HADITH 21 for ages 9-10

Lessons learnt from this Hadith: 1.We should always thank those who help us. 2. We may give them a gift or write a note to express our gratitude

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Page 1: Lessons learnt from this Hadith: 1.We should always thank those who help us. 2. We may give them a gift or write a note to express our gratitude

HADITH 21for ages 9-10

Page 2: Lessons learnt from this Hadith: 1.We should always thank those who help us. 2. We may give them a gift or write a note to express our gratitude

HADITH 21for ages 9-


Page 3: Lessons learnt from this Hadith: 1.We should always thank those who help us. 2. We may give them a gift or write a note to express our gratitude


Page 4: Lessons learnt from this Hadith: 1.We should always thank those who help us. 2. We may give them a gift or write a note to express our gratitude

Lessons learnt from this Hadith:

1. We should always thank those who help us.

2. We may give them a gift or write a note to express our gratitude.

3. We should always be thankful to Allah who provides all our needs.

4. By being grateful and thankful, Allah will increase his favours upon us.

5. We should thank others by saying ‘Jazaka Allah’.

Page 5: Lessons learnt from this Hadith: 1.We should always thank those who help us. 2. We may give them a gift or write a note to express our gratitude

Thankyou Card Project http://www.enchantedlearning.com/crafts/plants/pressedflowers/

Supplies needed:

1. Fresh, delicate flowers

2. Phone book

3. Good quality paper (to make the card)

4. Scissors

5. Glue

6. Tweezers

7. A brush

Page 6: Lessons learnt from this Hadith: 1.We should always thank those who help us. 2. We may give them a gift or write a note to express our gratitude

Pick some delicate flowers and leaves - sturdy flowers and thick leaves do not work so well and take a lot longer to dry than the delicate ones. Some plants that work well are California poppies, buttercups, tiny daisies, clover, ferns, pansies, and thin-petaled blooms.

Page 7: Lessons learnt from this Hadith: 1.We should always thank those who help us. 2. We may give them a gift or write a note to express our gratitude

Press each bloom/leaf in a thick telephone book. Some flowers will leave a bit of color on the pages when you're done, so ask your parent's permission before using a book of theirs. You can protect the pages of the book and speed up the drying process by pressing the flowers between flattened coffee filters. The coffee filters absorb a lot of the moisture as the flowers are pressed. It takes at least a week or two to completely dry out and press a flower - bigger blooms take longer.

Page 8: Lessons learnt from this Hadith: 1.We should always thank those who help us. 2. We may give them a gift or write a note to express our gratitude

When the plants are dry, carefully remove them from the book. Arrange them on your paper in an artistic manner. You may have to trim some stems with a scissors.

Page 9: Lessons learnt from this Hadith: 1.We should always thank those who help us. 2. We may give them a gift or write a note to express our gratitude

Remove the plants, remembering where the plants were so you can put them back later. Brush a thin layer of glue on the paper where the dried plants were.

Page 10: Lessons learnt from this Hadith: 1.We should always thank those who help us. 2. We may give them a gift or write a note to express our gratitude

Carefully put the plants back in place. This can be difficult and using a tweezers to place them on the glue can be helpful (adult help may be needed at this stage). Make sure all the plant material is touching the glue and lying flat on the paper. Let the glue dry completely.

You now have beautiful stationery or cards.

Page 11: Lessons learnt from this Hadith: 1.We should always thank those who help us. 2. We may give them a gift or write a note to express our gratitude

Story Hadhrat Luqmaan was the slave of a rich man. The good character of Hadhrat Luqmaan had such an effect on his master that his master used to treat him like a very close friend. It was the habit of the master that whenever he had anything special to eat, he would let Hadhrat Luqmaan eat first and he would eat the leftovers.Hadhrat Luqmaan took into consideration the love of his master and would eat a little and then send the major

Page 12: Lessons learnt from this Hadith: 1.We should always thank those who help us. 2. We may give them a gift or write a note to express our gratitude

portion to his master. One day, during the melon season, the master received a melon from somewhere. At that time Hadhrat Luqmaan was not there. The master sent someone to call him. When Hadhrat Luqmaan came, the master cut the melon into slices and started feeding it tohim, slice after slice. Hadhrat Luqmaan ate the slices as though he was really enjoying it and all the time expressed thanks to his master.

Page 13: Lessons learnt from this Hadith: 1.We should always thank those who help us. 2. We may give them a gift or write a note to express our gratitude

When there was one slice left, the master said, "Let me eat this slice and see how sweet this melon is." Saying this, he put a piece of melon into his mouth. The melon was sobitter that it caused him to fall unconscious. When he regained consciousness, he asked Hadhrat Luqmaan , "How could you eat all those slices with such relish and enjoyment when one piece of it made me fall unconscious?"

Page 14: Lessons learnt from this Hadith: 1.We should always thank those who help us. 2. We may give them a gift or write a note to express our gratitude

Hadhrat Luqmaan replied, "O Master! I have received hundreds of gifts from you. It would be extremely ungrateful of me to complain of this after enjoyinghundreds of favours from you."

Page 15: Lessons learnt from this Hadith: 1.We should always thank those who help us. 2. We may give them a gift or write a note to express our gratitude

Happy Land for Islamic TeachingsMaterial taken from the book “Tasheelul Ahaadeeth wal Akhlaaq