Let the Gray Heads Arise! (Retirees in mission! Retreads for God’s glory! We are not dead yet!)

Let the Gray Heads Arise! (Retirees in mission! Retreads for God’s glory! We are not dead yet!)

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Page 1: Let the Gray Heads Arise! (Retirees in mission! Retreads for God’s glory! We are not dead yet!)

Let the Gray Heads Arise!

(Retirees in mission! Retreads for God’s glory! We are not dead yet!)

Page 2: Let the Gray Heads Arise! (Retirees in mission! Retreads for God’s glory! We are not dead yet!)

1. Theme text: Psalm 92:14-15

(14) “They will still yield fruit in old age; they shall be full of sap and very green (healthy), (15) to declare that the Lord is upright; He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.”

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2. Introduction – My Interest in the Subject

a) Job 12:12, Wisdom is with aged men, with long life is understanding.”

b) 3 billion have not heard the gospel. Older people can share the gospel as well as younger people.

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3. The sad waste of resources

a) So much to be done and highly gifted and godly people are playing shuffleboard.

b) “Senior Citizen Hedonism” – living for yourself instead of for Christ the last quarter of your life.

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4. Defining our terms

a) Retiree (62 to 65) “A person who terminated partially or completely the career by which he/she earned a living.”

b)“Retire” and “Retirement” are not Biblical terms.

c)Average North American retirement age is 63 with 15-20 years of good health ahead

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I. The “Graying” of North American Churches

A. The demographic facts

Today 11% of North Americans are over 65. In the next 20-25 years, those 65 and over will be 18-22%

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B. Crises In church – this means

an aging membership

North Americans have not been reproducing at a rate to replace the work force of retirees.

In seminaries and Bible colleges – fewer students

In missions – fewer younger candidates

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II. Problems and Complications

A. False assumptions ( given by the elderly – which are not true)

1. Old cannot contribute

2. Old are not needed

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B. Influences of our culture

1. Idol of leisure and recreation

2. Hedonism = “Life is for pleasure.”

3. Senior Hedonism = “Retirement years are for pleasure.”

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C. Organizational shortsightedness

Comes about when churches and mission organizations neglect the effective use of older people, or simply use them in maintenance-type jobs. Older people can do most anything!

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III. Strengths and Assets of Older People

A. Maturity

1. Older people constantly say, “If only I knew then what I know now!”

2. Older people are “The Kingdom’s wisest and most experienced leaders.”

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B. Skills and Experience

Most elderly already have skills and much experience.

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C. Discipline

1. Watch a 60-year-old working at McDonald’s: no fussing around, arrive on time.

2. Absenteeism dropped from 30% to 3% when the Days Inn (hotel chain) began to hire senior citizens.

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D. Respect and authority of “gray hair”

Throughout the world, especially in Asia and Africa, there is a great respect for age.

E. Time

Many are busy, but free to choose schedule and what they want to do.

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F. Financial independence

Pensions, Social Security, investments, no longer supporting children or older parents. Most are not “plush,” but can by on less.

80 years old77 years old

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Examples of Fruitful PersonallyRewarding Service in Missions

during “Retirement” age (55 and up)

Mavis Orton –


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Pastoral Leadership Development

Rod and Barbara Pence

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Kent Fothergill

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IV. Challenge to Age 50+ Christians





(the “homebound”- service in prayer, telephone, and writing. “Make sure you die that’s all that’s left for you to do!”)


A. Six stages of life

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A. Set Goals for the rest of your life

1. Spiritual growth you want to pursue

You should be a better Christian than you were yesterday. Continue to grow in Christ! Read good – great books!!

The Puritans.

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2. Service you want to perform

a. Nearly 2 Billion have never heard of Christ.

b. 160 million street children and millions of orphans need “older” Christian workers to take the gospel and compassion to them!

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3. The “best years” you want to dedicate to mission service

“Keep moving forward until you can’t move anymore.”

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B. Seek Opportunities for Ministry

1. Apply to agencies

Pound on doors. Prove you can.

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1. Pray and plan ahead

a. Best to start in 50’s

b. Make it a matter you lay before the Lord

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2. Think positively about retirement yearsSee retirement years as good – great days of opportunity, growth, and excitement.

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3. Maintain physical fitness

For God and his service

4.Tool up your mind: “Perspectives” course

Read and study – you may need to master something new ( computers, bookkeeping, personal evangelism, teaching, discipleship).

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5. Arrange your finances

a. To allow you to serve at minimum cost.

b. However, deal with your pride about trusting God and receiving support from God’s people. Don’t let people go to hell because you are too proud to ask for money!

c. Don’t just look for ministries who will pay you a salary.

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6. Organize local service projectsStart now. Serve now locally

7. Apply to mission agenciesa. You may shock them!b. 37 “foreign” mission

agencies were at a Missionfeast conference requesting older people.

c. 300 North American agencies need volunteer help

d. 6,000 available ministry opportunities with more then 200 mission agencies

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8. Create new structuresa. If you cannot find openings, then

trust God and make them!

Ain’t Dead Yet, Inc.

Over the Hill Ministries

Gray is Better Fellowship

Retreads for God’s Glory Mission

b. Possibly new and enlarged agency structures are needed.

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Our motto should be,

“If you young people are not going to get the job done, then get out of the way and let us old folks back at it.”

By the way, we will not die before God’s time. Our Lord Jesus holds the key to death. Let’s be examples of showing the world how to die with our backs bent under the gospel plow for God’s glory.