Letter to President Carter for Supreme Court observer, ICCPR.pdf

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  • 7/27/2019 Letter to President Carter for Supreme Court observer, ICCPR.pdf


    VIA U.P.S. No. lZ64589FNW92586929 October 25, 2013President Jimmy CarterThe Carter CenterOne Copenhill453 Freedom ParkwayAtlanta, GA 30307

    Re: Request for an observer in a petition to the U.S. Supreme Court.Dear President Carter,My name is Neil Gillespie, age 57, a law-abiding, indigent, disabled citizen of the United States.Recently I becanle aware of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)through your article U S Finally Ratifies Human Rights ovenant found on the Carter Centerwebsite. http://www.cartercenter.org/news/documents/doc1369.htmlOctober 23, 2013 I filed a petition for writ of certiorari in the U.S. Supreme Court and invokedthe ICCPR's protection from political persecution by The Florida Bar following the denial ofmyPetition No. 12-7747 for writ of certiorari to the U.S. Sllpreme Court, denied February 19, 2013,and rehearing denied April 15, 2013. The petition resulted from my experience with the courtsand unsuccessful attempts at justice in a civil lawsuit and disability-vocational rehabilitation.Petition No. 12-7747 sought protection of consumers of legal and court services through betterregulation of lawyers, law firms, the practice of law, and state judicial officers affectinginterstate commerce, relying in part on Goldfarb v Virginia State Bar that held lawyers engagein trade or commerce and ending the legal profession's exemption from antitrust laws.In May 2013 Diana R. Esposito, Florida Chief-Assistant Attorney General, provided meincriminating public records showing the Respondents engaged in fraud or impairment ofPetition No. 12-7747, a legitimate governnlent activity (18 U.S.C. 371).I am asking for a referral, an observer in my new petition, due to political persecution towrongfully foreclose my home on a reverse mortgage by McCalla Raymer LLC, wronglyaided by U.S. Judge Wm. Terrell Hodges, Ocala Division, U.S. District Court. Also, an openinvestigation by The Florida Bar ofme for unlicensed practice of law for representing my owninterests pro se, made by Ryan C. Rodems, a partner of law firm that stole $7,143 from mysettlenlent in the Amscot case, which is how this matter got started. Each time I hired subsequentcounsel to represent nle, counsel ultimately betrayed me, as shown in Petition No. 12-7747. Onesuch former counsel is now wrongly threatening to disrupt my Social Security disability benefits.Enclosed you will find my urgent appeal to Gabriela Knaul, Special Rapporteur, Independenceof Judges and Lawyers, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, and to ShuaibChalklen, Special Rapporteur on Disability, United Nations Enable (website), Secretariat for theConvention on the Rights ofPersons with Disabilities, for protection from political persecution,and for an observer, due to fraud or impairment ofPetition No. 12-7747.

  • 7/27/2019 Letter to President Carter for Supreme Court observer, ICCPR.pdf


    President Jimmy Carter October 25, 2013The Carter Center Page- 2

    As you know the Florida Commission on Human Relations has a role on the ICCPR, although Iam not certain what the FCHR is supposed to accomplish. In 1993 Social Security determinedme totally disabled, and I sought vocational rehabilitation (VR) for a congenital speech disorder.Prior to that time I was self-employed and hired people to do the things I could not. But Vwould not provide services, and said my disability was too severe to result in employment. Imade a complaint ofdiscrimination in 1998, see enclosed the EEOC Charge ofDiscrimination.Also enclosed is my letter September 30, 2013 to FCHR. Since writing that letter I found myfile, although I do not have a response from the FCHR. Back in 1993 V demanded that I pass apsychological test because I sought services for a congenital speech disorder. Recently I wasreading the file, and see two things. First, V discriminated based on my disability by using thewrong assessment. Second, V failed to diagnose mental impairment from a traumatic braininjury I sustained in 1998 when I got mugged in Philadelphia. Mr. Rodems law firm wassupposed to assist me with V in exchange for me being a class representative, but never did so.Enclosed is my current petition for writ of certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court, and a copy ofthe previous Petition No. 12-7747. The U.S. Supreme Court does not accommodate persons withdisability, and I got no response to my request for accommodation. The Supreme Court did notrespond to my request for a guardian ad litem either. Enclosed is my disability request.Previously Justice Thomas granted my Application No. 12A215 to consolidate two appeals andextended time to file to December 10 2012. So what happened after that is troubling. Hopefullyyou can refer someone to observe the proceedings in my new petition. Thank you.

    Gabriela Knaul, Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and LawyersOffice of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human RightsUnited Nations Office at Geneva8-14 Avenue de la Paix, 1211 Geneva 10 SwitzerlandShuaib Chalklen, Special Rapporteur on DisabilityUnited Nations Enable (website)Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights ofPersons with DisabilitiesDepartment ofEcononlic and Social AffairsUnited Nations, S-2906, New York, NY 10017

  • 7/27/2019 Letter to President Carter for Supreme Court observer, ICCPR.pdf


    VIA V P S No. lZ64589FP290713304 September 30, 2013Michelle Wilson, Executive DirectorFlorida Commission on Human Relations2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100Tallahassee, FL 32301

    RE: 1998 Charge of Discrimination - Florida Division of Vocational RehabilitationRecords request and request for information updateDear Ms. Wilson:Enclosed is a copy of a Charge of Discrimination - Florida Division of Vocational Rehabilitationfiled by me June 2, 1998. The complaint is addressed to Florida Commission on Human ReI.and EEOC . What was the final outcome on this complaint? This is a request for the caserecords. Also, please update my address, I now live in Ocala Florida.Recently I became aware that a clinical psychologist who evaluated me when I first became aclient of VR was either not licensed by the state of Florida, or used a nickname and failed toprovide his business address in his report. The report itse lf show professional negligence anddisability discrimination, which I only recently came to fully understand. The Department ofHealth is sending me a copy of the licensee's licensure file so I can figure this out. Does this newinformation allow me to make another complaint of disability discrimination against DVR?Thank you in advance for the courtesy of a response.

    Telephone: (352) 854-7807Email: [email protected]

  • 7/27/2019 Letter to President Carter for Supreme Court observer, ICCPR.pdf


    AGENCY CHARGE NUUBERCH RGE OF DISCRIMIN TION 0 FEPATh1s form 1s affected by the Pr1vacy Act of 1974; See Pr1vacy Act Statement beforecomplet1ng th1s form. IX EEOCFLORIDA COMMISSION ON HUMAN REL. and EEOCState or localAgency, if any

    NAUE (Indicate Hr., Hs., Hrs.) HOUE TE.LEPHONE (Include Area CodeMr. Neil J . Gil lesoie 8 1 ~ ) 8 2 ~ - 2 1 q o STREET ADDRESS CITY. STATE AND ZIP CODE DATE OF BIRTH1121 Beach Drive N.E. Aoartment C-2 St. PetersburQ: FL "1"1701 0 ~ / 1 q / 5 6


    On December 4 , 1991, I was denied vocational rehabi l i ta t ion services.I I . Respondent 's Reason for Adverse Action:Douglas Ligibel , Vocational Rehabi l i ta t ion Consultant , sta ted: "you arenot e l ig ib le for vocat ional rehabi l i t a t ion services because yourdi sab i l i t y is too severe at th is time for rehabi l i ta t ion services toresu l t in employment.I I I . Discriminat ion Statement:I bel ieve that I have been discriminated agains t on the basis of mydi sab i l i t y in viola t ion of the Americans with Disabi l i t ie s Act of 1990(ADA) .

    o I want th1s charge f1led w1th both the EEOC and the State or NOTARY (When necessary for State and Local Requ1rements)local Agency, 1f any. I w1l l adv1se the agenc1es 1f I Change myaddress or telephone number and cooperate fully w1th them 1n the I swear or aff1rm that I have read the above Charge and that1t 1s true to the best of my knowledge, 1nformat10n and bel1ef.processing of mv charge 1n accordance w1th the1r procedures.I declare under penalty of perjury that the foreg01ng 1s true SIGNATURE OF COMPLAINANT.,.. oot.

    SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DATE(Day, month, and year)DatJ '",,,',g "", 13 ...=EEOC FORM l (Rev. 06/92 CH RGING P RTY COPY

  • 7/27/2019 Letter to President Carter for Supreme Court observer, ICCPR.pdf


    STATE OF FLORIDA C SE N IlE G i l l e s p i e vs S t a t e 0CITY/COUNTY OF St . Pe t e r s b u rg / P i n e l l a s C SE NUMBER _

    FFID VITI, Nei l J . G i l l e s p i e being first duly sworn upon my oath affirm and hereby say:Name)I have been given assurances by an Agent of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that thisAffidavit will be considered confidential by the United States Government and will not be disclosed as long as

    the case remains open unless it becomes necessary for the Government to produce the affidavit in a formalproceeding. Upon the closing of this case, the Affidavit may be subject to disclosure in accordance withAgency policy.I am years of age, my gender is Ma 1e and my racial identity is ... o . . : t ~ e i ; _sex) race)

    Iresideat 1121 Beach Drive N.E. Apartment C-2Number/Street)City of St . Pe t e r s burg , County of = P =i:.=.n.:.;:e::..:l=l= a=s _State of -- F - L==-- , Zip Code ....3....7 L ~ 1 ~ _ My telephone number is ( tnclud ing area code) . . . l ~ 8 : : . . : : 1 : . . . 3 J . . . J . . . 8 - = 2 - - ~ 2 = - 3 . L . 9 L O ~ _

    My statement concerns - - - - = = S ~ t ~ a ~ t ~ e : : . . . . . . . . : O ~ f - - - = - F - = l : . . : : o ~ r - i : . : d ~ a ~ / ~ D , . = i ~ v : _ : : . , . . . . . . . . : O ~ f = - - . , V ~ o . . . : : : c ; . . : . ~ R ~ e ~ h = a . . : : : b ~ which isName o Union/Company/Agency)located at 3251 3rd Avenue North Number/Street)

    St . Pe t e r sbu r g FL 33703City) State) Zip)My job classification is If app l icab le) .... . .... :--:-. -- - _job tit/e)My immediate supervisor is If appl icable)'_.....I...;c:-;----:- ---: ....,-:-:-:;--;-- _Name) job tit/e)I b e l i e v e t h a t I have been d i sc r imin a t ed ag a i n s t on t he b a s i s o f myd i s a b i l i t y , p e r s o n a l i t y d i s o rd e r and speech d i s a b i l i t y , in v i o l a t i o n o fthe Americans wi th D i s a b i l i t i e s Act o f 1990 (ADA).Respondent employs over f i f t e e n (15) employees .On December 4, 1997, I was denied v o ca t io n a l r e h a b i l i t a t i o n s e rv i c e s byDouglas L i g i b e l , Voca t iona l R e h a b i l i t a t i o n Co n su l t an t . Mr. L i g i b e ls t a t ed : you a r e not e l i g i b l e fo r v o ca t io n a l r e h a b i l i t a t i o n s e r v i c e sbecause you r d i s a b i l i t y i s too severe a t t h i s t ime fo r r e h a b i l i t a t i o ns e r v i c e s to r e s u l t in employment . I did appea l t he a g e n c y s d ec i s i o n .

    V -K l ; f ~ Page 1 ofijitia/s)E:E:OC Att-A (Utl/89)

  • 7/27/2019 Letter to President Carter for Supreme Court observer, ICCPR.pdf


    STATE OF F . : : L : . > : : O ~ R : . = I : . = D ~ A ~ _ CASE NAME G e s p 1e v t a t e 0CASE NUMBERCITY/COUNTY OF St Pe te r sburg /P ine l l a s

    AFFIDAVIT cent.)

    I have read and had an opportunity to correct this Affidavit consisting of 2--h,andwritten 0typed g pages and swear that these facts are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

    ~ f / ~ rSubscribed and sworn to before mthis ~ y of :I1z IL e ( 9 ) ~ ~ 1.2.

    AfF B 6/211969)

  • 7/27/2019 Letter to President Carter for Supreme Court observer, ICCPR.pdf



    We have received your recent letter, but regret that PresidentCarter is unable to assist you as requested.

    ONE COPENHILL - 453 FREEDOM PARKWAY - ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30307 - ( 404) 331-3900 - FAX 404) 331-0283

  • 7/27/2019 Letter to President Carter for Supreme Court observer, ICCPR.pdf


    VIA D.P.S. No. lZ64589FP292667067 November 5 2013President Jimmy CarterThe Carter CenterOne Copenhill453 Freedom ParkwayAtlanta, GA 30307

    Re: Denied request for an observer in a petition to the U.S. Supreme Court.Dear President Carter,Thank you for your response denying my request for a referral for an observer in a petition to theU.S. Supreme Court. This letter is to memorialize, acknowledge and accept your decision.I appreciate your response, or the response made on your behalf, even though the one-line letteris undated, unsigned, and does not carry a name of authorship. It actually reminds me of someFlorida court orders I have received in the past. I also appreciate your return of my documents.That was very considerate of you. I appreciate your kindness.I will remove you from the service list, and inform the u.S. Supreme Court of your decision.Thank you again for responding, Mr. President. Best wishes for you and your family.

    Enclosures: Response of President Carter; my letter to President Carter Oct-25-2013Cc. Clerk, Supreme Court of the United StatesCc. USAll No. 13-11585-SCOTUS service list and Rule 29 Proofof ServiceCc: Gabriela Knaul, Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and LawyersOffice of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human RightsUnited Nations Office at Geneva, 8-14 Avenue de la Paix, 2 Geneva 10 SwitzerlandCc: Shuaib Chalklen, Special Rapporteur on DisabilityUnited Nations Enable website), Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights of Persons withDisabilities@ Department Economic Social Affairs, United Nations, S-2906, NY, NY 10017