Letter to Romans

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  • 7/29/2019 Letter to Romans


    Letter to the Romans


  • 7/29/2019 Letter to Romans


    Letter to the Romans


    Andr Traichel

    Letter to the Romans

    Teutnia, RS2013

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    Letter to the Romans


    All rights reserved.

    Registered in Brazilian National Library,

    under the number 459.630, book 864

    Cover photo:

    Katia Grimmer-Laversann

    Portuguese revision:

    Gabriela Silva

    German Revision:

    Adilson Eskelsen

    Translated by Noeli Eggers Strate

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    Letter to the Romans


    Notice to the Readers:

    This is just a fictitious, detective story that was based on an

    urban legend of a town of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

    Legend has it that at the beginning of the century XX, a

    Masonic Temple caught fire, without causing casualties, but, until

    now, the facts are mixed with folklore and almost nothing is said. Inone of the cemeteries of the town there are still timeworn tombstones

    with symbols of Masonry. I repeat: it is not related to this story.

    The Order of Teutonic Knights exists until now, its

    headquarters is in Austria, but it doesnt have anything to do with the

    German immigration in Brazil. The description about the Lutheran

    Church is also factual, but the facts narrated in this book are

    fiction, they are just part of the plot of this novel.

    The characters of this story and the community of New

    Berlin are also fictitious and any resemblance with names is purelycoincidental.

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    Letter to the Romans


    To my wife Mariana and mychildren Matheus and Valkiria for the

    comprehension for the hours spent in front of

    the laptop; to grandma Elvira, who never let

    us forget who we are and where we are from.

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    Letter to the Romans



    June 07, 1944 22:25pm

    All were alarmed. The news about another three temples that

    had been burned in several places in the Valley concerned the

    Brothers; now they redoubled the security to the access to themeetings. The sequenced beat and the old entrance word, whispered

    and transmitted only to the members initiated in the Order, were not

    synonymous of trust and entrance to the sessions anymore. New

    dreads resuscitated old wounds that everybody in the Order had

    considered healed.

    On that starlit night, fourteen worried members from the

    neighborhood and also from other districts, came to the meeting in

    the New Berlin Colony temple.

    - Mein Gott, we will not be safe anywhere while we wont

    discover what is happening said the only Novice present at the

    meeting. I heard that in the neighbor district all the accessories of thetemple remained there, among the ashes and the demolished walls,

    until the curious ones arrived. After that, they didnt even paid

    attention to the bodies; they were more interested in taking the


    This caused exaltation among them.

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    - This shows that whoever burned the temple, was not

    interested in robbery, but, in burning our Brothers live said the


    While all discussed how and what happened and what

    actions should be taken, a small flame began near one of the curtains

    that covered the east wall of the temple. The Brothers analyzed the

    alternatives that rested, taken by the anguish and dread due to the

    recent facts happened in the neighbor colony, so concentrated on

    their ideas that they didnt perceive the imminent danger that

    surrounded them.

    When they realized, there was a thick layer of smoke on the

    ceiling of the room of the four-sided building, adorned with golden

    inscriptions in Latin and old German, about legends and teachings

    transmitted from generation to generation to those that were chosen

    to compose the Order.

    The fire spread fast in the room. The Brothers tried but no

    water came out of the small tap of the lavatory in the back of the

    temple. The youngest and more vigorous tried to choke the flames

    that now were shaping using the several rugs, but, the situation

    complicated more, as if the fire waited for this. The heat increased

    and the dense smoke that entered in the lungs was already causing

    the succumbing of the oldest, with the black tunics that covered the

    whole bodies.

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    The despair increased when they realized that the only exit of

    the building was through the Initial Room, localized in the previous

    portion of the building. With difficulty, some of the Brothers tried to

    open the thick door, elegantly carved, but of no use. The entrance

    was locked, probably from outside, with no chance of opening. Since

    old times, the Order temples didnt have windows or other

    alternative outlets.

    In just thirty minutes the fire consumed not only the building

    localized inside a small colony of five hectares but also de bodies of

    thirteen respected members of the community of New Berlin Colony.

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    Chapter I

    A new beginning

    April 25, 2008 4pm

    It was 3pm when Klaus Fischer emptied his drawers at the

    News from RS newspaper office. After a decade of working as a police journalist, at one of the most respected newspapers of the

    south of the country, Klaus felt that his time there was over. It was

    not just the competition among the journalistic environment that

    disturbed him, but also the fact that there were no chances to grow

    there anymore. The salary was not suitable according to the risks of

    the reports, besides, the sacrifices of the daily routine were stressing

    the whole family.

    During the last five years, Klaus had followed the same

    routine. Every day he used to take his son at the nursery; that cost a

    considerable part of his salary, and he used to walk the five

    kilometers through Cristvo Colombo Avenue until the headquarter of the newspaper office, saving the money of the ticket besides doing

    some physical exercise. His work demanded him to spend the whole

    day dealing with law suits, puzzles, witnesses, and plots that were

    similar to any Hollywood movie.

    On the last working days, Klaus used to call to this wife,

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    Bianca, to ask her to pick the little Artur up at the nursery after work,

    because the chief editor asked him to stay longer at work. The reason

    for this forced overtime was the report about a German engineer that

    had been killed with his hands tied in a luxurious apartment of the

    seventh floor in one of the fanciest neighborhoods of Porto Alegre .

    Klaus was, definitely, tired of this.

    After saying goodbye to those who had been his colleagues

    for a long time and with a brief wave to his former boss, Klaus took

    the lift on the third floor feeling relieved. He had just quit in a way

    that he would always be remembered at the newspaper office. During

    the meeting with sarcasm and truths that everybody would like to

    say. Finally, he was free to restart his life in another place, far away

    from the noise of the big city, of the car pollution and, above of all,

    with his family.

    Some weeks before, when he and Bianca decided to quit

    their jobs, they researched through the Internet the Real State

    agencies of some nearby cities. In a short time, they bought a house

    in a small town not far from Porto Alegre , founded by German

    immigrants in the mid of the nineteenth century.

    Almost all the thirteen thousands and five hundred

    inhabitants there had Germanic ascendancy and they still spoke their

    grandparents dialect: the Plattdeutsch. Klaus was extremely excited

    about the chance of using the first language that he had spoken when

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    his family of small farmers lived in the countryside in a town that

    had also been founded by German immigrants.

    New Berlin was the perfect place to raise Artur and to restart

    their careers: he at the local newspaper they liked to have a

    journalist from the capital city for a countryside salary and she as a

    Math teacher at the Agricultural Technical School.

    The sixty-year-old house was bought with the savings that

    they had done during ten years. It needed a remodeling; Klaus and

    Bianca would do what they could, like the painting and a new

    garden. Besides saving the handwork money, it would also help to

    relax, a collective hobby.

    On a sunny Saturday, two days after they quitted, Klaus and

    Bianca moved. They packed and put the furniture in the small truck.

    After a last look at the apartment that had been their home for so

    many years, the couple left for their new life.

    As soon as they arrived, they called the attention of the few

    neighbors that lived in Linha Fritz ; most of them were agriculture

    workers, who rarely left their town and that were not used to

    strangers, especially those from other cities. There were many

    speculations among the dwellers about how would be the new

    inhabitants of that house that had been sold after many years.

    As usual in small communities, everybody observed the

    furniture and the packages that were coming out of the little truck.

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    Bianca gave instructions to the carriers and to an already annoyed

    Klaus about where the furniture should be placed; while little Artur

    was already playing in the garden of the house.

    The couples move would be the subject of the conversations

    of the small community that week.

    The first days were not as planned. Although Klaus was a

    typical German descendant, one hundred kilograms of weight and six

    feet height, blonde hair, blue eyes and usually unshaven, the dwellers

    or dealers of the town were polite only if they were greeted with a

    Guten Tag, well pronounced with a heavy accent.

    After introducing himself at the local Newspaper, Klaus

    new boss suggested him to snoop around, in order to know the

    people and the places that would be his new working subject. During

    this first week, he noticed the distrustful and crossed looks several


    What most called the journalists attention was, of course,

    the prominent people of the town: the mayor Franz Schmidt, a simple

    guy that had been elected under a job promise for everybody, even

    that for turning this possible he had to build another city hall in order

    to accommodate all of them; the police officer Hans Jorge Schneider,

    known by everyone (even by those who were arrested by him); and

    Mr. Frank Meyer Schuch, an octogenarian respected by all the elders

    of the town; considering the fact that he was the principal responsible

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    for the political emancipation of New Berlin , in the 1950s,

    contributing for the progress and abundance of the small town.

    The tourist attractions called his attention, as well as the half-

    timbered style of the city hall, the typical German style. The stone

    walls of these kind of buildings are hacked by wood beams in the

    horizontal and in diagonal, providing support to the structure; the

    colonial style centenary houses, well preserved; the main square of

    the town always flowered and very clean, its basalt sidewalks and

    trees like German pine tree, beyond several araucarias, typical trees

    of the temperate climate of the South of Brazil.

    One of the most visited tourist attractions was the

    observatory, built among the hills around the town, at 800 meters

    height, revealing an incomparable beauty in the woods and fog,

    typical of that period.

    Due to the fact that it was localized in a place of difficult

    access, among the hills and with no industries, New Berlin didnt

    attract workers from other cities, conserving much of the culture of

    its founders. The local economy was based on agribusiness, since

    dairy to the exportation of meat and it derivatives.

    It was at the cemetery of the biggest Lutheran church that

    Klaus Fischer noted something different, though. Although there

    were many other cemeteries in the town, most of them centenary and

    situated in the countryside, Jardim Concordia was the oldest, where

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    the first colonizers were buried, as well as, the most prominent

    people of the town.

    Concordia church, which supported the cemetery, was

    localized in the center of an area of around three hectares, large

    lawns, tombstones outworn by the time, where some epitaphs in old

    German were not legible anymore.

    Amid all this, the journalists attention was captured by

    thirteen tombs, placed separately from the rest, its tombstones in a

    broken column shape and, above each of them, a marble angel,

    already darkened by the time, but, still pointing to the sky, as if they

    were indicating to the visitors that their occupants had left to a better


    Klaus approached in order to see better and he perceived

    that, although they had been weatherworn, they were all well cared,

    without weeds or dirtiness. He also noted that at each tombstone

    there was a small sculpture in high-relief, something like an eight-


    - Its the Luther Rose; one of the symbols of the Lutheran

    church, created under the supervision of Martin Luther himself.

    Another symbol is the cross; each element has a different meaning. A

    nice work, dont you think so, Herr Fischer ?

    The journalist was so curious and entertained that he hadnt

    noted the arrival of a man that was around sixty years old, he had

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    gray hair, white skin, but a rosy face, and in a good physical fitness.

    - Do you know me? - asked Klaus, surprised.

    - Aber natrlich ! Many people that you interviewed belongs

    to the Concordia church, because most of the people is Lutheran and

    this was the first churched that was built in town, on April 10, 1870.

    So, it is expected to be a meeting place of the members of our

    community. Entschuldigung , I forgot to introduce myself: my name

    is Gustavo Dietrich von Karl. I am the janitor of this resting place.

    Klaus was really surprised by the erudition of the janitor; he

    sounded more convicted and eloquent than the mayor or the police

    officer who, theoretically, are enlightened.

    - Herr Karl, sehr angenehm.

    - Danke , Herr Fischer, I know that your German is perfect,

    but, we can speak in Portuguese.

    - So, again, it is nice to meet you, Mr. Karl. This cemetery is

    really nice and well cared; I guess you are very dedicated to your


    - I believe that for many people come here and talk to the

    beloved ones that passed away is the best way to expiate their sins

    and problems; a mean to find the way for better days. They always

    keep the cemetery clean and organized, I just do the usual

    maintenance and the security.

    - I understand. Could you tell me something about these

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    people buried here? I became curious because they are so separated.

    - It was a fire, a long time ago; old history for some people.

    Thirteen men died burned in a building and, as we didnt have

    firefighters on that time, there was nobody to save them. What rested

    from their carbonized bodies was buried in these thirteen tombs. You

    can observe by the dates that the burials were all in the same day,

    but, unfortunately, in some of them the names are not so legible.

    - I understand. I thought it was strange that they were so

    separated from the other ones. It seems like they were not supposed

    to mix with the others

    - Its a fool superstition, Herr Fischer interrupted the

    janitor, fast you know how people are. Thirteen people dead, a not

    very blessed number. But, if you excuse me, I have to finish my


    Gustavo Dietrich von Karl said goodbye fast and returned to

    his janitorial function, leaving the journalist with the impression that

    there was more about that story, something that the educated janitor

    wouldnt like to reveal.

    On that evening, the meeting at the Lutheran cemetery was

    the subject during their dinner and Klaus told the strange history to

    his wife.

    - The Lutheran emblem is really beautiful. I remember the

    Confirmation classes, when the Pastor explained each element of it.

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    If Im not mistaken, the black cross reminds the crucified Jesus

    Christ; the heart is red because the cross doesnt kill our faith, but

    keeps it live. Finally, the rose is white because the faith brings joy

    and peace. I guess thats it

    - Well done, Bia, you paid attention in class! Dont forget

    that the rose is in a blue background, symbolizing the celestial joy

    and around it, there is a golden symbol, which represents the eternal

    blessing, our most precious one.

    - Touch - said an amazed Bianca - you also havent


    - Certain things we keep in the memory and dont forget

    anymore. It is like the linking verbs. Once I memorized them for a

    test at school and until today I keep those damn ones in mind: to be,

    walk, stay, seem, remain, continue and become.

    Both laughed and Bianca continued repeating the verbs for

    some instants more.

    - But, what really called my attention continued Klaus

    were those thirteen tombs so separated from the others, like if they

    didnt want them to mix. When I asked the janitor about the reason

    he simply changed subjects and didnt tell me anything else. It

    seemed that he didnt want to talk about this, as if he had said the


    - Look - Bianca interrupted you can talk to the head of the

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    municipal museum. There was a group at school who went to see the

    exposition about the history of New Berlin , since the first immigrants

    until today. The students told me that there are pictures, documents

    and dome artifacts that resisted to the time and to the war. But,

    before I forget, Leo called. He said he had access to the investigation

    reports about the German engineer case and he had already sent them

    to your email.

    - Ive already told Leo that I dont have anything to do with

    this anymore said Klaus - I passed the information to Marcio, he

    should analyze the investigation data.

    - I know, my dear, but you spend so much time on this case;

    I think you could take a look and give Leo a feedback about it. After

    all, he worked hard to gather the information for you former


    Like always, Bianca was right and he knew that. Many

    times, the well dressed, tall, thirty-two-year-old mathematician,

    logical thinker, gave the right direction to the reports that Klaus took

    home, to work overtime, in front of his laptop. It wasnt different this

    time, he knew. He really had to give a support to the young

    journalism trainee; he had also faced this at the beginning of his

    career in small newspapers of the capital city and he knew how

    difficult it was to get the attention and the credits after the effort after

    finishing a report.

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    They met at College when Klaus decided to take the

    discipline of free choice with the Mathematic course. The figure of

    someone that was lost was outstanding in trigonometry classes and

    Bianca noticed it. It was during the monitoring classes with Bianca

    that they met and they started a relationship soon after this. Two

    years later, they were graduated and got married and, since then, they

    have helped each other in their professions.

    That evening, another person would require the couples

    attention. Although he was just six, Artur seemed to be older,

    probably because of his height and weight, brown hair and very

    active, demanding long hours of attention from his parents and from

    any other person that was in the house.

    After dinner, Klaus and Bianca stayed a longer time with

    Artur in the living room, playing with his toys. After that, Artur went

    to sleep in his bedroom, since he was going to have class early next

    morning. Considering the move to the countryside, this was the

    biggest change for them because all schools in the small town started

    their classes at seven thirty in the morning, even if the temperature

    was zero degree and the lawn was frozen.

    It was ten oclock when the lights went off at the house in

    Linha Fritz , but, something was bothering Klaus, something that he

    knew was a good history.

    What he didnt know was that this same history would risk

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    Letter to the Romans


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