mrlition,&« Emma Simkins, ot al. J BY viilue of an oidor of the Court in Ibis ci>-e, I will pr.-ciid io »ell a: ll-.r late residence of tba linn. A Vt TU UK SIMKIÎL*. -ceoa'cd, on ^ KD M Es O A Y, tho 7th OCTOKKU next, the per-'oral Kilala of said dece-i-ed, unneigtin;' of S Ë V JiN LI ii BLY 'ríEGIcü ES, Antonys: whom there a first raU Brick Layer and IMrstersr, good Oo. u, ¿e. IlORSEri, CATTLE, H0-.1S. TWO CARKTAGES, TWO WAGONS, PfJGGY, PIANO, PJanlatii u Tools, II.in.ieuoi'<l and Kitchon Fur¬ niture, and A Select Library of Valuable liooks. TERMS.-Sold on a arodit of I Weira months with interest from day of salo. Furchn-crii ta ;*ivo iîonrls with at l*ait two j;ood sureties to so- curo tho purchaso money. . » 2. V.'. CAF.WILE, c.R.r. n Comm're. Offico, Srpt lt», 1883. .Ite.M Egypt for Sale. THE LA NO OP COU M AND WHEAT- containing 281 Acres, lying .brno mile* from Edjfcllold C. IL This place needs utily to be seen to heTikod. Uoinir absent in the army Mr. W. F. Durisoo is nuthorizod to act as my Ageat in tba salo af the above place. L. S. JOHNSON. Sept 22 tf .18 Tea! Tea! 1CHEST OF GRKEN TEA, of Ano flavor und quality, for sn le by E. FENN, Agent. Sept 15 tf 37 School Notice. AGENTLEMAN of Soothern birth and edu¬ cation, (oxnrupt from imliury servico,) wbdi- 0M io proeuro a SCHOOL in this or ono of tho »djatioiit Districts, in wbivfa will bo taught the usual branches of an Kûglinh education, vii : Spullinj,-, .Reading. Writing, 0 ruin m ar, Arithme¬ tic, Geograph?, and Anciontaud Modern History. flSdS-Addicss D. P~ Duriaoe, Athel titer Office, Bdgellelil, S. C. Sept 15, tf_27__ Look at This ! FOVR nCSDßEÖ COLLARS ItiCWARZ) RUNAWAY from mo two year." ago, two ne«ra womon, CLAUEN OE ll an-l LIZ». Clur- ondor ÍK mîsrit mulaito ahoiit forty yours of age. Lire is a blight mulatto, nbuut twenty-ono years old,-Wad çoxl «izo. I think they liavo iioen hnrbomd in this District »nd tho lower part of Al.ibtivillo. I will givo Xwo Ilnndni Dollars for ta.» npprthenstoii jf lúe two womoo. and Two Hundred Do!l»r« for tho detection nf the thief or hari.-i'er. W. Q. GAUDIER. Hamburg, Sept 22 Gm 28 Iron. LANTATION IRON for Salli »V S. L. ROWERS, Agt. fUmburg, Si7ti!2_ tf aa Notice. P BILL PEAKING will stand tho FALL SEASON of 18CS nt E.^ofield C. H., M n- days, Tuesdays and Wednosilays, tho remainder <i" the deafen ut línreinn .?'n!lnr.n'e:, at $2j the S'-as-m. v.bioh bobina on the ist of August and cwis ih« 2orh October. saaroa faiiiug t.» provo hi foal by Dick Choat- îiaui too rlwring of IS63, may bo jeni this Fall io Dearing frv^ of cb.ug ). TAOS. (i. BACON. 8cpf. Ti f 'it jjH AFRESt! rapply ^Uöt received Ky - IL ra;«, Agoct aus ll (/ . & Assessor's Notice. ;W willaju tí. 'aïii'ionod to receive he 'imre and places jrarojn at tor eooivo 1'.. '..,v: .?"?] Aw-sn tito ?»iue iront l'Ai Pnyeiv at Mi« 12ih Onlmuio., Dit- frift <:.-ropi;sitig fha ViL ard í*11. Ulginu li is, fir the T:.x tri m ic jr Tax aol, 'coüo:. lit una Jd, ccsim cueing at LoH't 1>. 0., J»hn T. Nicholson's, lit brand's; ' I!." U. Flunkey's, i Hatcher'J. Vaucluse FiclorT,, Üran¡tovi!lu, j Bsac'j Island, Hi: lu Lurg, Cb"rok.o F,.nd?, «Vic Corry's," I'la« Uousu, EdfiullBld C. II.,' Picanear Lairo, Jela Cheath»ui'a, Col IW-K', id'-man'i Sshnul Heese, Thursday, Mor.dn;-, 1-ifb Sept Tuesday. 1Mb " W.»alnVsd»r,'-l5tb " Ttl 111:, day, I Vii« " .Fr .ay, J51I1 " Sninniay, iVh " Hobday, 2 Ni. " fy¡*fñmf, 22a " Wednesday, ltd Thursley, 2 iib Friday, 25 .ii Suiunhy, 5rt'.ii M. oday, 2Sth Tuewfay, 2V'h Wednesday, Äfitb Thursday; Ist Oai'r. | Fri.luy. Sid M cn day, ¿th Tifsiiay, 6 th Wi^iicday, fib A. Mi'rjf.n'« Woodlawn P. O. Edward Ib.wls'i White Heus«, *#. Hod Hill, '* J. A. TulrertVr Lilicriy. Hill,' Sbattorf.eld, ßopt 1 Uh, ct:. lodi 12th 13th Friday, Saturday, M ond ey¡ Tuesday, WtJ..e«duy, Hih Thursday, 15th " Friday, J6:h " Saturday, li tb Monday, Huh " Tuesday, 20th " Weuuesdnv, 21at " THEOS. DHAN, As«u-iror 12ih Cullociion District. 7t 36 Assessor's Notice. To Tax Payer» of the 13th Collection District, 3.-; ¡ ml H Uctyistfôtit : WÍI.1, attend at tho linea sod placen hBrcln- alter nauiud Tor thcYurppxe of niieiwr.g Tn:: Itel II ran uad making AssoFiineniß. Monday, Mth Sop; Tu rr lay, iain Wednesday,;! (ilk Thnnd.-y, ' 17th Friday, Eatur.dny, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, "' Thursday! Friday; Saturday, Monday, Teesdny, Wedneidsy, "Olli ïuu.^tcy, Ut Oct'r. Fridr.y, 2d " Saturday, 3d " Monday, 5th " Tuesday, Otu " Wed'jasday, 7ih " FriiUy, 9th " gu:'it day, 10th " GRIFFIN, ^ cj>-;iiaor IStli Collection Diatiict. it 30 I. ..mn (rim's Store, 44 1 lom's Mids, J. S. rjinyiy'e, Mrs. Allen's, Hirhaniflon's, Pr. John Mobiey's, Mrs. Norri*', Mt. Wiiüog-, Mick tor's, A I]»n licmj.'H, Ishain ('uibmathV, Coleman ..< X. Hoads, Perri's, a liuiot'i Storo, «. ... ü»ori;o Addy's, Mm. Uihson's, Maltiwsniror's Store, R. Sept I 18th 10th Sl.jt i2d 2:n 24 th 2aih 2«th 2.S th ipili Notice to-Taxpayers. 1-v l'nïhit,1» aro rrjqnirnTto ru--ke duo* ro- L. (urns eu o*:b of nil thc fullowiug articles bold or ..moil l»y i.iua ol; lou Inc oj' Ju y 1.<¿:>, irUii-l ora t!ie giotvih pTi.ihvlion of any .tear prora ding the yearl -o;;: N«vul stores, .->..it, Wince, Spirituous Lirjú rs. Tobacco, uiiutofnbtKireai or umunnutiiatuiod,' C-tt'on, Wool, Flour, Sugar, Moi.tSSea and Syrup, Rice sad othwr ngriculiurai ¡IP duets. T.T\ payers aro further required tn Totvirn all It mk Notos-aod other Currency on baud, ur or. deposit, 0.1 Iho^lst day t»f July InXS j and of nil «.redit* held or/bwnod iii the 1st of Jniy 1862, on which the interest has not been paid. Crudité m elude ml unliquidated demande, euch ts opon sc- oounts, due and unpaid. Tex payers WO» »Iso required to roiiirn ivll prof¬ its m.ide hy any person, partnership or c o itera¬ tion during th'rycar l>o'i, by purchase and s^lc af »r.y of tho followinganieles, viz: Flour, Cora, Br.eon, Perk, (/ats, Bay, Kico, Iron or Mauufae^ .tures of Ji-n, Sugur, M«las¿os iuado i.f Ci.ue, Leather, Wo-,¡eu clothes, Shoes, Boo:«, Bhinkalj and Cotton clothes; Tax-payers who refuse or negloct. to maka ro- turn« willi in ibo rime required hy t!so iis^r^sorH, will ho lisblo to twenty five per cunt, additional Tc* or. ihsnuiiunt ss'eaeed. R. C. CtRIFFlN, Ai>o?sr.r, 13tii Dipl.. 'rliBUS. DJ'AN, As-ss/or, 12th Bist. Sept. 1 5t .10 Notice to Tar-Payerrj ia SALUDA Íe-lil uttend at iii» following time« and pl¿ce* to called tho SFKCIFIC TAX froni Pr.y.-i- ciaes, La^vycr.-í, Disiillcrc, Cattlo'Brokers, ¡Uer« ? chants, Dentists, B.-jkers, and otii-. r *p.:rsons (if aLy lh»ro h») wii" ero r.-ipiired by the; Fifth Soc- lUn of the Tax Aet, to pay tho Soucili-; Tax,-A Íz : At Coleman's X Roads, WeduoMluy, I Afb Supt. lidiiwanpcr's, Rovr.tree's Storo, J. S. Smyly'f, PcrrvV, Mrs. ftih-on's, Mrs. Xorrii' Pr. Jehn UoMuy's, THurrduy, 17 rn FlidxT, ' loth Saturday, Ifl«,b Monday, 21st TerHay, 22d J\Vii(i>;o(.'i*y, 2"-d Tburiulay, 24rh Tho Booki« will thon clocó. P«r«ons fr.iling to pay at tho times above niontioniid will bo tmbjoct to 'doublo tax. . C. M. MAY, Dipt. Collector. _Aag_2_l_tr_ Additional Tax Notice. T o Tax I'aycrs 7th mid 9!h IteginmntH. IPROPOSE to attend at tho following times and places to collect ibo SpeciSo Taxei uudor ihe 5ih SeOlian <>f the TJX Act: At Bybrand's, Sn urday, Sd Octolicr. " Kegefi'ubl C. H., Monday, otb Out. " Liberty Dill, Tiic«Jay, flth Oct " <tr»niieville, Thursday, Sib Oct Hamborg, Friday, 9th October. I am instructed that all Tntl ¿Hilt as- woll a? ¿'ate Mill», and all PwbHe Shop*, are requin-í to ]>ay the Specific Tax. Those who fail tn refiner and pay within tho fimo abovo-prcBcriSod will subject thomsolvoB to double tax. H. T. WRIGHT, 12th JUidtrict Collector. Sopt22 _ 2i_ -^3. 8TATE OT SOUTH CAROLINA. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Ci<Aiii.r..srox Sen 10, 18%X íirRKAt:, INFORMATION I <S BKEM receiv ed nt this Dep ir'cient that, on cr about tho.Oih day'of July last fit thc viilngo or Clinton, ir. Ljurnns Distriet. a mail Ly tho nama rf 1,. TUOMFáON J'.'riNSO.N was murdered by sono perron or )ioríons,up lo |nireiuiaaoknown- Kow, thorolora, I, M. 1<. BONHAM, Governor of toe Sima .-vforoaiiid, do iaau.i this my Pryclr.ma- tinn, rilnriuga reward of FIVE HUKDRKD litjljhARS for thc npprehsniion and dclivry nf tbo real mnrdorcr of tlie said E. THOMPSON JOHNSON into tey one of tho jails of this State; and, if moro than one, an additional reward of Five Hundred Dullars for pu eh ono who shall bo proved to be au accomplice. Givou und.-r my hand and tho sotl of tho Statn, Chsrleaton, this tenth day of Sepiomhor, IL-*.] A.D. 1863. M. L. BONHAM. UM R III'NTT, Scoretsry of StrUo. r%r- AU tho papers iu thu SUta publish cac ia ou tb. e^pt¿»_I« 37. No # T.Ti iiorsona Indebted to ibo JEstatii r.f îobû R. JSL Saaîtuoy, dwj'd.j nro'rcniiestod to make pay¬ ment ns early ai possible. TOUPO hiving chilies aguinut tho Ertlate will prcrüiit them, properly nUo.>U»d, to Dr. A. G. Teague, my authorized agent. LUCI' GWALTNET, Ex'or. ¡iee 0. 1SÔ2._ll_4D_ /' NOTICE. ABE person? hnving clnimr. against the E«fatc. of Dr. Har<roed Bun, dne'd., arc nciui-d t/» prônent them, properly attestai, ac tne undur- si;cned i.- prúpared to pay tho Same. Thone ¡u- deiitu'I to said Eeteto axe requested to mettle prompt. ly, W. M. BURT, Ex'or. Jun ?1 Eags Wanted. CLUAN COTTON AND LINEN RAGtü can bo sold for coob at tho Àdurttitr iSivu- AU* sr Ü 54 EXECUTOR'S . Át Public baie. ÍFríi-L ba auld tt tHr- ],. o t-vdrfer.-ro of C-1 ~* I L. C A I.D. 0 UN, ii/,., in fr..-.-, ti ld L-iítnct, S (;, ?.b mild aboi ¿ Au^usiu, Ca», he tween Stonlons' Creó* nod p ivanns a Bivor,'.<in TÏiRHHA.Yi iWth «oib»*fcrt aw.vr Tliul VALUARIA Tl«»VOT r»t? LA FD upon Ti'liiuU Ibo d. r.-n-*il JiTift, oo«?.*s5r!ing TWO TiïôilSAXB &¿£S$, Wore or lo.i8> (he principie p-*rl af ir heh ia OA ana! Ili.-Urv, i-'tfc between Knur and Fire Hen- »ired *cr.-a nf rjsii'l Fine L-. id--et" Vjlupled Ut tic culture af (iruin und Cotton, with owly «beut cnongh' ele»"*; fer twenty Bro or «hirtr bands io .;U:r-<tt»: ti?« balance ir: ruiiv« for.'n. Titer« sro pun« (I»« hw rruunfa io cultivation on tba Ci-rek. 'I ii« plr.niaiiou-in weil improved with a lu« aii.l(tominodioui Dwelling^. Also, good Ho- H.-o ll oaf ol, G;:i tivftso, fit aide, .tc, Ac, rll new and lu Äa,d condition, very healthy, and woil lif.ppiiuel Villi So«) »TAlrr. AIMO, will be sold at thommo (leonid placo t tiWÍY LYHÚlY ÏOIfKÇ NKfíROKS, Arnon* '.hem a rory likely Seamstress with all th« qualification* ;.f « rrrv rvpcrhr boneo gir¬ van t, »oma-cod Oeokv u h«"*« and Tronaré, a r.l:>nt:iti«n inartr-fmith, Waggoners, Carriage Oli¬ vers and Field Jinnda. A Fl Mi FAIR O? YOUNO A NI? WÜf.L L'ROKiS CA Rit TA UK ii< »HSjCS. OKS FINK YO IT J" G MA M B ANO EIGHT Ol? .NINE LARGE FIN H MULES, Two Cart 'mp-.* nod i ia rms*, ono nearly ii»w, and oj-.u Rug,;} and Jiani-?s". Also, 30 or -ii) Head Blooded Cottle; arnon ic Oiom :-..nny fmc Miik Cons; 70 ot VS IJ.l.'id of Sftccp, «nd a J'itic Lot ul «iog.i, both Stock anti Fat Hog«. Also, tho nóticehtdd Furni:u-c, Including fe« I'ur'r-r Furnitur«, Crockery and Ki'tebua UteuMlsj Dlubtatiun «-;d iliac Jc.ituitii Tools, Wafguns, Oia Hem), Thra.si:c; now Faa, teni, i-'otiiii-f. iteitokt.Vöitoü Aud many other urtitles too niiiimri'iis tn mullion. ^£sV*rFoásc¿3Íún ¡rívuu iiouicdittte.'y attur tho s.i's::. Tormo «ceüli: tiiodnliftg, jSB^Any fnrlb.*r iii'WmutiJa cher rfutly gírejn '.y addrrvsing mu Subscriber at E'lgetlold C. H., S. C Y «ung T. T. Calhoun on tl.o premise*, Mr. H'.ht. JÍ. Middleton, six milan belo«,' or Or. W. D. Jennings two niih.3 alu..-: ihr; piao-;, will Uko pleasure ¡ii showing the land. A. C. TEAttCli, TUa Actin» Aa-cc-ift'»*. Aug 22,1, lffi.S. flt M l^.JLilO U 1. \J£X, »J> 0>*Aj.b.u. Fd L ÏÏA 31.2 LA Ullis r"J fi SA !. R Li r/AfiîHXS IHSTttlCT, Sfti'.CA.', Within i-Vur Miles nf iiartin'a Depot, nn the NawbúiTy .V Laurens it .i tr-.u<l. 0 TrjirrlLT, ba ir-%!il on de prctr,i«es, at pi.Vi? .t».c- VV tlon, on THURSDAY, tho 1st OCTOEEf! next, 'hu ?»ca! Mstu'e of Dr. THOMAS I' tl AG UK, dee'il., jioon whioh ti.o widow now rc- ddcs, tontairiop; .". o ri a oho -¿veres, M-^re or le>>;<, willi :. í:*-c Üt7í'l¡».jj Honan, R.-ic» áin-.kj Iii.ii»«. 4 MI «, (?'a HaiiHO, llHTjl*i fcc, «ll in m*oa coiKÜiieu. Tbs la nil is weil tdan'ed t>. ibu eulrn*e of Wheat, Kye, Cfirn, Oaj? boo", «.-i-.. And i:i line s-:itc of ciliivr.«''.-', win |i!c;iiy of ti ir.her for 'T-'VÍV .-y plantalbin nnrposes. 'l'ho loentiou is r.it' I :V,r -oed hvnitb, i-.f-^r ex- jellent w.atcr, iij.d ínrróitmied v't:h v?ot\ soe»aty. There will al»o ho sold rr.:iry nniele.-i r.olior:. ron ion t to rr.ovo, such i>s noe FlMtNlTU.RK, COTTOS, Colton Giu, Tbt'esbei aud b'au, Hoiso^ tims, «tc. .d-^XjSÍOt. I will al»o sell at tho mme O.r.c and place, 130 Acre» til' ¿jami, marear loi-n, adjoining tho ?.h.»vo, licloïi^ini» to thc K.«futo nf C d. P ii. CALHOUN, deceased, ir, ¡incstate of cultivation r.ith plenty --f tiuihc-r, but no buildings on it. Too :wo Tracie, bought h> the K.-;tr.o puruhsscr, would impioy twelve or fifteen hands lory prodtably sud OrjrXC 1 *r-tc-mTtilemo~.. - ._ ^'f-Ter m-i for both, Cash, or approved Kotos, st ono and two your; witù iiittru:.;, ai best soils l!ic purcbnserí. .cy-Ar.y furthor taforaiation eencrrn'ng these aii.lii cin-jrful'y ,;ivcn by addrcssinj; tho Buhferj- l»cr aa Kdgi-fiold U. H., S. C. Br. Wc-t «r, a»«r thu piaco, it iii Uko pleasure iii thôwiite: ilio lands. A. G. TKAUUE, Ex'er. Arr 22 Jt 31 A Valuable Residence ron SAL". TUM Sul>-e::her otibrc for ¿ala tba SALUDA ÜOUSK in tho Village cf E l--livid. C., having IS Room?, 10 -.Ti'h fire pU«t», 2 Cellars, ind one Bascineot ¿'.lory. There aru on tho prcm- ¡:<C!< a r^ood Kitcbeu with Rooms i'U.l 2 fire places, Smoke House-, F tntry, nnri all tiecosaiir.*, natbnildinys, with a fa« weil cf water in tue y -rH, an i a ebuico Cerdeo attached to tho pl:-c;. Al»o, attached to th* prcml*os, ic ii cvnunoHioit.^ Stahls Lot, with Stalls tot Fury llorac?, Crib, Uarriago HIÍU.-ÍO, and a well ol K00LI wnirr. This desirable ro-.idc.ico will am wer 1er cither » puo'.io or pr:vato hottSO. Tho buildings aro in ¿"od repair, aro located in a retired and ploas- ant ri i u ai ion, nd to any ono in want of a coin- modious and cuaroaicntly arrusgcl Houso and L >t, the Saluda HvUio is re-pesfnlly olTjrcd. For terms and othor partionlara address thc subscriber at Eugiüeld C. ll. LEWIS COVAR. A ur 23 tf M Escheated Property fdr. PAUS. yr WILL soil st publie sale, cn th* lir.-t Y.oz lay ¿in N'»vamb;r next, nt Kdirclielt C. ONE HOUSE AND LOT iu lbs Village of Kcgoficld, formorly tho properly of ibo late Charlas Mc¬ Gregor, deceased, and uow occupied by Mrs. Ste- vonsun, c«ntaiiiing Hair an Aero, moro or les?, end bounded byi-aihof tho Caiholio Church, Junie." A. Dor.:«r, Jüniito Goo.V. Laudrum.doe'd., and Thoa. P. Magrath, Es p,-tho samo having been Bseboatod tn thc S'.-t3 of South Caroliua, tho deceased having no legal heirs in this Con- federacy. Terms on a credit of twolve month» from day rf sale with interest from dato. Note with ap¬ proved personal scouriiy and a mortgttfo of tho reraises will bo required. Coats to Lo paid in cash. Po.*seitSioii ei"»n or> tho Irt January noxt. LEWIS J.ONES, Eauhontor. Ediroficb? C. II., Aug SI,_¿t 35 SÜÑIÍRXES. trfyf* SACÍÍS C. SALT, old And dry; tjkji? 50 » Livervool SAÏ.T; ISO JiUls. N. C. KlsOUH; 15'ï tc n::d Ho.r.Sbls. N. O. Syrap; lr>0 Boxc«Fi<i« i'-'iPTViug TOBA CC« ; üo Obis. Appl&nod Peach Brandy* IO Fistn Corn-Whiskey; MALAGA r.ivl PORTWINE: CIIRI'.RY URANDY and CORDIALS; BOTTLKD LIQUORS and WINES; 4< Koyt Bi-Ca ru. SODA. .RICli, MEAL, SPICKS, die., to. Together with a gáód assortmoiil of FAAi I Ll ORO CARIES,-on hand and for «ni. by ri, TBVEW8, Augusta, Qo«. May 20 20 SHOES ! SHOES ! KA VMH B»«fil8H Aftüll' SHOK* Ö8J just rocoifod and ^M^m ^ EeptT_tl_ HEW GÖÖDSI Ladios' Linen UANDKEllClIIEr S ¡ Grote' do. "*o. Ladies' Black Colton HOSE ; «« Mixed " " MÎS3CS " Ladies' SILK Le.r.TS ; Als- a «reut vaiiety of o'ber oV^riUc C.,od: lu-t re aived by E.' i'iiMN, A«t. Aug- _^ ÎWILL m::!'.c application m thc next Session : Ibu Logislaturo, fur-; ro-eliarUT ol my Fc-ir hefoss HIE Saluda Rivet, t.a Ibo road leadin Inmi Newberry C. ll. lo Hamburg, on ihs Wovi U'ind, at etiçh pr.ocs aa «ro in nnordunnO wii ibo timea. WM. HOUKÍÍ.JÜIIT. Btet 1 ; Í» 57 --»s«-,- . for SVf.si.«. N.iî Lt.« », »r. 'J. li. ¡ tl 'C * WEST::; ' fi ?'? COOP 8/', J-iiLlAAi.apiHfc.,, Pc? Tío. i. <i!»ort<>*. J A COU HU 1.7 T. »- T ,t ill. I h «1 T I IIt ¡V V U 0. V. ftf*«"?; ear* ttracß ct^imu. íTtlK'h Í Hi.nNK V,. f!. f|0 l.t.G vf I Y i- * j is J . aoí'iíjv,". fci. HAtllf rSOK, for Ortiz rv. W. F. DUH [SOS. ííe^roeti Warnten i/S7e f j.-«: iu- M,tiúdiíti v f v(>. y-. v.;<;^i^,A;I4,,-S p...v the RTG"2X2 T CASH i*;;. C VE* bavc rn hnwJ'a LÎZKLY TT OM AN WUT* PO li rt CUTT PR nhtcL iro »iii bo pinned ti sri! or 'ischiingc for otk. t Kesr<M-p. * GLOVEA « 6 OLLIVA IK .fan 23 tf 4 fe st KM cd ia ííif Jaü OF t'iie District, ot: thc 1Srh inet., a negr<« m«r. who 3.!j> hu natne'ia KTHEIIT, but U frc- qnentij culed Alb ry, n-d flirt he Stolon;^ fa\ King" living nt A rinnta. Qa. FlWirt eu-" so wo* rrrc^itd vf ben nt hi« wt Vs h»a«. in tSe c.pr, pure c«f tr.it I'itfT-rr. Sail' Elfört is fcL'ool ¿Í I rfr.ru of wr'jrh* iA">ut 1 0 rounds, is 5 fee« tildie* i.i¿,!i, «ark com»»lentc«+. Ha ni vir* rr I rr.-.r- :iutic>;.i. j 'i'l.c uwocr ia rr'ijuói^ei' Oase* for^-Aril. irorj» proysrt}', ;.-.v « i.-ri sr nen t. h*'i¡¡ ru,, .ciicr- wisc '..» v.ill UK: Levait T Ith rs I * !i'w direst"; L. li. Met ÜLltfö&H, i. u. ? J; ac 2 4-, tf 3# r? í% T -TI .*7»i-.T w TT-'I} -.«..<.r»cji . s¿y.2-2-A 2 L¿**i X' i!&.>:«..Jr. '.^_-¿t ; SjrAVt'lO ac'-c-'í j thc tg»i»ey of au exton :\\c £.* SALT lliUSil, I».;; h.. »Ho to f<n.¡,-'; S/» t/J° ir Inr.'C or Emidl «vanti'i--, ! ni trill T.; gov. nu ..; ,;y .ip. "ua¿kot priOQ lt! P is!»ur£ JI Augusta. S. E. ÜO^EfíH, Agent. Ilumburè, slat ;;>> ;iui i j A iiL ucr*-j;ns Indebted to tuc Wut» cf innu jiia. ij. f'Ti,<.>»?,? oo. n.'t'd.. are rrnunst.id to muk« ,v OM-nlty ia- lr p.* H<:- >b: (. 1S63, at J ii X-, i^ij ii«w « cs . »ulufi uaid .Ku ala KK J' --i. U **r.l >>'.; .jrti: Mvi», as X dc ..ii O t: ù.iko o ÍÍRMÍ tf?tult:aio!.l en JIM lav. L. CCKÜÍY, Adm r. Oe: i, L-n2. \j 40 /\ Mi p~nto»,5.!»:.*i3¿ ävaisvesj njrâicrt »ii^ /?vk t»tn LI" M"»"., ui ü. 3J; ia.ct.ct», ii :fU, ..«... ^iití.-rcd M [«ri tb?» io tb-. ui- nT'ly-ncci, i»n4 :ln-M it..!«..'>'! t<- ai'.i t^:u.« are rea'-.«stcd-üi ?a¡.k'; inii:";J:at'- paymunt. SÜJÍ.T mLT'UHT^K, Aio'ix JVr.r4 ' »ir.« 3 a. a. s. ^;..i J> « * u i :. . c. . A V A. dcairinz í>«|i will pleito cull ».ti tt«t/. T. JACXSO"< A CO., N">>. JW Mot'.inie Hail Üuildinir, üiwi.'d Àùguata, ft«.^Ju!v 7 íím»' 23 Estate Notice. ÄTJIJ p."jrrcnrin anyWLrr hHut-wl t»u,a B3*«N ul M. JW. i'.'-o, dtc'i., p.ri* "Aiiti'l; .en cid to'PÄjiP furrörd ?'t-' rettie u|» wit!..»! dii1?j. TLöiiönnvi'ig elttin» .n;-:>i::¿i. »^.iu Us ca te will Tra¬ der Ihtw ir, properly Rttostod, an early ds,tel G. L. I'JÍTN'K, Ài«n*Ar. Au?'! tf 81 ÎP50 Rewfe?d: §CQli£M on th? night of ttio 23ih August frc:.i th« indnrsijncil a lane KAY ÍÍAKK, 16 hands bitfh. :vh.->ut IO y.iars uki, with a -witch Uti!, lier i*»niii ...nd fnr-'h- J.I .is if half siiorf, ....!; I jipmt:;; in tho tv.'o r«;nù titloeksj had on shoes cn .hf tw«» for-» fm ". I vviil^ ,Tiv;i <>jd f.-r th.' Maro an>l ?100 for tho illili' v- i'li praot fi»«'«uvh.t him. Î. tiavc suiRcieKt reason to twlitV« tli*l rh« ia tilden lo t;-.r. iina. I traded tor ííiid tn^nro aOout tw-i months ago with Dr. WlilUtus sud Carori Älhclsii of th's ¡ihvr?. Any iñforntttioii Ü! hör will l>s ici'urfuüy roooirod al ^o. 10, '.;''!!:nr Streut, At;^ o' Ga. CUh^ELiUd L2XIUAN. Augusta, Sept 7 41*38 îilthciii Allen, fjn3IS thorough tied y.icntf STALLION will fi. stund th« 1V.II .^-nson, cc-nnncncinsc lat Sep- tctnhVr, at Mr. Lod Hi.I'? plantation, at $25 tho gunson. ETHAN ALLEN is out.of tt ?.re«?onf;cr tiaro hy Ethan Ailed j ho iiy i'lyiug Morgun-tho Ujt .trottine -t'iili lai'iwn. ETii t^ ALLE:"« ia n hcnulif»! hay, "'S bands hiuh, six .'PHrii old, nnd of fino form und ftedoñ. Jlc l-iis as Una col.a as eau oe sht»wu in"flu Dis¬ trict. A. J. Kl/ÜHEö."^ h>pt 2 if 35 State of South Caraííaa,- ? EDGEPIELD DISTRICT, 7.V URUINAR 7. Wm P'JWO;Ï and Luoinda, his wife, AppHo&nt, ) vs. \ EJdredf;e Asbill, ot ul, Defendants. J BY aB ord«r from the Ordinary, I slir.n proceed to sell at EdgoGold C. IL, cn thu first Mon¬ day in October nrxt, fur F.i-tilicn, th» REAL ESTATE of Lloyd P. Achill, int« of Edgoficld District deceased, consisting of ONE TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND lying and h'-iiig in tho District of Lexington aid St¿to aforesaid, oôntuininj! One UvuñfA and Fi?ty tuvn nrieí, tiioro or les, mid adjoining lands uf Riciiar i-ilul»tciu, L. Hartley r.uo AI. Corder.. 'J Ill'-M.i-Of a credit «'til tho first rf .Linna- ry, lol, 1. Purchns. r to gire Bond »rirh good > ». euii'.lii, and a jlortg.i.iro to th-j Ordinary' t* se- iiare tho pmcohaso uiucey. Cout to ho pclxl ia cash. Titles o.\ira. LEWIS J0N#:£J. a. K.J>. ßri>; 7 *t -rt Tarjior.y Notice; T»7fS.lOM Oil.* '':'fo I *ill TAN and DREfiP ell jfj good HR'T ii I li«:? -Viv-'-c.i »i rr.j Yj.r.-Î ffttOS-K'TJI.rBfi of Ibo L-t b-.r-«dlfwin^tim owner of tho llidotiny ps rt ai tl"> loi-crt iii. rket prico. V/ i LUS RÛSfi. July 13 23 Granltcvilis:- Shirting, 4.4 fiïÎAKZÏfiVILL3 Yti u DUIDwINd ; VAucLusn öRNABtJsas; ijf¿|*>fl YAHD.1 of tho !».!>o-.: Önois' Jï.lt rr J53>\rv o.'ival r.i.d «r'îll be t >H nt a »¡nail a t- . an«'o on i'lictory rrnSos !>y E. PiSNK¿A>fL Aus n t:_ Si Notice. APLICATION will he mudo to the Logislaturo at it« »ext *;í.«'.nn, lo va»t :n-P¿lry Panie, in icu simnlo, tho \«h-ic ei'ti'lo ooth rc.-.l anii-per- ional, of her *ou Noah i?:'t.ridj;o, due'd. Sept. Û CJI Sd Earter. TKK Súliscriher ^i/í ¿iiht-r ART KR OT.OTTI or pay »he highest n-ir!" r r-iee, f-r CORN PUAS. RÀflONr TARD, BUTTER Kti'Uä *.n,i (1 till NT Ri* PHODUCH of ovary Kii. I. dt-ir >rc»t ut (ï-anitovillo. JAG- H.- COOK 4 uj>. (íranltoTille, S, 0-, ßppt'13 »t* . 37

Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026897/1863-09-30/ed... · 2011-08-09 · 37SIMK-tMö, DITRISOE St CO. vGov. Bei.hr..n'a tfcssago. Gmtimenofthe Sciui'8 andlirmse

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Page 1: Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026897/1863-09-30/ed... · 2011-08-09 · 37SIMK-tMö, DITRISOE St CO. vGov. Bei.hr..n'a tfcssago. Gmtimenofthe Sciui'8 andlirmse


vGov. Bei. hr. .n'a tfcssago.Gmtimen of the Sciui'8

and lirmse of Ilrpreaníatiecs :

¿Th? day for.your annual ot eelm ¡; is "O niâtat hand lint i »hould not hevo Ti>v.,kcd you«gain in extia SCIIÍ-.Q, bit f r v»'iat í dotjra u

pressing aui«;rgeti«:y admitlii.-r ot' no dulay.J tm progress of tho var1 tor tko last hoymonths has not buen favorable to our arm«.

' The brilliant rupuLsc of tho «noray'* ironcladiloet un tho 7th ol' pul last in Charlestonlmrbor, bas boon succeeded by tho fall o<Vicksburg and Pert Hudson j ¿ur rotiremontIrom Pennsylvania, Maryinna and Tene.eusoo,and also by our evacuation of Morris Island,but not without a stubborn resistance by thebrav.» {rarrisoiui of Wagner and Qrt'¿g;u im dara lin? from narai and Und batteries «loch agno works hftvo »v©r before, withstood. FortSutntor still bolds out with -an infantry garri-Kon which ha* rvi-<*c!ly aehiertxl a brilliant.moss. Htr noble reins afford tho ln»s.tproofs of the indomitable "

courage of the offi¬cers and aicn of tho first South Carolin» Ar¬tillery. Our. rnaligtiant foo" is now erecting.on Morris Island powerful batteries of Parr«v.tguns, »nd nqwdring kia danged fleet; pm.pamtory to auulhi-r and moço notviuined at¬tack upon our harbor outposts, whilst bialaud forcea »re being. U-creasod with tho hop*;,possibir, of tairryitijCharlestonin a combinedattack by land un i so*. Tim call of th« Prov¬ident for liv* thousand troops-for six months'IWI vice within tb« State, begining tito firsti«f August last, has been promptly respondedt<>, with the excvpliou of Uro rom palliou, nu««in process of orgauizjiion. This.requisitionand the-ouforcerneat of the Conscription Actto forty-live, embracing almost tho entirePopuiafion between the ni¿««s of tnrty and liftv,KO impairs Ute êfBdeucy ol our mi lilia organiz ttioii that I Cud it impracticable to obtain:readily a foieo adequate tu such omergeiicn«*HS M-ciui likely now koon to be upon us. ToiiK<fct ihoMo cuiuryeueirs I lutve -ondt avt'vttd,nuder yourUte Act and the Act of I8il,toraise u v.,innt*»er force of ono mounted r««i-ino.it, two uotnpanie* ol cavil rv, and VA» b-»t-t«ry of artillery, for servie.} v, iJer«vor in l!".!State they may be nrcnled. Thin force busnot iKïeii «o pr-iino'ly irised as tho occasionrequires, nilli I have thu'efore felt it my flutyto again convene-your bodies, audio recoin-iia-.ed to you tiiat you dovi^ stich pinn, tu iny»»ur wiadoiu may seem expedient, fur lu:-uishiig lor imtneoiato not vic«»- a military force,of at leaat two regiments ofinfantry, one otwbici; sLouid.he m'ouhtrd, alu] apropoTtiotiittefi.rce of c-.valry a.-.ii artillery. Also, that luebtv be so amended as to plnee in «wmo milltory or^-in»7.iiÍ¿tH¿ fur flte'deToncd of the Sut«,cv«-.ry auíc b'died C-tizutt hctwrenn the age* ofKÍx''.ei-ii ami sixty, not rît Coiifed'-riite suryiceor otherwise iegiiiy exempted. The Imme¬diate iL&gi r io i» apprehended arises fromraiding parties of the enemy, who tr.iv dtv^liMiûûuajty into the Staid iiota TeuittsKMio,tliion^l: ui"«!r Georijitt, ur the p.tswi of thunjoui'y.iiis of Nor'h and S¡<u'.h Carolina.Should '.Itu enemy in large force attempt invag'ou' fr-ini these section*,'the CVmfederatc(jfoVorLDicut will, no doubt, alfonl adetpiateprOdectiou. Biitj to rep-*! r-j'!s and to ¡jro-itcl our fir«'Huic^, tho »State tmr.vdf sh«.ubimake pi-ejiar.uioii. The persous to comjK.s"}bo orgamx-uiotis .should be tlid able bodiedi-'ilz.-;iis between sixteeu and ' sixty years offj^ç? not ia Coiifeù'-ratc service vr other*«».«Iej;aliy cxr-.;i)i»tc'd ; and in'this elas«6boul»l borinbrace«!'all porwni.» who have procured ex

miiptious by rurnisliinç «.ulrsti'uttw. Noonetliouki b" rcl:««v.;d'ff >m the duty of defeudingbia Louie IxcaUSf of having anno 1 a substituí ti

for Ute war for Üoufcdcrnte «otvi^e. .Ali-.«»who luv.» dellaro,! tiieir purpose !o broome.citizens, &?< nl^osu :ii .v> ar«, doraieded amongst«as, ¿»«joying tue protection of our laws, shouMäio iueludcd. I recomnend, suso*, that ti,ctciaiee of thosewhoso service ts limited to thedistrict or ro^irnent in which they r«**idc, bcdeduced tu tkc low«?s«t practicable point con¬sistent with tho safo policy of the Slate. Itell yoûraifentÛMi to the llcpurt of the Adj«!ttji'. andilitspector Genera! upon Jus Mibjcct,borov- iúi trausoiitlcd.

Ju connection with thc subject of exctap*fiions, I-«selÍ your attention wmy ct»rttis|i«)n-^oij^o wiib the ComroandftBt oíConscripta for¿»outí« CaroÜLa, àlajorC. U. Moiton, wu* iitho e.uccerror i i OA. Jobn S. Preston, witijwbom, previi u.i to your last extra session, Thad a corrvspui.lijricp., n copy of wiiioti waa

Hhen tionsmiWed to you. Another'copy, a,itlso a copy of that wi tb M*j. Mellon, is nowtratiBujitted. This subject calls (ot legislationh'i as to raconeüe MS far as. possible the differ-«noe l««?tweeii the laws of the two r»or»»rnmen.«.

lt is an important question involving tho ju-riadiction of the two governments, aud nn^Ulo be delicately handled. lam satisfied our

U-uo policy ÍH, as fhr u is compati bio with tho.constitutional rights of tho SUI«, to conform

".»to the law of Congress on this oubject. I hüveliOÍfcU at liberty to mako any distinction be¬tween theewes oxfnipted by our law whentim cssi-sliavd been made, but have claimedîbs» exemption of all alike. The action ofthe Executive Council, un tho same subject,and the action of your two Hou*cg, at yourlast oossion (the House approving ami tboSánate by its Mlonco acqtiiescinif) rando itproper that I should reply to M.-j. Moitun as

I Uad done to Col. Preston. *

/idditk nal legislation is needed to euablethe «íxmljvp, throtiph civil cr military au¬

thority, or botir, M.»^© iffeotually to aid theC«.infiider»;te üovemuióñf ht-*.¿i'$tii»g dew-tera from tho army. In most cwx the ab¬sentees have probably not leftthoircommandswith the intent to desert their colors ; butthe result of their absence is the name, so faras thc good of tho service and proitictiun oftb« country ÍB eoiicetwd. I ba'vo endiravored,KO far aj I was authorized, toaflordafinistaucn,but the law ii inadéquats to such eJücmni ai.-a< ia ucfcdcd. 2'iany constrae'your late neton this.subject to mean that the Sh'Tilfs are

not t«> rend';.: aid to tho liutolling Oftieer tillroaist^ricc has beenma/ic. In all such cas^s

t-ju desfirtei-, of course, make« his cscap«?.}5i}.cu law as you may think proper to passe'bouid Öinbrace deserters from Stale service,pud should p^'-s'n. r.iditi* and abittiniriictíilors ia «sscaptñg 'roía tho army, jvid infcsjating or avtîi'Jjiîg nrre%u

1 inviic y«iur atten'ior.'lo ibo opern'ion oftho systenj of im^-c-air.eu^ adep*»d by theOóutcdcir*te (Jevüriitnent. 1 ac» iñtiirtuoilthat in some sectkios, whera the pei>p!e havelittle moro than is absolutely necessary fortheir own ase, it is apprehended that destitu-linn will bo brought ftboitt b7 in unequal ope-mtion. Coain? us you do t rot:: every sectionnf th« St sit', yoti are drubt!«^ hotter inform¬ed ¿'pon this subject that myself, acd helter]ircparen to adept aj'tSiwoespolioy thntln6w:-Uj tstl^gest lt« ) ßfeve ealied tho attentionof tho ConlwíerafÓ QoVftfiiment to '.he suhjocttt:id .sn.iii.Csicd to them tua pr<il)-ibiiity tb^tttko c«i«ilectioti of tlie tax in kind, wbicis <-po-jatea moro equally on »11. would enviatrthe neccesiîy for the ifrtpressraetit of proyi-sTdn.t.The ayst'OT »«bp4":! fer f'imi«i:?n7 b'.b -r roj

c: «îofences hes f-alfd tbscconsol.tsh :w parp nie. Large rinrcber* hay»« araibjflf -'loniieivi»»0! thé pf-'VtAJo i of «hs :.w sn«] paid til« ü-¡0Ot diie dollar »ud'ilfly »? indead of in--

nr.diiug tho labor; and i/thèn», willi t¡.c hop-ol iin;ii''dtv, havn ttoilhir îo.rr.».,-îi«jd tho I"

hor'oé Piwà the .'inn. With tho mon?y col-lected by thc agent bo liai boen nuable tc

hi;eanv .'abjr. I r«;cc»inmctid an amendmenlof tba Acta on this subject, so ai ty abolUttí» Cue r.4 so W ü uutb'wTiüO tfae Opygrac-r

j through the CTommi«inners~o/ !ltoads.I iii tu« urabi are true to thoir trusts,) io ¡irv

' bfibV labor requisite to fnnble. him to resi to th« reMj of lije Orin mantling Ccncrnt,Lug crudit for all Libwr- prevh u>i y fuméand that this !imo of service *be extei.d.tivo months. The free r.cgnx-s »h> ulJ bduded. I doubt not thal there hits bt-cu cfor the c. rn¡;L¡ni Lertfofure inado os totroatiuunt uiiú dctmíioa oftte itCgroeí. b

j is bebcvtxl that tin-ough' tho Iñati úiubiibj of the energetic St»J,e Agent, («.b-s« ru

j i» buiuwith trauMhtuéri) manyo: tho <

have been reruedied.M. L. BONITA?-

8. C. Soldiers Assembled io Pub!Meeting.

pFrom the Southern GuttrtUiin.

Cine, EIuer S. C. CAYALUV,Cui.PKl'Ktt ÜOVK TY, VA.,SupU7-

A mot ti og of the Int S. C. Cavalry, ilaton's Brigade, was held ut their campevening, to consider a movement madeEnterprise, Mississippi, by the KnlerpCuiiinderate Society, whose ndriross to

people of thu tJoiifuderale Stales 'MS beencondy published in the Richmond Whig.to ad-.pt .*omo mode of oxprea-ing themmion the tjrt»»t dancer that threatens our (.fedoraCj ir.un within, from tho Spirit >>f spillation aud oAiort.ou that prevails to suchalarming rxlent throughout the country-do motion ol' LieuU-naut T. W. Miller,

Edgcíicld, Lieutenant Colonel J. D. Twi|wa% called lo tho chair, aud 'W. A. Eedin.Chester, to act as Secretary.Tue Chairman stated,tho object of

muctitig in a few appropriate reniai k«, anddared ibo btw tiug ready lor business.On motion of Captain T. W. Whatley

committee; oí twom^ one was appoiiitodpreparo business for ti:o meeting.The. following gcutlem»sn wore appoint

viz :

Ci'.plaia JJ. J. Juhiuou, co. G, AbúovíDistrict, S. C.; Dr. II. DiC.iu.-i, eu. (j, Ahíville District, S. Ol; Lieutenant'Ll. S. Juneo. A, Abbeville District, S. C ; J. II. I\,wCi. A, Anbi-villr Di-trct, S. t\; Captait) J.'i'r^ZiVant, cu. K, Oruiifimbuig D'sirbt, S. ID. 0. 'fiiidali, o>. E, Urau^eburg. DistrjiS. C.; Cpi.. N. Nesbit, co. *B, Sparuuib«District, S.'C; Corpora! J., Bell, ou. B, Sp;¡anbuig LMsinct, S. C.; Captain l'. VT. Wini'U>, cu. C. tldgi-iieid District, S. C.; Sergey!>.' E. Toole, co. C, 'Edgvfuid District, S. IL.euion.ml J. T. Clayton, co. E, IVkcus Ditritt, S. C.; il. S. Wa;tl, co. i1', Lickens Ditrit t, S. C ; Lieutenant J. W. White, co.-IVork Di.,ir-,ct, S. C.; J. L Edwards, cu. 1Chester District, S. C.: Liuutena.niF. Horse;o-¡. 1, Uni^ i isimu S. C.; Corporal J B.-Tcnajic». i, Collerón District, S. C; Lieut. ILL<:wis, co. D, Oin-s'er Dis! rici, S. C ; W. IChisholm,|cu. D, Cuest. r District, S. C.; Lieitonii'it T. W. lioilj, co. K, Cnea'.er Di«ir!cS. C.,- D. Foreman, co. K. Birnw.dl Di*lxicS. C.: Assistant Suigwu C. S*ma, BcaufoDistrict, S. C.

t).i moCiuii of Captain Johnson, LicUtonanColonul i wiggi w»a added as <JU.t..uni»u oí thU-'iiiuiíti e.

The Committee retired, «.nd afro» deliberati:liz » low minim s, reported tho followiiipréalable and revolutions:Wu« r e is, an adores* has beon pcblishc

in thc public prints to the people of the CODfederate Suites, from tho Eii'-oipriic Misni.«ri it i Confederate Society, proposing a rdaifor a cautpaign against tho anny ol' SpOCul*t-.ts au«! ExV/rtionors that «rc striking at thli- in's bl'j'il ol' our rou'trry, wv., as cilizemaud especially as soldier*, bail tho inovcinenW»b joy, a« bemg tue means whereby thosol o tc comrades wno have shared thu bartheland heat of (he day thu* far.uuc>mplaiiiiuglybut are now rendorod disco:iloutcd by tin.mlforiug-. of tbnir families from thc ravage,of this rui !ilo».-î and unsatisfied onouiy, maj;*.vo enuio UiV-'Urancc that they MV\ theirs an

not forgtitlou. And «0 fuel it iueaiiibeut olu» to .end our nid iti th's gfvut worl; by»hearty support, and bj' bringing it to tho no

tice ot our patriot friends and fellow laborenVt the holy causo of National [ndepcndcnccwho'e. privilege it is to romain in the eiipjmeut of tho bles-siug-t and comforts of humeTiiorefore bo it.

Jiattihedf That werecomtrund lo our friéndiat home this subject lor their immediate antiearliest consideration. tho only ruun>.iy ftuthe discaso that ia g «.'Uig &t our nation;'.!vitals, and threalon* our national existence

J¿c*ofo¿d, Thnt we itppoiil to chalti (.» mortthis gre.il a^dgnwing evil hv an fminediat,«application ol this r-*:n!; :y. We call up-m allthule at home who ap; n-ciatc the gloriousCÄUSÖ jo «liicii we uro engr-pud tt? unita aionce and fight '.h;.-. good tight for our wives,our itmthsr.s. our sUers and dangliter« ; andwhile We ava enrraged in tho moro arduousduties of. the ii* Id, WO lock to lhoi?e.at Jiomcto so pet form their ran 1.1 ibo cause In Whichwe are engaged that we may emerge fromthis struggle with untarnished honor and be¬come, t<y the blessing of tim Almighty Father,a happy and prosperous people.

llcsvhctl, That wo will -.mite with our

ff lends and neighbor«, at our respective homos,ia tho effort to organizo similar societies inevery neiihborho slr

Resolved, Tlrnt wo appeal particularly toour prominent and le.idiug ciiir.onR, farmer-1,manufacturera, merchants, mech.viiu, railroadand other transportation companies, as wellas all ihose who are in any way engaged insupplying the means and conveniences' oflife, U> arm theinaelvos in this humane «andnecessary measure, to enroll themjeives un-

deMhis righteous banner, and by simultane¬ous effort free our beloved South fr»*m hermost dread enemy. Let the cry be, away withspeculation and extortion. Let hi ui be accurs¬

ed who fattens on tho blood of our country'.Rejoiced, That a copy of thesa proceedings

he sent to the Governor of South Curolina,and that they bc published in tho Columb a,H. C. papers, and all papers m the S tata andConfederacy be reqitastod to copy.

Several i.nnrt addresses were called forth,when tho preamble and rcsolutions W'trounariim-jusly adopted, aud thc mo-ting ai-

jjouiOed.J. D. TWIGGS, Ch'ran.

W. A. PED»:v,<»Secïy.-

Free Negroes.All Ibo clements of strength which wo

possess Ought, in tuiu crisi-i, to be carefullygathered and made cDtcieut and available.There is a place and v. duty for every man-no piac3 should Lo urilillod, uo duty bc un-

p«*riornie.d. .

lt has more than once occured to us thatthe class of free necroes-a very prosperousand comoutod class in this State-bas notcontributed their full parttn the public du-feyec. Wo have no doubt that m&ny valua^ble Abocen out of tl-.JH c!a-5 could be addedto the nnmber t-iupl -yed Upon tho fortifica¬tions, ifjudioious str-pi we/o taken to engagotlieul. Tiiis ia their country. They ougut,it nor. to light, at least to work for t, as weilas others.

The- subject bas IK. rt sug^estoii to us to-dayby the following p*iagrapîi in au SuiutorWatcfonán :

Thousands of free i.-tf/r.'tj.'iaretie.'iitore-.l ove:

Ihe. land, lium whnm no public service is c-x-. ncVidV The m.vtier n..d tue skiSC sro iwth

c-.e.- ! into 3i-r /ic-.!; ihe ono lo fight, ibo otherui If.b.ir; the/nv ne.jto alone is !e!< ut hot.ic

iii ind.donee a<cl eaie, io enjoy bis uub.ui^i.i? e.v -tn¿,liu¡i. Tilts *IKO is sli aiiyc !

A lady passing p.loi.g the street i-.i Buff-Jo,? n'jticfld a little 007 seritieriag sa-.t up-m ti,e> Mde-wr.lk, for ihepurposo of cleaning off thc1 ice. *Weii, i'm sure.' said tho lady, 'thal ra

i raal boaevolout.' ;No it ain't ma'am,' re-

, pUeJ Ibo boy, 'it'n ï»tit.:

LINCOLN- ¡CHE PERMANENT PRESIDENT OFTin: NORÏIT.-A gentleman nf rr-spectuLL'ify,who (»rroprlv rimrosonfod «ri« of the North-orri border counties iu thc V-iijjiinj, LègiHa-tiiro. WA«; rocontly arrested hy Plural hu-ibori'y ami iahen to Wrn¿¡ii;i|£i:iin: He was

flf'or a tims liberated, and waj by Lincoln'1!j '.rdw conductor) into bio preseivo. TkoiVoi-.heni PiWdv. fukad him " hovr ]nr\<rdid the Houfhrn) people think thia-war wouMlaslT The reply r»s, "Tboy think it wi"!Oiid vyith youl-adiiiitiuiration." I.inc du veryc-jollv replied,'\Tbat will probably liyit aa

long >ui I li«*,. Thin i« xy> tittie ¡froftl*t!liorbj fMTiles» aro nearly thc erect t?uriia of ibo con¬versation ns raoortt-d hy good authority io Ha.Whether it !>. correctly i-sportcd or nut, vu

aro »ell convinced ol'ono thing, and llujt is:thai if this iTArrb»«» not arid b*;n»r» tk« tinasof electing th« President of ll¡« Federal Suitw,nobody ho »ll.»wwi to bo eleet*l ©veLiiicoJu. " Aui Oyinar out muttu*." If haia not to ba chosen, tha.ballo.-b.ix will oithe.rDut ba opened, or will be tte diopvHK-.l of sj.'tPrhfing opone»! ai to o ui in cicfeatiiig any chanar*of miora.-Richmond Dispatch.

liinKMBtck IKK.-Green r-erHlnimoni s%y12 of liioiu, tuAijh them, pour on wator unoughtn covor them. [foil over a ainu tiro ,iud <1 >

not boil them too much, add in * small piucaof copperas. Thu'Ink will not change colorand cannot bo vrhahed out or rubbed out.

FUJLIKI; THU NKÜKOES.-A lai-jzo accesiónnan nonie to ibo negro regimenlm in proce-3of organization in Washington on the 20lbult. Tho negro soldiers had invited thenmale acquaintances to a .sui t of picnic ai

tbuir cutup, at AnacoaU Island. When thclime tor breaking up carno, the lennie* were

?ont homo, but tho malos «rere positively de¬tained a* recruits. v*

C< 1. Poter G. EvanR, of North Carolin?.,died in Washington city aliout ion doya a^ooft» «round reCeimi at Midtilnburjr. VVUont!»e Yankees captured Col. Juvatifi ho beggedthat i J cy woulu pando iain mid leave bim ut

a hoti.o on thu road nulli he L-cl butter: butt.ioy îc-iu^e.;, sa\iii¿.' thil tlioy v»ouid carryLim io Washington if it killed Ililli. Hi diddie-aj:d is another victim of Fedora bar-baril) and inhumanity.

The following ammdng colloquy took plae.«,OU Capital Squaie, a few ilays ajjo. A toughmni patriotic soli.'i-.r fónvoor jâlatèj waa j-iosing through tb« -q-'9ro and mel. President.Dwvia :

¿w.-i'/--Isn't this Jeff. Davis ?Davis-Yes, sir : what do you ¿rani ?XoUicr-1 Lhi.ught you was L>avis-you

look so incch like a p»»aU»go stamp.

POIÀOXKII BALLS.-TLc Yankee papers t-aytinii ihe.r uiuoiick aie rn-w eugood in them.nnlaita.c of r» poisoned bail, which willpivive "a fatal oxtinguishir lo rebellion"whonuver it atrikea. li ia a Minie ball in

ihroopait*-ino point b'utng ol mime hardiiiotal, coated willi r. jntUiOCoùa Boiúiiuu olco^^r. Wi.cn tho b.i.1 M1 rikv..i, ibu ihreo

parts «oparaloj and tko poisoned point pone-iratitig ttiMi'iiiy ¡K>VI :'.J thu cc:le.r and cup,which uiaJtux up thy remainder of tim ban,coi.tot nc extincted, ind rt ill indict au incur-abic wJuitd, tne copper coating producinggangrene in a rev hours.

Pabîîç Sale.BY an order frew thu Ordinary i.f Bdgefield

¡.»inrie i., 1 will sell publicly ul tho Cour.¿Iiuno Steps cn ¡salo day in UctoL'cr next, '.¡ic following pro,iurtv b*luu¿;¡n¿( lo tho Liiialo of JohnH. liWiiit:.oy, doc'<!., viz :


Ono L;wge SOW, on;. FL0UOI1 and OMAR, and*^ asmalllo^of (¡arden Tools.

jSST-Tho salo to commcaco nt ll A. M. Terma'Cuih. A. 0. TEAO UL, Agent

Foi Mi*. Lucy (J whitney.Sept 15 3t

State of South Carolina,EDGEFIELD DISTRICT,

INEQUITY.Mary E. Simklne, *i

ts. L HUI for I'mrlition,&«Emma Simkins, ot al. JBY viilue of an oidor of the Court in Ibis ci>-e,

I will pr.-ciid io »ell a: ll-.r late residenceof tba linn. A Vt TUUK SIMKIÎL*. -ceoa'cd, on

^ KD M Es O A Y, tho 7th OCTOKKU next, theper-'oral Kilala of said dece-i-ed, unneigtin;' of

S Ë V JiN LI ii BLY 'ríEGIcü ES,Antonys: whom there i« a first raU Brick Layerand IMrstersr, good Oo. u, ¿e.IlORSEri, CATTLE, H0-.1S. TWO CARKTAGES,

TWO WAGONS, PfJGGY, PIANO,PJanlatii u Tools, II.in.ieuoi'<l and Kitchon Fur¬

niture, andA Select Library of Valuable liooks.TERMS.-Sold on a arodit of I Weira months

with interest from day of salo. Furchn-crii ta

;*ivo iîonrls with at l*ait two j;ood sureties to so-

curo tho purchaso money. . »

2. V.'. CAF.WILE, c.R.r. nComm're. Offico, Srpt lt», 1883. .Ite.M


containing 281 Acres, lying .brno mile*from Edjfcllold C. IL This place needs utily to beseen to heTikod.

Uoinir absent in the army Mr. W. F. Durisoo isnuthorizod to act as my Ageat in tba salo af theabove place. L. S. JOHNSON.

Sept 22 tf.18

Tea! Tea!1CHEST OF GRKEN TEA, of Ano

flavor und quality, for sn le byE. FENN, Agent.

Sept 15 tf37

School Notice.AGENTLEMAN of Soothern birth and edu¬

cation, (oxnrupt from imliury servico,) wbdi-0M io proeuro a SCHOOL in this or ono of tho»djatioiit Districts, in wbivfa will bo taught theusual branches of an Kûglinh education, vii :

Spullinj,-, .Reading. Writing, 0 ruinm ar, Arithme¬tic, Geograph?, and Anciontaud Modern History.

flSdS-Addicss D. P~ Duriaoe, Athel titer Office,Bdgellelil, S. C.

Sept15, tf_27__Look at This !


RUNAWAY from mo two year." ago, two ne«ra

womon, CLAUEN OE ll an-l LIZ». Clur-ondor ÍK mîsrit mulaito ahoiit forty yours of age.Lire is a blight mulatto, nbuut twenty-ono yearsold,-Wad çoxl «izo. I think they liavo iioenhnrbomd in this District »nd tho lower part ofAl.ibtivillo. I will givo Xwo Ilnndni Dollars forta.» npprthenstoii jf lúe two womoo. and TwoHundred Do!l»r« for tho detection nf the thief orhari.-i'er. W. Q. GAUDIER.Hamburg, Sept 22 Gm28

Iron.LANTATION IRON for Salli »V

S. L. ROWERS, Agt.fUmburg, Si7ti!2_ tfaa



BILL PEAKING will stand tho FALLSEASON of 18CS nt E.^ofield C. H., M n-

days, Tuesdays and Wednosilays, tho remainder<i" the deafen ut línreinn .?'n!lnr.n'e:, at $2j theS'-as-m. v.bioh bobina on the ist of August andcwis ih« 2orh October.

saaroa faiiiug t.» provo hi foal by Dick Choat-îiaui too rlwring of IS63, may bo jeni this Fall io

Dearing frv^ of cb.ug ).

TAOS. (i. BACON.8cpf. Ti f


AFRESt! rapply ^Uöt received Ky- IL ra;«, Agoct

aus ll (/.&

Assessor's Notice.;W willaju

tí. 'aïii'ionod to receivehe 'imre and places jrarojn at toreooivo 1'.. '..,v: .?"?] Aw-sn tito

?»iue iront l'Ai Pnyeiv at Mi« 12ih Onlmuio., Dit-

frift <:.-ropi;sitig fha ViL ard í*11. Ulginu li is, firthe T:.x tri mic jr Tax aol, 'coüo:. lit una

Jd, ccsim cueing atLoH't 1>. 0.,J»hn T. Nicholson's,litbrand's;

' I!." U. Flunkey's,i Hatcher'J.Vaucluse FiclorT,,Üran¡tovi!lu,

j Bsac'j Island,Hi:luLurg,Cb"rok.o F,.nd?,«Vic Corry's,"I'la« Uousu,EdfiullBld C. II.,'Picanear Lairo,Jela Cheath»ui'a,Col IW-K',

id'-man'i Sshnul Heese, Thursday,

Mor.dn;-, 1-ifb SeptTuesday. 1Mb "

W.»alnVsd»r,'-l5tb "

Ttl 111:,day, I Vii« "

.Fr .ay, J51I1 "

Sninniay, iVh "

Hobday, 2 Ni. "

fy¡*fñmf, 22a "

Wednesday, ltdThursley, 2 iibFriday, 25 .iiSuiunhy, 5rt'.ii

M. oday, 2SthTuewfay, 2V'hWednesday, ÄfitbThursday; Ist Oai'r. |Fri.luy. SidM cnday, ¿thTifsiiay, 6 thWi^iicday, fib

A. Mi'rjf.n'«Woodlawn P. O.Edward Ib.wls'iWhite Heus«,


Hod Hill,'*

J. A. TulrertVrLilicriy. Hill,'Sbattorf.eld,

ßopt 1


Friday,Saturday,M ond ey¡Tuesday,WtJ..e«duy, HihThursday, 15th "

Friday, J6:h "

Saturday, li tb ?«

Monday, Huh "

Tuesday, 20th "

Weuuesdnv, 21at "

THEOS. DHAN, As«u-iror12ih Cullociion District.

7t 36

Assessor's Notice.To Tax Payer» of the 13th Collection

District, 3.-; ¡ ml H Uctyistfôtit :

WÍI.1, attend at tho linea sod placen hBrcln-alter nauiud Tor thcYurppxe of niieiwr.g Tn::

Itel II ran uad making AssoFiineniß.Monday, Mth Sop;Tu rr lay, iainWednesday,;! (ilkThnnd.-y,



"' Thursday!Friday;Saturday,Monday,Teesdny,Wedneidsy, "Olliïuu.^tcy, Ut Oct'r.Fridr.y, 2d "

Saturday, 3d "

Monday, 5th "

Tuesday, Otu "

Wed'jasday, 7ih "

FriiUy, 9th "

gu:'itday, 10th "

GRIFFIN, ^ cj>-;iiaorIStli Collection Diatiict.

it 30

I. ..mn (rim's Store,44

1 lom's Mids,J. S. rjinyiy'e,Mrs. Allen's,Hirhaniflon's,Pr. John Mobiey's,Mrs. Norri*',Mt. Wiiüog-,Mick tor's,A I]»n licmj.'H,Ishain ('uibmathV,Coleman ..< X. Hoads,Perri's,


liuiot'i Storo,«. ...

ü»ori;o Addy's,Mm. Uihson's,Maltiwsniror's Store,


Sept I

18th10thSl.jti2d2:n24 th2aih2«th2.S thipili

Notice to-Taxpayers.1-v l'nïhit,1» aro rrjqnirnTto ru--ke duo* ro-

L. (urns eu o*:b of nil thc fullowiug articles boldor ..moil l»y i.iua ol; lou Inc oj' Ju y 1.<¿:>, irUii-lora t!ie giotvih pTi.ihvlion of any .tear prorading the yearl -o;;: N«vul stores, .->..it, Wince,Spirituous Lirjú rs. Tobacco, uiiutofnbtKireai or

umunnutiiatuiod,' C-tt'on, Wool, Flour, Sugar,Moi.tSSea and Syrup, Rice sad othwr ngriculiurai¡IP duets.

T.T\ payers aro further required tn Totvirn allIt mk Notos-aod other Currency on baud, ur or.

deposit, 0.1 Iho^lst day t»f July InXS j and of nil«.redit* held or/bwnod iii the 1st of Jniy 1862, on

which the interest has not been paid. Crudité melude ml unliquidated demande, euch ts opon sc-

oounts, due and unpaid.Tex payers WO» »Iso required to roiiirn ivll prof¬

its m.ide hy any person, partnership or c o itera¬tion during th'rycar l>o'i, by purchase and s^lcaf »r.y of tho followinganieles, viz: Flour, Cora,Br.eon, Perk, (/ats, Bay, Kico, Iron or Mauufae^.tures of Ji-n, Sugur, M«las¿os iuado i.f Ci.ue,Leather, Wo-,¡eu clothes, Shoes, Boo:«, Bhinkaljand Cotton clothes;Tax-payers who refuse or negloct. to maka ro-

turn« willi in ibo rime required hy t!so iis^r^sorH,will ho lisblo to twenty five per cunt, additionalTc* or. ihsnuiiunt ss'eaeed.

R. C. CtRIFFlN, Ai>o?sr.r, 13tii Dipl..'rliBUS. DJ'AN, As-ss/or, 12th Bist.

Sept. 1 5t.10

Notice to Tar-Payerrj iaSALUDA

Íe-lil uttend at iii» following time« and pl¿ce*to called tho SFKCIFIC TAX froni Pr.y.-i-

ciaes, La^vycr.-í, Disiillcrc, Cattlo'Brokers, ¡Uer«?chants, Dentists, B.-jkers, and otii-. r *p.:rsons (ifaLy lh»ro h») wii" ero r.-ipiired by the; Fifth Soc-lUn of the Tax Aet, to pay tho Soucili-; Tax,-A Íz :

At Coleman's X Roads, WeduoMluy, IAfb Supt.lidiiwanpcr's,Rovr.tree's Storo,J. S. Smyly'f,PcrrvV,Mrs. ftih-on's,Mrs. Xorrii'Pr. Jehn UoMuy's,

THurrduy, 17 rnFlidxT, ' lothSaturday, Ifl«,bMonday, 21stTerHay, 22dJ\Vii(i>;o(.'i*y, 2"-dTburiulay, 24rh

Tho Booki« will thon clocó. P«r«ons fr.iling to

pay at tho times above niontioniid will bo tmbjoctto 'doublo tax. .

C. M. MAY,Dipt. Collector.

_Aag_2_l_tr_Additional Tax Notice.

T o Tax I'aycrs 7th mid 9!h IteginmntH.

IPROPOSE to attend at tho following timesand places to collect ibo SpeciSo Taxei uudor

ihe 5ih SeOlian <>f the TJX Act:At Bybrand's, Sn urday, Sd Octolicr." Kegefi'ubl C. H., Monday, otb Out." Liberty Dill, Tiic«Jay, flth Oct" <tr»niieville, Thursday, Sib Oct

Hamborg, Friday, 9th October.I am instructed that all Tntl ¿Hilt as- woll a?

¿'ate Mill», and all PwbHe Shop*, are requin-í to

]>ay the Specific Tax. Those who fail tn refinerand pay within tho fimo abovo-prcBcriSod will

subject thomsolvoB to double tax.H. T. WRIGHT,

12th JUidtrict Collector.

Sopt22 _ 2i_ -^3.


Ci<Aiii.r..srox Sen 10, 18%XíirRKAt:, INFORMATION I <S BKEM

receiv ed nt this Dep ir'cient that, on cr

about tho.Oih day'of July last fit thc viilngo orClinton, ir. Ljurnns Distriet. a mail Ly tho nama

rf 1,. TUOMFáON J'.'riNSO.N was murdered bysono perron or )ioríons,up lo |nireiuiaaoknown-Kow, thorolora, I, M. 1<. BONHAM, Governor

of toe Sima .-vforoaiiid, do iaau.i this my Pryclr.ma-tinn, rilnriuga reward of FIVE HUKDRKDlitjljhARS for thc npprehsniion and dclivry nf

tbo real mnrdorcr of tlie said E. THOMPSONJOHNSON into tey one of tho jails of this State;and, if moro than one, an additional reward of

Five Hundred Dullars for pu eh ono who shall bo

proved to be au accomplice.Givou und.-r my hand and tho sotl of tho Statn,

Chsrleaton, this tenth day ofSepiomhor,IL-*.] A.D. 1863.

M. L. BONHAM.UM R III'NTT, Scoretsry of StrUo.

r%r- AU tho papers iu thu SUta publish cac

ia ou tb.e^pt¿»_I«37.

No# T.Ti iiorsona Indebted to ibo JEstatii r.f îobû R.JSL Saaîtuoy, dwj'd.j nro'rcniiestod to make pay¬ment ns early ai possible. TOUPO hiving chilies

aguinut tho Ertlate will prcrüiit them, properlynUo.>U»d, to Dr. A. G. Teague, my authorizedagent. LUCI' GWALTNET, Ex'or.

¡iee 0. 1SÔ2._ll_4D_/' NOTICE.ABE person? hnving clnimr. against the E«fatc.

of Dr. Har<roed Bun, dne'd., arc nciui-dt/» prônent them, properly attestai, ac tne undur-

si;cned i.- prúpared to pay tho Same. Thone ¡u-deiitu'I to said Eeteto axe requested to mettle prompt.

ly,W. M. BURT, Ex'or.Jun ?1

Eags Wanted.

CLUAN COTTON AND LINEN RAGtü can bosold for coob at tho Àdurttitr iSivu-

AU* sr Ü54

EXECUTOR'S MÊ. Át Public baie.

ÍFríi-L ba auld tt tHr- ],. o t-vdrfer.-ro of C-1~* I L. C A I.D. 0 UN, ii/,., in fr..-.-, ti ld

L-iítnct, S (;, ?.b mild aboi ¿ Au^usiu, Ca», hetween Stonlons' Creó* nod p ivanns a Bivor,'.<inTÏiRHHA.Yi iWth «oib»*fcrt aw.vrTliul VALUARIA Tl«»VOT r»t? LA F D uponTi'liiuU Ibo d. r.-n-*il JiTift, oo«?.*s5r!ing

TWO TiïôilSAXB &¿£S$,Wore or lo.i8> (he principie p-*rl af irheh ia OAana! Ili.-Urv, i-'tfc between Knur and Fire Hen-»ired *cr.-a nf rjsii'l Fine L-. id--et" Vjlupled Uttic culture af (iruin und Cotton, with owly «beutcnongh' ele»"*; fer twenty Bro or «hirtr bands io.;U:r-<tt»: ti?« balance ir: ruiiv« for.'n. Titer«

sro pun« (I»« hw rruunfa io cultivation on tbaCi-rek. 'I ii« plr.niaiiou-in weil improved with alu« aii.l(tominodioui Dwelling^. Also, good Ho-H.-o ll oafol, G;:i tivftso, fitaide, .tc, Ac, rll newand lu Äa,d condition, very healthy, and woillif.ppiiuel Villi So«) »TAlrr.AIMO, will be sold at thommo (leonid placo t

tiWÍY LYHÚlY ÏOIfKÇ NKfíROKS,Arnon* '.hem a rory likely Seamstress with allth« qualification* ;.f « rrrv rvpcrhr boneo gir¬van t, »oma-cod Oeokv u h«"*« and Tronaré, ar.l:>nt:iti«n inartr-fmith, Waggoners, Carriage Oli¬vers and Field Jinnda.A FlMi FAIR O? YOUNO A NI? WÜf.L


.NINE LARGE FIN H MULES,Two Cart 'mp-.* nod i ia rms*, ono nearly ii»w, and

oj-.u Rug,;} and Jiani-?s".Also, 30 or -ii) Head Blooded Cottle;arnon ic Oiom :-..nny fmc Miik Cons; 70 ot VSIJ.l.'id of Sftccp, «nd a J'itic Lot ul «iog.i,both Stock anti Fat Hog«.

Also, tho nóticehtdd Furni:u-c, Including fe«I'ur'r-r Furnitur«, Crockery and Ki'tebua UteuMlsjDlubtatiun «-;d iliac Jc.ituitii Tools, Wafguns, OiaHem), Thra.si:c; now Faa,teni, i-'otiiii-f. iteitokt.VöitoüAud many other urtitles too niiiimri'iis tn mullion.

^£sV*rFoásc¿3Íún ¡rívuu iiouicdittte.'y attur thos.i's::. Tormo «ceüli: tiiodnliftg,jSB^Any fnrlb.*r iii'WmutiJa cher rfutly gírejn

'.y addrrvsing mu Subscriber at E'lgetlold C. H.,S. C Y«ung T. T. Calhoun on tl.o premise*, Mr.H'.ht. JÍ. Middleton, six milan belo«,' or Or. W.D. Jennings two niih.3 alu..-: ihr; piao-;, will Ukopleasure ¡ii showing the land.

A. C. TEAttCli,TUa Actin» Aa-cc-ift'»*.

Aug 22,1, lffi.S. fltM

l^.JLilO U 1. \J£X, »J> 0>*Aj.b.u.

Fd L ÏÏA 31.2 LA Ullis r"J fi SA !. RLi r/AfiîHXS IHSTttlCT, Sfti'.CA.',

Within i-Vur Miles nf iiartin'a Depot, nn theNawbúiTy .V Laurens it .i tr-.u<l. 0

TrjirrlLT, ba ir-%!il on de prctr,i«es, at pi.Vi? .t».c-

VV tlon, on THURSDAY, tho 1st OCTOEEf!next, 'hu ?»ca! Mstu'e of Dr. THOMASI' tlAG UK, dee'il., jioon whioh ti.o widow now rc-

ddcs, tontairiop;.". o ri aoho -¿veres,

M-^re or le>>;<, willi :. í:*-c Üt7í'l¡».jj Honan, R.-ic»áin-.kj Iii.ii»«. 4 R« MI «, (?'a HaiiHO, llHTjl*ifcc, «ll in m*oa coiKÜiieu. Tbs la nil is weiltdan'ed t>. ibu eulrn*e of Wheat, Kye, Cfirn, Oaj?boo", «.-i-.. And i:i line s-:itc of ciliivr.«''.-', win

|i!c;iiy of ti ir.her for 'T-'VÍV .-y plantalbin nnrposes.'l'ho loentiou is r.it' I :V,r -oed hvnitb, i-.f-^r ex-

jellent w.atcr, iij.d ínrróitmied v't:h v?ot\ soe»aty.There will al»o ho sold rr.:iry nniele.-i r.olior:.

ronion t to rr.ovo, such i>s noe FlMtNlTU.RK,COTTOS, Colton Giu, Tbt'esbei aud b'au, Hoiso^tims, «tc.

.d-^XjSÍOt.I will al»o sell at tho mme O.r.c and place,

130 Acre» til' ¿jami, marear loi-n, adjoiningtho ?.h.»vo, licloïi^ini» to thc K.«futo nf C d. P ii.CALHOUN, deceased, ir, ¡incstate of cultivationr.ith plenty --f tiuihc-r, but no buildings on it. Too:wo Tracie, bought h> the K.-;tr.o puruhsscr, wouldimpioy twelve or fifteen hands lory prodtably sudOrjrXC 1 *r-tc-mTtilemo~..- ._

^'f-Term-i for both, Cash, or approved Kotos,st ono and two your; witù iiittru:.;, ai best soilsl!ic purcbnserí.

.cy-Ar.y furthor taforaiation eencrrn'ng theseaii.lii cin-jrful'y ,;ivcn by addrcssinj; tho Buhferj-l»cr aa Kdgi-fiold U. H., S. C. Br. Wc-t «r, a»«rthu piaco, it iii Uko pleasure iii thôwiite: ilio lands.

A. G. TKAUUE, Ex'er.Arr 22 Jt31

A Valuable Residenceron SAL".

TUM Sul>-e::her otibrc for ¿ala tba SALUDAÜOUSK in tho Village cf E l--livid. C.,

having IS Room?, 10 -.Ti'h fire pU«t», 2 Cellars,ind one Bascineot ¿'.lory. There aru on tho prcm-¡:<C!< a r^ood Kitcbeu with '« Rooms i'U.l 2 fire

places, Smoke House-, F tntry, nnri all tiecosaiir.*,

natbnildinys, with a fa« weil cf water in tue

y -rH, an i a ebuico Cerdeo attached to tho pl:-c;.Al»o, attached to th* prcml*os, ic ii cvnunoHioit.^Stahls Lot, with Stalls tot Fury llorac?, Crib,Uarriago HIÍU.-ÍO, and a well ol K00LI wnirr.

This desirable ro-.idc.ico will am wer 1er cither» puo'.io or pr:vato hottSO. Tho buildings aro

in ¿"od repair, aro located in a retired and ploas-ant ri iuai ion, nd to any ono in want of a coin-

modious and cuaroaicntly arrusgcl Houso andL >t, the Saluda HvUio is re-pesfnlly olTjrcd.For terms and othor partionlara address thc

subscriber at Eugiüeld C. ll.LEWIS COVAR.

A ur 23 tfM

Escheated Propertyfdr. PAUS.

yr WILL soil st publie sale, cn th* lir.-t Y.oz lay¿in N'»vamb;r next, nt Kdirclielt C. ONEHOUSE AND LOT iu lbs Village of Kcgoficld,formorly tho properly of ibo late Charlas Mc¬

Gregor, deceased, and uow occupied by Mrs. Ste-vonsun, c«ntaiiiing Hair an Aero, moro or les?,end bounded byi-aihof tho Caiholio Church,Junie." A. Dor.:«r, Jüniito Goo.V. Laudrum.doe'd.,and Thoa. P. Magrath, Es p,-tho samo havingbeen Bseboatod tn thc S'.-t3 of South Caroliua,tho deceased having no legal heirs in this Con-

federacy.Terms on a credit of twolve month» from day

rf sale with interest from dato. Note with ap¬proved personal scouriiy and a mortgttfo of thoreraises will bo required. Coats to Lo paid in

cash. Po.*seitSioii ei"»n or> tho Irt January noxt.LEWIS J.ONES, Eauhontor.

Ediroficb? C. II., Aug SI,_¿t35SÜÑIÍRXES.

trfyf* SACÍÍS X» C. SALT, old And dry;tjkji? 50 » Livervool SAÏ.T;ISO JiUls. N. C. KlsOUH;15'ï tc n::d Ho.r.Sbls. N. O. Syrap;lr>0 Boxc«Fi<i« i'-'iPTViug TOBACC« ;üo Obis. Appl&nod Peach Brandy*IO Fistn Corn-Whiskey;MALAGA r.ivl PORTWINE:CIIRI'.RY URANDY and CORDIALS;BOTTLKD LIQUORS and WINES;4< Koyt Bi-Ca ru. SODA.

.RICli, MEAL, SPICKS, die., to.Together with a gáód assortmoiil of FAAi ILlOROCARIES,-on hand and for «ni. by

ri, TBVEW8,Augusta, Qo«.

May 20 8»20

SHOES ! SHOES !KA VMH B»«fil8H Aftüll' SHOK*Ö8J just rocoifod and^M^m^EeptT_tl_HEW GÖÖDSI

Ladios' Linen UANDKEllClIIEr S ¡Grote' do. "*o.Ladies' Black Colton HOSE ;

«« Mixed " "


Ladies' SILK Le.r.TS ;

Als- a «reut vaiiety of o'ber oV^riUc C.,od:

lu-t re aived by E.' i'iiMN, A«t.Aug- _^

ÎWILL m::!'.c application m thc next Session :

Ibu Logislaturo, fur-; ro-eliarUT ol my Fc-irhefoss HIE Saluda Rivet, t.a Ibo road leadinInmi Newberry C. ll. lo Hamburg, on ihs WoviU'ind, at etiçh pr.ocs aa «ro in nnordunnO wiiibo timea. WM. HOUKÍÍ.JÜIIT.

Btet 1 ; ͻ57

--»s«-,-. for SVf.si.«.

N.iî Lt.« », »r.'J. li. ¡ LÀ tl 'C* WEST::;


fi ?'? COOP 8/',*» J-iiLlAAi.apiHfc.,,

Pc? Tío. i. <i!»ort<>*.J A COU HU 1.7T.»- T ,t ill. I h «1 T I IIt ¡V VU0. V. ftf*«"?;ear* ttracß ct^imu.íTtlK'h Í Hi.nNKV,. f!. f|0 l.t.G vf I Yi- * j is J . aoí'iíjv,".

fci. HAtllf rSOK,

for Ortiza« rv.W. F. DUH [SOS.

ííe^roeti Warnteni/S7e f j.-«: iu- M,tiúdiítiv f v(>. y-. v.;<;^i^,A;I4,,-S

t« p...v the RTG"2X2 T CASH i*;;. CVE* bavc rn hnwJ'a LÎZKLY TTOMAN WUT*

PO li rt CUTT PR nhtcL iro »iii bo pinned tisri! or 'ischiingc for otk. t Kesr<M-p.

* GLOVEA « 6 OLLIVAIK.fan 23 tf 4

fe stKM cd ia ííif JaüOF t'iie District, ot: thc 1Srh inet., a negr<« m«r.

who 3.!j> hu natne'ia KTHEIIT, but U frc-qnentij culed Alb ry, n-d flirt he Stolon;^ t» fa\King" living nt A rinnta. Qa. FlWirt eu-" so wo*rrrc^itd vf ben nt hi« wtVs h»a«. in tSe c.pr,pure c«f tr.it I'itfT-rr. Sail' Elfört is fcL'ool ¿Í

I rfr.ru of wr'jrh* iA">ut 1 0 rounds, is 5 fee«!» tildie* i.i¿,!i, «ark com»»lentc«+. Ha nivir* rr

I rr.-.r- :iutic>;.i.j 'i'l.c uwocr ia rr'ijuói^ei' I« Oase* for^-Aril. irorj»proysrt}', ;.-.v « i.-ri sr nen t. h*'i¡¡ ru,, .ciicr-wisc '..» v.ill UK: Levait T Ith rs I * !i'w direst";

L. li. Met ÜLltfö&H, i. u. ?J; ac 2 4-, tf3#

r? í% T -TI .*7»i-.T w .» TT-'I} -.«..<.r»cji .s¿y.2-2-A 2 L¿**i X' i!&.>:«..Jr. '.^_-¿t ?Ö ;

SjrAVt'lO ac'-c-'í j thc tg»i»ey of au exton :\\c£.* SALT lliUSil, I».;; h.. »Ho to f<n.¡,-';S/» t/J° ir Inr.'C or Emidl «vanti'i--, ! ni trill T.;gov. nu ..; ,;y .ip. "ua¿kot priOQ lt! P is!»ur£JI Augusta.

S. E. ÜO^EfíH, Agent.Ilumburè, slat ;;>> ;iui i j

A iiL ucr*-j;ns Indebted to tuc Wut» cf innujiia. ij. f'Ti,<.>»?,? oo. n.'t'd.. are rrnunst.id to muk«,v OM-nlty ia- lr p.* H<:- >b: (. 1S63, at J

ii X-, i^ij ii«w « cs . »ulufi uaid .Ku ala KKJ' --i. U **r.l >>'.; .jrti: Mvi», as X dc ..ii O t:

ù.iko o ÍÍRMÍ tf?tult:aio!.l en JIM lav.L. CCKÜÍY, Adm r.

Oe: i, L-n2. \j40

/\ Mi p~nto»,5.!»:.*i3¿ ävaisvesj njrâicrt »ii^ K«/?vk t»tn LI" M"»"., ui ü. 3J; ia.ct.ct», ii :fU, ..«...

^iití.-rcd M [«ri tb?» io tb-. ui- nT'ly-ncci, i»n4:ln-M it..!«..'>'! t<- ai'.i t^:u.« are rea'-.«stcd-üi?a¡.k'; inii:";J:at'- paymunt.

SÜJÍ.T mLT'UHT^K, Aio'ixJVr.r4' »ir.« 3

a. a. s. ^;..i J> « * u i :. . c. . A V A.

dcairinz tó í>«|i will pleito cull ».ti

tt«t/. T. JACXSO"< A CO.,N">>. JW Mot'.inie Hail Üuildinir, üiwi.'d

Àùguata, ft«.^Ju!v 7 íím»' 23

Estate Notice.ÄTJIJ p."jrrcnrin anyWLrr hHut-wl t»u,a B3*«N

ul M. JW. i'.'-o, dtc'i., p.ri* "Aiiti'l; .encid to'PÄjiP furrörd ?'t-' rettie u|» wit!..»! dii1?j.TLöiiönnvi'ig elttin» .n;-:>i::¿i. »^.iu Usca te will Tra¬

der Ihtw ir, properly Rttostod, an early ds,telG. L. I'JÍTN'K, Ài«n*Ar.

Au?'! tf81

ÎP50 Rewfe?d:§CQli£M on th? night of ttio 23ih August frc:.i

th« indnrsijncil a lane KAY ÍÍAKK, 16hands bitfh. :vh.->ut IO y.iars uki, with a -witchUti!, lier i*»niii ...nd fnr-'h- J.I .is if half siiorf, ....!; I

jipmt:;; in tho tv.'o r«;nù titloeksj had on shoescn .hf tw«» for-» fm ".

I vviil^ ,Tiv;i <>jd f.-r th.' Maro an>l ?100 for thoillili' v- i'li praot fi»«'«uvh.t him. Î. tiavc suiRcieKtreason to twlitV« tli*l rh« ia tilden lo t;-.r. iina. Itraded tor h» ííiid tn^nro aOout tw-i months agowith Dr. WlilUtus sud Carori Älhclsii of th's¡ihvr?. Any iñforntttioii Ü! hör will l>s ici'urfuüyroooirod al ^o. 10, '.;''!!:nr Streut, At;^ o' Ga.

CUh^ELiUd L2XIUAN.Augusta, Sept 7 41*38

îilthciii Allen,fjn3IS thorough tied y.icntf STALLION will

fi. stund th« 1V.II .^-nson, cc-nnncncinsc lat Sep-tctnhVr, at Mr. Lod Hi.I'? plantation, at $25 thogunson.ETHAN ALLEN is out.of tt ?.re«?onf;cr tiaro

hy Ethan Ailed j ho iiy i'lyiug Morgun-tho Ujt.trottine -t'iili lai'iwn.

ETii t^ ALLE:"« ia n hcnulif»! hay, "'S bandshiuh, six .'PHrii old, nnd of fino form und ftedoñ.Jlc l-iis as Una col.a as eau oe sht»wu in"flu Dis¬

trict.A. J. Kl/ÜHEö."^h>pt 2 if35

State of South Caraííaa,- ?


Wm P'JWO;Ï and Luoinda, his wife, AppHo&nt, )vs. \

EJdredf;e Asbill, ot ul, Defendants. JBY aB ord«r from the Ordinary, I slir.n proceed

to sell at EdgoGold C. IL, cn thu first Mon¬day in October nrxt, fur F.i-tilicn, th» REALESTATE of Lloyd P. Achill, int« of EdgoficldDistrict deceased, consisting ofONE TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND lying

and h'-iiig in tho District of Lexington aid St¿toaforesaid, oôntuininj! One UvuñfA and Fi?tytuvn nrieí, tiioro or les, mid adjoining lands ufRiciiar i-ilul»tciu, L. Hartley r.uo AI. Corder..

'J Ill'-M.i-Of a credit «'til tho first rf .Linna-

ry, lol, 1. Purchns. r to gire Bond »rirh good > ».

euii'.lii, and a jlortg.i.iro to th-j Ordinary' t* se-

iiare tho pmcohaso uiucey. Cout to ho pclxl ia

cash. Titles o.\ira.LEWIS J0N#:£J. a. K.J>.

ßri>; 7 *t-rt

Tarjior.y Notice;T»7fS.lOM Oil.* '':'fo I *ill TAN and DREfiP ell

jfj good HR'T ii I li«:? -Viv-'-c.i »i rr.j Yj.r.-ÎffttOS-K'TJI.rBfi of Ibo L-t b-.r-«dlfwin^timowner of tho llidotiny ps rt ai tl"> loi-crt iii. rket

prico.V/ iLUS RÛSfi.July 13 23

Granltcvilis:- Shirting,4.4 fiïÎAKZÏfiVILL3

Yti u DUIDwINd ;VAucLusn öRNABtJsas;ijf¿|*>fl YAHD.1 of tho !».!>o-.: Önois' Jï.lt rr

J53>\rv o.'ival r.i.d «r'îll be t >H nt a »¡nail a t-. an«'o on i'lictory rrnSos !>y E. PiSNK¿A>fLAus n t:_Si

Notice.APLICATION will he mudo to the Logislaturo

at it« »ext *;í.«'.nn, lo va»t :n-P¿lry Panie,in icu simnlo, tho \«h-ic ei'ti'lo ooth rc.-.l anii-per-ional, of her *ou Noah i?:'t.ridj;o, due'd.

Sept. Û CJISd

Earter.TKK Súliscriher ^i/í ¿iiht-r 1»ARTKR OT.OTTI

or pay »he highest n-ir!" r r-iee, f-r CORNPUAS. RÀflONr TARD, BUTTER Kti'Uä *.n,i(1 tillNT Ri* PHODUCH of ovary Kii. I. dt-ir >rc»tut (ï-anitovillo. JAG- H.- COOK 4 uj>.

(íranltoTille, S, 0-, ßppt'13 »t*. 37