Александровна Автор и соавтор известных читателям учебников и учеб- И^1 Х пособий по деловому - английскому языку; Английский язык для делового обЕцения, 1982 Английский язык для деловых людей, 1993 Английский язык для банковских работников, 1993 Английский язык для валютных кассиров, 1993 Банковские услуги, 1994 Международные банковские расчеты, 1994 Диалоги для бизнесменов и банкиров, 1995 СВИФТ в банке, 1995 Основы экономики и бизнеса, 1995

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Автор и соавтор известных

читателям учебников и учеб-

И^1 Х пособий по деловому

- английскому языку;

Английский язык для делового обЕцения, 1982 Английский

язык для деловых людей, 1993 Английский язык для

банковских работников, 1993 Английский язык для валютных

кассиров, 1993 Банковские услуги, 1994 Международные

банковские расчеты, 1994 Диалоги для бизнесменов и

банкиров, 1995 СВИФТ в банке, 1995 Основы экономики и

бизнеса, 1995

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ЬЫС 81.2АШ JI-9 Ш37

Автор благодарит УШог А.НШ, руководителя английской фирмы Мапа"'етеп("еУе"ортеп", Ьопёоп и Ь.Р. ТойЛ, руководителя американской фирмы " ’{НетаНопаШиз'тезз ”е'')е"ортеп" Council,

Рппсе/оп за помощь в создании учебника

Главный редактор издательства Эриашвили

Шевелева С. А. Ш37 Деловой английский. Ускоренный курс: Учебник. — М.: ЮНИТИ, 2001. 4 3 8 с

18ВК 5-85178-053-3, Учебник 'делового английекого ’поАрбен’ реальных еитуациях делового

общегшя е зарубежными партнерда"и. Предетавлены такие темы, как финансы, платежи, контракты, баланеы, .бухгалтерекий учет, налоги, банки и т.д.

За 200 часов (50 уроков) еамоетоятельных занятий читатель еможет оевоить необходимую лекеику и грамматичеекие правила и веети деловые переговоры, перепиеку, обеуждать многие тематичеекие вопроеы и т.д.

18ВН 5-85178-053-3 ББК 88.2АНГЛ-9

© СА. Шевелева, 1997 * ЮНИТИ, 1997

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предисловие Урок один

Встреча английского бизнесмена Урок два

Поговорите с англичанами! Урок три

Гостиница "Россия” Урок четыре

В ресторане ' Урок пять

Светский разговор Урок шесть

Договоренность о встрече

Урок семь Бизнес

Урок восемь

Деловые переговоры Урок девять

Отдельные вопросы

Урок десять Контракт

Урок одиннадцать Факсы

Урок двенадцать

Разговор по телефону

Урок тринадцать Поездка

Урок четырнадцать Паспорта

Урок пятнадцать















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Урок шестнадцать

Встречи 125 Урок семнадцать

■ Лондонская гостиница 131 Урок восемнадцать

Программа ст^кировки 137 Урок девятнадцать

Финансирование торговли 145 Урок двадцать

Банковские услуги 153 Урок двадцать один

Банк Англии 160

Урок двадцать два

Метро 167 Урок двадцать три

Автобусы 174

Урок двадцать четыре

Обмен валюты 179

Урок двадцать пять

Сервис в гостинице 187 Урок двадцать шесть

Музей мадам Тюссо 192 Урок двадцать семь

Бухгалтерский учет 198 Урок двадцать восемь

205 Баланс Урок двадцать девять

Налоги . 211 Урок тридцать

^алог на добавленную стоимосп (НДС) 219 Урок тридцать один

Покупки 226 Урок тридцать два

Развлечения 233 Урок тридцать три

Английский паб 240 Урок тридцать четыре

Тринвич и Темза 246

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Урок тридцать пять

Деловые коктаю-ы Урок тридцать шесть

В офисе Урок тридцать семь

Закупаеглый товар Урок тридцать восемь

Размещение заказа на приборы Урок тридцать девять

Цены Урок сорок

Контракты во внешней торговле Урок сорок один

Лондонские такси Урок сорок два

Лондон и Сити Урок сорок три

' За рулем автомобиля Урок сорок четыре

Виндзор и Итон Урок сорок пять

Платежи во внешней торговле Урок сорок шесть

Решение проблем Урок сорок семь

Средства массовой информации Урок сорок восемь

Финансовые новости Урок сорок девять

Посещение Оксфорда Урок пятьдесят

До свидания, Лондон!

Англо-русский словарь Фразы для

делового общения

















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Contents 1

Unit /^en

Luggage and customs Unit sixteen


s Unit '^enteen.

ВВ^Ж^В B_ в . eighteen

Training programme Unit nineteen

Trade finance Unit twenty Banking Unit twenty


The Bank of England Unit twenty two.

The underground Unit twenty three

The buses Unit twenty four

Changing money Unit twenty Jhf

Hotel Qeiyices Unit twenty six

Madame TUssaud’s Unit

twenty semi Accounting Unit twenty eight

Balance sheets Unit twenty nine Taxes Unit thirty

Value added tax (VAT) Unit thirty one Shopping Unit thirty two •

Entertainments thirty three The British pub




















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10 Contents

Unit thirty four

Greenwich and the Thames UnitMrtyfive

Busine^ contacts Unit thirty six

At the 'Office Unit thirty seven ,

The goods to be bought Unit thirty eight

Ordering the devices Unit thirty nine

Prices Unit forty

Contracts in foreign trade Unit forty one

London taxis lUnit forty two

London and the City .. Unit forty three

Driving a car Unitfortyfour

Windsor and Eton Unitfortyfive

Payments in international trade Urutforty sbc

Problems settled Unitforty seven

Mass media Unitforty eigfa

Financial news Unitforty nine

A visit to Oxford


Good-bye to London

English-Bussian Vocabulary


















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Если вы когда-либо изучали английский язьк и практически его забыли,

но еейчас вам нужен английекий язьпс для делового общения, мы надеемся, что именно этот учебник поможет вам.

Учебник поетроен на реальных еидуациях общения с английскими и американскими бизнесменами в России, Англии и США. В нем представлены такие темы, как:

Обучение специалистов

Финансирование внешней торговли

Платежи Контракты, запросы,

предложения Посещения фирм и


в Финансовая деятельность

« Балансы, бухгалтерский учет

® Банки и т.д. Учебник содержит диалоги по этим темам, деловую переписку, а также

интересные страноведческие сведения. Учебник поможет вам вести деловые переговоры, телефонные деловые

разговоры, а тагеже активно участвовать в различных деловых встречах. К текстам даются словарные пояснения, грамматические правила и

упражнения. Они помогут вам лучще запомнить слова и научиться правильно употреблять их в своей речи, а также понимать собеседника, говорящего на английском язьпсе.

Приводится также общий словарь слов и словосочетаний, вощедпщх в учебник, и краткий словарь деловой лексики по темам, из}Т1 аемьпи в учебнике.

При создании учебника автор использовала свой практический опыт общения с зарубежными бизнесменами и опыт педагогической работы по обучению взрослых деловому общению на английском язьпсе.


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12 InlroclMclion

Методические рекомендаций для преподавателей

1 . Ускоренный курс делового английекого языка рассчитан на 200 часов, на изучение каждого из 50 уроков (иш1;) предполагается 4 часа.

2 . Учитьшая реальные возможноети обз^ающихся, основную работу лз^ше проводить на занятиях и не раеечитывать, что они будут вьшолнять большие домашние задания. Домашним заданием может быть чтение и просмотр текста или вьшолнение письменно тех упражнений,' которые вы успели сделать на занятиях уетно.

3 . Большое внимание еледует уделять фонетике, иепользуя работу

хором, повторы за преподавателем в нужном темпе. Для этого в каждом уроке даны упражнения: Кеаё (Ие /оИтщ Для отработки фонетических навыков нслесообразно использовать диалоги.

4 . Грамматический материал лзшше обьяснять, используя русский язык. Не еледует ожидать от обзшающихся безошибочного говорения на английеком языке. Важнее назшить их говорить достаточно быстро с

правильной в целом интонацией и самое главное п о н и м а т ь речь еобееедника на елзое.

5 . На занятиях преподаватель должен в основном говорить на английском язьпсе. Не еледует иеправлять вее ошибки обучающихся, особенно если они не иекажают емыела выеказьшаьшя и не мешают пониманию. Еели же вы хотите иеправить ошибку, лучше сделать это вполголоса, как бы незаметно,

или переепроеив, подсказьшая правильный вариант. 6 . Как вы обратите внимание, вее упражнения строятся вокруг

ситуации урока и от этого лучше не отетупать. Хочется надеяться, что это поможет еоздать у обучающихея более прочные ассоциативные связи.

7 . Каждое занятие лучще заканчивать подведением итогов самими обучающимися с рассказом о том, что они узнали на занятрщ или из урока.

8 . Показателем овладения учащимися, материалом могут служить упражнения типа ConujUIe (Ие (И’\:/г/ез аЫас1 оШзтИагопа, предложенные практически в каждом уроке.

Итоговый контроль также лучще проводить в форме диалогов. Автор будет признателен за все замечания и советы, которые у вас

несомненно появятся при работе с учебником.

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Unit one

Meeting an English

Text , avid Hill, an English biisinessman, is at Sheremetievoi airport in

Moscow. Pete and Nick, Russian businessmen,, are at. the air-

*ЮГ*о meet Mr. Hill.

Pete: HeUo, Mr. НШ!

David: Hello, Pete! It is so good to see you! Thank you for

meeting me.

Pete: I am very glad to isee you too. Can I introduce my

friend and colleague Nick? David: How do you do, Nick?

Nick: How do you do, David? I’m glad to meet you.

And they shake hands. In Britain most people shake hands when they

meet someone for the first time. It is not usual to shake hands when

you.say good-bye or when you meet again later. Pete: Follow me please, David. Watch the step! Our car is

in the parking area.

Words and expressions Слова и.выражения



meeting to


[’ju;nit] блок, урок

[wXn] один (часа.)

[’mi:hq] встреча


[a] неопределенныи (ставится пе-

артикль a

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Meeting am English buslnessnrtan 15

too« [to:] тоже ■ can ” [


nji мочь, им

возможность, уметь to introduce i[,mtra'dju: ; s * представить

my [mai] мой &iend [fiend] друг and [®nd] и

colleague ’ [Tcblig] коллега, сотрудник Can I intnxluce my Разрешите представ] coHeagne? моего коллегу.

How do you do?

Здравствуйте. they [6 ei] они to shake []eik] пожимать, трясти

band (s) [haend (z)] рука (и) . They shake hands. Они пожимают друг

руки. Britain [’bn tan] Британия, Англия

most [moust] наибольший . people [pl:pl] люди

most people ‘ * большинство людей

when [wen] когда someone [’SAinWAn] кто-нибудь first [fa:st] первый time [taun] время, раз

Г ог the first time впервые, первый раз

not [not] не, нет usual [’juisusl] обычный

It is not usual... . • Обычно ... не ...

to say [SCI] говорить good-bye [,gud"bai]' ' ' до свидания ’

to say good-bye

прощаться or to:] или

again [э'дсш] снова later [’leito] позже

to follow . [Tolau] следовать за Follow me. Идите за мной.

please [ph:z], пожалуйста to watch [wofl следить, наблюдать

step [step] с^пенька

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:16" Meeting an English businessman

Watch the step, please.

our car parking area parking

area word (s) expressioTn (s) [аиэ] m N a:

ki ] [

'P g]



[iks’prejn (z)]

Осторожно, наш автомобиль . , стоянка территория место стоянки, стоянка слово (а) выражение (я)

Exercises Упр^нения 1. Read the foDowing (Прочитайте следующее):

• Davki glad car area 1 1 1 Л 1 parking area

shake hand park later man

parking e the .airport .


businessmen the= friend • the

colleague the-time the first time

the step •

the parkirig area

• Tliey are at the airport.

ITiey are at the airport in Moscow.

They are at Sheremetievo airport.

The Russian busineKmen are at the airport.

Щег they are in the parking area.

The Russian businessmen and David, are in the parking area. 2.

Tj-anslate into Russian (Переведите на русский язык):

The businessmen are in the parking area.

David Hill is an English businessman.

D.. 4-

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Meeting ап English businessman IT

They are Russians.

They are glad to see David.

David and Niek follow Pete to the ear.

The ear is in the parking area.

^ Make sentoiees and translate them into Russian (Составьте npejuio- жения и

переведите их на русский язык):

They are in Moscow

in Sheremetievo at

Sheremetievo airport at

the airport in the parking


4. Insert articles (Заполните пропуски артиклями):

David is... English businessman.

Pete is... Russian businessman.

Nick is...' Russian businessman too.

5. Translate into English (Переведите на английский язьпс):

Они бизнесмены.

Они нахо;]отся в аэропорту Шереметьев. • Они находятся в Москве.

6. Match English and Russian equivalent (Подберите английским фразам русские эквиваленты):

1 am glad to meet you.

I am glad to xt you.

It is so good to see you.

I am very glad to see you too. How


you dp?

Follow me, please. Wa|dfPm(«fdffr

Рад вас видеть.

Рад с вами познакомиться. Я

так рад вас видеть!


Осторожно, ступенька.

Спасибо, что вы приехали меня


Я тоже очень рад вас видеть.

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II Meeting an English businessman

Thank you for meeting me. Проходите, пожалуйста, за мной.

7. Conqhete the dialogues and aet out similar ones (Дополните диалоги и

разьп'райте аналогичные):

• Л: HeUo, Mr. Hill!

D.; Hello, Pete! It is so good... Thank you for...

P.; I am very... too.

P.; Can I introduce my...? •

• D.; How..., Nick?

N.; How...? I am glad...

8. Underline the sentences true to the text (Шщчершпгге предложения,

еоответетвуюпще тексту):

' Pete and David shake hands.

Nick and David shake hands.

In Britain people diake hands when they meet someone for the iiist time. In

Britain people shake hands when they say good-bye.

In Britain people shake hands when they meet again later.

In Russia people diake hands vdien they meet someone for the fast time.

In Russia people shake hands when they say good-bye.

In Russia people shake hands when they meet again later. 9. Complete Pete’s words (Дополните слова Петра):

Follow... please. Wateh... Our ear is in...

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Unit two

Speak with Englishmen!


p etc, Nick and David are in the car. They aie going to the centre of

Moscow. Pete: Did you have a good trip, Mr. Hill?

David; Oh, yes.' The flight was quite» smooth. And Tm very glad the plane

came on time.

Pete: 'And how do you like so much snow around?

David: Oh, 1 like Russian winter. Our winter is different. It's much milder. Have

you ever heen to England, Nick?

Nick: Will you repeat it, please? My English is not good ' enou*, I am

afraid. David: Have "you heen to London?

Nick: No, not yet. But I am planning to go to England in summer. David; As a tourist?

Nick; I think so.

Pete; And here is the hotel... Let me help,you"with the suitcase, David. David;

Thank you. That’s very kind of you.

Words and expressions Слова и выражения

two to speak

[tu:]' [spi:k]

два (vuoi.)


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30 Speak with Englishmen’

with [wi6] c Englishman [[■■qiglifinsn]

англичанин, англи- чашеа Englishmen ['igglijmen] англичане

Speak with Ehiglishmen!

Погопорите с англичанами!

to get to ... [get] добраться до

getting to ..., [gehq] , гПоездка) до centre [f sente] центр of [ov] (предлог, указывает на

принадлежность) the centre of Moscow центр Москвы

getting to the centre of

поездка в центр Мо Moscow сквы, дорога до центра Москвы

to have a trip [hasv] совершать поездку Did you have a good Вы хорошо доехали?

fliglit [flait] полёт

quite [kwart] .вполне smooth [smu:6] ' глад] ^ plane [plem] самолёт to come [клш]

приходить, ■ прилетать, приезжать came [kenn]

пришел, прилетел, приехал on time [tann] во время

how [haulj как to like [laik] нравиться, любить

How do you like it?

‘ Как вам это нравится? much [nut]] много

snow [snow], снег around [e'raund]

['wunte]' вокруг

winter зима

different i'dtfrant] различный, разный

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Speak with Englishmen 21

milder It is much milder.





nd] England

Have you ever been to England? to repeat [n’pi:t]l Will you repeat it, please.

мягче Погода намного мягче. Англия Вы когда-нибудь были в, Англии? повторять . Повторите, пожалуйста.


enough My English is not good enough. I am afraid ...



to plan

I am planning... summer in

summer as as a tourist to

„think I think so. here

Here is. the hotel. Here is the car. Here is Mr. НШ.

to help subcase Let me help you with the suitcase. ~ kind’



Det] [bAt]






анпщйский достаточно Я не очень хорошо знаюнанглийский.

Боюсь,... пока, ещё но

планировать Я планирую...

лето летом в качестве, как в качестве ^иста. как турист думать Думаю, да. здесь Вот и гостиница. Вот и наша машина Вот и г-н Хилл. помогать чемодан

Разрешите ваш чемодан?

добрый, любезный

[help] [’sju:tkeis]


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I speak with Englishmen

That's veiy kind of you. Вы очень любезны.

Exercises Упражнения

1. Read the following (Прочитайте следующее);

Pete see ■ get let help ever

here yet very men I step

the centre the centre the of Moscow flight

the suitcase the hotel the

That’s kind of yon. That’s very kind of yon.

Thanks. Thank you. I think you.

They are in the car. Here is

the hotel Our winter is different. Our

summer is

2. iYansiate into Russian (Переведите на русский язьпс):

The businessmen are in the car.

They are going to the center of Moscow.

They are going to the Russia hoteL They

are speaking Engiish.

They speak about the flight. They speak about Russian winter. They speak

about Engush winter. They speak about Nisk’s pians to visit Engiand.

3. Match Engiish and Russian equivaients (Подберите английским фразам русские


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Speak with Englishmen ■ 23

Did you have a good flight? The

flight was quite smooth.

I’m giad the piane eame on time. How

do you iike so mueh snow around? 1 iike Russian winter.

Our winter is different.

Have you ever heen to Engiand? I’m

planning to go to Engiand in summer.

Мне нравитея руеекая знма. Наша

зима еовеем другая.

Вам нравитея, когда етоль— ко

енега вокруг?

Я планирую поехать в Англию


Вы когда-нибудь были в Англии?

Полет был вполне епокойным.

Я рад, что еамолет прибыл- вовремя. Вы хорошо долетели?

4. Маке sentences and translate them into Russian (Составьте предложения и

переведите их на русский язьпс):

' Did you have а

The flight was

good very good trip good

very good smooth quite







very glad so glad the plane came on time.

How do you iike Russian winter so much

snow in Moscow so much

snow around Russian

summer Engiish summer

Engiish winter

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Unit three

The Russia hoteB

Text he car has brought Pete, Nick and David to the Russia hotcL Now they

are in the iounge of the hotei. Pete; Just a minute, David. I'ii speak to the receptionist.

We made a reservation iast week.. Wiii you fiii in this form, piease?

David fiiis in the form, comes up to the receptionist and hands in the form.

David; Here you are. Is everything aii right? Receptionis... Yes, everything is OK.. Your room number is five о V

two. Here is your key. David; Thank you.

Receptionis You are weicome. Have a nice stay. David; Thanks.

Pete; David, wiii you join us for dinner to-night?

David; I'ii be giad to.

Pete; Fine. Then we'll meet you here at seven sharp. And, if yon don't

mind, we shall have dinner at the hotel restanrant It's not bad at

all. David; Thank yon for the invitation. See you later.

Words and expressions (Слова и выражения)

three to check in

ten:] [ijek'm]

ipH (ЧИ01.)

регистрироваться приезде в Гостиницу


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Ibe Russia hotel 27

checkin | b n l

The car has brought them to

the hotel, now lounge

Just a minute! receptionist I’ll

speak to the reeeptionist.




to’make a reservation

last week last week Doist]

We made a reservation last lwi:kl

week, to fill in this fonn

Will you fill in this form,



He fills in the form, to come [6 is] up [fo:m|

He comes up to the receptionist, to

hand in the form He hands in the form. [s,z|

регастрация привозить, доега^ть,

приносить. Автомобиль доставил

их в гостиницу, сейчас, теперь

холл Одну минуту!

админиетратор, региетратор (в

гоеганице) Я поговорю е

админиетратором, заказать

гоетиницу последний, прошл^гИ

неделя на прошлой неделе Мы

заказали гостиницу на.прошлой

неделе. • заполнить этот форма

Заполните, пожалуйста, вот эту

форму. (окончание, указывающее

на 3-е лицо ед. ч.) Он заполняет

форму, подходить Он подходит к

администратору, сдать форму Он

сдает / отдает форму.

Вот, пожалуйста, всё в порядке

Всё в порядке? ваш

Неге you are.

everything all right b

everything all right?



[’o:l ’rait]


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28 The Russia hotel

room [гилз] комната, номер в


number [’плшЬэ] номер your room number номер вашей комнаты

five 0 two [’fiuv’ ou ’tu:] 502 key [ki:] КЛИ)Ч

Yon are welcome.

Доёро пожаловать. Пожалуйста.

nice [nau]


stay [stci] пребывание Have a nice stay! Приятного пребыва

• ния! to stay пребывать, находиться, жить Thanks. [dasijks] Спасибо.

to join [dscm] присоединяться dinner [’dma] обед, ужин

Will you johi us for dinner? Не поужинаете вместе с


to-nigbt * [ta’natt] сегодня вечером > m be glad to. = m be *ad to [glad] С удовольствием.

join yon. fine

[film] прекрасный Fine. Прекрасно.

then [6 CD] затем

We’II meet you.

Мы встретим вас. seven [’sevan] семь (числ.) sharp Ооф] острый

at seven sharp ровно в 7 to mind [mamd] возражать, иметь что- либо

if [IQ против

если If yon don’t mind... Если вы не возражаете...

to have dinner обедать, ужинать

We shall have dinner...

Мы будем ужинать ... restaurant [’restararq] ресторан

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The Russia hotel 29

at the restaurant

had at an

It's not had at aU.

invitation to invite See

yon later.,

[hed] iot'oiil

[,mvi'teijn] " [m'vait]

в рееторане плохой

вообще, еовсем IQH

совеем неплох,


приглашать До


Exercises (У пражнения) 1. Read the following (Прочитайте следующее);

шее fine


Nick in

the receptionist to fill in the form to hand in the foitn

it is



will ni in dinner first

then this the invitation


Is everything OK?

Is everything all

right? Everything is

OK Everything is •

• The husinessmen are in the lounge. They are in the lounge of the hotel.

2. lYanslate into Russian (Переведите на русский язьш):

The car brought the husinessmen to the Russia hotel.

They speak to the receptionist sflidMr. Hill fills in the form. Then Mr.

Hill=comes up to the receptionist and hands in the form

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30 Jhe Russia hotel


Everything is right.

Mr. Hill receives the key to his room.

His room number is 502.

Pete invites Mr. Hill tO’ diimer.

Mr. Hill is glad to join Pete and Nick for dinner.

They will have dinner at the restaurant of the hoteL

Mr. Hill thanks Pete for the invitation. Match English and Russian equivalents (Подберите английским фразам

русские эквиваленты):

just а minute.

Г11 феак to the receptionist.

We made a reservation last week. Will

you fill in this form, please? Here you


Is everything all right?

Here is your key.

You are welcome.

Have a nice stay.

Мы заказьшали номер на прошлой неделе. Одну минуту. Я поговорю с администратором. Все в порядке?

Вот ваш ключ.


Вот, пожалуйста. Хорошего вам отдыха. Заполните, пожалуйста, эту форму.

4. Complete the following sentences (Дополните необходимыми словами следуюпще

предложения): The саг has brought the businessmen... the Russia hoteL Now they are... the lounge of... hotel.

They speak... the receptionist.

Last week the Russian businessmen... a reservation for Mr. Hill.

5. Complete Pete’s words (Дополните предложения словами, которые произнес

Петр): Just а minute, David. Г11... We made... Will you filL..?

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■he Russia hotel 31

6. Complete the dialogue,and make a similar one (Дополните диалог

необходимыми еловами и разьпрайте аналогичный диалог):

D:. Неге you are. Is everything...?

Д1 Yes, everything... Your room... Here is...

D.: ThMk you. jR: You... Have...

D.: Thanks.

7. Make sentenees and translate them into Russian (Соетавьте предложения и

переведите их на руеекий язык):

Will you join us for dinner Can to-night we

invite you to dinner

ГИ be glad very glad

to join you

' We’ll meet you here at seven at


I • If you don’t mind, we shall have diimer here at the restaurant at the restaurant

of the hotel

It is good

very good so good not had not

had at all *

Thank you for

the invitation inviting me

at seven later

See you

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34 At the Restaurant

David; (Some meat and vegetables. ••

Tete; And here are our drinte... I'm very glad to see you In Moscow, David. I still

remember my Christmas days in London. Now you are welcome to

Moscow. To our good business! I do hope our'business .will be

beneficial for all of us.


Words and expressions foor going to the restaurant evening Good evening, past

It's two minutes ] past



[pa: St]

seven, to



четыре (чисд.)

поеещение рееторана


Добрый вечер,

поеле‘ Сейчае две минуты воеьмого. извинятьея, просить прощения Простите ради бога.

I do apologise. That's all ri*t.

Ничего, все в порядке, джентельмен


gentlemmi fdsentiman] джентельмены head [’dsentiman] главный

waiter [bed] ,['>veit3]

официант head waiter метрдотель

предлагать to offer им them fofo] евободный vaeant [бэт] ‘СТОП

table ['veiksnt] Вам нравится " (этот [teibi] стол)?

Do yon like it? вьп'лядеть Вполне

нормальппй. to look

It looks all light, to

[hik] еадиться за стол Давайте еядем за этот столик.

take the table Let's

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At thelRestaurant 35

menu ['me

nju:] меню

in’ English

на английском языке How very nice. [nais] Как это чудесно / мило. what [wot] что

to drink [dnrjk] пить. What would you like to Какие напитки вы хо drink? тите?

gin and tonic [’dsm an ’tounik] джш с тоником starter [’stocta] холодная закуска

as a starter на закуску

some [sam] некоторое количество cold [kould] холодный fish [fin рыба

some fish

немного рыбы compliment [’komphment] комплимент to tell [tel] говорить



I’ll teU my teacher abbut

Я скажу об этом своему it. ’ преподавателю.

hot [hot] горячий meal [mi:l] еда

What would you like as a Что вы хотите на горя hot meal? чее?

meat [mi:t] мясо vegetables [’vedsSblz] овощи drink [dngk] напиток

Here are bur drin*.

А вот й наши напитки. stilll [sbl] всё еще to remember [n’memba] помнить Christmas [’knsmas] Рождество

day [del] день You are welcome tot Mos- Добро пожаловать в


Москву. business [’biznis] бизнес, дело

To our good business! За наш бизнес!

to hope [houp] надеяться

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At the" Restaurant

I do hope...


Our business


be benefleial.


Я очень надеюсь...

вьпюдный, полезный • Наш

бизнее.будет очень полезным

(вьп'одным), нам, нас для всех



1. Read the following:

go hope hello










the: lounge in the lounge

they .then to the restaurant

one of the vaeant tables this

table Here is tbe menu.

Here are dur drinks.

They are in the lounge of the hotel Your

English is very,good. *

















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At the Restaurant 37

At two minutes past seven they see David.

They all say good evening and go to the restaurant. They order

some drinks, starters and hot meals. They'have a drink to their

good beneficial business.

Mjis; 6

[I 3. Match English and Russian equivalents:

h. Good evening.

Tm late I’m afraid. "

I do apologise.

That’s all right.

Follow me, please.

The head waiter comes up to them.'

. The head waiter offers them one of the

vacanftables. £>o you like D table? It looks all light.

Прошу прощения.

Ничего, все в порядке. Добрый вечер. Я,

кажется, опоздал.

Вам нравится этот столик?

По-моему, вполне ' нормальный (столик).

Проходите, пожалуйста, за мной.

К гшм подходит метрдотель. Метрдотель

предлагает им одаш из свободных


4. Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones:

• P;. Good..., David.

D.: Good..., Pete.

N:. Good.... I’m late... I do...

Dr. Good... That’s...

•Pr. Good... Follow...

P.; Do you like...? . Z).‘. It looks...

P\ Then lefi..

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At the Restaurant

5. Make sentences and translate them into Russian:

is the menu 1 the form

1 the car ' the hotel

It's in How.


What .would you like

Would 1 you like .

Your English is

Thank you for ,

Russian English too

nice good • to drink to

have as a starter

a drink gin and tonic

some cold fish some

meat some


quite good very


the compliment your

compliment your kind


1 will tell my teacher about

it , your words your


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Unit Jive

Small talk


ete, Nick and David are stiii at the restaurant They are enjoying their meai and

have a smaii taik

Pete; David, is this your first visit to Moseow? David; Oh, no.' I was in Moseow iast year. L iike your city very mueh. It’s a pity

my sister is not with me now. She wanted to go so mueh. And why didn't she join you? Is she busy?

N/cA,WeIi, you see, she eouid not leave her office, her boss did not let


Nick. Pete;


her go. They are working at a very important project now. And have

you got a sister or a brother, Nick?

Oh, yes. I have a brother. He is on hoiiday in the mountains.

Oh, reaiiy? My eider daughter is also in the mountains in Chechia now.

She is fond of skiing and goes to the mountains every winter.

Have you got a big family?

I wouldn't say so. There are five of us. Two daughters, a son, my wife and



David: Quite an English family!

Words and expressions five [faiv]

small [sma;!]

talk [b:k]

small talk to'have a

small talk

пять (числ.)

маленький разговор светский разговор говорить на светские темы вести светские беседы

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42 Small talk

to ефу [m’dsoi]

their [беэ]

They are enjoying their


visit [’vizit]

a visit to Moscow to visit


no [DOU]

Oh, no.

year Dia]

last ye^

I was in Moscow last year.

city [’siti]

very mnch,

I like it very,much.

It’s a pity.i

sister [’sista]

she [ii:]

to want [wont]

She wanted’to go. why [war] Why

didn’t she join you?

to beibnsy ,[’Ьш]


получать удовольствие их Они с

удовольствием поужинали,

посещение, визит посещение

Москвы посёщазъ Москву нет О,

нет. год в прошлом году Я был в

Москве в прошлом году, город

очень Он (город) мне очень





хотеть Она хотела поехать (со мной). почему Почему же она не поехала с вами? быть занятым, иметь

много дел

Ну, видите ли...



покидать, уезжать из ... её офис её

офис уехать с работы, оставить работу



can conld

to leave her


her office to

leave the office

[kud] pi:v]


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Small talk. 43

She conld not leave the

office, to let Her boss did not let her go.

to work

They are working at the [wa:k]

problem, important project to

have got Have you got a sister?


to be on holiday He is on holiday, monntain in the mountains really

Oh, really? elder daughter

[nn’poitsnt] [’prodsskt]


to be fond of

s№g She is fond of skiing.



to sU skis every big family I would

not say so. [’elda]

There are five of ns. wife Quite

an English family! ’[’orlsou]


Она не смогла оставить рабо^. разрешать

Начальник не отпустил её.


Они сейчас работают над этой проблемой. важный проект иметь У вас есть сестра? брат отдыхать, быть в отпуске Он

в отпуске, гора в горах действительно, в самом

деле, разве О, неужели? старший



увлекаться катание на л^гжах

Она любит лыжный спорт.

кататься на лыжах лыжи каждый большой семья Я бы этого не сказал.

Нас пятеро, жена Настоящая английская семья!

[’evn] [’femili]


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46 Small talk

4. Make sentences andftranslate them into

Russian: • They are enjoying their meal

their small talk

their meal

It this your first visit to Moscow London

New York

Liverpool New

Zealand Australia

I was in

I like





Washington Moscow your city Russia

Russian winter

English suiriirier a

sister a brother a

wife a famUy

last year

I have got

It's a pity he



IS not with me now


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Unit six

Making an appointment


T he three gentlemen have enjoyed their dinner and they are pre-

paring to leave the restaurant:

Pete: Thank you for the nice evening, David.

David: Likewise. I enjoyed everything very much. And I liked the

orchestra. I like Russian music immensely.

Pete: Very often they play English songs here. They sound


David: Then I was lucky to listen to Russian songs tonight. They

are more than beautiful ...

The waiter comes up to Pete and hands the bill over to him.

David: Oh, let me pay the bill, Pete.

Pete: Oh, no. It will be my pleasure... And when can you come

to our office tomorrow?

David: Will ten o'clock be convenient to you?

Pete: Fine. Then Nick will pick you up tomorrow at ten to ten

in the lounge.

David: OK. See you tomorrow then.

Nick: Good-bye. See you tomorrow. I won’t be late I promise.

David: I hope I won’t be late either.

Pete: Have a good sleep. See you tomorrow.

Words and expressions

SIX to make an appointment

[siks] [a’pomtmsnt]

шесть {чисд.)

договориться о встрече

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Making an appointment 40

making an appointment

They have enjoyed their dinner. to prepare [рп’реэ]

They are preparing leave the to restaurwt. likewise. {’jgi orehestrd

1 liked the orchestra, music [’m)u:z±]

immensely often

to play song to play a song to sound superh They sound superb.

to be luclg' I was IUCIQ'. to listen

to listen to a song more more than beantifiil biU

[I’mensli] [’offi]

[saund] [$ju:'pa:b



[‘b)u:tefu 1]

to hand the bill over to ... to pay Let me pay the Ы11. pleasure [’р1езэ] It will be my pleasure.

tomorrow [ta’morou] When can you come to our office tomorrow?

договоренность о встрече Они

с удовольствием поужинали,

готовить (ся) Они готовятся

уходить из ресторана.

зд. И я благодарю вас. оркестр

Мне понравился оркестр,


очень, чрезвычайно




исполнять песню



Они исполняли это

(звучали) великолепно.

иметь удачу

Мне повезло.


слушать песню

более, больше

больше чем



передать счет... платить Рафешиге

мне оплатить счет, удовольствие Я

это сделаю с большим

удовольствием сам. завтра Вы можете приехать в наш офис завтра?

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59 Maldno an appointment



comvnieiit [kan'vnijant]

\УШ ten o’elock be con-

TenlenHo you? to pick


He will pick you up at


See yoDItomorrow.

to promise [’pfomi's]

either [*ai6a]i.

I won't be late either.

I won't come either.

I am not a teacher either.

I didn’t see him either,


Have a good sleep.

Exercises 1. Read the following:

десять (числ.) ■



10 часов вас устраивает?

заезжа'^' за...

Он заедет за вами на машине

завтра в 10 часов. До завтра,

обещать тоже (в отрицат.


Я тоже не опоздаю.

Я тоже не приеду.

Я тожеше преподаватель. Я

тоже не видел его. сон

Спокойной ночи.











three gentlemen the

tlwe gentlemen their

dimier They have eiyoyed' their dinner.

1 liked the orchestrav Thank you for the

nice evening. 1 won’t be late either.

They sound superb.

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Making an appointment Д1

• to leave the restaurant

They are preparing to leave the restaurant.

They have enjoyed their dinner.

We enjoyed everything very much.

He hands the bill over to Pete.

2. Translate into Russian:

The three businessmen have enjoyed their dinner and now they are prepimng to

leave the restaurant.

Pete thanks David for the nice evening.

David thanks him too.

He liked the Russian music at the restaurant.

Then David pays the bill.

Then they discuss when they will meet tomorrow.

They will meet at ten.

Nick will pick up David in the lounge at 10 to 10.

3. Underline the verb to ^ in the following sentences. T ranslate the sentences into


They have been at the restaurant for some time.

David was lucl^ to listen to Russian songs that night.

The songs were more than beautiful.- It will be my pleasure to pay the bill. Will

ten o’clock be convenient to you?

I won’t be late.

I have never been to the Russia hotel.

I have never been to London.

4. Match English and Russian equivalents:


I like Russian music immensely. They sound superb.

Они звучат прекрасно. Они

более чем красивые.

Мне посчастливилось

послушать русские песни.

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52 Making an appointment

I was lucky to listen to Russian И мне тоже (И я тоже). songs. Tiiey are more than beautiful. Я очень люблю

Complete the dialogue and act out a similar one:

P.: Thank you for ... ,

D.: L ... I enjoyed ... the orchestra. I . . . immensely.

P.: Very often... songs. They sound ...

D.: Then I was luciy ... toryght. They ... beautiful.

Translate into English the short dialogues:

/ short — короткий

= Разрешите, я заплачу по счё*. — Нет, что вы. Я сам заплачу с удовольствием.

• — Когда вы завтра сможете приехать к нам в офис? — Вам удобно в 10 часов? -*-Да, прекрасно.

7. Complete the dialogue arid act out a similar one:

P.: Then Nick will pick ... lounge.

D.: OK. See ... then. i

N.: Good-bye. See ... I won’t... D.: Lhope 1 won’t... either. P.: Have a good ... tomorrow.

8. Представьте, что вы обедаете в ресторане с англичанином. • Какие предложения из диалога* вы бы использовали? Выпишите

их. • Запишите предложения, которые бы вы использовали

дополнительно. • Разьпрайте этот диалог с кем-нибудь, кто будет исполнять роль




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Unit seven



he next day at exaetly nine o'clock Pete comes to his office. He I knows that he should refresh the correspondence with David and prepare

for the talks he will have with David at ten. First he starts looking through

all the letters and faxes of Mr. HilL

../•j/f- u;u.

Internanlonal Management Ltd

Mr. Smirnov

General Director

Moscow Russian


22 Febraaiy 1997

Dear'Mr. Smirnov,

Re: November Programme for Russian bankets and foreign trade


1 am delighted to Inform you that 1 am coming to .Moscow on Monday, 28 February. 1

shaii stay in Moscow for three nights and shaii be ieaving for St Petersburg by train

during the evening of Thursday, 3 March. 1 shaii be staying at the Russia Hotel. I shaii be

at your disposai for, business discussions at your convenience.

I hope that you have received our proposals for the November Programme and look

forward to receiving vour comments.

Kind regards. Yours sincerely,

David A. Hill.

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54 Business.

Then Pete looks through the letters of the partieipants of the Progranmie

expressing their wishes and requests. He makes a note that he should diseuss, the

following details with Mr. Hill:

• time

• hotel aeeommodation'

1» topies to he diseusssed at tire, lectures

• ^business visits

• programme fee

Words .and expressions seven a business taSr to have a business talk

to prepare' for a

business talk next

the next day exactly nine at exactly

nine o'eloekhis his office to know He

[ik'zaektii] " " 'ows that, to refresh He

should refresh it.


to start

to look through He starts t

looking through the


[non] [n'frcB


семь (числ.) деловые


проводить/иметь деловые


готовиться к деловым



на следуюгггий день


девять (числ.) ровно в 9

часов его

его офис знать

Он это знает, освежать (в


Он должен освежить это в

памяти, переписка начинать

гфосматривать Он начинает

гфосматривать переписку.

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Business S5

fax = fax message message










second February the


ty second of


[’mesods] ['rrssnt]


Dear Mr..


November programme


['Ьх^кэ] foreign


trade [treid] foreign trade foreign trade businessmen to be delighted to inform I am delighted to inform you that... Monday the twenty eighth of... night I shall be

leaving for St. Petersburg... T chall hp cfovfno at ..

факс послание(письменное или устное)





компания с ограниченной


генеральный, общий


двадцать второй (числ.)

февраль 22 февраля

уважаемый, дорогой

Уважаемый т-н

Относительно ноябрь


банковский работник,

банкир иностранный


внешняя торговля

специалисты внешней


очень радоваться


Рад сообщить, что...

понедельник ’ двадцать

восьмое ночь, вечер Я

уезжаю в Санкт-Петер.-

”бург... Я гчггянявггшмюсь в...


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56 Business'

train by train, during

Thursday on the

third of ...


at your disposal to

discuss discussion at

your convenience to


I have received your

■ proposal

Mook forwa^ to ...


land regards

Yours sincerely

participant to


the letter expressing..



to make a note He makes a

note that he should discuss..

following detail

accommodation topic

topic to be discussed

lecture at the lecture





на поезде

во время



март ■

в вашем распоряжении



как вам будет удобно


Я получил ваше письмо.

предложение ’

С нетерпением жду ...


с уважением (в конце

письма) Ваш

участник выражать письмо, в

котором выражается пожелание [ j


sm srah] просьба делать пометку Он делает


пометку, что он должен обсудить...

следующий деталь, вопрос

размещение, проживание вопрос

вопрос, который нужно



на лекции





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Business 57

fee the programme fee плата

плата за эту программу


1. Underline the sentenee true to the text:

• Pete and Niek prepare for the talk in the office. Nick

prepares for the talk in the offiee. Pete prepares for the teilk in the offiee.

• The preparations start at seven o’eloek.

The preparations start at eight o’eloek.

The preparations start at nine o’eloek. ’ • • •

• The preparations start with looking throngh letters to Mr. Hill.

The preparatiphs start with looking through letters of Mr. Smirnov. The

preparations start with looking through letters of Mr. НШ.

2. Translate" into Russian:

He refreshes the eorrespondence with David.

He knows that he should refresh the correspondence.

He knows that he should prepare for the talks.

He will have the talks with David at ten.

He knows that he should refresh the correspondence with David and

prepare for the talks he will have with David at ten.

3. equivalents in the fax message:


Касательно ноябрьской программьь

Рад сообщить Вам, что приезжаю в Москву в понедельник 28

февраля. Я пробуду в Москве трое суток. В четверг 3 марта я еду в Санкт-Петербург.

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Unit eight

A business talk

Text -minu * exactly ten to ten> Nick enters the Rnssia hotel and sees David in

the Honnge. They exchange greetings and go to the car. A few tes later they

come to Pete’s office. Now they are entering >the office:

Pete: Good morning, David. I hope yonhad a good sleep and liked the


David: Thank yon. The hotel and the restaurant are all right. We had a

veiy nice evening at the restaurant. Everything was fine.

Pete: I also enjoyed last night. Now, shall we get down to husiness?

David: Yes, certainly. There are a few points to discuss. What would you

like to start with?

Pete: If you don’t mind, let’s start with the time of the Programme. We

are planning to send a group of ten persons not later than on the

10th of November.

David: How long will they stay?

Pete: They prefer to be in London* for eight ,>days or seven nights.

David: Good. Have you got any comments on the topics of the lectures?

Pete: On the whole the participants are quite satisfied with your choice.

But if you could add "Accounting in companies and banks” it

will be very. good.

David: No problem. I’m making a note of that. We have got a very good

lecturer. Pete: And where will the lectures be read?

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во. А business talk

David; In one of the eonferenee rooms of the hotel, where they «1П

stay. I mean the Sherloek Holmes Hotel in Baker Street.

I hope it is in the eentre of London. Pete: nOh yes. It is very elose to Oxford Street and Madam Tussaud's.

David; Very good. Then let's make a break for hmch. Not a had idea!

Pete: David:

Words and expressions


to enter

to enter the room

to.enter the hotel

to exehange


to greet

a few minntes later

[eit] Cents]

[iks"^emds] ['gn:tii)z]

He had a good sleep.

Have a good sleep, last night to get down to

hnsiness Shall we get down to hnsiness?

certainly [’sa:tnh]

There are a few points to disenss, to start

What wonld yon like to start with? to send

gronp [gni;p]

person [pa:$n]

on the tenth of.

восемь (чиаг.) входить входить в

комнату входить в гостиницу

обменивать (ся) приветствия

ПривстствОв£№ несколько минут

спустя, через несколько минут Он

хорошо посгап. Спокойной ночи,

вчера вечером перейти к делу

Переходим к делу? конеадо Нужно

обсудить несколько BonpocoL

начинать С чего вы хотели бы

начать? отправлять гругша человек

десятого (числ.)

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А business talk 61

how long How long will they stay?

on the whole

to be satislEled with...

If yon conid add. ..

[’hau ’log] сколько времени

Сколько времени они пробудут

(здесь)? [on бэ ’honl] в целом [’sstisfaid]

быть удовлетворенным чем-либо [tfois] выбор [xdiji добавлять Если бы вы могли добавить ...


acconntant [a kaimtig] Г ч! а а отчетность б хгалте [a’kauntant у р

бухгалтерский учёт’и

company companies bank problem No problem.

[’клтрэы] [baej)k] f’problam]

компания компании банк

проблема Без проблем. Нет проблем.

lecturer where to read

[’lek^ara] [wee] [liTd]

Where wfil the lectures be read?

лектор где читать Где будут лекции?

conference conference room

to mean close to museum break to make a break lunch for lunch Not a bad idea!


[mi:n] [klouz] H “ [miu:zram] [breik]


конференция конференц-зал иметь в виду близко от музей - перерыв сделать перерыв ланч на ланч Неплохая идея!


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62 А business talk


1. Underline the sentences true to the text;

• Nick is ten minutes late for the meeting. David is ten

ntmutes late for the meeting. The businessmen meet on time.

Pete joins the businessmen in the lounge at 10 sharp. Nick takes David to Pete’s office.

David goes to Pete’s office byhimsey</by himself—сам, аиюапалтельт.

Before the businessmen get down to business they speak about the weather.

Before the businessmen get down to business they speak I about their families. ‘

Before the businessmen get down to busines they speak about the hotel and the dinner

at the restaurant. / weather JTT погода

During their business talk the businessmen discuss only one point. They discuss two


They discuss a few points.

They start their talk with discussing the hotel accommodation. They start their talk

with discussjng the topics of the lectures.

They start their talk with d’''ussing the time of the Programme.

They make a break for dinner.

They make a break for lunch.

They make a break for having a small talk.

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А business talk

2. Traioiaie into Russian:

They are at the airport to meet David Hill.

They see David and come up to him.

Pete and David exchange greetings and Pete introduces Nick to David.

They shake hands and follow Nick to the car.

I also sometimes go to Sheremetievo airport.

I go there to meet or to see off my friends or collegues.

But I don’t like this airport.

Do you like this airport?

'■sometimes - иногда . / to see off- провожать

3. Make short dialogues:

E x a m p l e — Do you like the Sheremetievo airport?

Yes, I do.

"(or No, I don’t.)

the Russia hotel

’the Metropol

hotel Moscow

iSt. Petersburg

the dialogues


E x a m p l e Do you sometimes go to London?

— Yes, I do.

,(or:lNo, i don’t.)

to St. Petersburg to

Minsk ■to Kiev to

Paris to New York

abroad (за

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66 А business talk

'S. Translate into Rnssian:

I hope yon* had -a good sleep and liked the hotel.

The hotel and the restanrant are all right.

We had a very niee evening at the restanrant;

Everything was fine.

I also enjoyed last night. 6. Complete the dialogne and aet ont a similar one:

— Good morning. I hope yon»... hoteL — Thank you. The hotel and... We had a very niee,

tvas... I also... night.


7. Mateh English and Russian, equivalents:

Now, sfiall we get do\vn to


There are a few points to dis- ieuss. What would you like to start with? If you don’t mind let’s start with the time of the

Programme. We are planning .to send a group of lOnpersons -in November. How long will they stay?

They prefer to-be in London for

eight days. Do you mean, seven nights?

Нужно обсудить несколько вопросов. С чего вы хотели бы начать?

Как долго они будут в Лондоне? Вы имеете в виду семь ночей?

А теперь не перейти ли нам к делу? Они хотели бы пробыть в Лондоне восемь


Мы ггланируем направить группу из 10

человек а ноябре Если вы не возражаете,

давайте начнем с времени проведения


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А businessjalk 67

Complete the dialogue and aet out a similar one:

— Now, shall we...

— Yes, eertainly. There are a few... What... start with?

— If you don’t mind... time... We are planning... 10 ... not later than 20’

How long...? — They prrfer... 8 ... or... nights. 9. Translate into Rnssian:

— Have yon got any eomments on the topies of the lectures? — On the whole the participants are qnite satisfied with yonr choice. — But if you could add “Accounting in companies and hanks” it will he

very good.

— No problem.

— I’m making a note of that.

— We have got a very good lectnrer on this topic.

10. Comnlete the dialoffnes and act ont similar ones:

Have you got any comments...? On the whole the participants... choice. But if you could add.

good. — No problem. I’m making... We havetgot.." "

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Unit nine



fter having lunch at thci canteen of the company the businessmen resume their


Pete There a few more things I would like to discuss with you. Well, I'm at,

David: your serviee, sir. >

Pgfg In your offer you proposed a few external business visits for the


David: Ш

Yes, I proposed visits to the Bank of England, Metal Exchange, a

lawyers’ eompany and a small producing company.

That’s right. Could you cut a visit to the Metal Exehange? A few

partieipants would like to have some time for a visit or two of their own

Pete; interest.

Good. We shall have leetures in the mornings and business visits in the

afternoons. Two afternoons are free. And the participants may easily

David: pay their own visits. If they heed my help I am always very glad to help.

Fine. It’s settled then. And one more thing. What cultural excursions

will the group make? I propose visits to Windsor and Oxford,

fee. ■ ■ - _ - _ make some ealeulations first... Taking into eonsideration all the

ehanges we made in the programme the fee eomes.ito ten thousand


In other words one thousand per person... I suppose I can agree to that.

It seems to me we have discussed all the points and ean sign a Contraet.

David: _

Pete David:


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Details 69

David: When we meet tomorrow afternoon the Contract wШ be ready and

we shall sign it.

Pete: See you at 3, if it is convenient for you. David: Good. See you tomorrow then. Good-bye.

Words and expressions

nine after

after having lunch canteen at the canteen to resu^ne

to resume

talks to

resume work

[ksn’tnn] [^zjutm]

девять (числ.)


после ланча столовая в столовой

возобновить, продолжить

продолжить переговоры

продолжить работу Ещё

несколько вопросов.

at your service offer to offer

[’sa;vis] [,’ofa]

to propose

proposal external

exchange metal exchange

lawyer a lawyers’ company to


a producing company

to cut

Could you cut a visit to...? morning in the morning


[jxo'pouzl] [ik'stornl] [iks'tiemd3]

[’lo:ja] [pra'djuis]



к вашим услугам предложение

предлагать (что- вещественное) предлагать (идею, рук сердце) предложение внешний биржа

биржа металлов


юридическая фирма производить

‘фирма- изготовитель

сокращать, резать

Вы могли бы исключить

посещение...? утро утром


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70 Details

free to pay a visit

They may easily pay own visits. to need • .

to need help always It is’settled. cultural excursion question thing

calculation to make some

calcula tions

to take into consideration

taking into consideration

change to make changes to

change thousand pound’ other

in.other words per

per person .

per day per week

per year’ to suppose

to agree I can agree to that. It

seems to me ...


their ^vizrt]










[’Bauzsiid] [paund] [*лбэ]

свободный, бесплатный наносить визит Они могут сами осущест вить те визиты, которые им нужны. нуждаться нуждаться в помощи всегда . , Решено. куль^рный • 1 экскурсия вопрос


расчет, вычисление сделать

расчеты, вычис- легая принимать

во внимание принимая во

внимание изменение, замена

делать изменения менять тысяча

фунт другой другими словами в, на, пред.лог (в определенных сочетаниях) на человека

в день в неделю в год полагать

соглашаться Я могу с этим согласиться. Мне кажется ...




We have discussed ... Мы обсудили.

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point. < to sign [sam]

contract ikontrxkt]

пункт, вопрос подписать :1 контракт

We can sign a contract. Мы можем подпиеать контракт. _________________________ fta'morau. завтра днем _________________

ocfta'numi When we meet we shall disenss it. Мы обеудим эго при нетрече.

fredil быть готоным to be ready

Exercises 1. Underline the sentenees tme to the text:

• After having some eoffee at the eanteen the hnsinessmen resnme their talk After having a eold drink at the eanteen the hnsinessmen resnme their talk They resnme the talk after having luneh at the eanteen.

• In his offer David proposed one external visit.

In his offer David, proposed no external visits.

In his"offer David'proposed a few external visits.

• Pete asks David to ent a visit to the London Metal Exchange.

He asks' David to ent a visit to a lawyer’s company.

He asks David to ent a visit to a producing company.

• The Programme fee is ten thonsand dollars per person.

The Programme fee is ten thonsand pounds per person.

The Programme fee is one thousand pounds per person. ’

The bnsinessman agree,, to meet tomorrow to disenss some other details. The

bnsinessman agree to meet to sign a Contract. The businessman agree to sign a ProtoeoL

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7S Details

2. Underline the verbs in Present Indefinite. Translate the sentenees into Russian;

After luneh the businessmen resume their talks.

Mr. Hiir proposes a few external visits.

Mr. Smirnov asks him to cut one visit.,

David agrees to cut the visit.

They also discuss cultural excursions.

They agree on’ the programme fee.

They agree to meet tomorrow afternoon.

Pete is satisfied with the results of the talks.

I don’t think Nick is present at the talks. 1 /verbs-

гяагт^1 /to be present- грисутствовать

3. Make short dialogues: '

• E x a m p l e

— Do the businessmen discuss only one point? — No, they do not. They discuss a few points.

one external visit one

cultural excursion one

problem one question

• E x a m p l e


— Does Pete propose to cut a visit to the Metal


— Yes, he does. There isn’t enough time for all

these visits.

the Bank of England a

lawyer’s company a small

producing company a small

trading company a company

outside London

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Detailft * n

E x a m p l e ■ Does Pete agree to the Programme fee?l,

— Yes, he does. He doesn’t make any comments. (or

No, he doesn’t. He makes some proposals.)

the cultural visits the external visits the

topic of the lectures the place where the

lectures will be read the period of the


4. Answer the following questions: I

• E x a m p l e

/ fnnk—uacptliHuii,


^ Do you like this dialogue?

— No, I don’t, to be frank. It iS' Very long, (or:

Yes, I do. It is very realistic.)

5. Read the following:

the dialogue of Unit 1 the dialogue at the

restaurant the fax message of Unit 7 the

exercises of thiSoUnit







to settle




visit, visits to

resume to

propose lawyeis

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74 Patalls

question to


iectures caicuiations

• after having iuneh

after discussing this point after maidng some


• There are a few more things to discuss.

In your offer you proposed a few visits.

They may pay a few visits of their own interest.

That’s right.

The Contract wiii be ready tomorrow.

See you tomorrow.

I can agree to that.

6. Transiate into Russian:

In your offer you proposed a few external visits.

Couid you cut a visit to the Metal Exchange?

A few participants are planning some visits of their own interest. We'shall have

iectures in the mornings.

We shaii have extemai visits in the afternoons.

Two afternoons are frees

The participants may easiiy have a few visits of their own interest. I am aiways

giad to heip the participants.

I agree to cut the visit to the Metai Exchange.

It is settied then. 7. Match Engiish and Russiansequivaients;

And one more thing.

What cuiturai excursions wiii the

Group make?

Now coines the most important

question. I mean the Programme fee.

И вот самый важный вопрос. И еще

один вопрос.

Я имею виду стоимость программы. Давайте посчитаем.

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Details 75

Let me make some calculations. You

should take into considerations all the

changes we made in the Programme. Tile

fee is ten thousand pounds for the Group.

The fee is one thousand pounds per


Стоимость программы 1 тысяча фунгтов за

одаого человека. Стоимость программы 10

тысяч фунпов за гругшу.

Вы должны учесть все изменения в

программе, которые мы сделали. Какие

экскурсии будут у

8. Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones:

•—There are a few more things... •

— Well,... service. ♦

— In your offer... external...

— Yes,... the Bank of England, Metal...

—That's right. Could you cut... Afew... Would you like to have some time for a visit or


—Good. We shall have lectures... and ... afternoons. Two... free. And the... may easily

pay... If they need my help, I am... — Fine. It... settled ...

— And one more... What


— I... Windsor and Oxford. I mean...

— Fine. Now comes... important... into considerations

— Let me make some... Taking ■the fee

— It seems time we have discussed... and can...

—When we meet tomorrow... the Contract will be


— See you ... if it is...

and we

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Unit ten



he next day the businessmen meet at Mr. Smirnov’s premises

and Mr. Hill hands him over a eopy of the Contraet he has


International Management Ltd

Contract dated 2 March, 199...

This Contact is made between:

interoaifona/Management Ш, London, United Kingdom, hereinafter referred to as

Organiser and ЕсопопжжаШп'', Moscow, Russian Federation, hereinafter

referred to as Customer.

This Contract concerns the Programme for a Group of 10 senior baiikers and

foreign trade company executives (the Participants) from the Russian Federation

as nominated by thei Customer, scheduled to take place in London during 8 days

inNovember, 199. .. The exact dates are to be specified before 20 October. Both

parties to this Contract are bound by the terms and conditions of the Contract as

set out below.

Article 3. Undertakings 'by the Organiser -Ф- The

Organiser shall provide Business Skills Courses during the Programme which

shall collectively amount to not less than 15 hours of intensive classroom tuition,

to be divided into 15 classroom “Sessions”. Classroom Sessions shall take place

on Training Days (Monday through Friday).

The Organiser shall provide professional .trainers to teach the Business

Skills Courses who shall have appropriate professional and/ or academic

experience and expertise.

-Ф- The Organiser shall provide an appropriate conference room at the Motel in

which the Business Skills (bourses shall be conducted.

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Contract 77

After Pete studied the Contraet earefiilly, the husinessmen sign two eopies,

one for eaeh party.

Then Pete invites David to eelehrate the event at the restaurant in the

evening. The next day David'leaves Moseow for St. Petersburg.

Words and expressions

prenuses at somebody's

copy a copy of the Contraet

he has prepared part date to date

f prcmisiz] помепгение в чьём-либо помепгении

Pkopi] экземпляр один экземпляр контр ак та, который он подготовил часть *дата датированный

dated second to make is made

The Contract' is made

fsekond] второй делать сделан

between hereinafter to refer

referred to as

Organiser Cnstomei;

to concern senior execntive to nominate

as nominated by

Данный контракт заключен., [bi'twim] меищу fhiarm'orft далее fli'fa:! ссыпаться


'[;o:ga'naiZ Организатор [TcAstama] Заказчик, По1^патель '[kan'sa;n] касаться ['si:nja] старнгий [ig'zekjutiy] рукоюдитель [ nommeitj назначать, определять, назьшать

названный, кем-либо


to schednie [Tedjud] назначать, намечать, ила-

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78 Contract

scheduled to take place exact to specify to be specified before twenty twenieth October

before the twentieth of October both party both parties to the Contract to bind to be bound by

[ig’zaekf [’spcsifai] [bi’fo:] [’twenh] [sk’toubs]

[bou0] [’pocti]



иметь место

точный определять быть определенным до двадцать’(чмсл-)

двадцатый (числ.) октябрь до 20 октября

оба сторона обе стороны, заключившие данный Контракт связывать быть связанным чем- либо



terms and conditions

as set out below article

undertaking to provide skills

[to:mz] [ksn’dilnz]




условия (частные, данные) условия (общие) все условия как указано далее пункт обязательство обеспечивать умение, ^мастерство, знания

course collectively to amount to not less than fifteen hour classroom tuition

[ko;s] [ka’lektivli]) [a’maunt]


курс вместе составлять’ не менее пятнадцать час аудитория обучение


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Contract 79

to '^ride




[diVaid] [




Monday throngh Friday

appropriate experience

expertise to conduct shall be

conducted to study After he

studied the


carefiodly to celebrate

to train

trainer to teach








с понедельника по пятницу


лектор, преподаватель у»рпъ



знания проводить будут проводиться изучать После того как он изучил контракт... внимательно, аккуратно


1. Underline .the sentences true to4he text:

* The businessmen meet in the lounge to sign the Contract. They meet jn David’s room of the hotel. They meet in Pete’s office.

• The Contract has been prepared by Pete.

The Contract has been prepared by David.

The Contract has been prepwed by Nick ’

Unit 10 gives the complete text of the Contract.

Unit 10 gives a part of the Contract Unit 10

gives the complete text of one article.

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• о Contract

Pete studies the Contraet earefiiUy.

Pete doesn’t read the Contraet.

Pete looks .through the Contraet.

Pete invites David to the restaurant to eelehrateithe event

Pete is very husy. He eannot invite David to celebrate the event, "avid

invites Pete to the restaurant to celebrate the event

1 The next day David leaves, for London.

The next day David leaves, for St. Petersburg.

The next day David leaves for New York.

2. Find English equivalents, in the text,[of the Contract;

* Контракт от 2 марта Контракт заключен

межау- именуемый в дальнейшем “Организатор” именуемый в

дальнейшем “Заказчик”

Предметом Контракта является Программа... участники, указанные

’Заказчиком Программа, которая должна проходить в Лондоне

Точные даты должны быть определены до...

Обе стороны, заключившие данный Контракт, связаны условиями,

указанными ниже.

• обязанноети Организатора

Организатор обеепечивает проведение курса обучения деловым

качествам (умениям).

курс, который в целом составит не менее 15 часов интенсивное

обучение в аудитории

обучение, которое будет состоять из 15 аудиторных занятий учебные


с понедельника по пятницу

Организатор обеспечивает профессиональных лекторов, для

проведения курса обучения деловым качествам (умениям) лекторы,

которые должны иметь соответствуюпщй профессиональный и/ или

научный опыт

Организатор обеспечивает соответствуюпщй конференц-зал, где

будет проходить обучение.

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3. Make sentences and translate them into^Russian:

' This Contract is made hetween International Managment Ltd and

Economtraining an English company

and a Russian one two parties

This Contract concerns

a training Programme for hankers a

training Programme for foreign trade

husinessmen a training Programme for

Russian executives

in October

not later than 20 October before 20 October The

" exact dates are to he



Business Skills Courses professional

trainers a conference room

The Organiser shall provide

4. T ranslate into Russian:

International Managment Ltd hereinafter referred to as Organiser

Economtraining hereinafter referred to as Customer executives as nominated

by the Customer ’terms and conditions a$..$et out below ’tuition tOibe divided

into IS classroom sessions .

Monday through Friday „experience and expertise appropriate professional

experience appropriate professional experience and expertise appropriate

conference room Business Skills Courses a room in which the Business’ Skills

Courses shall be conducted

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12 ContracL

5. Write


• one three

five six





fifteen twenty

Read the foOowing:

a group of ten senior bankers and foreign trade eompany exeeutives

during eight фуз in November nineteen ninety seven

articie three

part one point five

part one point six

part one point seven

fifteen hours df ciassroom tuition 7. Compiete as in the text:

This Contract is made between ... Organiser and ... Customer. Both parties ... bound ... set out below. The Organiser shail... trainers to teach ... Courses who shall have appropriate.. The Organiser shall provide an appropriate ......... in which the Busi

ness Skiiis Courses... 8. Complete the sentences and make simUar ones:

This Contract concerns ... Programme... as nominated by the Customer. This Programme is scheduled to take... November, 1997. The exact dates are... 20 October. The Oi^aniser shall provide ... Courses amounting to 15’hours of... tuition. The tuition shall be divided ... Classroom sessions shall take plaee on...

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Unit eleven

Fax messages


О n 15 October after booking airtickets for the Participants PeJIe sends the

following fax message to David;

from: Economiraining 1/2' to: International Management Ltd

Fax Message No...

Re: Contract dated 2 March,199...

In accordance with Article 3 of the above Contract we are informing you of the Arrivai

Date of the Group. It is 12 November andLthe_ flight number is SU 241. We hope this

wii enabie you to re°serve the accommodation in good f me.' We have aiso made the

reservation for the return flight on 20 November.

In accordance with Article 7 we are attachin'4he list of the participants (Page 2).

Please send us your official Invitation to support our visas at Use British Embassy,

Please also send us the time-table of the Programme showing the exact topics of the

classroom sessions and the dates of external visits. It will enable the participants

to<plan the dates of their own business visits about PIch we spoke in Moscow.

As to the Group Leader we are proposing Mr. Lvov. You, must know him. He has been

to London a few times with similar groups. He speaks English fluently and knows his

business Inside out We are sure he will be of great help. If you have any querl" please do not hesitate to contact us.

Faithfully yours,

Pete Smirnov

(general Director

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84 Fax messages

David Hill sends the oK)elal invitation for the gronp hy fax the next day. Then

all the partieipants fill in the qnestionnaires and attaeh two photos to every

qnestionnaire. The seeretary takes all these materials and the invitation and hands

in all the papers to the Embassy to get visas. In a few days the visas are ready.

Words and expressions

eleven to [I'levn]

book [buk]

airticket [’ea.tikit]

in accordance with [9'ka:d9ns]

above [o'bAv]

the above Contract

to inform [m'fo;m]

We are informing yon of.

We are informing yon that...


the arrival date This will [s'laival]

enable yon to...

to reserve to reserve the

accommodation in good time

to make the reservation We

have also made the reservation

for... to return return to attach

We are attaching... Ust page

to support



одиннадцать (чиаи)



в соответствии

над, вышеуказанный




Сообшдем о...

Сообпщем, что... прибытие

дата прибытия Это вам даст

возможность заказьшать,

бронировать заказать

гостиницу заблаговремеццо

сделать заказ

Мы тоже сделалц заказ


возврапщть (ся)








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Fax messages 85

visa British

Embassy time-table

to show

to speak (spoke, spoken)



to propose We are

proposing... to know

You must know him.

He has been'to'lxindon ...

a few times



He’ knows his business

inside out

to be sore

to be of great help



to hesitate

.to contact

Please do not hesitate to [’kwian]

contact us. faithfully yours

questionnaire to flU in’ a [’heziteit]

questionnaire to take (took,

[’kontaekt] taken) materials papers in

in a few days

['fei6fuli' jo:z]


[’sunilajl [’flu;antli]




посольство расписание

показьшатъ расписание с


говорить что касается

предлагать Предлагаем ...


Вы ДОЛЖНА!! его знать. Он

был в Лондоне уже ...

несколько раз подобный

свободно Он прекрасно знает

своё дело. быть уверенным

оказать большую помощь

вопрос вопросы .

колебаться связаться с

Обязательно свяжитесь с


С уважением ваш ...

вопросник, анкета

заполнить анкету



документы через’ через несколько дней (в будущем)

ma'tianalz] 'peipaz]

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86' Fax messages.


1. UnderlLae the sentences true to the text:

• The Customer hooks airtickets for the participants after 20 October.

The Customer hooks airtickets on or before 15 October. The Customer books airtickets in November.

• Unit 11 gives the text of the fax message Pete sends to David. The Unit gives the text of the fax message David sends to Pete. The Unit quotes the text of the fax message the Organiser sends to the Customer.

• The arrival date is 20 November.

The arrival date is 15 October.

The arrival date is 12 November. '

• The message gives the flight number.

The message does not give the flight number.

The flight number is BA 241. i

• The Organiser has made a reservation for the return flight

The Customer has not inade a reservation for the return flight.

The Customer has made a reservation for the return flight

• The message speaks only about the flights.

The message speaks only about the participants and visas.

The message speaks only about the Group Leader.

It speaks about a few points.

Read the foUorring: Pete sends the following message. David sends the official

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The secretary takes all these materials or papers to the Embassy. She hands in

all the materials or papers to the Emba^.

In a few days they get appropriate visas. 3. Translate into English:

• в соответствии со статьей 3

вьшгеуказанный контракт

забронировать гостиницу

заказать обратный билет

список участников для

поддержки виз расписание


• что касается руководителя


свободно говорить

по- английски Он прекрасно знает свое дело.

Он окажет вам большую иомоиц».

4. Маке sente.nses and translate them into Russian:

The message speaks about the Group Leader


the time table external


The message does not speak about the lectures the

Programme fee the


The Customer informs the other- party of the arrival


sends the list of the participants proposes

Mr. Lvov as Group Leader

The Organiser

sends the invitation the next day sends

the invitation in a few days does not send

the invitation

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Fax messages 89

Please also send ns the time-table showing ... topics of.

Please also send us the time-table showing ... external...

You must know Mr. Lvov. He has been to ... with...

He speaks ... and he knows his business ... He wUI be of... If you have any queries ... contact us. r 8. Make a plan of the fax

using the following sentences lin die appropriate sequence: sequence — последовательность.

The Customer proposes Mr. Lvov as Group Leader.

The Customer informs the Organiser of the arrival date.

The Organiser is requested to send an official invitation.

The Organiser is informed that the return airtickets have been booked. ■ The

Customer asks the Organiser to send the time-table of the


9. Write I similar fax, changing

• the names

• the dates

I • and some other details

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Unit twelve


Text wo weeks before the group is to leave Moseow for London Pete

telephones David. His seeretary answers the ealL Secretary:

International Management here, ean I help yon?

Pete: Good afternoon. My name is Smirnov from Econom- training,

Moseow, Rnssia. Conid I speak to Mr. Hill, please?

Secretary: Hold on,, please. I'll jnst see .if Mr. Hill is available... I'rh

putting yon throngh.

Pete: Thank you.

David: Speaking.

Pete: David, good afternoon. I am sorry to distnrh yon bnt we have a

problem I am afraid.

David: What kind of problem is it?

Pete: Well, you see, one of the participants has fallen ill and * he won't

be able to join the group.

David: I’m certainly sorry to hear that. First I 'll have to make another

reservation for a single room since the number of participants

isn't even now. Besides it will cause changes in the Programme


Pete: Can you reduce the fee by one thousand pounds automatically?

David: Pm'" afraid it can't be done. Some of the expenses are not directly

connected with the number of participants. For example hiring coaches for

excursions, for airport- hotel transfers and so on. Г11 make calculations

and send you the appropriate Amendment to the Contract. Pete: Good. If I

find the amended fee quite reasonable I shall immediately instruct the

bank to make the transfer.

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Telephoning 01

/ David; The reduction wih be about nine hundred pounds and I hope you will

pay for the Progrannne next week, as the Contract says. Pete; When you make

calculations please remember it's a force majuere case. Neither we nor you are

responsible. We should split the expenses involved David; I agree with you

and I 11 take that into account. In an hour or so in send you the amendment.

David keeps his promise and sends the amendment in thirty minutes.

Pete Ini'* the amended Programme Fee quite acceptable, signs the

Amendment and sends it by fax to David.

Words and expressions twelve telephone to telephone

telephoning conversation [konva'seijn]

telephone conversation The group is to

leave Moscow... to answer ['a-nso] [кэ:1]

to answer the call

Can I help

yon.' [a'veibbl]

'Hold on, please, available I'll see if he is available.

ГШ putting you through. ,Speaking, to be sorry I to disturb


двенадцать (числ.) телефон звонить no телефону звонок по телефону беседа разговор по телефону Группа должна вылететь из Москвы... отвечать звонок отвечать» на звонок, снимать трубку Чем могу быть полезен? Слутаю вас. Не ветайте трубку, доступный, наличный Я посмотрю сейчас, на месте ли он. Соединяю вас. Слушаю. бытЬ|,огорченным беспокой*' Просппе, что беоджло вас.

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What kmd of problem is h? to

foil III He has foDen HI. to be able to


to join the gronp He won't be

able to join the group. * to bear

[bra] I’m Sony to hear that, to make

another reservation I’ll have to make another reservation.

single [stggl]

single room sinee number even

even number besides

вид, еорт, тип

Какая проблема? (Какого

рода проблема?)


Он заболел. быть в еоетоянии приеоединить (ея) приеоединитьея к ipynne Он не еможет приехать имеете е труппой. слышать Очень печально это слышать, сделать другой заказ (гостиницы)

Придется перезаказать

гостиницу, единственный, один

номер на одного так как,

поскольку количество ровный,

четный четное количество

to cause to [ko:z] причинять, вызьшатъ reduce [n’djuisj уменьтать (ся)

to reduce the fee by... уменьтнтъ стоимость на... automatically I’m afraid it, э’-п’вЬквД>] автоматически can’t be done.

Ьоюсь, что этого нельзя expenses сделать, directly [iks’pensiz] расходы to be connected with... for [di’rekth] example прямо

быть связанным to hire coach

[haia] например

[koutj] '''ндовать, брать в снимать, лизинг _ _ /g: ____ _ ____ __

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telephoning 93

transfer and so on to amend

amendment to the

Contraet to find reasonable

immediately to instruet to

moke a<transfcr reduetion

about hundred foree mareure








[,fo:s тае’зэ;]

переезд и так далее дополнять,

изменять дополнение, изменение

к контракту находить разумный,

приемлемый ” еразу, немедленно

давать указание ’

сделать перевод


около сто



непреодолимая сила, ни от кого нс

зависимые отршхатель- ные

обстоятельства, осложнения случай

в случае форс-мажора ни... ни...

несущий ответственность

соглашаться соглашаться с кем-либо

принимать во внимание

а force majenre case neither... nor... responsible to ['па1бэ...'пэ:]

agree to agree with

somebody to take into

aeeount syn. to take into

eonsideration promise to

keep one's promise thirty




[’pro mis] [’Оа:й], [ak’septabl]


сдерживать обепцание

тридцать (числ.)


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м Telephoning


1. Underline the sentences true to the text:

• Pete telephones David.

David telephones Pete. David’s secretary telephones Pete.

• He makes this call two days before the group is to leave Moscow. He makes the call one week ’before the Russian businessmen are to leave

Moscow. . He makes the call two weeks before the businessmen are to leave.

• One* of the participants has fallen ill.

Mr. Lvov, Group Leader, has fallen ill.

Two participants have fallen ill.

• ’ David will have to change the hotel reservation.

Pete says he has changed the hotel reservation.

Pete says he will have, to change the hotel reservation.

• This change causes the change of the fee. ’

This change does not cause the change of the fee.

The businessmen do not speak about the change of the fee.

• David promises to telephone to settle the problem.

David promises to send a fax message to settle the problem.

David settles the problem during the telephone talk. 2. Read) the following:.’

group get .

good glad ’

greet greetings change changes page

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96 Telephoning

Отрицательная форма образуется доб1вдонивм частиц^1


I am not speaking Spanish.

She isn’t speaMng Spanish.

We aren’t speaking^,Spani3h.

They aren’t speaking Spani\

Настоящее продолженное время выражает действие, происходящее

в данный момент, в данный период или в ближайшем будущем.

Например; iVe are having а iesson now.

3. Underline the verbs and translate the sentences into Russian:

I am putting you through.

Now they are entering the office.

They are leaving Moscow next week.

We are planning to Mnd a group in November.

We sometimes send groups to England.

I’m making a note of that. *-

I often make notes at business taUcs.

David is staying at the Russia hotel.

He often stays there.

They are working at a very important project now and caimot iMve for the


She likes her work, they usually work at a few interesting projects at a time.

4. Make short dialogues:

E x a m p l e Is she busy now? Oh, yes, she is sending a fax message.

Pete / to speak with David

Nick / to prepare for a talk

your boss / to have a business talk

the secretary / to speak over the telephone

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Telephoning 97


Translate into English:

Петр звонит Дэвиду.

Сейчае Дэвид отправляет Петру факе.

Петр занят. Он читает факе.

Что делает еейчае Дэвид?

Translate into Russian:

David is answering Pete’s ealL

Two weeks before the group is to leave Moseow Pete telephones

David. The group is leaving for London in November.

The seeretary answers Pete’s eall.

Can I help you?

Could 1 speak to Mr. Hill, please?

Hold on, please.

I’ll see if he is available. ‘i

I’m putting you through.

Thank you. Mateh English and Russian equivalents:


I’m soriy to distuit you. We have a problem. I’m afraid. What kind of problem is it? One of the participants has fallen ilL He won’t be able to join the group I’m Sony to hear that

Fiist I’ll have to make an- m other reservation.

ДсливоА английский

У нас возникло некоторое

осложнение. Какое осложнение? Слутаю. Извините за беспокойство.

Он не сможет поехать с группой.

Очень, печально (слышать это).

Во-первых, придется перезаказать


.Я имею в виду номер на одного


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С- , • Щ • количество участников сейчас 1 mean reservanoii tor а sinme''.

(gr* нечетное.

Один из участников заболел. The number of participants isn’t

even now. i

8. Insert prepositions: Besides it wiii cause changes... the Programme fee. Can you reduce the fee... 1000 pounds automaticaiiy? '

f Some... the expenses are not directiy connected'*, .e the number of participants. The number... participants isn’t even now. ... exampie, hiring coaches... excursions,... ahport hotei transfers and so on. ’ I’ii

make caicuiations and send you the appropriate amendment... the Contract.

9. Insert articles: If I find... amended fee quite reasonable I shall immediately instruct... bank to

make... transfer. ' ... reduction will be about 900 pounds and I hope you will pay for... programme

next week, as... Contract says. When you make calculations please remember it’s... force ma-jeure case. We

should split... expenses.

In... hour or so I’ll send you... amendment.

10. Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones:

• — IntemationaL.. here. Can L.. you?

Good afternoon. My... Russia. Could. 1 speak...?

Hold... i’U just see... available. I’m... through.


• — Speaking.

David, good afternoon. I’m Sony... problem, I’m afraid.

What kind...?

Well, you see, one... ill and he won’t be able... ------ Aj'ni ТЧ1 havAfiimalzAcin#<<A rmmhAt*

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T«l«phonlng 99

• — Besides it will eause... fee.

— Can you reduee...?

— I’m afraid, it can’t ibe done. Some of the expenses ... connected ...

participants. For example, hiring coaches ... transfers and so on. I’ll make

calculations and... appropriate...

• — If I find the amended fee quite... I shall immediately... hank

... transfer. „

— The iTCduction will he about ... and 1 hope you will pay ... as the Contract


— When you make calculation ... force majeure... Neither we nor you are

responsible. We should... — 1 agree with.... and I’ll take... In an hour or so I’ll r..

11. Sum up each dialogue. The following words may be of help:

First Mr.,... speaks to ...

First the businessmen speak about... "

Mr.... mentioiK... , , , .

They discuss ... ’ r.

They agree..._

T ' l 4

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Unit thirteen



Q n the twelfth of November the group safely leaves the Shere-

nietievo aiiport and flies to London. They have seats in


;ompartments, for smokers and non-smokei-s, and in different

It’s a veiy nice plane, isn’t it? Oh, yes, quite comfortahle. By the way, is smoking allowed


Why, certainly. It’s a smoking compartment.

Have you got a lighter by any chance, please? Mine does not

seem to work. ,„

Yes, here you are.

Thank you.

You are welcome.

— Excuse me, what’s the time please?

— It’s a quarter past ten.

— It’s Moscow time, isn’t it?

— Oh yes. If yon want London time, then... let me see... the difference is

three honrs.

— I see, it’s now a qnarter past seven, London time.

— By the way do yon know when we. an ive in^> London?

— nie steward says the flight is three honrs forty minutes long.

What time will it he? Oh, ahont eleven o’clock, London’time. — Пгеп ГН’ adjnst my watch in London. — So shall L

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Travelling 101

— Excuse me, may I have your newspaper please.

— Yes, eertainly. Here you are.

* Thank you... Excuse my curiosity, are you Russian?

— Yes, 1 am. I'm going to London on a short stay.

* Are you a tourist then?

— No, I'm going to England for some training as a businessman.

— You speak very fluent English.

— I'm learning English after my olTiee hours. There are

many Russian businessmen who are learning English.

— Good for you. But we Englishmen are lazy. Not many of us

speak foreign languages. — I like your self-critieism.

Words and expressions

thirteen to travel (ravelling [,0э:'п:п]

(traveling) twelfth

on the bvelfth of

» )vember safely to

У the group flies seat


tl [kam’pmtmon

тринадгдать (чис/L)

путешеетвоиать путетествие,

поездка двеиадиатый /чиаи)

12-го ноября

благополучно лететь (на

еамолете) • группа летит (на

еамолете) меето

еалон, отделение, отеек,

чаеть, купе






Здееь разрешено курить?

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102 Travelling

-Have you got a lighter, please? row neighbour extract comfortable

[rou] [’nciba] [’ekstneki] [’клтГэ1э

by the way by any chance to

excuse Excuse me, ... Wliat’s

’the time, please? quarter It’s a

quarter past ten.

Let me see.

difTcrence [’difrons]

to arrive to arrnc London/Britain

Moscow / Russia steward [stjuad] forty long

The fligln is three hours long.

in in

У вас есть зажигалка?




удобный, комфортабельный между

прочим случайно , извинять

Извините, ...

Какой сейчас час? четверть Сейчас

10.15. N Одну минуту. Сейчас

подумаю, разница прибыть

прибыть в ЛоНдон/Брита- нию / в

Москву/Россию стюард сорок


ДЛИННЫЙ Полет длится три часа.

зд. переставлять, корректировать


— Я переведу часы в Лондоне.

— И я тоже, газета Можно взять

вашу газету? любопытство

Простите за любопытство.

to adjust [a’dsAst]

watch — I shall adjust my

watch in London.

— So shall I.


May I have your

newspaper, please?


Excuse my curiosity.


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iravelllng 103

training . ,,

fluent [flusnt]

syn. to speak (luent


to speak English fluently

to leam

Tliere’arc many bnsiness-

nien who ... t Good for you.

; r . . lazy -


not many of us

language i [’keogwids]




говорить свободно



Есть много

которые... ’•




немногие из нас




. 1=

Exercises ’ 1. Read the following: *

twelfth . -‘t

on the twejfth

leaves the Sheremetievo aiiporl

they have seats in dilTereni compartments.

They all have English speaking neighbours.

Wliat’s the time, iplease? "

The difference is three hours.

The steward says the flight is about three hours.

2. Underline the sentences true to the text:

• The group leaves Moscow on the twelfth of October.

They leave’-Moscow on the twentieth of

October. They leave Moscow on the first of


• They have seat in the same compartmerit.

They have seats in different compartment.

The text says nothing about it. .


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104 Travelling

• Tiiere are no Englishmen in the plane. ’ •

There is only one Englishman on board the plane.

Tliere are rather many Englishmen on board.

• Smoking is allowed in every compartment of that plane.

Smoking is not allowed in that plane.

Smoking is allowed only in one of the compartments of the plane.

• The flight is exactly three hours long.

The flight is about two hours long.

The flight is about four houi-s long.

• One of the Russians gets ,a compliment for his fluent

English from a Frenchman. He get a compliment for his fluent English from an American. He get a compliment for his fluent English from an Englishman.

’3. Underline the verbs in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian:

• Tliey are flying to London.

We often fly to Paris.

The passengers are speaking on differeht topics.

They are speaking English.

Do you speak English? ’

Some passengers are smoking.

I don’t smoke. J don’t like smoking.

Smoking is not allowed here.

It’s not a smoking compartment. ’ •





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Travelling .105

4. Маке short dialogues:

E x a m p l e

Is Pete learning English? Yes, He is. He’s a student..

Pete Nick Ann Maria

your chief

■ E X a’m p 1 e — Does he often speak English at the office?

— Yes, he does...

(or: No, he doesn’t...)




your boss your


E x a m р,,Ге — Are the passengere enjoying their flight?

the participants the

Englishmen the

Russians the


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*’Й Travelling

5. Translate into Russian:

It’s a very nice plane, isn’t it? ’ • ■ •’

It’s quite сотГопаЫе.

By the way, is smoking allowed here?

It’s a smoking com^riment.

Have you got a lighter by any chance, please?

Mine doesn’t seem to work. 6. Insert articles: ’

Excuse me, what’s ... time, please?

It’s... quarter past ten.

It’s ... quarter past seven.

... difference between London and Moscow is three hours.

... ste>yard says ... flight is three hours forty minutes long. 7. Complete short djalogues:

E x a m p l e Tlieii I’ll adjust my watch in London. So shall I. In London it will be about...

Paris New




E x a m p l e — May. I have your newspaper, please? — Yes, certainly. Here you are. — Tliank you ... .

pax 1р;учка *i

/ magallnt -

ж;урнал a form to

fill in passport



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IVavelllnit Ш

8. Insert prepositions:

— Excuse my curiosity, are you Russian?

— Yes, I am. I’m going ... London ... a short stay.

Are you a tourist then?

— No, I’m going... England ... some training... a husinessman..

— You speak very fluent English.

— I’m learning English ... my office houi-s. 9. Translate into English:

— Многие русские бизнесмены сейчас учат английский язык.

— Вы молодцы. А мы, англичане, лоаольно ленивы. Не многие из нас

3HaiQf иностранные языки.

— Мне нравится ваша самокритичность.

10. Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones:.

. — It’s a ... plane, isnt’t it?

— Oh, yes, quite ... By the way, is smoking...?

— Why,-certainly. It’s a ...

— Have you got... chance, please? Mine does not seem...

— .Yes, here...

— You are...

Excuse me, what...?

It’s a quarter...

It’s ... time, isn’t it?

Oh. yes. If you want London time, let me see, the difference •! see it’s now

... London time.

By the way, do you know when ...?

Tlic steward says ... What time will it he? Oh. about... Then I’ll ajust... So

shall I.

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Unit fourteen



hen the plane arrives at the Heathrow aiiport the passengere ЖД # get ont of the plane and* go into the building of the airport.

passing along endless corridors they get to the passport control point called Immigiation. There are two gates. One is for passengeis front" EC (European Community) countries. And the other gate is for passengers from all other countries. After queuing up for some time Mr. Lvov and ’the group come up to the queue marshal who signals what officer is free. And each person goes to the counter indicated.

Here is a typical talk het'ween the English Inrntigration officer and a Russian businessman:

Russian; Good morning. Officer; Good morning, sir. May I see your passport and landing

card, please? Russian; Certainly. Here you are.

Officer; Thank you.... What’s the reason for your visit to the UK? Russian; I’m on a business tour to attend a training programme.

Officer; And how long are you staying here?

Russian; A week or so.

Officer; Have you got a return ticket?

Russian; Yes, certainly. Here is my ticket.

Officer; May 1 see the invitation of the company who will receive you


Russian; Just a minute ’I’ll ask our Group Leader to present it.... Here is the


Officer; Thank you Eveiything is ’OK Here is your passport, ticket and the


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Н о Passports

Some Russian” businessmen have difiieulty in speaking wjth" the English

Imniigiation ofileei's and answering their questions, eqnally English oflieers do

not like strangei-s to help them with intei-p'^'eting. In sneh eases the oflieere ask

their own interpretei's for help. Most probably these inteipreters are staff

members of lmmigrahon..,For some Russian bnsinessmen of the group it was the

fn-st e,xperienee with Englishmen and the only words they eould say were;

/ am Sony. / do not speak English.

Othera eould say a few words, like these:

/ have come as a businessman for training'^ shall stay in Englandfor

Words and expressions fourteen' passport eontrol [,fo:'tl;n] to get

out of building to pass along a eorridor

endless point passport eontrolUpomt to

be called fbildiQ] gate European

Community country

to queue

queue marshal to signair

officer counter

to indicate * ihp mnntpr ШППШГРП

четырнадцать (чисп.) паспорт

контроль, проиерка выходить из

здание пройти по коридору


бесконечный пункт, место

паспортный контроль вызьтать,

приглатать ворота, зд. выход

Евро'пенское Сообщество страна

стоять в очереди распорядитель

очереди давать сигнал чиновник,

(работник стойка указьтать

указанна (им) стойка карточка

прилетевтего в “страну

нр [’kjn:'Ap

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Passports Л1

. reason the United Kingdom (U.IC/ UIC/ the иЫЫ Kingdom of Great Britain ai" Northern'^' Ireland) U he on a business tour

to attend * ‘

a we'^' or so to

ask to present


to Iwe diffieulty iii doing



stranger to interpret I'stremd33]

They do not like [m'earpnt] strangers to help them.

in sueh eases

? ■

most prohahly

staff member

only the only

words like these

a few words like

these to eome

I have eome as a businessman.


Англия/ Великобритания/

Соединенное Королевет-. во

Великобритании и Северной

Ирландии еовершать деловую

поездку' поеещать около недели

спрашивать представлять, давать

трудность испытытгть

штрудненнс в чем-то' незнакохюи

переводить (устно) Они нс любят,


посторонние лииа хотят


в этих ej''4aHX скорее всего

штатный сотрудник

единственный; темько

единственные слова такие, как

несколько слов, таких как

приезжать, приходить Я приехал

и качестве бизнесмена.


1. Undeiline the sentences trueto the.,texb

• The plane arrives at the HeatlTrow. aiiport.

The text does not say at what airport the plane arrives.

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112 Passports

The plane arrives at the Gatwick airport. -if ’

The passport control point is vei’y close to the entrance into the

building of the airport. • ■’ The passport control point is not close to the entrance. ’

Tlie passport control point is called Passports.

The passport control point, is called Passport Control.

The passport’ control point is called immigration.

There are three gates at the passport control point.

There is only one gate at the passport control point.

There are vtvy few passengers and tlie group comes to the officers in no time. There are very many passengers and the Russians have to queue up.

There is only one English officer at the point! There are two English officers at the passport control point. There are a few English officers) at the point. -

• When the officer is free he irivites another passenger to come. It is the queue marshal who indicates to the passenger what

immigration officer is free. i

’ English


officers usually

ask Group

Leaders or other

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Passports ПЗ

2. Translate into Rnssian: <

I -_ j

Some Rnssian bnsinessmen have ciifTienlty in speaking with the English

Immigratihn offieei-s.

They have diffienlty in answering questions. Usually English oftieers do not like strangere to help them with linteipreting. in sueh eases the oflieers ask their own interpretere for help. Most prohahly these inierpretei-s are staff memheis of Immigration.

3. Read following:


' these




n the gate

One of the gates is for passengers from ‘ European Community countries. The other

gate is for passengers from all other countries. What’s the reason for your visit

to the United Kingdom?

Here is the invitation.,

4. Insert articles:

After queueing up for some time Mr. Lvov and... group come up to ... queue

marshal who signals what Immigration officer is free. And each person goes to ...

counter indicated. For some Russian businessmen, of., group it was... Hitt experience

with Englishmen. Thev had some difficultv in

5. Insert prepositions:

Some Russian h'tisinessmen have difficulty ... speaking ... English Immigration

ofiieei-s and answering their questions. Usually English officers do not like stranger to

help them... inteipreting.... such cases the oificeis ask their own interpretere... help.

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1М Passports

6. Translate into English; v ^ ,

Извините, я не знаю английского. •. .

Я приехал на обучение. ,

Я из России. , .

Я бизнесмен. .

i t; '

Я пробуду в Англии 8 дней. - - • >

Я останош1юсь в отеле. ’

Вот мой паспорт.

Вот мое приглашение. Одн^7 мин^тт^/ я попрошу/ помочь мне руководителя группах

7. Маке short dialogues:

E x a m p l e

May I see your passport, please? Yes, ceilainly. Here it is. .


retu’nt ticket

the invitation of the English company the

invitation of the English sponsors landing

card ’

E x a m p l e May I have the card back? Yes, certainly. Here you arc.

/ back — обратно

liave the passport back have the ticket back

have the invitation back have another form

have another card

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Passports. П5

Вопросительные преддоження

Настоящее простое время

(Present Indefinite)

Общие вопросы (к сказуемому):


тельный + подлежащее + глагол do/does

инфинитив „ остал^а без чаегицы + чаеть


Do you speak English ? Does he/she speak English?

Do they speak English? ' ' Специальные вопросы (к другим членам предложения):

+ подлежащее + Вопроеи- вепомога-

тельное + тельный елово ’глагол

do/does What foreign language do you speak?

What foreign language does he/ she speak?

What foreign language do they speak?

Настоящее продолженное время (Present


остальная чаеть


Общие вопросы: вспомогател ь ный глагол amds/are +


Are you staying in London long? Is he/ she staying in London long? Are they staying in London long?

Щ * \ Специапьн''ге вопросы;

остальная часть


Вопроси тельное


вспомога тельный подлежа глагол щее


-ТА. остальная

форма пред ложения

Whe/e are you staying in London? Where

is he/-she staying in London? Where are

they staying inZbndon?

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Unit fifteen

Luggage and customs

Text fter undergoing formalities at Immigration the group goes to the

Luggage Reelaim,point. They find the monitor showing their /I

ht Number and see their sniteases and hags on the belt. But one ^of

the paiticipants of the gronp does not see his snitease and asks


Lvov, the Gronp Leader, for help. Andrew eomes up to an oflleial:

Andrew; Exeuse me, one of onr suiteases is missing. Where can it


Official; What's your flight number, sir? Andrew; It's SU 241 from Moscow.

Andrew and the gentleman whp did not find hi’s suitcase go to the place

shown by the official and see the suitcase. The gentleman picks up the suitcase,

puts it on the trolley and joins the group. So all the participants have collected

their luggage.

Now they are moving to the Cnstoms, point. By the way, it is not necessary

to fill in any declaration forms. They see the sign "Nothing to declare" and the

green walls of the passage. They all ha>J'e nothing to declare and pass through

this corridor. They see a few Customs officials standing behind the rack. The

officials say nothing to them and they safely pass.

Some other passengers pass through the red wall corridor since they have

something to declare and probably they have to fUL In some forms and pay

customs duty. Usually every country has a hst of the things liable

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ив Luggage and customs

In a second or two our group gets out into the hall of the aiipoit and sees

tlie crowd of people meeting passengers who have just arrived.

Words and expressions





to reclaim

to undergo formalities


to miss

One suitcase is missing.

over there yours jd. = your

suitcase space to remove

We had to remove it. to

put floor to put it on the floor

place- place shown by...

trolley to collect They , have

-collected their luggage, to

move Customs

пятнадцать (чисЛ.) багаж получение (обратно), вос- треббвание получать (обратно), востребовать

пройти формальности


обнаружить отсутствие

Нс хватает одного чемо;


вон там

ваш *

место, пространство убрать,

переставить, переложить Мы

вьшуяздены были убрать его.

класть, ставить пол поставить на

пол место место, указанное... ’

тележка получать, забирать Они

получили багаж. двигать(сл)

Таможенный контроль. Таможенная служба вьшеска,




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Luggage and-custom$ ,119

nothing to



walk olTIcial behind rack fed

They have sometliing to

declare. They have to fdl in some forms.

customs duty

in addition to...

duty free

allowance haU crowd just

They have just arrived.


['kAStamz ‘djictij


[kraud] ■'[dSASt]

ничего *

заявлять ^ декларировать



о'^зиниальное лицо за, сзади

стойка (для багажа) ”


Они имеют какие-то

вещи, которые нужно

декларировать. Они должны заполнить формьь

таможенная пошлина

дополнительно к...

беспошлинно разрешенное

количество холл

только что Они только что прибыли.

и с

1. Underline the sentences true to the text:., л • The

group undergoes formalities at Immigration and then

goes to reclaim their luggage.

The group reclaims

the luggage and then

undergoes formalities at


Some participants had difficulties at

Immigration. Some participants had

difficulties at the Luggage

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Ion I iiffgage and custonns

The difficulty was eliminatec with ihe Help of an official responsible for


/ to eliminate —устранять • All the participants of the g: 'oup have a few things to declare for Customs. II All

theiparticipants have nothing to declare.

A few pailicipants have something to declare.

• They all pass through the rec wall corridor.

They all pass through the green wall corridor.

Most of them pass tthrough the red wall corridor.

• Some other passengeis pass through the red wall corridor.

All the passengers pass through the green wall corridor.

The text does not speak about this detail.

• All the countries have the same list of things liable to duty.

Every countiy has a different list of things liable to duty.

All the countries have similar lists of things liable to duly.

2. Match English and Russian

Luggage Reclaim point

Immigration point, Customs

"Nothing to

declare" things liable to

customs duty belt

to reclaim

luggage to

collect luggage


Таможени'ый контроль'

Выдача багажа

востребовать (получить) багаж duty

багажная лёнта-траиспортер

паспортный контроль чиновник

работник (официальное лицо) "Не

имею предметов, подлежащих

декларированию" предметы, за ввоз

которых необходимо заплатить

пошлину таможенный сбор получить

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JLuggage and oust*»

3. Insert the verbs as in the text and say in what forms they are used:

After undei^oing formalities at Immigration the group ... to the Luggage Reelaim

point. They ... the monitor showing their Flight Number and ... their suiteases" and bags on

the belt. But one of the partieipants of the group ... his suitease and ... Andrew Lvov for


Настоящее законченное время

i(Present Perfect)

Present Perfect -образуется c помощью вспомогательного глагола

fiave/has+3-яформа глагола (причастия настоящего времени): ./'haye. ео//ес<е11№е1ц''абе. ffe/She has«eoUeded, Ihe M<sbave coUected Ше toggle.

They have, colleeted the f«"ctgO- Вопросительные предложения образуются изменением порядка! Слов:

Have/has + подлежащее -ь 3-я форма глагола

— Haveyou ‘Collected the lu^"'?

— yes, ivehave./ Ne, we have not

— Has he/she eeneeted,the tu^age?

— yesyhe/she has./Ne, he/she hasn’t

— Have they collected the luggage? — yssytheyhave./Ne,theyhaven’t

Отрицательная форма образуется добавлением частицы поь

have,not\(hay,en’t)/has notfhasn'"

7 haven’t collected the li"g"-e.

He/She hasn’t collected the lu’'^e.

We haven’t collected the luggage.

They haven’t coHecteInhe lu"age.

Present Perfect выражает действие, законченное или выполненное к

настоящему моменту. Например:

So, alTofthem have cellected the luggage.

There Is,a crowd mooting passengersfwhe have, "ust arrived.

Have you been to4he Heathrow airport?

Have you been to Britain?

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ЮР I Mggaga and customs

При пвречисдвнии нескольких последовательных дёй- i ствий,

законченных к данному моменту, Piesent Perfect не употребляется. В

таких случаях употребляется Настоящее простое время (Present

Indefinite). Например:

They come to (he Luggage Redaknpoint and a^lect their luggage.

4. Translate into Russian: ’ ‘ ’

Have you ever been to London, Nick? Have you been to London?

I have made a hotel reservation for you. We have received your

fax message.

I am sorry 1 have not spoken to him yet. We have discussed all.the


5^ Make short dialogues:

E x a m p l e

■ H I I

— Have you ever been to London?

— Yes, I have. I was there last October..,

(or No. I haven’t. But I hope onenday I’ll see

London.) ‘

Britain : •


Paris New


- j: January February March


May June, ■ July ‘

August September

'.tru: tNovember December

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Luggage and customs 123

E x a m p l e

— 1 know that the group has arrived, hut 1 haven’t

seen them yet.

— 1 haven’t seen them either. But I hope we shall

meet one of these davs.

Mr. Lvov the

participants the

hankers the

foreign trade

executives our

6. Insert articles:

Andrew Lvov and... gentleman who did not find his suitcase go to... place shown

hy ... official and see ... suitcase.... gentleman picks up... suitcase, puts it on... trolley and

joins... group. So aU... participants have collected their luggage.

7. Insert prepositions:

Now 'they are moving... the Customs point... the way, it is not necessaiy to fill in

any declaration forms. They see the sign “Nothing to declare” and the green walls... the

passage. They all have nothing to declare and pass ... this corridor. They see a few Customs

officials standing... the rack. The officials say nothing... them and they safely I pass.'

8. Insert words as in the text:

I Some passengers pass through the red wall corridor since they have something... and

prohahly they have to... some forms and pay... Usualty every countiy,ha$ a'^list of the

things..., in addition to ‘4he duty free” allowance.

9. Translate into Russian:

Excuse me, ojie of otir suitcases is missing.

Where can it he?

Whaf s your flight number?

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124 Lupoaoe and customs

Some luggage is over there. •

Tliere wasn’t enough space on the belt.

We had to remove some.

We,had to put it on the floor.

10. Read the following:

One of our cases is missing.

Someduggagc is over there. •

We had to remove some suitcases.

Wliere can it be?

' What’s your flight number?

Tliere wasn’t enough space. _

11. Complete the dialogue and act out a similar one:

-r Excuse me, one of our suitcases ... Where ...

-What’s... •

— It’s SU ...

— Some ... over there. I hope you’ll find yours

enough ... We had to .... and floor. .; i.

Thank... <1 Tliere wasn’t

12. Sum up the text. The following plan may be of help:

the group .undergoes formalities at the Immigration point they

go to the Luggage Reclaim point one suitcase is missing

the official helps them to find the missing suitcase the group has nothing to

declare and they safely pass through the green corridor ’

they get out into the hall where passengers are usually met J

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Unit sixteen


Text ndrew sees David Hill in the erowd'of people meeting different David; Andrew, weleome to London. I'm vei-y glad to see you. Good morning,

all of yoir (addressing the group). Andrew: .'Good morning,'^'' David. I'm happy to see you too. It is sueh a

good.thing to he in London again.

David: I* hope you have had'a niee trip and you all feel well. Andrew: Yes, the flight was OK. Should I now introduce the participants?

They know your name but I'm afraid you don’t know who is who. David: Let's make all the introductions later at lunch time.

Andrew: It's quite reasonable. David: Now let's go to the coach. It's waiting for us outside. Ask your people to

keep the lugguage on the trolleys. Andrew; Yes, certainly. It’s a rather long way.

David: Follow me please... Take care... Here we are... The group comes up to the coach and the driver helps them to put the luggage

into the luggage compartment. And a few minutes later when everybody is aboard the coach starts its way to London. The motoway is very busy and the traffic is rather heavy. Some parts of the road are under construction.

David; Oh, well, you see, we shall have to move slowly for some time. Because of this construction work. This motoway, between London and Heathrow, is often imder consmiction.

Andrew: By the way, is there only one international aii-port near London?

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126 Meetings

David: Oh, no, there are three, aetually. Heathrow, Gatwick and StansteaeL Andrew; And is Gatwiekfar away?

David; If I'm not mistaken» it's about fifty kilometres from the centre. It's much smaller than Heathrow. And Stanstead is quite new. Sometimes Moscow flights come and leave there. But not veiy often.

Words and expressions sixteen

to address somebody such' such a

good thing trip to have a nice trip

to feel well

Should I introduce you? let's Let’s

make all the introductions! to wait

to wait for somc- body/something

outside [aut'said]

people ■' [pi;pl]

There arc many people


There are few people

outside, rather to fake care

Take care! driver into to put

tile luggage into the luggage


шестнадцать (числ.) обрапщться к

кому-либо такой такая хорошая

вепр> поездка хорошо съездить

чувстювать себя хорошо Вас

представить? давПйте Давайте

проведем официальные

представления! яздать

ждать кого-либо/что-либо вне

люди '

Снаружи много (немного) народа. Снаружи мало народа.




о !

юдитель в

положить багаж в багаж нос


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Л9Л М ш. etings



It's 50 km from

central London, smaller

mneh smaller than It's

smaller than' Heathrow,

new sometimes

пятьдесяг'(чнр;.) ox Эго в

50 км от Лондона, меньте

намного меньше чем * Он меньше, чем Хитроу, новый иногда

Exercises 1. Read the following:

• weleome, way" ^ motoi-way, well, work, waiting

meeting, morning, thing there are three is the only one far away for us '• I

hope you'* have had a niee ti;ip.

I hope you feel' welL It’s waiting for us outside.

Is there oidy one airport? , 2. Underline the sentences true to the text: • David and Andrew seem to know each other veiy welL

David and Andrew have never met before. / eachother- ''c/)sa

Andrew introduces every participant to David at the airport. Andrew offeis to make introductions but David says it can be done later.

David introduces himself and says the partieipants |nay introduce

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Meetings 129

• David and the group go to taxis to get to London.

They go to the eoaeh.

They go to the hus. • TTie motorway is very husy.

The motorway is not husy at aiL

• There is oniy one intemationai airport in London.

There are two intemationai airports there.

There aife three intemationai airports in this city. • Moscow flights usuaiiy come to Heathrow.

They usuaiiy come to Stanstead. They usuaiiy come to Gatwick.

3’i Insert verbs as in the diaiogue and act out a simiiar one: — Andrew, weicome to London. I... very giad to see you. Good morning, ЭД

of you. — Good morning, David. L.. happy to see yon too. It... such a good, thing to be

in London again. — I hope you ... a nice trip and’ you aiL, well.

41 ’Insert articles as in the dialogue and act out a similar one: — Should 1 now introduce... participants? They know your name, but I’m

afiraid you don’t know who is who. — Let’s make all... introductions later at luneh time. — It’s quite reasonable.

S. Insert prepositions as. in the dialogue and aet out a similar one: — Now, let’s go... the eoaeh. It’s waiting... us out side. Ask your people to

keep the luggage... the trolleys. — Yes, certainly it’s a rather long way. — Follow me,, please. Take eare... Here we are. *

• Дфлоооп ажлиАФКИЙ

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130 Meetings

6. Insert the missing words and translate the text into Russian:

The group eomes up to... and... helps them to put the luggage into... And a few minutes later when everybody... the... starts its way to London. The... is very busy and... is rather heavy. Some parts of the road are under... 7. Mateh English and Russian equivalents:

We shall have to move slowty. This motorway is often under eonstruetion. By, the way...

If Pm not mistaken...

Is there only one international airport in

London? There are three, actually.

Is Gapyick far away?

It’s about fifty kilometres from the centre.

It’s much smaller than Heathrow. Stanstead

is quite new. Sometimes Moscow flights

come and leave there.

В Лондоне только один международный аэропорт? Фактически здесь три аэропорта. Стэнстед совсем новый аэропорт. Иноцщ аспщ гфилетаюг и отасда самолеты улетают на Москву . А Гатвик далеко? т Ом находится примерно в 50 километрах от центра. Ом намного меньте, чем Хитроу. Нам придется ехать очень медленно. На шоссе часто идут дорожные работы. Меязду прочим...

Если я не ошибаюсь...

8. Conqilete the dialogue and act out a similar one: — Well, you see, we shall have to... Because of this... work. This motorway... is

often... — By the..., is there only...? — Oh, no, there are... — And Isj.. away? — If Em it’s about.. It’s much smaller... And Stanstead... Sometimes Mb'''’ow

flights... But not very...

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Unit seventeen

Hotel in London

Text n an hour or so the coach brings the group to the hoteL It's the X

Sherlock Holmes Hotel in thf very heart of London, near Oxford Stthet The participants get out of the coach, pickup their suitcases and go inside. Mr. Hill comes up to the Receptionist.

David; Gk)od morning. There is a reservation for a group from Russia.

Receptionist: Good morning, sir. In whose name was the reservation

made? DaviW International Management Group. Mr Lvov and nine

more people. n . .. Just a moment, sir... Yes, here it is. Four singles and Receptwmst

Are they all staying for seven nights? Yes, that's, right.

David, yyjjj yejj guests to fiii in these forms, piease? Receptionist: Andrew, can the participants fiii in the forms in

David; Engiish? Aimost aii of them speak Engiish and there is no Andrew: probiem.

As for the others I'ii naturaiiy heip. them. Andrew returns aii the forms fiiied in to the receptionist and gets the eiectronic keys tonthe rooms with the room number and the name of the guest written on the key. Andrew distributes the keys and turns to the receptionist again.

Andrew: May I have the Rooming List, piease. It wiii be easier for me to deai with my peopie, especiaiiy if they have some probiems. Sometimes such things occur. Receptionist; Here is the List for you, sir.

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132 Hotel In London

Andrew; Thank you.

Receptionist; You are welcome. Enjoy your stay here.

David; Andrew, will you ask everybody to he here downstairs in an hour, or

at twelve o'clock We shall have lunch .at the restaurant. Then let’s'

'all meet in the conference room for. introductions and some Ian-


Words and expressions seventeen to check into a hotel

to check in in an hour or so to


to bring somebody to ... very

heart [hcct]

in the very heart of... to go inside

ant. to go outside whose


in whose name more and nine

more people Just a moment, twin twin

room correct Is that correct?

That's right.

guest [gest]

Will you ask them to ...?

семнадцать (чисп.)

зарегистрироваться в гостинице

зарегистрироваться примерно

через час приносить привезти

кого-либо в... очень сердце в

самом центре... идти внутрь идти

наружу, выходить чьё на чьё имя

более и ещё девять человек Одну

мгтуту, двойной номер на 2

человека правильный Правильно?

Да, правильно, гость Пожалуйста,

попросите ГК..

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Hotel In London Ш

almost ['o:lmoust]

almost all of them

naturally the forms filled in

key to the room with

with the name written

to distribute to turn to turn to

somebody easy


to deal (dealt, dealt) to

deal with somebody to

deal in something

especially such such a

thing such things to occur downstairs [I'spelah] announcement


почти все они • естественно

заполненные формы ключ от

квартиры с’ с написанной

фамилией раздать

повернуть(Ья) обратиться к

кому-либо легкий легче иметь

дело иметь дело с кем-либо *

заниматься чем-либо особенно

такой такая вещь такие веши

случаться внизу, вниз



[9'ka:] [.daun'sten]

1. Underline the answers true to the text’

• When does the group come

from the Heathrow airport

to In an hour.

In two hours. In^three hours

or so.

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134 Hotel In London

• Where is Sherlock Holmes located? In the centre of London. Near


Near Gatwick.

• Who speaks with the Receptionist

about the reservation?

It’s Andrew Lvov.

It’s David.

It’s the Group Leader.

In whose name was the reservation

made?’ • In the name of Economt^ining. In Mr.

Lvov’s name.

In the name of IMD.

Were there any problems with

checki^ in? Yes, there were some. No,

there were not.

Who helps the participants to fill in

the forms?’ David does.

Andrew does.

The Receptionist does.

• What list docs the Receptionist give

Andrew? The list of participants. The list

of rooms.

The rooming list.

When does David г offer to meet in

the conference room? In ten minutes.

After lunch. After


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13в Hotel In London

Will you ask., guests to fill ш these forms, please?

Сад ... partieipants fill in... forms in English?

For almost all ofithem there is no problem. As to natu^ly Ifelp them.

. others I’ll

6. Insert prepositiOBs: "

May I have the rooming list, please? It will be easier... me to deal., my people. Here is the List... you, sir.

Wifi you ask everybody to be here ... an Hour?

Let’s meet... twelve o’clock We shall have lunch ... the restaurant.

Let’s meet... tte conference room... introductions and some announcements. 7. Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones:

— Good morning. There is a reservation ...

— Good morning, sir. In whose...? sit is ... group. Mr. Lvov and ...

— Just a... Yes, here... Four angles and... Is that”.?

— Al'^lutely.

— Are they ... 7 nights?

— Yes, that’s...

— Will you ... fill in ...

— Andrew, ean ... in EtigUsh?

— Almost all of them... problem. As for the others ...

— May I have the Rooming...? It wUI be easier for me to d”... especially

... problems. Sometimes ...“oeeur.

— Here is... — Thank you. = — You... Enjoy...

8. Complete David’s words and then ehange Ids words a little: /a little— немнеео

Andrew, will you ask everybody to be here ... We shall have lunch ... Then

let’s all meet... announeements.

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Unit eighteen

Training programme


liter the Group had lunch Mr. IIIJI invited everybody to one of the

conference rooms on the first floor of the hoteL

the the

David: Ladies and gentlemen! First let me say a few words

about myself and

company who is

organiser of

this Programme.

My name is David IlilL I'm Doctor of Economics. In the

recent past I worked for a foreign trade company and then

for a hank. Now I specialise in business management and in

training bnsinessmen from East European countries. For

some time I worked in Poland and Hungary. Now I'm


cooperating with Russia.

I'm working for International Management Ltd. It's a well,

established English company specialising in business and

computer skills training. TTie Company also provides

financial consulting and business development Here before

you there are booklets on the history and scope of activities of

our company. You may certainly keep these booklets.

Then each participant said a few words about himself or herself in

English or in Russian and Mr. Lvov acted as an interpreter.

Here is what of one of the participants said;

. Mr Hill, let me first fiiank you for the nice reception and'ifor a

good beginning of the Programme. I hope the Programme will

be a success and we shall learn a lot of nsefhl things.

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131 Training programme.

My name is Oleg Pilov. I’m fm^eial manager of a des partment

in a eommereial banie in Moscow. And I’m especially

interested in topics relating to financing foreign transactions for

small bnsiness*.

After everybody made introdnetions Mr. Hill distributed tbe

Timetable of tbe Programme and invited tbe participants to

have a panoramic tonr of London by private coacb. The Russian

speaking gnide told the Group a lot of interesting things about

London and the participants enjoyed the sights. Many of them

made pictnres with their cameras.

Words and expressions

eighteen to iiegta (began, began) beginning at the heghninig of some thing floor

the gronnd floor the first floor the second floor

on the... floor myself Let me say a few words abont myself lEconomics doctor Doctor of Economics


восемнадцать (чиаг.)

на<тнать (ся)


в начале чего-либо полртаж

первый этаж второй этаж

третий этаж на... этаже сам

Разретите сказать не сколько

слов о себе, экономика


доктор экономических наук


Восточная Европа страны

Восточной Европы, Польта

to specialise East Europe [’spejolac]

East European countries Poland

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140 Tfalnind offooramm*

private private coach

guide to tell somebodjr

sometfamg sight to

etuoy sights sightseeing to go sightseeing




to make pictures camera to make pictures with a camera

частный частный автобус гид

говорить кому-либо что-



наел аиздаться видом

осмотр досгопримечат


оей'^шать Яэсгрприме-



фотоаппарат фотографировать фотоаппаратом

Прошедшее проетое вреияя (Past Indefinite)

Past Indefinite правильных глаголов (regular verbs) образуется с помощью окончания ed, добавляемого к инфинитиву без частины Ьк

/ Invited them to the conference reom. He/She Invited them to the conference room. IVe Invited them to the conference room. They Invited us to the conference room.

Past Indefinite неправильных глаголов (Irregular verbs) образуется не по правилам и обьнно уназьшается в словарях в скобкахяпооле инфшпггива. Далее указывается 3-я форнш глагола, необходимая для образования Present PerrecL Неправильные глаголы следует заучивать сразу в трех формах. Например:

tOAO-went-gone to take-took-taken to have—had—had to вреа1мцюке —spoken to meet-met—met to see—sev\hseen Вопросгггельиая форма для прав«и1ьиых и неправильных глаголов в

Past Indefinite образуется с помовщю вспомогательного глагола did:

— D/d you invite them to the conference room? ■ Yes. 1 did./No. I didn’t

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Tkainliug рнмагатге 143

What paper did Mr. Hill

distribute then?

The Programme.

The Rooming


What tour did the partieipants ^ panoramie tour of London, make then? Madame Tussaud’s. A tom of the Tower of

Did the partieipants make any Yes, they did. pictures? No, they did not want to. No, they did not have any cameras.

5. Read the following:

word, words, to word, wording

to work, worked, work, works, worker, working

with me, with them, with us, with a camera, with their cameras

Many of them make pietnres with* their cameras.

6. Insert prepositions:

Let me say a few words... myself and the company who is the organiser... this

Programme. I’m Doctor... Economics.... the recent past I worked ... a foreign trade

company and* then ... a hank. Nojv I specialise ... bnsiness management and... training

businessmen... East Enropean countries.... some time I worked... Poland and'Hungary.

Now I’m closely cooperating... Rnssia.

7. Insert articles:

* I’m working for IMD. It’s... well established company specialising in bnsiness

training.... company also provides financial consulting. Here before you there

are booklets on... history and scope of activities of onr company. I’ll be grateftil

if you could introduce yourself in jnst... few words.

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144 Training programme

Thank you for... nice reception and for... good beginning of...

Progrannne. I hope... Progranune wiii be... success and we shall leant... lot of

things. ’

Pm... financial «manager of... department in... conunerciai bank in Moscow.

Complete these short speeches and act out similar ones:'

Ladies and’gentiemen! First let me say a few words about myself and the

company... My name is David HiiL I’m... In ithe recent past.... Now I

specialise... For some time I worked...

I’m working for... It’s' a well established... The company also provides... Here

before you there are booklets... You... keep... Now I’ii be gratefuL.. introduce


Let me first thank you for... I hope.... Access... My name is Oleg PUov.

I’m... manager... bank.. And I’m especially interested ... foreign transactions for small... /speech—речь.

Roie piay

Imagine you are the Organiser of a training programme for foreign participants'in

Russia. Write down the main points of the opening speech. Make the opening speech.

mJepky—ролевая ufa/h -гредстхшь (c/)

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Unit nineteen

Trade finance


ext morning after having breakfast at the self-seviee bar of the hotel restaurant the participants went to the conference room to have a» lecture on

Trade Finanee. There was a folder on the big round table for each participant

with the material relating to the leeture. Here is one of the sheets of the file;

Trade finanee <■ Trade needs finanee. <_ This must eome fl-om either the trader or from a lending

institution. If the trade is international then the amount of finance is normally greater. In general, trade is handled on credit -Ф- The buyer pays for the

goods at a specified time mer .receipt. If the trade is international then delivery time adds to the'ide- lay in payment. This adds to the need for finance.

Also in international trade the buyer uses one currency, the seller another. This requires an oi^anisation with facilities for changing

currencies. JiM /€Гк11

Thus this page gave the most important hints on the subject.

And Mr. Hill, the lecturer, explained and developed each statement. The

participants sometimes interrupted him 'and asked ques-

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■Trade finance

tions. Sometimes Mr. Lvov eame to help when there was a problem of. speaking or


The lectnrer devoted some part of the lecture to financing small bnsiness

companies who nsnally enjoy better terms, reduced taxes and other facilities especially

dnring the first years of their work.

Wonis and expressions

nineteen finance to'finance next

next morning next evening next

week next lesson

breakfast [brekfast]

to have breakfast

folder on

round table

on the table file to need something

the need for something

to come from (came — come)

either... or... trader

девятнадцать (числ.)




на следующее утро

вечером следующего,дня

на следующей неделе

на следующем уроке



папка, скоросщиватель на

круглый стол на столе

папка, досье нуадаться в

чем-либо потребность в

чем-либо присосать из или... или... зд. продавец предоставлять кредит организация кредитная организация сумма великий, больщой

to lend (lent — lent) institntion

lending institntion amonht great




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Trade finance 147


Then the amount


finance is

greater. in general to

handle credit on


to handle trade on credit buyer



These goods are very good.

receipt [n’si:t]


delivery time



delay in payment

to use

currency [’клгэпз!]

to require


facilities [fa’silitiz]

to change on

both counts


source [so:s]

the ’best source of finance

thus to’give (gave, given)

ещё больший В этом случае сумма финансирования

увеличивается, в целом обращаться с, иметь дело с, вести ... • кредит


на условиях кредита, в кредит

вести торговлю, используя кредит

покупатель товар, товары Этот

товар! очень хороший.

получение поставка срок

поставки задержка платеж

задержка платежа использовать

валюта требовать орган изащш

средства, возможности, льготы

менять ■

в обоих случаях лучший источник

наиболее выгодный источник

финансирования таким образом


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Т radeifmance 14в

There was a problem of speaking English.

There was a problem of understanding English.

It was a leeture on finaneing small business eompanies.

They enjoyed better terms during the first years of their work.

2. Underline the answers tme to the text:

When did the partieipants go to

the eonferenee room to have the

first leeture?

The next morning. The next afternoon. The same day the group eame to London.

> What material was prepared j for the


(A Vidro eassette on, the topie of the


Material relating to the leeture.

A video "cassette with sights of London.

To what topic or subject was the first To banks.

lecture devoted? To trade finance, To


' Who was the lecturer? Mr. Hill.

Another Englishmen.

An American economist.

Why did the participants interrupt To ask questions.

the lecturer? To explain some Elements to Hie other


To develop some statements for the other


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150 Trade,finance

What did Mr. Lvov do during the


He didn’t speak.

He only read the material in the


He helped the participants to spe^

English and understand the


* About what aspects of small Only about some better terms business did the

lecturer during the first years of speak? business.

Only about reduced taxes during

the first years of husmess.

About better terms, reduced taxes

and other facilities especially

during the first years of business.

3. Translate into English:

Затем они отправились в конференц-зал.

М-р Хилл читал лекции ’’Финансирование торговли”.

Перед каждым участюйсом была пагрса с материалами.

Иногда участники прерьгаали м-ра Хилла и задавали вопросьь Андрей

помогал им, когда у них возникали затруднения с английским язьшом. Лектор

посвятил часть лекции мадому бизнесу.

Он говорил о более выгодных условиях, сниженных налогах и других


4. Match English and Russian sentences:

Trade needs finance. В обоих случаях лучгтш источником

финансирования являются банки. Для

торговли необходимо

This must come from either the trader финансирование, or from a lending institution.

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Trade finance 151

If the trade is international then the amonnt

of finanee is normally greater. In general,

trade is handled on eredit

The hnyer pays for the goods at a speeified

time after reeeipt This adds to the need for


On hoth counts the hank is the hest source

of finance.

OHO (финансирование) должно

исходить от продавца или финансовой

организации. Покупатель оплачивает

товар в указанный срок после

получения товара.

Это увеличивает потребность в

финансировании торговли.

Если это внетняя торговля, то сумма

финансовых средств обычно


Обычно торговля

осуществляется е

использованием кредитов.

15. Insert articles: Finanee mnst come from either... trader or from... lending institution. If

trade... is international then... amount of finance is normally greater, L. buyer pays for... goods at., specified time after receipt If... trade is international then delivery time adds to ...‘delay in 1 payment Also in international trade... buyer uses one currency,... seller ‘ another.

Insert prepositions:

In general trade is handled... credit

Then delivery time adds... the delay... payment.

This adds... the need... finance.

This requires an organisation... facilities... chanping currencies,

coimts the bank is the best source... finance. both

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153 Trade finance

7. Translate into English:

папка c материалами папка


финансирование торговли

продавец покупатель в кредит

Торговля осуществляется с

йспользфанием’ кредитов,

источник финансирования в

указанна вЛмя после получения

задержка платежа валюта

8. Sum up what Mr. НШ said about:

» sum up—суммировать

• trade finance in general

• financing small busing companies 9. Agree or disagree:

Small bminess companies pay reduced taxes щ Russia.

10. Role play: Imagine you. are a lecturer. Speak on financing small business companies in


,1. ■.

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Unit twenty



he next day the session was devoted to the United Kingdom Banking Sector.

e Is the short sununary of the lecture;

The UK Banking Sector Retail Banks 21

Discount Houses 8 British Merchant Banks 31

eXher British Banks 167 American Banks 44

Japanese Banks 29 Other Overseas Banks 290 Total 590

In addition there are 92 Building Societies.

Retail Banks; They render numerous services for private customers and have

extensive branch networks in the UK They participate* directly in the UK

clearing system.

Discount Houses; They are mostly engaged in discounting bills of exchange for the

corporate sector.

British Merchant Banks; These are wholesale banks handling big money for private

and corporate customers. They are engaged in mergers, take-overs and

acquisitions. They also provide consulting services.

Other British Banks; Comprise all other UK registered banking institutions and

certain baiiks in the Chaimel Islands and the Isle of Man. They are controlled by

UK companies or individuals.

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154" Banking

American Banks; Comprise the branehes and subsidiaries of US banks. Japanese Banks; Comprise the branehes and subsisdiaries of banks based in Japan.

Overseas Banks; Comprise the branehes and subsidiarie§ of non- Ameriean or non- Japanese banks and Consortium banks. These are jointly owned by other financial institutions, one of which must be based overseas. Building Societies; In the past they mostly extended mortgage loans, but nowadays they also widely practice taking in deposits and they practically operate as banks.

Words and expressions twenty bpJdng

The lecture was devoted to banking, retail retail bank discount discount house

merchant merchant


двадцать (vucw) банковское дело Лекция была посвящена банковско]му делу, розничный банк,

обслуживающий мелких клиентов сющка; учет (векселей) учетный дом — фир- ма/банк, занимаюпщйся учетом векселей и операциями на денежном рынке купец торговый банк — банк,

специализирующийся на финансировании внетней торговли, а также на операциях на

рьпсе капиталов, организации слияний и поглощений фирм и предприятий,

различных консультационных услугах тридцать один (чисп.) сто

thirty one one hundred and sixty seven

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Ш Banking

coiporate wholesale

wholesale bank




acqaisHion to


certain the


island Isle of


subsidiary to

be based


jointly to own

to be owned by

somebody to extend



[.skwi'zijn] ■


корпоративный — относящийся к

компаниям оптовый оптовый банк

— банк, специализирующийся на

крупных операциях деньги

слищще двух или более компаний

для образования одной нбвой

поглощение одной компанией

другой (часто во-преки^ее

желщшю) приобретение

"включить определенный пролив

Ла-Манщ остров остров Мэн

филиал находиться консорциум

совместно владеть находиться во

владении кого-либо простираться

кредит предоставлять кредит

ипотека, ипотечный кредит —

передача кредитору права на

недвижимость в качестве залога за

полученную ссуду сейчас широкб

использовать практику чего-либо ’

nowadays widely to practice doing some^ thing

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Banking 157


to take in deposits

to operate to operate as banks

депозит — I) вклад денег

■ в кредитном учреждении; 2) краткосрочная меж> бшпсовская ссуда

принимать депозит работать; управлять работать как банк

Exercises 1. Read the


• the next day in the past

o^r banks

• the Channel Islands the Isle of Man

the United Kingdom the

corporate sector

They are engaged in meigers.

They are engaged in take-overs.

They are engaged in acquisitions.

They are mostly engaged in discounting

bills. •

• Here is the short summary of the lecture. there are

ninety-two building societies in the UK.

These are wholesale banks..

2. Find answers In the text and read these sentences:

To what topic was the lecture devoted?

How many retail banks are there in Britain?

How many discount houses are there?

How many merchant banks are there?

How many other British banks are there?

What foreign banks are located in the UK?

How many building societies an there in


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158 Banking

2. Translate into Russian: •


banking sector

retail banks

discount houses to

discount bills

rprivate customer



corporate sector

merger take-over

4. Match terms

merchant banks

overseas banks building

societies clearing

system acquisition

consulting services

branch subsidiary

mortgage mortgage


and banks extending mortgage loans, taking in

deposits and providing other banking

discount houses


banks serving private customers banks

serving private and corporate

customers with big money’

building societies nauKs aiscounting nius oi excnange

5. Complete as in the text:

There are a few types of foreign hanks based in Britain. They are

American, Japanese and other overseas hanks.

American hanks...

Japanese hanks...

Overseas hanks...

6. Insert articles:

... next day... session-was devoted to... United Kingdom Banking

Sector. Here is... short summary of... lecture.


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Banking 159

... UK Banking Sector comprises retail banks, disconnt honses, merchant banks,

foreign banks, bnilding societies and other banks.

7. Insert prepositions:

RetaH banks render numerons services ... private customers and have extensive

branch networks ... the UK They participate directly ... the UK clearing system.

Merchant banks are wholesale banks. They handle big money... private and

corporate customers. They are engaged ... metiers, takeovers and acquisitions.

8. Complete the sentences:

Discount houses are mostly engaged in discounting...

American banks comprise the branches...

Japanese banks„comprise...

In the past British'ibuilding societies mostly extended mortgage ... but nowadays

they, also... asibanks.

9. Underline the verbs and translate the sentences into Russian:

Other British banks comprise all other banking institutions registered in the UK

and banks in a few islands. They are controlled by UK companies or individuals.

Overseas banks are foreign banks excluding (исключая) American.,and Japanese

banks. They comprise the branches andi subsidiaries of "those banks and Consortium

banks too. All these hanks are" owned''* by other financial institutions. One of the

owners of every hank must be, based overseas.

10. Role play:

Imagine you are the lecturer. Speak on the types of hanks in Great Britain.

11. Agree or disagree:

Types of banks in Russia are similar to those in Great Britain.

12. Ssyy/h&t you know about commercial banks in Russia.

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Unit twenty one

The Bank of England

Text liter Ule session on Banking, Seetor Mr. Hill snggested that in the nemoon the

partieip^ts shonid visit tho mnsenm of the Bankn^rangland. It was one of the external

visits of the Programme.

The mnsenm of the. Bank of England is loeated" praetieally in the bnilding of

the Bank, in the City of London. The nmseuih has a lot of exhibits showing the

history of the Bank from its fonndation in 1694 to its role today as the nation’s

eentral bank. Visitors ean also see a video on the history of the Bank. Here is a part of the text of the video:

To understand the role and Importance of the Bank better we should'learn first how It emerged.

During the seventeenth century banking In England was In the hands of goldsmiths who held

deposits, made loans to the merchants and the Crovm. But even the wealthiest goldsmiths could not

carry on a deposit and lending business on the scale the Government required.

So In sixteen ninety four a Joint stock company to raise money for the Government and finance

wars was Incorporated. It later got to be known under the title "Bank of England".

Although privately owned and financed, the Bank of England developed essentially as a

government bank, raising money to finance the needs of the British Government, managing Its

national debt, printing banknotes and minting coins.

In 194B the Bank was nationalized and It operates today as the UK’s central bank executing

monetary policy on behalf of the Government and supervising the markets In one

of the world's largest and most sophisticated centres. Besides the Bank has always been a repository of gold...

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The Bank of England 161

After seeing the video the partieipants of the Programme made, a round of the

museum and asked Mr. Hilf a Tew, questions.

Participant; Exeuse me, Mr. Hill. May 1 ask you a question? Mr. Hill; Why, eertainly.

Participant; One day I heard the niekname of the Bank. Old Lady. Sueh a funny name! Where does it come from?

Mr. Hill; Nohody knows exaetly. Different explanations are given. Many of us assoeiate this niekname with an old eartoon. This cartoon shows the Prime Minister asking an old lady sitting on the money-chest marked "Bank of England" for gold coins.

Participant; So, that's it! Very fascinating .indeed!

Words and expressions to suggest [ss'dsest]

He su-'^ests that they

should visit the museum,


in the afternoon to he

located the City (of

London) lot a lot of..

exhibit [ig'zibit]

to show (showed, shown)

foundation sixteen ninety

four nation central visitor importance

предлагать OH предложил им посетить музей.

вторая половина дня (после

12.00) днем находиться,








1694 г.

нация, народ центральный

посетитель важность

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162 The Bank of England,

to emerge [i’mQids]


the seventeenth


goldsmith to hold (held,

held) to hold deposits to

make (made, made) loans

to somebody crown the


wealth [welO]

wealthy wealthiest to

carry on to carry on


to carry on a deposit business to ciarry on a lending

business scale on the scale on the scale the Govern- inent

required [n’kwaied]

joint stock company to

появляться, возникать век

семнадцатый век ювелир держать,

сдерживать держать депозиты

предоставлять кредиты кому-либо

корона английская корона; знак


богатство богатый самый богатый

вести, проводить весги дела

заниматься депозитами


кредитованием масштаб в

масштабе, в объеме в


правительством требуемый

акционерное обшество собирать

деньги, изыски- бать средства

война регистрировать Компания

была основана в 1694 г. Это стало

известно заголовок под

заголовком, как ’

war [wo:]

to incorporate The company [лк;А^

:рэгеи was

incorporated in ]


It got to be known... title

under the title


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The Bank of England 163

although [э:Гбои]

essentially .

to manage

debt [det]

to manage debts to print banknote to

mint coins to execute a policy on behalf

of somebody


to supervise something/

somebody large market

'largest sophisticated


the most sophisticated


repository of gold to

make a round of...

nickname old


explanation , to associate

cartoon prime minister




существенно управлять,

р^оводить долг управлять

долгами печатать банкнота

чеканить монеты проводить

политику от имени кого-либо

руководить чем-

либо/кем-либо большой рынок

самый большой изощренн^хй,

замыслов атый самый богатый


хранилище золота совершать

обход по... прозвище старый


объяснение ассоциировать


премьер-министр сундук с

деньгами прекрасный,

оча^ватель- ный,



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Ihe Bank of England 16S

What video can visitors see at thei history of the City,

museum of the Bank of Engiand? Ori the history of London.

What originai materiai does the Unit On the history of the Bank


“What then?

did the participants do

The video. The audio recording.

The iecture of Mr. Hiii.

They asked the iecturer a few questions.

They asked Mr. Hiii a few questions. They

asked the Group Leader a few questions.

3. Underiine the verbs and transiate the sentences into Russian:

To understand the roie and importance of the Bank better we should learn

fost how it emerged.

In 1694 a joint stock company to raise money for the Gkivemment and

finance wars was incorporated.

This Bank is privately owned and financed.

It raises money to finance the needs of the British Government.

It manages the national debt.

It prints banknotes and mints coins.

In 1946 the Bank was nationalized.

It operates today as the UK’s central bank

It executes monetary policy on behalf of the Government.

It supervises the markets in London.

Besides it has always been a repository of gold. 4. Sum up ’Miat tbe film said about tbe bistory of tbe Bank of England.

Complete the dialogue:

— Excuse me, Mr. Hill, may I ask you

- Why,...

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Ш Ihe Bank of Enrfand

— One day ... Old Lady... fiinriy. Where... from?

Nobody ... Different... are given. Many of u$... niekname... old cartoon.

This cartoon shows ... marked ... for gold coins. — So, that’s it!... fascinating...

6. Repeat where the niekname of the Bank eomes from.

7. Make sentences:

E x a m p l e Mr. Hill suggested that 'the participants

shpuld visit the museum of the Baiik of Etigl-^.

8. Make com|riete dialogues:

• E x a m p l e

/51М-03 "Miiamm

see the video Him

make a round of the museum

make one of the external visits

— Excuse me, may I ask -you a question? — Why, certainly.

— Where does the nickname of the Bank come from?

Is the Bank a joint stock company now?

Is it a private company now?

Is it a state owned bank?

Is it nationalized?

When v/as it nationalized?

9. Role play:

Imagine you are an English lecturer. Read a short lecture on the history of the

Bank of England.

10. Say what you know about the Central' Bank of Russia.

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Unit twenty two

The underground


fter their visit to the museum of the Bank of England the


\ returns to the hotel by underground.

Londoners call their underground train network "the tube".


covers the whole city. It’s a fast, convenient and easy way to travel. Stations

are never far apart, especially in central London. Each of the eleven lines has

its own name and a distinctive color to aid recognition.

There are two kinds of tube tickets: single and return tickets sold at

tube stations. Besides they sell Travelcards for the tube, buses and the

Docklands Light Railway, or DLR. Travelcards can be bought at

underground stations. Travel Information Centres, British Rail stations and

selected newsagents. Travelcards are valid either for one day or seven days.

At the tube station the participants buy single tickets and come up

to the electronic gate. They put the tickets, magnetic strip down, .into the

slot machine on the right side of the gate. The gate opens and after removing

the .ticket each passes the gate. Then they go down

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168 The undergrounds

David; Yoti are quite right. We are to take the green iine to get to Baker Street station.

Vladindr; By the way, ean I get to Piccadiiy Cireus hy this iine? David; Let me see, no. I'm afraid not. You'ii have to ehange trains at Chturing

Cross. Vladindr; Thank you. I'ii remember it. Charring Cross. David; Be careftiii. Donit be iost. Vladimir; Thanic you. I "have got a map of London and there is the

Underground map here too. 1 haye heard so mueh about Piccadiiy. And I iike jthe song about it. One of our pop stars sings it. The song is fantastic. And 1 shouid see,the street of Picadilly with my own eyes!

Words and expressions

the underground tOi,go by

nnderground at the

underground .station to caii

network to cover '^boie

the whoie city fast convenient distinctive


coiour to aid recognition singie ticket return ticket Traveicard, bus Dockiands! Light Raiiway (DLR)


метро ехать на метро станция метро

назьпгать сеть покрьшатъ, охватьшатъ весь весь город быстрый


[kan'vmjsnt] отличительный.

"ныи цвет помогает узнавать

билет в одну сторону билет туда И обратно единМРвКЯвР* автобус рельсовая дорога в Док- ленд (без водителя, работающая только с помощью компьютеров)

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Ihe underground 169

selected neireagent to be valid for... gate to

have the gate open magnetic strip slot

machine on the right side of on the left

sid'^e of moving stairs to keep (kept, kept)

journey to complete complete to феск

otherwise You won't be able to ... to ['dssmi]

change trains You'li have to change trains,

to be lost map pop star eye to see

sometiung with one's ['Abawaiz] own eyes

отдельные газетные

киоски действовать в

течение... ворота, турникет

чтобы турникет открылся

гчагнитная полоса

автомат (с прорезью для

монет и жетонов)

справа от

слева от








Вы не сможете ... делать пересадку

Вам нужно сделать пересадку,

потерять дорогу, заблудиться карта

эстрадная звезда глаз видеть

что-либо своими собственными



Exercises 1. Read the following:

• the undeiground

the tube

at the tube station on

the right side of the


in the same way otherwise either for one or seven days by the way

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'nielindelground Т 171

' Where ean Traveleards be bougjit? Only at tube:


Only at Travel


Centres. Only at rail stations.

3. Insert articles:

Londoners call their undei^round train network “... tube”. It covers... whole

eity. It’.s... fa.st, convenient and easy way to travel. Each'of... eleven lines has

its own name and... distinctive colour to aid; recognition.

4. Insert prepositions:

There are two kinds... tube tickets: single and return tickets sold... tube

stations. Besides, they sell “Travelcards ... the tube, buses-and DLR.

Traveleards can be bought., underground stations. Travel Information Centres,

British Rail stations and some newsagents. Travel- cards are valid either... one

day or seven days.

5. Underline the verbs and* translate the sentences into Russian: UsuaUy there are a few counters selling tickets. They sell single and return

tickets. There are usually a few electronic gates at the tube stations. You should put the ticket, magnetic strip down, into the slot machine on the right side of the gate. The gate opens. You should remove the ticket-then and pass the gate. You should keep ticket until the journey is completed. When you get to the destination you should put the ticket again into the slot machine ahd remove it. Otherwise the gate will not opea ImllaMin#»


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172 The underground

Простое будущее время (Future Indefinite)

Futairo Indefinite гдагодоп образуется с вспомогательного глагола shaii/wHi н основного гдагода баз частиц^! to:

f sfieff buy a single ticket He/ She wiii buy a single ticket. IVe sfiaff buysin^e tickets. They wiii buy single tickets. Вопросительн^хе предложения образуются* порядка


Вспонюга- тедьиьм гда- год

Поддежащее +

Wiii уди buy а singie ticket? Wia he/she buy a saigfe' tkket? Shaii we bpy singie tickets?

Инфйннтнв без частиц^! ie-

Yes, i shall/ Ne, i shan’t Y"he/"wm/Ne he/she won't we 'shaii/No, we 'shan 't

Отршщтадьиая форма' образуетм! доба]здением частнц^! not к вспомогательному тагепу. shall not (shan't)/wiU not (won't)

I shall not buy a return ticket (shan't) He/ she will not buy a return ticket. (won't) We shall not buy return tickets. (shan't) They will not buy return tickets. (won't)

6. Translate into Russian:

We shall keep the tickets until your journey is completed. ’ We shall go

to the Baker Street station.

He will’* not go to the Baker Street station.

He will change trains at Piccadilly.

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The underground 173

He will go to Piccadilly Circus.

He will return to the hotel later.

7. Write down a few sentences about the London tube. я ir^nmnTet-o tho Hialnniioc anH ar+ nut cimilar nnoc

— Keep your tickets ... — Why... necessa ry?

— Well, you see ... inspector... Besides, you have to leave many stations . You should put... slot machine ... open. Otherwise you won't be able...

— ...thank you.

— This line on the wall... I suppose this corridor.. — You are ... We are to take ...

green line.

By the way, can I get...?

— Let me see ... You'll have to ...

— Thank you. I'll...

— Be careful. Don't...

9. Complete Vladimir's words:

I have got... and there is ... I have heard ... I like the 'Song


... The ... fantastic. And 1 should see ... with my own

One of our pop stars

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Unit twenty three

The buses


ondoners are proud of their ’’big red buses”. These days T some may

not be red but they always carry the red roundel.

Oni many London buses passengers buy tickets from the driver when

they get on. Some buses, however, have a conductor, and the passengers get

on the bus and wait for the conductor to ask them where they are going and

sell them the tickets.

Travelcards are very popular for bus travel.

One day after the session the participants have free time. Ivan


Sergei decide to go to the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square. They get

out of the hotel and go to the nearest bus stop.

Ivan: Excuse me, what bus can take us to Trafalgar

Square, please?

Passer-by: I’m sorry. I’m afraid I don’t know.

Ivan asks again.

Ivan: Excuse me. Can you tell me where to get a bus to Trafalgar

Square, please?

Policeman: Yes. Cross over the road. Can you see the cinema? The bus

stop is just round the comer.

Ivan: Do you know the number of the bus?

Policeman: I think it's a thirteen.

Ivan: Thank you very much.

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The buses 175

On the bus. Sergei: Two returns to Trafalgar Square.

Bus driver: 1 pound. Sergei: Can you tell us when we get to Trafalgar Square,

please? Bus driver: OK.

Words and expressions to be proad of somethin);

these days

may be

to carry


to seD (sold, sold)


free time

to have free time

to decide

square [skweu]

the nearest stop

to cross

to cross over the road


to go on (went, gone)

therefore [’беэ£>:]

to get off (got, got)

pound [paund]

pound sterling

2 pounds (sterling)

10 pounds a 10 pound banknote = a 10 pound note


в эти дай

может быть

нести, им*




свободное время

иметь свободное время



ближайшая остановка

пересекап>, переходить

переходить через дорогу






фунт стерлингов 2 фунта


10 фунтов (стерлингов)

банкнота достоинством 10

фунтов (стерлингов)

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176 The buses

Exercises' 1. Read the following:

• the buses the red roundel the

number of the bus the

driver the conductor the


the nearest bus stop the

National Gallery the

cinema round the comer

the number

The conductor will sell them the tickets. Cross over

the road.

Is this the stop for the Trafalgar Square bus? That’s


2. Underline the answers true to the text:

Are Londoners proud of their buses? Yes, they are.

No, they are not.

The text doesn’t speak about ithat.

Are all the buses red in Eng-' land? Yes, they are..

No, they are not.

Some of them are, but all the buses

carry red roundel

> How are bus tickets sold? Only drivers sell them.

Only conductors sell them. Either

drivers or conductors sell them

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I he buses 177

Are Travelcards valid for bus


Yes, they are. No, they are not. It’s not


Where did Ivan and Sergei go by To Piccadilly Circus.

To Downing Street.

Do both of them speak English?

Yes, they do. Only Ivan speaks Enghsh. Only Sergei speaks

' What tickets did they buy?

Single ones. Return

3. Insert articles:

These days some English buses may not be red but they always cany... red

roundel. On many London buses passengers huy tickets from... driver when they get on.

Some buses, however, have... conductor, and... pa'''’'''''engers get on... and wait for...

conductor to ask them' whefe'they are going and sell them... tickets.

4. Insert prepositions:

Londoners are proud... their “big red buses”. Single and return tickets may be

bought either... drivers or conductors. Travelcards are very popular... bus travel.

One day Ivan and Sergei decide to go... the National Galleiy'... Trafalgar Square.

They get... the hotel and go ... the nearest bus stop. 5. Complete the dialogues and aet out similar ones:

— Excuse me, what bus ean take...? — I’m sorry. I’m afraid...

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171 The buses

... Can you tell me where to get...?

Yes. Cross over ... Can ... cinema? The bus stop

Do you know the number ...?

I think ...


... Is this the stop for That’s

right. It’s It stops at ... and goes on to


returns to

... One ...

6. Translate into Russian:

In a few minutes they’ll be in Trafalgar Square. They willl’ immediately see the

National Gallery. It’s in the centre of the Square. I believe they’ll spend’ari hour or so

visiting the Gallery.


Л u

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Unit twenty four

Changing money


n the evening a few partieipants went to a bnrean de ehange


to the hotel to ehange some dollars into ponnds.

I In London money ean he changed either at hanks, at hnreaux de change or at

customers' services’ desks in hig department stores.

Banks are usually open from 9.30 a. ra. until 3.30 p. m. Some are open on

Saturday, hut never on Sunday. They accept plastic cards Visa, Access as well as

Eurocheques, traveller's cheques and, -of course, cash. Many hanks have cash dispensing

machine services.

Bureaux de change are usually open for longer hours and every day. They

оВеп-сЬаще a bigger commission than banks.

The exchange rates are often shown in the miming lines placed in the windows or

on the walls of the bureaux de change for eveiybody to see.

Now Sergei comes up to the counter of the bureau de change: Sergei; Good


Cashier; Good evening, sir. Can I help you?

Sergei; Could I change two hundred dollars into pounds, please? Cashier;

Yes, certainly.

Sergei; How much will it be?

Cashier; About one hundred and twenty pounds.

Sergei; Good. Here you are.

Cashier; Thank yon. And how wonid you like it, in twenties, tens or smaller notes?

Sergei; In tens, please.

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J80 Changing money

Cashier; Yes. But we work shorter hours on Sundays. Well elose at 7 p. m. Sergei: Thank you. And one more thing. Can 1 ehange these eoins of fifty eents eaeh. Cashier; I'm afraid 1 ean't take small change. We change only notes.

Sergei; Do you helieve 1 can change them somewhere else? Cashier; I'm afraid you can't. This is a rule with hanks and hmeaux de change.

Sergei; I see. Thank you.

Words and expressions

hnreauiide change

bureaux de

desk at the customers' services desk

1 department stores never to aeeept

as well as traveller's cheque cash

cash! dispensing machine [sk'sept]

(деньги) более длинный

longer дольше взимать, брать

for longer hoHrs charge to

to charge a

[hjusrau da 'tjeinds] обменный пункт, пункт

обмена валюты обменные

пункты Note; вьшеска

“Обменный пункт” —

Burean de ehange. Change

(Exchange — Биржа)

письменный стол в отделе

обслуживания покупателей

универсальный магазин

никогда принимать а


дорожный чек наличные

(деньги) автомат,

вьпщгбщий наличные

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Changing money 181

I rate

exchange rate to run (ran, mn)


in the nmning hues window [’wmdou]

hmdrcd two hundred two hundred pounds ster-

I in g

receipt [n’si:t]



We work shorter hours,

to close


There is one hundred

cents in one dollar,

small change

to beheve [bi'Un'l

else somewhere else rule * i see.


курс обмена валюты



бегущей строкой




двести фунтов (стерлингов)




Мы закрьтаемся раньте.



В долларе сто центов, сдача

полагать, верить еще

где-либо ещё

правило Понятно.


1. Find the answers in the text and write them down:

Where can money be changed in London?

Can oidy cash be changed?

Where can exchange rates be seen?

2. Complete as in the text:

Banks are usually open from... until. Some are

Many on Satmday but never..

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182 Changing money

change are usually ... longer hours and day. They often eharge... than hanks.

3. Read the

following: bureaux de ehange

either at hanks 9Г at bureaux de ehange or at eustomers’ serviees desi" They

are open every day.

They are open every day but not on Sunday.

They eharge a eoinm|.<hCion.

They еЬаще a bi^er eonnnission.

The exehange rates are shown in the windows.

They are shown in the running lines. The running lines are sometimes plaeed on the walls for everybody to see.

e exchange; r'^es t commissions

• forms of money to changed be • cash dispensing machines

working hours , place, where money can be changed

. Underline the answer true to the text: Where did the participants go to XQ a bank, change

some moneys To a bureau de ehange. To a

Where was it loeated? In the hotel.

Near the hotel.

Rather far from the

What money did they want to doubles., „ Pounds.

‘Change? Dollars.

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Changing money Ш

How much money did Sergei

want to change?

200 roubles.

200 pounds. 200 dollars.

For what sum did he change that

money 9

In what notes did he get the money?

120 roubles.

120 pounds.

120 dollars.

In tens.

In fives.

In twenties.

Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.

At banks. Did he also change the coins'he had? At bureaux de change. Nowhere.

Where can small change be changed? Yes, it was open 24 hours. No, it was closed. Yes, it was, but only till 19.00.

Was the bureau de change open

on Sunday, as the cashier

6. Read the following: • Here is the money.

Here is the receipt. I’m afraid you can’t change it.

I’m afraid banks don’t accept coins either.

I’m afraid other bureux de change do not

accept coins either.

I’m afraid customer’s services desks don’t

accept coins either.

' 7. Complete the dialogues and act out simUar ones: ■

Can I help ...?

Good ... I — Good .

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IM Changing money

— Could 1... 200 ...

How much ...? .

About 120 ...

Good.,Here you ...

Thank you. And how ... smaller notes?

In ...

Fine. Here is ... receipt, please.

Thank-yoli. • • Л Excuse me, ’will... Sunday? Yes, but... shorter ... We_’ll clo.se ...

One more thing. Can I... coins ...?

I’m afraid I 'can’t... We ... notes.

Dofyou believe ... somewhere


I’m afraid ... This is a rule’...

>1» Артикли'

В'английском языке существует два артикля: неопре^целенный, *'

определенный. .

• Неопределенный артикль употребляется с существи- тельнымихв,

единственном числе, когда просто называется данное существительное.


Щз is а bank. • This is a’bureau de change. Bbii множественном числе в этих случаях не употребляется никакого

артикля. Например:

These are'banks. These are bureaux de change. Money can be changed either at banks, at bureaux de change or injSig

department stores.

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Changing money. .'H5

Существует две форм"1 неопределенного'артикля — а, ап.


а bank ап office

а dollar ап Englishman

а pound ап hour • Определенн''''1Й артикль употребляется с существительн'''1ми в

единственном и множественном числе, когда о данном предмете говорится

как об уже известном. Например:

The participants are at a bureau de change now. • The 'bureaux de change are open on Sunday till 7. Существует только одна форма определенного] |артикля —

the. В некоторых сочетагшях употребляете"''

только определенн"1Й артикль. Например:

• с наименованиями аэропортов, гостиниц: the Sheremetievo airport the

Russia hotel

the Sherlock Hobnes hotel

• c частями дня: in the evening in the morning " in the afternoon

В некоторых случаях не употребляется никакого артикля. Например:

• с наименованиями городов, стран, улиц, плогцадей с именами людей:



Trafalgar Square, Baker Street Mr.


• c существительн’'Нми, после которых стоят числитеяьн^:е:

Room 437

Unit 26

Exercis e


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Unit twenty five

Hotel services


у uring their stay at the hotel the partieipants of the Group Head * a few talks with the hotel staff, that is

with the reeeptionist, waiters, chamhermaids, opcratois etc. Here are some of the talks:

Participant: Excuse me, is there any message for me, please? What's your Receptionist: room

number, sir?


Just a minute... Yes, Mr. Brown of Milton & Co telephoned you at Receptionist: three o'eloek. And he will call you at eight this evening.

Thank yon for the message. Welcome.

Participant: Receptionist:

Waiter: Would you like tea or eoffee, madame?

Participant: I don’t mind... Tea, please.

Waiter: Here you are.

Participant: Thank you. May I also have some milk, please?

Waiter: Yes, here you are. And if you wish some sugar it's here on the

table. Help yourself, please. Participant: Thanks a lot.

Participant: Excuse me, is this channel paid? Chambermai d (making the

What's the number of the channel?

Participant: It’s ten. OwrtfYirmt TwCIVCiSpaid.

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Л8 Hotel services

Participant: Thank you very much. And you remove these hags, please?

Chambermaid: If you don't need them ITIicertainly remove them.

Participant: Excuse me, how can I make a local'call from my room, please?

Receptionist: It's very easy. Dial' 0 and then the number yon want.

But please note that all’the calls are paid.

Participant: Do you mean allKcalls in the London area? Receptionist: Yes,

that's a mie practically with every hotel'in England. Participant: I sec.

When should I pay then?

Receptionist: Any time before you leave.

Participant: Thank you. I'll do that by all' means.

Participant: Operator?" Good morning? How can 1 call Moscow?

Operator: Do you mean a long distance cdl?

Participant: Yes, Moscow, Russia.

Operator: Dial 0 then ......... and then yonr number in Moscow.

Participant: Thank yon yery much.

Operator: You are welcome.

Participant: Will you call me at 6«d'clock tomorrow morning? Operator:

Whaf s your room number, madame?

Participant: Four three seven. Drtpvnmv ТТялУР Я агаШ eippn

Words and expressions staff

hotel staff


operator tea milk to

wish sugar to make

a call



ттат персонал

персонал гостиницы




молоко желать, хотеть

сахар позвонить


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Hotel services 111

easy ' t'lizi]

It's very my.

to dial to note

Please note...

to mean (meant, meant)

When should I...?

by aO means

long distance call


Эго очень легко, набирать

(номер) обращать внимание,

замечать Обратите внимание

значить, означать Когда я

должен...? обязательно

междугородный звонок


to worry [ WATI]

Exercises 1. Underline the artieles in. the text and explain their usage.

2. Underline the nouns in the text with which no articles are used and explain why.

3. (Complete as in the text:

During their stay at the hotel... had a few talks with ... staff... receptionist, waiters ... etc.

The text reproduces some ... talks.


4. Read the following:

Is there any message for me, please?

Is this channel paid?

What's the number of the channel? That's a rule practical with every hotel in England.

5. Insert prepositions:

Is there any message... me, please?

Mr. Brown telephoned you... three o'clock.

He will call you ... eight^this evening.

Thank you ... the message.

The suglr is ... the table.

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1И Hotel services

What’s the number ... the channel?

Can I make a local call... my room?

That’s a rule practically ... every hotel in England. Ill do

that... all means.

Образоавнив вопроом1вльных праддожаний

Общие вопросы Вспомогательный гла-

ГЪл (или модальный

глагол) " Ъо Подлежащее


Основной + глагол ^ speak...

Do you speak English?

Did they speak English much?

Have you read the text?

As he working now?

Can you repeat It please?

Специальн^ге вопросы

Вопроси- тольноо

.олово Where

Вспомогательный (или модальный глагол)

Подлежа щее

did + they =+

Основ- ной гла-

гол stay?


е слова what что, какой when когда

where где

why почему _

Where did they stay? Why are you learning English?

Underline auxiliary and modal verbs in the following questions; Is

there any message for me, please?

Is this channel paid? ’

Would you like tea or coffee?

May I also have sotne milk, please?


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Hotel services 191

Will you remove these bags, please? Шо

you mean all calls in the London area?’ ’

What’s youf room number?

What’s the number of the channel?

How can I make a call from my room?

When should I pay then? / - вспомогательный/ modal—модальный

1. Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones: ■


— Excuse me, is there ... message ...?

— What’s your ... number; sir?

— It’s ...

— Just... Yes, Mr. Brown ... at three o’clock. And he will

— Thank ...

— Would ... tea or ...?

^ I

don’t... Tea ...

— Here ... Л milk...

— Thank you. May d .s„gar table. Help

— Excuse me, is .. . paid?

What’s the number ...?

^ It’s ...

— No ... Only channel 10 ...

— Thank you ... And ... remove,

— If... need ... certainly ...

— ... how can I ... call from ...? It’s

very ... Dial ’0 and then ... Do you But please note . paid.

mean all... area?

* Yes ... rule...

— I see. When ... pay ...?

— Any time before ...

— ... I’ll... means.

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Unit twenty six

Madame Tussaud’s


ne day the group went to Madame Tussaud’s, one of

London’s mosTf^pular tourist attractions, receiving weii over a miliion visitors a year.

Madame Tussaud was bora Marie Greshoitz in Strasbonrg, France, in 1761. She

spent her childhood in Paris with her mother and her nncle who, when she was rather

yonng, took Marie to help mould the heads of the Revolution victims.

In 1802 Marie fled Paris, and arrived in Britain with her macabre collection,

first tonring the country. Then she set up an exhibition of historical figures, living and

dead, in London in 1835. The collection moved to Maiylebone Road, the present

location of the mnseum, in 1884. Madame Tnssand died in 1850 at the age of 89.

The Great Hall of the museum shows the present royal family, kings and queens

of England, present royals of other countries, public figures, pop stars,, writers, famous

sportsmen and other figures.

David: Well, Ivan, and how did you like the museum? Oh, it’s great. I heard so much about it. But the

lyan: museum surpassed all my expectations. It’s really fantastic. And were you photographed with

your personal hero or any celebrity? ' Oh„ yes. With Arnold Schwartzenegger, Yeltsin, the

Beatles and. some others. And 1 wished my son could be

with me when I enjoyed the Spirit of London. Do you ra.ean the ride through the old city in a car in David: the


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Madame Tdssaud's 193

Ivan: Yes, quite so. It was„supeib. The historic sights of the past, sounds and smell of the city.

DaVd know how much all these innovations could cost? No idea.

Ivan: 2 It million pounds.

David: Quite a lot. But it’s very impressive, especially for children, "li Ivan: nigan j|,g Spirit of London. As to the wax figures they are

nnfoi^ettahle for all, to my mind. I agree with yon.


Wonis and expressions attraction over

well over i

million to he horn

to spend (spent, spent) child cMdren

childhood mother

nncle [’ЛПКЭ1]

to mould



to flee (fled, fled)

macahre to set up (set,


exhibition [,eksibijan]


прелесть свьппе намного

больте 1 миллиона родиться







отливать форму



бежать, спасаться бегством

мрачный, ужасный



жить, житие жизнь

7 Делсеой английодай

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1М Madame Т ussaud’s



to be dead She is

dead now. to die She

died in... location age

at the age

of royal king

queen ’

public figure

writer ’

famous [’fennes]

impression to impress

i What impressed you

most? . to surpass to

expect expectation It

surpassed my


hero [’hirou]


I wished he could be with me.





to cost

to forget


умерший, мертвый

быть умершим

Она умерла.


Она умерла в...



в возрасте




общественный деятель

писатель известный


производить впечатление

Что больше всего произвело

на вас впечатление?

превосходить ожидать


Эго превзошло все мои



.знаменито<лъ ’

Жаль, что ’его не было

вместе со мной. д* поездка


нововведение, новинка

стоить I

забывать ’


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Madame Tussaud's 195


11. Translate into Russian:

It is one of the most popular tourist attraetions reeeiving many visitors....

reeeiving well over a million visitors a year Her unele who, when she was rather

young, asked her to help him... who took Mary to help mould the heads of the Freneh

Revolution vietims In 1802 she fled Paris.

... her maeahre eolleetion...

She arrived with her eolleetion, first touring the eountry.

I She set up an exhibition of famous figures, living and dead.

2. Complete as in the text: Madame Tussaud’s is one of London's... attraetions.

Madame Tussaud was horn... She spent her ehildhood... When Maiy was still rather young her unele took her to help mould... In 1802 Mary fled Paris and... eolleetion, first touring the eountry. Then she set up... in 1835. The eolleetion moved to Marylehone Road... in 1884. Madame Tussaud died... at the age of...

3. Insert artieles, as in the text

... Great Hall of... museum shows... present royal family,...

queens of... other eountries,... puhlie figures*., pop stars*.,

famous sportsmen and... other figures. 4. Underline the artieles in the text and explain their usage.

kings and...


5. Sum up what the text said about: • Madame Tussaud herself • her museum

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l%Madame Tussaud's

6. Use the verb in the eorreet tense:

One day the gronp to Madame Tnssands’s. Some time after

the gronp Mr. Hill! '(to ione of the partiei-

pants abont his impressions.

6. Underline the anxiliary and modal verbs in' the following qnestions:

How did yon like the nmsenm?

How do yon like this fignre?

How did yon like the Spirit of London ride?

Were yon photographed?

Do yon mean the ride throngh old' 'London?.

©O yon know how mneh it eonid eost?

7. Mateh English and Rnssian eqnivalents: It is unfoi^ettable. Oh, it's great.

It surpassed ray expeetations. It was superb. It was fantastie. It was very impressive, my personal heroes and many eelebrities.

I wished my son could be with me. I enjoyed the Spirit of Lon- don.

между прочим по-моему что

касается восковых фигур. Эго


Это превосходно.

Это фантастично.

Это великолепно. |чень впечатляет. J3TO Q’

Do you mean the ride throu*' theoldcity?

the sights of the past, sounds превзошло все мои and smell of the city


How much could it cost?

ожидания, мои

личные герои и

знаменитости Мне понравилась "Дух

экспозиция Лондона".

Вы имеете в виду поездку по старому


сцены из нрогодого, звуки и запахи

старого города

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Madame Tussaud's 197

Do you know how much it could нововведение, новинка, cost?

Quite a lot! to my mind

by the way as to the wax

figures I agree with you.

No idea.

Сколько это могло етоить?

Вы знаете, сколько это могло


О, очень больпгая сумма.

Я согласен с вами.

Не имею понятия. Жаль, что со мной не было сына.

8. Complete the dialogue (You may change the original):

-a- How did... like...?

— Oh, it’s... I heard... But..„expectations.

— It’s really... And were you photographed with...?

— Oh, yes, with... and others. And I... my son... the Spirit of London. * Do you

mean the ride through...?

— Yes, quite... It was... The historic sights...

— By the... do you know how much...

”... idea.

”... 21 million...

— Quite... But stUl it’s... especially for... I... the... of London’. As to... figures

they are... to my... — I... with you.

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Unit twenty seven



fone of the sessions the partieipants of the Gronp diseussed the ject of Aeeounting and International Accounting Standards.


What Is accountings!

Accounting can. be defined as the measuring and recording of aii relevant

financlall data concerning a particular entity, that Is business, government

organisation, etc.

Financial reporting Is the communicating of such Information In

appropriately summarised form. In the UK such summarised form Is called

"Accounts". In. the USA It Is called "Financial statements”. Ihese accounts or

statements are communicated to Interested parties both urithin and outside the


Financial reporting Iprovides Information that Is useful to present and

potential Investors, creditors and other users In making rational Investment, credit

and' other economic decisions.

Accounting Is often, referred, to as the "language of business”. And, as a

direct result of the work of accountants and auditors. A uride range of different

users of financial reporting are able to answer questions such as:

How much profit did the company make iastyear? How much should i.iend to the company? is this company more successful than its competitors? How much can i withdrew from the company? Was Iastyear an improvement over the year before ? etc. Accountants arel therefore those Individuals specialised In the "art" of

capturing .the correct data, and preparing the most meaningful financial reports

from that data. They are "producers” of financial Information, vrhich Is then made

available to "consumers" such as owners and lenders.

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AccouirtInA 100

Accountants are assisted In their work by bookkeepers, who operate some form of accounting

system, usually computerised, to help capture, accumulate, categorise, summarise and report the many

thousands of transactions that affect an "economic entity every year.

Words and expressions accoonting

ассош! to


It ean be defined as.,

to measnre to reeord relevant

data datum ieoneeming

partieular entity

to report reporting to





appropriateiy to


summarised in

summarised form to

eaii to be eaiied

[di’fam] [’теза]


[бухгалтерский учет и

отчетность счет


Это можно назвать...


записьтать, учитьтать

соответствующий данные, факты

факт касательно определенный

юридическое лиио, орга- щизаиия

составлять отчет о отчетность

сообщать ’сообщение сведения

соответствующий соответственно

суммировать суммированный в

соответствующем суммированном

виде назьщать назьшаться


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200 Accounting

[di’sisn] [’oidits]

statement party

interested parties


both wiAin and


the organisation nser

deeision anditor range

a wide range of profit

to lend (lent, lent)

lender successfhl

Competitor to

withdraw (withdrew,

withdrawn) to improve

improvement art to eaptn

, re raptu

, rin

. g

meaning *


meaningfuUy’SviillBlMe woCiisbi]

to be made available eonsumer owner

to assist aeeomitant Aeeountants are assisted...

bookkeeuer l[’mi;„„)]


[ i^d^: [w ’ ° ,

заявление, отчет, выпиека

(по ечету) еторона

заинтерееованные етороны

внутри, в, в пределах

как внутри,, так и вне

еамой организации





широкий круг...


дадатъ кредит




отзывать, отметить, убирать {d

снять со счета) улучшать (ся)’

улучшение искусство зА подбирать

зд. подборка *




имеющийся’в наличии


покупатель, потребитель




Бухгалтерам помогают... учетчик, млатпий бухгяптеп

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many thousands

of... 2 thousand to


Accounting 201


тысячи 2




LRead the following:

• at one of the sessions discussed the

subject a part of the lecture it is the communicating of

information both within and ontside the


other nsers

withdraw from the company

ZTranslate into Russian: •



financial statements

measuring and recording of all relevant financial data data

concerning a particular entity An entity is a business, government organisation or another

• communicating information

inian appropriately summarised form They are commimicated to

interested parties.

Interested parties are within or outside the organisations This information is

useful and informative.

It is useftil to present and potential investois, creditois and other users. It

helps them to make rational investment, credit and other decisions. Accounting is a

direct result of the work of accountants and auditors.

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202 AccountInO

• It helps to answer their questions.

Aeeountants eapture the eorreet data and prepare reports.

This finaneial information is then made available to owners, lenders and other


Bookkeepers operate some form of aeeounting sykem.

3. Complete as In the text

Aeeounting ean be defined... the measuring and reeording... all relevant

finaneial' data. ... the UK sueh summarised form of finaneial reporting is ealled... ... the USA it is ealled...

Finaneial reporting provides infoimation that is useful to... and other users.

Aeeoimting is a direet result of the work of...

Aeeoimtants speeiahse in the art... eaptiuing the eorreet data and preparing

reports... that data.

This finaneial information .Is made available to eonsumers sueh as...

Aeeoimtants are assisted! in their work... bookkeepers.

Aeeountants report the many thousands... transaetions that affeet. every


4k Make sentences: * Aeeoimting can be defined as

measuring financial data

recording financial data

Financial reporting is caUed in the UK in financial statements the USA accounts

This information is communicated to owners





other users

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Accounting 203

It helps them to make rational

investment deeisions



verbs In the following

S. Underline the auxiliary and


How mneh profit did the eompany make last year?

Hovy mneh ean I withdraw/rom the company?

Is-this company successlhl?

Was last year an improvement?

Accounting is often referred to as the

language of business, a wide range of users

of financial reporting Accountants are,

individuals specialised in capturing the

correct data. They are also specialised in

preparing reports.

Their financial reporting is to

made available different

Бухгалтеры осуществляют

выборку необходимой информации. Они'

также занимаются подготовкой отчетов.

Их финансовая информация

предоставляется различным


Бухгалтер делает выборку, подбирает,

классифицирует, суммирует и составляет

отчет по огромному множеству сделок и


Обычно каждая фирма или юридическое

лицо осуществляет огрокщое количество

сделок или операций ежедневно.

Бухгалтерский учет часто называют

деловым язьпсом.

Acconntants captnre, accnmnlate,

categorise, snnnnarise and report

thonsands of transactions.

Usnally thonsands of transactions

affect every economic entity

every year. щирокии круг пользователей

финансоюй информации

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104 Accounting

7. Translate the text of the lecture into Russian.

8. Make woM-combinations as in the model

числительное + thousand + существительное thousands + of

•¥ существительное

• 3

" 5 8

10 25





bookkeepers accountants banks







9. Agree or disagree:

The use of the word “thousand” is very easy.

The word “hundnsd” is used in the same way.

The figures are very important in accounting.

The work of accountants is very important. 10. Sum up what the lecturer said about:

accountants and bookkeepers • financial accounting

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Unit twenty eight

Balance sheets


n the course of the lecture on Accounting the lecturer distrihuted some material with diagrams, tables and other information. B:abcdancesheetsmjpktSstrS)ia0cl; •


1997 1996 -Ф- Current Assets: 15,000 11,800,

Cash 9,000 6,920 ' Marketable Securities 1,200 1,080 Receivables 2,800 2,600 Inventories 2,000 1,200

Long-term Assets: ■ 5,443 3,200 Property, Plant and Equipment 1‘056 0,950

Investments b,'200 0,100 Receivables 0,207 0,100 Goodwilll 2,400 2,000

Deferred Expenditure 0,580 0,500 <■ Total Assets 20,443 15,000

Current Liabilities: 3,000 2,600

Loans 2,0001,800 Payables 1,000 • 0,800

■Ф- Long-term Liabilities: 4,300 3,200 Loans 4,000 3,000

Other liabilities and provisions ,0.300 0,200 ■Ф- Total Liabilities 7,300 5,800

NETE ASSETS EMPLOYED 13,143. 9,200 Shareholder's Interests: '5,000 3,000

Share Capital 3,000 1,700 Reserv" ,2,143 2,000 Retained Earnings 2,000 2,000

■Ф- Minority Interests 1,000 0,500 -Ф- Total. Shareholder’s Interest 6,000 3,500

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206 Balance sheets

Words and expressions table

balance sheet


balance sheet




consolidated balance



баланс, (документ) образец

образец бал&са дочерняя


[sab’sidjan], консолидированный

консолидированный ба- ладс

(главной компании if ее

дочерних компаний и

филиалов) по состоянию на

as at syn. as of














[si’kju3r3tiz]i [n’slivablz]


активы: собственность в самой

различной форме (недвижимость,

машины и оборудование,

кредитные требования, ценные

бумаги и т.д.) рынок рыночный

ценные бумаги причитающиеся

суммы запасы товаров срок

долгосрочньгй краткосрочный

собственность завод,

промыщленное предприятие

оборудование делать инвестиции

инвестор инвестиция

equipment to

invest investor



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211 ■ Balance sheets.

The balance sheet the assets of the Company 1997 111

says that athe liabilities the net are


assets the total share holder’s interest

Complete Ше sentences:

Current assets consist<*ash, marketable securities...

Long-term assets consist of property, plant and equipment, investments ...'

Total assets consist of current assets and...

Current liabilities consist of loans and...

Long-term liabilities consist of loans and...

Total liabilities consist of current liabilities and...

Total assets minus total liabilities make net assets... Shareholder’s intere'^s plus minority interests make total... tooonsist—

00апаять/<пвучег the following questions:

On what subject was the lecture mentioned"in this Unit read? What sample

did this Unit capture?

What terms were rather difficult to remember?

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Unit twenty nine


Text n.'^ certain day after the lecture on the UK taxation system the

Group was to visit the Tax Department of a lawyers' firm in the eentre

of London. Mr. НШ and the participants went there hy tube whieh is the

fastest means of transport when one wishes to move in the eentre of the

eity. After they got into the building of the firm they went to the

seeretary's offiee.

Mr.HSh Good afternoon.

Seaebny: Good afternoon, sir.

Mr.НШШу name is Hill and here is the Group'of Russian businessmen. We

have got an appointment with Mr. Brown for three.

Sea ' afy: Mr. Brown is waiting for you in the conference room. Follow me,


In the conference room a few Englishmen were waiting for the Group. Mr.

Brown, Head of the Department, welcomed the Group and introduced his

colleagues. They were solicitors and legal assistants of different offices. Each of

them, spoke about his scope of business for some time. Thus the participants had

some information on commercial taxes, international taxes. Project Finance taxes

and other taxation matters.

A lot of questions were asked and answered then. The discussions were very

useful and informative. Before the participants left they were offered latest Tax

Guides containing' cinrent tax rates and tax saving hints. Horeis an extraa'-on'e'hU:

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Corporation Tax Rates 1997

Standard rate


% Small eompanies rate (see the note) 25%

N o t e :

Applieable if the company's total profits, including chai^eable gains, are 300.0 pounds Ahng or less. The threshold is reduced if the company has associated companies.

/ Examples: Corporation TsK calculations

Example 1. Standard rate of tax Company A has accounts year ending 31 December 1996. It has taxable profits for the year GBP 2.0. 000. Company A’s Corporation Tax for 1996 is GBP 2.0. 000x33%= ""BP 660.000 Example 2. Small companies rate of tax Company В has accounts year ending 31 December 1996. It has taxable profits for the year of GBP-150,000. It has no associated companies. Company B’s Corporation Te|< for 1996 is GBP 150,000x25%= =GBP 37,500

Words and expressions tax


department' taxation was to visit

legal assistant legal assistant


scope of business


налоговый отдел налогообложение

Ом должен бьш посетить... адвокат

(дающий советы и готовящий

документы для суда) юридический

помощник помощник по

юрндтеским вопросам объем,

диапазон объем бизнеса

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Taxes IIS

■ On what mattens did they speak? Only on commercial taxes. Only on international taxes. Only on Project Finance taxes. On a few taxation matters. Did the participants ask

any questions? Yes, and quite a lot. Yes, just a few. No, they didn’t.

What guides were they offered? Latest tax guides. Latest project finance guides. Latest corporation tax guides.

3. Match English and Rassian equhaleBts: containing current tax rates containing tax saving hints standard rate small companies rate the tax rate is applicable to... total profits chargeable gains taxable profit

the threshold is reduced to have associated companies accounts year

общая прибыль отчетный год

налогооблагаемая выручка

налогооблагаемая прибыль

пороговая сумма уменьшается

иметь другие (ассоциированные)


содержать действующие ставки


соДерхсатъ информацию о

легальных путях сокращения

выплаты налогов

обычная ставка

ставка для малого бизнеса

эта ставка применяется к...

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21в Taxes


залог Passive


Гдагоды в пассивном задоге

упогребдяигтся, когда неважно невзвеслю" 1ГГА RkUIAAUan

1 tobes соо1вегс1вуи>- 3-я форма глагола

BeOucshoVb reduced,

They lUQTO (ffereeBedesttay iddes. JWIefiiu''Somwereafed

IVanslato Into Russian:

A lot„of topics were discussed in the course of the Progranune.

Many lecturers were invited.

Many materials were distributed.

Similar programmes are organised now too.

1 believe similar programmes will he organised in futnre too.

5. Insert articles:

On... certain day after... lecture on.x. 1Ж taxation system— group was to

visit... Tax Department of... lawyers’ firm in... centre of Lx>n- don. Mr. Hill and...

participants went there by tube which is... fastest means of transnort.

o. Insert prepositions:

After ttiey got... the building... the firm they went... the secretary’s office.

And Mr. Hill spoke... the secretary for some time. Then they moved... the

conference room.... conference room a few Englishmen were waiting... the Group.

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Taxes 217

7i Complete the sentences:

Mr. Brown,..., welcomed the, Group and introduced... They were I

solicitors... of different offices. Each of them spoke... Thus the participants had

some information on... and other taxation matters. A lot of., answered then. The

discussions were... Before the participants left they were offered... hints.

8. Translate the extract of the Guide into Russian.

9. Complete and act out similar dialogue: —... afternoon.

■ My name... group... We have got an appointment... — Mr.... waiting... conference... Follow...

10. Read as in the examples: • E x a m p l e

31 December 1996 the thirty first of December nineteen ninety six

25 December, 1997

January 1998 12 April

1996 31 March 1995

J- й — hird

4- й - fo-urth 5- й -fifth

6- й - sixth

7- й - se- enth

8- й - eighth 9-


й —




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Unit thirty

Value added tax (VAT)


alue Added Tax (VAT) is a Government tax. At present


Л7 dard VAT rate is 17*%. Everyone in Britain must pay V VAT

on almost everything they huy. VAT is usually

incorporated in the


Visitors to Britain can reclaim the tax when they leave Britain and present

the appropriate documents issued hy the shop. Usually when they buy rather

expensive things like ffirs, gold, hi-fi goods etc., they should -"TlA CiTirkW -"TlA Л T'

Excuse me, may I have a look at one of the chains displayed

the window?

PartapantShopQ Yt ^ Y jj|. \yhat number is


assistantPartidpant * ujug *jn-ge fiyg* over there.

Shqfassistant a minute... Yes, here you are.

PartiapantShop jpug jj

assislant2* inches, sir.

And how much, is it in centimeters?

Let me see... oh, here is the calculator... I should

multiply it Pa

rtid°ant by two point five two. Oh, yes, sixty three.


г .. . .т ж ч -

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Value added tax 221


I hi-fiii-fi (=high




I to wonder I wonder if I can reclaim the

VAT? scheme

to operate the scheme [ski:m]

to go shopping jeweler

chain shop

assistant to



a chain displayed in

the window length 'inch

to multiply hox j receipt

to‘Cons ul t

I bookm

consult the book. leligible


sheet •

to stamp to post by

post to cash




аудио- и видеотехника

(высокой надежности) товар

(ы) интересоваться Могу

поинтересоваться, смогу ли

я получить обратно VAT.

схема, система, программа

зд. участвовать в этой

системе (выплачивать VAT)

делать покупки





витрина, окно

цепочка на витрине


дюйм (2,25 см)



чек, квитанция

проконсультироваться ,у,

посмотреть в

книга (зЛ справочник)

Я посмотрю, что говорится в

справочнике, имеющий право

лист поставить штамп на

отправить по почте по почте

оплатить наличными


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!2A«Value added tax

to State

atthe bank stated YOD

are more than welcome.

указьшать в




Match English and Russian equivalents:

the standard rate

to pay VAT

The tax is incorporated in the


to reclaim the tax appropriate


The shop issues the

documents. If the shop

operates the scheme,

expensive things

дорогае вепщ

платить НДС


Налог включен в цену.. Бели на данный Магазин раепроетраняется этот порядок..

Магазин бьшисьшает j

документы. попросить вернуть этот

VAT is а... tax. At present the standard... Eveiyone in Britain must... on almost...

VAT is usually incorporated... Visitors to Britain ean... When they leave...'and present the

appropriate... issued by... Usually when they buy... if the shop operates... 3. Sum up what the text said about VAT.

4. Insert articles:

Excuse me, may I

have, window?

Just... minute.

look at one of., chains displayed in..


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224 Value added tax.

What should I do about this form




receipt 8. Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones:

— Excuse me, may I... chain... window?

— Certainly.... number...?

— It's 9...

— Just... Yes, here...

And how long...?

"... inches.

— And how... centemetres?

— And h.ow much... ?

— One hundred...

— Good. I'm...

-... box... receipt...

— Excuse me, may I reclaim...?

— And... from?

— From Russia.

— Just a minute.... the book. Yes, you are eligible to...

— May I have... passport to fill... ?

— Here you are.

— Here is your passport and the form. Please fill... before you give it

to.. How are you leaving? By...?. * Yes, ,by... And what should... form? — Fill in this form before... and have it stamped... Then post...

In a month... at the bank... — I see. Thank... *... more than...

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Value added tax 225

9. Translate into Russian:

VAT is usually incorporated in the price.

A rather big sum was reclaimed this time.

A rather small sum was reclaimed, to my mind.

The appropriate receipts and forms were issued.

I believe the envelope withi the form stampted was properly posted.

10. Ansver the following questions

• Had you heard anything about the VAT scheme in Great Britain before you

read this text?

• On what goods can foreign visitors have VAT reclaimed when* then leave

Great Britain?

• What should they practically do to have VAT reclaimed?

• Do you find this procedure very complicated

•’ Is a similar scheme practised in Russia, as far as you know? ✓complicated- сложи ый

8 Uciocoft ангдИйс|сМ1

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Unit thirty one


Text n England most shops open from 9 a. x? to 5.30 p. m. on Mon- T day to

Saturday, although some stay open mueh later especially in Fndon and other

large cities. In small towns and villages many shops close early on Wednesdays. Not many shops are open on Sundays.

Besides cash, a lot of shops accept plastic cmds. Some may also accept Eurocheques.

One day one of the participants went to Foyle’s, a famous bookshop in the

centre of London. Here is his talk with the shop assistant after he chose a few things he wanted to


Participant; Can I have this book and this poster, please? And these postcards and two first class stamps for

Shop assistant America.

Participant. The book, the poster and the cards come to ten

Shop assistant, pounds twenty. But we don't sell stamps.

Participant And where can I buy a few?

Shop assistant You have to get them from a post office.

Participant And where is the nearest one?

Shop assistant Just round the comer.

Thank you.

Here is another talk at a clothes department of a big department store, after the

participant chose a certain dress she liked:

Participant: Excuse me, may I tiy it on anywhere 'here? Shop assistant:

Yes, certainly. The fitting room is over there. Participant;. Thank you. It

fits me well and I like it. Where

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■Shopping IV

shall I pay?

Shop assistant; The cashier's desk is just at the end of the

aisle., Cashier; Cash or credit?

Participant; Cash, please... Thank you. Here is a talk at a shoe shop;

Participant; Excuse me, have you got size thirty seven in these shoes?

Shop keeper; This is a continental size. It must correspond to British


five. Just a minute I'll have a look if we have size five in

Shop assistant; these shoes.

Participant. Can I help , you?

Shop keeper; Thank you. Being serv'^ed.

Participant. Here is your size... How does that feel? Shop keeper; A bit tight. Can Г try the next size up? Participant. Here is five and a half.

Wonis and expressions shop (Br.) store (Am.) to open a. m.




1 Wednesday Thursday





открьтать (ся)

до полудня

после полудня








оставаться, находиться

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221 Shopping


stay open

much later

village to

close early






быть открытым намного позже город

(небольшой), употребляется с

артиклем. У В пкксте относится к

любому городу и поэтому используется

без артикля. поселок, городок (в

сельской местности) закрьшать (ся)

рано еврочек Фойлз. Друпнейший

книжный магазин в Лондоне,

называется по име- ’НиДервого его

владельца книжный магазин

выбирать плакат почтовая открытка

марка .почтовое отделение угол за

углом одежда отдел универсальный

магазин платье мерить где-либо

(Примерочная годиться, быть в пору

касса конец в конце проход (между

рядами, стойками и т. д.)

to choose (chose, chosen)

poster postcard stamp post

office comer round the

comer clothes department

department store dress to try


Btting room

to fit


desk end


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Shopping 229


to correspond to

serve Being served,

to feel (felt, felt) tight

a bit light half much

better pair [tail]



обслуживать .

Мной уже занимакяёя.

чувствовать тесный

немного тесно половина

намного лучше пара


1. Translate into Russian:

• to go shopping to pay ca^ to

accept plastic cards

department stores

bookshops shoe shops

' fitting room cashier’s

desk shop keeper

shop assistant to

buy — to sell to try

2. Underline the answers true to the text:

j • Are most shops open on I Sundays in


Yes, they are.

No, they are not. _

Only in London most shops are -open on


Yes, they are. Are most shope op>en till late at night „.T

No, they are not. on working days?

Only in London most shops are open till midnight.


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What money do shops accept from Only cash.

customers? Cash and Eurocheques only.

Cash, plastic cards and


3. Complete as in the text:

In England most shops open... on Monday to Saturday, although some stay

open much later... In small towns and villages... Not many... on Sundays. Besides cash

a lot of shops... Some... Eurocheques. 4. Sum up whatdhe text said about English‘shops.

5. Read the following:

• diis book this poster

these postcards

these shoes

Where is the nearest post office?

round the comer at the end of the

aisle Can I try the next size up?

Insert articles:

... book,... poster and... cards come to 10.20.

You have to get stamps at... post office.

Where is... nearest post office?

Use the verbs in the right form: ilie

fitting room '(to be) over there.

It (to Jit) me well and I (to like) it.

The cashier’s desk (to be) just at the end of the aisle.

8. Insert prepositions:

Have you got size thirty seven... these shoes?

I’ll have a look if we have size... these shoes.

It must correspond... British size five.

The nearest post office is just... the comer.

The cashier’s deskis... the end... the aisle.

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Unit thirty two



ondon is wonderful for theatres, but the popiilar'showS

espeeially T the big musieals are usually fully booked months in


Sometimes one may be lucl^ to get tiekets on the day from the

theatre or booking agency. It is usually much easier to buy tickets

for matineeS" (afternoon performances).

One day one of the participants bought a weekly entertainment guide Time

Out for information about theatres, cinemas, concerts and other

PRINCE EDWARD. TeL 01- 4376877

Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber's



MUSICAL Dir. by Hal Prince Evgs

8.0 Low price Mats. Thurs. and Sat.

3.0 Evg. perfs. end 10.15 Grp sales 01

He and his friend decided to go to the box office and try their luck.

Participant: Excuse me, what’s cn tonight?

Ticket officer: It’s Evita, sir.

Participant: Have you got any tickets by any chance? Ticket officer’: You are lucU. There are still a few, at 20 and 15 pounds.

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■Entertainments 235

Participant: And where are the 20 pounds seats?

Ticket officer; In the upper eirele. You may see it in the map on the wall,

over there.

Participant:... Then may we have two seats in the upper eirele.

Ticket officer: Yes, eertainly. Forty pounds, please.

Participant: Here you are.

Ticket officer: Thank you... Here are the tiekets. Row K, seats 24 and 25

Participant: Exeuse me, and when does the performanee finish? Ticket

Wonis and expressions






to, hook


in advance



to hSiy (bought, bought)



ad (advertisemmiO attract


to attract somebody's

at'^ction It'said:... world great'"!



развлечение удивительны,

замечательный театр шоу

мюзикл заказывать месяц


дневной спектакль








привлечь чье-либо


В нем говорилось:... мир


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236 Entertainments

to direct to be directed , evg =

evening iow low price to end

Grp. = Group *88 box office

to try luck to try one’s-luck

lucky to be lucky Wbat’s on

tonight? upper circle in the upper circle


[’лрэ 'S3 :kl]

ставить (о режиссере)

поставленный режиссером



низкая цена

заканчивать (ся)



касса (театральная)



попытать счастье



Что сегодня идет? бркон (а

театре, но в доме — balcony)

на балконе .

Exercises 1. Translate into Russian: <* ticket officer

to book a 'ticket booking

agency booking office of the theatre entertainment an entertainment guide to go to the theatre




concer t


1. - Complete as in the text:

London is... for theatres, but the popular shows especially... are usuaUy fiiHy..

advance. Sometimes one may be lucky to get... agency. It is usually... matinee.


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Entertainments 237

One day one of the ’Time ont”... and other enter- partieipants., tainments. One of the

3. Mateh fiiil and contracted words

tel. dir. evgs. mats.


g">' I oaitactedi





Thnrs. evening performances

group ev_ _erfs Л »

g. p . matinee telephone


Answer the following questions: What musical did it advertise? Is the name of Andrew Lloyd Wehher, a famous English composer, familiar

to you?


Is Tim Rice scenario writer of Evita?.

Who is director of Evita?

At what theatre was Evita performed?

How was Evita described?

At what time do evening performances begin and end?

On what days and at what time do matinees of Evita start?

For what performances are prices lower?

What telephone number Is given for booking group tickets?

What is the telephone number for other bookings and information?

Read the following:

There are still a few tickets.

Where are the seats?

Here are.,the itickets.

Row K. very much

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Entertainments 23В

Yes... Forty... Here...

Thank you. Here... tickets. Row...

seats... Excuse me,... finish?

It starts...

9. Agree or disagree:

• The name of Andrew Lloyd Webber is familiar to’every Russian.

• Evita was performed in Moscow one day too.

• London is the most wonderful city for theatres.

• Theatrical performances are the most popular entertainments in

every country. • All the entertainments are very expensive every where. ,

10. Role play.

Imagine you are speaking with an Englishman. Discuss your approaches to

entertainments. ✓approaches - отношение

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Unit thirty three

The British pub


Q ne day David Hill invited a few participants to a pub. The par-

ticipants were happy to satisfy their curiosity and they


nvitation willingly. In the evening they went to the nearest pub. Pubs are "typically English". Most pubs are friendly and

relaxed places where visitors can have some beer and, usually, a simple

meal. These days one can also get wine in most pubs. Many also serve cof- fee, but not tea. You go to the bar to order and pay for your drink. A typical lunch in a pub is a "plouglimans" — bread, cheese and

pickle, and sometimes a little salad.

Pubs are not open all day. The owners themselves can decide when to open. Most open for 3 or 4 hours at lunchtime and again

from about 6 p. m. to. about 11 p. m. In busy areas, pubs may stay open from 11 a. m. to 11 p. m.

Here is the talk between David and Sergei: Sergei: This looks nice. David: I like it too. I sometimes come here with my

friends ... Let me buy you a few drinks. What would

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The British pub^ КЗ’

Who regulates the working hours of The government, pubs? Nohody, The


When are pubs usually open in busy i mimorigm

areas? All night long.

Till eleven in the evening.

3. Sum up what the text said about pubs.

4. Use (lie verbs in the right forms:

I. One day David Hill (to invite) a few participants to a pub. The participants (to be happy) to

satisfy their curiosity and they (to accept) the invitation wilhngly. In the evening they (to go)

to the nearest pub.

5. Make sentences:

The pub It looks nice

This place I




come here with my friends my wife

>my son my


' Let me buy you a drink some

beer some

wine some

lager some


6. Say in what way the foDowing questions are formed:

What would you like to have?

Would you like the game of darts?

Can you show me how to play the game?

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Unit thirty four

Greenwich and the Thames


reenwich is a very beautiful parkland on the outskirts of

London, on the bank of the River Thames. The Thames, a major ratbrway of England, flows from Cotswolds to the North Sea and is about 2i0 miles long. It flows via Oxford, Reading and London.

Greenwich is farrious for Greenwich Mean Time, the Royal Observatory and the National Maritime Museum.

The National Maritime Museum tells the story of Britain and the sea. The star attraction of the Museum is. the Neptune Hall, which explains the dev^opment of boats frpm prehistoric times to the pres* ent day. In the Nelson Galleries you can see the uniform jacket, with a bullet hole in the left shoulder, which Nelson was wearing when he was fatally wounded at the Battle of Trafalgar in

1805. The old Royal Observatory is part of the Maritime Museum and

consists of a few historic buildings, high on the Hill above the Thames. Early telescopes and time=measuring instruments are displayed in Flamsteed House where John Flamsteed, the fust Astronomer Royal, lived. The large Gate Clock” measures

Greenwich Mean Time, the standard by which time is set all round the world. And you can stand astride the Greenwich Mereidian, marked by a brass strip crossing the Observatory courtyard.

On the eve of the visit to Greenwich Mr. Hill and the Group Leader had a talk:

David: Well, tomorrow we are to visit Greenwich, a very

picturesque spot of London. Andrew: Yes, I remember that. I have heard so much about it but

I’ve never been there. David: I’m sure you all will enjoy the visit. I hope the

A 11 и

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Greenwich and the lh"'pes 247

David; 1 just wanted to ask you for advice. What way would you' prefer to

get to Greenwich?

Andrew; And what ways are there?

David; Well, we can get there hy train, hy boat orhy DhR. It is not very far. Andrew; And what way wonld you like?

David; By DLR. It's a few minutes' ride from the centre. Then we should cross the Thames. There is a special tunnel beneath the Thames to Greenwich. It is called the Greenwich Foot Tnimel. There

are two elevators on both banks of the river. Andrew; Let me ask the participants... I'll be back'in a minute...

Yes, David, they also prefer DLR and the walk beneath

Words and expressions Greenwich ['дпшёз]

Greenwich Mean Time mean

time the Thames [tcmz]

Гринвич, юго-восточная часть

Больтого Логгдона время по-

Гринвичу среднее солнечное время

Темза /С иагиюиоваииями рек, морей, озер

уп<преб/1яегся оар«л«леииый артикль

the River

Ibames on the

outskirts of bank

on tire hank of

major waterway

to flow

Cotswolds=CotswoId Hills


на окраине

берег на



1 водная артерия течь

возвышенность Кот- свольд,

высота 1083 фута (1фут= 30,48 см)

север море

the North sea

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248 Greenwich and the Ihames

the North Sea mile via

Oxford I




the National Maritime

Museum to teD (told, told) story

to tell the story of t


the star attraction


the Neptune HaO

prehistoric Nelson

the Nelson Galleries

uniform jacket bullet

Северное море миля

(=1,609 км)

’через Оксфорд. Г ород в графстве i^ordhire севернее Лондона. Ридинг (город в графстве Berkshire)

[ab’za^ratn] обсерваггория


Национальн^хй морской

музей сказать, говорить, рассказывать- ’ история

рассказать историю звезда

основная! яостопримеча- тельность

Нептун. Бог моря, покровитель морей В’ римской мифологии; в

греческой мифологии— Посейдон ■ Зал бога Нептуна [,pri;hi’stonk] доисторический Нельсон (1758—1805). Английский адмирал, национальный герой; под ’ его командованием

английский флот одержал ряд побед над французским, португальским, датским и испанским флотами.

галлерея Нельсона военная

форма френч, куртка пуля

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250 Greenwich and the Ihames


to „ask somebody for

advice to prefer tunnel

beneath foot elevator


епроеить еовета у кого- либо




1) нога, 2) пешеходный лифт любопытный, любознательный



1. Read’ the following:

• Greenwieh

Greenwieh Mean Time

Greenwieh Meridian

John Flamsteed the first

Astronomer Royal

Flamsteed House

the National Maritime Mnsenm

the Neptune Hall


T rafalgar

the Thames

Cotswold Hills



2. Insert articles: Greenwich is... very beautifiil parkland on... outskirts of London, on...abank of...

River Thames... Thames,... major waterway of England, flows from Cotswolds, to... North Sea and is about 210 miles long. 3. Insert prepositions:

Greenwich is famous... Greenwich Mean Time, the Royal Observatoiy' and the National Maritime Museum. The Museum tells the «story... Britain and the sea. The star attraction... the Museum is the Neptune HalL It explains the development... boats...

prehistorie times... the present day.... the Nelson Galleries you can see the uni

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Greenwich and the Thames 251

fonn jacket... a bullet hole... the left shoulder, whieh Nelson was wearing when he was

fatally wounded... the Battle... Trafalgar... 1805.

4. Use the verbs in the right forms:

The Old Royal Observatory Jio be) part of the Maritime Museum and {to consist) of

a few historic buildings. Early telescopes and time measuring instruments {to display) in

Flamsteed House. The large Gate Cloek {to measure) Greenwieh Mean Time, the standard by

whieh time '' o set) all round the world.

5. Translate into Russian:

You ean stand astride the Greenwieh Meridian marked by a brass strip erossing

the Observatory eourtyard. 6. Sum up what the text said about:

the Thames

the National Maritime Museum

the Royal Observatory

7. Match English and Russian equivalents:

on the eve

picturesque spot

the weather

j to ask for adviee

to prefer






живописное местечко



епроеитъ совета


8. Маке sentenees:

Greenwieh is а wonderful place

a pieturesque, spot of London

loeated on the bank of the


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252 Greenwich and the Thames

• I’ve never been to London




' I’ve heard so much about London


Madame Tussaud’s Webber and

his musicals

I’m sure you’ll enjoy the visit the performance the music

You can get to Greenwich

by bus by

train by

DLR by

taxi by boat

9. Underline the answers true to the text:

What way of getting to Greenwich

did David prefer? taxi. By By boat. By

What is DLR? It’s Docklands Light Railway. It’s

Dickens Light Railway.

It’s Dogs Light Railway.

What is the Foot Greenwich Tunnel? It’s a tunnel along the Thames. It’s a

tunnel beneath the Thames. It’s »a

tunnel between the Thames and


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2М Greenwich and the 1h»nes

11. Make sentences:

There is a nice

• There are a lot of




picturesque spots



to visit

in London

• There are a few things




to discuss now

' To my mind there are no tunnels beneath...

Maritime Museums,


12. Say a few,words about:

• a maritime museum in Russia

• your favourite museum

• a’picturesque spot in the city where you live

• a river flowing through your town.


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Unit thirty five

Business contacts


n a certain'* day Ivan, one of the participants of the gronp decided ^telephone the English hnsinessman with whom he had heen cRmg bnsiness for some time. Before he left Moscow he had contacted the Enlishman and told him he would he in London soon. And they decided to meet in the London оШсе of the Englishman. Thus he telephoned

the Englishman to make an appointmentfor the next day.












/van.-My name is Smirnov. I'd like to speak to Mr. Frieser, please.

■ 'There is no one hy name of Freiser. I'm afraid you have the

wrong number. What number were you calling?

.1 was dialing 7—2992.

.Oh, but this is 7—^2993. I'tn sorry to have bothered you. ’.That's quite all right. .Mr. Preiser's office here.

.May ! speak to Mr. Freiser, please? Who is that calling, please? My name is Smirnov. I came from Moscow a few days ago and I wanted to meet Mr. Freiser. We spoke about our meeting

while I was still in Moscow. I'm sorry Mr. Freiser is busy now. He is in conference. How'could he contact you later? I'm staying at the Sherloek Holmes Hotel. My room number is 346. I'll be in at about sis in the evening. Very good. He will contact you then. Ivan, is that you? Good evening.

Secretary. Mr.


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256 Businessisontacts

Smirnov; Good evening, Frank Fm very glad to hear yon. Mr. Fraser: So am L When shall we meet?

Smirnov; I have some free time tomorrow morning. Mr. Freiser: Splendid. Let's make an appointment for ten. Smirnov: It suits me all

right Mr. Freiser: Then our driver will pick you up at the hotel at a quarter to ten. Our

office is not far away. Smirnov; I'll be happy to see you and discu"" our enquiry then.

Mr. Freiser: Likewise. I'll be greatfiil if you could join me for lunch. Smirnov; Thank yon. I'll be glad to. See you tomorrow.

Words and expressions with whom He had been doing bnsi-

ne'^' with... wrong to bother while to dial to be in conference



to suit It suits me ail right,

enquiry rIJ be greatfiil if удц could...


c кем

OH работал (имел дело) e...




набирать (номер) быть на‘

конференции (переговорах и т.д.)

устраивать Меня это очень

устраивает, запрос Буду вам

благодарен, если вы...


1. Match English and Russian equivalents:

on a certain day До того как уехать из


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Business contacts .257


He telephoned an Englishman with whom Он сказал англичанину, что скоро

he had heen doing business for some time, будет в Лондоне.

Before he left Moscow he had contacted Он позвонил англичанину, чтобы the

Englishman. договориться с ним о встрече на

Не told the Englishman he would he тследуюгний день. Он позвонил

London soon. англичанину, с которым он уже

Не telephoned the Englishman to пшксработал некоторое время, в один ап

appointment for the next day. определенньш день

2 Sum up Miom Ivan wanted to telephone that day. 3 Choose the correct variant:

— My name (is, are) Smirnov. Ed like (speak, to speak) to Mr. Preiser, please.

— There (is, are) no one by name of Preiser. I (am, is) aftaid you (have, has) the wrong number. What number (rms, were) you calling.

— I (was, were) calling 7—*2992.

— Oh, but this (is, are) 1—2993.

— Fm sorry (to have, have) bothered you.

— That (is, are) quite aii right

4 Insert articies, if necessary:

I came from Moscow... few days ago.

He is in... conference.

Fm staying at... Sheriock Hoimes Hotei. My room number is... 346. mbe in at

about she in... evening. •

Let’s make... appointment then. Our driver wiii pick you up at... hotel at... quarter to ten. I’ll be grateful if you couid join me for... iunch.

9 Деловой аж.тйсклА

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Business contacts 259

Mr Preiser's office W^o


My name iSuSmimov I came ago and I wanted We spoke about our meeting I'm

sorry busy conference How contact you I'm Staying My 346 I'll be in Very 'He

Ivan, is evening

Good evening, Frank I^ very

§0 am W^en meet?

I have tomorrow morning

Splendid Let's for ten It suits

Then our driver Our office

away rilf be happy ,

Likewise I'll' lunc” •

Thank you I'll be glad to See

'Правила согласования времен The rules of the sequence of tenses Если1,в главном предложении глагол стоит в одном из прошедших времен, то в придаточном дополнительном предложении (отвечающем на вопрос "Что?"), также употребляется'одно из прошедших времен. Например: Не told him sh&was in London.

He told hlm '^e had been to London times. a

hsald my name was Mary.

I sald'l had been to London a fewjimes.

I said I would try to go to London the next summer.

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2вв Business contacts

8. Translate into Rnssian: • Ivan said his n-’e was Smirnov.

. ^ • . • . TJw secretary answered that Mr. He said he wanted to sneak to Mr. _. • I?reiser- Preiser was in coirierence. She The stranger said there was no one hy Prei*rwo„id name of Preiser there. cortacthim later

He said Ivan had dialed the wrong Mr. Preiser said that their driver

number- would pick him up. They decided

Ivan said he was sorry. they would discuss the enquiry. They

alK) decided they would have lunch


9. Make sentences: Mr.

Preiser said the office was not far away

he would be glad to have lunch


gether with Mr. Smirnov

10. Complete the foDowing sentences:

Ivan said...

The secretary answered that...

Ivan told Mr. Preiser that...

They decided that...

Mr. Preiser said he would he grateful...

The text said the businessmen bad.agreed to meet

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Unit thirty six

At the office


it. the appointed time Ivan arriVed at Mr. Preiser’s ofHee by car. Mr.

Preiser greeted Ivan with warm smites and idnd words.



Frank; Ivad;



Frank: Ivan:




, Oh„Ivan I haven't seen you for ages. How are you getting non these


Not bad. I hope you are doing weii too.

I woutd say so. How are your ctasses, young man?

I understand you are kidding but I tike the sessions we .are having here.

There are a few important things I have learned here. And Pve met

some^ businessmen whose business looks very promising for us. Good

for you. And would you like some tea or coffee before we get down to


Some coffee, piease.

' The secretary wiii bring coffee for us in a minute.

1 beiieve we couid speak about our business now, if you don't mind. • 1

agree with you here. We studied your enquiry for our security devices

and we couid offer you some very modem ones.

Couid I see them whiie I'm here? Then it will be much (easierTor me

and the Generai Director of my company to make a decision about the

range of devices to buy.

No probiem. Our Production Director wiii take you to ,our production

shop and you wUi see aii the devices we are offering to our customers

at present. We have soid ■ quite a iot of each type and we have not got

a singie compiaint. They have never faded our customers.

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2в2 At the office

Ivan; It sound? very convincing. And will the Production Director be

coming soon?

Frank; The Secretary will invite him after we have coffee.

Ivan; I see.

Frank; By the way, here is the latest oi^anigram of our company. Yon may

have a copy if yon wish. Ivan; Thank yon. It will help me to speak with the Production Director.

Here is the organigram of Mr. Preiser's company;



Managing Director





Administrali Director Director Director Director on.

factory organisation, research and development • health and safety, etc.

• accounts pubUcity ‘wages customer relations, etc. etc.

• shjpping • overseas sales





Words and expressions want!



1 haven't seen yon for

ages, get on

[wo:m теплый


век,, воз


Не1иДел‘ вас целую

вечность", поживать Как


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At the office 243

to kid •

Are you Idddiog?

security device modem

much easier production

production ib’ector

production shop

comphiint tofaU

to fail somebody to

convince convincing to

sound coDviuciDg

orgamgram managing

research health safety I

komesales publicit y relation s

customer relatioos


[n’sa:tn [hel9]


Вы шутите?


прибор, приспосс^ение


намного легче •


начальник произвоясхва цех тип,


жалоба, претензия подводить; не

суметь / Часто пфтодится

отрицательной частицей не.

Например: Не failed to send а letter

in time. (OH не отправил" вовремя

письмо), подводить кого-либо

убеждать убедительный звучать

убедительно схема управления

управляющий исследования здо1

:^вье, охрана здоровья

безопасность продалщ внутри

страны, внутренняя торговля

реклама, известность отношения

отношения (связи) с

покупателями заработная плата,

обычно — для рабочих; для

служащих — salary страхование

отгррки (транспорт)


msurance shipping


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пт At the office

personnel to

pnrehase syn.


[,p8:$a'nel] штат, персонал



1. Readthe‘folk>wiiig:'

• How are you getting on?

I hope you are doing well. How axe

your classes, young man? ■ I understand you are kidding.

I like the sessions we are having. This

business,looks promising for us;

The secretary will bring some coffee. We

axe offering these devices xx>w. He is

Managing Director.

2. Underline the answers true to the text:

With what did the businessmen start

the talk after' greetings? With Ivan’s sessions.

With speaking about devices Mr.» Preiser’s

company produced. With discussing the

company’s organigram.'

Did Mr. Preiser offer anything to drink?

Yes, he did, he offered tea only. Yes, he did,

he offered coffee only.

Yes, he did, he asked what Ivan wanted to

have, tea or coffee.

Had Ivan sent any enquiry, to Mr.


Yes, he had.

No, he hadn’t.

It is not'quite clear.

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What devices did Mr. iser Fre- offer?


Some security devices.

Some modem transport devices. Some

safety devices.

Did Ivan want to see these devices

on the production floor?

Yes, he did.

No, he didn’t.

It is not quite clear.

The Managing Director. Who was to show Ivan round the secretary factory and''offices? r,™

Ihe Production Director.

3. Insert prepositions:

... the appointed ,time Ivan arrived... Mr. Preiser’s office... car. Mr. Freiser

greeted Ivan... warm smiles and kind words.

Oh, Ivan, I haven’t seen you... ages.

Would you like tea or coffee... we get down... business?

The secretary will bring some coffee... us... a minute.

I believe we could speak... our business now.

I agreed., you.

4. Insert articles, if necessary:

It will be much easier for me and... General Director of my company to

inake... decision about... range of devices to buy.

Our Production Director will take you to our production shop and you will see

aU... devices we are offering to our customers at... present.

We have sold quite... lot of each type and we have not got... single complaint.

5. Choose the correct variant:

They (have, has) never failed our customers.

It (sound, sounds) very convincing.

And will the Production Director (coming, be coming) soon?

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2вв At the office

The secretary invite him after we {have, had) coffee. You may (have, had) a copy of the latest organisation of our company.

6. Match English and Russian equivalents:

I haven’t seen you for ages.

How are you getting on?

1 hope you are doing well too. Would

you like some coffee before we get

down to husiness? We '”uld speak

about our busing, if you don’t mind. 1 agree with you here.

Вы хотите кофе, рока мы не

прис1упили к делам. Мы могли бы поговорить о делах, если вы не возражаете. Я с вами согласен. Мы не виделись пелую вечность. Как у вас идут дела?

Надеюсь, что у вас тоже все хорошо.

7. Findiieqiiivalents in the text:

Мы рассмотрели ваш запрос на наши охранные устройства, и можем

предложить вам очень современные устройства.

Можно их посмотреть, раз уж я здесь?

Мне и генеральному директору будет намного легче решить, какие

именно устройства нужно купить.

Наш начальник производства покажет вам- производственный цех.

Вы увидите все устройства, которые мы предлагаем сейчас нашим”


Мы уже продали достаточно большое количество.

Мы не получили ни одной жалобы.

Они ми разу не подвели наших покупателей.

Это звучит очень убедительно. 8. Complete the dialogue and act ont a similar one:

— 1 believe we could get down to business, if you don’t... — 1 agree with you here. We studied... and we could offer...

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At the office 267

— Gould I see... ? When it will be mueh easier... -range of deviees to buy. No

рЮш1ет. Our... take you to our production... Snd you will see aU...

We have sold... not a single... They... Med...

— It sounds...

9. Translate into Russian:

Frank said they had not met for ages.

He asked Ivan how he was getting on.

Ivan answered that he was doing welL

When Frank asked-him about his classes he understood that Frank was kidding a

little. Ivan confirmed that he liked the sessions and the Programme on the whole.

Before they got down to business Frank asked him if he wanted some coffee or tea. Frank also said the secretary would bring some coffee very soon.

10. Have a look at the organigram of Mr. Preiser’s company and say for what eadi

director was responsible. 11. Say \<liat director Mr. Preiser was, to yonr mind. 12. Imagine yon work for a certain company. Make its oi^anigram.

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Unit thirty seven

The goods to be bought


he Production Director showed Mr. Smirnov round the

factory I and answered a lot of questions of his. There were especially

many questions asked on the production floor. The Production Director

told Mr. Smirnov about the products of the company. Mr. Smirnov was

greatly impressed hy the number of the new products and by their

sophisticatiom Then the Production Director showed Mr. Smirnov the

different departments of the company and introduced him to the

management team. When all was seen and spoken of the


Frank: And what do you think of all. that you’ve seen?

Ivan Oh, it's very interesting and impressive. It's a veiy good set-up:

modem, factory, good labour force.

That’s tme. We have been in this business for over ten years.

Frank; Besides we are planning to expand. Our aimual turnover is about,

twenty million poun”*.

Then our business will be too small for you. I’m afraid. You are

wrong here, il'm sure. We try to satisfy all our customers. And we

treat them all with high esteem.

By lithe way, conld I have some material on your products? I should study the assortment you offer before we discuss, other matters relating to the enquiry, or to our future contract.

Naturally you will have all the publicity brochures and leaflets. They contain all the technical details. We have prepared a pack for you.

Thank you very much. That's veiy considerate of you. And when

will you be able to tell lis what devices exactly interest Ivan:




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Ihe goods to be bought

Ivan: Most probably I’ll look through the materials tonight, then

eontaet our General Direetor and tomorrow 111 give you our reply.

Frank: Hard work, isn't it? But eertainly it's better to diseuss all the

details while you are here in London. Now let's make a break

Words and fxpresslons


to show somebody round

the faetory lot a lot of questions of

his produet impressive



maiagement team

labour to expand armual

turnover to treat somebody

high esteem to relate relating

to... brochure leaflet






завод, фабрика "показать

кому-либо завод/фабриху. Шюго

много его юпроеов продукт, товар

впечатляюппщ, значительный

изопфенноеть, утонченноеть

команда команда руководителей

рабочая еила раеширять (ея)

ежегодный, годовой товарооборот

относиться к кому-либо высокий

уважение относитьея относящийся

к брошюра брошюра, рекламная

листовка содержать внимательный

to contain [hrouja]

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11 fThe goods to be bought

That’s considerate of you.

to interest to reply reply bard

across just across the street

Вы очень вниматель-





твердый, упорньш,


через (на другой стороне)

через дорогу


1. Underline the answers true to the text:

Where did Ivan ask especially many

questions? At Mr. Preiser’s office.

On the production floor.

In one of the departments of the


Did the Production Director

speak about the products?

Yes, he did.

No, he didn’t.

It is not quite clear.

' What was Ivan’s impression of the


Did the Production Director show

Ivan only the production shop?

He wasn’t impressed at alL The text said

nothing about it He was positively


Yes, he did.

No, he didn’t. He also took

Ivan to one of the departments.

No, he didn’t. He also took

Ivan to a few departments of

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The Goods to bo bought 171

• Did Ivan meet any other

direetors of the eompany?

2. Read the following:

’ in tim business hy the

way That’s true.

Yes, he did.

No, he didn’t.

It was not quite elear.

That’s very eonsiderate of you. Then

our business will be too small for you.

I’m afrmd.

We treat them alLwith high esteem.

Let’s enjoy luneh at the restaurant just

aeross the street.

,3- Insert prepositioas:

What dp you think... all that you have seen?

We have been... this business... over ten years.

We treat put eustomers... high esteem.

Could I have some material., your products?

I should study the assortment before we discuss other mattere relating... the

enquiry, or... our future contract.

We have prepared a pack of materials... you.

That’s very considerate... you.

I’ll look... all the materials tonight.

4. Insert articles:

It’s... very good set-up: modem factory, good labour force.

I should study... assortment you offer.

Then we shall discuss other matters relating to... enquiry.

You will have aU... publicity brochures and leaflets.

They contain aU... technical details.

I’ll look through aU... materials tonight.

It’s better to discuss aU... details.

We have prepared... pack for you. Now let’s make... break.

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272 The goods to be bought

5. Choose the eorreet variant: What do you think of all that you (have, has) seen? We (have, has) been in this business for over ten years. 1 should study the assortment before we (discuss, discusses) other matters. We (haye, has) prepared a pack for you.

When vdll you be able to tell us what devices exactly interests, interest)


6. 'Use the verbs in the right forms:

Most probably 1" (to look) through all the materials tonight, then (to contact) our

General Director and tomorrow 1 (to give) you om reply.

It’s better to discuss all the details while you (to be) here in London.

NoW* let’s make a break and (to enjoy) lunch at the restamant. 7. Complete the'dialogues and act ont similar ones:

— And what do... you’ve seen? — Oh, it’s... set-up: modem... — That’s tme. We have been in... ten years. Besides... to expand. Our annual

turnover... — Then our... too small for you... — You are wrong... We try to satisfy... And we treat them alL..

— By the way, could I have... I should study... before... or to our * future.,

— Naturally, you... publicity... and leaflets. They contain... We... a pack...

— Thank you... That... considerate...

And when... to tell us what devices...? Most probably I’ll look through... then contact.. and tomorrow... reply.

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Unit thirty eight

Ordering the devices


fter Ivan Smirnov had a fact-finding visit to Newall Ltd. he stndied

the materials he got and reported the results of his

enin, survey to the General Director. In the morning he tele-

phoned'Mr. Preiser and made an appointment for Г1 a. m

Frank; Judging hy your early eall this morning yon have hronght ns good news, havent'yon?

That's true. Last night I .spoke with my General Director and he gave

me the go-ahead to the purchase. And here is the list of the devices we

are interested in. And how many devices of each type are yon

ordering? 5 of each the five types, or 25 all in alL It is rather

disappointing, I should say.

I agree with you here. It's a rather small order. But it's a trial order.

If our customers are satisfied with the devices they will order some

more. Meanwhile well contact onr customers in a few other cities in

Russia. They might he interested too.

And speaking about your trial order, when do yon need the devices?

Can yon deliver them next month?

At the earliest we can deliver them during the second half of the

month. And how do yon want us, to ship the goods?

Ivan. By this time. They are not very heavy and besides om customers

Frank: are impatient to test them as soon as possible.








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Orderingthe devices 275

Frank; If I understand you properly you would Hke us to ship them on clf

terms by plane. The df prices wLU he much If her than the

basic prices stated in our brochures.

Then lefts discuss the priw now. •

Ivan; Shall we have some oofiee or tea first?

Frank; I don't mind a break at all.

Words and expressions feet

to report result

survey preliminaries

to judge judging by news

go-abead ‘ all in all

tO'disai'^oint ’ bsbonld

say, trial trial order

meanwhile to deliver

next month atnthe

earliest to ship air by air

i this time heavy

[sa’vei] [pn’lnnmanz


факт еообщать результат обеледование, обмр ветупительная бег подготовигельн^зе п говоры /мероприятия судить судя по новости одобрение всего рамча1И>выва1ь я бы сказал ’

пробн^зй пробн^зй заказ

тем временем, пока


в следующем месзще

самое раннее




[,mi:n'watl] м на этот раз



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■ 278 Ordering the devices

Judging by your early calL.. ВИЗ 1 IT c целью выяенения от- Не gave me the go-ahead to the purehase. дельньое вопроеов Он дал еогласие на It's rather disappointing. 3iy закупку.

Meanwhile well eontaet some other Судя no ватему раннему звонку... enstomers Поеле обмена некоторыми

предварительными фразами они They might be interested too. перешли к де:".

Я очень разочарован!

4. Insert prepositions:

Не reported the resnlts of his visit... the General Director.

The hnsinessmen niade an appointment... II o'clock the same day.

They met... Mr. Preiser's premises.

After some preliminaries the got down., bHsiness.

Jndging... yonr early call the news is good.

The Director gave me the go-ahead... the pmchase.

Here is the.list., the devices we are interested...

If ОШ- CHstomers are satisfied... the devices they will order some more.

5. Insert articles:

It's... rather small order.

It's... trial order. Meanwhile we'll contact onr enstomers in., few other cities in


When do yoH need... devices?

At... earliest we-can deliver them during... second half of... month. How do you

want us to ship... goods? ... cif prices will be much higher thaa.. basic prices stated in our brochures. Let's chscuss...-prices now. I don't mind... brealdnow.

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Ordering tlle'devices "'379

6. Use the verbs in the right forms:

Judging by your early call you (/o bring) us good news.

Last night / (to speak) with my General Director and he (to give) me the

go-ahead to the purchase.

If our customers (to be satisfied) with the devices they will order some more. If

our customers (to like) your devices they (to order) some more. If they (to be happy)

about your devices they (to пшке) another order.

If they (to be interested)' in your goods we (to пшке) a few more contracts. 7. Complete the dialoguesLand act out similar ones:

— Judging by— good news, haven't you?

—^... true. Last night... go-ahead to... And here is., interested ia

— And how many...

— ...allnal...

— ... disappointing...

— I agree... It's... But... trial... If our customers... Meanwhile we'II contact..

They might...

— And spealdng about your trial., when... need...

— Can... next.

— At the earliest., half.. And how do you want us — By air, this... They... not heavy and besides... impatient... as possible.

— If I understand you properly you... cif terms by... The... much higher

than.. — Then let's, i — ShaU we have... — I don't mind...

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Unit thirty nine



A fter a coffee break the businessmen resumed their talk:

Ivan: And now comes the price problem.

Frank: As far as I understand you want us to pay airfreight and insure the devices during their shipment.

Ivan: For our trial order these terms are preferable for us. Could you give me your idea of the cif price for each of the devices then?

Before the break I made some calculations and Frank: asked

the secretary to type the price list on this basis. Very good. Oh, here it is ... Thank you, Nancy ... Now, Mr. Smirnov, you may have a look at the prices. The total sum is

three thousand pounds. I certainly admit it’s a small order. Tlierefofe I shall not mention discounts you usually grant us. But don't take it as a precedent. When we make contracts in future we hope we shall have a certain'discount off prices.

We shall certainly di^uss this

iriatter in every particular case. If you mention future contracts there is a question I would like to ask you. Will you always prefer cif prices and shipment by plane? Oh, no. Far from it. Only in this particular case we have chosen shipment by plane and cif terms. But in


Ivan: Frank:



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282 Prices



If you can have it prepared now it would be splendid, m sign it.

I have the power of attorney.

And what would you say if I propose to sign it in the

evening before our dinner. We could have diimer at the

restaurant of your choice.

OK There is a good cosy restaurant near the hoteL It's cahed

White and Red Roses.

waiting for you in the lobby at seven p. m.

See you at seven then. Goodbye.

Words and expressions airfreight

to insore shipmeint

preferable to type price

list to admit to mention

precedent particnlar in

every particular case


['ргеГ эгэЫ]


far from it

extraoiiiinary [ex'$tro:dnn]

ant. ordinary /

to happen fob (FOB,fo.b., F.6.B.) ['efoubi;] = free on board

авиафрахт — стоимость

перевозки груза на самолете

страховать отгрузка





упоминать прецедент частный, особый, особенный, данный в каледом отдельном случае ничего подобного чрезвычайный обычный случаться фоб, свободно на бо'*' — условия поставки, при кбторых продавец несет ответственности за товар до момента его поставки на борт судна/ самолета

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Prices I

OH fob terms

as usual foz'ju^uol]

objeetion 1

to objeet'^' No objeetions on our part

power of attorney ['peuer »V a'tasi] донеренность cosy уютный

на условиях фоб как

обычно возражение

возражать Никаких возражений е нашей стороны.


1. Read the foDowing:

> when win

want where would


’ It would he splendid. What would you say to that?

I have the power of attorney. In be waiting for you in the lobby. We could have diimer later.


Shall we diseuss the terms of delivery? Shall we have a standard contract?

Shall we discuss the fob terms? SIM we discuss the cif terms? Shall we discuss the

priee then?

Shall we discu^ the discount then? Shall we have a break?

2. Underline the answers true to the


' What first matter did the. businessmen discuss after the break?

The time of delivery. The price problem. The terms of delivery.

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Prices 285

When did the businessmen 1

plan to sign the Contract?

morning after Mr.

Smirnov got the power of


As soon as Mr. Smirnov could get

the power of attorney.

The same evening, since it was

necessary oidy to prepare the

Underline the verbs in the following sentences:

Shall we sign the" Contract then?

Shall we resume the talks?

Shall we discuss, the price problem first?

Could you give me your idea of the price?

Could we hope to have discounts for ,our ftiture.

Contracts? Could we sign the Contract tonight?

Will you always prefer cif terms?

Will you always prefer shipment by air?

Will you give us your fob prices now?

Would you give us your fob prices now?

Could you give us your fob prices now?

May I have yom fob prices now?

4. Match English and Russian equivalents:

And now comes the price problem. As far as I understand... You wanted us to pay airfreight, didn't you? You wanted us to insure the goods, didn’t you? For our trial order these terms are nreferahle.

Насколько я понимаю...

Д1Я пробного заказа именно эти

условия предпочтительны. Вы

хотели, чтобы мы оплатили

стоимость авиаперевозки, да? Вы

хотели, чтобы мы застраховали

товар, да?

А теперь обсудим вопрос о цене.

5. Insert prepositions: Could you give me your idea... the price... each., the devices then?

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ш Prices

... the break I asked the.Secretary to type the priee list., this basis. Now you

may have a_lpok.. the prices.

Wheii we make contract... future we hope we shall have a certain discount...

the prices.

We shall discuss this ^matter... every particular case.

6. Insert articles:

There is... question I would like to ask you.

Shall we have... standard contract for your trial order?

I have... power of attorney.

I propose to sign it in... evening.

We could have dinner at... restaurant of your choice.

There is... good restaurant near... hotel, in be waiting for you in... lobby.

7. Choose the correct variant:

If you mention future contracts there (is, are) a question I (would, will) like to

ask you.

Only in this particular case we (has, have) chosen shipment by plane. Only in

this particuiar case we (are, have) chosen cif terras.

If nothing extraordinary (happen, happens) we shall practice fob Hlbury terms. If you can (have, has) prepared it now it (would be, is) splendid.

Прилятчные првдпожвиия условия и времени

"1Г end "when" ctausee

. Если в придаточных предложениях условия и времени говорится о действиях, которые должны произойти в будущем, то, глагол в этих предложениях употребляется в настоящем времени. Например;

When we make contracts in future we shim give you a discount if we make

contracts in future we sbaff always "ve you discounts, if we meet in the evening

we shaff sign it then.

IVe shaii sign it when we meet in the evening

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"Prices" 217

8. Use the verbs in the right forms: When we (Jo make) eontraets in fiitnre we hope we shall have a certain discount

off the price.

If nothing extraordinary {to happen) we shall practice fob Tilbury terms.

If nothing extraordinary (Jo occur) we shall buy goods on fob terms. If you {to

prepare) it today we shall sign it today.

We shall sign it as soon as you {to prepare) it.

We shall sign it after we {to discuss) aU these details.

We shan't sign it before we {to discuss) all these particulars. 9. Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones:


— 1 certairdy..,; small.. Therefore;., mention discounts you usually... But dori't take it as a... When we make...

— We shall certainly..'.

— If you mention future Contracts there... question..', ask... Will you always prefer...

— Oh no. Far from it. Only in this particular... But in future if nothing extraordinary... as usuaL '<

— Firfe. No... on our part.

10. Act out the dialogues between Ivan and Frank: • When they speak about airfreight,, insurance and prices for this Contract. • When they agree to sign the Contract in the evening.

11. Sum up how the businessmen agreed on the prices.

12. Agree or disagree:

• It is usually very difficult on the price.

• The Sellers always agree to give a discount.

• The Buyers always ask the Sellers to grant them a discount.

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Contracts In foreign trade W9

witMn 10 days after .receipt by the Buyers of the Seller's advice of readiness of the goods for shipment.

New all Ltd. Bank Account Details: Account Name

Account Number



Branch Address

New all Ltd.

60205818 Barclays Bank pic Cheapside

Branch Adas House, 1—1 bCing Street

London EC2 V 8AU United Kingdom

Sort Code


Partial deliveries and deUvery ahead of schedule ate allowed. Legal addresses of the Parties: The Sellers: The Buyers:

For and on behalf of the Sellers For and on behalf of the Buyers

Words and expressions to hand something over to


to quote

to conchide

fo conchide a contract

syn. to make a contract

whereby [wea'bai]




on the terms and


herein [hior'm]

suhiect to

персдшать ко]му-*либо

назьшать, назначать что-

либо (цену) заключать

заключать контракт по

которому условие

стандартные условия

наусловиях здесь при условии (соблюдении)

1 ОДспокоА апглпАскпй

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Contracts in foreign trade 291

sort code



delivery ahead of

schedule to allow


legal address for and

on hehalf of

рынок и публикуюпщя свои

отчеты о финанеовой

деятельности сортировбчнШ

код частичный график

[’Jedju:! ], поставка ранее сроков,

указанных в графике


юридический; законный,

легальный юрЩщчес]^

адрес от имени и по



1. Match English and Rnssian equivalents:





the Contract whereby the Sellers sold

and the Bnyers bonght... on the terms

в данном документе которого но


далее в данном документе на

уеловиях, указанных в настоящем

Контракте е одной сторощл с другой

етороны Контракт, по которому and conditions stated herein, the _ _ Standard Conditions formmg an mtdgral ’ Продавец продал, a По^^патель part thereof on the one hand on the omer

hand Newall Ltd. referred to as the

Общие уеловия, являющиеся

неотъемлемой чаетью Контракта

фирма Ньюол, именуемая


фирма РуеИмпорт, именуемая


Sellers Rusimport referred to as the


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191 -Contracts In foreign trade

They have eoneluded this Contraet

suhjeet to the Standard Conditions the

Speeifieation attaehed to the Contraet 25

Seenrity Deviees as set ont in the


Они закгаочили наетоящий контракт на

оенове етандартных условий.

25 приборов охраны в соответствии ео

Спецификацией Спецификация,

приложенная к

2. Translate the first paragraph of the Contraet into Russian.

Моаальный гаагол tcdbe

Modal verb to bo

Если «гдагод to двупогробдяогся как пдюдадьиый гдаго"

TOI сдадующий за ним гдагод упогребдяегся с чаегнцей to.

Модальный гдагод to"'be переводится как "доджей" (в

соогвогствии с планом, указанием и T.AI) Например:

тпе Croup Is to СОТО to London on 12 November.

Гоуппа Д олжиа приехать в Лондон 12 ноября,

В документах модальньм гдагод to be и сдодуюимхй за

ним глагол часто переводятся одним глаголом в настоящем

времени. Например: The goods are to be delivered before the 25 December. Товар поставляется до 25 декабря.

Translate into Russian:

The priee is to be understood CIF Sheremetievo.

Payment is to-be effected in GBP.

Payment is to be effected', under a letter of eredit.

The letter of eredit is to be established with the first class bank.

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Contracts In foreign trade W

The letter of eredit is to be established-against certain

shipping documents.

The letter of credit is to be valid for 60 days.

The letter of credit is to be opened within 10 days. The

Sellers are to send the Buyers an" advice of the readiness

of the goods for shipment.

4: “Translate into English:

страховой полис авианагсладная

отгрузочная спецификаггия

упаковочный лист заводской

сертификат об испытаниях

счет-фактура номер счета

владелегг счета

банковский счет отделение банка

адрес отделения банка

сортировочный код отгрузка по

частям досрочная отгрузка

юридические адреса сторон от

имени и по поручению

5. Translate the Contract starting with the words " The total price..,,

6. Read as in the examples:

E x a m p l e 3QQQ three thousand pounds’ sterling

GBP 4,000 GBP 2,000

GBP 5,000

GBP 7,000

USD 4,000 USD 2,000

USD 5,000

USD 7,000

DM 4,000 DM 2,000

DM 5,000 DM


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London taxis 297

Driver: Good ....... Here you are.

Vladimir: How much is it?

Driver. The meter says thrM forty.

Vladimir: Here it is... Keep the small change.

Driver: Thank you. Good-bye. Enjoy the sights.

Words and expressions taxi


syn. taxi cab, taxi to go by taxi

by hhnsetf to economise to bail to

hail a taxi in tbe street to paint to be

painted different colouis

to be painted red

to be painted green



to bind (bound,






to light (lit, lit)



I'acdvotaizii) ]



такси такси

поехать на такси сам,

самостоятельно экономить

останавливать останавливать

такси на улице окрашивать,

красить быть окрашенным в

разните цвета быть окрашенным

в красный цвет быть

окрашенным в зеленый цвет

ограниченн^хй реклама

связывать точный, строгий

предписание, правило желтый

огонек, огонь, свет освещать

переднее/лобовое стекло

счетчик столичный

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ЗМ London taxis

Mini-cabs are usually ordered... telephone.

Could you take me... Westminster Bridge, please?. Will you stop... Big Ben just.,

the Houses... Parliament?

2. Insert articles:

... famous London ta"^ cabs can be hailed in... street.

They are bound by... same strict regulations.

They are available for hire if., yellow light’ above... windscreen is lit.

... driver must use meters on all... journeys within...

Metropolitan Police Hrict.

... District covers most of Greater London and goes out to... Heathrow Airport

There is... minimum payable charge which is shown on... meter when you hire...

cab. 3. ’Underline the verbs in the Passive Voice and translate the sentences into Russian; •

The famous

L Some cabs

are now




They are

bound by the

same strict




e У

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302 London taxis

— The meter says..

— Here it is. Keep..

— Thank you. Good-bye. Enjoy... 9. Make short dialogues as in the examples:

E x a m p l e

E x a m p l e

the talk/short

— The talk is very short, isn’t- it?

— Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

the Joumey/short the

charge /big the sight


the sights /wonderful

The sights are wonderful, aren’t they?

Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

the tests / stringent

the tests of taxi cab drivers / stringent

the regulations / strict

E x a m p l e he/go by taxi

— He went by taxi, didn’t he?

— Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t.

he / hire the cab in the street

the driver /stop near Big Ben

the meter/say three forty Vladimir /ask the driver to keep the small change

10. Role play.

Imagine you are speaking with an English businessman. Tell him about taxi

services in your town.

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Unitforty two London

and the City


ondon was,-not built as a city in the same way as Paris or New X York It began- life as a Roman fortification at a place where it

\ras^possible to eross the River Thames. A wall was built around the town for defence, but during the long period of peaee which followed the Norman Conquest, people built outside the walls. This building continued over the years. In 1665 there was a terrible plague in London whieh killed too many people. In 1666 the Great Fire of London ended the plague, but it also destroyed much of the city. Although many people who had fled

London during the plague returned to live in the rebuilt city after the plague and the Great Fire, there were never again so many Londoners living in the eity centre.

These days London has spread further outwards into the country, including surrounding villages. Today the metropolis of Greater I^n- don covers about 610 square miles (1580 sq. km), and the suburbs of London continue even beyond this

area. Some people even eommute over 100 miles (over 150 km.) every day to work in Londom

The gradual growth of the eity helps to explain the fact that London does not have just one eentre, it has a number of eentres, eaeh with a distinct character, the Government eentre in Westminster, the shopping and entertaiinnent centre in the West End, the finaneial and business eentre ealled the City.

The City is rather a small area east of the eentre whieh ineludes the site of the original Roman town. It is an area with a long and exeiting history, and it is prond of its independenee and traditional role as a eentre of trade and eottunerce. The City of London is one of the major banking eentres of the world and yon can find the banks of many nations in the famons Threadneedle Street and the sinTonnding area. Here, too, the Bank of England, the eentral bank of the nation, is located.

Nearby is the Stoek Exehange where shares of eommereial companies are bought and sold. A

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304 London and the City

During weekdays in the City one can see t^e City gents with t^eir howler hats, pin-st^ped suits and rolled umbrellas This is t^e 'unifrom' only oft^ose men involved in banking and business

Words and expressions

to build (built,) built) [bild, hilt]

to rebuild (rebuilt, rebuilt) fortification

to cross defence

peace Norman conquest to continue teifible

la ue p g to destroy fire Londoner

to spread (spread, spread)


outwards ant. inwards to

surround surrounding metropolis square (=sq.) kilometre (=km.) suburbs beyond gradual growth a number of


[ lei ] [p g



строить перестраивать



зашита мир но])маннский


продолжать (ся)

ужасный чума

разрушать пожар



простираться, \


внутрь окружать окружающий

столица квадратный’ километр пригород

за, за пределами постепенный рост


in the City

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зов London lancUtlle CHv

Exercises Tr^late into Russian:

Roman fortifacation

Nonnan Conquest the

plague of 1665 the

Great Fire of 1666

Many people fled London during those

years. The citv was rebuilt later. Read as in the

examples: 1665 sixteen sixty five

1666 1997 1917 1941 1985

e £ X a m p i e 1580 sq. km. one thousand five hundred

and eighty square kilometres

1580 sq. m. 1520 sq. km. 1510 km. 1560 m.

3. Choose the correct form of the verb:

London (was not built, did not build) as a city in the same way as many other


First at this place a Roman fortification (buih, was built).

Then a wall around the town (built, was built).

People i(built, were' built) outside the walls during a long period after the

Norman' Conquest.

This building (continued, was continued) over the years.

The city (was, has been) practically destroyed during the plague and the Great

Fire in the seventeenth century. The city (way, has been) rebuilt later.

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London and the CItv 307

Complete as in the text: London was not bnilt as a eity in the same... It began life as a Roman... to eross the River Thames. A wall was bnilt around the town for... but during the long period of peace

which followed... people built outside... This building eontinued over... In 1665 __plague which killed... In 1666 the Great... ended the plague but it also... Many people who had fled Londoli during., returned to live in... after... Fire. But there were never again so many Londoners... centre.

5. Insert prepositions:

These days London has spread further outwards... the country. Today the...

Greater London covers about 1580 square miles and the subuAs... London

continue even... this area.

Some people even commute... 100 miles every day to work... London.

6. Insert articles:

, ... gradual growth of., city helps to explain... fact that London

does not have just one centre, it has... number of centres.

Each centre is with... distinct character.

... Government centre is in Westminster.

... shopping and entertainment centre is in... West End.

... financial and business centre is called... City.

7. Use the verbs in the right forms:

The City {to be) rather a small area east of the centre.

The City {to include) the site of :he original Roman town.

It {to be) an area with a long £[nd exciting history.

It {to be) proud of its independence and traditional role as a'Icen- tre of

trade and eommerce. The City of London fio be) one of the banking centers of the world.

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308 London and the CItv

Threadneedle Street (to be) famous for its numerous banks. Here,

too, the Bank of England, (to locate).

Nearby (to Ae)sthe Stoek Exehange where shares of eommereial

eompanies (to buy and sell).

I description—описаше

Westnunster the West End the. the most famous insuranee eompany

City Threadneedle Street the ^

m Stock Exchange Lloyd’s world

the institution where shares of


cial companies are bought and sold in


the financial and business centre of

Lpndon the London street where numerous banks are located the Government centre

9. Find the answers in the text:

Is the City a big area?

Is it located at the site of the Roman town?

Has it been traditionally a centre of trade and commerce? Are the City gents

involved in banking and business? What 'uniform' do they wear? Are there

many banks in the City?

Is the Stock Exchange also located here?


Ю. Sum up what the text said about:

the history of London the size of .the present London the City of London its

other centres;

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Unitforty three

Driving a car


ne of the evenings Mr. Hill and a few „participants decided to go

1 to the cinema to see the -film, the latest Oscar Award winner, ore the

film was to start they had an hour at their disposaL And they decided to

have a ride around London hy Mr. Hill's car.

David; What would you like to see during this hour in London?

Anton; And what would you recommend?'

David; We might have' a ride through this entertainment area around

Leicester Square and then through the Strand fa'^" mous for its rich

hotels. Then we could also drive to St Paul’s Cathedral. It looks

majestic in the evening lights.

Anion; We would be glad to see all that.

David; Then let’s start the journey.

Anton;... By the way, I know that when you were in Russia you hired a


and drove it a few days. Was it very difficult to drive on the right?

David; Oh, it was very difficult at first. It was necessary to concentrate...

especially when I wanted to overtake. But the hardest were round"outs. Well,

you know, we Englishmen have "ways driven on the left and are accustomed

to that. Anton; Did you usiiaully find the ways very easily? David; I wouldn't

say so. Once it was terrible. 1 was in a traffic jam for an hour and then 1 got

lost. But finally everything was all right. 1 should let bygones be bygones.

Anton; 1 always wofider how fast your cars and buses go along these narrow

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Privino a car

belt and so must the front seat passenger. Two yellow lines on the road mean no

parking. One yellow line means parking is restrieted. In some big towns the ear

may be elamped and towed away if it is parked illegally. It is very expensive to get

the ear baek. All the mles and regulations on driving are fully deseribed in The

Highway Code.

Petrol stations or garages are often self-serviee. The driver ean seleet 4 star

(siqjer), unleaded petrol or diesel fiom the automatie pump and pay the ea'^r. If

the pump is not automatie there is an attendant to help.

Words and expressions

to drive (drove, driven) to drive a ear

film latest

award [o'wo:d]

to win (won, won) winner Leieester


through the



Beera (махину); ехать веети

махину дивдом ■ поеледний награда, приз вытрьтахъ победитель, призер Леетер-Сквер. Плошадь в Лондоне, на которой и вблизи которой находитея много

театров, кинотеатров и рееторанов. В старину здесь часто устраивались дуэли, через Стрэнд. Одна из главных улиц Лондона, соединяющая Уэст-Энд и Сити, в старину улица щла

вдоль Темзы, собор Собор Св. Павла. Главцый собор ацглцйской церквц. Построец архцтектором К. Ревом в 1657—1710 цосле Велвкого лоцдовского вожара,


cathedral St Paul’s Cathedral (=St. Paul)



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314 Driving a car


, Find the answers In the text:,.

Where did the partieipants plan to go that evening?

Was it an ordinary film?

How mnch free time did they have before the film?

Did they go sightseeing hy tube?

Did they talk with Mr. Hill during the ride? About what did they speak?

2 Use the verbs In the right forms:

There {is, are) different speed limits’ in towns and on motorways in


Two yellow lines on the road {to mean) no parking.

One yellow line {to mean) parking {to restrict).

I know that when you "^o be) in Russja you Jio hire) a car and {to drive) it

a few days, (to be) it very difficult to drive on the right?

Oh, it (to be) very difficult at first. ;

It was especially difficult when I (to want) to overtake.’

But the hardest (to be) roundabouts.

We, Englishmen always (to drive) on the left. 3 Insert prepositions:

One... the evenings they decided to go... the cinema __ the film was to

start they had an hour... their disposal

They decided to have a ride... London... Mr. Hill’s car.

We might have a ride... this entertainment area... Leicester

Square. The Strand is famous... its rich hotels.

We could also drive... St Paul’s CathedraL

4 Insert articles:

The Cathedral looks majestic in... evenings lights.

Let’s start... journey.

When von drove in Rii<»ia. did von alwav.<; find... wavs verv easilv?

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Driving а car 315

Underline t^e modal verbs and translate t^e sentences Into Russian

The driver must wear a seat belt

The front seat passenger must also wear a seat belt

You must be all very good drivers In big cities t^e car may be

clamped and towed away Before t^e film was to start t^ey had

an hour at t^eir disposal W^at would you like to see?

We would be glad to see all t^at- A^d what would you


I wouldn't say so I should let bygones be bygones We might

have a ride though t^is *a Then we could also drive to t^e

) Make sentenses

St Paul's Cathedral


T d'

ussau’ s

7 Complete t^e dialogues and ac^ out similar ones

What woud you like to see during

A«d recommend? We might Leicester Square and t^e

Then Cathedral It looks




IS fascinatin Leicester Square the Strand

beautiful Big Ben


' the City I Tf^algar Square



We would be glad Then let's start.

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316 Driving a car

— By the... I know that when yon were in... hired... drove... Was it very.,

— Oh... at first It was... to eoneentrate espeeiaially when... overtake. Bnt nie hardest were... Well, you know, we, Englishmen, have always... and are aeeustomed...

— Did you... the ways... — I wouldn't... Onee... terrible. I was in... and... lost. But fiOy...

all«ri|ht. f.. bygones. 8. Complete the disjunetive questions:

The streets of London are very narrow...

The ears and buses move fast in London...

There are speed limits in towns...

There are speed limits on motorways...

The speed limits are not very high...

You have never driven on the left...

9. Make sentences The

speed limit is 3Q km. in town on England per horn D,,»»:» motorway ™ Russia

90 km. ,60 km 110 km

10. Sum up nfhatAe dialogue and Ae^xt said about driving m

11. Role play.

Imagine you are speaking with an English businessman. Discuss:

• traf&ejams

• speed limits

• parking facilities etc.

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Unitforty four

Windsor andi Eton


n Sunday morning the group started on an

exeursion for Windsor by eoaeh.

' ■'Windsor lies 34 km west of London and is famous, fiist and foremost for

Windsor Castle, the residenee of the royal family. Many parts of this historie

eastle are open tO' the publie while some other parts are always closed and

some are closed when the royal family is in residence.

The site of Windsor Castle was first defended by William the

Conqueror in 1070 and for the next 900 years the building was сопч tirinally

enlarged'" growing from a medieval casUe to a vast and complex royal


The most impressive of all the castle buildings is St. George's

Chapel, a masterpiece of perpendicular Gothic architectufe. The State

Apartments, which are closed to the public, comprise 16 rooms, and each is a

treasure house of superb furniture, porcelain, and armour.

The rooms are decorated with carvings by Grinling, Gibbons, ceilings by

Verrio and works from the .royal collections. They incinde Van Dyck's


The star attraction, open to the public, is Queen Mary's Doll's

Honse, designed by Sir Edwin Lntyens and given to the nation in 1923. The

furnishings are designed at one-twelfth lifesize.

Part of Windsor Central Railway Station has now been converted to

a waxworks mnsenm nm by Madame Tussand's, recreating the scene in 1879

when a special train arrived here to celebrate Queen Victoria's Diamond

Jubilee. Queen Victoria, the longest ruling monarch in Britain, who lived in

1837-1901, symbolises the nnity of the nation, the British Empire and the

progress of the nation in the nineteenth century.

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318, Windsor and Eton

Bridge took them to Eton, Windsor's twin town, on the northern hank. Eton is the home- of

Eton eollege, the pnhiie school that has produced no fewer than 20 prime ministers. It was

term ttime and they saw a lot of students around, dressed in their distinctive tail' coats and

wing coUais.

Words, and expressions Windsor


to lie (lay, lied) west first and foremost

castle [kcL'sl]

Windsor Castle

residence to he in

residence public

to be open to the

public William the

Виндзор. Небольшой город,

муниципальный центр, население

около 30,000 чел. Итон, маленький

городок напротив Виндзора лежать,

находиться запад прелюде всего

замок Виндзорский замок. Одна из

загородных резеден- ций английской

королевы /короля, резиденция

находиться в сюей резиденции

публика, народ открыт для

посетителей Вильгельм Завоеватель

(1027—1087). Будучи герцогом

Нормандии разбил под Г астингсом

английские войска в 1066 г. и стал

королем Англии, расширять

средневековый обширный комгглекс


to enlarge





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"Windsor and Eton 319



perpendicular f

Gothic I

architecture state

apartment I

treasure furniture

porcelain annonr


decorate I carving

ceiling works I

collectio n



to design

I furnishings I


at one-twelJ^o lifesize to

convert waxworks I to’ recreate

scene diamond jubilee

to celebrate diamond

jubilee to rule monarch to


[.paipan’ddqulo ]












комната, (Ам.) квартира




вооружение, доспехи

украшать разная работа


работы (произведения








натуральная величина

1/12 реального масштаба

превращать ~

восковые фигуры






’бриллиантовый юбилей

править монарх

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320 Windsor and Eton

unity empire progress to m


on.ithe bai" nordiem

bank soQthem bank eollege

Eton pkoiids] eolledge public


Eton pubiic schooi=Eton

coiiege=Eton no fewer than

prime minister * term student

to dress ito be dressed ' tdii coat wing соПяг

едипство империя

прогресс КгГШ пешком берег на берегу северный берег южный берег колледж Итон-колледж частная школа Итон (одна из девяти

престижных школ Англии) не менее (чем) премьер-министр семестр студент




стоячий воротник



Insert, [prepositions:

... Sunday moming‘the group started... an excursion... Windsor... coacb.

Windsor iies 34 km west... London.

Windsor is famous first and foremost... the Windsor Casie.

Many parts of the Castie are open... the pubiic.

Some parts are ciosed when the royai famiiy is... residence.

The site... Windsor Castie was fust defended... Wiiiiam the


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Windsor and Eton 321

TInsert articles:

... most impressive of all... eastle buildings is St Georege's

Chapel^., masterpieee of perpendieular Gothie arehitecture.

... state apartments, whieh are always elosed to... publie

eomprise 16 rooms.

Each room is... treasure house of superb furniture, poreelain

and armour.

... rooms are decorated with carvings by famous artists.

... star attraction open to... public is Queen Mary's DoU House.

3. Choose the correct form:

The site of Windsor {drfended, was defended) by William the


The building of the Castle (enlarged, was enlarged) eontinually.

The rooms (decorated, are decorated) with earrings by famous artists.

The furnishings of the Doll's House (design, are designed) at one-

twelfth lifesize.

Part of the Rahway Station (has eonverted, has been converted) to a

waxworks museum.

The museum recreates the scene in 1879 when a special train (has

arrived, arrived) here to celebrate Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee.

4. Match the names of famous figures and their contributions into

the history:

Queen Victoria




vBK Mary.

Sir Edwin Lntyens

William the Conqneror

designed the Doll's Honse for (Jneen

She contribnted a lot to the nnity and progress of

the nation in the nineteenth centniy.

She was the first to establish a wax- works


He is famons for his snperii carvings. He is

famons for his master-pieces in painting.

11 Делопой aiirAiificlaiR

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Unitforty Jive

Payments in international trade

Text n Monday morning the participants resumed their work

and listened to the lecture on payments in international trade. Here is a part of the lecture;

Wilh any folm of International trade It Is essential to ensure that payment will be received in accordance with the terms of the Imderlying

commercial contract Ihe most secive and established

methods of settling International trade transactions are:

* by doclanentary letters of credt and

* by doclanentary collection bills.

Doclanentary letters of credit are opened by the Importer's bank with a bank In the exporter's coiartry, usually the Importing bank's

correspondent In the exportng coimtry, Bcporters sldmlt to the bank n their country al the shippM^ ihsUrahce and other docnmeirts specified In

the letter of credit issued by the Importer's bank. If the documents are m order the bank In the oxportP .country wll crodtt the exporters with the

proceeds. The proceeds are relmblased by the importer's bank In duo course.

Doclanentary collection biis are presented to the importer's bank or its correspondent by the exporters t<^ether with ail the shipping

insurance and other documents, specified In the contract if the documents are in order the importers uistnct their bank to pay and they collect the

shlppii'^ dociments theiL

There are a few ways of transferring money from bank to bank. In the recent past these ways wore:

* mail transfers and

* tel'^pldc transfers.

Now these two types of messages are practically replaced by SWIR messages. sWiR stands for the Society for Worldwide Interbank

Fbiandal Telecommunication, it is a network servhig now more

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Payments In IntBrnatlonal trade 325

than 3,00(УЬапкв In about 1Л0 countries. It speeds 1ф payment messages

between banks Immensely. If sending and receiving banks are both

'logged-ln', a message can be delivered In under 20 seconds. Over 1 million

messages are sent every day via the computers лГ SWIFT and Its member


The role of correspondent banks Is permanently gtowlltg- lb'''

facilitate and expedite International payments. A correspondent bank Is

one which carries a deposit balance for another bank located In another city

or country and engages In an exchange of services with that bank.

Words and expressions essentia]


it is essentiai to

do something to ensnre

in aeeordanee with...

underiying seeure

estabiished method to

settie documentary

важньш, значительный

необходимо/важно сделать...

обеспечить в еоответетвии с...

лежащий в оенове надежный

широко иепользуемый,

утвердивпшйея способ, метод

оплатить документарный,

с приложением отгрузочных документов инкассовое

поручение; банковский документ — инструкция получить платеж в краткий успгановпенный срок и ш в пределах данного срока получить

обоснованный он* плательщика от платежа представлять, передавать

to submit to

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326 Payments Itn International trade

to credit somebody with




to reimburse


in due

couise to present

together with to be

in order in the

recent past mail

mail transfer

to replace SWIFT



to stand for wordwide to speed up

to be logged-in

кредитовать кого-либо чего-либо

экспортер '

средства, выручка возмещать,

платить должный,

причитающийся должным

образом представлять,

предъявлять вместе с быть в

порядке в недавнем прощлом


почтовый переюд заменять


Мелщ"'народное общество




обозначать всемирный


(тех) быть включенным в систему

секунда участник, член банк,

вощедший в/

second meniber

member bank


Poesesalve Саве of the

падеж еущеетвигедьиых Лю Nouns Сущеезвнгедьное в

притяжательном падеже отвечает на вопрое Чей?. Для образования притяжательного падежа еущеетвительного в единетвенном чиеде иеподьзуютея апоетроф ' и буква в. Ддя образования притяжательного падежа еувщетвнгедьного во множеетвенном чиеде иеподьзуотея тодько один

аПОСТрофНаПрИМер: Ом exporter's bank банк экспортера

the exporters'bank банк экспортеров

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Payments lln International trade 327


1. Use the nouns as in the






importer/eountry the

importer's eountiy

exporting hank/eountiy

importing hank/eountiy

exporting hank/eorre'*ndent


bank/eorrespondent Mr.

HiMeeture Mr. Hill/words

2. Mateh Ekiglish and Russian equivalents:

in aeeordanee with the terms and

eonditions ,of the eontract the

underlying commercial contract the

documents specified in the contract to submit the documents, specified the letter of credit issued by the importer’s-bankto reimdmse the'proceeds in due comse The bank will' credit the exporters with the proceeds. They instruct the bank to pay-

Они дают указание банку об оплате.

Затем они забирают документы.

Существует несколько способов

перевода денег из одного банка в другой.

Банк переведет средства на счет


перевести средства должным образом в

соответствии с условиями контракта

данный коммерческий контракт

документы, указанные в контракте

They collect the shipping

documents then.

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ЛЛ1 Payments In International trade

There are a few \yays of аюсредптив, выцаЕшый банком transferring money from bank to


3. Underline the verbs in the Passive Voice and translate the sentences into Rnssian:

It is essential to ensme that payment will be received". Docnmentary letters of credit are

opened by the importer’s bank. The proceeds are reimbursed by the importer’s bank.

Documentary collection bills are presented to the importer’s bank. Now mail and

telegraphic transfers are replaced by SWIFT messages. A message can be delivered in

under 20 seconds.

Over 1 milhon messages are sent every day.

4. Insert prepositions:

... Monday morning the participants Ustened... the lectine... payments... international


It is essential to ensure that payments will be received... terms and conditions... the


The most secure methods are payments... documentary letters... credit and... documentary


Documentary letters... credit are opened... abank... the егфогТег’з country. Exporters

submit... the bank all the shipping documents.

If the documents are... order the bank will credit the exporter... the proceeds.

Documentary collectionbills are presented... the importer’s bank.... the recent past there were two

ways... transferrir’* money... bank... bank.

5. Translate the parts of the text speaking about: documentary letters of credit documentary collection bills.

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Pavmenta In International trade

10. Make short dialogues as in the example:

• E x a m p l e

letters of credit Ц

— The information on letters of eredit is

not very clear, is it?

— I agr*' with you here. It is not clear at

all. (or)

— I can't agree with you I'm afraid.

Everything is absolutely clear.

collection bill SWIFT

correspondent banks


banktran '"rs

’ cq

11. Role plays.

Imagine you are one of the participants of the Group. Ask the lecturer a few

questions about:

documentary letters of

credit documentary

collection bills.

Imagine you work at a SWIFT member bank. Make a short speech introducing

yourself and also speak about the high technical level of services

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Unit forty six

iProbletns settled


n the evening when Anton retnmed to the hotel he had a tele-


phone call from’ Coventry, loeated to the north of London. It


a call from Mr. Snow, a business associate of the Russian company

for whom Anton worked.

Mr. Snow: Mr. Smirnov, I’m calling to send my apologies to Mr.

Nikolaev, your chief, for our default.

Anton; Don’t worry we have received your payment and everything

seems all right I spoke with Mr. Nikolaev before my departure. He does

not bear any grudges against you.

Mr. Snow; I’m very glad to hear that. But still I want io assure you that

such things will never happen again.

An/on; Good’! rU pass it on to Mr. Nikolaev on my return to

Dear Mr. Snow, 15 October 1997

According to our records freyrrent of our Invoice 3982, sent to yon on 18 Ai''nst, has not yet been niade. As an exception we

specified payment on an open account terms 38 days net Our Invoice has noyy been oHtstaniing for SO days. In the case of

unsetHed'debts of this duration It Is our company policy to take legal actloib We would naturally prefer not to have to go so far. In case

you have lost or 'mislaid 'the original we are enclosing a copy of our Invoice. We look.,forw'' to receiving

your payment this week.

Yours sincerely,

Nick Nikolaev

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332 Problems settled.


Dear Mr. Nikolaev, 1 November 1997

As you will remember from our telephone calls, we have been

recently experiencing a number of difficulties with several large

customers. Ibis has resulted In unfortunate delays In paying

outstanding accounts. We are extremely soriy thni your company

has been affected these developments. We are doing ever"hlng

possible to rectify the situation. Indeed we hope to make the

payment which Is about a month overdue In the vely near future.

Yours sincerely, John Smith

Words and expressions Coventry

associate [s'soujieit]

apology to


one's apologies


default [di'fodt]

to bear G>ore, home) grudge [дглёз] not to

bear grudges agaiust somebody

Ковентри. Крупна

индустриальный центр в

графстве Йоркшир на

северо-западе от Лондона

партнер извегцение принести

свои извинения начальник;

главный неуплата; нарушение

нести недоюльстн), обида иметь

претензии к кому- либо заверить

относяпщйся к... как сообпщл...,

как заявил..., согласно записи

согласно нашим записям


recordsprckaidz] according to

our records exception

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Problems settled 333

exception open

to pay on an open ac-i

count net

outstanding [,aut'$ta:ndii]]



iegai action to take

iegai action

to go so far to iose Cost, iost) to

misiay (misiaid, mislaid) the

original to enclose to enclose

something with something

в виде исключения открпп>ш счет — форма расчета меяаду продавцом и ИОСТОЯЮПЕМ

покупателем, при которой товары отправляются без подтверждения оплаты, а покупатель в оговоренные сроки должен оплатить товар платить на открытый счет

часто, частый, нетто, за вьпетом всех

расходов и налогов неоплаченный

длительность зд. судебный судебное

дело передать дело в суд, возбудить

судебное дело заходить так далеко

потерять затерять (положить не

туда) оригинал прилагать прилагать

что-либо к UAItTV-

Exercises 1. Match English and Russian equivalents:

for our default Я передам это начальнику Хочу

Не doesn't hear any grudges against вас заверить, что впредь этого не you.


I want to assure you that such things Он не имеет уже к вам' никаких will never

happen again. претензий.

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334 Problems settled

m pass it on to my o^ief 3a TO, что M^i не заплатили

2 Read t^e foDowIng

• everything asking receiving importing exporting

I'm calling to send my apologies to Mr Nikolaev I'm

cEdling to ask you to accept my apologies

not to bear any grudges for our default I apologise for our


He does not bear any grudges

Find the answers in the text






W^en did A^ton have a саП from Mr Snow?

W^o is Mr Snow?

Why did he call Anton?

W^at did A^ton say about the payment in question? W^at promise did Mr Snow make?

Did A^ton promise to pass it on to his c^ief?

Complete the dialogue and ac^ out a similar one

I'm calling to send my apologies to

Don't worry we have received and everything my departure He grudges

I glad But still I want to assure aga^ iCrnod T'll пя «к on mv return

I before

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Problems settled 335

S. Translate into Rnssian: *

as an exception

payment on an open account the

outstanding invoice unsettled debts

to take legal action not to go so far

to lose or mislay the original to look

forward to receiving the payment to

experience a number of difllculties to

result in an unfortunate delay to be

affected by these developments to rectify

the situation in the very near liiture The

.payment is one month overdue.

6. Insert prepositions:

According... our, records payment... our Invoice 3582 sent... you... 10 August has

not yet been made.

As'an exception we specified payment... an open account terms. Our invoice has

been outstanding... 50 days.

... the case... unsettled debts... this duration we take legal action. This, has

resulted... unfortunate delays... paying outstanding accounts.

Your company has been affected... these developments.

We shall make payment... the very near future.

7. Underline the verbs and translate the sentences into Russian:

We are enclosing a copy of our Invoice.

We are doing everything possible to rectify the situation.

Payment has not been made yet.

Our invoice has been outstanding for 50 days.

In case you have lost or mislaid the originaL..

This has resulted in unfortunate delays. We have been recently experiencing some difllculties.

As you will remember from our telephone calls...

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Unit forty seven

Mass media


X he British are a nation of newspaper readers. Many of them

have a daiiy paper deiivered to their home just in time for

ikfast. British newspapers ean he divided into two groups: quality


popuiar. Quaiity newspapers are more serious and cover home and

foreign -news thoughtfidiy whiie the popuiar newspapers iike


personai stories as weii as some news. These two groups of

newspapers can he distinguished easiiy because the quaiity papers

are twice

* the size of the popuiar newspapers.

• Qualify dally newspapers:

The Times

The'Guardian The Daily

Telegraph The Financial

Times The Independent I

Quality Sunday newspapers:

Popular dally newspapers:

The News of the World

The People The Mail

on Sunday The Sunday

The Sunday Times

The Observer The

Sunday Telegraph

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MaMtnedia 339


bead^narters press television to wato^ to wato^

tekvlsioa pastime to broadcast (broadcast,




to choose (o^ose, chosen) to ran

to ПШ a station to ran a shop









смотреть телевизор


передавать по радио/по


власти, алминистрация


следить за, присматривать за

регион региональн^1й

выбирать управлять,

руководить направлять

деятельность радиостанции

владеть маштюм


1. Read the following:

the British

many of them delivered to their


the quality newspapers

the popular newspapers

the home of the nation's newspaper

moved their headquaiteis

in the eastern part



,be(tkw3 taz]

to look after

region э 'вогаО]

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340 Mass media

one of the great pastimes the BBC the 111 A

2. Insert articles:

... British are... nation ofhewspaper readers.

Many of them have... daily paper delivered to their home.

Fleet Street was... honte of... nation’s newspapers tilL.. recent past. Doeklands

is... newly .developed business centre in... eastern part of London.... Financial Times

is widely read hy businessmen.

Watching television is one of... great British pastimes.

Broadcasting in... United Kingdom is controlled hy... BBC and... ША... BBC

receives its income from... government. ... private companies controlled hy,’’ IBA earn money from advertising.

Insert prepositions:

The IBA is responsible... looking... the regional independent TV companies.

They also broadcast programmes they have bought... other regions. National

radio is controlled... the BBC.

Listeners can‘ choose... four stations.

Some local stations are run... the BBC.

Their programmes consist mainly;.. musict,and local news.

Sum up what the text said about:

English newspapers •

the BBC

the ША ■

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Unit forty eight

Financial news


H ere is an item on financial news published by The Financial r/mes which

somerpaiticipant read;


The dollar and the pound resumed their advances of 1996 a^lnst the yen and the

D-Malk yesterday.

The US currency was helped chiefly hy the US stock and hond markets, which

rehounded f romThursday's falls.

The dollar "was also boosted hy US construction spending for November, which

rose where a fall had been forecast The figures added to the evidence of recent weeks

that the American economy has resumed stronger growth. *The US deceleration Is

probably comingto an end', said Mr. Peter von MaydeU, senior currency economist at UBS

In London.

The dollar gained 1.5 pfennigs againsf'the D-Mark and Y0.5 against the yen to

close In London at D.M. 1.557 and Y11.2. But the Tokyo market remained closed for the

National Holiday.

Sterling rebounded 2.8 pfennigs against the D-Mark after losing 3 pfennigs on

Thursday. With trading thin, dealers say that one sale of GBP 50m worth of D-Marks sent

sterling about a pfennig higher.

The pound closed In London at DM2.635 to the Qellnan currency and USD 1.692 to

the dollar. It gained on strong consumer credit data and on rising oil prices.

Pound in Now York

Nov 18





latest 1.6870

1.6860 1.6798

prev. dose




lyr 1.6675 1.6769 Sterling has been the strongest major currency over the Holiday period

appreciating almost 2 per cent.

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Financial] news 347


to appreciate [a'pnjieitj

спот: условия сделки, означающие расчет на второй рабочий день после ее

заключения повьпдаться (о курсе

Exercises 1. Match English and Russian equivalents:

against the

yen to

come to an

end to gain

GBP 50m worth of D-Marks to close

^4-T\ ЛЛ 1 ss^

The market elosed for the holiday. The dollar resumed its advances. The dollar

was boosted by... The sterling rebounded.

ПОВЫСИТЬ, вырасти против (по

сравнению с) иеной поскольку операции с

бумагами идут неактивно подойти к кониу

немецкие марки на сумму 50 м. III. фунтов

стерлингов Рьток закрылся на период

праздничных дней.

Куре марки на момент закрытия биржи

составил 1.557 Курс доллара стал расти


Курс доллара снова стал расти. Курс фунта

вырос. Активность рьгака ценных бумаг и

облигаиий енова возросла. Благодаря этому

курс фунта вырос. Он возрос, хотя

ггредсказали его падение.

The stock and bond markets

rehoHnded. It rose where a M had been forecast. The figures added to the

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341 Financial nawc

The American economy has Эти цифры говорили о том же, что resumed stronger

groX'^'h. и данн"'ге последних недель.

2. Find the sentences In the text with the Ibl lowl ng words:

, to send the pound higher fall

to lose

gain deceleration

to resume its advances

to rehound from falls

3. Insert articles:

Here is... item on financial news published hy... Financial Times....

dollar and.v pound resumed their advances.

... US currency was helped chiefly hy... US stock and bond markets.

... dollar was also boosted by US construction- spending for November.

... dollar rose where... fall had been forecast. The figures also s§''‘y that.. American economy has resumed

stronger growth.

4. Read as In the examples:

• E x a m p l e

NovemHer 18,1996 the

eighteenth of November nineteen

ninety six

May 1,1997

December 25,1998

April 1,1999

July 4,1996

E x a m p l e 2% two per cent

3% 7% 10% 75%ioo%

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Financial news 349

E x a m p l e 1,692 one point six nine two

1.557 1.5 1.6870 2.8

1.6860 3.3

1.6798 9.5

E x a m p l e

E x a m p l e

0.5 0 point five

0. 8


силе sale of SO million English poynds

sterling worth- of Dentsch Marks

60 70 80 100 115

5. Insert prepositions;

The dollar gained 1.5 pfennigs... the D-Mark... and Y 6.5... the yen. Bnt the

Tol^o market remained closed... the national holiday. Sterling jehounded 2.8

pfennigs... the D-Mark after losing 3'pfenni'"... Thursday. The pound closed... London... DM 2.635... the Gennan currency. It gained.,

strong consumer credit data.

6. Make sentences:

• this is these


the news the item

the facg the

informatiq'^n the


published by ih "'"'Financial Times (FT)

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350 Financial news

the pomd the yen

the dollar the

D-Mark the flane

the lira

is the eurreney unit of

the USA


Great Britain




7. Give ftiD words for the following:

UBS mth

GBP yr

FT prev. close

8. Underline the verbs and translate the sentences into Russian:

The dollar rose where a fall had heen forecast.

The figures added to the evidence that the American economy has resumed

stronger growth.

The US deceleration is coming to an end.

The dollar was boosted by US construction spending for November. With

trading thin it sent sterling about a pfennig high.

It gained on strong consumer credit data and rising oil prices.

9. Write out a few sentences бчтг the text about the position of the pound at that time.

10. Find the answers in the text:

What was the strongest currency over the holiday?

What sale sent the poimd a pfennig higher?

What was the position of the pound for spot transactions in New York on

November 18?

11. Role play

Imagine you are speaking with an Englishman. Ask him a few questions about

the words and sentences which were not quite clear to you at=the beaimins.

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Unit forty nine

A visit to Oxford l . ' b b ' V

Text • f

n the eve of their departure to Moscow the participants had*

some free time and Mr. Hill proposed they should rhake'a trip


Oxford; first and foremost, is known for its University. The* University began

itself in the middle of the 12th century, and by 1300 there were already 1,50b students. At this

time, Oxford was a wealthy town, but by the middle of the 14th centuiy, it was poorer,

because of a decline in trade and’because of the terrible plague, which killed many people in


Relations between the students and the townspeople were very unfriendly, and

there was often fighting in the streets. On the 10th February 1355, the Festival of St.

Scholastica, a battle began which lasted twofdays. Sixty-two students were killed. The

townspeople were pnnished for this in two ways: they had-to walk through the town to attend

a special service on every * Scholastica's day until 1825. .Worse than this; the University was

given control of the town for nearly :600 years.

Nowadays there are about 12,000 students in Oxford, and the University and the

town live.iquietly side by side.

When the coach’ came to 'Oxford the participants bought some coloiuful books on

Oxford, maps and some, sonvenirs. Then they went sightseeing and

Taijana: The college looks great. I wonder how old it is."

David; 1 myself am an Oxford graduate but 1 don't remember

when exactly it was founded. Let's look in the guide book.

rp... Oh, it was started in 1315.

David' oldest college?

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352-А visit to Oxford

Tatjana: It’s very beautiftiL I’d like to study here. Is the chapel open to the

public? David: Yes, it is. Let's go and look The choir of tto college is famoiis

in England. They sing on TV every year at Christmas.

Words and expressions





in the middle of




to loll


to fight


Festival of SL Seholastica

to last

to punish


quiet" [kwaiat]



side by side



graduate ['gnedjuot]

to found


ehoir [kwan]

университет, институт


в середине








праздник студентов в


века длиться наказьшать

около, почти спокойн^гй

спокойно сторона

радом, бок о бок





Иисус хор

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354 ■ А visit to Oxfoid

• E x a m p l e on the 10th Fehraary 1355 on the

tenth of Fehraary thirteen fifty

on the i$t May 1267 on

th 2nd April 1487 on

the 3rd Deeemher


2. Insert prepositions:

The University began itself... the middle... the 12th century, and... 1*300 there

were already 1,500 students.

... this time Oxford was a wealthy town.

But., the middle... the 14th century it was poorer, because... the terrible


The plague killed many people... England.

Relations... the students and the townspeople were vei-y unfriendly. There was

often fighting... the streets.

... the 10th .February 1355 the Festival of St. Scholastic a battle began. Now

they live quietly side... side.

Many colleges and chapels are open... the public now.

The choir of the University sing... TV every year... Christmas.

3. Translate into Russian:

Oxford is known for its University.

62 students were killed.

The townspeople were punished for killing 62 students.

■ The University was given control of the town.

The University was-started in 1315.

We may also say it was. founded in 1315.

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А visit to Oxford 355

4. Ms^'V sentences:

• Oxford Cambridge

Eton Windsor


Liverpogi is ioiown for its

•University public

school castle factories

and plants Beatles


Mr. Hill proposed that they should

visit Oxford

make a flip to.,

make a tour of.,

go to...


5. Compiete as in the text:

At this time Oxford was a weaithy town, but by=.. it was poorer because of {

deciine in... and the terribie...

On the 10th February the FestivaL, a battle... two days.


The... punished... two .ways.

They had to waik through... to attend the special... until 1825.

1 Worse than this, the University... for neariy 600 years. 6. Write out the sentences speaking about Oxford:

' of the 12th century

of 1300

of the middle of the 14th century of 1355 of 1825

of the present time. Ф

. Read the following:

the college — an older college — the oldest college the

chapel — a taller chapel — the tallest,chapel

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the, most beautiful building the'wealthiest town

• I wonder how old it is.

I wonder when it was founded.

I wonder who the first students were.

I wonder how many people hve here now. 1 wonder if the students pay for their edueatioa

8. Complete the dialogue and act out a similar one:

— The college looks... I wonder how old...

graduate but... founded. Let's look in... Oh,... 1315'.

— Is it... oldest...

— Oh no. Jesus... and others... older.

— If s very... Td like... Is the... open...

— Yes, it is. Let's... The choir... 9. Sum up what you have learned about: • Trinity College • the history of Oxford

I myself am an Oxford

10. Role play

Imagine you are one of the participants of the Group. Ask the lecturer during an

informal talk if he is an Oxford graduate. Then ask him a few questions about Oxford

and tell him about om univereities.

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Unit fifty

Good-bye to London


n t^e evening Mr Hill invited all t^e participants to a I farewell

party at t^e Beefeater restaurant near t^e Tower of London In

general Beefeaters are warders of the Tower, dressed as in t^e days of t^e Tudor kings ' The restaurant is famous for its medieval ages


fonnance and t^e spirit of t^e time It's like a costume drama wit” t”e history of England unfolding before t”e eyes of t”e guests

The participants enjoyed the performance immensely, had a veiy nice meal and a few drinks A few toasts were pronounced like

To the success of our business! To our prosperous business! Cheers! To yourvery good health!

There were also many thanks like t”ese

Thank you very much for having us.

Thank you for the nice stay we had here in London.

We were very happy here. Thank you very much.

Everything was mforgettable. I thank you a ht. We \>e really enjoyed the visit

In t”e morning t^e Group c”ec”ed out and t”e coac” took t”em to t”e Heathrow Airport There was no queueing up t”ey c”ec”ed in very qufc”ly

13 ДеяаооА ажлийский

Л Л a 1

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351 Oood-bve toi London

Dear Mr. Hill, Let не thank yon and yolv esteeaied*'«OM|iany on behalf of the Gron|i and ola coaipany for„the hearty atmosphere of their stay In

Londoi^ for very InformatlvoXIoctHres and very nsefnl external visits they had They also thank yon heartily for the chances to do some bnsiness of

their own and to make a few visits they had planned I hope that wo shall awange siaiiar prograaiBies In fntive as well to the satisfaction of oMbotii


Let me send yon and yoia* family my best wishes for Christmas and a very prosperons Now


Years faithfnly, Pete

Words and expressions




fareweD party



tbe Tower of London

warder Tndors

costal me ['ko$tjn:m]



to onibid toast

unfoi''edabk [toustji ‘L'Ania'getebl]

пропщние прощальньш вечер “мяеоеды” — прозвище дворцоюй стра" или етражи Тауэра бащня Тауэр етражник династия Тюдоров (1495—1603) — период реформации и усиления централизованной власти костюм драма костюмированное предет явление, драма раскрывать (ея) тоет незабьшаемый

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J3Dod-bve to London 359

to check out npstaii" to expr* safe euloya'^'Me esteemed hearty atmosphere informative

выезжу из гостиницы наверх (у) выражать безопаеный

[m'dsoiahl] приятный уважаемый

to arrange

сердечный атмосфера информативный, жательный содер организовьтать, ритьея о


1 Insert prepositions:

... the evening Mr.’ “Hill invit'd all the participants... a farewell party...

Beefeater irestanrant... the Tower... London.

... general Beefeaters are warde'''... the Tower dressed as... the days... the

Tudor kings.

the restanrant is famons... its medieval ages performances.

It's like a costnme drama with the history of England unfolding... the eyes..

,the gnests.

2 Insert articles:

... participants enjoyed... performance immensely.

They had... very, nice meal and... few drinks.

... few toasts were pronounced.

To... snccess of our business!

Thank yon for... nice stay we had here in London.

I thank yon....lot. We’ve really enjoyed... visit.

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або Glood-bve tolondon

3 Read the sentenees you like the hest used as: * toasts the words of thanks.

4 Sum up what you have learned about:

the Beefeater restaurant

the farewell party.

: Translate the letter into Russian underlining"the most important sentenees,

to your mind.

6 Complete the letter and write a similar one:

Let me thank you and your... on behalf of., for the hearty.., for veiy'

informative... and very useful... They also thank you heartily for the chances... their own

and make... they had planned. We hope... similar programmes... of our both parties. Let

me send you... Christmas... prosperous New Year.

7 Look through all the Units. Imagine you arc one of the participants of the Group.

Say what you remember best of all and why:

Entertainments in London; the medieval ages performance at the Beefeater restaurant the

musical Evita at St. Сеоще theater Madame Tussaud's Cultural excursions outside and inside London;

Oxford and the colleges of the University Eton and its public school the Windsor Casle. Greenwich and the Observatory

External business visits; the layovers’ company

the Bank of England ■ . • the company producing security devices

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English-Russian Vocabulary

A a








accordance in accordance with accordingly according to

across account

accounts year




acquisition act ’ activities actually add addict






Unit I неопределенный артикль 12 умелый, умеющий, знающий 16 в автобусе, на борту ’ 12о,около II над, вьыие 24 принимать; акцептовать 12 приемлемый 7 жилье, размещение 45 соответствие 45 в соответствии с 46 соответственно 46 к* сообщает..., как заявляет., сог ласно 37 через (на другой стороне) 8 счет ■ 29 отчетный год 8 бухгалтер 8

бухгалтерский учет 43 привыкший ^^приобретение; поглощение (одной

компании другой) 18действовать. 18деятельность * 16 фактически, действительно ■ ^добавлять 33 человек, чрезмерно увлекающийся

чем-либо 16 адрес 13 приспосабливать, регулировать 39допускать 48{фин.) повьццение курса валюты 32 оекламное объявление

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English-Russianiferebularv 363

advertising advice

41 реклама, рекламирование 34совет (банк.) извещение, уведомление, авизо

a few

a few times affect .

afraid after afternoon

again against

age agree aid

air airfreight

airport airticket air waybifl

aisle а^1 in аИ aOow

allowance all right

almost a lot also

although always a. Ш. amend amended

amendment amount (л) amount (v) and

8 несколько

n несколько

раз 27 сказываться на ..., отриидтельно

2 боящийся 9 после

21 день (время после 12.00)

1 снова 40 против

26 возраст; век 9 соглащаться, договариваться

22 помощь

38 воздух

39 авиафрахт: стоимость перевозки груза на

самолете 1 аэропорт

11 авиабилет 40 авианакладная

31 проход между рядами X? всего

4^ разрещать, позволять, (де^.) предосг тавлять 15 скидка; надбавка

3 хорюшо 17 почти 37 много 5 также

21 хотя 9 всегда 31 до полудня 12 добавлять, исправлять

12 дополненный, исправленный 12дополнени е 19 сумма

10 составлять 1 и rn

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364 Епд| |8Ь-Яи881ап УосаЬи1агу




апвууег П

ап5\уег V а

питЬег о!’





аррИсаЫе арр‘у

арротипеп! appreciate













35 оГ 355618


37 ежегодн^1й 12другой; еще один



42большое количество 31 где-либо 44

комната; квартира 4 просить прощения

4бизвинение 29 применим^гй 29применять

бназначение встречи 27

оценивать \{,фнн.) увеличиваться,


10 соответствующий, должный 44 архитектура

1 территория, зона, район

44вооружение, доспехи Д: вокруг,

50организовывать, договариваться о’

11 прибытие 13прибывать

27 искусство

10 статья 2как,в качестве 14просить, спрашивать

28 по состоянию на... дату 2дактивы (собственность

в виде

недвижимости, ценных бумаг, кредитов 27

по]мо1”ать 29помощник 4бпартнер 2*1

ассоциировать ^■^ассоциированн^1й (входящий в




11 что касается 39 как обычно

358181 a55151an1

a58oC1a1e (л) а550с1а1е(у)


а58иге аз 1о аз


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as well as at at all at

the earliest

atmosphere at

present attach .

attend ’ attendant

attention attract



authority ’

automatic ’ automatically available award”

English-Russian Vocabulary 365

24 a также и л ■ . 3 совсем , . л , , ,

-38 ”’самое раннее 50 атмосфера 30 в настоящее время , . . \ 11 прилагать 14 посещать 43^ служитель, сопровождающее или об?

служивающё е лицо 32 внимание 32

привлекать 26 туристическая досТопркмечатадь- ность ■ ’

27 аудитор (ревизор, контролирующий финансовую деятельность) 47 власть, власти, администрация; авторитет 43 автоматический 12 автоматически ’





balance sheet







battle ,

be (was/were, been) bear

(bore, borne)i beautiful


3 плохой 28 остаток 28

баланс (документ) 8 банк 34 берег

7 банкир

20 банковское дело

21 банкнота

20 базирующийся 34

сражение 1 быть 46

нести (расходы)

6 красивый 16

потому, что

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ШЕпдП8М -Ни8з1ап УосаЬи1агу

Ьеег ЬеГ оге



(Ье§ап, Ье*) Ьерпшлё ЬеЬшЛ ЬеНеуе ЪеК Ьепеа1Ь Ьепе6с1а1 Ье$|Ле8 Ьез! ЬеЛег Ъе(*ееп ’ Ьеуопй Ые В1§ Веп

мясоеды — прозвище стражи


стражи Тауэра ЗЗпиво 10до 41 заранее18начинать 18начало 15 за, сзади 24верить, полагать 15пояс; транспортер 54под, внизу 4вьп-рдный 12кроме 19лучший, лучше всего 19 лучше 10между 42 за, за пределами 5большой

41 "Биг Бен", "Большой Бе часов курантов на здании Парлам( Лондоне, назван по прозвищу Бенджамина Холла, смотрителя по установлению и

восстановл колокола в 1850—1860 гг. ■

ЬШ 6 счет; банкнота; векс ЬШ о!Г ехсЬаЬ*е 2опереводный вексель ЬшЛ (Ьоши], Ьошй) 1освязывать

ЬМег ЗЗгорькое пиво Ъоа! 34лодка;судно

ЬопЛ 48облигация,долговое Ьоок О ЗОкнига

Ьоок V 11 заказывать Ьооккеерег 27бухгалтер,с

четов од Ьоок1е( 18 буклет, брошюра ЬооквЬор 31 книжн^1й магазин Ь008( 48ускорять

Ьот 26рожденн^1й Ьо(Ь 1ооба

Ьо(Ьег 35 беспокоить (ся)


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Engllah-Russlan Vocabulary 367

bowler hat box I box office

I branch






bring (brought, brou^t)"




(broadcast, broadcast)

• brochure brother biiild

(built, built) building bullet

bureau de chsuige' bus

business businessman

businessmen business talk

busy blut buy (bought,

bought) buyer by ail means

by any chance bygones by

himself by post by the way

42 шляпа-котелок JO коробка J2

театральная касса 20 отделение (банка,

фирмы, предприятия)

J4 медный JJхлеб ^перерыв JP завтрак 41

мост Jприноситъ У Британия

Л британский, английский 47 передавать

по радио, по телевидению

J7 брошюра 5 брат 20 строить

14 здание; строительств 34 пуля

24 обменный пункт, пункт обмена

люты 22


4 дело, бизнес

1 деловой человек, бизнесмен

1 деловые люди, бизнесмены 7

деловые переговоры

5 заш^й; оживленный

2 но

32 покупать 19 покупатель 25

обязательно 13 случайно

процшо е


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368 English-Russian Vocabulary

by train 7 на поезде


■ ч

cab 41 такси . calculation call ^расчет

(v) call (n) 22 называть;звонить • camera can 12 звонок

(could) canteen 18 фотоаппарат, capture 1 мочь, уметь car ■ 9 столовая (в учреждении) carefully,, carry. 27тщательно выбирать carry on cartoon 1 автомобиль

carving case , cash n cash V 1отщательно 22 нести cashier castle’

21 продолжать 21 карикатура

cause ■ 44 резная работа cathedral 12 случай ceiling 24 наличн^ге celebrate 30 •оплачивать наличн^гми

cent 43 кассир ■

central 44 замок 42 причина, дело centre 43 собор century 44 потолок certain -Юпраздновать

certainly chain

24цент (в I долларе 100 uei

chamber 21 центральн^гй ‘ 2центр change (n) 21 век

change i(v) change trains

20 определенн^гй, уверённь

8 конечно 30 цепь channel

25 комната 9 обмен, замена - 19 менять 22делать пересадку (с одн<

другой) 20 канал

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English-Russian Vocabulary 369

chapel 44 часовня

character 42 характер

charge (л) 24 плата (за услуги) charge (»»),, 29 взимать плату

chargeable 29 подлежащий оплате

cheap,, 41 дешевый

check 22 проверка check in , 3 регистрироваться’

check 17 регистрироваться в.

into... 50 выезжать из

check гостиницы

out • 33 Ваше здоровье! Cheers! 33 сыр

cheese 46 главный;

chief начальник

chiefly ■ 48 главным образом

child 26 ребенок childhood 26 детство

choice 8 выбор

choir 49 хор

choose (cliose, chosen) 31 .выбирать




m close"

close (v) closely


4 Рождество

38t сиф (стоимость, страхование, фрахт):

УСЛОВИЯ! поставки, при которых

продавец отвечает за

транспортировку и страхование груза

22 кино

5 город

43 зажимать

10 аудитория

20 ясный

20 клиринг; расчет путем взаимного

зачета требований 24 близкий, закрытый

48 курс валютах в конце рабочего дня


31 закрывать (ся)


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370 Епд11з11-Ни881ап УосаЬи1агу


со<1е сот

12 междугородний автобус

43 код 21 монета 4



соПес( соИес<1оп соЦесИоп




15 забирать, собирать 44 коллекция; (баНК.) инкассо

45инкассовое поручение: банковский документ — инструкция получить

платеж в краткий установленный срок или в пределах данного срока получить

обоснованн^1й отказ плательщика от платежа

соИесИуе1у соЦе^е союиг со1оиг{и1

10 совместно, сообща

44 колледж

22 цвет

49 цветной, яркий

соте (сате, соте)

соте ир 1о


2 приходить, приезжать

Зподходить к 13удобный

сотр1е1е сотр1е1е(у)

22 полный 22

заканчивать 7 комментарий

сотшегсе соттегс1а1 С0ШПЦ5810П

42торговля 1бторговый

сошшишса^е 27 персдават!. (сообщение)

сошрапу сотрагйпеп

сотреШог сотр]ат(

сошр1ех сотр11теп(

8 компания, фирма

13купе, отделение

27конкурент Збжалоба,


44 комплекс 4



сопсегл (г)

20 включать 18 компьютер

27 касательно, о





сотрпзе сотрц^ег


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English-Russian Vocabulary 371

40 заключать

condition conduct conference connected with

1оусловие 10 вести, проводить 8 конференц ия

12 связанный с

conquest considerate consideration consist consolidated

construction consult consulting consumer contact











convert convince convincing

42 завоевание 3 7 внимательный

9 внимание, рассмотрение 34 состоять 28 консолидированный,


бонсое5циум : объединение

самостоятельных организаций, банков 16 строительство 30 консультироваться 18 консалтинг 27 потребитель

11 контактировать с, связываться с 37


42 продолжать (ся)

9 контракт’



будобный (по времени или месту)

12 беседа

44 превращать, конвертировать Збубеждать

cooperate copy corner corporate

corporation correct



ence correspondent corridor

18 сотрудничать.* 10 экземпляр.

31 угол 20 корпоративный, относящийся к фирмам 29 корпорация 17 правильный 31 соответствовать 7 переписка 40 корреспондент 14 коридор



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372 Епд11з11-Пизз1ап УосаЬи1агу

созШте С051 (л) С084 (у) сову Со^8\Уо^6в=Со^5\Уо Ш соиг[1:ег соип(;гу соигяе соиг1уагй Соуеп^гу

соуег(л) соуег(у) сгесШ (л) сгесШ (у) СГ18Р8 СГо88 (л) СГ088 (у) СГО\У(1 СГО\УП си1(:ига1 сипо8Иу СИП0И8

костюм ’ стоимость, себестоимость - м-.



’возвышенность Котсвольд, высота 1083

фута (англ, фут = 30,48 см) прилавок

страна К^

с ’ двор

Ковентри (крупн^1 Й индустриально! й центр в графстве Йоркшир на северо-западе от Лондона) ’ обложка, покрытие покрывать, охват01вать; освещать (в прессе) кредит;доверие кредитовать Зхрустящий картофель ’ пересечение, крест пересекать толпа корона; знак качества 9 культурн01й ’ любоп^:тство

зюбопытный, интересный; любознательный ’ валюта текущий 0 покупатель, клиент таможенная служба, таможня; обычаи 9

резать, срезать; уменьшать, сокращать

сиггепсу сиггеп! сиз10тег си81от8

йаПу ежедневный; ежедневно, ежедневная газета дарты (стрелы)



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English-Russian Vocabulary 373

data 27 данные

date Юдата dated 10 датированный

datum 27данное daughter 5 дочь

day 4 день dead . 26 мертвый dealer 48 биржевой маклер deal In 17 заниматься чем-либо

deal with 17 иметь дело с кем-либо dear 7 дорогой debt ’ 21 долг

deceleration 48 замедление decide 22 решать decision 27решение declare 15 заявлять, объявлять decline 49 снижаться

decorate 44украшать default 46 нарушение; неуплата • defence 42 защита

defer 28 перенести срок define 27 определят ь

delay 19 задержка • delighted 7 радующийся

deliver 38 поставлять, delivery 19 поставка, доставка

department department


у^отдел, департамент,


deposit 2оде1юзи1’ describe 43 описывать

design 44 задумывать, desk 24 писым^нш^зй стол

destroy . 42разрушать detail 7 деталь, подробность •

develop 19развивать development 7 развитие device 36 прибор,

devote 19 посвящать

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374 Engllah-Russlan Vocabulary

dial diamond die diesel differenee different diffieulty dinner direet (v) direetly direetor disappoint discount discuss discussion dispensing machine disposal distinct distinctive distinguish distinguishable distribute district disturb divide divisible DLR=Docklands Light Railway

25 набирать номер

44 бриллиант

26 умирать 43


13 разница

2 различный

14 трудность *

3 обед

32 напранлять 12 прямо 7

директор 3S разочаронынать 20

скидка; учет (векселей)

7 обсуяадать 7 обсуждение

24 автомат по выдаче денег 7

распоряжение 42 четкий 22

отличительный, характерный"

41 различать 41 различимый,


распределять, раздавать

41 район 12 беспокоить 10

делить 40 делиТиый

22 современная железная дорога,, соединяющая новый

деловой центр Лондона Докленд с центром и

другими районами Лондона, дорога управляется


компьютеров без 'машиниста

4 делать; вспомогательный глагол для

образования §опросительной и отрицательной

форм глаголов в простом настоящем времени 10


45 документарный (с приложением



doctor documentary

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English-flussiaff Vocabulary 375

doll 44 кукла

dollar 22доллар downstairs

17 вниз drama dress

(у) (л)


dress(v) ,3± drink (л) drink (v) drive

платье 44 одевать 4 напиток

driver пить due 43 ехать, вести duration

16 водитель

during 45 должный, duty free

причитающийся 46 длительно сть

7 в


18 каждый (из eariy 31 рано 28 зарабат^Хвать,

earnings 28доход ast

42 восток

East Europe 18 Восточная Европа easy 17 легкий economics 18 экономика iconomise

41 экономить effect

40 осуществлять engaged in

20 занятый,

eight занимающийся 8 восемь

eightoen 18 восемнадцать either 6 тоже (в отрицат either or


elder 19 или... или.. elevator

5 старщий (из братьев, eleven

сестер)- 34 лифт 11 elli^ble

одиннадцать 30 отвечаюп else требованиям 24 еще

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376 , English-Russian Vocabulary

embassy emerge empire employ enable enclose end (n) end (v) endless England . English


Englishman .






ensure enter entertainment entity equipment especially

essential essentially establish established esteem esteemed


// посольство 2] появляться

44 империя 28 нанимать, использовать 11 давать возможность 46 прилагать 31 конец, 32 заканчива т ь

14 бесконечно: й 2 Англия 1 английский 2 английски й язык 2

англичанин 5 получать

удовольствие 50 приятны:й 44расширять 2достаточно 35запрос 45 обеспечивать ■

8 входить в 32развлечени е

27юридическое лицо (фирма, предприятие, компания)

28 оборудование 17 особенно 45 важный, значительный 21 в основном 18устанавливат ь 45 широкоиспользуемый, утвердившийся 37 уважать 50уважаем^1й 44 Итон (одна из девяти известныгх


European Community

еврочек (международная карточка,

используемая для безналичных платежей и

получения наличных денег)


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English-Russian Vocabulary J77

eve 34 канун

even 12даже evening 4 вечер

event 10 событие, случ* every 5 каждый everybody 16 каждый человек

everyone зд гсаждый человек everjibuig 3 все evidence 48 свидетельство, данные exact 1оточный

exactly 7 точно example 12 пример exception 46 исключение I exchange n ‘9 биржа exchange v 8 обмениваться exciting 42 интересный, волнуюощй

excursion ^экскурсия

excuse 13 извинять

’execute 21 ИСПОЛтГЯТЬ, выполнять executive 10 руководяпщй exhibit 21 экспонат exhibition 26 выставка expand* 37 расширять (ся)

expect 26 ожидать expectation 26 ожидание expenditore 2*расходы (государства, крупной


’expenses 12расходы expensive 30 дорогой (по стоимости)

experience 10 опыт expertise 10 компетенция, знания и опыт explain 19 объяснять

explanation 21 объяснение exporter 43 экспортер

express 7 выражать expression 1 выражеше extend

extensive 14 Деловой

2*предоставлять (кредит), проявл

оказывать обширный 20 *

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378 , English-Russian Vocabulary

external extract extraordinary eye


P внешний 13 отрывок ■ 39 чрезвычайный 22 глаз




fail faithfully faU faUiU family famous

far away


far from it







feel (felt, felt) feel wen

fifteen fifty

fight (fought, fought)




fiUin film finally finance (л)

возможности, благоприятные условия,

средства, устройства

38 факт

37 завод, фабрика 3бне суметь, не смочь (или отриц.

частица "не") 11 верно, преданно _ 48 паден ие

12забблет ь 5 cei^H 26 известный 16 далеко 50

прощание 39 ничего подобного 21 интересный, з^ат^1вающий 22 быстрый, скорый 34 фатальный, роковой 7 факс 7

февраль’ 7 гонорар,

комиссия 31 чувствовать збчувствовать себя хорошо 10 пятнадцать

16 п^десят 49 бороться 49 борьба, сражение 48 цифра 19 папка, досье,

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Engllsh-Russlan Vocabulary 379

finance (v) ’financial find (fonnd, fonnd)




first and’foremost



fitting room five

flee (fled, fled)




flnent fly (flew, flown) fob (FOB,f.O. b.,F. 0. B.) й’ёе on board







for and on behalf of

force force majeure

19 кредитовать, финанеировать 18 финанеовый

2 находить

3 прекраен^1й

42 пожар;


1 первый

44 прежде веего ’

4 рыба

31 подходить



5 пять 26 уезжать, убегать, епасаться бегством 2 полет 15 пол; этаж 34 течь 13 свободн^1й, бегл^ш 13 лететь 39 фоб (свободно нй борт): условия

при которых продавец несет


за товар до MOMeifra его поставки на борт

судна/самолета папка для документов

19 следовать за следующий любяшдй

1 нога, ступня •

7 для

5 от имени и но поручению сила '

34 форс-мажор: обстоятельства


1 сил^1 — война, пожар, аварии на заводе

или 40

складе, эпидемии, поломки на железн^гх 37

дорогах и т.д. предсказывать forecast (forecast, forecast) foreign for example forget (forgot. forgotten)


1 иностранн^1й 12

например 26 забьщать

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ЗДО English-Russian Vocabulary

form (ji) 3 форма, бланк

foiin (v) ’ составл5пъ, образовывать fonnalities ’ формальности

for some time ’ некоторое время fortification укрепление

forty ’сорок found ’ основывать - foundation основание four 4 чет^гре



’ чет^грнаддать

’ Фойлз — крупнейший книжн^гй

назван по имени владельца Фойла fi’ee 9 свободн^гй;

бесплатн^гй fi-eight ' фрахт — плата'за перевозку груза

Friday ’пятница firiend 1 друг friendly дружеский

from ’ из, от front ’ передний funny смешной ■ fur ’ мех

fiumshings fiimitiu’e 4 меблировка ' мебель fiulher далее, дальше


gain 8 повьп^1аться, увеличиваться gains ’повьпиение,увеличение, прирост gallery ’ ’галерея

game ’ игра gate ’ ворота, выход, проход general 7 общий gentleman=gent 4джентльмен ’

get (got, „got) получать get down to business

8 переходить к делу get off ’ выходить

get on жить, поживать

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Enalish-Rus"n Vocabulary 3tl

get out of gin and tonic give (gave, given) glad

go (went, ^one) go ahead go inside gold

goldsmitii good gooAye

Good for you! goods goodwill go on gp outside go shopping go so far

GoUiic government gradual graduate great Greater London


green Greenwich

greet greetings group growth

grudges guardian guest guide

14 выходить из

4 джин с тоником 19 давать 1 довольн^1Й, радующийся 4 идти

38 одобрение 17 войти 21

золото 21 ювелир 1 хороший 1

до свидания 13 Молодец!

19 товар (ы)

28 преспок,

деловая .2.2

продолжат!> 77 выходить 30 идти за покупками 46 заходить так далеко 44 готический 30 правительство

42 постепенный 49 19

велию1й, большой 41 Большой

Лондон нескольких

прилегающих 1Р<

18. благодарн^1й 7 с 15 зелен^1й 34 Г ринвич (юго-восточная

шого Лондона) 8 приветствоЕ приветствия 8 группа

42 рост

46 недовольство, обида 47

наставник 77 гость 18 гид;


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ЗЦ English-Russian Vocabulary

H 41 останавливать

half < 31 половина

haU 15 холл halt 41 останавливать (ся)

hand 1 рука band in 3 сдавать handle 19 заниматься, работать с,

hand over 6 передавать happen 39 случаться happy 33 счастливый hard 37 твердый, J^opHbrtt, тяжелый hat 42 шляпа

have a trip 2 совершать поездку have’dinner 3 обедать^

have got ’ 5 иметь head 4 голова headquarters 47 штаб-квартира health - 36 здоровье’

hear(heard, heard) 12 слышать heart 17 сердце

hearty 50 сердечный heavy З^тяжелый HeUb. 1 Здравствуй (те).

helpi 2 помощь her 5 ее, ей

here 2 здесь ■ herein 40 здесь (в данном документе)

hereinafter 1одалее подтексту Here you are. 3 Вот, пожалуйста. hero 2бгерой hesitate 11 колебаться

hi-fi =high fidelity 30 аудио- и видео-техника с< высокой



точностью воспроизведения звука . высокий

highway 43 шоссе hifi 34 холм

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English-Russian Vocabulary 383

hint 19 намек; совет ,

hire 12 нанимать his 7 его

history l8 история hold 21 держать hold on 12 не вешать трубку hole 34 отверстие, дырка

holiday 5 выходной; праздник home sales 36 продажи внутри страны, торговля

hope V надеяться ho* n надежда ’ hot 4 жаркий hour

10 Houses of Parlia- 41 здание Парламента на eepeiy

’ment на Парламентской площади, где

ходят заседания обеих палат

Парламента: Палатах лордов (the

House of Lords) и Палаты общин

(the House of Commons) как how

8 как долго, как давно, сколько

how long времени

сто ’Hungary

12 18Венгрия


1 я idea 8 идея if '3 ес^и

illegal , 43 незаконный, неправомочный illegally 43 незаконно

immediately 12 inunensely бч[рез^1>шайно, очень impatient 38 нетерпеливый

importance 21 важность important 5 важный

impress 26 производить впечатление

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ЗВ4 Enqiish-Russian Vocabulary

impression ^^впечатление

impressive 37 впечатляющий, значительн^гй

improve ^/совершенствовать improvement 27усовершенствовагше, in улучшение in accordance vriA 11 3 соответствии с in addition to is в дополнешге к

in advance 32 заранее; авансом in a few words 18 в нескольких словах in an hour 17черезчас

in an hour or so 17 через час или около того inch 30 дюйм = 2,54 cMi include 29 включать income in conference 47 доход,

^5на заседании, на конфере!

перегрворах incorporate 21 включать в свой состав;

регис оформить (общество,

independence^ 42 независимость independent 4J нсзависймьй indicate 14указывать

indistinguishable 41 неотличим^гй, незаметный 7 inform информировать, сообщать information informative ■

27 сведения

информативн^гй, дающий

информацию in general 19 в целом, в общем

innovation 26 нововведение,, новинка inside out 11 вдоль и поперек institution 19учрелщение, организация

instruct 12 инструктировать,давать instrument 34 прибор); финансовый in such cases 14 Б таких случаях

insurance 36 страхование

insure 39 страховать

integral 40 неотьемлем^гй

interest (л) 28 интерес, заинтересованность interest (v) • 37 интересовать



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interested in

English-Russian Vocabularv 38S

l8 заинтересованн^1Й в

interested party international 2/ ч 7 ' й

interpret 14 переводить; истолковывать 19 прерывать, intemipt перебивать in the recent past 45 в недавнем прошлом •

into 16 в, внутрь introduce inventories

1 представлять 2*запасы (товаров),

invest материальнотехнические запасы 28 вклад^1вать investment 28 инвестиция

investor 28 инвестор invitation 3 приглашение invite 3 приглашать invoice 40 счет involve 42 U

irrevocable себя, вызвать, повлечь за собой 40 безотзывн^гй I sec. ’ 24 Понятно.

1 should say 38 я бы сказал island 20 остров isle 2*остров (только с именем собственн^:м)

issue (n) 45 вьшуск; вопрос issue (v) 30 вьшускать, открывать it 1 это item 48 пункт; короткая статья (в газете)


jacket 34 1офтка, френч jam 43 пробка (автомобильная) Japanese 2 японский Jesus 49 Иисус

jeweler 30 ювелир join 3 присоедишпъся к jointly 2 совместно ’

joint stock company 21 акционерное общество

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злл Fngiish-Russian Vocabulary

journey jubilee judge (v) judge (n) just Just a minute. Just a moment.

22 путешествие 44юбилей 38 судить

судья 75только; только что 3 Одну минуту. П Один момент.


keep 22 д 3 key

kid ключ Idll 36 шутить 49убивать 42 kiUometre kind

километр 2 добрый, любезн^1й

land regards long know

7 наилуншие пожелания 26 (knew, teown) король 7 знать


labor lager ’ 37 рабочая craa landing card 33 легкое (светлое) пиво

14 карточка прилета (для. паспорт! при

прилете пассажира в

language страну 13 язык 21 большой 3 последний

large 49длиться last last (v) last night

8 вчера вечером; прошлой позже later

latest 43' последний, новый Рюрист 13 ленивый

43 lawyer lazy lead leaflet

свинец. 37 броишра, рекламная

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Engllsh-Russlan Vocabulary ■ 387

learn leave (left, left)

13 учить ;узнавать 5

покидать, уходить.

1еЪшге leetuier left side


legal aetion Leieester


lend (lent, lent)



less let (let, let)

Let bygones be bygones.

Let me see. let's... letter letter of eredit


lieense n lieense v lieensed lie

(lay, lain) lifesize light (я) light

(v) (lit, lighted) lighter like

7 Лекция "лектор

22 левая


-уо законный, юридическим.


судебный 45

судебное дело

Лесгер-Сквер (Площадь в центре Лондона-, на которой и

вблизи которой находится много театров, кинотеатров и

ресторанов. В старину в ее центре часто устраивались дуэли). 19

давать в кредит 27 кредитор ЗОдлина 29 менее 5 позволять 43Кго старое помянет, тому глаз вон,

13 Сейчас подумаю. Одну минуту,


7 письмо 40

аккредитив: документ, направляемый одним банком другому

с указанием произвести платеж при отгрузке товара

2'*ответственность, обязательства, (5ухг.)

пассивы 4< "лицензия

40 вьщавать лицензию

41 лицензированный 44лежатъ,

находиться 44 в натуральную

величину 41 свет, огонь.

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ЗМ English-Russian Vocabularv



list'n list V listen

live loan

located location

log-in Londoner long long distance call

long-term look after

look forward to look

through look (K) look

(n) lose (lost, lost) lot

lounge low ltd=

limited luck lucky


6 взаимно



11 список

41 перечислять 6 слушать

26 жить 20 кредит 21 расположе нн^1й 26 месторасположе ние 45 (тех.) входить в систему

42 житель

Лондона 13


25 междугородний

звонок 28

долгосрочн^гй 47

следить за,

присматривать за 7 с.нетерпением ждать, мечтать о

7 просматривать


й венностыо 32 удача

466удач1ви;ваьп1й25 бГлзж 8 л'йт

М macabre magnetic maid mail majestic major make (made,

26 22.25 45 43



величестве нн^1й


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English-Russian Vocabulary 389

make a call make a note make a

reservation make pictures manage

management managing many map March

maritime mark market marketable marshal

mass media < masterpiece 1 materials ’

matinee matter maybe • me meal

mean (meant, { meant)

. meaning

j meaninghil

* mean time

1 meantime





meet (met, met)





25 звонить ■

7 записать; заметить

3 делать заказ.

18 фотографировать

21 управлять, руководит



Збуправляющий, исполнительн^1й

13 много

22 карта

7 март 3 1 морской

3 1 отметка

21 рынок

28 товарн^1й, ходкий

14 распорядитель

47 средства массовой информации 44 шедевр » 11


32 дневной спектакль

29 вопрос, дело, сущность •

22 может быть 1 мне,


4 еда, прием




27 значение

27 многозначительный,


34 среднее солнечное время 34 тем

временем 38 тем временем, пока 27

измерять 4 мясо

44 средневеков ый 1 встречать I

встреча; собрание

45 член, участник:


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390 Engllsh-Russian Vocabulary


message meter method metropolis metropolitan middle mild mile milk mind minority mint mirror mislay (mislaid, mislaid) miss mistaken modern monarch Monday money money chest month more morning mortgage most most probably mother motorway mould mountain move moving stairs much much better much

2*слияние "(двух или более

компаний дш образования

новой компании) 7 послание, сообщение, известие 4!счетчик 45 способ, метод 42 столица

4!столичный 49 середина 2 мягки й 34 миля 1609 м) 25 молоко 3 возра жать 28

меньшинс тво 2!чеканит ь 47 зеркало 46 затерять (положить не туда) !5упускать, пропускать !б ошибающийся 36 современный 44 монарх 7лонедельник 20деньги 2! сундук с деньгами 32 месяц 6 бол ее 9утро 20 залог, ипотека! большая часть !4 скорее всего

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English-Russian Vocabulary 391

much higher much later

намного вьппе 31

намного позже 30. multipl умножат V ^музей

i^usi ^музыка mc 32 м

lmV mvself

1мой 18 себ


narro w naturall V







neighbour neither...


43 узкий

21 нация, народ естестБенно около ■

17 ближайший почти

16 необходимость, потребность

22 нуждаться в

49 игла

19 обсужсать, вести переговоры о; обращать,

передавать 9

финансовые инструменты из рук в руки сосед

ни... ни...

42 Нельсон (1758—1805), английский адмирал,

национальный 41 герой, под чьим командованием

английский флот одержал ряд побед над

французским, португальским, датским и

Neptune 34







24 16

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392 English-Russian Vocabulary




next month nice nickname






nominate non-smoker No




38 новости

22 агент по продаже газет и журналов 13 газета 7 следующий

38 в следующем месяце 3 приятн^1й, симпатичный 21 прозвище 7 вечер, ночь 7 девять

9 девятнадцать 2одевяносто 5 нет

10 называть, вьщвигать 13 для некурящих *Нет вопросов. Нет

никаких пробЛ( Конечно.

41 норманнский

34 север

1 не

25 запись, замечание 15 ничто 10 не меньще чем •

7 ноябрь 3 сейчас

20 в настоящее время 3 номер; количество; несколько 20





not less than


nowadays nmnber numerous

0 39 возражение 34 olbsertiatory обсерватория observer 47 обозреватель

occur 17 o’clock случаться, October времени) l2O of offer n октябрь паде:*:

8 предложение



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EngHsrt-Russlan Vocabulary ЗП

offer V office officer official often old od

on behalf of on both

cowts one only . on the

whole on time open

open account

4 предлагать 5 офис

J4 служащий ■ 15 официальн^1Й

6 часто 21 старый 19 .на 21 от имени 19 в

1 один 14


8 в целом

2 вовремя 31'



46 открыт-,й счет: форма расчета между

продавцом и постоянн^1м покупателем,


которой товары

отправляются без подтверждения

.оплата:, а

operate operator opposite or orchestr










30 действовать, функционировать 25 телефонист, оператор

41 противоположн-1й 1 или 6 оркестр

33 заказать; заказ; порядок

39 обычный 36 структура компании 19 организация

10 организатор

42 первоначальн^1й, оригинальн-1й 9 другой ' 22

иначе 1 наш 16 вне,’снаружи 34 окраина


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394.. €ngllsh-Russian Vocabulary





overt^e over’there own

owner Oxford

46 неоплаченн^1Й; вьщающийся

42 нару^

26 над, свыше

2^0 за морем, за рубежом;

заморский, иностранн^1й

43 обгонять

15 вон там

20 владеть собственный

27 владелец

Оксфорд (город в графстве Oxfordshire

севернее Лондона, славится своим университетом, основанн^:м в XII в. и состоящем

более чем из 30 самоуправляющихся колледжей).



packing list













ЗЗупаковка ’40упаковочн^1й лист 11 страница 41 окрашивать,

красить 44 картина 31 пара’


11 бумага; документ I парковка 10часть 40частичньгй 7 участнгж

20участвовать 39 частн^1й, особый, особенный.


pass along





pay (paid, paid)

ный 10


14 проходить по, проходить мимо 41 пассажир

14гхаспорт 4 прошл^гй, прогцедший 4 "7

времяпрепровржцение 6 платить

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ЕпдПз11-Виз81ап УосаЬи1агу 395

рауаЫе 41 подлежащий оплате рау а 9 нанести визит раушеп* 40платеж

реасе 42мир people 1 люди рег 9 на, в

рег сеп(: 48процент(ы) регГогтапсе 32спектакль;деятельность регреп*си1аг 44перпендикулярн^1 й

рег$оп бчеловек, лицо регВопа! 47 личн^1й

регзопле! рей’о! 30 штат, персонал 43бензин пфениг (в 1 немецкой р1епш§


р!ск ар р*сЬ1*е$*це

марке 100 пфенигов)

33 U U

соленья; солен^1й или маринованн^1й 6 забирать; заезжать за;


рш-84пре<1 42в полоску Р14У бжалость

р1асе 15место р1а*е 42чума р1ап (п) 2план

р1ап (v) планировать р1апе ■ 2самолет р1ап( 28 фабрика, завод; растение

р1ау (л) 6игра р1ау(V) играть

р1с =роЫ1с 1ши(е* сошрапу 40 компания с ограниченной ответст

венностью, выпускающая свои акции на свободный рынок ]

публикующая свои отчет^1 о финансовой деятель ности 1 р1еа8е пожалуйста р1еа811ге будовольствие р1оиёЬшал ЗЗпахарь

р. т. 31 после полудня рош( 9пункт, момент; точка (например: 0.5)

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396 Епд11з11-Пи881ап УпдаЬи1агу








ро8*сагй ро8*ег роз* оШсе рошй

ро’^ег оГ а**огпеу

ргас*1 се






УбПольша 41 полиция 2^1

политика 49 бедный 22 звезда


44 фарфор

30 почта

31 почтовая карточка 31 плакат

31 почтовое отделение, почта 9 фунт (англ, валютная единица) фунт (мера веса =

454 грамма) 39доверенность 20практика 39прецедент 34предпочитать

39 предпочтительн^1й 34доисторический 38вступительная подготовительн^1е

Ю помещение, здание ^приготавливать 45подарок дарить

14 представлять, предъявлять 47пресса 30цена 39прейскурант 21 премьер

министр 21. печатать 18 частн^1й, личн^1й ^проблема

45 средства, выручка 9 производить 37продукт Збпроизводство






ргезеп* (у) ргезеп* ргезз



рпте тш!з*ег







ргойис* 1 оп

ргойис*!оп зЬор ргой*



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398 English-Russian Vocabulary

quote 40 назьшать, назначать (цену)


гаек /







read (read, read)
























region regional

15 стоянка такси 4i железная дорога

21 подгшмать 27 ассортимент,


41 занимать место 24 став

темп, i*c

7 о, по вопросу о

8 читать

47 читатель 40 готовность

34 Ридинг (город в графстве Birkshire)

9 готовы й 5


12 рбоснованн^1й 42 перестраивать

48 вернуться на прежние позиции

19 получение; квитанция

28 причитающиеся к получению

суммах, кредиторская задолженность •

7 получать


недавний 3 администратор,

регистратор 15 востребовать 22

признание 27 пластинка 46 запиЬи

44 воссоздавать 15 красный

12 сокращать (ся), уменьшать (ся)г

сокращение, уменьшение

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Ш English-Russian Vocabulary

room round колина-руг;


round n гй roundabouts 21 круг roundel ^Зразвязка (дорожная)

row 22 кружок royal 13ряд rule (n) 26

королевский rule (v) 24 правило;

run (ran, run) правление Russian 44править

Л /1 Ж71ТГ\ <1Т> TtfTT» T¥<lTTT\<m Т .

s 50 безопасн^1й 13 безопасно

safely сохранности 36

safety сохранность sales 32 продажи

sample 23оСразец satined 8удовлетворенн^1 satisfy й

Satui^ay 33 удовлетворя save ть 31 суббота. say (said, said) 29 сберегать, экономить scale 1 сказать scene 21 масштаб

schedule (л) 44 сцена

schedule (v) 40 график scheme намечать,

планировать scope 30 схема sea 18 объем seat 34 море

second 13 место .

second (л) 10 второй — secure 45 секунда secure (v) 45


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5еспп1 у

зее(за\у, зееп)




зеП (зоМ,


зепй (зеп1,

зеп<:) зешог

зепоиз зегуе

зеп1се (у)

зешсе (л) зешсез зезз!оп

зе( ои<: зе(

зеШе зе( ир

зеуеп зеуеп^ееп

Епд11зИ-йи8з!ап УосаЬи1агу 401

^■^безопасность, надежность; охрана, зашита 28

ценные бумаги: i) любые денежные единицы,

которые можно использовать как залог 2) акции и облигации 1 видеть Сказаться 43 выбирать, отбирать 13 самокритика 22

продавать ^отправлять 10 старший (по званию) 47 серьезный 31 служить, обслуживать

добс^уживать, проводить осмотр, заправлять горючим 20ус^уга 20 обслуживание, сервис 10сессия; занятие 10 излагать 3^ ставить время доплатить, урегулировать 26 организовывать 3 семь 17 семнадцать *

1 трясти,

пожимать 28доля; акция 28

акционерный капитал компании: капитал компании в форме акций - сумма


зЬаг р


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402 Englieh-Russian Vocabulary

ship shipment shipping docmnents sh(^



судно onpy^ ' отгрузочн^1е документы удар, потрясение ’

скандальн^1й, потрясающий, ужасающий

shop assistant short short-term should

^ магазин; цех Опродавец короткий краткосрочный

модальный глагол, выражающий

долженствование, уместность, целесообразность ■ ' плечо’


show (л) show (y) (showed, shown) dde

sight sightseeing

si gn

signal Л signal V similar simple since



single ticket sister site size ski skills sleep (slept, slept)

показ, зрелище; выставка, витрина показать


вид. осмотр достопртаешедьяостей знак ’ . подписывать сигнал подавать сигнал подобн^гй простой • с, с тех пор, с тех пор как,

поскольку 7искренне ’ один, единственный, на одного билет в один конец 5 сестра местоположение, участок, площадка размер

5 кататься на л^гжах умения

6 сон 25спатъ

si n

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English-Russian Vocabulary 403

slowly small

small change smaller

small talk smile (n) smile

(v) smoke (v) ’

22 ;





сдача, мелочь

5 л меньше .светский

разговор ул^1бка


smoke (л) smoker

smooth snow





гладкий, спокойн^гй

22 снег

- так, таким образом

society solicitor


адвокат, дающий совета:

клиентам и






sorry sort code sound (л)

sound (v)


south’ space speak (spoke, spoken)

выступающий в суд* низшей инстанции

4 некоторый, немного кто-то,

^ 6 кто-нибудь 24 иногда > где-то



изощренный, сложный

изощренность, 12 12


утонченность огорченный,


сортировочный код звук звучать источник


Speaking specialise

specify speed

место, пространство;

1218 космос говорить

Слущаю вас.

(ГПе .'.уЛеф.)

slot machine и






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Д04 Engllsh-Russlan Vocabulary


speed up (sped, sped) spend (spent, spent)

spirit spot spot


square staff

26 проводить (время) 26ДУ" 34 местечко 48{фин.) спот: условия сделки, означающие

расчет на второй рабочий день пос^е ее заключения 42 простираться,

'площадь; квадратный 25 штат, персонал

staff megiber stamp stand astride stand for

stranger star

start (я) start (v) starter

state state statement’

14 штатный работник 30 марка' 34 стоять, широко расставив ноги 45


14 незнакомец 34 звезда •’

7 начало 8 начинать• 4 холодная закуска

30 заявлять, устанавливать 44 государственный 79заявление, (фин) отчет, вьшиека по счету

station stay и stay V

step steward still stocks

22 станция, вокзал 3 пребьшание 31 находиться

13 стюард 4 все еще 42

1 шаг; ступенька

stock exchange stop (л)

stop (v) store

запасы (фин.) 1) акции и облигации; 2) обьпсновенные и привилегированные фондовая, биржа 22 остановка

останавливаться 31 мягя.зин


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English-Russian Vocabulary 405

St. Paul’s Cathedral




strip studen t


supiect to sub

subsidia ry suburbs siccess

successfu l such

sugar suggest













собор CB. Павла (главн^гй собор

англиканской церкви, построен

архите^ором К. Реном в

1675—1710 гг. после Великого

лондонского пожара) 41

улица 22 во.Поск^ 44с

студент изучение; рабочий кабинет; изучать


19 предмет ^ при дочерняя 2

ко]мпаш1я 1 '' успех 27 успешн^гй 16 такрй 25 сахар 2J^ предлагать, предполагать 35

костюм устраивать, подходите ^чемодан 27 суммировать 2лето 31 вос1фесенье 43 первоклассн^гй ^великолепн^гй, роскошн^гй 2J руководить чем-либо J J поддерживать рполагать уу уверенн^гй 2j6 превосходить 42 окружать

обследование; обзор 45 СВИФТ.

(Международное обшество межбанковских


surpass surroun

surve y

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406“ “ English-Russian Vocabu агу

symbolize 44 симв олизиров ать

table telegraph


take (took, taken) take care take into account takelegal action take-over

4 стол; таблица

2^ телеграф сообщать по телеграфу

44 фрак ’

4 брать

заботиться 1'2

принимать во


45 обращаться в „суд поглощение: покупка одной компанией контрольного пакета акций другой компании, как правило, вопреки желанию последней Ю иметь take place место, происходить

talk 5 разговор; переговоры 19 tax

налог taxable 29

налогооблагаем^1й 29

taxation налогообложение 41 такс taxi


teach (tan" taught) и teacher 25 чай team 10 учить,обучать,

преподавать 4 telephone учитель, преподаватель television 37 команда

tell (told, told) 12 ■ телефон ten звонить по

телефону term 47 teiras телевидение 4

terrible рассказьшать,

test говорить text 6 десять than


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Enalish-Russian Vocabulary W

Thanks. 3 Спасибо.

That's right. 77Хорошо. Правильно. the I определенн^гй артикль the Oty



42 Сити: финансовый и коммерческий




4 им

33им самим , theniMlves

then 3 "тем

the original ‘ 46 оригинал

therefore 22поэтому

thereof these 40 его (данного документа) 22эти'

the Strand 43 Стрэнд (одна из главн^гх улиц Лон-

дона, соединяющая У'-Энд и

Соти, в сирину улица шла вдоль

Темзы (strand — берег,

прибрежная улица) the Thames 34 Темза

theatre 32 театр the и. К. 14 Соединенное Королевство Великобритании

they 1 они Шп '■ 48 (фин.) вял^1й, неаюивн^1й

think (thou^t. thought)

2 думать

thirteen 51

thirty 12 this 3 этот this time 38

thought 47 thoughtful 47

thou^tfhlly 47 thousand 9 т^гсяча

thread 42 нить

three 3 три threshold 29 through


throughout 41 повсюду, во всех отношениях

Thursday 7 четверг

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408 English-Russian Vocabulary

thus tight time timetable title toast together with tomorrow tomorrow afternoon to-night too topic total

TaigiM образом

тесный 1 время

расписание звание, должность тост вместе с

6 завтра 9 завтра днем 3 сегодня вечером 1 тоже 7 тема .

*итог . итоговый



tow away tower

town townspeople trade trader trading

traditional Trafalgar

traffic train < train] trainer training transaction transfer

поездка, путешествие 2 турист отбуксировать башня город (небольшой) горожане /торговля; дело; профессия торговец

орги — операции с ценными бумагами и

др. финансовыми документами

традиционный Трафальгар (мыс околр

Г ибралтара, принадлежит

дви:жение 7 поезд 0 обучать преподаватель обучение. сделка

перевод ‘переводить путешествие


ь единый проездной




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English-Russian Vocabulary " 409





trip trolley

cheque дорожн^гй чек сокровище

’ относиться к кому-либо ’ пробный

Троица поезд Kii тележка ’правдивый


династия Тюдоров в Англи 1603), период реформации ния!

централизованной вла вторник обучение (в колледже, уни: тоннель

’повернуть ’ товарооборот двадцать ’ дважды:: ’ близнец 2 два

try Tudors









bvo type («) t>T)e (r)

U umbrella

uncle 42

к 26



underlying understand


16 по, в соответствии

претерпевать 22 метро ■ 45 лежащий в основе

15 ]

(underdstood, un derstood)





iS Лслотй ;тг.1иПсхий

10 обязательство 50 раскрывать 26 незабываем^гй 34







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410 Engllsh-Russlan Vocabulary

unit unity univei^ty ипШсе u*r circle


us use useM user usual

1 единица; урок 44 единство 49уни*рситет, институт 41 непохо;1шй на 32 балкон (театр. ^ 50 наверх (у) 4 нас, нам... 19 польза использовать 18 полезн^1й 27 пользователь обычный

V vacsuit valid value vast

vegetalries very very much via victim village visa visit visitor

4 свободный, вакантный 22 действительн^1й (о

29 зденность; цена 44 обширный

4 овощи •

1 очень

5 очень (с

глаголами) 34через : 31 5 визит 2^

W wages waik 36 заработная плата 16

ждать 4 официант 44 прогулка

wall 15 идти пешком стена

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English-Russian Vocabulary 411

want 5 хотеть

war 21война warder 50 стражник

warm 36 предупреждать watch 1 часы watch 47 наблюдать водная артерия воск

waterway 34 восковые фигуры wax 26 путь,дорога waxworks 44 богатство

way 16 богат^1й

wealth 21 носить

wealthy 21 среда wear (wore, worn) неделя Wednesday 31 уикенд: выходные дни, начиная с вечера week weekend 3 пятниц^! и до утра понедельника

41 еженедельник; еженедельно приветствовать хорошо weekly 32запад welcome 3 Уэст-Энд (западная фешенебельная часть well 5 Лондона) west 44 Вестминстер (район в. .центральной части

Лондона, где находится здание

West End Westminster Парламента; ПереНОС, 'ЗНОЧ. -

Весз'минстерский мост (по названию района, где он находится. Построен в 1854-1862ЛТ.) что; какой (швОШ . ^ Что идет?

Где? (объявления Westminster Bridge культурной жизни) когда’ где по которому пока

what 4 полный What's on? 3:2

when 1 where

8 whereby 40 while 35

whole 22


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412 English-Russian Vocabulary

wholesale whom whose why widely wife will

willing willingly win (won, won) winner window

wing coUar wi^er

winter wish (л) wish

(v) with withdraw

(withdrew, withdrawn) within wonder wonderful word work (л) work (v) works works’ test certifi cate world worldwide worry

20 оптовый 35 кого, кем...

I? чей 5 no4_ei*, зачем 20 широко 5 жена 33 желание, воля, завещание 33 желающий 33 .с желанием -43 з^евываль 42 победитель, призер 24 окно

4I переднее/лобовое стекло

43 Винзорский замок (одна из мгор(

ных резиденций

английской Kopoj вы/короля)

33 вино

44 стоячий воротник с отворотами 43


2? отзывать

2? в пределах ЗОудивляться,

интересоваться 32удивительймй,

прекрасн^1й I 1СЛОВО 1бработа 5


44 1 ) произведения искусства 2) завод 44


заводских испытаний 32 мир 45 всемирньхй


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a n phrases



How are you getting on?

How is business with you?

How is your company doing?

How was your flight?

Where are you staying?

I haven't seen you for ages.

I hope everything is OK, isn't it?

Is this your first visit to...?

You like... don't you?

How do you like the weather today? Tbe

weather is wonderfiil/fine.

It's nice, isn't it?

What a ioveiy/marvellous day!

terrible mild eold chilly



stormy foggy wet

Вступительная беседа

Как вы поживаете?

Как идут вати дела?

Как дела у компании?

Как вы долетели?

Где вы остановились?

Не видел вас целую' вечность.

Надеюсь, все в порядке, да? ,

Вы первый раз в,„?

Вам нравится..., не правда?

Как вам нравится сегодня


Погода прекрасная.

Очень приятно, правда?

Какой чудесный день! ужаеный мягкий

холодньШ прохладный

жаркий ветреный

штормовой туманный


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tngllsh-Russlan phrases on business 4tS"* м

It’s raining cats and dogs.

It seems to be clearing up.

We have had a lovely summer.

We have had no summer at aO. What is


weather like in... now?

How is your family?

Have you had a holiday this year?

Where did you spend it?

Did you ец}оу your holiday? ShaU we get down to business now? The

point /the questiqn/the problem is... I would suggest... I would like to remind you that..

Дояздь льет как из ведра.

Нохорке, погода прояеняетея.

У нае было прекраеное лето.

Зимы у нае совсем не было.

Какая сейчас погода в...?

поживает вата семья.

^ этом году у вас уже был

отпуск? Г де вы его провели?

понравился отпуск? Может быть перейдем к делу?

Вопрос состоит в том, что... Я бы предложил... Я хотел бы напомнить, что...


Mr. Brown's office here, can I help" Who's

calling, please?

This is...

Could I speak to...?

Hold on, please.

Just a minute/moment, please.

I'D see if he is in.

I'm afraid he is in conference moment.

I'm afraid he is in a meeting.

I'm afraid he isn't here.

I'm afraid he isn't free.,

I'm afraid he isn't available.

Телефонные разговоры Офис

you? г-на Брауна, слутаю вас. Кто



Я могу поговорить с...

Не ветайте трубку.

Одну минуту.

Я посмотрю, на месте ли он. О»

at the сейчас на заседании.

Он сейчас на деловой встрече.

Его-нет на месте. Он сейчас занят. Он сейчас не может с вами поговорить.

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416 Engllsh-Russian phrases on business

Гш afraid he's busy on another line. I'm

afraid he has a visitor..

Sorry to have kept you waiting. Could you eall in an


Can 1 take a message?

What's yom number, please? Where ean he eontaet


I'm putting you through.


OH сейчас говорит по другому телефону.

у него еейчае посетитель. Простите, что заставил

вае вдать. Не могли бы вы позюнить через чае. Вы

хотите что-нибудь передать ему? Какой ухвае

номер? Где он может вае найти? Соединяю вае. Слушаю вае.

Спасибо за звонок, звонить кому-либо набрать

номер трубка передать кому-либо

Thank you for ealling me. to phone/to telephone/ to что-либо неправильный "'номер Извините, вы ring up

to/to eall somebody to dial a number receiver 10ощиблись. Извините за беенокойетво. Пиния leave а

message wrong number Гт sorry you have ЗаНЯТа.

rung the wrong number. Sorry for distmbing you. The line is engaged.


goods/eommodi^ ’/product

goods/eommodities/produets to


to buy/to purchase purchase of

something seller buyer/eustomer a

bulk buyer






покупка чего-либо

продавец покупатель

покупатель крупньЬе


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Engllsh-Russlan phrases on-business 417

to supply something supplier the поетавлять что-либо поетавщик regular

customer wholesaler retailer постоянный покупатель

agent principal associate

representative subsidiary trade

Trade Association foreign trade

home sales i to import imports I

importer' to export exports exporter

to he the sole exporters of something представитель

оптовый покупатель -г

розничный покупатель

посредник доверитель



joint-stock company

oh the market

on the world market

on the British market

to develop new markets

to launch a product on the market

to enter the market to introduce

something onto the market to sell

дочерняя компания


торговая ассоциация

внетняя торговля

внутренняя торговля

импортировать импорт




быть монопольным экспортером

чего-либо компания акпионерное

общестю на рынке на миротм рынке

на рынке Англии развивать новые

рынки начать реализацию какого-

либо товара на рынке выйти на.

рынок представить что-либо на рьток

хорошо продаваться

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411 EngHsh-Russlan phrases on-business

to be in demand to find a ready market

to be in tbe market for some goods

to be interested in some goods to

reqnire/tomeed some goods

reqnirements/needs to be in need of

something to be in ni^ent need of

something to meet somebody's

reqnirements to stoek a prodnet

to hoid/to eany a stoek of a prodnet to do bnsiness/to cooperate with somebody

пользоваться спросом iiain ii хороший

рьшок хотеть закупить какой-либо товар

интересоваться каким-либо товаром

испытывать потребноеть в каких-либо

товарах потребности ‘ нуждаться в

чем-либо остро нуждаться в чем-либо

удовлетворить чьи-либо потребности

складировать/запасать товар иметь запас

товара сотрудничать с кем-либо


enquiry/inquiry for something to make

an enquiry to send/to forward an

enquiry to study/to consider/to

examine an enquiry

to recoDsider/to reexamine an enquiry

to ask for/ to request a price-iist



booklet prospectus leaflet

запрос на что-либо делать

запрос направлять запрос

рассматривать запрос

еще раз рассмотреть запрос

запросить прейскурант





брошюра, рекламный лист

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Eilgllsh-Russlan phrases on business 419

Please eould you seud us details of somethiug advertised by... Qur eompany speeializes in...

Проеим направить нам подробную

информацию о...,

Наша фирма специализируется

We are interested in... интересуемся... You were recommended to us by. gac рекомендовали нам.. Please send us your offer by return maik We look forward to hearing from you незамедлительно. Надеемся получить от вас

сведения в ближайшем very soon.,



offer of/for something quotation of/for

something to make an offer to send/to

fonvard an offer the goods offered to

accept an offer to decline an offer to

withdraw an offer the original offer

detailed offer

Please find enclosed herewith onr offer,

Om offer is valid tiU... We have studied yom offer and... Your

Предложение предложение чего-либо

сделать предложение направить

предложение предложенный товар

принять предложение отклонить

предложение отозвать предложение

иррвоначалыюе предложение

детальное предложение При сем

прилагаем наше предложение. Наше

предложение действительно до...

Мы изучили ваше предложение и...

Ваше предложение нам подходит и...

Мы готовы пазместить

offer SHits Hs and..

We are nrenared to make an

order or a contract Mth you... у вас заказ или заключить с

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42оЕпд11зМ-Пн5з1ап оЬгазез on ЬнВшезз

Огдег Огйег No...

1аг§е огЛег 8та11 от Лег

оШс1а1Догта1 огйег гереа( огЛег

йта! огйег

ТЬе 1оЫ атоип(: оГШе огйег ia.. (о

еопБгт Ше aeeeplanee оГ ше огйег

Гогта! еоп{1гта(|ОпоГ (Не огйег

(о (иШ1/(о ехееи(е ап огйег ипйег

Огйег No...

(Не po8i(ion/proere88 оГ (Не огйег (Нееоетояние вьшолнения заказа

Ьакпее о( (Не огйег (о Не ш (и11 оетавпгаяея часть заказа быть в

сопСогтКу т(Н (Не огйег = (о Не ш полном соответствии с заказом

8(пс( ассогйапее \и(Н (Не огйег = (о

Не III Нпе м1(Н (Не огйег ш Ппа!

ехеси(1оп оГ (Не огйег (о сапсе! ап огйег (о сапсе! ап огйег ш lyHoie (о сапее! оп огйег !п раг( (о ’т(Нйга\у ап огйег

вами контракт..

Заказ заказ № большой заказ маленький

заказ официальный

заказ повторный

заказ пробный заказ

Общая сумма заказа составляет...

подтвердить принятие заказа к


официальное подтверждение заказа

выполнять заказ по заказу №

для окончательного выполнения

заказа аннулировать заказ

аннулировать заказ полностью

аннулировать заказ частично

Соп4гас1 йгай



проект контракта стандартная

форма контракта

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Engllsh-Russlan phrases go business 421

contract for some goods to negotiate a


negotiation on a contract to prepare a


to make/to eoneinde a eontract with

somebody to sign a eontraet party to a


Messrs.... hereinafter referred to as the

SeDers on the one hand and Messrs....

hereinafter referred to as the Bnyers on

контракт на такои-та товар провести

переговоры о заключении контракта

переговоры по-контракту

подготовить/еоетавить контракт

заключить контракт е кем- либо

подпиеать контракт еторона, заключивтая

контракт Фирма..., именуемая далее

Покупатель, е одной етороны и Фирма...,

именуемая далее Продавец, е другой

етороны заключили

the other hand have conclnded the present иа<^«ящии контракт о следующем:... С 4. 4. 4? II • u- i. 4? предмет контракта статья контракта

CpS- tract он the tollowmg:... snbject of a . * стоимость контракта общая стоимость

contract clanse/aiticle/provision ot a , „ , ^ . n контраета срок действия контракта contract valne ot a contract totarvalue oi

X X i.j.x_ Д» X XX - условия контракта формулировка a contract validity ot a contract terms and conditions of a contract wording of a обязательства

clause obligations/undertaldngs/

commitments speeification to form an

integral part

to state/to specify/

to provide for/to stipulate in the


to amend a eontraet to make/introduce

amendments in a eontraet


составлять неотъемлемую часть

контракта vicaSbCiRaTi. Кк:онтпа№:т1>

ДОПОЛНЯТЬ контракт делать дополнения к контракту

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Engllsh-Russian phrases on business 423

The goods are to be delivered fob Товар поставляется на ус лови- London, ях фоб Лондон.

The prices are nnderstood tob Цена понимается как фоб

London. The price is... fob London.

Лондон. Цена составляет... фоб Лондон.

Prices. Цены

cnrrent price good/low price текупщя цена низкая цена

competitive price non-competitive price конкурентоспособная пена

high price at the price of., per...

price-list to give the idea of the price to

calculate a price to quote a price to назвать приблизительную пену confirm a

price to change a price to рассчитать цену назвать пену revise а price to cnt a

price подтвердить цену изменить

to agree on/abont the price to accept a пену пересмотреть цену price to

raise/to increase a price rise/increase/advance in,prices difference in

prices to reduce the price уменьтить ггену by...% to reduce the price to

GBP... to согласовать цену give a discount of..% off the price принять


quantity discount увеличить цену

prices are based on... prices are subject У®®ли**(1)ние цены

to revision разница в цене уменьншть

цену на...% уменьншть цену до...

ф. ст. дать скидку с цены в



скидка при покупке большой

партии то'^ра цены основаны

на... цены могут быть

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■424 .Engllsh-Russlan phrases on business

to finalize a price to include something into

the price to deduct... from the price

deduction from the price prices are going

up prices are going down prices have gone

up prices are fluctuating upward trend in

prices downward trend in-iprices

окончательно согласовать цену

включить что-либо в иену вычесть

что-либо из цены исключение из цены

цены увеличиваются цены

понижаются цены возросли цены

колеблются повьппательная тенденция

изменения цен понижательная

тенденция изг менения цен

Executioij of а contract

to execute /to fulfil/

to carry out/to perform a contract

execution/fiilfllment/ performance

of a contract

under Contract No...

in accordance with Contract No...

to observe all'/Ke terms and conditions

Выполнение контракта вьшолнять контракт

вьшолнение контракта по

контракту №... в соответствии с

контрактом №... соблюдать все

условия контракта должным

образом в ходе выполнения


of а contract in due course

in .the course of the execution of a партия товара поставить товар contract

отгрузить товар отгрузить товар...

consignment/lot/cargo/shipment to партия.ми по... тонн в каждой deliver goods to

ship/dispatch goods to отгрузить товар в срок, ship goods in... lots of., tons each to

shiproBopeHHbm в контракте погрузить goods in the time stipulated by the contract

to load goods

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Engllsh-Russlan phrases on business 425

to unload goods partial'shipment prior выгрузить товар

частичная shipment timely shipment' overdne отгрузка доерочная

shipment eomplete shipment delay in отгрузка евоевременная shipment

The delay oeenrred through no отгрузка проероченная fault of ours, to

delay .shipment to отгрузка полная отгрузка snspend shipment to speed

задержка отгрузки нр/to'expedite/to aeeelerate shipment port Задержка

произотла не по of loading port of nnloading port of натей вине,

задержать destination shipping doenments air отгиузку приостановить

waybill hill of

lading отгрузку ускорить отгрузку

railway hill receipt clean bill of


claused/dirly bill 'of lading during the transportation to

complete the execution of a Contract

порт отгрузки порт

разгрузки порт

назначения отгрузочные




(товарораспорядительный документ при

отгрузке товара морем)

железнодорожная накладная получение;

квитанция;.,раепиека чистый

коиоссамент, (без отметок капитана о

каких-л повреждениях груза)

коиоссамент е пометками о

повреяздениях груза во время

транспортировки закончить

вьшолнение контракта не выполнить

..,f . 1... 1. 4.- М. кшпракта в срок, 01 оворенныи в.,

to’fail to execute the contract m the tune r » г »

stipnlated by... to make a elaim С^Т,предъявлять

somebody because of something

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426 Engllsh-Russlan phrases on'buslness

to make a claim for GBP...

dissatisfied' party responsible parly to

study a claim to decline a claim to

settle a claim amicably

предъявлять претензию на сумму., ф.

СГ; пострадавтая сторона

сторона-ответчик рассмотреть

претензию отклонить претензию

урегулировать претензию дружеским


Payments and trade finance to make/to

effect payment to guarantee/to secure

payment terms of payment manner

/method/ mode of payment letter of



open account

Платежи и кредитование/

финансирование торговли

производить платеж гарантировать

платеж условия платежа способ


аккредитив: документ,

направляемый одним банком

другому с указанием произвести платеж при

отфузке товара инкассо: форма

оплаты, при которой платеж производит-

ся/или от него отказьшаются в


краткий период после получения отгрузочных

документов открытый счет: форма расчета

меж, ly

продавцом и постоянным

покупателем, при которой товары

отправляются без подтверждения оплаты, а

покупатель в оговоренные сроки должен

оплатить товар

платить по аккредитиву платить по

to pay by а letter of credit to pay

for collection to pay on an open


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Engllsh-Russlan phrases onitousiness 427

to pay cash against documents payment in


to open/to issue a letter of credit in favour of

somebody to fail to open a letter of credit in

the time stipulated by, issuing/opening hank

to draw... from a letter of credit documentary

letter of credit

revocable letter of credit

irrevocable letter of credit

гшашть «аличными против документов

платить наличными (не в счет кредита) открыть

аккредитив ® пользу кого-либо не открыть

аккредитив в вв срок, оговоренный в... банк,

открьшающий аккредитив использовать/снять с

аккредитива... сумму документарный

аккредитив: используемый" при получении

отгрузочньк документов отзьшный аккредитив:

может быть отозван после его открытия

безотзьшный аккредитив: не может быть отозван

после его открытия подтвержденный

аккредитив: как правило, подтверждается

первоклассным банком делимый аккредитив

аккредитив, который можно передавать третьим

лицам срок действия аккредитива продлить срок

действия аккредитива тратта: письметшый

приказ вьтлатить предьявителю указанното

сумму тратта, оплачиваемая сразу при

confirmed letter of credit

divisible letter of-crddit transferable letter of


validity of a letter of credit to extend the

validity of a letter of credit draft

sight draft

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428 Engllsh-Russlan phrases on business

to pay by drafts to issue drafts to present платить траттами

drafts to honour drafts to dishonour

drafts to aeeept drafts to aeeept

to extend/to grant a eredit

to buy on eredit

to pay by installments

advanee/down payment

to pay in advMee

overdue payment

outstanding invoiee

to adjust payment

to transfer/to remit the sum of...


вьтиеьшать/оформлять тратты

предъявлять тратты оплачивать тратты

не оплатить тратты акцептовать

тратты акцептовать; принять к

платежу предоставить кредит

потопать в кредит платить по частям

авансовый -платеж платить авансом

просроченный п.татеж неоплаченный

счет урегулировать платеж перевести

сумму:., переюд. полученные средства

оплачивать банковским переводом за

чей-либо счет


to pay by a bank transfer for somebody's ><^Р®Дитовать счет на

account = at somebody's expense to credit ‘^умму... (перевести сумму... на

somebody's account with the sumof.. счет)

j дебетовать счет на сумму...

to debit somebody's account with the (списатЬ|'сумму... со счета)

sumof... приплюсовать сумму... вычесть

to add the sum of., to deduct the sum of., сумму... урегулирование для полного

settlement урегулирования

кредитовать/финансировать *

торговлю кредитовать/финансировать проекты

in hill settlement to finance trade ' to

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Engllsh-Russlan phrases on business 429

to finance overseas transaetions кредитовать/финанеироват ь внепшеторговые еделки


to insure goods with an insuranee

eompany Lloyd's = Soeiety of Uoyd's

to insure goods! for the sum of... to insure goods for somebody's account to insure goods against war risks marine risks fire breakage damage force majeure

Страхование страховать товар в

страховой компании Ллойд:

Ассоциация страховпщков,

занимаютаяся прсиягутс- ствснно

морским страхованием.

Создана в Лондоне в 1688 г. Edward

Lloyd был владельцем кофейни,

раеположенной на том меете, где

долгое время затем етояло здание

Аееоциации Ллойд. В этой кофейне

заключи- лиеь первые еделки между

торговцами товаров и еудовлад

ельцами для переюзки грузов.

Недавно Ассоциация переехала в

другое здание в центре Лондона,

застраховать товар на сумму...

страховать товар за чей-либо счет

страховать груз против военных

рисков морские риски йожар


поломка силы (Бойна, на

заводе или складе""ни"мии"

железной дороге и т.д.) стоимость

страхования страховой полис

cost of insurance insurance poucy

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430 Епд11з11-Внз81ап оЬгазез on Ьнз!пезз

ШЗигапсе сегййса^е

1п5иге(1 доойз ШЗигапсе

сотрепзаНоп Ш5игат1се




страховой сертификат

заетрахованный груз

компенеаиия по страхованию

страховой агент страхователь

заетрахованный ставка по


Balance 5Ьее<:8



balance Cenlral Банк

balances оШег Ьапкз

еопзоЦйа^ей balanee зкее^'*



апй Баланс и бухгалтерский учет балане, оетаток остатки в центральном

байке с остатки на счетах других банков

баланс: документ, предетав ляюпщй все

активы и паееивы компании по

установленной форме на определенную

дату (за квартал, за год)

консолидированный баланс: обптй

баланс корпорации и ее дочерних

компаний активы: собственность,

включая строения, оборудование,


требования по должникам, ценные

бумаги, наличные средства пассивы: все

что подлежит оплате

компанией/предприя- тием,

включая счета на различные

приобретения, зарплату

сотрудников, дивиденды,

объявленные к вьшлате, долгосрочные

обязательства, банковские кредиты и т.д.

причитающиеся суммы статьи баланса

гесезУаЬзез кетз оГ а balance зкее*

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Engllsh-Russlan phrases on 'business 43!

cash in vaults

cash due from hanks, companies I

ete. earnings to earn interest to pay interest

interest paid interest earned interest

eharged to retain retained earnings

retained' profit

to make/to earn a profit



ordinary share

наличные в хранилище причитающиеея

наличные ередства от банков, компаний и

тд. общая выручка получать проценты

вьтлачиватъ проценты выплаченные

проценты полученные проценты

взимаемые проценты удерживать,

оетавлять у еебя выручка, оетавт^'Ся в

раепоряжении компании нераепределенная

прибыль зарабатывать прибыль проетая

акщия, капитал акция: ценная бумага,

евидетельетвующая о внееении

определенной доли в капитал акционерного

общества и дающая право на получение

части прибыли-дивидендов и управление

акционерным общеетвом, обьпсновенная

акция: акция, дающая дивиденды, размер

которых зависит от размера прибыли, а

также право голоеа в управлении

акпиоперпым общеетвом

привилегированная акпия: акпия, дающая

фиксированные дивиденды (в % на

вложенный капитал) независимо от

прибыли, но не дающая права голоса в


preference share

Stock shareholder/ stockholde

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432 Enallsh-Russlan phrases on business

to invest investment return on

investments to reeord transactions the

amount of... to amount to GBP... Our

expenses amount to...


net income

net income per share


They hold 2 hillion dollar worth of

securities. to increase/to rise/to go up increase/rise increase of 10% over the previous year

fee and commission earnings

fee and commission charges costs

staff costs

to reduce costs

The costs increased hy...%.


had> debt

doubtful debt provisions for bad and

doubtful debts depreciation depreciation

on assets



прибыль на вложенные средства учитьтать

сделки сумма в... составлять... ф. ст.

Ма ги расходы составляют... доход доход

за вычетом всех налогов чистый доход на

1 акцию стоящий Они владеют

цен«ЬгМИ’ бумагами на 2 блй. долларов.

(Ам. 1блн.= 1млрд'.)'



рост на 10% выше уровня прошлого года

поступления от сборов и комиссионных

сборы и комиссионные затраты затраты на

персонал, сокращать затраты Затраты

увеличилисьина... % долг плохой долг

(очевидно, он не будет возвращен)

сомнительный долг резервы-для покрытия

смешанных долгов амортизация амортизация

оборудования и недвижимости

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English-Russlan phrases on business 433

depreciation on premises амортизация строении


to provide/to offer varions'services a

variety of services =a wde range of


services provided/offered by banks


whoiesaie banking

Whoiesaie bank retaii banking retail!

bank corporate banking

private customer banking

customer-taiiored services

iustoimr-o fit'ii It'd services deposit

deposit taking to take in deposits

advising bank to advise advice



to negotiate dociTments

Банковские услуга предоставлять различные услуги широкий спектр услуг

услуги, предоставляемые банками,

включают... оптовый банковский бизнес;

крупные операции между банками и

другими кредитно- финансовыми

институтами оптовый банк рознич[1ый

банковский бизнес: работа с мелкими и

средними клиентами рознгиный банк

банковский бизнес, обслуживающий

компании, фирмы и другие юридические

лица банковское обслуживание частных лиц

услуги, ориентированные на частных

юшентов депозит, вклад прием депозитов

принимать депозиты авизующий банк

сообщать, авизовать сообщение, авизо

кредитовое авизо дебетовое авизо обращать,

передавать докумен- ты-финансовые

инструмент из рук в руки

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4М "Engllsh-Russian phrases on business

negotiable non-negotiable without recourse

to protect buyers and sellers to

guarantee payment bank guarantee

first class bank guarantee loan to

extend/to grant a loan to repay a loan

syndicated loan

loan capital

to borrow


передаваемый, обращаемый

непередаваемый, необращаемый без права

регресса: без оборота, без обязательства при

принятии векселей об их погашении при

наступлении срока защищать продавца и

покупателя гарантировать платеж

банковская гарантия гарантия

первоклассного, банка кредит'

предоставить/дать кредит выплатить кредит

синдицированный кредит: кредит,

предоставленный двумя или более банками,

один из которых является менеджером

заемный капитал банка/компа- нии: состоит

главным образом из долгосрочных

облигационных займов заимствовать

заемщик: юридическое или

физическое лицо,) которое привлекает

заемные средства путем получения кредита

или вьшуска ценных бумаг предоставлять

кредит кредитор, заимодавец: юридическое

или физическое лицо, предоставляющее

деньги на срок за определенное

вознаграждение кредитная ставка:


to lend Oent, lent) lender

lending rate

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436 Engllsh-Russlan phrases on business

to manage resources money market


capital market transactions

to handle commercial papers

to handle government bonds to

handle foreign exchange Foreign

exchange trading

trading floor floor trader

foreign exchange dealing foreign

exchange market rate of exch^ge rates

go up rates go down/fall to fluctuate

fluctuations exchange rate fluctuations

to adjust exchange rates adjustment

управлять денел^ыми ресурсами операции

на рынке среднесрочного и

кратко-срочного капитала операции на

рынке долгосрочного капитала работать с

документацией по торговым сделкам

работать с правительственными

облигациями вести валютные' операции

Валютный обмен

торги: операции с ценными


и другими финансо- вьГми

инструментами операционный зал

биржи член биржи, участвующий в

торговых операциях с финансовыми

инструментами за свой счет

валютный дилинг: покупка и

продажа валюты

валютный рьшок

обменный курс,

курсы растут '

курсы падают



колебания курса

корректировать курсы



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Enalish-Russian phrases on business 437

the raDy of the pomd повышение курса фунта после падения


to buy and sell currency

котировка .цен^1, курса, ставки (цена продавца или покупателя) покупать и

продавать валюту

demand for a currency delivery delivery

notice спрос на валюту

передача вал!Рт^1 или ценной бумаги новому владельцу

delivery risk spot

уведомление о поставке валю- т^1/ценн^1х бумаг по срочному контракту риск поставки

валютная сделка с расчетом на второй день после ее заключения расчет

Taxes Налога


taxation system* income tax


система налогообложения подоходный налог

property tax inheritance tax corporation tax

налог на недвижимость налог на наследство налог с прибыли

предприятий и компаний

capital gains tax value added tax (VAT)

налог на прирост капитала налог на добавленную


taxable liable to tax

taxable income taxable

profits tax rate

налогооблагаем^1й подлежащий


налогооблагаемый доход

налогооблагаемые прибыли ставка

.income tax rate standard rate ставка подоходного налога обычная ставка



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Светлана Александровна Шевелева ДЕЛОВОЙ АНГЛИЙСКИМ УСКОРЕНН^1Й КУРС Редактор г.а. Клебче

Оформление художника А. В. Лебедева

Оригинал-макет выполнен в издательском объединении “ЮНИТИ” Н.В, Спасской Лицензия 061072 от

17.04.92 Лицензия 071252 от 04.01.96 Подписано в печать 23.09.97. Формат

60x88 1/16 Уел. печ. л. 27,5. Тираж 15000 экз. (3-й завод — 5000) Заказ 2691

Издательское объединение «Культура и спорт» Издательское объединение «ЮНИТИ»

Г енеральн^ьй директор В.Н.Закаидзе 123298, Москва, ул. Ирины Левченко, 1—9

Тел. (095) 194-00-15. Тел/факс (095) 194-00-14

Е.таП: иш1у@огс.п1

Отпечатано в ГУП ИПК «Ульяновский Дом печати»

432601, г. Ульяновск, ул. Гончарова, 14

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