Lenawee County Great Start Collaborative Strategic Plan

LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

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Page 1: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Lenawee County

Great Start Collaborative

Strategic Plan

Page 2: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Table of Contents

l. Letter to the Community

ll. Executive Summary

lll. Great Start Collaborative Profile and History

IV. Strategic Analysis Findings

a. Indicator Data Analysis

Community Conditions

Great Start Components

Pediatric and Family Health

Social and Emotional Health

Child Care and Early Education

Parenting Leadership and Family Support

Basic Needs and Economic Security

b. Strategic Review

c. Infrastructure Review

V. Goals and Objectives

VI. Action Agenda

VII. Financing and Fund Development

VIII. Appendices

A. Strategic Planning Process Narrative

B. Needs Assessment Data

C. Community Report

D. Focus Group Dates & Times

E. Strategic Review Data

F. Retreat Participants

G. Retreat Agenda

Page 3: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve
Page 4: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

ll. Executive Summary In September 2008 the Lenawee Great Start Collaborative began the planning process for the

development of an Early Childhood Action Agenda for Lenawee County. The agenda would address the

Great Start mission of assuring a coordinated system of community resources to assist families in

providing a great start for their children from birth through age five. The Collaborative began the process

by conducting a Local Early Childhood System Assessment which involved completing a local Data

Analysis, a Strategic and Infrastructure Review. The findings were used by the Collaborative as the basis

for developing a comprehensive set of goals and objectives that would be the foundation of an Action

Agenda. The goals cover all five Great Start component areas and Infrastructure elements of the LGS


Lenawee Great Start Component Goals

Infants, young children and their families are socially and emotionally healthy

Goal 1: All children start school socially and emotionally healthy

Goal 2: Children 0-5 with social and emotional deficits receive support and services

Families support and guide the early learning of their infants and toddlers

Goal 1: Parents use community resources that support healthy child development

Goal 2: Parents are advocates for their children’s success

Families have access to high quality early care and education

Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need

Goal 2: Improve the quality of childcare in Lenawee County

Infants, young children and their families are physically healthy

Goal 1: All children 0-5 are insured and have a primary care provider

Goal 2: Support a comprehensive maternal health education plan

Infants and young children live in safe families that are economically stable

Goal 1: Enhance the safety of children 0-5 in Lenawee County

Goal 2: Improve access to food, clothing and transportation

These goals were used by the Collaborative as the foundation for setting an Action Agenda that further

delineates the objectives, strategies, resource needs, roles and responsibilities, target dates, and

progress measures for reaching each of the goals. The Collaborative will use the Action Agenda as a tool

for maintaining momentum as they move forward into the Great Start implementation phase.

Page 5: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

lll. History and Accomplishments


The Lenawee Great Start Collaborative members include parents of children age 12 or younger; business

and faith based leaders; health care professionals; child care providers; preschool educators;

administrators of public health, human services and community mental health; philanthropic and

charitable organizations; family court; K-16 system representatives; and other community leaders. Great

Start Collaborative members recognize the importance of establishing and maintaining an early

childhood system that ensures links and collaboration among all early childhood initiatives and programs

in the community.

• August 2007 - Lenawee Intermediate School District (LISD) convenes a diverse group

of community members to establish a Lenawee Great Start Collaborative.

• April 2008 - Lenawee County is recognized as a Great Start Community and funded to start a


• June 2008 - LISD Board of Education formally enters into an interlocal agreement with Michigan’s

Early Childhood Investment Corporation

• July 2008 – Director hired

• September 2008 - Governance guidelines finalized

• October 2008 – Planning Year begins


The development of a Lenawee Great Start Early Childhood Action Agenda is a major accomplishment.

This work is the culmination of the planning year efforts. Simultaneously, during this first year, the

Collaborative built an organizational structure, branded an image, created awareness of and advocated

for early childhood while planting the seeds and nurturing the growth of a Parent Coalition. Another

accomplishment of note for the LGSC is the creation of a comprehensive website that now serves as the

hub for the Lenawee Great Start initiative. Rich with local resources for parents and child care providers,

it also holds reports and minutes for Board members, background information and success stories for

the public, timely advocacy updates, Parent Coalition on-line registration forms, a place of recognition

for local partners, and more. Two important website by-products are a new on-line calendar that serves

as the clearinghouse for early childhood activities and events in the county and a comprehensive on-line

listing of preschool opportunities. Both of these features consistently bring visitors to the website

providing evidence of connecting parents to resources. The creation of these features was made possible

through the collaboration of the early childhood community partners and highlights the untold

possibilities of continued collaboration. The establishment of Lenawee Great Start’s endowment fund at

the Lenawee Community Foundation, that received donations in our first year, ranks as another notable


Page 6: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

The newly formed Lenawee Great Start Parent Coalition led the planning for the annual spring Star

Power Rally. Locally coalition members brought awareness of early childhood by planting of sunflowers

on the lawns of city halls and the county courthouse. Both prominent displays turned heads and drew

local media coverage. For the Lansing rally, PC organizers filled a bus with 48 advocates including; Moms

and Dads, grandparents, teen mothers, child care providers, Collaborative members and children, who

met with local legislators during their visit. The coalition continued to lead early childhood advocacy

work into the fall by writing letters to the editor and notes to Lansing legislators and making another trip

to Lansing to advocate for the needs of young children.

The planning year process has brought together a variety of partners; each with unique experiences and

perspectives, for one common goal, assuring every child in Lenawee County is safe, healthy and eager to

succeed in school and life. The Collaborative has enabled members to engage in the planning process

and the outcome, ultimately, resulting in a positive community change for the benefit of all children in

Lenawee County. It should be noted that these collaborative accomplishments were achieved amidst a

backdrop of near 17% unemployment in Lenawee County and a record State budget deficit. This is a

testament to the dedication to the mission of Lenawee Great Start demonstrated by the Collaborative

members, staff and early childhood community.

IV. Strategic Analysis Findings The Lenawee Great Start Collaborative conducted a three part Local Early Childhood System Assessment

to determine: the current status of young children and families, find the early childhood indicators

needing improvement, identify systems and infrastructure currently in place to address the needs of

young children and families and to suggest changes needed to develop a more cohesive and

comprehensive infrastructure. The following describes the findings from the three parts of the system

assessment: Indicator Data Analysis, Strategic Review, and Infrastructure Review.

Indicator Data Analysis


The population of Lenawee County in 2008 was 101,243 with the 0-5 population at 7,292. Since 2000 the

birthrate has increased 4.6% in Lenawee, while across the state the birthrate dropped 6.2%. The average

Michigan wage in 2008 was $41,561. In Lenawee the average wage is approximately 20% less at $33,345.

Unemployment has risen over the past year to 17%, rising new concerns for many families with young


Page 7: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve


Pediatric and Family Health

The number of children insured by Medicaid is increasing while number of doctors taking new Medicaid

patients is declining. Lenawee’s number of low-birth weight babies is considered high at 7.5% Mothers

who reported smoking during pregnancy is over 20% in the last two reporting years (07-08) and 19% of

expecting Mothers are receiving less that adequate prenatal care.

Social and Emotional Health

Lenawee County service providers are seeing less than 2% of the estimated 700 children 0-5 with socio-

emotional deficits. Early On referrals made for children at-risk of or experiencing developmental delays

have doubled in the past five years. During a 12 month period ending in June 2009 a total of 266 children

were served.

Child Care

In 65% of Lenawee families with children ages 0-5, both parents work, leaving 3,133 children in need of

child care. Weekend and evening child care space is scarce and makes up only 7% of all available child

care spaces. This is a problem when our two largest employers, Promedica Health Care and the Adrian

Mall, need evening and weekend employees. It was also noted that in our 0-5 population, 63% of

children whose families receive child care subsidies are cared for by relatives. Relative aid care providers

are not licensed providers, raising questions about the quality and or safety of that care.

Early Education

25% of Lenawee 3 & 4 year olds attend preschool compared to the state average of 46%. Currently 620

children qualify for Head Start and Lenawee is funded for 357 spots. Lenawee receives funding for 147

four year olds to attend a Great Start Readiness Preschool Program. The State funds to continue the

program in the 2009-2010 school year can be used for K-12 programming, diminishing the value of this

source of support.

Parenting Education and Family Support

After seeing single digit teen pregnancy numbers since 1993, the population jumped to 14% in 2007.

Lenawee Prep, an alternative high school for teen mothers, currently enrolls 35 mothers and 29 children

in child care. This is an increase of five students over last year. Lenawee ranks 37th out of 83 counties in

number of births to mothers under 20, with 21% having two or more children.

Basic Needs, Economic Security and Child Safety

During the course of this planning year, numbers rose in every subsidy assistance program for families

and young children with currently more than half of all Lenawee children 0-5 receiving some form of

government assistance. Lenawee ranks 57 out of 77 reporting counties for number of children removed

from their homes because of abuse and neglect.

Page 8: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Strategic Review

As part of the Strategic Review of Local Great Start System Components the Lenawee Great Start

Collaborative conducted focus groups throughout the county with parents and community stakeholders.

A survey of existing services and programs for young children currently offered in the community was

completed and notes were taken as to what was missing. Focus group participants reviewed and

discussed the Indicator Data Results. Reoccurring concerns and issues brought to light through focus

groups are presented here by component. A completing report of the findings is included in the


Early Care & Education

Desire for a quality rating system for child care

Quality child care options 24 hours a day

Affordable preschool experiences for all

Low income families need access to high quality care

Kindergarten screening procedures need to be explained to parents

Preschool options for those whose income is too high for Head Start

Parent Leadership

Need for Parent Education offered by schools regarding school readiness skills

Encouragement for parents to take parenting classes before and after birth

Programming for Fathers

Physical Health

Information about preventative care, immunizations and insurance information

Available health and dental care for all children

Parents need advocates available to help with doctor visits

Basic Needs and Safety

Help with transportation to and from services

Information for parents regarding food pantries and food assistance programs

More opportunities for parent-to-parent resource swaps

Help for single working mothers who don’t qualify for assistance

Social and Emotional Health

Playgroups – more throughout county

More social-emotional services and support for the 0-5 population

Support groups for single moms and dads

Expand CMH criteria for active services for birth – 5 year olds

Page 9: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Infrastructure Review

The final step in the Local Early Childhood System Assessment process was to conduct an Infrastructure

Review of the current status of infrastructure elements and determine what could be done to improve

on or further develop these elements. The Lenawee Great Start Collaborative members completed the

Wilder Inventory, had group discussion and completed an on-line survey regarding the status of

infrastructure elements. The following goals were identified and a rationale is provided for each.

Collaborative Governance

Goal: Ensure diversity of Board membership.

Currently the LSGC has a good representation from agencies, education, childcare, parents and

foundations. Yet it is felt that additional partners, especially from the business community, will help

move the work of the Collaborative forward.

Accountability, Results & Standards

Goal: Assure engagement and effectiveness of the Collaborative Board

As we move into the implementation year LGSC will further define member expectations, set specific

measurable goals and allow for more time at Board meetings to work on these goals.

Data and Information Systems

Goal: Agencies will share data and information about children and families

There is some use of common forms, but limited data sharing among agencies. Moving the idea of

sharing to a database where all partners have online access to child and family data as they move from

one program to another would: (1) reduce duplication of effort in collecting data from families and, (2)

enable service providers to obtain information on previous services received as well as family strengths

and needs.

Professional Development and Technical Assistance

Goal: Training and consultation will be available across agencies for all component areas

A comprehensive county wide professional training plan does not exists in Lenawee and would be a

great benefit to all those who care for children. The Collaborative will address this issue through a sub-

group of members.

Parental and Community Engagement

Goal: Parents will be engaged in the development and implementation of early childhood initiatives

Keeping parents involved in early childhood initiatives is difficult given the other obligations parents

have. However, LGSC will work to expand the range of opportunities to engage parents in this initiative.

Goal: The community will be actively engaged in supporting the five component areas

The community is invited to share their expertise in standing committees and workgroups.

Page 10: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Communication and Public Will Building

Goal: The community will view early childhood initiatives as a priority for Lenawee County

Efforts to disseminate information on early childhood issues have been ongoing through all local media

outlets, the website, enewsletters, ‘letters to the editor’ and public speaking engagements. The next

step is to find local business and community leaders to champion this work and carry the message.

Policy-Maker Education

Goal: Consistently communicate a clear message

The Collaborative recognizes that advocacy work is on-going. A short clear message is important if it is to

have lasting impact. Parents are the best advocates.

Service System Integration

Goal: There is a “no wrong door” system in place for services for young children and their families

Collaboration on ‘system building’ is necessary in order to connect the services in our community for

young families and children.

Goal: Parents, guardians, and service providers working with infants and young children will be

knowledgeable of services available in Lenawee County

Promotion of 211 and the LGSC website and work on a comprehensive Parent Guide will continue by all

Collaborative partners and workgroups.

Financing and Fund Development

Goal: Adequate funding will be available to implement the Action Agenda

The Collaborative has identified the need to build public will to obtain new revenue sources to support

early childhood initiatives.

Page 11: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

V. Goals & Objectives GOALS The goals set by Lenawee Great Start are the result of the work done in the Early Childhood System

Assessment. This section provides a rationale for each goal.

Social & Emotional Health

Goal 1: All children start school socially and emotionally healthy

Social and emotional health is vital to child’s cognitive learning and future success.

Goal 2: Children 0-5 with social and emotional deficits receive support and services

The need for additional services, including infant mental health services, was identified through

community conversations.

Parent Leadership

Goal 1: Parents use community resources that support healthy child development

Efforts to bringing a wide range of early childhood resources together for easy access using a variety of

mediums provides the kind of support today’s parents need to do their job.

Goal 2: Parents are advocates for their children’s success

Parents need clear school readiness information as a starting point to prepare their child for school


Early Care & Education

Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need

The cost of both preschool and quality child care is out of reach for many parents. Expanding affordable

opportunities is a priority.

Goal 2: Improve the quality of childcare in Lenawee County

There is only one accredited child care program in Lenawee County. Evening and weekend care spots are

very limited. There is a growing number of children a in the care of relatives.

Physical Health

Goal 1: All children 0-5 are insured and have a primary care provider

Lenawee County lacks pediatricians who will serve children with Medicaid. Cases are being referred to

the Family Medical Center which has limited appointments for children.

Goal 2: Support a comprehensive maternal health education plan

Local data shows high rates of mothers smoking during pregnancy, low birth rates babies and an increase

in teenage pregnancy.

Basic Needs

Goal 1: Enhance the safety of children 0-5 in Lenawee County

Rising rates of abuse and neglect and consistently poor car seat practices documented in Lenawee make

clear the need to bring attention and focus to this goal.

Goal 2: Improve access to food, clothing and transportation

These most basic needs for families and young children are increasing hard provide in a worsening

economy. An effort to coordinate existing services is essential.

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The Collaborative added two objectives for each goal identified to further detail the action needed to

improve and strengthen the system of services and support for children and families.

Social & Emotional Health

All children will start school socially and emotionally healthy 1. Provide social-emotional information to families with children 0-5

2. Enhance the social-emotional components of professional development for child care professionals Children 0-5 with social and emotional deficits receive support and services

1. Coordinate and expand a social-emotional support system for children 0-5, their parents and child care


2. Ensure all children 0-5 can access high quality social-emotional diagnostic and intervention services

Early Care & Education

Expand early education opportunities for families in need

1. Expand playgroup opportunities throughout the county

2. Increase capacity of at-risk preschool programs

Improve the quality of childcare in Lenawee County

1. Support child care providers at risk of expelling child/children between the ages of 0-5 years.

2. Champion the importance of high-quality early care.

Parent Leadership

Parents use community resources that support healthy child development 1. Develop a comprehensive data bank of resources specifically for families with young children 2. Ensure all parents have access to early childhood community resources Parents are advocate for their children’s success and well-being

1. Parents have access to Kindergarten readiness information that is consistent throughout the county

2. Parents have access to a coordinated system of high quality parent education and support programs

Physical Health

All children 0-5 are insured and have a primary care provider

1. Promote efforts to provide all children 0-5 with health insurance

2. Increase access to primary care providers for families with young children Support a comprehensive maternal health education plan 1. Partner with local entities providing women’s health services 2. Increase understanding of the link between maternal health and child well-being

Page 13: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Basic Needs and Safety

Enhance the safety of children 0-5 in Lenawee County

1. Increase capacity of services to address child safety needs

2. Educate the public on common causes of injury to young children

Improve access to food, clothing, shelter and transportation for families with young children

1. Develop a system to improve access to all forms of assistance

2. Increase community support for children’s basic needs

VI. Action Agendas

The first draft of the goals and objectives for the Early Childhood Action Agenda was created by the

Lenawee Great Start Collaborative at the June 2009 retreat. Work continued during the summer months

through two meetings and survey work. The Collaborative formally adopted their goals in late August

2009, less than 12 months after they began the process. Work groups have been formed to begin the

work on goals and objectives in action agendas. Invitations were made to a variety of local professionals

and community members who now meet regularly to work on strategies detailed in the Action Agenda.

Page 14: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve


Goal: Expand early education opportunities for families in need

Objective 1 – Expand playgroup opportunities throughout the county

Strategies Action Steps Measurements Person(s)






Identify communities of parents that could be served

through a playgroup

Research locations for playgroups to meet

Consider playgroup staffing and material needs

Consider pay to play on a sliding scale

Create detailed funding proposals for adding

playgroups throughout the county

Develop a plan to build partnerships to support funding

proposals for additional playgroups

Objective 2 – Increase capacity of at-risk preschool programs

Strategies Action Steps Measurements Person(s)






Calculate current number of preschool slots for ‘at-risk’


Review enrollment strategies for target group

Set target numbers for increased enrollment

Develop plans & funding proposals to increase


Page 15: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve


Goal: All children start school socially and emotionally healthy

Objective 1 – Provide social-emotional health information to families with children 0-5

Strategies Action Steps Measurements Person(s)






Review existing information and materials on social-

emotional health

Identify important bullet points to provide consistent


Develop plan to connect families to social-emotional

health information

Provide social emotional education information to

expectant parent

Purchase Developmental Wheels (0-36

mos. and 2-5 yrs) at a cost of $1.25 ea.

and the Great Start ‘

Social-Emotional Health and School

Readiness: A Guide for Parents with

Children Birth to Age 5”

Develop a comprehensive list of

professional providers who will share


Objective 2 – Enhance the social-emotional components of professional development for child care professionals

Strategies Action Steps Measurements Person(s)






Review existing classes offered for child care


Recommend additional courses or course

Page 16: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve


Goal: Children 0-5 with social-emotional deficits receive support and services

Objective 1 – Ensure that all children 0-5 have access to high-quality social-emotional diagnostic, support, prevention and

intervention services

Strategies Action Steps Measurements Person(s)






Explore “Ask a Family Therapist’ program at local

libraries and via on-line access.

Objective 2 – Coordinate and expand a social-emotional support system for children 0-5, their parents and child care


Strategies Action Steps Measurements Person(s)






Examine existing services

Identify coordinating body these providers

Page 17: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve


GOAL: Parents use community resources to support the healthy child development

Objective 1 – Develop a comprehensive data bank of resources specifically for families with young children

Strategies Action Steps Measurements Person(s)






Create connections between LGS and the

early childhood resource sources and their


Maintain the database

Objective 2 – Ensure all parents have access to early childhood community resources

Strategies Action Steps Measurements Person(s)






Link resources to LGS website, Facebook


Create a Parent Guide that provides local

early childhood resources in hard copy

Page 18: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve


GOAL: Parents are advocates for their children’s success and well-being

Objective 1 – Parents have access to Kindergarten readiness information that is consistent throughout the county

Strategies Action Steps Measurements Person(s)






Examine existing locally created Kindergarten

readiness skill lists

Find common themes and develop a core list of

Kindergarten readiness skills with help of local

educators and professionals

Recommend adoption of core Kindergarten

readiness skill list by Lenawee educators

Survey local Superintendents regarding

K readiness skills

8 of 12 responded…more follow up is


Mark Haag November


Objective 2 – Parents have access to a coordinated system of high quality parent education and support programs

Strategies Action Steps Measurements Person(s)






Identify all local parent education providers

Identify all parenting support programs or


Evaluate overlaps or gaps in education or

support programs

Make recommendations regarding the

offerings available for parents

Create a central location for information

and develop a plan to distribute the

information on a regular basis

Page 19: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve


GOAL: Improve the quality of childcare in Lenawee County

Objective 1 – Support child care providers at risk of expelling child/children between the ages of 0-5 years.

Strategies Action Steps Measurements Person(s)






Survey child care providers to find out more

about their needs in regards to expulsion


Give information to providers about expulsion

and the effects on children

Let providers know about resources available

in the community and the Child Care

Enhancement Program (CCEP) services

available region-wide (for 0-3).

Create a survey, provide incentives

for providers to return it, compiles

and reviews survey data, make

recommendations to address

provider’s needs (possibly needing

some funding to support what is

determined as needs).

Gather information about the effects

of expulsion on children.

Get testimonies from parents whose

child has been expelled

Work collaboratively with the

Social-Emotional Health Workgroup

to coordinate information shared

with families and child care


Brainstorm a list of resources in

Lenawee that are specific to

expulsion issues.

Distribute information on the newly

transformed CCEP in our region.

Support the Social-Emotional Health

Early Care


Page 20: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

--Develop a list of steps a provider can take to

prevent expulsion

--Develop a list of child development “red


Work Group and Regional Resource

Center’s efforts in providing

professional development

opportunities for early childhood


Review local resources available for

expulsion issues.

Compile a resource that is easy to

access when a situation arises.

(maybe a magnet or a small flier).

Research products that can be

purchased that identify child

development “red flags”.

Purchase samples of any of the

above products.

Early Care Group meets to review

the products.

Objective 2 – Champion the importance of high quality childcare

Gather information on the components of high-

quality early care.

Look at information Child

Care Network has.

Explore what is

recommended by the


Talk with the Parent

Coalition Liaisons and/or

Page 21: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Connect with the Great Start Parent Coalition to

get information about high-quality early care

into the hands of parents.

--Gather testimonies from parents using high-

quality early care.

members to get their

thoughts on what high-

quality care is.

Talk with PL’s about

speaking at one of their

parent coalition meetings.

Provide information about

high-quality early care for

the Parent Coalition to

distribute at community


Talk with PL’s about other

opportunities to get the

information out.

Each committee member

attempts to find a parent

who will share a


Early Care Group meets to

review testimonies.

Record testimonies for


Page 22: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve


Goal: All children are insured and have a primary care provider

Objective 1 – Promote efforts to provide all children 0-5 with health insurance

Strategies Action Steps Measurements Person(s)






Determine degree of need by identifying children 0-5 who

lack health insurance

Clearly outline the differences between MIChild and

Healthy Kids

Educate local agencies and provide sign-up forms and


Locate uninsured population

Review 6.27.08 Lenawee Access to

Health Care minutes noting 2,400 still

uninsured-find source of information

Track 211 callers who indicate lack of

health insurance

Establish link between Great Start and

Health Service websites; track contacts

who indicate lack of health insurance

Health Dept. presently completes

health insurance applications on-line

when families without health care are

in the office

Hospitals presently provide health care

brochures/health care applications at

the time a mother is discharged from

the hospital with the new baby

Hospital workers presently discuss

health care options when mother is in

hospital post birth and identify

mothers who will lose medical care

(Medicaid) after one month

Number/percent of new mothers

who have received materials

Mike Kight (AHCC


Group member

Mary Vallad/

Paula shirk

Page 23: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

MI Child program contacts County

elementary principals and discusses

program on a yearly basis. (MI Child

provides medical and dental coverage

to children of low-income working

families for a $10 monthly premium

per family)

Number/percent of new mothers

who have received consultation

re/ health care options prior to

discharge and who indicate they

will lose Medicare after one


Objective 2 –Increase access to primary care providers for families with young children.

Strategies Action Steps Measurements Person(s)






Identify families with young children who

do no have a primary provider

Identify families with transportation issues

which present barriers to keeping


Identify families with language barriers

which prevent their keeping appointments

Analyze data from Goal 1, Obj. 1

Disseminate information to identified


Provide list of transportation resources

to parents of young children without


Page 24: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Identify sources for translation and/or for

accompanying parents to appointments

Develop solutions for serving Medicaid

families not served by primary providers

Determine ability of Family Health Center

to serve Medicaid families


Goal: Support a comprehensive maternal health education plan

Objective 1 – Partner with local entities providing women’s health services

Strategies Action Steps Measurements Person(s)






Partner with local OB-GYN providers to establish

comprehensive list of services provided to consider

overlapping services and gaps.

Investigate adding OB-GYN services to the Family

Medical Clinic

Identify gaps in service

Evaluate--is it a funding issue or lack of

provider/agency; review waiting lists at

Page 25: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Family Planning

Objective 2 – Increase understanding of the link between maternal health and child well-being

Strategies Action Steps Measurements Person(s)






Offer a program for all pregnant women that offers

education, provides advocacy and acts as a liaison to

services needed

Obtain funding for the program

Identify who can deliver the program

(liaison or agency)

Develop the program

Obtain funding for ongoing education

and perks/incentives to encouraging

continued attendance


GOAL: Enhance the safety of children 0-5 in Lenawee County

Objective 1 – Increase capacity of services to address child safety needs

Strategies Action Steps Measurements Person(s)






Partner with Safe Kids Join committee, publicize car seat checks Blissfield car seat check Lisa Eack

Page 26: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

through GS network, recruit volunteers

Objective 2 – Educate the public on common causes of injury to young children.

Strategies Action Steps Measurements Person(s)







GOAL: Improve access to food, clothing and transportation

Objective 1 – Develop a system to improve access to all forms of assistance

Strategies Action Steps Measurements Person(s)






Create a network of baby pantries through

the county

Identify existing pantries and donors

Objective 2 – Increase community support for children’s basic needs

Strategies Action Steps Measurements Person(s)






Partner with existing agencies that serve

young children

Basis Needs Task Force, Lenawee

Community Collaborative, KKE,

Tecumseh Service Club

Page 27: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

VII. Financing and Fund Development The Collaborative chose not to make the finance and funding component a primary focus of the strategic

plan development in this first stage. This decision was based two factors. First, until concrete goals and

objectives were determined setting funding levels and finding appropriate funders would be premature.

Secondly, while the Collaborative is in the formative stage, discussions involving funding could be

counter productive to the cooperative planning year process.

The Collaborative did form a Finance Committee. This group established an early childhood fund at the

Lenawee Community Foundation and began to develop relationships with potential funders. The Finance

Committee will fully develop a plan to leverage existing and new resources to accomplish Lenawee Great

Start’s Action Agenda in earnest now that it is complete. The Lenawee Great Start’s Early Childhood Fund

received funds, some unsolicited, during this year. As we move forward a strength to build on is the

Collaborative participant’s history of successfully working together to apply for grants. A recent example

is the collaboration among partners to write an Early Head Start Grant. Finally the support of the

Lenawee County Education Foundation has been consistent. They have made a long-term financial

commitment to Lenawee Great Start and provided the cash match portion of our Great Start grant.

Page 28: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

VIII. Appendices

A. Strategic Planning Process Narrative

B. Needs Assessment Data

C. Community Report

D. Focus Group Dates & Times

E. Strategic Review Data

F. Retreat Participants

G. Retreat Agenda

Page 29: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

A. Strategic Planning Process Narrative The Lenawee Great Start Collaborative completed the Local Early Childhood System Assessment process

to develop an Action Agenda. As part of this process the Collaborative conducted an Indicator Data

Analysis, a Strategic Review, and an Infrastructure Review to inform the planning process. The process

used by the Collaborative is outlined below.

Indicator Data Analysis: The Status of Young Children in Lenawee County

Review of early childhood indicators

The first step the Collaborative took was to review the current status of children and families within

Lenawee County in relation to the five components of an early childhood development system: physical

health care; social-emotional health care; parent education; early education and care; basic needs,

economic security and child safety. Data was gathered from census records, ECIC, DHS, CMH, Promedica

Health Care-North Region, and the Lenawee Intermediate School District. A Needs Assessment

Committee was formed to review the data, fill in any gaps and identify which indicators would be

highlighted in the Community Report. The committee presented their findings to the LGSC in January

2008. The Collaborative discussed possible factors contributing to data trends and potential

recommendations to address the issues. Local media and graphic experts along with a parent consultant

created a document to present this data in a user-friendly readable format. Special attention was given

to include Parent Coalition and website information as this was the one of the first major media pieces

created and would be circulated throughout the county.

Strategic Review: Local Great Start System Components

The second step in the Local Early Childhood System Assessment process was to conduct a strategic

review of local Great Start system components. The Systems Integration Committee conducted a 0-5

Systems Inventory and the Collaborative discussed their role in the system building process. In order to

analyze the data and brainstorm recommendations the Collaborative split into five groups to discuss

each of the five components: physical health; social and emotional health family support and parent

education, early education and care; and basic needs and safety. Community conversations were held to

collect the data and information used by the Collaborative in this phase of the process.

Community Conversations/Focus Groups

Thirty focus groups were held throughout the county during February and March of 2009 to gather input

from parents and community members on questions devised from the Review of Early Childhood

Indicators by the Lenawee Great Start Collaborative All focus group participants were asked the

following questions:

• What resources, programs and services are you aware of that serve the 0-5 population in

Lenawee County?

• What missing?

• Next participants were shown slides highlighting indicator data from the five component areas.

• Considering the data we’ve highlighted; what we’ve discussed up to now and anything else you

might think of, what needs to be done in Lenawee County to ensure all children begin school

ready to learn?

Page 30: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

• Finally participants voted, using stickers, for what they considered to be a top priority from the

list of ideas generated by the group

The focus group data was tabulated and shared with the Collaborative. In June of 2009 a special retreat

was convened to brainstorm strategies to address the issues highlighted in the Needs Assessment Report

and the suggestions and recommendations gathered through the Strategic Review. Out of this retreat

came a preliminary Action Agenda for the Lenawee Great Start Collaborative. Collaborative members

were initially assigned to work in component areas outside their usual area of expertise to help bring a

sense of objectivity to the data. Each component group identified goals and strategies to address the

needs they saw in the data. The entire Collaborative review the goals and highlighted those they felt

most important to focus on. The groups then identified next steps, key partners, and responsible

person(s) or agencies for each strategy that was chosen by the group. A draft Action Agenda was

completed by the end of the retreat to be further developed by the Collaborative partners. Initial goals

were modified over the summer and action agendas revised to reflect changes.

Review of Previous Needs Assessments

The Lenawee Great Start Collaborative also collected information from previous needs assessments

conducted for recent grant applications. Those included: Head Start Annual Needs Assessment,

Community Action Annual Report and 2008 Great Start Grant Proposal. The Collaborative took the

information gleaned from these proposals to identify common themes over time in Lenawee County

regarding early childhood programs, input from parents on services and needs, and trends over time.

Many of the issues raised in the indicator analysis, community conversations and 0-5 Services inventory

have been recurring themes over several years.

Infrastructure Review: Systems Working Together for Early Childhood

The final step in the Local Early Childhood System Assessment process was to conduct an Infrastructure

Review of the current status of infrastructure elements and what could be done to improve on or further

develop those elements that needed strengthening. The Lenawee Great Start Collaborative members

completed the Wilder Inventory, had group discussion and completed an on-line survey regarding status

of infrastructure elements

Page 31: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

B. Needs Assessment Data

Page 32: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Section 1.A. Community ConditionsISD Name: ISD Number:

Data Source

* Included On the

Data File.

Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2000 2006 2000 2006 2000 2006

Michigan 812,817 797,977 789,855 784,474 782,251 781,759 771,129 587,794 556,591 72.3 72.2 151,484 139,740

Great Start total 694,943 683,185 676,748 672,808 671,308 671,443 660,603 482,172 458,188 69.4 69.4 147,445 135,701

Hillsdale 3,598 3,555 3,588 3,578 3,515 3,469 3,507 3,452 3,366 95.9 96.0 37 24

Jackson 12,656 12,423 12,183 12,236 12,187 12,331 12,359 10,508 10,352 83.0 83.8 1,465 1,369

Lenawee 7,550 7,436 7,312 7,295 7,369 7,456 7,292 6,290 6,109 83.3 83.8 220 207

Monroe 11,761 11,399 11,053 10,873 10,677 10,550 10,518 10,758 9,604 91.5 91.3 492 442

Washtenaw 24,524 24,339 24,451 24,631 24,784 24,941 24,997 17,275 16,851 70.4 67.4 4,350 4,387

A-2b. Percent

of Children

0-5 -

White NH

A-3a. Number of

Children 0-5 -

Black NH

Census Pop. Estimates *

A-1. Number of Children Ages 0-5 - Total

A-2a. Number of

Children 0-5 -

White NH

Census Pop. Est.* Census Pop. Est.* Census Pop. Est.*

Section 1.A. Community Conditions, Page 1 12/11/2009

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Section 1.A. Community ConditionsISD Name:

Data Source

* Included On the

Data File.



Great Start total






2000 2006 2000 2006 2000 2006 2000 2006 2000 2006 2000 2006

18.6 18.1 6,134 3,869 0.8 0.5 20,394 23,133 2.5 3.0 47,011 47,796

21.2 20.5 4,862 2,930 0.7 0.4 19,575 22,104 2.8 3.3 40,889 41,680

1.0 0.7 13 10 0.4 0.3 14 21 0.4 0.6 82 86

11.6 11.1 61 49 0.5 0.4 120 109 0.9 0.9 502 480

2.9 2.8 28 0 0.4 0.0 50 75 0.7 1.0 962 901

4.2 4.2 35 13 0.3 0.1 98 95 0.8 0.9 378 364

17.7 17.6 114 64 0.5 0.3 1,876 2,337 7.6 9.3 909 1,358

A-4a. Number of

Children 0-5 -

Native NH

A-5b. Percent of


0-5 -

Other NH

Census Pop. Est.* Census Pop. Est.*

A-3b. Percent of


0-5 -

Black NH

A-4b. Percent of


0-5 -

Native NH

A-5a. Number of

Children 0-5 -

Other NH

A-6e. Number of

Children 0-5 -


Census Pop. Est.* Census Pop. Est.*Census Pop. Est.* Census Pop. Est.*

Section 1.A. Community Conditions, Page 2 12/11/2009

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Section 1.A. Community ConditionsISD Name:

Data Source

* Included On the

Data File.



Great Start total






2000 2006 SY03/04 SY04/05 SY05/06 SY06/07 SY07/08 SY03/04 SY04/05 SY05/06 SY06/07 SY07/08

5.8 6.2 587,895 609,393 622,817 644,532 623,602 34.5 36.0 37.1 38.1 37.4

5.9 6.3 501,607 520,143 530,334 549,784 529,357 34.8 36.4 37.3 38.3 37.6

2.3 2.5 2,801 2,899 3,064 3,115 3,198 39.0 41.0 43.4 44.9 43.8

4.0 3.9 9,883 10,401 10,562 11,279 10,039 36.9 39.0 39.7 42.5 38.2

12.7 12.4 5,024 5,194 5,192 5,585 5,490 27.2 28.6 28.7 31.1 30.5

3.2 3.5 5,539 6,168 6,463 6,787 6,080 21.9 23.9 24.4 26.5 24.0

3.7 5.4 10,537 10,697 11,356 12,030 10,151 22.7 23.3 24.5 24.6 21.3

A-7a. Number of K-12 Students Receiving Free or

Reduced Lunch in Public Schools in the Service Area

of the Great Start Collaborative (insert comment in cell

if not county data).

A-6b. Percent of


0-5 -


A-7b. Percent of K-12 Students Receiving

Free or Reduced Lunch in Public Schools in

the Service Area of the Great Start


Census Pop. Est.* County; CEPI (District, Building)* County ; CEPI (District, Building)*

Section 1.A. Community Conditions, Page 3 12/11/2009

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Section 1.A. Community ConditionsISD Name:

Data Source

* Included On the

Data File.



Great Start total






2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2000 2005 2000 2005 2000 2005

7.3 7.1 6.7 6.9 7.2 45,202 46,072 102,664 133,944 15.6 20.6

7.3 7.1 6.8 6.9 7.2 40,726 42,401 90,156 NA 16.0 NA

7.8 8.1 7.4 7.7 8.6 40,889 40,240 341 NA 11.5 NA

8.0 7.2 6.5 7.1 7.6 43,751 46,839 1,643 NA 16.1 NA

7.6 7.1 6.9 7.3 7.8 46,167 48,619 576 NA 9.5 NA

7.3 6.6 6.0 6.5 6.7 52,962 55,823 964 NA 10.1 NA

3.2 3.4 4.2 4.6 4.8 55,335 54,825 2,029 NA 10.2 NA

A-10b. Percent of

Children Under Age 5 in

Poverty - Total

A-9. Median

Household Income

A-10a. Number of

Children Under Age 5 in

Poverty - Total

A-8. Rate of Unemployment (Annual Average)

Census 2000; ACS 2005* Census 2000; ACS 2005*SAIPE *BLS *

Section 1.A. Community Conditions, Page 4 12/11/2009

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Section 1.A. Community ConditionsISD Name:

Data Source

* Included On the

Data File.



Great Start total






2000 2005 2000 2005 2000 2005 2000 2005 2000 2005 2000 2005

44,366 65,640 9.5 14.0 41,670 54,282 37.6 46.0 8,323 12,324 22.7 31.0

34,537 NA 9 NA 40,984 NA 38 NA 7,199 NA 22 NA

291 NA 10 NA 0 NA * NA 26 NA 44 NA

910 NA 11 NA 421 NA 56 NA 79 NA 16 NA

355 NA 7 NA 66 NA 59 NA 166 NA 22 NA

735 NA 9 NA 120 NA 44 NA 25 NA 14 NA

719 NA 5 NA 742 NA 27 NA 195 NA 27 NA

Census 2000; ACS 2005*

A-13b. Percent of


Children Under

Age 5 in Poverty

Census 2000; ACS 2005* Census 2000; ACS 2005*

A-11a.. Number of

White Children

Under Age 5 in


A-13a. Number of

Hispanic Children

Under Age 5 in


Census 2000; ACS 2005*

A-11b. Percent of

White Children

Under Age 5 in


Census 2000; ACS 2005*

A-12a.. Number of

Black Children

Under Age 5 in


A-12b. Percent of

Black Children

Under Age 5 in


Census 2000; ACS 2005*

Section 1.A. Community Conditions, Page 5 12/11/2009

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Section 1.A. Community ConditionsISD Name:

Data Source

* Included On the

Data File.



Great Start total






2000 2005 2000 2005 2000 2005 2000 2005 2000 2005

635,309 779,251 24.5 31.0 27.0 24.2 281,959 35.3



NA NA NA NA 35.7 35.1

NA NA NA NA 38.6 34.6

NA NA NA NA 28.3 23.3

NA NA NA NA 19.3 16.7

Census, ACS

A-14a. Number of

Children Under 18 in

Single Parent


A-15. Percent of

Housing Stock That

Is Pre-1950

Census (00),ACS (05)*

A-14b. Percent of

Children Under 18 in

Single Parent


Census, ACS Census (00),ACS (05) Census (00),ACS (05)

A-16a. Number of

Children Under Age 6

Below 200% of Poverty

A-16a. Number of

Children Under Age 6

Below 200% of Poverty

Section 1.A. Community Conditions, Page 6 12/11/2009

Page 38: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Section 1.B.4. Early Care & EducationISD Name: ISD Number:

Data Source DCH (by ISD*)

* Included On the

Data File.24. Percent of

Children Ages 0-2

Who Could Have A



Years 2005 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Michigan 7.8 8,229 8,350 8,547 8,836 9,388 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.5

Great Start total NA 6,594 6,682 6,887 7,133 7,587 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3

Hillsdale 6.4 83 95 91 98 119 4.5 5.3 5.2 5.7 6.9

Jackson 7.0 137 173 181 174 174 2.3 2.9 2.9 2.8 2.8

Lenawee 5.5 69 68 81 106 116 12.5 12.0 14.8 19.4 21.1

Monroe 5.3 221 218 241 242 236 4.2 4.2 4.7 4.6 4.5

Washtenaw 7.0 201 207 232 241 256 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.1


25a. Number of Children, ages 0-2, served by

Early On.

25b. Percent of children, ages 0-2, served by

Early On.

Section 1.B.4 Early Care Education, Page 1 12/11/2009

Page 39: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Section 1.B.4. Early Care & EducationISD Name:

Data Source

* Included On the

Data File.



Great Start total






2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

79,444 80,086 78,640 76,904 71,806 55,737 55,545 54,852 53,032 48,055 70.2 69.4 69.8 69.0 66.9

68,972 68,948 68,197 66,906 62,633 49,292 49,461 48,616 47,089 42,911 71.5 71.7 71.3 70.4 68.5

290 246 304 232 227 174 149 178 131 125 60.0 60.6 58.6 56.5 55.1

1,191 1,231 1,139 1,104 985 671 744 682 677 602 56.3 60.4 59.9 61.3 61.1

820 na 715 704 683 554 na 467 437 428 67.6 na 65.3 62.1 62.7

663 637 675 595 591 412 376 382 319 317 62.1 59.0 56.6 53.6 53.6

1,393 1,467 1,516 1,620 1,540 756 797 878 934 883 54.3 54.3 57.9 57.7 57.3


26. Number of Children Ages 0-5

Approved for Child Care Subsidy - Total.


27a. Number of Children Ages 0-5

Approved for Child Care Subsidy using

Relative/Aide Care


27b. Percent of Children Ages 0-5

Approved for Child Care Subsidy

using Relative/Aide Care

Section 1.B.4 Early Care Education, Page 2 12/11/2009

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Section 1.B.4. Early Care & EducationISD Name:

Data Source

* Included On the

Data File.



Great Start total







29a. Number of

Children Who

Achieved Reading

Proficiency in 3rd


29b. Percent of

Children Who

Achieved Reading

Proficiency in 3rd


2002-3 2003-4 2004-5 2005-6 2006-7 2002-3 2003-4 2004-5 2005-6 2006-7 2007 2007

21,659 21,981 21,335 19,629 23,300 16.3 16.7 16.3 14.8 18.0 99,347 86.5

18,039 18,167 17,464 15,737 18,967 15.9 16.2 15.6 13.8 17.1 84,167 86.0

83 85 99 131 140 14.0 14.0 15.8 21.9 23.2 412 82.4

491 460 398 402 514 23.2 22.8 19.7 19.7 26.1 1,446 85.8

143 186 206 118 111 11.7 15.4 16.4 9.5 9.3 1,055 87.8

134 140 171 139 149 6.7 7.2 9.1 7.7 8.7 1,438 86.9

343 371 350 336 420 8.4 9.2 8.6 8.2 10.0 2,937 89.7


28b. Percent of all four-year-olds

served in MSRP.


28a. Number of Slots Age 4 in Michigan

School Readiness Program (MSRP).

Section 1.B.4 Early Care Education, Page 3 12/11/2009

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Section 1.B.4. Early Care & EducationISD Name:

Data Source

* Included On the

Data File.



Great Start total







30a. Number of

Children Who

Achieved Math

Proficiency in 3rd


30b. Percent of

Children Who

Achieved Math

Proficiency in 3rd


31a. Number of


Repeating 1st


31b. Percent of


Repeating 1st


2007 2007 2007 2007 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

104,120 90.1 27,620 28,208 28,602 28,472 18,044

88,256 89.7 22,975 23,347 23,567 23,406 14,747

453 90.6 184 172 191 188 151

1,577 92.8 535 586 591 541 376

1,096 90.7 272 270 336 344 181

1,524 91.4 461 444 447 405 241

3,069 92.9 681 696 660 659 441


32a. Number of Children Ages 0-5 Who Are

Participating in Special Education.

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Section 1.B.4. Early Care & EducationISD Name:

Data Source

* Included On the

Data File.



Great Start total







33. Percent of

Children Under 6

With All Parents

in the Labor


34. Total

Number of

Child Care


35. Number of

Child Care




36. Number of Child

Care Centers That are

Half-Day (Less than 5

hours continuous


2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2000 Oct. 2007 Oct. 2007 Oct. 2007

3.5 3.6 3.7 3.6 2.3 60.9 4,847 1,334 2,041

3.4 3.5 3.5 3.5 2.2 65.1 4,108 1,145 1,691

5.1 4.8 5.4 5.4 4.3 66.3 20 3 9

4.4 4.8 4.8 4.4 3.0 67.6 66 17 21

3.7 3.7 4.6 4.6 2.5 64.5 51 11 17

4.2 4.1 4.2 3.8 2.3 61.7 74 17 35

2.8 2.8 2.7 2.6 1.8 60.0 209 72 62


32b. Percent of Children Ages 0-5 Who Are

Participating in Special Education.

Section 1.B.4 Early Care Education, Page 5 12/11/2009

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Section 1.B.4. Early Care & EducationISD Name:

Data Source

* Included On the

Data File.



Great Start total







37. Total Number

of Group Family

Homes (Maximum

12 children)

38. Total Number

of Family Homes

(Maximum 6


39. Number of

Regulated Programs

That Are Nationally

Accredited by FCC,


Oct. 2007 Oct. 2007 2005 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

3,442 6,973 349 19,265 21,617 21,746 21,779 22,524

2,667 5,501 NA NA NA NA NA

23 39 NA NA NA NA NA

99 140 NA NA NA NA NA

67 88 NA NA NA NA NA

47 72 NA NA NA NA NA

127 203 NA NA NA NA NA


c. Number of Children Ages 4 in Head

Start. (actual, by residence)

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Section 1.B.2. Social-Emotional HealthISD Name: ISD Number:

Data Source

* Included On the

Data File.

Years 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2005 2006 2007

Michigan 6,417 6,333 6,237 6,431 6,630 8.2 8.1 8.0 8.2 8.6 1,629 1,589 1,794

Great Start total 5,651 5,550 5,419 5,537 5,716 8.4 8.3 8.1 8.2 8.7 1,232 1,223 1,428

Hillsdale 29 26 26 42 42 8.1 7.4 7.5 12.1 12.0 NA NA NA

Jackson 135 158 136 139 153 11.0 13.0 11.0 11.3 12.4 NA NA NA

Lenawee 35 24 30 61 73 4.8 3.3 4.0 8.2 10.0 1 3 7

Washtenaw 85 65 78 90 105 3.5 2.6 3.1 3.6 4.2 15 9 16

Monroe 29 47 49 62 66 2.7 4.4 4.6 5.9 6.3 NA NA NA

15a. Number of Children Ages 0-5 in Foster


15b. Rate per 1,000 of Children Ages 0-

5 in Foster Care (Population Attached)

16a. Number of Children Ages

0-3 Receiving Public Mental

Health Services


Section 1.B.2 Social-Emotional Health Care, Page 1 12/11/2009

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Section 1.B.2. Social-Emotional HealthISD Name:

Data Source

* Included On the

Data File.



Great Start total






2005 2006 2007 2005 2006 2007 2005 2006 2007 2004 2005 2006 2007

0.3 0.3 0.4 3,019 0.8 909 883 866

0.3 0.3 0.3 2,062 0.6 772 746 741

NA NA NA NA NA 3 3 4

NA NA NA NA NA 7 3 5

* * 0.1 8 0.2 10 17 19

0.1 0.1 0.1 27 0.2 16 26 29

NA NA NA 21 0.4 26 19 14


18. Number of Children Grades

K-2 Identified With

"Emotionally Impaired" As the

Primary Disability

16b. Percent of Children

Ages 0-3 Receiving Public

Mental Health Services

17a. Number of Children

Ages 4-6 Receiving Public

Mental Health Services.

17b. Percent of Children

Ages 4-6 Receiving Public

Mental Health Services.


Section 1.B.2 Social-Emotional Health Care, Page 2 12/11/2009

Page 46: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Section 1.B.1. Physical Health

ISD Name: ISD Number:

Data Source

* Included On the

Data File.

Years 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Michigan 30,453 28,455 28,349 28,275 28,049 22.9 21.7 21.8 21.9 21.9 20,321 19,613 18,709 18,075 17,645

Great Start total 26,695 24,856 24,679 24,487 24,210 23.4 22.0 22.1 22.1 22.0 16,555 15,922 15,079 14,494 14,107

Hillsdale 165 150 150 158 176 26.2 25.1 25.6 27.6 30.3 160 154 146 145 143

Jackson 1,087 1,029 947 735 623 53.0 50.7 45.7 35.0 29.9 315 346 367 405 420

Lenawee 224 213 211 230 240 18.4 17.2 17.2 18.5 19.3 218 221 213 217 218

Monroe 364 351 396 428 458 21.2 20.6 23.0 24.7 26.1 373 363 346 332 341

Washtenaw 1,161 1,005 962 965 1,018 27.8 23.9 22.8 22.8 24.0 258 282 254 250 281

2a. Number of Live Births to Women Who

Smoked During Pregnancy (3 year

average - latest year listed)


1a. Number of Live Births to Women With

Less Than Adequate Prenatal Care (3 year

average - latest year listed)

1b. Percent of Live Births to

Women With Less Than Adequate

Prenatal Care (3 year average)


Section 1.B.1 Physical Health Care, Page 1 12/11/2009

Page 47: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Section 1.B.1. Physical HealthISD Name:

Data Source

* Included On the

Data File.



Great Start total






2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

15.3 14.9 14.4 14.0 13.8 10,608 10,632 10,683 10,770 10,751 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4

14.5 14.1 13.5 13.1 12.8 9,386 9,394 9,405 9,477 9,471 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6

25.5 25.8 24.9 25.2 24.7 46 47 46 37 35 7.4 7.8 7.8 6.5 6.0

15.4 17.0 17.7 19.3 20.2 157 159 169 168 171 7.7 7.9 8.2 8.0 8.2

18.0 17.8 17.3 17.5 17.6 79 74 71 80 93 6.5 6.0 5.8 6.5 7.5

21.7 21.3 20.1 19.1 19.5 121 130 128 137 138 7.1 7.6 7.4 7.9 7.9

6.2 6.7 6.0 5.9 6.6 297 301 304 315 319 7.1 7.2 7.2 7.4 7.5


2b. Percent of Live Births to Women

Who Smoked During Pregnancy (3

year average)


3a. Number of Live Births With Low Birth

Weight (3 year average)

3b. Percent of Live Births With Low

Birth Weight (3 year average)

Section 1.B.1 Physical Health Care, Page 2 12/11/2009

Page 48: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Section 1.B.1. Physical HealthISD Name:

Data Source

* Included On the

Data File.



Great Start total






Dec. 2004 Dec. 2005 Dec. 2006 Dec. 2007 2000 2005 Dec. 2003 Dec. 2004 Dec. 2005 Dec. 2006 Dec. 2007

57.0 63.9 68.7 72.4 91.9 95.0 745,950 776,766 859,135 881,389 873,597

55.8 63.3 68.4 72.8 91.8 NA 634,179 659,701 727,637 747,648 741,717

60.5 66.7 76.7 77.5 90.8 NA 3,487 3,834 4,251 4,351 4,340

71.8 76.0 76.8 80.7 91.7 NA 12,807 13,331 14,909 15,109 14,768

64.2 64.2 69.8 77.4 92.5 NA 6,395 6,563 7,377 7,753 7,753

64.4 73.1 76.0 75.1 92.9 NA 7,642 8,065 9,206 9,604 9,551

69.7 71.8 69.9 72.2 93.1 NA 12,036 13,049 15,257 15,908 16,250

5. Percent of

Children 0-17

Insured (2005 is

2004-06 average)

SAIHE 2000*; CPS 2005

4. Percent of Toddlers Ages 19-35 Months

Who Are Fully Immunized 4:4:1:3:3:1


6a. Number of Children 0-18 Insured by Medicaid


Section 1.B.1 Physical Health Care, Page 3 12/11/2009

Page 49: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Section 1.B.1. Physical HealthISD Name:

Data Source

* Included On the

Data File.



Great Start total






Dec. 03 Dec. 04 Dec. 05 Dec. 06 Dec. 07 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

27.5 28.9 32.1 33.0 33.3 33,545 34,851 34,347 33,820 30,379 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2

27.6 29.0 32.1 33.0 33.3 27,437 28,653 27,944 27,557 24,750 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.1

27.6 30.7 33.8 35.8 36.4 167 193 187 174 182 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.5

30.2 31.5 35.4 35.8 35.7 639 684 589 618 570 1.5 1.6 1.4 1.5 1.4

24.2 25.1 28.1 29.9 30.6 313 305 305 298 239 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 0.9

18.6 20.0 23.0 23.9 24.3 403 410 398 384 395 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

14.9 16.5 18.1 19.6 19.9 603 601 545 569 525 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.6

6b. Percent of Children 0-18 Insured by


CLIKS (Maximus) *CLIKS (DCH)* CLIKS (Maximus) *

7a. Number of Children 0-18 Insured by


7b. Percent of Children 0-18

Insured by MiChild (Annual


Section 1.B.1 Physical Health Care, Page 4 12/11/2009

Page 50: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Section 1.B.1. Physical HealthISD Name:

Data Source

* Included On the

Data File.



Great Start total






2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

1,077 1,077 1,050 1,036 979 8.1 8.2 8.1 8.0 7.6 578 585 551 534 493

951 949 937 921 869 8.3 8.4 8.4 8.3 7.9 470 475 456 443 405

4 3 2 1 2 5.8 5.6 3.4 * 4.0 4 3 2 1 2

17 17 15 20 19 8.5 8.2 7.1 9.4 9.0 14 13 11 12 11

5 5 4 5 7 4.4 4.3 3.5 4.3 5.6 4 4 4 5 6

12 11 11 9 13 7.2 6.3 6.2 5.2 7.4 11 10 8 7 10

31 29 27 27 26 7.3 6.8 6.4 6.4 6.0 18 15 15 13 13

8b. Infant Mortality Rate Per 1,000 Live

Births - Total (3 year average)


8a.Infant Deaths Number - Total (3 year

average - latest year listed)

9a. Infant Deaths Number - White Non-

Hispanic (3 year average)


Section 1.B.1 Physical Health Care, Page 5 12/11/2009

Page 51: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Section 1.B.1. Physical HealthISD Name:

Data Source

* Included On the

Data File.



Great Start total






2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

5.9 6.1 5.8 5.7 5.4 413 398 394 387 368 17.8 17.6 17.7 17.3 16.4

5.8 6.0 5.9 5.8 5.4 406 391 389 379 359 17.9 17.6 17.8 17.3 16.3

6.0 5.8 3.5 * 4.2 0 0 0 0 0 * * * * *

8.1 7.3 6.0 6.5 6.2 2 3 3 6 5 13.3 17.0 14.7 30.5 27.8

3.9 4.2 3.9 4.5 5.7 0 0 0 0 0 * * * * *

7.1 6.1 5.0 4.1 6.3 0 0 1 0 1 * * * * *

6.2 5.2 5.4 4.5 4.6 10 11 9 11 8 15.4 17.0 13.9 15.8 11.7


9b. Infant Mortality Rate Per 1,000 Live

Births - White Non-Hispanic (3 year



10b. Infant Mortality Rate Per 1,000 Live

Births - Black Non-Hispanic (3 year


10a. Infant Deaths Number - Black Non-

Hispanic (3 year average)


Section 1.B.1 Physical Health Care, Page 6 12/11/2009

Page 52: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Section 1.B.1. Physical HealthISD Name:

Data Source

* Included On the

Data File.



Great Start total







12a. Number of

Children 0-17 With

A Regular Medical


12b. Percent of

Children 0-17 With

A Regular Medical


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2003 2003

63 72 69 80 87 8.8 9.7 9.2 10.1 10.7 2,189,742 86.2

75 83 93 99 96 11.9 12.7 13.9 14.1 13.3 NA NA

0 0 0 0 0 * * * * * NA NA

1 1 1 2 2 * * * 18.6 * NA NA

1 1 0 0 1 * * * * * NA NA

1 1 2 2 2 * * 23.6 25.9 54.5 NA NA

3 3 3 4 3 4.6 4.3 3.6 4.9 13.9 NA NA

11a. Infant Deaths Number - Hispanic (3

year average)


11b. Infant Mortality Rate Per 1,000 Live

Births - Hispanic (3 year average)

Section 1.B.1 Physical Health Care, Page 7 12/11/2009

Page 53: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Section 1.B.1. Physical HealthISD Name:

Data Source

* Included On the

Data File.



Great Start total






2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

31,939 44,436 52,428 59,544 63,558 27.8 37.6 43.0 47.1 49.6 1,432 1,470 1,554 1,172 1,079

29,096 38,996 45,547 51,160 54,234 29.9 39.0 44.3 48.0 50.1 166 175 226 178 172

82 207 197 239 282 13.8 35.0 31.6 35.0 43.5 2 2 5 4 3

296 903 1,052 1,188 1,301 14.9 43.8 48.2 51.7 57.7 8 22 25 11 15

204 357 377 468 623 19.0 31.2 32.5 38.8 48.7 12 13 11 4 6

358 474 405 485 677 27.0 34.5 28.8 34.5 47.2 3 1 4 1 1

208 606 819 911 913 9.2 25.3 33.2 33.5 32.4 1 3 4 5 6

14a. Number of Medicaid-eligible 1 and

2 year olds Who Are Lead Poisoned

(10+ micrograms/dl)


13b. Percent of Medicaid-eligible 1-2

Year Olds Tested for Lead

13a. Number of Medicaid-eligible 1-2

Year Olds Tested for Lead

Section 1.B.1 Physical Health Care, Page 8 12/11/2009

Page 54: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Section 1.B.1. Physical HealthISD Name:

Data Source

* Included On the

Data File.



Great Start total






2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2004 2005 2006 2004 2005 2006 2004 2005 2006 2004 2005 2006

4.5 3.3 3.0 2.0 1.7 352 344 333 13.6 13.3 13.3 211 246 219 3.2 3.8 3.4

0.6 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.3 303 13.6 185 3.3

* * * * * 1 * 0 *

2.7 2.4 2.4 0.9 1.2 1 * 0 *

5.9 3.6 2.9 * 1.0 0 * 1 *

* * * * * 2 * 1 *

* * * * 0.7 7 8.3 8 3.9

14b. Percent of Medicaid-eligible 1

and 2 year olds (of those tested)

Who Are Lead Poisoned (10+




a1. Preventable


(Ambulatory Care

Sensitive Conditions) -

Number Age 0-1



b1. Preventable


(Ambulatory Care

Sensitive Conditions) -

Number Ages 1-5


b2. Preventable

Hospitalizations of

Ages 1-5: Rate per

10,000 Children Ages



a2. Preventable

Hospitalizations of

Infants: Rate per

10,000 Infants

Age 0-1


Section 1.B.1 Physical Health Care, Page 9 12/11/2009

Page 55: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Section 1.B.5. Basic Needs, Security, SafetyISD Name: ISD Number:

Data Source

* Included On the

Data File.

Years 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Dec. 03 Dec. 04 Dec. 05 Dec. 06 Dec. 07

Michigan 41,940 43,529 44,549 46,854 50,186 32.4 33.3 34.3 36.7 39.4 56,453 55,891 56,797 63,450 58,835

Great Start total 35,396 36,664 37,447 39,298 42,359 31.8 32.6 33.7 36.0 38.8 51,204 50,597 51,219 57,162 52,975

Hillsdale 222 218 253 253 265 35.4 39.9 42.9 43.4 46.7 137 117 149 195 179

Jackson 683 758 792 886 913 34.2 36.7 36.8 42.5 45.5 864 796 743 833 779

Lenawee 411 441 436 490 593 34.0 34.4 36.5 39.0 46.6 255 279 249 316 307

Monroe 244 246 259 291 700 14.6 14.2 14.6 17.1 39.2 363 367 411 454 467

Washtenaw 624 556 704 938 976 14.9 13.2 16.6 22.2 22.9 836 871 864 1,025 941


41a. Number of Children 0-5 Receiving

Family Independence Program (FIP).


40a.Number of Births Paid for By


40b. Percent of Births Paid for By


Section 1.B.5 Basic Needs, Security, Safety, Page 1 12/11/2009

Page 56: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Section 1.B.5. Basic Needs, Security, SafetyISD Name:

Data Source

* Included On the

Data File.



Great Start total






Dec. 03 Dec. 04 Dec. 05 Dec. 06 Dec. 07 Sep. 03 Sep. 04 Sep. 05 Sep. 06 Sep. 07 Sep. 03 Sep. 04 Sep. 05 Sep. 06 Sep. 07

7.2 7.1 7.3 8.1 7.6 1,366 1,378 1,412 1,616 1,775 2.4 2.4 2.5 2.5 2.8

9.7 9.6 9.7 10.9 10.3 1,207 1,193 1,237 1,449 1,545 2.4 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.7

3.8 3.3 4.3 5.6 5.1 0 0 1 2 1 * * * *

7.1 6.5 6.0 6.8 6.3 9 7 13 23 21 1.0 0.9 1.7 2.7

3.5 3.8 3.3 4.2 4.2 24 16 10 18 20 9.3 6.3 4.0 5.8

3.3 3.4 3.9 4.3 4.4 0 2 0 6 3 * * * 1.3

3.4 3.5 3.5 4.1 3.8 16 13 12 23 9 2.0 1.5 1.3 2.1


42b. Percent of FIP Children 0-5 Who

Are Sanctioned.

42a. Number of FIP Children 0-5 Who

Are Sanctioned.


41b. Percent of Children 0-5 Receiving

FIP (Population attached).


Section 1.B.5 Basic Needs, Security, Safety, Page 2 12/11/2009

Page 57: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Section 1.B.5. Basic Needs, Security, SafetyISD Name:

Data Source

* Included On the

Data File.



Great Start total






Dec. 03 Dec. 04 Dec. 05 Dec. 06 Dec. 07 Dec. 03 Dec. 04 Dec. 05 Dec. 06 Dec. 07 2006 2007

153,804 178,751 187,912 194,116 193,472 19.6 22.9 24.0 24.8 25.1 304,353 304,453

132,402 153,464 160,871 166,172 164,866 19.7 22.9 24.0 24.7 25.0 254,440 254,671

656 763 937 925 950 18.3 21.7 27.0 26.7 27.1 1,716 1,702

2,642 3,082 3,318 3,433 3,489 21.6 25.3 26.9 27.8 28.2 6,108 6,133

1,129 1,340 1,467 1,678 1,779 15.5 18.2 19.7 22.5 24.4 3,086 3,083

1,418 1,715 1,800 1,906 1,979 13.0 16.1 17.1 18.1 18.8 3,769 3,749

2,663 3,290 3,566 3,841 3,935 10.8 13.3 14.3 15.4 15.7 6,210 6,289

43a. Number of Children 0-5 Receiving Food


43b. Percent of Children 0-5 Receiving

Food Assistance.

44a. Number of Children

Ages 1-4 Participating in

WIC (by County of Service,

not Residence).


Section 1.B.5 Basic Needs, Security, Safety, Page 3 12/11/2009

Page 58: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Section 1.B.5. Basic Needs, Security, SafetyISD Name:

Data Source

* Included On the

Data File.



Great Start total






2006 2007 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07

46.9 47.7 1,479 1,272 1,148 1,160 1,414 1.9 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.8

45.7 46.6 1,231 1,042 950 941 1,132 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.4 1.7

58.3 58.6 5 8 10 16 9 * 2.3 2.9 4.6 2.6

59.2 59.3 28 28 19 40 30 2.3 2.3 1.5 3.2 2.4

50.5 51.0 16 11 7 18 24 2.2 1.5 0.9 2.4 3.3

43.0 43.1 10 12 11 11 11 0.9 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0

29.6 30.2 20 14 18 30 34 0.8 0.6 0.7 1.2 1.4

45a. Number of Children Ages 0-5 Who Are

Substantiated Victims of Abuse.

45b. Rate per 1,000 Children Ages 0-5 Who

Are Substantiated Victims of Abuse.

44b. Percent of Children

Ages 1-4 Participating in

WIC (by County of Service,

not Residence).


Section 1.B.5 Basic Needs, Security, Safety, Page 4 12/11/2009

Page 59: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Section 1.B.5. Basic Needs, Security, SafetyISD Name:

Data Source

* Included On the

Data File.



Great Start total






FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07

8,712 9,343 9,447 10,159 10,963 11.1 11.9 12.1 13.0 14.2

7,419 7,984 7,984 8,561 9,179 11.0 11.9 11.9 12.8 13.9

50 43 65 72 106 14.0 12.2 18.7 20.8 30.2

278 297 285 336 295 22.7 24.4 23.1 27.2 23.9

67 101 115 105 121 9.2 13.7 15.4 14.1 16.6

31 59 60 88 129 2.9 5.5 5.7 8.3 12.3

136 148 157 169 151 5.5 6.0 6.3 6.8 6.0

46a. Number of Children Ages 0-5 Who Are

Substantiated Victims of Neglect.

46b. Rate per 1,000 Children Ages 0-5 Who

Are Substantiated Victims of Neglect.


Section 1.B.5 Basic Needs, Security, Safety, Page 5 12/11/2009

Page 60: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

C. Status Report on Young Children in Lenawee County

Page 61: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Lenawee CountyG R E AT S TA R T C O L L A B O R AT I V E

A partner of the Early Childhood Investment Corporation

Lenawee’s Future

A closer look at the 0-5 population

“85% of

a child’s

brain develops

between the ages

of 0-3, and currently

4% of public funds are

invested in this age group.”America’s Partnership for Economic Success

Growing Great Kids in Lenawee County

Page 62: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve


Dear Community Member,

As Lenawee County’s Probate Court Administrator I witness, first-hand, families in crisis. My 37 years of experience in the judicial system have clearly illustrated the importance of getting a good start in life. Great Start was created to ensure that all children start school healthy, safe and ready to succeed. This year there will be a Great Start in every county due to the hard work of Michigan’s Early Investment Corporation, established by Governor Granholm in 2005. Our Great Start Collaborative consists of parents, community members, service agencies, healthcare providers, faith leaders, child care providers and educators. I can assure you we are not about to create a new wheel. Instead we will improve the one we have by strengthening and better coordinating the early childhood services in our community and make them accessible to parents. This task is monumental and will not happen overnight. It will require every aspect of our community to engage. I encourage all who have a passion for children (0-5) to join us in this effort. The future of our community depends on our ability to help all children reach their full potential.

David Stanifer, ChairmanLenawee Great Start Collaborative

Lenawee County Probate Court Administrator


V I S I O NAll children in Lenawee County will start school healthy, safe and ready to succeed.

m i s s i o nTo assure a coordinated system of community resources and

services that provide a great start for all children.

“Invest inthe very young”James Heckman,Nobel Prize winning economist

Page 63: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

great start components

B a s i c N e e d s & C h i l d S a f e t y

p h y s i c a lh e a l t h

pa r e n te d u c at i o n

s o c i a l &e m o t i o n a l

h e a l t hc h i l d c a r e

& e a r l ye d u c at i o n

Children’s early experiences with their family and community are shaped by

economic and social conditions.

Child health is dependent on access to preventative care

and early intervention.

Parent’s knowledge and skills guide a child’s early development.

Children develop trust through stable caring

relationships with adults.Experiences in early childhood establish

intelligence, behavioral patterns and personality traits that persist

throughout a lifetime.


“Genes provide the blueprint for the brain: early

experiences determine how the brain is built”National Scientific Council on the Developing Child

Page 64: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve



2008 KindergartenStudents Population

Community Conditions• Population 101,243

• Average wage Lenawee $33,435 Michigan $41,561• Unemployment rate 10.3% Nov. 08’

• Biggest employers Promedica Health Systems, Wacker Chemical,Michigan Dept. of Corrections, County Government, Adrian Mall

• Citizens with a high school diploma or less education:Lenawee 52% Michigan 45%

• 26% of the population is married with children• Families with children living below poverty

Lenawee 12.5% Michigan 15.5%

Page 65: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

BASIC NEEDS & CHILD SAFETYInfants and children need to live in safe

and economically stable families.

Lenawee Victims of Abuse or Neglect

There are 7,292 children in Lenawee County age 5 and under• 84% White 12% Hispanic 3% African American 1% Other• 15% live in poverty• 45% receive some form of government assistance• 26% are entitled to child support and receive none• 90% Lenawee and 85% Michigan children travel unsafely in their car seats: wrong seat for child’s age and size, infants are facing forward, seats or child is not secured

Parent educationFamilies need to support and guide the early learning of their infants and children.

• 2007 Lenawee births 1,152• Birthrate trend since 2000 Lenawee increased 4.6% Michigan decreased 6.2%• 21% of birthmothers have two or more children and are less than 20 years of age


ranks 37th out

of 83 Michigan


in number

of births

to mothers

under 20.”

Kids Count Michigan


“Lenawee ranks 57 out of 77

reporting counties for number of

children removed from their homes

because of abuse and neglect.”

Kids Count Michigan

Page 66: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

CHILD CAREFamilies need to have access to high quality child care.

• In 65% of families both parents work, leaving 3,133 children ages 0-5 in need of child care• Average annual cost for full time childcare Lenawee $5664 Michigan $6324• One child’s daycare consumes 17% of an average Lenawee wage• One child’s daycare consumes 42% of a minimum wage employee’s earnings (before taxes)• Child care subsidies have remained flat for over a decade• 63% of children receiving subsidies are cared for by relatives• Weekend and evening child care spaces make up 7% of all available child care spaces• 25% of all Lenawee Child Care Providers have a college degree


Child CareSpaces Available

in Lenawee

“A lack of affordable child care

means many children end up in

unregulated child care. Some

parents leave the workforce, and

settle for a life on welfare in order

to care for their children.”Child Care Resources

“Lessons Learned from 10 Years of Smart Start”

Page 67: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

EARLY EDUCATIONFamilies need access to high quality

early education opportunities.

Number of Lenawee Students in Special Education

“There is a

return to society

of more than $16 for

every tax dollar invested

in the early care and

education program.”

HighScope Educational Research Foundation

• 3 & 4 year olds attending preschool Lenawee 25% Michigan 46%• 620 children qualify for Head Start and Lenawee is funded for 357 children• 1 Lenawee preschool is accredited• 239 children are enrolled in Development Kindergarten• 35 children are repeating 1st grade at a cost to taxpayers of over $250,000• Early On, which helps children with developmental delays, is able to serve 3.2% of the 5.5% of children 0-3 with a need• 181 children 0-5 are in special education classes


Due to children entering kindergarten unprepared for school success Minnesotaschools calculated a cost burden of $113 million annually as follows:

• 42 million loss of student aid because of school drop outs• 28.9 million teacher costs due to absenteeism, turnover and extra pay to compensate for student behavior problems and low achievement levels• 24.4 million for special education and grade repetition costs• 11 million for language development for children with no early education• 6 million for school safety due to delinquent behaviorCost Burden to Minnesota K-12 When Children are Unprepared for Kindergarten-Wilder Research Foundation

Page 68: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

• 18% of mothers report smoking during pregnancy• 19% of mothers receive less than adequate prenatal care• Low birth weight babies (less than 5.5 pounds) Lenawee 7.5% Michigan 8.4%• 77% of toddlers are fully immunized• Nearly half of all hospitalizations for children 0-6 could have been prevented by timely and effective primary care• Children being insured by Medicaid is increasing while doctors see a limited number of Medicaid patients

PHYSICAL HEALTHInfants, young children and their families need to be physically healthy.

social & emotional health

Infants, young children and their families need to be socially and emotionally healthy.

“Academic achievement in the

first few years of school is built on

a strong foundation of emotional

and social health.”Michigan Health Services for Children and Families

Children Insured by Medicaid in Lenawee


• Lenawee County service providers are seeing less than 2% of the estimated 700

children 0-5 with socio-emotional deficits

• Less than 10% of children 0-5 with socio-emotional deficits are getting help

• Nationwide 1 in 5 children enter school with socio-emotional deficits:

unable to join in play, make and keep friends, interact positively

with their peers

Page 69: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve




First day of school

“There are 2000

days between

birth and the first

day of school.

These 2000 days

are critical to

a child’s later

success in school

and in life.”

Begins to babble


Learning to walk

Can turn pages of a


Starts asking ‘why’


Vocabulary grows to

several hundred words

Begins to show self-control

Develops friendships

Can write with a pencil

Page 70: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

The Collaborative• Hold focus groups to discuss data• Develop a 3-5 year strategic plan• Identify goals for 1st Annual Early Childhood Action Agenda• Make children and families an urgent community priority

The Parent Coalition• Build a membership throughout the county• Hold regional meetings • Show parents how to access resources• Serve as a sounding board for new ideas to strengthen current services for children

Focus Group SessionsFebruary 13 AddisonFebruary 20 Onsted

February 26 Britton, TecumsehFebruary 27 Clinton

March 6 Madison, Deerfield, BlissfieldMarch 12, 13, 14 Adrian

March 19 Hudson,Morenci and Sand Creek

get involved!

105 Brown Street • Tecumseh, Michigan • 517-424-1000www.lenaweegreatstart.org • [email protected]

We will be in your neighborhood!

Check our website for details

The DataThis snapshot of children 0-5 is a work in progress. The information presented here was scattered throughout many different agencies and not always neatly categorized for the 0-5 population. For some questions we asked about the status of children there is no data being collected.

Bibliography & Credits2008 Kids Count in Michigan, Michigan Early Childhood Investment Corporation, Child Care Licensing, Head Start, American Community Survey 2008, Michigan Department of Human Service, Education and Community Health, Lenawee Intermediate School District, Lenawee Economic Development Corporation, Child Care Network, Richard Powell- Michigan Technological University Research Institute, Francisco Photography, Tecumseh Herald


GETTING STARTEDBuilding a single system of early childhood services

“Teamwork is

the fuel that

allows common

people to attain


results.”Andrew Carnegie

Page 71: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve



• Make children and families an urgent community priority• Talk, sing, read and play with your children every day• Volunteer your time to support children in our community• Invite Great Start to speak to your church, civic group or organization• Connect parents to the calendar of event on the website• Attend focus groups scheduled in your community• Be an informed advocate about the need to invest in our youngest children and families• Join the Parent Coalition

Join the Parent Coalition TodayThe Parent Coalition is working for a “great start” for all children through advocacy and education activities. Parent Coalition members’ network with other parents, learn how to access local resources, share their opinions and help build a stronger system of services for children. The Coalition is open to all parents and caregivers of children 12 and under. Contact Parent Liaison Heidi Rawlings, at [email protected]

“When thinking about how to make a big difference,

don’t ignore the small daily differences you can make

which, over time, add up to big differences.”M. Edelman, Founder Children’s Defense Fund

What You Can Do

in Lenawee County

Page 72: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

105 Brown Street • Tecumseh, Michigan • 517-424-1000www.lenaweegreatstart.org • [email protected]

Lenawee CountyG R E AT S TA R T C O L L A B O R AT I V E

Growing Great Kids in Lenawee CountyPlease reuse. Share with a friend!

Page 73: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Master List: 45 minute FOCUS GROUPS

Friday Feb. 13

8:15 a.m. Coffee

Wayne Gray Elementary-Addison

Tuesday Feb. 17

7-8 p.m. Dessert

Lenawee Child Care Providers

Thursday Feb. 19

6 p.m. Piotter Center

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Friday Feb. 20

8:15 a.m. Coffee

Onsted Elementary- Onsted

10:30 a.m. Brunch

Christian Family Centre

Wednesday Feb. 25

3 p.m. & 4 p.m. Snacks

Tipton Head Start-Tipton

Thursday Feb.26

7:45 a.m. Coffee

Britton Community Center

10 a.m. Coffee

Tecumseh 1st Presbyterian Church

Noon Lunch

Tecumseh 1st Presbyterian Church

Friday Feb. 27

6:00 Dinner

Clinton Elementary School-Clinton

March 3

Lenawee Great Start Collaborative

March 5

Madison Elementary

8:30 a.m. Coffee

March 11

3 p.m. & 4 p.m. Snacks

Garfield Elementary-Adrian

March 12

10 a.m.

Human Service Council

Noon Lunch

River Raisin Room

Human Service Building

Lincoln Elementary-Adrian

4:15 Dessert

March 13

7:30 Coffee

Lenawee Prep Staff

9 a.m. Snacks

Lenawee Prep Students

(H.S. for pregnant teens)

8:30 Coffee

Milton C. Porter Center

Special Education Center

3 p.m. Chips & Salsa

Sunnyside Restaurant

March 14

Adrian Mall- Leap for Lenawee 10:30 &

1 p.m.

March 15

11:30 Brunch

St. Joseph Church

March 18

8 a.m.

Morenci Elementary

March 19

8:45 a.m. Coffee

Trenton Hills

5:30 p.m. Dinner

Lincoln Elementary


*English & Spanish Sessions

March 20

6 p.m

Blissfield Elementary

March 25

10 a.m.

The Daily Bread

March 26

BixbyOB-GYN Nurses

7a.m. and 7 p.m.

6 p.m. Dinner

Michener Elementary-Adrian

Childcare provided

D. Focus Group Dates & Times

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Page 75: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

E. Strategic Review Data

Summary of Focus Group Participation

Page 76: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Complete List of Know Resources

(Number indicates times repeated in focus groups)

Basic Needs & Child Safety

• WIC (18)

• DHS (12)

• CAA (8)

• Safety Town (4)

• Medicaid / Cash Assistance (3)

• Safe Kids (3)

• CPC (3)

• Wraparound (2)

• My Child Insurance (2)

• Catholic Charities (2)

• M.I.C. (2)

• S.S.I.

• Bike helmets @ Tec. Police

• New Tec. Parks & rec. van

• Home Visits

• Medicaid

• Salvation Army

• $ Store

• Habitat for Humanity homes

• Ready- Kits

• Cooperative Ext. – Nutrition

• Physician well – baby care

• Police I.D. Systems

• Family

• Grandparents

• Foster Care

• Friends, neighbors

• Safety Programs Food programs @ childcare (state funded)

• Fire & Police events : smoke house, bike safety, safe kids, car seats

• Other store – donations accepted & distributed

• Catherine Cobb – Domestic Violence

• Car seat inspection program

• Certified car seat technicians @ Tec. Police (Monica Andrews & Kelly Hissong)

Page 77: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Physical Health

• City activities (parks & rec.) (30)

• YMCA (15)

• Christian Family Centre (13)

• Health Department (9)

• Dance Studios (6)

• Gymnastics – Clinton / Adrian (4)

• Promedica groups (2)

• Bohn Pool (2)

• Infant Support – Health Dept (Medicaid only)

• Maternal Support – Health Dept (Medicaid only)

• Children’s Special Health Care Needs (Health Dept)

• Canoeing

• Swim lessons (club) – Tecumseh

• Baseball / Soccer – Clinton / Tecumseh

• Club Rock

• Len CH

• Healthy kids Day

• La Leche League

• NUC Dept

• Gross Motor Activity Night

• Pixie Cheerleading

• Walk – In – Clinic

• Child care centers

• 3 /4 yr old programs like Little Shooter / sports activities – basic skills

• Pediatricians

• Karate

• Sports for squirts

• Playgrounds

• Public Health nurses (MIHP)

• Referrals by local doctors

• Gymboree

• Summer Camps

• Tot Soccer

• Hospice Camps?

• Yoga Kids Camp – St. Joseph School

• Shriner’s

• The Toledo Hospital

• Lion’s Club

Page 78: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

• Great Lakes Hospice

Social & Emotional Health

• Community Mental Health (9)

• Church – family activities, charity work, etc. (5)

• Festivals (3)

• Playgroups (3)

• Lenawee’s Child Playgroups / screenings, etc. (3)

• Field trips (2)

• Movie Theatre – free Sunday (2)

• Moonwalk Madness (2)

• Lenawee Christian Centre – free movies

• Bowling

• Appleumpkin

• Parades

• Support group – Down’s Syndrome

• Fishing

• Playland – McDonalds – Dundee, Cabellas, Russell Stovers

• Easter Egg Hunt

• Maternal Infant Support

• Parent Education

• MSU Extension

• Mental health

• Mom’s Club

• Childcare Centers

• NW McDonalds playground

• Zoo

• Kinder Music

• Adrian’s “Chocopolooza”

• “Communities for Schools”

• Family Counseling

• Adrian Symphony – Family Discovery Concerts

• Hope Center


• Fetal Alcohol Syndrome – support system Alice Makaroy

• Autism Support Group

• Crippled Children Support Group

• Single Parent Support group

• Divorce Care (Blissfield Element 3 Church)


Page 79: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Parent Education

• M.O.P.S. (11)

• Breastfeeding program (5)

• Lenawee Prep Education (5)

• M.O.M.S. (4)

• MSU Extension (3)

• Prenatal Education (2)

• HMHB (Healthy moms Happy Babies) (2)

• Love & Logic (2)

• E-Newsletters that give notices & events

• Childcare networking (ref. lists)

• Sibling Class

• Birthing Unit

• MI -Child

• Calendar – Clinton local

• Infant Support Group

• 211


• Community Action Agency – parenting classes


• D.H.S. Services

• L.I.S.D. Services

• Catholic Social Services – Nurturing Program

Child Care & Early Education

• Head

Start ( 26)


• Library programs & story time (25)

• Preschools – private & public (18)

• ISD Early On (18)

• Lenawee’s Child – (toy lending, development screenings, home visits, parent education (16)

• Daycares (15)

• L.I.S.D. – i.e. speech therapy, specials needs, playgroups, OT / PT (7)

• Church activities – Bible Schools (7)

Page 80: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

• Montessori St. Joseph (6)

• Young 5’s (5)

• Hidden Lake Gardens (5)

• State Readiness (5)

• Adrian Community nursery (4)

• CEMAT - Porter Center has computers, games, puppets, toys, die cuts ,etc. (4)

• Childcare Network (4)

• Bookmobile (Lenawee County) (3)

• Stubnitz Center (3)

• 4 yr. old programs (2)

• Kindermusic (2)

• Full day kindergarten (2)

• GRSP (2)

• M.O.M.S. (2)

• M.O.P.S

• Sprouts

• Little Indians

• Summer reading program

• Kindergarten

• Round – Ups

• Young 5 & up programs

• 4 – H Clubs – 5 year


• Camp

• Leap frog…learning tools…to teach alphabet & more

• Computer games

• Ogden Learning Academy

• Calendar – Clinton local Childcare Network – covers

• Head Start community resource guide

• Special Ed Preschool

• Migrant Daycare

• Treasured Minds

• Communities in Schools

• Faith Communities

• Vo-Tech child care

• Learning Works & Wonder

• 162 home childcare

• Literacy programs through grants for childcare

• Britton - 3 years

• Grandma’s House

• CCEP ( Childcare Expulsion Prevention) helps children / childcare providers behavior issues

• Breastfeeding consulting

Page 81: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

• Motor Moms & Dads

• Fairgrounds – preschool – Spanish speaking families

• Paul McCormick (brings animals to classrooms)

• Kindergarten curriculum

• MSU Extension

• Hospital ( summer) programs

• Family Reading Nights (Onsted)

• Siena Creative Drama?

• Adrian College – Art Camps

• Teachers

• Coldwater…takes handicap children

• Library @ Porter


• Children

• Child Study Club

• How much time do you have?

• Co-Op

• H.S. (income guidelines)

• Support Groups – Grandparents, Foster parents, ADHD, FAE/S, Down’s

• Adrian Mall

• Adrian Mall program March 14

Complete List of Missing Resources

Basic Needs & Child Safety

• Better transportation to resources available or between programs like H.S. & daycare (7)

• Clothes Swap 0-5 (toys, books)

• Public Vans

• Health Insurance availability w/jobless unemployed

• Adequate $ from Food Stamp program

• Baby / child pantry

• Lower prices for: activities, clothes, diapers, formula

• Early screening –connection with families at birth / hospital / doctor

• Home Visits

• Pediatric physiatrist

• Baby pantry (no strings attached)

• The Laundry project ( see more info)

Page 82: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Physical Health

• Big community playgroup in / outdoors (depend on season) (3)

• Resource kit @ hospitals for new parents / list of community resources (2)

• Sufficient healthcare (2)

• Clinics for screening / assessment of disabilities (2)

• More pediatricians / dentists to accept Medicaid (2)

• Gap in medical help – paying for needs. Information on how to get help for physical & mental. Help

for children with special needs. Information about what child is getting in program


• Dental services / Pediatric– affordable – easy to access (2)

• Kids Kingdom – outdoor / indoor exercise

• Gymnastics / additional programs for tots

• Lock – In for 0-5 population for a couple hours

• Universal Maternity Care

• Improved Pediatric care @ hospitals

• Nutrition information for parents / care providers

• Access to health care for every child

• Child development

• Sick care facilities for little ones

• Collaboration between pediatricians / hospitals re: available services for parents

• Doctor’s taking time to explain things at visits

• Park with activities / equipment for little people

• Day camp programs

• Training for medical staffs to refer

• Diet information

• More motor involvement

• Better educated traveling nurses

• Offer public time (low / no cost) at gymnastics center

• Free day for kids @ Christian Family Centre

• Organized / directed activity time @ Parks / Rec

• CMH to pick up programming for children @ risk of expulsion

• CMH services

• Lack of playgroups throughout the county only 3 of 12 districts funding

Social & Emotional Health

• 0-2 affordable parent / child activities (3)

• Playgroups – more throughout county – in schools (3)

• More parent involvement in education (2)

• Playgroups for evening / night time (2)

• Parent support groups (2)

Page 83: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

• Playgroups at more convenient times – 8:00-10:00, 12:00, afternoon, etc. (2)

• Child based businesses (like indoor play places, Chelsea Treehouse, Urban Toddler)

• “Welcome Wagon”

• More group activities for younger 0-5 group

• Peer group parent support – beginning during hospital stay

• After school programs

• Appropriate mental care

• Parent / mom groups

• Adult / child conversations

• Child care workers with more sensitivity to social – emotional health

• More informal events (FREE)

• Help with emotional needs of kids

• Peer mentoring

• Respect for teen moms

• Activities for children w/special needs

• Strengthening family units

• Better diagnosis of mental health at an earlier age

• Modeling appropriate manners for parents & children

Parent Education

• Parent Education (7)

• How to find resources, i.e. list of childcare resources (5)

• Parenting classes for new parents (4)

• Parent education on child development that is given during the prenatal period (3)

• Father resources (2)

• Parent information – education on expected parent / child interactions / what kids need to know

prior to kindergarten (all schools to communicate this) (2)

• Support / Education @ home for young parents (& parents of all ages)

Education about basic needs, development of children (2)

• Grandparent resources

• Knowledge … varied subjects

• Young mom support – (Healthy Moms – Happy Babies)

• First Steps (Washtenaw County)

• Information about how to care for / needs of biracial kids in care (e.g. African American

Hair care, hygiene)

• More parenting classes like “Love & Logic”

• Information on how to shop, cook, budget to stretch food through month

• Parent education on early intervention services

• List of preschools & pediatricians

• Information about local hospital resources (for newborns / infants

Page 84: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

• More kids are out of control b/c parents lack knowledge on discipline / fear if they discipline that they

will be in trouble with CPC

• Lenawee’s Child in Hudson

• Parenting Classes (esp. for teens)

• Parenting support groups

• Parent education from hospitals for new parents (e.g. halosleep.com)

• Training for emotional needs of kids ( speakers come to see parents @ childcare)

• Programs for families / children with incarcerated parents

• Directory on what’s available 0-5

• Family resource room

• “Proud Fathers” in Spanish

• Grandparent classes

• English as second language resources

• More nutrition information

• Juvenile diabetes education

• Parent classes for high school students

• Classes on building relationships

• Parenting Education (free)

Child Care & Early Education

• Hands – On children’s museum (4)

• Evening & night daycares (4)

• Early Head Start (3)

• Daycares (2)

• Music / Art programs 0-5 (puppet show /interactive / hands on) (2)

• 24 hour daycare & flexible drop off if needed (2)

• Quality of child care

• Quality of preschool

• NO Tec. Head Start

• More art / creative/ music programs that are affordable

• Science – based parks & rec. programs

• Library story-time changed

• Lenawee’s Child

• Year – round preschool – morning preschool

• Summer programs

• Science / Art programs – summer all year (Saline) – summer programs

• Kindermusic

Page 85: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

• Child care Co-op

• Learning Center for little children

• Preschools other than LISD that will take children w/special needs

• Preschools need more help from ISD to allow them to feel able to take kids w/special needs

• H.S. to continue beyond age 5 if child has IEP

• More one on one help in D-K classrooms (or kindergarten) for kids w/ special needs

• ISD to do Full Day preschool for Kindergarten Readiness

• All daycares should do ASQ’s & send them home for parents to do

• More support for kids who are achieving above age level – EARLY (testing & supports) so they are

challenged in preschool class

• More qualified teachers (more knowledge about what school expects) and more teachers per child in


• Stronger link between H.S. / all preschools / schools at transition time – there is little now

• They could separate 3 & 4 year olds in H.S.

• Improve Kindergarten Readiness testing process

• Childcare for special needs

• Childcare expulsion prevention

• Kids aging out of Early On w/o Special Ed resources

• Developmental Ed

• Imagination Library – Early literacy

• Not enough pre – k experiences to help children be successful in kindergarten


• Respite care for parents

• Nontraditional daycare

• Continuing education for child care providers

• English as second language resources

• Parenting information Daycare / help for teen moms

• Early music appreciation / early stimulation

• Getting Baby Einstein / Mozart videos (free or discounted)

• Daycare training for ADHD or children

• Promote learning Works – learning materials

• Sick kid child care

• Open House / Fun day @ Fire Station

• Early childhood professional support

• Part time child care

• Mommy & Me / Parent & Me story hours


• Affordable services (lower middle class) – education / health (5)

• Getting information out to community (5)

Page 86: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

• Funding (3)

• Finding resources (2)

• Mentoring parents & young moms (2)

• Welcome Kit – Advocacy / Informational piece / Safety issues – SIOS (Shaken Baby) (2)

• Affordable daycare & flexible hours (2)

• More $ to attend education classes or living expenses to go to school (2)

• Master calendar; weekly announcements in newspaper

• Programs to work together – make more seamless referrals to connect

• More in depth individualized specific developmental – behavioral

• More early intervention referrals from any provider

• More sharing of resources from agencies to people

• Story times list

• Activities that are scheduled so they’re not all at the same time

• Family time magazine

• Additional benefits through libraries

• Facilities for families to take their children

• Additional ways to prepare new parents for 1st child

• Enough daycare

• Smaller communities – difficulty

• Network for information to connect parents

• Knowledge of needs of children starting at birth

• Not enough for newborn parents

• How to access lower economic groups

• Information to new moms

• Connecting with an expert

• Focus group – every Lenawee’s Child Group

• Better child support enforcement

• Removing barriers for parents to participate in enriching experiences /life experiences in childhood

• Mental Health services for children

• Learning to be proactive

• Outreach services for underserved population

• Salary / Better compensation for childcare

• Jobs for parents so kids can stay in care

• More $ for childcare provider training

• Child development education for doctors

• Call – in information re: child issues & resources for parents or providers (like” Ask a Nurse”)

• Special needs services – awareness of what’s available

• How to get parents involved

• Affordable activities

• Time

• Lack of communication / cooperation community – systems helping each other

• Lack of bilingual funding Lenawee Child

Page 87: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

• Flexible hours for daycare

• More places to loan out toys (like bags from Len Child Parents awareness of their role

• Access services (sensory therapy) easier access

• How to identify those in need

• Resource list for Ped. Office

• Standardized teaching process / kindergarten screening process

• Standardized referral process for at-risk families

• Need for mothers / child attachments fostering bonds

• Teaching / mentoring values – stronger value system

• How do we come to a place where we inherently respect self / others

• Parent education - information on early development – hospitals, doctor’s office

• “Baby & Me” – age appropriate toys – instructor (In Monterrey – Estimulacion temprano)

• Co-ops for preschool / help financially

• Get these flyers w/ stats to Herrick / Bixby

• Multi – kid discounts

• Non Adrian discounts

• Museums – science, hands – on

• Commitment free

Complete List of ideas

Basic Needs & Child Safety

• Transportation to & from services 6 votes

• FOOD for all children – parents knowing where to access 5 votes

• Transportation systems improvements 4 votes

• Parent –to-Parent swap or sale book, movie, resource swap 3 votes

• Laundry project 3 votes

• Programming & services for single working moms who don’t qualify for assistance 2 votes

• Home visit ISD

• Clear information about car seat requirements

• Share information about hospital prevention strategies & safety protocols in homes

• Free Clinic

• Regular medical care – Insurance/ transportation / better dissemination of information

• Get more kids to come to school

• Help kids learn more

• Transportation to childcare facility nearby

• Health Care

• Dental care

• Child restraining seats – certified checker

• Transportation

Page 88: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

• Transportation

• Transportation

• Visiting nurse or social worker to help with parenting issues

• Lenawee Human resource Building to get information / Chamber of Commerce

• Family Support & Respite Center – C. Cobb – W / Mission – M

• Baby Pantry

Physical Health

• Immunization clinic hours extended 3 votes

• List of daycare providers 3 votes

• Partnerships with Dr’s to share information i.e. parenting resources 3 votes

• Parents need advocates available to help with doctor visits 2 votes

• Making restaurants in county non-smoking

• Reach new moms right in the hospital

Where to go to doctor specialist / all resource

• Focus on nutrition / wellness

• Information about preventative care immunizations & insurance / info or payment plans

• Health care for kids – dental care, healthcare information (like family medical center)

• Smoke Free Community (not legally but influential & educational) Possible funding available for

assistance for “quit kits”

• OBGYN’S should refer for parenting education

o Start of all this before birth…OBGYN says…must take before delivery…important to get docs

on board

• More support of affordable outdoor / unstructured activities, play areas

• Quality Pre – Natal care – high schools refer teens for prenatal care

• Extended hours for service providers (doctors, child care)

• Health insurance for well – being, preventative care

• Quality affordable health care & follow up appointments for specialty visits

• Universal health care

• Indoor recreational places to take your children in the winter

• Nutritional Education – importance of food & nutrition in early years

• Increase Motor / Movement programs 0-5 yr.

• Keep new mom’s in hospital for another day – work with insurance companies

• Nutrition education – lack of balanced meals affects brain development (problem w/fast & convenient

food is a concern)

• Pediatric Physiatrist Unit in hospitals

Page 89: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Social & Emotional Health

• Playgroups – more throughout county – in schools 5 votes

• We have to provide more social-emotional services / help for 0-5 5 votes

• Traveling playgroups – access improved 4 votes

• Parenting counselors (to work on co-parenting) 3 votes

• Family activities - publicity 3 votes

• Support groups single moms / dads 2 votes

• Playgroups in every community

• Expand CMH criteria for birth – 5 year olds for active services

• Play dates – a structure to organize this

• Support groups for young moms

• New playground 0-5 coming!

• Resources

• Educate high schoolers in parenting; that emotional connections are important for 0-3 or 5 years old

• Importance of parent / child 1-1 interaction

• Parent Ed on typical social – emotional health and caregiver /community

• Social – Emotional services for children before it becomes Protective SVCS call (prevention work)

• Support groups for single working moms

• Counseling for moms in crisis

• Provide follow – up contacts for new parents for the 1st year of child’s life / also look for parent

depression, etc.

• Public school playgroups / district sponsored – evening playgroups

• More parent groups

• Social programs for teen / young / all mothers – social networking baby play

• Appropriate social outlet for teen moms away from child

• Education for parents about what is expected in school including social – emotional development &

make this information more widely available earlier

• More focus groups or opportunities for parents to talk

• Parent involvement

Parent Education

• Training for parents & providers in kindergartens (by schools?) for readiness, expectations by the time

child is 3 or 4 20 votes

• More parent education in hospital when child is born 18 votes

• Parents need to spend time to reinforce what kids learn in childcare, responsibility, more education

about what to expect 12 votes

Page 90: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

• Encourage parents to take parenting classes (prenatally & at / after birth) 7 votes

• Programming for Fathers 6 votes

• Parent Education by school system of what is expected to be ready for school 4 votes

• Educate parents about what they need to do for their kids before age 3 so they are ready for school

4 votes

• Educate prior to birth on child stages & development 4 votes

• Education about brain development – TV commercials 3 votes

• Parent Education & Awareness 3 votes

• Parent education on special needs 2 votes

• Tell new moms & newcomers about Great Start 2 votes

• Reaching young mothers 2 votes

• More parent education before they become parents (high school, Jr. high) 2 votes

• Support (parent education) for parents who are mentally challenged 2 votes

• Early literacy outreach – importance 2 votes

• More culturally sensitive information to help migrant parents be open to services 2 votes

• Have more resources for teen mothers -not limited to just teen young moms (outlets, mentors,

education services, affordable / free daycare 2 votes

• Encourage parents / educate parents & public about breastfeeding 2 votes

• Reach parents before birth…mandatory “parenting class”…touch on sharing the parenting role

2 votes

• Offer classes /education on parenting skills (including any person who will care for children) i.e.

grandparents, childcare providers 2 votes

• Consistent, countywide way to distribute information 2 votes

• Make links to other sites on Great Start – hospitals, City of Tec., for example 2 votes

• Information for people without internet access

• Rating system on services comments / experiences

• Tie graduation to parenting classes

• Kindergarten Jr.

• Increase in positive prenatal care information

• List of resources available

• Parent Education – begin in school (middle school age)

• Match parent expectations to their cognitive development

• F/U home education for New Parents

• 39 week initiative (March of Dimes – brain development, suck / swallow reflex

• Pre – baby 0-

• Connect with families in the pre-natal classes

• Parent education on child development

• Educate parents on age – appropriate discipline

• CPS seminar on the legal boundaries of spanking / discipline

• Parents understand connection between discipline / routine and future success

• Develop ways to reach all parents

• Parent education on importance of preschool

Page 91: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

• Marketing programs in ways that everyone can be aware + language limitations

• Programs / Education re: breast pumps

• Breastfeeding support groups – awareness of what’s available

• Parent education about media – not using TV / videos to babysit

• Childcare / Preschool provide information / education about resources available

• Education on how to prevent becoming a young parent

• Sex Ed. Education

• Education about benefits of adoption

• Education about alternatives to having children to receive assistance

• Education /information for parents on how to teach your child / best

• Methods for school readiness

• Alternate locations for Parent Ed – churches (including churches in this whole process)

• Education / awareness about how to file for Friend of the Court / Child Support

• Websites – do we use these enough?

• Educate young mothers & fathers

• Brain development needs to be better understood by all & mentored to parent

• Parenting ( & grandparents) classes

• Training

• Resources – i.e. Ed toys, books, “tools” , car seats

• Workshops for healthy meals on a budget

• Adults need to have information and courage to advocate (1st line of defense)

• Educate parents on establishing a medical / dental home and seeking out preventative care

Child Care & Early Education

• Huge –Super building in middle of town providing education / daycare / play w/indoor play equipment

appropriate for each age level / cafeteria for parents to hang out / open a few hours each day / open

to everyone w/ squishy floors! 21 votes

• Quality rating (*) for child care 7 votes

• Recognition from support service agencies that staying home to raise kids is important (mothers and

or fathers) 7 votes

• 24 hour Daycare 7 votes

• Affordable preschool experiences to be accessed for all 5 votes

• Low income families need access to high quality care 5 votes

• Quality affordable childcare for ALL kids 4 votes

• $ to pay for quality, affordable child care & preschool 4 votes

• Better Kindergarten Testing process (including talking w/parents be forehand about the child & let

parents be there) 3 votes

• Awareness of Early On –more awareness 3 votes

• More availability of preschool for those whose income is too high for Head Start 3 votes

• Opportunities (i.e. Head start, Pre-School, Programs) 2 votes

Page 92: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

• Library outreach to community (hospital, waiting rooms, doctors office, other public places) for those

who won’t come to library 2 votes

• Increase Bookmobile (recent budget cuts lowered service) 2 votes

• Incentives for families to engage in family literacy (read to Rent, Earn to Learn) 2 votes

• Science / Art programs – summer all year (Saline) – summer programs 2 votes

• All year round school (with breaks) to help our children become competitive in global market

2 votes

• More Lenawee Child’s sites

• Kids Garden (at Community Garden)

• Infant / Toddler story hour @ libraries – in places in addition to Adrian

• “Central information source”

• Information for people without internet access

• Infant care in area (Britton – Macon) (only 2 evening w/e)

• Before & After school care (Britton – Macon)

• Daycares

• Year – round preschool – morning preschool

• Summer programs

• Museums

• Kindermusic

• Music / Art programs 0-5 (puppet show /interactive / hands on)

• Child care play groups at night and weekends

• Resources

• Need of second language learning

• Early Head Start Funding

• Expand Head Start & 3 / 4 yr. programs

• Streamlining childcare to make it accessible to all

• Child care for parents going to school in evenings

• Involve preschools with area School & Day Care

• Children book clubs

• Child care in the work place

• D.K. … offered for 4 & 5 yr. D. all school districts

• Re-check for Kindergarten Readiness closer to start of school & do the first test in Spring

• Continuing education for child care providers

• Transition between early services & schools

• Child care at events

• 0 – 3 Head Start

Page 93: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve


• Publicize 13 votes

• FUNDING 7 votes

• Find families in need of specific services and connect – possibly @ hospital 6 votes

• Find the right incentive to bring families out to connect to services 6 votes

• JOBS! 5 votes

• Welcome Kits – include 0-5 information, resource lists, all information. Receive from: hospital,

chamber of commerce, police dept., dr. office, realtors, apt. managers, LEAHC

5 votes

• Mentors for moms paired up during pregnancy 5 votes

• Link to new parents in hospitals (which allows ability to connect to other children) 5 votes

• Funding for Preschool for “extras” such as: 4 votes

• Educate High school & middle school students on the cost of raising a child 4 votes

Evening programs, after school programs, teach second language, smaller class size

• Resources for at-home parents / grandparents 3 vote

• More internet access in rural areas (need to complain!) 3 votes

• Teen advocate / mentor 3 votes

• Funding for playgroups with trained professional (childhood development) 3 votes

• How do we reach all kids? (at-risk families) 3 votes

• (Mandate) Independent living, parent skills in H.S. Require Baby Think It Over 2 votes

• Family Planning funding (needs to be adequate) 2 votes

• Parent help when don’t qualify for Early On or Special Education – how to navigate the system, what

to do now when they do not qualify (similar to Children’s Sp. Heal the Needs)

2 vote

• Parents need more family support from employers 2 votes

• School system could recognize child care providers as resources & professionals; include them in

kindergarten roundup for example 2 votes

• 1 Building where all services are provided like WIC – kids can be cared for while parents are doing

what they need to do with workers. 2 votes

• Lack of communication / cooperation community – systems helping each other 2 votes

• Recruit Health Care providers in Lenawee to meet all needs (including mental health)

• Work together – parent to parent, schools, state, community referrals

• Community parent liaison to promote & share information at places where people go /I.E. a

Community Liaison Center

• Schools to facilitate parent connections

• Age appropriate Mentors

• Give out brain cards

• Day of month – parent network town meeting

• Local babies born in Ann Arbor / Toledo / Jackson – how to reach?

• Make it tougher to drop out of school (because you can’t do much with a H.S. degree)

Page 94: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

• More computers available at libraries and have schools open for parents to use computers in the


• More resources available

• Coordinate services that exist and able to continue – immediate & long term services for community /

resources for new parents / get information to parents on how to get them ready for school /

education on cost of family in school

• More “ baby – Think –it-Over” programs

• Wages for Preschool teachers

• Expand D.H.S. referrals to qualified mental health providers for 0 -3

• Tax breaks for employers who support childcare costs

• Meet people where they are at

• Parents comfortable with their role as parents…not pleasing adults

• More one-on-one support for a child with specials needs (i.e., additional Head Start staff)

• $ to pay for preschool

• Availability of translators

• More State assistance especially for single moms (sliding fee)

• Ways to make daycare affordable

• $ access to (breast) pumps

• County-wide tracking system of children at risk or ID’s with needs

• Employer – support for breastfeeding – place & time to pump

• Enhancement of education of educators & childcare providers – how best to use their time with


• Flexible employers (for parent appointments, etc.)

• Supportive services for parents in higher education

• Education for young people about alternatives / choices after high school

• Education for service providers who are mentally challenged

• Increase H.S. education

• High Schools should do more to train in child development in freshman year & refresher course later

• Maybe it is not the schools job to do this

• Incentive for young mothers – motivation to go

• Support programs for – young mothers / fathers / moms / dads

• Raise income level for Head Start

• Increase #’s of 3-4 year olds that attend preschool

• FREE OPTIONS for preschool

• Through VoTech – using volunteer hours, teach teens to be peer mentors or provide volunteer service


• Promoting services (211) – placements

• Access services (sensory therapy) easier access

• Collaboration between agencies / communities

• Supports for adult / parent needs

• Summer Services (food, educational)

• Less “Red Tape”

Page 95: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

• Eliminate “stigmas” for some programs / services

• Coordination - share /donate resources (car seats, books)

• Need to break the cycle of teen parenting / casual hook ups

• “Current culture is not working”

• Stand up / have a voice

• Pay attention to how we reach our target

• Planned parenting – more outreach

• Tap into the colleges for volunteers (look for child development / teacher majors)(extra credit for

volunteering / stress importance / looks good on the resume)

• More $$$ - fundraising

• Grant writer

• Provide opportunities for dads to get involved

• Make children a community priority

• Recognizing non-biological parents

• Having more oversight on the use of state assistance

List of Top Three Vote Getters

Basic Needs & Child Safety

• Transportation to & from services 6 votes

• FOOD for all children – parents knowing where to access 5 votes

• Transportation systems improvements 4 votes

Physical Health

• Immunization clinic hours extended 3 votes

• List of daycare providers 3 votes

• Partnerships with Dr’s to share information i.e. parenting resources 3 votes

Social & Emotional Health

• Playgroups – more throughout county – in schools 5 votes

• We have to provide more social-emotional services / help for 0-5 5 votes

• Traveling playgroups – access improved 4 votes

Parent Education

• Training for parents & providers in kindergartens (by schools?) for readiness, expectations by the time

child is 3 or 4 20 votes

• More parent education in hospital when child is born 18 votes

• Parents need to spend time to reinforce what kids learn in childcare, responsibility, more education

about what to expect 12 votes

Page 96: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

Childcare & Early Education

• Huge –Super building in middle of town providing education / daycare / play w/indoor play equipment

appropriate for each age level / cafeteria for parents to hang out / open a few hours each day / open

to everyone w/ squishy floors! 21 votes

• Quality rating (*) for child care 7 votes

• Recognition from support service agencies that staying home to raise kids is important (mothers and

or fathers) 7 votes


• Publicize 13 votes

• FUNDING 7 votes

• Find families in need of specific services and connect – possibly @ hospital 6 votes

Page 97: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

G. Strategic Planning Retreat Participants 6/02/09

Chairman, David Stanifer

Probate Court Administrator

Kathleen Schanz, O.P

Executive Director, Lenawee United Way

Mark Haag

Superintendent, Onsted Community Schools

Al Brittan

Community Member

Sheryl Goldberg

Director, Early On

K.Z. Bolton

Lenawee County Commissioner

Burt Fenby

Director, Community Action Agency

Jane Spence

Parent Representative

David Bull

Director, Head Start, MSRP

Brooke Rains

Director, Child Care Network

Lisa Leader

Newborn and Maternal Services

Promedica North Region

Edward Manuszak

Principal, Tecumseh Public Schools

Beth Scholz

HighScope Education Research Foundation

Mary Vallad

Director of Nursing, Lenawee Health Department

Treasurer Roger Ferguson

Assistant Vice-President, United Bank & Trust

Roger Myers

Director, Community Mental Health

Jim Hartley

Superintendent, Madison School District

Kathy Burke

Professor of Early Education

Siena Heights University

Bob Herrera

Assistant Superintendent

Lenawee Intermediate Schools

Megan Karpinski

Lenawee CHILD Coordinator

Kristen Columbus

Parent Representative

Christine MacNaughton

Director, Lenawee Community in Schools

Gretchen Hofing

MSU Extension Educator

Steve Krusich

Superintendent, Lenawee Intermediate Schools

Mike Kight

Director, Lenawee Health Dept.

Reverend Linda Farley

First Christian Church

Tim Kelly

Director, Lenawee Human Services

Page 98: LGSC Strategic Plan - Lenawee Great StartFamilies have access to high quality early care and education Goal 1: Expand early education opportunities for families in need Goal 2: Improve

H. Retreat Agenda