Level 9:Create Project:Book

Level 9:Create - s3.amazonaws.comYourself+all... · Page 3 Reinventing Your New Reality! Welcome back to Project:Yourself. Level 9 is called “Create”. The corresponding level

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Level 9:CreateProject:Book

Copyright ©2013 by Deep Origins LLCALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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No portion of this material is intended to offer legal, health, medical, personal or finan-cial advice. Deep Origins LLC has taken every effort to ensure we accurately represent these strategies and their potential to help you. However, we do not purport this as a “get rich scheme,” “weight loss scheme,” or “personal growth scheme” in any capacity. There is no guarantee that you will, including, but not limited to, earn any money, lose weight, increase your health, or establish relationships using the content, strategies or techniques displayed here. Nothing in this presentation is a promise or guarantee of, including, but not limited to, earnings, health, or relationships. Your level of success in attaining similar results is dependent upon a number of factors including your skill, knowledge, ability, connections, dedication, personal and business savvy, personal and business focus, personal and business goals and financial and life situation. Be-cause these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee your success, income level, or ability to earn revenue. You alone are responsible for your actions and results in life and business, and by the use of these materials, you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for any of your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any cir-cumstance. Any forward-looking statements outlines here are simply our expectations or forecasts for future potential, and thus are not guarantees or promises of actual performance. These statements are simply our opinion. The information contained herein cannot replace or substitute for the services of trained professionals in any field, including, but not limited to, financial, health, relationship, or legal matters. Under no circumstances, including, but not limited to negligence, will Deep Origins LLC, Amish Shah, or any of their representatives or contractors be liable for any special or consequential damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use, the materi-als, information, or success strategies communicated through these materials, or any services following these materials, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.

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Level 9:CreateTable of Contents

Reinventing Your New Reality 3Project:Forward 5 Awaken and Heal Your Spirit 7The Power of Level 9: Full of Bliss 11 Accessing Your Higher Chakras 15 In Real Life 19 Your Secret Weapon to Bend Time & Reinvent Reality 25 Bending the Cosmic Grid 29Look to the Stars, Planets…and Astrology 31Welcome to the Multiverse 35The Vibrational Record of Your Soul 37Project:Work—Create Your Own Projection Plan to Reinvent Your Reality 39 Level Nine Infographic 43Some Parting Project:Thoughts 45

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I always tell my students follow your bliss. When you have that feeling then stay with it and don’t let anyone throw you off.

-Joseph Campbell

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Reinventing Your New Reality!

Welcome back to Project:Yourself. Level 9 is called “Create”.

The corresponding level of the Sri Yantra is called “Full of Bliss.” In the first six levels you were transforming energy towards creating what you want, then in Level Seven you removed everything negative attached to what you want and started the projection process. As you moved through Level Eight, projecting took on a whole new level as you were given what you needed to accomplish everything you desire and you started to create your new reality.

Now, in Level Nine, you have reached an apex in the projecting process. Here, you are literally creating everything you want, projecting to your fullest potential...and REINVENTING YOUR NEW REALITY!

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Sit in a comfortable seated position, with your spine long. Remember that this is your space, one that invites and opens creativity. Take a deep breath in and close your eyes. Exhale through your mouth...let it go. (pause)

Breathe in and out through your nostrils here, at your own pace, letting the breath be fluid and relaxed. (pause)

As you breathe here, invite your avatar into your space. Notice the similarity in your breath with him/her, as you are one with him/her at this point. (pause)

In this level of the Sri Yantra, you will be moving towards your ultimate truth. It is called “Full of Bliss.”

In the first six levels you were transforming energy towards creating what you want...then in Level Seven you removed everything negative attached to what you want and we started the projection process.

As we moved through Level Eight, projecting took on a whole new level as you were given what you needed to accomplish everything you desired and you started to create your new reality...

In this new reality, we will visit surrounding yourself with the color white and its significance, move through the chakras and work with the pineal gland.

We will go through the sacred geometry of the Sri Yantra and touch on bending time, astrology, quantum mechanics, Akashic records and ultimately, projecting yourself to reinvent your new reality.

As you sit in this seat, in the comfort of your space, start to imagine the tallest mountain you have ever seen. Imagine what it would feel like to stand upon it, the wind blowing in your face, the earth below you lifting you to the sky.

Find your balance, as you stand tall on it with your breath. This is where you are in this level—at the highest apex in your mountain of projection.

In this level, you are creating everything you want, at your fullest potential and reinventing your new reality.

As you breath here, imagine this new reality, imagine you and your avatar floating into it from the apex of your mountain.

It is here, it is now. Take one last full breath...and then gently open your eyes.

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Reflect back upon your journey through Level Nine’s Project:Forward and write down everything that you felt and observed. How does it feel to contemplate moving towards your ultimate truth? What does it feel like to be standing at the apex of creating everything you desire? Capture this below…


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Awaken and Heal Your Spirit

The element infusion for this level draws upon the powerful energy contained in the color White. It is considered to be the “perfect color”, as it contains all other colors in perfect balance and harmony. White is considered the color of the awakened Spirit, the light of perfection…and Divine Consciousness and Light.

You may have heard of surrounding yourself or others with the “White Light of Healing and Protection.” Directing white into a your aura helps stimulate your own divine nature into healing itself. As you will experience here in a few minutes yourself, you can even turn the power of White Light onto yourself to heal!

White is the color of new beginnings and new realities—wiping the slate clean, so to speak. It’s the blank canvas waiting to be written upon. Although white doesn’t stimulate your senses, it does open the way for creating anything your mind can conceive.

White also has completely reflective qualities and can awaken openness, growth and creativity within you. The beauty and the challenge of it is that you can’t hide behind it because it amplifies everything in its way!

You can also use the color white to literally cleanse your inner self—purifying your thoughts, emotions and ultimately, even your spirit. This helps to refresh and strengthen your entire energy system.

White has very few negative effects, however, too much white can feel cold, isolating and empty. Because white doesn’t’ stimulate your senses, it can give way to feelings of sterility, detachment and disinterest.

In many Eastern cultures the color white is traditionally related to death and mourning. However, the key part to this is that, here, death usually means the ending on one life and the beginning of another. Similarly, in this level of Project:Yourself, you are leaving your old reality behind and moving forward into a new one! In essence, you are completing a cycle in your life.

Anything the human mind can believe, the human mind can achieve.

–Napoleon Hill

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White Light—Deep Guided Meditation

For this meditation, you will be going on a deep, guided exploration of the powerful forces of White Light. Here you will be moving energy through your body using the power of White Light consciousness to cleanse your inner self and refresh and strengthen your entire energy system.

Find a comfortable, supine position on the floor, perhaps on a yoga mat or padded surface. Be sure the room or space you are in is free of clutter, open and inviting.

Let your whole body relax as you lay down, allowing each body part to fully connect to the ground beneath you.

Close your eyes as you send breath to the areas of tension, inhaling and exhaling to let go of any stress your body and mind are holding in this moment.

Breathe in deeply and feel it move down your throat to your chest and belly. As you exhale, feel your belly meet your spine as your spine touches the earth and root yourself into this very moment, into your prana, your life force. (pause)

As your life force flows through you, start to imagine another force, an outer universal force that is a bright, purifying white light. This light is one where positive energies are stored in the universe, one that’s purpose is to evoke consciousness—your consciousness.

At your next breath, imagine this bright white light surrounding your head. Begin to feel this light entering your body through the crown of your head.

As it enters your body, breathe into this connection to the divine source...to the universe. (pause)

As the light flows in, it starts to penetrate your third eye in the middle of your forehead, bringing you the utmost clarity. Your vision is crystal clear. Breathe in and out here as the light beams purely from your third eye. (pause)

Now, allow the energy of the light to move through you. It finds it’s way to your throat and to your voice of truth. Let the white protective light use your voice. Say, “I am truth and I am protected.”

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As this energy, and your consciousness moves through you, send it to your heart. Let it radiate out of your heart center, sending a brilliant sphere of light and love out in all directions towards all living beings. (pause)

Breathing in slowly, keep your breath steady as the light enters your solar plexus chakra, spiraling faster in your powerhouse, your stomach, as a deep energy and moving into your sacral area.

Feel it here, surrender to it. It is now vibrating through every one of your cells, healing, nurturing and restoring them. It is within you in every crevice of your body, deep and true. (pause)

It is now at your root, the base of your spine, surging through your whole spine as a strong current. Breathe into it...It is connecting you to the earth below you, to your past and to your infinite future.

The energy is flowing through your legs to your feet, shining out towards the world, your inner and outer cores connecting and collapsing into one. This white light signifies the completion of a life cycle, where all realms merge, where creation and death are one. (pause)

You are one with the universe—your reality shines bright.

Now, come into a fetal position with your eyes still closed on whatever side your body prefers. Breathe here, two deep full breaths in the position of your creation, allowing the power that just passed through you to settle in.

When you are ready, come to a seated position and allow your own power to rise as you gently open your eyes.

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Element Infused Reflections

As you went through this guided meditation, what feelings, thoughts and imagery came up for you? How did it feel to have the healing, protective energy of white light coursing through you? What sensations did you feel…where did you feel them? Use this meditation any time you want to refresh and re-energize your entire energy system.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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The Power of Level Nine: Full of Bliss

At this level you will be focusing on the center of the Sri Yantra, or the central bindu (1). This is the ultimate point to the Sri Yantra—the origin of creation—where you create from and literally project your new reality. It is here that you are tapping into the Astral Plain or Field.

The bindu is also described as “the sacred symbol of the cosmos in its unmanifested state” This is the point around which the rest of the Sri Yantra is created, or originates from and represents the manifestation of the Universe. It seems only suiting that this level of the Sri Yantra is called “Full of Bliss”!


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The Origin of Divine Consciousness

The bindu also represents the principles or activities known as the Pancha Kriya. These are emanation, projection, preservation, withdrawal and retention. In essence, these five activities are the five modes of expression of the Universe. The five activities or modes break down as follows:

• Emanation of the cosmos from its primal source;• Projection of creation into the primal void;• Preservation of the created universe;• Withdrawal of the creative and preservative energies in cosmic

dissolutions (or separation); and lastly,• Retention of the withdrawn energy-universe for the next cycle of


This is also the culmination of your inner journey. The reverse process is the unfolding of the Universe. These two processes continuously alternate in the process known as Vyapta-Vyapta. This translates to Manifest-Unmanifest.

In essence, the bindu is a radiating source of energy and the origin of the divine consciousness, where everything originates (or comes from) and where everything ultimately returns. It is the source where everything is created and generates from.

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Tapping Into the Cosmic Consciousness

You can use this level of the Sri Yantra as a tool for harnessing your concentration and tapping into cosmic consciousness to physically create everything you desire. However, tapping into the actual bindu goes far beyond the conventional aspect of your senses and thoughts. Meaning, you can’t access the realm of the bindu through the typical processes of connecting through thought, words and or basic visualization. This takes transcending all of your senses—both physical and mental. For example, you not only have to close your eyes and start to visualize what you want to create…you have to take it one step further and literally let all of these processes and your intentions collapse and move inward towards the bindu. This is the convergence point of all creation.

You will know if you have reached this point because you may experience an extremely intense awareness of the pure light and sound surrounding you that is different than anything you’ve ever imagined or experienced through basic mental visualization

Come into a comfortable cross-legged seated position, with a straight spine for a long line of energy. Take a deep breath in through your nose and close your eyes.

Exhale an audible sound through your mouth as you soften your shoulders. Start to breath in and out through your nose, letting the flow of breath be natural and in tune with your own rhythm.

Be sure your face muscles, your jaw and your forehead are relaxed. Send breath to these areas to relieve any tension.

Bring your focus to the Bindu. The Bindu represents Pancha Kriya, the principles of emanation, projections, preservation, withdrawal and retention. These are not only your own activities, but also the modes of expression of the Universe. It is the convergence of our inner self with the outer world.

Let your vision be in a straight line just as your spine is, honing your focus to this center of the Sri Yantra. Continue your breath at your own pace. (pause)

Notice if there is any chatter in your mind. Breath in awareness, and then as you exhale, let it all gently leave your mind.

Your mind may go back and forth to thoughts, to chatter and acknowledge this, be present with yourself. Each time this happens, remember to focus in on the power of your breath, keeping focus on the Bindu and let anything else dissipate. (pause)

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Check in with your body awareness. You may feel stiffness in your neck, tightness in your thighs, an ache in your sits bones, or soreness in your back. At each awareness point, bring your prana to these places. Allow the oxygen rich vital force of breath to blanket these tensions with relaxation, with disassociation... as you again, focus on the strength of your inner energy, your shakti. Feel this shakti, this strength, rising from the Bindu point before you as you culminate your inner journey. (pause)

Internally, feel a shift of convergence. Everything is merging with the Bindu. Your body senses, your thoughts, have all collapsed into your energy, in your core. Everything resides here—this is your powerhouse. Take a deep breath into your belly followed by a deep cleansing exhale. (pause)

As you breath here, feel the heat of your core rising up your spine. Let it flow. Visualize this force, this energy now moving through the neurons and dendrites of your brain. Feel it expanding your third eye center.

Start to notice the connection you feel with the Bindu and your third eye. The straight line of energy is more apparent now as you tap into this connection with the cosmos with your focal point.

You may feel a tingling in your forehead; allow your breath to meet this, to allow this. Be open and present here. (pause)

Allow the Bindu, the divine consciousness, the origin of all, speak to you. Not in words or visualization, but through your very essence, within you. Transcend to this place, where all your intentions and desires move inwards towards the Bindu.

Feel the light around you, emerging from within you, from the point in your mind’s eye.

You have harnessed this power; you have manifested your creation.

Allow your breath to be steady. (pause)

When you are ready, gently open your eyes.

In you, as in each human being, there is a dimension of consciousness far deeper than

thought. It is the very essence of who you are.— Eckhart Tolle

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Accessing Your Higher Chakras

There are two chakras associated with this level of the Sri Yantra. These are the Eighth and Ninth higher chakras that lie outside your body.

As mentioned in Level Six, you may be used to the traditional Seven Chakras that lie within your body, however, to coincide with the Nine Levels of the Sri Yantra—and the ultimate projection of your new reality—we are utilizing the extended chakra system. The Eighth and Ninth higher chakras are important to access here, as they both play an equally important role in CREATION.

The Eighth Chakra

The Eighth, “Soul Star” or “Halo” chakra lies outside your body, about 8 – 12 inches above the crown of your head. It vibrates with a high diamond-white energy and integrates (or links) all the colors of the chakras with the cosmic or divine consciousness.

The 8th Chakra is also considered the center of divine love, spiritual compassion and spiritual selflessness. This chakra holds your “karmic residue” (this is the energy that you have held onto for more than one lifetime that can hold you back from creating your new reality.) Transmuting energy through this chakra will help you clear whatever is hanging on from your past life...and allows you to access your 9th chakra.

Once this old energy is cleared, you can start to experience a new spiritual awareness and tap into the “Universal soul” or consciousness and access the Akashic Records—all that we have ever experienced. (I will get into the Akashic records more a bit late.)

Ultimately, the reason this chakra is important, and can’t be passed over, is because it is the gateway or gatekeeper to other ideas, concepts and higher, astral dimensions.

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The Ninth Chakra

The 9th Chakra, or Astral chakra is considered the “center for knowing.” In essence, this is where your karmic blueprint is located. It stores the abilities and skills that you’ve learned over the course of all of your lifetimes and ultimately holds the key to your destiny.

The 9th chakra is also known as the upper dan tien (this loosely translates to “elixir field”, “sea of qi” or just “energy center”.) It’s here that all “Divine” powers and abilities lie dormant.

This energy center, unlike any of the other chakras, is the medium you can use to learn and understand why your soul was created. Your soul has a unique purpose and this is the energy center that directs and reveals that purpose to you. This is visually similar to watching a lotus flower unfold. Each layer contains vital information to guide your soul. That’s why it’s important to have your entire body and system in balance and running like a well-oiled machine.

This is the chakra where you finally tap into the Astral Plain or Field and CREATE not just what you want, but also your NEW REALTY.

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Energize Your Chakras – Guided Meditation

This “eye-opening” as well as “energy-opening” guided meditation will help you to activate, clear and balance each chakra leading up to the Eighth and Ninth chakras. As you move energy into and through your Eighth chakra, you will feel the entire karmic residue clearing out, allowing all of your creation energy to flow into your Ninth chakra. It’s here that you will get a glimpse of your soul’s blueprint and once more get a taste of tapping into a higher, divine consciousness.

Before you begin, if you have a moonstone or quartz rock, place it in your pocket or near you. If you have diamond jewelry, you can place it around your neck, or on your fingers or wrist to help you access the powers of the chakras you will be accessing in this meditation.

Start in a comfortable seated position, with legs crossed or in a kneeling position. Lay your hands on your knees, with palms facing up to receive. Keep your spine long and take a deep breath in through your nose as you close your eyes and exhale. Begin to breath in and out of your nostrils, at your own pace. (pause)

As you breathe here, visualize the energy that flows through your spine. Picture its colors...the red, orange, yellow, green, blue and indigo, vibrant and powerful in your spinal column as the light energy smoothly runs up to your third eye and crown chakras.

Notice how this feels in your own body, through each muscle attachment, each bhanda and each chakra. (pause)

Picture the white light that starts to glow from your mind’s eye and from the crown of your head. Feel the energy that lies outside of your body as you breathe life force within. (pause)

Start to imagine a halo about an arm’s length above your head that attracts the light energy within your spine and above your crown.

Imagine this spinal energy moving upwards towards this halo, linking each color and chakra together. Breathe here as your Eighth chakra, your halo, transmutes energy. Be open to it and even let your fingertips stretch out wider.

This chakra holds your karmic residue. With each breath, let it go more and more.

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Feel your energy moving forward in your current lifetime, in the now as you create your new reality with spirituality, with compassion and with love.

Feel the clarity emerging above you and truly within you as the old energy clears. You may feel the layers of your soul start to peel back...just as a lotus flower blooms, as do the petals of your soul. Allow it to be exposed here in this merging of light and divinity. (pause)

Now visualize a gate opening to a portal above your halo as an abyss of answers. It is your Ninth chakra, your astral chakra, which is where your karmic blueprint, is located. It stores your abilities, skills and holds the key to your destiny. It is the reason why your soul was created.

Breathe as you imagine yourself floating through this gate towards your soul purpose.

Feel every petal of your soul’s lotus flower open, one by one, fully exposed to raw beauty. Surrender to this dimension, as your reality and purpose are defined with your creation.

Let the key of your destiny arrive into your palms as you bring your hands together in an Anjali mudra, prayer position, at your heart center.

Take one final breath here as you bow your third eye to your fingertips and then gently open your eyes.

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In Real Life

The “real life” question here is simple: What makes you most happy? In order to reach this point, and reinvent your new reality, you must gain COMPLETE clarity on this.

When you gain clarity and knowledge surrounding what will really and truly make you happy or bring you bliss, the Universe does conspire to give it to you.

Now, it’s not likely you’re going to get complete clarity around the root of what you want by merely making a list. This is going to take some deep-consciousness-soul searching. Take time, in this Project:Book (on the following three notes pages) or in a separate journal to gain real clarity around what makes you truly happy and blissful.

1. Start by downloading and playing the mp3 track created by Nij Naik, founder of The Alpha Mind System: “Alpha Healing Bliss.”

2. Find somewhere comfortable where you can let your mind drift, uninterrupted, and not encumbered by any aspect of your current time and space.

3. While you listen to this music, journal for 10 minutes, asking yourself the following question:

Let your mind drift and make any associations or connections it wants, no matter how logical or illogical your thoughts and feelings might seem. Freely drift beyond the confines of your current time and space and just write for 10 minutes.

When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.

–Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

What makes me truly happy and full of bliss?

Free-flow journal without forcing your mind to contemplate anything more than what would bring you pure happiness and bliss. What does this look like, feel like and taste like? What are

the vibrations and sensations surrounding it?

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Your Finest Timelapse

Hopefully while you were going through the “In Real Life” journaling exercise, you started to see and feel what will truly make you happy. Perhaps you even started to see your new life or reality and unfold. Whatever this is for you, make it your own!

Reinventing your own reality is contingent upon really honing in on what will make you happy and living

your own life, NOT someone else’s.

Feeling like you still need some more inspiration? Check out the following timelapse movie and let the music lyrics and imagery flow over you...


Sometimes watching people go about the simple things in life, finding their own unique happiness,whatever that might be, can help release additional thoughts and feelings within you. What imagery and experiences would be in your finest timelapse of your life? What is your “Voice”?

When you are full of bliss or pure happiness at your core—when you find your ‘Voice’—it’s then that you are in constant creation mode.

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Believe, that you can change the worldYour dreams, have been living in a code of silence

So let them out

Find your voice, find your voiceMake a noise

–Katie Herzog, Make a Noise

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Your Secret Weapon to Bend Time & Reinvent Reality

See that little redish gland within the human brain? That’s your pineal gland and it literally has the power to enable you to break out of this reality and achieve superhuman feats within any aspect of your life—your body, career, health, or relationships. It’s your secret weapon that will empower you to ‘bend’ time as you know it and even reinvent your reality!

Here are some rather fascinating overlapping of facts that surround the pineal gland: • It appears in the human embryo at 49 days of gestation. • Tibetans believe 49 days is the time it takes for one soul to

reincarnate onto the next. • An embryo’s differentiation into male and female also occurs at

the 49-day mark.

That’s some seriously interesting temporal similarity!

Did You Know?

Rene’ Descartes called the pineal gland the “principal seat of the soul” and believed that it was the point of connection between the intellect and the body. He believed this was the key to tapping into your highest self and the Universe.

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Connect to a Higher Consciousness

Most importantly, the pineal gland is the part of your brain that allows you to connect to a higher state of consciousness. It does this through the production and secretion of a compound called Dimethyltryptamine (DMT). DMT is like a chemical cousin of Serotonin and a profound hallucinogen.

There are a few ways that your pineal gland is triggered to secrete DMT. One of these is when it’s under extreme duress or stress. Although it’s usually well guarded from stress, you can stress it. And, one of most stressful times we can experience is death, or a near death experience. When someone is close to death, the last thing they are aware of is this huge release of DMT in their body.

A release of DMT can lead to experiencing a separation between your body and your consciousness (an out-of-body experience) and act as a catalyst for near-death experiences. In essence, DMT induces this machinery of the afterlife to literally spring into motion!

Dr. Rick Strassman, who studied the effects of DMT for over 20 years, refers to DMT as the “god molecule” or “spirit molecule” as a result of his test subjects claiming they had been in contact with non-human or god-like beings under the compound’s influence.

The hallucinogenic state that DMT triggers (like dreaming) is a temporary disconnection from the physical body that allows you traverse higher realms. In this state the restrictions of time or the conventional laws of physics no longer bind you!

Professor Alan Watts, a philosopher and expert in comparative religion, described the effects of DMT as “Load Universe into cannon. Aim at brain. Fire.”

Your pineal gland acts as a virtual door or portal to directly connect you to the Universe and cosmic consciousness. While in this state, your spirit can then use this gateway to connect with the Universe and create what you want or make something reality.

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Activating Your Pineal Gland

When your pineal gland is activated, it transmits a glow of light or energy. However, it’s not unusual, due to a less than optimal diet, bad sleep habits and lack of “exercise”, that your pineal gland may be atrophied, calcified and not running on all cylinders. This breakdown of your pineal gland can happen a handful of ways:

1. Regularly consuming heavily refined or processed foods and carbonated drinks.

2. Exposing yourself to the toxic chemical fluoride in your water and toothpaste.

3. Even a lack of natural sunlight can be to blame.

The good news is that all is not lost. Here are a few integral things you can do to activate and awaken your pineal gland:

1. Get more direct sunlight.2. Eliminate processed and refined foods from your diet and

decrease your refined sugar intake.3. INCREASE your intake of fresh organic fruits and vegetables and

alkaline foods (like nuts, seeds & whole grains.) Eating raw cacao or even dark chocolate helps!

4. Use fluoride-free toothpaste and drink non-fluoridated water.5. Reduce your carbonated drink intake.6. Reduce Stress! Adrenaline and Cortisol deplete the melatonin and

serotonin (the cousins to DMT) in your body. 7. Get more sleep (in darkness). You’ll produce more melatonin

sleeping in complete darkness. Melatonin, in turn, awakens your pineal gland.

8. Lastly, and MOST IMPORTANTLY “exercise” it.

Just like your body and your brain, your pineal gland also needs to be “worked out.” The exercise I am talking about is both physical AND mental. Physical exercise, like practicing yoga (particularly inversions - when you are upside down) is particularly helpful because it increases blood flow to the pineal gland.

The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be

full of light...—The Bible, Matthew 6:22

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Beyond yoga, the best way to “exercise” your pineal gland is by meditating and using a sacred symbol like the Sri Yantra

to focus your intent.

Meditating on the intricate geometric latticework of the Sri Yantra for prolonged periods of time literally alters the shape of your brain and increases alpha brain wave activity. When you access a deeper state of consciousness and allow your brain to enter the Alpha Brainwave state, you can really tap into our inner powers (or your siddhis.)

Just as the pineal gland is considered the “creation” gland and the gateway to create what you want, so is the central bindu of the Sri Yantra. When you can see the bindu split into three, you are in pure creation mode, meaning your pineal gland is receptive to being used to create your reality and secrete the hormones you need to make that happen.

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Bending the Cosmic Grid

There are many forces at work in the Universe just waiting to be harnessed and utilized to reinvent reality, as you know it

According to the Einstein’s “General Theory of Relativity”, matter and energy distort or warp space-time, curving it around them. Energy, according to Einstein’s E = mc2, is closely related to mass. This distortion or warp then creates the effect of gravity, redirecting the path of objects that travel into it. The gravitational pull depends on the size of the space-time warp. Something huge with little mass will create a smaller distortion than a tiny object with a huge mass.

The truth is that you don’t have to be the size of a planet to do some space-time warping. Anything with mass—including your body and its energy—bends this four-dimensional cosmic grid. Space expands out from each of us in three dimensions—up and down, on each side and in front and in back of you—into the depths of the Universe. But Einstein showed that space doesn’t exist independent of time. Space, combined with time, creates a four-dimensional plain in which you and everything else exist.

This four-dimensional realm is the ultimate space...where you can literally bend time!

Did You Know?

In 2007, Gravity Probe B, one of NASA’s most intricate satellites, confirmed, with better than 1% precision, what Einstein knew back in 1915—that any object distorts the fabric of space-time and the bigger it is, the greater the effect. This is what’s known as the Geodetic Effect.

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Activating Your Super Powers

Astrology may seem pretty “out there”, but it has been around for billions of years and scientifically proven, time and time again, to be a powerful and somewhat uncanny tool for identifying opportunities, trends and providing invaluable insight.

Millionaires don’t have astrologers, billionaires do.—J.P. Morgan

Billionaires and wildly successful people in history, as well as in present day, use the powerful insight of astrology.

These people have spanned the likes of Benjamin Franklin, all of the Founding Fathers of the United States, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, the late President Reagan and First Lady Nancy Reagan, former British Prime Ministers Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair, and that is just naming a few.

“There will be signs in the Sun, the Moon, and the stars.”

—Jesus (Luke 21:25)

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Look to the Stars, Planets…and Astrology

Want to accomplish and obtain what you desire? It’s time to look to the stars, planets...and Astrology for insight. Take a minute to close your eyes and visualize the entire sky above you, through the Earth below you, and every aspect of the cosmos surrounding you. Your astrology chart is, in it’s simplest form, a personalized map of the cosmos with YOU at the very center. At any given moment in time, these planets are in different positions and angles around you.

When determining your astrological chart, you can choose any moment in time to cast your “map” of where the planets were. However, the most common point of reference is to cast this map or chart around the moment of your birth (this is your natal chart) and where the sun was located at this time. This point is also where your Zodiac sign is determined.

The Zodiac is contained within a band that exists around the sun and consists of 12 “houses” or signs that most people are familiar with. The 12 Zodiac signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

This chart, or your “sun sign”, can tell you the details that affect every aspect of your life, whether that’s emotional, physical, social or spiritual. Although your sun-sign chart is a powerful tool, it doesn’t take into consideration the astrological influence of other planets.

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The Frequency of the Cosmos

In Level Five, you learned that everything in the World vibrates and has a unique frequency—even you. The same can be said for all of the planets. Just as your vibration and frequency have an affect on everything around you, the vibrations and frequencies of the entire cosmos have an affect on you! As the planets vibrate their frequencies can counteract or intermingle with your personal vibration or the vibrations of your meditations and mantras.

These planetary vibrations, although always present, have varying effects on you, depending on the planets angle and location in relation to you. That’s why, as the Earth and planets revolve around the Sun, and come into varying proximity to each other, certain days and times are more powerful.

Just as these planetary energies can throw you for a loop, or seemingly make life a little challenging—think Mercury Retrograde (when Mercury moves backwards and throws a wrench into travel and communications)—they can also have some serious energy-boosting effects. You can focus their good effects and take advantage of the portal of time you are coming in contact with their energy to give your career, relationships, health, wealth or other areas of your life a boost.

Did You Know?

In the early 90’s when Voyager 2 cruised past Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus it picked up distinct electromagnetic wave and particle oscillation frequencies of the planets, which were then translated into sound. You can go onto the Internet and listen to the music of the planets!

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Vedic or Western?

Indian Vedic Astrology uses the Sidereal Zodiac, whereas traditional Western Astrology uses the Tropical Zodiac…

The Sidereal (Eastern) system defines the signs based on the fixed stars; the Tropical (Western) system defines it based on the position of the vernal (or Spring) equinox. The difference between these two systems, known as the Ayanamsa value, is a difference of 23-30 degrees.

Although both systems are considered correct, when consulting your Vedic chart, you should look at your chart nearly one full sign back. So, if you are an Aries in the Western system, you are likely a Pisces in the Eastern system.

In some people’s opinion, the Sidereal Zodiac more closely resembles the actual position and apparent movements of these constellations or signs. Vedic astrology also takes into account more of your Karmic tendencies. However, in order to be as comprehensive as possible, it is recommended that you consistently take in both perspectives.

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What’s Your Sign?

Now it’s time to put Astrology to work for you. Two great online resources for astrological insights and more in depth resources are Astrology.com, which takes a Western approach to Astrology and Astroved.com, which is an Eastern or Vedic approach.

Take a few minutes now to visit both of the recommended Astrology sites:

• Compare and contrast your signs within the two different systems. Remember, if you are an Aries in the Western system, you are a Pisces in the Eastern (or Vedic) system; Pisces is Aquarius ...and so on.

• Over the next month (at a very minimum) read your Western and Vedic horoscopes.

• Where do the two systems differ for you? What characteristics, events and energies resonate more? Where are there overlaps and similarities? Differences? Write this down.

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As you start to pay attention to how the energies of the planets affect your life, you can start to harness their powers to continue to create what you want.

We Recommend…

Eastern/Sidereal Zodiac Site: www.astroved.comWestern/Tropical Zodiac Site: www.astrology.com

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Welcome to the Multiverse

Parallel universes and multiple existences used to only be fantasy, from stories like C.S. Lewis’s, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, to the 1990’s movie “The Matrix” and popular T.V. shows like “Fringe.”

The Hindu Puranas and Vedic texts have hinted at the existence of a multiverse. However, just as the Geodetic effect, proved Einstein’s Theory of Relativity” true, Quantum Mechanics is showing us that these realms are distinctly possible! This multiverse is comprised of everything that exists and can exist: space-time, matter and energy, as well as all of the physical laws of the universe.

[Insert the image of two opposing earths with what looks like orange sound waves between them]

Quantum mechanics explains that everything has a probability associated with it, even your current reality, as you know it. On top of that, it also states that all possible outcomes are likely to exist at some point. Meaning, one reality gradually just slips into another reality.

To break this down further, there are an unlimited number of possibilities for each action you take—for every action you take there is an opposite action also taken in the other universe.

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The Slit Test

One of the best-known examples of the counterintuitive and dualistic nature seen in the quantum world is the double-slit experiment, which is sometimes called Young’s experiment, or the Observer Theory.

If you take a piece of material that blocks light (creating a barrier) and cut two small slits in it and hit the slits with a light source, like a laser beam, the photons pass through the slits and meet up again on the other side of the barrier. This “meeting” is known as interference.

If you do the same thing, but send the photons at the slits one at a time, you still see the same thing. In effect, the photons flow through both slits as a probability wave, and these probabilities interfere with each other.

The same behavior can be observed with particles. In many instances, an electron will behave as a simple particle. But it will also act as a probability wave when confronted with a double slit. This is called wave-particle duality.

The strangest part is that when a quantum “observer” is watching. Quantum Mechanics states that particles can also behave as waves. When behaving as waves, they can simultaneously pass through several slits in the barrier and then meet again at the other side of the barrier.

Bizarre as it may sound, interference can only occur when no one is watching. Once an observer begins to watch the particles going through the slits, the picture changes dramatically: if a particle can be seen going through one slit, then it’s clear to the observer that it didn’t go through the other. In other words, when being observed, electrons are being “forced” to behave like particles and not like waves. The mere act of observation affects the experimental findings!

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The Vibrational Record of Your Soul

Speaking of multi-dimensions, there is also said to exist a dimension of consciousness that contains a vibrational record of every soul’s journey, as well as complete knowledge of human experience and history of the Universe. This is what’s called the Akashic Records.

Akasha is a Sanskrit word that translates to “primary substance” or “ether”—the energetic substance that makes up the Universe. And the root of the word Akasha is derived from two ancient Tibetan or northern Indian words. “Aka” means “space”, “storage space” or “repository” and “sa” means “sky”, “hidden” or “secret”. Putting this all together, the Akashic Records are a hidden library of records that are imprinted or “written” in the very ether or fabric of the Universe or Universal Consciousness.

The records are an energetic imprint or complete repository of every thought, action, emotion and experience that has ever happened or occurred in time and space. This includes every experience, lifetime and reality that has ever existed in the past, present and even in the potential of the future!

Every single person, including YOU, has a unique record. It is even said that the soul of groups, events, organizations and even locations has their own unique Akashic Record. That means even our powerful Project:Yourself community has it’s own record!

Your record contains every single piece of information about your soul’s existence and experience: its relationships, health, abundance and even lack thereof. Accessing your record can help you expand your consciousness and ultimately give you more power to personally and collectively create the reality you desire.

The Akashic records are automatically and constantly updated through astral projection (out of body experiences.) Access to them can be gained through decalcification and activation of your pineal gland. Also, clearing your karmic energy or residue, caught up in your Eighth Chakra, can help you to access your record.

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Glimpses of the Record can even come to you the form of flashes of intuition and instinctual hunches. However, some of the most powerful ways to access and the Akashic Record are through breathing techniques, mantras and meditating on the Sri Yantra.

Once you are aware of past life blockages, you can more readily clear your future for the reality you desire.

Tapping Into Your Supernatural Powers

Removing past life blocks which prevent the prana (or energy) from flowing through to your Ninth Chakra and ultimately into the Astral Plane, can have a positive physical effect on you (your body, emotions, and thoughts) and it can also help you to tap into your “supernatural” powers – your siddhis – such as telekinesis, seeing the future and other similar powers.

As I’ve touched on before, these siddhis are specifically mentioned in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. As Patanjali explained, the power of these siddhis can come from genetics (you can be born with them) or you can tap into them, at will, through meditation and other techniques.

When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends

limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces,

faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.


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Project:Work— Create Your Own Projection Plan to Reinvent Your Reality

For your final Project:Work I want you to take this system and implement it in your life. This is not about meditating “here-and-there” and going through the exercises once or twice. Creating everything you want in life and reinventing your reality takes, as Napoleon Hill so wisely shared, a burning DESIRE...an ORGANIZED PLAN and PERSEVERANCE. Make it a daily ritual and gain the life you deserve because it’s all right here.

Everything is right here, contained within yourself, you just have to do it—LIVE your new reality. BE your new reality.

This last guided meditation will have you coursing energy through your body, all the way up into the cosmos and then back into yourself, stoking those creation powers within you. You will also be drawing on the powers of every single level of the Sri Yantra and putting them all to work—reinventing your new reality.

Create the space for this meditation by lighting the incense of your choice and letting the room fill with natural light or sitting outdoors in a sacred space.

Come into a seated position in the center of your space, being comfortable but aware of keeping the spine long. Begin to breathe here, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your nose, with the same length as your inhale. Continue to breath this way, mindfully and at your own pace and rhythm.

Visualize the Sri Yantra now.

At the earth square and 4 portals, Level One brought you to the base of your spine, the Root Chakra. As you breathe here, imagine deep-rooted, red soil, supercharging your self-awareness. Breathe into this area and connect to the earth, as the red earth turns to a red light starting to shine bright and clearly illuminating your inner path. (pause)

Now, begin to feel the charged energy moving up your spine to your sacral area. Level two contained the 16 petals, blazing orange with your second chakra’s power. The second chakra is one of empowerment. At each expansive breath, feel the explorative ways and massive change you have brought to the outside world from this energy center. Bask in this fulfillment with breath. Continue to breathe into this power. (pause)

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Next, your energy begins to move upwards towards your solar plexus, your gut. At this third level of the Sri Yantra, you turned on and activated your super powers. It was here where your deepest desires turned from ambition to reality. At this chakra, let the golden yellow glow of honor, integrity and power fill you completely with warmth and confidence. Breathe deeply here and allow any sensations that fill your belly to arise. (pause)

Bringing awareness to your heart space. Visualize the 14 green triangles, at the fourth Level of the Sri Yantra, as green loving energy from your heart chakra. Here, your heart was opened up in its most unconditional way, allowing you to see the people and access the wisdom that fuel your desire’s rocket ship. Allow yourself a moment of sweet gratitude as you breathe in and out here. (pause)

As your energy expands from the heart, feel it in your throat, at your Fifth Chakra. This level was where the 10 outer triangles of blue helped you communicate your truth and implement everything you needed to create what you desire. Breathe into the truth of this center. (pause)

You start to feel the cool blue of truth merge with a heightened awareness. At Level Six of the Sri Yantra, the 10 inner triangles provided you with protection, allowing nothing to get in the way of your destiny. Gently touch your palate with the tip of your tongue, the trigger to your medulla oblongata of your Talu chakra. Breath in and out as you feel invincible, surrounded by power of electric indigo. (pause)

Feel the energy rise, finding your forehead and your third eye. At this seventh level of the Sri Yantra, at the eight inner triangles, you cleansed and flushed out any negativity and blocks that hindered you from reaching and obtaining your truest reality. As indigo light beams outward from your inner self, breathe into your third eye, to your Sixth Chakra with intuition and allow the perceptive vision of your greatest potential to settle in your third eye’s vision. Project your true self here, in this vision, in this breath, in this moment. (pause)

As the energy flows upward, your Seventh Chakra, at the crown of your head, opens to connect you to your ability to accomplish anything. At this level of the Sri Yantra, the primary inverted triangle sits in our focus. It is here where you are broken free from your shackles and the “impossible” began to be your reality. Where the projection of everything you desired became your real life movie, playing before you. Let the flow of this energy from the crown of your head, to above, remind you of your complete self, one that is connected to a higher consciousness that allows you to tap into your infinite greatness. (pause)

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Now, the energy begins to transmute above your crown, to the Eighth Chakra, the Soul Star. At the central bindu of the Sri Yantra, a vibration of creation emanates. This is where you are nourished with clarity as you step forward, leaving all karmic baggage behind you. Allow the white light from your crown to shine brighter and brighter here, above your body, as you breathe slowly and deeply and move through this portal to the universe and begin to access the knowledge of the universe. (pause)

You are now at your astral chakra, above all. You have created and you have completed...you are in a state of bliss. Truth is your mantra, your path is your dharma. Your soul purpose is before you. Your heart and soul have no blockages. You are unstoppable, you have transformed into a reality hacker. There is no turning back. (pause)

Take a final breath in here, and feel all of the energy flow back down through you...you may even feel a rush and tingling, as all the energies, colors and levels of your journey fill your body. Sit with this for five breaths...feeling the energy flowing within you...to every cell and fiber of your being. This is the energy of creation. (pause)

Exhale as you slowly open your eyes to your new reality.

If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will

meet with a success unexpected in common hours.

— Henry David Thoreau

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Some Parting Project:Thoughts

Remember, this is not a one-time deal...This is a process,a life-hacking system,a lifestyle.YOUR NEW REALITY.

You may need to go back through the entire Nine Levels to really fine-tune and project the reality you want—that’s okay. Or, you may only need to revisit a specific level, continue to experience a certain breathing exercise or meditation, or want to master a specific concept or learning.

There may be some instances in your new reality that you find yourself wanting to create something new and bring it into your life. If you can’t quite pin down what it is that you desire, go back through this process, starting with Level One, all the way through Level Nine (this is the process of involution.)

In some cases, you might know EXACTLY what it is that will make you happy—what you want to create—in this case, start with Level Nine and work your way outwards to Level One, exploring all the ways you can bring this into your new reality (this is the process of evolution.)

However you move forward utilizing Project:Yourself, know that everything you want in life—greater abundance, good health, a loving relationship...BLISS—is within your grasp and more importantly, WITHIN YOU.

I look forward to seeing you in your new reality, showing up how you need to show up. This system has been created specifically for you to manifest and create what you want in your life. So go out there and practice this every day and make it a ritual. This is the path that you need to create everything that you want in your life, it just takes a little bit of practice and perseverance.

I hope you enjoyed all nine levels of Project:Yourself and everything about the Sri Yantra. Thank you for joining me on this journey—I’ll see you soon.

Rule Your Reality,

Amish Shah