Let's Build A Cooperative America

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  • 8/12/2019 Let's Build A Cooperative America


    (A regional non-profit morphing with a Consumer Cooperative)

    Start-up located in Washington States Puget Sound Region Seattle/Bellevue/Everett Area

    Join your friends and neighors!!! Lend" Invest" Donate help #S$ put a LIDon poverty

    Were uilding a %ooperative A&erica" 'here everyone can o'n a piece of the action

    %reating ne' 'ealth producing products in consu&er service industry clusters

    Accu&ulating regional develop&ent funds held in secured trust accounts(pening the doors that have loc)ed so &any fro& the A&erican *rea&

    *e&onstrating and e+ercising the po'er of self-accu&ulating 'ealth

    Were delivering econo&ic de&ocracy one-person , one-vote

    nstilling a dignity of o'nership" the genesis of our real values

    Building positive and per&anent change in peoples lives

    .no'ledge" (pportunity" ('nership" for all the people

    %onsu&ers share in our cooperatively created profits

    #ain Street $alues turns poverty into productivity

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    Top three Puget Sound Based Consumer Cooperatives are:

    BECU 825,000 em!ers" largest finan#ial institution in $ashington %tate&CC ',000 em!ers" 0 lo#al natural foo*s gro#er+ #hain, largest in the entire U%A

    E" 5,000,000 em!ers" largest re#reational e.uipment *istri!utor in U%A/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /


    Pro$e%t Summar&' Page ( ) *

    "S+,s Organi-ationa. Chart' Page /

    David Pau.ing0 1ounder

    "ain Street +a.ues

    /(23 Aurora Ave4 5*33

    Seatt.e 6A 7839*



  • 8/12/2019 Let's Build A Cooperative America


    Project Summary

    Mission: Build A Cooperative America, owned by We, the People, where Knowledge, hunts Opportunity,gathers Ownership !nown and applied by the better"schooled, technically prepared and productivelyemployed must now be taught and practiced by all the people# Only when all can both earn and own a"piece"o$"the"action do we achieve the American %ream#

    Benefits:&irst and $oremost, cooperative methodologies 'one"person ( one"vote) builds positive andpermanent change in people*s lives an economic democracy, with a political democracy sure to $ollow ""A Cooperative America that will even turn on all the people who are now turned o$$#+ually important is broad acceptance o$ -./*s non"proprietary reality0 1ew wealth can only be createdby applying hands"on labor to nature*s bounty# By dropping a seed on the ground, and !ic!ing dirt on it,the $irst gatherer started the $ruit2vegetable productivity we value today, as did the $irst hunter,carpenter, plumber etc# etc# ad in$initum# By replicating and teaching these productive ownership valuesand methods, all can and will inevitably own, and no longer be owned3 we will $inally have li$e, liberty,andcapturedhappiness#Problem: 4neuality has subverted our humanity the 566 richest capitalists own more wealth than the

    bottom 786 million Americans ta!en together 58#8 million live in poverty, 95#: million are unemployed,76#5 million have given up3 !nowing they are e;cluded and marginali

  • 8/12/2019 Let's Build A Cooperative America


    0arning1o2ning a +iece of the action must become this nations stan"ar" business mo"el/

    "& Stor&:Born *uring the epression, 1oine* the arines at an* serve* 8 +ears3 4hose who #oul*nt serve,plante* 6i#tor+ 7ar*ens, sear#he* for s#rap iron, ever+thing was ratione*, an* we all investe* in $ar Bon*s3$e won $$ an* then" ever+one #o-operate* in re!uil*ing what we thought woul* !e our9 Ameri#a3The Pro>.em: $e are losing $all %treets war on ain %treets mi**le-#lass3 $age slaver+ is our onl+ optionan* we are me*ia-!lin*e* !+ tri#:le *own e#onomi#s9, the ri#h get ri#her, the poor are ma*e poorer; nearl+ allare onl+ one #risis awa+ from losing what little the+ a#tuall+ own3"& A,ha: 20?) perfe#te* the va##inean* *eliver+ metho*@ Buil* a Cooperative Ameri#a" owne* !+ $e, the people3"& So.ution: $e, the &eople, nee* to get involve* !+ i*entif+ing an* a##epting this e#laration of wnership@

    #en*, Invest, Donate" put a #IDon povert+" #en* +our s:ills" Invest a *a+ in our #ommongoo*" Donate what +ou no longer nee*3 $or:ing with ea#h other, lets Buil* a Cooperative Ameri#a3

    The 1uture: $hen first !egan this pro1e#t the nee* for a new e#onom+ was a fringe i*ea, far outsi*e thepu!li# *e!ate3 But, sin#e have never retire*, ( am an 85 +ear ol* still ver+ a#tive mem!er of 4he 7reatest7eneration,9 running on m+ se#on* pa#ema:er-*efi!rillator3) o#tors tell me it will last 8-0 more +ears an*so will " an* so mu#h remains to !e *one" one thing is #r+stal #lear: $e #annot solve our pro!lems withthe same thin:ing we use* when we #reate* them39 (Einstein)"& Strateg&: %tan* our e#onom+ on its hea*, prioritie our humanit+ !efore profit" restore $e, the &eople,9as the three most important wor*s ever written3 A Cooperative Ameri#a with ain %treet 6alues gives us thewa+s an* means3 B+ ta:ing one-small-step !a#: to our hunting-gathering9 roots an* then one-giant-leapforewor*, we #an earn, an* own, all that we #an pro*u#e an* *eliver36e0 the Peop.e0nee* to now see ourselves9 as Ameri#as new-wealth9 #reating #onglomerate with a uni.ue#ooperative metho*olog+; inventing finan#iall+ via!le !usiness opportunities that will revitalie #ommunities

    !+ lo#all+ #ommer#ialiing !oth new an* ol* te#hnologies, generating an earne* wealth ownership for !oth oursta:e-hol*ing wor:ers an* sto#:-hol*ing #onsumers3 Unlike in the classic industrial setting, where the mental and manual aspects of work are finely separated

    between white- and blue-collar employees, those tasks will now be cooperatively integrated with a naturalcommitment to cooperative sustainability. There will be no bosses or even jobs, in the traditional sense.Main Street alues are defined as our !livelihood," a locally shared ownership of the wealth-creator to theconsumer# with no middle-anyone in between.

    Our Next Steps $ublish !%et&s 'uild a (ooperative )merica"* +wned by e, the $eople* Esta!lish a *a+ for 000 *a+s e.uit+ fun*, initiall+ from 000 #o-foun*ing mem!ers" *entif+ an initial start-up wor:site lo#ation for %6 staff an* first #lient>parti#ipants333 Buil*-up an* inventor+ eDisting an* alternative in-:in*sour#es of tools an* materials" Co-operate with start-up e*u#ational programs offere* !+ #ommunit+ #olleges

    an* universities" Create in*ivi*ual an* #lustere* !usinesses, lo#aliing famil+ sustaina!le wage 1o!s i3e3#onsumer-owne* &roDimit+ ones9, with a gas station, gro#er+ store, lo#al #afe, sharing li!raries (#lothing,tools, !oo:s et#3)3 &rovi*e !usiness assistan#e in *eveloping all varia!le forms of #ooperative programs"&romote an* eDpan* #ommunit+ ownership #on#epts in ever+ new wealth pro*u#tive fiel*" *entif+ relia!lestreams of operational assets to enhan#e #onsumer-owne* *evelopment" e#ruit ever+ so#ial, #ivi# an*governmental entities to eDpan* support of all %6 en*eavors" 4ogether, lets turn povert+ into pro*u#tivit+3


    a!i" Pauling #$%, 3urora 3!e 4 56,, Seattle W3 '-,)6 #$%&'$$&()#* "+,'$-.hotmail/com

  • 8/12/2019 Let's Build A Cooperative America
